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ACI No.1 2021 ∙ Broj / Issue 4 ∙ Godina / Year 4 HRVATSKI // ENGLISH






ISSN 2584-7988
Have you ever dreamed of having your own YACHT?
We believe you have. This could be the right solution
for making your dream come true.

Owning a yacht often seems like a big commitment, not you to nance the purchase of a yacht, its maintenance,
only in nancial terms. You must arrange for the berth, and berth costs from the income generated by chartering,
regular maintenance and check-ups while you also have to making it also possible to earn additional prot. On top
spend time getting the yacht ready for your holiday every of that you have a professional team taking care of your
time you want to use it. If you would like to own a yacht yacht, which enables it to retain maximum resale value
without worrying about anything, or if you are not sure you and offers a carefree sailing vacation for you when you
could nance it, maintain it or you do not have enough use your yacht. When it comes to choosing a yacht, the
available time to use it as much as you would like to, our nal decision is yours. However, to make your purchase
Yachting World charter management is something that you more favourable for you, we will recommend the best
should seriously consider. performing models, with detailed income and cost projec-
Use the yacht when you want, and our experienced team tions, based on our business experience.
will take care of the yacht the rest of the time. Hanse and Bali models can be seen, tested, or chartered
How does it work? The program is designed to enable in our charter bases in Kaštela, Dubrovnik or Biograd.


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Your dream yacht is one request away MORE INFO

9 reasons to consider
our charter management program:
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• special purchase conditions for your yacht

• try and buy option with a free weekly charter included in the purchase price
• excellent and stable booking results
• carefree sailing vacations on your yacht that is ready to sail before your arrival
• high maintenance standards ensure best resale value for your yacht regardless of its age
• professional commissioning & high-quality aftersales support by a brand certied service team
• favourable nancing conditions through afliate leasing companies
• transparent cash ow reports through constant insight in income and expenses
• simple brokerage and trade-in options with special conditions

Not looking for a new boat? Choose from our premium selection of pre-owned boats:

Brand/Model Year Charter base Annual prot* Purchase price**

HANSE 388 2021 Kaštela 16.183 € 138.600 €

HANSE 418 2020 Biograd 18.467 € 151.600 €
HANSE 458 2020 Biograd 24.306 € 186.600 €
HANSE 508 2019 Biograd 35.548 € 251.800 €
HANSE 548 2019 Kaštela 54.020 € 363.600 €
BALI CATSPACE 2021 Kaštela 37.514 € 336.600 €
BALI 4.1 2019 Biograd 32.056 € 316.800 €
BALI 4.3 2020 Kaštela 41.734 € 419.800 €
BALI 4.5 2019 Kaštela 55.807 € 438.600 €
BALI 4.6 2021 Kaštela 70.141 € 579.800 €
Disclaimer: Available after charter season (Oct 2021) / The prices do not include VAT / **The above indicated prices are valid only if the charter
management contract is signed (minimum two year period) / Croatia Yachting reserves the right to change the prices and charter management discounts
at any time. / *The prot is based on an average of 20 charter weeks. For the current prices please visit: www.hanseyachts.hr and www.bali-catamarans.hr

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Fotografije/ Photos:
Zona sto d.o.o.


U antička vremena ljudi su vjerovali da je more kraj svijeta. Danas, In ancient times, people believed that the sea was the end of the
ljubitelji mora poput nas u ACI-ju znaju kako sva naša otkrića, svi world. Today, sea lovers like us at ACI know that all our discoveries,
naši izazovi i sve naše vizije – počinju i završavaju s morem. all our challenges and all our visions begin and end with the sea.
Biti vizionar je sposobnost viđenja mogućnosti koje nitko drugi ne Being a visionary means having the ability to see opportunities that
vidi, razmišljanja izvan okvira te posjedovanja hrabrosti za stvara- no one else sees, to think outside the box, and to have the cour-
nje inovativnih ideja, trendova ili koncepata ispred svog vremena. age to come up with innovative ideas, trends or concepts ahead of
More, kao izvor vječne inspiracije, duboko je utkano u ACI-jev DNA one’s time. The sea, a source of eternal inspiration, is an integral
i pomaže nam u stvaranju novih vrijednosti i projekata koji će obi- part of ACI's DNA and helps us create new values and conceive
lježiti budućnost nautike na Jadranu. projects that will mark the future of boating on the Adriatic.
Upravo je vizija bila nit vodilja u kreiranju projekta ACI marine Ri- Having a vision was the guiding principle in planning the ACI Mari-
jeka, najveće investicije u povijesti hrvatske nautičke industrije, na Rijeka project, the largest investment in the history of the Cro-
koja će uz partnerstvo ACI-ja i GITONE-a ponuditi najvišu razinu atian boating industry, which, carried out in partnership between
ACI and GITONE, will offer the highest quality of service not only
kvalitete usluge, ne samo za nautičare, već za sve građane, i to u
for boaters but for all residents in the very centre of this beautiful
samom centru ovog prekrasnog hrvatskog grada. Vjerujemo kako
Croatian city. We believe that this exclusive marina with a 5-anchor
će elitna marina s 5 sidara Rijeci podariti novu kreativnu energiju
rating will breathe new creative energy into Rijeka and put Kvarner
i uvrstiti Kvarner na kartu prestižnih svjetskih jahting destinacija. on the map of prestigious world yachting destinations.
Naš magazin kao rezultat ostvarene vizije od prije četiri godine The result of a vision developed four years ago and turned to re-
donosi inspirativne priče osoba koje su svojim idejama, projekti- ality, our magazine presents inspiring stories of people who have
ma, razmišljanjima i proizvodima pomogli da ova planeta postane used their ideas, projects, thoughts and products to help make
bolje mjesto za život. Jedan od njih je i First, Different, Unique Je- this planet a better place to live in. One of them is First, Different,
an-Claude Biver, genijalac koji je potpuno promijenio pravila igre u Unique Jean-Claude Biver, a genius who has completely changed
industriji satova i transformirao švicarske urarske gigante kao što the rules of the game in the watch industry and transformed Swiss
su Omega, Blancpain i Hublot. Veliko zadovoljstvo je bilo razgova- watchmaking giants such as Omega, Blancpain and Hublot. It has
rati s jednom od najprepoznatljivijih persona svjetske nautike pot- been a great pleasure to talk to one of the most distinctive persons
predsjednikom Nautor's Swana Enricom Chieffijem koji je s nama in the world’s boating industry, Enrico Chieffi, the Vice President
podijelio svoja razmišljanja o hedonizmu mora i sjajnim brodovima of Nautor's Swan, who shared his thoughts on the hedonism of
koji pomiču granice dizajna i moderne tehnologije. the sea and great ships that push the boundaries of design and
Novo izdanje ACI No. 1 na četiri jezika također donosi razgovore sa modern technology.
svjetski priznatim umjetnikom Mirkom Ilićem, članom Košarkaške The new edition of ACI No. 1 in four languages also brings inter-
kuće slavnih Tonijem Kukočem, svjetskim prvakom u reliju Séba- views with the world-renowned artist Mirko Ilić, a Basketball Hall
stienom Ogierom te legendarnim dizajnerom bolida Formule 1 - of Fame member Toni Kukoč, the world rally champion Sébastien
Gordonom Murrayem, kao i brojne druge zanimljive sugovornike i Ogier and the legendary Formula One car designer Gordon Mur-
teme te kompletan katalog svih naših marina. ray, as well as many other interesting people and topics along with
a complete catalogue of all our marinas.
Na kraju, veliko hvala svima koji su sudjelovali u ovogodišnjem
izdanju magazina. Njihovo povjerenje, znanje, vještina i strast te Finally, a big thank you to everyone who has participated in this
ljubav prema moru i nautici bili su presudni u ostvarenju izvrsnih year's edition of the magazine. Their trust, knowledge, skill and
rezultata u skladu s renomeom i vizijom ACI-ja. passion, and love of the sea and boating were crucial in achieving
excellent results in accordance with ACI’s reputation and vision.
Svim našim gostima i nautičarima na Jadranu želimo dobro more i
We wish all our guests and boaters on the Adriatic fair winds and
sadržajnu plovidbu.
smooth sailing.
Jer ploviti se mora, ali sigurno!
Because it is necessary to sail, yet to sail safely!

Kristijan Pavić, predsjednik Uprave Kristijan Pavić, Chairman of the Board

Adriatic Croatia International Club d.d. Adriatic Croatia International Club d.d.

Fotografije / Photos:
Zona sto d.o.o.


ACI marina Rijeka će zahvaljujući tvrtki ACI Marina Rijeka will be the largest in-
ACI - GITONE d.o.o. biti najveća investici- vestment in nautical tourism in Croatia
ja u nautički turizam u Hrvatskoj thanks to the ACI – GITONE company

Kroz svoju bogatu povijest Rijeka se zbog svog During its rich history, and due to its geographical
geografskog položaja razvila kao važno industrijsko location, Rijeka has developed as an important
i lučko središte Kvarnera, a impozantne građevine industrial centre and port in the Bay of Kvarner, while
i prekrasne palače svjedoče o maritimnoj tradiciji i the imposing buildings and beautiful palaces testify
pomorskoj baštini ovog hrvatskog bisera na Jadranu. to the maritime tradition and heritage of this Croatian
jewel on the Adriatic.

ACI No.1 // ACI marina Rijeka

ACI marina Rijeka s najvišom kategorizacijom, od

velike je važnosti, ne samo za nautičare, već i za
sve građane grada Rijeke, pa i šire budući da će
izgradnja marine trajno promijeniti izgled grada,
ponuditi mnoštvo sadržaja i unaprijediti kvalitetu
života stanovnika riječke regije

ACI Marina Rijeka, which will meet the highest

rating requirements, is of great importance not
only to boaters but also to all citizens of Rijeka
and beyond, since the construction of the marina
will permanently change the look of the city, offer
a number of facilities and improve the quality of
life for the inhabitants of the Rijeka region

Zbog prekrasne lokacije, dobre prometne povezanosti, povoljne Its beautiful location, good transport connections, favourable
mikroklime i prekrasnog akvatorija Rijeka je grad koji je počeo microclimate and stunning waters have contributed to Rijeka
pokazivati svoj nautički potencijal čemu svjedoče brojne jahte koje starting to show its nautical potential, as evidenced by the
u posljednjih nekoliko godina sve više posjećuju ovaj dio hrvatske numerous yachts that have been increasingly visiting this part of
obale. the Croatian coast in recent years.
ACI, a company that sets new standards in boating, looks to the
ACI d.d., kao kompanija koja postavlja nove nautičke standarde,
future both of the company and the wider community, planning
promišlja budućnost kompanije i šire zajednice, planira na Kvarneru
to build a new port of nautical tourism with 260 berths in Kvarner,
izgraditi novu luku nautičkog turizma s 260 vezova koja će biti which will be designed to meet the requirements for megayachts
dizajnirana kako bi mogla zadovoljiti potrebe megajahti, njihovih and the needs of their owners, guests and crew, and will have the
vlasnika, gostiju i posade, te posjeduje infrastrukturu potrebnu za infrastructure necessary to accommodate the largest of boats.
prihvat najvećih brodova. The future ACI Marina Rijeka was granted concession by the
Buduća ACI marina Rijeka dobila je koncesiju od Hrvatskog sabora Croatian Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Croatia
i Vlade Republike Hrvatske na vremenski period od 30 godina na on a maritime domain area of 105,897 square meters for a period
površini pomorskog dobra od 105.897 četvornih metara. Jedna of 30 years. The marina, which is one of the largest investments in
od najvećih investicija u hrvatski nautički turizam na uređenom Croatian nautical tourism, will offer berthing and accommodation
morskom prostoru pružat će usluge veza i smještaja gostiju na for visitors on boats in the newly-constructed maritime facilities,
and restaurant, commercial and many other services will be
plovilima, a na kopnenom obalnom pojasu nudit će ugostiteljske,
provided at the shoreside. It is important to emphasise that the
trgovačke i brojne druge sadržaje. Bitno je naglasiti kako će
marina will be open to all citizens, and the space that has so far
marina biti otvorena za sve građane, prostor koji je dosad bio been inaccessible and closed to the public will offer a number
nedostupan i zatvoren za građane nudit će mnoštvo sadržaja of amenities, opening Rijeka towards the sea. ACI Marina Rijeka
i otvoriti Rijeku moru. ACI marina Rijeka bit će elitna marina s will be an exclusive marina with the highest, five-anchor, rating,
najvišom kategorizacijom od 5 sidara koja će Hrvatsku još više which will positively put Croatia on the world map of top nautical
pozicionirati na svjetskoj karti top nautičkih destinacija. destinations.

ACI No.1 // ACI marina Rijeka

Nova ljepotica Kvarnera ima veliki potencijal, te će uz jasan razvojni The new beauty of Kvarner has great potential, and, with a clear
smjer napraviti velike iskorake u segmentu u kojem je jadranska direction of its development, it will take great steps forward in
obala prepoznata kao atraktivna destinacija. ACI marina Rijeka čini the sector in which the Adriatic coast has been recognised as
an attractive destination. ACI Marina Rijeka will form an integral
cjelinu s okruženjem u kojem se nalazi i uzima u obzir povijesno,
part of the environment in which it is situated, taking into account
kulturološko i arhitektonsko-urbanističko naslijeđe, a svojim historical, cultural and architectural and urban heritage; and its
će izgledom, položajem i sadržajem biti u vrhu mediteranskih look, location and facilities will place it among top Mediterranean
odredišta. destinations.
Upravo ta nautička izvrsnost zapisana je u DNA tvrtke ACI-GITONE It is this nautical excellence that is in the DNA of the ACI – GITONE
d.o.o koju su osnovali ACI d.d. i GITONE Kvarner d.o.o. kako bi company, which was founded by the companies ACI and GITONE
zajedničkim snagama izgradili i upravljali lukom nautičkog turizma Kvarner in order to jointly build and manage the ACI Marina Rijeka
– port of nautical tourism. In synergy, these two worlds, using their
ACI marina Rijeka. U sinergiji, ova dva svijeta svojim iskustvom,
experience, expertise, tradition and innovation, are creating a
znanjem, tradicijom i inovativnošću stvaraju jedinstveni projekt koji unique project that will change the present and future of the city of
mijenja sadašnjost i budućnost grada Rijeke i cijele riječke regije. Rijeka and the entire Rijeka region.
Tvrtka ACI-GITONE d.o.o ovim projektom elitne marine želi pomoći With this project of constructing an exclusive marina, the ACI –
u stvaranju novih vrijednosti Rijeke i repozicioniranju grada u GITONE company wants to help create new values in Rijeka and
suvremeno urbano turističko središte. ACI marina Rijeka s najvišom reposition the city as a modern urban tourist centre. ACI Marina
kategorizacijom, od velike je važnosti, ne samo za nautičare, već Rijeka, which will meet the highest rating requirements, is of great
importance not only to boaters but also to all citizens of Rijeka
i za sve građane grada Rijeke, pa i šire budući da će izgradnja
and beyond, since the construction of the marina will permanently
marine trajno promijeniti izgled grada, ponuditi mnoštvo sadržaja change the look of the city, offer a number of facilities and improve
i unaprijediti kvalitetu života stanovnika riječke regije kroz dodanu the quality of life for the inhabitants of the Rijeka region through
vrijednost i otvaranje više od 130 radnih mjesta. added value and the creation of more than 130 jobs.
Početak rada morskog dijela marine (korištenje vezova, korištenje The start of operation of the maritime part of the marina (the use
objekta na Ružićevom gatu, korištenje benzinske postaje) planira of berths, the facility on Ružić Pier, the petrol station) is planned in
se tijekom 2024. godine, dok se početak rada kopnenog dijela 2024, while the operation of the shoreside facilities (main building)
is expected to start in 2025.
marine (glavna zgrada) očekuje tijekom 2025. godine.
ACI Marina Rijeka will become the new centre of yachting in the
ACI marina Rijeka postat će novo središte jahtinga na Mediteranu, Mediterranean, positively putting Rijeka on the nautical map of
snažno će ucrtati Rijeku na nautičkoj karti svijeta i pozicionirati je the world and positioning it alongside the world's most desirable
uz bok najpoželjnijih svjetskih turističkih odredišta gdje i pripada.  tourist destinations, just where it belongs. 

ACI-GITONE d.o.o svojim iskustvom, znanjem,

tradicijom i inovativnošću stvara jedinstveni
projekt koji mijenja sadašnjost i budućnost
Rijeke i Kvarnera

Using its experience, expertise, tradition

and innovation, ACI – GITONE is creating a
unique project that will change the present
and future of Rijeka and Kvarner

Fotografije/ Photos:
Petar Fabijan



ACI marina Rijeka jedinstven je projekt koji nudi najvišu razinu
kvalitete usluge, ne samo za nautičare, već za i građane, i to u
samom centru grada
ACI marina Rijeka is a unique project that offers the highest level
of service, not only for boaters but also for the residents, in the
very centre of the city

Pred predsjednikom Uprave ACI-ja Kristi- Kristijan Pavić, the President of the Mana-
janom Pavićem i najvećim lancem marina gement Board of ACI, and the largest ma-
na Mediteranu novi je poslovni izazov. Je- rina chain in the Mediterranean are facing
dinstveni projekt ACI marine Rijeka koji će a new business challenge: the unique
u budućnosti staviti snažan naglasak na project of ACI Marina Rijeka, which will
razvoj nautičkog turizma, ne samo Kvar- put a strong emphasis in the future on the
nera, nego cijele hrvatske obale. development of nautical tourism not only
in Kvarner but on the entire Croatian co-

ACI marina Rijeka elitna je marina s 5 sidara s
najvišim standardima opremljenosti kako u smi-
slu uređenja, ponude vezova, tako i pružanju
vrhunske usluge i različitosti ponude koja će pri-
vući sve one željne izvrsnosti usluga u nautičkom

ACI Marina Rijeka is an elite marina with a five-an-

chor rating that boasts amenities of the highest
standard both in terms of design and berthing
possibilities and in terms of providing a superior
service and offering a variety of services that will
attract all those looking for excellence in nautical

Kao najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu ACI posljednjih As the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean, ACI
nekoliko godina konstantno podiže razinu usluge u nau- has been steadily raising the level of service in the nauti-
tičkom sektoru. Što će novoga projekt ACI marina Rijeka cal sector over the past few years. What are the novelties
ponuditi tržištu i koja su tržišta ključna za njegov razvoj? that the ACI Marina Rijeka project will offer in the market
and which markets are key to its development?
ACI marina Rijeka od strateške je važnosti za razvoj nau-
tičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj. U suradnji s našim partnerom, ACI Marina Rijeka, is of strategic importance for the devel-
GITONE Kvarner d.o.o., želimo stvoriti elitnu marinu s ka- opment of nautical tourism in Croatia. In cooperation with
tegorizacijom 5 sidara kojom se mogu pohvaliti samo tri our partner, the company GITONE Kvarner, we want to cre-
hrvatske marine od čega su dvije ACI-jeve (Rovinj i Cres). ate an elite marina with a five-anchor rating – the rating that
Rijetkih i prestižnih 5 sidara klijentima jamče ispunjavanje only three Croatian marinas can boast, two of which are ACI
najviše razine kvalitete u pogledu niza posebnih uvjeta i vi- (Rovinj and Cres). The rare and prestigious five anchors are
sokih standarda opremljenosti te izgleda prostora u kojima a guarantee to clients of the highest level of quality in terms
se djelatnost obavlja, načina na koji se usluge pružaju, sa- of meeting a number of special requirements and having a
držaja koji marina nudi te u konačnici, i u pogledu primjene high level of equipment as well as in the terms of the de-
načela zaštite okoliša u svakodnevnom poslovanju. Projekt sign of the premises in which the activity is carried out, the
ACI marina Rijeka jedinstven je projekt kakvog dosad u Hr- way the services are provided, the amenities offered in a
vatskoj nismo imali prilike vidjeti budući da nudi najvišu razi- marina and, ultimately, the implementation of environmen-
nu kvalitete usluge, ne samo za nautičare, već za i građane, tal principles in everyday business as well. The ACI Marina
i to u samom centru grada. Geoprometni položaj marine Rijeka project is a unique project that we have never had
izuzetno je povoljan, od većine emitivnih tržišta dijeli je tek the opportunity to see in Croatia, since it offers the highest
nekoliko sati vožnje automobilom, a budući da se nekoliko level of the quality of service, not only for boaters but also
aerodroma nalazi u neposrednoj blizini marine, očekujemo i for the residents, in the very centre of the city. The position
priljev gostiju iz udaljenijih destinacija. Ne smijemo zabora- of the marina is extremely advantageous in terms of geog-
viti ni domaće nautičare kojih je iz godine u godinu sve više raphy and transport routes; it is only a few hours away by
što nas iznimno veseli. car from most outbound travel markets, and since several

ACI No.1 // Kristijan Pavić

Fotografija/ Photo:
Zona sto d.o.o.

Na koje razdoblje se daje koncesija i koja je procijenjena vrijed- airports are located in its immediate vicinity, we also expect an
nost? influx of guests from more distant destinations. We must not forget
the Croatian boaters either, whose number is rising year after year,
Koncesija na pomorskom dobru daje se u svrhu izgradnje i gos-
which makes us very happy.
podarskog korištenja luke posebne namjene – luke nautičkog
turizma Porto Baroš. Davatelji koncesije su Hrvatski sabor i Vla-
For what period is the concession granted and what is its esti-
da Republike Hrvatske, u ime Republike Hrvatske, a koncesija se
mated value?
daje na 30 godina. Ukupna procijenjena vrijednost koncesije je
1.165.410,256,41 kn HRK (bez PDV-a). The concession on the maritime domain is granted for the con-
struction and commercial use of the special purpose port – port of
ACI marina Rovinj i ACI Sail su kao projekti otvorili ACI-ju svijet
nautical tourism of Porto Baroš. The concession is granted by the
luksuznog jahtinga. Na koju klijentelu cilja ACI marina Rijeka?
Croatian Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Croa-
Kao što sam spomenuo, cilj nam je da ACI marina Rijeka bude elit- tia, on behalf of the Republic of Croatia, for a period of 30 years.
na marina s 5 sidara. S obzirom na kvalitetu usluge koju će marina The total estimated value of the concession is HRK 1,165,410,256.41
pružati, nadamo se da će privući sve one željne izvrsnosti usluga (excluding VAT).
u nautičkom turizmu. Želimo staviti snažan naglasak na razvoj na-
utičkog turizma, a grad Rijeka i ACI marina Rijeka imaju ogroman As projects, ACI Marina Rovinj and ACI Sail opened up the world
potencijal u tom segmentu što je i prepoznato. of luxury yachting to ACI. What clientele is ACI Marina Rijeka
Koje ćete druge aktivnosti, osim veza, pružati nautičarima?
As I mentioned, our goal is to make ACI Marina Rijeka an elite ma-
Osim očekivane usluge veza i travel lifta, na raspolaganju će biti rina with a five-anchor rating. Given the quality of service that the
i trgovački i ugostiteljski prostori, smještajne jedinice za nautiča- marina will provide, we hope that it will attract all those looking for
re, wellness/spa, vanjske rekreacijske površine, preljevni bazen,
excellence in services provided in nautical tourism. We want to put
parkiralište, benzinska postaja i šetnica. Većina će sadržaja, uklju-
a strong emphasis on the development of nautical tourism, and the
čujući šetnicu, biti otvorena za sve građane te time približiti Rijeku
city of Rijeka and ACI Marina Rijeka have a huge potential in this
segment, which has been recognised.
Ovaj projekt promijenit će kompletnu sliku Rijeke. Što dolazak
velikih jahti na Kvarner znači za čitav grad? What other activities, besides the possibility of berthing, will you
provide to boaters?
Najveću dobrobit osjetit će stanovnici riječkog područja jer otva-
ranje marine znači i otvaranje novih radnih mjesta. Predviđena su In addition to the berthing and travel lift services, which is to be
132 nova radna mjesta. Marina je od velike važnosti, ne samo za expected, there will be retail and restaurant facilities, accommo-
nautičare, već i za sve građane grada Rijeke, pa i šire budući da dation for boaters, a wellness/spa, outdoor recreation areas, an
će izgradnja marine trajno promijeniti izgled grada, ponuditi mnoš- overflow pool, a car park, a petrol station and a promenade. Most

Geoprometni položaj marine izuzetno je povo- The position of the marina is extremely advan-
ljan, od većine emitivnih tržišta dijeli je tek ne- tageous in terms of geography and transport
koliko sati vožnje automobilom, a budući da se routes; it is only a few hours away by car from
nekoliko aerodroma nalazi u neposrednoj blizini most outbound travel markets, and since several
marine, očekujemo i priljev gostiju iz udaljenijih airports are located in its immediate vicinity, we
destinacija. Ne smijemo zaboraviti ni domaće na- also expect an influx of guests from more distant
utičare kojih je iz godine u godinu sve više što destinations. We must not forget the Croatian
nas iznimno veseli. boaters either, whose number is rising year after
year, which makes us very happy.

ACI No.1 // Kristijan Pavić

of the facilities, including the promenade, will be open to all resi-

dents, bringing Rijeka closer to the sea.

This project will change the entire image of Rijeka. What does
the arrival of large yachts to Kvarner mean for the whole city?

The greatest benefit will be felt by the inhabitants of the Rijeka

area, because the opening of the marina also means the creation
of new jobs. 132 new jobs are planned. Marina is of great impor-
Fotografija/ Photo:
tance, not only for boaters but also for all residents of the city of
Zona sto d.o.o. Rijeka and beyond, since the construction of the marina will per-
manently change the appearance of the city, offer a multitude of
facilities and improve the quality of life for the residents in the Ri-
jeka region. We hope to contribute to the repositioning of the city
tvo sadržaja i unaprijediti kvalitetu života stanovnika riječke regije. from a transit stop, where tourists stay briefly and in passing, to
Nadamo se da ćemo pridonijeti repozicioniranju grada, iz tranzitne an urban tourist centre. It should be noted that the new interven-
postaje u kojoj se turisti kratko i usputno zadržavaju u urbano turi- tions and the conversion of buildings within the port take into ac-
stičko središte. Valja naglasiti da se prilikom novih zahvata i prena- count historical, cultural and urban architectural heritage. Special
mjene građevina unutar luke uzima u obzir povijesno, kulturološko care has been taken to ensure that the marina remains part of the
i arhitektonsko-urbanističko naslijeđe. Posebno se vodilo i vodit će whole, i.e. of the city in which it is located.
se računa o tome da marina ostane dio cjeline tj. grada u kojem
se nalazi. It is only a few years ago that large yachts began coming to Cro-
atia in greater numbers. What are the comparative advantages
Velike jahte su tek prije par godina počele u većem broju dola- of Rijeka and our entire coast?
ziti u Hrvatsku. Koje su komparativne prednosti Rijeke i cijele
naše obale? We are glad that Croatia has been recognised as a great yachting
destination. This is the result of the joint efforts of the entire nauti-
Drago nam je što je Hrvatska prepoznata kao sjajna 'jahting' de- cal sector, and ACI, as the largest company in the sector, wants to
stinacija. To je rezultat zajedničkih napora cijelog nautičkog sekto- offer Rijeka a promising nautical future. The qualities of Croatia as
ra, a ACI kao najveća kompanija u tom sektoru želi Rijeci podariti an ideal nautical destination are multiple: equipped marinas and
perspektivnu nautičku budućnost. Kvalitete Hrvatske kao idealne professional staff, beautiful nature, top quality gastronomy, great
nautičke destinacije su višestruke: opremljene marine i stručno transport connections. ACI Marina Rijeka has all of the above, and
osoblje, predivna priroda, vrhunska gastronomija, sjajna prometna is enriched with the historical heritage of Rijeka as a city. With this
povezanost. ACI marina Rijeka posjeduje sve navedeno, a oboga- project, Croatia will further position itself as one of the world's most
ćena je i povijesnom baštinom Rijeke kao grada. Ovim projektom attractive nautical destinations.
Hrvatska će se dodatno pozicionirati kao jedna od svjetski najpri-
vlačnijih nautičkih destinacija. As an expert on luxury yachting, you know that the industry also
implies the development of a whole range of accompanying ser-
Kao veliki poznavatelj luksuznog jahtinga znate da industrija po- vices such as supply, top quality gastronomy and quality staff
drazumijeva i razvoj čitavog niza pratećih sadržaja poput opskr- training. Can Rijeka become a regional leader in this regard?
be, vrhunske gastronomije i edukacije kvalitetnog kadra. Može
li Rijeka postati regionalni lider po tom pitanju? Excellence means having not only a skill but also an attitude that
arises from the tradition and quality of the services we offer. It is
Izvrsnost nije samo vještina, već i stav koji proizlazi iz tradicije i precisely this aspect on which ACI builds its recognition in the world
kvalitete usluga koje nudimo. Upravo na tome ACI gradi svoju pre- of boating. Our investment in the reconstruction of the ACI Marina
poznatljivost u svijetu nautike. Naša investicija u rekonstrukciju ACI Rovinj was one of the first steps towards the development of Croa-
marine Rovinj bila je jedan od prvih koraka prema razvoju Hrvat- tia as a destination for large yachts. This market segment is one of
ske kao destinacije za velike jahte. Taj segment tržišta jedan je od the most lucrative sections of the luxury industry in which you can
najlukrativnijih segmenata luksuzne industrije u kojem se možete establish yourself if you have the prerequisites. By this, I mean the
isprofilirati ako za to imate ostvarene preduvjete. Pritom mislim na infrastructure necessary for yachts of such dimensions, the servic-
infrastrukturu potrebnu za jahte takvih dimenzija, ponudu u marini es provided in the marina and the destination itself, which must be
i samoj destinaciji koja za goste takvih plovila mora biti na najvišoj at the highest level for visitors with such vessels. It is important to
razini. Bitno je istaknuti kako ACI želi takvim ljudima ponuditi jedno point out that ACI wants to offer those guests a new experience
novo iskustvo i doživljaj Hrvatske zbog koji će se vraćati na naše and a new encounter with Croatia that will make them return to our
more. Rijeka i Kvarner možda još uvijek nisu dovoljno iskorišteni i coast. Rijeka and Kvarner may not yet be sufficiently exploited and
popularizirani u nautičkom smislu u čemu vidimo izazov i priliku za popularised in nautical terms, and this is precisely where we see a
daljnji razvoj.  challenge and an opportunity for further development. 

Fotografije / Photos:
Petar Fabijan


ACI marina Rijeka

veliki je iskorak za čitav
nautički sektor
ACI marina Rijeka is
a major step forward for
the entire nautical sector
ACI marina Rijeka postavit će nove ACI Marina Rijeka will set new
standarde u regiji. Arhitekton- standards in the region. Archite-
ska rješenja, prvoklasna usluga ctural solutions, first-class service
i autentična iskustva pretvorit će and authentic experiences will
ovaj dio Hrvatske u pravu nautičku turn this part of Croatia into a true
oazu. nautical oasis.
Posljednjih godina velike investicije kao što In recent years, large investments such as ACI
su ACI marina Rovinj i projekt ACI Sail obilje- Marina Rovinj and the ACI Sail project have
žio je rad Uprave ACI-ja. Juraj Bukša kao član marked the activity of the ACI Management
Uprave pojašnjava važnost novog poslovnog Board. Juraj Bukša, a member of the Board,
pothvata u Rijeci koji će dodatno ojačati pozi- explains the importance of the new business
ciju najveće hrvatske nautičke kompanije kao venture undertaken in Rijeka that will further
lidera u regiji. strengthen the position of the largest Croatian
nautical company as a leader in the region.

ACI No.1 // Juraj Bukša

Udruženo partnerstvo s ciljem ostvarenja određenog poslovnog A joint partnership set up with the aim of achieving a particular
pothvata ili joint venture za ACI nije novost. U prošlosti ste već business goal, or a joint venture, is not a novelty for ACI. You have
imali slično iskustvo? had a similar experience before?
Ravnopravno udruživanje s drugom tvrtkom kao uspješan poslovni An equal partnership with another company as a successful busi-
pothvat, ACI-ju nije nepoznato. Prvog srpnja 1989. godine svečano ness venture is not unknown to ACI. On 1 July 1989, the ACI marina
je otvorena ACI marina u Korčuli, a godinu dana kasnije i marina in Korčula was opened, and the one in Ičići started operating a
u Ičićima. Rezultat je to suradnje s talijanskom grupacijom Ligre- year later. This was the result of cooperation with the Italian group
sti-Grassetto i prvi pravi joint venture u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. Dakle, Ligresti-Grassetto and the first real joint venture in former Yugo-
ne strani kredit ili licenca već zajedničko ulaganje s obostranim slavia. We are not talking about an international loan or licence,
rizikom od gubitka i podjelom profita. Danas, 32 godine kasnije, za but a joint investment with a shared risk of loss and profit. Today,
potrebe izgradnje i upravljanja lukom nautičkog turizma ACI marina 32 years later, in order to construct and manage the port of nau-
Rijeka, osniva se zajedničko društvo ACI – GITONE d.o.o. s ciljem tical tourism of ACI Marina Rijeka, a joint company ACI-GITONE
pozicioniranja Rijeke na nautičkoj karti svijeta te unapređenja hr- has been established with the aim of putting Rijeka on the map as
vatskog nautičkog turizma. a world’s nautical destination and of improving Croatian nautical
Što ACI dobiva od partnerstva, a što GITONE Kvarner?
Zajedničko društvo ACI-GITONE d.o.o. osnovano je za potrebe iz- What does ACI stand to gain from this partnership and what are
gradnje i upravljanja lukom nautičkog turizma ACI marina Rijeka. the benefits for GITONE Kvarner?
S jedne strane, ACI d.d., kao najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu, The joint company ACI-GITONE was established for the purpose
unosi znanje i iskustvo predvodnika nautičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj, of building and managing the port of nautical tourism of ACI Ma-
dok s druge strane, GITONE Kvarner d.o.o. pridonosi svojim dubin- rina Rijeka. On the one hand, ACI, the largest marina chain in the
skim poznavanjem visokokvalitetnih turističkih usluga. U sinergiji, Mediterranean, brings the knowledge and experience of a leader
ove dvije tvrtke udružene u tvrtki ACI-GITONE d.o.o. svojim isku- in nautical tourism in Croatia, while, on the other hand, GITONE
stvom, znanjem, tradicijom i inovativnošću žele stvoriti jedinstve- Kvarner contributes its in-depth knowledge of providing high-qual-

ACI No.1 // Juraj Bukša

Fotografija/ Photo:
Zona sto d.o.o.

Kao najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu

ACI se vodi načelima izvrsnosti. Letvicu
smo postavili visoko i ne namjeravamo je

As the largest marina chain in the Medi-

terranean, ACI is guided by the principles
of excellence. We have set the bar high
and have no intention of lowering it. ity tourist services. In synergy, these two companies, joined in the
company ACI-GITONE, want to use their experience, knowledge,
tradition and innovation to create a unique project that will change
the present and future of the city of Rijeka and the entire Rijeka
ni projekt koji mijenja sadašnjost i budućnost grada Rijeke i cijele
region for the better, improving tourism in Kvarner and Croatia in
riječke regije nabolje, unaprjeđujući pritom i turizam na području
general. Nautical facilities in the marina (piers where boats will
Kvarnera i Hrvatske općenito. Nautičkim sadržajima u marini (gato-
berth, the reception area, boat maintenance and repair shop, boat
vi za smještaj plovila, recepcija, radionica za održavanje i popravke
service area, etc.) will be managed by ACI, while the restaurant and
plovila, prostor za servis plovila itd.) upravljat će ACI d.d., a ugosti-
commercial facilities (congress tourism services, accommodation
teljskim i trgovačkim sadržajima (turističke usluge u kongresnom
for boaters, restaurants, shops, etc.) will be run by GITONE Kvarner.
turizmu, smještajne jedinice za nautičare, restorani, trgovački
objekti itd.) GITONE Kvarner d.o.o. The residents of Rijeka and the entire Primorje-Gorski Kotar region
Od ovog partnerstva najviše dobivaju građani Rijeke i cijele primor- stand to benefit the most from this partnership. The ACI Marina Ri-
sko-goranske regije. Projekt ACI marina Rijeka predstavlja veliki jeka project represents a major step forward for the entire Croatian
iskorak za cjelokupan hrvatski turistički sektor, a posebice nautički tourism sector, especially its nautical segment. The interests of ACI
segment. Interesi tvrtki ACI d.d. i GITONE Kvarner d.o.o. u ovoj su and GITONE Kvarner are undoubtedly the same in this partnership;
suradnji nedvojbeno jednaki i imaju za zajednički cilj – unaprijediti they have a common goal – to improve the tourist image of Rijeka
turističku sliku Rijeke te pozicionirati Kvarner kao konkurentnu na- and to position Kvarner as a competitive nautical region on the
utičku regiju na Jadranu. Adriatic.

ACI marina Rijeka najveća je investicija u povijesti ACI-ja i najveća ACI Marina Rijeka is the largest investment in the history of ACI
marina u Hrvatskoj. Koje su po vama najveće strateške prednosti and the largest marina in Croatia. What do you think are the
ovog projekta? biggest strategic advantages of this project?
ACI u svom sustavu broji 22 marine strateški smještene po cijelom In its system, ACI has 22 marinas strategically located all over the
Jadranu. Mnoge od njih nalaze se u neposrednoj blizini gradskih Adriatic. Many of them are located close to the city centres, histor-
jezgri, povijesnih građevina i prirodnih ljepota. No, ACI marina Ri- ical buildings and natural beauties. However, the location of ACI
jeka jedinstven je po svojoj lokaciji, bit će to suvremena marina Marina Rijeka is unique; it will be a modern marina with superior
vrhunskog dizajna smještena u samom centru grada. ACI marina design located in the heart of Rijeka. ACI Marina Rijeka will be fo-
Rijeka bit će usmjerena na najvišu razinu kvalitete usluga, kako cused on the highest level of services, in terms of invested funds,
u segmentu investiranih sredstava, usluga najma veza i popratnih berthing and accompanying services for boaters, food and drink
usluga za nautičare, ugostiteljskih usluga, uređenja interijera i ek- services, interior and exterior design, aesthetics, innovative solu-
sterijera, estetike, inovativnih rješenja i širokom lepezom usluga. tions, and provision of a wide range of services. We will offer all
Sva ćemo ta, najsuvremenija, rješenja ponuditi unutar strogog these state-of-the-art solutions in the centre of the city while re-
centra grada poštujući pritom kulturnu, industrijsku i maritimnu specting cultural, industrial and maritime traditions and architectur-
tradiciju te arhitektonsko nasljeđe. To je ono što ovaj projekt čini al heritage. That is what makes this project unique. Also, the mac-
jedinstvenim. Također, makrolokacija marine i blizina većem dijelu ro-location of the marina and proximity to most of the European
europskog tržišta, bilo automobilom, bilo avionskim prijevozom, market, whether by car or by airplane, makes it highly competitive.
čini je konkurentnom. Nadamo se kako ćemo još snažnije označiti We hope to really put the northern Adriatic on the map of Mediter-
sjeverni Jadran na nautičkoj karti Mediterana. ranean nautical destinations.

ACI No.1 // Juraj Bukša

U kojem smjeru će se ACI razvijati u budućnosti? In what direction will ACI develop in the future?
ACI je i u vremenima pandemije koronavirusa uspio zadržati konti- Even in the times of the coronavirus pandemic, ACI has managed
nuitet predvodnika nautičkog turizma i ostvariti stabilne poslovne to maintain the continuity of being the leader in nautical tourism
rezultate što je u prvom redu posljedica očuvanja partnerskih od- and to achieve stable business results, which is primarily due to
nosa s ključnim poslovnim partnerima; korisnicima usluga veza te maintaining partnerships with our key business partners: berth
zakupcima poslovnih prostora u našim marinama. Istovremeno su holders and business premises leaseholders in our marinas. At
the same time, all material rights of our employees have been re-
zadržana sva materijalna prava djelatnika u čemu leži naša najveća
tained, which is our greatest strength. We are a proud participant
snaga. Ponosni smo sudionik projekta Safe stay in Croatia. Zdrav-
in the Safe Stay in Croatia project. The health, well-being and safe-
lje, dobrobit i sigurnost svakog gosta, zaposlenika i cjelokupne ty of every guest and employee and of the entire community of
zajednice nautičara naš je prioritet. Ovaj projekt jamči da su naše boaters is our priority. This project guarantees that our marinas are
marine sigurno okruženje za svakog gosta te da se u njima poštuju a safe environment for every guest, where all the epidemiological
sve epidemiološke preporuke. Nadalje, većina koncesijskih ugo- recommendations are applied. In addition, most concession con-
vora ističe 2030. godine, stoga smo trenutno usmjereni na produ- tracts expire in 2030, therefore we are currently focused on ex-
ljenje rokova trajanja koncesija s ciljem dugoročnog osiguravanja tending concession periods with the aim of ensuring the stability of
stabilnosti tvrtke. Produljenje koncesijskih razdoblja preduvjet je the company in the long term. Extending the concession periods is
za daljnja ulaganja u raznovrsnost usluga i podizanje njihove kva- a prerequisite for making long-term investments in a wide range of
litete. Naše su najnovije velike realizirane investicije ACI marina services and improving their quality. Our latest large investments
Rovinj i projekt ACI Sail. ACI marina Rovinj, marina s 5 sidara, ob- are ACI Marina Rovinj and the ACI Sail project. ACI Marina Rovinj,
with a five-anchor rating, was renovated in accordance with the
novljena je u skladu s najvišim standardima nautičke usluge, ek-
highest standards of providing nautical services, boasting exclu-
skluzivnim dizajnom i suvremenim tehnološkim rješenjima. ACI Sail
sive design and state-of-the-art technological solutions. ACI Sail is
jedinstveni je projekt koji pruža uslugu jedrenja dostupnu svima; a unique project that provides a sailing service available to every-
kako amaterima, tako i profesionalcima. Naš proslavljeni olimpijac one, whether amateurs or professionals. Ivan Kljaković Gašpić, our
Ivan Kljaković Gašpić u trening centru u Splitu vodi najveću svjet- celebrated Olympic athlete, runs the training centre in Split with
sku flotu vrhunskih ClubSwan 36 jedrilica. Ono što je zajedničko the world's largest fleet of top ClubSwan 36 sailing boats. What
ovim dvama projektima je koncept izvrsnosti. ACI je postavio letvi- these two projects have in common is the concept of excellence.
cu visoko i ne namjerava je spuštati.  ACI has set the bar high and has no intention of lowering it. 

ACI i naš partner GITONE Kvarner

svojim iskustvom, znanjem, tradi-
cijom i inovativnošću žele pozici-
onirati Rijeku na nautičkoj karti
svijeta te unaprijediti hrvatski na-
utički turizam.

ACI and our partner GITONE Kvar-

ner want to use their experience,
knowledge, tradition and innova-
tion to put Rijeka on the map as a
world’s nautical destination and to
improve Croatian nautical tourism.


In 2021 the ACI Card is also valid for vessels used for commercial
purposes with berthing contracts in ACI marinas – charter boats and
the users of their services

Î 30% discount on daily wet berthing prices in ACI marinas Šimuni and Slano

till 31 March 2022

Î 30% discount on daily wet berthing prices in all other ACI marinas from 1
April to 31 May and from 1 October to 31 March*

Î 20% discount on daily wet berthing prices in all ACI marinas from 1 June to
30 September except Šimuni and Slano*

Î 50% discount on apartment accommodation in ACI marina Cres from 1

Exclusively granted to October to 31 March
Annual and 2 Semi-annual
combination contract And much more, check out @ www.aci-marinas.com

holders! *Does not apply to the anchorages Žut and Vozarica

www.aci-marinas.com  |  |  |  | 
Fotografije / Photos by


ACI marina Rijeka

predstavljat će najbolje od
najboljeg na Jadranu
ACI Marina Rijeka will
symbolise the best of the best
in the Adriatic
ACI i Gitone Kvarner zajedno stvaraju projekt kakvog još u Hrvatskoj nismo imali prilike
vidjeti – luksuznu marinu s mnoštvom sadržaja u centru grada

Together, ACI and GITONE Kvarner are creating a project that has never been seen in
Croatia before – a luxury marina with plenty of facilities in a city centre

Gospodin Johannes Böck je član Uprave Gitone - Kvar- Mr Johannes Böck is a member of the management
ner d.o.o. i član Uprave Liburnia Riviera Hoteli, a pred- boards of the GITONE Kvarner company and of Libur-
stavljanje projekta ACI marine Rijeka bio je idealan nia Riviera Hotels. The presentation of the ACI Marina
povod za razgovor o viziji nove Rijeke, megajahtingu, Rijeka project was an ideal occasion to talk to him abo-
planovima za budućnost i tajni Lürssenova uspjeha. ut the new vision of Rijeka, megayachting, future plans
and the secret of Lürssen's success.

Fokus je na pružanju usluga
najviše razine kvalitete
Gitone Kvarner d.o.o. trgovačko je društvo
osnovano 2019. s fokusom na pružanje turistič-
kih i hotelijerskih usluga najviše razine kvalite-
te. Posluje na području jugoistočne i središnje
Europe objedinjujući nekoliko društava od kojih
se u inozemstvu najviše ističe Lürssen grupa sa
sjedištem u Bremenu u Saveznoj Republici Nje-
mačkoj. U Hrvatskoj se izdvajaju Liburnia Rivie-
ra Hoteli d.d. kao jedan od vodećih hotelskih
lanaca na području Istre, Kvarnera, pa i cijele
Hrvatske, sa središtem u staroj dami hrvatskog
turizma, Opatiji. U Hrvatskoj je otvoren i suvre-
meni inženjerski ured, Lürssen Design Center
Kvarner, koji surađuje s njemačkim brodogra-
dilištima na projektiranju luksuznih megajahti,
čime se Lürssen grupacija i proslavila.

Focus is on providing services of the

highest quality
Gitone Kvarner d.o.o. is a company established
in 2019 with a focus on providing tourist and
hotel services of the highest quality. It operates
in Southeastern and Central Europe, bringing
together several companies, among which the
most notable one internationally is the Lürs-
sen Group, based in Bremen, Germany. Within
Croatia, Liburnia Riviera Hotels d.d. with their
headquarters in Opatija, also known as the “old
lady” of Croatian tourism, stand out as one of
the leading hotel chains not only in Istria and
Kvarner but also the entire Croatia. A modern
engineering office, Lürssen Design Center
Kvarner, has also opened in Croatia, working
with German shipyards to design luxury me-
gayachts, which is what made the Lürssen
Group’s name.

ACI No.1 // Johannes Böck

Cijelo gospodarstvo će imati velike koristi od većeg priljeva

prihoda od turizma, a gospodarski će se ova investicija na-
jviše odraziti na područje Rijeke

The whole economy will benefit greatly from an increase in

tourism revenues, and, economically, this investment will
have the highest impact on Rijeka

How did the partnership with ACI come about?

The joint company ACI – GITONE was established for the purpose
of constructing and managing the ACI Marina Rijeka port of nau-
tical tourism. The partnership was established in order for both
companies to offer the best conditions and best quality, each in its
domain, in order to obtain a concession on maritime property for
Kako je došlo do partnerstva s tvrtkom ACI? the purpose of the construction and commercial use of the special
Za potrebe izgradnje i upravljanja lukom nautičkog turizma ACI purpose port – port of nautical tourism of Porto Baroš.
marina Rijeka, osnovalo se zajedničko društvo ACI – GITONE d.o.o.
Do partnerstva je došlo kako bi se za potrebe dobivanja koncesije What qualities does GITONE bring to the partnership and what
na pomorskom dobru u svrhu izgradnje i gospodarskog korištenja does ACI offer?
luke posebne namjene – luke nautičkog turizma Porto Baroš ponu-
The values that GITONE Kvarner brings are certainly innovation,
dili najbolji uvjeti i najbolje kvalitete, svaka tvrtka u svojoj domeni.
investment in human resources and the fusion of traditional under-
Koje kvalitete GITONE unosi u partnerstvo, a koje ACI? standing of business and new technologies. Our company wants
to contribute to creating a desirable regional and international
Vrijednosti koje Gitone Kvarner donosi svakako su inovativnost, destination, ideal for nautical, health and congress tourism, as well
ulaganje u ljudske potencijale i fuzija tradicionalnog shvaćanja po- as for rest and relaxation. ACI, as the largest marina chain in the
slovanja s novim tehnologijama. Naša kompanija želi svojim poslo- Mediterranean and the leader in nautical tourism in Croatia, brings
vanjem pridonijeti stvaranju poželjne regionalne i međunarodne its know-how and tradition, almost four decades long. Together,
destinacije, idealne za nautički, zdravstveni i kongresni turizam ali i these two worlds are creating a project that has never been seen
za odmor i rekreaciju. ACI kao najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu in Croatia before – a luxury marina with plenty of facilities in a city
i predvodnik nautičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj unosi 'know how' - zna- centre.
nje i tradiciju dugu gotovo četiri desetljeća. Ta dva svijeta zajedno
stvaraju projekt kakvog još u Hrvatskoj nismo imali prilike vidjeti – ACI Marina Rijeka will be the largest investment in nautical tour-
luksuznu marinu s mnoštvom sadržaja u centru grada. ism in Croatia, which will be providing services of the highest
quality. Can you expand on that?
ACI marina Rijeka bit će najveća investicija u nautički turizam
u Hrvatskoj u kojoj se planira pružanje usluga najviše kvalitete. It is a project of constructing a nautical tourism port in Croatia that
Možete li to pojasniti? will help develop a completely new image of Rijeka and attract
yachts and megayachts from all over the world, making the des-
Radi se o projektu izgradnje luke nautičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj
tination much more attractive. The entire economy will benefit
koji će omogućiti razvoj potpuno nove vizure Rijeke te privući jahte
i megajahte iz cijeloga svijeta i učiniti destinaciju mnogo atraktiv- greatly from an increase in tourism revenues, and, economically,
nijom. Cijelo gospodarstvo će imati velike koristi od većeg prilje- this investment will have the highest impact on Rijeka. Its position
va prihoda od turizma, a gospodarski će se ova investicija najviše is extremely advantageous in terms of geography and transport
odraziti na područje Rijeke. Geoprometni položaj izuzetno je povo- routes; Rijeka is only a few hours away by car from most target
ljan, od ciljanih tržišta Rijeka je udaljena svega nekoliko sati vožnje markets and is trying to reposition its image from a stopover city,
i teži se repozicionirati iz tranzitne postaje u kojoj se turisti kratko i where tourists stay briefly, in passing, to a modern urban tourist
usputno zadržavaju u suvremeno urbano turističko središte. Cilj je centre. The goal is for ACI Marina Rijeka to be an exclusive marina
da ACI marina Rijeka bude elitna marina s najvišom kategorizaci- with the highest 5-anchor rating. A luxury marina in the city centre
jom od 5 sidara. Elitna marina u centru grada označit će Rijeku na will put Rijeka on the tourist map of the Mediterranean and open
turističkoj karti Mediterana i grad otvoriti prema moru. the city towards the sea.

