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Instructor's Manual to ACcolnpany



Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa, USA

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

New York Chichester Brisbane Toronto Singapore

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
COMPUTER PROBLEMS .................................................................................................... 2
Standard Programs-File Names and Use .................................................................... 2

Chapter 1 Introduction................... .......... ............. ..................... ....................... 1-1
Chapter 2 Fluid Statics......... ..... ...... ........ ................ .......................................... 2-1
Chapter 3 Elementary Fluid Dynamics-Bernoulli Equation .......................... 3-1
Chapter 4 Fluid Kinematics... ...... .......... ......... ..... ................... .......................... 4-1
Chapter 5 Finite Control Volume Analysis ....................................................... 5-1
Chapter 6 Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow ................................................. 6-1
Chapter 7 Similitude, Dimensional Analysis, and Modeling ............ ............... 7-1
Chapter 8 Viscous Pipe Flow............................................ ................................ 8-1
Chapter 9 Flow Over Immersed Bodies ........................................................... 9-1
Chapter 10 Open-Channel Flow...... ...... ......... ....... ..................................... ...... 10-1
Chapter 11 Compressible Flow ......................................................................... 11-1
Chapter 12 Turbomachines ............. .................. ................................................ 12-1

Appendix A Listing of Standard Programs .......................................................... A-I


This manual contains solutions to the problems presented at the end of the chapters in the
Fourth Edition of FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUID MECHANICS. It is our intention that
the material in this manual be used as an aid in the teaching of the course. We feel quite
strongly that problem solving is an essential ingredient in the process of understanding
the variety of interesting concepts involved in fluid mechanics. This solutions manual is
structured to enhance the learning process.

Approximately 1220 problems are solved in a complete, detailed fashion with (in most
cases) one problem per page. The problem statements and figures are included with the
problem solutions to provide an easier and clearer understanding of the solution
procedure. Except where a greater accuracy is warranted, all intermediate calculations
and answers are given to three significant figures.

Unless otherwise indicated in the problem statement, values of fluid properties used in
the solutions are those given in the tables on the inside of the front cover of the text.
Other fluid properties and necessary conversion factors are found in the tables of Chapter
I or in the appendices.

Some of the problems [those designed with an (*)] are intended to be solved with the aid
of a programmable calculator or a computer. The solutions for each of these problems
are presented in essentially the same format as for the non-computer problems. Where
appropriate a graph of the results is also included. Further details concerning the
computer and their solutions can be found in the following section entitled Computer

In most chapters there are several problems [those designated with a (t)] that are "open-
ended" problems and require critical thinking in that to work them one must make
various assumptions and provide necessary data. There is not a unique answer to these
problems. Since there are various ways that one may approach many of these problems
and since specific values of data need to be assumed, looked up, or approximated, we
have not included solutions to these problems in the manual. Providing solutions, we
feel, would be counter to the rational for having these problems-we want students to
realize that in the real world problems are not necessarily uniquely formulated to a have a
specific answer.

One of the new features of the Fourth Edition of FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUID

MECHANICS is the inclusion of new problems which refer to the fluid video
segments contained in the E-book CD. These problems are clearly identified in the
problem statement. Although it is not necessary to use the CD to solve these "video-
related" problems, it is hoped that the use of the CD will help students relate the analysis
and solution of the problem to actual fluid mechanics phenomena.
Another new feature of the Fourth Edition is the inclusion of laboratory-related
problems. In most chapters the last few problems are based on actual data from simple
laboratory experiments. These problems are clearly identified by the "click here" words
in the problem statement. This allows the user of the E-book CD to link to the complete
problem statement and the EXCEL data for the problem. Copies of the problem
statement, the original data, the EXCEL spread sheet calculations, and the resulting
graphs are given in this solution manual.

Considerable effort has been put forth to develop appropriate problems and to present
their solutions in a manner that we feel is helpful to both instructors and students. Any
comments or suggestions as to how we can improve this material are most welcome.


As noted, problems designated with an (*) in the text are intended to be solved with the
aid of a programmable calculator or computer. These problems typically involve
solutions requiring repetitive calculations, iterative procedures, curve fitting, numerical
integration, etc. Knowledge of advanced numerical techniques is not required. Solutions
to all computer problems are included in the solutions manual. Although programs for
many of these problems are written in the BASIC programming language, there are
obviously several other math-solver or spreadsheet programs that can be used.

A number of the solutions require the use of the same program, such as a program 'for
curve fitting, or a numerical integration program, and these "standard" programs are
included. For those requiring use of one of the standard programs, there is a statement in
the problem solution which simply indicates the standard program used to solve the
problem. A list of these standard programs, with their file names, follow. The actual
programs are given in the appendix. Most of the standard programs are, of course,
readily available in other math-solver or spreadsheet programs, and the student can
simply use the programs with which they are most familiar.

Standard Programs-File Names and Use

Curve Fitting
EXPFIT.BAS Determines the least squares fit for a function of the form
y=ae bx
LINREG l.BAS Determines the least squares fit for a function of the form
LINREG2.BAS Determines the least squares fit for a function of the form
POLREG.BAS Determines the least squares fit for a function of the form
y =do + d JX + d 2x2 + d 3x3 + ...
POWERl.BAS Determines the least squares fit for a function of the form
y=ax b
Numerical Integration
SIMPSON.BAS Calculates the value of a definite integral over an odd num-
ber of equally spaced points using Simpson's rule
TRAPEZOLBAS Calculates the value of a definite integral using the
Trapezoidal Rule

COLEBROO.BAS Determines the friction factor for laminar or turbulent pipe
flow with the Reynolds number and relative roughness
specified (for turbulent flow the Colebrook formula, Eq.
8.35, is used)
CUBIC.BAS Determines the real roots of a cubic equation
FAN_RAY.BAS Calculates Fanno or Ray leigh flow parameters for an ideal
gas with constant specific heat ratio (k> 1) for entered
Mach number
ISENTROP.BAS Calculates one-dimensional isentropic flow parameters for
an ideal gas with constant specific heat ration (k> 1) for
entered Mach number
SHOCK.BAS Calculates normal-shock flow parameters for an ideal gas
with constant specific heat ratio (k> 1) for entered upstream
Mach number (Ma)

t. t I

1..1 Detennine the dimensions. in both the FLT system and

the MLT system, for (a) the product of mass times velocity,
(b) the product of force times volume. and (c:) kinetic energy
divided by area,

mASS ;( ve/oc;'& .:. (;VI ) (L 7- ) -

Sinee. F .:. M L T-.2


( b) ./oree J( Y&/I/ml! - F L3
_ (ML T-2.)(L3) _ /'1L if T-Z.

(~ ) J::,;'e/:'G e ne r.!~
t:l reL

/- I
1.2 Verify the dim~nsions, in both the FLT
and MLT~ystems .. ofthe folioWing quantities which
appear in Table 1.1: (a) angular velocity, (b) en-
ergy, (c) moment of inertia (area), (d) power,
and (e) pressure.

( 0.) = a 1'19 tI //1 r c/'spkce/?'J()~';' ..!.


(.b) e he 1'"1:J ~ C.a.;aci +!J 01 b~cJ!1 1-0 do w()rk

Since. Wt?/'"K = I()rce;( d/sl-tll1tt:..)

~nerJ!J ; FL
tJr ~if;, F _' /11 L T- 2
e. n erj tj ~ (M I- T -2) (L) == M L 2 T - 2

cc) /7l{pmfl1t 0/ inerlltt.~V'ea.) = sec~l?d /nl'Jme/}f D/ t:lff?l

. (1.:2-)(L~) =. L If

.£ . L-
= +-()rce
- ~
LZ. = F

J..---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\. ~ Verify the dimensions, in both the FLT system and the
MLT system, of the following quantities which appear in Table
1.1: (a) acceleration, (b) stress, (c) moment of a force, (d) vol-
ume, and (e) work.

Ve.JDC.I+~ .:=
a cc-e/e ro.:tt'tJl1 ::::

~ t-r-< ./C)Yce F.
eS5 = == L;" -
0. rea..

(C) /?1t:J/)')t"l1i ,,{ (£ (-kyce = .force.K dlsftln('~ .-: 1= L

=f/1LT-VL ...: I1L T-

2 Z

(a) volume Oen~f-h) 3.-:. L3


(e) Work - !=L

/- '3
/''1 I 1.4 If P is a force and x a length, what are
the dimensions (in the FLT system) of (a) dPI
dx, (b) tf'Pldx\ and (c) JP dx?

- dP
-. --Lp- -. != L- 2

I d 3.f . F -.
I (b) :::r -L3 1= L-3
I 3

jPdx -.
-"' PL


/.5 I 1.5 If p is a pressure, V a velocity, and p a fluid density,

what are the dimensions (in the MLT system) of (a) pip, (b)
pVp, and (c) p/pV 2?

1> _
(a. ) --f --.

f.1L-'T-Z. .

(ML -3) (LT- I ) Z


'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._........... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......J

/. ID I 1.6 If V is a velocity, fa length, and \I a fluid
property having dimensions of UT-I, which of
the following combinations are dimensionless: (a)
vr", (b) VC/', (e) V'" (d) VIM

(a.) V J. -zJ .:.. (L T -'j(L)f1. z r) - L~ T-1

mol dlm.nsienle,s)
(1:, ) v.R
-V - (Lr')(L) . LOr" ( dimension /ess)
(L'2. T I)

(C! ) V 2 -z) - (L T-) "(L • r - I) ~ L~r3 (oof dimfnsl'oIl!ess)

V (LT - 1 ) .
).11 - {L )(L' r ') - L
(not dlfnen sion!e>s )

j· 7 I 1.7 Dimensionless combinations of quan-

tities (commonly called di mensionless parame-
ters) play an important role in flu id mechanics.
Make up five possible dimensionless parameters
by using combinations of some of the quantities
listed in Table 1.1.
Some possible e" Q mpl e~ :

-. L"T"
u C( e Ie r,,-/-'M " f 1m e (L r2)(T)
ve /OCI f '1 - •
(L rlJ -
frefllenc'j ;( hme - (rl){r) ..:. TO

(ve!oci+!j) 2.
• (LT - I)'" ,
= ",
/ t'179 f !? x. <lea/uP/1M (L)( L r'-)

force " -lime , (F)(r)

- (j=){T) :. F"i"TO
= (11 LT -~ (1'7 zr:J(Lrj
/771Y/n en rum

deMif-') " velocil-j " len-P'4 --' (Mr 3)(LT - }(d =• M'L"T '
d'f nllr>1i< visUJ~if:J Mr ' 7-1 -
1- 5
/.~ I

118 The force, P, that is exerted on a spher-

ical particle moving slowly through a liquid is
given by the equation
P = 37CJlDV
where Jl is a fluid property (viscosity) having di-
mensions of FL -2T, D is the particle diameter,
and V is the particle velocity. What are the di-
mensions of the constant, 37C? Would you classify
this equation as a general homogeneous equa-
.p =- 37T;<D V
[f] -'- [3rr][pc :Lr][L][L r~
[F] == [:?7TJ [pJ
37T /.5 d/men.510I1Je~s, C(nd -the ~2t1a!-/{)I1·
15 tt 1 ene Y'(J/ hl/rn()~eneOU5 efJtAa..f-/on. yes.

/- ~
/. 'I I
According to information found in an old hydraulics
book, the energy loss per unit weight of fluid flowing through
a nozzle connected to a hose can be estimated by the formula
h = (0.04 to 0.09){D / d)4V2 /2g
where h is the energy loss per unit weight, D the hose diameter,
d the nozzle tip diameter, V the fluid velocity in the hose, and
g the acceleration of gravity. Do you think this equation is valid
in any system of units? Explain.

~= (O.OLf 1-0 ('). {) 9) (.!J )If 2.J


gn= [D.O~ 1-. O.O~ [tJ[i] [~:J[ t]

[L J== [O.OLf -1-0 0,07] [LJ
Since eac.h hrf}z li-t the e$tt.a..f./~h must: n4t1e the
:Slll71e -the Cf!)I1~"'lfi I-erm (~. ~'f ~ ~. ~tj) rnusf
/;~ climfns/f.,hless. Thus the e$ti/{,t/~H /.5 a. !J~n(lY~ I
h~mo1enet!Jvs €lttA..-6I4;;' .fh{(.i: IS 1I11//c/ IH CiI1.!! ~!:f5Iem
~f Un ,·f..:5. Yes.
t. /0 I
1.10 The pressure difference, Ap, across a cosity (FL -~T), p the blood density (ML -3), D
partial blockage in an artery (called a stenosis) is the artery diameter, Ao the area of the unob-
approximated by the equation structed artery. and A I the area of the stenosis.

.1p = K!
D (All
+ K" A I -
)2 p V-
Determine the dimensions of the constants K,.
and K". Would this equation be valid in any sys-
tem of units?
where V is the blood velocity, Jl the blood vis-

Since eac.h -terM mv.st h~lJe. the same dimensions;

k'v Cll'ld Ku are dirnen5ionJe-:'5. Thu~.1 fhe efuafltJJI/
IS (;( ttener~1 h()f71~jel1eO"s e~ ua.l-;tJv, -tnCI'/- w{)uld be
va/ic/ t'n Cfn!! C()tJ5isffnt sfjsl-em of U)1jf5. yes.

I. / / J I . II Assume that the speed of sound, c, in a fluid depends
on an elastic modulus, Eu, with dimensions FL ~2, and the fluid
density, p, in the form c = (Eu)"(p)h. If this is to be a dimen-
sionally homogeneous equation, what are the values for a and
h? Is your result consistent with the standard formula for the
speed of sound? (See Eq. 1.19.)


FPr ~ d)J11eY1~/Of1tt/I'1 h(!)mt1ef1eDIJ5 -€$ad ea.ch +erm


In the etua.t,bJ-f fntlS1- haf/(. -fJu 5f1/)/e

'dlmeY15JO#.s, Thtl5,
-/ne Y"'9Jtf hand ~/de ()f. P~l OJ mus+ h~ve the dlmenslPA,s
of- L 7-'. There /dYe)
2.},=-1 (i:1> sa -/-1 's.f." C6"t/, ',,,()~ "n r)
.ta -f If b = - I (.£. :!iJ 1-, ~ I-y ~Y1 dJ/o'" "" L)
a. =LZ. tlnt! /:; = - ).2.

So -tn..-f. c = ~i0: 1

Thb re.5u 1+ /s ~nsisl-f"r /AI;-!/1 the, sblltlt/J'p ~rIl1U/A -kr 17te

:5peed ()j2- 5DUJlJd. YeS.

1- 'j
I, /2. I
1.12 A formula for estimating the volume rate of flow, Q.
over the spillway of a dam is

Q = C v28 B (H + V2/2g)3/2
where C is a constant. g the acceleration of gravity. B the
spillway width. H the depth of water passing over the spillway.
and V the velocity of water just upstream of the dam. Would
this equation be valid in any system of units? Explain.

5/~ce ea.c;" I:errn ,i1 ~e .e.Su.Lf/~H rnus-t- ha.ve +he

SQ/7Ie dimellsi{)l/s -the ~11.sb1l/i C VI must:- he
cilmeI15/!)/J )e~s. Thtls; -tnt!.. .et(f~tltJH is a ~-ene r-a I
htPl1IP ,e/ledJ t(J eg Ua.,tIOJl -1'n¢,f WOf,{ /~ be. v t).. //d I»

411'1 e4)A~/sl:ent Set: of (,Iilif.s. Ye~.

/. / if I 1.14- Make use of Table 1.3 to express the
following quantities in SI units: (a) 10.2 in.lmin,
(b) 4.81 slugs, (c) 3.02lb, (d) 73.1 ft/s2, (e) 0.0234
lb·s/ft2 •

(c>-) 1t),2 :;;'1 - (;0. 2 ;,;J (Z,S*;t/O-",:'.) ( ~;;n)

-3 /W1
- i-. 'a2. .;c It) s = tf. 32. T
[ h) If. 9/ S/fA l' = ('I:?/ sill!> ) (;. 'f$f' ;< I () sju~) = 70, 2 ). ff

( ~ ) 3. tJ:L /b::: (3. ~ Z / b ) ( If. If'If f1 ).=: /3. If AI

Cd) 73. J :Efi :

ce) CJ, tJ23'1 Ib·s

(0. ~Z3'f ITt.) ('/,7.?1;tIO
N· -':

lb. s
- I, /2

/./.5' I 1.15 Make use of Table 1.4 to express the
following quantities in BG units: (a) 14.2 km,
(b) 8.14 N/m 3 , (c) 1.61 kg/m\ (d) 0.0320 N·m/s,
(e) 5.67 mm/hr.

(b) o
,11'I'f " (g. 'If ~ ) (~3U;(/O·3 ':3 )
= 5'. IF)( 10'2 Pt.
( -3 SJUjS)
l I. Cf Iff) )(. /0 W =

(d) 0.0320 -S -- (~, 0 j 20 N ~ I1f1 ) (7, 371P;( /V-I -il-·Ib ) oS

-2 .{.f·/b
- oS

- 2.3b)(JD - oS

- s: 17 )1.10

/. /(0 I 1.lG Make use of Appendix A to express the
following quantities in SI units: (a) 160 acre, (b)
742 Btu, (c) 240 miles, (d) 79.1 hp, (e) 60.3 OF.

IfpO a. ere

(6) 7tf2 137U = J.)=

6'1-2 sru) (.°£,;</0 3 BTU 7.g3X/~5J

C~) .2LjO int.' = (;'''10 tni ) (;'''Oq;(./(;.3 1"YY1,)::: 38iDX/oS"t?11


Cd) 71. / hp 0: (7'i'./ hp ) (7.'f5"7 X /02. (;{;) '"

(e) Tc = l' ~1).3 - 32) '= /5.7 "C::

k = /5",7 f) ( -r 273 ::::), gr 1<

/./7 I
1.17 Clouds can weigh thousands of pounds due to their
liquid water content. Often this content is measured in grams
per cubic meter (glm3). Assume that a cumulus cloud occupies
a volume of one cubic kilometer, and its liquid water content
is 0.2 glm 3. (a) What is the volume of this cloud in cubic
miles? (b) How much does the water in the cloud weigh in

1M1= 3.281 U
(;0'/111.1) (g, Z8'1 ~ )
(£ 2!b >fIb) t:)

0,2 £j 0 nn,,3

(h) %J == 0 X -Vol"rn~
d' =: jJ d = {0.2 ;'3 ){!D-
;g. )(r.8/ ;) =f. UU/iJ-;;J
"lJ =- (I. '( (,,2 ;( JD -3 ;;', ) (10 1;m3) = /. '( ~2 X I DI, N
(:1., 2tf8 x/D- -J& ) :::: ~, If! X JO f h
1 S
= (I. "t,z X /D (. N )

1- 13
1.18 For Table 1.3 verify the conversion re-
lationships for: (a) area, (b) density, (c) velocity,
and (d) specific weight. Use the basic conversion
relationships: 1 ft = 0.3048 m; lib = 4.4482 N;
and 1 slug = 14.594 kg.

(a) I it 1..: (/ .ft'")f(a 301f.>') 2/1?1 ,,-] = 0, () q 29{) /H1 ~

L I-i ~
Thus) rnu//-'/0 -ft 2 bJ 9. '2'i{) £ - 2. +0 t!trJnvfrf

fo /ffI :2..

II;) /

Thus) mu/fipJ'j slugs/.ft.3 b!:J 57 IS-If E of 2. ;'0 CtJl'Jtlfrl

-to Ie? / /I'n ~

(I!) / If- = (/ fj ) (~. 30'/; jJ)~
Thus.) muillpl!) Ills bIJ 3.0'le f - / -1-0 cOl1vert
-I: 0 /t11 /s.

(d) I JIz - (I !l ') (If. 't'l12 !!..) [ I Ii 3 3 l

If 3 - l' -It 3 ) l ~. /j, ( 0, "3 () Iff) /W1 3 J
-= /57, / ;;;;

TfJlAS) m IA If/pI:; / b/R ~ b!:J /. 5'7/ }; -t 2 -10 t'e>ntlfY't

fo #/;m3 4

/,/9 .J 1..1 q
-- -
For Table 1.4 verify the conversion re-
lationships for: (a) acceleration, (b) density.
(c) pressure. and (d) volume f1owrate. Use the
basic conversion relationships: 1 m = 3.2808 ft;
1 N = 0.22481 lb; and 1 kg = 0.068521 slug.


Thus) m""/+ipllj
tt/ .J.t / .5 J..
(b) I ~ ~ = (I ~3 ') (0. oft> f/5:L/ slugs) [ 1m,3 J
1111 ~ "" \ ( T; (3. ZFO~)3 -f1:: 3
- I 040 x /0- 3 S l u ~~
. 1 f-t3

Th ~S.i m ul.f.i pJ'1 ~J/tt113 h,!j /. qLfo E-3 to ~J1t/fri.

-1:0 S /u~/.ft 3.

(I !:!. ) (O,2.2lfgl ~)f

(C) I Ji ::
/'I't1 ? tn1 2. N l (3.IlfOg) ft l J
2. 1.

'2. () g r i. I D
"=' f.t1-

Thu5) m/,.{lfip/~ N/rrn l b~ ;;'.Ogq E-l fo ~~n()fYt

1::-0 / h / f.t :L,

(d) / 7 3
== (I ~) [cg, 1.KOS/~:l= 35". 3/ fr'
T h US) rn f.,( I t ifl':J 1»1 /5
b~ 3. 531 E+ I -1:.0 rlOl1Vfyt

+(/ ft 3/s.

------------~~- --------
/.2..0 J

1.20 Water flows from a large drainage pipe at a rate of

1200 gal/min. What is this volume rate of flow in (a) m /s. (b)
liters/min. and (c) ft /s?

( ()...)
f./owrat e =

-:2 /i'Y7.3
757 ;<. 10

(b) Since / Ii fer = / [) -3t1"/1 ~

/lowrfLte= (7.57 ;'/6-

S /H1 3 /'1?1/11

(C ) I I() W r (I. +. e. = (7 S 7 )( J()- ~ if 3 ) (3 S3 I X J0

-I't J
:: 2. ~ 7 s

1,,;2 / 1.2 , A tank of oil has a mass of 3 0 slugs.
(a) Determine its weight in pounds and in new-
tons at the earth's surface. (b) What would be its
mass (in slugs) and its weight (in pounds) if lo-
cated on the moon's surface where the gravita-
tional attraction is approximately one-sixth that
at the earth's surface?
( t(.) w.e i9 h i- .: ~. as.5 )(. 3
= (3 0 5 /uqs ) ( 32.2 ;:)== _o/~r;, 16

- (30 shillS) ('t. Sf 14 )("I.E! -f,,)-= ,/Z'foN

( b) /h') 4 s.s = 3 () 5 J/A 9 S ( /n1 ASS dtJts t}IJt- dep~;1d t!)1'1

JY'~ vihfitJl1ll / a ffrtu..J-if!)11 )

w.eijhi = (30 s/uqS ) (32.~:Ef.. ) / fa/ /b

;,:2 2
1.22 A certain object weighs 300 N at the earth's surface.
Detennine the mass of the object (in kilograms) and its weight
(in newtons) when located on a planet with an acceleration of
gravity equal to 4.0 ft/S2.

9, 8/

'I: () ft Is :J. )

- (3tJ.(P Jj. ) ( if. 0 ~) ((), 30'fg ; ; )

= 37.3 N

1.23 An important dimensionless parameter the Froude number using SI units for V, g, and
in certain types of fluid flow problems is the Froude e. Explain the significance of the results of these
number defined as Vlv'g'ii, where V is a velocity, calculations.
g the acceleration of gravity, and r a length. De-
termine the value of the Froude number for V =
10 ft/s, g = 32.2 ft/s 2 , and r = 2 ft. Recalculate

In B 6 tI/lits /

;0 /.25"

In JI uni-t-s:
V:: (to ft )(~. '3IJJfr
~):: 3.06
~;: 1',:g I ~
~ ::: (~+t:) (0. "3 04-g ~ ):: O. b I 0 t'l?1

v = -- 1.25

Th e. Va /lle D I a.d im-et1sjt'J n less parl!met ev IS

in cle;enciel7i of -the un i t ~1 sl-em.

1.2 4- The specific weight of a certain liquid is
85.3 lb/ft 3• Determine its density and specific

d" g5.3 -.ft-3 2.&'5 s I u 9.5
;0 -= - f-t3
1 '32,2 .pc

fJ -
I.If;l.O @ f~c
/. fi- -

/, '25
1.25 A hydrometer is used to measure the specific gravity
of liquids. (See Video V2.6.) For a certain liquid a hydrometer
reading indicates a specific gravity of 1.15. What is the liquid's
density and specific weight? Express your answer in SI units.

5G -=
~D@'" °C
//5 - f
/o/)o .k;'
1m 3

f== (I. /5) (I ()r;O :'3) 1150 ~


1- /q
/.2 10 1
l. 2~ An open, rigid-walled, cylindrical tank contains 4 ft 3
of water at 40 of. Over a 24-hour period of time the water
temperature varies from 40 of to 90 of. Make use of the data
in Appendix B to determine how much the volume of water will
change. For a tank diameter of 2 ft. would the corresponding
change in water depth be very noticeable? Explain.

/)1QSS of w~l:er = -V X t
Wheve ¥ /s the {/oh{rne and! 1he. deI15rfr:1. J/J1Ce.. -the.
rnA$~ mU$1- Yefl1111M ~l1sfa)1i (/5 the -iempera.-tuye ehf/flqeJ
-tf x iJ := -tI-)( ~
'fcc / 'io p '1~. (f~ (> (I )

Ff~'11 ra6)e B. J

/Hz o ~ r~"F = I. 13/ s~

TherekYt) (nil'! E $- (/) /' .:!':!i~ )
+ = ( if /t.3 )( I, 9'1" .f-c3 If DIFb -Pi.]
1p () I. y"j J ~:;:3
Thus; the, I~crell~ In Vt) lumt: ,:s .3
'I: 1/Ji L - If. "00 -== 0. 0/ i I:, .pt

The chtlltfe Jil Wl..fey cle;1Jt" 41) .i<J "o/tI~j fo

il-V- O. OJ;~ ..ft3 -3
Ai.:= a rea :=.
71 (7f-1:) 2-
== 5, '12 xlD +t =~. ()7/~ in.

7h'5 ~/lJ4I/ e-hl(Hge In def1h would n~.J. he iJel"!1

tJ()l-lcet:l/;/~. AI0,
,4 S/;1hf/lj d.:PkY(~i. Vfi!,,(! b~ "h.fa;HfA
for' .l1) f-I/; II
If ~I'~c"f,i ("J(I;hf lJ!-wphr Jr Iur,r fflilJey 1ltQIf4t11s/-J-!1'
11J1~ 'J du e -10 t'h.e /rtc.t tho! 1Jtele is SIP/II e IIHcem,id]l
117- -!itt! fi,Jlr1h ~/;1;ln(~111 /'9l1Y'e of 1Jte..re. +tv" 1It//l(es,l lit'!
ff;.(J ~()//,('h~Jt 'S SPfls/fl';~..fl':J 7}"j unc..ryitlin-J.t;.

/,27? I

1.2 ~ A liquid when poured into a graduated

cylinder is found to weigh '8 N when occupying a
volume of 500 ml (milliliters). Determine its spe-
cific weight, density, and specific gravity.
w~i~ht gN
(=- .= 10. a
1/0/ tllYJ e

:3 JL
- J. ~3 -k ~
?! /ra;<. /~ 3

f= - 1.81 hH
/1113 x /0
1»1 3
c;. 57..

1 ~'f.

f -
/. b3 x / D ;m .?l
/. to 3
JfDC 3 ..fEg.
/0 ;m3

/- 2/
/,2Cj 1 I. '2. q The information on a can of pop indicates that the can
contains 355 mL. The mass of a full can of pop is 0.369 kg
while an empty can weighs 0.153 N. Determine the specific
weight, density, and specific gravity of the pop and compare
your results with the corresponding values for water at 20°C.
Express your results in SI units.

v~/JlJf ()+- I-/UIC; (/ )

y= {/p/um~ t:J/ .fltlt'c/

-h~/ we/fltf = maSS x 9- = ~. 3tf J# )(r.JI ~)::: d: 62 II

wf,jhf ~f GIn:' C/. /53 IV
r. /
Vp/l(l'n~ ~ / "'-/1114::- c:i'S5 oX I~
-3L) (/0
/ -3T/YYI3) =- ~:,-S- x/tJ
-(./YYI 3
Th u~ I-r~1t7 E%. (/)
3. "Z /II - ~. 153 II - Cf77o!::!

tf 7 7013
oS;&. ~
rtf ~ 1'm.3 - (J. 99/'
j~o~ y

Ulaler ~t 20·C (see. ~.J/e B. 2 J~ ApjJfHd,X J])

v - '17 g'13.'3 · /.J :: f'/t. 2 ~ . 56 = 0. qqg 2.
oJ+z. iJ - /J11) (Jt.z. ~ 1')n3 )

jj etJll11l"n;;" ~f 1AlS~ Jltl/IIR.I £" lOll/IV with 1ht)s~

~y 11te P(J); sh()w.s 1Jt~.j iJ;~ ~~C;-hC 1A.)(',jhf~
c/tnS,fYI ifl1d ~eClhc' :Jr/tv,f, cf- iJre i",P are. all
Sl'jhflfj Jp l<Jer 1JJlfn ine ~rre;;t~nd/~ J/tJlllfS Ibr UJt:der.

/.30*1 1.30* The variation in the density of water, p,
with temperature, T, in the range 20°C :$ T :$
60°C, is given in the following table.

Density (kg/m') 1998.21997.11995.71994.11992.21990.21988.1

Temperature (0C) I 20 I 25 I 30 I 35 1 40 1 45 1 50

Use these data to determine an empirical equa-

tion of the form p = c, + C2T + C3T1 which can
be used to predict the density over the range
indicated. Compare the predicted values with
the data given. What is the density of water at

To S()/ve 1h:S pr()~Jem use POLRF6.

** This program determines the least squares fit. **
** for any order polynomial of the form: **
y = dO + dl*x + d2*x 2 + d3*x~3 + ...

** **

Enter number of terms in the polynomial: 3

Enter number of data points: 7

Enter data points (X , Yl

? 20,998.2
? 25,997.1
? 30,995.7
? 35,994- . 1
? tiO,992.2
? 1±5.990.2

The coefficients of the polynomial are:

d2 = -4,.0953E-03
d1 = -5.3332E-02
dO = +1.0009E+03

X Y Y(predicted)
+2.0000E+01 +9.9820E+02 +9.9825E+02
+2.5000E+01 +9.9710E+02 +9.9706E+02
+3.0000E+01 +9.9570E+02 +9.9566E+02
+3.5000E+01 +9.91±10E+02 +9.91±07E+02
+1±.0000E+01 +9.9220E+02 +9.9226E+02
+1±.5000E+01 +9.9020E+02 +9.9026E+02
+5.0000E+01 +9.8810E+02 +9.8805E+02
Tn US)f=== /00/ - O. OG"333 T - 0.00'1095 T:J.
!Vote tl14t f (pJ'ecl'~fed) ~ l'n 9()OO Q9reemfl1t w;'1h f (gJ~~h).
A t r = '1-2. / "C)

! = /00/- O.~S333 (Jf.Z. / DC) - (J. {)O tj.O?S (1f.2./ cc)

/,32 I

1.32 The density of oxygen contained in a tank is 2.0 kg/m 3

when the temperature is 25°C. Determine the gage pressure of
the gas if the atmospheric pressure is 97 kPa.

p= f)/U = (.2.0 #!. )(.)51.8 Ie~k.) [r.we r ,m)Kj

- /5'5 i Pa. (4 bS )
-p (JCd/e): -1;,fibS
I - 1:.4.rm
I :: /g5 J.~ - rt71e ~ = 5? k ~

/.33 I
J.33 Some experiments are being conducted in a laboratory
in which the air temperature is 27°C. and the atmospheric
pressure is 14.3 psia. Determine the density of the air. Express
your answers in slugs/ft3 and in kglm 3.

Tempera. fllYe,

- 0.00222

/ :: /0. Of) 222 SlIl9.s)

( c. R a
(s. /S¥ X !,,g! ) ::

1.14 1r<!33
--:r£~ "
l.3 If A closed tank having a volume of 2 fe is filled with
0.30 lb of a gas. A pressure gage attached to the tank reads 12
psi when the gas temperat.ure is 80 of. There is some Question
as to whether the gas in the tank is oxygen or helium. Which
do you think it is? Explain how you arrived at your answer.

W~/ji, t = tJ. go IJ,

1= ~)( (lo/ume (';2.2. ~) (z. ft3)
-3 /
1~~x/o St.(9S
Sin ce. 1= - ( J2 T I't: 7 ) fS/~
pre.sStlre ~~JUMFd b( ~ / if-: 7 f.J'/a )
T =- (tf/J (>;: + If.b~) llR Ii .ft, //,,(jJ j '"that:
(2/,,7 7 12
;0::: R.

rr4'1'J? Ta ble I. 7 R :: /. 5"'S"1f X J~ lor- O)(jgel1
ttinc1 ;€ = I, 2 if.Z X It) If Ii· J.j, ~y he/lto'n.
0511/9 ' (),R.

