Callon Struggles and Negotiations 1980

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The Socia-logic of Translation *

Ecole des Mines de Paris, Centre de Sociologie de I Innovation

In the space of a few short years the centre of interest in the sociology of
sciences has radically shifted. At first timidly, later with increasing boldness,
sociologists have penetrated the sanctuary. They no longer confine their inter-
est to a study of how institutions work, or the rules governing competition,
or network or community organisation. Increasingly, they are investigating
the content of science itself.
Though this change of direction now seems legitimate, and indeed irre-
versible, it still remains very tentative. Deeply marked by its recent past, the
sociology of science still takes for granted the chopped-up, compartmentalised
world the scientists are so patiently building up, being ready to distinguish,
and even unhesitatingly to place in mutual opposition social factors and
technical or cognitive ones (1). Concepts like social contexts of scientific
research are still in common use today, proving the continuing vitality of
this way of thinking. Within reality territories and domains a[e divided off,
frontiers laid out, a priori factors of different types .identified and phases
obeying a specific logic enumerated (2).
However, these common distinctions are having increasing difficulty in
holding out against sociological ventures. The deeper we delve into content,
the more the legitimacy of black boxism seems questionable (3) and the more
difficult, hazardous and arbitrary the separation of social from non-social,
cognitive from non-cognitive becomes (4). The most solidly-based concepts
dissolve, revealing their ambiguity. What does 'reproducing an experiment
mean'? (5) What is understood by the expression 'reporting on a research
process'? (6) It gradually becomes apparent that social and cognitive are
inextricably entwined exactly where unravelling them seemed to present no


Karin D. Knorr, Roger Krohn and Richard Whitley (eds.), The Social Process of
Scientific Investigation. Sociology of the Sciences, Volume IV, 1980. 197 -219.
Copyright © 1980 by D. Reidel Publishing Company.
198 Michel CalIon

problems. The protagonists are involved in a never ending struggle to impose

their own defmitions and to make sure that their view of how reality should
be divided up prevails. Consensuses are reached, lasting for longer or shorter
periods of time, concealing balances of power. The dividing line between
what is considered social and what is considered technical is constantly re-
These struggles bedevil every moment of the research process, though they
probably have the most important consequences in the very early stages when
problems are being identified and the certain marked off from the uncertain.
From this point of view, existing interpretations are not really satisfactory,
distinguishing as they do on the one hand, identification or emergence of
problems (7) on the other hand, recognition of them and their gradual
legitimising until various social groups take charge of them (8). However,
analysis of the struggles and negotiations pitting social protagonists against
each other as they strive to define what is problematic and what is not
reveals that distinctions of this type are unrealistic. During these preliminary
skirmishes research problems and the groups which will take charge of them
are simultaneously determined. Social structures and cognitive structures are
defmed within the same crucible. Though very different, they are both by-
products of the same reaction. The study of problematisation is vital for
understanding the rules governing the mysterious chemistry, the constantly
renewed fusions, which permanently produce the social and the cognitive.
In this article I aim to show the relevance of this point of view, limiting
myself to the study of two issues; (a) Description of the mechanisms through
which reality is problematised, that is the work of what I propose to call
'forces of problematisation'; (b) analysis of the relationships between various
forces of problematisation and the general mechanisms by which problems
impose themselves. I shall attempt to answer these questions by describing
French work 011 fuel cells. This research got underway in the late fifties,
occupying, for a decade, a large number of research workers and technicians
working within the universities, in CNRS (9) laboratories, and in research
centres belonging to large firms. The work was fmancially and politically
supported by DGRST and DRME (10). In reconstructing the development of
this research, we have had access to the records of the various laboratories
involved and to the complete records of the DGRST. In addition we inter-
viewed the main protagonists.
Struggles and Negotiations to Define What is Problematic and What is Not 199

An Abundance of Problematisations

The DGRST was founded in France in the late fifties, with the aim of pre-
paring, coordinating and implementing French policy with regard to scientific
and technical research. One of its first acts was to set up 'concerted actions'
in which laboratories, both private and public, within industry or the Univer-
sity, came together for a limited time to work on top priority programmes.
Each 'action' is administered by a scientific committee consisting of about
fifteen experts (scientists, industrialists and officials) who take part intuitu
personae in the work of the committee. The committee selects projects
from those submitted and distributes the credits allocated to the work. The
procedure used was worked out during the fmal years of the IVth Republic.
In this way public and private research can work together and programmes
rejected by traditional institutions (CNRS, universities, industrial enterprises)
are more readily fmanced, thus facilitating coordinated and collective work
on subjects that have been given top priority.
In fact, in the early sixties, the CNRS and industry left the scene vacant,
the former undermined by academicism, the latter little concerned with
research and innovation. The DGRST filled this vacuum. As a result, the main
initial beneficiaries of the operation were those scientists whose diSCiplines had
been misunderstood or looked down upOIi by both the University and the
CNRS, who housed them, but gave them no real means for development. The
'concerted action' procedure fitted them like a glove; they were assured of
both industrial and political support; likewise they had scope for action in the
form of credits, both of which had previously been refused (11).
The above remarks are fully applicable to the research on fuel cells under-
taken within the framework of the "energy conversion" concerted action,
whose aim was to develop new forms of energy production. There were
no industrialists on the committee responsible for pushing the programme
through, the scientists intended to call the tune. They imposed their own
analysis of the situation, sketched out the problems to be solved and the
links between them. They decided how the work was to be divided up and
coordinated. Finally they indicated what was at stake at the social, political
and economic levels (12).
In the case of fuel cells, problematisation operated in three phases and
reveals a wide range of possible analyses.
200 Michel Callon

