Unit 1 Methods of Sampling: Structure

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1.0 Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Concept of Population and Sample
1.3 Methods of Sampling
1.3.1 Probability Sampling

1.3.2 Non-probability Sampling

1.3.3 Choice of the Sampling Method

1.3.4 Characteristics of a Good Sample

1.3.5 Determination of Sample Size

1.4 Key Points at a Glance

1.5 Let Us Sum up
1.6 Glossary
1.7 Check Your Progress: The Key

In order to carry out a research study, you have to first acquire relevant information on
the subject. In other words, you have to collect data. This data is required to test your
‘hypotheses’ or generalizations that you have made for the time being. Let us suppose
that as a researcher, you want to look into the relationships between study habits and
achievement motivation of undergraduate Students of IGNOU. For this, you have to
select a few representative cases or samples from the entire population of undergraduate
students of IGNOU. The process of selection demands thorough understanding of the
concept of population, sample and various sampling techniques. In this Unit, we shall
familiarize you with the concepts of sample and population. We shall also discuss the
characteristics of a good sample and the various methods of sampling.

On the completion of this Unit, you should be able to:

• Define the terms, population and sample,

• Describe the steps in the sampling process and the various methods of sampling,
• Define a probability sample and describe the various types of probability sample,

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• Define a non-probability sample and describe the various types of non-probability

• Describe the characteristics of a good sample, and
• Use compter softwares for the purpose of selection of sample.


A “sample” is a miniature representation of and selected from a larger group or
aggregate. In other words, the sample provides a specimen picture of a larger whole.
This larger whole is termed as the “population” or “universe”. In research, this term is
used in a broader sense; it is a well defined group that may consist of individuals, objects,
characteristics of human beings, or even the behaviour of inanimate objects, such as, the
throw of a dice or the tossing of a coin.

Fig 1: Population

It is not possible to include all units of a population in a study in order to arrive at a valid
conclusion. Moreover, the sizes of populations are often so large that the study of all the units
would not only be expensive but also cumbersome and time consuming. For example,
there are more than fifty thousand undergraduate students in IGNOU. For our
research, it is impossible to collect information about the study habits of all these students.
So, for the survey a researcher will have to select a representative few, i.e., a sample
from the population. This process is known as sampling.

If the nature of the population has to be inferred from a sample, it is necessary for the
sample to be truly representative of the population. Moreover, it calls for drawing a
representative ‘proportion’ of the population. The population may contain a finite number
of members or units. Sometimes, the population may be ‘infinite’ as in the case of air
pressure at various points in the atmosphere. Therefore, a population has to be defined
clearly so that there is no ambiguity as to whether a given unit belongs to the population
or not. Otherwise, a researcher will not know what units to consider for selecting a
sample. For example, we want to understand the study habits of distance education
students. Here, the population is not well defined : we are not told about the university/
universities that have to be included in this survey. After all, there are more than

Methods of Sampling

hundred universities in India, that provide distance education and there are thirteen
state open universities. Hence, to define it accurately, we have to specify the group
as, say, undergraduate students of IGNOU.

The second issue related to the representativeness of a sample is to decide about the
‘sampling frame’, i.e., listing of all the units of the population in separate categories. In
the above study, there can be different sampling frames, such as male/female students,
employed/unemployed students, etc. The sampling frame should be complete, accurate
and up-to-date, and must be drawn before selecting the sample.

Thirdly, a sample should be unbiased and objective. Ideally, it should provide all
information about the population from which it has been drawn. Such a sample, based on
the logic of induction, i.e., proceeding from the particular to the general, falls within the
range of random sampling errors. This leads us to the results expressed in terms of

A sample should not only be representative , but should also be adequate enough to
render stability to its characteristics. What, then, is the ideal size of a sample? An
adequate sample is the one that contains enough cases to ensure reliable results. If the
population under study is homogeneous, a small sample is sufficient. However, a much
larger sample is necessary, if there is greater variability in the units of population. Thus
the procedure of determining the sample size varies with the nature of the characteristics
under study and their distribution in the population. Moreover, the adequacy of a sample
will depend on our knowledge of the population as well as on the method used in drawing
the sample. For example, if we try to find out the study habits of undergraduate students
of Lady Irwin College, Delhi, the population will obviously be more homogeneous than
the population of undergraduate students of IGNOU, with respect to socio-economic
status, employment of students or study hours available. However, it should be
understood that the adequate size of the sample does not automatically ensure accuracy
of results.

Check Your Progress 1

Define Sampling.
Notes: (a) Answer in the space given below.
(b) Compare your answer with the one given at the end of this Unit.