Thus; ./r()1'}1 Ff.(J J I;:' -!he 9tif Is f.9XY'l/n

I 7./Z
::- 155'f X/~ 3
/t3 =
*5' i.x M -3 !/u~
he /11,lm
,tJ - 7. /2..
r- - /, 21f2 X/I) If

A- ~mJJIIYJ51J1} 6/ 1he.5e va/lies w/ fl, -tJ"e tlC/:t(o/ df!1>/~

of -!7te '1 q5 / rl the -ban i. /nell C.1I~...s 7h /I t 1it e
9t1S /?1 uS i- be

1- 2 5
1.3G A tire having a volume of 3 fe contains
air at a gage pressure of 26 psi and a temperature
of 70 oF. Determine the density of the air and the
weight of the air contained in the tire.

~ 1P!l20 .,. / It, 7.f! ) (Ilflf In.2.)

.: Jh. I J1 .ft: "L -3 I
t== R.T
~, "If)( /D s~
(/7/~ h,/)' ) li(7~d;:+'ffPO)"R
5hlj'~ II ~

wei!JH ::- ! 3- ;( ",,,Iume = (t..1fIf x/0

s!,,:) ('32.2 ::) ( ~.f.t~

1- 2f.s.
/.37 I

1..'07 A rigid tank contains air at a pressure of 90 psia and

a temperature of 60 oF. By how much will the pressure increase
as the temperature is increased to 110°F?

J=oy a Y'lr/4 c.losed Jan./( -the "';, rnpS5 4nd
V~/vme 4Y~ 'DI1"iR~Z. ,;fO 1= ~n5i:4nt-. Thus",
/!rIPt7I ct. /. f (W/~ R etPI'I5rq"t)
-P, _ FL
-7;.. (I )

wht'f'e -A ~ fit) psia-) r;:: bO r -J- Jflt,D Ii

- S2.~ c ~.1
"nil 7i:: //()oF-+Jf6o = s-'lO~. FY'~pr ct. (j)

r2. = 7i..
7; 0
~ = (/S7tJ

l<) (flJf~t.A.) = '18'. 7 OSLo..

I .

I. 3 i -'II: I

"J .3X Develop a computer program for calculating the

density of an ideal gas when the gas pressure in pascals (abs).
the temperature in degrees Celsius. and the gas constant in
J/kg· K are specified.

;::';;1" lin ,dtlt/ ~115

1= "kr
t.)htY~ t iJ tlb.$l)/u/-(l. 1'1"!'SS"~) R 1h~ 9"S (}PIIS J-f,(1'1 i: I ClI'1~ 7
is tlbsl)l",,~ -lempRrtlwre. Thus" ,-I 1'ht!. t~mJ~f-I4.t:UY~
{s / J1 4)C -Inti'!
T = ~ { + 273. JS

,4 spreadshp8 t (exCEL] PY'()jY4h1 ~,... C/4leulai-lIlj fJ j.o/jfJLt)s.

This program calculates the density of an ideal gas I

when the absolute pressure in Pascals, the temperature I
in degrees C, and the gas constant in J/kg-K are specified.
To use, replace current values with desired values of
temperature, pressure, and gas constant. i
A 8 CD!
Pressure, Temperature, Gas constant,. Density, :
Pa °C J/kg· K I kg/m I
1.01 E+05 15 286.9 1.23 Row 10

=A1 0/«81 0+273.15)*C1 0)

~xt¥rnp/e" taJcuLa..f-e I ~r P= 2.~o~ P()..) trhljJfrl.i:ure. -

~O·CJ t1'1~ R:: 2..97 J/~. I~ I

A 8 C D I
Pressure, Temperature, Gas constant, Density,
Pa °C J/kg-K
2.00E+05 i 20 287 2.38 Row 10

I. 3f-- I

':'1.3 l ) Repeat Problem 1.38 for the case in which the

pressure is given in psi (gage). the temperature in degrees
Fahrenheit. and the gas constant in ft·lb/slug,oR.

F(J)Y ql? /c/ea/ 9qS

/.)::: 1<;
whtY.f!. p /.s a bs()/utt Q"~~/lJ.fe +emptrai:tlre.
prf.5SUYl'j t:i1'1I( T IS

f ~empYa-bo"e IH ";:: tfn" PYt'5~uve ,ft os£. -the"


= tI;= -r if5~. ~ 7
411r.1 f':: [
. -a
p(1"£) -r t.ihtt (psia.)
I Jx 14LfJ;t~

.4 spreAdsheet. (t:XCEU pr()!f4m ~y C4/fL{J~t-Jir." f lallows.

This program calculates the density of an ideal gas

when the gage pressure in psi, the atmospheric
pressure in psia, the temperature in degrees F, and
the gas constant in ft.lb/slug.deg R are specified. i
To use, replace current values with desired values of
gage pressure, atmospheric pressure, temperature,
and gas constant.

Pressure, Temperature, Gas constant, Atm. Pressure, ' Density,
psi I of fi Ib/slug.oF psia slugs/ft i
o ! 59 1716 14.7 0.00238 Row 12

~---l-------+_ _ _ _--+------il Formula:

i=((A 12+D12)*144)/((C12)*(B12+459.67))

J? J(" rn)J Je' ell /,uL~ -te fJ ~y P= LfOPJi.) ifmprrIJ ture =/~~ ()t;
fi.J:"" = 1'1-.7 P5L'(ij tind R= /7JI:, .fJ.t.lb/.sJU~'''~ ,
I B I C i D j
. E I

Pressure, Temperature, Gas constant, I Atm. Pressure, ! Density, i

psi I of ft Ib/slug of psia slugs/ft3

40 100 1716 14.7 0.00820 Row 12~ ___ _

J- Zer
/. '10 I

I.LfO Make use of the data in Appendix B to determine the

dynamic viscosity of mercury at 75 of. Express your answer in
BG units.

/. ~I

1. 4 J One type of capillary-tube viscometer is shown in

Video V1.3 and in Fig. PI ~( . For this device the liquid to Glass
be tested is drawn into the tube to a level above the top bridge
etched line. The time is then obtained for the liquid to drain
to the bottom etched line. The kinematic viscosity, v, in m2/s
is then obtained from the equation v = KR 4 t where K is a
constant, R is the radius of the capillary tube in mm, and t
is the drain time in seconds. When glycerin at 20 0 is used
as a calibration fluid in a particular viscometer the drain time Capillary ---lr-+-.-li"\
is 1,430 s. When a liquid having a density of 970 kg/m 3 is tube
tested in the same viscometer the drain time is 900 s. What
is the dynamic viscosity of this liquid?

• FIGURE P1.41

~y ~/tI~er/.n @ 20D[ 7J= !JCfxIP-~1s

!. / r X /1)-) hn"l-Is :: Uc R Ij.) 0, ~30 s)
k R4-= 8. ~ 2 X If) -7 /}?12-1s 2..

IJ zu/d win, t::. rODs

v= (3. $ ~ i/O- 7 /n1 "2./s 2.) (90 t) 5 )

= (97 0 --k#~3) (7. If 'I x /0 -If fn1% )
~ = u,727
D. 727 Im-S

I. ¥2 I
J 042 The viscosity of a soft drink was determined by using
a capillary tube viscometer similar to that shown in Fig. P 1.41
and Vidl'O V 1.3. For this device the kinematic viscosity, v, is
directly proportional to the time, I, that it takes for a given
amount of liquid to flow through a small capillary tube. That
is, II = KI. The following data were obtained from regular pop
and diet pop. The corresponding measured specific gravities
are also given. Based on these data, by what percent is the
absolute viscosity, J-l, of regular pop greater than that of diet
Regular pop Diet pop
I(S) 377.8 300.3
sa 1.044 1.003

- t J 1< /OD

1.13 I
1. 43 The time, t, it takes to pour a liquid from a con- equation for the pouring time in seconds was t = I + 9 X
tainer depends on several factors, including the kinematic 102" + 8 X I 0 3,,2 with" in m2/s. (a) Is this a general ho-
viscosity. ", of the liquid. (See Video V1.l.) In some labo- mogeneous equation? Explain. (b) Compare the time it
ratory tests various oils having the same density but differ- would take to pour 100 ml of SAE 30 oil from a 150 ml
ent viscosities were poured at a fixed tipping rate from small beaker at O°C to the corresponding time at a temperature of
150 ml beakers. The time required to pour 100 ml of the 60°C. Make use of Fig. B.2 in Appendix B for viscosity
oil was measured. and it was found that an approximate data.

(a..) -I:. =: / -t 'I /o"l.-u

J( T 9 X/OS -v 2- (I)

fT] == [i ] + [tf;<JoV [~ J -t [3 x/oJ] [-¥.]

5/~c~ each +rn11 ;'n +he egutL.f:lbJ1 !1?"fs-t hftlle -t-he stlme
d /1rJl'''''tM5 -tJte ~IJ 51-o",1-.s a..?petl r/n~ /rl 1J1e efllLa.:I:,clI
m u 51- have dllnen ~/pif..s.I l ' e.. / [ -3]
[)] :;; [TJ [11.>< JD 1-J ~ [.1::] D~ X I D3J.:. -b-
7htl..5) w; 1h a. c.hol1"~ I;' Ut1/fs /he J/,,/tI~ "I 7h~
C(J)115-fz1l1i5 wPt// tI e..l1l1l1fe q ntl -t7J/~ I S 11~t:- tt j-enent /
horno jen e(J)tI.J. ..(2gaa-i'£;;J . ;\1.0.
(j;) Pr~m Ta /;Ie 8.2 /n A ppel1d1 x B
(~r SAE:3'tJ ();/ @) O°c) -z/ = 2. 3 )( jtJ -,3 /Yn 2./s
(-for 5A-E~!) ()// @ ~DC) -V = 'I: ~ x /m2-1s

l7f£. (; )
i::- I T- C/Xj// (2.3X/D-~)-t
:3.1/ s

@ (00° C 1+
I, 0'1- 5

I. Lf4 I

1.44 The viscosity of a certain fluid is 5 x

1O-~ poise. Determine its viscosity in both SI and
BG units.

/= (5.>L/o-I(.,P~i~e)(IO-' ~~)=

(/n el Frpl7? ~ 6/e /. If

~ -l
~ ::: (5 X- /D - .!:!.:.!.. ) ( :/., o~q )(./ 0
. /1'112

/. 'is J
1.4S" The kinematic viscosity of oxygen at 20°C
and a pressure of 150 kPa (abs) is 0.104 stokes.
Determine the dynamic viscosity of oxygen at this
temperature and pressure.

- .s

*1.46 Auids for which the shearing stress, T, is not linearly
related to the rate of shearing strain, 1', are designated as non-
Newtonian fluids. Such fluids are commonplace and can exhibit
unusual behavior as shown in Video V1.4. Some experimental
data obtained for a particular non-Newtonian fluid at 80 of are
shown below.
T(lb/ft2)-.J~ 2.11 1 7.82 I. 18.5 L31.7 I
l' (S-I) I 01 50 100 150 I 200
Plot these data and fit a second-order polynomial to the data using
a suitable graphing program. What is the apparent viscosity of
this fluid when the rate of shearing strain is 70 s -I? Is this
apparent viscosity larger or smaller than that for water at the
same temperature?
Rate of Shearing
shearing stress,
strain, 1/s Ib/sq ft = 40 'r - 0 OO~8 i ±-q.Oill5-¥~.
! 30+--~!--~i--~i--~·~,--~i
100 7.82 20 +__+--_--+1_--:.1/fC-----1!----i
150 18.5 U; 1../
g' 10 +----l---j-
.~ ~~---+1---t---1i---------i1
200 I
0 ....- .....
o 50 100 150 200 250
I Rate of shearing strain, 1/s


-G'" 1/0 •.5

/'lPf)f Table. S.I I~
A-PfHAti,x B) fl+z.O@$ODF = 1,7Q/XID +1;'-)
q,,~ 5/l1ct.. WA.-tev is a. Newt:r;nl41f riu/d 171J~ l/a/ut. 1.5
/11~/eprl1dt"t ,,{ i .
TheiS", 17J~ t(l1KI1f)WfI nO!1-Newl:.t>Jltt1i-t
/-/('ui/ hilS a mu(;.h /t'{Y''1fY VI:( J~ e. .

/.47 I 1A7 Water flows near a flat surface and some measure-
ments of the water velocity. u. parallel to the surface. at different
heights, y, above the surface are obtained. At the surface y = O.
After an analysis of the data. the lab technician reports that the
velocity distribution in the range 0 < Y < 0.1 ft is given by
the equation
u = 0.81 + 9.2y + 4.1 x lOV
with u in ftls when y is in ft. (a) Do you think that this equation
would be valid in any system of units? Explain. (b) Do you
think this equation is correct? Explain. You may want to look
at Vicko 1.2 to help you arrive at your answer.
:J .3
(a) U= ~.a/ + q.2 :J -r tf..1 >(/0 !J
[Lr-]= ~.8il1-0.2][L] +- ft.JX}D~[L3J
E'ach ferm ,A 1he ezua.;fJ~1I rn liS f h4 V! the ~(Jrne dl fYlfUI5I!)IIS.
Thus,) the ~/J~t"J1t &. f / m1l51: hAlle dln1tl1~'IJII~ "f. /. . T-;
r.2. dl':"'(AS/Pj,~ c f T-~ t:I /ld 11-. / )( 1t;.3 dl",eA.5/PlIs D f L-2 T~I
Slh,t!. 7?te. t~I1.si::4I1b /11 '1h~ ~!U4.tr~JI hf(~e c/lmpIIS/~;'.s '1J1elr
Yll/ues JtI/I/ Ch(Jl1f~ If)/tn a. Chll119E (rl /,411;f.5. No.
(b) E1Ji4tJP/IJ ~lIl1npt he t!lJrrRd ;5/nCti! a.t fj=o /A.:: ~.8J tils )
a. ntJlI-,eYb J/A/we w}",h wDulel V{'D.laJ~ .fne. '~o-sJlp'l
e(JJl1d;i:/~)I. NIJ-t t.Prrec-t.- !

1.'11 I

1.-+1-1 Calculate the Reynolds numbers for the flow of water

and for air through a 4-mm-diameter tube, if the mean velocity
is 3 m/s and the temperature is 30°C in both cases (see Example
1.4). Assume the air is at standard atmospheric pressure.

Ftf)t" wILier a...t 3 o lf>C (-Ir()rn Ta~/e 8,2 ,h A-ppel1dJi B)~

I::: 9 '15'. 7 ;;;; 3

_ ~ V D _ (rqs: 7 1!~J (3 Lf) ( t'. 00 Lf ,'YY1)

Re =10° 00
/ 7. 975' ;( IO-1f H,S
rrn :a.

/;r a t ~ ~-I: 30' C ( 4~m Ta, ble 8. If /n 4pperJdi)( B) :

f :: t. I (,fi :!. jA-::: I. 11. ;< ID - S :s. .
Re = 752

/,.tIc:! I 1. qq For air at standard atmospheric pressure
the values of the constants that appear in the
Sutherland equation (Eq. 1.10) are C = 1.458 x
10-" kg/(m· s· KI:) and 5 = 110.4 K. Use these
values to predict the viscosity of air at 10 °C and
90 °C and compare with values given in Table 8.4
in Appendix B.
3 3
( TT. T'-
T -t" /J o. If I<

T= /O ·e. = lo 'e -t" .),7 S.Jt,- =

, %
fl. "fF8 ;(10- ) ( :1.83./51<) -5' N
= 1.71.5" 10 .,
). 1'3. 15' k .,. /I O.1f

From Table B.It)/-'

T = '10'C = '10'C -t" ;'7~. W : 31. -g. IS k )

_ (f.If!JgXIO-') ( 3(,~./!ik.) ;Z -5"
== .2.13)(.10 NoS
3 &, :1. I~- k. r 1I O. If -:;;;; ,


/ -3~
1.5r)* Use the values of viscosity of air given
in Table B.4 at temperatures of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80,
and 100°C to determine the constants C and S
which appear in the Sutherland equation (Eq.
1.10). Compare your results with the values given
in Problem l.lf'f. (Hint: Rewrite the equation in
the form
T 312
Ii C
= (!)
T + S
and plot 'P'2/ Ii versus T. From the slope and in-
tercept of this curve C and S can be obtained.)


T (k) I- (/V'S//tI1l.) T~ [J<~(ljJ.,.s)]

o ,173. IS" I. 7/ ;C If) - b- :2. 6'f~ ~ /0 fj
0;.0 J./i3./6 /. 'i Z X 10 -6' z. 7sf X If) 8
I.f?;('JD ~. 963)L /0 8
'fi> 313.1!i
3~3. /;- /, Cj 7 ;( If) -tJ- 3.037 X 10 g
80 3S3./~ J.o 7 ;( If)
-:,- l. ;; ~" X 1() 8
-5 3. 322;( It) 8
I()~ 373.lb 2../7.xJO

A- plot 0/ 1jP- V.s. T I~ Sh()Wn b<-/ow.'
':i ::-:_~~==~ -==-~ ~~~ Fi~ ~: ~ . ~~~;:~: j~~~=J~=::'~~-~J~~ :::::::r
3. Si. JD .
:.~.:~~: :-~:~:::-:.: ~-=~h:- .'.:...: =:.- :::. -=:=:: d:' ::~ =:-ir .::!::

:::==;~ :~::=::~=: ;::.:!~:: ~:~~:~.~::1::= ::~= 1~>~: =:::..• 'j_' ..

=:-~~~:~~-=:::~~~:: =~::=:~::::- ~:==- :_='::-: : f <
3.0 X/{~f: ~~;-~cc;. ~ ~~~,--: ~==-r~ .
·:1:·: ::'::=:=::~ :::: -: ~/~l~::: 1"'-::;" : .: :~:.:- ---... ~: :-
!::::~ 7~· :.:t:::. J : .(- -:::!::
::j- (£-.-~; .... ::::l .•.•.. :~.-l·· .... ;:.: -::-:-
/. 50 jIi I (C~11 'i )

5/~le. the dt-tA. P/Dt a..s flff approXJlt1l.te .rfrtli9Jtt

ES' (/) C1i11 be. refrt!S'f111 kd "''I flh e8"'4..ti()~ of
!f::: b x. -t a..
wher-I! !J /V T3~ ) X"V T) .b ""' lie I tll1 d a.N .sIc.
To obffllH a 411d j, use LJNRFG J. po

** This program determines the least squares f it. **
** for a function of the form y = a + b * x **
Number of points: 6
Input X, Y
.) '273.15,2. 640E8
? 293.15!2.758E8
'? 313.15,2.963E8
,:"J 333 . 15,3.087E8
? 353.15,3.206E8
? 373.15,3.322E8

a = +7.~~1E+07
b = +6.969E+05

X Y Y(predicted)
+2.7315E+02 +2.6~00E+08 +2.6~76E+08
+2.9315E+02 +2.7580E+08 +2.7869E+08
+3.1315E+02 +2.9630E+08 +2.9263E+08
+3.3315E+02 +3.0870E+08 +3.0657E+08
+3.5315E+02 +3.2060E+08 +3.2051E+08
+3.7315E+02 +3.3220E+08 +3.3~~~E+08

2C = a. = 7. JiJf/ X ID
Qi/(i 1her-(~fe
s= ID7 /(

Th,Se. [.It/lues .kl' C f/11t1 5 4te In 91)t)d tl1f'femfllt

tv/ii? il4/tltS rivtl1 il1 Problem /. '11 .
/.5'/ I
1.51 The viscosity of a fluid plays a very important role in
determining how a fluid flows. (See Vieko V1.1.) The value of
the viscosity depends not only on the specific fluid but also on
the fluid temperature. Some experiments show that when a
liquid, under the action of a constant driving pressure, is forced
with a low velocity, V, through a small horizontal tube, the
velocity is given by the equation V = K/,.,.. In this equation K
is a constant for a given tube and pressure, and JJ is the dynamic
viscosity. For a particular liquid of interest, the viscosity is given
by Andrade's equation (Eq. 1.11) with D = 5 X 1O- 7 lb • s/ft2
and B = 4000 oR. By what percentage will the velocity increase
as the liquid temperature is increased from 40 of to 100°F?
Assume all other factors remain constant.


I< (2.)

': [b' _~~IOD


5~lD e
1.52.* Use the value of the viscosity of water
given in Table B.2 at temperatures of 0, 20, 40,
60, 80, and 100 DC to determine the constants D
and B which appear in Andrade's equation (Eq.
1.11). Calculate the value of the viscosity at 50 DC
and compare with the value given in Table B.2.
(Hint: Rewrite the equation in the form
In Jl = (B) T + In D
and plot In Jl versus 11 T. From the slope and
intercept of this curve Band D can be obtained.
If a nonlinear curve fitting program is available
the constants can be obtained directly from Eq.
1.11 without rewriting the equation.)

£"8"4 it;;" 1.11 DIn be t.Jr;flf'i1 Ih the .{;,rm

Ih;" ::- (/3) / of In..D (I)

tina w/th 1he cI~ia ~J'Om 746ft!. 8.2 "

T ("() T(k) I/T(K) it (J./.sk 1.) It} ~

0 :173. IS 3. b"l ;tID I. 7K 7 .x' If) - J - t.. "3Z 7
.10 ;'~3.1; 3. 'III xIf) -.3 /. (!)Ol x 10 - I.. t/ob
3 6:.. 5"29 ;( I~ -1(0 - 7. -33 Y.
/.Ib '3 I 3. IG' .1.1f3 x1D-

~6 333./6 3. ooz xlO

-3 ~ ~'G'" X lo-if -7. ~70

yo 35'3. I£" t2.152, .x' 10-

3 3. S"1f. 7 x/0 - If - 7. c,'f'f
-.I -~ -8.J7lf
I ()o 373. ),!,- ~. 'R~ .rlf)
A- plot of In!- VS. liT IS s hf){'()n be/f)w:

( Col1t)
/. 52 ~ I (C£J" It)

51,,'ce the dfti~ plat as tlflr()x,mll te sl,.Ai,1J, i

£1, (J) (/117 b~ ".!~d .fo refyr.sfrli 1hese ddt/.,

To t)btlJ/H B /In'f' f) lise k-X?FI T,

** This program determines the least squares fit **
** for a function of t.he form y = a * e ' b*x **
Number of points: 6
Input X, Y
? 3.661E-3,1.787E-3
? 3.411E-3,1.002E-3
? 3.193E-3,6.529E-4
? 3.002E-3,4.665E-4
? 2.832E-3,3.5~7E-~
? 2.680E-3,2.818E-4

a = +1.767E-06
b +1.870E+03

X Y Y(predictedl
+3.6610E-03 +1.7870E-03 +1.6629E-03
+:3.4110E-03 +1.0020E-03 +1.04-18E-03
+3.1930E-03 +6.5290E-04- +6.9298E-0,*
+3.0020E-03 +4.6650E-04 +4.84-82E-04
+2.8320E-03 +3.5470E-04 +3.5277E-0l,t
+2.6800E-03 +2.8180E-04 +2.6548E-04

D =~:: I. 7' 7 X /D -, N·S I /1')1 2-

~d 3
13 -= b = I, f'J~ i< /0 /(
So i}ttrt.

I! '10
~:: x/a

Ai SOO{ (323,)5"1<»)
-, e 1370
- -it-
;<= I. 7'7 ;(. /()
iJ23, )b-
S.7~x)o N.S//P1~

I. 53 I
1.5 ~ Crude oil having a viscosity of 9.52 X 10- 4 Ib·s/fe
is contained between parallel plates. The bottom plate is fixed
and upper plate moves when a force P is applied (see Fig. 1.3).
If the distance between the two plates is 0.1 in., what value of
P is required to translate the plate with a velocity of 3 ftl s? The
effective area of the upper plate is 200 in. 2

/. 54
1.54 As shown in Video V1.2, the "no slip" condition
means that a fluid "sticks" to a solid surface. This is true for
both fixed and moving surfaces. Let two layers of t1uid be
dragged along by the motion of an upper plate as shown in Fig.
Pl.54. The bottom plate is stationary. The top fluid puts a shear
stress on the upper plate, and the lower fluid puts a shear stress I-- 3 rnIs --i
on the botton plate. Determine the ratio of these two shear
stresses. Fluid 1 iJl = 0.4 N • 51m 2

Fluid 2


• FIGURE P1.54
n,r .f j{,lid I

h (~tJ;;Op (6.L1 ~)( 20-

'1j" f_"
JU r 1TA Ct.

~r +I "'lei. 1. mt

1;. ~ A (~) = (0.2 ~)( :.o:~) =

bo-(h,,,, sur(.,,,

T -b,p ~141""+'Ct

( "O~fI'\ ~14 r...(.,(.,

1.55 There are many fluids that exhibit non-Newtonian
behavior (see for example Video VI.4). For a given fluid the
distinction between Newtonian and non-Newtonian behavior is
usually based on measurements of shear stress and rate of
shearing strain. Assume that the viscosity of blood is to be
determined by measurements of shear stress, T, and rate of
shearing strain, du/dy, obtained from a small blood sample
tested in a suitable viscometer. Based on the data given below
determine if the blood is a Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluid.
Explain how you arrived at your answer.
T(N/m 2) 0.04 0.12 2.10
du/dy ~-I) 2.25 4.50 11.25 22.5 450

Foy a- Net.AJJ:()mQI1 .P/u/c/ in( ra.C/o of -t ilJ du/dfj 15 ~

C(!hISi::.tll1t:. ;=;:'1' -th~ tiAta., 9/Vt' 11

?- (lV,s/h1~) O. ~/78 P.OI3~ o. ~//)71 ~.()()Io (/.0067 ~.()Q5F O.CIJ,5() (),()()'f-7

Th~ ra /:./0 IS ~f1si""i "" ~ de're(Js~r q s the Ya.te t!;f shear/".,g
noi. tJ..
stYII/n /n,yel/~l'!. Thll~ thiS F/w/d (;/tKJd) l,j ~ /7()I1- lIeu//;ol1l';' -fl t(/d.
A- p/oi of 7hf! cltt(:a. .£S .sh/)(,Qb bt!/ow. ;:PI" A. f/ewI:rUII~H 71 u,C/ 1J1~
C-/.tl"'II-e WIJ)I/I,( b~ .a si:y~",h t /J~e UJI17t I( IllJpt!! (If / f() /.

: -;< ,I ~- ~ ~;i:',; .~.... - ., " !

'I' ,
'" ..• ,1' I I .': ·:::T::::F~::-:-::~:::;V:~:;:'~#,>:> •• " ..
i:-:;; ~~:~!:~: <:: ::: ::::..: ::
1 • - ,>.' . ,~~:j :':':~ ~ ~::~; ::::t?~ ~ : : :~:~~ ~.:: ::::\:::::::: ;::: ;::IC~ = : :
:;'t' •.• ~;::" _ ... ;.~:: ,,:,:,:,,~:::::, :;,;.;:;,,::::: ::, ~j~,,,:, :1': •. '

i.-j I l"~::i::lll I : I
_-'-!,_ '. ! I II : r ii' .1: I
i, ._+--
,1 -If -:" '1'--1-1-f--,
' - -.... L- I
.-' 1 - -
': ! i i : I ' I,.
H; ,

/0.0 ICO.(]
1.56 A 40-lb, 0.8-ft-diameter, I-ft-tall cylindrical tank
slides slowly down a ramp with a constant speed of 0.1 ftls as
shown in Fig. P1.56. The uniform-thickness oil layer on the
ramp has a viscosity of 0.2 lb . S/ft2. Determine the angle, 8,
of the ramp.
• FIGURE P1.56


LJ heve V l~ the. Ve.IDC.d"'1 of- -b(A..,k..
a VI ~ b" ~ Tn j(:..k: n t5S f)f i I I a. 'jt..,..

t= (0.2 ~)( :.1 r )


F'V't?m l? ~ . CJ)
WO Ib) ~"YJ f7 - (t{) ~2..)(:q:)(O.8..ft)2
SI n f) = 6. J2.5'1

& = ,. Z 2. D

/.57 I
I. '57 A piston having a diameter of 5.48 in. and a length of
9.50 in. slides downward with a velocity V through a vertical
pipe. The downward motion is resisted by an oil film between
the piston and the pipe wall. The film thickness is 0.002 in., and
the cylinder weighs 0.5 lb. Estimate V if the oil viscosity is
0.016 Ib·s/ft~. Assume the velocity distribution in the gap is

2:fVerr" ... 1
=D 't~ ~

nUS.) 1 I'W ~
OW:. ~A
tA '¥ ~ P-
wkev! A = rrDi
i \\
aVId ,I)-
L= t-
(v e 1t'>C.:~) _
( +ilm1hlc.l::lle.5s)- fr f- D ~

.56 -th~t
1»= (I'- t )(1TDj)
/.5'8 I

1. f) & A Newtonian fluid having a specific gravity of 0.92 )'

and a kinematic viscosity of 4 X 10- 4 m2/s flows past a I U

fixed surface. Due to the no-slip condition, the velocity at I
the fixed surface is zero (as shown in Video V1.2), and the
velocity profile near the surface is shown in Fig. PI ~g. De- ~ _ ~L _ l( l)3 \
termine the magnitude and direction of the shearing stress U- 2 0 2 0 r~_---i
\ u o
developed on the plate. Express your answer in terms of U
and 0, with U and 0 expressed in units of meters· per sec- \~--i
ond and meters, respectively. \'----i
• FIGURE P1.f>'B

?- 5(,/J'"loc~

@ J=-O)
151 When a viscous fluid flows past a thin sharp-edged
plate, a thin layer adjacent to the plate surface develops in which
the velocity, u, changes rapidly from zero to the approach ve- f-- f- Boundary layer
-.1I==U /
locity, U, in a small distance, 8. This layer is called a boundary ~
f-- \'
fayer. The thickness of this layer increases with the distance x
along the plate as shown in Fig. PI.59. Assume that u = U y/8
· _---r--- ~- ---~.---I-
I _-
~ t
~11 == U~
and 8 = 3.5 V vx/ U where v is the kinematic viscosity of the ~ ""----=.::=---L--IL---_ _ _ _ _ x
fluid. Determine an expression for the force (drag) that would Plate
width == b
.. ;
be developed on one side of the plate of length f and width b.
Express your answer in terms of f, b, v, and p, where p is the
fluid density.

tJ her~ dA---

(I )

Clntl -Jl/
~3. (f)


IJ - 0,571 bf V-zJ1.U 3

1.601' (a) Assume the velocity distribution is of the form
u = CIY + C 2Y)
0.08 and use a standard curve-fitting technique to de-
termine the constants C I and C1 • (b) Make use
14.43 of the results of part (a) to determine the mag-
The coordinate Y is measured normal to the sur- nitude of the shearing stress at the wall (y = 0)
face and u is the velocity parallel to the surface. and at Y = 0.05 ft.

(~) Use n()nh;'e4r yejrl'.ss/~1'J progf'YIf'fl) such a,s SAS- NLJN,)

10 ()btllil'J u;eIHc/fl1i::s (, C.1,.. Th;'.j pr(!)9fY1m pr{)duce.s

let/si s1"nrt's est/males ~I /he. ,PIIY'lIl71ei:trs of II /?~111J11~4r

rtl&r/el. /=by iJle dttia.. JiVfl1)

C, = 153 s-'
(~) SIJ1ce) du
1:=~ d;
/f ~/J/)U/s 1114t
r=;- (~ t 3 C;z. :; l )

Thus) at- the wal! (~=())


1.6 I The viscosity of liquids can be measured
through the use of a rotating cylinder viscometer
of the type illustrated in Fig. Pl.61. In this device
the outer cylinder is fixed and the inner cylinder
is rotated with an angular velocit)-" w. The torque
:, required to develop w is measured and the vis-
. cosity is calculated from these two measurements.
Develop an equation relating fl, w, 5", C) Ro and
Ri • Neglect end effects and assume the velocity
distribution in the gap is linear.


Tor't ue; d r, due. +() ~he"t;l1j sms.s

t::J11 /nneJ- C!j/Jnc/fr I~ e!tltd..fr,

d '7: rr::. T dA
whi're. c/It = ~. de) 1.. Thus)
d'T= ~. J Ttit;
{Jn d /-vrff lie. reg tI /re d to rtJ fa I: e top View
,nne", c'1/lntler i,S 2JT (J. "'" leMi fi.J )
C'j Ilndrr

J= 1</-1 ()

- .2 TT R.t.''- J. r
POI' a Iln'ell!' ve/oc./+:; distyibtl'l'/on In fhe gap
T=/- L

~ 7i R,~}. t tV


/.bZ I
1.62 The space between two 6-in. long concentric cylinders
is filled with glycerin (viscosity = 8.5 X 10- 3 Ib·s/ft 2 ). The
inner cylinder has a radius of 3 in. and the gap width between
cylinders is 0.1 in. Determine the torque and the power required
to rotate the inner cylinder at 180 rev Imin. The outer cylinder
is fixed. Assume the velocity distribution in the gap to be linear.

