Ehlers Filters

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Ehlers Filters

John Ehlers

The most common filters used by traders are Moving Averages – either Simple
Moving Averages (SMA) or Exponential Moving Averages (EMA). These are linear
filters. Linear filters are optimal for smoothing stationary, slowly varying signals that are
corrupted with high frequency noise. Unfortunately, price data is not stationary much of
the time. A coin flip experiment is an example of a statistical stationary process.
However, if weighted coins are introduced into the experiment randomly, the statistics of
the experiment now depend on which coin is used, and therefore are nonstationary.
The signals we deal with can often be described statistically. For example, human
speech has noise-like statistics. The process is nonstationary because it changes from
moment to moment. Although speech has noise-like characteristics, that is not to say
that it does not carry information (unless coming from a lawyer or politician). Price data
resembles speech in statistical characteristics. It is both noise-like and nonstationary.
One of the main problems we encounter in trading when using technical analysis is that
we must attempt to restore signals that are often nonstationary and are also corrupted
by noise. When dealing with nonstationary signals that have sharp transitions of their
mean or when dealing with impulsive noise, linear filtering techniques give poor results.
In this article I will describe how you can make some amazing nonlinear filters that
better handles these signals.
There are two basic kinds of filters, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters and
Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters. An EMA is an example of an IIR filter. An
impulse the mathematical equivalent of a sharp spike. In sampled data, the impulse
has a value of one for only one sample and the data is zero for all other samples. In
contrast, when an impulse is applied to an IIR Filter, a portion of the first output is fed
back to the input and added to the next data input sample. Because this calculation is
iterative, the effects of the impulse is theoretically present in the output forever – hence
the name IIR. When the impulse is applied to the input of an FIR Filter, a SMA for
example, the effects of the impulse will be present in the filter output only over the
length of the filter and the output will be zero otherwise – hence the name FIR.
Perry Kaufman, Tushar Chande (see the sidebar) and others have designed
nonlinear IIR filters to better smooth market data. The basic approach is to craft a
volatility-adjusted value for the alpha parameter in an EMA. These are certainly
workable approaches, but their effectiveness is constrained by the opposing
requirements of providing adequate smoothing while vigorously attacking major price
The filters I have invented are nonlinear FIR filters. It turns out that they provide
both extraordinary smoothing in sideways markets and aggressively follow major price
movements with minimal lag. The development of my filters starts with a general class
of FIR filters called Order Statistic (OS) filters. In contrast to linear filters, where
temporal ordering of the samples is preserved, OS filters base their operation on the
ranking of the samples within the filter window. The data are ranked by their summary
statistics, such as their mean or variance, rather than by their temporal position.
Among OS filters, the median filter is the best known. It is used in video circuits
to sharpen the edges of images and to remove impulsive noise. In a median filter, the
output is the median value of all the data values within the observation window. As
opposed to an averaging filter, the median filter simply discards all data except the
median value. In this way, impulsive noise spikes and extreme price data are
eliminated rather than being included in the average. The median value can fall at the
first sample in the data window, at the last sample, or anywhere in between. Thus,
temporal characteristics are lost. For example if the data inputs to a five tap FIR filter
are sequentially [3 4 3 3 9], the median value is 4. This median is neither the average
value (which is 4.4) nor the value at the center of the filter. In this case the big data
spike value of 9 is ignored. As another example, if the data inputs were [3 3 3 8 9] the
median value is 8, as opposed to the average value of 5.2. This example shows the
median filter can follow fast changes in data rapidly.
The median filter tends to smooth out short-term variations that lead to whipsaw
trades with linear filters. On the other hand, the lag of a median filter in response to a
sharp and sustained price movement is substantial – it necessarily is about half the filter
window width. The response of a median filter that has a 10 bar window width is shown
in Figure 1. Note that the filter did not respond to small price movements in
October/November nor in January/February, which possibly could have eliminated
several potential whipsaw trades that would have been produced by linear filters.
Finding the median is a simple sorting problem. We only need to list the data
samples within the filter width in the order of the their amplitudes and pick the center
value. Median filters can be smoothed with an Exponential Moving Average to make
them more presentable and easier to read.
Like OS filters, Ehlers filters are robust. Additionally, they also exploit both the
rank-order and the temporal characteristics of the data. The generalized Ehlers filter
can be oriented to any statistic of your choice, making the coefficients extremely easy to
calculate. The most obvious statistic to use is price momentum because this data
enables the nonlinear Ehlers filter to rapidly follow price changes (as it enabled the
KAMA IIR filter to do the same). The range of statistic used is virtually limitless. For
example, the Ehlers filter could be nonlinear with respect to acceleration (the rate
change of momentum), signal-to-noise ratio, volume, money flow (delta price times
volume), and so on. Even other indicators, such as Stochastic or RSI can be used as a
statistic. This will become more apparent after I explain the calculating procedure.
Figure 1. Response of a 10 Bar Median Filter
The Ehlers filter has a formulation similar to that of the FIR filter. If “y” is the filter
output and “xi” is the ith input across a filter window width “n”, then the equation is:
y = c1x1 + c2x2 + c3x3 + c4x4 + . . . . . .+ cnxn
The c’s are the coefficients that contain the statistic in which you are interested. As a
simple example, a weighted moving average uses a statistic inversely proportional to
the data sample position within the averaging window. In TradeStation notation, the
equation for such a filter would be written as:
y = (4*Price + 3*Price[1] + 2*Price[2] + Price[3]) / 10
Note that a weighted moving average has each coefficient normalized to the sum of the
coefficients. This normalization keeps the average scaled that the same as the price on
your charts. For example, if all 5 prices within the filter are the same, then the filter
output necessarily is the same as any of those 5 prices. As a more general example, if
you are interested in the 5 bar momentum, each coefficient would be, in EasyLanguage
Price[count] – Price[count + 5]
Where count is the position within the filter window
In this way, the coefficients are ordered according to their size within the window. For
example, c3 could possibly have the largest momentum and c1 could be the next largest
momentum, and their temporal location within the filter is retained. Unity gain of the
filter is retained by normalizing all of the coefficients to their sum, just as we did for the
weighted moving average. So, the complete formal description of the Ehlers filter is:
n −1