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In the last section, we suggested that the method used for drawing a sample is significant
to arrive at dependable results or conclusions. With this fact in view, here in this section,
we shall now talk about the various sampling methods. Sampling methods can be broadly
classified into two categories:
i) Probability Sampling
ii) Non-probability Sampling

1.3.1 Probability Sampling

Probability sampling is based on random selection of units from a population. In other
words, the sampling process is not based on the discretion of the researcher but is carried
out in such a way that the probability of every unit in the population of being included is
the same. For example, in the case of a lottery, every individual has equal chance of
being selected. Some of the characteristics of a probability sample are :
i) each unit in the population has some probability of being selected in the sample,
ii) weights appropriate to the probabilities are used in the analysis of the sample and
iii) the process of sampling is automatic in one or more steps of the selection of units
in the sample.

Probability sampling can be done through different methods, each method having its own
strengths and limitations. A brief account of these is given below:

Simple or unrestricted random sampling

Simple random sampling is a method of selecting a sample from a finite population in such
a way that every unit of the population is given an equal chance of being selected [see
item (i) above]. In practice, you can draw a simple random sample unit by unit through
the following steps:
i) Define the population
ii) Make a list of all the units in the population and number them from 1 to n.
iii) Decide the size of the sample, or the number of units to be included in the sample.
iv) Use either the ‘lottery method’ or ‘random number tables’ to pick the units to be
included in the sample.

For example, you may use the lottery method to draw a random sample by using a set of
‘n’ tickets, with numbers ‘1 to n’ if there are ‘n’ units in the population. After shuffling the
tickets thoroughly, the sample of a required size, say x, is selected by picking the required
x number of tickets. The units which have the serial numbers occurring on these tickets
will be considered selected. The assumption underlying this method is that the tickets are
shuffled so that the population can be regarded as arranged randomly. Similarly, while
selecting 500 students from the total population of 50000 undergraduate students of
IGNOU, you will write the roll numbers of all the students on small pieces of paper.
Jumble the chits well and then choose five hundred roll numbers.

Methods of Sampling

The best method of drawing a simple random sample is to use a table of random numbers.
These random number tables have been prepared. Fisher and Yates (1967). After
assigning consecutive numbers to the units of population, the researcher starts at any
point on the table of random numbers and reads the consecutive numbers in any direction
horizontally, vertically or diagonally. If the read out number corresponds with the one
written on a unit card, then that unit is chosen for the sample.

Let us, suppose that a sample of 5 study centers is to be selected at random from a
serially numbered population of 60 study centers. Using a part of a table of random
numbers reproduced here, five two digit numbers (as the total population of study
centers, 60, is a two digit figure) are selected from Table 1.

Table 1: An Abbreviated Table of Random Numbers

Row 1 2 3 4 5 … n
1 2315 7548 5901 8372 5993 … 6744
2 0554 5550 4310 5374 3508 … 1343
3 1487 1603 5032 4043 6223 … 0834
4 3897 6749 5094 0517 5853 … 1695
5 9731 2617 1899 7553 0870 … 0510
6 1174 2693 8144 3393 0862 … 6850
7 4336 1288 5911 0164 5623 … 4036
8 9380 6204 7833 2680 4491 … 2571
9 4954 0131 8108 4298 4187 … 9527
10 3676 8726 3337 9482 1569 …. 3880
11 … … … … … … …
12 … … … … … … …
n 3914 5218 3587 4855 4881 … 5042

If you start with the first row and the first column, 23 is the first two-digit number, 05 is
the next number and so on. Any point can be selected to start with the random numbers
for drawing the desired sample size. Suppose the researcher selects column 4 from row
1, the number to start with 83. In this way he/she can select first 5 numbers from this
column starting with 83. The sample, then, is as follows:

83 75

539 339

409 019

059 269

Tools for Research

Now, in selecting the sample of 5 study centers, two numbers, 83 and 75, need to be
deleted as they are bigger than 60, the size of the population. The processes of selection
and deletion are stopped after the required number of five units get selected. The
selected numbers are 53, 40, 05, 33 and 01. If any number is repeated in the table, it may
be substituted by the next number from the same column. The researcher will go on to
the next column until a sample of the desired size is obtained.

Simple random sampling, ensures the best results. However, from a practical point of
view, a list of all the units of a population is not possible to obtain. Even if it is possible, it
may involve a very high cost which a researcher or an organisation may not be able to
afford. Therefore, simple random sampling is difficult to realize. Also, in case of a
heterogeneous population, a simple random sample may not necessarily represent the
characteristics of the total population, even though all selected units participate in the
investigation. In the case of undergraduate students of the Open University in your
country (assuming you have one), students may be employed in different sectors and
categories of services/industries. Inspite of your best efforts you may not be able to list
all the categories of employment. In such a case, simple random sampling cannot help in
representing all the categories under study.

