IT 101 Unit 2 Activity
IT 101 Unit 2 Activity
IT 101 Unit 2 Activity
Direction: Complete the following exercises using a computer in your home. If computer is not
available use your smartphone.
1. What kind of software is installed on your computer? To find out, all you have to do is turn on
your computer. After it starts, you should see a collection of icons-small pictures that represent
the programs and other resources on your computer. List the icons that appear on your screen
and the names of the software programs they represent.
MS Word-Word Processor
2. Get some help. If you do not know how to perform a task on your computer, turn to its online
help system for answers and assistance. Browse your operating system’s help system to learn
more about your computer. Write the steps on how to check or identify what type of operating
system installed in your computer. You may include screen shots on each step
First, click the Start button that is located at the lower left side of the screen.
Go to System.
Go to About and you can see there what type of operating system installed in your computer.
3.Explore your disk. Once you are familiar with your computer’s hardware, it is time see folders
and files that reside on its hard disk. How many partitions do you have in your computer? Select
a hard disk and write the steps on how to create a folder and save a file. Include a screen shot in
every step.
There are 8 portions in my computer which are the Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Videos,
Music, Downloads, Local Disk C and Local Disk D.
1. What type of computer system do you see in class or in the lab? (Your senior high laboratory
rooms) How much can you tell about the system by looking at it? List as much information as
you can about the computer. What brand is it? What type of processor does it have? What
external devices does it have? Is it connected to a network or printer?
The Computer Systems that I saw in my senior high school laboratory was Personal Computer.
The system was installed with multiple application software that are use for educational purpose
like MS Office, AutoCAD, and more. It is running on Windows 10. The brand of the computer is
Dell. The processor it has is Intel core i5. The external devices are mouse, keyboard, printer,
projector, speaker, and microphone. Yes, it is connected to a network or printer.
Direction: Using your own choice of resources (such as the Internet, books, magazines and
newspapers, articles), research and write a short paper discussing one of the following topics
Scientists have developed the world’s smallest computer – a device that measures just 0.3
millimetres and could help find new ways to monitor and treat cancer. Previous systems,
including the 2x2x4 millimetre Michigan Micro Mote, retain their programming and data
even when they are not externally powered. Unplug a desktop computer, and its program and
data are still there when it boots itself up once the power is back. However, these new
microdevices lose all prior programming and data as soon as they lose power. “We are not
sure if they should be called computers or not. It’s more of a matter of opinion whether they
have the minimum functionality required,” said David Blaauw, a professor at the University
of Michigan in the US, who led the development of the new system.
2. The history of computer operating system
The first operating system was created by General Motors in 1956 to run a single IBM
central computer. In the 1960s, IBM was the first computer manufacturer to take on the task
of developing operating systems and began distributing operating systems included in its
computers. The first operating systems were developed in the 1950s, when computers could
only run one program at a time. Later in the following decades, computers began to include
more and more software programs, sometimes called libraries, that came together to create
the start of today’s operating systems. In the late 1960s, the first version of the Unix
operating system was developed. Written in programming language C, and available for free
during its early years. Unix easily adapted to the new systems and quickly achieved wide
acceptance. Many modern operating systems, including Apple OS X and all different
versions of Linux, date back or rely on the Unix OS. Microsoft Windows was developed in
response to an IBM request for an operating system to run its range of personal computers or
PCs.The first operating system created by Microsoft was not called Windows, it was called
MS-DOS and it was built in 1981 when it bought the 86-DOS operating system from Seattle
Computer Products and modified it to meet IBM requirements. The Windows name was first
used in 1985 when a graphical user interface was created and paired or joined with the MS-
DOS.Today Apple, OS X, Microsoft Windows and the various forms of Linux (including
Android) dominate the vast majority of the modern operating systems market, as we saw