(1) The committee's first task was to identify interesting fields of research.
The general theme of energy conversion provided an initial territory within
which priority sectors had to be identified. The first discussion focussed on
the defmition of what was interesting and what was not. Two physicists, X
and Z, were set against each other.
When he was asked to sit on the committee, X was a scientist well known
within his own discipline of solid state physics. He had spent a considerable
time working in a well known laboratory in the United States. Since his
return he had published several articles that attracted considerable attention.
At the committee's very first meeting he put forward an analysis of spheres of
research that might be of interest. His argument is summarised in Table 1. At
the head of each line and column the various forms of energy are indicated;
electrical energy, light energy, mechanical energy, thermal and chemical
energy. The columns correspond to the initial energy forms, the rows - the
fmal forms. Each division of the table thus represents one possible method of
energy conversion, for example, conversion of chemical energy into electrical
energy. Each of these divisions is simultaneously and inextricably linked to
various phenomena, various effects and a variety of technical devices. Some
divisions are partly empty, either the devices do not yet exist, or else the
phenomena have not yet been properly identified. Other divisions refer
to spheres so huge that an exhaustive inventory is thought unrealistic. We
shall return later to the 'logic' (we would call it 'socio-logic') underlying this
table. For the moment we shall content ourselves with pointing out how it
First of all the table establishes a perfectly clear frontier between what is
analysed and what escapes analysis. The 'edges' of the table demarcate the
reality considered relevant. This is a very general phenomenon, the construc-
tion of a black box. X has created an inside and an outside, manufacturing
a local coherence. He has defmed a protected territory, claimed an autonomy.
The table demarcates and defmes spheres of research on the basis of
categories considered obvious and quite distinct. If the table possesses its own
coherence, which enables it to defme a distinct universe, closed in upon itself,
this is because it provides a strong framework. The energy forms can be located
and demarcated. The concept of energy conversion is not called into question.
Using his table, X divides up the ground, defming territories quite separate
from each other. Not only does he mark off the different domains, he also
TABLE 1 t~
Initial l'>
energy I:l.
Final ~ form Electrical Light Mechanical Thermal Chemical ~
form ~
Electrical Converters Photo voltaic Electric Thermoelectric ;:s
Fuel cells
Rectifiers Photogalvanic machines thermo-ionic Ordinary cells '"C
Transformers effects wind effects Accumulators b
Oscillators tidal power ~

currents '"~
Light Tribolumi- l'>
Electrolumin- Luminescence Incandescence Chemolumi- ....
escence. Dis- nescence nescence
charge in gases ~
Mechanical Electric Crookes Simple Thermal Artificial muscle 3l'>
machines Radiometer machines; machines Propellant i;.
? Energy storage l'>
Thermal Static heat pumps Solar Heat pumps Refrigerators Combustion
(Peltier effect). energy refrigeration (adsorption) ~
Electric heating collection Exchangers ....

by arc. Dielectric
heating H. F. ~
Chemical Electrochemistry Photosynthesis Chemical Thermochemistry (too huge)
Radiochemistry grafting ? ?
202 Michel CalIon

shows what work remains to be done. The squares are more or less easy to
fill in, more or less enigmatic. Reams have been written about the conversion
of thermal energy into mechanical energy, whilst in the square chemical
energy ~ electrical energy there is little to be said. Darkness reigns. Who at
that time would have dared to claim that the functioning of fuel cells had
been fully investigated? Thus are contrasted the old and the new, the more
and the less problematic; fields already explored (thermal machines, electric
machines) and fields that call for new investigations (fuel cells, photovoltaic
effects ... ).
However, X's is not the only possible problematisation; at the same time
another physicist, Z, put forward another one. Z is a product of one of the
most renowned French scientific institutions: the Ecole Normale Superieure.
Though he is only just starting out on his scientific career, he already has
considerable support behind him. He is not yet well known enough to belong
to the energy conversion committee, but his reputation is sufficient for him
to be allowed to explain his point of view to the scientists and industrialists
concerned with fuel cells. A large scale meeting is arranged. In his speech Z
lambasts X. His line of argument leads him to radically different conclusions.
Z does not even refer to the general question of energy conversion. At no
point does he distinguish different forms of energy. All this is outside his field
of analysis. His point of departure is electrocatalysis, that is catalysi~ of
reactions which liberate electrons (oxidoreduction reactions). In this way he
defmes the sphere within which research should take place. The concept of
electrocatalysis cuts short discussion just as effectively as the table proposed
by X. Demarcation of this problematic field is based on a set of concepts,
theories and elements which are taken for granted. Z makes specific reference
to the latest developments in solid state physics, and the tools these provide
for the study of electrocatalysis.
Z's problematisation is very much less structured than that of X, but it
follows the same logic; a problematic field closed in upon itself, then state-
ment of elements taken for granted and considered certain, which give
the field its rigid, autonomous framework. Though Z's presentation of his
problematisation remains somewhat vague with regard to details, he is able
to show quite clearly how it differs from X's analysis. He considers that
. electrochemistry will remain in a very weak position until it has managed to
extricate itself from the technological approach that is stifling it. For him the
Struggles and Negotiations to Define What is Problematic and What is Not 203

theoretical unity of the fuel cell is a myth. Though admitted and consolidated
by X's problematisation, this object must be 'de-constructed'. The alternative
is clear. The problem is not that of improving catalysis in fuel cells, but rather
of working out the laws governing electro-catalysis in general.
(2) The committee accepted X's proposed problematisation. Fuel cells are
one of the three themes given top priority. The committee instructs Y to
work out a research programme on fuel cells. Y is an electrochemist by
training, director of the 'Electrolysis laboratory', which is dependent on the
CNRS. After a few weeks work he presents the committee with a document
explaining his own problematisation. His analysis is synthesised in a table
(Table 2) giving details of the lines research should follow and indicating
research centres to be mobilised. How is this table organised?


