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Irritational Fibroma A Case Report

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Irritational Fibroma – A Case Report

Article · May 2019


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3 authors, including:

Dr. Bhuvan Nagpal

Manglam Diagnostics, Hisar


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Irritational Fibroma – A Case Report
Dr. Ashwani Kumar1, Dr. Anupam Nagpal 2, Dr. Bhuvan Nagpal 3
PG Student1, Consultant & Head2, Consultant3 , Department of Oral Pathology1,3, Department of Dental Surgery2, Rajasthan Dental College, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Chronic irritational factors like plaque, calculus, overhanging margins, trauma and dental appliances are the major causes for reactive hyperplastic
growths seen in the oral cavity. This paper reports a case of irritation fibroma in a 40-year-old female in relation to gingiva of 12, 13, 14 region. Excisional
biopsy was done and diagnosis of irritational fibroma was rendered on the basis of histopathological evaluation.
Keywords: Irritation fibroma, buccal mucosa, reactive fibrous hyperplasia
How to cite this Article: Kumar A, Nagpal A, Nagpal B. Irritational Fibroma – A Case Report.HTAJOCD.2018

Introduction more often it occurs in incisor cuspid region, 9. Bagde H. Peripheral Cemento Ossifying Fibroma–Case
Report. Int J Dent Case Reports. 2012;2(5):15-8.

O vergrowths which are frequently

observed in the oral cavities are
usually benign. Various kinds of
reactive lesions may occur on gingival mucosa.
The etiology for these lesions may be irritants
ranging between 55-62% as found in the present
case. The lesion was present in relation to
12,13,14 teeth region. As per recent past
literature, very few cases lesions of 6 cm and 9
cm are reported. The surface of lesion may be
10. Walters JD, Will JK, Hatfield RD, Cacchillo DA, Raabe
DA. Excision and repair of the peripheral ossifying
fibroma: a report of 3 cases. Journal of periodontology.

like plaque, calculus, overhanging margins and ulcerated in 66% of cases and intact in 34% of
restorations. Irritational fibroma represents a cases. In our case, dimensions of lesion were 3.5
reactive focal fibrous hyperplasia due to trauma cm x 2.5 cm. The lesion represents a range of
or local irritation. In the present paper, a case of stages of fibroma with ossification. Bone
irritation fibroma in a 40-year-old female in formation or dystrophic calcification may be
maxillary anterior region has been presented. seen with foci of radiopaque material, especially
Case Report in large lesions. Fibroma can produce
A 40-year-old female patient came with interdental destruction of bone with migration of
chief complaint of persistent swelling of gingiva teeth. Histopathological features of irritational
in maxillary anterior region from past two years. fibroma are stratified squamous epithelium
Her medical, dental and family history was non- which can be intact or ulcerated along with
contributory. The lesion was gradually atrophy. Treatment of irritational fibroma
increased in size with no history of bleeding and include scaling, root planing and surgical
pain. Intra-oral clinical examination revealed a excision of lesion with totally removal of the
well defined sessile and firm growth in relation lesion with healthy margins including Fig. 1: Intra-oral clinical examination revealed a well
to buccal aspect of gingiva of 12, 13,14 region, periodontal ligament and periosteum to defined sessile and firm swelling in relation to
buccal aspect of gingiva of 12,13,14 region
measuring approximately 3.5 x 2.5 cm in minimize recurrence of lesion. Any other local
diameter, extending from distal surface of 12 to irritants like an ill-fitting denture or dental
mesial surface of 14, lower border of the lesion appliance and high restoration present in any
extends up to the middle third level of 12, 13 and tooth should be removed. Long-term follow-up
upper border extends up to the vestibule. (Figure is very important as these types of lesion have
1). On basis of clinical symptoms; provisional high growth potential due to incomplete
diagnosis of irritational fibroma was given. removal.
Differential diagnosis included chronic fibrous Conclusion
hyperplasia, pyogenic granuloma, peripheral Irritational fibroma clinically resembles
ossifyinf fibroma and peripheral giant cell with various lesions such as and peripheral giant
granuloma. Under local anesthesia, excisional cell granuloma, pyogenic granuloma so proper
biopsy was performed (Figure 2) and sent for histopathologic investigation and radiographic
histopathological examination. Histopatho- evaluation are necessary for exact and final Fig. 2: Excision of the
logical features of the excised specimen showed diagnosis. swelling was done under local anaesthesia
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