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journal of medicine
established in 1812 june 1, 2006 vol. 354 no. 22

Multidetector Computed Tomography

for Acute Pulmonary Embolism
Paul D. Stein, M.D., Sarah E. Fowler, Ph.D., Lawrence R. Goodman, M.D., Alexander Gottschalk, M.D.,
Charles A. Hales, M.D., Russell D. Hull, M.B., B.S., M.Sc., Kenneth V. Leeper, Jr., M.D., John Popovich, Jr., M.D.,
Deborah A. Quinn, M.D., Thomas A. Sos, M.D., H. Dirk Sostman, M.D., Victor F. Tapson, M.D.,
Thomas W. Wakefield, M.D., John G. Weg, M.D., and Pamela K. Woodard, M.D., for the PIOPED II Investigators*


The accuracy of multidetector computed tomographic angiography (CTA) for the From the Department of Research, St.
diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism has not been determined conclusively. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital, Pontiac,
Mich., and the Department of Medicine,
Wayne State University, Detroit (P.D.S.);
Methods the Biostatistics Center, Department of
The Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis II trial was a pro- Epidemiology and Biostatistics, George
Washington University, Rockville, Md.
spective, multicenter investigation of the accuracy of multidetector CTA alone and (S.E.F.); the Department of Radiology,
combined with venous-phase imaging (CTA–CTV) for the diagnosis of acute pul- Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
monary embolism. We used a composite reference test to confirm or rule out the (L.R.G.); the Department of Radiology,
Michigan State University, East Lansing
diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. (A.G.); the Department of Medicine,
Massachusetts General Hospital, and
Results Harvard Medical School — both in Boston
(C.A.H., D.A.Q.); the Department of Med-
Among 824 patients with a reference diagnosis and a completed CT study, CTA was icine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alta.,
inconclusive in 51 because of poor image quality. Excluding such inconclusive stud- Canada (R.D.H.); the Department of Med-
ies, the sensitivity of CTA was 83 percent and the specificity was 96 percent. Positive icine, Emory University, Atlanta (K.V.L.);
the Department of Medicine, Henry Ford
predictive values were 96 percent with a concordantly high or low probability on Hospital, Detroit ( J.P.); the Department
clinical assessment, 92 percent with an intermediate probability on clinical assess- of Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical Col-
ment, and nondiagnostic if clinical probability was discordant. CTA–CTV was in- lege, New York (T.A.S.); Weill Cornell
Medical College and Methodist Hospital,
conclusive in 87 of 824 patients because the image quality of either CTA or CTV was Houston (H.D.S.); the Department of Med-
poor. The sensitivity of CTA–CTV for pulmonary embolism was 90 percent, and icine, Duke University, Durham, N.C. (V.F.T.);
specificity was 95 percent. CTA–CTV was also nondiagnostic with a discordant the Departments of Surgery (T.W.W.) and
Medicine (J.G.W.), University of Michigan,
clinical probability. Ann Arbor; and the Department of Radi-
ology, Washington University, St. Louis
Conclusions (P.K.W.). Address reprint requests to Dr.
Stein at St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital,
In patients with suspected pulmonary embolism, multidetector CTA–CTV has a 44405 Woodward Ave., Pontiac, MI 48341,
higher diagnostic sensitivity than does CTA alone, with similar specificity. The pre- or at
dictive value of either CTA or CTA–CTV is high with a concordant clinical assess- *Investigators in the Prospective Investi-
ment, but additional testing is necessary when the clinical probability is inconsis- gation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagno-
sis II (PIOPED II) trial are listed in the
tent with the imaging results. Appendix.
N Engl J Med 2006;354:2317-27.
Copyright © 2006 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

