Triplett Affidavit
Triplett Affidavit
Triplett Affidavit
os 12.
DOB: oy
The undersigned,of lawful age, being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states as follows:
0SBI Special Investigalor Kevin Woodward, and has read certain official investigative reports and
statements of witnesses and/or interviewed witnesses and/or communicated with other peace officers
regarding the above-named defendant(s) and from these statements, reports, and your affiant’s own
observation and knowledge, it appears as follows:
Daniel Joseph Triplett was arrested at approximately 1831 hours, on October 21, 2021 at 6101 S
Sooner Road, Guthrie, Oklahoma for the offense(s) of:
210.5.701.7 Murder in the First Degree
210.5. 1161.1 Desecration ofa Human Corpse
On 09/28/2021, the Guthrie Police Department received a report of missing person Brent Mack
(BM, DOB: 10/ /1970). The reporting party was Brent's daughter, Raychelle Wilson (B/F, DOB:
05/ 11989). Raychelle stated that no one has seen or heard from Brent since 09/20/2021 Raychelle
stated that she reached out to Brent's boss Dan Triplett via Facebook Messenger and asked about
Brent. Raychelle stated that Dan told her that he fired Brent on 09/20/2021 and dropped him off in front
of the Laundromat in the 100 blockof W. Cleveland. Dan told Raychelle that he gave Brent $1000 cash
as a severance. Raychelle said Danlater deleted the messages he sent lo her, but she provided Guthrie
Police Department Investigator Schmit with screenshots of the messages from before they were
A bag with Brent's work clothes was found by Nancy Chappel Simpson in the back yardof their
residence which is on the corner of 1%! and Cleveland. Investigator Schmit spoke with Vance and Nancy
Simpson about the bag. Nancy said that she went outoftown on 09/22/2021 and that she had noticed
the bag there at least two days prior, putting the bag abandoned there on 09/20/2021. Vance showed
Investigator Schmit where the bag was found on the west sideoftheir residence, thrown over the small
fence they have there.
Raychelle provided Investigator Schmit with a call log from Brent's phone because she has
‘access to the log in information. Brent makes several outgoing phone calls from his phone every day
and the outgoing phone calls stop abruptly on 09/20/2021. The last call made from Brent's phone was
to his girfriend in Texas.
CPs #
On 08/20/2021, Investigator Schmit spoke to Brent's girfriend, Lashon Hersey (BF, DOB:
04/ 11972). Lashon stated that she met Brent online and has spoken to him every day for
approximately four months. Lashon said on 09/20/2021 she spoke to Brent that morning and he told
her he was being picked up to go to work. Later in the morning, Brent told her he was ona job site and
didn't have good cell service. The last text message Lashon received from Brent
1256 hours, that said *Okay babe I'll call you later.” Lashon had not heard fromwas on 09/20/2021 at
Brent since that text
Surveillance video from the Laundromat and from the Guthrie Public Library across the street
‘show Dan Triplett vehicle drive by at approximately 1946 hours, but does not show him stop, and
does not show Brent being dropped off where Dan said he dropped Brent off.
Lt. Bruning spoke to Dan over the phone and Dan told Lt. Bruning that Brent had worked for him
off and on for several years. He stated that he wanted to cut ties with Brent because of his violent
demeanor. Dan stated he gave Brent $1,000 as a severance pay. Dan claimed that Brent exited the
truck and told him he was going to Texas to get married. Lt. Bruning asked if Brent was upset about
being fired and Dan told him he wasn't upset. Dan also told Lt. Bruning that Brent had a green army
style duffel bag when he exited the truck. Lt. Bruning asked what the location of the job was on
‘September 20, 2021 and Dan stated W. County Road 69, Crescent, Oklahoma
On September 30, 2021, Lt. Bruning and Agent Woodward wentto )W. County Road 69,
Crescent, Oklahoma and found a bam home being built with freshseptictank and lateral lines that had
been installed. Agent Woodward was able to locate a property owner by the name of Clint McHendry.
Agent Woodward spoke to Clint who stated he had showed up at his residence when the septic tank
and lateral lines were being installed. Clint did not remember the date the septic tank was installed,
butwould text it ater. Agent Woodward received a text message from Clint stating that tank and septic
lines had been installed on September 7, 2021. Agent Woodward later spoke to the builder of the barn
home at W. County Road 69, Crescent, who confirmed that he hired Dan to install the septic
tank and that the work was done on September 7, 2021. He stated he had a text message from Dan
on September 10, 2021, stating that job had been completed on September 8, 2021. The job taking
two days.
On October 13, 2021, Agent Woodward made contact with Dan who agreed to come to the
Guthrie Police Department to talk about missing person Brent Mack. Lt. Mark Bruning and Agent
Woodward interviewed Dan in Woodward's Office. Dan stated that he stopped in the area where
Brent's bag was found, but said that he stopped there to check the lights on his truck. Dan was
‘adamant that he and Brent had last worked at© 1W. County Road 69, Crescent, Oklahoma.
Woodward described the metal bam home to Dan to confirm the location. Dan confimed the Agent metal
bam home and that was the last job he worked with Brent. Lt. Bruning asked Dan about locations
where he dropped Mack off and Dan changed the location several times. Dan was shown a copyofthe
video footage showing him driving by the Holiday Laundry and not stopping. When confronted with the
inconsistencies in the story Dan became very red faced and appeared to be angry. Dan was asked
about other jobs and locations and Dan stated he couldn't remember. Lt. Bruning asked him if he had
records of the jobs he had done and he stated he was unsure, that his wife kept the records.