Themes Interests Research centers Credits (F)

1. General study of kinetics · scientific CNRS Electrolysis Lab 2300000

of reactions to electrodes · technical: IFP (for hydro- 400000
increasing carbons
cell power

2. Study of catalysis of technical CNRS Catalysis center 1 OOOOOO/year

depolariza tion reactions IFP (hydrocarbons)
CNRS electrolysis Lab

3. Research on electrodes technical doubtless industrialists 200000/year

4. Research on molten Grenoble school 500000/year

5. Research on internal technical (cell electrolysis Lab 500000

cell resistance output

6. Research on diffusion Molten, aqueous -? 200000

electrolytes - CNRS Electrolysis Lab 100000
7. Research on special · Semipermeable 450000
electrolytes membranes
· solid or immobile

8. Technological research HT cells 1000000

LT cells 500000
204 Michel Callon

Firstly, the table demarcates a territory for analysis within the area of
reality. This territory is firmly delineated by the outlines of a specific object,
the fuel cell, and by the theoretical assumptions made about it. Y's prob-
lematisation fits perfectly within that of X. The latter had already provided a
system of partitions which Y took over as it stood. The fuel cell represents a
privileged object in electrochemistry, as viewed by Y. No-one and nothing
could undermine this relationship. The cell is contained as a whole within
electrochemistry, and vice versa. There is no overlap on either side. The wall
around is a perfect fit, it is totally self-sufficient and may not be disturbed in
The table defines themes for research by formulating problems (these are
explained at more length in the accompanying notes). Y draws up his balance
sheet, using his own organisation and formulation of problems. He draws a
demarcation line between what, in his view, is known of how a cell works,
and what is not known. What strikes the observer forcibly is how the fuel
cell's architecture, the different elements that make it up, and the phenomena
within it, all correspond closely to the aims and themes for study. There are
the electrodes, the electrolyte, the catalyst. There is reference to knowledge
that was widely accepted and used at that time in France by those calling
themselves electrochemists (diffusion, internal resistance, de polarisation,
kinetics ... ). A whole set of concepts, proposals, ways of thinking, methods
of giving proof are called into play to isolate and derme the darker comers
of how a cell works. The areas of ignorance appear against a background of
certainty, admitted knowledge and systems of interpretation (13).
We might note in passing, since this helps to explain the nature of the
opposition between X and Z, that one of the most important results of this
type of problematisation is the place given to catalysis. Y states that catalysis
is merely a technical problem, therefore of secondary importance (Y is a
fundamentalist). This is in strong contrast with Z's position. For Y the prob-
lem of catalysis will be solved as soon as the problems of kinetics, transport
of reagents and optimal structure of electrodes have been elucidated. Z states
precisely the opposite.
(3) The research programme proposed by Y was adopted exactly as it
stood. Since a concerted action was involved he divided up the work between
the various research centres, both private and public, which he thought were
likely to be interested. Thus he proposed to entrust to his own laboratory
Struggleg and Negotiatiom to Define What ig Problematic and What is Not 205

(Electrolysis laboratory) several themes of research, in particular the study

of catalysis of depolarisation reactions. When the committee accepted his
proposal Y recruited two researchers, A and B, whom he incorporated into
his laboratory, entrusting the research to them. Thus A and B in their tum
launched into problematisation.
Let us now leave aside what happened in the other research centres and
concentrate on Y's laboratory, particularly on his two researchers.
A, who is a metallurgist by training, follows straight on from X and Y's
problematisations. The technical structure of the cell is for him the furthest
limit of all investigation; this is a reified object which researchers must accept.
Problems must be formulated and solved within the space occupied by the
electrodes, a double layer and the electrolytes, a space organised around
intangible elements, whether the material components of the cell, or the
concepts, laws and experimental devices which serve to decipher its workings
(Tafel's law, Nernst's law, adsorption, kinetics of reactions ... )
The problematisation A puts forward concerns the texture of the electrode
(the reference to metallurgy is obvious), that is, the spatial distribution of
pores, the distribution and forms of crystallisation of the catalysts, the path
followed by the electrolyte moving towards the fuel. A is only interested in
the electrode and the double layer surrounding it. His problematisation shows
the same features as those of X and Y: (a) It gives an exact defmition of the
relevant field (here the electrode), and rejects the rest, to remain unexplored.
As one moves away from the double layer - the fringe of electrons which
surround the electrode and feed it - the shadows gradually darken and fmally
become impenetrable. (b) The electrode itself is seen as a system for linking
up elements which are not problematised (fuel, catalyst, electrons snatched
from the electrolyte ... ) During a first phase, all that is open to variation, is
the spatial organisation of these elements, that is, the relationships between
B, on the other hand, gradually turns against Y's system of division and
fmally arrives at a radically different problematisation from that of A. Taking
his inspiration from Z, he works towards a problematisation that emphasises
the problem of catalysis within an electric field (electrocatalysis). He favours
recourse to concepts and methods from solid state physics. The fuel cell is
no longer the inevitable point of reference. The aim is no longer to solve the
problem of catalysis as defmed and delineated by Y. B builds up the enquiry
206 Michel CalIon

in another way. There is no question of electrodes and their texture, nor of

diffusion of reagents. The problem posed by B is the behaviour of a hydrogen
atom on a metallic surface. Under what conditions and by what mechanisms
are the electrons liberated? At one stroke another world appears, other
frontiers are carved out. B forces back into the shadows objects and questions
which were to have peopled his sphere. He reintroduces quite other certainties,
takes other facts for granted, borrows other instruments from solid state
physics, quantum mechanics, nuclear magnetic resonance ...
All these problematisations come to life, they complete each other, expose
each other, join together, separate, and they all share an identical structure.
In what follows I clarify just what that structure is.