ncertainty persists about the ac- whether multidetector CTA can reliably detect and
curacy of contrast-enhanced multidetector rule out acute pulmonary embolism and whether
computed tomographic angiography (CTA) the addition of CTV improves the ability to detect
for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. The and rule out pulmonary embolism. We also deter-
sensitivity of single-slice CTA has ranged from mined whether the addition of a validated clini-
601 to 1002 percent, and the specificity has ranged cal assessment (the Wells score) (Table 1)24 im-
from 811 to 1003 percent. A previous review focused proves the ability to detect or rule out pulmonary
on the diagnostic accuracy of single-slice CTA.4 embolism by CTA or CTA–CTV in patients with
Visualization of segmental and subsegmental suspected pulmonary embolism.
pulmonary arteries is substantially better with
four-slice CTA and thin collimation (1.25 mm) Me thods
than with single-slice CTA.5,6 In two studies of
fewer than 100 patients, sensitivities for the detec- The PIOPED II trial was a prospective, multicenter
tion of pulmonary embolism with four-slice CTA study designed by the authors and sponsored by
have been reported to be 96 percent7 and 100 per- the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. The
cent,8 with respective specificities of 98 percent protocol and consent forms were approved by the
and 89 percent. institutional review board of each center and by a
Pulmonary embolism and deep venous throm- data safety monitoring board appointed by the in-
bosis are two manifestations of one pathologic stitute. All recruited patients gave written informed
process. The majority of patients with pulmonary consent. All the criteria of the Standards for Re-
embolism also have deep venous thrombosis.9,10 porting of Diagnostic Accuracy were met.25,26
For this reason, testing for deep venous throm-
bosis has become an integral part of the diagno- Study Population and Enrollment
sis of pulmonary embolism. Venous-phase multi- All patients who were at least 18 years of age and
detector CT venography (CTV) in combination had clinically suspected acute pulmonary embo-
with single-slice CTA (CTA–CTV) improved the lism were seen on either an inpatient or outpatient
detection of pulmonary embolism.11,12 The sensi- basis at the eight participating clinical centers be-
tivity of four-slice CTA–CTV appears to be higher tween September 2001 and July 2003. Patients who
than that of four-slice CTA alone.13-15 were referred for diagnostic imaging for suspect-
Meta-analyses of outcome, mostly performed ed pulmonary embolism were identified for re-
after single-slice CTA, showed that imaging of cruitment, as well as patients for whom the study
the lower extremities should be normal16,17 or nurse was aware of a consultation request for sus-
the clinical probability of pulmonary embolism pected pulmonary embolism. Patients were recruit-
should be low or intermediate18 to rule out dis- ed consecutively during periods of staff avail-
ease in patients with normal findings on CTA. ability, usually during the daytime on weekdays.
Most outcome studies that are performed after Exclusion criteria are shown in Figure 1.
normal findings have been obtained on 4-slice
or 16-slice CTA have used additional diagnostic Diagnostic Evaluation
tests to rule out pulmonary embolism.13,19-21 All patients who were enrolled in the study under-
However, Perrier et al.22 showed a potential abil- went a clinical assessment of the probability of
ity to rule out pulmonary embolism on the basis pulmonary embolism, including a Wells score
of normal findings on multidetector CTA without (Table 1).24 In addition, all patients consented to
ultrasonography of the lower limbs. The Chris- undergo diagnostic testing, including CTA–CTV,
topher Study investigators23 showed pulmonary ventilation–perfusion scanning, venous compres-
embolism during three-month follow-up in only sion ultrasonography of the lower extremities, and
0.7 percent of untreated patients and deep venous if necessary, pulmonary digital-subtraction angiog-
thrombosis in 0.6 percent after normal findings raphy (DSA).27 For ethical reasons, conventional
had been obtained on single-row or multidetec- pulmonary DSA was restricted to patients in whom
tor CTA alone. pulmonary embolism was not conclusively diag-
The Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary nosed or ruled out by the noninvasive tests.
Embolism Diagnosis II (PIOPED II) trial was de- A composite reference standard was used to
signed with two primary objectives: to determine diagnose or rule out pulmonary embolism. The

2318 n engl j med 354;22 june 1, 2006

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multidetector computed tomogr aphy for acute pulmonary embolism

