Junaidy Shoaib Asad Profile 2018
Junaidy Shoaib Asad Profile 2018
Junaidy Shoaib Asad Profile 2018
Introduction to
Our Offices
Suite No. 9-A, Third Floor Imtiaz Plaza Shahra-e-Quaid-e-Azam Lahore
Phone: +92-042-36360253 +92-042-36369408
1 / 6 – P, Block 6, P.E.CH.S, Mohtarma Laeeq Begum Road, Off Shahra-e-Faisal,
Near Nursery Play over Karachi Phone: +92-021-34371910-3
77, Street No 45F10/4 Islamabad
Phone: +92-051-8356316-7
Office No. 104, Hotel Firdos Dera Adda,
Brief History of
The firm is QCR rated satisfactory by Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP). (latest
QCR April 2016). The firm is also enlisted on approved panel of auditors of State Bank of Pakistan
(SBP). The firm is on panel of various banks and Registrar of Co- operatives Lahore and Islamabad. It
is also enlisted with P & D Department Government of Punjab, Pakistan. The firm is also compliant
with ISQC1 international standard on quality control certified by ICAP. It is also ICAP approved
Training Organisation, Approved employer of ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants England &
Wales). It has received the award of Gold status as ACCA approved employer-trainee development,
in recognition of support provided to ACCA trainees working toward the ACCA qualification.
Our Team
21 106
Qualified Professional
Staff Staff
Junaidy Shoaib Asad Chartered Accountants has the following national and international
01 02 03 04
The firm is QCR The firm is also Certified auditors by ACCA Approved
rated satisfactory by enlisted on Security Exchange Employer – Trainee
Institute of approved panel of Commission of Development, Gold
Chartered auditors of State Pakistan.
Accountants of Bank of Pakistan
Pakistan (ICAP). (SBP).
(latest QCR April
Junaidy Shoaib Asad Chartered Accountants has the following national and
international recognition.
05 06
Both former associations were successful, well-established organizations, each with 25 years’
experience of helping members service their clients’ international needs.
In fact, both associations were established after the same ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants
in England and Wales) dinner in 1990 organised for French and UK accounting firms to forge links.
Aplitec met Morison Stoneham who went on to form Morison International and Kingston Smith met
Cabinet Sorel who went on to form KS International. The rest is history, as they say….
Our mission is to be a leading, quality-focused global association of independently
owned and operated full service firms who is able to serve its firms and their clients’
international needs with ease and confidence.
Values Purpose
Everything we do is guided by our We provide our members and
values: their clients with access to high-
1.Focus on members who are quality professional accountancy,
committed to service quality delivery auditing, tax and consulting in all
2.Equality of member firms, based on major locations around the world.
participation Culture
3.Client focused The key to our success is our
4.Unite via teamwork and Our unique culture. Whilst we have a
Mission professional outlook, we also have
5.Ethical and transparent a personality – making the
6.Ambitious, innovative and association and our members
passionate stand out from the crowd. We are
7.A professional, but fun and “family” fondly known as the "Morison KSi
culture family".
158 80 351 10,300 $1.002
Members Countries Offices Professional Turnover
Staff Billions
Sources: https://www.morisonksi.com/ (US)
Over the years the firm is operating, it has made its presence felt in the market and has built strong 01
reputation as providers of quality services with almost respect for the Ethical & Moral Standards..
JSA provides industry-focused services for public and private clients in order to build
public trust and enhance value through the application of what we call Linked Ideas. 02
Our service culture combined with our cumulative knowledge culminates
into innovative solutions to help promote the growth of our client’s
business. Before rendering innovative advice we minutely ensure that all 03
the legal and ethical obligations are respected. This is what we call
Innovative Solutions.
The firm is poised to deliver value added prompt
professional services to their valued clientele with 04
strong professional team lead by its Partners and
professional staff with country wide reach through its
offices in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Multan.
Our Services
Spheres of JSA professional services are broadly categorized as follows:
The role of assurance services in the running of a successful business has changed beyond just
fulfilling statutory requirements. We offer appropriate and timely advice in addition to statutory
reporting, which enable our clients to effectively handle issues requiring immediate attention and
further assist them in taking informed decisions on timely basis.