General Structure of Problematisations

The various problematisations that have just been evoked employ a dual
First of all an initial frontier is traced between what is analysed and what
is not, between what is considered relevant and what is suppressed, kept
silent. The problematisation carves out a territory which it then cuts off from
the outside, forming a closed domain with its own coherence and logic.
Through this type of operation private 'hunting grounds' are created. A
division is suggested between what will be the property of scientists and what
will be left for outsiders. Looked at from outside, this mechanism is no
different from that leading to the setting up of a black box.
Next, a second frontier is traced between what is intangible, taken for
granted, and what is problematised or unknown. In other words, in order to
formulate problems and mark off zones of ignorance, protagonists necessarily
take as their basic concepts, systems of interpretation and reasoning which
are then given the force of certainties and thus totally escape suspicion.
Problematisation does not necessarily attack previously fabricated knowledge,
or established theoretical systems (14). On the contrary, problematisation
must of necessity rest on elements of reality (concepts, proposals, matchings
up, results ... ) which are considered irrefutable and firmly established. A
protagonist never places himself completely on the side of order, nor on the
side of disorder. Disorder only forms against a background of order and
certainties. The latter form specific configurations which involve systems of
Struggles and Negotiations to Define What is Problematic and What is Not 207

lacunae, in their interstices lodge pockets of problematisations. Thus prob-

lematisation must also be described as a process of certification and of
objectification. Conversely, to objectify involves making choices, imposing
associations, deductions and, consequently leaving empty spaces, laying aside
questions without a reply. The construction of reality functions like Carnot's
heat cycle; using a hot source (problems) and a cold source (acquired knowl-
edge). If one of the sources disappears, production is interrupted. Hence
Figure 1.

1----'r-c~Areas of suspicion

of the

Network or areas of

Fig. 1.

Before going any further with our analysis of the process of problematisa-
tion, let us stop for a moment and look at a few results of the type of analysis
Problematisation culminates in configurations characterised by their relative
singularity. There is not one single way of defming problems, identifying and
organising what is certain, repressing what cannot be analysed. Witness the
different paths followed at the same time by X and Z, or by A and B. In this
case the configurations are in opposition with each other. However, there is
plenty of variety within each of these main options. Though there may be
strong similarities (which enable problematisations to be grouped together)
there are always differences, however slight. Each protagonist organises and
problematises reality in his own original manner in keeping with his own
idiosyncracies, his own background and the particular conditions in which he
fmds himself (15). Henceforth we shall no longer make a distinction between
an actor and his problematisation. Identifying a problematisation postulates
the existence of an actor.
As the cases of X, Y and A show, hierarchical relationships often exist
208 Michel Callon

between problematisations. Hence the idea of a degree of generality of a

problematisation. When X proposes a demarcation of zones of research, he
defmes several themes which are independent one of another: photovoItaic
cells, fuel cells ... Each of these themes build up and closes around itself a
specific reality which defmes an area of research. The functioning of the fuel
cell, which is considered problematic, must be studied as such. A statement
of this type, however decisively expressed, is in no way irrefutable, proof
being Z's opposition. X puts forward hypotheses, the result is not a foregone
conclusion. He has his first success when Y develops his own problematisations
within the territory marked out by X Y can be said to have set up house in
X's rooms (he makes his own problematisation dependent on that of X). As
this is true of X and Y, so it is of Y and A. These problematisations are
enclosed within each other like Russian dolls (A eYe X). Precisely because
of this system of inclusion, it can legitimately be stated that X's problematisa-
tion is more general than that of Y, the latter in tum being more general than
that of A. X has shown Y a black box in which Y has agreed to shut himself
(the same is true for YandA). However, this is not a result of the 'quality' of
the problematisations involved. The degree of generality only indicates the
extent in which the particular problematisation has been accepted as a basis
for further work. It is inseparable from the balance of power set up. Yagrees
to occupy the place X has prepared for him. A is equally docile with regard
to Y.
The chain of inclusions could be continued in both directions. X has not
called into question the general theme of energy conversion. On the contrary,
his problematisation has helped to consolidate it. A has appointed assistants,
technicians to whom he sub-contracts part of the operation. In theory the
chain is unending. By these closing mechanisms, by allocating positions, by
constructing black boxes, the chain simultaneously relates and distinguishes
scientific policy and specialised research. This remark leads me to emphasise
the general nature of the problematisation process. It indiscriminately affects
areas which are normally considered to be scientific, technical and economic,
and it actively participates in setting up these categories. X establishes close
links between machines and scientific phenomena. (Thus he links the destinies
of the fuel cell with those of electrochemistry). For Z the intimate inter-
dependance of science and technology must be called into question. Thus
every problematisation works out on its own account what is internal and
Struggles and Negotiations to Define What is Problematic and What is Not 209

what is external, what is scientific and what is technical, the links which
should exist between the two, etc ...
These fmal remarks raise new questions. How is it possible for problem-
atisations, though different from each other, to form connexions with one
another? A reply to this question will be found in a description of the special
logic which problematisation obeys.