∑c x i i
y= i =0
n −1

i =0

The statistic used in the Ehlers filters should be detrended for maximum
effectiveness. If we do not detrend the statistic, each of the coefficients will have a
large common term relative to any differences there may be between them. For
example, if a 5 tap filter has the statistic as [-1 –2 0 2 1], the statistic has no common
term, and there is a large percentage change between positions within the filter.
However, if the statistic is [99 98 100 102 101], the coefficients have a common term of
100 although the difference between coefficients is the same as in the first example. In
this latter case there is only a small percentage difference between the coefficients and
the Ehlers filter would have performance virtually indistinguishable from a simple
moving average.
The EasyLanguage code for the Ehlers filter is given in Figure 2 for the particular
example of a 5 bar momentum.
Figure 2. EasyLanguage Code to Compute Ehlers Filters
Inputs: Price((H+L)/2),

Vars: count(0),

Array: Coef[25](0);

{Coefficients can be computed using any statistic of choice ----

----- a 5 bar momentum is used as an example}

For count = 0 to Length - 1 begin

Coef[count] = AbsValue(Price[count] - Price[Count + 5]);

{Sum across the numerator and across all coefficients}

Num = 0;
SumCoef =0;
For count = 0 to Length -1 begin
Num = Num + Coef[count]*Price[count];
SumCoef = SumCoef + Coef[count];
Filt = Num / SumCoef;

Plot1(Filt, "Ehlers");