diagnosis of pulmonary embolism according to

Table 1. Model for Determining the Clinical Probability of Pulmonary Embolism,
the composite reference standard required one According to the Wells Score.*
of the following conditions: ventilation–perfusion
lung scanning showing a high probability of pul- Clinical Feature Score
monary embolism in a patient with no history of Clinical signs and symptoms of DVT (objectively measured leg 3.0
swelling and pain with palpation in the deep-vein system)
pulmonary embolism, abnormal findings on pul-
monary DSA, or abnormal findings on venous Heart rate >100 beats/min 1.5
ultrasonography in a patient without previous Immobilization for ≥3 consecutive days (bed rest except to go to 1.5
deep venous thrombosis at that site and nondiag- bathroom) or surgery in previous 4 weeks
nostic results on ventilation–perfusion scanning Previous objectively diagnosed pulmonary embolism or DVT 1.5
(not normal and not high probability without Hemoptysis 1.0
previous pulmonary embolism). Abnormal venous Cancer (with treatment within past 6 mo or palliative treatment) 1.0
ultrasonography in such a patient was interpreted Pulmonary embolism likely or more likely than alternative diagnoses 3.0
as a surrogate for the diagnosis of pulmonary (on the basis of history, physical examination, chest radiography,
embolism. ECG, and blood tests)
Exclusion of pulmonary embolism according
* Data are from Wells et al.24 The condition of patients is scored according to
to the composite reference standard required one the following criteria: less than 2.0, low probability; 2.0 to 6.0, moderate prob-
of the following conditions: normal findings on ability; and more than 6.0, high probability. DVT denotes deep venous throm-
DSA, normal findings on ventilation–perfusion bosis, and ECG electrocardiography.
scanning, ventilation–perfusion scanning show-
ing either a low or very low probability of pul- Central Readings
monary embolism, a clinical Wells score of less Image interpretations for all diagnostic tests ex-
than 2 (Table 1),24 and normal findings on venous cept venous ultrasonography were based on agree-
ultrasonography. ment of two certified readers in the PIOPED II
To confirm the accuracy of the exclusion of trial who were from centers other than that at
pulmonary embolism according to the composite which the image was obtained. Additional readers
reference standard, patients in whom pulmonary were used until agreement of two was obtained.
embolism was ruled out by the reference test Readers were unaware of all clinical information
underwent telephone interviews three and six and of the results of other imaging tests except
months after enrollment. Deaths and new evalu- chest radiographs, which were included with ven-
ations for venous thromboembolic disease were tilation–perfusion scans. Local readings of venous
reviewed by an outcome committee. ultrasonography were accepted after site visits to
validate technique and interpretation. The reading
CTA and CTV of multidetector CTA and conventional DSA re-
The study was performed with 4-row, 8-row, or quired agreement regarding at least one lobe for
16-row multidetector scanners, as described in the a diagnosis of pulmonary embolism, and pulmo-
Supplementary Appendix (available with the full nary embolism was ruled out if two readers agreed
text of this article at Diagnostic that the condition was absent. In interpreting
criteria for acute pulmonary embolism by CTA were CTV results, two readers had to agree on the leg
as follows: failure of contrast material to fill the that was affected by deep venous thrombosis.
entire lumen because of a central filling defect Separate consensus of readers was required for
(the artery may be enlarged, as compared with both CTA and CTV. For CTA–CTV, pulmonary em-
similar arteries; a partial filling defect surround- bolism was diagnosed if there was consensus that
ed by contrast material on a cross-sectional im- either test showed abnormal findings. Pulmo-
age; contrast material between the central filling nary embolism was ruled out if there was con-
defect and the artery wall on an in-plane, longitu- sensus that both CTA and CTV showed normal
dinal image; and a peripheral intraluminal filling findings.
defect that forms an acute angle with the artery
wall. The criterion for acute deep venous throm- Statistical Analysis
bosis on CTV was a complete or partial central We used standard methods to calculate the sen-
filling defect. sitivity, specificity, and positive and negative pre-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

7284 Patients had suspected

pulmonary embolism

4022 Were not eligible

1360 Were unable to complete testing
within 36 hr
1350 Had abnormal creatinine levels
or were receiving long-term renal
976 Had history of long-term anti-
coagulant use
802 Were critically ill
595 Were receiving ventilatory support
272 Were allergic to contrast agents
229 Had a myocardial infarction within
preceding month
184 Had possible pregnancy
169 Had inferior vena caval filter in situ
67 Had no suspected pulmonary
57 Had upper-extremity DVT
31 Were previously enrolled in the study
30 Had VF or sustained VT within 24 hr
29 Had shock or hypotension
20 Planned to have thrombolytic
therapy within the next 24 hr
14 Were less than 18 years of age
8 Were in prison

3262 Were eligible

2172 Were not enrolled

1117 Declined to participate or were
excluded by clinical team
767 Were unable to complete protocol
288 Had unspecified reasons

1090 Were enrolled

824 Received Ref Dx 238 Did not receive Ref Dx 28 Did not undergo CT
and underwent CT 63 Did not undergo non-
invasive testing
175 Had inconclusive
results on noninvasive
testing and did not
undergo pulmonary

192 Had pulmonary 632 Did not have

embolism pulmonary embolism
(on Ref Dx) (on Ref Dx)

Figure 1. Enrollment and Outcomes.

Some patients had more than one reason for exclusion from the study. Patients receiving long-term renal dialysis were ex-
cluded from the study only during the first 14 months of recruitment. DVT denotes deep venous thrombosis, VF ventricu-
lar fibrillation, VT ventricular tachycardia, and Ref Dx diagnosis obtained with the use of the composite reference standard.

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multidetector computed tomogr aphy for acute pulmonary embolism

