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I Listening : Module 1 - Progress Test 2

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Escola Secundária: __________________________________________________

Name: _______________________________________ No. _____ Class: _________
Date: ____/____/____ Mark: _______________ Teacher: ___________________

A.Listen and choose the appropriate word to complete the text.
“English is an easy language. There are no accents on (1) _______________, the tenses of verbs are simplified and the
(2) _______________ are invariable”, says Gustavo after three years studying it at school. Annabelle agrees with him

but she finds the many different ways (3) _______________ are pronounced and the spelling difficult to cope with.
Nicolas finds it (4) _______________ and cool because through it he can understand many films and songs. “You
need English to (5) _____________ around the world – it’s a language almost everybody understands – so it’s easier
to communicate with people from different (6) _______________”, says Daniel. According to Aldebaran, “you must
speak English if you want a good (7) __________ especially if you want to work with (8) _______________”.

* Audio recording available at Manual Interativo.

Read the text carefully.

The importance of English

in Asia
Asian countries want to bridge the communication gap between East
and West.
“Hello, my name is…” is the first phrase students learn in the
5 English education wave that is sweeping Asia. Native English speakers
from western countries – particularly university students – are now
working as teachers in countries like Korea, China, and Japan in order
to feed the demand that’s grown in the East to learn English.
The “global village” is a term wildly tossed around about the way
10 business is evolving today. As a result, Asian countries don’t want to
miss out on business opportunities and foreign investment with wealthy western countries and companies. In order to keep up,
they need an English speaking workforce. This means today’s primary, middle, senior and university students must prepare for
a job in an English workplace.

English education
15 Jiao Li, 15, and Tony Zhao, 16, are two Chinese high school students who opted to take English courses throughout the
summer, while many of their classmates chose to stay home and relax over the holidays. It’s a sacrifice they are willing to
make in order to pass the country’s grueling national exam, which they complete during their final year of high school.
Students can choose to take a science- or arts-based exam, but they cannot opt out of the three most important and largest
20 sections in the test: Chinese, Math, and English. “We need English because we should pass the exam, otherwise I can’t go to
college,” said Zhao. The scores students receive on the national exam determine whether they are eligible to study in a
university or college. In order to attend a high-calibre institution, students are also pressured by teachers and parents to
achieve high scores.
25 The case is different in other Asian countries like Singapore and the Philippines, where all of the subjects are taught in
English, according to foreign English teacher Henry Chan, 46. He said English and Chinese are the most commonly spoken
languages in Singapore, where his family is currently living. English became one of the chief languages there because it was a
former colony of England. The children in Singapore start learning English in nursery school.

From: www.academia.edu (adapted)

A. Complete according to the text.

1. Asian countries are investing on English education in order to
2. Li and Zhao have attended English classes because _______________________________
3. The most important subjects in a test in China are _________________________________
B. Explain the meaning of the expressions below.
1. to feed the demand that’s grown in the East to learn English (l.7-8) ____________
2. they are eligible to study in a university (l.22-23) ____________________________

C. Answer the questions below using your own words as far as possible.
1. Why have Asian countries introduced English learning from an early age?
2. How have Jiao and Tony Zhao tackled the need to learn English?
3. In what way are students from Singapore in greater advantage concerning English learning?


A. Circle either the present perfect or the simple past.

1. We haven’t seen / didn’t see much of you lately.
2. When have you got / did you get married?
3. He has finished / finished his degree last year.
4. I’m sorry, but I haven’t finished / didn’t finish yet.
5. He has written / wrote a book when he was unemployed.
6. Have you talked / Did you talk to Sarah recently?

B. Fill in the gaps with for / since / ever / never.

1. I have lived here _______________ I was born.
2. Have they _______________ talked to the mayor?
3. I think he has _______________ visited the museum.
4. The director has been away _______________ weeks.
5. They have known each other _______________ 3 years.
6. Communications have improved a lot ____________ the telegraph was invented.