Problematic Situations and the Socio-logic of Translation

Each problematisation process results in the formation of what I propose to

call a problematic situation. A characteristic feature of this situation is the
specific demarcation it creates between three fields or areas: the un-analysed
area, the area or network of certainties, and the area of suspicion (see Figure
1). Problems are identified and rendered autonomous; established facts are
stated; links are postulated; whole sections of reality are pushed back into the
shadows. The problematic situation is thus a dual process of construction and
de-construction. Forms are created, outlined, recombined, questions posed.
If we look at the situation from this point of view, we can legitimately call
it the expression of a balance of forces. The origin and nature of the forces
are of small importance. The study of their effects is sufficient: on the one
hand, certainties are combined and stated, on the other hand, suspicions and
queries are formulated. But how is this balance of forces created? How can
we describe the work of construction/deconstruction, identification and
shaping into form?
Let us first of all turn to the centre of the process, the area of suspicion.
For that we must return to Y and his problematisation, as its general outline
is represented in Figure 1. In the research programme that he put before the
committee Y not only outlined the main problems that needed to be solved,
but he also suggested which research centres might take charge of them
(column 3). In addition he gave estimates of the funds that might be allocated
to each theme. Thus his table has a dual message. Firstly, the one we have
looked at so far which brings out the problems and the links between them.
Secondly, he shows the relationships between the protagonists as well as the
relationships between the problems. In fact each of the eight study areas
chosen by Y is associated with interests and potential actors. We must stress
210 Michel CalIon

that these are only proposals. Y is not certain he will be able to impose his
problematisation. However, the important point is that for Y the social and
the cognitive,the problems and the actors are arranged within the same struc-
ture. To each of his problems corresponds a place and a position attributed
to an actor. The actor may be named, or his identity remain unknown.
Moreover, the relationships between the protagonists and their positions are
clearly identified through the relationships postulated between the problems.
Thus, properly speaking, the cell exists in two ways: one we might call
techno-scientific, the other social, for it is not distinct from the social group
approached to carry out its elaboration and production. Problem defmition,
as practised by Y, is a highly strategic activity, aiming as it does to interest
varied groups in an enterprise whose development as a whole they will not be
able to control.
In what we have called the area of suspicion, which forms the heart of the
problematic situation, there is no divergence between organisation of the
social field and that of the cognitive field. Defmitions of problems and the
links between them cannot be distinguished from the work of organising fields
of interests to be aggregated - witness the question marks that figure in some
squares of the table. Defmition of a problem implies definition of a group,
even if no empirical unity can be named. Y gives shape to the social, he builds
a field of positions.
We can go further. The list of problems as suggested by Y cannot be
deduced from the state of scientific and technical knowledge (Z's active
criticism provides proof of this). It translates a determination to incorporate
interests, and to interest those who are still only potential partners. In fact
Y's programme represents an attempt to mobilise social groups. I propose
to call this particular logic by which problems are directly associated with
groups; the socio-Iogic oftranslation (16).
Why this expression? To justify its use I need only analyse the mechanism
at work. What Y is saying can be summed up thus: "I defme a series of
problems PI, P2, P3 ... P8 and assign them to groups GI, G2 G3 ... G8
(see Table 2). I state that a sequential solution of these problems would lead
to solutions of the problem posed by X, that is how to build up and acquire
scientific and technical mastery of fuel cells".
Defmitions of PI, P2, P3 ... and statements of their interdependence
follow a socio-logic. In fact to state that PI, P2, P3 ... are "logically" linked
Struggles and Negotiations to Define What is Problematic and What is Not 211

(by the problematic unity of the cell) is to state that a community of interests
exists between G I, G2, G3 ... This puts forward the hypothesis that G 1 will
take charge of PI, G2 will take charge ofP2, and that Gl, G2 ... will accept
the idea that a relationship exists between PI, P2 ... , that is to say that
social intereaction between them is conceivable. In short, Y constructs a
system of social interactions. We do not fmd on the one hand social actors,
on the other knowledge. There is joint, programmatic organisation of both
knowledge and of social actors. Hence the idea of a socio-logic.
The statement that PI, P2, P3 ... can stand in relationship postulates:
(a) that a set of related significations exist for problems formulated within
different territories, and (b) that the solution to a problem (mastery of
fuel cell functioning) can be achieved through a series of displacements of
problems. The word 'translation' corresponds precisely with these two
meanings. Considered from a very general point of view, this notion postulates
the existence of a single field of significations, concerns and interests, the
expression of a shared desire to arrive at the same result. Though transla-
tion recognises the existence of divergences and differences that cannot be
smoothed out, it nevertheless affirms the underlying unity between elements
distinct from one another. Translation involves creating convergences and
homologies by relating things that were previously different. In the more
limited case we are examining, translation first of all assures that intelligible
connexions exist between questions concerning, for example, diffusion in
electrolytes, kinetics of reactions in electrodes and performance of the cell
(measured by available potential and intensity of current). Proposals, results
and appreciations can be converted from one to another so as to become
comparable. For example, a particular modification in electrode structure and
the distribution of the catalyst will react upon the operation of diffusion, the
latter in turn will modify the kinetics of the oxidoreduction reactions; the
result will be a variation in the intensity of current with consequences for
commercial implications. Translations like these are never a foregone conclu-
sion. They are formulated as hypotheses which will be judged convincing or
otherwise, (B, unlike A, is not convinced) (17). However, simultaneously,
and this is its second Significance, translation emphasises the interdependence
of problems. Solution of a problem depends on the prior solution of a whole
series of other problems (to improve kinetics implies previously improving
diffusion; achieving control of an outlet involves agreeing to study the
212 Michel CalIon