Systematic sampling

Systematic sampling provides a more even spread of the sample over the population list
and leads to greater precision. The process involves the following steps:

i) Make a list of the population units based on some order - alphabetical, seniority,
street number, house number or any such factor.
ii) Determine the desired sampling fraction, say 50 out of 1000; and also the number
of the Kth unit. [K=N/n= 1000/50 = 20].
iii) Starting with a randomly chosen number between 1 and K, both inclusive, select
every Kth unit from the list. If in the above example the randomly chosen
number is 4, the sample shall include the 4th, 24th, 44th, 64th, 84th units in each
of the series going upto the 984th unit.

This method provides a sample as good as a simple random sample and is comparatively
easier to draw. If a researcher is interested to study the average telephone bill of an area
in his/her city, he/she may randomly select every fourth telephone holder from the telephone
directory and find out their annual telephone bills. However, this method suffers from the
following drawbacks because of departure from randomness in the arrangement of the
population units.

i) Periodic effects

Populations with more or less definite periodic trend are quite common. Students’
attendance at a residential university library open seven days in a week, sales of a store
over twelve months in a year and flow of road traffic past a particular traffic point on a
road over 24 hours are a few examples to show periodic trend or cyclic fluctuation in a
given population. In such cases systematic sample may not represent the population
adequately or remain effective all the time.

Methods of Sampling

ii) Trend

Another handicap of systematic sampling emerges from the fact that very often ‘n’ is not
an integral multiple of ‘k’. This leads to a varying number of units in the sample from the
same finite population. Suppose a population of 100 counsellors is listed according to
seniority and a researcher wants to select a sample of 20. First he/she divides 100 by 20
to get 5 as the size of the interval. Suppose he/she picks 4 at random from 1 to 5 as a
starting number. Then, he/she selects each 5th name at 9,14,19,.... until he/she draws the
desired 20 names. If he/she picks 2 as the starting point, another sample would consist
2,7,12,.... In the latter sample each counsellors seniority is lower than his/her counterpart
in the former sample. The mean average of these two samples would be significantly
divergent as regards seniority and other associated variables. Many such samples can be
drawn by taking different starting points but there will be greater variation among them.
Thus, the ‘periodic effects’ and ‘trend’ of the listed population unduly increase the
variability of the samples, and calculations made from such samples cannot show the
sources of variability.

The main advantages of systematic sampling are:

a) It involves simple calculations.
b) It is less expensive than random sampling.

Stratified Random Sampling

In some cases, the population to be sampled is not homogenous. Therefore, rather than
selecting randomly from the entire population the main population is divided into a number
of sub-populations called strata, each of which is homogeneous with respect to one or
more characteristic(s). The sample elements are then selected from each stratum at
random. Thus, all strata are represented in the sample. This approach to sampling is called
stratified random sampling because the population is stratified into its sub-populations
and the condition of random selection is included by the selection within the strata..

The steps involved in the stratified sampling are given as follows:

i) Deciding upon the relevant stratification criteria such as sex, geographical region,
age, courses of study, etc.
ii) Dividing the total population into sub-populations based on the stratification
iii) Listing the units separately in each sub-population.
iv) Selecting the requisite number of units from each sub-population by using an
appropriate random selection technique.
v) Consolidating the sub-samples for making the main sample.

Thus, stratification improves the representativeness of a sample by introducing a

secondary element of control. However, the efficiency of the stratified random sample
depends on the allocation of sample size to the strata. There are three types of allocation
in stratified random sampling:

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1. Equal Allocation
In this type, all strata contribute the same number of sampling elements to the
sample. Thus, if there are three strata , one third of the sample would be selected
from each stratum. This type of allocation is done when strata have equal

2. Proportional Allocation
In this type, all strata contribute to the sample a number that is proportional to its
size in the population. The larger the stratum , the more members it contributes to
the sample . the sampling fraction remains constant . Suppose there are five
strata to be sampled and the respective population sizes of the strata are as
follows and 5% stratified random sample is to be selected. The proportional
allocation will be done as follows:

Strata Strata Sizes Sample Size by Strata

I 5000 250

II 1800 90

III 2000 100

IV 3500 175

V 450 23(22.5)

Sample size= 638( 637.5 rounded off

Rendering proportional weightage to each criterion improves it further by allowing the use
of a smaller sample and by helping in achieving higher efficiency at a reduced cost

3. Optimum Allocation
In optimum allocation, the strata contributions to the sample are proportional to
the product of the strata population sizes and the variability of the dependent
variable within the strata. Large strata and strata with large variability will have
larger contributions to the sample. Because of the requirement of good estimates
of population variability of dependent variable, which is seldom available before
the sample is selected, The optimum allocation is used infrequently.