dictive values.28 Patients for whom results on CTA tients who also had an interpretable CTA were
or CTA–CTV were unclassified were excluded from followed for six months; 590 patients did not re-
these calculations. For the calculation of the neg- ceive anticoagulants. Clinical courses in 2 of 590
ative predictive value of CTA among patients who patients (<1 percent) suggested an initially unrec-
were deemed to have a low probability of disease, ognized pulmonary embolism.
we included only patients with a reference test
diagnosis obtained by ventilation–perfusion scan- Results of CTA and CTA–CTV
ning or conventional pulmonary DSA. We calcu- Of the 824 patients with a reference diagnosis
lated exact 95 percent confidence intervals for and a completed CT study, the quality of the CTA
sensitivity, specificity, and unadjusted positive and was insufficient for conclusive interpretation in
unadjusted negative predictive values from the bi- 51 (Table 4). Of the 773 patients with an adequate
nomial distribution with the use of StatXact5 CTA (94 percent), the sensitivity of CTA for the
software, release 5.0.3 (Cytel Software). Values diagnosis of pulmonary embolism was 83 percent
for likelihood ratios for a positive test were cal- (150 of 181 patients; 95 percent confidence inter-
culated as the sensitivity, divided by 1 minus the val, 76 to 92 percent), and the specificity was 96
specificity; and likelihood ratios for a negative test percent (567 of 592 patients; 95 percent confi-
were calculated as 1 minus the sensitivity, divided dence interval, 93 to 97 percent). The likelihood
by the specificity.29-31 ratio for a positive test was 19.6 (95 percent con-
In a separate analysis, values for the sensitiv- fidence interval, 13.3 to 29.0), and the likelihood
ity and specificity of CTA were adjusted for pos- ratio for a negative test was 0.18 (95 percent con-
sible inaccuracy of the composite reference stan- fidence interval, 0.13 to 0.24). The positive pre-
dard with the use of the lowest reported false dictive value was 86 percent (150 of 175 patients;
positive and false negative rates for the tests that 95 percent confidence interval, 79 to 90 percent),
make up that standard.32-36 Calculations were and the negative predictive value was 95 percent
also performed with the use of the highest re- (567 of 598 patients; 95 percent confidence inter-
ported false positive and false negative rates for val, 92 to 96 percent). Positive predictive values
the composite reference standard tests.24,32-34,37 were 97 percent (116 of 120 patients) for pulmo-
nary embolism in a main or lobar artery, 68 per-
R e sult s cent (32 of 47 patients) for a segmental vessel, and
25 percent (2 of 8 patients) for a subsegmental
During the 23-month recruitment period, 7284 branch.
patients were screened, 3262 were eligible for Of the 824 patients with a reference diagnosis
study, and 1090 were enrolled (Fig. 1). A majority and a completed CT study, the quality of results
of the 1090 enrolled patients were women; the on CTA–CTV was insufficient for conclusive inter-
mean age was 51.7 years. Most patients were pretation for 87 patients (Table 4). Among the
deemed to have a low or moderate probability of 737 patients with adequate results on CTA–CTV
pulmonary embolism on the basis of the Wells (89 percent), the sensitivity of results on CTA–CTV
score (Tables 1 and 2). Of the 1090 patients en- for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism was
rolled, 28 did not undergo CT and 238 did not 90 percent (164 of 183 patients; 95 percent con-
receive a reference test diagnosis. The remaining fidence interval, 84 to 93 percent), and the speci-
824 patients underwent subsequent analysis. De- ficity was 95 percent (524 of 554 patients; 95
mographic and clinical features of the 238 pa- percent confidence interval, 92 to 96 percent).
tients without a reference diagnosis and the 824 The likelihood ratio for a positive test was 16.5
patients who received a diagnosis are shown in (95 percent confidence interval, 11.6 to 23.5), and
Table 2. the likelihood ratio for a negative test was 0.11
(95 percent confidence interval, 0.07 to 0.16). The
Reference Diagnosis positive predictive value was 85 percent (164 of
On the basis of the composite reference standard, 194 patients; 95 confidence interval, 78 to 89
pulmonary embolism was diagnosed in 192 of percent), and the negative predictive value was
the 824 patients who received a reference diagno- 97 percent (524 of 543 patients; 95 percent confi-
sis (23 percent) (Table 3). Among the 632 in whom dence interval, 94 to 97 percent). Among 105 pa-
pulmonary embolism was ruled out, the 592 pa- tients with positive results on CTV, thrombi were

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 2. Demographic Characteristics, Coexisting Illnesses, Presenting Signs and Symptoms, and Clinical Probability of Pulmonary Embolism.*