structure of electrodes). Translation asserts the necessity for some detours,

and indicates the required changes of route. The concept of the socio-Iogic of
translation stresses that these conversions, and changes of route, are valid
simultaneously for the problems and the actors. The problematic zone (or
area of suspicion) is a zone of fusion where the cognitive and social mingle in
the same logic.
The area of certainties is organised according to the principle of fission
(not fusion). It includes and connects elements on which it confers a status of
certainty. We must add, and this is fundamental, that it creates simultaneously
clear distinctions between, for example, technology, science and the social.
Let us return to Y. The notes that accompany his table enable one to re-
construct social, technical, scientific and political reality. We fmd the DGRST
and its policy, the budget allocated to the energy conversion concerted
action, CNRS policy with regard to electrochemistry, also the double layer
surrounding the electrode, Tafel's law establishing a relationship between
tension in the electrodes and the density of current, Nernst's law which links
tension and energy of activation. The area of certainty does not only include
the cognitive and technical. It is a multiple, differentiated world composed
of heterogeneous elements that are stable and identified. Y combines these
previously different elements, organising them according to a logic that
respects the divergences rather than cancelling them out, that reinforces
various certainties and established facts rather than eroding them, and which
does not call into question the fmal integrity of the individual elements.
Respect for these elements is the price that has to be paid in the course of
problematisation. Fusion only operates when surrounded by fission. But
here again a balance of forces is involved. Everything seems to indicate that
Y was unwilling to pay the cost of calling various elements of reality into
question. He is not able, or does not wish, to alter the DGRST's policy to
'modalise' Tafel's law. He does not possess the resources to carry out the
job of reconstruction. Of course, by thus revealing his lack of power he
actively helps to consolidate realities like the DGRST's policy and Tafel's
law. These realities have not been enunciated once and for all. They only
exist as long as the protagonists take them for granted, (perhaps because
the latter do not have resources with which to challenge them). Once again,
we are faced with a socio-Iogic - not to call into question Tafel's law or the
DGRST's policy means one is not willing to present a challenge. In this case
Struggles and Negotiations to Define What is Problematic and What is Not 213

the socio-Iogic is one of fission which respects and builds up differences and
All we need to say here about the structure of the un-analysed is this: its
structure resembles that of the unconscious. It represents what is kept silent
so that the rest may be stated.

Success or Failure of Problematisation: From Consent to Resistance

We must now describe the process by which a problematic situation succeeds
in incorporating interests, that is, to impose its own problematisation.
The committee asked Y to draw up a research programme on fuel cells. He
puts forward suggested themes, and says which laboratories he thinks might
be responsible for them. So far these are only conjectures. We have seen that
underlying them was a will to incorporate interests. In other words, Y will
only impose his problematisation if the groups approached agree to take part.
Therefore, his success depends on the reactions of G I, G2, G3 ... and on Y's
ability to convince them and persuade them to accept PI, P2, P3 .. .
What is likely to happen? In theory several situations are possible. We may
conveniently distinguish five ideal typical responses. The people to whom the
problems have been assigned (PI, P2 ... ), providing they agree to play the
game at all, can extend their criticisms in two directions; (a) a first subject for
discussion is the formulation of the problem allotted to them. Does it fit with
their own understanding of the problem? (b) Are they in agreement with the
general outline of the suggested problematic situation? This means, do they
agree to the sequence PI, P2, P3 ... , the choice of groups G I, G2, G3 ... ?
Do they consider Y's problem to be unproblematic and vice versa?


Reactions Group's appreciation Group's appreciation

of the problem of the problematic
assigned to it situation as a whole

Tagging along + +
1 +
11 +
Inertia o o
214 Michel CalIon

What is the significance of these various strategies?

Tagging along: The group approached recognises that its interests coincide
with the solution of the proposed problem. Moreover, it endorses the socio-
logic underlying the problematic situation which is in course of consolidation.
This is Y's position in relation to X. He agrees to take charge of the cell
theme, acknowledging the field of research to be a highly interesting one for
electrochemistry. He does not challenge the intellectual consistency of the
problematisation (classification of energy forms, confusion between technical
devices and theoretical objects), nor its socio-political consistency (energy
conversion is a homogeneous field of research which should be financed by
the DGRST rather than the CNRS). A adopts the same strategy with regard
to Y. This 'tagging along' attitude is an expression of a balance of forces
which ensures, locally and provisionally at least, the total success of the
problematisation. Thus it is possible to conceive of problematisations which
are deduced one from another, but only so long as it is clearly recognised that
deduction is never more than a successful translation.

Negotiation 1: The group approached agrees with everything except with

formulation of its own suggested problem so it launches into a limited, detailed
negotiation. The context as defmed is not called into question; the site (18)
assigned is not contested. However, specific alterations are requested. For
example, within the laboratory of which Y is the head, some researchers
working in collaboration with A slightly alter the way the study entrusted to
them is formulated, refming and articulating it. One researcher in particular,
instead of investigating the catalysis of the depolarisation reaction, concen-
trates his attention on the reaction itself and its mechanisms. Thus, he diverges
slightly from the originally proposed study.

