Results and Discussion

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Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

4.1) Introduction

Based on the conceptual framework that has been designed in this study, in this chapter, we will
analyze and determine the results of Corporate Governance mechanism and Performance of the
firm. The results will demonstrate whether the hypothesis made in this research are rejected or
accepted statistically or not. Regression Analysis and Correlation Analysis, and Descriptive
Analysis are used in this study to analyze the results by using E-views.

4.2) Regression Analysis

Table 1: Return on Equity (ROE)
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 0.310384 0.113642 2.731244 0.0068
BDSIZE -0.02806 0.011109 -2.5255 0.0123
BIND -0.0313 0.018596 -1.68305 0.0938
AUDCOM 0.029938 0.014287 2.095476 0.0373
CEODUAL 0.065912 0.033541 1.965138 0.0507
FAGE -0.00081 0.001079 -0.74752 0.4555

In table 1, the outcomes demonstrate that Audit Committee and CEO Duality shows a positive .

and significant impact on Return On Equity (ROE). Board Size (BDSIZE) shows a negative and
. . . . . .

significant impact on ROE. However, other variables such as Board Independence (BIND), and

Firm Age (FAGE) have a negative and insignificant impact on ROE.

Table 2: Profit Margin (PM)
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -10.4275 6.385492 -1.633 0.1037
BDSIZE 0.120389 0.635601 0.189409 0.8499
BIND -0.78578 1.053124 -0.74614 0.4563
AUDCOM 1.629392 0.782118 2.083307 0.0383
CEODUAL -3.54499 1.825695 -1.94172 0.0533
FAGE 0.138876 0.059643 2.328464 0.0207

In table 2, the outcomes demonstrate that Audit Committee and Firm Age have a positive and

significant impact on Profit Margin (PM) while CEO Duality has a negative and significant
. . . .

impact on PM. However, Board Size and Board Independence do not show a significant impact
on Profit Margin.

Table 3: Earnings per Share (EPS)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 16.6019 9.809846 1.692371 0.0919
BDSIZE -2.5602 0.926786 -2.76245 0.0062
BIND 2.149263 1.485103 1.447215 0.1492
AUDCOM 4.410955 1.270351 3.472234 0.0006
CEODUAL -4.87788 2.694167 -1.81054 0.0515
FAGE 0.201274 0.08486 2.371836 0.0185

In table 3, the outcomes demonstrate that Audit Committee and Firm Age have a positive and .

significant impact on Earnings per Share (EPS) while Board Size and CEO Duality have a
. . .

negative and significant impact on EPS. However, Board independence do not show a
. .

significant impact on EPS.

. .

Table 4: Gross Profit (GP)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -8.72637 5.073846 -1.71987 0.0868
BDSIZE 0.11868 0.5025 0.23618 0.8135
BIND -0.62022 0.837788 -0.74031 0.4599
AUDCOM 1.313137 0.620362 2.116727 0.0353
CEODUAL -2.87096 1.469359 -1.95389 0.0519
FAGE 0.116442 0.048275 2.412038 0.0166

In table 4, the outcomes demonstrate that Audit Committee and Firm Age have a positive and

significant impact on Gross Profit (GP), while CEO Duality has a negative and significant
. . .

impact on GP. However, Board Size and Board Independence do not show a significant impact

on Gross Profit.

4.3) Moderation Effect

Table 5: Return on Equity (ROE)
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -1.47478 0.347485 -4.24416 0.0000
AUDCOM 0.420468 0.092893 4.526349 0.0000
OWNCON 1.880511 0.437948 4.293915 0.0000
OWNCON_AUDCOM -0.47346 0.114417 -4.138002 0.0001

In table 5, the outcomes demonstrate that Ownership Concentration positively moderates the
association among Audit Committee and Return on Equity.

4.4) Correlation Analysis

Table 6: Correlation Matrix
PM 3 1
0.04144 0.98299
EPS 6 9 1
0.35628 0.14295 0.141880
GP 9 9 9 1
- - - -
BSIZE 0.25594 0.02548 0.019284 0.20865 1
- - - 0.03477 0.370870
BIND 0.23113 0.00757 0.006114 5 5 1
AUDCO 0.11373 0.112879 0.19959 - -
M 0.10913 7 7 8 0.116812 0.01966 1
0.15279 - - 0.048378 - 0.32281
CEO 8 0.07403 -0.07431 0.06552 3 0.13018 8 1
- 0.14242 0.141310 0.15848 - 0.15941 0.01945 0.11509
FAGE 0.03644 3 7 6 0.043351 2 5 2 1

Correlation coefficients with values greater than |0.05| are significant at the 5% level of significance; two-tailed tests

4.5) Descriptive Statistics

Table 6: Descriptive Statistics
 Mean 0.184490 -1.339688 -0.966979 18.163990 8.321429 0.952381 3.984127 0.691700 34.553360
 Median 0.194000 0.048000 0.131000 14.90000 8.000000 1.000000 4.000000 1.000000 32.00000
 Maximum 2.001000 0.764000 0.278000 73.04000 14.000000 5.000000 7.000000 1.000000 67.00000
 Minimum -0.595900 -159.7800 -132.3200 -13.02000 7.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 8.000000
 Std. Dev. 0.227939 12.81981 10.05069 18.40078 1.366888 0.840766 1.059836 0.462707 13.93615
 Skewness 3.097327 -10.27601 -10.92488 0.795662 1.545006 1.863077 0.474247 -0.830243 0.314876
 Kurtosis 30.74925 113.6405 131.6261 2.921955 6.722345 9.897345 3.584173 1.689304 2.013417

Table 6 shows that Return on Equity with a (Mean=0.18, SD=0.22) has a highest skewness (3.09)
and Gross Profit with a (Mean=-0.96, SD=10.05) has a lowest skewness (-10.9), Whereas, the
highest value of Kurtosis is (KT=131.62) for Gross Profit has a (Mean=-0.96, SD=10.05) and the
lowest value of Kurtosis is (KT=1.68) for CEO Duality has a (Mean=0.69, SD=13.9).

4.6) Results and Discussion

In this part, we will discuss whether our hypothesis have been accepted or rejected based on the
results we have gathered from the selected data. On the basis of the interpretation of data, it will
be analyzed whether Corporate Governance Mechanism has an impact on Firm Performance or
. .

Audit Committee shows a positive and significant impact on all the dependent variables.
. . . . . . .

Whereas, Board Independence has a negative and insignificant impact with all the dependent
variables. Firm age has a positive impact on PM, EPS, and GP, but has a negative and
. . .

insignificant impact on ROE. CEO Duality has a negative and significant impact on PM, EPS,
. . ..

and GP, but has a positive and significant impact on ROE. Board Size has a negative and
. . .

significant impact on ROE and EPS, but has a positive and insignificant impact on PM and GP.
. . .

All the hypothesis related to Board Size and Board Independence have been rejected as they are
not in line with the prior research. However, the hypothesis related to Audit Committee, CEO
Duality, and Firm Age have been accepted and are in line with the previous research with an
exception of CEO Duality and Firm Age impact on ROE.

4.5) Summary
This section gives an overview of this chapter. Results and Discussion has been discussed in this
chapter in detail. This chapter discusses the regression analysis with all the calculations and
interpretation of data. The results of the hypothesis made in this study have also been discussed
in the above chapter.

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