All Patients Standard Diagnosis Obtained No Standard Diagnosis

Characteristic (N = 1090) and CT Performed (N = 824) Obtained (N = 238)
Demographic characteristic
Female sex — no./total no. (%) 676/1090 (62) 507/824 (62) 150/238 (63)
Age (yr) 51.7±17.1 51.4±16.9 53.2±17.7
Race — no./total no. (%)†
White 699/1089 (64) 535/823 (65) 148/238 (62)
Black 337/1089 (31) 244/823 (30) 83/238 (35)
Outpatient (including nursing homes and rehabili- 971/1085 (89) 754/822 (92) 198/236 (84)
tation centers) — no./total no. (%)
Coexisting condition — no./total no. (%)
Smoking history 567/1085 (52) 411/822 (50) 143/235 (61)
Congestive heart failure 99/1074 (9) 127/823 (15) 42/237 (18)
Current asthma 178/1078 (17) 125/814 (15) 46/236 (19)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 102/1084 (9) 68/821 (8) 30/235 (13)
Current pneumonia 65/1014 (6) 39/773 (5) 25/214 (12)
Surgery within past 3 mo 188/1087 (17) 124/824 (15) 57/236 (24)
Cancer 191/1079 (18) 132/816 (16) 56/235 (24)
Central venous instrumentation 94/1082 (9) 57/819 (7) 36/235 (15)
Symptom — no./total no. (%)‡
Dyspnea 821/1085 (76) 610/821 (74) 189/236 (80)
Pleuritic pain 613/807 (76) 465/619 (75) 133/170 (78)
Cough 473/1083 (44) 330/820 (40) 131/235 (56)
Calf pain 282/1080 (26) 203/817 (25) 72/235 (31)
Sign — no./total no. (%)
Hemoptysis 63/1080 (6) 37/816 (5) 23/236 (10)
Tachypnea (≥20 breaths/min) 560/1074 (52) 404/815 (50) 142/233 (61)
Crackles 221/1077 (21) 151/817 (18) 65/234 (28)
Tachycardia (>100 beats/min) 221/1079 (20) 147/818 (18) 64/234 (27)
Calf tender to palpation 109/287 (38) 71/218 (33) 34/62 (55)§
Swollen calf (>1 cm) 322/890 (36) 234/646 (36) 83/218 (38)
Clinical probability — no./total no. (%)¶
Low 587/1048 (56) 500/796 (63) 72/226 (32)
Moderate 396/1048 (38) 252/796 (32) 135/226 (60)
High 65/1048 (6) 44/796 (6) 19/226 (8)
PaO2 — no./total no. (%)
≥80 mm Hg 114/335 (34) 83/230 (36) 28/94 (30)
70–79 mm Hg 62/335 (19) 39/230 (17) 22/94 (23)
60–69 mm Hg 64/335 (19) 44/230 (19) 18/94 (19)
50–59 mm Hg 63/335 (19) 41/230 (18) 19/94 (20)
<50 mm Hg 32/335 (10) 23/230 (10) 7/94 (7)
PaCO2 — no./total no. (%)
≥40 mm Hg 127/332 (38) 87/228 (38) 35/93 (38)
36–39 mm Hg 81/332 (24) 50/228 (22) 29/93 (31)
<36 mm Hg 124/332 (37) 91/228 (40) 29/93 (31)

* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. Standard diagnosis refers to the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism on the basis of a composite reference
standard. PaO2 denotes partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood while patient is breathing ambient air, and PaCO2 partial pressure of carbon
dioxide in arterial blood while patient is breathing ambient air.
† Racial or ethnic background was self-reported. No more than 4 percent of patients in any group were listed as Asian or Pacific Islander,
Hispanic, or Native American, Eskimo, or Inuit.
‡ Less than 10 percent of patients in any group had hemiparesis, diaphoresis, pleural friction, or a history of trauma.
§ The presence or absence of calf tenderness was not reported for 803 patients.
¶ The condition of patients was graded according to the Wells score24: less than 2.0, low probability; 2.0 to 6.0, moderate probability;
and more than 6.0, high probability.

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multidetector computed tomogr aphy for acute pulmonary embolism

Table 3. Basis for the Diagnosis or Exclusion of Pulmonary Embolism among 824 Patients Evaluated by CTA.*

Pulmonary Embolism No Pulmonary

Variable (N = 192) Embolism (N = 632)
no. of patients (%)
DSA 33 (17) 192 (30)
Ventilation–perfusion scanning† 109 (57) 146 (23)
Ultrasonography of lower extremities with abnormal findings, no previous 50 (26) NA
DVT at same site, and nondiagnostic ventilation–perfusion scanning
Ventilation–perfusion scanning indicating low or very low probability of dis- NA 294 (47)
ease, low clinical probability, and normal findings on ultrasonography‡

* DVT denotes deep venous thrombosis, and NA not applicable.

† Abnormal findings on ventilation–perfusion scanning indicate a high probability of pulmonary embolism in a patient
with no previous pulmonary embolism. Normal findings rule out pulmonary embolism.
‡ The clinical probability was determined by a Wells score of less than 2.24

