Application of Components Made by Aerospace Materials: Chapter # 3

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Application of

Components Made by
Aerospace Materials
Chapter # 3
The transport aircraft (Boeing 747)
and its main structural sections.
Schematic view of a turbofan
• Engines consist of cold (fan, compressor and casing)
and hot (combustion chamber and turbine) sections.
• The material choice depends on the working
• The components of cold sections require materials with
high specific strength and corrosion resistance. Ti and
Al alloys are very good for these applications.
• For instance, the working temperature of the
compressor is in the range of 500–600 °C, and the Ti-
6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo alloy (YS = 640 MPa at 450 °C;
excellent corrosion resistance) is the most commonly
used material.
• For the hot sections, materials with good creep
resistance, mechanical properties at high temperature
and high-temperature corrosion resistance are
required, and Ni-base super alloys are the optimal
Aluminum Alloys
• For many years, Al alloys have been the most widely used materials in aeronautics, however, the scenario is
rapidly evolving, as shown by Table 2.
• Anyway, in spite of the rising use of composites, Al alloys still remain materials of fundamental importance for
structural applications owing to their light weight, workability and relative low cost, and relevant improvements
have been achieved especially for 2XXX, 7XXX and Al-Li alloys.
• In general, the 2XXX series alloys are used for fatigue critical applications because they are highly damage
tolerant; those of the 7000 series are used where strength is the main requirement, while Al–Li alloys are chosen
for components which need high stiffness and very low density.
Aluminum Alloys
• 2XXX Series—(Al-Cu)
• Where damage tolerance is the primary criterion for structural applications, Al-Cu alloys
(2XXX series) are the most used materials. 2024-T3 is still one of the most widely used
alloys in fuselage construction.
• 7XXX Series—(Al-Zn)
• Among all metals, Zn has the highest solubility in Al, and the strength results improved
by increasing Zn content. The 7XXX series alloys represent the strongest Al alloys, and are
used for high-stressed aeronautic components; for example, upper wing skins, stringers
and stabilizers are manufactured with the alloy 7075 (YS = 510 MPa).
• Al-Li Alloys
• Al-Li alloys exhibit lower density and better specific mechanical properties than those of the 2XXX and
7XXX series; thus, they are excellent materials for aeronautic applications. For example, the use of the
2060-T8 Al-Li alloy for fuselage panels and wing upper skin results in 7% and 14% weight reduction if
compared to the more conventional 2524 and 2014 alloys, respectively.
Aluminum Alloys
• 2XXX Series—(Al-Cu)
• Where damage tolerance is the primary criterion for structural applications, Al-Cu alloys (2XXX series) are the most used materials.
2024-T3 is still one of the most widely used alloys in fuselage construction.
• 7XXX Series—(Al-Zn)
• Among all metals, Zn has the highest solubility in Al, and the strength results improved by increasing Zn content. The 7XXX series
alloys represent the strongest Al alloys, and are used for high-stressed aeronautic components; for example, upper wing skins,
stringers and stabilizers are manufactured with the alloy 7075 (YS = 510 MPa).
• Al-Li Alloys
• Al-Li alloys exhibit lower density and better specific mechanical properties than those of the 2XXX and 7XXX series; thus, they are excellent materials for
aeronautic applications. For example, the use of the 2060-T8 Al-Li alloy for fuselage panels and wing upper skin results in 7% and 14% weight reduction
if compared to the more conventional 2524 and 2014 alloys, respectively.