Our Assurance Services Include the Following:
While conducting audit engagement. JSA JSA helps the companies to develop a
takes into account all current and where corporate social responsibility (CSR)
appropriate, prospective auditing, /sustainability strategy that focuses on
accounting, and reporting regulations and key issues for the business and
guidance enhances relationships with key
stakeholder groups
Our Assurance Services Include the Following:
There is an increasing trend for sound business reasons for managements of large and small
companies to concentrate their resources and energies on core business activities and strategies by
availing and hiring external professional help for undertaking certain non-core activities, routine
functions, processes and activities. Outsourcing has thus come to be recognised as a distinct class
of service in itself prompted by considerations of cost control, judicious use of enterprise’s own
human capital and conservation of its own valuable time and resources for focusing on sound
business planning and execution of action for excelling in performance and profitability.
Outsourcing of non-core activities and functions, on a complete or partial basis, customized to the
specific needs of various clients, have assumed a wide dimension embracing multifarious tasks and
services which include:
2 4
Managing finance Internal audit on a
and accounting comprehensive,
department continuing or
need-specific basis.
1 3 5
Cloud based Payroll preparation Staff secondment
computing and and related on short or long
organization of services term basis.
finance function.
Outsourcing of non-core activities and functions, on a complete or partial basis, customized to the
specific needs of various clients, have assumed a wide dimension embracing multifarious tasks and
services which include:
6 7 8 9 10
Processing of high- Advisory and Undertaking book Support services Advisory related to
volume support related to keeping and to international double taxation
transactions development of a accounting tasks. lending and donor treaties.
involving repetitive customized agencies.
functions and integrated module
processes, such based software
as data input for covering specific
stand-alone or business
networking requirements of
solutions. the organizations.
Outsourcing of non-core activities and functions, on a complete or partial basis, customized to the
specific needs of various clients, have assumed a wide dimension embracing multifarious tasks and
services which include:
12 14
Advisory Advisory
related to related to
compliance of optimum
11 Sarbanes 13 organization
Advisory Oxley code Support structuring and
related to (SOX) and services to compliance
preparation of COSO international with best
business plans framework. lending and practices of
and budgets donor code of
agencies. corporate
Outsourcing of non-core activities and functions, on a complete or partial basis, customized to the
specific needs of various clients, have assumed a wide dimension embracing multifarious tasks and
services which include:
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) provides accounting, financial reporting and transaction-
intensive process support to clients. While your management concentrates on enhancing the core
business, our skilled professionals focus on your financial accounting and reporting. We perform
these functions efficiently and cost-effectively, using a broad knowledge of business processes and
financial software packages.
These resources not only enhance our Through Business Process Outsourcing
ability to help clients with their finance, (BPO) services, we take over a client's
accounting and applications outsourcing, back-office F&A and related procurement
but also assists them in selecting and business processes and manage them
implementing software systems; on an ongoing basis. We offer a full IFRS
establishing company-wide networks; compliant services and solutions,
writing policies and procedures; creating including transaction processing; financial
call centers; and, standardizing accounting and reporting; statutory
processing after mergers and /regulatory accounting and reporting;
acquisitions. and, transaction processing. Our
transaction processing services cover
payables, disbursements and expenses;
receivables, receipts and revenues;
general ledger; and, payroll.
Our approach to BPO is a highly collaborative blend of client and firm strengths. We
customize each engagement according to our client's processes, internal controls and
system requirements.
We assist businesses, individuals and organizations with tax strategy, planning, and compliance,
whilst also delivering a wide range of business advisory services with dedicated tax professionals.
Our Tax Services include the following
Income Tax Corporate Taxation Personal Taxation
08 Structuring Services
We help clients to identify the principal concerns that will determine the right
structure for a transaction. We can assist with marshalling the complex range of
factors including tax, legal, accounting and regulatory issues that will need to be
considered together.
Operating within stringent regulatory regime coping up with shifting market demand and industry
consolidation, sustaining continuing pressure for better returns and more transparency, &
exploring new opportunities in the markets are key challenges today’s business is faced with to
succeed. One must seize the opportunities while also managing the risks. JSA provide advice and
assistance to companies, corporations and other concerns. Our services helps our clients to
respond to immediate needs as well as to put in place the strategies for the longer term.
