NCM 114 Case Scenario Surgical Rotation 1 2

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NCM 114 – Virtual Duty

Case Scenario: Surgical Rotation

Prepared by:
Jesusa C. Gabule,MN
Gemma V. Panal, MN,LPT
Course Credit :
Theory: 2 units (36 hours)
RLE : clinical (Hospital / Community)

▪ 1 unit 51 (RLE hours)

▪ 1 unit 51 (RLE hours)
✓ 20 hours Virtual duty for 10 weeks
embedded in NCM 112 & NCM 113
RLE Rotation
✓ 15 hours SDL ( 1 hour per week)
Learning Objectives:

• LOA 2.1 Integrate relevant principles of social,

physical, natural and health science and
humanities when dealing with issues and trends
in dealing with older adults.
• LOA 2.2 Apply appropriate nursing concepts and actions
holistically and comprehensively in the care of
older adults.
Equivalent to 4 RLE Hours
This is a Case of an 83-year-old male diagnosed with
Urinary Bladder Malignancy; Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia; Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease;
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Hypertension stage 2 –
Uncontrolled. Schedule for Cystoscopy; Transurethral

Incision of the prostate.

Resection of the Bladder Tumor and Transurethral
↳ kwiaqppy→ incision sa prostate
MW ?)
General Information :
Name: Client PAS
Age : 83-year-old
Birthday: November 16, 1926
Religion: Roman Catholic
Occupation: Lawyer
Chief Complaints: Hematuria
Brief History of Present Illness:
✓ Smoker for 67 years
✓ Ate chocolates almost every after meal
✓ Sedentary lifestyle
✓ Underwent cataract surgery in 2009
✓ Noncompliance to medications
✓ Urinary frequency and urgency at least 10 – 15 times per day.
✓ Difficulty in sleeping especially at night.
✓ Hematuria hence admitted last February 17, 2019
elevated (NV :
✓ Respiratory: 28 breaths per minute.
✓ Oxygen Saturation: 96 % stage

✓ Blood pressure: 150/100 mmhg ✓

✓ Wheezing sound noted both lung fields

✓ -
Dyspnea upon exertion
Pain and Swelling in the lower extremities
Laboratory Findings:
it manifested due to hematuria
RBC 2.92 L
Hemoglobin 8.30 g/dl - ,
Hematocrit 33.40 % -
WBC 9.33 L
? ??

Platelet count 320 L

Bleeding time Minutes – 2; Seconds - 20 INV : 2-7 mins)
> normal
Clotting time Minutes – 4; Seconds – 29 18-18 mins)
Cholesterol 5.72 mmol/L -
borderline high
Triglycerides 7
lipids 1.89 mmol/L borderline

HDL .77 mmol/L -

LDL 4.23 mmol/L - normal
Uric Acid 583 umol/L -

slightly elevated
Chest X_RAY Minimal Fibrosis, Both Lung Apices with residual
Atherosclerotic Aorta
Glycosylated hemoglobin 7.9 to diabetes
Color flow doppler study Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy with segmental wall

motion abnormality.
Weight of the prostate is 20 grams, with 35 cm3 in size.
Ultrasound of the prostate FM on 1 slightly elevated 3 in
( normally zoom

20 gram prostate
1. Explain in detail the Independent and dependent Nursing
Action base on the case presented.
2. Identify the physical priority assessment before you start
your care for patient PAS?
3. Make an Interpretations/Inferences in every laboratory
results of the client and correlate the significant diagnostic
tests findings by making a pathophysiology of the patient’s
4. Identify at least Five priority problem with Nursing
Interventions and Rationale.
Written output to be submitted on or before
October 18, 2021, in the virtual classroom.

- If you have questions and Clarifications you can

communicate with me thru: text, messenger or in any form.
God Bless! Take extra Care. TO no :(BY Whp )
e- 5 Nue male nf NIPS
0 Dhule story
Best Regards , opantopmswlt.MU ! )
Ma’am Gabule 0


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