CD-0002 - Ship General Safety
CD-0002 - Ship General Safety
CD-0002 - Ship General Safety
Question Answers
1. How can machinery risk factors which contribute to - By ensuring that all engineroom personnel are
the vessel risk profile as defined in this module be adequately trained.
limited or eliminated? Select all of the correct - Correct and timely maintenance procedures.
options. - Operating all machinery within manufacturer’s
2. What would be the result of loading a vessel without - It may result in excessive local stress due to
a properly formulated loading plan, particularly at a uneven distribution of cargo.
high loading rate terminal? Select all of the correct - Excessive stresses may result due to unusual
options. and unacceptable still water bending.
3 The GMDSS equipment is considered essential to - There must be duplication of the equipment
the ship’s general safety. Which of the given options necessary for emergency and distress signals.
either individually or in combination, is considered an - There must be a trained maintainer on board
acceptable arrangement under SOLAS requirements - The ship must have a shorebased maintenance
for maintenance of the equipment? Select all of the contract.
correct options.
4 How has the incidence of collision and grounding in Introduction of traffic separation schemes.
congested waterways been significantly reduced?
5 The overhaul of an auxiliary engine is to be carried Yes, it is important, in order to follow proper routines
out by an experienced engineer assisted by an and avoid the risk of overlooking some relevant
inexperienced junior engineer. Is it important to information.
follow the instructions given in the Planned
Maintenance System manual when work is carried
out by an experienced person?
6. How should “significant defects”, identified during an By Prompt and thorough repair before the vessel
enhanced survey inspections, been dealt with? can continue trading.
8. Once a voyage plan is formulated who should sign it All bridge team personnel.
to confirm acknowledgement that it is acceptable?
12. Which design feature of modern tankers and bulk Double hull construction
carriers has resulted in reduced vessel risk factors
as well as improved environmental protection?
CD-0002 Ship General Safety
Question Answers
13. An experienced officer is signing on a new vessel. No, an officer should always go through an
Immediately upon arrival, he is ordered to take the appropriate familiarisation programme before he
watch on the bridge without completing a takes over as the Officer of the Watch.
familiarisation programme. Should this be
considered acceptable?
14. How do structural corrosion and structural damage - Increases the risk because the structure is
affect the risk to the general safety of a vessel? weakened.
Select all of the correct options. - Increases the risk since the defects may act as
stress raisers.
15 Which of the following should be included in a - Up to date charts showing intended track and
Voyage Plan? Select all of the correct options. any areas of danger or any hazards.
- The methods to be used for position fixing.
- Any course alteration points.
- Indication of safe speed and any speed changes
that may be necessary
16 Which factors should be considered when putting All factors which put the vessel’s general safety at
together a vessel risk profile as described in this risk.
17 Select the correct statement: High specific gravity the double bottom, the side shell and the transverse
cargo pilling up on the tank top may affect the bulkhead.
structure of:
18 Which vessel types are subject to enhanced survey Bulk carriers and Oil tankers
requirements as part of an Enhanced Survey
20 Which personnel should be familiar with the All Engine room personnel
Emergency Electrical Power supply arrangements
and change over procedures?
21 Who is ultimately responsible for the general Only the Owner
condition and maintaining the structural strength of a
22 Which components are considered to be part of the - Shafting, bearings and propeller
main propulsion system for a vessel with a - Main Engine and Gearbox
conventional diesel propulsion? Select all correct
23 Why is there a greater risk of serious fire hazards in - Fuel and other combustible materials generally
the engine room than anywhere else on the vessel? present.
Select all correct options. - Multiple potential heat and ignition sources
25 When considering machinery risk factors, in the Any piece of machinery or system which would
context of the vessel risk profile as defined in this result in loss of control of the vessel in the event of it
module, which machinery or systems may be failing.
considered to be most critical?