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This Study Resource Was: Rizal'S Retraction

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Reasons for Retraction Afterwards he asked to leave to write
and wrote for a long time by himself.
 To save his family and town from further
 3:00 PM, December 29 1896. Father
March entered the chapel and Rizal
 To give Josephine a legal status as his
handed him what he had written. The
chief of the firing squad, Señor del
 To secure reforms from the Spanish
Fresno and the Assistant of the Plaza,
Señor Maure entered the death row and
 To help the church
together with Rizal signed the document
Major arguments for the retraction that the accused had written.

 The Retraction Document discovered in Josephine Bracken (October 3, 1876 –

1935 March 15, 1902)
 The testimony of the press at the time of Josephine Bracken’s letter
the event, of “eye witnesses,” and other
“qualified witnesses”  Last Part...
 His “Roman Catholic Marriage” to  This is when I was nineteen years of
Josephine Bracken age. 1895
 On the 20th of July 1896, Dr. Rizal
Fr. Vicente Balaguer left Dapitan for Cuba as a doctor in the

er as
army. But unfortunately they (the
 His first missionary assignment was in Spanish authorities) brought him back

Surigao again and shot him on the 30th
eH w
 But in 1896, he was transferred to December 1896. Before his execution
Dapitan. A year later, he was in Davao. he married me at 5 o’ clock in the
rs e

 He founded the catechetical center in morning.

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Tondo, Manila.  This is when I am twenty years of

 Returned to Spain in 1899, and died in age. 1896
Orihuela on 1 October 1922.  Josephine Bracken de Rizal. A

 He claimed that he manage to persuade

 Good bye Father I am dead.
Rizal to denounce masonry and return
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 In an affidavit executed in 1917, he also
 The Imitation of Christ (Latin: De
claimed that he was the one the one
Imitatione Christi) by Thomas à Kempis
who solemnized the marriage of is a Christian devotional book. ... The
ed d

Josephine Bracken and Jose Rizal approach taken in the Imitation is

ar stu

THE TESTIMONY OF CUERPO DE characterized by its emphasis on the

interior life and withdrawal from the
world, as opposed to an active imitation
 7:50 AM, December 29 1896. Jose of Christ by other friars. A book about

Rizal entered death row accompanied imitating the path of Christ.


by his counsel, Señor Taviel de ANALYSIS OF THE DOCUMENT

Andrade, and the Jesuit priest Vilaclara.
And was served a breakfast.  Different terms, “Mis cualidades” and “Mi
 9:00 AM, December 29 1896. the cualidad”

Assistant of the Plaza, Señor Maure,  In Fr. Balaguer's copy, the word “misma”
was written but was not present in the
asked Rizal if he wanted anything. He
original copy
replied that at the moment he only
 In the copy of Fr. Balaguer, the second
wanted a prayer book which was paragraph does not begin before the
brought to him shortly by Father March. fifth sentence
 10:00 AM, December 29 1896. Señor  In Fr. Balaguer's copy, the word misma
Andrade left death row. Rizal spoke for a was written before the third iglesia which
long while with the Jesuit fathers, March was not present in the original text.
and Vilaclara, regarding religious  In the original copy the second
matters, it seems.It appears that these paragraph begins after the second
two presented him with a prepared sentence
retraction on his life and deeds that he In the "original copy" there were only 4
refused to sign. They argued about the commas while Fr. Balaguer's copy has
matter until 12:30 when Rizal ate some 11
poached egg and a little chicken.

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