ACI No.1 // Johannes Böck

Lürssen je u cijelom svijetu pre-

poznatljiv po visokokvalitetnim
proizvodima i brojnim inovacijama

Lürssen is world-famous for its

high-quality products and numer-
ous innovations

Megajahting je tek prije nekoliko godina počeo ulaziti u Hrvat- Megayachting has only started coming to Croatia a few years
sku. Možete li prokomentirati potencijal jadranske obale za taj ago. Can you comment on the potential of the Adriatic coast for
nišni segment tržišta? this niche market?

Jadranska obala je već niz godina odlična destinacija za megaja- The Adriatic coast has been a great destination for megayachting
hting i upravo će izgradnjom luke ACI marina Rijeka moći iskoristi for a number of years now and it is with the construction of the
svoj puni potencijal. Jadranom plove svake godine neke od na- ACI Marina Rijeka port that it will be able to realise its full potential.
jimpozantnijih jahti na svijetu što govori o atraktivnosti Jadrana za Every year, some of the most impressive yachts in the world sail in
ovaj oblik turizma. Megajahting ima značajan doprinos za turizam the Adriatic, which is indicative of its attractiveness in this form of
Hrvatske i gospodarstvo, te će ova investicija značajno unaprijediti tourism. Megayachting contributes significantly to Croatian tour-
prihode koji se ostvaruju od ovog oblika turizma. ism and economy, and this investment will considerably improve
the revenues generated from this sector.
Lürssen je jedan od najvećih svjetskih nautičkih brendova. Mo-
Lürssen is one of the world's largest nautical brands. Can you
žete li nam otkriti tajnu njegova uspjeha?
tell us the secret of its success?
Lürssen je tvrtka specijalizirana za dizajn i proizvodnju jahti, brodo-
Lürssen is a company specialising in the design and production of
va i plovila obalne straže te pruža usluge popravka, održavanja i
yachts, ships and coast guard vessels, which also provides repair,
globalne logističke usluge. Ono što je stvorilo ovu tvrtku i po čemu maintenance and global logistics services. What made this com-
je poznata u cijelom svijetu su visokokvalitetni proizvodi i inova- pany and what it is known for all over the world are high-quality
tivnost. Jako je važno biti uvijek prvi u inovacijama i konstantno products and innovation. It is very important to always be the first
ulagati u nove tehnologije, alternativne pogone i izvore energije, in innovation and to constantly invest in new technologies, alter-
izuzetno lagane materijale, digitalne brodove i razna druga polja native fuels and energy sources, extremely lightweight materials,
na kojima se aktivno radi i stalno traži nova rješenja. Bitno je na- digital ships and various other fields that we actively work in, look-
glasiti i da je Lürssen obiteljska tvrtka koja na taj način djeluje više ing for new solutions. It is also important to emphasise that Lürssen
od 140 godina i sada je vodi već četvrta generacija u obitelji. Svaka is a family business that has been operating as such for more than
generacija ulaže u onu buduću koja dolazi i omogućuje joj širenje 140 years and is now run by the fourth generation. Each generation
na neki novi segment.  invests in the next one, enabling it to expand into a new sector. 

Fotografije / Photos:
Davor Žunić


ACI marina Rijeka ima sve

predispozicije postaviti
nove standarde u regiji
ACI marina Rijeka has all
the preconditions for setting
new standards in the region

Buduća ACI marina Rijeka je projekt za budućnost s kojim riječka rivijera

ulazi u elitni segment, naglasio je predsjednik Udruženja marina Hrvatske
gospodarske komore Sean Lisjak

The future ACI Marina Rijeka is a project for the future, with which the
Rijeka Riviera is entering the elite segment of tourism, says Sean Lisjak,
the President of the Association of Marinas of the Croatian Chamber of

Predsjednik Udruženja marina Hrvatske The president of the Association of Marinas

gospodarske komore Sean Lisjak ističe kako of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Sean
je projekt ACI marina Rijeka još jedan adut Lisjak, says that the ACI Marina Rijeka pro-
koji će ojačati kompletan hrvatski turizam. ject is another trump card that will improve
Dva priznata imena u svijetu nautičke indu- Croatian tourism in its totality. Two renow-
strije trebali bi Rijeku dodatno pozicionirati ned names in the world of boating industry
u sektoru u kojem je Hrvatska tek počela os- should additionally position Rijeka in a se-
tvarivati svoj puni potencijal. ctor where Croatia has just begun to reach
its full potential.

ACI No.1 // Sean Lisjak

'Definitivno pozdravljamo potez ACI-ja 'We definitely welcome the action taken
Uvjeren sam kako će najveći by ACI and the construction of ACI Mari-
i gradnje ACI marine Rijeka od kojeg će
lanac marina na Mediteranu i na Rijeka, which will bring benefit to all
profitirati svi čimbenici u hrvatskom gos-
jak partner kao što je grupacija the factors in the Croatian economy. Me-
podarstvu. Megajahte tek počinju otkrivati
Lürssen koja je u svijetu prepoz- gayachts are just beginning to discover
Hrvatsku pa je ovaj projekt ACI-ja i korak Croatia, so ACI’s project is also a step in
nata kao predvodnik u gradnji
u pravom smjeru prema jednom segmen- the right direction, towards the sector of
superjahti pridonijeti stvaranju
tu turizma u kojem naša zemlja dosad nije tourism in which our country has not been
sasvim nove slike Rijeke bila previše prisutna. Uvjeren sam kako će overly present until now. I am convinced
najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu i jak that the largest marina chain in the Med-
I am convinced that the largest partner kao što je grupacija Lürssen koja iterranean and a strong partner such as
marina chain in the Mediterra- the Lürssen Group, which is recognised
je u svijetu prepoznata kao predvodnik u
worldwide as a leader in the construction
nean and a strong partner such gradnji superjahti pridonijeti stvaranju of superyachts, will contribute to creating
as the Lürssen Group, which sasvim nove slike Rijeke. ACI marina Ri- a whole new image of Rijeka. ACI Marina
is recognised worldwide as a jeka ima sve predispozicije postaviti nove Rijeka has all the preconditions for setting
leader in the construction of standarde u regiji i postati nautičko sredi- new standards in the region and becoming
superyachts, will contribute to šte ovog dijela Jadrana', pojasnio je Sean the centre for nautical tourism in this part
creating a whole new image of Lisjak. of the Adriatic,' Sean Lisjak explains.
Rijeka During the pandemic year 2020, the Cro-
Tijekom pandemijske 2020. godine hrvat-
atian coast became attractive to megay-
ska obala postala je privlačna megajahta- achts, and the world's leading charter
ma, a vodeći svjetski čarter-brokeri prepo- brokers now recommend Croatia as a
ručuju Hrvatsku kao must-see destinaciju. must-see destination.

ACI No.1 // Sean Lisjak

Fotografija / Photo:
Zona sto d.o.o.

Činjenica je kako su na hrvatsku obalu počele

dolaziti megajahte iz niza razloga. Sigurna
smo destinacija, jako dobro prometno poveza-
na, imamo prepoznatljivu gastronomiju i bo-
gatu kulturu

The fact is that megayachts have started com-

ing to the Croatian coast for a number of rea-
sons. We are a safe destination with very good
transport connections; we have recognisable
cuisine and rich culture

'Činjenica je kako su na hrvatsku obalu počele dolaziti megajahte 'The fact is that megayachts have started coming to the Croatian
iz niza razloga. Sigurna smo destinacija, jako dobro prometno coast for a number of reasons. We are a safe destination with
povezana, imamo prepoznatljivu gastronomiju i bogatu kultu- very good transport connections; we have recognisable cuisine
ru. Sve te prednosti trebamo iskoristiti za razvoj destinacije. To and rich culture. We should use all these advantages to develop
this destination. This means building infrastructure, improving
znači izgradnju infrastrukture, jačanje ponude, a u konačnici i
tourism offer, and, ultimately, the arrival of luxury brands that
dolazak luksuznih brendova koji privlače ljude na megajahtama.
attract people on megayachts. ACI Marina Rijeka is a project for
ACI marina Rijeka je projekt za budućnost s kojim riječka rivijera the future, with which the Rijeka Riviera is entering the elite seg-
ulazi u elitni segment', naglasio je predsjednik Udruženja marina ment of tourism,' says the President of the Association of Marinas
Hrvatske gospodarske komore.  of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce. 

ACI No.1 // Andrija Šimić

Fotografije / Photos:
Davor Žunić


ACI marina Rijeka može

postati najsjajnija zvijezda
hrvatskog turizma
ACI Marina Rijeka can
become the jewel in the crown
of Croatian tourism
Projekt ACI marine Rijeka ovom će dijelu The ACI Marina Rijeka project will breathe
grada udahnuti novi život i udariti smjer new life into this part of the city and deter-
kojim će Rijeka 'teći' sljedećih nekoliko de- mine the direction Rijeka will take in the
setljeća next few decades

Kao vlasnik pomorske agencije Simmor Andrija Šimić As the owner of Simmor maritime agency, Andrija Ši-
jedan je od začetnika superjahtinga na hrvatskom mić is one of the first people who brought superya-
Jadranu. ACI marina Rijeka kao najveći projekt u po- chts to the Croatian Adriatic. ACI Marina Rijeka, the
vijesti ACI-ja prema njegovim riječima ima lijepu bu- largest project in the history of ACI, has a great future
dućnost. according to Šimić.

ACI No.1 // Andrija Šimić

Fotografija / Photo:
Zona sto d.o.o.

U posljednjih osam godina centar Rijeke se In the last eight years, the centre of Rijeka has
Moderna marina imat će utje- transformirao i okrenuo turizmu pošto je pro- been transformed and has turned to tourism
caj na nova radna mjesta, vizu- stor koji su prije koristili brodovi za prijevoz since the location previously used by general
ru grada, brendiranje čitave generalnog tereta jednostavno počeo odumi- cargo ships fell into disuse. No one made a
rati. Nije tu nitko pogriješio nego se danas 90 mistake here; it is just that today 90 percent
regije u luksuznom segmentu posto svjetskog generalnog tereta brodovima of the world's general cargo is transported by
te iskorak u svijetu nautike prevozi kontejnerima. Rijeka je luke za takav container ships. Ports for such cargo were con-
teret napravila na istoku i zapadu grada, a cen- structed in the east and west of Rijeka, and the
The modern marina will have tar je trebao dobiti novu funkciju. Nova uloga port in the city centre was to be repurposed,
luke u centru grada počela je 2013. godine which started in 2013, when first superyachts
an impact on new jobs, the kada su u Rijeku počele dolaziti superjahte, a came to Rijeka. ACI Marina Rijeka will breat-
cityscape, the branding of the ACI marina Rijeka ovom će dijelu grada udah- he new life into this part of the city and deter-
entire region as a luxury tour- nuti novi život i udariti smjer kojim će Rijeka mine the direction Rijeka will take in the next
ism destination and it will rep- 'teći' sljedećih nekoliko desetljeća. Ne samo few decades. Not only the city, but also the
resent a step forward in the grad, već i Jadran, a u krajnjoj liniji i Hrvatska Adriatic, and, ultimately, Croatia will also get a
dobivaju modernu marinu koja će imati utjecaj modern marina, which will have an impact on
boating world na nova radna mjesta, vizuru grada, brendi- new jobs, the cityscape, the branding of the
ranje čitave regije u luksuznom segmentu te entire region as a luxury tourism destination
iskorak u svijetu nautike, pojasnio je Andrija and which will represent a step forward in the
Šimić. boating world, Andrija Šimić explains.

ACI No.1 // Andrija Šimić

Uz superjahting se vežu privat-

ni avioni, luksuzni brendovi i
ekskluzivni klijenti. Siguran
sam da je budućoj ACI marini
Rijeka samo nebo granica

Private jets, luxury brands and

exclusive clients are associat-
ed with superyachting. I am
sure that sky is the limit for
the future ACI Marina Rijeka

Velike jahte tek su počele otkrivati Jadran kao novu destinaciju, Large yachts have only just begun to discover the Adriatic as a
a brojni brokeri počeli su izdavati preporuke za Hrvatsku. new destination, and many brokers have started giving recom-
mendations for Croatia.
Preporuke su u ovom segmentu turizma sve. Ljudi koji plove na su-
In this type of tourism, recommendations are everything. People
perjahtama ne gledaju objave na internetu niti ih zanimaju reklame
who sail on superyachts don't read online posts and aren’t inte-
na televiziji. Svoja mišljenja o destinacijama izražavaju kroz svoje rested in TV commercials. They express their opinions about de-
interne aplikacije. Pritom ništa nije 'fake' jer im nitko nije platio da stinations in their internal communications apps. Nothing is 'fake'
to napišu. Ta zajednica nije velika, u svijetu ima oko 12 tisuća su- there because no one has paid them to write what they have wri-
perjahti, ali borba za svakog klijenta je nemilosrdna. Hrvatska ta- tten. This community is not big – there are about 12 thousand su-
peryachts in the world – but the fight for each client is ruthless.
kvim klijentima može puno pružiti, a ACI marina Rijeka i kompletan
Croatia can offer a lot to such clients, and ACI Marina Rijeka and
super jahting sektor može postati najsjajnija zvijezda našeg turiz- the complete superyachting sector can become the jewel in the
ma. Hrvatska je vodeća zemlja u iznajmljivanju jedrilica i motornih crown of Croatian tourism. Croatia is the leading country in charte-
brodova bez posade (bareboat charter) i to je fantastična stvar, ali ring unmanned sailing boats and motor vessels (bareboat charter)
sada je došlo vrijeme da naš nautički proizvod počnemo razvijati and this is a fantastic thing, but now the time has come to start
developing our nautical product for elite guests. This segment is
i za elitnije goste. Uz taj se segment vežu privatni avioni, luksu-
associated with private jets, luxury brands and exclusive clients,
zni brendovi i ekskluzivni klijenti, jednom riječju – glamur kojem je in a word – glamour, where only sky is the limit. I am sure that sky
samo nebo granica. Siguran sam da je budućoj riječkoj marini isto is the limit for the future ACI Marina Rijeka as well, says Andrija
tako samo nebo granica, istaknuo je Andrija Šimić.  Šimić. 


Fotografija / Photo:
Nautor's Swan / Studio Borlenghi

ACI Sail u sklopu prvog svjetskog ClubSwan 36 trening centra nudi

jedinstveno iskustvo jedrenja

ACI Sail offers a unique sailing experience as part of the world’s first
ClubSwan 36 training centre

U sklopu prvog svjetskog ClubSwan 36 trening centra, As part the world’s first ClubSwan 36 training centre, based
smještenog u Splitu, ACI Sail s flotom od šest najnaprednijih in Split, ACI Sail, with its fleet of six of the world’s most
svjetskih jedrilica ClubSwan 36 nudi kompletnu uslugu advanced ClubSwan 36 sailing boats, runs comprehensive
škole jedrenja, prenošenja znanja i obučavanja, sailing school courses, offering knowledge transfer
rezerviranu za profesionalne jedriličare i za entuzijaste koji and training, intended for both professional sailors and
nemaju iskustva, a imaju želju iskusiti jedrenje s ozbiljnim enthusiasts with no prior experience but with the desire to
regatnim brodom, s najkvalitetnijom opremom i sa stručnim experience sailing on a serious racing boat furnished with
pojedincima. Pritom voditelj projekta Ivan Kljaković Gašpić top-quality equipment and crewed by professional sailors.
naglašava kako je najveći luksuz današnjeg svijeta Ivan Kljaković Gašpić, the project manager, stresses that
kvalitetno provedeno vrijeme, a jedinstveni doživljaji i quality time is the greatest luxury of today, and unique
iskustva pamte se čitav život. experiences are remembered throughout one’s life.


Fotografija / Photo:
Nautor's Swan / Studio Borlenghi

Bilo da se radi o najmu
broda za regatu, trening
jedrenju ili team buildin-
gu, ACI Sail pobrinut će Upravo zato ACI Sail velik naglasak stavlja na That is why ACI Sail has placed great emphasis
se za cjelokupnu organi- jednostavnost korištenja i 'user friendly' jedrenje. on the simplicity of use and user-friendly sailing,
zaciju i pripremu plovila, To je posebno zanimljivo ljudima koji se žele which is especially interesting to people who
okušati na vrhunskim regatama iz ClubSwan want to try their hand at first-rate ClubSwan
vi samo trebate doći i programa bez logističkih i organizacijskih regattas without logistic and organisational
jedriti. problema s transportom broda ili posadom. ACI problems they might have in transporting
Sail svojim klijentima nudi maksimalan užitak their boats and crew. ACI Sail offer its clients
jedrenja na visokom nivou i elitnim eventima u the pleasure of a high-level sailing and
Whether you want to specifičnom i ekskluzivnom svijetu Swana bez participating in elite events in the specific and
charter a boat for a troškova održavanja ili posjedovanja broda. exclusive world of Swan without maintenance
regatta, have a sailing Nakon završetka regate brod ostaje briga ACI or ownership costs.
training or a team-build- Saila, a klijent nastavlja dalje sa svojim poslom After the regatta ends, ACI Sail takes care
ing event, ACI Sail will bogatiji za jedno iznimno iskustvo. Takva vrsta of the boat, and the clients can go on with
usluge pružana je klijentima tijekom Svjetskog their business, having gained an exceptional
organise everything for prvenstvo za Swanove monoklase na kojem su experience. Such a service was offered to
you and get the boat posade koje su jedrile na ACI Sail jedrilicama clients during the Swan One-Design Worlds
ready; all you have to do osvojile zlatnu i brončanu medalju u klasi championship, where crews racing on ACI Sail
is come and sail. ClubSwan 36. sailing boats won a gold and a bronze medal in
the ClubSwan 36 class.


Fotografija / Photo:
Nautor's Swan / Studio Borlenghi

Fotografija / Photo:
Nautor's Swan / Studio Borlenghi
ACI Sail velik naglasak stavlja na jednostav-
nost korištenja i 'user friendly' jedrenje koje
je namijenjeno ljudima koji se žele okuša-
ti na vrhunskim regatama iz ClubSwan
programa bez logističkih i organizacijskih
problema s transportom broda ili posadom.

ACI Sail has placed great emphasis on the

simplicity of use and user-friendly sailing,
intended for people who want to try their
hand at first-rate ClubSwan regattas with-
out logistic and organisational problems
they might have in transporting their boats
and crew. Fotografija / Photo:
ACI Sail

'U tjedan dana regate u Scarlinu naučili smo više nego u pet ‘We learned more in a week of racing in Scarlin than in five years
godina treninga. Ivan Kljaković Gašpić kao naš taktičar napravio of training. As our tactician, Ivan Kljaković Gašpić put together
je uspješan tim koji je u svakom trenutku znao što mu je posao na a team that knew at all times what they had to do on deck,’ said
palubi, pojasnio je Nikolai Burkart, vlasnik ClubSwana 36 'Goddess'. Nikolai Burkart, the owner of the ClubSwan 36 called the Goddess.
ACI Sail, također, organizira trening kampove, individualne ACI Sail also organises training camps and individual trainings,
treninge, a klijentima je dostupan i kompletan hospitality paket, and we can also offer our clients a complete hospitality package
team building, korporativno jedrenje te organizacija regata sa – team building events, corporate sailing and a ClubSwan 36 one-
ClubSwanom 36. design regatta.
'Početnici smo u ovoj klasi, ali nakon odrađenih treninga na ‘We’re beginners in this class, but following the training sessions
ClubSwanu 36 mogu reći kako je jedrilica jako brza i stabilna, on ClubSwan 36, I can say that the sailing boat is very fast and
ali pritom i prijateljski raspoložena prema ljudima koji nemaju stable, but also really friendly to people who don’t have much
puno iskustva. Jedriličarsko znanje koje je nam je prenio Ivan experience. The sailing skills that Ivan Kljaković Gašpić shared with
Kljaković Gašpić je neprocjenjivo. Uvjeti za jedrenje u Splitu su us are invaluable. The sailing conditions in Split were fantastic; to
bili fantastični, za mene je ovo jedno od najboljih regatnih polja me, this is one of the best racing areas in the world,’ said Tamás
na svijetu, prokomentirao je Tamás Kelemen koji je s posadom Kelemen, who participated with his crew in the ACI Sail training
sudjelovao na ACI Sail trening kampu. camp.
ACI Sail sinonim je za nautičku izvrsnost i strast za jedrenjem.  ACI Sail is synonymous with sailing excellence and passion for
sailing. 

Fotografija / Photo:
Nautor's Swan I Studio Borlenghi


Rovinj je savršena pozornica Rovinj is the perfect stage for
za premijernu ClubSwan re- the premiere of the ClubSwan
gatu kojom će Hrvatska po- regatta, which will make Cro-
stati dijelom prestižne Swa- atia part of the prestigious
nove obitelji Swan family

Rovinj je mjesto odakle je krenula slavna Rovinj is where the famous story of ACI
priča o ACI-jevim regatama još 1987. go- racing started back in 1987. Rovinj is
dine. Rovinj je mjesto gdje su se održale where three RC 44 class regattas have
tri regate klase RC 44. Rovinj je mjesto taken place. Rovinj is the place that boasts
gdje se nalazi najmodernija ACI-jeva mari- a beautiful and ultra-modern ACI marina
na, ljepotica s pet sidara koja zadovoljava with a five-anchor rating, which meets the
najstrože svjetske standarde. Upravo ta world's strictest standards. It is this combi-
kombinacija mediteranskog šarma, nautič- nation of the Mediterranean charm, sailing
ke izvrsnosti i besprijekornih uvjeta u srcu excellence and optimum conditions in the
povijesnog Rovinja su idealna pozornica heart of historic Rovinj that form the ideal
za premijerno izdanje ClubSwan 36 ACI stage for the premiere of the ClubSwan 36
Cupa, regate za pravu gospodu s kojom ACI CUP, a gentlemen’s regatta, which will
se ACI u velikom stilu vraća na svjetsku je- once again put ACI on the world’s sailing
driličarsku scenu. scene in great style.

ACI No.1 // ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup

ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup jedinstvena je regata koja

spaja ACI-jevo znanje i strast za jedrenjem, ino-
vativne jedrilice, modernu luksuznu marinu i ho-
telski kompleks u srcu povijesnog Rovinja

Fotografija / Photo:
ACI d.d., P. Fabijan, D. Žunić
ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup is a unique regatta that
combines ACI's know-how and passion for sail-
ing with innovative sailing boats, a modern luxu-
Novi projekt najvećeg lanca marina na Mediteranu pod imenom ry marina and a hotel compound in the heart of
ACI Sail koji se radi u partnerstvu s proizvođačem vrhunskih je- historic Rovinj
drilica Nautor's Swanom u Hrvatsku prvi put dovodi regatu iz pre-
stižnog Swanova kalendara. Inače, ClubSwan osnovan je 1999.
godine, a tijekom više od 20 godina postojanja razvio se u neza-
obilazno mjesto druženja i jedrenja na elitnim svjetskim lokacija-
ma kao što su Porto Cervo, St. Tropez, Monaco, Capri, Palma de ACI Sail, the new project that is being launched by the largest ma-
Mallorca. S ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup-om dio ekskluzivne Swanove rina chain in the Mediterranean in partnership with Nautor’s Swan,
obitelji postaje i Hrvatska, a važan dio klase predstavlja ACI Sail s the top-quality sailing boats manufacturer, is bringing a regatta
najvećom svjetskom flotom jedrilica ClubSwan 36. from the prestigious Swan calendar to Croatia for the first time.
'Drago nam je da je Nautor's Swan prepoznao vrijednost Hrvatske ClubSwan was founded in 1999 and, in more than 20 years, it has
kao sjajne jedriličarske destinacije. ClubSwan je ekskluzivni klub become a place not to be missed for those wanting to socialise
koji čine vlasnici najboljih jedrilica na svijetu, a svaka ClubSwanova and sail in elite world locations, such as Porto Cervo, St Tropez,
regata kombinirajući jedrenje i biznis okuplja najbolje od najboljih Monaco, Capri, Palma de Mallorca. With the ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup,

ACI No.1 // ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup

Fotografija / Photo: Fotografija / Photo:

Nautor's Swan I Studio Borlenghi Martinez Studio

ACI Sail kao partner Nautor's Swan i vlasnik

najveće svjetske flote naprednih ClubSwa-
nova 36 svojim klijentima nudi pristup tom
jedinstvenom svijetu i iskustvo jedrenja na
jedrilicama koje nude savršene performan-
se i izuzetan stil
Fotografija / Photo:
Nautor's Swan I Studio Borlenghi
As a partner of Nautor's Swan and the
owner of the world's largest fleet of advan-
Croatia will become a part of Swan's exclusive family; and ACI Sail,
ced ClubSwan 36 sailing boats, ACI offers
with the world's largest fleet of ClubSwan 36 sailing boats, is an
its clients access to this unique world, pro- important part of the class.
viding a sailing experience on boats with 'We are happy that Nautor's Swan has recognised the value of Cro-
perfect performance and exceptional style atia as a great sailing destination. ClubSwan is an exclusive club
consisting of owners of the best sailing boats in the world, and
each ClubSwan regatta, combining sailing and business, brings
together the very best in the world of boating and represents the
culmination of our sport. The ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup is a unique
u svijetu nautike i predstavlja vrhunac u našem sportu. ClubSwan regatta that focuses on the most advanced one-design class in
36 ACI Cup jedinstvena je regata koja naglasak stavlja na najna- the world as well as on ACI's know-how, tradition and passion for
predniju one design klasu na svijetu i ACI-jevo znanje, tradiciju i sailing,' says Ivan Kljaković Gašpić, the celebrated Croatian sailor
strast za jedrenjem', pojasnio je voditelj projekta ACI Sail proslav- and the project manager of ACI Sail.
ljeni hrvatski jedriličar Ivan Kljaković Gašpić. In more than three decades of racing, Rovinj, the Pearl of Istria, and
U više od tri desetljeća regata istarski biser i ACI marina Rovinj ACI Marina Rovinj have been hosts to many sailing greats, only the
ugostili su brojne jedriličarske velikane. Spomenut ćemo samo most important of which will be mentioned here: Russell Coutts,
one najvažnije kao što su Russell Coutts, Tom Slingsby, Ed Baird, Tom Slingsby, Ed Baird, Iain Percy, Paul Cayard, Dean Barker, Peter
Iain Percy, Paul Cayard, Dean Barker, Peter Gilmour, Chris Dick- Gilmour, Chris Dickson, Bertrand Pacé, Cameron Appleton, James
son, Bertrand Pacé, Cameron Appleton, James Spithill…. Spithill etc.
Savršena pozornica za ClubSwan regatu, slažete se?  A perfect stage for a ClubSwan regatta, don’t you agree? 

Fotografije / Photos:
Nautor's Swan / Studio Borlenghi

ACI No.1 // Enrico Chieffi


Nautor’s Swan jako je zahvalan ljudima u Nautor's Swan is very grateful to the peo-
ACI-ju koji su imali povjerenja u nas kada ple at ACI who placed their trust in us when
je ClubSwan 36 još bio u fazi start-upa. the ClubSwan 36 was still in the start-up
Zajedno s ACI Sailom pripremamo mnoge stage. Together with ACI Sail, we are pre-
sjajne stvari u budućnosti paring many great things for the future

Od svog osnutka 1966. godine Nautor's Swan po- Since its inception in 1966, Nautor's Swan has be-
stao je globalno cijenjen kao brend koja u svojoj srži come globally respected as a brand that has inno-
ima inovativnost, preciznost i eleganciju. Kada bi se vation, precision and elegance at its core. If only two
finski proizvođač trebao opisati samo s dvije riječi – words could be used to describe the Finnish manu-
one bi glasile nautičko savršenstvo. facturer, they would be – nautical perfection.
Vlasnici Swana pripadnici su jednog posebnog kru- The owners of Swans are members of a special cir-
cle of sailing enthusiasts, lovers of regattas and the
ga zaljubljenika u jedrenje, regate i tradiciju koju ime
tradition that is written into the name of Swan; and
Swan sa sobom nosi, a potpredsjednik kompanije
Enrico Chieffi, the company's vice-president, has
Enrico Chieffi savršeno balansira između prošlosti,
managed to strike a perfect balance between the
sadašnjosti i budućnosti ovog legendarnog brenda. past, present and future of this legendary brand.
Dolazak sjajnog talijanskog jedriličara i poslovnog The arrival of this great Italian sailor and business-
čovjeka u Split na Europsko prvenstvo u klasi Zvi- man to Split for the European Star Championship
jezda bio je savršen povod za razgovor o Nautor's was a perfect occasion to talk about Nautor's Swan,
Swanu, partnerstvu s ACI-jem u projektu ACI Sail, the partnership with ACI in the ACI Sail project,
America's Cupu, ljubavi prema jedrenju… America's Cup, his love of sailing and so on.

ACI No.1 // Enrico Chieffi

Što za vas predstavlja Nautor's Swan? What is Nautor’s Swan Experience and, for you, what defines a
Iskustvo jedrenja i posjedovanja Nautor's Swana je jedinstveno jer
je u pitanju najbolji brend na svijetu. Swan je na početku bio pojam The experience of sailing and owning a Nautor's Swan is unique
because it is the best brand in the world. Swan was initially a name
za sjajne i komforne jedrilice koje su pružale sportske performan-
for great and comfortable sailing boats performing like racing
se, ali stvaranjem linije ClubSwan dobili smo i najmodernije jedri-
boats, but with the ClubSwan line, we also got the most modern
lice na svijetu koje pobjeđuju na najprestižnijim regatama. Danas sailing boats in the world that have actually won the most pres-
imamo liniju Swan koju karakteriziraju udobnost, komfor, luksuz i tigious regattas. Today, we have the Swan line characterised by
okrenuta je ljudima koji uživaju na moru te liniju ClubSwan u kojoj comfort and luxury, which is oriented towards people who enjoy
radimo i radit ćemo u budućnosti na brodovima koji u jedrenju po- being at sea, and the ClubSwan line, where we work and will work
miču granice dizajna, moderne tehnologije i performansi na moru. in the future on boats that push the boundaries of sailing design,
modern sailing technology and sailing performance at sea. Defin-
Definirati Nautor' Swan je jako teško jer nije u pitanju samo brod
ing Nautor' Swan is very difficult because it's not just a boat at sea,
na moru, nego i jako puno stvari koje dolaze uz to. Za mene je Na-
but a lot of other things that come with it. For me, Nautor's Swan is
utor's Swan emocija. Ljubav prema lijepim stvarima i ljubav prema emotion. Love of beautiful things and love of the sea. Every Swan
moru. Svaka Swanova jedrilica je kombinacija ljepote, stila, perfor- sailing boat is a combination of beauty, style, performance, quality,
mansi, kvalitete, velike tradicije i umijeća brodogradnje. great tradition and the art of boatbuilding.

ACI No.1 // Enrico Chieffi

Hrvatska je brend koji ima veliki potenci-

jal za dolazak velikih ClubSwan regata,
sjajnih nautičkih evenata i ostalih promo-
tivnih aktivnosti koji će svijetu pokazati
svu ljepotu vaše obale

Croatia is a brand that has great poten-

tial for large ClubSwan regattas, great
boating events and other promotional
activities that will show the world all the
beauties of your coast

Vaš omiljeni dizajn Nautor's Swana? What is your favourite Swan design?

Jako puno Swanovih brodova pisalo je povijest nautičke industrije, A lot of Swan boats have come down in the history of the boating
ali meni je posebno srcu prirastao Swan 45 jer je bio prvi naš brod industry, but the Swan 45 is especially close to my heart because
koji je evoluirao u jedrilicu visokih performansi. Čak i danas, 20 it was our first boat that evolved into a high-performance sailing
boat. Even today, 20 years after that project, when I see it at sea,
godina nakon tog projekta, kad ga vidim na moru, mogu samo reći
I can only say 'Wow!' The Swan 45 is one of the icons in the com-
,,Vau!". Swan 45 jedan je od ikona u povijesti kompanije.
pany's history.

Flota jedrilica ClubSwan 36 ima preko 20 brodova. Kakva su Nautor's Swan has built more than 20 ClubSwan 36 sailing
iskustva jedriličara i klijenata? boats. What are the experiences of sailors and clients with this
innovative boat?
ClubSwan 36 predstavlja novu dimenziju u svijetu jedrenja. Brza i
moderna one design klasa u čijim blagodatima mogu uživati i ama- The ClubSwan 36 represents a new dimension in the world of sail-
teri. Upravo je to najveća kvaliteta ClubSwan 36. Taj 'user friendly' ing. A fast and modern one-design class whose benefits can be
pristup najmodernijoj tehnologiji koji širem krugu ljudi, a ne samo enjoyed by amateurs as well. This is exactly the greatest quality of
profesionalcima, omogućava postizanje velikih brzina i uživanje u the ClubSwan 36. This 'user-friendly' approach to the state-of-the-
art technology that allows a wide range of people, not just profes-
visokim performansama. Naš dizajner Juan K. ovu je jedrilicu opi-
sionals, to achieve high speeds and enjoy high performance. Our
sao kao super automobil za more, i tu je potpuno u pravu. Clu- designer Juan K described this sailing boat as a supercar for the
bSwan 36 je lagan i zabavan za upravljanje poput neke olimpijske sea, and he is absolutely right about that. The ClubSwan 36 is light
klase, a brzine koje postiže su senzacionalne. Dosta često inova- and fun to steer as an Olympic class, and the speeds it achieves
tivni i radikalni brodovi su, na neki način, žrtve svojeg jedriličarskog are sensational. Quite often innovative and radical boats are, in a
ekstremizma. Mi smo kod ClubSwana 36 pazili da imamo dobar way, victims of their sailing extremism. With the ClubSwan 36, we
balans između tehnologije i upotrebljivosti. Ovako velika flota po- made sure that there was a good balance between technology
kazuje da smo u tome i uspjeli. and usability. This large fleet shows that we have succeeded.

You are partners with ACI. What do you think about the project
S hrvatskom nautičkom kompanijom ACI ste partneri u projektu
ACI Sail?
ACI Sail?
Nautor's Swan is very grateful to the people at ACI who placed
Nautor’s Swan jako je zahvalan ljudima u ACI-ju koji su imali povje- their trust in us when the ClubSwan 36 was still in the start-up
renja u nas kada je ClubSwan 36 još bio u fazi start-upa. Puno nam stage. Their support meant a lot to us, and now that the class has
je značila njihova potpora, a sada smo uz razvoj klase postali sjajni developed, we have become great partners. Together, we are pre-
partneri. Zajedno pripremamo mnoge sjajne stvari u budućnosti. paring many great things for the future.

ACI No.1 // Enrico Chieffi

ClubSwan 36 predstavlja novu dimenziju u svijetu jedrenja.

Brza i moderna one design klasa u čijim blagodatima mogu
uživati i amateri. Naš dizajner Juan K. ovu je jedrilicu opisao
kao super automobil za more, i tu je potpuno u pravu

The ClubSwan 36 represents a new dimension in the world

of sailing. A fast and modern one-design class whose bene-
fits can be enjoyed by amateurs as well. Our designer Juan
K described this sailing boat as a supercar for the sea, and
he is absolutely right about that

What do you think about ClubSwan regattas in Croatia?

I love your coast, and, for many people, Croatia is much more than
a country. It is a brand that has great potential for large ClubSwan
Što mislite o organizaciji ClubSwan regata u Hrvatskoj? regattas, great boating events and other promotional activities that
will show the world all the beauties of Croatia.
Obožavam vašu obalu, a za mnoge je ljude Hrvatska puno više
od zemlje. U pitanju je brend koji ima veliki potencijal za dolazak
Who is a typical ClubSwan owner?
velikih ClubSwan regata, sjajnih nautičkih evenata i ostalih promo-
tivnih aktivnosti koji će svijetu pokazati svu ljepotu Hrvatske. These are people who are younger than our traditional custom-
ers. They love active life and are ready to try new technologies
Tko je tipičan vlasnik ClubSwana? and trends, but they also like to try their hand at regattas where
all boats are equal, i.e., one-design class. These are clients with a
To su ljudi koji su mlađi od naših tradicionalnih kupaca. Vole ak-
great passion for the sea and sailing.
tivan život, spremni su isprobati nove tehnologije i trendove, ali
isto tako vole se okušati u regatama gdje su svi brodovi jednaki, tj.
The ClubSwan 80 looks like a maxi yacht from the future…
one design klase. U pitanju su klijenti koji imaju veliku strast prema
moru i jedrenju. The ClubSwan 80 was designed without compromise. When we
were creating this model, only the sky was the limit. The ClubSwan
ClubSwan 80 izgleda kao maxi jahta iz budućnosti…. 80 project was born for two reasons: the first, because our
ClubSwan line deserves a new yacht like this, and the second, be-
ClubSwan 80 dizajniran je bez kompromisa. Kod stvaranja ova-
cause, with the maxi yachts, we saw the possibility and room for a
kvog modela samo nam je nebo bila granica. Projekt ClubSwan
high-performance sailing boat that will generate a lot of interest in
80 rođen je iz dva razloga: prvi, jer naša linija ClubSwan zaslužuje
regattas. The idea is to create a one-design class, so this is some-
novu takvu jahtu i drugi, jer smo među maxi jahtama vidjeli mo-
thing very unique in the world of maxis, yet in the spirit of Nautor's
gućnost i prostor za jedrilicu visokih performansi koja će izazvati
Swan, which is known as a pioneer in the world of sailing.
velik interes na regatama. Ideja je stvoriti one design klasu, pa je
ovo nešto vrlo jedinstveno u svijetu maxija, a opet u duhu Nautor's
Nautor's Swan is known to the world of sailing for its high-per-
Swana koji je poznat kao pionir u svijetu jedrenja.
formance racing yachts and performance-cruising Swans. Now,
you’ve introduced your first motorboat, the Swan Shadow...
Nautor's Swan je u svijetu nautike poznat kao brend koji proizvo-
di vrhunske jedrilice. Swan Shadow vaš je prvi motorni brod… The Swan Shadow was born having in mind different owners and
because we wanted to say something new in the power yachts
Swan Shadow nastao je jer smo na umu imali različite vlasnike bro-
segment. One of the targets is was its serving as a shadow boat to
dova i jer smo htjeli predstaviti nešto novo u segmentu motornih
our Maxi Swan Yachts, as we have a lot of clients sailing in regattas
jahti. Jedan od ciljeva bio je da služi kao tender našim jahtama
around the world who are in need of a chase boat.People who love
Maxi Swan jer imamo mnogo klijenata koji jedre na regatama di-
Nautor's Swan sailing boats will love the Swan Shadow because
ljem svijeta i kojima treba pomoćni brod.
its DNA is the same. In the future we will be making some more
Ubuduće ćemo proizvoditi još motornih brodova po istom principu motor boats with the same principle which led us to Shadow: Hav-
koji nas je i doveo do Shadowa: predstaviti nešto novo i biti rele- ing something new to say and making the difference in an already
vantan na već zasićenom tržištu. Nešto već pripremamo... crowded market. There is already something brewing...

ACI No.1 // Enrico Chieffi

Strastveni ste jedriličar u klasi Zvijezda, a u Splitu ste prvi put You are a very passionate Star sailor, and it was in Split that you
u karijeri postali europski prvak u ovoj klasi. Zašto je Zvijezda i have won the European title for the first time in your career. Why
dalje jako popularna? do you love this Class?

Ja sam jedan sretni 'stari' jedriličar koji uživa u trenutku. U mojom I'm one lucky 'old' sailor enjoying the moment. At my age, I see
godinama svaku dobru stvar doživljavam kao poklon, a ovo split- every good thing as a gift, and this Split gold is a great gift for me.
sko zlato je izvrstan poklon za mene. Zvijezda je klasa prvaka. To The Star is a class of champions. Specifically, this means that many
konkretno znači da brojni sjajni jedriličari iz drugih klasa na koncu great sailors from other classes end up in the Star because it rep-
završe u Zvijezdi jer ona predstavlja vrhunac jedrenja zbog svoje resents the pinnacle of sailing thanks to the challenges it poses,
izazovnosti, složenosti i vještine koja je potrebna za nastupe na its complexity and the skill required to participate in races. In this
regatama. U ovoj klasi nikad se ne prestaje učiti i zbog toga je class, one never stops learning, and that is why the Star is popular
Zvijezda popularna među svim generacijama. Bez obzira na to što among all generations. Even though the design is over a hundred
je dizajn star preko sto godinu i dalje izgleda poput umjetničke years old, it still looks like an art sculpture at sea. To draw a parallel
skulpture na moru. Da povučem komparaciju s gastronomijom, Zvi- with gastronomy, the Star is ‘slow food’ in the world of sailing, a
jezda je 'slow food' u svijetu jedrenja, jedan poseban hedonizam
special kind of hedonism of the sea. Enjoying beautiful, feminine
mora. Uživanje u prekrasnim, ženstvenim linijama broda i gospod-
lines of a boat while sailing in a gentlemanly manner.
skom jedrenju.
You were a member of Il Moro di Venezia during the 28th Amer-
Bili ste dio talijanskog tima Il Moro di Venezia tijekom 28. izda-
ica's Cup. What are your impressions about the latest edition?
nja America's Cupa. Vaše mišljenje o regatama u Aucklandu?
I enjoyed it. Before the regattas, many talked about how sailing
Uživao sam. Prije regata mnogi su pričali kako će se s ovim brodo-
vima jedrenje pretvoriti u dosadne utrke brzine, ali nakon Aucklan- would turn into boring speed races with these boats, but following
da mogu reći kako mi se sviđalo jedrenje u AC75. Brodovi su plod Auckland, I can say I liked sailing on the AC75. The boats are the
jako naprednog razmišljanja, no i dalje je riječ o jedrenju, o ljudima, result of a very advanced process of thinking, but it is still about
o vještini koja je potrebna za pobjedu u ovakvim regatama. Gle- sailing, about people, about the skills necessary to win these re-
dajući s te strane, naš sport nije izgubio dušu s novim brodovima, gattas. Looking at it from that point of view, our sport has not lost
a usput je dobio novu publiku. Moj sin koji ima 18 godina bio je its soul with new boats, and it has gained a new audience along
oduševljen, a to je jako bitno saznanje za sve koji su uključeni u the way. My son, who is 18, was thrilled, and this is a very important
America's Cup. insight for everyone involved in the America's Cup.

Planovi sa Swanom u budućnosti? Anything on your wish list for the Swan in the future?

Moj san je napraviti jedrilicu za djecu. Nešto poput klase Optimist. My dream is to make a sailing boat for children, kind of like the
Na taj bi način Nautor's Swan sve svoje vrijednosti kao što su kva- Optimist class. In this way, Nautor's Swan could show all its values
liteta, prepoznatljivost, ljepota jedrenja mogao pokazati i mlađim such as quality, recognition, the beauty of sailing to younger gen-
generacijama. Tko zna, možda mi se taj san i ostvari.  erations. Who knows, maybe that dream will come true. 


Oni su svestrani talenti za svakodnevicu, dovode progresivan dizajn i kon-
ceptualne studije u serijsku proizvodnju te voze bez lokalne emisije is-
pušnih plinova: Audi Q4 e-tron i Q4 Sportback e-tron prva su kompaktna
električna SUV vozila marke s četiri prstena.

They are versatile all-rounders for everyday use, which bring progressive
design and conceptual studies into serial production and can be driven
without local exhaust emissions: the Audi Q4 e-tron and the Q4 Sportback
e-tron are the first compact electric SUVs from the brand with four rings.

Oba modela oduševljavaju novom dimenzijom Both models are highly impressive with a new
prostora u unutrašnjosti te revolucionarnim rješe- dimension of interior space and revolutionary
njima u pogledu rukovanja, prikaza i sustava pot- solutions in terms of operation, display and assist
systems. The Augmented Reality Head-up display
pora. Augmented Reality Head-up zaslon spaja
connects the virtual and the real worlds in a whole
virtualni i stvarni svijet na jedan sasvim nov način.
new way.
Ponuda se sastoji od triju varijanti pogonskog su- There are three drive versions to choose from,
stava, a najbolja od njih predviđena je za quattro with the best one provided in the quattro model
model s najvećom snagom od 220 kW (299 KS). with a maximum power output of 220 kW (299 hp).
Svima zajedničko: vožnja bez lokalne emisije is- The attributes they all share are driving with zero
pušnih plinova i veliki dosezi, vremena punjenja local exhaust emissions and high ranges, as well
as charging times of only ten minutes, which gives
od svega desetak minuta za doseg od oko 130
sufficient power to travel about 130 kilometres
kilometara u idealnim uvjetima (WLTP ciklus) te
in ideal conditions (WLTP cycle) and convenient
komforno punjenje uz uslugu punjenja e-tron. Mo- charging with the e-tron Charging Service. The
del Q4 40 e-tron sa stražnjim pogonom ostvaruje rear-wheel drive Q4 40 e-tron achieves a range of
doseg do 520 kilometara prema WLTP ciklusu. up to 520 kilometres in the WLTP cycle.

Fotografije / Photos:
ACI No.1 // Audi Q4 e-tron & Q4 Sportback e-tron

Vanjski dizajn impresionira markantnim proporcijama: The exterior design is extremely impressive with its stri-
kratki prednji prevjesi, veliki kotači i markantno oblikovani king proportions: short front overhang, large wheels and
atletski elementi. remarkable athletic elements.

Sljedeći korak marke Audi: vanjski dizajn The next step of the Audi brand: external design
Marka Audi modelima Q4 e-tron i Q4 Sportback e-tron čini sljedeći With the Q4 e-tron and the Q4 Sportback e-tron, Audi is taking the
korak u pogledu dizajna svojih električnih modela: oba kompaktna next step in the design of its electric models: both compact SUVs
SUV vozila u serijsku proizvodnju dovode linije kojima su se
bring into series production the body lines that the Audi Q4 concept
već odlikovali izložbeni automobili Audi Q4 concept i Audi Q4
and the Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron concept demonstrated in early
Sportback e-tron concept početkom 2019. godine. Vanjski dizajn
impresionira markantnim proporcijama: kratki prednji prevjesi, 2019. The exterior design is extremely impressive with its striking
veliki kotači i markantno oblikovani atletski elementi. Kod modela proportions: short front overhang, large wheels and remarkable
Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron posebno niska linija krova nalik onoj kod athletic elements. In the Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron, the especially
coupé modela prelazi u ekspresivno dizajniran stražnji dio vozila, low coupé-style roofline ends in an expressively designed rear,
na kojem je spojler smješten nisko na dvodijelnom staklu. Tipičan where the spoiler is positioned low on the two-part window.
za Audi je progresivan dizajn marke koji je kako funkcionalan tako
i aerodinamičan: Q4 e-tron postiže cw vrijednost od 0,28, a kod The brand’s progressive design, both functional and aerodynamic,
modela Sportback ta vrijednost iznosi svega 0,26. is typical for Audi: the Q4 e-tron achieves a drag coefficient of
Po želji se oba kompaktna električna SUV vozila mogu isporučiti 0.28, and the Sportback gets to an even lower 0.26.
s matrix LED glavnim svjetlima – tako će uvijek moći osvjetljavati On request, both compact electric SUVs can be delivered with
cestu uz najviši stupanj osvjetljenja, a da pri tome ne zasljepljuju Matrix LED headlights – in this way, the road will always be
druge sudionike u prometu. Svjetski su novitet digitalne signature illuminated as brightly as possible without blinding other road
svjetala: u MMI touch sustavu rukovanja vozač može birati među
users. The digital light signatures are a world’s first: the driver can
četiri signature.
choose among four of them in the MMI touch system.
Na stražnjem dijelu vozila svjetlosna traka međusobno povezuje
jedinice stražnjih svjetala. Kada je riječ o vanjskim bojama, na At the rear, a light strip connects the taillight units to each other.
raspolaganju ih je ukupno osam, među kojima je novitet nijansa There is a total of eight colours available for the exterior paint
Aurora ljubičasta metalik. finish, among which is the new metallic Aurora violet shade.

ACI No.1 // Audi Q4 e-tron & Q4 Sportback e-tron

Ponuda prostora u unutrašnjosti usporediva

je s višom klasom SUV vozila.

The available space in the interior is compa-

rable to the one in a higher class of SUVs.

Jedan za sve i svakoga: e-mobilnost za svakodnevicu i One vehicle for everyone and everything: e-mobility for
sve životne stilove everyday life and all lifestyles
Zahvaljujući svojoj svestranosti modeli Audi Q4 e-tron Thanks to their versatility, the Audi Q4 e-tron and the Q4
i Q4 Sportback e-tron savršeni su suputnici u svim Sportback e-tron models are the perfect companions
situacijama. Uz dužinu od 4,59 metara nude paket koji in every situation. At 4.59 meters in length, they offer a
putnicima u vozilu osigurava dodatnu prostranost i package that gives the passengers on board additional
nadmašuje uobičajene dimenzije klase. Ponuda prostora space, going beyond existing class boundaries. The
u unutrašnjosti usporediva je s višom klasom SUV vozila, available space in the interior is comparable to the one
a središnji je tunel izostao. Osjećaj prostranosti ne očituje in a higher class of SUVs, and there is no central tunnel.
se samo na prednjim sjedalima – putnici u stražnjem The feeling of spaciousness is not confined only to the
dijelu vozila profitirat će od mnoštva prostora za noge front seats – passengers in the rear will also benefit from
zahvaljujući prednostima osnovne tehničke verzije koja generous legroom thanks to the advantages of the basic
je koncipirana kao potpuno električna platforma. technical version, designed as an all-electric platform.
Prtljažnik također premašuje dimenzije uobičajene za The boot also offers more space than is typical for the
kompaktnu klasu vozila – njegov je kapacitet jednak compact class – its volume is equal to the one in the mid-
kapacitetu u vozilu srednje klase: kod modela Q4 e-tron size class: depending on the position of the rear seat
kapacitet, ovisno o položaju naslona stražnjih sjedala, backs, the volume is 520 to 1,490 litres in the Q4 e-tron,
iznosi od 520 do 1490 litara, a kod modela Sportback od and 535 to 1,460 litres under the electric boot lid in the
535 do 1460 litara ispod električnog poklopca. Sportback.
Nove ideje za novo vrijeme: unutrašnjost i rukovanje New ideas for a new era: the interior and operation
Unutrašnjost modela Audi Q4 e-tron i Q4 Sportback The interior of the Audi Q4 e-tron and the Q4 Sportback
e-tron doima se prostranom i prozračnom, a instrumentna e-tron comes across as spacious and airy, and the
ploča usmjerena je prema vozaču. Dekorativni umetak instrument panel is turned toward the driver. The inlay
na suvozačevoj strani po želji je dostupan od novoga on the front passenger side is available, on request,

ACI No.1 // Audi Q4 e-tron & Q4 Sportback e-tron

Rukovanje govornim naredba- tehničkog materijala s udjelom recikliranih in an innovative technical fabric with a
materijala, a on će biti dostupan proportion of recycled materials, which
ma normalnim govorom čini tre- neposredno nakon uvođenja na tržište. will be available immediately after its
ću razinu rukovanja. Za sportski interijer S line dostupne su market launch. Seat upholstery containing
presvlake sjedala koje sadrže velik udio a large proportion of recycled polyester is
recikliranog poliestera. Za svako se sjedalo available for the sporty S line interior. About
The natural voice control option upotrebljava oko 26 recikliranih PET boca
26 recycled 1.5-litre PET bottles were used
provides the third operating in- od po 1,5 litara.
for each seat.
Potpuno je novo i kolo upravljača s
terface. dodirnim površinama putem kojih vozač The steering wheel with touch surfaces
može upravljati digitalnim kombiniranim that can be used by the driver to control
instrumentom. Rukovanje infotainment the digital instrument cluster is also
sustavom i navigacijom uglavnom se completely new. The infotainment system
provodi putem središnjeg MMI touch and navigation are mainly operated using
zaslona koji će krajem godine biti dostupan a central MMI touch display, which will also
i u najvećoj varijanti s veličinom od 11,6". be available in the largest configuration
Rukovanje govornim naredbama normalnim level of 11.6 inches towards the end of
govorom čini treću razinu rukovanja. the year. The natural voice control option
Modeli Audi Q4 e-tron i Q4 Sportback e-tron provides the third operating interface.
po želji mogu biti opremljeni dodatnom On request, the Audi Q4 e-tron and the Q4
inovacijom – Augmented Reality Head-up Sportback e-tron models can be equipped
zaslonom. On stavlja napomene određenih
with an additional innovation – the
sustava potpora i simbole navigacije unutar
Augmented Reality Head-up display, which
vidnog polja vozača i preko elemenata
u stvarnom vanjskom svijetu. One se places the information provided by some
dinamično prikazuju u jednom velikom of the assist systems and the navigation
prozoru. Ondje se prikazuju kao da symbols within the driver's field of view,
virtualno lebde na udaljenosti od oko 10 ili superimposing them on the external, real
više metara od vozača – što je fascinantan world. It is displayed dynamically in one
efekt. large window, where it appears to float

ACI No.1 // Audi Q4 e-tron & Q4 Sportback e-tron

Sound sustav objedinjuje životni stil,

tehnologiju i dizajn u jednoj sasvim
novoj dimenziji.