Stratified random sample is useful when lists of units or individuals in the population are
not available. It is also useful in providing more accurate results than simple random
sampling. For example, while selecting a sample of undergraduate students of the Open
University in your country, the researcher may decide the whole population of
undergraduate students as males and females, north, east, south and west regions of the
country and then employed in government, private and autonomous institutions in the
country. All these will be different strata. From each stratum researcher may select 50

Methods of Sampling

students as a sample. Sometimes stratification is not possible before collecting the data.
The stratum to which a unit belongs may not be known until the researcher has actually
conducted the survey. Personal characteristics such as sex, social class, educational
level, age etc., are examples of such stratification criteria. The procedure in such
situations involves taking of a random sample of the required size and then classifying the
units into various strata. The method is quite efficient provided the sample is reasonably
large, i.e., more than 20 in every stratum.

Cluster sampling

Cluster sampling is used when the population under study is infinite, where a list of units
of population does not exist, when the geographic distribution of units is scattered, or
when sampling of individual units is not convenient for several administrative reasons. It
involves division of the population into clusters that serve as primary sampling units. A
selection of the clusters is then made to form the sample. Thus, in cluster sampling, the
sampling unit contains clusters instead of individual members or items in the population.

For example, for the purpose of selecting a sample of high school teachers in a state,
you may enlist all high schools instead of teachers teaching in high schools and select
randomly a 10 per cent sample (say) of the schools as clusters. You may then use all
the teachers of the selected schools as the sample or randomly select a few of them.

Any location within which we find an intact group of similar characteristics (population
members) is termed as a cluster. Examples of cluster include classrooms, schools,
hospitals, and study centers . Cluster sampling is economic, especially when the cost of
measuring a unit is relatively small and cost of reaching it is relatively large.

Multi-stage sampling

Multi-stage sampling is used in large scale surveys for a more comprehensive

investigation. The researcher may have to use two, three or even four stage sampling.
For example, in surveys mailed questionnaires are generally used to gather information
from people living in widely scattered areas. Although the method is cost effective,
partially completed questionnaires may introduce a bias due to which a representative
sample cannot be obtained. To overcome this bias, two-stage sampling has to be used. A
second sample from non-respondents is selected at random by contacting them
personally. In this way the consistency of the data obtained from the first sample can also
be verified. Similarly, if a researcher goes for a national survey of counsellors, he/she can
draw a sample of five states representing northern, eastern, southern, western and
central regions. From these five states, all the districts can be enlisted out of which a
sample of 30 to 40 districts can be drawn randomly. Out of this, all the study centers in
different districts can be enumerated. A random sample of about 300 to 400 study
centers is then drawn. Further, a random sample of about 1500-2000 counsellors are
drawn for the survey. The successive random sampling of states, districts, study centers
and finally counsellors also provides a multi-stage sample. Multi-stage sampling is
advantageous as the burden on the respondents is lessened, it is cost effective, time
saving and efficient in formulating the sub-sample data. However, this method is
recommended only when it seems impractical to draw a simple random sample.
Probability proportion to size sampling

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When the units vary in size, it is better to select a sample in such a way that the probability of
selection of units is proportional to its size. For example, a particular study center has a
population of 200 learners and another one has 100. While drawing a sample, the first
study center will have double the representation as compared to the second study center.
Such a sample is known as probability proportion to size sample or PPS sample.

Using Computer for Sample Selection

There are a number of websites that will generate random numbers for you .For e.g.,
website www.randomizer.org is very easy to use. On opening this website you will
have to answer a series of questions such as how many sets of random numbers to be
generated; how many numbers per set to be produced ; number range etc.

Many software packages include programmes for selecting a random sample. One such
package is Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows 15.0 (SPSS,
Inc.,2006). SPSS has two options for specifying the size of random sample:
a. Exactly
b. Approximately

Exactly, as the name suggests, requires exact/specific number like 600 from 2000 Class
IX students listed . Whereas the second option specifies the sampling fraction i.e. the
ratio of sample size to population size, e.g. 30 percent of all the Class IX students could
be selected.

A number of other software packages are also available that provide the scope for the
selection of a random sample other than a simple random sample. You may use any
programme following the instructions given in the manual for the software.

Check Your Progress 2

List the various types of probability sampling.
Notes: (a) Answer in the space given below.
(b) Compare your answer with the one given at the end of this Unit.

Methods of Sampling

1.3.2 Non-probability Sampling

Non-probability sampling also called non random sampling refers to the sampling
methods that do not have random sampling at any stage of sample selection. Since it is
not possible to specify what probability each member of population has of being selected
for the sample, the term non probability sampling is also used for the same. This sampling
is based on the judgement of the researcher. The guiding factors in non-probability
sampling include the availability of the units, the personal experience of the researcher
and his/her convenience in carrying out a survey. Since it is not possible to specify what
probability each member of population has of being selected for the sample these
samples are known as non-probability samples. Depending on the technique used, non-
probability samples are classified into incidental, quota and purposive samples. A
brief description of these samples is given below.