Negotiation 11: The group approached agrees with nothing at all, except the
formulation of the problem assigned to it. In other words, it is ready to launch
into the specific research proposed, but it does not intend to fit into the
collective enterprise outlined, nor will it accept the suggested socio-cognitive
relationships as outlined. Here criticism can operate in several fields. Social:
the group approached considers the proposed agglomeration of interests un-
natural. Cognitive: it considers the relationships between problems postulated
Struggles and Negotiations to Define What is Problematic and What is Not 215

are questionable. This is the opinion of the industrialists Y includes in his

research programmes. They agree to the themes suggested, but refuse to
cooperate, in the long tenn condemning the enterprise to failure (19).

Opposition: The group approached challenges the problematic situation as a

whole. It actively contests fonnulation of the problem assigned to it, as it
does the whole set of presuppositions underlying the problematisation. Z and
B adopt a strategy of this type. B, for example, refuses to concentrate on
catalysis of oxido-reduction reactions in fuel cells only. He shifts the question,
transfonning it into one specific aspect of a more general study in which the
fuel cell and DGRST policy do not appear ...
Because it is the expression of a wish to enlist a variety of groups the
problematic situation leads to reactions. Through his problematisation Y
invites G 1, G2, G3 ... to join his enterprise. These groups react in tum, each
in its own way: A follows, B is in opposition, the industrialists negotiate ...
The translations are successful in varying degrees, the interests are only
partially incorporated. The problematisation achieves support, in one place
and provokes violent attacks elsewhere. A and B react ... and this is crucial
from a sociological point of view ... because, despite themselves, they are
implicated in Y's problematization. Interaction is possible between Y, A and
B because they are placed by Y in his zone of fusion.
Thus, a chain of relationships, a series of shifts, and a sequence of transla-
tions are fonned which induce consent or provoke resistance in the various
groups. X problematises and mobilises Y who follows on. Y problematises in
turn and mobilises A who also follows on. A problematises and ... the
sequence could go on for ever. However, quite a different chain of events
would have been quite possible: X problematises, Y follows, B is in opposition
... he builds up another problematic situation and begins to seek support in
his turn. His growing success implies Y's failure. A beaten man, Y leaves his
post at the head of his laboratory. Let us go on looking at B's career. He
widens his empire, extends and imposes his translations. Never again will a
problematisation like X's have a chance of success. Very often there are forks
in the path, deviations, sometimes reverse reactions, even loops whereby a
protagonist can be eliminated. As a result of this never-ending movement in
which translations are imposed and then break up, certainties are built up and
categories of reality erected. Thus our analysis is contrary to that of J. Dewey
216 Michel CalIon

(20) though he used concepts similar to our own. The effect of the actor's
action is not to create stability and order. It is to create local instability. With
the creation of such instability the possibility of autonomy arises (21).
One last point remains to be made. We have just described strategies which
arise as responses to a problematisation. But in what conditions do they
appear? Why does Y follow X? Why does B resist? The answer is to be found
in the concept of capital though not as this is understood by Bourdieu (22).
Concept is not a stock. For example, X's capital is more than his credit social
relationships, prestige, and his influential position. He is more than a set of
resources. Economists are well aware that identical resources can lead to
different strategies, some ending in failure, some in success. Capital cannot be
dissociated from the way it is utilised to incorporate interests, seek support,
intervene, translate and convince. These valorisation strategies must be studied
if the force of a problematisation and its power to enlist support are to be
assessed (23).

(1) Using the concept of the problematic situation, with its distinction
between zone of fusion and zone of fission, we can go beyond the natural
opposition that often operates between the social on the one hand and the
cognitive on the other. The analysis of problematic situations, showing how
they are organised, throws light on the process by which the limits between
the social and the cognitive are constantly re-defmed. The zone of fusion is
the crucible where practical categories are worked out, whilst in the zone of
fission they are consolidated. However, it must be noted, that these cleavages
are always linked to a specific problematic situation. In these conditions,
surely, concepts like the social context must be cast aside. They fail to
recognise the reality of problematisation and take for granted what is in fact
at stake for the protagonists. To problematise is, among other things, to
produce social context both for oneself and for others.
(2) In addition, the concept of the problematic situation makes discussion
of the significance of the sociology of content possible, something which is
everyone's dream. My view is as follows: It is only possible to discuss content
from within a problematic situation, that is, after having defmed what is
considered problematic and what non-problematic. The sociologist is caught
Struggles and Negotiations to Define What is Problematic and What is Not 217

up in the same situation as the scientist. He cannot avoid answering the

question: where do the frontiers lie between what is certain and what is
uncertain, between fusion and fission? In talking of content, the sociologist
starts out from already existing problematisations. How in these conditions
can he differentiate his enterprise from that of the scientist? This is a difficult
question, but I think I have the outline of a reply. It is rare, perhaps even
impossible, for a problematisation to impose itself without encountering any
obstacle. Alongside it and against it, opposition and negotiation strategies
spring up, even though they may well be condemned to fmal failure. The
protagonists themselves operate an active, never ending criticism, with the
result that a given problematisation is always parasitised by other problem-
atisations (24). To parasitize, as its etymology indicates, means to place
oneself alongside, to create a gulf, a difference whilst at the same time main-
taining links. It also (in French at least) means to interfere with a message, to
distort information. Interference can go on for ever, criticisms and reactions
to them form a branching chain which is never broken - unless the parasite
devours its host. And this occurs when one problematisation succeeds in
destroying that which it was criticising. Sociological analysis must fmd its
accommodation within this series of translations. The sociologist adds one
more translation to those produced by the protagonists. He is a parasite
living on other parasites. In this respect he is like all other actors. He cannot
differentiate his enterprise in principle from that of the scientist. He differs
only in that his practical focus of interest is that of translation - the socio-
logic of parasitisms. He is nourished by the eternally recurring parasitism he
studies round about him.