The sound system combines life-

style, technology and design in a
whole new dimension.

Potpuno digitalan: Q4 e-tron je E-Mobility Device Modeli Q4 virtually at a distance of about 10 meters or more from the driver –
e-tron osiguravaju potpuno digitalan doživljaj rukovanja. Ponuda creating a fascinating effect.
infotainment sustava u električnim kompaktnim SUV vozilima Fully digital: the Q4 e-tron is an e-Mobility Device The Q4
koncipirana je u tri stupnja – od sustava MMI preko sustava MMI e-tron models provide a fully digital operating experience. The
plus pa sve do sustava MMI pro. Ovisno o varijanti dostupne su infotainment system package in the electric compact SUVs has
različite funkcije, između ostalog Augmented Reality Head-up
been designed in three levels – from MMI to MMI Plus to MMI
zaslon i Audi virtual cockpit plus. Kada je riječ o vrhunskom zvuku,
Pro. Depending on the version, different functions are available,
uz marku SONOS u vozilo dolazi novi partner – njegov sound
including the Augmented Reality Head-up display and Audi
sustav objedinjuje životni stil, tehnologiju i dizajn u jednoj sasvim
Virtual Cockpit Plus. When it comes to premium sound, we have
novoj dimenziji.
a new partner in the vehicle – the SONOS brand, whose sound
Za svakodnevne relacije unutar grada i vožnje dugim dionicama: system combines lifestyle, technology and design in a whole new
baterija, pogon i ponuda punjenja dimension.
Portfelj pogonskih sustava obaju električnih kompaktnih modela For urban commuting and long-distance driving: battery, drive
u potpunosti ispunjava sve zahtjeve različitih skupina kupaca
and charging options
– onih koji voze svakodnevne relacije unutar grada te onih koji
češće voze dugim dionicama. On obuhvaća dvije baterijske i tri The drive portfolio of the two compact electric models fully meets
pogonske varijante. all the requirements of different groups of customers – from the
Vrhunski motor modela Q4 50 e-tron quattro (kombinirana potrošnja urban commuter to the long-distance driver. It includes two battery
struje u kWh/100 km*: 17,8 – 16,5 (NEFZ ciklus), kombinirane emisije and three drive variants.
CO2 u g/km*: 0) koristi dva e-motora za električni pogon na sve The top-of-the-range motor of the Q4 50 e-tron quattro (combined
kotače. Njima se osigurava najveća snaga od 220 kW (299 KS)*** power consumption in kWh/100 km*: 17.8-16.5 (NEDC), combined
– što je dovoljno za ubrzanje od 0 do 100 km/h za 6,2 sekunde i CO2 emissions in g/km*: 0) uses two electric motors for its all-
najveću brzinu od 180 km/h koja je elektronički ograničena. Zbog wheel drive. They provide a maximum power output of 220 kW
učinkovitosti motor na prednjoj osovini aktivirat će se samo kada je (299 hp)*** – which is sufficient to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h
potrebna velika snaga ili snažno prianjanje na cesti. in 6.2 seconds and to reach the top speed of 180 km/h, which has
Oba nova električna SUV vozila marke Audi mogu se puniti been electronically limited. For reasons of efficiency, the motor on
izmjeničnom strujom (AC) i istosmjernom strujom (DC), ovisno o the front axle will activate only when more power or a stronger grip
bateriji uz različitu snagu. on the road surface is required.

ACI No.1 // Audi Q4 e-tron & Q4 Sportback e-tron

Sustavi regulacije za pogon i vozni postroj usko

su međusobno povezani – kompaktna električna
SUV vozila voze sigurno, sportski i istovremeno

The drive control system and the suspension are

closely interconnected – the compact electric
SUVs offer a safe, sporty and, at the same time, Both of the new Audi electric SUVs can be charged using
comfortable drive. alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) with different
outputs, depending on the battery.
Intelligent connectivity: the suspension and the driver assist
Inteligentno umreženje: vozni postroj i sustavi potpora za vozača The high-voltage battery of the Audi Q4 e-tron and the Q4 Sportback
Visokonaponska baterija modela Audi Q4 e-tron i Q4 Sportback e-tron models is located between the axles, guaranteeing a low
e-tron nalazi se između osovina, što jamči nisko težište i centre of gravity and a balanced weight distribution. The drive
uravnoteženu raspodjelu težine. Sustavi regulacije za pogon i vozni control systems and the suspension are closely interconnected –
postroj usko su međusobno povezani – kompaktna električna SUV the compact electric SUVs offer a safe, sporty and, at the same
vozila voze sigurno, sportski i istovremeno komforno. time, comfortable drive.
Serijske verzije ovih kompaktnih električnih SUV vozila s proizvodne The serial versions of these compact electric SUVs roll off the
trake silaze već opremljene brojnim sustavima potpora. Među njih assembly line already equipped with a number of assist systems,
se ubraja prediktivna potpora za učinkovitu vožnju koja podržava including predictive efficiency assist, which supports a forward-
prediktivni način vožnje uz optimalnu potrošnju. looking driving style that optimises the consumption of energy.
Održivost u središtu pozornosti: Q4 e-tron kupcima se isporučuje Sustainability in the spotlight: the Q4 e-tron is delivered to custo-
neutralan u pogledu bilance CO2 mers with a CO2-neutral footprint
Izbjegavanje, smanjenje i kompenziranje neizbježnih emisija: Audi Avoiding, minimising and offsetting unavoidable emissions: Audi
proizvodi modele Q4 e-tron i Q4 Sportback e-tron neutralno u produces the Q4 e-tron and the Q4 Sportback e-tron models
pogledu klimatske bilance. Tvornica u Zwickauu opskrbljuje se with a neutral carbon footprint. The Zwickau production plant
strujom dobivenom iz obnovljivih izvora energije, a dobavljači gets electricity from renewable energy sources, and battery cell
baterijskih ćelija također su obvezni tijekom proizvodnje suppliers are also required to only use green electricity in their
upotrebljavati isključivo „zelenu“ struju. production processes.
Detalji i cijene saznajte na www.audi.hr  More details and prices can be found at www.audi.hr 

Fotografije / Photos:
Gordan Murray Automotive


Legendarni dizajner bolida Formule 1 i jedinstvenog McLarena F1 stvara revo-
lucionarni sportski automobil jednostavnog imena – T.50

The legendary designer of Formula One racing cars and the unique
McLaren F1 has created a revolutionary sports car with a simple name – T.50

U Formuli 1 proveo je dva desetljeća, He spent two decades in Formula One,

a bolidi koje je dizajnirao osvojili su 5 and the racing cars he designed won
naslova prvaka i upisali 50 Grand prix five championships and recorded 50
pobjeda. Remek-djelo sportske karijere Grand Prix victories. The masterpiece
Gordona Murrayja je McLaren MP4/4, of Gordon Murray's sports career is
najuspješniji bolid svih vremena s kojim the McLaren MP4/4, the most success-
su Ayrton Senna i Alain Prost u sezo- ful racing car of all time, in which Ayr-
ni 1988. u 16 utrka nanizali nevjerojat- ton Senna and Alain Prost racked up
nih 15 pobjeda, osvojili 15 prvih startnih a whopping 15 wins out of 16 races in
pozicija, a Brazilac je došao i do prvog the 1988 season, securing 15 pole posi-
naslova svjetskog prvaka. tions, with the Brazilian also winning his
first world title.

ACI No.1 // Gordon Murray

U Formuli 1 proveo je dva desetljeća, a bolidi koje je He spent two decades in Formula One, and the racing
dizajnirao osvojili su 5 naslova prvaka i upisali 50 Grand cars he designed won five championships and record-
prix pobjeda. Remek-djelo sportske karijere Gordona ed 50 Grand Prix victories. The masterpiece of Gordon
Murrayja je McLaren MP4/4, najuspješniji bolid svih Murray's sports career is the McLaren MP4/4, the most
vremena s kojim su Ayrton Senna i Alain Prost u se- successful racing car of all time, in which Ayrton Senna
zoni 1988. u 16 utrka nanizali nevjerojatnih 15 pobjeda, and Alain Prost racked up a whopping 15 wins out of 16
osvojili 15 prvih startnih pozicija, a Brazilac je došao i do races in the 1988 season, securing 15 pole positions,
prvog naslova svjetskog prvaka. with the Brazilian also winning his first world title.
Izvan svijeta Formule 1, profesora Murray svijet najviše Outside the world of Formula One, Professor Murray
pamti po McLarenu F1, cestovnom automobilu iz 90-ih is famous mostly for the McLaren F1, a 1990s road car
koji je postao jedna od prekretnica u povijesti auto- that has become one of the milestones in the history
mobilske tehnologije, a s godinama sveti gral kolekci- of automotive technology, and, over the years, collec-
onara. Posljednja kreacija 74-godišnjeg legendarnog tors’ Holy Grail. The latest creation of the 74-year-old
dizajnera je T.50, supersportski automobil starog stila legendary designer is the T.50, an old-style supercar
s atmosferskim V12 motorom vrtoglavo visokih okreta- with an atmospheric V12 engine with dizzyingly high
ja i elektronike svedena na zadani minimum. Model u revs and electronics reduced to a defined minimum
kojem je Murray posegnuo za nekim svojim povijesnim – a model in which Murray went back to some of his
rješenjima poput središnje postavljenog vozačkog sje- historical solutions such as a central driving position
dala i ventilatora s aerodinamičnom funkcijom, ali i još and fan-assisted aerodynamics, but also once again ex-
jednom iskazao svoju opsjednutost omjerom mase i pressed his obsession with the ratio of mass to power.
Can we call the T.50 the spiritual heir to the McLaren
Možemo li T.50 okarakterizirati duhovnim nasljedni- F1?
kom McLarena F1?
Absolutely. I embarked on the project with that inten-
Apsolutno. U projekt sam krenuo s tom namjerom. Tra- tion. Looking in 2017 for an idea to celebrate the anni-
žeći tijekom 2017. ideju za proslavu originalne godišnji- versary of the McLaren F1, I was inspired by what Fer-
ce McLarena F1, nadahnuo sam se onim što je Ferrari rari did with the F40 and F50, and I realised that no
učinio s modelima F40 i F50, i shvatio sam da nitko nije one had tried to bring this formula back to life, to focus
pokušao oživjeti tu formulu, usredotočen na lakoću i on lightness and the pleasure of driving. In the world
užitak u vožnji. U svijetu sportskih automobila već neko of sports cars, the focus has been, for some time now,
vrijeme fokus je na snazi i brzini, koje su ušle u fanta- on strength and speed, which have entered fantastic
stične sfere. Nakon toliko godina uz ogroman napredak spheres. After so many years, and with tremendous
u tehnologiji i materijalima, otvorila se izvrsna prilika da advances in technology and materials, an excellent op-
ponovimo nešto poput McLarena F1, prije nego što svi portunity has arisen to do something like the McLaren
počnu voziti električne i hibridne automobile. F1 again, before everyone starts driving electric and hy-
brid cars.
U Formuli 1 krajem 70-ih izazvali ste pravi potres In the late 1970s, you created quite a stir in Formula
predstavivši 'ventilator'. Što se promijenilo od tada One by introducing the fan. What has changed since
kako bi se takav sustav mogao koristiti na cesti? then that would make it possible to use such a system
on the road?
Rješenje s ventilatorom možda nalikuje onom koji sam
dizajnirao za Brabham Alfu, ali njegova rad i učinak pot- The solution with the fan may resemble the one I de-
puno su različiti i puno sofisticiraniji. Naravno postoje i signed for Brabham Alfa, but its operation and effect
sličnost jer u osnovi oba omogućuju bolji protok zraka are completely different and much more sophisticated.
ispod podnice i stvaranje podtlaka. U ono vrijeme ni- Of course, there are also similarities, since basically
sam imao vremena u potpunosti razviti to rješenje, jer both allow for better airflow underneath the car and
nisam imao na raspolaganju zračni tunel, ali sam sebi the creation of downforce. At that time, I did not have
obećao da ću se pozabaviti tim područjem kada budem the time to fully develop this solution because I did not
radio neku novi sportski automobil. have a wind tunnel at my disposal, but I promised my-
self that I would deal with this when I was making a new
Cosworth je u isto vrijeme razvio V12 motor za Aston sports car.
Martin Valkyrie. Postoje li sličnosti s motorom koji je
ugrađen u T.50? Cosworth developed the V12 engine for the Aston
Martin Valkyrie at the same time. Are there any simi-
Izuzmemo li činjenice da su oba nastala u pogonima larities with the engine built into the T.50?
Coswortha, nema ništa zajedničkog između motora koji
pokreće moj automobil i onog ugrađenog u Valkyrie. Apart from the fact that both were manufactured at the
Motor T.50 je napredniji, kompaktniji i lakši, a inspira- Cosworth factories, there's nothing in common between

Upoznao sam svih 100 kupaca mojeg T.50. Većina njih kupila je ovaj
automobil kako bi osjetila što pruža pravi vozački stroj.

I’ve met all 100 customers of my T.50. Most of them bought this car
to feel what a proper driver's car offers.

ACI No.1 // Gordon Murray

McLaren F1 postao je previše

skup, dijelovi su rijetki, pa čak
i milijarderi dobro razmisle
prije nego sjednu za upravljač,
a T.50 je kao da ste kupili F1 s
popustom od 85%.

The McLaren F1 has become

too expensive, spare parts are
scarce, and even billionaires
think twice before getting
behind the wheel, while buying
the T.50 is like buying an F1 at
an 85% discount

ciju za njega pronašao sam u trolitrenom V12 koji se ugrađivao u the engine that powers my car and the one built into the Valkyrie.
Ferrari 250 šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Jedan od najboljih The T.50 engine is more advanced, more compact and lighter, and
motora u povijesti po pitanju isporuke snage i okretnog momenta. I got the inspiration for it in a three-litre V12 that was built into the
U početku je zacrtani obujam iznosio 3300 ccm, ali nakon detalj- Ferrari 250 in the 1960s, which is one of the best engines in history
nijih proračuna, shvatili smo da s tim volumenom ne bi nadmašili in terms of power and torque ooutput. Initially, the outlined volume
performanse koje je imao F1 odnosno da bi automobil morao težiti was 3300 cc, but after more detailed calculations, we realised that
900 kg. Povećanjem na gotovo četiri litre, međutim, mogli smo si with this volume we would not outperform the F1, that is, that the
dozvoliti 980 kg. Sasvim slučajno u pitanju je obujam koji podsje- car would have to weigh under 900 kg. By increasing it to almost
ća na Lamborghini Miuru prema kojoj gajim poseban odnos i ako four litres, however, we could have the weight of 980 kg. Quite by
prihvatimo činjenicu da nam budućnost donosi električne automo- chance it is a volume reminiscent of the Lamborghini Miura, which
bile, onda Miura i moj T.50 predstavljaju početnu i završnu točku I have a special relationship with, and, accepting the fact that the
kategorije koja je između toga svijetu donijela djela poput Ferrarija future brings electric cars, then Miura and my T.50 represent the
Enzo i McLarena F1. starting and the finishing point of the category that, between these
two points, has produced cars such as the Ferrari Enzo and the
Koja tehnologija i materijali se kriju iza motora koji se vrti preko McLaren F1.
12.000 okretaja u minuti i koliki je njegov životni vijek?
What technology and materials are behind the engine that revs
Cosworth je najbolja adresa za motore s visokim okretajem. Šez- to more than 12,000 rpm and what is its lifespan?
desetih godina ste morali birati između konja na vrhu ili okretnog
momenta na nižim okretajima. Oboje je bilo nemoguće. Ta frustra- Cosworth is the best address for high-rev engines. In the 1960s,
cija mi je dobro znana i prije dizajniranja automobila i šasije, posve- you had to choose between horsepower at higher rpm or torque
tio sam se motoru. Kad sam prije dvije godine ljudima iz Coswort- at lower rpm; having both was impossible. This frustration was well
hu iznio svoje želje, bili su sumnjičavi. Ali kad sam vidio rezultate, known to me, and before designing the car and chassis, I focused
shvatio sam da smo pogodili cilj jer 71 posto okretnog momenta on the engine. When I shared what I wanted to do with the people
postiže se pri 2000 okretaja u minuti. Naš motor je cestovni i jam- at Cosworth two years ago, they were suspicious. But when I saw
stvo pokriva 80.000 km. Nije to poput Mercedesova AMG Project the results, I knew that we’d hit the target because 71 percent of

ACI No.1 // Gordon Murray

One s motorom izvedenim iz Formule koji mora svake godine na the torque is delivered at 2,000 rpm. Ours is a road engine and the
reviziju. warranty covers 80,000 km. It's not like the Mercedes-AMG Pro-
ject One with a Formula-derived engine that has to be reviewed
T.50 smatrate klasičnim cestovnim automobilom? every year.

Smatram ga super GT-om, više nego superautomobilom kakav je Do you consider the T.50 a classic road car?
bio F1. Proizlazi to i iz podešenosti ovjesa, ali i komfora koji pru-
ža. Kao referenca poslužio je Alpine A110, koji vozim svakodnev- I consider it a super GT, more than a supercar that the F1 was. This
stems not from only the adjustability of the suspension but also
no i smatram da nudi najbolji kompromis između voznih osobina i
from the comfort it provides. I used the Alpine A110, which I drive
komfora. Ali i sve ostale značajke, pružaju osjećaj svakodnevnog
daily, as the benchmark, and I think it offers the best compromise
automobila. Nažalost u današnje vrijeme ABS, ESP, kontrola pro- between performance and comfort. But all the other features also
klizavanja… su neizostavni. Oduzimaju dio zadovoljstva vožnje. provide the feeling of an everyday car. Nowadays, unfortunately,
Osobno sam isprobao sve superautomobile na stazi i na cesti. S ABS, ESP, traction control etc. are indispensable. They take away
uključenom elektronikom svatko može ići brzo, a naš cilj bio je ra- some of the pleasure of driving. I personally tried all the supercars
zviti stroj koji je stabilan s uključenim sustavima i zabavan s isklju- on the track and on the road. With the electronics on, anyone can
čenim sustavima. go fast, but our goal was to develop a machine that is stable with
the systems on and fun with the systems off.
Tipičan kupac modernih sportskih automobila odavno je zabo-
ravio na kvačilo i ručni mjenjač. Je li šest stupnjeva prijenosa A typical buyer of modern sports cars has long forgotten about
dovoljno za motor koji radi na tako visokim okretajima? the clutch and manual transmission. Are six gears enough for an
engine operating at such high revs?
Na papiru ima šest brzina, ali šesta je zapravo overdrive za vožnju
autocestom i mjenjač u stvari za pravu vožnju ima pet stupnjeva. It has six speeds on paper, but the sixth is actually an overdrive to
be used on the highway, so the gearbox used in actual driving de
Smatrali smo da je to najbolji izbor zahvaljujući motoru s toliko
facto has five speeds. We thought it was the best choice thanks to
okretnog momenta u automobilu koji teži samo 1000 kg. Možda
the engine with so much torque in a car that weighs only 1000 kg.
su svi navikli na dvostruku spojku kao što je ima i Alpine, ali to je Maybe everyone is used to a dual clutch the Alpine has, but with
mjenjač u kojem ni ne osjećate promjenu stupnja prijenosa. Ispr- it you don't even feel when a gear is changed. At first, we consid-
va smo razmišljali o sekvencijalnom mjenjaču kakav se koristi u ered the sequential transmission that is used in racing, in which
utrkama, u kojem se spojka koristi samo na startu, a onda smo se the clutch is used only at the start, but then we changed our minds.
predomislili. Uostalom prodali smo svu proizvodnju i samo je jedan Ultimately, we sold out all the production run and only one buyer
kupac tražio robotizirani mjenjač. asked for a robotic gearbox.

ACI No.1 // Gordon Murray

Svih 100 primjeraka čija isporuka počinje iduće godine prodali You sold all 100 examples, whose delivery will start next year,
ste praktično u 48 sati nakon predstavljanja. Tko su kupci spre- practically within 48 hours of the car's unveiling. Who are the
mni izbrojiti gotovo 3 milijuna eura i da li ste nekoga odbili? buyers willing to pay almost 3 million euros and did you have to
turn anyone down?
Sve sam ih upoznao i drago mi je da je velika većina, recimo devet
I've met all of them and I'm glad the vast majority, say nine out of
od deset, kupilo T.50 kako bi ga vozili. McLaren F1 postao je previ-
ten, bought a T.50 to drive it. The McLaren F1 has become too ex-
še skup. Vrijednost mu danas premašuje 15 milijuna funti i dijelovi
pensive. Its value today exceeds £15 million, spare parts are scarce,
su rijetki, pa čak i milijarderi dobro razmisle prije nego sjednu za and even billionaires think twice before getting behind the wheel,
upravljač, a T.50 je kao da ste kupili F1 s popustom od 85%. Bilo je while buying the T.50 is like buying an F1 at an 85% discount. There
kupaca kojima sam morao reći ne. U pitanju su bili špekulanti, pre- were customers I had to say no to. They were profiteers, resellers,
prodavači, koji se ne bi držali potpisanih obaveza i zašto završiti na who would not adhere to what they signed. Why end up in court? It
sudu. Bolje je odmah u startu prekinuti suradnju. is better to stop the cooperation before it is established.

Možete li zamisliti, u budućnosti, lagani električni sportski auto- Can you imagine a lightweight electric sports car like the T.50
mobil poput T.50? in the future?

Moramo pričekati tehnološki razvoj baterija. Aktualne su vrlo loše, We have to wait for the technological development of batteries.
The current ones are very bad; you are forced to carry hundreds
prisiljava vas da nosite stotine kilograma što je za gradski automo-
of kilograms, which may be fine for a city car, but, for a sports car,
bil možda u redu, ali za sportski je masa štetna. Ne možete napra-
mass is damaging. You cannot make a sports car that weighs two
viti sportski automobil koji teži dvije tone i dobro se ponaša. Ne tons and performs well. You can't change the laws of physics. I
možete promijeniti zakone fizike. Imam kolekciju od 40-ak sport- have a collection of about 40 classic sports cars and each weighs
skih oldtimera i svaki teži manje od 900 kg. Voziti ih je prekrasan less than 900 kg. Driving them is a wonderful feeling that makes
osjećaj nakon kojeg shvaćate koje značenje ima lakoća.  you realise what lightness means. 

Fotografija / Photo:
Jaanus Ree/Red Bull Content Pool


Sedmerostruki svjetski relijaški prvak Francuz Seven-time world rally champion, Frenchman
Sébastien Ogier pobjednik je prvog izdanja Cro- Sébastien Ogier is the winner of the first edition
atia Rallyja of the Croatia Rally

Od 2004. reli je igra u kojoj uvijek pobjeđuju Francuzi, da Since 2004, rally has been a race in which the French al-
parafraziramo legendarnu izjavu Garyja Linekera izrečenu ways win, to paraphrase Gary Lineker's legendary state-
nakon ispadanja Engleske u polufinalu Svjetskog prvenstva ment made when England footballers lost the World Cup
u nogometu. Izuzev 2019. godine kada je naslov osvojio semi-finals. Apart from 2019, when the title was won by Es-
Estonac Ott Tänak, posljednjih 16 od 17 titula svjetskog pr- tonian Ott Tänak, 16 of the last 17 world titles went to drivers
vaka pripalo je vozačima koji se zovu Sébastien. Francusku named Sébastien. The ‘French Revolution’ was started by
je revoluciju započeo Sébastien Loeb s devet uzastopnih Sébastien Loeb, who won nine titles in a row, and was con-
naslova, a potom je nastavio Sébastien Ogier. tinued by Sébastien Ogier.

ACI No.1 // Sébastien Ogier

Fotografija / Photo:
Uroš Modlic

Kraljevsku disciplinu autosporta u travnju 2021. godine prvi je put For the first time, the royal discipline of motor sport was hosted
ugostila i Hrvatska, a prvi pobjednik Croatia Rallyja postao je – by Croatia in April 2021, and the first winner of the Croatia Rally
pogađate, Sébastien Ogier. U intenzivnom finišu napetom poput became – you guessed it – Sébastien Ogier. In an intense and
trilera Francuz je osvojio hrvatski reli s nevjerojatnih 0,6 sekun- a nail-biting finish, the Frenchman won the Croatian Rally with a
da prednosti ispred momčadskog kolege u Toyoti Elfyna Evansa whopping 0.6 seconds ahead of Elfyn Evans, his teammate in Toy-
nakon tri dana spektakularne akcije na cestama u impresivnom ota, after three days of spectacular action taking place on roads in
krajoliku Karlovačke, Krapinsko-zagorske i Zagrebačke županije te the stunning countryside of Karlovac, Krapina-Zagorje, and Zagreb
Grada Zagreba. counties as well as in the City of Zagreb.

Čini se da je stvarno sve bilo blizu do nekoliko posljednjih me- - It looks like it really went close, up to the last metres. May-
be the last mistake from Elfyn handed us the win, but over the
tara. Možda nam je posljednja pogreška Elfyna donijela pobjedu,
weekend the whole team has done an amazing job. The finish was
ali tijekom vikenda je cijela momčad napravila nevjerojatan posao.
very close, but there can only be one winner. Of course, the emo-
Završilo je jako blizu, ali pobjednik može biti samo jedan. Naravno,
tion for us now is super-strong. This weekend in Croatia has been
emocije su nam sada došle do izražaja, a vikend u Hrvatskoj je
a crazy rollercoaster for us, between the puncture and the issue
za nas bio poput ludog tobogana zbog puknute gume i problema
just before the start of the last day of the rally. I was glad to still be
uoči posljednjeg dana relija. Da budem iskren, bilo mi je drago in the race, honestly. I guess we do this sport for these emotions,
ostati u utrci. Zbog emocija se i bavimo relijem, poručio je Ogier said Ogier following the win in Croatia, the 51st in his successful
nakon pobjede u Hrvatskoj koja mu je bila 51. u bogatoj karijeri. career.
Odlučan, nemilosrdan, taktički pronicljiv s hladnokrvnošću kirurga Determined, ruthless and tactically astute, with a presence of mind
i refleksima kobre, 38-godišnji Sébastien Ogier je od djetinjstva of a surgeon and reflexes of a cobra, 38-year-old Sébastien Ogier
bio 'zaražen' oktanima. Otac mu je bio veliki obožavatelj pokojnog was bitten by a racing bug at an early age. His father was a big fan
Ayrtona Senne, a ujak vozač autocrossa, pa je mali Seb prvo re- of the late Ayrton Senna, and his uncle was an autocross driver, so
dao krugove u kartingu, a potom je prešao u reli. Osvojio je FFSA little Seb first did laps in go-karts and then crossed to rallying. He
Rallye Jeunes 2005., natjecanje za mlade talente, što mu je osigu- won the 2005 FFSA’s Rallye Jeunes, a talent spotting event, which

ACI No.1 // Sébastien Ogier

Fotografija / Photo:
Jaanus Ree/Red Bull Content Pool

Glad za pobjedama, naslovima i općenito uspjesima

teško se može smanjiti ili nestati kod vrhunskih spor-
taša. Kada je u vašem DNA ugrađena strast i želja za Fotografija / Photo:
natjecanjem, borbom, kada ne volite gubiti, pokušavat Jaanus Ree/Red Bull Content Pool

ćete što dulje ostati na vodećoj poziciji.

secured him a driving seat in the Peugeot 206 Cup, where he won
In top athletes, the desire to win races and titles and the French championship within two years.
to achieve success in general can hardly weaken or As early as 2008, in his world championship debut, he clinched
disappear. When passion and desire to compete and the Junior World Rally Champion title, and the following year he
was offered a place among the big boys – in a real WRC car. Since
to fight is in your DNA, when you don't like losing, 2013, he has been the undisputed ruler of rally racing, except for
you will try to stay in a leading position for as long as the already mentioned Tänak’s win in 2019. A total of seven titles in
possible. three different cars scored him the epithet of one of the best driv-
ers of all time and the title of King of Monte Carlo, the rally where
he has won a record eight times in five different cars.

ralo mjesto u Peugeot 206 Cupu u kojem je u roku od dvije godine What does it take to be consistently successful in a sport as
osvojio francusko prvenstvo. competitive as rally?
Već 2008. u prvom izlasku na svjetsku scenu osvaja naslov u juni- - Rally is first and foremost a team sport. It means that you
or WRC-u, već iduće godine dobiva priliku među velikim dečkima – need a chance to drive for a top team that can make a competi-
u pravom WRC automobilu. Od 2013. neprikosnoveni je vladar re- tive car and to be among a group of highly organised individuals
lija, osim već spomenute Tänakove 2019. godine. Ukupno sedam who will support you in your quest to win. This synergy between
naslova u tri različita automobila priskrbila su mu epitet jednog od the team and the driver is very important because a team without
najboljih vozača svih vremena i kralja Monte Carla, relija na kojem a good driver will achieve nothing, just as a driver without a top-
je pobjeđivao rekordnih osam puta u pet različitih automobila. notch team will not become a world champion. After each test,
after each stage, after every rally completed, it is important to
Što je potrebno da biste bili konstantno uspješni u ovako konku- ask yourself how you can be even better. I always ask myself that
rentnom sportu kao što je reli? question. It's just the way I do things.

- Reli je prije svega momčadski sport. Dakle, trebate doći u What is your motivation after seven championship titles?
priliku voziti za vrhunsku momčad koja može napraviti konkuren-
tan automobil i među sjajno organizirane ljude koji će vam pružiti - What I can tell you for sure is that you feel the greatest
podršku za pobjedu. Vrlo je bitna ta sinergija momčadi i vozača excitement when you are about to win your first title, but in top ath-
jer momčad bez dobrog vozača ne postiže ništa, kao što ni sam letes, the desire to win races and titles and to achieve success in
vozač bez vrhunski posložene momčadi neće postati svjetski pr- general can hardly weaken or disappear. When passion and desire
vak. Važno je nakon svakog testa, nakon svake odvožene etape, to compete and to fight is in your DNA, when you don't like losing,
svakog završenog relija zapitati se kako možeš biti još bolji. Uvijek you will try to stay in a leading position for as long as possible.
si postavljam to pitanje. To je jednostavno moj način rada. A large number of rally races and wins gives you the possibility

ACI No.1 // Sébastien Ogier

Kako se motivirate nakon sedam osvojenih naslova prvaka? to gain experience that helps you improve and become an even
better version of yourself. A rally career is like wine. The older you
- Ono što vam sigurno mogu reći je da najveće uzbuđenje get, the better you are because you have experienced certain sit-
osjećate kada ste u prilici osvojiti prvi naslov, no glad za pobje- uations and you are ready to rise up to the challenges that await
dama, naslovima i općenito uspjesima teško se može smanjiti ili you.
nestati kod vrhunskih sportaša. Kada je u vašem DNA ugrađena
strast i želja za natjecanjem, borbom, kada ne volite gubiti, poku- You and your co-driver, Julien Ingrassia, have a reputation of
šavat ćete što dulje ostati na vodećoj poziciji. S većim brojem relija being perfectionists. Have you always been 'Mr Perfect'?
i pobjeda stječete iskustvo koje vam pomaže da se nadogradite i
postanete još bolja verzija sebe. Relijaška karijera je poput vina. - Many teams I've driven for mention that aspect. Some-
Što ste stariji, to ste bolji jer ste proživjeli neke situacije i imate times we can be a bit difficult because we are very demanding of
spreman odgovor na izazove koji vas čekaju. people, but we are also demanding of ourselves. We want every
part of our team to run like clockwork. We also want to have the
Vi i vaš suvozač Julien Ingrassia na glasu ste kao perfekcionisti. best possible tool to win, and that means that the car must be at
Jeste li oduvijek bili 'Gospodin Savršeni'? the top of its game. Yes, as far as that is concerned, Julien and I
are perfectionists. We leave nothing to chance even after we have
- Mnoge momčadi za koje sam vozio spominju taj aspekt. won a victory; we never stop working and we discuss what we can
Ponekad znamo biti malo teški jer smo vrlo zahtjevni prema ljudi- do better in the next rally, and I think this is the best way to stay on
ma, ali smo isto tako zahtjevni i prema sebi. Želimo da svaki dio top and to remain competitive in world championships.
naše momčadi bude poput dobro uhodanog stroja. Isto tako, želi-
mo imati najbolji mogući alat za pobjedu, a to znači da automobil
mora biti vrhunski pripremljen. Da, što se toga tiče, Julien i ja smo
perfekcionisti. Ništa ne prepuštamo slučaju ni nakon pobjeda, uvi-
jek se trudimo raditi i vidjeti što možemo učiniti bolje za sljedeći reli
Ponekad znam biti malo težak jer sam vrlo
zahtjevan prema ljudima, ali isto sam tako
zahtjevan i prema sebi. Želim da svaki dio
momčadi bude poput dobro uhodanog stro-
ja. Isto tako, želim imati najbolji mogući alat
za pobjedu, a to znači da automobil mora
biti vrhunski pripremljen.

Sometimes I can be a little difficult because

I'm very demanding of people, but I'm also
demanding of myself. I want every part of
the team to run like clockwork. I also want
to have the best possible tool to win, and
that means that the car must be at the top
of its game.

Fotografija / Photo:
Jaanus Ree/Red Bull Content Pool

ACI No.1 // Sébastien Ogier

Fotografija / Photo: Fotografija / Photo:

Jaanus Ree/Red Bull Content Pool Jaanus Ree/Red Bull Content Pool

i mislim da je to najbolji način da ostanemo na vrhu i da ostanemo Speaking of different teams, you have had the opportunity to
konkurentni na svjetskom prvenstvu. drive both for the factory-backed teams of Citroën, Toyota and
Volkswagen and for privately run teams such as M-Sport Ford.
Kada ste već spomenuli različite momčadi, imali ste priliku voziti Can you compare them?
za tvorničke momčadi Citroëna, Toyote i Volkswagena i za pri-
vatnike kao što je M-Sport Ford. Možete li to usporediti? - Although the transition from a factory team to a private
one is a big change in terms of organisation and resources, each
- Iako je prelazak iz tvorničke u privatnu momčad velika
new situation in life brings a new experience that will eventually
promjena što se tiče organizacije i resursa, svaka nova situacija
enrich your life. I met a lot of new people and in the end, I was very
u životu donosi neko novo iskustvo koje te na kraju obogaćuje.
happy that this happened. I won two championship titles with this
Upoznao sam puno novih ljudi i na kraju sam bio vrlo sretan što
se to dogodilo, a s privatnom sam momčadi osvojio i dva naslova private team. Along the way, I learned to turn some potentially bad
prvaka. Usput sam naučio neke potencijalno loše situacije preo- situations to my advantage. Now I drive for Toyota, where I have
krenuti u svoju korist. Sada vozim za Toyotu gdje imam priliku raditi the opportunity to work with my childhood hero Tommi Mäkinen,
sa svojim herojem iz djetinjstva Tommijem Mäkinenom, pa mogu so I can say that that dream has come true.
reći kako mi se i taj san ostvario.
What do you think of hybridisation coming into rally with the
Što mislite o hibridizaciji koja dolazi u reli s novim pravilima new rules in 2022?
2022. godine?
- I love nature and the fact is that the world is facing big
- Volim prirodu i činjenica je da je svijet suočen s velikim problems, which means that the motor-racing industry has to take
problemima, a to znači da i automobilistička industrija mora po- some steps in that direction as well. And that's what's happening.
duzeti neke korake u tom smjeru. I to se događa. Uvode se nove New technologies are being introduced, and by this move, the
tehnologije, a reli ovim potezom pokazuje kako slijedi promjene u world of rally is showing that it is following the changes in society.
You've announced that this is your final season in rally. Does
Najavili ste kako vam je ovo posljednja sezona u reliju. Znači li to
this mean that your namesake Sébastien Loeb stays on top with
da vaš imenjak Sébastien Loeb ostaje na vrhu s devet osvojenih
nine titles won?

- Iskreno, taj podatak meni ništa ne znači. To je obična broj- - Honestly, that information means nothing to me. It's just a
ka. Postigao sam u karijeri i više nego što sam se ikada nadao da number. In my career, I've accomplished more than I ever hoped to
ću postići i radimo ono što volim. Naravno, uvijek želite više, no achieve, and I do what I love. Of course, you always want more, but
postoji još toliko stvari koje želim raditi u životu. Isto tako, dat ću there are so many other things I want to do in life. Also, I will do my
sve od sebe da iz relija odem kao pobjednik. Trenutačno nemam best to leave rally victorious. I don't have any plans at the moment,
nikakvih drugih planova, osim ove sezone. Istina je da sam oduvi- except for this season. The truth is, I've always wanted to try circuit
jek želio probati kružne utrke, a posebno Le Mans.  races, especially Le Mans. 

Fotografija / Photo by
Ante Čizmić / CROPIX

Toni Kukoč

Ovo je najveće priznanje koji košarkaš This is the greatest honour a basketball
može dobiti. Nakon ulaska u europsku player can receive. After being included
Kuću slavnih, sad sam ušao i u svjetsku in the European Hall of Fame, I have now
Kuću slavnih, zatvorio se krug igračke ka- been inducted in the world Hall of Fame,
rijere koja mi je bila prekrasna. Da mogu which has rounded off this wonderful
sve ponoviti, ne znam da li bi mijenjao sporting career of mine. If I could do it all
nešto. Bila je to moja idealna košarkaška over again, I’m not sure I’d change a thing.
avantura It was my ideal basketball adventure

Samo posebni i rijetki sportaši doživjeli su tijekom Only special and rare athletes have had their game
karijere da se njihova igra uspoređuje s umjetnošću. compared to art during their careers. One of them
Jedan od njih je i Toni Kukoč čiji je ples na parketu is Toni Kukoč, whose dance on the floor was poetry
bio poezija u pokretu, umjetnički performans u ko- in motion, an art performance where the 207 cm tall
jem je 207 cm visoki splitski čarobnjak klizio u nekoj ‘wizard’ from Split was gliding in a dimension of his
svojoj dimenziji. own.

Za mene je Michael Jordan najbolji svih
vremena. Ne samo zbog šest prstena nego
zbog načina na koji je pristupao svakom
danu i svakom treningu

For me, Michael Jordan is the greatest of

all time. Not only because of his six rings
but also because of the way he approac-
hed every day and every training session

Fotografija / Photo by
Josip Bistrović / CROPIX

ACI No.1 // Toni Kukoč

Ovaj tekst je premali za nabrajanje svih sportskih dosega Tonija This text is too short to list all Toni Kukoč’s sporting achievements,
Kukoča, ali spomenut ćemo samo najvažnije nagrade i medalje but we will mention only the most important awards and medals
igrača u čijim je rukama košarkaška lopta poprimila čarobnjačke received by this player, whose skilful hands did magic with the
vještine. Toni Kukoč je bio član najboljeg europskog kluba 20. sto- basketball. Toni Kukoč was a member of the best European team
ljeća, splitskih 'žutih' s kojima je tri puta uzastopno osvojio Kup of the 20th century, the Split ‘Yellows’, with whom he won three
prvaka (1989., 1990., 1991.), igrao je za vjerojatno najdominantniju Champions’ Cups in a row (in 1989, 1990 and 1991). He played for
NBA momčad svih vremena, Chicago Bullse, s kojima je osvojio probably the most dominant NBA team of all time, the Chicago
tri prstena (1996., 1997., 1998.), s reprezentacijom je bio svjetski i Bulls, winning three rings with them (in 1996, 1997 and 1998). He
europski prvak, a kao član hrvatskog 'Dream Teama' u Barceloni also won the world and European championships with the national
1992. stigao je do olimpijskog srebra. team and, as a member of the Croatian Dream Team, he won the
Uz brojne momčadske trofeje, Toni Kukoč je osvajao i brojne indivi- Olympic silver in Barcelona in 1992.
dualne nagrade. Bio je najbolji igrač Svjetskog (1990.) i Europskog In addition to many team trophies, Toni Kukoč won a number of
prvenstva (1991.), triput je izabran za najboljeg igrača tadašnjeg individual awards. He was the best player in the 1990 World Cup
Kupa prvaka (1990., 1991., 1993.), NBA najbolji šesti igrač (1996.), and the 1991 European Championship, a three-time best player in
četverostruki je najbolji europski košarkaš u izboru Gazzette dello the then Champions’ Cup (in 1990, 1991 and 1993), the NBA’s Sixth

Fotografija / Photo by Fotografija / Photo by

Ante Čizmić / CROPIX Ante Čizmić / CROPIX

Sport (1990., 1991., 1992., 1996.) i peterostruki u izboru Eurosca- Man of the Year in 1996. He was voted the best European bas-
ra (1990., 1991., 1994., 1996., 1998.), uvršten je u 50 najboljih eu- ketball player for four times by the Gazzetta dello Sport (in 1990,
ropskih košarkaša od strane FIBA-e (1991.), a od 2017. Fibine Kuće 1991, 1992 and 1996) and five times by the Euroscar (in 1990, 1991,
slavnih. Kao kruna jedne velike karijere je primanje u Kuću slavnih 1994, 1996 and 1998), and was included in the top 50 European
u američkom Springfieldu. Umjetnik lopte je u osmom pokušaju basketball players by the FIBA in 1991. Since 2017 he has been a
konačno pronašao svoje mjesto u košarkaškom 'Louvreu' u tzv. member of the FIBA’s House of Fame. The crowning achievement
Class of 2021! of his great career has been the induction into the Hall of Fame in
„Ovih je dana dobro biti ja (smijeh). Čini se da je scenarij mog ula- Springfield, USA. It was in his eighth attempt that this basketball
ska u Kuću slavnih napisao neki maštoviti scenarist. Valjda mi je artist finally found his place in the ‘Louvre’ of basketball, in the so-
tako bilo suđeno. Velika je stvar za mene, drago mi je da se sve called Class of 2021.
dogodilo u Splitu, u dvorani gdje je sve počelo. Kad uđem na Gri- ‘It’s good to be me these days,’ he says, laughing. ‘It seems that
pe, sjetim se treninga, koliko sam vremena proveo ovdje, svih ljudi the script of my induction into the Hall of Fame was written by a
koji su nam pomogli doći do velikih uspjeha, trenera koji su nas vo- very imaginative screenwriter. I guess that’s how it was meant to
dili. Ništa u sportu ne možeš sam. Drago mi je da se ovo dogodilo be. It’s a big deal for me; I’m glad it’s happened while I’m in Split,
dok su mi roditelji još živi, dok mi je otac živ, to je osoba koja me in the sports hall where it all started. When I enter the Gripe Sports
uvela u sport. Čovjek koji se pobrinuo da zavolim taj sport, vodio Hall, it all comes back to me, the trainings, how much time I spent
me na Hajduk, Jugoplastiku, rukomet, vaterpolo i stolni tenis koji here, all the people who helped us achieve great successes, all
sam trenirao na početku. Nadam se da je sve zapisano da se zna i our coaches. There’s nothing in sports you can do on your own.

ACI No.1 // Toni Kukoč

Fotografija / Photo by
Tom Dubravec / CROPIX

da ne treba ništa ponavljati. Ovo je najveće priznanje koji košarkaš I’m glad this happened while my parents are still alive, while my
može dobiti. Nakon ulaska u europsku Kuću slavnih, sad sam ušao father is alive; he's the person who got me into sports. He’s the
i u svjetsku Kuću slavnih, zatvorio se krug igračke karijere koja mi man who made sure I loved sport, who took me to see Haduk,
je bila prekrasna. Da mogu sve ponoviti, ne znam da li bi mijenjao Jugoplastika, and handball and waterpolo matches, and table ten-
nešto. Bila je to moja idealna košarkaška avantura, pojasnio je Toni nis, which I trained in the beginning. I hope it’s all written down, so
that we don’t have to repeat anything. This is the greatest honour
Kukoč koji je tijekom karijere imao nekoliko nadimaka. Prvog su
a basketball player can receive. After being included in the Eu-
ga zvali 'Pink Panther' i 'Oliva' zbog sličnosti s junacima, potom
ropean Hall of Fame, I have now been inducted in the world Hall
su ga mediji prozvali 'bijeli i europski Magic' aludirajući na sjajnog
of Fame, which has rounded off this wonderful sporting career of
američkog košarkaša Magica Johnsona, a nadimak 'konobar' je mine. If I could do it all over again, I’m not sure I’d change a thing. It
dobio zbog načina na koji je loptama posluživao suigrače. Kako je was my ideal basketball adventure, explains Toni Kukoč, who had
to jednom pojasnio: Koš usrećuje jednog, a asistencija dva igrača. several nicknames during his career. He was first called Pink Pan-
O važnim trenucima u košarkaškoj karijeri…. ther and Olive because he looked like the cartoon heroes, then
the media nicknamed him White or European Magic, alluding to
'U Europi mi je najdraži naslov bio prvi Kup prvaka jer je bio totalno
the brilliant American basketball player Magic Johnson, and he got
neočekivan. Još smo bili mlada momčad koje nije još bila svjesna
the nickname Waiter because of the way he handed the ball to his
svojih mogućnosti. Taj naslov u Münchenu i pobjede protiv Barce- teammates. As he once explained: A goal makes one player hap-
lone i Maccabija bili su potvrda naše snage i početak dominacije u py, while an assist makes two of them happy.
europskoj košarci. Doček u Splitu je bio senzacionalan. Cijeli grad
On important moments in his basketball career
je izašao van da s nama proslavi titulu.‘
‘In Europe, the first Champions’ Cup title was my favourite because
U NBA je debitirao 5. studenoga 1993., a karijeru u najjačoj ligi svi- it was totally unexpected. We were still a young team that was not
jeta završio je 12. rujna 2006. godine. Chicago Bulls, Philadelphia yet aware of its capabilities. That title in Munich and the victories
76ers, Atlanta Hawks i Milwaukee Bucks bili su klubovi u kojima je against Barcelona and Maccabi were a confirmation of our strength
nosio svoju prepoznatljivu sedmicu na dresu… and the beginning of our dominance in European basketball. The

ACI No.1 // Toni Kukoč

Kada sam dolazio u NBA, znao sam

da dolazim u najbolju momčad na
svijetu. Morate ostaviti po strani sva
svoja priznanja u Europi i od njih za-
služiti poštovanje

Entering the NBA, I knew I was joi-

ning the best team in the world. You
have to put aside all your European
awards and earn respect from them

Fotografija / Photo by Fotografija / Photo by

Ante Čizmić / CROPIX Vladimir Dugandžić / CROPIX

'Na Olimpijskim igrama u Barceloni 1992. prvi sam put upoznao way they welcomed us in Split was sensational. The whole town
Michaela Jordana i Scottieja Pippena. Nije to za mene bilo ugodno came out to celebrate the title with us.’
iskustvo, a njih dvojica su se nakon te utakmice sigurno zapitali: O, He made his NBA debut on 5 November 1993, and ended his ca-
bože, je li nam stvarno potreban? Pokojni Dražen, Sabonis, Marči- reer in the world’s top league on 12 September 2006. The Chica-
ulionis, Rađa, Divac i ja bili smo prvi europski košarkaški 'pioniri' go Bulls, Philadelphia 76ers, Atlanta Hawks and Milwaukee Bucks
u Americi. Bilo je to nešto novo. Bilo je to nešto što nismo znali, were the clubs where he wore his distinctive number seven jersey.
možda nismo ni razumjeli. Nismo znali što možemo očekivati. Ali
‘At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, I first met Michael Jordan and
znali smo da smo dobri košarkaši. Dolazio sam u najbolju momčad
Scottie Pippen. It wasn’t a pleasant experience for me, and the two
na svijetu. Morate ostaviti po strani sva svoja priznanja u Europi i
of them must have wondered after the game: Oh, my God, do we
od njih zaslužiti poštovanje.'
really need him? The late Dražen, Sabonis, Marčiulionis, Rađa, Di-
Michael Jordan obilježio je jednu eru u kojoj je košarka postala vac and I were the first European basketball ‘pioneers’ in America.
globalni sport. It was something new. It was something unknown, something we
'Michael Jordan je vođa i lider najzaslužniji za ovo što smo napravi- might not have even understood. We didn’t know what to expect.
li. To što sam imao priliku trenirati s Jordanom svaki dan pomoglo But we knew we were good basketball players. I was joining the
mi je da dođem do ove pozicije. Mislim da je najveći svih vremena. best team in the world. You have to put aside all your European
I uvijek će to biti. Ne samo zbog njegovih postignuća, šest (NBA) awards and earn respect from them
finala, šest prvenstava i MVP-ova i ostalih statističkih postignuća Michael Jordan marked an era in which basketball became a glob-
nego zbog načina na koji je pristupao svakom danu, svakom tre- al sport.
ningu. Bilo mi je drago što sam bio dio toga.'
‘Michael Jordan is the leader and the one deserving the credit for
The Last Dance prikazuje posljednju sezonu jedne velike genera- all we accomplished. Having the opportunity to train with Jordan
cije…. every day helped me get where I am today. I think he’s the great-
'To je većinom serijal o Michaelu Jordanu i to tako treba prihvatiti. est of all time. And he always will be. Not only because of his ac-
Normalno da je on u svemu moramo imati završnu riječ. Znalo se complishments, six (NBA) Finals, six championships and MVPs and

ACI No.1 // Toni Kukoč

Fotografija / Photo by
Fedja Klarić / CROPIX

other statistical accomplishments, but also because of the way he

approached every day, every training session. I was glad to be a
part of it.’
The Last Dance shows the last season of a great generation.
‘It’s mostly a series about Michael Jordan and that’s the way it
should be accepted. It’s normal that he should have the last word
Fotografija / Photo by
ARHIV SD in everything. It was known that it was our last season, the end of
an era of a great Bulls team. At first, I thought they would show how
we played, so that the younger generations could see that basket-
ball was played in the same way before LeBron, Curry and other
da je to naša posljednja sezona, završetak ere jedne super mom- new NBA stars. Jordan has never said he’s the greatest of all time,
čadi Bullsa. Mislio sam u početku da će pokazati kako smo igrali, he has said he didn’t play against Chamberlain, Russell and LeB-
da mlađi vide da se jednako igralo i prije LeBrona, Curryja i ostalih ron, Curry, so he can’t compare. He’s just not interested in things
novih NBA zvijezda. Jordan nikada nije za sebe rekao da je najbolji like that. I think that 70 percent of this series was accurate, to be
svih vremena, rekao je da nije igrao protiv Chamberlaina, Russella, honest, and the rest was made to sell the story. I wasn’t aware of
odnosno LeBrona, Curryja, pa ne može uspoređivati. Njega jedno- some of the things either because when you’re on the floor every
stavno ne zanimaju takve priče. Mislim da je 70 posto ovog seri- day, training, you don’t know what’s going on in the office; you
jala bilo točno, iskreno rečeno, a ostalo je napravljeno da se priča don’t know what’s going on on the bus while you are on court,
proda. Neke stvari nisam ni ja znao jer kad si svaki dan na terenu, or what someone said to someone else. Obviously, some things
na treninzima, ne znaš što se događa gore u uredu, ne znaš što se weren't right between them. Pippen asked for a seven-year con-
događa u autobusu dok si ti bio u dvorani ili što je netko nekome tract, not a four-year one, although both the boss and his manager
rekao. Očito neke stvari nisu bile postavljene između njih kako tre- advised him not to. What happened, happened; I'm glad, in a way.
ba. Pippen je tražio ugovor od sedam godina, a ne od četiri, mada There were people from all over the world, and I said to Jordan
su mu i gazda i njegov menadžer savjetovali da to ne napravi. Sve that I’d never talked to the media more in all my years of playing
se dogodilo što se dogodilo, u jednu ruku mi je drago. Bilo je ljudi than I had in the month or two while the Last Dance was on.'
iz svih krajeva svijeta, rekao sam Jordanu da nisam više pričao s On returning to Split
medijima nikad u svim godinama igranja nego što sam u mjesec,
‘I’ll always go back to Split because that’s where all my folks live.
dva dana koliko je trajao Last Dance.'
I’d love to live here for half a year and in Chicago for the other half,
O povratku u Split… but for now, it isn’t possible. Who knows what’s going to happen
'U Split ću se uvijek vraćati jer tu žive svi moji. Volio bih pola godine when I’m 60–65, when I really retire? Of course, I’d be more com-
živjeti ovdje, a pola u Chicagu, ali zasad takvo nešto nije moguće, fortable being in Split than on minus 30 in Chicago. In Split, I like to
tko zna što će biti sa 60-65 godina, penzija. Normalno da bi mi više walk on the waterfront or old streets. I have many memories that
odgovaralo biti u Splitu nego na minus 30 u Chicagu. U Splitu volim connect me to this city, and I love taking the boat out to fish. Our
šetati Rivom ili kaletama. Uz ovaj me grad vežu brojne uspomene, Adriatic is the most beautiful of all the seas.’
a volim i brodom u ribe. Najljepše je naše more Jadransko…' The Pink Panther of basketball in the Hall of Fame. The adventure
Košarkaški 'Pink Panther' u Kući slavnih. Krug je konačno zatvoren.  is now complete. 