Our Business Consulting Includes the Following
Business Recovery Dispute Analysis & Modeling And
IT Consulting
Services Investigations Business Planning
We offer advisory We provide financial JSA support business JSA IT advisory help in
services to lenders, services to both lawyers planning combine bridging the
creditors, companies and corporate clients advanced resources communications gap
and individuals in who are involved in with commercial with a combination of
troubled financial litigation, arbitration, awareness based on in- technical skills and
situations to help you and other alternative depth direct experience business experience.
identify problems, gain dispute resolution of specific industry Our services lines
cooperation, develop forums. Whatever the sectors. Our dedicated include Information
solutions and implement situation, from breach of professionals also Systems (IS)
them with ease and contract or warranty to understand the Governance, Value and
precision. income losses from commercial imperatives Performance from IT, IT
torts, we can provide that drive business Project Risk (ERP)
seasoned experts to success. Technology Risk
Business Consulting
Enterprise Risk Third Party
Human Capital Aid to Industry
Management Assurance
JSA can help to reduce We advise clients on Through quality training We provide third party
governance risk, how to maximize the and support, we aim to assurance services to a
increase risk awareness efficiency and help you improve the wide range of clients
and improved reporting, effectiveness of their effectiveness of your across a number of
risk mitigation savings, Human Resources (HR) organization by sectors including
operating savings, lower service delivery, ranging enabling your banking, IT, asset
cost of capital , from process design to professionals to reach management and
improved controls, self-service the highest standards of insurance.
Improved capital applications, and performance.
efficiency considering insourcing,
outsourcing and
offshoring solutions.
Our Major Clients
Corporations / Authorities
❑ Karachi Export Processing Zone Authority
❑ Defense Housing Authority Karachi
❑ Defense Housing Authority Lahore
❑ Bank of Punjab Limited (BOP)
❑ AKD Capital Limited
❑ HBL Asset Management Limited
❑ Pak Oman Asset Management Company Limited
❑ IGI Income Fund Limited
❑ UBL Asset Management Limited
Public Sector
❑ Quaid - E- Azam Solar Power (Pvt) Limited (QASP)
❑ Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Mall Department Punjab
❑ Higher Education Department Punjab
❑ Primary and Secondary healthcare Department.
Insurance Companies
❑ The Universal Insurance Company Limited
❑ Adamjee Insurance Company Limited
❑ PICIC Insurance Limited
❑ Pak Qatar Family Takaful Limited
❑ Pak Qatar General Takaful Limited
❑ The Co-operative Insurance Society of Pakistan Limited
Mr. Farrukh V. Mr. Junaidy remained an elected member of the Council of the institute of Chartered
Junaidy Accountants of Pakistan for four years and remained its vice president for two years.
Senior Partner
Mr. Junaidy has 30 years diversified experience. He possesses 15 years experience with
Fellow Member of KPMG Pakistan, including 6 year as Partner with KPMG.
the Institute of
Chartered He was one of the key members on the tax reform administration study, responsible for
Accountants of carrying out studies on fiscal statutes and was an associate to the Task force on Sales Tax
Pakistan (ICAP) constituted by Government of Pakistan in 1999 for this assignment.
He also served as Group Chief Financial Officer of Large conglomerate. As Chief Executive
Officer of cement units he was actively involved in plant expansion and modernization.
Mr. Asad He served as Partner Audit & Assurance and Incharge Quality Control in ‘Muniff
Feroze Ziauddin Junaidy’ (MZJ) Chartered Accountants, a member firm of BKR International.
Partner Lahore (August 2009 - December 2012).
He also served as a Director Audit & Assurance and Taxation services Mumtaz
LLB, FITM, Balouch & Co Chartered Accountants, Pakistan; (December 2004 - February 2007).
As trainee student, undergone rigorous training in the Audit and Consultancy of the
firm A. F. Ferguson & Co., Chartered Accountants (Member firm of Price Waterhouse
Coopers). (September 2000-September 2004)
Mr. Asad Feroze
Mr. Asad is Actively engaged in income tax consultancy assignments and regularly
appears in appellate forums of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). More than 100
Mr. Asad
appearances in FBR appellate forums.
Partner Lahore
Office He carried out extensive work as “Tax Consultant of World Bank” from January 2017
to June 2017 on various specialized issues related to taxes and their implementation
FCA, FCCA(UK), in Pakistan.
FPFA He also carried out extensive work in Assignment of “Evaluation of bids for Financial
Advisory Services to privatize Quaid- e Azam Solar Power (Private) Limited (QASP)”
by Punjab Privatization Board Government of the Punjab.
Mr. Asad Feroze
ICAP, Lahore Pakistan; (October 2015-october 2016).
LLB, FITM, Secretary Northern Regional Committee
ICAP (October 2013-september 2017)
Elected Member Northern Regional Committee (Zone A)
•Reviewed the technical and financial evaluation work for the assignment 'Evaluation
of Bids for Financial Advisory Services to Privatize Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power (Pvt.)