• Aluminum Composites
• Composites with a metal, ceramic and polymer matrix are increasingly used in the aeronautic industry, replacing other materials
(see Table 2). They are of relevant interest for applications in both structural and engine parts of aircrafts.
• Metal matrix composites of light alloys (Al, Ti, Mg) are usually reinforced by ceramics (SiC, Al2O3, TiC, B4C), in the form of long fibers,
short fibers, whiskers or particles. Typically, these composites are prepared using SiC or Al2O3 particles instead of fibers, which are
used only for special applications, such as some parts of Space Shuttle Orbiter.
Titanium Alloys
• Owing to their excellent specific strength and corrosion resistance, Ti alloys are increasingly used for
manufacturing structural parts of aircrafts. They are also employed in engine sections operating at
intermediate temperature (500–600 °C).
• Ti alloys can be divided into three main classes (α, β and α-β).
• In general, α-Ti alloys have better creep behavior and corrosion resistance than β-Ti alloys, therefore, some of
them (e.g., Ti-3Al-2.5V, Cp-Ti, Ti-5-2.5, Ti-8-1-1, Ti-6-2-4-2S, IMI829) are commonly used to make compressor
disks and blades of aeronautic engines.
• β-Ti alloys exhibit higher strength and fatigue behavior than the α-Ti alloys, thus they are employed for high-
stressed aircraft components, e.g., landing gear and springs are currently manufactured using Ti-15V-3Cr-3Al-
3Sn and Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr alloys, while Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al, Ti-15Mo-2.7Nb-3Al-0.2Si, Ti-5Al5V5Mo3Cr0.5Fe
and Ti-35V-35Cr are applied in airframe parts.
Titanium Alloys
• Ti-6Al-4V is the most used Ti alloy owing to its excellent combination of mechanical
properties (strength, fracture toughness and ductility) and corrosion resistance. Ti-6Al-2Zr-
2Sn-3Mo-1Cr-2Nb, Ti-6Al-2Sn-2Zr-2Cr-2Mo-Si and ATI 425 are other α-β–Ti alloys widely
used for manufacturing aircraft parts such as fuselage, landing gear and compressor disks.
• Ti Composites Reinforced with SiC Fibers are materials of great interest for aeronautic
applications and, in particular, attention has been focused on those reinforced with long
ceramic fibers. Among them, the Ti6Al4V-SiCf composite is a promising material for turbine
components and structural high-stressed parts.
Magnesium Alloys
• Mg is the lightest metal used in structural applications and exhibits excellent castability, with
good fluidity and less susceptibility to hydrogen porosity than other cast metals such as Al
• Ultra-High Strength Steels (UHSS) are commonly used for manufacturing aircraft parts such
as landing gears, airframes, turbine components, fasteners, shafts, springs, bolts, propeller
cones and axles.
Ni-Based Superalloys
• Ni-based superalloys with a biphasic structure (γ + γ‘) are usually employed to manufacture
parts of aeronautic engines such as blades and rotors operating in the highest temperature
range (1100–1250 °C).
Evolution of aeronautical materials
Orville and Wilbur Wright, Ohio, 1904

Orville and Wilbur Wright

Wood and

The first aircraft of the Wright brothers

Evolution of aeronautical materials


Junker J1
Evolution of aeronautical materials


Junker J7
Evolution of aeronautical materials


De Havilland Comet
Evolution of aeronautical materials

The A300 would feature the first use of 4%

composite materials of any European
passenger large aircraft.



A300: The first twin-engine wide-body aircraft in the world

Evolution of aeronautical materials


Evolution of aeronautical materials



Steel 61%
Evolution of aeronautical materials

• Not-movable parts: Metallic

• Movable parts: Composites
• Engines and pylons: Steel/Titanium
• Landing gear: Steel
Evolution of aeronautical materials

52% of composite materials The A350 is the first Airbus aircraft

with both fuselage and wing
structures made primarily by
carbon fibre reinforced polymer.


Evolution of aeronautical materials
Weight reduction

The latest development in the field of aerospace materials arises from the use of
application-specific materials.

• The A380, which at 61 % has the lowest percentage of aluminum by weight

of all flying Airbus models, has 20 different alloys and tempers compared to
the six ulitized on the A320/330 aircraft.

• The A380 also features the application of a new material, GLARE, for fuselage
skins which shows improved fatigue and impact properties at a lower density
than existing materials.