24H HELPLINE: 00800 112 00 112

Fotografije / Photos by:


San o
olimpijskom zlatu
Prvakinja Hrvatske u golfu Vera Boras zaljubila se
u ovaj prekrasan sport kao djevojčica

Dream of
Olympic gold
Croatian golf champion Vera Boras fell in love
with this beautiful sport as a little girl

ACI marina Dubrovnik pravi je biser u su- ACI Marina Dubrovnik is a real gem in the lar-
stavu najvećeg lanca marina na Mediteranu. gest chain of marinas in the Mediterranean.
Jedna je od najljepših i najsigurnijih marina One of the most beautiful and safest marinas,
za privez, čuvanje i održavanje jahti čuvena offering mooring, storage and maintenance
je po dvorcu Sorkočević, ali isto tako i jedina of yachts, ACI Marina Dubrovnik is famous
marina na Jadranu koja u svojoj ponudi ima for its Sorkočević Summer House. It is also
inovativni ACI Golf Range. the only marina on the Adriatic that has the
innovative ACI Golf Range.

ACI No.1 // Vera Boras

Željela bi odigrati partiju na tereni-

ma St Andrews u Škotskoj te osjetiti
atmosferu u Augusta National Clubu
gdje su igrali velikani našeg sporta kao
što su Jack Nicklaus, Phil Mickelson i
Tiger Woods

I’d like to play a game at St Andrews

golf course in Scotland and feel the
atmosphere at Augusta National Golf
Club, where the greatest players of this
sport have played, such as Jack Nick-
laus, Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods

Najnovija ideja izgradnje golf vježbališta na površini This latest innovative and well-developed concept of a
veličine teniskog terena svojom inovativnošću i odlično golf range built on a tennis court-sized area promotes
razrađenom koncepcijom promovira golf i čini ga do- golf and makes it accessible to everyone. It consists of
stupnim svima, a sastoji se od golf vježbališta i mini golf a driving range and a mini golf course and includes all
igrališta koje obuhvaća sve elemente profesionalnog golf the elements of a professional golf course where all the
igrališta na kojem se mogu vježbati svi udarci s pravih strokes played on actual golf courses can be practiced.
Golf Range Concept is intended for boaters who come to
golf terena. Golf Range Concept namijenjen je nautičari-
ACI Marina Dubrovnik, as well as to everyone else who
ma koji dolaze u ACI marinu Dubrovnik, ali i svima osta-
engage in this beautiful sport.
lima koji se bave ovim prekrasnim sport.
A regular guest at the golf range at ACI Marina Dubrovnik
Redovita gošća golf vježbališta u ACI marini Dubrovnik is the Croatian golf champion Vera Boras, who regularly
je i prvakinja Hrvatske u golfu Vera Boras koja ovaj teren uses this range to additionally improve her shots.
redovito koristi kako bi dodatno usavršila sve udarce.
'I must praise ACI for this Golf Range, which will surely
'Moram pohvaliti ACI što je ponudio Golf Range koji će si- popularise this beautiful sport in the Dubrovnik area. As
gurno popularizirati ovaj prekrasan sport na dubrovač- the English like to say: 'Practice makes perfect'. As an ac-
kom području. Kako Englezi vole reći: 'Practice makes tive and demanding golfer, I can say that this range pro-
perfect', mogu kao aktivna i zahtjevna golferica reći kako vides an excellent, high-quality training, says Vera Boras,
ovaj mi ovaj teren omogućava jako dobar i kvalitetan who spends seven to eight hours on the course every day.
trening, ispričala je Vera Boras koja na terenu sprovede Golf is an integral sport, both physically and mentally. It
sedam do osam sati svaki dan. requires mental strength because you have to memorise

ACI No.1 // Vera Boras

Golf je cjeloviti sport u fizičkim i u mental- a lot of things and to coordinate your mus-
nom smislu. Zahtijeva mentalnu snagu jer cles. Among millions of people attracted
puno toga morate memorirati te koordini- to it at first sight was Vera's father, Tomas,
rati mišiće, a među milijunima ljudi koje je who fell in love with golf while working on
ovaj sport privukao na prvi pogled bio je i courses in Italy. He passed on this passion
Verin otac, Tomas, koji se u golf zaljubio dok to his daughter, who was a little girl when
je radio na terenima u Italiji. Tu je strast she first took a golf club into her hands.
prenio i na kćer koja je kao djevojčica prvi And she was fascinated. Vera recorded her
put primila palicu u ruke. I ostala očarana. first major successes in her early teens,
Prve veće uspjehe Vera je zabilježila u tinej- when she started defeating teenagers old-
džerskoj dobi kada je počela pobjeđivati na er than herself at tournaments, and, today, Moram pohvaliti ACI što je
turnirima i djecu starije dobi, a danas je ova this student of a foreign-language second- ponudio Golf Range koji će
učenica jezične gimnazije koja tečno govori ary school, who is fluent in Italian, English, sigurno popularizirati ovaj
talijanski, engleski, španjolski i francuski Spanish and French, is a promising play-
perspektivna igračica s hendikepom od mi- er with a handicap of minus 1. As for her
prekrasan sport na dubrovač-
nus 1. Što se tiče sportske budućnosti, Vera sporting future, Vera has a lot of golf-play- kom području
ima jako puno golferskih snova. ing dreams.
'Željela bi odigrati partiju na terenima St 'I'd like to play a game at St Andrews golf I must praise ACI for its Golf
Andrews u Škotskoj. To je kultno mjesto jer course in Scotland. It's an iconic place Range, which is sure to popula-
je riječ o najstarijem golferskom igralištu because it's the oldest golf course in the
na svijetu koje se naziva i Grand Old Lady world, nicknamed the Grand Old Lady, and
rise this beautiful sport in the
(veličanstvena starica o.p.a), a voljela bi I'd love to feel the atmosphere at Augusta Dubrovnik area
osjetiti atmosferu u Augusta National Clu- National Golf Club, where the greatest play-
bu gdje su igrali velikani našeg sporta kao ers of this sport have played, such as Jack
što su Jack Nicklaus, Phil Mickelson i Tiger Nicklaus, Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods.
Woods. A kad već pričamo o snovima, vo- And speaking of dreams, I would also love
ljela bi osvojiti i zlatnu olimpijsku medalju', to win an Olympic gold medal,' Vera Boras
otkrila je Vera Boras. reveals.
Iz Dubrovnika na olimpijsko postolje. Zvuči From Dubrovnik to the Olympic podium.
kao idealan holivudski scenarij…  Sounds like an ideal Hollywood script... 

Fotografije / Photos:
Hublot, Red Dot, GPHG, Sandro Baebler


Jedan od najutjecajnijih ljudi urarske industrije In this issue of our magazine, one of the most
za naš magazin govori o budućnosti industrije influential people in the watchmaking industry
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naravno – moru i brodovima cheese production and, of course, the sea and

Ikona urarstva, legenda industrije satova, guru Watchmaking icon, watch industry legend, luxu-
luksuznih brendova, spasitelj švicarskih satova… ry brand guru, saviour of Swiss watches... Jean-
Jean-Claude Bivera najbolje je opisati kao superju- Claude Biver is best described as a superhero of
the watchmaking industry.
naka urarske industrije.
He started his career at Audemars Piguet and then
Karijeru je započeo u Audemars Piguet, a potom
went to transform Swiss watchmaking giants such
je transformirao švicarske urarske gigante poput as Omega, Blancpain, Hublot, TAG Heuer, Zenith,
Omege, Blancpaina, Hublota, TAG Heuera, Zenit- etc.
ha… As an inspirational manager and creative leader,
Kao inspirativni menadžer i kreativni lider Jean- Jean-Claude Biver pushed the boundaries of mar-
Claude Biver pomaknuo je granice marketinga i po- keting and demonstrated how the traditional watch
industry can also be taught some new tricks. In this
kazao kako se i tradicionalna industrija satova može
issue of ACI No. 1 magazine, one of the most influ-
naučiti nekim novim trikovima. Za magazin ACI No. 1
ential people in the world of watches talks about
jedan od najutjecajnijih ljudi u svijetu satova govori the future of the watchmaking industry, new trends,
o budućnosti urarske industrije, novim trendovima, cheese production and, of course, the sea and
proizvodnji sireva i naravno – moru i brodovima. boats.

ACI No.1 // Jean-Claude Biver

Ricardo Guadalupe i / and Jean-Claude Biver

U jednom intervjuu nazvali ste se kumom. Možete li pojasniti? In an interview, you called yourself a godfather. Can you tell us
Kum u smislu da sam u industriji satova prisutan od daleke 1975.
godine i da sam bio na čelu pet uglednih urarskih brendova I meant godfather in the sense that I have been present in the
(Blancpain, Omega, Hublot, TAG Heuer i Zenith), a od toga sam bio watchmaking business ever since 1975 and that I was at the head
vlasnik dviju (Blancpain i Hublot). of five reputable watch brands (Blancpain, Omega, Hublot, TAG
Heuer and Zenith), two of which I owned (Blancpain and Hublot).
Među tih pet brendova možete li izdvojiti najdraži?
Among these five brands, can you pick one as your favourite ?
Ovo je za mene preemotivno pitanje. Odabrati jedan brend je pre-
teško. To su sve moje bebice… Ni majka ne može izdvojiti koje je This question is too emotional for me. Choosing one brand is too
dijete od njih pet najdraže. hard. They’re all my babies... There is no mother that could single
out one of her five children as her favourite.
Vaš slogan je First, Different, Unique. Čini nam se kako se u
te tri moćne riječi krije i vaša životna filozofija. Kako ste naučili Your slogan is First, Different, Unique. It seems to us that these
razmišljati izvan okvira?
three powerful words contain your philosophy of life. How did
Uvijek sam se pokušavao razlikovati od ostalih ljudi. Vjerujem da you learn to think outside the box?
sam takav stav razvio dok sam se aktivno bavio sportovima poput
I’ve always tried to be different than other people. I believe I devel-
nogometa, skijanja i trčanja. Naravno da se vaša percepcija svijeta
oped this attitude while actively playing sports like football, skiing
mijenja s godinama i iskustvom. I percepcija luksuznih satova mi-
and running. Of course, your perception of the world changes with
jenjala se s vremenom. Današnje generacije drugačije gledaju na
naš svijet. Što je i normalno. Tko želi izgledati kao svoja mama ili age and experience. And the perception of luxury watches has
tata? Također, tijekom godina sam naučio ostati 'mlad u srcu i glavi' changed over time. Today’s generations view our world differently.
slušajući i promatrajući mlađe generacije koje su mi otvorili nove Which is normal. Who wants to look like their mum or dad? Also,
vidike. Bio sam preko sto puta u Tokiju kako bi upijao atmosferu s over the years I have learned to stay ‘young at heart and in mind’
ulica i pokušao prepoznati što se mladima sviđa. Sjećam se kako je by listening to and observing younger generations, who have
2004. Hublot postao prvi brend koji je luksuzne satove kombinirao opened new horizons for me. I’ve been to Tokyo over a hundred
s uličnom modom. Tada smo pokazali kako satovi ne moraju biti times to soak up the atmosphere in the streets and try to find out
dosadni predmeti namijenjeni samo starijim generacijama. what young people like. I remember how, in 2004, Hublot became
the first brand to combine luxury watches with street fashion. We
Tijekom karijere bili ste poznati kao osoba koja je promotivnim showed then that watches do not have to be boring items intend-
kampanjama koristili velik broj slavnih osoba. Bernie Ecclesto- ed only for older generations.

ACI No.1 // Jean-Claude Biver

Naučio sam kako su

padovi sastavni dio
svakog posla, u kraj-
njoj liniji i života, ali
isto tako sam naučio
da ne napravim istu
pogrešku – dvaput!

I learned that failures

are an integral part of
any job, ultimately of
life itself, but I also le-
arned not to make the
same mistake – twice!

ne, Usain Bolt, Jay-Z, Kobe Bryant samo su neki od ljudi koji bili In your career, you were known as a person who featured a
ambasadori vaših brendova. Po kojem ste kriteriju birali ljude? large number of celebrities in your promotional campaigns.
Bernie Ecclestone, Usain Bolt, Jay-Z, Kobe Bryant are just some
Uvijek mi je najvažnije bilo da osoba koju mislimo angažirati poka- of the people who have been ambassadors for your brands.
že interes i motivaciju za naše brendove. Prije potpisivanja ugovo- What were the criteria you used to choose them?
ra, jedan ručak ili večera bili bi mi dovoljni da donesem konačnu
odluku uklapa li se ta osoba u našu filozofiju. For me, the most important thing was always that a person we
were thinking of hiring showed interest in and inclination to our
Koja je prva lekcija koju ste naučili u biznisu? Isto tako, dosta brands. Before signing any contract, one lunch or dinner would be
često sudjelujete kao motivacijski govornik u različitim prigoda- enough for me to make the final decision on whether that person
ma. Kakve savjete dajete ljudima za uspješnu poslovnu karijeru? fits our philosophy.

Naučio sam kako su padovi sastavni dio svakog posla, u krajnjoj What was the first lesson you learned in business? Also, you
liniji i života, ali isto tako sam naučio da ne napravim istu pogreš- often participate as a motivational speaker on different occa-
ku – dvaput! Moj recept za uspješnu karijeru je vrlo jednostavan i sions. What advice for a successful business career do you give
temeljen na bogatom iskustvu. Gajite svoje sumnje, one postoje to people?
kako bi vam pomogle; uvijek slušajte i uvijek pokušajte učiti i ne-
mojte se previše bojati neuspjeha. Jer ništa se ne može postići bez I learned that failures are an integral part of any job, ultimately of
grešaka i neuspjeha. Motivacija, duh, etika, kultura, pozitivan stav i life itself, but I also learned not to make the same mistake – twice!
inicijativa ili poduzetništvo su elementi koje sam tražio od ljudi koji My recipe for a successful career is very simple and based on con-
su htjeli raditi za mene. siderable experience. Cultivate your doubts; they exist to help you.
Always listen and always try to learn. And do not be too afraid of
Svojedobno ste izjavili kako je prodaja Blancpaina bila velika failure. Because nothing can be achieved without mistakes and
pogreška. Jeste li nešto naučili iz toga? failures. Motivation, spirit, ethics, culture, positive attitude and initi-
ative or entrepreneurship are elements that I looked for in people
Da, nisam drugi put kupio Blancpain (smijeh). Kada sam postao who wanted to work for me.
vlasnik Blancpaina, ta ugledna urarska kuća bila je potisnuta ra-
zvojem quartz satova koje mi nismo željeli raditi, pa smo naš ne- You once stated that selling Blancpain was a big mistake. Did
dostatak pretvorili u prednost sa sloganom: 'Od 1735. godine nije you learn anything from it?
postojao Blancpain quartz sat. Nikada ni neće.' Imao sam ideju iz-
graditi obiteljsku tvrtku oko toga, ali sam prodajom brenda ubio taj Yes, I didn’t buy Blancpain for a second time (laughing). When I be-
projekt zbog čega sam kasnije požalio. No, s druge strane upravo came the owner of Blancpain, this reputable watch manufacturer
zahvaljujući prodaji Blancpaina doživio sam mnogo drugih fanta- was kept back by the development of quartz watches, which we
stičnih iskustava i uspjeha. didn’t want to make, so we turned our disadvantage into an advan-
Idealan sat mora imati veliku tradiciju, mora
biti različit ili jedinstven, inovativan, dobro
dizajniran. I za kraj, jedna stvar koju mnogi
zaboravljaju. Mora biti seksi!

The ideal watch must have a long tradition,

must be different or unique, innovative, well
designed. And, finally, one thing that is often
forgotten: It has to be sexy!

ACI No.1 // Jean-Claude Biver

tage with the slogan: ‘Since 1735 there has never been a quartz
Blancpain watch. And there never will be.’ I had an idea to build
a family business around it, but by selling the brand I killed that
project, which I later regretted. But on the other hand, thanks to
the sale of Blancpain, I have had many other fantastic experiences
and successes.

The world has completely changed in the pandemic, and so has

our understanding of it. Baselworld is one of the bigger victims
in the watchmaking industry. How do you see your sector in the
GPHG Prix Special du Jury za gospodina Bivera /
GPHG Prix Special du Jury for Mr. Biver First, I must say why Baselworld is outdated as a concept. It was a
miracle how it held on for so many years following the same idea.
All major events, and I don’t mean just trade shows in the watch
Svijet se potpuno promijenio u pandemiji, a samim time i naše industry, have to adapt to times and situations. There are a lot of
poimanje svijeta. Baselworld je jedna od velikih žrtava u urar- big brands in the watchmaking business who had a magnificent
skoj industriji. Kako zamišljate vaš sektor u budućnosti? past, so quite often they allow themselves to live in those glori-
ous times, becoming hostages to the comfort of the past. But for
Prvo moram reći kako je Baselworld kao koncept zastario. Bilo je
me, the past belongs to a museum, and innovation is what drives
čudo kako se i održao toliki broj godina s istom idejom. Sve veli-
ke priredbe, pritom ne mislim samo na urarske, moraju se prilago- brands forward.
đavati vremenima i situacijama. U industriji satova puno je velikih
brendova koji imaju veličanstvenu prošlost, pa si dosta često do- How do you imagine the ideal watch?
puštaju da žive u tim slavnim vremenima, postaju talac tog komfora
prošlosti. No, za mene prošlost spada u muzeje, a inovacije tjeraju It must have a long tradition; it must be different or unique, innova-
brendove naprijed. tive, well designed. And, finally, one thing that is often forgotten: A
watch has to be sexy!
Kako zamišljate idealan sat?
Besides the watchmaking business, your great passion is
Mora imati veliku tradiciju, mora biti različit ili jedinstven, inovati- cheese production?
van, dobro dizajniran. I za kraj, jedna stvar koju mnogi zaboravljaju.
Sat mora biti seksi! It’s a hobby. My passion for cheese comes from my passion for
watches. Cheese and watches – they belong together. If we go
Osim urarske industrije, vaša velika strast je proizvodnja sireva? back in time a long way, then we’ll see how the art of watchmaking
was developed by farmers on their farms. In winter, they actively
To je hobi. Moja strast za sirom dolazi iz strasti za satovima. Sir i
produced, put together and created watches, while in summer, in
satovi - oni pripadaju zajedno. Ako se vratimo daleko u povijest,
onda ćemo vidjeti kako su umjetnost urarstva razvijali farmeri na contrast, they actively produced cheese and brought cows to the
svojim farmama. Zimi su aktivno proizvodili, sklapali i izrađivali sa- Alps to make some of the world’s best cheeses. That’s why they
tove, dok su ljeti, naprotiv, aktivno proizvodili sir i dovozili krave u were called watchmakers/farmers. I had nothing to do with cheese
Alpe kako bi radili neke od najboljih svjetskih sireva. Zato su se i in the past. I didn’t even like it very much. I ate it from time to time.
zvali farmeri-urari. U prošlosti nisam imao nikakve veze sa sirom. Today I’m at the other extreme. I eat too much of it (laughing).
Čak ga nisam ni pretjerano volio. Jeo sam ga s vremena na vrije-
me. Danas sam otišao u drugi ekstrem. Jedem ga previše (smijeh). Yachting is strongly linked to watchmaking. Do you like boats?
What is your favourite sailing destination?
Jahting ima velikih poveznica s urarstvom. Volite li brodove?
Koja vam je omiljena destinacija za plovidbu? I adore boats and have often sailed on Lake Geneva, but I am also
quite familiar with the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. I used to
Obožavam brodove i dosta često sam znao jedriti na Ženevskom love sailing boats only, but now I’ve grown to love motor boats as
jezeru, ali dobar sam poznavatelj Kariba i Mediterana. Prije sam vo-
well. In the summer there is nothing like sailing in our Mediterra-
lio samo jedrilice, ali sada sam zavolio i motorne brodove. Tijekom
ljeta nema ništa bolje od krstarenja našim Mediteranom. nean.

Koliko ste puta posjetili Hrvatsku? How many times have you visited Croatia?

Tijekom 60-ih i 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća kao hipijevac bio sam In the 1960s and 1970s, as a hippie, I visited your coast at least eight
na vašoj obali barem osam puta. Posljednji put sam posjetio Rovinj times. I last visited Rovinj two years ago. I was very impressed by
prije dvije godine. Nova marina i hoteli su me oduševili. Isto tako, the new marina and hotels. Also, food, emotions, culture and the
hrana, emocija, kultura i ljubaznost ljudi razlog su zbog kojeg ću kindness of people is the reason why I will surely come to Croatia
sigurno opet doći u Hrvatsku.  again. 

Fotografije / Photos:

SATOVI U 2021.
Rolex predstavlja najnovije kreacije koje su oživljene
njihovim jedinstvenim urarstvom. Ovi nas satovi vode od
najdubljih špilja do najviših planinskih vrhova, od vanjskih
dijelova Sunčevog sustava do izoliranih polarnih područja,
i od iznimno precizne tehnologije do zahtjevnog urarskog
izrađivanja. To su satovi koji vas pozivaju u avanturu – bilo
geografsku, tehničku ili estetsku.

Rolex is presenting the latest creations brought to life by its

unique watchmaking expertise. These timepieces take us
from the deepest caves to the highest mountain peaks, from
the outer reaches of the solar system to isolated polar regions
and from ultra-precise technology to exacting artisanal
craftsmanship. They are watches that invite you on an
adventure – be it geographical, technical or aesthetic.

ACI No.1 // Rolex


Rolex predstavlja novu generaciju Explorer modela. Rolex is presenting its new-generation Oyster Perpetual Explorer.
S promjerom 36 mm, vraća se veličini originalnog modela At 36 mm, it returns to the size of the original model launched
predstavljenog 1953., nakon prvog uspona Sir Edmunda in 1953 following the first ascent to the summit of Mount
Hillarya i Tenzinga Norgaya na Mount Everest 29. svibnja te Everest by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay on 29 May
godine. that year.
Explorer nove generacije posebno je predstavljen u verziji žutog The new-generation Explorer is notably released in a yellow
Rolesora, spajajući Oystersteel i 18-karatno žuto zlato. Crni Rolesor version, combining Oystersteel and 18 ct yellow gold.
brojčanik, koji je sada lakiran, ima pravokutne oznake sati i The black dial, now lacquered, bears the index hour markers
karakteristične brojeve 3, 6 i 9, koji su temelji osobnosti modela, and emblematic 3, 6 and 9 numerals that are the cornerstones
podsjećajući na odlučnost i avanturistički duh koji rađaju velika of the model’s personality, evoking the determination and spirit
postignuća. of adventure that give rise to great achievements.
Prikaz Chromalight modela nove generacije Explorer, posebno The new-generation Explorer’s Chromalight display is
je impresivan. U tamnim uvjetima intenzitet plavog sjaja koji particularly impressive. In dark conditions, the intensity of the
emitiraju oznake za sate i kazaljke sada duže traje zahvaljujući blue glow emitted by the hour markers and hands now lasts
inovativnom i ekskluzivnom luminiscentnom materijalu kojim longer thanks to the innovative and exclusive luminescent
su ispunjeni ili obloženi. material with which they are filled or coated.
Explorer nove generacije opremljen je kalibrom 3230, The new-generation Explorer is equipped with calibre 3230, a
mehanizmom koji je preteča urarske tehnologije. movement at the forefront of watchmaking technology.
Rolex predstavlja novu generaciju modela Rolex is introducing its new-generation
Oyster Perpetual Explorer II. Ovaj tehnički sat, u čeliku Oyster Perpetual Explorer II. This technical watch, in

ACI No.1 // Rolex

Oystersteel, stvoren je za najsmjelije istraživače, a sada dolazi s Oystersteel, was created for the boldest explorers and now
redizajniranim kućištem i narukvicom. features a redesigned case and bracelet.
Na bijelom lakiranom brojčaniku oznake za sate, čiji se crni On the white lacquer dial, the hour markers – whose black
premaz nanosi pomoću PVD (fizičkog taloženja pare), i crne coating is applied using PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) – and
lakirane kazaljke za sate, minute i sekunde ističu se svojim the black lacquer hour, minute and seconds hands stand out for
matiranim završnim slojem. 24-satna kazaljka zadržava their matt finish. The 24-hour hand retains its characteristic
karakterističnu narančastu nijansu, koja je iste boje kao i natpis orange hue, which is the same colour as the Explorer II
Explorer II koji se od 2011. nalazi na brojčaniku. inscription that has featured on the dial since 2011.
Model nove generacije, Explorer II, također koristi optimizirani The new-generation Explorer II also benefits from an optimized
prikaz Chromalight. Ovaj redizanirani sat dostupan je u Chromalight display. This redesigned watch is available in two
dvije verzije brojčanika, bijele i crne boje, te je opremljen je dial versions – white or black – and is equipped with calibre
mehanizmom 3285, koji je preteča urarske tehnologije. 3285, a movement at the forefront of watchmaking technology.
Novi brojčanici na modelima Oyster Perpetual Datejust 36 The new dials on the Oyster Perpetual Datejust 36 feature a
sadrže motiv palme, nadahnut tropskim šumama, ili rebrasti palm motif, inspired by tropical forests, or a fluted motif that
motiv koji sadrži prepoznatljivi estetski stil Rolexa. Maslinasto incorporates one of Rolex’s signature aesthetic styles. Olive
zelene, srebrne ili zlatne, izrađene su od drevnih materijala green, silver or golden, they are made from age-old materials
poput bakra, cinka, nikla, kroma, titana i silicija, u kombinaciji such as copper, zinc, nickel, chromium, titanium and silicon,
s vrhunskom tehnologijom za stvaranje dubokih, živopisnih combined with cutting-edge technology to create deep, vibrant
metalnih boja. metallic colours.

ACI No.1 // Rolex

Nove verzije modela Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona The new versions of the Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona
izrađene su u 18-karatnom žutom, bijelom ili Everose zlatu. are in 18 ct yellow, white or Everose gold. Their meteorite dials
Njihovi meteoritni brojčanici svjedoče o energiji koja je putovala bear witness to energy that has journeyed through time and
kroz vrijeme i prostor. Ovaj materijal prikazuje uzorke koji su space. This material displays patterns that were formed as the
nastali kao srce asteroida koji se polako hladi na putu kroz heart of an asteroid cooled slowly on its journey through the
kozmos, proces koji traje milijune godina. cosmos – a process that takes millions of years.
Rolex odabire metal meteorita prema vrlo strogim estetskim Rolex selects metallic meteorite according to very strict
kriterijima. Svaki djelić ima jedinstvenu unutarnju strukturu, aesthetic criteria. Each fragment has a unique internal
što svaki model Cosmograph Daytona s meteoritskim structure, making every Cosmograph Daytona with a meteorite
brojčanikom uistinu čini jedinstvenim.
dial truly one of a kind.
Nove verzije modela Oyster Perpetual Day-Date 36 sadrže
The new versions of the Oyster Perpetual Day-Date 36 feature
oznake sati i remen od kože aligatora u odgovarajućim bojama.
Bojane su koraljnom bojom na modelu u 18-karatnom žutom hour markers and alligator leather straps in matching colours.
zlatu, tirkiznom u verziji u 18-karatnom bijelom zlatu i They are coral-coloured on the 18 ct yellow gold model,
bordo na satu u 18-karatnom Everose zlatu. S ovim satovima, turquoise on the 18 ct white gold version and burgundy on the
prestižni i prepoznatljivi Day-Date 36 iznova je predstavljen u watch in 18 ct Everose gold. With these watches, the prestigious
dijamantnim uzorcima. and iconic Day-Date 36 is reimagined in swathes of diamonds.
Novi Oyster Perpetual Lady-Datejust, ukrašen s 1.089 The new Oyster Perpetual Lady-Datejust, set with 1,089
dijamanata na srednjem kućištu, prstenu, brojčaniku i narukvici diamonds on the middle case, bezel, dial and President bracelet,
President, izuzetan je sat čija briljantnost i sjaj savršeno is an exceptional watch whose brilliance and sparkle is perfectly
odgovaraju vitkom zapešću.  suited to a slender wrist. 

The proper Bluewater yacht
Fotografije / Photos:

SATOVI U 2021.
Švicarska urarska tvrtka TUDOR otkrila je svoje
najnovije modele i predstavila dvije nove verzije
popularnog sata Black Bay Fifty-Eight, Black Bay Chrono
i nova izdanja svojih klasičnih modela,
Black Bay 32/36/41 i 1926.

Swiss watch manufacturer, TUDOR, unveiled its new

models and presented two new Black Bay Fifty-Eight
versions, with Black Bay Chrono and new editions of its
classic models, Black Bay 32/36/41 and 1926.

ACI No.1 // Tudor


Kako bi obilježio 50 godina svojih kronografa, TUDOR ponovno To mark 50 years of its chronographs, TUDOR is relaunching its
predstavlja svoj model Black Bay Chrono u čeliku s redizajniranim Black Bay Chrono model in steel with a reworked case and two
kućištem i dvije mogućnosti brojčanika s kontrastnim dial options with contrasting sub-counters. The recognisable
podbrojčanicima. Prepoznatljive karakteristike modela Black Bay characteristics of the Black Bay are preserved in a steel case
očuvane su u čeličnom kućištu 41 mm promjera, dok fiksni prsten with a 41-millimetre diameter. A fixed bezel in stainless steel
od nehrđajućeg čelika s umetkom s tahimetrijskom skalom u with a tachymetric scale insert in black anodised aluminium
crnom eloksiranom aluminiju, upotpunjuje istaknuti izgled ovog completes the distinguished appearance of this sporty new
novog sportskog kronografa. TUDOR Black Bay Chrono opremljen chronograph. The Black Bay Chrono model is equipped with
je manufakturnim kalibrom MT5813 s rezervom snage od otprilike Manufacture Chronograph Calibre MT5813, with a 70-hour power
70 sati. Ovaj prepoznatljivi model dostupan je na čeličnoj narukvici, reserve. This distinctive model is available on a steel bracelet, a
crnom tkanom remenu, i, u skladu s duhom „utrka 1970-ih“, na black strap, and, in keeping with the spirit of the “1970s racing”, on
remenu od vintage crne kože. an aged black leather strap.
TUDOR predstavlja novu hrabru verziju svog popularnog TUDOR is introducing a bold new version of its popular model, the
modela, Black Bay Fifty-Eight, koji je izrađen iz jednog komada Black Bay Fifty-Eight, in solid 18 ct yellow gold with an open case
18-karatnog žutog zlata i ima otvoreno kućište. Matirano back. The matt 18 ct yellow gold of the Black Bay Fifty-Eight 18K
18-karatno žuto zlato modela Black Bay Fifty-Eight 18K naglašava is emphasised by the elegant combination of dial and bezel,
se elegantnom kombinacijom brojčanika i prstena, koji su u which are a rich “golden green” in tone with matt gold details.
bogatom “zlatnozelenom” tonu s mat zlatnim detaljima. Ista The same colour palette is found on the fabric and leather strap
paleta boja nalazi se na tkanom i kožnom remenu koji dolaze offered with this model. The Calibre MT5400, which powers the
s ovim modelom. Manufakturni kalibar MT5400, koji pokreće Black Bay Fifty-Eight 18K, displays hour, minute and second
Black Bay Fifty-Eight 18K, prikazuje funkcije sata, minute i sekunde, functions, and stores a 70-hour power reserve.
i pohranjuje 70-satnu rezervu snage.

ACI No.1 // Tudor


Predstavljena je još jedna verzija popularnog TUDOR also launched one more version of a popular
Black Bay Fifty-Eight modela izrađena u 925 srebru nudeći Black Bay Fifty-Eight model in 925 silver offering an open case
otvoreno kućište. Idealan je za tanka zapešća i ljubitelje back. Ideal for slim wrists and vintage enthusiasts. The properties
vintage stila. Svojstva legure, u kojoj je izrađen ovaj novi of this alloy are such that use does not affect the appearance
model, takva su da nošenje sata ne utječe na izgled kućišta of the case of the Black Bay Fifty-Eight 925. The silver case of
Black Bay Fifty-Eight 925. Također, kućište je naglašeno svojim the Black Bay Fifty-Eight 925 is also accentuated by its dial,
brojčanikom, koji je taupe boje, i odgovarajućim umetkom which is taupe in colour, and its matching bezel insert. The
prstena. Ista paleta boja nalazi se na tkanom i kožnom remenu same colour palette is found on the fabric and leather strap
koji dolaze s ovim modelom. Manufakturni kalibar MT5400, offered with this model. The Calibre MT5400, which powers the
koji pokreće Black Bay Fifty-Eight 925, prikazuje funkcije sata, Black Bay Fifty-Eight 925, displays hour, minute and second
minute i sekunde, i pohranjuje 70-satnu rezervu snage. functions, and stores a 70-hour power reserve.
BLACK BAY 32/36/41 BLACK BAY 32/36/41
Dizajnirani za muškarce i žene, modeli Black Bay 32, 36 i 41 Designed for both men and women, the Black Bay 32, 36 and 41
zadržavaju estetiku linije Black Bay, posebno karakteristične models retain the aesthetics of the Black Bay line, particularly the
kutne kazaljke “pahulje”, kao i pouzdanost i dugogodišnju characteristic angular “Snowflake” hands, as well as its reliability
povezanost s ronilačkim satovima TUDOR. Ovim modelima and long-standing connection to TUDOR divers’ watches.
predstavljen je satinirani srebrni brojčanik s efektom sunčevih The satin sun-brushed silver dial, with applique hour markers
zraka, s oznakama za sate i kazaljkama od švicarskog and hands with the Swiss Super-LumiNova® phosphorescent
fosforescentnog materijala Super-LumiNova®. Ova nijansa nudi material, has been introduced to the collection. This shade offer
izvanredan kontrast i bistroću, dok luminiscentne oznake za sate outstanding contrast and clarity, while luminescent hour markers
pomažu osigurati čitljivost u svim uvjetima. help ensure legibility in all conditions.
1926 1926
Linijom 1926, TUDOR odaje počast svojoj ranoj povijesti nizom With the 1926 line, TUDOR pays tribute to its early history with
mehaničkih satova koji su bezvremenski i elegantni. Klasični a range of mechanical watches that are timeless and elegant. A
ženski i muški sat, TUDOR 1926 dolazi u četiri veličine sa širokim classic watch for women and men, the TUDOR 1926 comes in
izborom brojčanika. TUDOR je predstavio novi brojčanik, sada four sizes with a wide choice of dials. TUDOR presented a new
u bijeloj boji, i smeđi kožni remen obložen gumom za dodatnu dial, now in white, and the brown leather strap lined with rubber
udobnost i poboljšanu izdržljivost.  for additional comfort and enhanced durability. 

Fotografije / Photos:
BTS - Kate Moss for Messika,
shot by Marin Laborde, Messika

U Hrvatskoj su od sada dostupni prestižni svjetski brendovi
dijamantnog nakita: Chaumet, Damiani i Messika.
The prestigious world diamond jewelry brands are now available
in Croatia: Chaumet, Damiani, and Messika.

Renomirana tvrtka Mamić 1970 s tradicijom preko 50 godina i prepoznata kao shopping destinacija za
ljubitelje luksuznog i bezvremenskog stila, svom je bogatom portfelju pridružila jedne od najprestižnijih
svjetskih brendova nakita, Chaumet, Damiani i Messika.

Renowned company Mamić 1970 with a tradition of over 50 years and recognized as a shopping destina-
tion for lovers of luxury and timeless style, to its rich portfolio welcomed of one of the world's most presti-
gious jewelry brands, Chaumet, Damiani, and Messika.

Fotografije / Photos:

Chaumet je cijenjeni francuski brend s tradicijom izrade nakita Chaumet is a respected French brand with a tradition of
koja datira unatrag 240 godina. Vrijedna povijest kuće veže jewelry making dating back 240 years. The valuable history of
se i uz caricu Josephine, kojoj je Maison Chaumet bio službeni the Maison is also connected to Empress Josephine, for whom
draguljar. Gracioznost i elegancija isprepliću se u svakom komadu the Maison Chaumet has been the official jeweler. Grace and
nakita, nudeći jedinstven suvremeni izgled prožet tradicijom elegance intertwine in each piece of jewelry, offering a unique
i draguljarskim umijećem. Ovaj nakit, izrađen u samom srcu contemporary look imbued with tradition and jewelry. This
trga Vendôme, odraz je izvanredne stručnosti te odaje počast jewelry, made in the heart of the Place Vendôme, is a reflection
pariškom stilu. of outstanding expertise and pays homage to the Parisian style.

Fotografije / Photos:

Nakit Damiani savršen je odraz talijanskog šarma i pristupa Damiani jewelry is a perfect reflection of Italian charm and
životu. Profinjen, bezvremenski i inovativan, ovaj nakit istodobno approach to life. Sophisticated, timeless and innovative, this
je jedinstven i uočljiv. Njegov svaki detalj predstavlja tradiciju i jewelry is both unique and noticeable. Its every detail represents
strast obitelji Damiani prema zlatarskoj umjetnosti koje traju već the tradition and passion of the Damiani family for goldsmith
tri generacije. Nagrađivan raznim prestižnim nagradama poput art that lasts for three generations. Awarded various prestigious
Diamond International i Vogue Joyas, Damiani na najbolji način prizes such as Diamond International and Vogue Joyas, Damiani
predstavlja oznaku „Made in Italy“. is the best presentation of the label "Made in Italy".

Fotografije / Photos:

Od osnivanja svoje draguljarske kuće 2005., Valérie Messika Since founding her jewelry house in 2005, Valérie Messika
uspješno spaja bezvremenost dijamanata s modernim dizajnom. successfully combines the timelessness of diamonds with modern
Dijamantni nakit brenda Messika nepokolebljive je ljepote i design. Diamond jewelry from the Messika is of unwavering
stvoren za svakodnevno nošenje dajući osjećaj samouvjerenosti beauty and created for everyday wear, giving a feeling of self-
i odvažnosti. Komadi nakita Messika izraženog su karaktera confidence and boldness. The pieces of Messika jewelry have a
i odražavaju ženstvenost i suvremenost dizajnerice čijim se distinct character and reflect the femininity and modernity of
kreacijama dive najutjecajnije žene svijeta, žene koje su cijenjene the designer whose creations are admired by the most influential
zbog svog talenta i osobnosti. women in the world, women who are valued for their talent and

35.000 COPIES
1 ACI Umag 9 ACI Šimuni 15 ACI Trogir
2 ACI Rovinj 10 ACI Žut 16 ACI Split
3 ACI Pula + sidrište/anchorage Žut 17 ACI Milna
4 ACI Pomer 11 ACI Piškera 18 ACI Vrboska
5 ACI Opatija 12 ACI Jezera 19 ACI Palmižana
6 ACI Cres 13 ACI Vodice 20 ACI Korčula
7 ACI Supetarska Draga 14 ACI Skradin 21 ACI Slano
8 ACI Rab + sidrište/anchorage Vozarica 22 ACI Dubrovnik


Recepcija s mjenjačnicom / Sanitarije /

Tesla Universal Destination charge
Reception with exchange office Toilet and shower facilities
Sanitarije prilagođene osobama s
Apartmani / Apartments Tesla Only Destination Charge
posebnim potrebama / Toilet and show-
er facilities with a section for persons
with disabilities Sidrište / Anchorage Golf vježbalište / Golf range

Restaurant / Bistro / Caffe bar Lučka kapetanija / Škola jedrenja / Nautical Academy
Harbourmaster´s office
Trgovina prehrambenim namirnicama /
Iznajmljivanje brodova (charter) /
Grocery store Carina / Customs
Charter agencies
Praonica rublja / Launderette Iznajmljivanje automobila /
Fitness centar / Fitness center
Bankomat / ATM Iznajmljivanje bicikla / Vanjsko fitness vježbalište /
Rent-a-bike Outside fitness
Parkiralište / Car park Iznajmljivanje motorkotača /
Wellness centar / Wellness center
Navoz / Slipway Tehnički servis plovila /
Ronilački centar / Diving center
Maintenance and repair shop
Besplatan WI-FI /
Free WI-FI Internet access Benzinska crpka / Fuel station Frizerski salon / Hair salon

Bazen / Swiming pool

Samohodna dizalica / Travel lift Kozmetički salon / Beauty salon
Dječje igralište /
Children's playground Dizalica / Crane Sauna


ACI marina
ACI sidrište / anchorage
ACI Golf Range
Tesla Destination Charging
Zračna luka / Airport
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

100 t, 50t 0,11 nm

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Šetalište Vladimira Gortana 7, Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 475 Travel connections:
52470 Umag  Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 40
 Tel: +385 (0) 52 741 066  E751
Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 833
 m.umag@aci-club.hr Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Maximum vessel length annual berth: 40m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 119m

ACI marina Umag
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Pula /

Harbour Master’s Office Pula
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih ispostava Umag / branch office Umag
pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is  tel:+385 (0) 52 741 662
recommended:  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, MK-1, MK-2, Plan 11  Tourist info: www.istria-umag.com
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  45°04,06’ N 13°38,04’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

0,5 nm

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1, Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 196 Travel connections:
52210 Rovinj  Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana
Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A
 Tel: +385 (0) 52 813 133  E751
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 836
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 35m
 m.rovinj@aci-club.hr Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 100m The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI
edition is recommended:
101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, 100-16, MK-2, MK-3,
Plan 11

ACI marina Rovinj
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Pula /

Harbour Master’s Office Pula
ispostava Rovinj/ branch office Rovinj

 tel:+385 (0) 52 811 132

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
 Tourist info: www.tzgrovinj.hr
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°52,6’ N 13°50’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Riva 1, 52100 Pula Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 192 Travel connections:
 Tel: +385 (0) 52 219 142 Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A  Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 837  E751
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
 m.pula@aci-club.hr Maximum vessel length annual berth: 19,5m Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 55m
edition is recommended:
101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, 100-16, MK-2, MK-3,
Plan 11

ACI marina Pula
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Pula /

Harbour Master’s Office Pula
 tel:+385 (0) 52 222 037
 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
 Tourist info: www.pulainfo.hr
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°49’ N 13°54’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

30t 11 nm 5 min

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Pomer 26 A, 52100 Pula Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 294 Travel connections:
 Tel: +385 (0) 52 573 162 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 30  Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 832  E751
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
 m.pomer@aci-club.hr
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 16m
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: edition is recommended:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 35m 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 50-3, MK-3, MK-4

ACI marina Pomer
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Pula /

Harbour Master’s Office Pula
 tel:+385 (0) 52 222 037
 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
 Tourist info: www.tzom.hr
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  45°19,0’ N 14°17,7’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

15t 2 nm

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Liburnijska cesta 7 A, Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 283 Travel connections:
51414 Ičići  Rijeka, Zagreb, Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 35
 Tel: +385 (0) 51 704 004  A6, A7, E65, E71, E751
Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 840
 m.opatija@aci-club.hr Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 35m pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: edition is recommended:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, 50-4, MK-5

ACI marina Opatija
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka /

Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka
ispostava Opatija/ branch office Opatija

 tel:+385 (0) 51 711 249

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
 Tourist info: www.tourism-icici.hr
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°57’ N 14°24’ E

Sadržaji u marini /
Amenities in the Marina:

80t 10t

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Obala sv. Benedikta 3, Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 440 Travel connections:
51557 Cres  Mali Lošinj, Rijeka, Zagreb,
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 70
 Tel: +385 (0) 51 571 622 Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 839  A6, A7, E65, E71, E751
 m.cres@aci-club.hr Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:  Rijeka - Cres,
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Maximum vessel length annual berth: 50m Brestova - Porozina,
Valbiska - Merag
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 50m

ACI marina Cres
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka /

Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka
ispostava Cres / branch office Cres
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:  tel:+385 (0) 51 571 111
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
edition is recommended:
 Tourist info: www.tzg-cres.hr
101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 100-18, 50-3, Plan 20
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°48,2’ N 14°43,8’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

9t 11 nm

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Supetarska Draga, 51280 Rab Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 310 Travel connections:
 Tel: +385 (0) 51 776 268 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 53  Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 841  E751
Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A
 m.supdraga@aci-club.hr  Stinica - Mišnjak,
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Valbiska - Lopar,
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m Rijeka - Rab
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 18m

ACI marina Supetarska Draga
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka /

Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka
ispostava Rab / branch office Rab
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:  tel: +385 (0) 51 725 419
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
edition is recommended:
 Tourist info: www.tzg-rab.hr
101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, MK-7
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: 1. 4. - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st |  44°45,4’ N 14°46,0’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:


Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Šetalište kap. I. Dominisa 101, Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 134 Travel connections:
51280 Rab  Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
 Tel: +385 (0) 51 724 023  A6, E65, E71
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 399 482  Stinica - Mišnjak,
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 20m
 m.rab@aci-club.hr Valbiska - Lopar,
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Rijeka - Rab

ACI marina Rab
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka /

Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka
ispostava Rab / branch office Rab
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:  tel: +385 (0) 51 725 419
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
edition is recommended:
 Tourist info: www.tzg-rab.hr
101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, MK-7, Plan 20
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°28’ N 14°58’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

15t 7 nm

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Obala 1, Šimuni, 23251 Kolan Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 191 Travel connections:
 Tel: +385 (0) 23 697 457 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 45  Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 843  A6, E65, E71
Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A
 m.simuni@aci-club.hr  Prizna - Žigljen,
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Rijeka - Novalja
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 14m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 18m

ACI marina Šimuni
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Zadar /

Harbour Master’s Office Zadar
ispostava Pag / branch office Pag
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:  tel:+385 (0) 23 611 023
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
edition is recommended:
 Tourist info: www.pag-tourism.hr
101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-17, 100-19, MK-9, MK-10
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: 1. 4 - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st |  43°53,2’ N 15°17,4’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Kontakt / Contact
Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:
 Obala sv. Ivana 47 E,
22242 Jezera
8 nm
 Tel: +385 (0) 22 786 0278
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 844 Vezovi / Berths: Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje
službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju
 m.zut@aci-club.hr Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 120 HHI Split:
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI
Sidrište / Anchorage: 15
edition is recommended:
Priključci struje / Power connections: 16A 101, 300-32, 100-20, MK-14, Plan 512

Voda se isporučuje od 8 do 10 sati

Water available from 8 to 10 a.m.
Struja se isporučuje od 8 do 12 sati i od 18 do 24
Electricity available from 8 a.m. to noon and from
6 p.m. to midnight
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m
ACI marina Žut