Prl)/'/em /. " (, )
T = 02'ff R,.3 ))A- W
:eo - /Ct..'
(; 80 !!.!. )(eillT ~ )(1 mlh) = blT vad
milt rev '0 s s

.:l.7T (i£ft)3(-A ft:)(s,s)(/a- 3 !Jt.)(67T 0/) = 0, qIf 'f It·l)'

( ~ -ft)

S/f]ce pouJey =
f()wer': (~tJif'fft'/h)(67T r;d) == 178 ~.Ib

/- '53
I. (P3 1.63 One type of rotating cylinder viscometer, called a
Stormer viscometer, uses a falling weight, 'lV, to cause the cyl-
inder to rotate with an angular velocity, w, as illustrated in Fig.
PI.6.3. For this device the viscosity, J.L, of the liquid is related
to 'lV and w through [he equation 'lV = KJ.Lw, where K is a
constant that depends only on the geometry (including the liquid
depth) of the viscometer. The value of K is usually determined
by using a calibration liquid (a liquid of known viscosity).
(a) Some data for a particular Stormer viscometer, obtained
using glycerin at 20°C as a calibration liquid, are given
below. Plot values of the weight as ordinates and values
of the angular velocity as abscissae. Draw the best curve
Fixed outer
through the plotted points and determine K for the vis- cylinder
'lV (lb) 2.20
w (rev/s) 5.49
• FIGURE P1.63
(b) A liquid of unknown viscosity is placed in the same
viscometer used in part (a), and the data given below
are obtained. Determine the viscosity of this liquid.

'lV (lb) I 0.04 0.11 0.22 I 0.33 I 0.44

w (rev/s) 0.72 1.89 3.73 5.44 7.42

( Cl) 5;;'re ~: K)4u.J -th~ ~/()fe ~I -the czJ tis. tu UlriJe

IJ We/b)
s/t:Jpe = If)' =
tv C~V)

SO fha..i ~ (16. s )
.5 0 jJe YeV
fi,y -rJ,e :J/~~en~ dai:a. (.see p/Dt: ~11 f')(?x/; page)
('/?Q.5rd ,t)11 a /ul.ri S,!ftllres ,f,:t Df the d~~) I.J
S/CJj)e (J/,/ceni1):= O,.?9R J~~
5In'~ IF.
U tjl'lcerln) =: 3.13X//}_zJb·s
it. .. -tnel1

(),g9S Ib ...5
1<= /'?v

( h) ;:P". the. un klJ~tVf1 filii (J d~-k.. Gee. IJ/t)i GJI1 11t't.-t f4~~) the
sJ()P~ (b"~e# tf}Jf ~ legst, $8"II"S ~it ~I tH~ d/l,tA,.) IS

S/Db.# (tll1KdtJuJl1
r- rill/g) = O,CJ6o/ 11:1'.$

I, (P3 (~l1lt )

Thu~ /rpm E"r.l/)

I S/tJff!! tJ. tJ (p ~/ -rev
I (lIlJillPlIJlI fluid) = 1\ /2., 7 H,2.


1.6Y* The following torque-angular velocity
data were obtained with a rotating cylinder vis-
cometer of the type described in Problem 1.61.
Torque (ft-lb) 13.1 26.0 39.5 52.7 64.9 78.6
velocity (rad/s) 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
For this viscometer Ro = 2.50 in., Ri = 2.45 in ..
and = 5.00 in. Make use of these data and a
standard curve-fitting program to determine the
viscosity ofthe liquid contained in the viscometer.

The .fz,r~lIe J ~ J'J Jl'e/a.bed .J-o -the tlnJU/dY (/(!/t:Jcil-!1.; UJ.)

-the .e$Ua. /;/~11 ) 3

:;, 7T R,: )J t.U (/)
l!o - ftL'

(see so/tJl-,{)~ ..J.t> Problem I. hI, ). Thus) /"y Ii flx'ed ,et:Jmef,.J

(1I'1d a. 'lIt/en /l1~CC).s;-f!:J J E~ ,/1) /05 ot 1h~ ~f'rn
y=hx ( !1 rv'J Qni1 x' r.." W )

IS If. ~,,~tr,1'J i .fl/Utl / .fc

j, = :z Tr ~.:1). != ().)

WI ih LIAlfrF6 I.
** This program determines the least squares fit **
** for a function of the form y = b * x **
Number of points: 6
Input X, Y
'? 2.0,26 . 0
~) 3.0,39.5
? 5.0,640.9
'? 6 . 0,78.6

b = +1.308E+Ol -Ft,Jb'5
X Y Y(predicted)
+1.0000E+OO +1.3100E+Ol +1.3082E+Ol
+2.0000E+OO +2.6000E+Ol +2.6165E+01
+3.0000E+OO +3.9500E+Ol +3.921±7E+01
+4,.OOOOE+OO +5.2700E+Ol +5.2330E+Ol
+5.0000E+OO +6.4,900E+01 +6.51±12E+01
+6.0000E+OO +7.8600E+Ol +7.81±95E+Ol
(C()I?'t )

! = (b) ( ~. -
f?.: ')
.27T ~.3,R

find w/th -/he daf&" g/~tl1)

r; g Of ft.f/;'$ ) (.? 5"0 - :I.. LJ.S- ft-)
/ =' 1'2. _ rJ. 1f-5 IJ,·s
~lT (~.'1~
ft) J (~It) 12.

I. 'S-

Rotating plate
1.65 A 12-in.-diameter circular plate is placed over a fixed
bottom plate with a O.l-in. gap between the two plates filled
with glycerin as shown in Fig. PI.6S. Determine the torque 0.1 In. gap
required to rotate the circular plate slowly at 2 rpm. Assume
that the velocity distribution in the gap is linear and that the
shear stress on the edge of the rotating plate is negligible.
ili FIGURE P1.65

kYO'lUi)dCiJ J c1u~ h s hellYJ~1j sfrfSSl'.J

pn pI4+~ l.s~ e 1Uq / -1-"

do;= ,. tdA
~ ntrt d It.: 2.11" yo dr, Thel'5 J
cJ C7J: "" T Z.".. r d '"

"(= ufl'!r. r

5;nce T,: f<- ~ ) 1/ fl.t/ "r

lIe/"'Jf.t J'5tY; h",-I-U/H (SlefijHye)

ellA _ V

-:: D. 0772 /1:. ·/t

I. ~ 7 J

1.(,1 A rigid-walled cubical container is completely filled

with water at 40 of and sealed. The water is then heated
to 100 oF. Determine the pressure that develops in the container
when the water reaches this higher temperature. Assume that
the volume of the container remains constant and the value of
the bulk modulus of the water remains constant and equal to
300,000 psi.

5/~ce 1h~ t..Jd..frr tnf4S) YfMAll1S ttPl1s~fJ

~.1I::1 (..pl71.l¥-)
~~ /tJO D

+ /j 1If)/Ume t1"~ 4-1' iJ C.hlll1'1t2 111 ve)/um e 1"1 tva/-!'/'"

7h II~)

/, l''fb .ft.J
I. '/27 5'::'
'/ir, I, / z.
& = -

If ~I/IJ UJS U.l/1J.. d1l- ::; 4 -v' 411 t:I. PI» -.:::= fJp 1hAf- 1hf CJtIlH'I€
/11 />Y'e> 5 ",y~ r-e'gwred. ..f-r> ~nJ;,.es.s the Iva..-tey bltJt. Ie i-h
tJ /1'/1/11.) 110 I~ ft1e... ,'.1

t1f= - r;tJ~/~~()f~L'){-O.OO~75)
2.o3iJD pst...
1.(o~ In a test to determine the bulk modulus
of a liquid it was found that as the absolute pres-
sure was changed from 15 to 3000 psi the volume
decreased from 10.240 to 10.138 in. 3 Determine
the bulk modulus for this liquid.

d~ z A ¥ -= I~, e1JfO - I~, 13~ : t:J, jOJ,

rJ9i'S ;;,.
( C',1t)2 In,7)
/", ;l'l0 in.'

/,iD't I
1.tJ1 Calculate the speed of sound in mt,s for
(a) gasoline, (b) mercury, and (c) seawater.

( Eg. I,/Q)

(a) f:by 7(is~l/ne,'

I, Lf5 ~I'm
T 1.70 Air is enclosed by a rigid cylinder con-
taining a piston. A pressure gage attached to the
cylinder indicates an initial reading of 25 psi. De-
termine the reading on the gage when the piston
has compressed the air to one-third its original
volume. Assume the compression process to be
isothermal and the local atmospheric pressure to
be 14.7 psi.

PC>t' i~othermlJ/ ~&)mpY'ess/t:Jl1)

-Pl.' = -fE Where (.'~ /ni.J-,i.d state.. UI1A

..f',-. ~.f f """ f/nAI ~illie.. .
Pf =~. f;.

0/nc.e f= )
J/t)ltll11 e.
1;. = (3)[(:15 f- / 'I. 7) p:s L' ftJ6s)) :::

t (p-;e) =(i /9- 1'1. ~f'i :-

It 7 / J

1.1 I Often the assumption is made that the flow of a certain

fluid can be considered as incompressible flow if the density of
the fluid changes by less than 2%. If air is flowing through a
tube such that the air pressure at one section is 9.0 psi and at a
downstream section it is 8.6 psi at the same temperature. do you
think that this flow could be considered an imcompressible
flow? Support your answer with the necessary calculations. As-
sume standard atmospheric pressure.

h,y 1"0 therMo / CHfiA'It 111 den~;I!:J

So 1},4.-t I,
---- -- -?z..~

)( I D 0

1.72. J
1.72. Oxygen at 30°C and 300 kPa absolute pressure ex-
pands isotherrnalIy to an absolute pressure of lZ0 kPa. Deter-
mine the final density of the gas.

For /sofh~rma/ ex.ftlI15i()YJ ) ::t =t!LJl'Jsft/tJt:

SIJ 1h4t
~. ,
- ~~ t, 4/ s fa i-e

u)),ere t"'" ;'rll Pi1#

I- "V .fIn II / st:A..ie.

- 3.8/ ~3
/,73 J
1.73 Natural gas at 70 OF and standard atmospheric pres-
sure of 14.7 psi is compressed isentropically to a new absolute
pressure of 70 psi. Determine the final density and temperature
of the gas.

For ;'sen irop'c- c~m?re~S/()11 , --P = ~t!/ns tQl1t 51) -thA-f

~. J}
" ::t

tVhere ,,; 'V ;'n;';';'/ 6~te cou/
L -f- .f 'V .f.J'ntl/ sta.te .


'I. 2S )( Jf) S h~f5

C( J1 c/
IIJ I , ~
..... -for
(7 c; 7ii: a. ) ( If tf -:t:;"A-
7f ft.R -
('I. 25 ;I. / ()- ~ S htf..s ) {3. O'If;( j 0 3 ~b IJ: )
h3 sh",.liI~

-- 7(P5 (J)R

71: 7fD 5 oR - /f-IPt) - 305 of

/.7 if

1.7ll-- Compare the isentropic bulk modulus of

air at 101 kPa (abs) with that of water at the same

J:C; r a l r ( E' 'I. /,) 7 ))

£ y ~ I<. f = (/, 'i-o ) (10/ x 1t'3~ ) =
/=(; r tva:te ". ( Tr,; bJeo /, /, )

E,,:: :1.)6;< It> " ,q

Thu.5 )
Ev (WIJ.,-ter) _ ~, 15" ;< II) Pa
£v (cur) I, Ifl X. 1~5'"/}
I. 75" '4' J 1.7.5' * Devel~p a -computer program for cal-
culating the final gage pressure of gas when the
initial gage pressure, initial and final volumes,
atmospheric pressure, and the type of process
(isothermal or isentropic) are specified. Use BG
units. Check your program against the results ob-
tained for Problem 1.70.

r-o Y C/!)11? pye5SIol1 e1 Y ex..pQI1JIOII)

?... = e04stoni.
wheye h=/ -ky isotho-mal process) and It::: .Jj'e,;{tc. helL-/: va.!:'"
lOr 1.st'l1frt'Jllc proc.ess. Thus J
~. = !i:.
;:.-* /;.-P.
where /.'/1; In/ha'/ ~k.te I .f''V IiH~/ .str;le) So 1J1Ii't
if : (-J,:) "- f:: (/ )

t.: Vt!)/~lI1e
1hel1 ~ = Vt·
~. ~

w he¥"e v;,.) ~) tire

Thus) Ir~m S~ /1)

l'..f.g -Aa:eM :: { 'It. )-k

Vf ( ~! 1:.t"" )
T (2 )

t.Jhe Y'e fh (! SWhSCh pi 3 reI-Frs 1::6 JaJe /J Y"e sst/re

CaM be. w y-; He!? as

if, = (~) -I. (~'j tt"J - ~t"" -t

(c~n It )
175 itt I
100 cls
110 print "*********************************************************"
120 print "** This program calculates the final gage pressure of **"
130 print "** an ideal gas when the initial gage pressure in psi, **"
1""0 print "** the initial volume, the final volume, the **"
150 print "** atmospheric pressure in psi, and the type of **"
160 print "** process (isothermal or isentropic) are specified **"
170 print "*********************************************************"
180 print
190 input "Enter initial gage pressure in psi, Pi = ",p
200 input "Enter initial volume, Vi = lI,vi
210 input "Enter final volume, Vf = ",vf
220 input "Enter atmospheric pressure in psi, Patm = ",patm
230 pabsi=p+patm
240 print:print "Enter type of process"
250 print "0 Isothermal"
260 print "1 : Isentropic"
270 input pt
280 print
290 k=l
300 if pt=l then input "Enter specific heat ratio, k = ",k
310 pabsf=pabsi*(vi/vf)~k
320 pf=pabsf-patm
330 print
3l.!-O print using "The final gage pressure of the gas

is Pf = +#.####~~~~ psi";pf

** This program calculates the final gage pressure of **
** an ideal gas when the initial gage pressure in psi. **
** the initial volume, the final volume, the **
** atmospheric pressure in psi, and the type of **
** process (isothermal or isentropic) are specified **
Enter initial gage pressure in psi, Pi =ZS
Enter initial volume, Vi = 1
Enter final volume, Vf = 0.3333
Ent.er atmospheric pressure in psi, Patm = 1"".7

Enter type of process

o Isothermal
1 Isentropic
? 0

The final gage pressure of the gas lS Pf = +1.0~/E+02 psi

I. 7 G:. I
1.7<; An important dimensionless parameter concerned
with very high speed flow is the Mach number, defined as Vic,
where V is the speed of the object such as an airplane or
projectile, and c is the speed of sound in the fluid surrounding
the object. For a projectile traveling at 800 mph through air at
50 of and standard atmospheric pressure, what is the value of
the Mach number?


~.h)e. B.-3 In

~al'r ~ 50-F

!v1I.G'r1 numblY -

-. LO{P
I. 11 Jet airliners typically fly at altitudes between approx-
imately 0 to 40,000 ft. Make use of the data in Appendix C to
show on a graph how the speed of sound varies over this range.

c = Ie R.r (EZ' I· 2o)
t:;r 4< ::: lifO Clf1d If=- 17/t, 1i·1/,
s/,,!! .t)~
'19. tJ YT(~)

Fr~m 1a6/t: C. / In 4pp end':x C at tI/1 (J / -fi .f.u df! til o +-t
T= S'I. ~ C) of- !fl;o : 5J9°~ .50 -thl.;/;

::: I / /!. .f.i:-

5;'17/ ;/tfl '" Cd /CU/4,tltPIfS CiJn De mtule -hr (JiJ,n~ dlf/ltlt!t'~
tin' -the ,es~/f/;'! 1raJh is :J"/1()W)f b~/ow.
Altitude, ft Temp .•o F Temp.," R c, fUs
0 59 519 1116
5000 41.17 501.17 1097
10000 23.36 483.36 1077
15000 5.55 465.55 1057
20000 -12.26 447.74 1037
25000 -30.05 429.95 1016
30000 -47.83 412.17 995
35000 -65.61 394.39 973
40000 -69.7 390.3 968

1120 r--,.-----,---;---;----;----:---:-~__,

1100 I
~1080 I~ I
;;g1060 I. I'
L'" "- 1

(f) 1040 t---t---t---t--.

.- ""-~--:-----1f---J!---L-...---l
~1020 .t--r--+--+I_--+-~-~--+I---!--l
~1 .r----+---+--_+_I 1
000 , ----+~~,__LI-_+_I____i -1-

(f) I 1.'

I' 1
I r----
o 5000 10000' 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000
Altitude, ft
I. 73 I
1. 7 R When a fluid flows through a sharp bend. low pres-
sures may develop in localized regions of the bend. Estimate
the minimum absolute pressure (in psi) that can develop without '
causing cavitation if the fluid is water at 160 OF.

cC/J/i.faflon mtJ'1 (pee",,. whtn fhe I~cq/ pY{"$Stlfe e~t",ls the

(/t2for ,res'Sure. !=Or waiel" ai- /(p() df' (lj.~,." ?;bJl8,j ,~Apptw:l/J(B)
ir = if. 7Lf pSI,' (IIbS)


1.79 Estimate the minimum absolute pressure (in pascals)

that can be developed at the inlet of a pump to avoid cavitation
if the fluid is carbon tetrachloride at 20 °c.

Ca vi i-A.I/!)11 rnp'1 (pee tI r when fhe stlciion P;'(J$stlJle

at- -tnt!.. pum,P inlet etttlA/.s the 1/a.,Pcr' fJY'es$ure.
t;r ClJrhtm tei'('ac.J"Joy;d~ t2 t 2.0
C ...n
= /3 ~ R. (g,!;s)

rn ; n /m J,I J?1 !f".Rssure /3 .Ie Pa. (4.6S)

I, So J
I . ~D When water at 90°C flows through a converging sec-
tion of pipe, the pressure is reduced in the direction of flow.
Estimate the minimum absolute pressure that can develop with-
out causing cavitation. Express your answer in both BG and S1

('C/vif4tl{)" nUl'j cc.CClr /n 111e Ct'''J/er9'/~~ sec..-i-Idn ~ pile whel1

-rhe. pr~55«;,e tEf;aolS -th~ va.~J' fYe.J5'tlre. ;:-r/)/7'I 74lie B. 2 I;' I+!'ff"c/J( fj'
~r wA,ter a t 9~ °C.I 1;:: 70. / -h Po.... (ql,,,). Thu~
minimum pre~suv~ ::' 7()./ --k.?c.. (q/'5) 1/1 sr tln,fs.

86 Hnifs
I11lnlmuM .P'fSJare = f;(). J x J~ 3 ::.. )(/. lj5"1; )( / J- ~ fl,.{ )
::: /0, 2 ps I.a
/.31 I
1.8/ A partially filled closed tank contains ethyl
alcohol at 68 OF. If the air above the alcohol is
evacuated what is the minimum absolute pressure
that develops in the evacuated space?

f.iz I
1.8Z Estimate the excess pressure inside a rain drop having
a diameter of 3 mm.

().oo/5 /1n

I. 113

I. r~ A 12-mm diameter jet of water discharges vertically

into the atmosphere. Due to surface tension the pressure inside
the jet will be slightly higher than the surrounding atmospheric
pressure. Determine this difference in pressure.

"Ft;/' erp,i J/bri/l"" fspe IIjure ).;

1(z~Ii/: cr(zJI.)
SO -rnA i

12 >' it; -.3 ~


= 12. 2 Ii 1'1V ex,t'SS f rfSSU re

Sur-Hlle -ftHSIDIl ~'(,e:- cr 2. £~


1. 'a Y. As shown in Vidl'O V1.5, surface tension forces

can be strong enough to allow a double-edge steel razor
blade to "float" on water, but a single-edge blade will sink. Surface tension
Assume that the surface tension forces act at an angle rel- force
ative to the water surface as shown in Fig. PI ~~. (a) The
mass of the double-edge blade is 0.64 x 10- 3 kg, and the
total length of its sides is 206 mm. Determine the value of
e required to maintain equilibrium between the blade weight
and the resultant surface tension force. (b) The mass of the • FIGURE p1.<64
single-edge blade is 2.61 x 10- 3 kg, and the total length of
its sides is 154 mm. Explain why this blade sinks. Support
your answer with the necessary calculations.

(a. ) L FV€r+t '4 I ::.0 ~ ~

Luheye ttJ :: (Y'(l X
~ Ql;1d T:::- a- ><. Jenfn, of. slqes

( (), 10'1- ;( 10- 3-ka ) (U I I'tr./~.) = fr. 3~ ;( }O-2 .Jt. ) (IJ, ZO~ /In ) 5'111 e
:sin e- =- o. Lf-15
9 = :J... 4-.5

(b) For slnrle-edtje blade

'2J = /yrl MAde X d- " (~2.I.1 x: 10-
-ka.J ('1. ~J I'M/~')
:: ().DZ~1s, N

e :: (vx. J enJ1n of. /,lode ) ~I;'

T 5111 f7
::- (7.3LJ.x/o- Z Ntm) (O.15LtM1) '51Y1 G
= O. 0 I J 3 '5/n e
rn t>Y'aer +O~ h jq de +0 "-J./Da.i ~ -< T "SIn e. It

"StYlet.. rma)(Jf1'lUfn1 Value JoY" ~Ine IS \ I J'+- follows

that '1.<.J > T St'n e and 'Sin9/<!-eciJe hlade w; II si"k.

I. 8'5 I
1.1'\5 To measure the water depth in a large open tank with
opaque walls, an open vertical glass tube is attached to the side
of the tank. The height of the water column in the tube is then
used as a measure of the depth of water in the tank. (a) For
a true water depth in the tank of 3 ft, make use of Eg. 1.22 (with
() = 0°) to determine the percent error due to capillarity as the
diameter of the glass tube is changed. Assume a water
temperature of 80 oF. Show your results on a graph of percent
error versus tube diameter, D, in the range 0.1 in. < D < 1.0 in.
(b) If you want the error to be less than 1%, what is the smallest
tube diameter allowed?

(a.) The e;(ce~s he'jh t I h) CtlfA~ed bt 1h~ .sur~(t. ien>/~~ ,1

h= zo-~~ (E'Z. J.ll.)
f:ipy- tr:: 0 tv; f;,
D b =.z. R.
h= 'fO- 0)
PY'If)I?1 7i.J,/~ B./ln A-ppendl)( B /Dy- ~t
0-= Jf.9Ix//J-3/bj.Pt Clnd r= 'Z.2z. Jb/k~
Th~~ .fr.9m 1:1. (I)
h ~f):: tf (Jf, tj I x: IO-J -! ) fl. 1 q )(

{(e>Z.lZ. ~,) D (,n.)

I 2. I ~, /';-1::
.D ( I'n.)

~l~ error =. h ~J )f.. 100

froW! eq.lD
1-) 1ha.~
/0 e yr" y =
f) 3.7&f x J 0
x I D0
3 D(J'n,)
( 3 )

A- plot. t>.f ~ eY'r~r V-(i"S(,/S t"'be C/'t:ll11et:er IS

ShtJWI1 "n 111t /1f~t I"a'je,

( C!L;,/t. )

/. 8S- I ( Ccr/t.)

Diameter % Error
of tube, in.
0.1 1.26
0.15 0.84 1.50 I
! i
0.2 0.63 I
0.3 0.42 :
0... 1.00 \ I


0.4 0.32 i W
... '{ I i ,
I i I , i
0.5 0.25 I, ~ 0.50 !
0 I
0.6 0.21 i I
I i
0.7 0.18 i 0.00
0.8 0.16 i 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
0.9 0.14 I Tube diameter, in.
1 0.13
I --
Values obtained
from Eq. (3)

(1) For /ofo eyrpy ;;'PII1 £Z. (3)

t). /2b
J= /)(,'rJ.)
D-= ~./2.1D In.

1.H6 Under the right conditions, it is possible, due to surface
tension. to have metal objects float on water. (See Video V \5.)
Consider placinf, a short length of a small diameter steel (sp.
wt. = 490 lb/ft) rod on a surface of water. What is the
maximum diameter that the rod can have before it will sink?
Assume that the surface tension forces act vertically upward.
Note: A standard paper clip has a diameter of 0.036 in. Partially
unfold a paper clip and see if you can get it to float on water.
Do the results of this experiment support your analysis?

cri.. rrL


-3 r.L
5 II . X' I 0 ;-"'l.

o. 0 ~ J '+ (n.

S/nc-e ~ ;st.andArd ~I:ee/ paptr c)lf hAS ~

d/~met;('r ~f ". ~3" il1') wh/ch IS Jess fr..a 11
O.O'/'/- /n.) It sJ1()~J~ f/~4.t. A- ~/mpj~ e)l../Jtrirnmi
iP f / I Vof v,' f ~ 111 I.S • Ye s .

J.37 I
1. ~7 An open. clean glass tube. having a diameter of 3 mm.
is inserted vertically into a dish of mercury at 20°C. How far
will the column of mercury in the tube be depressed?

2 (}C&S e ( ~g. j. 22 )

3.00 X ID 1m

3. 0 0 1)')1 t'YY1

I. g$ I
1. gB An open 2-mm-diameter tube is inserted
into a pan of ethyl alcohol and a similar 4-mm-
diameter tube is inserted into a pan of watef. In
which tube will the height of the rise of the fluid
column due to capillary actton be the greatest?
Assume the angle of contact is the same for both

(Eg. j,22.)

.J,. (C/ / t~hp/ ) U (~dtph()/) '0 (WA if,) (If 1m"" )

~ (tva tel") a-( WA. tf'I") !"" ( ,,/tCh"/) ~ IWIIW1

= (;.2.81-/0-'). ~)('/.r{)Xlo3~3)(#MAI'IIA)
( 7. 3lf)( JD-~ f;, ) (7. tlf X }f)3 ~3) (;). M1~ )

(J, 7 g7

1. ~~ * The capillary rise in a tube depends on to these data and estimate the value of the prod-
the cleanliness of both the fluid and the tube. uct (J cos e. If it is assumed that (J has the value
Typically, values of h are less than those predicted given in Table 1.5 what is the value of e? If it is
by Eq. 1.22 using values of (J and for clean fluids e
assumed that is equal to 0° what is the value of
and tubes. Some measurements of the height, h, (J?

a water column rises in a vertical open tube of

diameter, d, are given below. The water was tap 0.25 I 0.20 I 0.15 1 0 . 10 I 0.05
d (in.) 1 0 . 3 I
water at a temperature of 60 of and no particular h (in.) 0.133 0.165 0.198 0.273 0.421 0.796
effort was made to clean the glass tube. Fit a curve

l7o/n t. ~. I. ')."L.
-P. = 2 O-d-U:;S e (-k); 'f(j' C: e ( -f )

d=l12. Thus; £j.(J} 1..5 ()t the. /cYm

i,: b d' (Z)

b= d'::: J...

The ~I/ S /-III1't.; b) C41J b.c ()j,~/~et/ b'1 4 //I1t'l.Y least

szuare''s fL't 6f 1J1.e, 911/"11 d ...-ba... (J.. Ql1d lid).
-P. (ft)

If. 0 O.O!l~8

'f~ (). () 13 ?:;-

!Po O. () /65'0

80 (). t)z27S'

120 (). b ~5"oK

J.'fO (), 0"" 33

( CD!) t)


To "btfll~ b 11.5 e. LJNREG 1 r

** This program determines the least squares fit **
** for a function of the form y = b * x: **
Number of points: 6
Input X, Y
? 4-0,0.01108
'7 4-8,0.01375
? 60,0.01650
? 80,0.02275
? 120,0.03508
? 24-0,0.06633
C.L, 2.-
b = +2. 799E-04- rt,

X Y Y(predicted)
+4-.0000E+01 +1.1080E-02 +1.1195E-02
+4-.8000E+01 +1. 3750E-02 +1.34-34-E-02
+6.0000E+01 +1.6500E-02 +1.6792E-02
+8.0000E+01 +2.2750E-02 +2.2390E-02
+1.2000E+02 +3.5080E-02 +3.3584-E-02
+2.4-000E+02 +6.6330E-02 +6.7169E-02

rr e~Se = h a
_ (,<..799 x )0· If It "L.)~z. If ~J) .3 lob
= 1-. 37 X jo .ft
II 0--= So {)3 Jt /0 /J,/fi I
-.) fk
if: "17X/lJ -Fe
s. tJ3X /o-J .1.l!-
Cc>J e :: =- o.g~r
~ = J 1.70

If B=o
-rhfl1 Cos a = /.0 ClI1 d
3 J..E
'f,37X)O 3 --..
rr= .pt- ::' if, 37 XJO ,ft
1.90 Fluid Characterization by Use of a Stormer Viscometer
Objective: As discussed in Section 1.6, some fluids can be classified as Newtonian flu-
ids; others are non-Newtonian. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the shearing
stress versus rate of strain characteristics of various liquids and, thus, to classify them as
Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluids.

Equipment: Stormer viscometer containing a stationary outer cylinder and a rotating,

concentric inner cylinder (see Fig. P1.90); stop watch; drive weights for the viscometer; three
different liquids (silicone oil, Latex paint, and corn syrup).

Experimental Procedure: Fill the gap between the inner and outer cylinders with one of
the three fluids to be tested. Select an appropriate drive weight (of mass m) and attach it to the
end of the cord that wraps around the drum to which the inner cylinder is fastened. Release
the brake mechanism to allow the inner cylinder to start to rotate. (The outer cylinder remains
stationary.) After the cylinder has reached its steady-state angular velocity, measure the amount
of time, t, that it takes the inner cylinder to rotate N revolutions. Repeat the measurements us-
ing various drive weights. Repeat the entire procedure for the other fluids to be tested.

Calculations: For each of the three fluids tested, convert the mass, m, of the drive weight
to its weight, W = mg, where g is the acceleration of gravity. Also determine the angular ve-
locity of the inner cylinder, w = Nit.

Graph: For each fluid tested, plot the drive weight, W, as ordinates and angular velocity,
w, as abscissas. Draw a best fit curve through the data.

Results: Note that for the flow geometry of this experiment, the weight, W, is propor-
tional to the shearing stress, T, on the inner cylinder. This is true because with constant an-
gular velocity, the torque produced by the viscous shear stress on the cylinder is equal to the
torque produced by the weight (weight times the appropriate moment arm). Also, the angu-
lar velocity, w, is proportional to the rate of strain, dul dy. This is true because the velocity
gradient in the fluid is proportional to the inner cylinder surface speed (which is proportional
to its angular velocity) divided by the width of the gap between the cylinders. Based on your
graphs, classify each of the three fluids as to whether they are Newtonian, shear thickening,
or shear thinning (see Fig. 1.5).

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click hl're
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

Rotating inner cylinder

Outer cylinder


(c On 't )
/- go
/.9'0 I

Solution for Problem 1.90: Fluid Characterization by Use of a Stormer Viscometer

m, kg N, revs t, s co, revls W,N From the graphs:

Silicone oil is Newtonian
Silicone Oil Data Corn Syrup is Newtonian
0.02 4 59.3 0.07 0.20 Latex paint is shear thinning
0.05 12 66.0 0.18 0.49
0.10 24 64.2 0.37 0.98
0.15 20 35.0 0.57 1.47 co = Nit
0.20 24 31.7 0.76 1.96
0.25 30 31.0 0.97 2.45 W=mg
0.30 20 17.4 1.15 2.94
0.35 25 18.8 1.33 3.43
0.40 40 26.0 1.54 3.92

Corn Syrup Data

0.05 1 28.2 0.04 0.49
0.10 2 27.5 0.07 0.98
0.20 4 27.2 0.15 1.96
0.40 8 25.7 0.31 3.92

Latex Paint Data

0.02 2 32.7 0.06 0.20
0.03 2 20.2 0.10 0.29
0.04 5 32.2 0.16 0.39
0.05 10 47.3 0.21 0.49
0.06 10 37.2 0.27 0.59
0.07 10 29.8 0.34 0.69
0.08 10 24.6 0.41 0.78
0.09 10 20.1 0.50 0.88
0.10 20 34.0 0.59 0.98

/- 9 I
!. 'to ( c~I") t )

Problem 1.90 Problem 1.90

Weight, W, vs Angular Velocity, 0) Weight, W, vs Angular Velocity, 0)

for for

·. Silicone Oil

4.50 ..,--.----
Corn Syrup

3.50 3.50
3.00 3.00
z 2.50 -----------1 z 2.50
W=2.5~ I
~ 2.00 ~ 2.00
--_ .. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j

1.50 -- ------- --------..-----------1I 1.50

·W = 12.80)
------------_._---+---_. ---_.. - - j

1.00 1.00
0.50 0.50 +-~'-------~------~---------.-- ~ ..