shown in the inferior vena cava or pelvic veins Among patients with a low clinical probabil-
alone in 3 patients (3 percent), thigh veins alone ity, the negative predictive value for CTA for the
in 89 (85 percent), and both in 13 (12 percent). exclusion of pulmonary embolism was 96 per-
If the composite reference standard is not as- cent (158 of 164 patients); the negative predictive
sumed to be an absolute standard for the diag- value for CTA–CTV was 97 percent (146 of 151
nosis of pulmonary embolism but is considered patients). Among patients with a high clinical
to have its own false positive and false negative probability, 40 percent of results on CTA and 18
rates, the diagnostic accuracy of CTA and CTA– percent of results on CTA–CTV were false nega-
CTV is altered slightly. Sensitivity analysis using tive (Table 5). To avoid bias,38 negative predictive
the lowest reported false positive and false nega- values among patients with a low clinical proba-
tive rates of the components of the composite bility were based entirely on DSA or ventilation–
reference test gave an adjusted sensitivity of CTA perfusion scanning as the reference test.
of 84 percent (150 of 178 patients) and adjusted
sensitivity of CTA–CTV of 92 percent (164 of 179 Complications
patients). The use of the highest reported false Complications associated with 1095 CTA proce-
positive and false negative rates resulted in an dures were a mild allergic reaction (itching, swol-
adjusted value of the sensitivity of CTA of 82 per- len eyelid, or vomiting) in four patients (<1 per-
cent (150 of 182 patients); the adjusted sensitiv- cent), urticaria in one patient (<1 percent), and
ity of CTA–CTV was unchanged at 90 percent moderately severe extravasation of contrast ma-
(164 of 183 patients). Specificities changed 1 per- terial into the antecubital fossa in two patients
cent or less. (<1 percent). One patient with diabetes mellitus
had a transient episode of acute renal failure char-
CT Results and Clinical Assessment acterized by an increase in the serum creatinine
As would be anticipated, the predictive value of level from 1.3 to 2.9 mg per deciliter (115 to 256
CTA and CTA–CTV varied substantially when the μmol per liter) after CTA–CTV, which was followed
clinical assessment was taken into account. Among 22 hours later by DSA. The elevated creatinine
patients with a previous clinical assessment of level returned to normal after the administration
high or intermediate probability of pulmonary of intravenous fluids. No other complications were
embolism, the respective positive predictive values reported with 209 DSA procedures or with any
for pulmonary embolism were 96 percent (22 of other reference tests. No other elevations in cre-
23 patients) and 92 percent (93 of 101 patients) atinine levels were attributed to the procedures.
for CTA (Table 5). Among patients with a low clin- Serum creatinine levels were typically checked
ical probability of pulmonary embolism, 42 per- daily in hospitalized patients, but the test re-
cent of the CTA readings were false positive. Simi- sults were not required by protocol and typically
lar positive predictive values were obtained for were not obtained from outpatients after CTA
CTA–CTV (Table 5). and DSA.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 4. Results on CTA and CTA–CTV among Patients with a Confirmed Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism, According to
the Composite Reference Standard.

Abnormal Findings on Normal Findings on

Variable Composite Reference Standard Composite Reference Standard Total
number of patients
Findings on CTA
Abnormal findings 150 25 175
Normal findings 31 567 598
Indeterminate findings 11 40 51
Total 192 632 824
Findings on CTA–CTV
Abnormal findings on either CTA or CTV 164 30 194
Normal findings on both CTA and CTV 19 524 543
Indeterminate findings* 9 78 87
Total 192 632 824

* Findings were normal on either CTA or CTV and the alternative CT method was not performed, or findings were
of insufficient quality for conclusive interpretation.

Dis cus sion Both multidetector CTA–CTV and multidetec-

tor CTA alone would require additional testing to
Our data show that multidetector CTA–CTV had diagnose or rule out pulmonary embolism if the
a higher sensitivity (90 percent) than CTA alone previous assessment of clinical probability did
(83 percent), with similar specificity (about 95 per- not agree with the imaging results. It has been
cent for both testing techniques). Positive results suggested that the clinical probability of pulmo-
on CTA in combination with a high probability nary embolism should be considered in combina-
or intermediate probability of pulmonary embo- tion with CTA because of false positive or false
lism on the basis of clinical assessment or nor- negative results of CTA in patients with discor-
mal findings on CTA with a low clinical proba- dant clinical findings.39
bility had a predictive value (positive or negative) Other studies have examined a variety of ap-
of 92 to 96 percent. Such values are consistent proaches to the use of CTA in the evaluation of
with those generally considered adequate to con- patients with suspected pulmonary embolism; the
firm or rule out the diagnosis of pulmonary em- findings of these studies have been generally
bolism. consistent with ours. In a meta-analysis, Quiroz
We report sensitivity based on the number of et al.18 showed that pulmonary embolism could
patients who had conclusive interpretations of be ruled out safely with primarily single-detector
CTA or CTA–CTV. The sensitivity of diagnostic CTA in cases in which the clinical probability
imaging with CTA and CTA–CTV would be lower was low or intermediate. On the basis of a meta-
if patients with inconclusive interpretations ow- analysis of primarily single-detector CTA, Moores
ing to poor image quality were included. How- et al.16,17 concluded that lower-extremity imag-
ever, since patients with inconclusive findings on ing should be normal before anticoagulation is
CTA or CTA–CTV in clinical practice would prob- withheld in patients with suspected pulmonary
ably undergo additional testing, we regard the embolism and normal findings on CTA. Perrier
values for diagnostic accuracy given here to be et al.22 showed that normal findings on d-dimer
appropriate for clinical use and for comparison testing among patients with a low or intermediate
with other techniques. The data we report were clinical probability of pulmonary embolism safely
primarily obtained with four-slice CT. We did not eliminated the need for further diagnostic testing.
study enough patients with 8-slice or 16-slice In this alternative strategy, such patients do not
scanners to determine whether accuracy improved appear to require CTA.
with the use of more advanced scanners. Strengths of this investigation include incor-