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik /

Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik
ispostava Murter / branch office Murter

 tel:+385 (0) 22 435 190

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
 Tourist info: www.tzo-murter.hr,
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: 1. 4 - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st |  43°45,6’ N 15°21,2’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

12 nm

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih

pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
 Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 118
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI
22242 Jezera edition is recommended:
Priključci struje / Power connections: 16A
 Tel: +385 (0) 91 470 0091 101, 300-32, 100-20, 100-21, MK-14, Plan 512
Voda se isporučuje od 8 do 10 sati
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 845
Water available from 8 to 10 a.m.
 m.piskera@aci-club.hr
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Struja se isporučuje od 8 do 12 sati i od 18 do 24
Electricity available from 8 a.m. to noon and from
6 p.m. to midnight
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m

ACI marina Piškera

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik /

Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik
ispostava Murter / branch office Murter

 tel:+385 (0) 22 435 190

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
 Tourist info: www.tzo-murter.hr, www.kornati.hr
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:


Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 212 Travel connections:
22242 Jezera  Zadar, Split
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 40
 Tel: +385 (0) 22 439 295
Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A  A1, E65, E71
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 846
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
 m.jezera@aci-club.hr
pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: edition is recommended:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 20m 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-20, 100-21, MK-14, MK-15,
Plan 512

ACI marina Jezera
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik /

Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik
ispostava Tisno / branch office Tisno

 tel: +385 (0) 22 439 313,

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
 Tourist info: www.tzjezera.hr
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

60t 10t

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Artina 13 A, 22211 Vodice Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 382 Travel connections:
 Tel: +385 (0) 22 443 086 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 55  Zadar, Split
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 847  A1, E65, E71
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
 m.vodice@aci-club.hr
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 25m pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: edition is recommended:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 25m 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-21, MK-15, Plan 533

ACI marina Vodice
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik /

Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik
ispostava Vodice/ branch office Vodice

 tel:+385 (0) 22 443 055

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
 Tourist info: www.vodice.hr
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°49,0’ N 15°55,6’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

8 nm 300m 300m 300m 300m

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Obala Pavla Šubića 18, Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 180 Travel connections:
22222 Skradin  Zadar, Split
Sidrište / Anchorage: 24
 Tel: +385 (0) 22 771 365  A1, E65, E71
Priključci struje / Power connections: 125A
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 848
 m.skradin@aci-club.hr Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 30m pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: edition is recommended:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 70m 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-21, MK-15, Plan 518

ACI marina Skradin
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik /

Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik
 tel: +385 (0) 22 217 216
 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
 Tourist info: www.skradin.hr
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°30,8’ N 16°15,2’ E

Sadržaji u marini /
Amenities in the Marina:


Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Put Cumbrijana 22, Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 174 Travel connections:
21220 Trogir  Split
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 35
 Tel: +385 (0) 21 881 544  A1, E65, E71 (15 km)
Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 849
 m.trogir@aci-club.hr Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 20m pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: edition is recommended:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 30m 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, MK-16, Plan 534

ACI marina Trogir
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split /

Harbour Master’s Office Split
ispostava Trogir / branch office Trogir

 tel: +385 (0) 21 881 508

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
 Tourist info: www.tztrogir.hr
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°30,1’ N 16°26,0’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

10t 0,05 nm

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Uvala Baluni 8, 21000 Split Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 318 Travel connections:
 Tel: +385 (0) 21 398 599 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 30  Split
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 850  A1, E65, E71
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
 m.split@aci-club.hr  Split - Supetar, Split - Stari Grad, Split -
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Vela Luka - Ubli, Split - Milna - Hvar - Vis,
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 26m Split - Bol - Jelsa, Split - Hvar - Vela Luka
- Ubli, Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik,
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Ancona - Split, Ancona - Stari Grad - Split
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 90m

ACI marina Split
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split /

Harbour Master’s Office Split
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomor-
skih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:  tel: +385 (0) 21 302 400
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
edition is recommended:  Tourist info: www.split.hr
101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, 100-26, MK-16, MK-18, Plan 47
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°19,6’ N 16°27,0’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:


Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Brdo I 3, 21405 Milna Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 157 Travel connections:
 Tel: +385 (0) 21 636 306 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 15  Brač, Split
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 851  A1, E65, E71
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
 m.milna@aci-club.hr  Split Supetar
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Split Rogač Milna
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m Split Milna Hvar Vis
Split Milna Hvar Korčula Mljet Dubrovnik
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 35m

ACI marina Milna
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split /

Harbour Master’s Office Split
ispostava Milna / branch office Milna
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomor-
skih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:  tel: +385 (0) 21 636 205
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
edition is recommended:
 Tourist info: www.otok-brac.info
101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, 100-22, 100-26, MK-16, MK-18
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°10,8’ N 16°41,0’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:


Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 21463 Vrboska Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 119 Travel connections:
 Tel: +385 (0) 21 774 018 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 12  Split, Brač
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 812  A1, E65, E71
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
 m.vrboska@aci-club.hr  Split - Stari Grad,
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Drvenik - Sućuraj,
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 25m Split - Milna - Hvar - Vis,
Split - Bol - Jelsa,
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik,
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 35m Ancona - Stari Grad - Split

ACI marina Vrboska
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split /

Harbour Master’s Office Split
ispostava Jelsa / branch office Jelsa
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:  tel: +385 (0) 21 761 055
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
edition is recommended:
 Tourist info: www.tz-vrboska.hr
101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-25, 100-26, MK-19, Plan 535
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: 1. 4. - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st d |  43°09,8’ N 16°23,8’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

2,5 nm

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 21450 Hvar Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 180 Travel connections:
 Tel: +385 (0) 21 744 995 Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A  Brač, Split
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 853  A1, E65, E71
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
 m.palmizana@aci-club.hr Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m  Dubrovnik - Hvar,
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Ancona - Split - Hvar,
Bari - Dubrovnik - Hvar,
Taxi boats: Hvar - Palmižana

ACI marina Palmižana
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split /

Harbour Master’s Office Split
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih po- ispostava Hvar/ branch office Hvar
morskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI  tel: +385 (0) 21 741 007
edition is recommended:  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-22, 100-25, 100-26, MK-19, Plan 50  Tourist info: www.tzhvar.hr
Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  42°57,6’ N 17°08,4’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

10t 0,5 nm

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 20260 Korčula Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 159 Travel connections:
 Tel: +385 (0) 20 711 661 Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 16  Split, Dubrovnik
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 854  A1, E65, E71
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
 m.korcula@aci-club.hr  Trajekt / Ferry:
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Orebić – Korčula,
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 17m Vela Luka – Split
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:  Katamaran / Catamaran:
Orebić - Dominče,
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 50m
Ploče - Trpanj,
Split - Vela Luka - Ubli,
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik,
u izdanju HHI Split: Bari - Dubrovnik
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:
101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-25, 100-26, 100-27, MK-22

ACI marina Korčula
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik /

Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik
ispostava Korčula / branch office Korčula

 tel: +385 (0) 20 711 178

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
 Tourist info: www.visitkorcula.net
Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic

Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  42°47,1’ N 17°53,2’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

14 nm

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Slanica 2, 20232 Slano Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 193 Travel connections:
 Tel: +385 (0) 20 441 721 Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A  Dubrovnik
 GSM: +385 (0) 99 478 8059  A1, E65, E71
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
 m.slano@aci-club.hr Maximum vessel length annual berth: 20m
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 50m The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI
edition is recommended:
101, 300-34, INT3414, 100-27, 50-20, MK-25

ACI marina “Veljko Barbieri” Slano
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik /

Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik
ispostava Slano / branch office Slano

 tel:+385 (0) 20 871 177

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
 Tourist info: www.visit-slano.com
Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  42°40,3’ N 18°07,6’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Sadržaji blizu marine /

Amenities in the Marina: Amenities near the Marina:

130t, 60t

Kontakt / Contact Vezovi / Berths: Prometna povezanost /

 Na skali 2, Mokošica, Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 380 Travel connections:
20001 Dubrovnik  Dubrovnik
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 120
 Tel: +385 (0) 20 455 020  E751
Priključci struje / Power connections: 125A
 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 813  Dubrovnik - Korčula - Hvar - Bol - Split,
 m.dubrovnik@aci-club.hr Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Bari - Dubrovnik
 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17 Maximum vessel length annual berth: 40m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 45m

ACI marina Dubrovnik
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik /

Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih
pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI
HHI:Split:  tel: +385 (0) 20 418 988

The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI  fax: +385 (0) 20 418 987, +385 (0) 20 418 987
UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
edition is recommended:  UHF
 kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
Tourist info: www.tzdubrovnik.hr
101, 300-34, INT3414, 100-27, 50-20, MK-25  Tourist info: www.tzdubrovnik.hr

NP Kornati
for all visitors of
ACI marina Piškera

www.aci-marinas.com  |  |  |  | 
No booking fee
in 2021!
Book your berth
easily and quickly!

www.aci-marinas.com  |  |  |  | 


Osobna iskaznica ili putovnica: ID card or passport:

Državljani EU-a, EGP-a, Švicarske EU, EGP citizens, Swiss citizens
TRAVEL DOCUMENTS www.mvep.hr/hr/konzularne-informacije www.mvep.hr/hr/konzularne-informacije
Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova RH: Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the RC:
www.mvep.hr www.mvep.hr
VALUTA Kuna, HRK (1 kuna = 100 lipa)
CURRENCY www.tecajna.info
Napon gradske mreže 220 V, frekvencija 50 Hz Residential voltage 220 V, frequency 50 Hz
Voda iz slavine pitka je u svim dijelovima Hrvatske Tap water is drinkable in all parts of Croatia



1987 / www.hak.hr
060 520 520
072 777 777 (iz Hrvatske / from Croatia)

ACI No.1 // Informacije za nautičare u Republici Hrvatskoj / Information for boaters in the Republic of Croatia

UMAG  +385 52 741 662 Josipa B. Tita 3 UMAG
ROVINJ  +385 52 811 132 Budičina 1, p.p.60 ROVINJ JADRAN  /
PULA +385 52 535 877 Riva 18 PULA  NORTHERN
PULA +385 52 535 877 Riva 18 POMER 
OPATIJA  +385 51 711 249 Zert 3  OPATIJA
CRES  +385 51 571 111 Jadranska obala 1 CRES SJEVERNI
RAB  +385 51 725 419 Trg municipia Arbe 1 NORTHERN
RAB  +385 51 725 419 Trg municipia Arbe 1 RAB
ZADAR PAG +385 23 611 023 Golija 1 ŠIMUNI
MURTER  +385 22 435 190 Trg Rudine 8  ŽUT
TISNO  +385 22 439 313 Velika Rudina 1 PIŠKERA SREDNJI
ŠIBENIK VODICE  +385 22 443 055 Trg Marine bb  JEZERA 73
ŠIBENIK +385 22 217 217 Obala Franje Tuđmana 8 VODICE ADRIATIC
ŠIBENIK  +385 22 217 217 Obala Franje Tuđmana 8 SKRADIN
TROGIR  +385 21 881 508 Obala bana Berislavića 19 TROGIR
MILNA  +385 21 636 205 Riva 7 SPLIT SREDNJI
SPLIT HVAR  +385 21 741 007 Fabrika bb  MILNA 67
JELSA  +385 21 761 055 Jelsa  VRBOSKA ADRIATIC
HVAR  +385 21 741 007 Fabrika bb  PALMIŽANA
KORČULA  +385 20 711 178 Obala Franje Tuđmana 1 KORČULA
DUBROVNIK SLANO  +385 20 871 177 Trg Ruđera Boškovića 23 73
DUBROVNIK  +385 20 418 988  Obala Stjepana Radića 37 DUBROVNIK 

Zapovjednik plovila koje uplovljava u Republiku Hrvatsku morskim The commander of a vessel, which sails into the Republic of Cro-
putem dužan je najkraćim putem uploviti u najbližu luku otvorenu atia by sea, is required to sail by the shortest route to the nearest
za međunarodni promet radi obavljanja granične kontrole te je du- port open for international traffic for the purposes of border con-
žan obaviti sljedeće: trol, and is required to perform the following:
1. podvrgnuti se graničnoj kontroli 1. Pass through border control;
2. ovjeriti popis posade i putnika koji se nalaze na plovilu u lučkoj 2. Verify the list of the crew and passenger who are on the ves-
kapetaniji ili ispostavi lučke kapetanije sel with the harbormaster’s office or its branch office.
3. platiti propisane naknade za sigurnost plovidbe 3. Pay the required navigation safety fees;
4. platiti naknadu za boravišnu pristojbu 4. Pay the sojourn tax;
5. prijaviti boravak stranih državljana na plovilu sukladno poseb- 5. Report the stay of foreign nationals on the vessel accordingly
nim propisima. with specific regulations.

ACI No.1 // Informacije za nautičare u Republici Hrvatskoj / Information for boaters in the Republic of Croatia


Zapovjednik plovila koje je u Republiku Hrvatsku dovezeno kopne- The commander of a vessel that has been brought to the Republic
nim putem ili se nalazi na čuvanju u luci ili na drugome odobrenom of Croatia by land or is located in a harbor or another approved
mjestu u Republici Hrvatskoj dužan je prije započinjanja plovidbe: place within the Republic of Croatia is required to do the following
1. platiti propisane naknade za sigurnost plovidbe before going to sea:
2. platiti naknadu za boravišnu pristojbu 1. Pay the required navigation safety fees;
3. prijaviti boravak stranih državljana na plovilu sukladno poseb- 2. Pay the sojourn tax;
nim propisima. 3. Report the stay of foreign nationals on the vessel in accordan-
ce with specific regulations.
Vlasnik strane brodice ili jahte namijenjene razonodi, sportu ili re- An owner of a foreign boat or yacht intended for leisure, sport or
kreaciji koja plovi i boravi u unutarnjim morskim vodama i teritorijal- recreation which sails and stays in the internal waters and territo-
nome moru Republike Hrvatske dužan je prilikom uplovljenja platiti rial sea of the Republic of Croatia is required upon sailing to pay
naknadu za sigurnost plovidbe i zaštitu od onečišćenja. a fee for the safety of the vessel and the prevention of pollution.
Iznos naknade utvrđuje se prema formuli iz tablice u nastavku, a The amount of the fee is set out in line with the formula from the
visina naknade ovisi o duljini i ukupnoj snazi porivnih uređaja jahte following table, and the amount of the fee depends on the length
ili brodice. and total propulsion power of the yacht or boat.

Domaće i strane jahte i brodice plaćaju naknadu za korištenje Domestic and foreign yachts and boats pay a fee for using aids
objektima sigurnosti plovidbe u unutarnjim morskim vodama i te- for navigation safety within the internal waters and territorial sea
ritorijalnome moru Republike Hrvatske. Obveza plaćanja naknade of the Republic of Croatia. The obligation of paying the fee comes
nastaje kada plovilo uplovi u luku ili doplovi na sidrište unutarnjih into force when a vessel sails into a harbor or arrives at an anc-
morskih voda ili teritorijalnoga mora Republike Hrvatske. Domaće horage of the internal waters or territorial sea of the Republic of
i strane brodice i jahte plaćaju godišnju naknadu, i to za tekuću Croatia. Domestic and foreign boats and yachts pay an annual fee
(kalendarsku) godinu. Iznos naknade utvrđuje se prema formuli iz and it is for the current (calendar) year. The amount of the fee is set
sljedeće tablice, a visina ovisi o duljini jahte ili brodice. out in line with the formula from Table 2, and the amount of the fee
depends on the length of the yacht or boat.
Vlasnik ili korisnik plovila za sebe i sve osobe koje noće na tome
plovilu boravišnu pristojbu plaća u paušalnome iznosu. Plovilom The owner or user of the vessel pays sojourn tax for themselves
u tome smislu smatra se svako plovilo duže od 5 m s ugrađenim and all the people who spend the night on the vessel at a flat rate.
ležajevima kojim se koristi za odmor, rekreaciju ili krstarenje, a A vessel in this sense is considered as any vessel longer than 5
koje nije plovni objekt nautičkoga turizma. Paušalni iznos boraviš- meters with built-in bunks, that is used for holidays, recreation and
ne pristojbe nautičari plaćaju prije isplovljavanja plovila u lučkim cruising, and that is not a nautical tourism vessel. The flat rate so-
kapetanijama, odnosno ispostavama lučkih kapetanija, i to kada journ tax is paid by boaters to the harbormaster’s office before sa-
na plovilu borave i noće u lukama nautičkoga turizma ili na vezu iling out, or to harbormaster’s branch office when they are staying
u nautičkome dijelu luke koja je otvorena za javni promet. Lučke and overnighting on the boat in nautical tourism ports or at a berth
kapetanije dužne su izdati račun o plaćenoj boravišnoj pristojbi. in a nautical section of a port which is open to public traffic. The
Visina paušalnoga iznosa boravišne pristojbe za nautičare ovisi o harbormaster’s offices and harbormaster’s branches to whom boa-
duljini plovila i vremenskome razdoblju za koje nautičari kupuju ters have paid the flat rate of the sojourn tax are to issue a receipt
boravišnu pristojbu. Račun za plaćenu boravišnu pristojbu uvijek regarding the payment of the sojourn tax. The amount of the flat
se mora nalaziti na plovilu te ga je zapovjednik plovila dužan pre- rate of the sojourn tax for boaters depends on the length of the
dočiti na zahtjev ovlaštene osobe. vessel and time for which the boaters have paid. The receipt for
paying the sojourn tax must always be on board and the vessel’s
PUNOMOĆ KORISNIKA PLOVILA commander is required to present it upon the request of an autho-
rized person.
Na plovilu u vlasništvu fizičke osobe ili fizičkih osoba koje plovi u
Republici Hrvatskoj mogu se za vrijeme plovidbe nalaziti vlasnik
plovila, članovi njegove uže obitelji i osobe koje vlasnik plovila za
to pisano ovlasti. Potpis vlasnika na pisanome ovlaštenju mora biti A vessel in the ownership of a natural person or persons, can, for
ovjeren od domaćega ili stranoga nadležnog tijela. the period of sailing in the Republic of Croatia, carry the owner

ACI No.1 // Informacije za nautičare u Republici Hrvatskoj / Information for boaters in the Republic of Croatia


< 11,99 40 kn 20*L+2*P 20 kn 10 kn/m

12,00–40,00 40 kn 20*L+2*P 20 kn 25 kn/m

40,01> 40 kn 7.500 kn 20 kn 25 kn/m

L = duljina brodice ili jahte u m / length of boat or yacht in meters
P = snaga motora u kW / engine power in kW

DOKUMENTI NA PLOVILU of the vessel, members of their immediate family and persons
whom the owner of the vessel has given written permission to. The
Na plovilu koje plovi u Republici Hrvatskoj moraju se u svrhu pro-
owner’s signature on the written authorization must be verified by
vjere nalaziti sljedeći dokumenti u izvorniku: an appropriate local or foreign authority.
1. dokaz da su plaćene sve naknade
2. dokaz da je plovilo sposobno za plovidbu
For the purpose of verification, original copies of the following do-
3. dokaz da je osoba koja zapovijeda plovilom sposobna uprav- cuments must be on board the vessel sailing in the Republic of
ljati plovilom, sukladno nacionalnim propisima države čiju za- Croatia:
stavu vije odnosno sukladno propisima Republike Hrvatske 1. Proof that all fees have been paid;
2. Proof that the vessel is seaworthy;
4. dokaz o osiguranju od odgovornosti za štetu počinjenu trećim
3. Proof that the person who is commanding the vessel is capa-
osobama ble of controlling the vessel, in accordance with the regulati-
5. dokaz o vlasništvu ili punomoć za korištenje plovilom. ons of the country under whose flag it is sailing, and in accor-
dance with the regulations of the Republic of Croatia;
DOZVOLE ZA UPRAVLJANJE BRODICAMA I JAHTAMA 4. Proof of third party insurance;
Za upravljanje brodicama i zapovijedanje jahtama osoba mora biti 5. Proof of ownership or authorization for use of the vessel
osposobljena sukladno propisima države čiju zastavu brodica ili ja- LICENCES FOR OPERATING SMALL BOATS AND YACHTS
hta vije, a ako u matičnoj državi nije propisana nikakva osposoblje- For the command of small boats and yachts, a person must be qu-
nost za upravljanje brodicom, tada se primjenjuju hrvatski propisi. alified in accordance with the regulations of the state under whose
Popis priznatih stranih isprava / dozvola objavljen je na internet- flag the boat or yacht is sailing, and if in the home state there is no
such kind of written qualification for the command of a boat, then
skim stranicama MPPI-ja:
the regulations of Croatia shall be implemented.
http://www.mppi.hr/UserDocsImages/TABLICA%20(2)MoU%20 The list of recognized foreign documents/licenses is available on
6-2_13.pdf the website of the MPPI:
Zapovjednik plovila dužan je prije isplovljenja iz Republike Hrvat-
Before sailing out from the Republic of Croatia the commander of
1. podvrgnuti se graničnoj kontroli a vessel is required to:
2. ovjeriti popis posade i putnika koji se nalaze na plovilu u lučkoj 1. Pass through border control;
kapetaniji ili ispostavi lučke kapetanije. 2. Verify the list of the crew and passengers who are on the ves-
sel with the port authority or branch of the port authority.
Nakon što obavi navedene obveze, zapovjednik plovila dužan je
After completing the mentioned obligations, the commander is
najkraćim putem napustiti unutarnje morske vode i teritorijalno required to leave the internal waters and territorial sea of the Re-
more Republike Hrvatske. public of Croatia via the shortest possible route.



Godina/Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOURIST FLOWER - QUALITY FOR CROATIA

Marina 1. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/

1st place in the Marina of the Year cathegory
DUBROVNIK 2. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/
2nd place in the Marina of the Year cathegory
3. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/
3rd place in the Marina of the Year cathegory
1. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/
1st place in the Size cathegory
2. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/
KORČULA 2nd place in the Size cathegory
3. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/
3rd place in the Size cathegory
JEZERA Kategorija velikih marina/
Large marina cathegory
Kategorija srednjih marina/
Medium marina cathegory
Kategorija malih marina/
Small marina cathegory
Posebno priznanje za najbolju otočnu marinu/
OPATIJA The Best Island Marina special recognition
Posebno priznanje za razvoj ponude luksuznog
turizma / Special Recognition for the Development of
Luxury Tourism

Best New Investment Reward

Najbolja marina po ocjenama nautičara
The best marina recognized by their boaters

TROGIR Druga najbolja marina po ocjenama nautičara

The second-best marina recognized by their boaters
Treća najbolja marina po ocjenama nautičara
The third-best marina recognized by their boaters
ROVINJ Ekskluzivno priznanje za razvoj elitnog turizma
The exclusive recognition for the development of
elite nautical tourism
Posebno priznanje Moja najdraža marina
“My favorite marina” Special Reward
Posebno priznanje za najljubaznije osoblje
Zlatni osmijeh
ŽUT The "Golden Smile of the Adriatic” -
Staff Kindness Special Reward
Posebna zahvala
Special Acknowledgment
Najsigurnija korona-free marina
The safest Coronavirus-free marina

Fotografija / Photo:
D. Žunić/ P. Fabijan


ACI Umag, ACI Pula, ACI Pomer, ACI Opatija, ACI Cres, ACI Supetarska Draga, ACI Rab, ACI Jezera, ACI Vodice,
ACI Skradin, ACI Trogir, ACI Split, ACI Milna, ACI Vrboska, ACI Korčula, ACI Slano, ACI Dubrovnik

ACI marine dugoodišnji su i redovni osvajači prestižnih nagrada i For many years, ACI marinas have regularly won prestigious
priznanja “Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku” i "Zlatno sidro" awards and recognitions “Tourism Flower - Quality for Croatia,”
Nautičke patrole Jutarnjeg lista koja se dodjeljuju najuspješnijim, and "The Golden Anchor" of the Jutarnji list Nautical Patrol award-
najkvalitetnijim i najprepoznatljivijim hrvatskim turističkim subjek- ed to the most successful, the best and the most recognized Cro-
tima i destinacijama. Slijede samo neka od priznanja i nagrada atian tourist companies and destinations. These are some of the
koje su ACI marine osvojile od 2010. godine: recognitions and awards ACI marinas have won since 2010:

1 ACI Umag
2 ACI Rovinj
3 ACI Pula
4 ACI Pomer
5 ACI Opatija
6 ACI Cres
7 ACI Supetarska Draga
8 ACI Rab
9 ACI Šimuni
10 ACI Žut
+ sidrište/anchorage Žut
11 ACI Piškera
12 ACI Jezera
13 ACI Vodice
14 ACI Skradin
+ sidrište/anchorage Vozarica
15 ACI Trogir
16 ACI Split
ACI marina - Dobitnik priznanja 17 ACI Milna
ACI Marina - award winner
18 ACI Vrboska
Plava zastava / 19 ACI Palmižana
Blue flag
20 ACI Korčula
Posebno priznanje za razvoj ponude luksuznog
turizma / Special Recognition for the Development 21 ACI Slano
of Luxury Tourism 22 ACI Dubrovnik




Obrt Lido Maistra d.d. Authentic j.d.o.o.
+385 (0) 99 642 5733 +385 (0) 52 800 250 +385 (0) 91 223 3660
lidoaciumag@gmail.com hello@maistra.hr cvitanduje@gmail.com
https://restoran-lido.eatbu.hr/?lang=en www.maistra.com
Sopravento j.d.o.o. Domicil d.o.o. Turić i Bućan j.d.o.o.
+385 (0) 99 447 2434 +385 (0) 98 982 2623 +385 (0) 91 306 0057
davor.pula@gmail.com rezervacije@restoran-commodore.hr paveturic@yahoo.com
https://sopravento.eatbu.hr/?lang=en www.restoran-commodore.hr
Obrt Vojko Obrt Smokva Žut Number 20 d.o.o.
+385 (0) 51 776 805 +385 (0) 23 697 053 nincevicmonika@gmail.com
+385 (0) 91 677 6700


Number 20 d.o.o. Klements marina j.d.o.o. Obrt Pasquale
+385 (0) 99 432 4434 +385 (0) 91 953 1895 +385 (0) 98 588 108
reservations@n20kornati.hr staracimoreacijezera@gmail.com arka.skipperclub@gmail.com
https://n20kornati.hr/ http://starac-i-more-aci-jezera.business.site
Obrt Lašk Grašo commerce d.o.o. Loza Vrdoljak d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 884 001 +385 (0) 21 398 560 +385 (0) 21 399 333
pereza.mario2012@gmail.com +385 (0) 99 413 6361 +385 (0) 91 434 3050
restaurantadriatic@yahoo.com zrnosoli.split@gmail.com
www.restaurantadriatic.com www.zrnosoli.hr
M.B. Vičić d.o.o. Opus Meus d.o.o. Obrt Kolarin
+385 (0) 21 636 285 +385 (0) 91 570 3372 +385 (0) 20 805 013
+385 (0) 91 734 4004 opusmeusbol@gmail.com +385 (0) 98 184 9165
info@mb-vincic.com restaurant-navigare.business.site info@restaurantperast.com
https://restaurant-navigare.business.site/ www.restaurantperast.com
Šimuni d.o.o.
+385 (0) 20 871 991

ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas

Almi d.o.o. Prestige d.o.o. Obrt Secom NS
+385 (0) 52 741 065 +385 (0) 52 300 001 +385 (0) 51 216 894
info@almi.hr +385 (0) 98 403 908 +385 (0) 91 502 2622
www.almi.hr info@prestige-yachtservice.hr danijel@secom-ns.com
www.prestige-yachtservice.hr/en/ www.secom-ns.com
Sky Winn Charter d.o.o. Fra-Ni Remont d.o.o. Shark Yacht Service d.o.o.
+385 (0) 51 307 017 +385 (0) 51 571 920 +385 (0) 95 544 1966
+385 (0) 91 429 1000 +385 (0) 98 234 893 info@shark-yachtservice.hr
fra-ni.remont@ri.t-com.hr www.shark-yachtservice.hr
Paracelsus d.o.o. Obrt Moras Obrt Mile Nautic Servis
+385 (0) 51 776 483 +385 (0) 51 725 048
+385 (0) 98 329 698
Nautički centar Orka d.o.o. Obrt Polaris Yacht Service Matadura d.o.o.
+385 (0) 22 435 437 +385 (0) 22 443 021 +385 (0) 21 398 561
+385 (0) 91 566 7755 +385 (0) 98 266 343 matadura@matadura.hr
servis@ncorka.hr igor.lokas@si.t-com.hr www.matadura.hr
North Star j.d.o.o. Obrt Kuna Nautički servis Dubrovnik d.o.o.
+385 (0) 95 818 3433 +385 (0) 20 454 215
mario@kuna-dubrovnik.com +385 (0) 91 445 1110
Nicro Nautica d.o.o.

Adriatic Wave d.o.o. Mennyacht d.o.o. Dream Yacht Croatia d.o.o.
+385 (0) 98 917 3629 +385 (0) 91 573 1136 +385 (0) 20 456 750
mario@adriaticwave.com info@mennyacht.com +385 (0) 91 274 5145
www.adriaticwave.com www.mennyacht.com croatia@dreamyachtcharter.com
Studio tim d.o.o. Ultra jedrenje d.o.o. Vito nautika d.o.o.
+385 (0) 52 213 988 +385 (0) 21 398 578 +385 (0) 52 393 890
+385 (0) 98 334 684 +385 (0) 98 992 6339 info@vitonautika.hr
info@vala-charter.com booking@ultra-sailing.hr www.vitonautika.com
www.vala-charter.com www.ultra-sailing.hr

ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas

Admiral Boats d.o.o. Sky Winn Charter d.o.o. Centar Jedrenja d.o.o.
+385 (0) 95 258 8827 +385 (0) 51 307 017 +385 (0) 22 439 000
info@admiral-boats.hr +385 (0) 91 429 1000 +385 (0) 99 443 9000
www.admiral-boats.hr info@alternautika.com
Obrt BB Jezera Sub Rosa d.o.o. Pitter putnička agencija d.o.o.
+385 (0) 98 985 7301 +385 (0) 22 212 736 +385 (0) 23 386 700
info@bbjezera.com info@pitter-croatia.com
www.bbjezera.com www.pitter-croatia.com
Mayer d.o.o. Veritas Yachting Europe GmbH Angelina Trogir d.o.o.
+385 (0) 22 571 736 +385 (0) 23 385 293
+385 (0) 99 437 8301 info@angelina.hr
info@veritas-yachting.com www.angelina.hr
Dalmatia Charter Agency d.o.o. Detoni d.o.o. Nautika Kufner d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 797 239 +385 (0) 91 517 7681 +385 (0) 91 478 9219
+385 (0) 91 188 2881 info@detonicharter.com info@nautika-kufner.hr
info@dalmatia-charter.hr www.detonicharter.com www.nautika-kufner.hr
Nova Eurospectra d.o.o. Waypoint d.o.o. Aba Vela d.o.o.
+385 (0) 95 516 6212 +385 (0) 21 367 686 +385 (0) 21 321 407
info@eurospectra.hr +385 (0) 98 368 334 +385 (0) 98 667 622
www.eurospectra.com booking@waypoint.hr contact@abavela.com
www.waypoint.hr www.abavela.com
Adria Yachting d.o.o. Astarea d.o.o. Bach Yachting d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 263 4256 +385 (0) 23 385 293 +385 (0) 91 606 6609
info@admiral-boats.hr info@angelina.hr info@bachyachting.nl
www.admiral-boats.hr www.angelina.hr www.bachyachting.com
Bomi Ship d.o.o. Euromarine d.o.o. Fair Wind d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 314 555 +385 (0) 1 555 2200 +385 (0) 98 162 0992
+385 (0) 91 314 5555 +385 (0) 99 210 1594 booking@croatia-charter.hr
booking@bomiship.com info@euromarine.hr www.croatia-charter.hr
www.bomiship.com www.euromarine.com.hr
International Cruising Yachts d.o.o. Orvas d.o.o. Na pola puta d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 358 824 +385 (0) 21 735 377 +385 (0) 91 539 0089
+385 (0) 95 344 4111 ivana@sail-charter-in-croatia.com
orvas-yachting@orvas.hr www.sail-charter-in-croatia.com

ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas

Sail Croatia d.o.o. Sunčani Život d.o.o. Top Light d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 317 902 +385 (0) 21 398 496 +385 (0) 21 358 344
sales@sail-croatia.com +385 (0) 91 3456 783 +385 (0) 91 605 3947
www.sail-croatia.com info@sunlife.hr info@splityachtcharter.com
www.sunlife.hr www.splityachtcharter.com
Fordewind d.o.o. Adriatic Yacht Charter d.o.o. Croatia Yachting d.o.o.
+385 (0) 95 568 2288 +385 (0) 98 273 880 +385 (0) 21 332 332
info@simplesail.com ayc@ayc.hr +385 (0) 91 331 3343
www.simplesail.com www.ayc.hr booking@croatia-yachting.hr
Dubrovnik Yachting d.o.o. Obrt M Marine Navigare Yachting d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 488 1999 +385 (0) 1 233 1661
info@yachting-dubrovnik.com +385 (0) 91 377 7603
www.yachting-dubrovnik.com booking@navigare-yachting.com
Sunsail Adriatic d.o.o.
+385 (0) 20 455 075
+385 (0) 99 813 8624

Adria Luxury Boats d.o.o. Kvarner nautika d.o.o. Mennyacht d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 727 1866 +385 (0) 98 983 1430 +385 (0) 91 177 2610
info@alb.hr kvarner-nautika@ri.t-com.hr croatia@mennyacht.com
www.alb.hr www.kvarner-nautika.hr www.mennyacht.com
Princess Yachts Adriatic d.o.o. Ultra d.o.o. Nautika Centar Nava d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 398 786 +385 (0) 21 398 578 +385 (0) 21 407 705
info@princessadriatic.com sales@ultra-sailing.hr info@navaboats.com
www.princessadriatic.com www.beneteau-croatia.hr www.navaboats.com
Repens d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 398 786

ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas


Donar d.o.o. Navita d.o.o. Gumicentar d.o.o.
+385 (0) 52 219 173 +385 (0) 51 632 315 +385 (0) 91 201 2599
+385 (0) 98 802 328 info@navita.hr cres@gumicentar.hr
donarboats@gmail.com www.navita.hr www.gumicentar.hr
Aurani d.o.o. Boltano d.o.o. Lalizas Marina d.o.o.
+385 (0) 51 774 823 +385 (0) 91 201 4607 +385 (0) 20 454 073
rab@aurani.eu nautika@boltano.hr www.marinastores.hr
www.aurani.eu www.boltano.hr


Mare Nostrum Croaticum d.o.o.
+385 (0) 51 271 080
+385 (0) 99 216 3272


Seariver Tech. Department d.o.o.
+385 (0) 20 486 040


Veliko plavetnilo d.o.o.
+385 (0) 51 704 741

Auto Benussi d.o.o.
+385 (0) 52 385 888

ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas


Procella d.o.o. Studenac d.o.o. Timun d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 583 4255 +385 (0) 21 430 801 +385 (0) 51 571 312
ivanaversicek@gmail.com studenac@studenac.hr
P.V. Lišnjak trade d.o.o. Luka trade j.d.o.o. Obrt Mala medena
+385 (0) 99 314 6205 +385 (0) 21 881 430
+385 (0) 91 539 5866
Kaskade d.o.o. Obrt Žele Konzum plus d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 398 320 +385 (0) 21 744 988 0800 400 000
Tisak plus d.o.o. Fokus d.o.o.
+385 (0) 72 000 001 marinefokus@gmail.com
tisak@tisak.hr www.frigomarine.hr


Obrt Valentina Amare j.d.o.o. Obrt Diamond beauty
+385 (0) 52 463 308 +385 (0) 95 505 3652 +385 (0) 98 972 1111
+385 (0) 98 335 563 amarerovinj@gmail.com
Obrt Glenda Cut Obrt Paeonia
+385 (0) 91 989 0200 +385 (0) 99 665 8820
glenda.cut@gmail.com paeoniabeauty@gmail.com


Admiral Laundry j.d.o.o. Špaline d.o.o. Parilo d.o.o.
+385 (0) 95 716 4832 +385 (0) 98 417 415
spaline.aci@gmail.com parilokorcula@gmail.com
Velox d.o.o.
+385 (0) 20 891 015
+385 (0) 99 417 7787

ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas


Obrt Plastikant Bruškin Dubrovnik j.d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 603 8910


Korkyra Nautika d.o.o.
+385 (0) 20 721 073
+385 (0) 99 638 8944


Autotrans d.d.
+385 (0) 72 660 660


Academia navalis Adriatica d.o.o.
+385 (0) 51 711 814
+385 (0) 99 217 8404


Ameba d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 386 250
+385 (0) 98 235 662

EFT usluge d.o.o.
+385 (0) 1 632 6777

Thank you for choosing Croatia!
We know it has been a long and tiresome year, which is why we hope you will en-
joy our crystal-clear coastline while basking under the hot sun. Come and immerse
yourself in food & drink here on the Islands of Piškera and Žut in N 20 Restaurant

& Bar, where we try our best to keep you satisfied through our refreshing mediter-
ranean menu created by our young and ambitious owner and Le Cordon Bleu chef,

Miss Monika Ninčević.
Dive into our carefully curated menu full of fresh & locally sourced produce. Visit

Piškera for a casual or Žut for an upscale casual dining experience. Relax and dine
from sunrise to sunset. May your meals be as pleasing as your sight is while enjoying
the beauties of Croatia right from the terrace of N20 Restaurant & Bar.
If you would like to make a reservation, we kindly ask you to do so by using the form
E: reservations@n20kornati.hr on the N 20 Restaurant & Bar website / scanning the QR code which can be found
W: n20kornati.hr at the beginning of each dock / sending an e-mail to reservations@n20kornati.hr .
Thank you & see you soon!
Fotografija / Photo:
ACE | Studio Borlenghi

America's Cup i Vendée Globe, dvije su regate koje privlače milijune obožava-
telja diljem svijeta, a njihovi završeci napeti poput trilera od jedriličara stvaraju
sportske heroje.

The America's Cup and the Vendée Globe are regattas that attract millions of
fans around the world, and their finales, as tense as thrillers, turn sailors into
sporting heroes.

America's Cup i Vendée Globe, toliko slični, a The America's Cup and the Vendée Globe – so
opet toliko različiti. Regate koje slave veličinu je- similar yet so different. These are the races that
drenja, najmoderniju tehnologiju, ali isto i veličinu celebrate the greatness of sailing, the state-of-
sportaša i suživot s prirodom. the-art technology, as well as the greatness of
athletes and coexistence with nature.

ACI No.1 // America's Cup & Vendée Globe

America's Cup jednostavno traži izvrsnost

na svim poljima. Budžet, tehnologija i ljudi
moraju biti u savršenom balansu kako bi
stigli do legendarnog pehara Auld Mug.

The America's Cup simply requires ex-

cellence in all fields. The budget, the tech-
nology, the people, all must be in perfect
balance to win the legendary Auld Mug.

Fotografija / Photo:
ACE | Studio Borlenghi

Priča o America's Cupu započinje još 1851. godine, pu- The story of the America's Cup began back in 1851, a full
nih 45 godina prije prvih održanih modernih Olimpijskih 45 years before the first modern Olympic Games were
igara u Ateni 1896., kada je tadašnja kraljica Viktorija held in Athens in 1896, with Queen Victoria enjoying her
uživala u popodnevnom čaju i pratila regatu oko otoka afternoon tea and watching a regatta around the Isle
Wrighta u kojoj je sudjelovala moćna britanska flota po- of Wight, where the powerful British fleet was defeated
ražena od američke škune nazvane 'America'. Tijekom by the American schooner called America. At the finish
ulaska u cilj kraljica je upitala jednog od svojih ađutana- line, the Queen asked one of her aides who was sec-
ta tko je osvojio drugo mjesto. ‘Vaše Veličanstvo, nema ond. ‘Your Majesty, there is no second,’ was the short
drugog mjesta’, glasio je kratak odgovor. I tako je počela answer. And the legend of the most important and spec-
legenda o najvažnijem i najspektakularnijem jedriličar- tacular sailing competition was born. Throughout its his-
skom natjecanju. Tijekom povijesti ova je regata privla- tory, this regatta has attracted prominent businessmen
čila ugledne poslovne ljude poput Sir Thomasa Liptona, such as Sir Thomas Lipton, Alan Bond, Age Khan, Ted
Alana Bonda, Age Khana, Teda Turnera i najbolje jedri- Turner, and the best sailors such as Dennis Conner, Rus-
ličare poput Dennisa Connera, Russella Couttsa, Petera sell Coutts, Peter Burling etc.
Burlinga… They all came with only one goal – to conquer the
Svi su dolazili samo s jednim ciljem. Osvojiti jedriličarski Holy Grail of sailing. The fact that only four countries
Sveti gral! Koliko je to teško pokazuje i podatak da su in the history of the competition have managed to win
samo četiri zemlje u povijesti natjecanja uspjele podi- the iconic Auld Mug trophy shows how difficult this is.
gnuti kultni pehar Auld Mug. To su SAD, Australija, Novi These are the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Swit-
Zeland i Švicarska. America's Cup jednostavno traži iz- zerland. The America's Cup simply requires excellence
vrsnost na svim poljima. Budžet, tehnologija i ljudi mo- in all fields. The budget, the technology, the people,
raju biti u savršenom balansu za pobjedu u najstarijem all must be in perfect balance to win the world's oldest
sportskom natjecanju na svijetu. sporting competition.

ACI No.1 // America's Cup & Vendée Globe

Fotografija / Photo:
ACE | Studio Borlenghi

Fotografija / Photo: Fotografija / Photo:

ACE | Studio Borlenghi ACE | Studio Borlenghi

36. izdanje Cupa koje je održano u vodama ispred Aucklanda na The 36th edition of the Cup, which was held in the waters off Auck-
inovativnim foiling jednotrupcima AC75 koji su sposobni razviti br- land on the innovative AC75 foiling monohulls, capable of develop-
zine veće od 50 čvorova po mnogim je parametrima bilo jedrenje ing speeds of more than 50 knots, represented, in many aspects,
iz budućnosti. Nova tehnologija koja će idućih godina mijenjati the future of sailing. The new technology that will change the world
svijet čitave nautičke industrije u kombinaciji s najboljim svjetskim of the entire nautical industry in the coming years, combined with
skiperima pružila je pravi spektakl. Naslov je obranio Emirates the world's best skippers, provided a real spectacle. The title was
Team New Zealand pobijedivši u finalu talijansku Luna Rossu 7-3, a defended by the Emirates Team New Zealand, beating Italy's Luna
novozelandski čarobnjak za kormilom Peter Burling ušao je u uski Rossa 7-3 in the final, with the New Zealand wizard helmsman Pe-
krug ljudi koji su dva puta osvajali Cup. Špalir od nekoliko stotina
ter Burling making the narrow circle of people who have won the
brodova koji su novozelandsku jedrilicu dopratili u luku najbolji je
Cup twice. A convoy of a few hundred boats that escorted the New
pokazatelj koliko ljudi vole jedrenje.
Zealand sailing boat to port is the best indicator of how much peo-
'Imao sam osjećaj da je Novi Zeland eruptirao nakon naše pobje- ple love sailing.
de. Sada je vrijeme za uživanje. Osvajanje America's Cupa pred
domaćim navijačima nevjerojatna je stvar. Velika je čast bila jedriti 'I had a feeling that New Zealand erupted following our victory.
za pet milijuna Kiwija', rekao je Peter Burling nakon trijumfa. Now it's time to enjoy. Winning the America's Cup in front of the
home fans is an amazing thing. It has been a great honour to sail
I dok se tek spuštao zastor na jednu sjajnu jedriličarsku predsta-
vu, već su počele pripreme za 37. izdanje America's Cup. Službeni for five million Kiwis,' Peter Burling said after the triumph.
izazivač braniteljima naslova iz Novog Zelanda postao je britanski And while the curtain was coming down on this great sailing show,
Ineos, a glavne glumce poput Burlinga, Ainslieja, Spithilla i ostalih preparations were already being made for the 37th edition of the
velikih imena svjetskog jedrenja gledat ćemo ponovno u inovativ- America's Cup. The British Ineos has been confirmed as Challeng-
nom AC75. er of Record against the defending champions from New Zealand,
Dok je America's Cup, po svojoj filozofiji, kombinacija tehnologije, and we will see the leading actors such as Burling, Ainslie, Spithill
financijske moći i sporta, offshore jurnjava po svjetskim morima sa- and other big names in the world sailing again on the innovative
svim je drugačija biljka. Koncept Vendée Globea je bazično jedno- AC75.

ACI No.1 // America's Cup & Vendée Globe

stavan od prve regate 1989. godine koja je pokrenuta na inicijativu While the America's Cup, according its philosophy, is a combina-
Philippea Jeantota. Svaki natjecatelj mora jedriti sam i kontinuira- tion of technology, financial power and sports, the offshore racing
no oko planeta ili kako to jedriličari zovu do 'kraja svijeta i natrag'. across the world's seas is a completely different thing. The concept
Na tom ih putu čekaju ledeni uvjeti, visoki valovi i orkanski vjetrovi. of the Vendée Globe has been very simple since the first regatta,
Vendée Globe jedno je od najtežih ispita izdržljivosti koji se mogu which was launched at the initiative of Philippe Jeantot in 1989.
zamisliti zbog čega se i nosi nadimak Everest jedrenja, a već i sam Each competitor must sail alone and non-stop around the world, or
završetak regate predstavlja pravu pobjedu u tom izazovu s priro- as sailors call it ‘to the end of the world and back'. Icy conditions,
dom. Jer samo onaj tko jako obožava jedrenje može nekoliko mje- high waves and hurricane-force winds await them along the way.
seci provesti sam na brodu duljine 60 stopa gdje je životan prostor The Vendée Globe is one of the toughest endurance tests imagi-
ograničen na nekoliko kvadrata. Deveto izdanje Vendéea imalo je nable, which is why it is known as the Everest of the Seas, and just
rasplet holivudskog filma, a od 33 skipera i skiperica, čak 25 njih je finishing the race itself is a real victory in this challenge with nature.
završilo ovu jedriličarsku odiseju. Premda ovaj podatak predstavlja Because it is only those who love sailing very much that can spend
jako visok postotak za regatu, činjenica je kako je Vendée dosad a few months alone on a 60-foot boat, where the living space is
završilo manje ljudi nego što ih je otišlo na Mjesec. limited to just a few square metres. The ninth edition of Vendée
Iako nije prvi na povratku u Les Sables d’Olonne čuo 'Bienvenue’ played like a Hollywood film, and of the 33 male and female skip-
(dobro došli o.p.a.), iskusni offshore jedriličar Yannick Bestaven u pers, as many as 25 completed this sailing odyssey. Although this
prvom je nastupu na regati ostao je najstariji pobjednik Vendéea percentage is very high for a regatta, the fact is that, so far, fewer
jer su mu organizatori za sudjelovanje u akciji spašavanja Kevina people have finished the Vendée than have been to the moon.
Escoffiera uračunali vremensku kompenzaciju. 48-godišnji francu- Although he was not the first to hear 'Bienvenue' (meaning ‘wel-
ski skiper je rutu oko svijeta odjedrio za 80 dana, 3 sata, 44 minute come’) on his return to Les Sables d'Olonne, the experienced off-
i 46 sekunda. Drugi je bio Charlie Dahlin, a Louis Burton treći. shore sailor Yannick Bestaven became Vendée's oldest winner
'Osjećam se kao da živim san, haluciniram. Imam osjećaj da sam in his first appearance in the regatta because the organisers had
još uvijek u regati. Ove jedrilice su stresne i bučne, a život na pa- factored in time compensation for his involvement in Kevin Escoffi-
lubi je jako težak. Ponekad se osjećate usamljeno, umorno, ljuto… er's rescue operation. The 48-year-old French skipper sailed the
Morate posegnuti duboko u psihu i pronaći najbolju verziju sebe round-the-world route in 80 days, 3 hours, 44 minutes and 46 sec-

Fotografija / Photo: Fotografija / Photo:

Yvann Zedda / Alea Jean-Louis Carli / Alea

ACI No.1 // America's Cup & Vendée Globe

kako biste to sve izdržali. Ovakve regate osnaže čovjeka i obogate onds. The second was Charlie Dalin, with Louis Burton coming in
život, ispričao je Bestaven. third.
Osim okrutne borbe s prirodom i ostalih jedriličarima, Vendée Glo- ‘I feel like I’m living a dream, hallucinating. I feel as if I was still in
be je borba sa samim sobom, kako je to pojasnio pobjednik regate. the race. These boats are stressful and noisy, and life on board
'Iako nisam bio fan psihologije, počeo sam se mentalno pripremati is very hard. There are times you feel lonely, tired, angry... You
za ovu regatu sa svojim trenerima koji su mi otvorili neke nove vi- have to look deep down inside yourself and find the best version
dike. Ovakva plovidba je psihički jako naporna jer na dva i pol mje- of yourself in order to endure it all. Such races make a man strong-
seca prekidate sve veze sa svojim bližnjima. To je užasan emotivni er and enrich his life, Bestaven said.
stres u kojem morate pronaći neke pozitivne strane. Važno je znati In addition to the cruel battle with nature and other sailors, the
kako mozak funkcionira. U Formuli 1 svi imaju mentalnog trenera. Vendée Globe is a battle with your own self, as the winner of the
Ni offshore jedrenje nije drugačije. Takve stvari pomažu vam da regatta explained.
shvatite zašto radite sve ove situacije u ekstremnom jedrenju. Ja ‘Although I was not a fan of psychology, I started to prepare men-
još uvijek nemam odgovor, pojasnio je pobjednik Vendée Globea. tally for this regatta with my coaches, who opened new vistas for
Epske priče kojima je obilovalo deveto izdanje regate ili ako ho- me. This kind of sailing is mentally very demanding because for
ćete jedriličarskog devetog kruga pakla ući će u povijest jedrenja. two and a half months you cut off all ties with your loved ones. It's
A što ljudi proživljavaju na ovakvim iskušenjima najbolje je opisao a terrible emotional stress, in which you have to find some posi-
Charlie Dahlin. tives. It's important to know how the brain works. In Formula One,
'To je jedinstveno iskustvo koje proživljavate potpuno sami. U they all have a mental coach. Offshore sailing is no different. Such
tome postoji nešto čisto i lijepo. To je čarobna regata koja uđe u things help you understand why you are doing all these things
svaku stanicu vašeg tijela. Promijenila me kao čovjeka, još nisam in extreme sailing. I still don't have the answer,’ the winner of the
siguran kako, ali jest. Takve snažne emocije još nisam nikada osje- Vendée Globe explained.
tio', poručio je Dahlin. The epic stories that the ninth edition of the regatta – or, if you
Upravo u tome i leži ljepota jedrenja. U borbi s prirodom i pomi- will, the sailing ninth circle of hell –abounded in will go down in
canju vlastitih granica. America's Cup i Vendée Globe najbolji su sailing history. What people experience at trials like this was best
dokaz toga.  described by Charlie Dalin.
'It's a unique experience that you undergo all by yourself. There's
something pure and beautiful in that. It’s a magical race that finds
its way into every cell of your body. It has changed me as a man;
I’m still not sure how, but it has. I have never felt such strong emo-
tions before,' Dalin said.
Vendée Globe jedno je od najtežih ispita That's exactly where the beauty of sailing is. In the battle with na-
ture and in pushing your own limits. The America's Cup and the
izdržljivosti koji se mogu zamisliti zbog Vendée Globe are the best evidence of this. 
čega se i nosi nadimak Everest jedrenja,
a već i sam završetak regate predstavlja
pravu pobjedu u tom izazovu s prirodom.