Mr. Shoaib A. Ltd.
Waseem •Engagement partner for external financial audit of District Headquarter Hospital
Partner Lahore Nankana Sahib for the financial year 2015-16. Involved in various meetings with
Office Higher Education Department regarding the above assignment.
FCA, FITM, •Carried out technical and financial evaluation of the Project Provision of 100,000
FPFA Laptops During the Financial Year 2016-17 by the Higher Education Department,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore.
•Engagement Partner Financial audit of Mian Shahbaz Sharif Hospital, Bedian Road,
Lahore for the financial year 2015-16 (in process).
•Engagement Partner in Special Assignment for Capital Development Authority
Islamabad regarding verification of expenses incurred in Joint Venture with Multi-
professional Cooperative Society Islamabad.
Mr. Shoaib Ahmed Waseem
•Engagement Review Partner audit of “Soldiers Welfare Organization Lahore” (Last 9
years till the year 2015)
Mr. Shoaib A. •Engagement Partner audit of “CMH Medical College and Institute of Dentistry” Lahore
Waseem (For the years 2014 and 2015)
Partner Lahore
•Engagement Partner audit of “Lahore Garrison University” Lahore (For the years
Office ended 2011-12 and 2012-13)
•Engagement Partner audit of “Lahore Garrison and Education System” Lahore
(Financial years ended 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012)
•Engagement Review Partner, “Pre- Audit of Contractor Billings at DHA Lahore” from
2007 to date.
•Engagement Review partner, “Tax Audits” two assignments through Federal Board of
Revenue Government of Pakistan.
Mr. Naveed Alam
Mr. Alam is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan
(ICAP). He is serving as a Partner in the Firm. Mr. Alam possesses over 18 years vast
experience of handling accounting, taxation and corporate matters.
Mr. Naveed He has served KPMG Pakistan for over 12 years, including 2 years as Director in tax
Alam department.
Partner Karachi
Office Mr. Alam also worked in corporate advisory and secretarial department of
Fellow Member of KPMG. During association with the KPMG, he looked after IPO of various banks and
the Institute of financial institutions. Represented KPMG’s' clients before Securities & Exchange
Chartered Commission of Pakistan, Monopoly Control Authority, State Bank of Pakistan &
Accountants of
Government of Pakistan. He was also involved in the advisory to foreign investors on
Pakistan (ICAP)
issues relating to investment in Pakistan under the policies of Board of Investment.
Mr. Alam was Senior Manager in Internal Audit department of National Development
Leasing Corporation (Now NIB Bank Limited). Before that he was in Central
Depository Company of Pakistan Limited and established Investor Accounts Service
Mr. Rukhsar Ahmed
Rukhsar Ahmed is the Partner In charge of Islamabad Officer of the firm and is an
Associate member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and a fellow
member of Association of Certified Chartered Accountants, England. He is the founder
Mr. Rukhsar partner of RA & Co and has a working experience of almost ten years.
Ahmed Before joining J.S.A & Co., Mr. Ahmed was practicing with the name of Rukhsar
Partner Ahmed & Co. Chartered Accountants. He has extensive experience of large audit
Islamabad office assignments involving several multi-location programs and a large range of project
audits and donor support services. He also possesses vast experience in directing
ACA, FCCA, assignments related to review of internal controls and monitoring, review and appraisal
APA, CFE systems for various not for profit organizations. He has conducted the audits of
listed companies, private limited companies, Banks, Financial Institutions, Public
Sector Entities as well as directed audits of Asian Development Bank funded projects,
United Nations Development Program funded projects, United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees, Afghanistan, United Nations International Drug Control
Program, USAID, US Protection and Intelligence Company, Afghanistan Concern
Worldwide Limited, Afghanistan, World Vision and Save the Children along with audits
Mr. Rukhsar Ahmed
of the grants disbursed by Royal Netherlands Embassy to the Aga Khan Rural Support
Program, International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI), Social Forestry Project
and Fata Integrated Agricultural Development Project. He was also the assignment
Mr. Rukhsar leader on the review of Business Efficiency Improvement Project of United Nations
Ahmed Development Program, Pakistan.
Islamabad office Besides, he was also involved in the audit of various projects and programs of
International not for profit organizations including Netherlands Organization for
ACA, FCCA, International Development Corporation (NOVIB), Canadian International Development
APA, CFE Agency (CIDA), Ockenden International, FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance – Europe
Foundation and International Union for Conservation of Nature.