BIOL3403 Immunology Syllabus 2021

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BIOL3403 Immunology (2020-21) syllabus

Dr. Chaogu Zheng (CGZ): (KSBS 4S13) (course coordinator)

Dr. B.L. Lim (BLL): (KBSB 5N13)

Tuesdays (09:30-10:20), Thursdays (09:30-10:20), and some Fridays (12:30-13:20)

Mode: hybrid (both face-to-face and online); subjected to adjustment based on the pandemic
Venue: CPD-LG.01 (Tue & Thur); MWT2 (Fri)

Lecture 1. Overview of the immune system 19-Jan Tue (CGZ)

Lecture 2. Cells, Organs, and Microenvironments of the Immune System 21-Jan Thu (CGZ)
Lecture 3. Structure of Antibodies 22-Jan Fri (CGZ)
Lecture 4. Receptors and Signaling: B-cell receptor, T-cell receptor 26-Jan Tue (CGZ)
Lecture 5. Receptors and Signaling: Cytokine and Chemokine 28-Jan Thu (CGZ)
Lecture 6. Innate Immunity 29-Jan Fri (CGZ)
Lecture 7. V(D)J recombination 02-Feb Tue (CGZ)
Lecture 8. MHC molecules and Antigen Presentation 04-Feb Thu (CGZ)
Lecture 9. Cell-mediated immunity 05-Feb Fri (CGZ)
Lecture 10. Antibody-mediated immunity 09-Feb Tue (CGZ)
Lecture 11. Transplantation Immunology 11-Feb Thu (CGZ)
Lecture 12. Immune response in space and time 23-Feb Tue (CGZ)
Lecture 13. Immunoassays: using antibodies as a tool 25-Feb Thu (CGZ)
Lecture 14. Pre-lab lecture 1 02-Mar Tue (CGZ)
Lecture 15. Pre-lab lecture 2 04-Mar Thu (BLL)

Reading week and lab section of the course (08-Mar to 12-Mar)

Lecture 16. Production of monoclonal antibodies and its application 05-Mar Fri (CGZ)
Lecture 17. Cancer Immunotherapy 18-Mar Thu (CGZ)
Lecture 18. Online Midterm Exam (Covering Lecture 1 – Lecture 13). 23-Mar Tue (CGZ)
Lecture 19. The lymphoid system 25-Mar Thu (BLL)
Lecture 20. Maturation of the immune cells 26-Mar Fri (BLL)
Lecture 21. Lymphocyte activation and cytokines 30-Mar Tue (BLL)
Lecture 22. The complement system 01-Apr Thu (BLL)
Lecture 23. Immunity to bacteria 08-Apr Thu (BLL)
Lecture 24. Immunity to viruses 13-Apr Tue (BLL)
Lecture 25. Immunity to parasites 15-Apr Thu (BLL)
Lecture 26. AIDS and the immune system 16-Apr Fri (BLL)
Lecture 27. Tutorial & catching up lecture 20-Apr Tue (BLL)
Lecture 28. Vaccination 22-Apr Thu (BLL)
Lecture 29. Hypersensitivity 27-Apr Tue (BLL)
Lecture 30. Autoimmunity 29-Apr Thu (BLL)

Textbook: Kuby Immunology by Judy Own, 7th edition (2013) or 8th edition (2018), Publisher:
W.H. Freeman

Grades: mid-term exam (20%),

lab reports (20%), and final exam (60%) for students joining the lab in person;
lab assignments (10%), and final exam (70%) for students not joining the lab in person.

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