The Vendée Globe is one of the toughest

endurance tests imaginable, which is why
it is known as the Everest of the Seas, and
just finishing the race itself is a real victory
in this challenge against nature.

Fotografija / Photo: Fotografija / Photo:

Bernard Le Bars / Alea Jean-Louis Carli / Alea


Fotografije / Photos:
Blue Nautica

S idejom da se osvježi vlastita, ali i turistička ponuda općenito te ponudi sasvim nova i drugačija
turistička atrakcija, firma Blue Nautica, renomirani Diving centar i charter motornih plovila iz
Trogira, realizirala je svoj projekt ‘’Križni put pod morem’’.

Blue Nautica, the renowned diving centre and motor boat charter company from Trogir, has la-
unched its project Stations of the Cross – a completely new and different tourist attraction that
broadens the firm’s offerings, as well as tourism offerings in general.

ACI No.1 // Blue Nautica

NO STRESS ZONE - Jedinstveni Via Crucis podmorski muzej, plaža NO STRESS ZONE - The unique Via Crucis underwater museum,
i aquapark beach and aquapark
Tema podmorskog muzeja je Križni put sa svih 14 Postaja te kao With its theme of the Stations of the Cross, displaying all 14 sta-
takav jedini je u svijetu. tions, the underwater museum is unique in the world.
Stalni postav muzeja sastoji se od 14 postaja s ukupno 52 kipa u The museum's permanent display consists of the 14 Stations of
prirodnoj ljudskoj veličini te velikog 8-metarskog kipa Isusa Kri- the Cross with a total of 52 life-size statues and a large 8-metre
sta u vidu 15. Postaje, ‘’Uskrsnuće Isusa Krista’’. statue of Jesus Christ as the 15th Station, the Resurrection of Je-
sus Christ.
Svi kipovi unikatni su ručni rad od ferocementa te kao takvi pot-
puno ekološki prihvatljivi. All statues are unique and handmade in ferrocement and as such
are completely environmentally friendly.
Muzej se nalazi u prekrasnoj, mirnoj uvali Jelinak, udaljenoj 2
The museum is located in the beautiful, quiet Bay of Jelinak,
Nm od Trogira, a u sklopu muzeja je novouređena plaža s mi-
2 NM from Trogir, and also has a newly rebuilt beach with a mi-
ni-barom i aquaparkom. Zbog sveukupnog doživljaja lokacije,
ni-bar and an aquapark. Because of the total experience that the
sadržaja i atmosfere, samo po sebi nametnulo se ime ‘’No Stress
location, theme and atmosphere offer, the name No Stress Zone
suggested itself.
Doživite nezaboravno iskustvo Have an unforgettable experience
Cijela podmorska priča postavljena je na dubini od svega 4-5 m, The whole underwater story is set at a depth of only 4–5 m, with
a veliki 8-metarski kip na dubini od 10 m, kako bi razgledanje the large 8-metre statue located at a depth of 10 m, so that the
bilo omogućeno svima - i djeci i odraslima, iskusnim roniocima, museum could be visited by everybody – including children and
potpunim scuba početnicima, roniocima na dah, ali i običnim adults, experienced divers, absolute scuba beginners, snorkelers,
plivači¬ma. A uskoro će se realizirati i proširenje podmorskog as well as ordinary swimmers. Soon, the underwater part of the
dijela sadržaja novim i zanimljivim temama. Posjeti muzeju su attraction will be expanded with new and interesting themes.
organizirani i pod vodstvom instruktora ronjenja.  Visits to the museum are guided by diving instructors. 
Kontakt: Contact:
www.blue-nautica.com www.blue-nautica.com
www.viacrucis-underwatermuseum.com www.viacrucis-underwatermuseum.com


ACI Split


www.aci-marinas.com  |  |  |  | 
Fotografije/ Photos:
ACI d.d, P. Fabijan, D. Žunić


Jedna od najpopularnijih marina u sustavu ACI-ja dodatno je podigla
razinu kvalitete investicijom u novi čarter terminal koji je povećao vri-
jednost čitave destinacije.

One of the most popular marinas in the ACI system has further improved
the level of quality by investing in a new charter terminal that has incre-
ased the value of the entire destination.

Lokacija, lokacija, lokacija… Uzrečica koju ste Location, location, location... This mantra,
zasigurno čuli ili pročitali milijun puta najbolje which you've certainly heard or read a mil-
opisuje jednu od najomiljenijih ACI-jevih ma- lion times, best describes one of ACI's most
rina. Smještena u samom središtu Dalmacije popular marinas. Located in the very centre
ili kako to Splićani vole reći 'u centru svita' of Dalmatia or, as the people of Split like to
ACI marina Split jedna je od najpopularnijih say, 'in the centre of the world,’ ACI Marina
i najfrekventnijih marina u sustavu najvećeg Split is one of the most popular and fre-
lanca marina na Mediteranu. quented marinas in the largest marina chain
in the Mediterranean.

ACI No.1 // ACI marina Split

Splitska marina često se časti i nadimkom

marine s pogledom od milijun dolara, a omi-
ljena je kod nautičara i zbog svojeg idealnog

Marina Split is often nicknamed ‘the marina

with a million-dollar view’, and is also popu-
lar with boaters because of its ideal location.

Splitska marina često se časti i nadimkom marine s pogledom od Marina Split is often nicknamed ‘the marina with a million-dollar
milijun dolara, koji se proteže od Zapadne obale preko centra gra- view’, spreading from the West Coast of Split to the city centre
da do trajektne luke, a tijekom svoje bogate povijesti postala je i and the ferry port. During its rich history it has become an urban
dio dnevnog boravka mnogih Splićana, turista i nautičara koji ovdje living room for many locals, tourists and boaters who decide to
odluče započeti svoju jadransku avanturu. Upravo ta kombinacija start their Adriatic adventure here. It is because of this combina-
položaja, vrhunske usluge u marini, sjajne gastronomske ponude, tion of position, superior service, great gastronomy, recognisable
prepoznatljivog mediteranskog načina života i stoljetne pomorske Mediterranean lifestyle and a centuries-old maritime tradition that
tradicije ACI marina Split postala je svjetski poznato nautičko odre- ACI Marina Split has become a world-famous nautical destination.
dište. ACI Marina Split, situated near the ports of two sailing clubs and
ACI marina Split, uz lučice dvaju jedriličarskih klubova i zaštićena protected from the south winds and the sea by a solid stone break-
čvrstim kamenim lukobranom od južnih vjetrova i mora, pruža pre- water, offers a beautiful view of Split and its centre – Diocletian's
krasan pogled na Split i njegovu jezgru – Dioklecijanovu palaču, a Palace. Near the marina there is a spot where the Split lungomare,
kod nje započinje splitski lungomare, najduža i svakako jedna od the longest and certainly one of the most beautiful sea prome-
najljepših šetnica na Jadranu. nades on the Adriatic, starts.
A svima onima koji vole more ACI marina Split idealna je polaziš- And for all sea lovers, ACI Marina Split is an ideal starting point to
na točka za otkrivanje brojnih hrvatskih ljepota. Takozvani 'Zlatni discover the many beauties of Croatia. The so-called Golden Tri-
trokut Jadrana', u koji spadaju Split-Hvar-Vis i prirodni biseri split- angle of the Adriatic – with Split, Hvar and Vis as its points – which
skog akvatorija kao što su Modra špilja, Paklinski otoci, južna obala includes the natural gems situated in the waters off Split, such as
Visa, planetarno je popularan što potvrđuju i brojne reportaže u the Blue Cave, the Paklinski Islands, and the southern coast of Vis,
najuglednijim svjetskim magazinima. is popular globally, a fact confirmed by a number of reports in the
'Naš je gost samo 45 minuta vožnje udaljen od aerodroma, a po- world's most respected magazines.
tom brodom za sat ili dva može već biti na Šolti, Braču, Hvaru, 'Our guests are only a 45-minute drive away from the airport, and
Visu… Najveće prednosti marine u Splitu su smještaj u samom cen- in an hour or two, they can already find themselves on Šolta, Brač,
tru gradske luke, u neposrednoj blizini svih važnih komunikacijskih Hvar, Vis etc. having gone there by boat. The biggest advantages

ACI No.1 // ACI marina Split

Fotografije/ Photos:
Zvonimir Barišin, PROPONO multimedia studio

ACI Split jedinstvena je u svijetu i po ACI

Sail ClubSwan 36 trening centru koji omo-
gućava jedrenje na inovativnim jedrilica-
ma ClubSwan 36.

Another reason why ACI Split is unique

in the world is its ACI Sail ClubSwan 36
training centre, where boaters can sail on of the Split marina are its position in the very centre of the city port,
innovative ClubSwan 36 sailing boats. close to all important communication and transport points, proxim-
ity to nautical destinations of central Dalmatian islands and bays,
and the technical and other types of logistics necessary to boat
owners or charter companies,' explains Director Edo Karuza, who
i transportnih točaka, blizina nautičkih destinacija srednje dalma- has been managing the Split marina for more than two decades.
tinskih otoka, uvala, tehnička i ostala logistika potrebna vlasnicima The sum of all the above qualities makes ACI Marina Split a strong
plovila ili čarter kompanija', pojašnjava direktor Edo Karuza koji već charter base where the largest charter companies are located. The
više od dva desetljeća upravlja splitskom marinom. new nautical charter terminal will make it possible to further im-
Upravo zbroj svih navedenih kvaliteta čini ACI marinu Split jakom prove the quality of services provided in the marina, as well as the
čarter bazom u kojoj su smještene najveće čarter kompanije. Novi high standards of equipment that the marina has.
nautički čarter terminal omogućit će dodatno podizanje kvalitete 'With this investment, the whole destination, i.e., the surroundings
usluga u marini, kao i visokih standarda opremljenosti.
of ACI Marina Split, has increased its quality and value. The new
'Ovom je investicijom cijela destinacija tj. okruženje ACI marine charter terminal has made it possible for our many partners to car-
Split povećalo kvalitetu i vrijednost. Novi čarter terminal omogućio ry out their daily activities more efficiently, such as visitor registra-
je našim brojnim partnerima učinkovitije obavljanje svakodnevnih
tion and check-out, which are now performed in technically and
aktivnosti poput primanja i odjave gostiju u visokokvalitetnim ure-
architecturally high-quality offices,' Edo Karuza adds.
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Palagruža je u hrvatskom mediteranskom imagi- In the Croatian Mediterranean imagination, Pala-
nariju mjesto čežnje, gotovo mitski komad kopna gruža is a place of longing, almost a mythical
usred pučine do kojega stižu samo odabrani, piece of land in the middle of the open sea that
najsretniji. Najudaljeniji je hrvatski otok, najistu- only the chosen, the luckiest can reach. It is the
renije svjetlo onima koji plove preko Jadrana, island farthest from the Croatian land, the most
orijentir nautičarima i ribarima. Od Splita do (Ve- protruding beam of light for those sailing across
like) Palagruže 68 je milja, otok je dugačak niti the Adriatic, guidance for boaters and fisher-
kilometar i pol, širok svega tri stotine metara. Uz men. There are 68 miles from Split to (Velika)
Veliku i Malu Palagružu u arhipelagu su još tri Palagruža; the island is not even a mile long, and
otočića – Kamik od tramuntane, Kamik od oštra i its width is 300 metres. In addition to the Veli-
Galijula te petnaestak hridi (Pupak, Volići, Gaće, ka (‘great’) and Mala (‘little’) Palagruža, there are
Baba i drugi). three other islets in the archipelago – Kamik od
Tramuntane, Kamik od Oštra and Galijula, along
with fifteen rocks (Pupak, Volići, Gaće, Baba and
Fotografije / Photos: Nenad Štancl

ACI No.1 // Palagruža

Na Velikoj Palagruži nema dana bez vjetra, puše tako snažno da There are no wind-free days on Velika Palagruža; the wind blows
nikad nije izgrađeno pristanište, pa se iskrcati može samo s manje so hard that a quay has never been built and the island can only be
brodice. Makar, ni za bonace nije posve lako stati na otok. reached by a smaller boat. And it's not entirely easy to dock here
S barke iskačemo na Velo Žalo, jednu od ljepših jadranskih plaža, even when the sea is calm.
u uvalu jajastih kamenih oblutaka od kojih su neki začuđujuće ve- From the boat we jump to Velo Žalo, which is one of the most
liki. Baš svaki je posve uglačan, jer na Velom je Žalu jugo često i beautiful beaches in the Adriatic, situated in a bay and full of oval
žestoko, pred sobom nosi kamenje, snažno ga valja, potapa, kad stone pebbles, some of which are surprisingly large. Every single
se stiša more ga ispljune, vraća na žalo, pa kad to čovjek vidi više one is completely polished, because on Velo Žalo the sirocco wind
se ne čudi nježnoj, gotovo svilenoj glatkoći oblutaka. blows often and fiercely, chasing the stones before it, rolling them
with force, sinking them, and, when the sea gets calmer, spitting
Diomedov otok them back to the beach. Seeing that, you are no longer surprised
Dok se uspinjemo prema svjetioniku na sve je strane divljeg luka, by the gentle, almost silky smoothness of the pebbles.
pelina, u nježnim pupoljcima izbijaju prve ovogodišnje kapare, Diomedes´ island
žute se cvjetovi mliječi. Nekad se mislilo da je Palagruža vulkan-
As we climb towards the lighthouse, there is wild garlic and worm-
skog podrijetla, no istraživanja su pokazala da je u davna doba
wood everywhere; the first capers of the year are coming into gen-
bila kopno, povezano s Garganom, Temitima, Mljetom, Lastovom
tle buds, and the yellow of cypress spurge is striking. Palagruža
i Sušcem.
was once thought to be of volcanic origin, but research has shown
Neki istraživači govore da je bila Diomedov otok, da se upravo that in ancient times it was part of the mainland, connected with
ovdje sklonio pred osvetom Afrodite, božice ljubavi koju je ranio Gargano, Tremiti, Mljet, Lastovo and Sušac.
kod Troje. Some researchers say it was Diomedes' island, that it was here
Na vrhu otoka, na klisuri što stoji 90 metara nad morem, velika that he took refuge from the vengeance of Aphrodite, the goddess
je kamena kuća, monumentalni svjetionik podignut za doba Au- of love he had wounded at Troy.

ACI No.1 // Palagruža

Ovdje nema dana bez vjetra, puše

tako snažno da nikad nije izgrađeno
pristanište, pa se iskrcati može samo
s manje brodice. Makar, ni za bonace
nije posve lako stati na otok.

There are no wind-free days here; the

wind blows so hard that a quay has
never been built and the island can
only be reached by a smaller boat.
And it's not entirely easy to dock here
even when the sea is calm. At the top of the island, on a cliff standing 90 meters above the sea,
there is a large stone building, a monumental lighthouse erected in
the 19th century, during the Austro-Hungarian era. It was designed
by Richard Hanisch, took two years to build and was built by work-
ers from Vis and Komiža.
Even if not actually inhabited, Palagruža is never deserted; there
are at least two lighthouse keepers here at all times. They work for
stro-Ugarske, u 19. stoljeću. Projektirao ga je Richard Hanisch, dvi- a month, and then have a month off, when they go back to their
je godine su ga gradili radnici iz Visa i Komiže. families to have a rest. Palagruža is then taken care of by the oth-
Makar zapravo nenastanjena, Palagruža nikad nije pusta, ovdje er shift. All four keepers on Palagruža are Korčulans. There have
su u svako doba barem dvojica svjetioničara. Mjesec dana rade, been lighthouse keepers on Palagruža, it is assumed, from Roman
mjesec dana su slobodni, tad se odmoriti vraćaju svojima, a o Pala- times. Since there was a lively trade between the left and right
gruži brine druga smjena. Sva četvorica palagruških svjetioničara coasts of the Adriatic, navigation had to be made possible.
Korčulani su. Svjetioničara je na Palagruži, pretpostavlja se, još iz The lighthouse on Palagruža is the largest on the Croatian side of
rimskog doba. Trgovina je među lijevom i desnom obalom Jadrana the Adriatic. It was mostly built of stone from Brač, not Palagruža.
bila intenzivna pa je trebalo osigurati plovidbu. Admittedly, a quarry was opened here during the construction,
Svjetionik na Palagruži najveći je na hrvatskoj strani Jadrana. Ve- and, at first, stone was extracted to build the foundations and the
ćim je dijelom sagrađen od bračkog, a ne od palagruškog kamena. ground floor. However, it was so hard that it destroyed tools on an
Doduše, za izgradnje je ovdje otvoren kamenolom, ispočetka se every-day basis, so it was eventually decided to bring stone from
vadio kamen, ali bio je toliko tvrd, uništavao im alat, da su napo- Brač.
sljetku odlučili dopremiti brački. Four lighthouse keepers
Četiri svjetioničara We arrived here by boat owned by the Plovput company, which,
Ovdje smo stigli brodom Plovputa d.o.o., njime jednom mjesečno once a month, supplies the lighthouse and the keepers with all
dopreme sve potrepštine za svjetioničare i svjetionik, njime odlazi the necessities, ferrying the keepers to and from their place of
jedna i dolazi druga smjena svjetioničara. Krcat je brod, jer sve se work. The boat is full, because everything is carefully planned and
pomno planira i kupuje za cijeli mjesec unaprijed. bought for the whole month in advance.
Otkad je Plovput svjetionike automatizirao i nadzire ih putem su- Since Plovput d.o.o. has introduced automation into lighthouses
stava daljinskog upravljanja, svjetioničari u službi više posla imaju and started to closely monitor them through remote control sys-
s meteorologijom negoli lanternom. Jer, na Palagruži je i meteoro- tems, lighthouse keepers have more to do with meteorology than
loška stanica. „Zimi se budimo u 3:50, svaka tri sata, sve do 21:00, lamps and lenses because Palagruža also has a weather station.
treba očitavati vrijeme i slati podatke. Ako sam ja dežuran danas, "In winter, we wake up at 3.50 am; we have to take the measure-
sutra je kolega Vojo, tako se smjenjujemo. Ljeti očitavamo od 5:00 ments and send the data every three hours, until 9 pm. If I'm on
do 22:00“, govori svjetioničar Krešimir Tomašić. call today, tomorrow's my colleague Vojo, that's how we take our
Svjetioničari su samoćom i morem kaljeni ljudi. Na Palagruži su shifts. In summer we take measurements from 5 am to 10 pm," says
proteklih mjesec dana bili Ivo Šain i Tomislav Žuvela, s nama je Krešimir Tomašić, one of the keepers.
stigla druga smjena - Ivin otac, Vojo Šain te kolega mu Krešimir Lighthouse keepers are people hardened by solitude and the sea.
Tomašić. Ivo Šain and Tomislav Žuvela have been at Palagruža for the past

ACI No.1 // Palagruža

month, and the second shift – Vojo Šain, Ivo's father, and his col-
Na vrhu otoka, na klisuri 90 metara league Krešimir Tomašić – arrived with us on the boat.
nad morem, velika je kamena kuća, "The light must be on all night, non-stop. If one of the bulbs blows
monumentalni svjetionik podignut accidentally, the alarm goes off and the problem is dealt with im-
mediately. Some time ago, a weight extending from the top to the
za doba Austro-Ugarske, u 19. sto- bottom of the building had to be wound up every three hours by
ljeću. U zgradi svjetionika su i dva the keeper. Before it got to the bottom, it had to be wound up
again. Now there is an electric motor powering the machine," say
apartmana u kojima odsjedaju tu- keeper Žuvela, pointing out that Plovput is extremely closely mon-
risti. Iz svake sobe pruža se pogled itoring the safety of navigation.
od milijun dolara. Gost ovdje ustaje For years, the post of lighthouse keepers has let father and son
Šain, Vojo, 57, and Ivo, 29, see each other just once a month, on
i liježe zagledan u pučinu. the day of the shift handover, on the island of Palagruža, where
they spend barely a few hours together, just long enough to com-
plete the handover.
"I miss spending time with my father. I'd like to do things with him,
At the top of the island, on a cliff to experience things together, to go fishing, so that I too can tell
stories like the ones he told me about where he had been with his
90 meters above the sea, there is a late father," says Ivo longingly. He first came to Palagruža as an
large stone building, a monumental eight-year-old; it was in 1999, when his father, having sailed all over
the world as a seaman, got a post here.
lighthouse erected in the 19th cen-
"I can still remember climbing this path from the beach and be-
tury, during the Austro-Hungarian ing surprised halfway through when I saw a lighthouse. I expected
era. There are also two apartments there to be shops, toys, such things... After a while I would dream
of sweets. My father would ask the the fishermen to bring some,
in the lighthouse, where tourists and I would wait for the boat and run to the beach when I saw them
can stay. Each room offers a milli- arrive."
on-dollar view. Here, a visitor can No boredom
Vojo too remembers his first landing: "I was terrified. This isn't an
get up and go to bed looking at the island like any other; if you approach it from the south side, it looks
open sea. like a horror film set with a castle on top of a hill. If you approach
it from the north, it's completely gentle, flat. I was impressed when
I saw it from the sea. But the moment I disembarked I felt great
peace and tranquility that I still feel here today."

The longest time he spent on Palagruža, recounts Vojo, was 53

„Svjetlo bez prestanka mora gorjeti cijelu noć. Fotoćelija se auto- days in a row. "I'd stay a hundred. If I don't see the sea for three
matski pali i gasi, na struju je, nema navijanja. Nekad je svjetioničar days – I get ill. It's never boring here. If you’re looking at the cal-
svaka tri sata morao navijati uteg koji je prolazio od vrha od dna endar, lying on the couch and waiting for your shift to end, Pala-
kuće. Prije no što bi stigao do dna valjalo ga je ponovo naviti.“, gruža is like jail. But if you get down to work, it's heaven here. The
govori svjetioničar Žuvela. building is huge, it needs to be maintained. Say, shutters, doors,
windows... all are damaged by salt and sun here and should be
Otac i sin Šain, Vojo (57) i Ivo (29), zbog svjetioničarskog se po- painted every now and then."
sla već godinama viđaju mjesečno svega jedanput, samo na dan
At the lighthouse, we find Ivo's three children, Vojo's grandchildren,
smjene na Palagruži, provedu skupa jedva par sati, koliko treba da
who have come with their mother to visit their father for the Easter
se napravi primopredaja dežurstva.
holidays. In the early morning, seven-year-old Magdalena carefully
„Fali mi vrijeme s ocem. Volio bih s njim nešto proživjeti, doživjeti, observes a hawk circling over the courtyard. Patiently, for a long
poći ribariti pa da i ja imam priče kakve je on meni pričao kud je time, she follows it with her eyes; the girl is fascinated by birds.
bio s njegovim pokojnim ocem.“, čežnutljivo će Ivo. Na Palagružu She takes delight in the seagulls sitting on a stone fence around
je prvi put došao kao osmogodišnjak, 1999. kad je otac, nakon što the lighthouse, as well as a couple of hens that were brought from
je kao mornar oplovio cijeli svijet, ovdje dobio službu. the neighbouring Sušac, so the lighthouse keepers can have fresh
„Ostalo mi je i danas u glavi kako sam se uspinjao ovim putem od eggs.
Žala i iznenadio kad sam negdje na polovici ugledao svjetionik. In windy weather, when the view clears, you can see Italy, and
Očekivao sam da će tu biti dućani, igračke, ma svašta… Nakon ne- Biševo, Vis, Hvar, Korčula, Mljet, Lastovo; visibility can be 60–70
kog vremena na otoku poželio bih se slatkiša, otac bi ih naručio od km, keeper Krešimir is showing us, bringing into the house things
ribara, a ja sam čekao brod pa trčao na žal kad bi vidio da stižu.” sent by the cable car from below, from the boat.

ACI No.1 // Palagruža

Nema dosade The way the wind blows on Palagruža is something not even trees
I Vojo pamti svoje prvo iskrcavanje: “Umro sam od straha. Nije ovo can handle, so that's why there are none on the island. There’s
otok kao drugi, ako mu prilaziš s južne strane izgleda kao sceno- only macchia shrubland growing here. But neither can the wind
grafija za film strave, zamak na vrhu brda. Ako mu prilaziš sa sje- disturb the tranquility of this piece of land in the middle of the open
vera posve je pitomo, ravno. Dojmio me se kad sam ga ugledao s sea, nor can the sun that starts scorching the vegetation in May
mora. Ali, trenutak kad sam se iskrcao osjetio sam veliku pitomost make Palagruža ugly. At all times of the year, here is a beauty that
i spokoj koji ovdje osjećam i danas.“ provokes more than pleasure in the traveller; it brings – pure joy.
Najduže je na Palagruži, pripovijeda Vojo, u komadu proveo 53 Archaeological finds have confirmed that the ancient Romans built
dana. „Ostao bih i stotinu. Ako tri dana ne vidim more – razbolim structures here. Some believe that there used to be a shrine on
se. Ovdje nikad nije dosadno. Ako gledaš u kalendar, ležiš na ka- the island. Fragments of ceramic dishes have been found on Pala-
uču i čekaš kad će ti smjena, na Palagruži je kao da si u zatvoru. gruža, dating from between 2500 and 1800 BCE. There was a tem-
Ali, ako si nađeš posla onda je ovdje raj. Zgrada je ogromna, treba
ple on the island in Roman times. The skeleton of a man stabbed
održavati kuću. Recimo, škure, vrata, prozori… sve to ovdje tuče sol
with an arrow was also unearthed here.
i sunce, treba farbati svako malo."
Na svjetioniku zatičemo troje Ivine djece, Vojinu unučad, s majkom Pope on Palagruža
su za uskršnje praznike došli u posjet ocu. Sedmogodišnja Mag- Tomislav Žuvela, 39, with whom Ivo Šain works shifts on Palagruža,
dalena pažljivo promatra sokola koji kruži iznad dvorišta. Strpljivo is also the son of a lighthouse keeper.
ga, dugo slijedi pogledom, ptice su djevojčici fascinacija. Raduju
His father retired last year after 33 years spent on the island. Žu-
je galebovi naslagani na kamenu ogradu oko svjetionika. I par ko-
vela was two months old when he was first brought here. He grew
košiju što su ih donijeli sa susjednog Sušca, da svjetioničari imaju
up here, living on the island until he was six years old, and then re-
svježa jaja.
turned to Korčula with his mother and sister to go to school there.
Za vjetrovita vremena, kad razbistri pogled, vidi se Italija, i Biševo,
Vis, Hvar, Korčula, Mljet, Lastovo, vidljivost zna biti po 60-70 km u We are standing outside by the house. Looking out at Sušac, Žuve-
daljinu, pokazuje nam svjetioničar Krešimir unoseći u kuću stvari la leans into a thermograph and reads the numbers.
što ih dizalicom šalju od dolje, s broda. From the Palagruža lighthouse, the keepers regularly send infor-
To kako na Palagruži puše ni drveće ne može podnijeti, zato ga mation about air temperature, speed and direction of winds, cloud-
na otoku i nema. Raste jedino makija i nisko bilje. Ali, nit taj vjetar iness, types of clouds, state of the sea, etc.

ACI No.1 // Palagruža

remeti duboki mir ovog tla usred pučine, nit sunce koje It's mid-April and it's 16 degrees here today. He looks at
ovdje od svibnja sparuši vegetaciju može Palagružu poru- the weather wane, even if he knows by heart which wind
žnjeti. U svako doba godine ovdje je ljepote koja u putni- is blowing: "If sirocco is blowing, it hits straight down into
ka budi više od radosti, tjera na - ushićenje. the Veliko Žalo beach, and just by looking at the waves
Arheološki nalazi potvrdili su da su još stari Rimljani gradili you can easily see which wind is blowing. When it blows
na ovom otoku. Neki vjeruju da je postojalo i svetište. Na a little further east off Sušac, it is bora; tramontane is
Palagruži su nađeni ostaci keramičkog posuđa koji dati- straight from the north, it occurs between Sušac and Vis."
raju iz doba između 2500-te i 1800-te prije nove ere. Na In the 1980s, when Adriatic lighthouses were not automat-
otoku je za doba Rimljana bio hram. ed yet, the job of a lighthouse keeper was different; there
Papa na Palagruži had to be more of them at the lighthouse, and somebody
had to be on duty around the clock. They would stay at
I Tomislav Žuvela (39), kolega s kojim Ivo Šain drži smjenu the lighthouses much longer, for months, because the
na Palagruži, sin je svjetioničara. Njegov je otac u mirovi- journey to these islands took a long time and was expen-
nu otišao lani, nakon 33 godine Palagruže. Žuvela je imao sive and it took at least ten hours to reach Palagruža. At
dva mjeseca kad su ga prvi put donijeli ovamo. Tu je i that time, the lighthouse keeper had to be married and
odrastao, do šeste godine, a onda se mati s njim i sestrom there were as many as four families at the lighthouse.
vratila na Korčulu, zbog škole. Stojimo vani pored kuće. They would stay for up to a year; month-to-month shifts
Zagledani put Sušca. Žuvela nagne glavu u termograf pa were inconceivable then.
očitava brojke.
S Palagruže svjetioničari redovito šalju informacije o tem-
peraturi zraka, brzini i smjeru vjetrova, naoblaci, vrstama
oblaka, stanju mora…
Palagruža nikad nije pusta,
Sredina je travnja, ovdje je danas 16 stupnjeva. Pogleda
smjerokaz za vjetrove, makar i napamet zna koji puše: ovdje su u svako doba barem
„Ako puše čisto jugo udara ravno dolje u Veliko Žalo, i po dvojica svjetioničara. Mjesec
valovima lako čitaš što točno puše. Kad puše malo istoč-
nije od Sušca to je bura, tramuntana je čisti sjever, ona se dana rade, mjesec dana su
javlja između Sušca i Visa…“ slobodni. Sva četvorica pala-
1980-ih, u doba dok jadranski svjetionici nisu automatizi-
rani, na lanterni je moralo biti više svjetioničara, dežuralo
gruških svjetioničara Korču-
se non-stop. Smjene su im trajale mjesecima, jer, do tih lani su.

Palagruža is never deserted;

there are at least two lightho-
use keepers here at all times.
They work for a month, and
then have a month off. All
four lighthouse keepers on
Palagruža are Korčulans.

ACI No.1 // Palagruža

otoka plovilo se dugo i skupo, do Palagruže je trebalo Today, visitors to Palagruža are the ones who enjoy the
najmanje deset sati. U ta doba gledalo se da svjetioni- most.
čar bude oženjen, na svjetioniku su bile po četiri obitelji, Since then, lighthouse keepers have not been the only
ostali bi i po godinu dana, smjene mjesec za mjesec bile people on Palagruža in summer; there are also two apart-
su nezamislive. ments here, in the lighthouse, where tourists can stay.
Danas na Palagruži ponajviše uživaju – gosti, jer ljeti na Each room offers a million-dollar view. A visitor can get
otoku nisu samo svjetioničari, u zgradi svjetionika su i dva up and go to bed looking at the open sea.
apartmana u kojima odsjedaju turisti. Iz svake sobe pruža In the twelfth century, while on his way to Venice to par-
se pogled od milijun dolara. Gost ustaje i liježe zagledan ticipate in negotiations with Frederick Barbarossa, Pope
u pučinu. Alexander III also briefly landed on Palagruža. He trav-
U dvanaestom se stoljeću, na putu za Veneciju i na prego- elled with a naval fleet of ten galleys, and, taken aback by
vore s Fridrihom Barbarosom, na Palagruži kratko iskrcao the beauty of Palagruža, decided to stop. He dined here
i papa Aleksandar III. Putovao je s pomorskom flotom od and moved on, and the place where he supposedly stood
deset galija, zatečen ljepotom Palagruže odlučio se ov- is still called Pope's field.
dje zaustaviti. Objedovao je pa nastavio dalje, a mjesto Various world media have repeatedly singled out Pala-
gdje je navodno stao i danas se naziva Papinom njivom. gruža among the most beautiful and most inaccessible
Više je puta po raznim svjetskim medijima u konkuren- islands around the world as the gem of Robinson Cru-
ciji s drugima najljepšima i najnepristupačnijim otocima soe-style tourism. Still, it's just an illusion of a desert is-
širom svijeta Palagruža posebno isticana kao biser ro- land. While you are here, you are in safe hands; light-
binzonskog turizma. Ipak, to je samo privid robinzonstva. house keepers look after the visitors discreetly and in a
Dok ste ovdje u sigurnim ste rukama, na goste svjetioni- friendly manner. It is important to ensure not only peace,
čari paze diskretno ali srdačno, bitno im je da im osigura- but also a sense of security. "
ju mir, ali i osjećaj sigurnosti. We ask Žuvela, whose father retired from the lighthouse
Žuvelu, čiji je otac u mirovinu s lanterne otišao lani, pita- last year, what was the wisest advice he gave him: "Not
mo koji je najpametniji savjet što mu ga je ostavio: „…da to leave the service, this is a good job! Seven, eight years
ne napuštam službu, ovo je dobar posao! Bila je prije se- ago, when I was younger, I went through a phase of being
dam, osam godina, kad sam bio mlađi, faza da mi je bilo fed up. I wanted to be home, hang out with people, go
dosta. Htio sam biti kući, družiti se s ljudima, izlaziti van. out. But now I'm glad I didn't give up," he says happily. 
Ali, sad mi je drago da nisam posustao.“, zadovoljno će. 

Fotografije / Photos:


Rovinj is where the famous story of ACI
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This game-changing educational and ultra-modern
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ticipate in Q & A sessions for the premiere
via Summit's App andof theDigital
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include mingling which Cocktail
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ter conference, Booking Manager Summit, for and Gala dinner, where you
once can discuss
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on theissues
world’s of Yachting
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the 3rd year in a row. with speakers such as scene
Sales guru Chris
in great Croft, Marketing expert Jim Sterne,
Storytelling master Mark Adams and many others. Get your ticket on time, and
let's #ShapeTheFutureOfYachtCharter!

Fotografije / Photos:
Petar Fabijan

prim. Vlasta Brozičević, dr. med. spec.

Čuvari zdravlja
tijela i duha
Guardians of Health,
Body and Mind
Suosnivačica i suvlasnica Poliklinike Terme u Selcu i Rijeci, jedna od vodećih
stručnjakinja na području fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije, reumatologije.
Prisustvovala je na šest Olimpijskih igara, a kao sportska liječnica brinula je
o karijerama brojnih vrhunskih sportaša, od kojih 120 olimpijaca.

Co-founder and co-owner of the Terme Polyclinic in Selce and Rijeka, one of
the leading experts in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation, and
rheumatology. She has been at six Olympic Games and, as a sports doctor,
looked after the careers of many top athletes, among them 120 Olympians

Još od starih Rimljana vrijedi poslovica: The phrase ‘a healthy mind in a healthy
'Zdrav duh u zdravom tijelu'. Tim motom body’ has been valid since Roman times.
se vodi i prim. Vlasta Brozičević, vodite- It is also the motto of Primarius Dr Vlasta
ljica odjela fizikalne medicine i rehabilita- Brozičević, the head of the Department
cije te članica Uprave Poliklinike Terme of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
koja je u više od 30 godina postojanja i and a member of the Management Board
rada ostavila značajan trag u 130 godina of the Terme Polyclinic, which has, in its
dugoj povijesti zdravstvenog turizma cri- work spanning over 30 years, left a signif-
kveničke rivijere. icant mark in the 130-year-long history of
health tourism on the Crikvenica Riviera.

ACI No.1 // Vlasta Brozičević

Poliklinika Terme u Selcu prva je privatna poliklinika za fizikal- The Terme Polyclinic in Selce was the first private polyclinic spe-
nu medicinu i rehabilitaciju u Hrvatskoj s više od tri desetljeća cialised in physical medicine and rehabilitation in Croatia; it now
tradicije. Možete li navesti nekoliko ključnih događaja u radu has a tradition more than three decades long. Can you name a
poliklinike? few key events in its history?

Nakon nekoliko godina rada u javnom sektoru uvidjela sam da After a few years of working in the public sector, I realised that I
mogu više i bolje te da mi treba više prostora za kreativnost u radu could do more and better and that I needed more room for creativ-
s pacijentima. Ideja o pokretanju privatne prakse sve je bila jasnija ity in working with patients. The idea of starting a private practice
i s njom je san o tome postajao sve veći. Veliki poticaj sam imala was becoming clearer and so was the dream of it. I was strongly
od supruga prim. Ivana Brozičevića, koji me je ohrabrio: 'Ne brini, supported and encouraged by my husband Primarius Dr Ivan Bro-
svijet će doći k tebi.' zičević, who told me: 'Don't worry, the world will come to you.'
And that's exactly what happened. We started with a lot of enthu-
Upravo to se i dogodilo. Krenuli smo s puno entuzijazma! Znača-
siasm. Our first notable success came when the athletes started
jan uspjeh kreće s dolaskom sportaša - prvo su to bili nogometaši
coming – first they were footballers from Football Club Croatia,
iz NK Croatia, pa skijaši Janica i Ivica Kostelić, te olimpijci iz svih
then the skiers Janica and Ivica Kostelić, followed by various Olym-
sportova. Znala sam da želim svakom pacijentu dati više nego li
pic athletes. I knew I wanted to give each patient more than they
očekuje. Tako smo uspješno liječiti preko 45.000 klijenata. U tome expected. In this way, we have successfully treated over 45,000
su sudjelovali i članovi obitelji, 2 kćerke i zet, koji su s nama preko clients. Family members, two daughters and a son-in-law, who
20 godina, naš tim i suradnici, koji su naša šira obitelj. have been with us for over 20 years, our team and associates, who
are our extended family, participated in this success.
Na što ste najponosniji u svojoj karijeri?
What are the proudest moments of your career?
Teško je to izdvojiti, ali svakako sam ponosna na našu upornost, jer
i kada je bilo teško nismo odustajali. Također na cijelu obitelj i naš It's hard to say, but I'm certainly proud of our persistence, because
tim preko 30 djelatnika, jer stalno testiram svoje i njihove granice we didn’t give up even when it was hard. I’m also proud of the
podižući ljestvicu kvalitete. Zato, u svom osnovnom habitusu liječ- whole family and our team of over 30 employees, because I con-
nica, često preuzimam slučajeve od kojih su drugi odustali. Odluka stantly test my limits and theirs by raising the bar on quality. That's
ostati ovdje, u malom mjestu Selcu, opstati 30 godina u svim uvje- why, being primarily a doctor, I often take on cases that others

ACI No.1 // Vlasta Brozičević

have given up on. The decision to stay here, in the small place of
Puno puta smo dokazali da je i nemoguće Selce, to survive for 30 years in all conditions and circumstances,
working 365 days a year is, I believe, something to be proud of.
moguće, a upravo je zbog posljedica pan-
demije COVID-19 vrhunska briga o zdrav- At the Polyclinic, you combine medicine, sports and art. What
lju od vitalne važnosti. Zato je cjelogo- are the patients’ experiences?

dišnji medicinski turizam najbolji model Medicine, sports, art and looking after my patients’ health are in-
razvoja, posebice u regijama s prirodnim divisible parts of my work. Rehabilitation is often a complex and
time-consuming psychophysical process that needs additional
klimatskim blagodatima za zdravlje. stimulation and atmosphere. That is why we have a gallery, be-
cause the colours of artistic paintings also affect mood. With vari-
ous events and Mediterranean delicacies, patients are more moti-
We have proven many times that the im- vated. I was born in Opatija and grew up in the Miramare Hotel in
possible is also possible, and it is preci- Crikvenica, from where I remember many fantastic moments when
the guest was king. What I learned then, I have applied in my work.
sely because of the consequences of the
Each of my clients is a 'king' and all their senses must be appealed
COVID-19 pandemic that top health care to. Our patients are our best ambassadors; that's why we try to
is vital. That is why year-round health to- create the atmosphere and experience that will make them want to
come back. The academician Ivan Golub wrote that we are guard-
urism is the best model of development, ians of health, and I like to add that we are guardians of health,
especially in places with climate conditi- body and mind.
ons beneficial for health.
You are a member of a number of international organisations.
What do your international colleagues envy you, and in what
aspects would you change places with them?

As a member of the Health Commission of the CoC and FIS, I have

a complex role to play in advising and treating athletes with inju-
ries. I've been a CRO SKI team doctor for over 20 years. The de-
tima i okolnostima, radeći 365 dana u godini, vjerujem da je razlog fining moments were when Janica came to us by recommendation
za ponos. from colleagues in the Bruderholz clinic, Switzerland, and when my
mentor at that clinic, examining Janica, found that the result was
U Poliklinici spajate medicinu, sport i umjetnost. Kakva su isku- ‘better than expected; this was what opened the door to coopera-
stva pacijenata? tion with many world-renowned orthopaedists, as well as to other
opportunities. One of them were the 2013 Youth Olympics in Utre-
Medicina, sport, umjetnost, uz brigu o zdravlju pacijenata, su ne- cht, where I was chief medical coordinator in charge of over 4,000
djeljive cjeline u mom radu. Rehabilitacija je često složen i dugo- athletes from about 40 countries. This means that only excellence
trajan psihofizički proces za koji treba dodatni poticaj i ugođaj. Zato opens the door to cooperation.
imamo galeriju, jer i boje umjetničkih slika utječu na raspoloženje.
Uz razna događanja i mediteranske delicije, pacijenti su motivirani- How much do you think the potential of health tourism has been
ji. Rođena sam u Opatiji, a odrasla u hotelu Miramare u Crikvenici exploited in Croatia?
iz kojeg pamtim mnoge fantastične trenutke kada je gost bio kralj.
Što sam tada naučila primjenjujem u svom radu. Moj svaki klijent Today, more than ever, health care is vital. That is why year-round
je 'kralj' i sva njegova osjetila moraju biti zadovoljena. Naši najbolji health tourism is the best model of development, especially in
ambasadori su naši pacijenti, zato stvaramo takav ugođaj i doživljaj places with climate conditions beneficial for health. Working on
da se požele vratiti. Akademik Ivan Golub napisao je da smo čuvari the Crikvenica Riviera, I can highlight it as a model for a faster and
zdravlja, a ja volim dodati da smo čuvari zdravlja, tijela i duha. better development of health tourism. Tourism started to develop
as early as 1888 and a health resort was established in Crikvenica
Članica ste brojnih međunarodnih organizacija. Na čemu vama in 1892. The season lasted all year round. With the health conse-
zavide strani kolege, a u kojim biste se segmentima vi mijenjali quences of the COVID-19 pandemic, recovery programmes will be
s njima? of great benefit, and MindsetBody Reconditioning can be a good
choice for this. The method we use in top athletes – which includes
Kao članica Zdravstvene komisije HOO-a i FIS-a imam složenu ulo- the sun, air and sea in combination with outdoor physical activities
gu savjetovanja i liječenja sportaša prilikom ozljeda. Liječnica sam under supervision, along with physical therapy and balanced nutri-
CRO SKI tima, preko 20 godina. Od trenutka kada je Janica došla tion – gives good results. We can learn from the past and launch a
k nama na preporuku kolega iz klinike Bruderholz, Švicarska, te new cycle of development, achieve the image of a trendy Europe-
kada je moj mentor iz te klinike kod pregleda Janice ustanovio an year-round health and wellbeing destination.

ACI No.1 // Vlasta Brozičević

da je rezultat „bolji od očekivanog“, otvorila sam vrata suradnji s Among other things, you are known to the public as the doctor
mnogim slavnim ortopedima u svijetu, ali i drugim prilikama. Jedna who looked after Ivica and Janica Kostelić. In addition to them,
od njih su Olimpijske igre mladih 2013. u Utrechtu gdje sam bila there have been over 100 top athletes in your clinic. What did
glavna liječnica koordinatorica zadužena za preko 4000 sportaša you learn from and about them?
iz 40-ak zemalja. To znači da samo izvrsnost otvara vrata suradnji.
Every athlete has one goal – to win. My goal as a doctor is to get
Koliko je, po vama, u Hrvatskoj iskorišten potencijal zdravstve- athletes back on the field and other patients back to their daily
nog turizma? activities as soon as possible. And, at the same time, to raise the
bar on excellence – in the same way that top athletes, Olympic ath-
Danas je više nego ikada briga o zdravlju vitalna. Upravo zato je letes, do. This means constant education, the use of new technol-
cjelogodišnji medicinski turizam model razvoja, posebice u regija- ogy, new methods of work, an excellent professional team, as well
ma s prirodnim klimatskim blagodatima. Djelujući na crikveničkoj as dedication, consistency in work – just like top athletes in their
rivijeri, mogu je istaknuti kao dragulj za brži i bolji razvoj zdravstve- training. Perseverance is the main characteristic of top athletes,
nog turizma. Još 1888. započinje razvoj turizma, uz osnivanje kli- but also of doctors. We have proven many times that the impos-
matskog lječilišta u Crikvenici 1892. Sezona je trajala cijele godine. sible is also possible, as with Sandra Paović, who started walking
Uz posljedice pandemije COVID-19 po zdravlje, programi oporav- after spending five months with us and then went on to win gold
ka bit će od velike koristi, a upravo MindsetBody rekondicioniranje in the Paralympics.
može biti dobar izbor. Metoda koju koristimo na vrhunskim spor-
tašima, uz sunce, zrak i more u kombinaciji s fizičkim aktivnostima You once stated that the sea is your main source of health,
na otvorenom pod nadzorom, uz fizikalnu terapiju i balansiranu strength, but also a great inspiration. Can you expand on that?
prehranu, daje rezultate. Iz povijesti možemo učiti i pokrenuti novi
ciklus razvoja, postići imidž europske mondene cjelogodišnje de- I’d like to remind you that it was Hippocrates who first wrote about
stinacije za zdravlje i wellbeing. treatment by water. The sea is a source of my strength, endurance

Javnost vas, između ostaloga, poznaje i kao liječnicu koja se bri-

nula o Ivici i Janici Kostelić. Osim njih, u vašoj je klinici boravilo
preko 100 vrhunskih sportaša. Što ste od njih i o njima naučili?

Svaki sportaš ima cilj – pobijediti. Moj cilj kao liječnice je u što
kraćem vremenu vratiti sportaša na teren, a druge pacijente u sva-
kodnevnu aktivnost. Istovremeno, podizanje ljestvice izvrsnosti –
kao što rade vrhunski sportaši, olimpijci. To znači stalnu edukaciju,
novu tehnologiju, nove metode rada, izvrstan stručni tim. Preda-
nost, konzistentnost u radu – kao što vrhunski sportaš provodi
svoj trening. Upornost je glavna osobina vrhunskih sportaša, ali i
liječnika. Puno puta smo dokazali da je i nemoguće moguće, kao
Sandra Paović koja je nakon 5 mjeseci kod nas prohodala, a potom
osvojila zlato na Paraolimpijskim igrama.

ACI No.1 // Vlasta Brozičević

Svojedobno ste izjavili kako je more vaš glavni izvor zdravlja, and inspiration for new projects. Walking and exercising in the sea
snage, ali i velika inspiracija. Možete li to pojasniti? increases general mobility and fitness, reduces pain and swelling,
as well as stress, and contributes to relaxation, which has a posi-
Da vas podsjetim, još je Hipokrat prvi pisao o liječenju vodom. tive effect on overall psychophysical health and immunity. The sea
More je izvor moje snage, izdržljivosti i inspiracija za nove projekte! creates resistance that strengthens the muscles of the legs, lower
Hodanje i vježbanje u moru povećava opću pokretljivost i kondi- back and abdomen, and training, along with walking on the sand,
ciju, smanjuje bol i otok, ali i stres te doprinosi relaksaciji što pozi-
increases balance and mobility. Only about 15 minutes a day is
tivno utiče na ukupno psihofizičko zdravlje i imunitet. More stvara
enough. I use the sea in the rehabilitation of athletes and others,
otpor koji jača mišiće nogu, donji dio leđa i trbuh, a uz hodanje po
because recovery is better and faster due to over 300 oligoele-
pijesku trening povećava balans i pokretljivost. Dovoljno je samo
ments beneficial for health.
15-ak minuta dnevno. More koristim u rehabilitaciji sportaša i dru-
gih, jer je oporavak kvalitetniji i brži zbog preko 300 oligoeleme-
ACI No. 1 is a magazine that deals with excellence in all aspects
nata korisnih za zdravlje.
of human activity, but also with hedonism. What does your
everyday life look like outside the clinic?
ACI No. 1 je revija koja se bavi izvrsnošću u svim aspektima ljud-
skog djelovanja, ali isto tako i hedonizmom. Kako izgleda vaša My work as a doctor and my free time are intertwined. However,
svakodnevica izvan klinike? in the spring of 2020, when the pandemic started, I embarked on
Rad liječnice i moje slobodno vrijeme je isprepleteno. No, u pro- an adventure – flying over the Crikvenica Riviera. I decided to do
ljeće 2020. s pojavom pandemije, krenula sam u avanturu – na let everything I had always wanted but didn’t have the time for; to talk
iznad crikveničke rivijere. Odluka učiniti sve što prije nisam stizala, about the benefits of the Riviera from the air. My grandchildren,
a silno željela, pričati iz zraka o blagodatima rivijere. Tome su se whom I take on short trips at least once a year, were especially
posebno veselili moji unuci, koje vodim na kratka putovanja bar looking forward to this. And of course, since I can't be away from
jednom godišnje. A naravno, kako se ne mogu odvojiti od mora, the sea, I often go to my little paradise, the Crni Molo beach. That's
često odlazim u moj mali raj, na plažu Crni molo. Tu sanjam, raz- where I dream, think, plan, observe. That's where I walk in the sea
mišljam, planiram, promatram. Tu hodam u moru po baršunastom on velvety sand. I also explore various beautiful new corners, re-
pijesku. Istražujem i razne prelijepe nove kutke, ali vraćajući se na turning to the places I know very well – Dobrinj, Vinodol and oth-
dobro mi znana mjesta Dobrinj, Vinodol i druga gdje promatram ers, where I look at sunsets, observe the ebb and the seabed full of
zalaske sunca, proučavam oseku i morsko dno prepuno života, ne- life, as well as unusual scenes of domestic animals at the sea and
obične prizore domaćih životinja na moru i uz more, uživajući uz by the sea, and enjoy seafood and a glass of wine or champagne,
morske plodove i čašu vina ili pjenušca, meni najboljih s otoka Krka the best of which are, in my opinion, from the island of Krk or from
ili iz Vinodolske doline.  the Vinodol Valley. 