On October 14, 2021, OSB agents and Investigators with the Guthrie Police Department served
a document search warrant at the home of Dan Triplett at 6101 S. Sooner Road, Guthrie, Oklahoma
Logan County. The warrant included vehicles and outbuildings on the property. A search of thein
residence yielded documents where Dan has to report each job to DEQ (Department of Environmental
Quality). Also located were several checks just before and after the date Brent Mack had gone missing
The 1896 Ford white truck that Dan drives while working and that pulls his trailer and backhoe bearing
Oklahoma Tag V45793, was located on the property. Inside the truck there was a statement book that
showed jobs Dan had done. Statement # 161176 was dated September 20, 2021 and showed the
name Rosella Edmonson with an address of ~~W County Road 69, Mulhall, Oklahoma. It showed
that $3,400 cash had been paid and showed the name Dan Triplett at the bottom. The statement
located showed that Dan Triplett wasn't working at * J W. County Road 69 in Crescent but that he
wasat E. County Road 69 in Mulhall.
On October 14, 2021, OSBI Agents and Guthrie Police LT. Mark Bruning wentto County
Road 69, Mulhall, Oklahoma. Agent Woodward and Lt. Bruning made contact with the residence just
to the west of the location. Agent Woodward obtained Rosella Edmondson's (W/F, DOB: 03/ 11996)
phone number and contacted her by phone to get permission to go on her property. Rosella's brother,
Jedidiah Edmonson (WM, DOB 09/ 11997), showed OSBI Agents and Lt. Bruning the place Dan put
the septic tank on Rosella’s property. Jedidiah Edmondson said that Dan was the only one on the
property when his sister paid Dan. Dan told Jedidiah he would have a worker to help him the next day
to finish up.
On October 15, 2021, Agent Woodward collected security footage from a surveillance camera
showing the job site at County Road 69. In the footage, itis apparent that two people arrive at the
ob site on 09/20/2021 in Dan's vehicle, but only one person is seen leaving.
While watching the surveillance footage of Brent Mack and Dan Triplett working on the job site.
Itis apparent that Brent disappears from the view of the camera down into a hole that is being dug by
Dan for the placement of a septic tank. Brent is never seen again in the camera footage after going
down into that hole. The video shows what appears to be a normal work day. You can see plastic pipe
being loaded and moved froma trailer to the dug lateral lines. You can see Dan running the backhoe
moving gravel. At one point, it appears to be a lunch break that lasts approximate 20 minutes. You can
see a person who we believe to be Brent get into the passenger side of the truck and sit. The backhoe
is pulled up in front of the truck and it appears both men are in the truck. After what's believed to be a
lunch break you see both subjects go back to work moving pipes. You can see the subject in the white
shirt believed to be Brent down in the shallow part of the hole working as Dan runs the backhoe. The
video doesn't show any type of physical altercation between the two men. The video doesn't show
Brent siting or walking around while Dan is working.
On October 21, 2021, Guthrie Police Investigators, OSBI Agents, and the Oklahoma Medical
Examiner Investigators responded to”; County Road 69 to remove the septic tank where Brent was
last seen with Dan. Oklahoma State Medical Examiner Anthropologists Angela Berg
Zambrano along with OU Archaeologist (Retired) began to measure the location of the septicand Carlos
dirt was exhumed down to the concrete lid. Further excavation of the location three sides tank. of the
‘were removed from the concrete tank. Once the sides were exposed the tank was hoisted from the
ground. As dirt was slowly removed from the bottom of the tank, Berg and Zambrano began to probe
the dit area. At one point they believed they felta body. They pulled the probe from the ground and
the tip of the probe had an odor consist with decomposition. The dirt was slowly removed from the hole
using scoops and buckets. They located a spot that was deeper than the restof the hole and was
deeper than the location of the septic tank. At approximately 1340 hours, Berg confirmed that a body
was located in the ground. Further dirt removal uncovered a decomposing body. Medical Examiners
Berg and Zambrano pulled the body from the lower grave area. Once the body was turned over they
located a walled in the pants pocket of the body. The wallet contained an Oklahoma ID card showing
the name and picture of Brent Mack 10/16/1970. The body was wearing work boots and still had work
gloves on the hands. The body was packaged by the medical examiners and transport was contacted.
The body was transported to Oklahoma Medical Examiner's Office for positive identification and to
attempt to find a cause of death.
On October 22, 2021 Agent Woodward was noted that the Medical Examiners officer had
located what's believed to be a projectile in the chest cavity with an entry wound in the upper left back.
WHEREFORE, Affant prays this Honorable Court to find probs cause to detain ee(s) pending
further proceedings.
2026,at 415 __ oclock p Wo)
deve a—
Based upon the information contained in the Affidavit above
detaining the above named arestee(s) pending further proceedings. I find that there IS probable cause for
Daca DR_toy oidAC 20200 Wi Hla otlosk ©.
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Based upon the information contained in the Affidavit above I find that there IS NOT probable cause
for detaining the above-named artestee(s).
Dated this _ , day of 2020, a0 oclock __m.