Notes and References

* This research was financed by CORDES.
1. D. O. Edge, and M. J. Mulkay, 'Cognitive, technical and social factors in the growth
of Radio Astronomy', Social Science Information Xli, 25-60 (1973).
2. The classic distinction between scientific research and scientific knowledge as
admitted by authors as different as K. R. Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery,
Hutchinson, London, 1959; and G. Holton, Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought,
Kepler to Einstein, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1973, is the vitable
result of atheoretical choice of this type.
3. R. D. Whitley, 'Black-boxism and the sociology of science: a discussion of the
major developments in the field', The Sociological Review Monograph 1861-92
218 Michel Calion

4. B. L~tour, 'Who is agnostic; what could it mean to study science?', Sociology of

Knowledge, Science and Art, Vol. 3, Kuclick, H. (ed.) (forthcoming)
5. H. M., Collins, 'The Seven Sexes: A Study of the Sociology of a Phenomenon, or
Replication of Experiments in Physics', Sociology 9, 205-224 (1975).
6. B. Latour, 'Is it possible to (re) construct the research process? Sociology of a brain
peptide' (this volume).
7. T. S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, Ill., (1970); K. R. Popper, Objective Knowledge, Oxford University Press,
8. M. J. Mulkay, The Social Process of Innovation: A Study in the Sociology of
Science, The Macmillan Press, London, 1972; D. Chubin, and K. Studer, 'The Place
of Knowledge in Scientific Growth', Paper given at the American Sociological
Association meetings, September, 1977. The archetypal opposition is that of K. R.
Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Hutchinson, London, 1959; and 1973,
op. cit. and J. Dewey, The Quest for Certainty: A Study of the Relation of Knowl·
edge and Action, Minton, Balch and Co., New York, 1929. The former makes
problematisation into a categoricalimperative. The latter sees in de-problematisation
the expression of an existential requirement (man abhors disorder and attempts to
produce stability).
9. CNRS: National Centre for Scientific Research, the largest public research body in
France with more than 7,000 researchers with special status, working in labora-
tories. The CNRS covers all scientific disciplines, being particularly orientated
towards fundamental research.
10. DGRST: General Delegation to Scientific and Technical Research, formed in 1958,
whose mission is to coordinate research carried out by the different public bodies
and to support lines given priority. At the time we are investigating the DGRST
wielded great influence within the administration.
DRME: Direction of Research and Testing Resources, charged with coordination of
Research financed by the Army Ministry.
11. R. Gilpin, France in the Age of the Scientific State, Princeton University Press,
Princeton, 1968; P. Papon,La Science et Ie Pouvoir en France, Editions du Centurion,
Paris 1979; K. Pavitt, 'Governmental support for industrial research and develop-
ment in France: theory and practice,' Minerva XIV, (3) Autumn, 330-354 (1976).
12. M. Callon, 'De probleme en probleme: itineraire d'un laboratoire universitaire saisi
par l'aventure technologique', CSI.cordes, 1978.
13. We need only note here that established facts of quantum mechanics are ignored.
The knowledge and facts used are those dating from the beginning of the century.
The most striking feature is their wide diversity. They belong to the realms of
physics, chemistry and thermodynamics.
14. From this point of view Mulkay's criticism of Kuhn is decisive. See in particular
Mulkay, 1972, op. cit., Note 8. See also G. Lemaine, 'Science normale et science
hypernormale', mimeo, 1979.
15. This singularity, well brought-out by K. Knorr, 'Producing and reproducing knowl-
edge: descriptive or constructive? Toward a model of research production', Social
Science Information 16, 669-696 (1977) is also valid for new knowledge seeking
recognition, G. N. Gilbert, 'The transformation of research findings into scientific
knowledge', Social Studies of Science VI, 281-306 (1976).
Struggles and Negotiations to Define What is Problematic and What is Not 219

16. lowe the concept of translation to M. Serres, Hermes 111, La traduction, Paris,
Editions de Minuit, 1974.
17. An analysis of translation mechanisms needs to be developed. We simply state that
it is linked to the construction of problematic situations themselves. A problematic
situation de-contextualises concepts, proposals and categories, and then re-con-
textualises them using its own logic. Thus problematic situations permanently create
metaphors. The latter's existence make translation possible (for 'metaphorisation'
see R. Krohn, 'The Social Process of Scientific Investigation', unpublished paper,
McGill University, 1978).
18. K. Knorr, op. cit., 1977, Note 15.
19. M. Callon, 'L'Etat face al'innovation technique; Ie cas du vehicule electrice', Revue
Francaise de Science Politique, 426-447 (Juin 1979).
20. R. E. Dewey, The Philosophy of John Dewey, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1977.
21. See the very fine analysis of a novel by M. Tournier put forward by G. Deleuze, La
logique du sens, Editions de Minuit, Paris, 1969.
22. P. Bourdieu, La distinction, Editions de Minuit, Paris, 1979.
23. M. Callon, and B. Latour, 'Unscrewing Leviathan: How do actors macrostructure
reality?', Forthcoming 1980.
24. M. Serres, Le parasite, Grasset, Paris, 1980.

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