More je izvor moje snage, izdržljivosti i inspira-

cija za nove projekte, ali i neizostavan faktor u
medicinskom programu MindsetBody rekondi-
cioniranje, koji uz sunce, zrak, fizičku aktivnost i
mediteransku prehranu doprinosi oporavku.

The sea is a source of my strength, endurance,

and inspiration for new projects, but also an in-
dispensable factor in the MindsetBody Recon-
ditioning health programme, which, combining
the sun, air, physical activity and Mediterranean
diet, contributes to recovery.

Fotografija / Photo by
Hrvatski Telekom

ACI No.1 // Hrvatski Telekom

Vodeća mreža
s najboljim digitalnim
Leading network with
best digital solutions
Hrvatska je zemlja velikog potencijala, a da bi ga otključala neo-
phodno je da digitalna strategija u srži svih nacionalnih planova jer
je digitalizacija poluga budućeg rasta. Rasta koji ima sve mogućnos-
ti da više ne bude „samo“ linearan već eksponencijalan.

Croatia is a country of great potential, and in order to unlock it, it is

essential that the digital strategy is at the core of all national plans
because digitalisation is the lever of future growth – growth that has
all the possibilities to no longer be "just" linear but exponential.

ACI No.1 // Hrvatski Telekom

Analiza milijuna testova koje su Sukladno tome, razvoj tehnologije i digitali- Accordingly, the development of technology
proveli sami korisnici u svakoj zacija nastavljaju biti prioritetom Hrvatskog and digitalisation continue to be a priority for
Telekoma koji kontinuiranim ulaganjima u Hrvatski Telekom, which is leading the digital
mreži pokazala kako je mobilna mrežnu infrastrukturu i inovativne usluge transformation of Croatia through continuo-
mreža Hrvatskog Telekoma jed- predvodi digitalnu transformaciju Hrvatske. us investments in network infrastructure and
na od deset najbržih na svijetu. Samo 2020. godine kao najveći privatni in- innovative services. In 2020 alone, as the
vestitor u digitalizaciju hrvatske HT je inve- largest private investor in the digitalisation of
stirao više od 1,7 milijardi kuna što je, između Croatia, HT made investments of over HRK
An analysis of millions of tests ostalog, rezultiralo rekordnom pokrivenošću 1.7 billion, which, among other things, resul-
done by the users within their optikom jer smo u samo godinu dana polože- ted in record fibre optic coverage: in just one
networks showed that the Hr- no više od 6000 kilometara optike, što pred- year, more than 6,000 kilometres of fibre op-
stavlja puni radijus Zemlje, a više od 80 tisu- tic cables, equivalent to the full radius of the
vatski Telekom mobile network
ća novih domaćinstava i kompanija su dobili Earth, were laid and more than 80 thousand
is among the ten fastest mobile optičke brzine. new households and companies were provi-
networks in the world. Vodeća mobilna mreža i 5G ded with fibre optic speeds.
Značajna ulaganja u modernizaciju mreže Leading mobile network and 5G
tijekom prethodnih godina rezultirala su ne Significant investments in network modern-
samo poboljšanjima fiksne i mobilne mreže isation during previous years have result-
te odličnim korisničkim iskustvom već je Hr- ed not only in improvements in fixed and
vatski Telekom i u neovisnom izboru među- mobile networks and excellent customer
narodnih institucija, Ookle i umlauta potvrdio experience, but in Hrvatski Telekom being
status vodeće mreže u Hrvatskoj. Dapače, confirmed as the leading network in Croatia
analiza milijuna testova koje su proveli sami by independent analyses carried out by the
korisnici u svakoj mreži pokazala kako je mo- international institutions Ookla and umlaut.
bilna mreža Hrvatskog Telekoma jedna od In fact, an analysis of millions of tests done
deset najbržih na svijetu. by the users within their networks showed
Jedan od najznačajnijih doprinosa HT-a na- that the Hrvatski Telekom mobile network is
pretku u 2020. godini bilo je i pokretanje among the ten fastest mobile networks in the
prve komercijalne 5G mreže, čime je Hrvat- world.

ACI No.1 // Hrvatski Telekom

ska svrstana uz bok tehnološki naprednih zemalja svijeta što je One of HT's most important contributions to progress in 2020
u skladu s ciljem Hrvatskog Telekoma o povezivanju svih s mo- was the launch of the first commercial 5G network, which placed
gućnostima koje digitalizacija pruža. Mogućnostima u industri- Croatia alongside the world’s most technologically advanced
jalizaciji, proizvodnji, turizmu, poljoprivredi, zdravstvu, školstvu, countries, which is in line with the goal of Hrvatski Telekom
gamingu, pametnim gradovima, jer nema sektora koji neće ima- to connect everyone using the possibilities that digitalisation
offers – in industrialisation, manufacture, tourism, agriculture,
ti koristi od 5G-a. Dapače, jedna od bitnih značajki 5G je što
healthcare, education, gaming, smart cities; there is no sector
će omogućiti pokrivanje brzim internetom priobalnih područja
that will not benefit from 5G. In fact, one of the essential fea-
i otoka, a što je od velike važnosti za lokalno stanovništvo, turi-
tures of 5G is that it will provide the coastal areas and islands
zam općenito te sam nautički turizam. with high-speed internet, which is of great importance to the
Besplatan WiFi local population, tourism in general as well as nautical tourism.
Pritom Hrvatski Telekom nastavlja s digitalizacijom gradova, op- Free WiFi
ćina i otoka u Hrvatskoj na svim razinama, a jedan od primjera Hrvatski Telekom continues to digitalise cities, municipalities
je i realizacija projekta javnog besplatnog WiFi interneta u sklo- and islands in Croatia at all levels, and one example is the re-
pu inicijative WiFi4EU što je od velike koristi stanovnicima, a i alisation of the project of free public WiFi Internet as part of
stranim gostima. the WiFi4EU initiative, which is of great benefit to residents and
foreign visitors.
Unlimited Internet idealan za one u pokretu
Unlimited Internet is ideal for those on the go
Također kako bi podržao brzorastuću zajednicu digitalnih no-
mada i omogućio im kvalitetne uvjete za rad Hrvatski Telekom Also, in order to support the fast-growing community of digital
nomads and provide them with excellent working conditions,
pripremio je lako dostupan 'Unlimited Internet' paket , a sve
Hrvatski Telekom has prepared an easily accessible Unlimited
što digitalni nomadi trebaju jest na stranici https://www.hrvat-
Internet package. All that digital nomads need to do is request
skitelekom.hr/visiting-croatia, zatražiti paket i on im dolazi na
it on the https://www.hrvatskitelekom.hr/visiting-croatia page,
odabranu adresu. Time se korisniku na jednostavan način omo- and it will be sent to the address of their choice. The package
gućuje nadoplata i korištenje kartice za duži boravak u Hrvat- allows the users to effortlessly top up their account and use the
skoj. Zbog jednostavnosti korištenja i činjenice da nije potrebna card for a longer stay in Croatia. Due to ease of use and the fact
ugovorna obveza 'Unlimited Internet' idealan je za sve koji žive that no contract is required, the Unlimited Internet is ideal for
život u pokretu.  anyone living on the go. 


Fotografije / Photos:
Potomac Grupa d.o.o.

Zamislite zemlju u kojoj drveće buja Imagine a land where trees froth with
cvatom, polja su prošarana zlatnim div- blossoms, fields are speckled gold with
ljim cvijećem, planine dodiruju oblake, wildflowers, mountains reach up to the
a kristalno plavo more očarava vaš duh. clouds, and the clear blue sea is dazzling
your spirit.

Posjetili ste Dubrovnik? Zavirite onda u unutraš- Have you ever visited Dubrovnik? Then look to in-
njost Istre; to je terra magica za Rimljane, a terra land Istria, terra magica for the Romans, terra in-
incognita za strance. Što kažete na razgledavanje cognita for foreigners. Would you like to visit the
istarskih vinograda, poluotoka Pelješca ili magič- interior of the Istrian vineyards on the Pelješac
nog Visa još netaknutog turizmom? Bili ste na Bra- peninsula or visit the dreamy Vis where tourism
ču i na drugim otocima? Naći ćete ovdje i netaknu- is yet to be? Done Brač and the islands? There are
ta gorja kojima lutaju medvjedi i lebde bjeloglavi pristine highlands where bears roam and griffon
supovi, a tu je i kontinentalna Hrvatska, živopisna vultures soar; and there is continental Croatia, as
poput istočnoeuropske bajke. picturesque as an eastern European folk tale.

ACI No.1 // Croata

U zemlji nastaloj na ostavštini Rimljana, Mlečana i Habs- In a country that was created by the legacy of the Romans,
burgovaca mnogi tragovi iz prošlosti pozivaju vas da kre- the Venetians, and the Habsburgs, many traces of the past
nete na putovanje. invite you to start your tour.
Zaljubite se u Hrvatsku, zaljubite se u njezinih 1180 otoka. Fall in love with Croatia, fall in love with its 1180 islands.
Bogato kulturno nasljeđe obuhvaća stare, povijesne gra- Rich cultural heritage that ranges from old, historical cities
dove europskog stila poput glavnog grada Zagreba do onih in the European style like the capital city Zagreb to towns
neprocjenjive ljepote poput Rovinja koji leži na moru, te of rare beauty, like Rovinj that directly overlooks the sea,
srednovjekovnih gradića poput Trogira i Hvara. A nipošto and the medieval towns of Trogir and Hvar. And how could
ne smijemo zaboraviti Split i prekrasnu Dioklecijanovu one forget Split with its gorgeous Diocletian's Palace, pro-
palaču koja se nalazi na UNESCO-vom popisu svjetske ba- tected by its inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage list.
štine. There are pristine highlands where bears roam and grif-
Naći ćete ovdje i netaknuta gorja kojima lutaju medvjedi fon vultures soar; and there is continental Croatia, as pic-
i lebde bjeloglavi supovi, a tu je i kontinentalna Hrvatska, turesque as an eastern European folk tale.
živopisna poput istočnoeuropske bajke. But few of these cities and towns can really compete with
Međutim, malo je gradova i mjesta koji se mogu usporedi- the harmony of Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik is a Croatian city
ti sa skladnošću Dubrovnika. Dubrovnik je hrvatski grad, situated on a southern exclave. It combines medieval and
smješten u enklavi na jugu zemlje, bogat srednjovjekov- Renaissance architecture.
nom i renesansnom arhitekturom. Last, but not least, for all nature lovers, there are plenty of
Posljednje, no ne manje važno je da će i ljubitelji prirode parks and wild mountains where you can admire geologic
ovdje doći na svoje, jer mnogo je parkova i divljih plani- formations (like in the National Park of Paklenica) or visit
na gdje možete uživati u geološkim formacijama (poput the National Park of Plitvice with its 16 lakes and stunning
Nacionalnog parka Paklenica). Posjetite i Nacionalni Park waterfalls (another site protected by UNESCO), and the
National Park of Krka.

ACI No.1 // Croata

Plitvice (pod zaštitom UNESCO-a) sa 16 jezera i zadivljujućim It all sounds rather nice, doesn’t it? But what would you say if I
slapovima ili Nacionalni park Krka. told you that this country has one more interesting and shocking
Zvuči zaista privlačno, zar ne? A što biste rekli kad biste saznali fact to offer? That fact is that this country holds the whole world
da ova zemlja krije još jednu zanimljivu i šokantnu činjenicu? A by the neck!
činjenica je da ova zemlja drži cijeli svijet za vrat! Sounds harsh, but it’s true!
Grubo zvuči, ali istina je! You probably already know that the cravat, or necktie, originated
Vjerojatno znate da je ovdje nastala kravata. Legenda kaže da here. According to legend, girlfriends and wives, when seeing off
su žene i djevojke svojim mladićima i muževima, ispraćajući ih their boyfriends and husbands to many imposed and detested
u mnoge nametnute i mrske ratove, vezivale maramu oko vrata wars, used to tie a kerchief around their neck to remind them of
kako bi ih podsjećala na njih i pružila im snagu i hrabrost. them and give them strength and courage.
Vratimo se u prošlost… Let’s take a leap into the past…
Godina je 1630. The year is 1630.
Europski Tridesetogodišnji rat bijesni. Hrvatska laka konjica, The European Thirty Years’ War is raging. Croatian light cavalry,
poznata po iznimnoj hrabrosti, regrutirana je u francusku Kra- famous for their exceptional bravery, is being recruited into the
ljevsku stražu. Osim vojničkom vještinom i hrabrošću, hrvatska French Royal Guard. In addition to their military skills and cour-
konjica ističe se još jednim originalnim detaljem – nose šalove age, the Croatian light cavalry were also noted for their one orig-
vezane oko vrata, a modno sofisticirani Parižani su to itekako za- inal detail - they wore scarves tied around their necks - which
pazili. U to doba vojnici su nosili krute čipkaste ovratnike, stoga was noticed by the fashionably sophisticated Parisians. You see,
nije neobično da su hrvatski šalovi – jednostavni, prozračni i ele- in that time soldiers wore stiff high lace collars so it's no wonder
gantno vezani u čvor, prihvaćeni na dvoru kralja Luja XIII. that the Croatian scarves – simple, airy, and elegantly tied in a
knot - were accepted at the court of King Louis XIII.
Da, pogodili ste - bila je to prva kravata.
Yes, you have guessed it correctly – that was the first tie.

ACI No.1 // Croata

CROATA Museum Concept Store smješten je

u kulturno - povijesnoj palači „Cedulin“.

CROATA Museum Concept Store situated in

the cultural - historical palace "Cedulin".
The cravat, as a sign of dignity and civility, courtesy and ceremo-
ny, soon conquered the current civil fashion and won over Eu-
rope first, then America, and eventually the entire world.
Kravata je kao simbol dostojanstva i uglađenosti, uljudnosti i sve- No wonder that now, when travelling through Croatia, you can
čanosti brzo pokorila tadašnju modu i osvojila najprije Europu, find shops with collections of the best cravats in the world. They
zatim Ameriku, a potom i čitav svijet. are being made out of the best 100% silk and handcrafted to per-
fection. This fashion brand is called Croata. Its founder Marijan
Stoga ne iznenađuje da putujući Hrvatskom naiđete na trgovine
Bušić produced an impressive project the whole world has seen
s kolekcijama najboljih kravata na svijetu. Izrađuju se od stopo-
– the cravat around Pula Arena. He used kilometres and kilo-
stotne svile, a ručnom izradom dovedene su do savršenstva. Ovaj
metres of fabric in the form of a cravat (a necktie) and tied it
modni brend zove se Croata. Poduhvat osnivača Marijana Bušića
around this ancient building to show the world the importance
– vezivanje kravate oko pulske Arene, vidio je cijeli svijet. Kori-
of a cravat. And he succeeded! This cultural project entered the
stio je kilometre i kilometre tkanine u obliku kravate i vezao ju
Book of Guinness Records and shows the world that Croatia has
oko drevne građevine kako bi svijetu ukazao na važnost kravate.
a lot to offer.
I uspio je! Ovaj kulturni pothvat koji je ušao u Guinessovu knjigu
rekorda poručuje svijetu da Hrvatska ima još mnogo za ponuditi. Now, Croata is the leading producer of silk gourmets and enjoys
a great reputation around the world.
Danas je Croata vodeći proizvođač svilenih dodataka i uživa veli-
ki ugled diljem svijeta. So, when you wear CROATA cravat or a scarf, you wrap all the
Croatian islands, mountains, seas, and lakes, all the people, love
Dakle, kad nosite CROATA kravatu ili šal, oko svog vrata omatate
stories, and traditional customs around your neck.
sve hrvatske otoke, planine, more i jezera, sve ljude, ljubavne pri-
če i tradicionalne običaje. There is just something about Croatia that grabs on dearly and
refuses to let go.
Ima nešto u vezi Hrvatske što vas snažno obuzme i odbija pustiti.
And when a dream that you are dreaming finishes - let the cravat
A kad san koji sanjate dođe svom kraju, neka vas kravata ili šal
or scarf around your neck remind you that the atmosphere and
oko vrata podsjete da će ambijent i ljudi koje ste jednom sreli
people once met will always remain fresh in your memory just
zauvijek živjeti u vašem sjećanju baš poput Hrvatske. Baš poput
like Croatia. Just like the cravat. 
kravate. 

Fotografije / Photos:

The protection of sailors, the use of flexible and abra-

INTRODUCING THE sion-resistant materials, and the provision of navigation
WORLD'S FIRST SMART data are extremely important, for which the 878 found
the unique solution – the most innovative sailing attire
SAILING APPAREL on the market.

The products are made of graphene, a material that is ultra-light- tooth. In addition, different data can be set up by the coach or team
weight yet flexible, stretchy, perfectly waterproof, stronger than captain for each individual on board.
steel, which, as the main feature, provides about the same feeling
The clothes are made in Hungary, in the company's factory,
of heat at both five and twenty degrees Celsius. The creators of the
“super material” received a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. equipped with Europe's most modern machines using technologi-
cal innovations. 878 operates as a waste-free company using chem-
Also, the apparel can be perfectly tailor-made thanks to the 3D
body scan, which can significantly contribute to the athletes’ per- ical-free materials and with minimal water usage in production. We
formance. Wearable innovation is reflected in this unique product: a believe that with first smart sailing apparel, we can offer sailors an
digital, foldable UV-protected display built in the jacket, to which a innovative solution that can enhance their potential across a wide
little onboard unit transmits data from the boat instrument via Blue- spectrum" said István Papp, the CEO. 
Golf range and mini golf course
Î Practice net
Î Putting green
Î Chipping green
Î Sand bunker

ACI marina Dubrovnik offers a unique and attractive sports

activity – play golf and have fun on mini golf with 9 lanes.
On our Golf Range you can practice all golf shots with golf
clubs and golf balls available on the reception desk and
included in price per hour.
Guests of all ages are welcome. Spend your free time
actively – on the ACI Golf Range!

www.aci-marinas.com  |  |  |  | 
Î No booking fee via
ACI Online Booking & ACI App
Î 2+1 FREE - ACI marinas Šimuni
(except 1 Jul - 31 Aug) and Slano
Î 2 + 1 FREE - ACI marinas Žut and Piškera
Î 1 + 1 +1 FREE - ACI marinas Žut and Piškera


for the first year to the new clients** who are entering
the ACI and existing ACI clients for bringing the second
and each subsequent vessel in the same marina:

SPECIAL Î 15% discount on the annual berth rate in selected ACI


Î Umag
Î Pula

Î Cres
Î Supetarska Draga
Î Milna
Î Vrboska
Î Korčula
*The aforementioned applies only in the case of consecutive dates. Does not apply to
the anchorage Žut; for 2 paid daily berths, the third daily berth is free of charge; for
one paid daily berth in ACI Žut and one paid daily berth in ACI Piškera, the second daily
berth in ACI Piškera is free of charge and vice versa.
**A new client is the owner of a vessel who has not signed any berth contract with ACI
over the last year
***Exclusively for private and legal entities whose vessels are used not for commercial,
but for private purposes

www.aci-marinas.com  |  |  |  | 
ACI No.1 // Biobaza Sun

Fotografija / Photo:
Magdis d.o.o.


ČAROLIJA Biobaza Sun je linija prirodnih proizvo-

da za pripremu kože za sunčanje, kao i
za postizanje brončanog tena, koja se
Biobaza Sun is a line of natural prod-
ucts for preparing the skin for sunbath-
ing, as well as for achieving a bronze

PRIRODNO već godinama pozicionirala kao best-

seller na hrvatskom tržištu. Biobaza
Sun visokokvalitetni proizvodi poseb-
complexion, which has been positioned
– for years, as a bestseller on the Croa-
tian market. Biobaza Sun high-quality

BRONČANOG ni su po tome što su bogati prirodnim

ekstraktima narančaste i ljubičaste
mrkve, te maslacima i hranjivim ulji-
products are special as they are rich in
natural extracts of orange and purple
carrots, as well as butter and nourish-

TENA ma koji učinkovito potiču prirodnu

preplanulost, a ujedno hrane, njeguju
i štite kožu od isušivanja. Bogate, miri-
ing oils that effectively stimulate natu-
ral tanning, and at the same time nour-
ish, soothe and protect the skin from

sne marmelade, kao i ulja učinit će vašu drying out. Rich, fragrant marmalades,
kožu lijepom i sjajnom, a preplanuli as well as oils will make your skin
ten prirodnim i dugotrajnim. After-sun beautiful and radiant, and give a tanned

A NATURAL losioni dodatno će hidratizirati i nje-

govati kožu nakon izlaganja suncu te
čuvati preplanulost i postojanost tena.
complexion natural and long-lasting ef-
fect. After-sun lotions additionally hy-
drate and nourish the skin after sun ex-

BRONZE TAN Biobaza Sun proizvode potražite u svim

drogerijama ili većim trgovinama duž
jadranske obale. I uživajte u čaroliji pri-
posure, and boost the lifetime of tanned
skin. Look for Biobaza Sun products in
all drugstores or larger groceries along
rodno brončanog tena.  the Adriatic coast. And enjoy in the
magic of naturally bronze tan. 

HAT / 150 kn

• Cotton twill fabric
Available on all • Embroidered details
ACI receptions • Adjustable back tab
• 3 color styles


These are informative images. The colors of the products currently offered do not necessarily match
the colors of the advertised products.
Fotografije / Photos:
B1 Plakati




Komunikacija na pravom mjestu i u Communication in the right time and
pravom trenutku te brzi i nesmetani place, together with fast and uninter-
protok informacija u vrijeme krize važ- rupted flow of information in times of
niji su nego ikada! crisis are more important than ever!

Fotografije / Photos:
Arhiva B1 plakati/ B1 plakati archives

ACI No.1 // B1 plakati

Promjena poslovnih modela, životnih navika, prioriteta i potreba The change in business models, life habits, priorities and consum-
potrošača traži snažnu, jasnu te kontinuiranu komunikaciju između er needs require strong, clear and continuous communication be-
proizvođača i potrošača. Pravila koja su vrijedila do jučer, danas tween producers and consumers. The rules that used to be valid
više ne vrijede. yesterday are not valid today.
U novonastalim komunikacijskim zahtjevima sve više dolaze do With new communication requirements, B1 media are becoming
izražaja B1 mediji na mjestima gdje se potrošači po prirodi prostora increasingly important in places where consumers are located and
nalaze, u trenutku opuštenog primanja informacija. are relaxed when receiving new information.
Stalna komunikacija s potrošačima neophodna je kako bi novi po- Constant communication with consumers is necessary for the ef-
slovni modeli agilnih brendova zaživjeli te kako se ne bi dogodio fective implementation ofnew business models of agile branding
nenadoknadivi gap do faze oporavka. Uz to, brendovi trebaju biti to avoid having an irrecoverable gap until the recovery phase.
fleksibilni i prilagoditi se situaciji na autentičan način. KREATIV- Brands need to be flexible and adapt to the situation in an authen-
NOST i probijanje poruke kroz mnoštvo sadržaja je IMPERATIV! tic way. CREATIVITY and pushing messages through a multitude of
Na oglasnim B1 mjestima možete staviti informaciju: content has become an IMPERATIVE!
1. o novostima u svijetu plovila i dodatnoj opremi s održavanjem B1 media can be used for different types of information:
2. o prirodnim znamenitostima i lokacijama koje treba posjetiti 1. news about vessels and additional equipment with mainte-
3. o aktualnim prehrambenim artiklima vrijednim degustacije
2. natural sights and locations to visit
4. o dostupnosti određenih proizvoda te osvježenju koje je na-
dohvat ruke. 3. delicious food that is worth tasting
4. availability of certain products and refreshments that are at

ACI No.1 // B1 plakati

Uz sve to, možete plasirati novi poslovni model na inovativan na- Additionally, you can market a new business model in an innova-
čin. tive way.
Ako se pozitivan odnos potrošača prema brendu i njihova lojalnost If the positive attitude of consumers towards the brand and their
ne gradi kontinuiranom komunikacijom, zašto onda većinu oglaši- loyalty is not built through continuous communication, then why
vačkih budžeta trošimo na kampanje kojima je upravo to svrha, a do we spend most of our advertising budgets on campaigns that
have this purpose, and not the direct sale of promotional products?
ne direktna prodaja akcijskih proizvoda? Naravno, komunikacija u
Of course, communication in times like these must be thoughtful
ovakvim vremenima mora biti promišljena i odmjerena. U trenut- andsteady. Under the current circumstances, we need to find ways
nim okolnostima trebamo pronaći načina podsjetiti potrošače da to remind consumers that we are here with them and for them,
smo tu uz njih i s njima, da ih možemo pratiti i u teškim situacijama, that we can follow them even in difficult situations, that there is a
da postoji svijet spokoja i užitka i da ćemo se za takav svijet zajed- world of peace and pleasure and that we will fight for this world
no izboriti.  together. 

Fotografija/ Photo:
Unicef/ Niko Goga


Omogućimo djeci s teškoćama bolji razvoj i ispunjeniji život.


Let us give children with disabilities an opportunity for a better development
and a more fulfilling life.



ACI No.1 // Unicef

Djeca s teškoćama su prije svega djeca i trebaju biti prihvaćena Children with disabilities are first and foremost children and should
i voljena, ići u školu ili vrtić, družiti se sa svojim vršnjacima i živje- be accepted and loved; they should go to kindergarten or school,
socialise with their peers and live a fulfilling life. But in order to
ti život koji ih ispunjava. No, kako bi to ostvarila trebaju dodatnu
achieve this, they need additional support through quality health
podršku kroz kvalitetnu zdravstvenu i socijalnu skrb i kontinuirani and social care and continued access to therapies that are cru-
pristup terapijama koje su presudne za njihov razvoj. U Hrvatskoj cial for their development. There are more than 45,000 children
živi više od 45 000 djece i mladih s teškoćama, ali baš oni, kojima and young people with disabilities living in Croatia, but those who
je pomoć najpotrebnija, često su suočeni s najviše prepreka jer need help the most face obstacles more often because important
services and therapies are not available to everyone in an equal
važne usluge i terapije nisu dostupne svima jednako. K tome, u
way. In addition, stigma, discrimination and invisible barriers to the
društvu su još uvijek prisutne stigma, diskriminacija i nevidljive pre- inclusion of children and young people with disabilities into the life
preke za uključivanje djece i mladih s teškoćama u život zajednice. of the community are still present in society.

Fotografija/ Photo: Fotografija/ Photo:

Unicef/ Inia Herenčić Unicef/ Inia Herenčić

Jedna od važnih usluga za djecu s teškoćama su i dnevni boravci u One of the important services for children with disabilities are day
kojima djeca mogu dobiti pomoć logopeda, fizioterapeuta, psiho- care centres, where children can get help from speech therapists,
loga, radnog terapeuta i drugih stručnjaka. U dnevnim boravcima physiotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists and other
djeca s teškoćama imaju priliku i družiti se s vršnjacima kroz gru- specialists. In day care centres, children with disabilities also have
pne terapije, učiti i stjecati različite vještine koje će im omogućiti the opportunity to socialise with their peers in group therapy, and
learn and acquire different skills that will help them be more inde-
da budu samostalniji. Ovdje i njihovi roditelji mogu dobiti profesio-
pendent. There, their parents can get professional support as well
nalnu podršku jer se oni susreću s posebnim izazovima u odgoju
because they face special challenges raising children with disabil-
djece s teškoćama. ities.
Zahvaljujući donacijama tvrtki i građana, UNICEF će ove godine u Thanks to donations from companies and citizens, this year,
Hrvatskoj ulagati u unaprjeđenje usluga dnevnog boravka, grupne UNICEF will invest in Croatia in order to improve the services of
psihosocijalne podrške i podršku obiteljima djece s teškoćama u day care centres, group psychosocial support and support for
županijama gdje trenutno nema dostupnih usluga ili su iznimno families of children with disabilities in the counties where currently
ograničene. there are no or extremely limited services available.
I Vi se možete uključiti i svojom donacijom za djecu s teškoćama You too can get involved. Your donation to children with disabil-
osigurati: ities will ensure:
• bolju dostupnost terapija, psihosocijalne podrške i usluga • better availability of therapies, psychosocial support and the
dnevnog boravka services of day care centres
• organisation of workshops to support parents of children with
• provedbu radionica za podršku roditeljima djece s teškoćama
developmental disabilities
u razvoju
• equipment for and strengthening the capacity of institutions
• opremanje i jačanje kapaciteta ustanova diljem Hrvatske kako across Croatia in order to strengthen support for families of
bi bili snažnija podrška obiteljima djece s teškoćama children with disabilities
Donirati možete na web stranici www.unicef.hr, uplatom na UNI- You can donate on the website www.unicef.hr, by paying into the
CEF-ov račun HR1723600001501092524, poziv na broj 2143-98 ili UNICEF bank account No HR1723600001501092524 reference
skeniranjem 2D koda  No 2143-98 or by scanning the 2D code 

Fotografije / Photos:
Dubina inženjering d.o.o.

Hrvatska je najpoželjnija yahting destinacija na Sredozemlju,zahvaljujući
razvedenoj obali,očuvanosti i kulturi življenja na obali i otocima,kvaliteti
nautičke infrastrukture,sigurnosti boravka te tematskim itinererima.

Croatia is the most desirable yachting destination in the Mediterrane-

an, thanks to its indented coastline, the preservation of the way of life on
the coast and islands, the quality of nautical infrastructure, safety while
staying in Croatia and its thematic itineraries.

Na Jadranskoj je obali više od tisuću i pol luka i There are more than a thousand and five hundred
zaljeva koje nude siguran vez. Prema podacima harbours and bays on the Adriatic coast that offer
Državnog zavoda za statistiku, u lukama nautič- safe berthing. According to data from the Croatian
kog turizma 2019 g. na stalnom je vezu bilo 14 Bureau of Statistics, there were 14,249 vessels on
249 plovila, što je za 4,6 % više nego godinu prije. permanent berth in the ports of nautical tourism
Prihod luka nautičkog turizma za 72,5 % povećan in 2019, which is 4.6% more than the year before.
je u odnosu na godinu prije i iznosio je 918 miliju- The revenue of nautical tourism ports increased
na kuna, od čega je najveći dio 652 milijuna kuna, by 72.5% compared to the previous year and
ostvaren od iznajmljivanja vezova. amounted to HRK 918 million, the greatest part of
which, HRK 652 million, was realised from berth

ACI No.1 // Sidro budućnosti / Anchor of the future

Nautički turizam bilježi stalni rast, ali i globalne iza- Nautical tourism is experiencing not only steady
zove vezane uz ekološki prihvatljive tehnologije, za- growth but also global challenges related to environ-
štitu i održivost okoliša, na koje mora odgovoriti ako mentally friendly technologies and environmental
želi i dalje zadržati zvjezdani status.-„Kolpo morto“, protection and sustainability, which it must respond to
betonski blokovi, stvar su prošlosti.Mnoge su ozbiljne if it is to continue having its star status. - Deadweight
zemlje zabranile ovakav način sidrenja jer uništava anchors, concrete blocks, are a thing of the past. Many
floru i faunu-, kaže Gordan Župa vlasnik Dubina in- serious countries have banned this type of anchoring
ženjernig d.o.o. renomirane tvrtke s dvadesetogodiš-
because it destroys the flora and fauna of a place, says
njim iskustvom u izvedbi sidrenih sustava i ostalih
Gordan Župa, the owner of Dubina Inženjering, a re-
vrsta podvodnih radova. Dubina je pionir u postavlja-
nowned company with 20 years of experience in the
nju ekoloških sidrišta u nas, prva su instalacijska sidra
ugradili u Komiži 2008, godinu poslije u Dubrovniku, construction of mooring systems and other types of
ispred lukobrana Kaše, potom ACI marina Pula, mari- underwater works. Dubina is a pioneer in installing
na Agana, uvalama Parka prirode Lastovo. Podvodna ecological mooring systems in Croatia, with the first
su sidra prilagođena pojedinoj vrsti morskog tla, za permanent moorings constructed in Komiža in 2008
stjenovito morsko dno koriste se tzv.kohezijska sidra, and in Dubrovnik, in front of the Kaše breakwater, a
kod rasutog tla tzv. Manta Ray. year later. This was followed by ACI marina Pula, ma-
-Ja sam na tisuće puta stavio taj stroj za ugradnju sida- rina Agana, and the bays of the Lastovo Nature Park.
ra i nakon metra kamen, a sidro predviđeno za mulj. Permanent mooring systems are adapted to a particu-
Jednostavno to ne ide kod nas, u Dalmaciji se miješa lar type of sea bottom: one type is used for rocky sea
kamen, pijesak, mulj.I tako se rodila ideja, zašto ne bih beds, and another, the so-called, Manta-Ray, for sandy
osmislio sidro primjenjivo u svako tlo - kaže Gordan seafloors.

ACI No.1 // Sidro budućnosti / Anchor of the future

Europska unija
Zajedno do fondova EU

Dubina je pionir u postavljanju Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fon-

ekoloških sidrišta u nas, prva da za regionalni razvoj
su instalacijska sidra ugradili u The project is co-financed by the European Regional
Development Fund of the EU.
Komiži 2008...

Dubina is a pioneer in installing - I've driven that jackhammer for thousands of times and
ecological mooring systems in after a metre there would be rock, while the anchor was
Croatia, with the first perma- designed for silt. It just doesn't work here; in Dalmatia
you get rock, sand and silt combined. And that is how the
nent moorings constructed in idea was born, why not design a mooring system suit-
Komiža in 2008 and in Dubrov- able for every soil, says Gordan Župa. His project of an
nik... anchor that can be used in sea beds composed of a com-
bination of loose sediments and rock, suitable for vessels
and wave fields with variable characteristics and for an-
choring boats and vessels up to 30 m in length – which
accounts for a total of 80% of vessels in sea and river
traffic, was wholeheartedly supported at the Faculty of
Župa. Njegov projekt sidra primjenjivog u složenom te- Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split – be-
mljnom tlu, kombinaciji rasutog materijala i stijenske coming a partner in the project.
mase, za varijabilne karakteristike plovila i valnog polja,
Dubina Inženjering received an EU grant for a project
za sidrenje brodica i plovila do 30 m dužine, što čini uku-
called PINNA NOBILIS SSMA-19, as part of the call In-
pno 80 % plovila u morskom i riječnom prometu, zdušno
creasing the Development of New Products and Services
su podržali na Fakultetu građevinarstva, arhitekture i ge-
Arising from R&D Activities – Phase II and the Opera-
odezije Split, postavši partneri projekta.
tional Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-
Dubina inženjering d.o.o.dobila je bespovratna sredstva 2020. The total project value is HRK 3,792,199.21 and
iz EU fondova za projekt pod nazivom PINNA NOBI- the funding provided by EU is HRK 2,338,018.51. The
LIS SSMA-19, u sklopu poziva ''Povećanje razvoja novih deadline for completing the project is three years. The
proizvoda i usluga koje proizlaze iz aktivnosti istraži- first phase in the research will be carried out at the Hy-

ACI No.1 // Sidro budućnosti / Anchor of the future

vanja i razvoja – faza II'' i Operativnog programa ''Konkuren- drotechnical Laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ar-
tnost i kohezija 2014-2020.''. Ukupna vrijednost projekta iznosi chitecture and Geodesy at the University of Split, one of the most
3.792.199,21 kn a iznos EU potpore je 2.338.018,51 kn. Rok za modern laboratories in the region, which is scheduled to open in
dovršetak projekta je tri godine. Prva faza istraživanja provest će November. Veljko Srzić, PhD, assistant professor and a member
se u Hidrotehničkom laboratoriju Fakulteta građevinarstva, arhi- of the Hydrotechnical Laboratory, says it will be the first project
tekture i geodezije Sveučilišta u Splitu, jednom od najsuvremenih whose research activities will be carried out in the laboratory. -
laboratorija u regiji, koji bi trebao biti otvoren u studenom. Doc. At the Hydrotechnical Laboratory, we have a tank with a wave
dr.sc.Veljko Srzić, član Hidrotehničkog laboratorija kaže bit će to generator, and a channel that has an integrated wave generator
prvi projekt čije se istraživačke aktivnosti provoditi u laborato- with the simultaneous possibility of simulating sea currents, and
riju. -U sklopu Hidrotehničkog laboratorija raspolažemo baze- it is this infrastructure that allows us to approximate real condi-
nom s generatorom valova, i kanalom koji u sebi ima integrirani tions in the sea. We will simulate waves specific to the Adriatic
generator valova uz istovremenu mogućnost simulacije morskih as well as various microlocations; we will use models of vessels
struja, a upravo takva infrastruktura omogućava nam približava- with mooring systems where we will measure the pull forces and
nje realnim uvjetima u moru. Simulirat ćemo valove specifične za thus provide data to Dubina Inženjering that will be used as the
Jadran i različite mikro lokalitete, koristit ćemo makete plovila basis for the full development of the product. Of course, a proto-
sa sidrenim sustavima na kojima ćemo mjeriti potezne sile i na type of the new anchor will be used, in order to make the carry-
taj način osigurati podatke koje će Dubini Inženjering d.o.o. biti ing capacity and behaviour in conditions of combined soil and
baza za potpun razvoj proizvoda. Koristit će se naravno, prototip extreme wind conditions, Veljko Srzić, PhD, explains.
novog sidra, kako bi se ispitala nosivost i ponašanje u uvjetima The phase of industrial research will be followed by the experi-
kombiniranog tla te ekstremnih vjetrovalnih uvjeta,-pojašnjava mental development phase, which will predict the use of anchor
doc. dr. sc. Veljko Srzić systems in real conditions. The final product will be conceptually
Nakon faze industrijskog istraživanja slijedi faza eksperimental- unique, but will have a dozen variable parameters, the choice of
nog razvoja, koja predviđa primjenu sidara u stvarnim uvjetima. which will depend on the specific characteristics of the microlo-
Konačan proizvod bit će konceptualno jedinstven, ali će imati cation on which the systems will be used and the specifications
desetak promijenjivih parametara. Njihov izbor ovisit će o speci- of the boats to be moored. All this will be implemented in an ap-
fičnostima mikrolokacije na kojima će se sidra koristiti i specifi- plication that will offer the designer support in choosing a suita-
kacijama brodova koji će se privezivati. Sve će to biti implemen- ble anchor solution.
tirano u aplikaciju koja će projektantu nuditi podršku u odabiru The aim of the PINNA NOBILIS SSMA-19 project is to increase
prikladnog rješenja za sidro. the quality of services in tourism and maritime transport with a
Cilj je projekta PINNA NOBILIS SSMA-19 povećati kvalitetu uslu- focus on applying sustainable technologies and the preservation
ga u turizmu i pomorskom prometu s naglaskom na primjenu of natural aquatic ecosystems, and to develop a reliable system
održivih tehnologija i očuvanja prirodnih vodnih ekosustava. for anchoring vessels in conditions of a realistically represented
Razviti pouzdan sustav za sidrenje plovila u uvjetima realno foundation soil, adaptable to all sea bed conditions and suitable
zastupljenog temeljnog tla, prilagodljiv svim uvjetima morskog for vessels and wave fields with variable characteristics. This in-
dna, za varijabilne karakteristike plovila i valnog polja. Inova- novative product is the result of Croatian intelligence, knowledge
tivni proizvod hrvatske pameti, znanja i iskustva, jedinstven i and experience, and is unique and competitive on the European
konkurentan na Europskom tržištu. market.
Sadržaj publikacije isključiva je odgovornost društva DUBINA The society DUBINA INŽENJERING d.o.o. is solely responsible for
INŽENJERING d.o.o.  the content published above. 

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Fotografije / Photos:
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Od svečane večere do jednostavnih gric- From bespoke dining to casual snacks or

kalica ili osvježavajućih pića, u Grand Park refreshing drinks – in Grand Park Hotel
Hotelu Rovinj različiti doživljaji hrane do- Rovinj different food experiences always
laze zajedno sa spektakularnim pogledom come with spectacular vistas and innova-
i inovativnim jelima, posebno kad je riječ o tive dishes especially when it comes to the
prepoznatljivom restoranu Cap Aureo. signature restaurant – Cap Aureo.

ACI No.1 // Cap Aureo

Lokacija sama po sebi dovoljan je razlog za posjet, ali ono što iz- Just the location itself is worth the visit but what sets Cap Aureo
dvaja restoran Cap Aureo od svih ostalih jest činjenica da se jela apart from all the other restaurants is its predominantly vegetable
uglavnom temelje na povrću. „Nije riječ samo o pitanju zdravlja ili menu offer. “It is not only about the environmental or health-relat-
ekologije, već s povrćem na tanjuru možete toliko toga. To je iza- ed issues, there is so much you can do with vegetables on a plate.
zov, ali se isplati“, kaže kuhar Jeffrey Vella, koji stoji iza ovog inova- It is challenging but also very rewarding”, says Chef Jeffrey Vella
tivnog pristupa kojim je učinio ovaj restoran jedinstvenim u regiji. who stands behind this innovative approach that makes this res-
taurant unique in the region.
Jelovnik se sastoji od otprilike 20 priča i mijenja se sezonski, goto-
The menu features 20-odd stories and it changes along with the
vo na mjesečnoj bazi. Većina sastojaka koje restoran upotrebljava
season, almost monthly. Most of the ingredients they use is local.
iz lokalnog je uzgoja. Oni vole i cijene tradiciju, ali također je na-
They love and treasure gourmet tradition but also try to combine
stoje kombinirati s blagim modernim pristupom, iako je cilj zadržati them with a light modern touch, though always keeping the meth-
lokalni način pripreme jela u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri. Zajedno s ods as local as possible. Along with the open kitchen and chef’s
otvorenom kuhinjom i doživljajem Chef's table-a, gdje se jela pri- table experience, where the dishes are prepared right in front of
premaju pred vama, ponuda vina restorana Cap Aureo pažljivo you, Cap Aureo’s wine list has been carefully created to include a
je kreirana tako da uključuje brojna hrvatska i međunarodna vina number of Croatian and international wines that will complete this
koja upotpunjuju ovo jedinstveno gurmansko iskustvo.  unique gourmet experience. 

Fotografije / Photos:
Nenad Štancl
Privatni arhiv / Private archiv : Frano Miloš




Na kamenim brežuljcima duž Pelješca, On the rocky hills expanding over Pel-
od Orebića do Stona, na škrtoj zemlji ješac from Orebić to Ston, on the un-
na kojoj malošto raste, suncu, specifič- productive land on which not much
nosti tla i položaju zahvaljujući odlično can grow, vine thrives thanks to the
uspjeva vinova loza. Ovdje zrije grožđe sun, the specific characteristics of the
od kojega rade neka od ponajboljih hr- soil and the location. The grapes from
vatskih vina. which some of the best Croatian wines
are made grow here.

ACI No.1 // Pelješac

Sredina je travnja, Boris Mrgudić, direktor vinarije Bura Mrgu- It is mid-April; Boris Mrgudić, director of Bura Mrgudić Winery,
dić, jedne od najvažnijih na Pelješcu, penje se strmom padinom one of the most important wineries on Pelješac, is climbing the
Dingača. Loza je tek počela pupati. Oko trsova skakuće jarebica steep slope of the Dingač location. The vine buds have just start-
kamenjarka. Ovdje na Dingaču plavac mali daje grožđe od kojeg ed to break, and there is a rock partridge hopping around the
rade vrhunsko suho crno vino, zaštićeno Ženevskom konvenci- vines. Here on the Dingač location, there are vines of the Plavac
jom 1961. Mali grapes, from which dry premium quality red wine is made,
Vinarija Bura Mrgudić osobito je poznata po dingaču Bura i po- protected by the 1961 Geneva Convention.
stupu Mare. Obitelj Bura Mrgudić svoje pretke i obiteljsku povi- Bura Mrgudić Winery is especially well-known for its Bura Din-
jest znade u zadnjih dvanaest generacija, mnogi od njih bavili su gač and Mara Postup. The Bura Mrgudić family knows its family
se, kako je u ovom kraju od davnina tradicija, vinarstvom i po- history and its ancestors twelve generations into the past; many
morstvom. Serije vina koja odavde stižu vrlo su ograničene, po- of their forebears were winemakers and seafarers, as has been
vršine su relativno male, razasute na puno parcela, a i prinosi su the tradition in this area since ancient times. Batches of wine
po trsu neveliki. Vinarska filozofija obitelji je da 90% vina čini coming from here are very limited; the areas where vine is grown
vinograd, Bura Mrgudići silan trud ulažu u njegovanje tih parcela are relatively small, scattered on a lot of plots, and the yields per
i trseva ne bi li vino imalo što izraženiji terroir. vine are not large. The winemaking philosophy of the family is
Minule su zime na inauguraciji novog američkog predsjednika that a vineyard is 90% of a wine. The Bura Mrgudić family puts in
uzvanici nazdravili, među ostalim, i s hrvatskim vinima s poluo- a lot of effort into tending these plots and vines in order to bring
toka Pelješca, posluženi su dingač i zinfandel iz vinograda Ben- out as much of the wine’s terroir as possible.
mosche. Riječ je o vinima koja u Hrvatskoj, u suradnji s obitelji Last winter, guests at the inauguration of the new US president
Benmosche, radi obitelj Bura Mrgudić. raised a glass of Croatian wines from the Pelješac peninsula:
Robert Herman Benmosche, nekad prvi čovjek AIG-a (American among others, Dingač and Zinfandel from the Benmosche vine-
International Group), jedne od vodećih američkih osiguravatelj- yard were also served there. These are wines that are made in
skih kompanija, bio je strastveni zaljubljenik u pelješka vina, toli- Croatia by the Bura Mrgudić family in cooperation with the Ben-
ko da je prije petnaestak godina na Pelješcu kupio zemlju, dapače mosche family.

Najpoznatiji vinogradarski polo-

žaji Dingač i Postup među ljubite-
ljima vina imaju kultni status. No,
prije par mjeseci posebnu EU zašti-
ćenu oznaku izvornosti hrvatskih
vina od Europske je komisije dobio
i položaj Ponikve.

Dingač and Postup, the best-known

winegrowing locations, have achie-
ved a cult status with wine lovers.
However, a few months ago, the
Ponikve location was yet another
Croatian wine to receive a special
EU protected designation of origin
by the European Commission.