0.00 4 - - - - , . . - - - - - - ; - - - - , - - - - - 1 0.00 +-----r----r----,--------;

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
OJ, rev/s OJ, rev/s

Problem 1.90
Weight, W, vs Angular Velocity, 0)

Latex Paint

0.80 +-------~----~-~----1
0.60 ---,1tfI""'------- ~-- ----------- ----- - --.-j
~ I
DAD ------ . . . _-\

W = 1046600° 707
0.00 0.20 DAD 0.60 0.80
00 rev/s

J- 8'2.
I. 'f /

1.91 Capillary Thbe Viscometer

Objective; The flowrate of a viscous fluid through a small diameter (capillary) tube is a
function of the viscosity of the fluid. For the flow geometry shown in Fig. P1.91, the kine-
matic viscosity, v, is inversely proportional to the flowrate, Q. That is, v = KIQ, where K is
the calibration constant for the particular device. The purpose of this experiment is to deter-
mine the value of K and to use it to determine the kinematic viscosity of water as a function
of temperature.

Equipment: Constant temperature water tank, capillary tube, thermometer, stop watch,
graduated cylinder.

Experimental Procedure: Adjust the water temperature to 15.6D C and determine the
flowrate through the capillary tube by measuring the time, t, it takes to collect a volume, V,
of water in a small graduated cylinder. Repeat the measurements for various water temper-
atures, T. Be sure that the water depth, h, in the tank is the same for each trial. Since the
flowrate is a function of the depth (as well as viscosity), the value of K obtained will be valid
for only that value of h.

Calculations; For each temperature tested, determine the flowrate, Q = Vlt. Use the data
for the 15.6D C water to determine the calibration constant, K, for this device. That is, K = vQ,
where the kinematic viscosity for 15.6°C water is given in Table 1.5 and Q is the measured
flowrate at this temperature. Use this value of K and your other data to determine the vis-
cosity of water as a function of temperature.

Graph: Plot the experimentally determined kinematic viscosity, v, as ordinates and tem-
perature, T, as abscissas.

Results: On the same graph, plot the standard viscosity-temperature data obtained from
Table B.2.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click hu!'
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.



I. f I

Solution for Problem 1.91: Capillary Tube Viscometer

From Table B.2

V,ml t, s T, deg C Q, mils v, m"2/s T, deg C v, m"2/s

9.2 19.8 15.6 OA65 1.12E-06 10 1.31 E-06

9.7 15.8 26.3 0.614 8A9E-07 20 1.00E-06
9.2 16.8 21.3 0.548 9.51 E-07 30 8.01 E-07
9.1 21.3 12.3 OA27 1.22E-06 40 6.58E-07
9.2 13.1 34.3 0.702 7A2E-07 50 5.53E-07
9A 10.1 50A 0.931 5.60E-07 60 4.75E-07
9.1 8.9 58.1 1.022 5.10E-07

v =KlQ K, m"2 ml/s"2 v (at 15.6 deg C), m"2/s

5.21 E-07 1.12E-06

K =v Q =1.12E-6 m"2/s * OA65 mils =5.21 E-7 m"2 ml/s"2

Problem 1.91
Viscosity, v, vs Temperature, T

1.5E-06 ,......----------------~

1.0E-06 -I------'k-----~- ---------1
! • Experimental I
E [ - - From Table B.2: '

5.0E-07 -I------~-----c--------'~~-------l

O.OE+OO -I------,..------,------r-----i

o 20 40 60 80
T, deg C

/- 8"1
.2. I I

2.1 The water level in an open standpipe is 80 ft above the

ground. What is the static pressure at a fire hydrant that is con-
nected to the standpipe and located at ground level? Express
your answer in psi.

1>= ~~ -T-Po
Since.. -the ~.ftt"dPI'pe J~ o,Pen I~ =0 I
l' = ~;;. J.;. ~'!J
) (8() .ft)(/I ItL

2.2. I

2.2 Blood pressure is usually given as a ratio of the

maximum pressure (systolic pressure) to the minimum
pressure (diastolic pressure). As shown in Video \'2.1, such
pressures are commonly measured with a mercury mano-
meter. A typical value for this ratio for a human would be
120170, where the pressures are in mm Hg. (a) What would
these pressures be in pascals? (b) If your car tire was
inflated to 120 mm Hg. would it be sufficient for normal

t= !'h
(a.) For /.20 ~ HJ : p= (I-3J X /O~ ) (0, /:J,Otm) = /~. O~ Pa.

l' = (; 33 X f03;!. XC;, 070,"",) '" r. 31 ~ J?.

1'= (/t..O;( I03!.)(f./fSIJXf b-'I ::~~ )

::- ~,~2. fjL

5/~ce a. -t'jp/ca / -1-, r-e pve~s u ye 105 30-35 -p5(,,~ I Z()ItH",.. tlJ
is n"t ~u f+; d J el1 t -fOr /Jpr!114/ dr I VI!1j .

2.:J I
2.3 What pressure, expressed in pascals, will
a skin diver be subjected to at a depth of YOm
in seawater?

t : ~~ -to ~
4f- t1, e 1Ju t'ff., e A = (.) StJ thllt

3 ] N
(1 0 • Ix. /o.-it.. )(lfom-a) = 40,/-;(. 10 ~
-"L - '1()'1"t/i

2.4 The two open tanks shown in Fig. P2.4 have the same
bottom area, A, but different shapes. When the depth, h, of a
liquid in the two tanks is the same, the pressure on the bottom
of the two tanks will be the same in accordance with Eq. 2.7.
However, the weight of the liquid in each of the tanks is dif-
ferent. How do you account for this apparent paradox?

-.- .. .. c _ .., _

lv'~'"' '
I; .....,.,

/ /
Area = A Area = A

;=1) y fl!~ 1t/IfK ~ /flt tJ7e. I ;1Cj, ned wa //05,; 1h( pressure ()n the
b" ~m i.s tlwt! fD fh~ we i,/I'! ".f -fl,e /J iJl1Q Ii The t-olumn
t/J;'~(.f& ~iJ~tle -Ih~ bf)/Iotl1 as rlt~""11 iJ't 1h( cI(/SH~d Ild~ 111
71tt h11("~, 7h(s iJ the 'Am! w~'i)Jf AS thAI- ;'1' The /:(lI1K.
un"1it 1'ht ~fyAi9l1f 5idts. 711 uS 1 -fh~ PY'(S$I(/,'~ 01'1 7h( b~1I-01Yl
t;.f- i71~ +tt.llt~ I j the 54f'ne.
..f-wo 711~ e:tdcl.f'PIt#/ iv-t11hi
In -the bl1it. WJ7"h th~ Ihc..JIH~R wAils 1:S j(,(pporl:ect blj th~
Il1clJl~1ed w{.(lIs) t!l5 11IusfrA.hef lit 1ht' f,8tO·-e.
2.5 Bourdon gages (see Video V2.2 and Fig. 2.13) are
commonly used to measure pressure. When such a gage is
attached to the closed water tank of Fig. P2. ~ the gage reads
5 psi. What is the absolute air pressure in the tank? Assume
standard atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi.
12 in.
Bourdon gage

f=: r-h + R,
..{) - liz k)6;. -))
II-ale (Ii. 4t) - lair 6 in .

../h _
/0/ . _


1;1/; - 1'1- 3 1~t.'tZ.

.2. ~
l.ti Bathyscaphes are capable of submerging to great depths
in the ocean. What is the pressure at a depth of 5 km, assum-
ing that seawater has a constant specific weight of 10.1 kN/m3?
Express your answer in pascals and psi.

P=-~J. +~
A-f -the :5urhtce 10 =0 ~o !hAt

1> =Ul)·J i. JD ;!; )(5"

/WI) = SO. S = 50.S" MP~

A/seJ )
f = (so. 5 7 320 p~iJ
~. 7 j
2.7 For the great depths that may be en- of part (a) to determine the pressure at a depth
countered in the ocean the compressibility of sea- of 6 km assuming seawater has a bulk modulus
water may become an important consideration. of 2.3 x 109 Pa, and a density of 1030 kg/m3 at
(a) Assume that the bulk modulus for seawater the surface. Compare this result with that ob-
is constant and derive a relationship between tained by assuming a constant density of 1030
pressure and depth which takes into account the kg/m3.
change in fluid density with depth. (b) Make use

~::: -~ =-('3 ( £g. 2. If)

Thus (I)
~ :: - 1- dr

be hre..

(Eg. 1.1'3 J

So th.. t

a.t 1'=0


df =

.so -inti/:

~. 7 I (C~n'i)

(b) Frt91?? f~rt ~) )

-p = - Ev Jh, (/ - t. ::1. )
So -thAt at A:: ,~~

r~= - (:J..3 x IO".!t

)in [I - (;'03X;()3};3)(r'd'/~)(b)(llhtt)J
; . 3 ;<. I tJ '1 ...!:!..
""' :r.

= &'1. Lf M P'I-

(c) h,.,. ~I1S tan t dens N-!J

p= (/~ = 13- ~ =(I. ~3 ~/D3~)(tj,f/ ~)("~I/~)

- fo6. t, ;'1~

I 2.8 Blood pressure is commonly measured with a cuff

placed around the arm, with the cuff pressure (which is a mea-
sure of the arterial blood pressure) indicated with a mercury
manometer (see Video 2.1). A typical value for the maximum
value of blood pressure (systolic pressure) is 120 mm Hg. Why
wouldn't it be simpler, and cheaper; to use water in the manome-
ter rather than mercury? Explain and support your answer with
the necessary calculations.

-p = ~It
J; V" /2, 0 /YK 1M I-J, : t -= >fh
:::: (/33 X Jb) ,!~ )(CJ. JZ 0 Mt )

- / /,. .() 4e P...

?; (> /, .till;' 1J'/lj pY.t'$~/.I~ f.IJ i 'h1 A. wa..-I:ey Col""., 11

3 tV
I', () X /b ;;;":a.
- J, It. 3 tWl
Q (J 3 IV
" ,,()Xlb ;;;;;

Thus) i l tv~bY W(I/f!. «Sid In -h1< 'Ttlan()l1?f..k..t- -th ~

V"etlAit-ftl CO/U"''' htI9h/:.s w()u/d be t()tJ hl~h anti.
1m 'Y~C,-ht41. N'o.

2, Ii Two hemispherical shells are bolted together as shown
in Fig. P2.9 . The resulting spherical container, which weighs Cable
400 lb, is filled with mercury and supported by a cable as shown.
The container is vented at the top. If eight bolts are symmetri-
cally located around the circumference, what is the vertical Sphere diameter = 3 ft
force that each bolt must carry?

• FIGURE p2.Cf

'1 ".. hwce In ~ne h"JI:.

p.-y frf-,surt. at mld-p}t/he
A,-.; CI r-fA ai rnl d- p/~ne..
\AI AI we.lgh i l i In-ert.ur!1 1Y1 h()#-fPfI1 hoi I
I+! 0';:' She II
~ "'" w-eijJJt af j,tlt/Dnt hlJJf ()f sheJ/

/;1' ett"'jibri,,m/

L ~e"'hctl / = 0

g IX f Ii -r W#-j 1- Ws
- O"u/f )(f D~ + '04*) (f lJ~ T ~ ('too /J,)

=(8lf'l !,X ¥")(f) (3ft) ~ ~lf7 ~,)(~)(f)(Htf+ J,oo Ib

ferlO 1.6
)./0 I
2.10 Develop an expression for the pressure
variation in a liquid in which the specific weight
increases with depth, h, as y = Kh + Yo, where
K is a constant and Yo is the specific weight at the
free surface.

dr - Q
( Eg . .2.4-)
Le t -R. :: 1:0 - Z
So -(heel: d~ :-cli:


d.;1 ~ I
2.11. * In a certain liquid at rest, measurements 60 107
of the specific weight at various depths show the 70 110
following variation: 80 112
90 114
h (ft) Y (lb/ft3) 100 115
o 70
10 76 The depth, h = 0, corresponds to a free surface
20 84 at atmospheric pressure. Determine, through nu-
30 91 merical integration of Eq. 2.4, the corresponding
40 97 variation in pressure, and show the results on a
50 102 plot of pressure (in psf) versus depth (in feet).



where depth -l,'. £!l.Illtl£J" (1)

CQI) ht. ;".teyrIl1e4 Ilvmprlcltl/y t/.J/ns 171ft ~//~/I1J 1)f"oJrAIJ1.

(!Vof~: The. n"m,y/cil I /;'.ft"Y4;'1()~ elfl1 "Iso h< (1c(t!)rnp/lsju~4
1hroufh f'e;fq.J.e~ ~.se. of '/1Ie pY~9J1'''m T.R,lfPb"ro/).
~.J/ jIk

100 cls
110 print "*************************************************"
120 print "** This program integrates Eq. 2.4, numerically **"
130 print "** using the trapezoidal rule to obtain the **"
14,0print B** pressure at different depths **"
150 print If*************************************************"
160 print
170 dim p(11),gamma(11)
180 n=11
190 dh=10
200 p(1)=0
210 for i=l to n
220 read gamma(il
230 next i
24,0data 70,76,84,,91,97,102,107,110,112,114,,115
250 for i=2 to n
260 s=(gamma(1)+gamma(i) )/2
270 im1=i-l
280 for j=2 to im1
300 ne)':t j
320 next i
33C '
34,0'Print the results
350 print
360 print If h (ft) Pressure (psf)"
370 for i=l to n
380 print using "###.# #####.#"; (i-1l*dh,p(i)
390 next i

Th ~ fa1,1( j~ fed f'esu/.J-$ be/"w I 1/011, tJlI1h the..

~rye.!p()ncl/".7 P/()t of liS. dfpTh.

Lt This program integrates Eq. 2.4, numerically **
** using the trapezoidal rule to obtain the **
** pressure at different depths **
* * ~c ** * * * * *' * * * ** * * * * * * *' * * * * * * ** * '* * '* * >I: * >I: * * * * * * '* '* '* '* *

1.-1 (ft) Pressure (psf)

0.0 0.0 1. o·
10.0 730.0
20.0 1530.0
:30.0 2405.0 ~ O.B
40.0 334,5.0 Co
50.0 4,34,0.0 • O. B
60.0 5385.0 Co.
70.0 64,70.0 •a
~ 0.4
80.0 7580.0 Q.

90.0 8710.0
100.0 9855.0 0.2

0 20 40 60 60 100
Oapth, h (ft)

"2. .12. The basic elements of a hydraulic press are shown in

Fig. P2.12. The plunger has an area of 1 in. 2 , and a force, F I ,
can be applied to the plunger through a lever mechanism having
a mechanical advantage of 8 to 1. If the large piston has an area
of 150 in?, what load, F2 , can be raised by a force of 30 lb
applied to the lever'? Neglect the hydrostatic pressure variation.
Hydraulic fluid
/ ""-F]

If. j..(')~(E. o/. ,3.o)b o.ff>Jj~cI -Ir:, the. Jevn- V'esl-{/f.s P1

t:A. P/un7fr" ~jI'ce,) F;) ~f Fj = (?)(:6.o) = 2lfo II:; .

'SIn ce. F; :.. tAl QI1t/ P-;...= plr 2 whe~e ? Is "The..
,Pt"'e SS{,{ r'e COtel 1// ('01 rI.42., co·~ 1i1e t{V'e4S ()f -the..
pJu h 1f r 4 ncJ PJ5 foJ?) i'e~fec.tJt/eI!1. SInce... ? I S elMS ~n t

-th i"'ou 9h tJu t 7h e chq m be -yo )


- (/~~ I~.~) (2'10 Jb)
F::2- = ,401
6- t=; 3Gj 000 1.1:,
/ /11.

2.13 A 0.3-m-diameter pipe is connected to a 0.02-m-

diameter pipe and both are rigidly held in place. Both pipes are
horizontal with pistons at each end. If the space between the
pistons is filled with water, what force will have to be applied
to the larger piston to balance a force of 80 N applied to the
smaller piston? Neglect friction.

~ ~ fA-I
!=s. = f A2

I --

..... I

2. IS- I
2.15 What would be the barometric pressure
reading, in mm Hg, at an elevation of 4 km in
the U.S. standard atmosphere? (Refer to Table
C.2 in Appendix C.)

It t C( n eleva. -tJt)1'/ 01 If J.m J P= ~. / ~ (p X /0 S-- :!2- ( Ir~m

Ta b / e C.:;' l'n /1. Ppen dI xC) . S I H (. e.
1:> ==- ~~
..:P... =- ~. J" ~ :I. 'D -::;-2-
d' J3~;(,/~3..!:L

2. J(, I

2.1 ~ An absolute pressure of 7 psia corre-

sponds to what gage pressure for standard at-
mospheric pressure of 14.7 psia?

- 71'.)(.«- )Lf.7/:lf.: ::: -7.7 PSt:


*2.17 A Bourdon gage (see Fig. 2.13 and Video V2.2) is

often used to measure pressure. One way to calibrate this type
of gage is to use the arangement shown in Fig. P2.17 a. The
container is filled with a liquid and a weight, W, placed on one Bourdon Gage 'IV
side with the gage on the other side. The weight acting on the
liquid through a O.4-in.-diameter opening creates a pressure that
is transmitted to the gage. This arrangement, with a series of
weights, can be used to determine what a change in the dial
movement, (J, in Fig. P2.17b, corresponds to in terms of a
change in pressure. For a particular gage, some data are given
below. Based on a plot of these data, determine the relationship (b) (a)

between (J and the pressure, p, where p is measured in psi? • FIGURE P2.17

W (lb) 0 1.04 2.00 3.23 4.05 5.24 6.31
(J (deg.) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

7 rt, ~(J") (I)

( IN hfY~ P Jj I;" p-, £)


So fi,-."m R"'I' (j)

1> (~,;)
-p (f'~t.) .:- o. 'II, e

Theta, deg. W,lb

0 0.00
W =0.0522 e
20 1.04 8.00
40 2.00 ,Q 6.00 I ]
60 3.23
80 4.05 ~ 4.00

100 5.24 ~ 2.00

120 6.31 0.00
0 50 100 150
Theta, degrees

:L -1'2.
2.18 For an atmospheric pressure of 101 kPa
(abs) determine the heights of the fluid columns
in barometers containing one of the following liq-
uids: (a) mercury, (b) water. and (c) ethyl alco-
hol. Calculate the heights including the effect of
vapor pressure, and compare the results with
those obtained neglecting vapor pressure. Do
these results support the widespread use of mer-
cury for barometers? Why?

( 1h C./luhn1 va.f~Y fYt'St;I/Ye.) ( WI thou f VttfD Y' f Y~5.sU Y"e )

r(A.brn) : yJ.. + fJ'I/" f (A. 6;J/'1) .. d' h

w he Jl'e. ? "V /,!A ftJY" 't'~.ss uY'e.

f =

3 /'I -I N '3 tv
/OIx.JtJ - -I.(PXJD-l.. 101 )(.ID ;;~
(It) F~". mtY'cur'j:

133)( It) 3..J:L J"3 3)(. 10"! .J!..

/I't?~ (M.3

= 0,7511W1
3 N
/o/x./b -l. - 1.77 xIt; .Ji.
/01 'J. I D -;;-~
3 }J

t.b) (;r /.VA.-ter: It = ;?H AM 1.

~ =
'i. 30 /. )0 3 J:!..
1. fo X/0 3 J:L

= I (). J /)'Y1
= /0,3 rm

3# 311
(() Por erf" J ttJ/;<.ID -"""i -5.'1J<'/~ "."..,
- .. /01 )I.. Jb.J.!:!...
~ .{
I/'H 1'171"1..
a /Coho/ : ~

7. 7 If- .x. I 0 3 .!:L 7. 71f X I D3 31..3

11'H3 Ilt1

-- I ;J.. "3 1??'1 - /3,OI1?1

For mere u r!) btlY'tlmeiers -fhe effect. 01 IItLlt/Y PWSf lI1"e

is n f'r//qi bfe / tlnd t:h~ v€$u/red he/9 hi 0/- The n1er(.11'!/
Co/urn n /S renstPnt:lb/e.

;;. -ra
:I. I q I 2. II:! Aneroid barometers can be used to mea-
sure changes in altitude. If a barometer reads 30.1
in. Hg at one elevation, what has been the change
in altitude in meters when the barometer reading
is 28.3 in. Hg? Assume a standard atmosphere,
and that Eq. 2.12 is applicable over the range of
altitudes of interest.

( f'g. :2. J:J. )


(2 )

..5u 10 Irac. t £1. (2.) /re;m £~. (J) -k ~bta ( n)

l~-r( = ~ UfJ1- (rt )r] [] )

FDr Tq,=2.89K) (5 = f!). 00 "So ~ ) -P~ ==

/(:;) Je Pc. J

I:: tt, '!/ ~

sa.. "
R. = 2?7 .::!-
Ie;. If( Ct I'J Ii )

&. = (:'8'7 *fl< ) (~. 00#;57) ~ ) :: f!J. I q0

d 9.tl ~

U//th -p,:: 011-,# J,., =

f:;. = !~ ~ ::
-fhen .?".pm E'fJ3)

).f~ /( [( lol ~p~ )o.Ii~ ( qo.i. .v~ y,/qOJ

~ - 1: J ::
~ O~~5tJ !fn I () I .t PL 101 -It.. Pa.

-- 54-3 rm
2.20 2.20 Pikes Peak near Denver, Colorado has
an elevation of 14,110 ft. (a) Determine the pres-
sure at this elevation, based on Eq. 2.12. (b) If
the air is assumed to have a constant specific
weight of 0.07647 Ib/ft3, what would the pressure
be at this altitude? (c) If the_~ir is assumed to
have a constant temperature of 59 OF what would
the pressure be at this elevation? For all three
cases assume standard atmospheric conditions at
sea level (see Table 2.1).



-- (abs)

L/; ) -p -= ~ - tlJ,.
J.I/~. z ~l. - (t). 67blf7 f;3)(;~ /lo.f.t)

- IO/.fo J:!.

[(. )
2.21 2.21 Equation 2.12 provides the relationship
. between pressure and elevation in the atmo-
sphere for those regions in which the temperature
varies linearly with elevation. Derive this equa-
tion and verify the value of the pressure given in
r~bf.lec~ in Appendix C r an ;~evation of 5
d fJ _ ~ dl:
T - - R T
~ -l-J

Le t 1;~t .ft,,,. -},.::.O ) {Nf j"". 7:2 ~ £ I (;(11 d T= To.. -rs 7: .



=- -
"7 i

~ [- ~ 1m (iA-~~i ~ [ e. (To. -(3<) -h TJ


L £.
- ~ =

::' .1 h (J _ &-r)
Rr4 TA
and -h. tiJ11 /()5a rithrn 0/ h~tn $1 atd D-t e3 L( a.:tIO·H ':JleLdu

-P == ~ (I - ~)~ (~t.2.,2.)

s. 'f 0 X I () If !!.1

_L -~~.-.-.--.=-.=.--.~---_--.J
2.2'2 As shown in Fig. 2.6 for the U.S. stan-
dard atmosphere, the troposphere extends to an
altitude of 11 km where the pressure is 22.6 kPa
(abs). In the next layer, called the stratosphere,
the temperature remains constant at - 56.5 0c.
Determine the pressure and density in this layer
at an altitude of 15 km. Assume g = 9.77 m/s2
in your calculations. Compare your results with
those given in Table C.2 in Appendix C.

1i = 22. ~ ..lPa, )

-r;:: - 5 '.5 ·C -r ;L 73. 15" = :; I (p. " 5' k .

_ ~ 77 70,..)( IS-x If/1M - 11;(. , / /WI )J

[ (,1 S''l tfk )(:l /1.. /, 5" /< )
- / ~ I
I -k Pa.
3 IV
1")./.x.JtJ ::;;'l..

Lb/e. C.2 J~ A-ppeJ!1&//x. C) h

rJ;. : J;1, II ~ pC(. and

:<.23 +-1

2.23* Under normal conditions the tempera- Elevation (ft) Temperature CF)
ture of the atmosphere decreases with increasing 5000 50.1 (base)
elevation. In some situations, however, a tem- 5500 55.2
perature inversion may exist so that the air tem- 6000 60.3
perature increases with elevation. A series of 6400 62.6
temperature probes on a mountain give the ele- 7100 67.0
vation-temperature data shown in the table be- 7400 68.4
low. If the barometric pressure at the base of the 8200 70.0
mountain is 12.1 psia, determine by means of 8600 69.5
numerical integration the pressure at the top of 9200 68.0
the mountain. 67.1 (top)

W; tb -the. .frmft ral", Yt. d~b... '9 W(11 fhe. ;tJ.J.e1rl/ 'H B ~ . 2. '1 Ca i1
be eV/J/u4Iell J111h1fnc"l1~ tls/llj rteAPE"iol.

**This program performs numerical integratior~ **
** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule **
Enter number of data points: 10
Enter data points (X , Y) /Jeff :
'? 5000,1.962E-3
7 5500,l.942E-3
'? 6000,l.923E-3
? 6y,OO,l.915E-3
'? 7100.1.899E-3
? 7{,J.OO.l.894E-3
? 8200.1. 888E-3
? 8600,l.890E-3
'? 9200,l.895E-3
7 9900,1.898E-3

The approximate value of the integral is: +9.34S2E+00


So fhllt ( w/th j :: 32.2. 4/52. tlh4 R = 17/1, It., Jj,/sJu~. 42)<. )

111 11ft ~ - (~Z. 2 tt. )(r. ~ t:)

- - O. 175"i.f. (I)
17/ to ft:·/b I sIll 1--;<
( COl? t. )
2.231-1 ( COI71; )

:t.f Ie //()IUS -h--PIJ1 1;'1,(/) /() J1H 'A = /2.J PoJ L' a. 7).,lIf
- tJ,17S'1f.
~ = (1'2. I ,s/a) e == 10, Z PSI.'a.
- Closed valve
2.2 Y A U-tube manometer is connected to a closed tank
containing air and water as shown in Fig. P2.2~. At the closed I-- Air pressure = 16 psia
end of the manometer the air pressure is 16 psia. Determine the
reading on the pressure gage for a differential reading of 4 ft
on the manometer. Express your answer in psi (gage). Assume
standard atmospheric pressure, and neglect the weight of the air
columns in the manometer.

2 ft

Gage fluid
(y 90 Ibfft 3 )
• FIG U REP 2 • 2\f-

. 2..)
~ I~.1.. -
/'t. 7 -:-
1.. '0/fLf r J-l-
'y,. J f -n..

+ ( (p Z. ¥ -!ft:3 ) ( ~ f-t)

- ( I
16)( / It
72.. -Ft."- J u..u •
) - '/-. b7 rDSl.

Z.2.5" J Hemispherical dome

I 2.2.5' A closed cylindrical tank filled with water has a hem-

ispherical dome and is connected to an inverted piping system
c / I

as shown in Fig. P2.2S. The liquid in the top part of the piping
system has a specific gravity of 0.8, and the remaining parts of
the system are filled with water. If the pressure gage reading at
A is 60 kPa, determine: (a) the pressure in pipe B, and (b) the
+ 3m

pressure head, in millimeters of mercury, at the top ofthe dome

(point C).


* RJ

(a.) 1;; -I- [S G,)( ~:l.()) [3 ~) + ~o (L/W1) :: 1>B

1>8 = ("o.J.p.. + (O.a)(r.II(//!.)(3",,)+ (r.c~~1D3;;'.)(z1'M)
= /03 ~Pa,

(b )
~ :: -pit - ~2,0 (3hY1)

- k0 .k Pa. - (9. ~ D X ID .;~ ) (:! '"" )


3 N
- 5f). ~ )( JD -
3 N
I ..pc: Bo.t. xH -;;'l-
! -It = - :::
- tI,230m!
!'jJ /'33)( J0 3 .!:L
j 11H'3

= t>. 230 ml (la 3fW1,!:, ) = 2 30 1)1"1 /WI



Manometer fluid

2.26 For the stationary fluid shown in Fig. P2.26, the pres-
sure at point B is 20 kPa greater than at point A. Determine the
specific weight of the manometer fluid.

Density = 1500 kglm 3

• FIGURE P2.26

Le-/; r-",.,:: spe,l!,,, w-e/;ht t>11Y1~I'I()metel' fl"t"

dA = (SG)( ~ 1.Jr. D f!' 'I- c.
) (,.) = (1.2) (IODD '*~)('l.81!f.. )
:: I I} i()()..!!
hr' 3

(fa :: ~ 3- = (iSt>o #!. )(Cj .81 ;,.) == J Lfj 7()() ! 3

tA- = - ~ (2 hYI);- ~ ( 2m1) -t rB (~IW\)

-1=>13 -

t. (n<ib J !!.~ :: - (I ') 8DI ;;., )('2.JIK) -+ 'Cr... (2,..) -t (I~ ,100;'3) (1. ... )
'O~ = 7/ J DO ;;3

2. -2<.
Z. 2. 7 I
o 1'3"= 2 psi

2.7..7 A U-tube mercury manometer is connected to a closed Air

pressurized tank as illustrated in Fig. P2.27. If the air pressure
is 2 psi, determine the differential reading, h. The specific -'-,

weight of the air is negligible. 2ft



Mercury (SG = 13.6) - '------'

t,~ f ~ 1 - ~ ( it + If (t) :: fa/r

'1 #,.0

~ =
'0JI.% 0 (If !-/J = ( '2. ¥f4J ) (If ./'.;) - tJ. 517 Ii
~.J - ~:LO (/5. I,)({.2.lfAJ) - tz'If/c.

2.-2. 3

2.28 A suction cup is used to support a plate of weight W

as shown in Fig. P2.28. For the conditions shown, determine

.. FIGURE P2.28

FOr etu; I; hrlUM 0+ f.o'rces ~I\ plo.;h-e.

~ ~ ~,A. £1 }

WheY'fo A, 1$ ar~A of. c.up a Vltl P, (s &( ne9a...4:\ve pr-tssur"e.

FY()(n manomet-er .QZ ULJ·/O·v\ :
~ - ~z. D (1. ~ H) t (s G) ('0~t. 0 ) ( (j. ~ .f-i:) .:: 0
t, ~ oil-tO [I. ~ ft - (1I)(0.4.ft) ]
" btlt ~J uft - (E){Mft)]

-= - Cfcr ~ ~~
Tht.ts/ /-Yom t=~. c. J}
OW " (q u :") (Tt ) ( O. 5'.f.r) 2. =: 1 g. ~ IJ,

2.29 A piston having a cross-sectional area of 3 ft2 and neg-
ligible weight is located in a cylinder containing oil (SG = 0.9)
as shown in Fig. P2.29. The cylinder is connected to a pres-
surized tank containing water and oil. A force, P, holds the pis-
ton in place. (a) Determine the required value of the force, P.
(b) Determine the pressure head, expressed in feet of water, act- 2 ft
ing on the tank bottom.

3 ft

Tank bottom
• FIGURE P2.29
( a...) For .eblA~IL},rlilf'"
I \ . I_ 1\
(J )

\...C)nev~ "P1~.5 presslAV'~ ac..-tlnq f>~ p/~ror1. l-t'mat1t!1M-eber-

e$ l.l aJ- L tP J1 &J i 1/-e.J.

1)1 T o~i I (Sft) - ~l' J (2 H.):: ~I'r

.so iYzl4..t
P, = 11,r - ~ ~ (s+1:) ~; J (2 ft-) J t

" (s ~.~)(I¥* ~:) - (0. q) (~1. ~~J) (5-H) T (0. q)(~2.~~J (1-tt)
5~~ ~\.-
Th us fyf)m E'C£. () )
P= (5"5"2 k~)
\b (
3 fi
2.) - I l, to 0 \ 1

(b ") ~bo&~ :- "RL'r -1- O~2.0 (3 +t) -1- ~6; J ('t-fi)

" (5' ~:- )(i ~'t~:) ·d":2.4- ~3 (3 H) + ~.'1)~1.~~~~ft) )

- J 13D J;:a- Ib
\ I 3D "h:a. :::


2.31 The mercury manometer of Fig. P2.3

O. m
indicates a differential reading of 0.30 m when Water Oil
the pressure in pipe A is 50 mm Hg vacuum.
Determine the pressure in pipe B.

0.30 m

Mercury L .

-fa r 'O.il (6.1> .... T O. 3D .. ) - tJf3 (0.3",,) - !u.o ( 0.1."",) : ~

Wh €Y'l. -R::
- 6'JI.
( IJ, fJ3() hrI )

1'{:, = - r~ (~, P30 ... ) - ~i I ((), Vfi ""') +!U; (~, 3",,) ... (fu,/D./!;"",;

=- - (/;3 t )(~,~30"") - (g9b~)(t1~~~) +(/~3~)~~MI) +

(r. 80 ~ y6.}~I&1)
2.•U For the inclined-tube manometer of Fig. P2.32 the
pressure in pipe A is 0.6 psi. The fluid in both pipes A and B
is water, and the gage fluid in the manometer has a specific
gravity of 2.6. What is the pressure in pipe B corresponding to
the differential reading shown? -.-
3 in.