Incidental sample

The term incidental sample, also known as accidental sample or convenience sample, is
applied to samples that have been drawn because of the easy availability of units. An
investigator employed in the IGNOU may select learners enrolled in MDE programme
and who happen to visit the university for one or the other work while conducting a study
on the perception of distance learners towards MDE. These learners are readily
available and fulfil the conditions of the study. However, it is the limitation that though
they have defined population but no randomization has actually been done. Therefore
any attempt to arrive at generalised conclusion in such cases will be erroneous and
misleading. The merits of this procedure are mainly the convenience of obtaining units,
the ease of testing and completeness of the data collected.

Quota sample
Quota sample is another type of non-probability sample which is most often used in
survey research when it is not possible to list all the members of population of interest. It
involves the selection of sample units within each stratum on the basis of the judgement
of the researcher rather than on calculable chance of the individual units being included in
the sample . Suppose a national survey has to be done on the basis of quota sampling.
The first step in quota sampling would be to stratify the population region wise like rural/
urban, administrative districts etc. and then fix a quota of the sample, i.e. how many
from each stratum , to be selected. In the initial stage quota sampling is similar to
stratified sampling. However, it may not necessarily employ random selection procedure
in the initial stage in exactly the same way as probability sampling. The essential
difference between probability sampling and quota sampling lies in the selection of the
final sampling units. The quota is usually determined by the proportion of the groups.
Suppose a researcher wants to study the attitude of university teachers towards distance
education. First of all, he/she may stratify the university teachers in the category of sex
and then as professors, readers and lectures. Later, he/she may fix quotas for all these
categories. In this way, the quota sample would involve the use of strata but selection
within the strata is not done on a random basis. The data are obtained from the easily
accessible individuals. Thus, members who are less accessible are under represented.
The advantages of quota sampling are, its being less expensive, convenient, and more
suitable in the case of missing or incomplete sampling frames.

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Purposive sample
A purposive sample is also known as a judgement sample. This type of sample is chosen
because there are good reasons to believe that it is a representative of the total
population. The researcher selects a sample based on his /her experience or knowledge
of the group to be sampled. For example, for study of ‘gifted’ children,the researcher, on
the basis of his/her past experience, selects certain individuals giving extra ordinary
performance in school while excluding all others from the sample.

A purposive sample differs from convenience sample in that the researcher uses
experience and prior knowledge to identify criteria for selecting the sample rather than
selecting those who happen to be available. It is the clear criteria which forms the basis
for describing purposive and defending purposive samples. Much of the sampling in
qualitative research is purposive as the primary focus is on identifying subjects who can
provide rich information for in-depth study about the particular topic and setting, not
subjects who necessarily represent some larger population. Representativeness is
secondary to the quality of the participants’ ability to provide the desired information.

Within the domain of purposive sampling are about 16 different types of specific
approaches that may be used in qualitative researches. A few among these are:
Random purposive sampling When the purposive sample is larger than one can
handle , one may select a required number of subjects from the purposively selected
subjects. This is known as random purposive sampling technique. For example, if 20
potential participants were purposively identified by the researcher, but only 10
participants could be studied , a random sample of 10 from the 20 potential participants
would be chosen.

Snowball sampling: It involves selecting a few people who can identify still others who
might be good participants for a study. For example,When interviewing members of a
population, you can ask the interviewed persons to nominate other individuals who could
be asked to give information or opinion on the topic. You then interview these new
individuals and continue in the same way until the material gets saturated, i.e. you get no
new viewpoints from the new persons. For example ,a researcher wishes to study the
opinion of distance learners towards quality of Gyanvani programmes but can find only
five who listen to these programmes. She asks these students if they know any more .
They give her several further referrals who in turn provide additional contacts . In this
way she manages to contact sufficient Gyanvani listeners.

Snowball sampling is most useful when we do not have access to sufficient people with
the characteristics we are seeking, like in a situation when possible participants are
scattered or not found in clusters , for such populations that are not well delimited nor
well enumerated, for example the homeless.

The drawback is that you get no exact idea of the factual distribution of the opinions in
the target population. Besides, people usually propose people that they know well and
who share their own views, which means that small groups of interest often are passed
by unnoticed. One method for compensating this could be asking people to nominate both
such persons who share the same views and such persons who are of the opposite

Methods of Sampling

opinion. Another method is to start the snowball chain from not one but several different
people, perhaps from different social groups.