The example filter has fifteen coefficients, although the array of coefficients is
dimensioned to 25 to allow experimentation using a longer filter (if a filter longer than 25
samples is desired, the dimension of the Array must be increased accordingly). In the
first calculation we find each coefficient in the filter as the five bar momentum. The next
computation is to sum the numerator as the product of each coefficient and the price
(the x’s in the general equation) at the corresponding sample, and sums the coefficients
alone. Finally, the filter is completed by taking the ratio of the numerator to the
coefficient sum. The performance of this filter is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 illustrates the fact that the momentum-derived Ehlers filter clearly
responds quickly to rapid price movements while rejecting minor price movements to a
greater degree. This kind of filter can be used to quickly respond to changes in trend
direction without producing the whipsaws that are so prevalent when linear filters are
employed. The Ehlers filter can be made to be very aggressive by squaring each
The greater flexibility of Ehlers filters opens up whole new avenues of technical
analysis research. For example, the statistic can be some tangible parameter of market
activity such as money flow or volume. On the other hand, more arcane parameters
such as Signal to Noise Ratio can be used as the statistic. In this case, the coefficients
where the Signal to Noise Ratio is the greatest would have the largest weight,
discounting the price data values where the Signal to Noise Ratio is less. Also, Ehlers
filters can be adaptive. For example, the length of the 5 Bar Momentum Ehlers filter in
our example could be adaptive to the length of the measured cycle period. Such a filter
would be both adaptive and nonlinear.
The flexibility and adaptability of the Ehlers filter is demonstrated in Figure 4,
where the statistic used is the difference between the current price and the previously
calculated value of the filter. This version has some aspects of an IIR filter.

Figure 3. Performance of a 15 Bar Ehlers Filter using a 5 Bar Momentum Compared to

the Performance of a 15 Bar SMA

15 Bar Ehlers Filter:

5 Bar Momentum

15 Bar SMA
Figure 4. Performance of an Adaptive 15 Bar Ehlers Filter Compared to the
Performance of a 15 Bar SMA

15 Bar Adaptive
Ehlers Filter

15 Bar SMA

Regardless of the flexibility of the Ehlers filter, it is useful to step back and reflect
on the motivation for deriving this filter type. By so doing, we may discover an optimum
solution for the calculation of the coefficients. We know market data is most often
nonstationary. We also know that we want to follow the sharp and sustained
movements of price as closely as possible. This led video engineers to use the median
filter as an edge detector. But not all edges are the same. We can visualize the
sharpness of edges in Figure 5 by imaging looking down on this figure as we would on a
piece of paper, illuminated from above our left shoulder, and hanging over the edge of a
desk. The edge at the top of Figure 5 is very sharp, as if the paper were creased.
Continuing down Figure 5 the light diffusion is more dispersed, giving the illusion that
the edge becomes more rounded. In fact, the shading of Figure 5 was generated by a
Gaussian function whose standard deviation increased from top to bottom in the figure.
Figure 5. Visualizing the Sharpness of an Edge

If we consider the gray shading levels in Figure 5 as distances, we have a way of

computing filter coefficients in terms of sharpness of the edge. White is the maximum
distance in one direction from the median gray and black is the maximum distance in
the other direction. Thus, distance is a measure of departure from the edge, taking into
account the edge sharpness.
Transitioning to price charts, the difference in prices can be imagined as a
distance. Recalling the Pythagorean theorem (where the length of the hypotenuse of a
triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides), we can
apply it to our needs and say that a generalized length at any data sample is the square
root of the sum of the squares of the price difference between that price and each of the
prices back for the length of the filter window. The sum of the distances squared at
each data point are the coefficients of the Ehlers filter. Suppose the last 10 data values
were [1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5]. The coefficients of the Ehlers filter would then be calculated
C1 = 1 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 42 = 46
C2 = 1 + 22 + 32 + 32 + 32 = 32
C3 = 1 + 22 + 22 + 22 + 22 = 17
C4 = 1 + 1 +1 + 1 + 1 = 5
C5 = 0
The calculation of the distance-like coefficients are perhaps best understood with
reference to the EasyLanguage code for the filter in Figure 6. If the prices across the
filter observation window are the same, then the coefficients of the filter are all the
same, and we have the equivalent of a SMA. On the other hand, if the prices shift
rapidly, the distances from the increased price points increase, and higher weights are
given to these filter coefficients. The performance of the distance coefficient Ehlers filter
is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 6. EasyLanguage Code for the Distance Coefficient Ehlers Filter