-t !#,20 (Ii H:) - ~f ~ ft:) Sih3tJ° - cr~t> (J~ ft) :: 18

'0;1 /oJ the ~fec/f,c /Nfl"}, t ~ the. ;tqJe .flu/d)

P,e :: Pj1. - 4'#1- ({ ft) .silt :30 ~

" (0.6 /t,..)(N't!ji ) - (j.b)({,2/f ~,)a ft)(O.5-) :32.3

:: 32.3 Jbl.yt3-/I'I1I- til.· la· .= 0.22'-f ?s,:

2. 3~ Compartments A and B of the tank shown in Fig.
P2.3~ are closed and filled with air and a liquid with a specific
gravIty e~ual to 0.6. Determine the manometer reading, h, if the
ba:ometnc pressure is 14.7 psia and the pressure gage reads 0.5
pSI. The effect of the weight of the air is negligible. ----.L
0.1 ft
A B (SG = 0.6)
Mercury (SG = 13.6)

AI> - 'rllJh) -+ f. u (h) -(- 1;.; (~. J.ft) :::0

~ = ~/r f- ~t (tJ./ .pi)

~l 0 - ~l /
= ( o. 5 ~.). ) (Ill-If !ft.: ) -t {; ~.,)(t,1.1f- ~3) (~. J ft)
(,2. lf .!Jt3 - (().'){~Z·'f!lt3)

:: ~. 2 i' it

2.31} Small differences in gas pressures are
commonly measured with a micromanometer of
the type illustrated in Fig. P2.31f. This device con-
sists of two large reservoirs each having a cross-
sectional area, A" which are filled with a liquid
having a specific weight, YI, and connected by a
V-tube of cross-sectional area, A" containing a
liquid of specific weight, Y2' When a differential Th
gas pressure, PI - P2' is applied a differential
reading, h, develops. It is desired to have this __________~!_ 12

reading sufficiently large (so that it can be easily

read) for small pressure differentials. Determine
the relationship between h and PI - P2 when the
area ratio A,I Ar is small, and show that the dif-
ferential reading, h, can be magnified by making
the difference in specific weights, Y2 - i'1, small. ~l..
Assume that initially (withpI = P2) the fluid levels
_ _II _1\_1
in the two reservoirs are equal.
I;'ih~/ - -- - r. At
l-e lit! I

J~;'h4/ I,ve/ ___ J

/Dr grlit' 1-/,11 'd ,\
When ei dl'fffnn/;Ja / pYt'$5Ure) It - Ii) I~ a.pp)/eH we ~$$tI',H. tIt"t; lell~1 111

Vf5ervpj,. drt),P' b~ A c/J~kllrce.J Alll tU,(/ ritjJri l-eve/ r-is,s b~ Ah. Thus,
111~ /7) til') " In et: fI- e $"Il t. i~)n be ~4'm e.s
~ ~ ~ (1, + -It - i Ja.) - d'2 ~ - ~, (-R., T ~), ) = +2
11 - f2 :: ~ J. - d'/ ..£. -t- ~ (2 A -I.. ) OJ

S/ nee -the /, * f) J:dJ /" 1he rntln6)meter /:Ire /ncomfY't'ssi /')e;>

LJl Ar ::- -A 411: o r- :z J h _ At
T - A)-
4Ai-· 15 $/"nIl)J /hen :l~h«~ / tift term in EZ. (J)
be ne,/Jec:'ted, Thus)
-f:: - +2 :: (~ - " ) l

Cind /tlr1e vt}ltI'RS pi h

d/f-.feY'fnt/a 1s if 0;1,. - 6', IJ

2.J5 The cyclindrical tank with hemispherical ends shown Open

in Fig. P2.35 contains a volatile liquid and its vapor. The liq-
uid density is 800 kg/m3 , and its vapor density is negligible.
The pressure in the vapor is 120 kPa Cabs), and the atmospheric t
pressure is 101 kPa Cabs). Determine: (a) the gage pressure read- h
ing on the pressure gage; and (b) the height, h. of the mercury


• FIGURE P2.35

(a) Le-{; dL = ~p. who 6 f \LiUJ'~ =(goo ~3 )(~.8 J;~): 1850;; 3


i?va-poY' (,119e.)::: I ZO .kPo- C~bs) - J0 / ,k Pet (ttb$): I q ~ Po.

~A5~ :: -FVAPdY' + ~ (ll'M)
= ~'l )(\b3;;'~ 1" (ll35"D~~ )(\fIM~
2 ~, ~ -k p~

2.3' J
2.3'- Determine the elevation difference, Ah, between the
water levels in the two open tanks shown in Fig. P2.36.

" /

.2.37 I
Oil density
= 1.20 slugs/ft3_ _

2:31 Water, oil, and salt water fill a tube as shown in Fig.
I-- 2-in. diameter
~t - -lOin. diameter

3 'ft
P2.37. Determine the pressure at point I (inside the closed tube). 1.1'--- Salt water,
'-- -~f ------'--- ~ (l) SG = 1.20



(S G)$4(+ ~U2.0 (3 Ii) -t ~"I (3 Ii) i' ~2. 0 (2..rt) =0

~ = (/.20 W. 2. 'f ~. )(3,f1:) - (;. 20 !.f/:)(az. 2 ';."{JIt)- ('~lfkJ(z.ft)

= _ I ~. I iJ:,

Ocean surface

2.38 An air-filled, hemispherical shell is at-

tached to the ocean floor at a depth of 10 m as,
shown in Fig. P2.31. A mercury barometer lo-
735 mm
cated inside the shell reads 765 mm Hg, and a
mercury U-tube manometer designed to give the
outside water pressure indicates a differential
reading of 735 mm Hg as illustrated. Based on
these data what is the atmospheric pressure at the
ocean surface?


Let: Pa.. "'" &lb~c/ute ~/j,. pr"esS(Jre Ins/de. shell = 1fuJ. (~, 7(P5'1'W'l )

/;'fMl -v Sit( rlae. e at:1Y/1 f)sphent. fY'{,sSU re

~ w- 1\1 Sf t't:.i Ii 'c. uN, ;'11 t 0 f Selttc.J4.:/;e yo

.Jo 1h4t

~ihn = t - (f
( / (), 'b ~) -t ~
( (), 7" 5" ~ )

- (N3 :f!. )ftJ. 7'b-_) - (;I!J.I ~) (;t>. 3b"") T ~~3 ~ )(".13f...)

2.3'7* Both ends of the U-tube mercury ma-
nometer of Fig. P2.3Cf are initially open to the
atmosphere and under standard atmospheric
pressure. When the valve at the top of the right
leg is open the level of mercury below the valve
is hi' After the valve is closed, air pressure is
applied to the left leg. Determine the relationship
between the differential reading on the manom-
eter and the applied gage pressure, pg. Show on
a plot how the differential reading varies with Pg
for hi = 25, 50, 75, and 100 mm over the range
o ::s Pg ::s 300 kPa. Assume that the temperature FIGURE P2.3~
of the trapped air remains constant.

114/(/( C /~seeJ. e'lttr4 a. pyeSSlJre I fj I

-A _ 0. .tJ I..:' .h
'1 #1 rtt.
/j~: (I)

an,! -t. 4f'e :JItJe fyeSSUYfs. /;1' IS() therm4 J

~ tra.pped aIr
.:::E..:: ~ t1.5 .fqII i
f .
~11.5ft1l1t 4' r mas~

tJheY'e -V- Is (f/r II~/"me, / l' ,:S 4bS~/l(k /vt'SSI//I'e l (J;ul " lIJ1d -r
Y'elfr 10 in/hal Clnd ft~iAI sfttff.5/ r-f~ft'c.hllelfj. TIHtS)

ta:/:1I'1 ift' =- (~ -r f,.t», ) ~ ( 2)

for IrltlPul /11 r;g~i

41J!' leJ J if.:"
~.t. (A r~4. D/ I-~ b< )
£tj,(Zj CQI1 btl 1t.I,.;ffen 4.5
,£ ~.
t : titm [ ~. _ An
L. ::z..
- I] ( 3)

B$ ./3) /nflJ Es. (J)

./) h =: -t [p; t- -/;./-""

E ~ Ii' tid) n (it) Cflll b-e. eX.fv~ s~ed J ~ 1]" ( f"JI'YM

(fj-R.)).- (t1.J.~+ -?; ;- ~f"", ) IJh + 2.1 t.e

<1Hg. a-u;
Qt)d -!he r()o.f.s cf 1hJ.S g"adr~II'c. e~IJ({i:";1( ave.

(-R.t.. i-
~ -r ~i"") + - r,---(~-L-'-.,.-f;.-#-of--~-a.-f~-)-2.--2-18-i-,; (s )
,.1 ~a V ~ ~3 b'Ml~
J; eV~)1(1J k IJ~ -the. ne.14-J.1 v< SJ1H IS t1J ~J 5/~'e. .A h =() h.,. f1 =o.
,4- pr"Jl'tI!Y1 /tJr ~mlu It",
iJh (}s ~ htn't/~;' of f-y 1 114 'l'/oU..!

J. i !"/Iows (WItH ;1i,.."" /O/.,QP" qn' ~= 133:.B.Nk3 )'

100 cis
110 print "***************************************************"
120 print "** This program calculates the lower root of a **"
130 print "** quadratic equation to give Dh (in m) for a **"
140 print "** range of gage pressure, Pg (in kPa) , and [or **"
145 print "** a set of different initial heights, hi (in m) **"
150 print "***************************************************11
160 print
162 dim dh(S)
164 patm=101
166 ghg=133
170 print " Pg Dh(hi=O.OOO) Dh(hi=0.025) Dh(hi=0.050) Dh(hi=0.07S)
180 for pg=O to 300 step 30
190 for i=O to S
195 hi=(i-1)*0.025
200 a=hi+(pg+patm)/(2*ghg)
210 dh(i):::a-(a~2-2*pg*hi/ghg)A.5
220 next i
230 print using 11####.# ###.##### ###.#####
# # # , # # # It # It ; pg , dh ( 1 ) ,dh ( 2 ) ,dh ( 3 ) ,dh ( 4 ) , dh ( 5 )
240 next pg
(C.()//t )

.1 ~**************************************************
I ** This program calculates the lower root of a **
** quadratic equation to give Dh (in m) for a **
** range of gage pressure, Pg (in kPa). and for **
** a set of different initial heights, hi (in m) **
Pg Dhlhi=O.OOO) Dhlhi=0.025) Dhlhi=0.050) Dhlhi=0.075) Dh(hi=0.100)
0.0 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
30.0 0.00000 0.01101 0.02120 0.0306'* 0.03938
60.0 0.00000 0.01816 0.03538 0.05170 0.06716
90.0 0.00000 0.02313 0.0,*539 0.06681 0.08739
120.0 0.00000 0.02678 0.05280 0.07807 0.10258
150.0 0.00000 0.02956 0.058,*7 0.08673 0.11'*33
180.0 0.00000 0.03175 0.06295 0.09359 0.12365
210.0 0.00000 0.03353 0.06657 0.09913 0.13119
2'*0.0 0.00000 0.03'*99 0.06956 0.10370 0.137'*1
270.0 0.00000 0.03621 0.07205 0.10753 0.1,*262
300.0 0.00000 0.03725 0.07'*18 0.11078 0.1,*70'*

- 0 -- hi-O.OOO m
- 0 - - hl-0.025 m
- b . - - hl-0.050 m
- 0 - - hl-0.075 m
- + - - hl-0.l00 m


~ 0.05


-0.05L-______ ________ __ ____________ ________________

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

o 100 200 300

Gage Pressure, Pg (kPa)
SG = 1.10

2.40 A O.02-m-diameter manometer tube is connected to a

6-m-diameter full tank as shown in Fig. P2.40. Detennine the
density of the unknown liquid in the tank.


" __!IiIII-¥
Specific weight
= 25.0 kN/m 3

LeI:: 0':: ~R 14.71:. cl- UI7k.nrJwY/ .fluid tUt~

0-;. :: rI,/O)(f. 80 x /D3) ':' If). 8)( Jo 3 N /~3,

1~ (~",,)
-t d' (1",,) - (zS.>W ;;. ) - 0; (3",,) :: t;
r= \ 8. ~ ;.. 1D3 .!!. 3
3 N
J ~. q .x 10 -;;-3
/J - cr = /'f30
t - d- /WI 3

2.4\ A 6-in.-diameter piston is located within a cylinder
which is connected to a ~-in.-diameter inclined-tube manometer
as shown in Fig. P2.4\. The fluid in the cylinde.· and the ma-
nometer is oil (specific weight = 59 Ib/ft 3 ). When a weight "W
is placed on the top of the cylinder the fluid level in the ma-
nometer tube rises from point (1) to (2). How heavy is the
weight? Assume that the change in position of the piston is

• FIGURE P2.41

~/t)l1e let:- py",ss,,"G

tv/in pi$t::I?"'1 ()11 hce ~f f,·stol1 =
m4111?me iel'" -Rg"'Lt/~'1 b~c~""e.s

~p - a::d/l, 1.., sil? 30° .::: 0 (I)


etdded 'py.,SStI r~ ~ in c yot'IZ>8d -to Ap wh e~e

t fJ~+OH )
~ ~
':: + A-p
an p( m~1/14'me.j;el'"..e k~t"~J1 g hecl!>m es

PI" - 4il (-'-, + ~ It) ~JH '3ofJ =0

(2 )

51,;( b I-t&tci E Z . (J) -fr~m Eg ,0) -k o.biol~

1:0r '_ f.f - J:'" 'J (.J/.. ft.) ~/;' ~() ~ :. 0


A, '::.
~;J (;t It) S/H 3D to

SO thlll-
- &9 ~3)(-{ ft )(()/~)
'I: (~
If ,2
It) "-
\AI = ;1.,Qo /1,
2.4 Z The manometer fluid in the manometer of Fig. P2.4Z
has a specific gravity of 3.46. Pipes A and B both contain water.
If the pressure in pipe A is decreased by 1.3 psi and the pressure
in pipe B increases by 0.9 psi, determine the new differential
reading of the manometer.
-.l Gage fluid
(sG = 3.46)

• FIG U REP 2.42.

~I" +;,~ in;·fJill clPnli1l1NltJf:m :

~ r <tz 0 (;l) r ~f (2.) - d;h~ (, ) == ~ 0)

where ~/I 1t'l1jtn,j I'(JA~ I;' R. tVhen ~ dec.re~st'.s fa ~ I Q H~

1:, in~re/(se.5 +0 ~ I 11Je heljhfs Df t'he .flllid Caltlmns eh4n'je
ts 'hown &Ji1 .fi:;w~e. h>)I- -tne ./;ht1/ ~()11./;9j,(rtll:l()·H "
p; + ~() (cl.-a.) -J- Jjf (J-r;;'~) -~o (/+a.) = pl!J' ( 2)

J~ bI:.~ct 1;g .c"2) fum EZ' (l) -10 bb.bn'J1

~ -1;/ 1- ~~/ It} - ~f (.,,,) r ~zo (q ) " Pa - Pta'

( ?13 -18 I ) - (~ -p~)
t{. =
"" ( (f~ () - (fIt)
, J
Since I fA. -~ :: I. B f5L. / ~-fB :- - 0. q fSi.) tinA ~f = ~ lfb ~:J.O

(- t/
)b)(tIlflf h~
q ;;;,'l. /n.~ )
- (/, 3 -/t,.~ )(IV-t; *~ ) - /. rJ3 It
rJ. ('2. If };1) (I- 3. if~ )
CI/Jc/ 1hfre"r~
~h = :2..ft + ;. 4: - ~.ft +:J. (1.03 H) - -'I. Ob It
2.43 Determine the ratio of areas, All A 2 , of
the two manometer legs of Fig. P2.43 if a change
in pressure in pipe B of 0.5 psi gives a corre-
sponding change of 1 in. in the level of the mer-
cury in the right leg. The pressure in pipe A does
not change. Area = Al

For -the.. /n;t-141 C(!)nll'rwrlJf/~" (Sf'e H1lfre) :
+ lJ:" ' L D
(t..' +.411,... ) -!:/" . ,(iJh,')
(), J '
rt): t/3 (/)
when 18 inc ~~ps~s the Y'/9 I1t ("Iu",,, /rills A d;si~""e ) a. J 4HI-i

111e lef-t t~/umn nje.s Ct cI'sl-t:/I'ue) h, Sin(e. 1ne. I/o/lime tjf. 11te
/ I;; /lId
must: YemA/h ~tf)I4S/:;4I1t ) rt,.A h = Az (4.. e>r A; At ::: h Q...

FoY' -the. .finAl (Onh;"r4t/~H) w/"ht /,y,ssure In f3 eJlltll -b, P/3 J :

fl4 or d;, ( ~, -r- lJ hI.' -,,) - ~ ( J h.-A. - b ) - d:" ( t. ' +~) =..J.. I {z.j
"LO ~'()/ t. rl3

Su bfr", t t:iZ. tJ) &171 EZ, (2) -fo ohio;",

- 0t:J.o (1:,) 7' ~;. (" +h) - d;/, (If'{) :::

1:>,8 - "3
b = (PR/ -~13) - I~ (I/{) t ?f,,;j (tAo)

!~ - ~~o
P/l/ -f.e = o. S" psi tl~tI a. = / ,'/1.),-t ~/IDWS thai
b : (tJ.5 ft,..)(I'fIf!li: ) -r'l7 )t, )(,i It) + (tJ.gj('H ~,)M ,cr)
'Ktt7 It, - b'Z. If ~
= O. O~71/ I-t
:: /t. 7
2.44 The inclined differential manometer of
Fig. P2.44 contains carbon tetrachloride. Initially
the pressure differential between pipes A and B,
which contain a brine (SG = 1.1), is zero as
illustrated in the figure. It is desired that the ma-
nometer give a differential reading of 12 in. (mea-
sured along the inclined tube) for a pressure
differential of 0.1 psi. Determine the required
angle of inclination, 8.


, I
tdhtl1 1:;,. - P/3 's in c.reAsed I::c ~ - Pa me le/i Cr:;/qmn IR//s t<.
dlj'.f.an'e tt ClI1 P the r/9}rt Co/tlIY'n II'/Jes ~ dishtl"lce. b t:lj~l1f
) J
111~ Inclined ~be- 4$ .sh~UIi? /n .f,9£.{l"e. J::;v -tn,'.J +-/Yl4J ~nfi:juf'tJ.t/(;)1:

1ft + I ~, (I,,. +fA.) - ~c1l~ (It t-.b ./" e) - lrbJ( -bs,." e) = +~

1,/ - Psi -I- (<1j, .. - 0;.'/11- ) (a -I- h fJlh t9) ::: 0 (I)

Th e eI,:P1e rent/oj read/nJ) 1J h) tI )!)f19 111 e -tube is

Thus,; +rt)rn El.{))
-'Pia '
+ ( ~ ~ - 1',,1If )( A h 'S /n ~ ) =0

- (~'- Pra')

- (,), £fbI-

Thus )
2.45" Determine the new differential reading
along the inclined leg of the mercury manometer
of Fig. P2.45", if the pressure in pipe A is de-
creased 10 kPa and the pressure in pipe B remains
unchanged. The fluid in A has a specific gravity
of 0.9 and the fluid in B is water.


~". fh~ /n;/-/q/ C(J)n h,~~a tl(;rl

~ + i' (0. t) + t'Jt (().05 5111 30") - ~20 (0. ()8) ~ ~ (I)
A A 3
wh(;'"( fill /enftns eire l'n m, tJ),e YI ~ clec.l"'eases / e/-t CI::J/Utnl1
rnlP V-PS up A. ch$-hnce; a.) QJ'1e1 I"l!J hi ~''''ml1 moves dlPWM
t:t c/ 1'.5-k01Ce... J~) as .s h~Wh /" fIJIIJI"~, Ft:>r the ·f.ti'1ll/ t~4tj"NI.. 6/~ ~ "
14 I.. ~ (tJ, J - a. ~/n 30 oj + 6"IJ., ( " ",;, JO' + O. oS sin 30' -/' «) -
!: (~.08 Ta.) = 1, l2.)
~~O 8
IS the !'lew !Y'~5S"'Y'e In t If4!. A.
EZ,C2.) from Eg.{J) 1:.0 ob-N/~

a. =
~A S/H 3 DO - ;Yft~ (5//1 30'TI) ;- O~O
fA - fA:: /0 ltPa..
- 10 --:
a.. -
( 0, q) ( tt. SJ ~) (0, 5" ) - (J 3 3 ~ )(0, ~-T I) of-
0, 051./0 1??1

New d/ffel"en-t14/ V'eudln1) 4h) me45tAY'eJ a/{)n1 /Mc..J1I1eJ +t.tl"e 1',5

e'l I{a. I to Cl
o ~ 1- =
n Sin '30 0
+ 0, 05 4- a.
/I'YI -r t).05M1 i" O. D5¥O tn1 = O,Z12 IW1
2.4~ Determine the change in the elevation
of the mercury in the left leg of the manometer
of Fig. P2.4f> as a result of an increase in pressure
of 5 psi in pipe A while the pressure in pipe B
remains constant.

2 m.


-fA -r 'tJ.l~O (-f!.) - 6'#3- (.1;. SIn 30°) - ~il (~) = ~ (I )

t..Uhet'~ Id/ /el1~1h.s 4re /n f.t. IJhen ~ /nc.retlses +0 1Jt' -the

Ie.ft column ~/Is blj -the. dt's.J..q;tce; (1,) and 1ne rlJhi ~/"mJ1
m~l/e.s Up -me d/s~n~e. b) t:lS sh~ttll'J ;11 11Ie Irj",I"~. /;y 71l<.
( , J
-rlnal t!4'I1.h!}HI""i;-JiJn.'

I + a;:
( 7£ -t 4.. ) - ~
(a + ~ :5 /n 30 D-r b oS /11 3 CJ 0 ) -

~()/'I (!3.1:1. - b $JH ~ 1:.!3

'30 ) ( 2)

Subtract ~b' (I) tr()rn FZ.ll) .f.o ()~iJ1

.p~ - ~ "1- ~~o (a.) - ~3 (li-rb5/~306) T ~i/ (bS/1') 3c~ =0 ( 3)

Since -the I/()/ume 0/ IJZ'u'"d rnusf ~.e ~s.ftzl',.t A, a. = A,z b)

(i /n.) ~ a- = (; j n. ) '))

.b ::. If 4-

- ~/-j;A ) :.
a.. = o#:lO - !Ut (3) -+ 4,;/ (2. )

= (!), 30 y. .pi: (down)

2.4-1* Water initially fills the funnel and its
connecting tube as shown in Fig. P2.47. Oil
(SG = 0.85) is poured into the funnel until it ______
reaches a level h > H 12 as indicated. Determine H -----, I
and plot the value of the rise in the water level
h=2 v'--.l

in the tube, e, as a function of h for HI2 ~ h ~ Water

H, with H = D = 2 ft and d = 0.1 ft.

Initial Final


{= ~(lJ:r)-AD)T-1o OJ

Tht V()/lime cf w~trY' mu.st b€ t!Dl7ser/le~I (1111{ 1iJeyekt'e

.E d"< /J - E (DI.:)L it _ 7r (D~)';
f .,(. - 3 "'2.2. 3:z. c (2)

A-l ~()) 12:: Pt..' = Do

H -ff/:z. ~
t/HU J) . .::

find !i.1· t2·) CAn be. w"iffen ct..s

3d'f. - -8 D2H
- (-P )~Jo ( 3)

toY' H= 2 -Pt I D =2 f t. I d = (). I It ) 411"

E~. (I) hec~d1es

;. :: 0. ~51t 1- O. IS ~D - / (If )
2. (2 ft)2 (1. f6)
3 (t;, 1ft) P=
(1_ ().~3J. ) 3 (S)

IuI1(,t/~n ~{ -f. /.o/I()w~.

100 cl=:
110 print 1(****************************************************"
120 print "** This program solves iteratively a system of **11
130 print "** equations to calculate the elevation 1 (in ft) **"
14,0 print. "** range of heights h (in ft) **"
150 print "****************************************************"
160 print
165 print It h (ft) 1 (ft)"
166 I for h=l 1=0
167 print using" ###. ### ###. ###"; 1. ,0.
170 for h=1.10 to 2.01 step 0.10
180 1=0.0
190 las=l
200 hO=(1-0.03*las)~(1/3)
210 1=0.85*h+0.15*hO-1
220 if abs(l-las/l»O.OOl then goto 190
230 print using" ###.### ###.###";h,l
24,0 next h
To. bu/Ct ted dtl:l:a.. find 4(, plot of tAe d4.ta Clre .sh"IlJII heJou).
** This program solves iteratively a system of **
** equations to calculate the elevation 1 (in ftl **
** range of heights h (in ft) **

h (ft) 1 (ft) 1.0~------------------------------------------------,

1. 000 0.000
1.100 0.085
1.200 0.170 0.8
1.300 0.255
1.4,00 0.339
1.500 0.4,24,
1. 600 0.509 o.e
1.700 0.59lJ. -.....
1. 800
2.000 0.84,9


1.2 1.4 i.e 1.8 2.0

h (ft)

2.1.f 8 Concrete is poured into the forms as shown in Fig.
P2.4e to produce a set of steps. Determine the weight of the
sandbag needed to keep the bottomless forms from lifting off
the. ground. The weight of the forms is 85 lb, and the specific
weight of the concrete is 150 Ib/ft 3•

--==L 10 In. tread


FrfJm the. Iree- bfJJ'1 - dt'a. :JYI/m

([3:LP1=O J~
~+-~+'Ui-tA::;o (I) ~1J

tJhere .'
~ = we'flJt of 5t!Jldbtrg
'1d" ~ lVu;ld of- C())lcreb
PJ1 : tve&Itt (/{ *l'Ins
Ph : ?r~jII~ uft;"1 6"l!Dm ~lIrl4(i! due if) ~lfcyeie
A ::: I:Irelt ~I btP/folr) sur/ga

?rpm 1h~ d~ flU/A.'

1vc -- (/~P !t3)( ~f ~HCf'~) . ' .

=-;; Jl!)/ L'L) [(I/);i1.f,z'f',h.) + (/0/".)(16",.) 7- fi()",.)(~ tn.J)
(IS-O :n:.
Us l.37T; . ~
/ f!-ff .!11·

Thus) fr~m F!. OJ

~ = (jOt;~,.) (7. 5" H. 2) - ISOt) It - '65/.J
~ 1&,5 1.J,
2A9 A square 3 m X 3 m gate is ·}ocated in the 45° slop-
ing side of a dam. Some measurements indicate that the resul-
tant force of the water on the gate is 500 kN. (a) Determine the
pressure at the bottom of the gate. (b) Show on a sketch where
this force acts.

(a) ~':. ir'hc.A

SDO-k. N ::- (~. ~D ~) (-/tc.)(5'1nl JC3,,")
~ c.. =: S. 10 7 /YYt ~
* = ~ (~(. + I. SI'tY\ )( 5111 Il-S·)
_ (ct. Kl> :~ ) ( ~. (..1 ~ + I.Sht\ sin Lf~)

= G,".O~ = ~'.D~g

(j, ) lj :
R. + Yc..
~c. A
~c:. 5'.fgJIM
':1c., = s~'~ ~ S~

sin 4-5°
- g.02 NY\

12. (3",,)(3M\
8,D2,*, :' ().l> q3Siv.. + 8.0 Z,w.
~It = f
(8.021ft" ) (31M 'i.5/r&4 )

== <3.11 IWo


1.5" I'tI\ + 6. 0935 ~ = \. 5"'i ('In ~m
top of. ~ cs.1:!
2.6D I
2 SO An inverted O.l-m-diameter circular cylinder is par-
tially filled with water and held in place as shown in Fig. P2.50. Air
A force of20 N is needed to pull the flat plate from the cylinder.
Determine the air pressure within the cylinder. The plate is not
fastened to the cylinder and has negligible mass.
0.2 m

F= 20 N

h> y e ZU'I //bY/u m .t.4l~lt!*l

2. F:-erfJCa I .:: 0
-Ph -+ ZtJ N =~

-p- ( N.u -that. pr'es~tlre fYJtJJt.

be a '~u"I-/~/ pre. ~fllye.J

A-)~ (J .I

~. -+ ~ (t). ltttf ) = 1>

aIr 1J.z,~

Th{Js) ZtJ IV (iJ ~ j. /~ of.!!.. ) (t;. 2M')

-faIr = r ~.j,,") ~

= Lf 5' /0 .!!..
- - If. 5" / .J. ~

d.?! I
2.5/ A large, open tank contains water and is connected to
a 6-ft diameter conduit as shown in Fig. P2.5) . A circular plug
is used to seal the conduit. Determine the magnitude, direction,
and location of the force of the water on the plug.
:'::", 1i:9_J "'-f. ,.l~;:;:P_IUg_-.[
: ,"





:: G-ft) If + /"L Ii -- 12./ r R

(/2 It) 11 flU)"

{he ';;rce 01 .).~ ZfJo/J:, acfs /21'i.fi: b!/t:J1d the

wp,i:ey Stlrhrce t:lh d IS pet/end, Ci;(/p r k fh~ pJllf
surface ~5 5h&(//)1.

;. - '17
2.52 Cable

2.52 A homogeneous. 4-ft-wide, 8-ft-Iong rectangular gate

weighing 800 lb is held in place by a horizontal flexible cable
as shown in Fig. P2.S2. Water acts against the gate which is
hinged at point A. Friction in the hinge is negligible. Determine
the tension in the cable.

Th f,{!JJ
'i< =U2,lf !J)("4Jr;,;'h·){tftdft)
= 3390 If,
To / tJ~4,te Fte )
I. 1l C. -r '1,
~Ie :: IJ, A where. '1e. =31i:
So ihd-t: :3
I~ (ifl-t)(I.,ft)
117. :: -I- 3 f-I:: - if. 0 II:
(g h) (,ftJlIffl.)

ef" i // 6;illlYl )
210)1 :::'0
tin d
T (3Ii)rs/~ 6~' = 'iJ ['1.r;t)(~()Sbb()) + ~ (2 +t:)
(sbb/b)('f.ft)~S"D~)+ ea'lb Ij,) (2ft.)
T= (g .ft ) (~t'11 boo)

/3S{) /J.,

2.54- An area in the form of an isosceles tri-
angle with a base width of 6 ft and an altitude of
8 ft lies in the plane forming one wall of a tank
which contains a liquid having a specific weight
of 79.8 lb/ft). The side slopes upward making an
angle of 60° with the horizontal. The base of the:
triangle is horizontal and the vertex is above the
base. Determine the resultant force the fluid ex-
erts on the area when the fluid depth is 20 ft above '
the base of the triangular area. Show, with the
aid of a sketch. where the center of pressure is

~c :(/f~D') ft -&) tt
.:: JO. t.r3 ft
.-f~ - -
S/~ jp~ 0
PY'~5SI1 Jl'e.

~ ~ ~ J., A = (]If. 8 ~3 f .,l M 3 t-t) ~ t. (~){ "h d

SI 0 1 H)
- 33;QooJb

a{../-s 1hr~ufh
c/l, fql1~e t:J{ ~ t:) Ii - ;'p, t. Ii :: ;.If'1 /-1:
$liJ (Po~
~I- i'Ae. .fr/~if,le. as 5h~U,)n in ~Jetc.h.

;;. -Lf'f
2.55 Solve Problem 2.Stt if the isosceles tri-
angle is replaced with a right triangle having the
same base width and altitude.

--- -

FI< = 3~) 9()o/b

~ 1= J, If q Ii
(see se>/ut-i,;;, ~
Prt;j,len? 2. '5"4 )

(Eg. 2,2.0)
'Ie.- It
_ ( to It) :J. ( t fi) 2. -=

2, ~ '7 -Pt

The 4rce. J ~ J e:.tcl-s "/h;'''''ff h '1'hc cen.f-er t:J/ 1'1"eSStlrc w/tu

t,4)(!')rdi"",l-e.r ~~ = :l, (J 7 f t: Q#f~ .!J J = .:J, 'I- 9 f-t (5 -t!e. .ske I-c.h ) ,

2.56 A tanker truck carries water, and the cross section of
the truck's tank is shown in Fig. P2.S6. Determine the magni-
tude of the force of the water against the vertical front end of
the tank.

• FIGURE P2.56

PR,:: '(f he. A

Brea./( area. It'lto 3 P&\ . . i:-s
a s shewn. Few' a~a.. ([) :
i=k I ='0 h~I At. I
:: ~2.lf k3)( 1)(~.ct) ({ )(2+1: ,( lfi:)
- 333 /1,
5/'(I(t F,~ I = F~ 3 1'J"el1 1="~3 ::: 3-33 11,

~r tfret< @:
~ "2.. ~ ?> hi! z.. Pt.,.
=(~ 2. Lt tt3') (1H) ('t-+t f. tr t-t )

t::A. ~ L F" .,. ~

"I 'Z..

