Clinical Dermatology: Postgraduate Certificate in

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Postgraduate Certificate in

Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Dermatology is a Royal College of
Physicians of Ireland programme, delivered in conjunction with iheed
About The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
Established in 1654, The Royal College of
Physicians of Ireland is a postgraduate medical
training college dedicated to ensuring that doctors
have the skills to provide patients with the best
possible care.

RCPI offers training programmes, examinations, diplomas

and CPD courses to equip doctors with the skills and
knowledge they need to care for patients and run safe
and efficient healthcare systems.

What will you gain from the

RCPI MISSION programme?
“is to train, educate and continuously develop doctors for Upon completion of this programme, you
current and future world health needs. Our vision is to lead will:
excellence and quality in medical practice through world- › be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate
class training, education and healthcare improvements in in Clinical Dermatology from Royal
College of Physicians of Ireland.
Ireland and internationally.”
› have enhanced confidence in the
diagnosis, treatment, management
and care of skin conditions
About the programme › provide optimal health services for
skin conditions
The majority of medical doctors The objective of this Postgraduate
receive up to two weeks of Certificate is to provide participants › have exposure to research and
dermatology teaching as students with a solid grounding in dermatology current scientific evidence relating
resulting in increased difficulties when and the ability to effectively diagnose, to Dermatology have access to an
it comes to diagnosing and managing treat and manage a wide range of evolving community of global leaders
patients with skin disease in their own skin conditions as well as enhancing in Dermatology
practices. This online programme has surgical skills relevant to primary care.
› be able to identify urgent skin
a special emphasis on diagnosing and
conditions such as scarring alopecia
managing skin disease in a community
requiring early treatment
and primary care setting. It will equip Who is the programme
qualified physicians with the skills to › be able to identify spotting
provide effective care for individuals
aimed at?
with skin conditions such as chronic
The programme is aimed at general › deliver better care to patients
mild/ moderate inflammatory
practitioners, family physicians and presenting with dermatological issues
diseases, infections, sun damage and
those considering or at the beginning
certain skin cancers. You will also be › Know the key theory and principles
of speciality training.
introduced to the theory and practice of the following procedures in the GP
of minor surgery. setting:
This programme is ideal for the
This Royal College of Physicians a. Removing a seborrhoeic wart by
of Ireland Postgraduate Certificate › GPs who want to improve and curettage and chemical cautery
in Clinical Dermatology delivered demonstrate their knowledge and
by iheed, is a new 8-month online interest in dermatology. b. Removing a sebaceous cyst by
learning programme, designed elliptical excision
specifically to cater for busy › GP Registrars
healthcare professionals. Drawing › Those considering or at the c. Removing a naevus by shave
on the expertise of national and beginning of Dermatology specialty excision
international experts in dermatology, training
this programme provides learners with d. Removing a small skin tag using a
advanced knowledge and skills to hyfrecator
ensure the confident treatment of skin
How will this programme be What does the programme cover?
This interactive programme will be delivered Diploma Modules
Postgraduate Diploma Modules
fully online through a stimulating learning
environment that has:
› rich engaging and interactive content
designed to maximise interaction Block 1 › Introduction and Common Dermatological
› tutor moderated discussion forums Problems

› live weekly online tutorials › Inflammatory and Papulosquamous Disorders

› interactive case based learning
› Dermatosis of Specific Sites, Ages or Skin Types
› access to an extensive online library,
journals and formularies
Block 2 › Sunshine and the skin, Urticaria, Psyche and the
› a team of worldwide distinguished experts skin and uncommon infections
in geriatrics
› small group sizes › Cutaneous Neoplasms, Benign and Malignant

› tutor-led peer-to-peer knowledge sharing › Paediatric Dermatology, Cutaneous Surgery and

› online examinations Drug Reactions

Block 3 › Introduction to the theory of Minor Surgery in a

primary care setting
› This programme is provided by the
Royal College of Physicians of Ireland › Equipment ordering for Minor Surgery
in collaboration with iheed, a leading
medical education organisation.
› Know the key theory and principles of the
following procedures::
- Removing a seborrhoeic wart by curettage
and chemical cautery
- Removing a sebaceous cyst by elliptical
- Removing a naevus by shave excision
- Removing a small skin tag using a hyfrecator.

Duration: Programme Entry Requirements:

The programme is 8 months long and Applicants must:
will cover a wide range of topics in
Dermatology › Hold a medical degree granted by a recognised institution
› Be involved in medical practice throughout the duration of the
› Have an appropriate standard of English language proficiency

Programme Costs
Sponsorships, Scholarships and Flexible payment options are available. Please speak with one of our Education Advisors
for more information.

Register your interest at

Who is iheed?
iheed is a medical education technology organisation built by doctors and healthcare professionals for
doctors and healthcare professionals. iheed’s mission is to see better healthcare outcomes achieved globally
by working in partnership with leading medical universities, postgraduate training bodies, and other global
healthcare leaders. iheed has a strong social mission to make the best professional postgraduate education
programmes accessible through the power of modern learning methodologies and digital technologies.

With over 30,000 users across the globe, iheed serves individuals, ministries and national healthcare
organisations, providing accredited online postgraduate education programmes in partnership with world-
leading medical universities and training bodies, on the most advanced medical education platform.

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transcending boundaries
transforming medical education

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