Ucsp - Module 1
Ucsp - Module 1
Ucsp - Module 1
Department of Education
Grade Level:
Learning Area: Christina B.
Pimentel UCSP
Lesson 1:
Anthropologists have pointed out that through culture people can adapt to their
environment in non-genetic ways, so people living in different cultures.
SOCIOLOGY This field of study examines how people’s social locations as men and
women affect the patterns of behavior that organize their interaction in groups that are
small enough to permit person-to-person contact among the members. Interaction is
distinctively important for gender because men and women interact at a high rate. For
cultural beliefs about the nature and social value of gender differences to persist, everyday
interactions must be organized to support them. Social role, expectation states, structural
identity, and two - cultures theories provide the dominant explanations for this process.
Small group interaction is an arena in which the appearance of gender differences is
continually constructed through power and status relations and by identity marking
through supportive, socioemotional behavior.
Environment and history are the two of the primary factors that shape the
behaviour of human groups. This behavior, which serves as adaptive tool for the varied stimuli
projected by the environment, is influenced by beliefs, practices and material possessions.
Through constant practices, theses sets of behavior from human traditions, which are passed
from one generation to the other.
Nationality and Ethnicity
⮚ Nationality is the identity that is tied to being part of a nation or country- a ‘’ group of
people who share the same history, traditions and language” and who inhabits in a
particular territory delineated by a political border and controlled by the government.
⮚ Ethnic Groups within the nation these are the smaller cultural groups that share specific
environments, traditions and histories that are not necessarily subscribed by the
mainstream culture.
GENDER refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities and
attributes that a given society consider appropriate for men and women.
SEX biological characteristics of human such as male or female.
GENDER Roles refer to attitudes and behaviors that the society expects a person
to exhibit based on his or her sex.
⮚ HETEROSEXUAL a person with this gender is inclined to be sexually attracted to a
person of the opposite sex.
⮚ HOMOSEXUAL person that is sexually attracted to the same sex.
GAY – romantically and sexually attracted to male.
LESBIAN – romantically and sexually attracted to female.
⮚ BISEXUAL individuals who are attracted to the opposite sex.
⮚ ASEXUAL totally incapable of being attracted to any sex.
⮚ POLYSEXUAL attracted to multiple types of gender identity.
⮚ PANSEXUAL accommodates all types of gender.
There are people whose gender identities do not match on their biological identity
as male or female. These people classify themselves as transgender. Their sexual
orientation is not related to their genetalia, which allow to identify with other type
of gender. Under this category are people who themselves as transsexual. These
individuals believe that the discord between their internal gender and the gender
role that they have to perform can be addressed through sexual reassignment.
GLOBAL SOUTH also known as developing countries that perceive poverty.
GLOBAL NORTH also known as developed countries and industrialized nations.
The typical determinants of ones social status includes income , value of assets
and savings, cultural interest and hobbies and economic status of his or her peers and
POLITICAL IDENTITY refers to the set of attitudes and practices that an individual
adheres to in relation to the political system and actors within his or her society.
The variation in human conditions promotes diversity and plurality in cultural traditions.
This could lead to discrimination and ostracism.
CULTURAL RELATIVISM promotes the perspective that cultures must be understood in the
context of their locality. Using this makes you tolerant of the differing attitudes and practices of
Let’s Try
Gender is one reason why we have uniqueness to each other and also the reason why
discrimination happens. In our country gender issues are one of the most popupar topics to be
discussed. As a member of society, what are the things you notice about gender issues in your
everyday life?
_ _________________________________________________________________________
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Let’s Try
▪ Ask five of your friends about their dream jobs. Does any of these jobs tend to be associated
with men or women? What do you think about your friend’s dream jobs?
Let’s Try
Activity 3: Self Reflection
▪ Think of an experience where you had observed differences, changes or identifying qualities
from another society or a group of people you have encountered before. Narrate this
experience and explain the ways how you handled it.
Let’s Try
Activity 4: Essay
⮚ Have you ever wondered why young children are often asked what they want to be
when they grow up? Most children choose to be a doctors, engineers, lawyers, or
any high-earning profession that often comes from along years of education. In
some cases, students will choose their college degrees based solely on their
socioeconomic capabilities.
Activity 5:Ethnocentric is it
bad or Good?
Let’s Try
⮚ In your opinion what are the advantages and disadvantages of being ethnocentric?
Address: Poblacion, Cataingan, Masbate
Telephone No.: (056) 578-3469
❖ It is the expression of the set of cultural ideas held by a distinct ethics or
indigenous group.
❖ It is the legal relationship that binds a person and a country.
❖ It allows the state to protect and have jurisdiction over a person.
Address: Poblacion, Cataingan, Masbate
Telephone No.: (056) 578-3469
Address: Poblacion, Cataingan, Masbate
Telephone No.: (056) 578-3469
Let’s Try
Activity 1: Making Words Meaningful
Directions: Give the meaning of the following word and write your answer on the
space provided.
2. ANTHROPOLOGY_______________________________________________________
3. SOCIOLOGY____________________________________________________________
4. GENDER_______________________________________________________________
5. ETHNICITY_____________________________________________________________
6. RELIGION______________________________________________________________
7. SOCIOENOMIC__________________________________________________________
Let’s Try
1. The nation-state as the main site of sovereignty is the basic feature of modernity and a
major constituent of personal identity.
4. An ethnic group may define themselves as different because of their language, religion,
geography, or social race.
5. Discrimination involves acting in a away that causes deliberate harm against members
of another social group, where as prejudice is an attitude.
7. Transgender women are more likely to experience physical violence and discrimination
within an intimate relationship.
10. This body of knowledge tries to account for the social and cultural variation in the
world, it also deals with conceptualizing and understanding similarities between social
systems and human relationships.
Let’s Try
Fill in the Blanks. Write the correct letter of your answer in the space provided.
__________1. It refers to the totality of what man has learned as a member of society. a.
Sociology c. Culture
b. Anthropology d. Psychology
__________2. The branch of knowledge which deals with the scientific study of man, his
works, his body, his behavior and values, in time and space.
a. Science c. Psychology
b. Humanities d. Anthropology
__________3. It is the scientific study of patterned, shared human behavior.
a. Anthropology c. Sociology
b. Psychology d. History
__________4. It is the scientific study of the same and politics which deals with the
nature, principles, and mechanics of rule, authority, power, and space.
a. Political Science c. Law
b. Social Science d. Humanities
__________5. What refers to social, cultural, and psychological characteristics or traits
related to males and females based on certain social contexts?
a. sex roles c. sex
b. gender d. gender roles
__________6. What is the category of people with shared cultural
attributes? a. race c. gender
b. ethnicity d. culture
__________7. What is the discrimination or prejudice against another’s race?
a. genocide c. bullying
b. ethnocentrism d. racism
__________8. Adolf Hitler persecuted the Jew’s based on their religion. They were
considered a minority in Germany at time. Which among the following concepts was
described in the example above?
a. ethnocentrism c. race
b. racism d. ethnicity
_________9. What do you call the set of practices and behavior that relate to a group of
people’s belief in a god or group of gods?
a. secular c. culture
b. religion d. spirituality
_________10. It deals with the system of government and the analysis of political activity
and political behavior.
a. public policy c. international relationship
b. political theory d. political Science
Let’s Try
Directions: Answer the following questions.
2. Why are sociology, anthropology, and politics important in understanding the dynamics
of society?