:. 2. (333Ib) -t 02. 4- ~~) (z.f.t ) (~H ,c. 't-H.)

- 2~ fDb Ib


2.'57 Two square gates close two openings in a conduit con-

nected to an open tank of water as shown in Fig. P2.57. When
the water depth, h, reaches 5 m it is desired that both gates open
at the same time. Determine the weight of the homogeneous
horizontal gate and the horizontal force, R, acting on the vertical
gate that is required to keep the gates closed until this depth is
reached. The weight of the vertical gate is negligible, and both
gates are hinged at one end as shown. Friction in the hinges is
T h
Horizontal gate, 4m x 4m

negligible. 1 R

Water Vertical gate,

L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4m x4m


),,, 1"17(:)11111 /

L MJ.J =0
OW = .pA ~Jure P /j tnt' tvp.-br fr~Sr/lye ~11 fh~
~~m SI/f"face .

r = ~/.It. (J (2.h!'J

11141:- N
1v =(9!OO;;3 )(z~) (tf/M J< Ji.M) 314 -I<N
!;r tlfy-t/ c~d rttie)
fk =I'A~A Luhey~ ht :, 7 hn r'ff"!!--R.
Se> 7'ha. t.
1;.:: (?;p~ 1-3 )(7 )('l-tm X Jf~) trn

=- IIt)o.JGN
To /1/ ett k FIC-
U L~c. ~ (ifltH ) (If/11( ) ;
11'W1 = 7.1'l1M4
J~ -=. Y"A -+~, = ~-----~
J If
( 7 """ (If,.,., , I1H )

~ u/'II'br/um
2: MIi :::'0 So 1Yz41:.
(; / IJ~ I< IV ) (rAn - 7.1 'IIIIK )

Open to atmosphere 1

2.58 The rigid gate, OAB, of Fig. P2S8 is hinged at 0 and

rests against a rigid support at B. What minimum horizontal 3m
force, P, is required to hold the gate closed if its width is 3 m?
Neglect the weight of the gate and friction in the hinge The
back of the gate is exposed to the atmosphere. Water-
il-' 0/.';,', .. ·/t
-Hi~-. -


';':.:'-':-. -.:- ::;.-: ..: B A

. - .. -. .'. p:z-.-::;-.:r;::,.~_--1..._p

F., = Yh ',I
A tJheyf:. he. I = 5""1 ".~_:~.~::.\/-:;-~-::: <::'r- 2 m--1
• FIG U REP 2.58 o;
~ =(q fpo!.. /J'Y13
) (5;w, )('ftm X 3 1m) ~

- s'i'8xl{)SN o III---~"'" () 1

hCl. = 7M-1
~o "'fhAt ,

;;.:: (1fOO ;;3 )(1/h1)(2~ X ~~) p

- 'I. 12 ;( /O~ N

To /oc",-if:. 0) / ( 3
Ixc / 2. ~""" ) ( if;ffl )
1~I = -t ie, - -+
!:fcI A, (S""m?) ('1M .(-i;Jn)

The -krce Ii at:--Is 4i 17re Cenhr 0/ 1J,e

L H0 =-0
F; (6: 2.6, 7~ - ~ ~) -r Ii (J".,) =:

SD 1714.i


'2.'S'f The massless, 4-ft-wide gate shown in Fig. P2.59 piv-

ots about the frictionless hinge O. It is held in place by the 2000
lb counterweight, W. Determine the water depth, h. Gate - + - I I I

Pivot 0

Width = 4 ft

hC :: .b.2.

For' ezu"~'br;"m)
::EM ()

f;. d = %) (3A:)
So -;-;'4 i
( 2~&J() Ii; ) (3 H)
(0/.1z, ~)(!J...
~) It It)

-It. 3 ,= (3){Z. 0(1)<> It ) (3 f+)

(~Z.¥~,Yf )('rR)

i == 5'. lift/:
2.60 * A 200-lb homogeneous gate of 10-ft.
width and 5-ft length is hinged at point A and
held in place by a 12-ft-Iong brace as shown in
Fig. P2.60. As the bottom of the brace is moved
to the right, the water level remains at the top of
the gate. The line of action of the force that the
brace exerts on the gate is along the brace. (a)
Plot the magnitude of the force exerted on the
gate by the brace as a function of the angle of FIGURE P2.60
the gate, 0, for 0 :5 0 :5 90°. (b) Repeat the
calculations for the case in which the weight of!
the gate is negligible. Comment on the results as

(a.) HY tn, free- j,()dy • dlR~rllm 0/ tlte

f}4 -fe (St*~ rl,lfl'tl))
Z t=;. =0
00 thAt
'}. (*) + q,v (f et> s e) ~ (1=; UJ.5 ~) (1 , I ~ e) .,. (Fa jl ;HJ) (j f()J a) (/ )
J. ~/h e -=- L .5/n tf; ( a s.slllfl/~ ~ h/l11e. t:{ ntl end /) f
brllle II + .slllIIe elfIN. 'h~11 )
J. ~/;'
..511, ~ = L

f:.R.:: o!'c A ~
r (J ~/~'~ )(,Q w)
w hert! W- I.J the sa ~e wulln. Thus) I:!. (II Clln b.e Wf, /fflt (,{~

'6 ( {'J(sl. 9) w- T OW! CBJ {J "" Fa 1 ( (ss ~ J/~ () l' J/' " ('.{)s e)
.50 that
V' A 2. _) <\AI ( (: zw-) I' AII e ~ ~
~ = (
0 ,(G.> Wj S I" B + '2 ~.s e -= t;~ -
( Z )
~s ¢; 51"!? T 51 H tP Cl;s 9

Few 'O-::'fDZ.'f 161ft)) 1=5ft/

(6,2. If !:))(Sft)l(10jt) hi" (; r ~ ~() () -hi" G f' I () 0

F,.,= &;
8 = (r)s 9 frill /} + ~/H 4
( J)

( CDn't )
~.bO 1-1 (~,,'t )
SInce 51;' t/; :: ~ 511"} e f:: s-ft L= /2 It
/.... )

SII1r/ ::

c( h d. ~j/ ~ ?liI! 11 l) I t!iJh ~~ ? r/e.J.en11lI'lt4. 711 tiS, £3' (3)

Clift b( II.5f'd .fD tlel-ermHIe... Fe ~Y' t{ JJi/!J.1 &. A ~"'Pu.,/;fY
proJ ftlm foY' C/J IUtllllulJ ~ 4.s It I-uI1 C.N()·11 of e- ~/j()l().s •

100 cis
110 print n**********************************************************"
120 print "** Variation of the resultant Fb as a function of theta **n
130 print n**********************************************************n
1/,r0 print
150 print n Theta (deg) Fb (lbs) (w=100 lbs) Fb (lbs) (w=O lbs)"
160 pi=4.0*atn(1.0)
170 for theta=pi/2 to pi/36 step -pi/36
180 sph=5/12*sin(theta)
190 phi=atn(sph/(1-sph~2)A(O.5))
200 fbl={2600*tan{theta)+100)/(cos(phi)*tan(theta)+sin(phi))
210 fb2=2600*tan(theta)/(cos(phi)*tan(theta)+sin(phi))
220 print using It ###.# ####.# ####.#";theta*180/p
230 next theta

Tabu/flied data.. CIne! a. ,lot of the data. af'e .!IJlfrJ ~I"}

rhe h//6'/A.)lh~ pa..je.

(b) h;r OW=O lEg. (3) reduces t~

- G!;s ¢ frJn& -r 5/)1 ¢'
(/11(/ the jC/me ,ProJY'lIm t:lS WIIS u.sed In f4rita)
(w/·tn w set: fS"4/ -t-o "'!freJ) (!.All be used ~ t!)bt4/h
((.s t:I ftlnt;t/~h ~f e. T4J:,t(14~~ data.. qllt/ ~
f/r;t t!)f the d~i£ ~Ye J/;fYl ~11 the .f,p//!')/P1i1!J p~~e.
** Variation of the resultant Fb as a function of theta **
Theta (deg) Fb (lbs) (w=100 lbs) Fb (Ibs) (w=O lbs)
90.0 2860.1 2860.1
85.0 2757.4: 274:8.1
80.0 2659.4: :264:1.5
75.0 2567.0 :254:0.9
70.0 24:80.9 24:4:6.7
65.0 24:01. 6 2359.2
60.0 2329.4: 2278.8
55.0 2264:.8 2205.4:
50.0 2208.0 2139.0
4:5.0 2159.6 2079.6
4:0.0 2120.0 2027.1
35.0 2090.0 1981.2
30.0 2071. 3 194:1.9
2:,.0 2066.4: 1909.0
20.0 2081.1 1882.2
15.0 2128.8 1861.6
10.0 224:9.8 184:7.0
5.0 264:6.3 1838.2

* 10
G o w-100 lbs
h 1:. w-O lbs



\ \


o 20 40 60 BO
Theta. deg

( t.(}1)'t)
A-s r; ~ 0 me /la/lit eJ{ 17.3 CIIJ?"~ det~Y1mn e,,( !rtJlI1 E!. (~))
F-,: 2 (Pot) Clll1 e
e tps ¢ 1T!1I f) rS/",

If "/I~II)J thAt.
U.s f -- V1- sli/'~ ":: pi / -- hS:) ~/"6

tis B ~0
:: I f 11-0 J.b
/ + ..£'

Pht{'S/{II//'1 IJ/I~ Y'lIStili mellllS '/h,t: ~r' ~ =. () I the lJtl/"e () / ~

is Indeferft,,'n~ft! I but ft,y tll1~ "//n*, sn",f/ I, Vlllue. ~I eI ~
WI I / QfPt()lIc.h / ? J/.O /b.
2.til An open tank has a vertical partition and on one side
contains gasoline with a density p = 700 kg/m3 at a depth of
4 m, as shown in Fig. P2.61. A rectangular gate that is 4 m high
and 2 m wide and hinged at one end is located in the partition.
Water is slowly added to the empty side of the tank. At what
depth, h. will the gate start to open?

• FIGURE P2.61

F=R j -::. ~,. ..t" ~ A. ~

W neV't '} refers +0 :J4S6i1l1 e.

~; = (700 ~.)(q. 8/ ~) (ZNO) (tf,.. ~ z.,..)

== 11 0 X 10 J N == II 0 k N
-:. 0.Lv'" )" w- 1+ l4-
LU he V'e. 1..0. If e .(e rs toW cc....-h}l' .

F; ;: ('t.(?O)c'ID3N)(.h)(2~~h)
Rw- /)tt :i 2.

Wher~ n f~ dtpTh ~t wo...~V'.

~kr" : (~. g0 ~ Ir/ )~ 4
h:>.... e~u',ll bfl ~m )

2 M \.t :'0
So -/11«,t { l
~ "" 1.",,::' 1=/26 if! w d" .Q... = '3 a" 01 1, = 3 N't

q. 8DX I03 ) (h '1 ) [ ~ ) ~ I ()

Tn 11.5) ( = (I I 0 N) ( -\ N'\)
~"'cA h:: 3. ~5 fYYl
wh,c.~ I~ th<. \,~~h~~ vAlwf -h,v h.
2.'-2 A gate having the shape shown in Fig. P2.62 is located
in the vertical side of an open tank containing water. The gate
is mounted on a horizontal shaft. (a) When the water level is at
the top of the gate, determine the magnitude of the fluid force
on the rectangular portion of the gate above the shaft and the
magnitude of the fluid force on the semicircular portion of the Water

gate below the shaft. (b) For this same fluid depth determine
the moment of the force acting on the semicircular portion of

the gate with respect to an axis which coincides with the shaft.

Side view
of gate

(aJ r:; r rec.-t.al1'1l1/a,. f()rfu,'II)

(f)::r J- he A ~he f" At = ~ ""'

S" "fna.t:
(Fi<)y::(ri~b';.3)(3"""')(~~;('"",,) - /~6,t)~N

I :: ~I'M + 'fie
he 31i
:= ~f'M -t If (~m,) = 1. Z1 M1

/ 6J0 J? N



ThUfJ, tn ~mt /I i ~; fh reSfec.1 -4 s h~.f.f:.J M)

11 =(~)5, )( (7. 3' I'M - ". ao ~ )

:: (;O/D x JD3N ) (i. 3'1'M)

= I. 37 X / ~ I:. Iv· /WI
2.63 A 6 ft X 6 ft square gate is free to pivot about the fric-
tionless hinge shown in Fig. P2.63. In general, a force, P, is
needed to keep the gate from rotating. Detennine the depth, h,
for the situation when P = O.

• FIGURE P2.63

1=;,.,. eO ,;,I,'en um
21'1).J. =0
ThllJJ ~r p= () ~ /NO" fd
hlft/( to,Pass tnrPJl9h 1ne
/J 1n9.e) ,', e,) fJl?:::?' s.f.t + h

y", A-
Qnl{ WIt;, !:f~ -= h T 3 f.I::
_ -A ('~tJ ((,. ft)) -+-
(I, t 3ft) (tft,t. b-H)

6.5 it:. -

h = 3. ()t> -tt

2.64 A thin 4-ft-wide, right-angle gate with negligible mass
Width = 4 ft
is free to pivot about a frictionless hinge at point 0, as shown
in Fig. P2.64. The horizontal portion of the gate covers a I-ft- Right-angle gate
diameter drain pipe which contains air at atmospheric pressure.
Determine the minimum water depth, h, at which the gate will
pivot to allow water to flow into the pipe. Hinge


.. FIGURE P2.64

POt' egu;/, 'hrJum

:2 1'10 =0
>< . J. I :: I=R
)(12. (I ) )., t:='J(L

17< J ='r heI A-,

=(~z.lf ~,)(f) (If-Pc ~ h) ~)ll.~
== 12.5' h'l-
I;y -the t:,rt~ ~n -tnt! h~rJ~pl1ta J ~YI::J~YI 0 ~ ~ sa, l::e
(whu. lt JJ hajq~ced b~ P~tS5"H/·t. ~~ bDTh 5Jaej e"cepi
lo~ tnf. t.lre~ f)f 'lrre. p/pe)

t=;~: tf htr;.)(lh)2::: aZ.Lf :3 )(h)(![)(!1i)).

::: Lf'l.O h
Thus, Pr8m ~~. 0) ~ /AJ/'f;. ).., g dnPl 1.=3t1:
U1.5h;2)(f) = r;.1.t>J,)(3+t)
h::: /. rF fi

2.65 The specific weight, 'Y, of the static liquid layer shown
in Fig. P2.65 increases linearly with depth. At the free surface
'Y = 70 lb/ft3 , and at the bottom of the layer 'Y = 95 lb/ft •
Make use of Eq. 2.4 to determine the pressure at the bottom of
the layer.
• FIGURE P2.65

dp _ ( ~~. 2..lf)
di: - -~

0= 'f5- 12.£' 2-

-/nat () c=-z.

fl' = -12.H) d:t

1b. 1trJ17I 6

=- [r,~- It'~-r9. 2.
1t,lhm z ()

-- ['1Sb') - t... '1.5' { 2 )'j

thot"fl,m =- /~5" .ft,..
2.'~* An open rectangular settling tank con- 2.0 12.3
tains a liquid suspension that at a given time has 1.4 12.7
a specific weight that.varies approximately with 2.8 12.9
., ?
depth according to the following data: ".-
II (m)
The depth II = 0 corresponds to the free surface.
o 10.0 Determine. by means of numerical integration,
0.4 10.1 the magnitude and location of the resultant force
0.8 10.2 that the liquid suspension exerts on a vertical wall
1.2 10.6 of the tank that is 6 m wide. The depth of fluid
1.6 11.3 in the tank is 3.6 m.

The .,
mAA",IslI/t. 01 71te -lIt/Itt .~~ce / ,fi..... ,
r-_ -
- T
(!/In k "ff;III1' ", SlimIY/ I11 1 1i1~ d,I=HY'fIlf.,it/ 1-:,..... 1'''-'
~"'ces a,chhlj fJlI Pte. h~I'I'o"'';'/ ~l-rlp ShtPWII f (). -t lot
,,,; 1I1e. frrt.ll'e.


() 0
Whel'"e ? 'oJ the press lire at (j.eft;, ~ .
To iii,''' P wc uSe. Gr 2.'1
cjj; =-K
((HI IN,:;'" d'i= -dh {

?(A.)~ 1 ~ d-P. (Z )

E1 IJ 4.t,0I1 (2) CIJ It be If} JeJ rll ff ~ 1/ " m eY'I ~ q / f;, "': /t" 111 (! kIf()uJI it"
PrOfj'yl" m ti 111{ 11.51;'9 11ze. Vlly,'u·holl I; (f MJITh h :;llIel1.
100 cls
110 print "*************************************************"
120 print "** This program integrates Eq. 2.4 numerically **"
130 print "** using the t:r:apezoidal rule to obtain the **"
1lJ,0 print "** pressure at different depths **"
150 print "************:t:************************************"
160 print
170 dim p(10),gamma(10)
180 n=10
190 dh=0.4
200 p(l)=O
210 for i=l to n
220 read gamma(i)
230 next 1
2lJ,0 data 10.0,10.1,10.2,10.6,11.3,12.3,12.7,12.9,13.0,13.1
250 for i=2 to n
260 s=(gamma(1)+gamma(i))/2
270 iml=i-1 ( Ct>l'Jt )
280 for j=2 to im1
290 s=s+ganuna(j)
300 next j
310 p(i)=dh*s
320 next i
330 '
3~0 'Print the results
350 print.
360 print" h (m) Pressure (kPa)"
370 for i=1 to n
380 print using "###.# ###.##";(i-1)*dh,p(i)
390 next i

** This program integrates Eq. 2.~ numerically **
** using the trapezoidal rule to obtain the **
** pressure at different depths **

h (m) Pressure (kPal

0.0 0.00
O.l± l±.02
0.8 B.08
1.2 12.2~
1.6 16.62
2.0 21.34-
2.4 26.3~
2.8 31. 46
...J • .:.... 36.6~
3.6 41.86

~gfl4. t/(;11 (I J CilI1 ,,()/AJ b4 Ihk!hlkJ lJ("(mer;c,,li~ US/'n~ TIGItPEfO/

** This program performs numerical integrat.ion **
** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule **

Enter number of data points: 10

Enter data points (X , y)
? 0.0,0.00
? O.4,~.02
? 0.8,8.08
? 1.2,12.2~
? 1.6,16.62
? 2.0,21.34
? 2.4,26.34
7 2.8,31.46
? 3.6,41.86

The approximate value of the integral is: +7.1068E+Ol

( Ci>!1 'i
(Cd)tJl )

w;-n II
j,?d~ =7/.07~
() A'H

~ = (~hrI ) ( 7). 07 #).: t.j z {, --k Iv'

To /"c4k lie. sum h1~l'I'1fl1.f:s (I/'(Jlli a.x.I'.s !;;rmed b!l l"trj'S~C.t:'()H of
IIfl'h{~/ Wf/I II~~ I(/;"H Sf,( Y' /Au;,. rn" s,
~ f,e = b It I>
d -f. ( .3)
The il?.fejY4f)I ~f CAli be. dekY""~t4 41111 Eo . (3) /~l-ef,.,,/~4
"l/mer"clI//~ us/nj T,eA-PErIJ/. TIIJ,"/"#I r~.!tI/1s ql'e ,iflflt k/"w.

** This program performs numerical integration **
** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule **
Ent.er number of data points: 10
Enter data points (X , Y) Note:
? 0.0 to. 000
YtV ~(}f
') O.y,.1.608
:1 O.8,6,L16lJ.
'? 1.2,1"',688
? 2.0,l:t-2.680
? 2.4,63.216
? 2.8,88.088

The approximate value of the integralls: +1.7y,37E+02

TIlliS) IN/tA
J 0

-I-fd-t. " / 7'1-. If -J, /(

if /DI/()WJ 1r~1J1 Ii,!. (3) 1'h1. t

h l~I"h - { fD 1m )(/7'1: If ,AI)

,£ = ?,,,, .A)/ :::
2. 'fie 1m
/? fi
The Y'e.suJitlni ~f'te. (j c.ls 2. '1-1, MI be low fluId sur-fa c.e ,
2.~"1 The inclined face AD of the tank of Fig.
P2 .•1 is a plane surface containing a gate ABC,
which is hinged along line Be. The shape of the y'
gate is sho\\l1 in the plan view. If the tank contains
water, determine the magnitude of the force that
the water exerts on the gate.

y' = 4(x,)2
Plan of

FIGURE P2. (p 7


{.() he re.

A= [).;<.' d!j , (". -H1""')

= j;{{) I/? d;/ = ff({f}T =~'A,'


'deI ,4 = f~'
t:f d A::
I, d :J
.t. !:J,I(.

I '1, .::

J'n ce. {c. = 'fG $,1'1 30


~ = ~2.1f ~~ )(3"ti:)(J/~30tJ)( ~" .prl.) _ Sfet /b

2.68 Dams can vary from very large structures with curved
faces holding back water to great depths, as shown in Video
V2.3, to relatively small structures with plane faces as shown
in Fig. P2.68. Assume that the concrete dam shown in Fig. P2.68
weighs 23.6 kN/m3 and rests on a solid foundation. Determine
the minimum coefficient of friction between the dam and the 4m
. 5m

foundation required to keep the dam from sliding at the water

depth shown. You do not need to consider possible uplift along
the base. Base your analysis on a unit length of the dam.

If-~---6 m----"!

~ := K /,(! A
where .4 - ( If ""'" ) (I )
:S/].t SI.3°

/=Or eZ 1I;//6r/ufYI )

F;<. =0
fie SII1 s/.3 II = F; = )/11
2.. FfJ :. 0
.:50 1h()./;
N =C>v<../ -t- !=Je C6S 51.3

't<I:: (d"'~n~l"ei-e. )( V()/r.lm~ DI- UDrlCrei:e)

N = (~:3. ~ ~~ )(2 0 tm 3) '1 (I ()() Ie. N) C~s S" I. 3 0 = s 3 If -k N
(/~O-RN) Sf. 3

5'""'3 'f ..It.. N


2.b'f "" Water backs up behind a concrete dam I
as shown in Fig. P2.~~. Leakage under the foun-
dation gives a pressure distribution under the dam
as indicated. If the water depth, h, is too great,
80 ft

the dam will topple over about its toe (point A).
For the dimensions given, determine the maxi-
mum water depth for the following widths of the
dam: r = 20, 30:- 40, 50, and 60 ft. Base your
analysis on a unit length of the dam. The specific
weight of the concrete is 150 Ib/ft3. PB = 'Yh


/-\ hfe- b~d~- dla~r({m ot the dct~ 15

~howl"l in -the +t~CAV'e. a.t 1J1e I'i~lti)w;,e",.e.:

~I = '6;"-
(lev l.(nl'+ lel?~11t)

F.3 = (CS~'" '({~T ) Q

F.'2. = 'c5 (~T)
') = ~-a "2- ,. +elt') G=
Z 5i"e
-t I (~,. )
~,:: 3 '12,=- 3 SI'w8

':13 ~~/{Jer the. pfeSSwve

dlS.fV',J,,,,,~,o~ On The. 10 ~~ :

~ = (~-ti)J
Summ In~ mt)meY\~ a~ot.(.i AJ

~~ ~ 3 = FI (~) + f!c (~~)

( It. '
~----------------~--------------~~~ '--------------------------------~
'2..- f.:. ?
( CD" 't )
5 0 f;,4 t .J. )
1f3 = Fr (.. ) .,. ~ (tft
5,,6>1-, '.fl( j.1f)~ of exl/I'fSSIDlf5

j. ( *-i-r-1t
-r 7~ )

Fe> I( egui iij,.,./"W1 of fhe dqm I L: fi1A :: 0 I So 1h~t

'J ':1, - '\;v' (;ft) - (=2. '12. + ~ t:13 =0 OJ

and w'Jth /ft 3 ) crt. = 150Iklft-', (/1111 ;'T':./tJ oft) then:

'If::: fe,2.lfl b

F, = 3/.2 i 2. ~= {gf!)ooJ. F-:. = 312. ':I 10/3 0 ::I

:z. Slit G :z si", 9
F..:: 3/. 2. (.f. ~ ,0) .i.
'13 ~ P. (if.,. 1J():r (2.~ -t-I(Jj J)..
-R.1"-R..r 3(...(t-t I O)

Su h:st, /£l.tJDJ( 01 1h~se ex..preSS/O/LS I;,k l:Z. (J) ~ I eJds )

(3/. do. 1 )t~ ) - ((,,""O~) (; Y-) - (3~~:){-~~~~)

r ['3/.2 aT/O);] [~~t :::~Q J =0

Thus;, .for tL t:j"UH .P. I B C411 be de,t.ermuucJ /YOHf the

c,4>rld,f/{;H -hl11~=?o/,f1 Qnd Ef,(2) ~()JlluJ
kV h.
A CiPmtufty pl"0J)"qm for detfnn/ll l1iy h ~v t:t 7 , l/el1 ). ~J/()WS

( C~t1t )

J. 6Cf /1& I

100 c12
110 print "*******************************************************"
120 print "1I:* This program solves a cubic equation to determine **"
130 print "** the maximum water, h, depth for a series of dam **"
110,0 print. "** widths, 1 **"
150 print "*******************************************************"
160 print.
170 print" Dam width, 1 (ft) Maximum depth, h (ft)"
180 for 1=20 to 60 step 10
190 theta=atn(80/1)
200 h=O
210 hp=h
220 h=(3/31.2*(3896*1-2+10y,OO/(sin(theta)-2)-20.8*1-2*hp) )-(1/3)
230 if abs(l-hp/h)O.OOl goto 210
210,0 print using" ##.# ##.#";l,h
250 next. 1

~r the dtlm w/dths s!..f'c.I'f,Pd The fI14X Imum WAifY depth.s

ClY'e glYfn be/"u). ,t10t( i'}Jat .fr:,j, -the +1<10 /aY'~e~t dtll?1
/AI/tf1"hs -the tvaier wt)"'/,f ~vPJrf/~tV fh~ d~m h~fa't' IC lV~l"q'
+Otf/~ .

)\,.. This program solves a cubic equation t.o determine ct.1I
:1<* the maximum water, h, depth for a series of dam **
** 'i"idths. 1 **
D~n width, 1 (ft) Maximum depth. h (ft)
20.0 48.2
30.0 61.1
40.0 71. 8
50.0 81. 1
60.0 89.2


2.70 A 4-m-long curved gate is located in the side of a

reservoir containing water as shown in Fig. P2.70. Determine
the magnitude of the horizontal and vertical components of the
force of the water on the gate. Will this force pass through point
A? Explain.


J~ II' E'~ u; I, 'bY'/un'I I


L rJ(. ::. 0

r:;.:: ~ ~ l(!,c '- A:& = '( {'11ft +J.!1rC )(1,-" .: ~ .. )

f:u = (9. HD ~ )(7shfI. ) (12 /WI ,.) = ~8' 2. -Ie tJ

L F~ =-0

whe/l"f '

r, = [3' (6~)](311M xLfht1) = (Cf.FO/lt/J )(6~)(/2tm")


~ = ~ 11- = (9. eo ~)(q i1 M4 3 )

Thus} f:,," (r.80 ~)[7l ",,3 .,.'l7f ",,3] " 1113 ).IJ

(/V/).;.~: !;Ne ~I W4/;fr tOn ,j4~ IN til be. tt>ppes/!c I~ dll'~cf-~i,., +0)
111111- ~h~wn tDn h9ul"e.

The. d';'ecbtJ"n c/ 4// C/;lleYf"'';'/~/ Ior~es etch;'f ~'1 th~

CtlJI'vetl SUY'~c.e l.s ~r,Pl'''''41&U'4/1' ~ St.lr/ttce./ ctl'1d "t11f/l'(ft,"'f!!)
in! yes III 14111 /1'1 ",.sl- ?IH5 i11rlP"''1h the ';'+~Y.rt'~I-I"';, 01 all 7/lelf!.
~yce$ which I~ ~i; tt!)Jnf A-. Ye s .


Z.il The air pressure in the top of the two liter pop bottle
shown in Vidt'o V2,4 and Fig. P2.7 I is 40 psi, and the pop depth
1 in. diameter
is lOin. The bottom of the bottle has an irregular shape with a
diameter of 4.3 in. (a) If the bottle cap has a diameter of I in. Pair =40 psi
what is magnitude of the axial force required to hold the cap
in place? (b) Determine the force needed to secure the bottom
2 inches of the bottle to its cylindrical sides. For this calcula-
tion assume the effect of the weight of the pop is negligible. (c)
By how much does the weight of the pop increase the pressure
2 inches above the bottom? Assume the pop has the same spe- 4.3 in. diameter
cific weight as that of water.

• FIG U REP 2 .1 I

(a.J 3I. Lf /j,

L F.VfY+1 c..J. =0

F.'51 d
::. FI = (pr'e~surt @ 2,;". QbolllZ h,HoWl)
X. (A yeo... )
- (Lfo ~: )(.~) ('1.3 iny
= 58\ 11,


lnCYea.5e. U1 pY'e~suY'.e crue .J.o w~'\9ht ::

\ e$S 1\1cH1 \ 010 0 f tU r pr'eSSu ye).

).- 72
1.n Hoover Dam (see Vidl'O 1.3) is the highest arch-
gravity type of dam in the United States. A cross section of the
dam is shown in Fig. P2.72(a). The walls of the canyon in
which the dam is located are sloped, and just upstream of the
dam the vertical plane shown in Figure P2.72(b) approximately
represents the cross section of the water acting on the dam.
Use this vertical cross section to estimate the resultant hori-
zontal force of the water on the dam, and show here this force

1 . . - - - - 880 ft - - - 1

." . :~,.;t£.'i··~~iAiW':h'i?t.;.·
\- 290 It ..\

(a) (b)


!3re~t tlvea /'rJfD S pa~.fs (I,S ~ho{J)n.

17:; y aYea.. / .'
liz! = /)hA = ~2.1(. 'b y~ )(715".f-I:'ji) {t.qS- Ii)[7/fift)
::: l.:r7 .x/O /.6
}:?,y arell 3 : Fo -:: FI?
".3 I
= 157 X If) if J.b

For- Clrea. Z:
/=,e~~ (0),,- A~ = u'1.iI !t3){l;.) (7Isft) (290 1i)(7Jsfi)
- if. l3 X / D'f / b

~ J
-t ~z. -t Fo1'.3 : /'57;( JD ~ I.J -I- 'I: ~3 / J~ f /;; -t /.!;-7x JD 9 Job
7, 77 ;( JD' /j,
Since -the.. /7J()mefl / 01 111(. rt's/J/1zurt ~yce a~lIf 'the. b4.se
~f the. dam t7l us t be ega-a J -fz, iht! rn(!)m~Y1 f..s due. tt:>
F;.,) 17<l..) ~1It;{ he3 ) 11- .fi,//oI{)S 1h~t
(Ce;n '-/: )
.2, 72 I (~tJl'} 'i )

Pi xci" ~ (1 )615 ft;) T F?/-D f7;5"H) t ~ r; )(7/5"H)

a::: (/..f7 ;( Il/ h)(~ )[715"It) +(;f. LJilb qli'fJ. )(?J~f-f.) .ff'/. 57t /D liE)(71OIt)

7.77 X J'/J' i);

- LJ Ob ·f-/;

(hils) 1h~ r~.>ul/rll1.f:- hfJ;'''I()t1fal -hvc~ ~11 -tJ,e dam /J)

7 77 )( I () 9)1:, a cJ-/nj -'fot It P Irm? fh( bl/5t!


t>f 1he dqm a/Pili 17te tl~is 0f ~'f/11fl1e 11''1 t>/ the "rea.
50 kPa

, . -"
2.73 A plug in the bottom of a pressurized Air
tank is conical in shape as shown in Fig. P2. 73.
The air pressure is 50 kPa and the liquid in the
tank has a specific weight of 27 kN I m 3 • Determine
the magnitude, direction, and line of action of
the force exerted on the curved surface of the

cone within the tank due to the 50-kPa pressure

and the liquid.
kL..--- ~


Fo r e$ u. ;; I '/:n" /u m )

L f:ver bI c.a / =- 0
50 in"t I

F;. = -?a, irA


Wher{ F" 10$ The. force. The CdI"( e~frl:s

ot. the .flu/ci,
A ls~) r-t'l---,
~ . A = (50!1i )(-r;)(d:1) .fon 30·:= ~
flO' 2.
-.le.P4. ) (~ ) (I. J~£rrt1) =' S ~ ,LI·-k.N
= (50
d = :L -I:~" 30 • .: /. /55' I\IM

5'1.4- ..k..N + 75'. 'f,k, N /Z8--kN

and -In e. it' "'c. I£) .., 111 e. c...on e. h 1(5 a. rn t:t, n I .f.1A e/-e. ~.f.. /2. 8' --k IV
and I~ d,,.~c.I-~,{ vey.flclI/l!:1 d~W}1W4Y'~1 Q/~I'ff the C-!Jne. ~)(.;~.