Intensity sampling: This refers to selecting information rich cases that manifest the
phenomenon intensely and permit study of different levels of research topic but not
extreme or deviant cases, for example good students/ poor students, above average/
below average, experienced /inexperienced distance tutors. Intensity sampling requires
prior information and exploratory work to be able to identify intense examples. One
might use intensity sampling in conjunction with other sampling methods. For example,
one may collect 50 cases and then select a subset of intense cases for more in depth

Homogenous sampling: This refers to selecting participants who are very similar in
experience, perspective , or outlook. This reduces variation and simplifies data collection
and analysis. Like instead of having the maximum number of students enrolled in all
professional programmes offered through distance mode it may focus on one programme
say B.Ed.only.

Stratified purposive sampling: This illustrates characteristics of particular subgroups

of interest and facilitates comparisons between the different groups.

Criterion sampling: Here, you set a criteria and pick all cases that meet that criteria or
have some characteristic for example, all distance tutors with 10 years of experience, all
distance learners who dropped out from the formal system but completed the programme
through distance mode. This method of sampling is very strong in quality assurance.

Extreme and deviant case sampling: This involves learning from highly unusual
manifestations of the phenomenon of interest, such as outstanding successes, notable

The non-probability samples are generally considered to be convenient when the sample
to be selected is small and the researcher wants to get some idea of the population
characteristics within a short time. In such cases, the primary objective of the researcher
is to gain insight into the problem by selecting only those persons who can provide
maximum insight into the problem.

However, the following are some inherent limitations of non-probability sampling

i) No statistical theory has been devised to measure the reliability of results
derived through purposive or other non-random samples. Hence, no confidence
can be placed in the data obtained from such samples and results cannot be
generalized for the entire population.
ii) The selective sampling based on convenience affects the variance within the
group as well as between the groups. Further, there is no statistical method to
determine the margin of sampling errors.
iii) Sometimes such samples are based on an obsolete frame which does not
adequately cover the population.

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1.3.3 Choice of the Sampling Method

The choice of sampling method depends on several considerations unique to each
individual project. These include issues related to the definition of population, availability
of information about the structure of the population, the parameters to be estimated, the
objectives of the analysis including the degree of precision required, and the availability of
financial and other resources. This calls for appropriate selection of a sample for the
conduct of any research study.

1.3.4 Characteristics of a Good Sample

A good sample should have the characteristics of (i) Representativeness and (ii) Adequacy.

It is essential that the sample should be ‘representative’ of the population if the information
from the sample is to be generalized for that population. The term representative sample
means an ideal ‘miniature’ or ‘replica’ of the population from which it has been drawn. In
other words, the average of the attributes of sample elements is the same or very near to
the average in the population.

A good sample should also be ‘adequate’ or of sufficient size to allow confidence in the
stability of its characteristics. An adequate sample is considered to be one that contains
enough cases to ensure reliable results. Hence, planning the size of the sample in
advance is very important. It varies with the nature of the characteristics under study and
its distribution. It may be mentioned that representativeness and adequacy do not
automatically ensure accuracy of results. The sampling and data collection techniques
need to be selected and employed carefully to obtain higher degrees of precision in
results and generalizations about the population.

1.3.5 Determination of Sample Size

Most researchers find it difficult to determine the size of the sample. Krejcie and Morgan
(1970) has given a table in which no calculations are needed to determine the size of the
sample . Table is reproduced here for your reference.

Table for Determining Sample Size from a Given Population

10 10 220 140 1200 291
15 14 230 144 1300 297
20 19 240 148 1400 302
25 24 250 152 1500 306
30 28 260 155 1600 310
35 32 270 159 1700 313
40 36 280 162 1800 317
45 40 290 165 1900 320

Methods of Sampling

50 44 300 169 2000 322

55 48 320 175 2200 327
60 52 340 181 2400 331
65 56 360 186 2600 335
70 59 380 191 2800 338
75 63 400 196 3000 341
80 66 420 201 3500 346
85 70 440 205 4000 351
90 73 460 210 4500 354
95 76 480 214 5000 357
100 80 500 217 6000 361
110 86 550 217 6000 361
110 86 550 226 7000 364
120 92 600 234 8000 367
130 97 650 242 9000 368
140 103 700 248 10000 370
150 108 750 254 15000 375
160 113 800 260 20000 377
170 118 850 265 30000 379
180 123 900 269 40000 380
190 127 950 274 50000 381
200 132 1000 278 75000 382
210 136 1100 285 1000000 384

Note – N is population size, S is sample size

Let us take one example. If you want to know the sample size required to be
representative of the opinions of 300 academic counsellors, refer table at N=300. The
sample size representative of the counsellors in this case will be 169. The table given
above is applicable to any defined population.