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multidetector computed tomogr aphy for acute pulmonary embolism

Table 5. Positive and Negative Predictive Values of CTA, as Compared with Previous Clinical Assessment.*

Variable High Clinical Probability Intermediate Clinical Probability Low Clinical Probability
No./Total No. Value (95% CI) No./Total No. Value (95% CI) No./Total No. Value (95% CI)
Positive predictive value of CTA 22/23 96 (78–99) 93/101 92 (84–96) 22/38 58 (40–73)
Positive predictive value of CTA 27/28 96 (81–99) 100/111 90 (82–94) 24/42 57 (40–72)
or CTV
Negative predictive value of CTA 9/15 60 (32–83) 121/136 89 (82–93) 158/164† 96 (92–98)
Negative predictive value of both 9/11 82 (48–97) 114/124 92 (85–96) 146/151† 97 (92–98)

* The clinical probability of pulmonary embolism was based on the Wells score: less than 2.0, low probability; 2.0 to 6.0, moderate probability;
and more than 6.0, high probability. CI denotes confidence interval.
† To avoid bias for the calculation of the negative predictive value in patients deemed to have a low probability of pulmonary embolism on
previous clinical assessment, only patients with a reference test diagnosis by ventilation–perfusion scanning or conventional pulmonary
DSA were included.

poration of all the criteria of the Standards for diagnostic accuracy may not apply to pregnant
Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy.25,26 Recruited women, patients with renal failure, and patients
patients were inpatients and outpatients of both who are critically ill, in shock, or receiving ven-
sexes with a wide range of ages and associated tilatory support. Among 1090 recruited patients,
illnesses. The composite reference test was shown 238 did not complete the diagnostic reference
to be robust by sensitivity analysis and by the testing, primarily because the diagnosis was in-
generally benign outcome among patients with conclusive on noninvasive testing and patients or
a negative reference test. their clinical team declined DSA. A smaller pro-
Weaknesses of the investigation include the portion of these patients had a low clinical prob-
use of noninvasive diagnostic tests as part of the ability of pulmonary embolism. It is not appar-
reference standard. This was necessary, since it ent whether this affected the results. It is also
was deemed to be unethical to require DSA in all not apparent whether a lack of screening and re-
recruited patients. With the use of data from pre- cruiting of patients during night and weekend
vious reports,24,32-37 the composite reference stan- shifts affected the results. Patients who presented
dard overall is estimated to have had false posi- on weekdays may have had generally milder
tive rates of no more than 9.3 percent and false symptoms than those who presented at night or
negative rates of no more than 2.4 percent. In on weekends.
patients with pulmonary embolism diagnosed by In conclusion, among patients with suspect-
the composite reference test, demonstration of ed pulmonary embolism, multidetector CTA–
deep venous thrombosis by CTV was interpreted CTV has a higher sensitivity for the diagnosis
as a surrogate for pulmonary embolism. The valid- than does CTA alone, with similar specificity. The
ity of this approach is supported by the litera- false negative rate of 17 percent for CTA alone
ture.9,10 Patients with suspected pulmonary em- indicates the need for additional information to
bolism in whom the diagnosis is confirmed by rule out pulmonary embolism. The predictive val-
diagnostic imaging generally have deep venous ue of either CTA or CTA–CTV is high with a con-
thrombosis of the lower extremities, particularly cordant clinical assessment, but additional testing
if patients with deep venous thrombosis of the is necessary when clinical probability is inconsis-
upper extremities are excluded, as we did in the tent with the imaging results.
PIOPED II trial. Supported by grants (HL63899, HL63928, HL63931, HL063932,
Other weaknesses of the study include the re- HL63940, HL63941, HL63942, HL63981, HL63982, and HL67453)
striction of recruitment to patients who could from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Dr. Gottschalk reports having received consulting fees from
safely undergo the extra tests within 36 hours GE Healthcare. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to
after the reference test. The reported values of this article was reported.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