C. Complete with the present simple or present continuous of the verbs given in brackets.
1. I _________________ (not understand) what she _____________ (say). What language _____________ she
_____________ (speak)?
2. When my sister _____________ (surf) the Net, she always _____________ (take) notes of the sites she visits.
3. I usually _____________ (work) as a reporter for a local newspaper, but this summer holiday I _____________
(learn) English at a language school in Cambridge.
D. Complete with the past simple or past continuous of the verbs given in brackets.
1. When you _____________ (come) in, I _____________ (read) the newspaper.
2. I _____________ (not/understand) what he _____________ (try) to say.
3. I_____________ (not/come) on Wednesday, because I_____________ (not feel) well.
4. While David _____________ (write) the essay, James ___________ (listen) to the radio.


Write about 100-120 words on ONE of the following.

A. You have been a student of English for 6 years. How important is

learning English for you? (Think about films, music, the Internet, trips
abroad, your future job…).

B. “Speaking English not only enables us to communicate with the rest of

the world more easily, it also makes us feel citizens of the world.”

As a student, what is your opinion about this statement?

I. 24 pontos
A. 15 pontos
B. 12 pontos
C. 27 pontos

54 pontos
A. 18 pontos
B. 18 pontos
C. 14 pontos
D. 24 pontos

74 pontos
IV. 48 pontos

Total 200 pontos


Grupo I – Listening
Atividade A
Completar espaços.
1. vowels

2. adjectives

3. words

4. interesting
3p. x 8 = 24
5. travel

6. cultures

7. job

8. computers


Grupo II – Reading
Atividade A
Completar frases de acordo com o texto.

1. … bridge the communication gap between East and


2. … they want to pass their English exam and be 5p. x 3 = 15

prepared for a job in an English workplace.

3. … Chinese, Math and English.

Dedução de 1 ponto por erros gramaticais.

Dedução de 2 pontos por informação incompleta.
Dedução de 1 ponto por erros ortográficos.
Atividade B Atividade C
Explicar frases/expressões do texto. Utilizar os verbos no present simple e no present
1. To be able to cope with the continuous.
increase in Eastern countries of don’t understand
people wanting to learn the English
language. 6p. x 2 = 12 1. is saying

2. They have the prerequisites to be is … speaking

accepted in a university.
is surfing/surfs 2p. x 7 = 14
Dedução de 2 pontos por erros gramaticais. 2.
Dedução de 2 pontos por informação incompleta. takes
Dedução de 1 ponto por erros ortográficos.
Atividade C 3.
am learning
Perguntas de interpretação.
1. They have introduced English Certo/errado
learning at the early stages of Atividade D
education, so that students are able
Utilizar os verbos no past simple ou past continuous.
to communicate and work in an
English-speaking environment, came
whether in the East or the West. 1.
9p. x 3 = 27 was reading
2. They have taken English courses
during their summer holidays. didn’t understand
3. They are at a greater advantage was trying
because all the subjects are taught 3p. x 8 = 24
in English. didn’t come
Dedução de 3 pontos por erros gramaticais. wasn’t feeling
Dedução de 4 pontos por informação incompleta. was writing
Dedução de 1 ponto por erros ortográficos 4.
was listening
Grupo III – Grammar
Atividade A Certo/errado
Escolher o tempo verbal adequado.
Grupo IV – Writing
1. haven’t seen Níveis de proficiência:
2. did you get O aluno trata o tema de forma clara, apresentando
boa organização e desenvolvimento crítico das
3. finished 38 a 48
ideias. Apresenta correção morfossintática e
3p. x 6 = 18 pontos
vocabulário rico e apropriado. Escreve com muito
4. haven’t finished poucos ou nenhuns erros de grafia e pontuação.
5. wrote O aluno trata o tema de forma clara, apresentando
6. Have you talked uma sequência de ideias coerente, revelando algum
espírito crítico e criatividade. Apresenta alguma
Certo/errado correção morfossintática, embora com falhas
18 a 37
ocasionais ao nível das estruturas básicas da língua.
Atividade B pontos
Emprega vocabulário comum, mas apropriado.
Completar os espaços com time adverbials. Escreve com poucos erros de grafia e pontuação. Os
erros que ocorrem não prejudicam a compreensão da
1. since
2. ever
O aluno trata o tema de forma deficiente, revelando
3. never dificuldade de comunicação e de organização das
3p. x 6 = 18 ideias. Apresenta muitos erros de estrutura 0 a 17
4. for morfossintática. Escreve com muitos erros de grafia pontos
e de pontuação. Emprega vocabulário muito pobre,
5. for pouco adequado.
6. since


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