Inputs: Price((H+L)/2),

Vars: count(0),

Array: Coef[25](0),

For count = 0 to Length - 1 begin

Distance2[count] = 0;
For LookBack = 1 to Length - 1 begin
Distance2[count] = Distance2[count] + (Price[count] – Price[count
+ LookBack])*(Price[count] - Price[count + LookBack]);
Coef[count] = Distance2[count];
Num = 0;
SumCoef =0;
For count = 0 to Length -1 begin
Num = Num + Coef[count]*Price[count];
SumCoef = SumCoef + Coef[count];
If SumCoef <> 0 then Filt = Num / SumCoef;

Plot1(Filt, "Ehlers");

The filter coefficients can be made to be even more nonlinear than calculated in
Figure 6. For example, the distance can be cubed or raised to the fourth power (by
squaring the squared distance). A reciprocal Gaussian response is an even more
nonlinear function of distance that we can use to calculate the filter coefficients. These
more nonlinear responses follow the edges in price movement more aggressively.
However, the very fact that they are so nonlinear removes much of the gray area in the
The most nonlinear calculations produce results that are not discernable from
median filters. The coefficients become black and white, so there is very little middle
ground gray area. The focus of my current research is to identify the onset of the price
shift more accurately. The currently calculated distance functions are related to the
change of price. In calculus terms, this is the first derivative. The shift of the rate
change of price is the ideal identifier for the impending price move. In calculus terms,
we can use the maximum of the second derivative to pinpoint the onset of the price
change. The challenge is how to translate the second derivative into filter coefficients
without introducing so much noise that the filter response is unusable.
The opportunities to use Ehlers filters in technical analysis are limitless. I
am sure whole books will be devoted to cataloging the various statistics and
applications where they work the best. In the meantime, you will have had the
opportunity of exploiting them for your own fun and profit.

John Ehlers is the president of MESA Software and is a frequent contributor to Stocks &
Commodities. This article is adapted from his forthcoming book, ROCKET SCIENCE
FOR TRADERS, published by John Wiley & Sons, with availability later this Spring.
Figure 7 Performance of the Distance Coefficient Ehlers Filter

15 Bar Ehlers Filter:

Distance Coefficents

15 Bar SMA
Kaufman’s Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) is based on the concept that a
noisy market requires a slower trend than one with less noise. The basic principle is
that the trendline must lag further behind the price in a relatively noisy market to avoid
being penetrated by the price. The moving average can speed up when the prices
move consistently in one direction. According to Perry Kaufman, who invented the
system, KAMA is intended to use the fastest trend possible, based on the smallest
calculation period for the existing market conditions. It does this by changing the alpha
of the EMA with each new sample. The equation for KAMA is:
KAMA = S*Price + (1 – S)*KAMA[1]
Where S = Smoothing factor
This is exactly the same equation that we use for the EMA except the variable S
replaces the alpha constant of the EMA.
The equation for the Smoothing factor involves two boundaries and an Efficiency
S = (E*(fastest – slowest) + slowest)2
Fastest means the alpha of the shortest period boundary. Slowest means the alpha of
the longest period boundary. The suggested period boundaries are 2 and 30 bars. In
this case the two alphas are calculated to be:
Fastest = 2/(2+1) = .6667
Slowest = 2/(30+1) = .0645
Simplifying the equation for the Smoothing factor, we get:
S = (.6022*E + .0645)2
The efficiency ratio (E) is the absolute value of the difference of price across the
calculation span divided by the sum of the absolute value of the individual price
differences across the calculation span. The equation for E is

Pr ice − Pr ice [ N ]
E= N

∑ Pr ice [i] − Pr ice [i +1]

i =0

The default value for N is 10. However testing to find the best length is

Perry J. Kaufman, “Trading Systems and Methods, Third Edition”, John Wiley & Sons, pp 436-438
Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA) uses a pivotal smoothing constant
which is fixed. The suggested value of this constant is 0.2, corresponding to the alpha
of a 9 day EMA. The equation for VIDYA is
VIDYA = 0.2*k*Close + (1 - .2*k)*VIDYA[1]
Again, this is exactly the same equation as an EMA except the relative volatility term, k,
has been included to introduce the nonlinearity. The volatility term is the ratio of the
standard deviation of Closes over the last “n” days to the standard deviation of Closes
over the last “m” days, where m is greater than n. Suggested values are n=9 and

Tushar S. Chande and Stanley Kroll, “The New Technical Trader”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1994

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