ACI No.1 // Pelješac

Obitelj Bura Mrgudić svoje pretke i obitelj-

sku povijest znade u zadnjih dvanaest ge-
neracija, mnogi od njih bavili su se, kako je
u ovom kraju od davnina, vinarstvom i po-

The Bura Mrgudić family knows its family

history and its ancestors twelve generati-
ons into the past; many of their forbears
were winemakers and seafarers, as has
been the tradition in this area since ancient

investirao u neke od ponajboljih vinogradarskih položa- Robert Herman Benmosche, once the CEO of AIG (Amer-
ja, među ostalim i na Dingaču, pa krenuo u proizvodnju ican International Group), one of America's leading in-
vina. surance companies, was an avid lover of Pelješac wines,
Benmosche je u Hrvatsku prvi put došao 1980-ih, 2006. so, some fifteen years ago, he bought a piece of land on
se povukao u mirovinu, preselio u Dubrovnik gdje je ot- Pelješac and invested in some of the best winegrowing
prije imao kuću. locations – including Dingač among others – and started
making wine.
Suradnja Benmoschea i obitelji Bura Mrgudić počela je
nakon što je, kušajući ponajbolja hrvatska vina, Robert Benmosche first came to Croatia in the 1980s. In 2006,
Benmosche probao Dingač Bura. Posve fasciniran potra- he retired and moved to Dubrovnik, where he had
žio je ljude koji to vino stvaraju i tako upoznao Mariju bought a house.
Mrgudić, majku našeg sugovornika Borisa Mrgudića. The collaboration between the Benmosche and the Bura
2009., usred financijske krize, tadašnji američki pred- Mrgudić families began after Robert Benmosche, while
sjednik Barak Obama pozvao je Benmoschea da pomo- tasting the best Croatian wines, drank Dingač Bura.
gne u spašavanju AIG-a. Odgovorio je predsjedniku po- Completely fascinated, he searched for the people who
tvrdno, ali je zatražio da sačekaju - da na Pelješcu završi were making this wine and so he met Maria Mrgudić, the
s berbom grožđa. Tako su te godine brojni svjetski me- mother of Boris Mrgudić, whom we spoke to.
diji spominjali berbu grožđa na slabo poznatom hrvat- In 2009, in the midst of the financial crisis, the then
skom poluotoku, a ovdašnja vina dobila reklamu kakvu US President Barack Obama asked Benmosche to help
nitko nije mogao niti zamisliti. save AIG. He complied with the president’s request, but
Benmosche je umro 2015., a u pelješkoj vinariji njego- asked the company to wait – for the harvest of grapes on
vih nasljednika, obitelji Benmosche, godišnje se danas Pelješac to finish. That year, there was some mention of
proizvodi između četiri i pet tisuća boca dingača i zin- grape harvesting on a lesser-known Croatian peninsula
fandela. Nisu to velike količine, a vino se uglavnom pro- in international media coverage, and the wines here re-
daje u SAD-u. Kupci su dobri poznavatelji i ljubitelji vina, ceived publicity beyond anyone’s imagination.
najčešće uspješni poslovni ljudi iz raznih sfera američ- Benmosche died in 2015; the Pelješac winery of the Ben-
kog društva. Udovica Roberta Benmoschea, sin i drugi mosche family, who have inherited it, produces between
iz obitelji nastavili su voditi brigu o vinogradu, više puta four and five thousand bottles of Dingač and Zinfandel
godišnje posjećuju Pelješac. annually. These are not large quantities, and the wine is
Najpoznatiji vinogradarski položaji Dingač i Postup mainly sold in the USA. Buyers are wine connoisseurs
među ljubiteljima vina imaju kultni status. No, prije par and lovers, most often successful businessmen from var-
mjeseci posebnu EU zaštićenu oznaku izvornosti hrvat- ious part of the American society. Robert Benmosche's

ACI No.1 // Pelješac

skih vina od Europske je komisije dobio i položaj Ponikve. Poni- widow, son and other members of the family have continued to
kvama nas je proveo poznati pelješki vinar Frano Miloš. take care of the vineyard, visiting Pelješac several times a year.
Vinogradarska tradicija u obitelji učinila je da je odavno znao što Dingač and Postup, the best-known winegrowing locations, have
želi i koliki potencijal Ponikve imaju, bio je uvjeren da su njegove achieved a cult status with wine lovers. However, a few months
želje ostvarive, da su mogućnosti vrlo realne. Veliki je trud uložio ago, the Ponikve location was yet another Croatian wine to re-
u to da Ponikve dobiju oznaku izvornosti, najvišu EU kategoriju ceive a special EU protected designation of origin by the Euro-
zaštite vina. pean Commission. We were taken on a tour of Ponikve by Frano
Miloš, the well-known Pelješac winemaker.
Milošu je bitno očuvati prirodno, njegovati i oplemeniti ono što
je ovdje na Pelješcu već autentično, na tome dalje graditi i razvi- Because of the winegrowing tradition in the family he knew very
jati vrhunsko vino. O vinogradima govori zaneseno, emocionalno early on what he wanted to do and how much potential Ponikve
angažirano, ali i fokusirano, faktogafski: “Ovakvih položaja vino- had. He was convinced that his ambitions can be realised and
gradarskih površina u Hrvatskoj je jedan do dva posto. Nema ih that there were some very real possibilities there. He put in a
puno nigdje u svijetu. Francuzi kažu da vino s ovakvih položaja lot of effort into getting the designation of origin, the highest EU
treba piti klečeći, u Italiji ih zovu herojskim položajima, američki category of wine protection, for Ponikve.
kupci kažu da su to vina Starog svijeta. Nije nam cilj napraviti It is important to Miloš to preserve what’s natural, to cultivate
golemi razvojni prodor, već kvalitetno očuvati postojeće, dalje ra- and refine what is already authentic here on Pelješac, and to use
zvijati te izvorne vrijednosti”. this as the basis on which to improve top quality wine. He talks
about vineyards enthusiastically, emotionally, but is also focused
Ne morate biti ljubitelj vina da biste posjetili Ponikve, ovi su str-
and factual: "There are only one to two percent of such wine-
mi vinogradarski položaji mjesto koje trebaju obilaziti ljubitelji
growing locations in Croatia. There aren't many in the world ei-
umjetnosti. Čokoti su posađeni na način da prate reljef koji se
ther. The French say that wine from these locations should be
lomi u svim mogućim smjerovima. Po padinama je “posijano”
drunk kneeling down, in Italy these locations are called heroic
puno malih terasastih vinograda, omeđeni su kamenim suhozi-
locations, and American buyers say these are Old World wines."
dima koji se i danas grade slično onome kako su ih ovdje gradili "Our goal is not to make a huge breakthrough development, but
od davnina - filigranskim radom ruku. to maintain our existing values, to further develop our original
Strojeve koriste samo za grubu obradu kamena, sve ostalo rade ones."
rukom, ručno se odvaja kamen, rukom zidaju terase kao što se to You don't have to be a wine lover to visit Ponikve; these steep
radilo stoljećima. winegrowing locations are places that should be visited by art
Začuđujuće je koliko je ovdje različitih kutova i lomova, sa sva- lovers. The way the vines are planted follows the terrain that is
ke se međe pruža drugačiji pogled. Ponikve su dojmljiv primjer rugged wherever you look. On the slopes, there are a lot of small

ACI No.1 // Pelješac

Miloš: “Ovakvih položaja vinogradarskih

površina u Hrvatskoj je jedan do dva po-
sto. Nema ih puno nigdje u svijetu. Fran-
cuzi kažu da vino s ovakvih položaja tre-
ba piti klečeći, u Italiji ih zovu herojskim
položajima…” terraced vineyards, bordered by dry-stone walls that are still be-
ing built today in a way similar to the one they have been built
here since ancient times – made with precision by hand.
Miloš: "There are only one to two percent Machinery is used only for rough stone cutting, everything else is
of such winegrowing locations in Croatia. done by hand: the stone is hand-split, and the terracing is done
There aren't many in the world either. by hand as it has been done for centuries.
The French say that wine from these lo- It is amazing how many different angles and edges there are
here, from each boundary there is a different view. Ponikve are
cations should be drunk kneeling down, an impressive example of folk landscape architecture, of the
and in Italy these locations are called he- traditional way of creating vineyards on terraced land with dry-
roic locations." stone walls.
When you come into a vineyard, you also have to use your emo-
tions; good mood is essential to work in the vineyard. In order
to be creative, I have to feel comfortable in this space. And vine
requires creativity, especially in these conditions of ours. Plavac
pučke krajobrazne arhitekture, tradicijskog podizanja vinograda Mali requires a lot of creativity, constant communication; it
s terasama i suhozidima. makes you think constantly, because vine is constantly astir. Peo-
ple think that working in the vineyard amounts only to pruning,
“Kad dođete u vinograd morate probuditi i emocije, bitno je
tilling, spraying three to four times, weeding and then harvest-
obrađivati taj vinograd u dobrom raspoloženju. Da bi mogao biti ing. But if you want wine with special features, it doesn't work
kreativan ja se u tom prostoru prvo moram ugodno osjećati. A that way. There is constant energy in the vine and I follow these
loza traži kreativnost, pogotovo u ovim našim uvjetima. Plavac movements in the vineyard almost on a daily basis," says Miloš.
mali zahtjeva puno kreativnosti, stalnu komunikaciju, to da ne-
The family has been building dry-stone walls around the vine-
prestano razmišljate, jer je loza stalno u pokretu. Ljudi misle da yard for thirty years. They grow grapes in a traditional way and
je vinograd dovoljno samo porezati, isfrezati, tri-četiri puta po- gradually expand the vineyards every year, making sure that the
prskati, oplijeviti i doći u berbu. Ali, ako hoćete vino s posebnim continuity of the planted vines and the age of the vine is main-
odlikama to ne ide tako. U lozi je neprestana energija i skoro na tained; that the vineyard has what produces the highest quality
dnevnoj bazi pratim ta kretanja u vinogradu” , pripovijeda Miloš. grapes.
Suhozide oko vinograda obitelj gradi već trideset godina, slijede- "In our tradition, large areas have never been planted all at once,
ći tradicijski uzgoj, vinogradi se pomalo dižu svake godine, paze- as is the case today with the land development of karst, with

ACI No.1 // Pelješac

Ne morate biti ljubitelj vina da

biste posjetili Ponikve, ovi su str-
mi vinogradarski položaji mjesto
koje trebaju obilaziti ljubitelji
umjetnosti. Čokoti su posađeni na
način da prate reljef koji se lomi u
svim mogućim smjerovima.

You don't have to be a wine lover

to visit Ponikve; these steep wi-
negrowing locations are places
that should be visited by art lo-
vers. The way the vines are plan-
ted follows the terrain that is rug-
ged wherever you look.

ći da se održi kontinuitet nasada i starosti loze, da u vinogradu great intervention, mechanisation. This has never been done
imaju ono što daje najkvalitetnije grožđe. here and we still don’t do it today," Miloš says resolutely.
“U našoj tradiciji nikad se nisu u jednom mahu dizale velike po- At the time of our visit to Ponikve, the environment is minimal-
vršine, kao što je to slučaj danas s melioracijom krša, s velikom istic: the colours of the hills and of the early spring vineyard are
intervencijom, mehanizacijom. To se ovdje nije radilo i to mi niti muted. As I look at the newly formed buds, I imagine Ponikve in
danas ne radimo”, rezolutan je Miloš. the summer, in July, when the vines flourish, when the vineyard
takes on the appearance of a green carpet, when the hills look as
U doba kad smo obilazili Ponikve vladao je minimalistički ugođaj, if a green rug has been spread over them.
prigušeni kolorit brda i ranoproljetnog vinograda. Dok gledam
Miloš Winery has about 15 hectares of vineyards, with Stagnum
tek formirane pupove zamišljam Ponikve ljeti, u srpnju kad loza
as their crown jewel. The first Stagnum was produced from the
nabuja, poprimi izgled zelenog tepiha, kad izgledaju kao da je br-
1992 harvest. In the Ponikve vineyard, the grapes grow on the
dima prostrt zeleni sag. ground of dolomitic limestone; everything here is done ecolog-
Vinarija Miloš ima oko 15 hektara vinograda. Njihova je perja- ically. The grapes are harvested, processed and macerated by
nica Stagnum. Prvi Stagnum nastao je od berbe 1992. Grožđe hand and wine is then matured for six years in large wooden bar-
raste u vinogradu na Ponikvama, na tlu dolomitnog vapnenca, rels of Slavonian oak. The wine is then bottle-aged for the next
sve se ovdje radi ekološki. Bere se ručno, prerađuje i macerira four years. In this way, Miloš's Stagnum comes on the market as
te nakon toga šest godina odležava u velikim drvenim bačvama a ten-year old wine.
slavonskog hrasta. Vino sljedeće četiri godine odleži u boci. Tako Miloš is now in a period of intensive investment in spite of the
Milošev Stagnum na tržište dolazi kad napuni deset godina. pandemic and the crisis caused by it. He is constructing one of
Pandemiji i njome izazvanoj krizi unatoč, Miloš je u fazi intenziv- the most demanding wineries in this region, which will be for the
nog investiranja. Gradi jednu od najzahtjevnijih vinarija na ovim most part built into rock.
prostorima koja će velikim dijelom biti ukupana u stijenu. Ernest Tolj is among the Pelješac top winemakers as well. He
brought Michel Rolland, one of the most influential wine-mak-
Među pelješkim vinarima u sam vrh spada i Ernest Tolj. U Hrvat-
ing consultants to Croatia, which has made a huge difference,
sku je doveo najutjecajnijeg vinskog konzultanta Michela Rollan-
so now Ernest Tolj's wines are among the best winemaking in
da, što je ostavilo bitna traga pa vina Ernesta Tolja spadaju među this country. Starting from Ston to Orebić on a road that leads
najbolje od onoga što se u vinarstvu radi u ovoj zemlji. Krenete along this peninsula of grapevines, there are several wineries
li od Stona prema Orebiću, cestom koja vodi po ovom poluotoku on the way where premium quality wine can be tasted – Grgić,
vinove loze, na putu je više vinarija u kojima se toči vrhunsko Skaramuča, Korta Katarina, Madirazza, Kiridžija, etc. Many of
vino – Grgić, Skaramuča, Korta Katarina, Madirazza, Kiridžija … the Pelješac winemakers will be happy to share their philoso-
Mnogi od peljeških vinara svoju filozofiju stvaranja od vinograda phy of wine-making, from the vineyard to the bottle, with their
do boce rado će za degustacije podijeliti s gostima.  wine-tasting guests. 


Fotografije / Photos:
Oio Vivo

Oio Vivo, živo ulje, nosi starorimski naziv u Oio Vivo, ‘oil that is alive’, has been given an
čast istro-romanskom dijalektu koje je i danas old Roman name in a nod to the Istriot dialect,
u upotrebi na području Vodnjana. Ime je to which is still in use in the Vodnjan area today.
koje ukazuje na tisućljetnu tradiciju proizvod- It is a name that points to the millennia-long
nje maslinovog ulja, povezujući tako izvrsni tradition of olive oil production, linking the
geografski položaj za uzgoj maslina s inova- geographical position that is perfect for olive
tivnim pristupom proizvodnji maslinovog ulja, cultivation with an innovative approach to
što je uvijek rezultiralo stvaranjem ulja vrhun- olive oil production, which has always resulted
ske kvalitete. in the creation of top-quality oil.

Začetnici Oio Vivo priče pokazali su hrabrost za nove po- The founders of the Oio Vivo story showed courage to
četke podizanjem najvećeg maslinika u južnoj Istri na po- begin anew when they planted the largest olive grove in
žarom devastiranom zemljištu, 2005. godine. southern Istria on a fire-devastated land in 2005.
Jasna vizija, upornost, zajedništvo, primjena inovacija, uz A clear vision, determination, collectivity, innovation, cou-
odgovornost i poštovanje društvene zajednice i prirode, pled with responsibility and respect for the community
čvrsti su temelji za stvaranje svjetski poznatog branda, and nature, are solid foundations on which the world-re-
Oio vivo maslinovog ulja. nowned brand of Oio Vivo olive oil has been created.

U zelenoj oazi u blizini Vodnjana, posjetitelji mogu degu-
stirati i kupiti monosortna ulja i kupaže istarskih autohto-
nih maslina Vodnjanska Buža, Rožinjola, Istarska Bjelica,
Žižolera, Gajardo i Bon

In a green oasis near Vodnjan, visitors can taste and buy

Vodnjanska Buža, Rožinjola, Istarska Bjelica, Žižolera,
Gajardo and Bon, monovarietal oils and oil blends made
from olive varieties native to Istria.

ACI No.1 // Oio Vivo

Istra je već dugi niz godina

poznata kao najbolja svjet-
ska regija za maslinova ulja,
a to dokazuju i brojne na-
grade koje su Oio Vivo ulja
osvojila na najuglednijim
svjetskim sajmovima

For many years, Istria has

been known as the world's
best place to produce olive
oils, and the many awards
that Oio Vivo oils have won
at the world's most famous
trade fairs serve to prove

Maslinici su izniknuli na devastiranom mjestu gdje se nekada na- Olive groves emerged in a devastated place where there used to
lazila borova šuma, a danas su to mladi, sortni nasadi koji broje be a pine forest; today there is a grove of 15,000 young single va-
15 000 maslina, samo 5 km udaljeni od mora, s kojih seže prekra- rietal olive trees, situated only 5 km from the sea, with a beautiful
san i jedinstven pogled na brijunski arhipelag. and unique view of the Brijuni Islands.

Maslinik je podijeljen u pravilnu ortogonalnu mrežu, podsjećajući The olive grove is a regular orthogonal grid, reminiscent of the Ro-
man centuriation, i.e., way of property delineation, where individu-
tako na rimsko nasljeđe zemljišnih centurija, pravilo omeđenih po-
al varieties of olives are grown: five local ones, and two non-native,
sjeda, u kojima se uzgajaju pojedine sorte maslina i to pet autohto-
Italian, olive varieties.
nih sorti, te dvije strane, talijanske sorte maslina.
Indigenous varieties, pure olive groves, integrated production,
Autohtone sorte, čisti maslinici, integrirani uzgoj, pravovremena
timely harvest and maturation of fruit, careful and quick processing
berba i zrioba ploda, pažljiva i brza prerada te brižna pohrana i and careful storage of oil are factors behind the quality of Oio Vivo
čuvanje ulja čimbenici su kvalitete maslinovog ulja Oio Vivo koju olive oil determined by man striving for excellence.
određuje čovjek, težeći izvrsnosti.
Oio Vivo Istrian olive oil strengthens and celebrates life within us
Oio Vivo istarsko maslinovo ulje jača i slavi život u nama jer u sebi because it preserves valuable biological and nutritional ingredi-
čuva vrijedne biološke i nutritivne sastojke. ents.

ACI No.1 // Oio Vivo

U Oio Vivo asortimanu, trenutno se mogu pronaći 4 mo- In the Oio Vivo range, you can currently find four monova-
nosortna ulja, Vodnjanska Buža, Rožinjola, Istarska Bjelica, rietal oils, Vodnjanska Buža, Rožinjola, and Istarska Bjelica,
te stara autohtona sorta Žižolera, te 2 mješavine Gajardo along with Žižolera, the old local cultivar, as well as two
i Bon. blends, Gajardo and Bon.
Protekla godina donijela je puno novih izazova, ali i želju Last year brought a lot of new challenges, but also a desire
za dodatnim unaprjeđenjem kako ponude, tako uređe- not only to improve the products on offer but also to refur-
njem prostora. Projekt je to koji je ove godine i zaživio, ali bish our premises. It is a project that has come to life this
je i u daljnjem razvitku. year, but will be further developed.
Oio Vivo ljubitelji odsada mogu pronaći svoje omiljene Oio Vivo lovers can now find their favourite Istrian prod-
istarske proizvode u novootvorenom moderno uređenom ucts in a newly opened and modern specialised shop, sur-
specijaliziranom dućanu okruženom zelenilom maslinika, rounded by the green of the olive groves and enjoy the
te doživjeti vrhunsko iskustvo degustiranja maslinovog ultimate experience of tasting olive oil under the expert
ulja pod stručnim vodstvom zaposlenika, entuzijasta i za- guidance of our employees, enthusiasts and lovers of this
ljubljenika u tekuće zlato. liquid gold.
Oio Vivo maslinici idealna su zelena oaza za sve posjetite- Oio Vivo olive groves are an ideal green oasis for all visi-
lje, esencija Istre prema kojoj je teško ostati ravnodušan. tors, the essence of Istria that is difficult to feel indifferent
Sve informacije možete saznati na oio-vivo.com, to.
info@oio-vivo.com te +385 99 6838 496.  All information can be found at: oio-vivo.com,
info@oio-vivo.com and +385 99 6838 496. 

The industry’s BEST YACHTING HUB
just got even better...



25,000+ YACHTING

Ana Zadnik u Ljubljani je diplo- Ana Zadnik obtained her degree in
mirala kiparstvo, a u Londonu je sculpture in Ljubljana and graduat-
završila znameniti Royal College of ed from the famous Royal College
Art. Danas se bavi dizajnom jednog of Art in London. Today she de-
od najlegendarnijih automobila u signs one of the most iconic cars in
povijesti history

Kao djevojčica nije se igrala autićima ni lijepila po- As a little girl, she didn’t play with cars or put up
stere Ferrarija i Porschea na zidove sobe. Nije se posters of Ferraris and Porsches on the walls of
Ana Zadnik žurila ni sjesti za upravljač automobila. her room. Neither was Ana Zadnik in a hurry to
Na polaganje vozačkog ispita krenula je nakon što get behind the wheel of a car. She took her driving
je diplomirala studij kiparstva na akademiji likovnih test after receiving a degree in sculpture from the
umjetnosti u Ljubljani, no u svijet automobila nije Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana; however, her
ušla nimalo slučajno. entry into the world of cars was no accident.

Fotogarfije / Photos:
Sanjin Kaštelan / Start

ACI No.1 // Ana Zadnik

- Nikad nisam imala posebnu strast prema automobili- - I never had a special passion for cars. I always looked
ma. Uvijek sam ih gledala isključivo kao objekte dizajna at them solely as objects of design and engineering.
i inženjeringa. Diploma kiparstva je bila rezultat ljubavi My degree in sculpture was the result of my love for
prema fizičkom stvaralaštvu, a dizajn me je oduvijek za- physical creativity, and design has always interested me
nimao u svim domenama, od mode, do arhitekture i na- in all its aspects, from fashion to architecture and furni-
mještaja. Tijekom studija imala sam priliku pohađati ne- ture. In the course of my studies, I had the opportunity
koliko studentskih razmjena na području Europske unije to attend several student exchanges in the European
i sve su bile na temu automobilskog inženjeringa. To, Union and they were all on the topic of automotive en-
doduše, nije bilo namjerno. Slučajno sam bila primljena gineering. That wasn’t intentional, though. I happened
baš na tečajeve s tom tematikom, ali kada sam spojila to be accepted into courses with this topic, but when I
te tri grane, pojavila se ideja o dizajnu automobila kao combined these three branches, the idea of car design
poslu koji bi ujedinio sve što volim raditi i u čemu sam as a job appeared that would unite everything I love to
imala prilike steći znanje kroz nekoliko godina studija, do and which I had the opportunity to learn about in
pojašnjava nam svoj životni put Riječanka koja posljed- several years of study, explains the course of her life
njih šest godina živi u Münchenu i radi u dizajnerskom Ana Zadnik, this woman from Rijeka who has lived in
odjelu Minija. Munich for the past six years and who works in the de-
Ključni trenutak za Anino profesionalno usmjeravanje sign department of Mini.
stigao je 2005. kada je zahvaljujući odličnim rezultatima The key moment that determined Ana’s choice of pro-
tijekom studija (2003. bila je dobitnica Prešernove stu- fession was in 2005, when, thanks to excellent results
dentske nagrade, najvišeg priznanja ljubljanske Univer- in her studies (in 2003, she received the Prešern Stu-
ze) stekla pravo na stipendiju slovenske vlade za upis dent Award, the highest recognition of the University in
Kraljevskog fakulteta za umjetnost u Londonu, znameni- Ljubljana), she was granted a scholarship by the Slove-
tog Royal College of Art. Tijekom studija u Londonu pro- nian government to study at the famous Royal College
vela je dva mjeseca na specijalizaciji u Japanu, točnije of Art in London. While studying in London, she did a

ACI No.1 // Ana Zadnik

Osim automobila, zanimaju me arhitektura i kiparsko

– slikarsko stvaralaštvo. Kao nekome s diplomom li-
kovne akademije, smjer kiparstva, nedostaje mi onaj
nered i kreativnost umjetničkog ateljea, strojevi za va-
renje, rezanje, dlijeta i čekići.

In addition to cars, I am interested in architecture, as

well as sculpture and painting. As someone with an
art academy degree and a specialisation in sculpture,
I miss the mess and creativity of an art atelier, the wel-
ding machines, the cutting, the chisels and hammers.

two-month internship in Japan, more precisely in Toyota; her pres-

tigious degree then led her to the Renault Nissan group, and for
the next five years she lived and worked in Bucharest, Barcelona
and Paris. In 2012, her professional career took her into the fold of
Jaguar Land Rover, and two years later she moved to the Bavari-
an capital, where she was first an external associate for the BMW
Group. In 2015, she became a permanent member of the design
department in charge of the Mini’s interior design.
u Toyoti, a potom joj je prestižna diploma otvorila vrata koncerna
Renault Nissan i sljedećih je pet godina živjela i radila u Bukureštu, All these years you have mostly worked on car interiors, but in
Barceloni i Parizu. Profesionalni angažman 2012. vodi je u okrilje very different environments. Are there still design schools with
grupacije Jaguar - Land Rover, dvije godine kasnije seli u bavarsku a national ‘stamp’, like Italian, French, German, or is this classic
traditional division gone?
prijestolnicu gdje počinje raditi kao vanjski suradnik u BMW Grupi,
a 2015. postaje stalni član dizajnerskog odjela zaduženog za diza- - I think that style as design and a way of doing things can still be
jn unutrašnjosti Minija. classified by countries to some extent. What is characteristic for
German design would be quite differently done in the British or
Swedish school of design, for example, and vice versa. That’s why
Svih ovih godina uglavnom ste radili na interijerima automobi-
I think it’s desirable to have an international atmosphere in the of-
la, ali u vrlo različitim okruženjima. Postoje li još uvijek škole fice. Each school of design has certain qualities, and the design is
dizajna s nacionalnim predznakom poput talijanske, francuske, always much more enriched if different stylists participate in the
njemačke ili je ta klasična tradicionalna podjela nestala? process of creation.

- Mislim da se stil u dizajnu i načinu rada donekle još uvijek može Art and artists are very often characterised by strong individual
personalities, while the design of modern cars is a team effort.
klasificirati po državama. Ono sto je značajno za njemačku ško-
How do you manage to reconcile those two opposites?
lu bilo bi prilično drugačije koncipirano u primjerice britanskoj ili
švedskoj školi i obrnuto. Zbog toga mislim da je vrlo poželjno ima- - I don’t think many designers find this aspect easy. You must strike
a good balance between individual and collective contribution.
ti međunarodnu atmosferu u uredu. Svaka škola daje određene
There is a time in the process of automotive design (in the first,
kvalitete, a dizajn je uvijek višestruko obogaćen ako je kreiran s creative phase) where individual work is the general idea. So, in
različitim stilistima kroz proces stvaranja. a way, we compete against each other, and only one or two are

ACI No.1 // Ana Zadnik

Umjetnost i umjetnike vrlo često karakteriziraju izražene indivi- chosen to continue working on the project. In this way, the stage
dualne osobnosti dok je dizajn modernih automobila timski rad. of personal creativity exists, and it is here where a parallel with the
Kako uspijevate pomiriti te dvije suprotnosti? artist-creative person can be drawn. Then there is the stage when
a large number of people join the project, including even those
- Mislim da mnogim dizajnerima nije lako u tom kontekstu. Mora se who previously competed against each other. So, there’s no room
naći dobar balans između individualnog i kolektivnog doprinosa. for ego; after all, it is a team effort. Sometimes you win, sometimes
Postoji razdoblje unutar procesa (prva, kreativna faza) u automo- you lose, but the most important thing is to maintain good relation-
bilskom dizajnu gdje je generalna ideja rad individualaca. Dakle, ships without emotional outbursts.
natječemo se na neki način, jedan protiv drugih, a samo 1 ili 2 su
izabrani da nastave raditi na projektu. Dakle, faza osobne kreativ- After retiring, Walter de Silva devoted himself to shoe design,
nosti postoji i tu se može povući paralela s umjetnikom-kreativcem. Bruno Sacco to taps. Your career has only just begun, but are
Zatim slijedi faza kad se projektu priključi velik broj ljudi, pa i oni there any areas you’d like to try your hand at?
koji su prije bili konkurencija. Znači, nema mjesta egoizmu; na kraju
krajeva je to ipak timski rad; ponekad se pobijedi, ponekad izgubi, - There are two things I’m very interested in, in addition to my cur-
ali najbitnije je zadržati dobre odnose bez emocionalnih skokova. rent job. One is architecture, especially small-scale architecture
– micro living space – inspired by my student practice in Japan,
Nakon odlasku u mirovinu Walter de Silva posvetio se dizajnu ci- where I spent several months living in one such unit. The other is
pela, Bruno Sacco slavinama. Vaša karijera tek je počela, ali po- sculpture and painting. As someone with an art academy degree
stoje li već sada neka područja u kojima biste se željeli okušati? and a specialisation in sculpture, I miss the mess and creativity of
an art atelier, the welding machines, the cutting, the chisels and
- Dvije stvari me vrlo zanimaju, pored trenutnog posla. Jedno je hammers. I’d like to go back to that, maybe when I’m retired.
arhitektura, posebno manje arhitekturne jedinice, 'micro living spa-
ce', inspirirane mojom studentskom praksom u Japanu gdje sam Volvo and BMW were among the first companies to give women
provela nekoliko mjeseci živeći u jednoj takvoj jedinici. Drugo je a chance, but automotive design is still perceived as a man’s
kiparsko – slikarsko stvaralaštvo. Kao nekome s diplomom likovne job. What are your experiences?
akademije, smjer kiparstva, nedostaje mi onaj nered i kreativnost
umjetničkog ateljea, strojevi za varenje, rezanje, dlijeta i čekići. Vo- - I think that today a large number of car companies employ an
ljela bih se tome vratiti, možda kad budem u mirovini. equal number of men and women in their design departments,

ACI No.1 // Ana Zadnik

Inspiraciju za nove automobile dobivam na I find my inspiration for new cars at exhibitions,
izložbama, od studentskih do priznatih imena. both by students and renowned artists. Another
Također uzor mi je sve od arhitekture do mod- great source of inspiration is everything from
nog dizajna. architecture to fashion design.

Volvo i BMW bile su među prvim kompanijama koje su unless the work is physically very demanding. Automo-
pružile prigodu ženama, no dizajn automobila još uvijek tive design is in no way physically demanding. An equal
se doživljava kao muški posao. Kakva su vaša iskustva? ratio of men and women are employed even in the most
physically demanding part of it, which is making 1:1 scale
- Mislim da danas velik broj automobilskih tvrtki zapošljava models in clay. It’s not about gender, it’s about good educa-
u dizajnu podjednak broj muškaraca i žena, ako nije riječ o tion and creativity. Now and then I’ve worked in companies
fizički vrlo zahtjevnom poslu. Dizajn automobila nije nika- where there were no other women, but that’s changed and
ko fizički zahtjevan. Čak i fizički najzahtjevniji dio, izrada 1:1 evened out over the past 15 years, and it seems to me that
modela u glini, zapošljava jednak omjer muških i ženskih. everyone is happier in this ‘mixed’ atmosphere.
Nije bitan spol već dobro školovanje i kreativnost. Tu i tamo
sam radila u tvrtkama gdje nije bilo drugih žena, ali to se je Who would you list as a role model when it comes to car
u posljednjih 15 godina promijenilo i izbalansiralo, i čini mi
se da su svi sretniji u miješanoj atmosferi.
- I could name a few big names. Again, I like some models
Koga biste naveli kao uzor kada je u pitanju dizajn auto- better than others; some I find more fascinating, some less.
mobila? What I would rather point out as my role models and a great
source of inspiration are exhibitions, both by students and
- Mogla bih navesti nekoliko velikih imena, opet, neki mode-
by renown artists. And not only the ones that are directly
li su mi draži od drugih, neki me fasciniraju više, neki manje.
related to car design. Existing models are rarely a source
Ono što bih radije istaknula kao uzor i veliku inspiraciju su
of inspiration to me. There is a risk of repeating of what has
izložbe. Studentske ili one već priznatih imena. I to ne one
already been seen. Of course, one should always compare
vezane direktno uz dizajn automobila. Rijetko su mi uzor
postojeći modeli. Tu postoji opasnost od ponavljanja već vi- and learn from the successes and failures of existing mod-
đenog. Naravno, uvijek treba uspoređivati i učiti iz uspjeha i els, but I find inspiration in everything from architecture to
padova postojećih modela, ali uzor mi je sve od arhitekture fashion design.
do modnog dizajna.
What is your stand on retro design?
Koji je vaš stav o retro dizajnu?
- I actually find it very difficult to use the word ‘retro’ when
- Riječ 'retro' je zapravo vrlo teško prisvojiti kad je riječ o it comes to contemporary automotive design, at least in re-
suvremenom automobilskom dizajnu, bar u posljednjih ne- cent years. Retro often has the overtones of nostalgic or
koliko godina. Retro često ima prizvuk nostalgičnog ili sta- old-fashioned. We almost never use this term when creat-
romodnog. Gotovo nikad taj pojam ne koristimo kod stva- ing new models. Retro would mean modernising an old, ex-
ranja novih modela. Retro bi značilo moderniziranje starog, isting model, while in modern design the goal is to create
postojećeg modela dok je u suvremenom dizajnu cilj stvo- a novelty without forgetting the iconic elements of a par-
riti novitet ne zaboravljajući ikonične elemente određenog ticular brand or model. This produces a fresh, innovative
branda ili modela. Tako se dobije svjež, inovativan proizvod product that is mostly ‘iconic’ and less ‘retro’.
koji je uglavnom 'iconic' a manje 'retro'.
How attached are you to Rijeka and how often do you
Koliko ste vezani za Rijeku i koliko je uspijevate često manage to visit?
- Once or twice a year I make it to Rijeka and meet my near-
- Jednom do dvaput godišnje uspijevam doći u Rijeku, vi- est and dearest. I don’t manage to see half the people I plan
dim se s najbližima. Pola ljudi koje planiram vidjeti, ne sti- to meet. Maybe the situation will improve in a few years’
gnem. Možda se situacija popravi kroz par godina, ali svako time, but each six-hour trip with two little children usually
šestosatno putovanje s dvoje male dječice se obično ote- turns into a few days of adventure, so for now we mostly
gne u višednevnu avanturu pa se zasad uglavnom držimo stick to Bavaria. Rijeka is getting more and more beautiful
Bavarske. Rijeka je sve ljepša i ima puno potencijala, često and it has a lot of potential. I often miss it, especially the sea
mi nedostaje, pogotovo more i mamina kuhinja.  and mum’s cooking. 

Fotografije / Photos:
Privatni arhiv / Private archiv: Mirko Ilić

Čovjek neobične osobne biografije, u A man with an unusual personal bio-
komunikaciji neposredan i nepreten- graphy, unpretentious and direct in
ciozan, u razgovoru, baš kao i u poslu, communication, and committed to the
oko bitnih mu tema angažiran, Mirko topics he considers important both in
Ilić desetljećima spada u sam svjetski conversation and in business, Mirko
vrh grafičkih dizajnera i ilustratora. Ilić has, for decades, been one of the
world’s top graphic designers and ill-

ACI No.1 // Mirko Ilić

Nakon što je posve mlad postao poznat u Hrvatskoj i zemljama After becoming famous in Croatia and the former Yugoslav
nekadašnje Jugoslavije, prije 35 godina spakirao je kofere i od- countries as a very young man, he packed his bags and moved
selio u New York. to New York 35 years ago.

Bez novca i poznanstava, no samouvjeren i drčan, osim talenta He had no money and did not know anybody, but he was confident
koji je sa sobom donio, Ilić je u New Yorku imao i puno sreće. Za and daring, and besides the talent that he had, Ilić also got very
svega par dana već je radio - naslovnicu za magazin Time. Nije lucky in New York. In just a few days he was already doing a cover
smetala ni činjenica da je loše govorio engleski. Bio je to njegov for Time magazine. The fact that his English was bad didn’t matter
prvi njujorški posao. Kasnije će napraviti više antologijskih naslov- either. It was his first New York job. Later, he would design many
nica Timea, jedno vrijeme biti i njihov art direktor. Bio je i grafički anthological covers for Time, and for a while he was its art director
urednik Op-Ed stranice New York Timesa koju je revolucionirao as well. He was also graphic editor at the New York Times Op-Ed
poigravajući se s tipografijom, inspiriran njemačkim tipografskim site, which he revolutionised by toying with typography, inspired
dizajnom iz 16. stoljeća. by the 16th-century German typographical design.
Dobitnik je niza nagrada, tridesetak njegovih plakata u stalnom su He has won a number of awards; about thirty posters of his are
postavu Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti u New Yorku (MoMA), autor part of the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Modern Art in
je brojnih poznatih plakata, stoji iza mnogih kampanja za zaštitu New York (MoMA); he has designed a number of famous posters;
ljudskih prava. U karijeri je radio kazališne, filmske i ine plakate, and he is behind many human rights campaigns. In his career, he
kreirao upečatljive omote za nosače zvuka, novinske naslovnice, has designed theatre, film and other posters, created memorable
radio dizajn za naslovnice knjiga, hotele, jahte… album and newspaper covers, and also designed book covers, ho-
tels, yachts etc.
Koliko su ljudi općenito svjesni uloge dizajna u svakodnevnom
životu? How aware are people in general of the role of design in every-
day life?
„U Americi su nešto manje okrenuti dizajnu negoli, recimo, u Za-
grebu. U centru Zagreba u jedan dan vidim više šminkerskih auto- “In America, they are somewhat less design-oriented than, say, in
mobila negoli ih u New Yorku vidim za sedam dana, puno je više Zagreb. In the centre of Zagreb, I see more fancy cars in one day
šminkerskih torbi po Zagrebu negoli u New Yorku. Ovo je grad u than I see in New York in seven days; there are many more trendy
kojem živi najveći broj milijardera na svijetu, ali novac se previše bags on the streets of Zagreb than New York. This is the city where
ne pokazuje, jer dio protestantske kulture jest ne hvaliti se javno the largest number of billionaires in the world live, but people don’t
svojim bogatstvom. Dizajn je važan, ali u zadnjih se godinu dana, quite show how much money they have, because not bragging
zbog korone, s dizajnom dogodila čudna stvar. Ljudi su, otkada je publicly about your wealth is part of Protestant culture. Design is

ACI No.1 // Mirko Ilić

U New York sam došao pokazati sebi mogu

li se mjeriti s velikim dečkima. …A i neki od
meni najdražih dizajnera, glazbenika, reda-
telja žive i rade u New Yorku. Kako kaže Lou
Reed: u New Yorku sve zvijezde žive na zem-
lji, ovdje nema zvijezda na nebu.

I came to New York to see for myself if I co-

uld compete with the big boys. And, also,
some of my favourite designers, musicians,
and directors live and work in New York. In
Lou Reed’s words: in New York, all stars live
on the ground; there are no stars in the sky

pandemija, obučeni u jednostavnu, često crnu odjeću, puno manje important, but in the last year, a strange thing happened to it be-
izlaze van, ne šminkaju se, nema toliko pokazivanja, nema razloga cause of the coronavirus pandemic. Since it started, people have
za imati neku jako dobru frizuru, što će ti dobar ruž kad i onako turned to wearing simple, often black, clothes; they have started
nosiš masku!? New York postaje manje šminkerski grad negoli je to going out much less often, and not wearing make-up. There is not
bio prije. To nije loše. Dapače. Neke druge vrijednosti sad postaju much showing off, and there is no reason to have a very good
važne. Recimo, važno je s kim živite. Ako ste izabrali lošeg par- hairstyle; what do you need a good lipstick for when you’re wear-
tnera pa ste godinu dana pandemije „zatočeni“ u istom prostoru ing a mask anyway!? New York is becoming less a city of snappy
s tom osobom, to mora da je užasno teško. U ova se vremena u dressers than it was before. That’s not bad. On the contrary. Some
obiteljima vratila jedna lijepa doza prisnosti, oslanjanja jednog na other values are now becoming important. For example, it’s im-
drugog.“ portant who you live with. If you chose your partner badly and you
were ‘trapped’ in one place with that person for the pandemic year,
Kako ocjenjuje hrvatski dizajn danas? it must have been terribly difficult. In these times, a considerable
amount of closeness has returned to families; a reliance on each
„Hrvatski dizajn je po meni jedan od najboljih u Europi. Ali, problem other.”
je što se često previše povodi za klijentima, taj dizajn povremeno
kao da je sam sebi svrha. Ako ste zadnjih godina gledali neke mod- How does he rate Croatian design today?
ne revije vidjeli ste razne čudnovate stvari koje ne možete nositi,
na ulici ste u tome kao klaun. To izgleda lijepo na pisti, na nekome “I think Croatian design is one of the best in Europe. But the prob-
tko je dva metra visok i ima 40 kilograma. To je artistička kreacija, lem is that it’s often influenced to a great degree by clients; it oc-
ali nije modna. A, dizajn ne može sam sebi biti svrha, ako nije art.“ casionally seems to be an end in itself. If you saw some fashion

ACI No.1 // Mirko Ilić

Zašto je sredinom 1980-ih, kad se otputio iz Zagreba, odabrao shows in recent years, you saw all sorts of weird things you can’t
baš New York? wear; you’d be like a clown wearing them on the street. It looks
nice on the runway, on someone who’s six feet tall and weighs 40
„Bio je 25. ožujak 1986.“, kaže Ilić dobro pamteći datum kad je kilos. It’s an artistic, not fashion, creation. And design can’t be an
doletio u Ameriku po prvi put, riješen da tamo ostane. „Shvatio end in itself unless it’s art.”
sam da ću, odem li u neku europsku zemlju, svugdje ostati samo
gastarbajter. A i neki od meni najdražih dizajnera, glazbenika, re- Why did he choose New York when he left Zagreb in the mid-
datelja žive i rade u New Yorku. Kako kaže Lou Reed: u New Yorku 1980s?
sve zvijezde žive na zemlji, ovdje nema zvijezda na nebu. Pomi-
“It was 25 March 1986,” Ilić says, remembering well the date he
slio sam: „Ako već idem negdje krenuti od početka, zašto ne po-
landed in America for the first time, determined to stay there. “I
četi ondje gdje mi se sviđa, gdje ću se osjećati kao kući?“. Jer, u
realised that if I went to any European country, I’d just be a foreign-
New Yorku su svi stranci i svi su tamo kao kod kuće. New York je
er who works there. And, also, some of my favourite designers,
drugačije mjesto nego Amerika, ovo nije grad Kardashian obitelji.“
musicians, and directors live and work in New York. In Lou Reed’s
Na trenutak zastane, pa doda: „U New York sam došao pokazati words: in New York, all stars live on the ground; there are no stars
sebi mogu li se mjeriti s velikim dečkima. Amerika me nije puno in the sky here. I thought: ‘If I’m going somewhere to start from
promijenila. Mene i dalje zanima društveni aktivizam, ne zanima scratch, why not go to a place I like, where I’m going to feel at
me samo zarađivati novac, kupovati kuće s bazenima. Druge stvari home?’ Because everybody’s a stranger in New York and they’re
me vesele. Veseli me, primjerice, da mogu na aukciji kupiti deset all at home there. New York is a different place from the rest of the
plakata Borisa Bućana koje ne znam bi li si mogao kupiti da sam United States; this is not the city of the Kardashian family.” He paus-
ostao u Zagrebu. Kad sam bio mali nismo imali novca, morao sam es for a moment, then adds: “I came to New York to see for myself
posuđivati stripove od prijatelja. Još i danas nabavljam i kupujem if I could compete with the big boys. America hasn’t changed me

ACI No.1 // Mirko Ilić

originale tih stripova za moju kolekciju. Male stvari koje mene jako much. I’m still interested in social activism; I’m not just interested
vesele.“ in making money, in buying houses with pools. Other things make
me happy. It makes me happy, for example, to be able to buy ten
U ranom ga je djetinjstvu na crtanje ohrabrila majka. Naoko posters by Boris Bućan at auction, something I’m not sure I would
dječja igra, taj moment je moguće bio bitan u njegovoj formaciji. be able to buy had I stayed in Zagreb. When I was a child, we didn’t
have any money; I had to borrow comic books from friends. I’m still
„Imao sam oko četiri godine. Majka je nešto šivala, kreda joj je
buying the first editions of those comics for my collection today.
pala na pod. Uzeo sam je i krenuo s njom crtati, po podu. Štogod
Those are the little things that make me very happy.”
da sam nacrtao tad, ona je u tome nešto vidjela, prepoznala, nije
se ljutila što sam joj potrošio kredu, što sam uprljao pod. Dapače,
In his early childhood, he was encouraged to draw by his moth-
tepihom je pažljivo, nekako jako nježno pokrila te crteže, kasnije
ih je, kad je kući došao otac, pokazala i njemu. Nije se ni on ljutio, er. What appeared to be a child’s play was a possibly crucial
bili su zadovoljni i ponosni. To mi je bilo ohrabrenje. Znao sam da moment in his formation.
trebam nastaviti crtati.“
“I was about four years old. My mother was sewing and her chalk
fell to the floor. I picked it up and started drawing with it, on the
Radove Mirka Ilića ljudi često daju tetovirati po vlastitom tijelu.
floor. Whatever it was that I drew back then, she saw something
Među ostalima na sebi ih tintom utaknute nose i neke slavne
in it, recognised it, and didn’t get mad that I used up her chalk,
osobe. Što o tome misli sam Ilić?
that I made the floor dirty. In fact, she carefully and very tender-
„Tim Commerford, basist grupe Rage Against the Machine, imao ly covered the drawings with the rug, and later, when my father
je cijela leđa tetovirana mojim crtežima. To je meni užasno, ali to came home, showed them to him. He wasn’t angry either; they
je njegova stvar. Ljudi imaju pravo na svoje izbore. Moji crteži su were pleased and proud. That was my encouragement. I knew I
crno-bijeli pa su time jednostavniji za tetoviranje. Jedan vlasnik fir- had to keep on drawing.”

Tim Commerford, basist grupe Rage Against Tim Commerford, the bassist for Rage Aga-
the Machine, imao je cijela leđa tetovirana inst the Machine, had his whole back tattoo-
mojim crtežima. To je meni užasno, ali to je ed with my drawings. I think it’s terrible, but
njegova stvar. Ljudi imaju pravo na svoje iz- it’s his business. People have a right to their
bore. own choices.

Ja sam od onih koji može doći u Zagreb na
vikend, pojesti sedam kesten pirea i vratiti
se natrag u New York.

I am one of the people who can come to Za-

greb for the weekend, eat seven chestnut
purees and then return to New York.

People often have their bodies tattooed with Mirko Ilić’s work.
Among others, some celebrities have them as well.

What does Ilić himself think about it? “Tim Commerford, the bassist
for Rage Against the Machine, had his whole back tattooed with
my drawings. I think it’s terrible, but it’s his business. People have
a right to their own choices. My drawings are in black and white,
so they’re easier to tattoo. One company owner tattooed the logo
that I designed for him, which I find odd enough. But what do you
me je tetovirao svoj logo koji sam mu dizajnirao, što je meni dosta say to that? There is no accounting for taste.
čudno. Ali, što reći na to? O ukusima ne razgovaramo. Besides, I don’t know anything about tattoos; I don’t have tattoos,
Osim toga, ja o tetovažama ne znam ništa, nemam tetovaže, ja I’m a very self-critical, always dissatisfied artist. If I had something
sam vrlo samokritičan, uvijek nezadovoljan umjetnik. Da nešto te- tattooed on my body and, after three days, I saw that it wasn’t
toviram na sebi pa da za tri dana vidim da mi tu ne paše skinuo bih working out for me, I’d take it off me any way I can. And I don’t
to sa sebe kakogod znam i umijem. A, većina mojih radova mi se like most of my work after two or three months. I don’t think that
nakon dva-tri mjeseca ne sviđa. Mislim da ta vrsta samokritike i nije kind of self-criticism is bad, because I know I’m going to try to do
loša, jer znam da ću uvijek iznova pokušati napraviti nešto bolje. something better over and over again. Imagine that something that
Zamislite da napravite nešto i da je to najbolje što ste ikad napra- you did twenty years ago is the best thing you’ve ever done. That
vili, a da ste to napravili prije dvadeset godina. To je užas. Evo, sad would be terrible. If I look around my office now, I don’t have any
gledam, okrećem se po mom uredu, nemam niti jedan moj rad da piece of my work hanging on the wall. It’s because it would annoy
mi visi na zidu. Jer, živciralo bi me da svaki put nađem neku grešku, me to find a mistake every time, to see that I could have done
da vidim da sam nešto mogao bolje napraviti. Na mojim zidovima something better. I only keep other people’s work on my walls.”
držim isključivo radove drugih ljudi.“
After all these years in America, where does he feel his home
Nakon svih ovih godina u Americi, gdje osjeća da mu je dom? is? Is he one of those people with an ingrained sense of root-
Je li jedan od onih ljudi u kojima je posađen osjećaj neukorije- lessness?
“It depends in relation to what and when. When is the season
„Zavisi u vezi s čime i kad. Kad dođe vrijeme kesten pirea sa šla- of chestnut puree with whipped cream, I feel very, very Zagrebi-
gom osjećam se jako, jako Zagrepčaninom. Jer, kesten pirea u an. Because there’s no chestnut puree in the States. I am one of
Americi nema. Ja sam od onih koji može doći u Zagreb na vikend, the people who can come to Zagreb for the weekend, eat seven
pojesti sedam kesten pirea i vratiti se natrag u New York. I danas, chestnut purees and then return to New York. Even today, if I have
ako sanjam nešto što se događa u Hrvatskoj, sanjam na hrvatskom. a dream that’s happening in Croatia, I dream in Croatian. If it’s hap-
Ako se radnja događa u Americi, sanjam na engleskom. Uzimam pening in the United States, I dream in English. I take things from
i od jedne i od druge sredine. Nekad davno sam se zezao da kad both environments. I used to joke that when we did design in Cro-
smo radili dizajn u Hrvatskoj, u doba mojih početaka, to je bilo kao atia, back when I was starting out, it was like riding a wild horse;
jahati divljeg konja, kad sam počeo raditi dizajn u SAD-u to je kao when I started doing design in the USA, it was like riding lipizzaner
jahati lipicanere.“  horses.” 

20.-24. 10. 2021. Marina Kornati, Biograd na Moru

N ajveća izložba plovila na moru središnje i istočne Eu-

rope slavi svoju 23. godišnjicu nakon 21 godine kon-
tinuiranog rasta, uz vrlo uspješan sajam iz 2020. jednog
je jedinstven jer se zabavna atmosfera gradom proteže
od jutra do mraka, a očekujemo i povratak društvenim
aktivnostima koje ovaj sajam čine posebnim. Također
od samo tri održana nautička sajma u Europi tijekom očekujemo brojne međunarodne posjetitelje koji ujedno
pandemije. Kako će se sajam održavati u listopadu, op- dolaze i na odmor.
timizam je visok na svim frontama jer se očekuje da će
ACI je dugogodišnji partner događaja, a posjetitelje će
ukupna situacija biti povoljna, a izlagači oduševljeni.
dočekati na izložbenom štandu u dvorani B, gdje će se
Sajam se održava u Ilirija resortu u Biogradu na Moru,
održati poslovno umrežavanje Biograd B2B s proširenim
u marini Kornati. Posebna atmosfera i bogat kalendar
kongresnim programom i društvenim događanjima.
događanja privlače brojne izlagače i posjetitelje iz su-
sjednih zemalja, što ga čini međunarodnim događajem Posjetite www.bbs.com.hr te upoznajte sajam preko
za sve zainteresirane za jedrenje na Jadranu. Ovaj sajam 360° virtual toura na www.bbs.com.hr


C entral and Eastern Europe’s largest in-water boat show

celebrates its 23rd year following 21 years of continuous
record breaking shows, followed by the highly successful
for those interested in boating on the Adriatic. This show
is unique, as the resort venue comes alive from morning to
night, and we expect a gradual return to the social activities
2020 show, one of only three boat shows held in Europe that make this show special. We expect many affluent in-
during the pandemic. As the show will be held in October, ternational visitors that make a holiday of the event.
optimism is high on all fronts, as the overall situation is ex-
ACI is a long-term partner of the event, and will welcome
pected to be favorable and exhibitors are very enthusiastic.
visitors at a exhibition stand in Hall B, where nearby the Bi-
The show is held in the resort town of Biograd, at Marina
ogradB2B business networking event will take place with
Kornati and includes Ilirija hotels, restaurants, and enter-
an expanded congress program and social events
tainment facilities. The special atmosphere and a rich calen-
dar of events attracts many exhibitors and visitors from all Take a virtual tour of the boat show and get more informa-
neighboring countries, making it a truly international event tion at www.bbs.com.hr

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Samoborska Cesta 352
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Burin Boats d.o.o,
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Slovenia . We are here for you.


Adriatic Croatia International Club, za djelatnost marina d.d. A AJAX - ALARM AUTOMATIKA 279
R. Strohala 2, 51000 Rijeka. AUDI 11
Tel. +385 (0) 51 271 288 AZIMOUTHIO 121
Fax. + 385 (0) 51 271 824 B B1 PLAKATI 276
www.aci-marinas.com BAVARIA 10
Kristijan Pavić / predsjednik Uprave / Chairman of the Board BIOGRAD BOAT SHOW - ILIRIJA DD 272
dr. sc. Juraj Bukša / član Uprave / Board Member BLUE NAUTICA VIA CRUCIS 17
Kristijan Pavić C CROATA 81
Tanja Miletić / tanja.miletic@aci-club.hr
Bojan Kovačević / bojan.kovacevic@aci-club.hr
Vibor Visković
Vixel, obrt za web i grafički dizajn MENNYACHT 4
ACI marina Rijeka; Zona sto d.o.o. N N20 183
Sandra Antulov, Vedrana Vukelić
Jasna Berket Bakota, Aleta Cvitan, Vibor Visković, Fotografski studio Prof, R RI BOAT SHOW 274
Fotofaktor d.o.o.
Kerschoffset d.o.o. SIMMOR 275
Rukopisi, fotografije i medijski zapisi se ne vraćaju! Zabranjeno je kopiranje i Y YACHTING PAGES 257
prenošenje sadržaja časopisa ACI No.1 bez dopuštenja izdavača. Izlazi jednom
Manuscripts, photographs and media records are non-returnable! Copying and
transferring content of the magazine ACI No.1 without consent from the publisher is
forbidden. Published annually.

ISSN 2584-7988
ACI d.d. ne preuzima odgovornost za eventualne tiskarske pogreške.
ACI d.d. does not assume responsibility for any printing mistakes

w w w. acin o1.com

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