File Handling Introduction
File Handling Introduction
File Handling Introduction
You'll be provided with a file that contains the data in CSV format. Using FileReader,
read the file and parse the data contained in it to the below-specified format.
Provided "input.csv" which has User details. Read all the user information stored in CSV
format and create a user object by parsing the line. Add all the user objects to the
ArrayList. At last, display the user list.
Strictly adhere to the Object-Oriented specifications given in the problem statement. All class
names, attribute names, and method names should be the same as specified in the problem
Consider the class Main. If the List of Users is empty print " The list is empty" in the main
method. Else display the user detail by calling the display method.
Input format:
Read the input from the "input.csv" file which contains the user details.
Output format:
Use "%-15s %-20s %-15s %s\n" to print statements for the heading of the details in the
Main method.
Sample Output :