2.7 If A 12-in.-diameter pipe contains a gas under a pressure

of 140 psi. If the pipe wall thickness is i-in., what is the average
circumferential stress developed in the pipe wall?

i=;" e 6u/ }/}/"), 1"1 'um (ieI' 4 un;! /"'fllt

()f the. pip c.) )

rr ·At/~ ~
( I 'fa -Jh
I'I? .~
) (G. I~. )

- I '"'Ii/ /11,
. )

= 33~o pst.


2.75 The concrete (specific weight = 150

Ib/ft3) seawall of Fig. P2.75 has a curved surface
and restrains seawater at a depth of 24 ft. The
trace of the surface is a parabola as illustrated.
Determine the moment of the fluid force (per unit
length) with respect to an axis through the toe
(point A).

\---15 ft ·1
The Com pDnen +s 01 tne fllJ/d .ft,rce (Ie ·/-JiI,
(!)I') The (pllli fire If t:ll1d W (J S S h()WI1
(HI -!-he fljuY't. where .

F;= ?f~(.A == ('If.OIt3)(;J.~t)(2'tliJ{l+t)

= J~Lf()oJ; Clnd
.4-15 0 ) T
W -= ~-if- :l'f-Ij

To d~.feY'rHJne -¥
(s e~ .It 9 lire
-hne/ IIrea B CD. Thus)
.fo ,,;,l1f) ~
/J. =- !;~
'/-!1 ) dJi. = ((,2; - ".;;;x"') dx
Jo ' =~
:: [~ Jt x - 0,; x'~lQ )to

( /'I()';'~: All l-tn(ths I~ II: )

t(11 d WI th XI:: rl20
A = 175'" H:2. So 1}ud:

-p.L = .4;< I f-l: -- '7~- h 3

Thus) I. /j,
<tv = (to If. (; 7t: l ) ( 1 '15 It 3) = I~ Zt!)O lob
To / ~cllie Cft1ff'()/~/ 0/ A : J&"

'-<. A =- f::
dA = i1~'f-'J) x dx .jj.1 ¥x - a, 2 / ) d>< =
/~ (~) t _ (). 2 (Vj"Z;,) ¥-
;t.(. = t 4.11 tt
2.7 b A cylindrical tank with its axis horizontal
has a diameter of 2.0 m and a length of 4.0 m.
The ends of the tank are vertical planes. A ver-
tical, O.l-m-diameter pipe is connected to the top
of the tank. The tank and the pipe are filled with
ethyl alcohol to a level of 1.5 m above the top of
the tank. Determine the resultant force of the
alcohol on one end of the tank and show where
it acts.


whe~e ie = /. !;J-1tY) 1- I. /)/ffIt = 2. 5'"." ~

SO -tnA t
fR : - (7,7 if~ ) (2,5" ~ )(;:)(-2. OAM) '- = ~~. j ~ JI

( ;}. S-NY! )(r;) (Z~ ) ?

Thus) the restl//q"t "wee hilS q rn4'Jl1lfude "I 6~. 8-k)/

a11 v{ ~C.f.s of a ellS fttl1ce "f -
~ ':f~ = :<. /, O/M - :l. S"D hI1 = O. /O[)/'IH

be jpw ~en feY' 0 I fRill< e h c/ L/.)O/ ; .

~. 77
2.17 If the tank ends in Problem 2.7b are
hemispherical. what is the magnitude of the re-
sultant horizontal force of the alcohol on one of
the curved ends?

~or e 3";)/j,,.u;'m J

;;;, = J:;." / / (U., ;;,w,,) ~ 1


SInce. s(>/u 11,,0 (." hOn)Mfe, I !ere",

SC/me 4S .f,:,,.. PNblem 2.1'0.

:< ./8
2.7 & Imagine the tank of Problem 2.7(. split
by a horizontal plane. Determine the magnitude
of the resultant force of the alcohol on the bottom
half of the tank.

(onsJde, t>. fne- b(K/!rdl;'f~ Df

Dojl.,m 11.1/ 01- "",,,); [Sp, H~~Y'<")
1> ~ fr~'suY< D/ ~/u;tI CJH h";~M/.1
1./ ~ l1 ...e. .1 I1.N,MI" I pl'H"-
OW ~ wel9i1f of. volu",. ./ l/"i4 IH
h./f' of !<rill:.
I=f ~ f'£'Sulk,,1 ~".ce e"",y,t.tI by *,,,1: 0" 1'1.,4

Ii". .eSu;;'bNvm (rf'Hr -10 "nohlt", 2.80 /;, #"i< d"ne_SicnS J,

fi: jA 'l'W = d' (I.~""./"")(:l"" d",,) + ?r [U;)(2~)(~ ... )J
(-7.71t ~ )( ~O",,3T ~7T,,")) = 203J,.IV

Tht-lS, fo~(e t>{ alcohol DM +P.1k - 203 -k IV dlYe~+ed

verhcqll'j do UJn 1()4 rd.
l.llf A closed tank is filled with . wat~r and has a 4-ft-
diameter hemispherical dome as shown m Fig. P2.79. A U- I~ be
manometer is connected 10 the tank . Determine the vemcal
force of the water on the dome if the differential manometer
reading is 7 ft and the air pressure al the upper end of the ma-
nometer is 12.6 psi.

~/" epidi/; r,uJ'YI,

2- Fver-nCa
1 I ~o
;So tit .. t t-pA
Fp: -plr - 1v (I )

Fe, -
I~ -the de>me ex.ri-. Oil 1h. 1-0/4
l' I':' pl"e H"". .. af -n.. h,.u of. 171( dt>mf.
Fr"lf)m 1'he m {( nPIli e te Y')
~ -I ~f (7.ft.) - d"J./." (If ft) = P
So -thAi;
f = (;2./. ~.~ )(J'l'f ~: ) + (~.)('2¥~.)(71t)-(iZ. ¥~.)Htt)
= Z ~ 8~ k'"
fr4>m F'f, .r;) w) n, 1/0IufYI •• 1 Sphfr. = :r (d/~m (~/Y' ).3
Fe, = f2 Ho ~~ V;;Ylfft l - t [:- (iHf)J (~2. 4 ~.)
/00 Jb

The -Crt<. 1hot- 1he v.rl-I<..I ~r(. -tn.+-

.::~",)(",e!.rl~~_~"!!.h_7h=,,=-....!!d.~om~e,--I~ 3S; /00 Ib t

2-V 1

2.S0 If the bottom of a pop bottle similar to that shown in

Fig. P2.71 and in Vid(>() V2,4 were changed so that it was hemi-
spherical, as in Fig. P2.80, what would be the magnitude, line
of action, and direction of the resultant force acting on the hemi-
spherical bottom? The air pressure in the top of the bottle is 40
psi. and the pop has approximately the same specific gravity as
that of water. Assume that the volume of pop remains at 2 liters.
4.3-in. diameter

11 FIGURE P2.80

t;Y'(<( ~ W<t,"-i. o/- pcp SlAfp"r.J:rd b~ bo}h,r>1 t k'f"Ct!

dU( i;o Qlj,- ft"tssur~

We I ;h t 0 ~ pdp = ?r )( v0 I~ mof c I pof (II

Pdp 1\ .f.t" )
V()/UhI(' = z. I, f.ey.s == (2..x. J0- ?'m'I 3) x (.3 S 3 ( x I {) ;;;) : O. 07 oj, ..f.t3
Thus1 ~11'l E"1. (I)
W.el!hi- #/- )'IP/, : (6z.,. R,)(()·~7~b Pt 9) = Lf. '+J /b
FDYc~ c1/1e to til". pr~JS/lre :::- -/;11" x pr()c)'~c..1Pt;I, aveA •a.{...
.J.... L l.J.
YH'It1"pheYt(a/ OOJl1!)1')'1

= (LtD ~.~ ) (r){~.31·n.) 2-

::: 58 J J b
Re~~1 t.At1t force. = Lf.'l-I J;, + 5~J Jj, - b-2b II,

Tn e rt'su) tQ If t: ~Y(' t. /5 dI tee. ted () t vtica J1lf down lOtI rd)

CI n d due .J.o slfmme tY'1 1 /t aC':f3 ()Il 1Jt(. hem/5pheriC41
bt!' mm a/~n~ -/)Ie. verft'c~d t2J(.jj ()fhle bot+fe.
2.81 Three gates of negligible weight are used to hold back
water in a channel of width h as shown in Fig. P2.81 . The force
of the gate against the block for gate (b) is R. Detennine (in
tenns of R) the force against the blocks for the other two gates.

(a) (b) (c)

Fi>r C4$e (.J:, ) • FIG U REP 2 . 81

~ = (rhe A:: d'l4 )(hxj,j = ~b

411' 'J/(:: -f: J..

:>0 "/h,d h R = (~ l ) Ii
i R:: ( ~ It. ) ( }::J, )
_ "Yhlb

For case (el.) On

F;. =tY~.b ( f-rrJh1 1fI~"Vt')

free- bt)c? - c/utfr41?J
s),owl1 ft.!1
....... .....
IJI?::- --t 1
t:? 11" 6)( -Val
~.:: F/<.,
J' [1T~)~~)J Fa
:: 7TJh 2 j,
Z /vIH =0

~D th"t
'&J (~ - ~;) 1- !k~~) - ~h

2.% / I ((.~nr.)

.tf I> II~IU.J 1k, i

Fa :: :r),:Lb (t. 3f~)
FrtJl1'I ~f' OJ J-h2.£ =-5R./ th".s
F/3 = 1.17 R.

j;r C!ttse (C).J -kl" -the !ree- bal~ - dt".J'rl//J1 .sh~Jl4l1t) ,

fh e
/f:,Y(f! r:...e,
hI Yl1e ~n If(
tJl'7 1h~ eu",.ve~ sec,.,T::It;11 p~s.Jes 1h;"u,Jr
1ht'I"e-hYe d()es /1ld. ~l1fr":J/.(k -h
f;, <. m "me" i ~ Y()III1I1 /I. ()n b~ fltul1 />4 rl ()/ JIlI:e I7eJ
lif..: ~ he It ::: t (~Jfh)(f x b) :: -ph2.b -- ~z

-d:(h )f-zh).3
he - Fa
t!fc -t -ah
!f(; 1/
(~)(-f xb) Lf

28 h

) 2}1U=0

iJr f8~(4r426)~:) =fir6'///,
Fr6Jm j;:'~. rJ) J'h"}, h ;;; 5 e I -fh u.>

Fa = -;,e = !), irS/<.

2,12 I

2. g2. A 3 ft X 3 ft X 3 ft wooden cube (specific weight =

37 Ib/ft 3 ) floats in a tank of water. How much of the cube
extends above the water surface? If the tank were pressurized
so that the air pressure at the water surface was increased to 1.0
psi, how much of the cube would extend above the water sur-
face? Explain how you arrived at your answer.

h y e $ U~ /, 'br /U n1 )
z: Frrr+IC'1fJ : -n;

--_ --+-1"W~ -~ i~

So -thAt
~ - FI3 3.?l:-h
(57 i!'t 3 ) (3 .ft)3: (2,1. If 1t3 )(3It-h) (3ft i3{t)
{= j, 22 -!-/;
1:1 -the (IIi- pressure til- the W~';"r sur/lice IIIt.Yf4!fs
/:;'1 / P~/ tnt r( WI III R bt 11() C hllnfe 1/1- /h( he,!Ai
~f the ttlb~ ((1111/" tht. IdAter ..5'tlrhct. The Il1trellst'tI
frt'$j",r~ /z:,r("~ ()/1 tAt -t-~f 0/ 'i7te e"b~ ,; bp/4lfCeA b'l
tin "', tiP I -force 0}1 the btFmm b/ 1ht ttt6e 051 flee Iht'
Jurhc~ fft5SIIYt '$ rfih,j/Jf;jff;d -11lr~"!h~lJ,i 1lJe .f/,,;'ri .

2 -8"S-
2.83 The homogeneous timber AB of Fig. P2.83 is 0.15 m
by 0.35 m in cross section. Determine the specific weight of the
timber and the tension in the rope.

• FIG U REP 2 . 83

W= ~ Jf WheV'(is tHe. ~
~fe,jfj,- w(l~ht af The -h'mh.eY'
al-lp( -tf' /~ ;fs lIa/"me Thus;
\/J:; }( (0. J5~ )( ~.3' /It4 ~ /01lM)

= ()"Z, t

~or e~u'd /brJum )

IM A- =0
So /ha.t
Vi (10 3,1WI ) c'o s 0( = Fe ( 8:, ) Cos J..
(t?,5"Z, ~)( S"1'fYI) = ( P·IfU) d'Uz.o )C yo ~ )

~ = (,?,Jf2t»( UD ~3 ) ( ~ 1

(tl. 7"1.;-) ( 5" h" )

:50 trt,d:
T = ~ - \1/= 6,lfzorrn J )('1.80 ~~) - (o.{j]"tn13)(~.27~,) = 1ZLflV
Z.iJ.f. I

2.R4 When the Tucurui dam was constructed in northern

Brazil, the lake that was created covered a large forest of valu-
able hardwood trees. It was found that even after 15 years un-
derwater the trees were perfectly preserved and underwater log-
ging was started. During the logging process a tree is selected,
trimmed, and anchored with ropes to prevent it from shooting
to the surface like a missile when cut. Assume that a typical
large tree can be approximated as a truncated cone with a base
diameter of 8 ft, a top diameter of 2 ft, and a height of 100ft.
Determine the resultant vertical force that the ropes must resist
when the completely submerged tree is cut. The specific grav-
ity of the wood is approximately 0.6.

h;Y es /!J ],
fA rJ U(YI J

Z. p:ver·hctC J

so -tn I., -I::

T== Fa-'W (/)

/7;y a. fruflcabd ~()J1e)

0/"me:' j.b (IJ Z T Yj Yi. -t Jl'z.3. )
Whe~ : r; ~ bl(S( Y'tJ..d I us 2v 'V we,~ It t.
Y'l. :: i:cp rll d I u.s Fa;\.l bt.t,,~an I: ft;rCt!
h~ heIgh i.

Thus) ¥. = (-rr) (IDbh)[Ctt.fl:/+ ('fit J( 1ft) 1- Uul]

+ve~ 3
_ 2200 -Prj

0:'L~ J( 4'-+~~ =- (CJ.,){t,z.1f n~~)(l.Z-ooft.~\) = 81-I If,,ol~


E'l. {J)
T == / g~ I)()O / b - 9 A) Lj()a Ii,
2.86 An inverted test tube partially filled with air floats in
a plastic water-filled soft drink bottle as shown in Video V2.S
and Fig. P2.86. The amount of air in the tube has been adjusted -~~Air

so that it just floats. The bottle cap is securely fastened. A slight Test tube
squeezing of the plastic bottle will cause the test tube to sink
to the bottom of the bottle. Explain this phenomenon.

Plastic bottle

• FIGURE P2.g("

: ' • .L--_--..lI..,•
, .'
2.87 The hydrometer shown in Vidl'O \'2.6 and Fig. P2.S7
has a mass of 0.045 kg and the cross-sectional area of its stem
is 290 mm 2: Determine the distance between graduations (on
the stem) for specific gravities of 1.00 and 0.90.

• FIGURE P2.~7

When ine h!Jc/~metfY i.s 1/"t1.tll1'i ;';'s we/rAt; w)

fiJl'lI/!he butP!1lt"i .f"Y'~e. Q~e e$u(J/ ~/J1C~
2: F:v(yii (4 /

h,r IJw"t/ wi1h 5G -=

o. q )
~I =W
(SG, ) (~zo)-t7 =w ( J.Jhfre t ; t.JJ,. 0 @ If·C)

~Jml J4rJIj ) ft,.,. Ih~~d w/th Sq1,. -= /.0)

(SG~ ) (~~O )~ = W Let As "" s+em (ll"ftt.

ClI'1t1 ~wbfr~c.t/r1~ '1}1, e$uah6?l1s !:J~eJd.s QI14

¥ N jubmp~ed
-if t:- V..! - 'W 1

J :l. (SGJ('O'tI-:z.o) (SC71.)(Y~~O)

S/~C~ -t1 -it = LJ~ .45

-(-~_/_-[ S~, -
As ¥~hCl ')
_ (tJ."lfsJ1 )(r·E'JTa- J [
(290 Jf. I()-,"" ~ ('I. 81 ;< 10:J!; ) cr-

I. 72 ;(. I 0 I't'Y\ = / 7, Z "" m1
2.SS An L-shaped rigid gate is hinged at one end and is lo-
cated between partitions in an open tank containing water as
shown in Fig. P2.88. A block of concrete (y = 150 Ib/fi') is to
be hung from the horizontal portion of the gate. Determine the
required volume of the block so that the re-action of the gate on
the partition at A is zero when the water depth is 2 ft above the
hinge. The gate is 2 ft wide with a negligible weight, anrl t.he
hinge is smooth.

• FIGURE P2.8a

r-;y esu;/d",U/11)
I. MU =-0
.56 ~1:
~ J- 1 -t ~ J..2- ~ T J.. 1. (I)
where,' T
'1= ~h,-f, :: ('2,~ ~,) (.3t1:)(zA4=~ z.hJ
: 7 Lf-9 1.1, 1=1
J:;.. :: ?r hi! Z ,4z =~ 2. ~ ~3 ) ('t4t) (Zft "- If:tJ
- fCf 8 1.1, J.. ( ) 'j
L:f = r,<.c.. -t ~ :: 17.. 7.+t
(2.fi) -t.3 H. = 3.1/ +t.
RI ~c.. A c:. (.3.ft) (2.~t I. z. ft)

.Q I = ~ ~ I - z. +'.f .= j. JJ fi - z. t-t. :: \. \ \ -tt

J.l. = / H
Thlls) fr,nn e:a~. (J J
(7'f'f IJ,) (1./1 fC)(t?f8 J1,) (j ft) = T (I fiJ

T= 18.30 11
f;r ~ncre~ hJocJt..)
L t=""V(lo't. c. 1.:.0 0 'r ~ c. ~ T l' Fe c..
s" th,t-
d: -Y: -= I B 30 I~ l' 6'"u, Jfc..
" '- J-.{)

I gj 0 Jb

2. 81 I

2.89 When a hydrometer (see Fig. P2.87 and Video V2.6)

having a stem diameter of 0.30 in. is placed in water, the stem
protrudes 3.15 in. above the water surface. If the water is re-
placed with a liquid having a specific gravity of 1.10, how much
of the stem would protrude above the liquid surface? The hy-
drometer weighs 0.042 lb.

Whln f'/,( h~drometfY IS I-J,,4.'l:Jr,!J

/1-5 weI1ht.) 'h.J) J,i hAi4J1teei. ht;1
-fhe bu /)~I(" t- k;yc. e) 13 , J=o r r-
e~ /Ai J Ibn um I

L~F =0
IhJl$1 ~y fA)A,l-ev
(~t-o ) -v;- = 1;) (I )

whevt!. -yt Is tne. JuJ,merged volume.. w(1l1 1l1e new

(s 6) ( 5Uz,o ) 1{ :,ew U)
C~mb,nJn~ cIs. (IJ 11I1I((Z) wJin ~
(rfJ.2.() ) -r:- ::: (S Q ) ('ritz,() ) 4f 2-

~ = -¥,
~ 56

J. '/0
2.90 The thin-walled. I-m-diameter tank of
Fig. P2.90 is closed at one end and has a mass of Air
90 kg. The open end of the tank is lowered into
the water and held in the position shown by a 3.0 m
steel block having a density of 7840 kg/m3. As-

sume that the air that is trapped in the tank is
compressed at a constant temperature. Deter-
mine: (a) the reading on the pressure gage at the
top of the tank. and (b) the volume of the steel


Let 1f-:: At ~

1;:: ~ ( -£. - lJ. to ) 't" ~~th» {wlter~ «II U)

~ = At- ~
::- l. "

Smce. fL' =- fat_ lfilf~ -b'-.
= A--t:(3 )

-{ 1 ;- (p.-I-; _0.,,) { - =0

9. go -:;; ~ 1:1-l1l'i :: ItJl ~ PI).. I

3 ('0 I .4..p~ ')

n~ 2. + ( /()/-iPIL..
- 0.' /Itt
) G
9.8/J ~

1. :l -t- Cf.7 I ~ - .3 0.1 :: 0

1.71 -r V(r.7} )1+ ~ (~{),9) ::' :2. S-3hYl

Th us.l +tt»rJ ~6' (/ )
if. (1tA.9<) ::'
.2. -12
(b) F; Y' e '6l1; / ,'hY" ~,.". 0 I i'/11 it. (s@e Ir(~- b~df:J -
c/ La 9 Y'II m ) J
T:: ~ At -<W-e
w heY'~ ~ N ·hr(l1~ we /'111 t / t'I J;/ #( .k ,. .
5h~ / 6/()c,k



- 0, 208 I'm

;;, 'II ~J

2.91 * An inverted hollow cone is pushed into

! T·'2 /!cr\l~
the water as is shown in Fig. P2.91. Determine
the distance, C, that the water rises in the cone as
a function of the depth, d, of the lower edge of
the cone. Plot the results for 0 :;; d :;; H, when
H is equal to 1 m. Assume the temperature of
the air within the cone remains constant.
Open end ~

I-emfJe~4.l:uye Cf;tr1pt'es>/o~ 0 I tJ, e. "Ir tell 11, 1J1 fire. O!Jne,.J

~. Vi = ~ -v; (I)
whev-e ¥ 15 the. (1/; V,,/"'lne. , ClIfU " an" I n! Ie", +r, ,;;,.fuj/ and
.fln/ll :s--ta ~ J respecltve/!J . .:t".f ~D flow.} 111. f (.s('t! f'JI-(~):
1:..:: ;{i lM
~ = ~ (d -,fl) + fa.~

11 = 7f R 'H if =- 'J(H/)~>(H-.l) : :r:Y(H-Jl

Th (,is, .from E t. (J )
t (7r ;<211)
41-""" .3
= [6' (d-.L) + tim<] :r P: t (1+-.1) 3

wh/c.h 5ImfJ,·he.s -1-0

1=d- 1'1-- [(!-i/-I]

(.3 )

WheY'e 1. all" d 4Ve J ~ I"n1 e. .f.e Y' S .

I-t ~(!JmflilfY ji:Jt"tJJNlm k,//OIlJS ~r Cti/c.J(IaII~
t:> f- c/.

( C(f)11 t )
~.91 "I ( C~1i 't )
110 print "**********************************************"
120 print "** This program solves iteratively a fourt.h **"
130 print "** order equation to give the water rise, **"
135 print "** 1, as a function of t.he depth. ,j **"
1'"'0 print "**** ** **** *********** ********** ** *** **** **t:*** II
150 print.
160 print" Depth, d (m) Water rlse, 1 (m)"
170 for d=O.O to 1.01 step 0.1
180 1=0.0
185 if d=O then goto 220
190 lp=l
200 1=1-((d-lp)/10.3+1)-(-1/3)
210 if abs(l-lp/l)O.OOl goto 190
220 print using" #.### #.####":d.l
230 next d

** This program solves iteratively a fourth **
** order equation to give the water rise. **
** 1, as a function of the depth, d **
Depth, d (m) Water rise, 1 (m)
0.000 0.0000
0.100 0.0031
0.200 0.0062
0.300 0.0092
O. '.,!-OO 0.0122
0.500 0.0152
0.600 0.0182
0.700 0.0211
0.800 0.0239
0.900 0.0268
1.000 0.0296

"10- 2


:§: 2



o ./
0.0 0.2 0 . .:1 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth, d (m)
~.92. I
2.92 An open container of oil rests on the
flatbed of a truck that is traveling along a hori-
zontal road at55 mi/hr. As the truck slows uni-
formly to a complete stop in 5 s, what will be the
slope of the oil surface during the period of con-
stant deceleration?

:: d:t :::

.//1'111 / we/~c"~ - I~' ~/.f J ve/~,;..J::,

-61 ,;, ~ I;' h ,./Il, I

o -

9. rl ~ + C>
2.93 A 5-gal. cylindrical open container with a bottom area
of 120 in. 2 is filled with glycerin and rests on the floor of an
elevator. (a) Determine the fluid pressure at the bottom of the
container when the elevator has an upward acceleration of 3
ft/s2. (b) What resultant force does the container exert on the
floor of the elevator during this acceleration? The weight of the
container is negligible. (Note: ] gal = 23] in. 3 )

T {

xl illill
I' I, '11

-a. A = VDll-tl'Yle..

-t (120;~ ,1. ) : (b ~tA I) ( ~ ~'al;I1~)

{, = C/. ~ 3 1'11.

iJ, - f ( ~ -t Qi ) -{
- (::1.4- 11
ft~ , £E
32 2
1"" 3~t )( 1.'3 ft)
52. 12.

(6) Fr~m frte- bcd!! -dla9NlfYJ or CtJnta I ~e r )

~: 1J, A

Jb.) ( · "1)(' 't4-"~:-
(~i. r ft'l. /2~ Ih,+-I.' ) -
1 Ff
:: 57. 4- 11
. S/.If. Ib
Thus; tcrle 101- ClPYJ-I:alnty
~'" f JOt} r J~ dOWhWQY'cJ.. •

2 -'17
2. q If- An open rectangular tank 1 m wide and
2 m long contains gasoline to a depth of 1 m. If
the height of the tank sides is 1.5 m, what is the,
maximum horizontal acceleration (along the long
axis of the tank) that can develop before the gas-
oline would begin to spill?

- --- T
T ---- ----
d~ _ I. 5 J. 0 ,4.t1
cd;, <
IMt -
== - O.5'C> -L '-______ ----1
(S{!e +lj~re).

d -l: =
2 •.95 If the tank of Problem 2. 'ftt slides down
a frictionless plane that is inclined at 30° with the
horizontal, determine the angle the free surface·
makes with the horizontal.

Fre>m NewtM~ J mel Jaw I


L F~ I =' 1m a!J

S/~'e, -tne. ()11/:; ~Ne In -th~ ::; ~ dl;ec.:l-toJi

I:; the. e{)m!()l1ff,.i 01 kJel9J1f (rrr.;)sjI18)

( trr1 J) Sin ~ -::. IYY1 a. ~ m us~ ot ~k ChId

s" 1h~i '}aso 111"1 e..

, .
a~ -= - a!J SJn~

(I:~. 2.28)

= -=

-- I
- ~ Sln'Z6>

(4y,d loY' G Z ~D 0

- =
d~ /- 2:
I • I
5111 ~O

+a n Q= O. 7~ t.f

f= 37.4-°
2. Cf~ A closed cylindrical tank that is 8 ft in diameter and
24 ft long is completely filled with gasoline. The tank, with its
long axis horizontal, is pulled by a truck along a horizontal
surface. Determine the pressure difference between the ends
(along the long axis of the tank) when the truck undergoes an
acceleration of 5 ft/ S2.

I· ,2'f .ft .-1,.

(2t. 2. 2S) C~:

a - S'-t-i:
!1 - Tz..

1:.2. - J;I :: -t tl~ (2."1- k)

=- - (1,3:2 s';/; )(s ~: )~". ft)
- Jse 1-t7..

2.91 The open U-tube of Fig. P2.0!1 is par-
tially filled with a liquid. When this device is ac-
celerated with a horizontal acceleration, a, a
differential reading, h, develops between the ma- a. = a~
nometer legs which are spaced a distance r. apart.
Determine the relationship between a, r, and h.

FIGURE P2.'\'1

d.:r a..'::J
- ~T C(i:

ar-. ~
- .-
d!J "7
+he" -~ a.
y: = 3-tCJ
~ - -J.

2. q'ii' An open I-m-diameter tank contains
water at a depth of 0.1 m when at rest. As the
tank is rotated about its vertical axis the center
of the fluid surface is depressed. At what angular
velocity will the bottom of the tank first be ex-
posed? No water is spilled from the tank.

F;;r f;~e surface WI in -{ =0 0.-1: r =-0 J

{= ,.,

The VOi"fme. of .fluid I~ Y'ok-t'n~ 1-qt1,k is ~\Vel1 1':1

~" f:l:
Y -i1 dy -= :>.rr w"
= rrw~fC-,!
S /nce. -the. J'n ,'-I-t'tJ 1)0/ ume) ~. = rrR'2. hl.·) rn uS 1.: e~ ua I the +1n4 J

1r ~'2!!:. ~.: 1r/?'2.~~


CU = -~ If ~ !" -, =- - ( 1f{9.?I-f,. )(0,7",,) I

/0.5 raJ
V ( O. S/tn ) 7-

2. qcr The V-tube of Fig. P2.Q'1 is partially
filled with water and rotates around the axis a-
a. Determine the angular velocity that will cause
the water to start to vaporize at the bottom of
the tube (point A).

fY'e SSWI! 111 D..

-the. 12 DI.l .. i:.~ t:J 11. ) FIGURE P2.Gj~

the (!.4)()Y'mnA.fe oS '1si-e1Yl ~h()wn)

--p=o a. 1:: 1"'= ,+Ii? 0111/ z:-
2(,+ )2-
e.(!;n5t~l1't = -. ~ IA) I i It ~ ~ (~~.ft) _

At pO/flt A) r=o 411'" i-={J I (0111

-RA = - f~l. t ~

If fA = vapo'y prfSSlAy-e - O. "Z~-~ psC:a...) ~Y'

fit". (0. 25'1. pH· - l't. 7 P $" )(I 'l-1f.iJ~~ ).: -:l. ago :.~ ftqr)


= - 141 ~

d.. }OO I
2.100 The U-tube of Fig. P2.100 contains mer-
cury and rotates about the off-center axis a-a. At
rest, the depth of mercury in each leg is 150 mm
as illustrated. Determine the angular velocity for
which the difference in heights between the two 150 mm
legs is 75 mm.
\-220 m:-:/.....·~1·-.....,·190 mm

The e DU.a..t/~H of. 1h~ free => Ur/4ce. pfl~SIYl1 -tnrou9h A 4 nd 8 1.5

1.= -t ~tfs-/:q~ i [E 'h . 2. "32 )
Thus} w2.
l:A -1 8 -- fJ~ - -:1., ( ~ 1._ ~~ )

= - l ('I. 'if f:a.) rD, 07Shtt) yad

to, ()If -
v (0, 220hrl)2. - (0. O'l{)",,)~

:2./0/ I
2.10 I A closed, OA-m-diameter cylindrical
tank is completely filled with oil (SG = 0.9) and
rotates about its vertical longitudinal axis with an
angular velocity of 40 rad/s. Determine the dif-
ference in pressure just under the vessel cover
between a point on the circumference and a point
on the axis.

A t- - --~
" - I . /

Pre~s"y~ In 4 rtJta.tIJ1, .flt-lltl /1(1 n es

/11 aCC"f'drNICe witl! -th~ £jU4-iJtOJ1}

P = (.tJ~2.;- - d-i'
ti) 2..
-t ~l1s.f.toli

_ f-tJ 1. (t; '1. _ J-. 1)

:l. B,4-

- ({), 'I )(10' ~~) ('If) .~:,d)2

01.(0.2h11)2.- 0 ]

~g, ~ kP~
2. /02

2.102 Force Needed to Open a Submerged Gate

Objective: A gate, hinged at the top, covers a hole in the side of a water filled tank as
shown in Fig. P2.102 and is held against the tank by the water pressure. The purpose of this
experiment is to compare the theoretical force needed to open the gate to the experimentally
measured force.

Equipment: Rectangular tank with a rectangular hole in its side; gate that covers the hole
and is hinged at the top; force transducer to measure the force needed to open the gate; ruler
to measure the water depth.

Experimental Procedure: Measure the height, H, and width, b, of the hole in the tank
and the distance, L, from the hinge to the point of application of the force, F, that opens
the gate. Fill the tank with water to a depth h above the bottom of the gate. Use the force
transducer to detennine the force, F, needed to slowly open the gate. Repeat the force mea-
surements for various water depths.

Calculations: For arbitrary water depths, h, detennine the theoretical force, F, needed to
open the gate by equating the moment about the hinge from the water force on the gate to
the moment produced by the applied force, F.

Graph: Plot the experimentally detennined force, F, needed to open the gate as ordinates
and the water depth, h, as abscissas.

Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical force as a function of water depth.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click heft'
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

If!i FiGURE P2.. 102

(Con t)
~. / ()Z
(ef!JrJ't )

Solution for Problem 2.102: Force Needed to Open a Submerged Gate

L, in. H, in. b, in. y, Ib/W'3 Ixc , ft"4

5.5 6.0 4.0 62.4 0.003472

h, in. F,lb F 1 ,lb Yr - Yc, ft d,ft F,lb

21.1 10.1 15.69 0.0138 0.264 9.03
18.5 8.9 13.43 0.0161 0.266 7.80
16.2 7.6 11.44 0.0189 0.269 6.71
14.5 6.7 9.97 0.0217 0.272 5.91
12.8 5.8 8.49 0.0255 0.276 5.11
11.1 4.7 7.02 0.0309 0.281 4.30
10.1 4.3 6.15 0.0352 0.285 3.83
7.4 2.9 3.81 0.0568 0.307 2.55

Since h > H, A =H*b =constant and Ixc =b*H"3/12 =constant.