The following people participated in the PIOPED II trial: Cornell University, New York — H. Sostman (principal investigator), A. Fisher, S.
Goldsmith, C. Henschke, K. Kandarpa, A. Ng, A. Sanders, T. Sos, R. Sullivan, D. Trost, D. Yankelevitz; Duke University, Durham, N.C.
— V. Tapson (principal investigator), T. Carmon, R. Coleman, L. Heyneman, A. Krichman, H. McAdams, T. Smith, C. Yetsko; Emory
University, Atlanta — K. Leeper (principal investigator), P. Dean, D. Entzian, B. Hatfield, L. Herndon, K. Horlander, K. Scheidt, M. She-
line, G. Skardasis, R. Woodcock; Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit — J. Popovich (principal investigator), R. Almario, M. Brown, J. Buckley, A.
Fogel, M. Ford, K. Karvelis, M. Major, K. McHugh, D. McVinnie, A. Shepard, D. Spizarny, D. Simmons-Villanueva, L. Willcock; Mas-
sachusetts General Hospital, Boston — C. Hales (principal investigator), J. Cahill, A. Greenfield, T. McLoud, E. Palmer, D. Quinn, J. Scott, J.
Shepard, A. Waltman, C. Wittram; University of Calgary, Calgary, Alta., Canada — R. Hull (principal investigator), B. Behan, D. Bradley, W.
Brunet, P. Burrowes, M. Carson, P. Elliott, L. Hoddinott, R. Kloiber, J. MacGregor, C. Molnar, G. Pineo, M. Sheldon, B. So, K. Weber, C.
Wrona; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor — J. Weg (principal investigator), L. Sawyer, E. Alahmad, K. Cho, B. Fex, K. Frey, S. Gay, E.
Kazerooni, V. Lama, M. Lowell, T. Ojo, S. Patel, P. Shreve, T. Wakefield, D. Schmidtke; Washington University, St. Louis — P. Woodard
(principal investigator), J. Battaile, S. Bhalla, D. Brown, L. Crouch, R. Gropler, R. Hachem, J. Heiken, A. Lamb, L. Lewis, M. Mohrman,
G. Polites, H. Royal, B. Rubin, D. Wehrle, R. Yusen; Consultants — A. Gottschalk, Michigan State University, East Lansing; L. Goodman,
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Data and Coordinating Center, George Washington University, Rockville, Md. — S. Fowler (principal
investigator), J. Bamdad, S. Bergman, C. Christophi, S. Grau, M. Hanson, K. Hirst, K. Jablonski, L. Pyle, A. Sapozhnikova, G. Styles, F.
Walker-Murray; Administrative Center, St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital, Pontiac, Mich. — P. Stein (principal investigator), A. Beemath, F.
Kayali; Project Office, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, Md. — C. Vreim, M. Wu, G. Zheng; Data Safety Monitoring Board — J.
Dalen (chair), C. Freund, B. Hillman, T. Hyers, R. Matthay, F. Miller, D. Naidich, M. Schluchter, B. Thompson, H. Peavy (executive
secretary); Steering Committee — P. Stein (chair), S. Fowler, L. Goodman, A. Gottschalk, C. Hales, R. Hull, K. Leeper, J. Popovich, H.
Sostman, V. Tapson, C. Vreim, J. Weg, P. Woodard; Operations Committee — P. Stein (chair), S. Fowler, C. Hales, R. Hull, H. Sostman, V.
Tapson, C. Vreim, J. Weg; Writing Committee — P. Stein (chair), S. Fowler, C. Hales, R. Hull, H. Sostman, J. Weg; Outcome Committee — D.
Quinn (chair), J. Buckley, K. Leeper, G. Pineo, J. Popovich, A. Sanders, H. Sostman, V.F. Tapson, T. Wakefield, J. Weg, P. Woodard, R.
Yusen; Ethics Committee — J. Weg (chair), S. Fowler, A. Greenfield, H. Royal, A. Shepard, C. Vreim, D. Yankelevitz; Ancillary Studies Com-
mittee — G. Pineo (chair), C. Hales, S. Fowler, P. Stein: DSA Working Group — T. Sos (chair), D. Brown, K. Cho, C. Fan, K. Kandarpa, D.
McVinnie, M. Sheline, T. Smith, B. So, D. Trost, A. Waltman; CT Working Group — L. Goodman (chair), P. Burrowes, B. Hatfield, J.
Heiken, C. Henschke, L. Heyneman, E. Kazerooni, J. MacGregor, H. McAdams, T. McLoud, S. Patel, J. Shepard, D. Spizarny, C. Wit-
tram, P. Woodard, R. Woodcock, D. Yankelevitz; Ventilation–Perfusion Scan Working Group — A. Gottschalk (chair), M. Brown, R. Coleman,
S. Goldsmith, C. Molnar, E. Palmer, H. Royal, J. Scott; Venous Ultrasound Working Group — T. Wakefield (chair), G. Brunet, B. Fex, A.
Fisher, K. Fiest, M. McPharlin, B. Rubin, A. Shepard, G. Skardasis, A. Waltman, P. Woodard; Clinical Science Working Group — R. Hull
(chair), C. Hales, K. Leeper, G. Pineo, J. Popovich, D. Quinn, P. Stein, V. Tapson, J. Weg, J. Buckley, R. Yusen; Publications Committee
— C. Hales, H. Sostman (cochairs), S. Fowler, G. Pineo, P. Stein, V. Tapson, P. Woodard.

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