Sample sizes in qualitative research are typically small. Infact, the validity,
meaningfulness, and insights generated from qualitative inquiry have more to do with the
information-richness of the cases selected and the observational /analytical capabilities of
the researcher than with sample size. There are no definite rules to be followed and
determining adequate sample size in qualitative research is ultimately a matter of
judgement and experience. Typically, one should continue sampling until having achieved
informational redundancy or saturation—the point at which no new information or themes

Tools for Research

are emerging from the data. To know if the informational redundancy or saturation is
reached it is essential that data collection and analysis go hand in hand. In other words,
data is collected and analysed , at least in a preliminary fashion, side by side and this
analysis informs subsequent data collection decisions.

Check Your Progress 3

1. Describe the various types of non-probability sample.

2. Discuss the characteristics of a good sample.
Notes: (a) Answer in the space given below.
(b) Compare your answer with the one given at the end of this Unit.


1. A population is a well defined group of units: individuals, objects, attributes,
qualities, characteristics, traits of human beings, etc.
2. A sample is a small representation of a population. It is a miniature picture of the
entire group from which it has been selected.
3. To obtain a representative sample, you must select the unit in a specified way.
This process is called sampling. It usually involves the following four steps: (i)
Defining the population; (ii) Listing the population; (iii) Selecting a representative
sample; and (iv) Obtaining an adequate sample.
4. Sampling methods can be classified into two broad categories: (i) Probability
sampling and (ii) Non-probability sampling.
5. In probability sampling the units of the population are not selected at the
discretion of the researcher but by means of certain procedures which ensure
that every unit of a population has the same probability of being included in the

Methods of Sampling

6. Simple or unrestricted random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling,

cluster sampling, multi-stage sampling and probability proportion to size sampling
are the six main types of probability sampling. In all these types each unit in the
sample has some known probability of entering the sample.
7. In simple or unrestricted random sampling each unit of the population is given an
equal chance of being selected, and the selection of any one unit is in no way tied
to the selection of any other. The law of chance is allowed to operate freely in
the selection of such samples and carefully controlled conditions are created to
ensure that each unit in the population has an equal chance of being included in
the sample.
8. The researcher may use the lottery method or a table of random numbers for
drawing a simple random sample.
9. Simple random sampling ensures best results. However, it is neither feasible nor
possible if the lists of the units do not exist or if such lists are incomplete.
10. If there is more heterogeneity among the units of the population, a simple random
sample may not necessarily represent the characteristics of the total population
even if all selected units participate in the investigation.
11. In systematic sampling, a researcher generally starts with a list in which all the N
units of the population are listed in alphabetical or in any other order. To select a
sample of size n, the researcher has to select a unit at random from the first
k = (N/n) units of the list and then everysubsequent kth unit is selected.
12. A systematic sample is as good as a simple random sample and is comparatively
more convenient to draw. However, the characteristics of “trend”, “cyclical
fluctuations” and “periodic effects” of a listed population unduly increase the
variability of samples.
13. When the units in a sample are proportional to their presence in the population,
the sampling is said to be stratified.
14. When a population is stratified, the units within each stratum are more or less
homogeneous than the units within the entire population.
15. Stratified random sampling is very useful when lists of units or individuls in the
population are not available. This method has been found practical even for
small finite populations when cent per cent response is difficult to secure within
the desired time.
16. Stratified random sampling provides more accurate results than simple random
sampling only if stratification results in greater homogeneity within the strata than
in the whole population taken as one unit. It is particularly useful in opinion
survey studies.
17. Cluster sampling is used when the population under study is infinite, where a list
of units of the population does not exist, when the geographical distribution of
units is scattered, or when sampling ofindividual units is not convenient for
various practical purposes.
18. Cluster sampling involves division of the population of elementary units into
groups of elements or clusters instead of individual members or items in the