• Extensive use of GLARE and CFRPs in A380 has led to weight reduction of 15
tones compared to what would be if metallic materials were used.
Aircraft structural materials

Aluminum-based alloys
Alloy Main alloying elements Typical grain Ultimate Tensile Young Density Elongation
(% wt) size Strength Modulus (g/cm3) at fracture
(MPa) (GPa) (%)
2024 T3 4% Cu - 1.5% Mg- 0.5% Mn 40μm 448 73.1 2.78 18

7075 0.25% Cr-1.5% Cu- 0.5% Fe- 2.5% Mg 30μm 572 71.7 2.81 11
-0.4%Si - 5% Zn
6063 0.9% Mg - 0.6% Si- 0.35% Fe 15μm 241 68.9 2.70 12

8024 4.2% Li – 0.2% Zr- 0.1% Si- 0.12% Fe 25μm 340 77 2.54 13

Magnesium-based alloys
Alloy Main alloying elements Typical grain Ultimate Tensile Young Density Elongation
(% wt) size Strength Modulus (g/cm3) at fracture
(MPa) (GPa) (%)
AZ31C-F 97% Mg - 2.5% Al - 0.5% Zn 15μm 260 45 1.77 15

AZ61A-F 92% Mg - 6.5% Al - 0.4% Zn - 0.1% 25μm 310 45 1.80 16

Aircraft structural materials

Titanium-based alloys

Alloy Main alloying elements Typical Ultimate Tensile Young Density Elongation
(% wt) grain size Strength Modulus (g/cm3) at fracture
(MPa) (GPa) (%)
Ti-6Al-4V 89.4% Ti – 6% Al – 4% V – 0.4% Fe – 40 μm 950 114 4.43 14
Grade 5 0.2%O

Ti-5Al-2.5Sn 90.6%Ti - 5%Al – 3%Sn – 0.1%C – 35μm 861 110 4.48 16

Grade 6 0.2%O – 0.05%Fe- 0.05%N –

Nickel-based alloys

Alloy Main alloying elements Typical Ultimate Tensile Young Density Elongation
(% wt) grain size Strength Modulus (g/cm3) at fracture
(MPa) (GPa) (%)
INCONEL 70%Ni – 15%Cr – 7.5%Fe – 2.5%Ti 35μm 1250 214 8.28 30
X-750 – 1%Nb – 1%Co – 1%Mn – 0.5%Cu –
0.5%Si – 1%Al
NIMONIC 69%Ni – 21%Cr – 2%Ti – 2%Co – 40μm 1250 222 8.19 30
80A 2%Fe – 1%Mn – 1%Si – 1.8%Al –
Aircraft structural materials

Composite materials
Material Ultimate Tensile Young Density
Strength Modulus (g/cm3)
(MPa) (GPa)
Carbon fiber reinforced epoxy 1550 137.8 1.55
resin (unidirectional)
Glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin 965 39.3 1.85
Kevlar fiber reinforced epoxy resin 1378 75.8 1.38
Boron fiber reinforced Al 6061- 1109 220 1.55
Metals vs Composite materials
Specific properties of aeronautical materials
Aeronautical Structural Materials Density Specific Young Specific strength
(gr/cm3) modulus (MPa*cm3/gr)
2024 T3 2.78 26290 161.15

7075 2.81 25510 203.55

6063 2.70 25518 89.25

AZ31C-F 1.77 25420 146.89

Ti-6Al-4V Grade 5 4.43 25730 214.44

INCONEL 8.28 25845 150.96

Kevlar fiber 1.38 46086 927.53
reinforced epoxy
Carbon fiber 1.55 89873 1443
reinforced epoxy
Carbon fiber 1.57 85350 915.50
thermoplastic (CFRTP)
Metals vs Composite materials

Composite materials Metals

• High strength-to-weight ratio • Complex shapes
Advantages • Tailored mechanical properties in • High ductility
various directions • Damage resistance
• Corrosion resistance • Conductive
• Impact resistance • Easy to fabricate
• Design flexibility • Joinable by various methods
• Fatigue resistance • Cost effective

• Reduced electrical conductivity • Heavy structures (low strength-


• Inferior fire resistance to-weight ratio)

• Brittleness • Prone to corrosion damage
• Unpredictability • Inferior creep resistance
• Lack of recyclability

Reference Book
Introduction to Aerospace Materials by Adrian P. Mouritz
Published by Woodhead Publishing Limited

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