Tools for Research

19. Cluster sampling is economical, especially when the cost of measuring a unit is
relatively small and cost of reaching it is relatively large.
20. Multi-stage sampling is used in large scale surveys for a more comprehensive
investigation. In this type of sampling, the researcher may have to use two, three
or even four stages of sampling.
21. Multi-stage sampling is comparatively convenient, less time consuming and less
expensive. However an element of sample bias gets introduced because of the
unequal size of some of the selected sub-samples.
22. When the units vary in size, it is better to select a sample in which the probability
of selection of a unit is proportional to its size. This sample is known as
probability proportion to size sample or PPS sample.
23. Non-probability sampling is based on the judgement of the researcher. Its guiding
principles are: (i) availability of sampling units; (ii) personal experience of the
researcher, and (iii) the researcher’s convenience in conducting the research.
Since this type of sampling does not involve the principle of probability, it is called
non-probability sample.
24. Non-probability sampling provides (i) purposive samples, (ii) incidental samples,
and (iii) quota samples.
25. A purposive sample is arbitrarily selected because there is good evidence that it
is a representative of the total population. The evidence is based on researcher’s
26. An incidental sample is generally used with those groups which are selected
because of the easy or ready availability of sample units.
27. A quota sample involves selection of the sample units within each stratum or
quotas on the basis of the judgement of the researcher rather than on calculable
chance of being included in it.
28. Non-probability samples are very convenient in situations where the sample to be
selected is very small and the researcher wants to get some idea of the
characteristics of a population in a shorter time.
29. Non-probability samples have certain limitations. No valid generalisations can be
made beyond the sample studied. These samples depend exclusively on
uncontrolled factors and the researcher’s insight. Hence, the sampling error of
such samples is hardly determinable.
30. The choice of an appropriate sampling method by a researcher depends upon
many factors. These include (i) defining the population, (ii) availability of
information about the structure of population, (iii) the parameters to be estimated,
(iv) the objectives of the analysis including degree of precision required, and
(v) the availability of financial and other resources.
31. Representativeness and adequacy are the major characteristics of a good

Methods of Sampling

In this Unit we discussed the concept of population and sample, and the two methods of
sampling, namely, probability and non-probability sampling. Under ‘probability sampling’
we discussed its various types such as simple sampling or unrestricted random sampling,
systematic sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling and multi-stage sampling.
Under ‘non-probability’ sampling we discussed purposive sample, incidental sample,
quota sample and also touched upon the choice of sample. We ended this Unit with a
description of the characteristics of a good sample: representativeness and adequacy.

1. Population: A population is any group of individuals or units that have one or more
characteristics in common and are of interest to the researcher. It may consists
of all the units or individuals of a particular type or a more restricted part of that
2. Sample: A sample is a small proportion of a population selected for analysis. By
observing the sample, certain inferences may be drawn about the population.
Samples are not selected haphazardly, but deliberately, so that the influence of
chance or probability can be estimated.
3. Probability: Probability is the ratio of the number of ways in which a favoured
way can occur to the total number of ways the event can occur. It may range
from zero, when there is no chance whatever, of the favoured event, to 1.0,
where there is absolute certainty that nothing else could happen.
4. Probability sampling: In probability sampling, the units of a population are not
selected at the discretion of the researcher but by means of certain procedures
which ensure that every unit of the population has one fixed probability of being
included in the sample. It is a procedure of drawing the units of a population in
such a way that every unit has an equal and independent chance of being
included in the sample.
5. Nonprobability sampling: In non-probability sampling, the units are selected at
the discretion of the researcher. The researcher uses his/her judgement or
experience while selecting the sample.
6. Sampling frame: A complete, accurate, and up-to-date list of all the units in a
population is called a sampling frame.
7. Representative sample: representative sample is one that matches with its
corresponding population with respect to the characteristics important for the
8. Parameter: Measures which describe a population are called parameters.
9. Statistics: The measures estimated from the samples are called statistics.
10. Sampling error The ‘statistics’ estimated from samples tend to differmore or less
from sample to sample drawn from the same population due to sampling
fluctuations. On theother hand, the ‘parameter’ is considered to have a fixed
reference value. It is not possible to compute parameter but there is a statistical

Tools for Research

procedure to forecast the parameter from sample statistics provided certain

conditions have been satisfied. The difference between the sample estimate
(statistics) and the population value (parameter) is called the ‘sampling error’.
11. Biased sample:A sample that is not representative is known as a biased sample.
Biases may be due to imperfect tools or instruments, personal qualities of the
researcher, techniques or other causes.


1. Sampling is the process of selecting a sample which is a small representation of a
large whole or group. A sample should represent truly and adequately the larger
whole. A sampling frame should be complete, accurate, up-to-date, unbiased and
2. Sampling or unrestricted random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified
sampling, cluster sampling, multi-stage sampling and probability proportion to size
sampling (PPS) are the important types ofprobability sampling.
3. (A) Non-probability sampling includes (i) purposive sample, (ii) incidental sample
and (iii) quota sample.
• Purposive sample is useful when we have to include a very small number of
units in a given sample.
• Incidental sample is generally applied in the case where units are easily or
readily available.
• Quota sample involves the selection of sample units within each stratum or
quota on the basis of the judgement of the researcher.

Sample units are not included accidentally or at random.

(B) A good sample must be

• representative of the population chosen
• adequate and
• accurate.


Fisher, R. A., and Yates, F. (1967) Statistical Tables for Biological, Agricultural and
Medical Research, London, Oliver and Boyd.
Krejcie, Robert V., and Morgan Daryle W. (1970) Determining Small Size for Research
Activities in Educational and Pychological Measurement, 30, 607-610.


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