F =F1*d/L, where F1 =y*(h - H/2)* A, d =H/2 + (Yr - Yc), and Yr - Yc =Ixc/(h - H/2)* A

Problem 2.102
Force, F, vs Water Depth, h

12 ...,....-----------..,...---- .----,

10 - -.- -.- .-. --' .---.~--- ---- -I

LL. 6 -j------"--
-------1 I - - Theoretical
-a- Experimental

4-----~--·--~.LV- -I!

2 .-------..,-- -------1

o 5 10 15 20 25
h, in.

ft- J 07

2.103 Hydrostatic Force on a Submerged Rectangle

Objective: A quarter-circle block with a vertical rectangular end is attached to a balance
beam as shown in Fig. P2.103. Water in the tank puts a hydrostatic pressure force on the
block which causes a clockwise moment about the pivot point. This moment is balanced by
the counterclockwise moment produced by the weight placed at the end of the balance beam.
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the weight, W, needed to balance the beam
as a function of the water depth, h.

Equipment: Balance beam with an attached quarter-circle, rectangular cross-section block;

pivot point directly above the vertical end of the beam to support the beam; tank; weights; ruler.

Experimental Procedure: Measure the inner radius, R1, outer radius, R2, and width, h,
of the block. Measure the length, L, of the moment arm between the pivot point and the
weight. Adjust the counter weight on the beam so that the beam is level when there is no
weight on the beam and no water in the tank. Hang a known mass, m, on the beam and ad-
just the water level, h, in the tank so that the beam again becomes level. Repeat with differ-
ent masses and water depths.

Calculations: For a given water depth, h, determine the hydrostatic pressure force,
FR = yhcA, on the vertical end of the block. Also determine the point of action of this force,
a distance YR - Yc below the centroid of the area. Note that the equations for FR and YR - Yc
are different when the water level is below the end of the block (h < R2 - R1) than when
it is above the end of the block (h > R2 - Rl).
For a given water depth, determine the theoretical weight needed to balance the beam
by summing moments about the pivot point. Note that both FR and W produce a moment.
However, because the curved sides of the block are circular arcs centered about the pivot
point, the pressure forces on the curved sides of the block (which act normal to the sides)
do not produce any moment about the pivot point. Thus the forces on the curved sides do
not enter into the moment equation.

Graph: Plot the experimentally determined weight, W, as ordinates and the water depth,
h, as abscissas.

Result: On the same graph plot the theoretical weight as a function of water depth.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

Pivot point


Quarter-circle block III FIGURE P2.103

2. / P3 J

Solution for Problem 2.103: Hydrostatic Force on a Submerged Rectangle

R1, in. R2, in. L, in. b, in. g, ftlsA2 y, Ib/ftA3

5.0 9.0 12.0 3.0 32.2 62.4

Experimental Theoretical
m, kg h, in. W,lb FR,lb Yr -Yc, ft d,ft W,lb
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.750 0.000
0.02 1.11 0.04 0.07 0.719 0.048
0.04 1.58 0.09 0.14 0.706 0.095
0.06 1.92 0.13 0.20 0.697 0.139
0.10 2.51 0.22 0.34 0.680 0.232
0.12 2.76 0.26 0.41 0.673 0.278
0.14 2.99 0.31 0.48 0.667 0.323
0.16 3.20 0.35 0.55 0.661 0.367
0.18 3.41 0.40 0.63 0.655 0.413
0.20 3.60 0.44 0.70 0.650 0.456
0.22 3.80 0.48 0.78 0.644 0.504
0.24 3.99 0.53 0.86 0.639 0.551
0.26 4.17 0.57 0.94 0.0512 0.634 0.597
0.28 4.33 0.62 1.01 0.0476 0.631 0.637
0.30 4.50 0.66 1.08 0.0444 0.628 0.680
0.35 4.95 0.77 1.28 0.0376 0.621 0.794
0.40 5.39 0.88 1.47 0.0328 0.616 0.905
0.45 5.83 0.99 1.66 0.0290 0.612 1.016
0.50 6.27 1.10 1.85 0.0260 0.609 1.127
0.55 6.70 1.21 2.04 0.0236 0.607 1.236

W = 32.2 ftlsA2 * (m kg * 6.825E-2 slug/kg) Sum moments about pivot to give W*L = FR*d
For h < R2 - R1:
FR =y*(h/2)*h*b
d =R2 - (h/3)
Forh>R 2 -R 1:
FR = y*(h - (R2 - R1)/2)*(R2 - R1)*b
d = R2 - (R2 - R1 )/2 + (Yr - Yc)
Yr -Yc =Ixc/hc *A
Ixc = b*(R2 - R1 )A3/12 = 0.000771 ft A4
hc = h - (R 2 - R1)/2
A =b*(R2 -R1)

2. /03

Problem 2.103
Weight, W, vs Water Depth, h


1.0 -1------1------+----------.----

.c 0.8 +-_ _ _-+---____----i--_-+_---+-_ _ _ _ \

- Theoretical
~ 0.6 --------------- .-.---~~----.----- ---Ii
• Experimental

0.4 --I
0.2 ~---------i---~,---~-l
0.0 -J-=:::::::::::..---.,.------+----t---------.;
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
h, in.

'1- II 0
2. /o/f

2.104 Vertical Uplift Force on an Open-Bottom Box

with Slanted Sides
Objective: When a box or form as shown in Fig. P2.104 is filled with a liquid, the ver-
tical force of the liquid on the box tends to lift it off the surface upon which it sits, thus al-
lowing the liquid to drain from the box. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the
minimum weight, W, needed to keep the box from lifting off the surface.

Equipment: An open-bottom box that has vertical side walls and slanted end walls;
weights; ruler; scale.

Experimental Procedure: Determine the weight, Wbox , of the empty box and measure
its length, L, width, b, wall thickness, t, and the angle of the ends, e. Set the box on a smooth
surface and place a known mass, m, on it. Slowly fill the box with water and note the depth,
h, at which the net upward water force is equal to the total weight, W + Wbox , where W = mg.
This condition will be obvious because the friction force between the box and the surface on
which it sits will be zero and the box will "float" effortlessly along the surface. Repeat for
various masses and water levels.

Calculations: For an arbitrary water depth, h, determine the theoretical weight, W, needed
to maintain equilibrium with no contact force between the box and the surface below it. This
can be done by equating the total weight, W + Wbox , to the net vertical hydrostatic pressure
force on the box. Calculate this vertical pressure force for two different situations. (1) As-
sume the vertical pressure force is the vertical component of the pressure forces acting on
the slanted ends of the box. (2) Assume the vertical upward force is that from part (1) plus
the pressure force acting under the sides and ends of the box because of the finite thickness,
t, of the box walls. This additional pressure force is assumed to be due to an average pres-
sure of Pavg = -yh/2 acting on the "foot print" area of the box walls.

Graph: Plot the experimentally determined total weight, W + Wbox , as ordinates and the
water depth, h, as abscissas.

Results: On the same graph plot two theoretical total weight verses water depth curves-
one involving only the slanted-end pressure force, and the other including the slanted end
and the finite-thickness wall pressure forces.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click hac
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem .

. , / Footprint of box
i t
1 ~
it III FIGURE P2.104

( ~Dn t )
2./()/f I ( Cf)r/t)

Solution for Problem 2.104: Vertical Uplift Force on an Open-Bottom Box with Slanted Sides

8, deg L, in. b, in. t, in. Wbox,lb y, Ib/ftA3

45 10.3 4.0 0.25 0.942 62.4

Experimental Theory 1 Theory 2

m, kg h, in. W + W box , Ib h, in. W + W box , Ib Pavg,Ib/ftA2 W + W box , Ib
0.00 2.06 0.942' 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000
0.05 2.23 1.052 0.25 0.009 0.65 0.047
0.10 2.42 1.162 0.50 0.036 1.30 0.111
0.15 2.53 1.272 0.75 0.081 1.95 0.194
0.20 2.67 1.382 1.00 0.144 2.60 0.295
0.25 2.81 1.491 1.25 0.226 3.25 0.414
0.30 2.94 1.601 1.50 0.325 3.90 0.551
0.35 3.06 1.711 1.75 0.442 4.55 0.706
0.40 3.16 1.821 2.00 0.578 5.20 0.879
2.25 0.731 5.85 1.070
2.50 0.903 6.50 1.279
2.75 1.092 7.15 1.506
3.00 1.300 7.80 1.752
3.25 1.526 8.45 2.015

W =g*m =32.2 ftlsA2 * (m kg * 6.825E-2 slug/kg)

Theory 1. Including only the slanted-end pressure force:
W + W box = y*Vol
Vol = b*h*h

Theory 2. Including the slanted-end pressure force and the finite-thickness wall pressure force:
W + W box y*Vol + Pavg *A
Pavg =0.5*y*h
A =(b + 2*t)*(L + 2*tlsin8) - b*L =8.33 in. A2 = 0.0579 ftA2

2- /11.
2. / {)l/- I

Problem 2.104
Total Weight, W + Wbox , vs Water Depth, h

2.5 .
2.0 -~-------~--~--------r-------j
/ I

I • Experimental
.c 1:.
-- 1.5 ,,-

i I I
Theory 1
(slanted ends
+ 1.0

./ " I
- - - - - - -~----i
- . - . Theory 2
(slanted ends
/ I and bottom
I edge)

",' " ,,


2 3 4

h, in.

~- 1/3
2, j O~

2.105 Air Pad Lift Force

Objective: As shown in Fig. P2.105, it is possible to lift objects by use of an air pad con-
sisting of an inverted box that is pressurized by an air supply. If the pressure within the box
is large enough, the box will lift slightly off the surface, air will flow under its edges, and
there will be very little frictional force between the box and the surface. The purpose of this
experiment is to detennine the lifting force, W, as a function of pressure, p, within the box.

Equipment: Inverted rectangular box; air supply; weights; manometer.

Experimental Procedure: Connect the air source and the manometer to the inverted
square box. Detennine the weight, Wbo,,' of the square box and measure its length and width,
L, and the wall thickness, t. Set the inverted box on a smooth surface and place a known
mass, m, on it. Increase the air flowrate until the box lifts off the surface slightly and "floats"
with negligible frictional force. Record the manometer reading, h, under these conditions.
Repeat the measurements with various masses.

Calculations: Determine the theoretical weight that can be lifted by the air pad by equat-
ing the total weight, W + Wbox , to the net vertical pressure force on the box. Here W = mg.
Calculate this pressure force for two different situations. (1) Assume the pressure force is
equal to the area of the box, A = L2, times the pressure, p = 'Ymh, within the box, where I'm
is the specific weight of the manometer fluid. (2) Assume that the net pressure force is that
from part (1) plus the pressure force acting under the edges of the box because of the finite
thickness, t, of the box walls. This additional pressure force is assumed to be due to an av-
erage pressure of Pavg = 'Ymh/2 acting on the "foot print" area of the box walls, 4t(L + t).

Graph: Plot the experimentally determined total weight, W + Wbox , as ordinates and the
pressure within the box, P, as abscissas.

Results: On the same graph, plot two theoretical total weight verses pressure curves-
one involving only the pressure times box area pressure force, and the other including the
pressure times box area and the finite-thickness wall pressure forces.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.



2. I/)5" I

Solution for Problem 2.105: Air Pad Lift Force

L, in. t, in. Wbox,lb YH20, Ib/ft"3

7.5 0.25 1.25 62.4

Experiment Theory 1 Theory 2

m, kg h, in. W + W box , Ib p,lb/ft"2 W + W box , Ib W + W box , Ib
0.0 0.54 1.25 2.81 1.10 1.17
0.1 0.64 1.47 3.33 1.30 1.39
0.2 0.74 1.69 3.85 1.50 1.61
0.3 0.82 1.91 4.26 1.67 1.78
0.4 0.94 2.13 4.89 1.91 2.04
0.5 1.04 2.35 5.41 2.11 2.26
0.6 1.12 2.57 5.82 2.28 2.43
0.7 1.23 2.79 6.40 2.50 2.67
0.8 1.32 3.01 6.86 2.68 2.87
0.9 1.42 3.23 7.38 2.88 3.08
1.0 1.52 3.45 7.90 3.09 3.30
1.1 1.63 3.67 8.48 3.31 3.54
1.2 1.72 3.89 8.94 3.49 3.73
1.3 1.83 4.11 9.52 3.72 3.97
1.4 1.96 4.33 10.19 3.98 4.26
1.5 2.06 4.55 10.71 4.18 4.47
1.6 2.12 4.77 11.02 4.31 4.60
1.7 2.23 4.99 11.60 4.53 4.84
1.8 2.32 5.21 12.06 4.71 5.04

W = g*m = 32.2 ftls"2 * (m kg * 6.825E-2 slug/kg)

Theory 1. Involving only the pressure times the box area:

W + W box = p*L"2
P = YH2o*h

Theory 2. Involving the pressure times the box area plus the average pressure times the edge area:
W + W box = p*L "2 + (p/2)*((L + 2t)"2 - L"2)
2. lOS-

Problem 2.105
Total Weight, W + Wbox, vs Pressure, p

• ----j

:9 • Experimental

I - Theory 1 (box area
~ 3 -------~--

3: i~ I Theory 2 (box area
plus edge area)

1 I!

0 5 10 15

3.1 Water flows steadily through the vari-

able area horizontal pipe shown in Fig. P3.1. The
velocity is given by V = 10(1 + x)i ft/s, where
x is in feet. Viscous effects are neglected. (a) De-
termine the pressure gradient, iJpl ax, (as a func-
tion of x) needed to produce this flow. (b) If the
pressure at section (1) is 50 psi, determine the (1)
,pressure at (2) by: (i) integration of the pressure f---- x
gradient obtained in (a); (ii) application of the FIGURE P3.1
Bernoulli equation.

(a) -C'sine -M- ::: ev1¥ hut "e-::o Qntl V::IO(/+X) fils
~ = - f Vf¥ 0r ¥x-::: - f vPx- : : - f (/0 (I +X)) (10 )
ThtJs) #- ~ -1,9'f!f(}(lo!f)'J.(/+x) ) with X if) feet
.: - 19'1 ( /+ x) Ira '
fo- ==3 X"
(b)(l) i == -19/f(/iX) so fhai Jo/t
== -:19LfJ{I-fX)dx
sops, XI == 0
1-- /b '1
or ~ == SO pSJ' - /'1'1 (.3 +.;} )@ ( -)-'f;~i") = SO -/0. I :::3Q,9 E/
///) fJl + 2"I r01/2.
l." ~!7 _~ +.1- 1/2. ,jh ~ - 7
VI -+0 ~I -1'2. :2.. ('Y2. +(/ ~2. " or Wlr ~/-~:J.

A. .::: fJ; +-f f (V, 2_ ~L) wh ere V;; 10 (1 of 0) == loll

'vi ::: /0 (/+.3) ::: '/-0#
Thvs; "
'2. -_ ..J.. I/. OLL .s~) II ,. LL 2.)JL ( / ·ft~ )
EO pSI, +:z. (••7T 773 "/ t 0 -,fl s::Z 71f'/-;":/. = 3 P, P PJ/

3.2 I

3.2 Repeat Problem 3.1 if the pipe is vertical with the flow down,

N -
(a) - asine - M- = f v*f with e:::: - qOO and v=io(J tX)!I
if = -p V¥S + If {j r *;% -f Vif +0 -: - f (10 (J +x)) (J 0) +0'
Thvs J -*::: -L9~ ~:"(IO#)2(f+X) + 62.¥ ~ J
wNh X in feet
- -/9~ (IT x) .... 62.Jf #p
(b) (i) if =: -/9'1 (t +x) + If)..'! .so t60-£ ~
f, :;SOptl/
'" J;;;/fX)
+62.1' Jdx
T2. = .5 0 PSII
- 19'1 .3
(..3 :z.) Ih ( I ft l. ) lb (
+~ fi'- i~ifii." + 6:L.'f (3) ff2.
I If 2-
/'1-'1 i/J,'J.)

= .50 -/0,/+/, g ;:= 4-/.2fJS/

(il) f1 +J..p~:J.. +'2i =;2. of d p~ 2. +!" 22. PI' w/I/J '&/::: 0,) Z2. :::-311
alld 10/::: /f'J(1 +0) :;:; /0# J L{::: /O(ff3) =-~IJ.:fi

f{ :::1/ + i. f (14"'-~2.) - 02 2-

= SO !s/ +i (I.?/f :jp-)(J01_ lftJ '") - t2.Y. #3 (-.3 ft)

:: ,1./ /. 'lfJS /

..3 . .3

3.3 An incompressible fluid with density p flows steadily

past the object shown in Video V3.3 and Fig. P3.3. The fluid
velocity along the horizontal dividing streamline
(-00 ::s; x ::s; -a) is found to be V = Vo (1 + a/x). where a is
the radius of curvature of the front of the object and Vo is the .x
upstream velocity. (a) Determine the pressure gradient along
this streamline. (b) If the upstream pressure is Po. integrate the
pressure gradient to obtain the pressure p(x) for -00 ::s; x ::s; -a.
(c) Show from the result of part (b) that the pressure at the stag-
nation point (x = -a) is Po + pV~/2. as expected from the
Bernoulli equation.


rQ) t- ~ V.g.
=- where v;: Va (J. + f)
Thvs J 41 g::-== VA fL·
x2. .
¥s=: ~=-e~(J~+)(-4l)::
f X x
(b) {dp =f #dx = faltj {f,. + ?)J~
po -00

P-fo =: eaVo 2.[- f a
- 2:I XI I


(c) From part (h)) when X=-a

1'/ : ; 1'. - fit 11. i qf& ] 2


Frt)m the Bern()vll/ eqvatiDn
V, =V
I =:: Yo (J +f-la») :: 0

-rhll~ '" =: PrJ +i f Vo.2. 4S expected.

3.4 What pressure gradient along the
streamline, dpf ds, is required to accelerate water
in a horizontal pipe at a rate of30 mfs2?

where e:::o and

VPs- ::: a.s :::
M- : : - ('as:;:: - 999.!;!:s (30~) :;:: -30Poo(~)/m
= - 30.0

3.5 I
3.5 At a given location the air speed is 20 m/s and the
pressure gradient along the streamline is 100 N/m3 • Estimate
the air speed at a point 0.5 m further along the streamline.

If neqlecf qrQv/fy )
:: - D
or ~v N
-(jS = -Ioo~
m 3 /(1 • 23 l!!L
m3 )(,-o!!!.)
s = .... '1-.07 -:sI
JV~ ¥S 6S - (-if,07-}) (O,511?) = -2.V 3 .qz) so/hat V+crV:::20~ -2.03:
or V~/i.o';

3.6 I
3.6 What pressure gradient along the streamline, dp/ds, is
required to accelerate water upward in a vertical pipe at a rate
of 30 ft/ S2? What is the answer if the flow is downward?

where e == qo ~ for flP Ilow }

e -= _qOO for down flow)
and vjf: ~ ::: 3.0 fi
Ti1f1S, for /Jp flow
~ - - 62,'1-(1) W
c}.s -
Ih - 1.9'1 ~~(30 it)
- -12.o.6(-!fp.)/ff ::: -0. 83S:e;f
o.n" for Jown f/()I;f/
d.(l = -6).,'1 (-I) lP
7.S Ib
- .sJup (.3°7ft)
/,9# ff.6

3.7 ,
3.7 Consider a compressible fluid for which to obtain the "Bernoulli equation" for this com-
the pressure and density are related by pip" = pressible flow as [n/(n - l)]plp + V 2 12 +
Co, where n and Co are constants. Integrate the gz = constant.
equation of motion along the streamline, Eq. 3.6,

~ f +.f- +~ r = constant 010n9 a stream line

or so that

S ~r -nn -I
n -I

3.8 The Bernoulli equation is valid for steady, inviscid, in-
compressible flows with constant acceleration of gravity. Con-
sider flow on a planet where the acceleration of gravity varies
with height so that g = go - cz, where go and z are constants.
(2.) S
Integrate "F = rna" along a streamline to obtain the equivalent
of the Bernoulli equation for this flow. Jm
From Z b&: : 6m as one obfains
df + f pd (V2) of- 0 til where 't::: f'J
(see EI.(.3.$)
Thus J

rlp + rJ. (f pV2) + P(go - c 1) d1 ~O J or by infe9r4f in9 from (I) to(:;.):

(2.) (1) ~

S"f +Sd(tfV'-) ~ f> f (~() -C2)J;z=:O

W til (/)
f{ -p, + f p(v:- ~~) .,. P'}o(~,.-l,) - fpc (2').2. -z/-J =0

fJ + t pV2. +fi, z - f f C 2~ -; cons/alii a/oil' a .sfreamline.

3.9 J
3.9 Consider a compressible liquid that has a constant bulk
modulus. Integrate "F = rna" along a streamline to obtain the
equivalent of the Bernoulli equation for this flow. Assume
steady, inviscid flow.

From Ef. .3.6

dp +fpdrv1.) +odz~O where (:: e9
and dp :: £~ 1f INhere
Ell ::: hulK 1Y}()t/"lvs ::: cOMI4nt
(see E~. 1.13)
Th-us} (Alon, Q sfream} ine;
£.,.1f +:i-pd(V''J +fgrie::o or

£'V ~ + d (f Vtl.) +~ dl :: 0 which can. he infe9rate d he~ween

ef,. v,. 12.
belween pomfs(I) ana (2.) T() '1 ille

£v { ~ T fdaV~)+ f9d,Z ~O
f' V, 1/
"Ev[ fr2 - i] t[V,.2..- '/,1.] +~[Zl-Za ~O

?z - ~ + r- := cunsl.nf 410"'1 Q slreamline

3.10 Water flows around the vertical two-di- 4m

mensional bend with circular streamlines and
constant velocity as shown in Fig. P3.1O. If the
pressure is 40 kPa at point (1), determine the
pressures at points (2) and (3). -Assume that the
velocity profile is uniform as indicated.

-a' d~ _y, _ e'C wNh ~::/
V == /om/.s
Tn on - "1( OlJrP

,hilS; w/fh '1< -::; 6 - /}

Ilz. =<2..,0 kPIJJ
wlfh f; :: '1-01<14 4nd fl,3 == ~m S /J ::: 'If) kP~ - 9.I()XIO:J~ (;;'/1/)
-999 -t!s (10-1)2. /1 (-9-)
1.3 : : - 20. / k PiN

.3.12 I

3.12. Water in a container and air in a tornado flow in hor-

izontal circular streamlines of radius r and speed Vas shown
in Video V3.2 and Fig. P3.12..Determine the radial pressure
gradient. ap/ar. needed for the following situations: (a) The
fluid is water with r = 3 in. and V = 0.8 ftls. (b) The fluid
is air with r = 300 ft and V = 200 mph.


Fo"r ourved sfreamJ/ne,s,

- ~ '" ~ + if ~ J or wilh ~ =0 (horilDnf4! sfrea/lllines)J 1?::: r J
and fn =- fr- this becDmes

!Ie :: iJ-"
(;/.r r
CA) With r::: J ff and V= 0,8 #- und wafer (p = /,9'f ~ )J
J,'r ::
/.9'1- *¥
(Ii (O,81})2.
:: ~. 97 fI··.s~
= ~,97 Jb3

(6) W'i-Ih r = 300fT and V=- zoo tnph( 88 oS h ) = 2 '13 fts
and air ( f:: 0.00238 .:!~~s )J .

~ (11:)2 /b
~ O,OO:2.3a~ 2'13..$. == 0.681 slv9,S2.
rkr 068/
d:r 300 f1 ft"·,s ::, W

.3 ./3
3.B As shown in Fig. P3.13 and Video \'3.2. the swirling
motion of a liquid can cause a depression in the free surface.
Assume that an inviscid liquid in a tank with an R = 1.0 ft ra-
dius is rotated sufficiently to produce a free surface that is
h = 2.0 ft below the liquid at the edge of the tank at a position
r = 0.5 ft from the center of the tank. Also assume that the liq-
uid velocity is given by V = K/r. where K is a constant. (a)
Show that h = j(2 [(1/,-2) - (1/R2)]/(2g). (b) Determine the
value of K for this problem.

(a) - t" f"R Of' #,:,:
• FIGURE P3.13

Thvs (fo (R
, j clp == eK'- ~ J
F r
Bvi fo::: 0hand f:::O at r 0/1 the free stJrface.

ThvsJ ,.

oh:: - ef [p -f,.J or sInce


(b) With h:: 2 f( R:: I if and r I == o.s 1/ £qn. (jJ 9/ve.s

_ K2. [I
2 ff - 2 (32..2 fils>') lJo.s tW - (f ~)L ]

K::: 6.55 #2.


3.1# Water flows from the faucet on the first floor of the
building shown in Fig. P3.11f with a maximum velocity of 20
ft/s. For steady inviscid flow, determine the maximum water
velocity from the basement faucet and from the faucet on the
second floor (assume each floor is 12 ft tall). (3)

\' = 20 ft/s f~"

12 ft

• FIGURE P3.11f

and wIth /J ::fll =() (froe Jet)

a/ld VI= 20 # J 2/ =-If. If
oJ;l 2.
(2 oS) + if It :::
\0 2
~ + /b H 2'.3 ::: /6 It
2. (32 . Z ¥:J 2- (32.2 !h.)
Of' ~ ="';').02. _ 2(.32..2)(lJ..) == ,; _ 373' ImjJoss/b/el #0 //tJlJ/
from .secf)/Jd {/rJf)fI felVest.

3.15 Water flows from a pop bottle that has holes in it

as shown in Video V3.5 and Fig. P3.1S. Two streams com-
ing from holes located distances hi and hl below the free
surface intersect at a distance L from the side of the bottle.
If viscous effects are ne~ligible and the flow is quasi-steady,
show that L = 2(hl~)1 . Compare this result with experi- ~-O
mental data measured from the paused video for which the
holes are 2 inches apart.

• FIGURE P3.1.5

For sfeady /nviscid I/o~ Ihe velocities of the horiz on fa I jets of water
at pOinfs 0) and (;z.) are obtained from ihe Bernovlli erv41ion 4S:
fo + -J: f Vr/".f 0 Zo::: A + -1 f ~z.+o2, ~ 12. +if 1Iz:L+!'Z:J. where
fJo~f,==f2.::0; Vo==Oj zo==h2.j 2, :::.hz.-h,; and 22.:: 0 X=VI:
Thus ~ = r2~h,'" and ~:: y2!h:
(I) ~2= h_t~t2
Once olltside the fqnKJ qrtJvify is the on~ force on
fhe fluid parTicles. Hence the hOf'iiontQ J compone"f o .........----x
of ve/ocify remlJillS cons/ant J bvi fhe parlicJes
accelerate downward wah fhe acceJert.lfion ct.f 9rav/1y. Thus I for a {II/itA
par/ide Ihat exiled fhe lank t seconds Q90 at z;:h /-1 fol/()w.s theff
X ::: Vt and h - ±~ l ~
2::: T % h:z..:: Z
By e/il1Jind1in9 " ihi.s 9/ves
the pafl ide pafh ((,~ e. the
shape a/the VltAler jet Q.s
Z =:. h - g X2
Thvs" the shapes()/ fhe
Z= 0 -=~~----~--------x
flllo Water jets are as shown
in the fi9J1re.

.3 ,J5 I (c on 'I )

The sfreams intersect when X-L tJl1d ~::Z3.. 71Jl),sJ fromEf"s.(l.)tJnd(.3~

(h 2. -hI )_LL'l.
~ ~2.
- _1-L2.
- 2 ~2.

L=12(~-h'~ W-1;L
From Eqn. 0) J
-v,2. -
~2. ::
2Jh , -
21h~ -
2, [-1- _.J..]
hi h2. =
fhz.. -hi)
2j n,h:;.

-rhvs by comh/nilJi
["'f/ls. (If) and (s) we ohtain
L: Jz(kh,)j (h.. -h,) = 2yh h.
Y 9' 7 21 hi h2. 1··

.3 ./6

3.16 A 100 ftJs jet of air flows past a ball as shown in

Video V3.1 and Fig. P3.16. When the ball is not centered
in the jet, the air velocity is greater on the side of the ball
near the jet center [point (1)] than it is on the other side of v1 = 110
the balI [point (2)]. Determine the pressure difference,
P2 - PI' across the ball if VI = 140 ftJs and V2 = 110 ftJs.
Neglect gravity and viscous effects.

V= 100 IUs

The Bernoulli e9uafion from

point (3) fo (2.) and (1/-) to (I) with • FIGURE P3.16

9rQvily neq/ecfed 'lives

{J.3 "':2 f ~ ::;
p:;. + ..L2 f> V:z.
tllld f'f of J..2. P1/2
VII- =:: P,
-#- ,. Pv,"

But {1.3 -== 1'1:::0 and ~.::- ~

Thvs} e 'len fholJ.~h poinls (I) and (~) are nul 0" the same streamline}
I ,,2 -L \/2
fl + :i f V, :- ~ of 2. f V2.

3,/8 I

3. 18 A fire hose nozzle has a diameter of H

in. According to some fire codes, the nozzle must
be capable of delivering at least 2.50 gallmin. If
the nozzle is attached to a 3-in.-diameter hose,
what pressure must be maintained just upstream
of the nozzle to deliver this fiowrate?

fJl:;:: 4-[V;.~- v: 2-] where


.so iAqt w/IA f ~f

/J = i (/.9~ ~;P)[ 80.7). -1I.3/f 2.] ~
::: 6/90 J1L
f12. == Jf.3.0 psi

3.19 Water flowing from the O.75-in.-diameter outlet
shown in Video V8.6 and Fig. P3.19 rises 2.8 inches above
the outlet. Determine the flowrate.

• FIGURE P3.19

The flowr~te is Q::: A, V; 1 where trom

the Bernoulli efvalion
I?J- .M: +EI ::: I!!=
o + ~1 ~ .,. E2.
t +2.1
ThtJ~ with' fl =: ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ 0 we Obtain
V; = {21 2;;. = {2(.32.2fi/.s:l.) (2,8/12)ft ::: 3.88ffl.s
So that 2. .3
Q::: AI ~ = I(O~~SH) (3,88 ¥) :: 0,0//9 f
3.20 Pop (with the same properties as water) flows from a
4--in. diameter pop container that contains three holes as shown in
Fig. P3.20 (see Video .t5). The diameter of each fluid stream is
0.15 in., and the distance between holes is 2 in. If viscous effects
are negligible and quasi-steady conditions are assumed, detennine
the time at which the pop stops draining from the top hole.
Assume the pop surface is 2 in. above the top hole when t = O.
Compare your results with the time you measure from the video.

Q:: Q/ + Q,. .,. Q.a ::: -lJr -df • FIGURE P3.20

where \,(1 ,~ :: Y2a

/J.::: ~·A· (/' h· A· and III :: fJ:r. :: A.3 :: f (o/I Ii) '}.
I J,

(i /If/J 2.".1) = /,227 X /0-'11/2-

AT:: ~((fn)'-;: 0.087.3 fl2.

where i is the time /1

lake fur fhe fros .s()rI~e
fo re40h fhe IIf/Df' hole
or L (h~o),
t AT [ dh
::: A, Y~1 ((h +Vh+L +fh+2J.)
o L
_ O. OB 7 3 1 1 ' " ( dh
- (1.22.7 ~ 10" fJ'J. )K2.)(.3:J., 2. ff/s'-)]~t (Yh +Yh fL +1(h +2.L )
-rhll~ L
j :: 88.7 ( d h where L:: -k i-l == 0.1667 ff
J «(h .fYh+L- +YhfZL)
Nofe: Will; L If) leef) flJl'.r crvtJJf iOf) 9illes t in seCl)l'Idr.
Since fherB is flO closed form

3.1- 0 I (con 'i )
The nvtrJerica/ valve of lhe i"fe9ra I is obfailu}d by vsin9 the
trapezoidal rule since the closeJ form analytical so/uil'on
is nof 9/ven jn illfe9f'al fa hies. The EXcel- spread sheelv.red
for this is 9irJefJ be/ow.
, :;; ,88.7
Sf(h) Jh
where [(h)::: (VE -I- WL ./-1(hiii.)

:=88.7[ih(f,.t{+,)(hi t/-h,)] «(88.7 frd~.,tom1= /0.75

h, in. h,ft f(h) , 11ft1/2 (1/2)*(fi + fi+1)*(hi+1 - hi), ft112

0.0 0.0000 1.015 0.00804 1
0.1 0.0083 0.914 0.00743 2
0.2 0.0167 0.870 0.00711 3
0.3 0.0250 0.837 0.00686 4
0.4 0.0333 0.810 0.00665 5
0.5 0.0417 0.786 0.00646 6
0.6 0.0500 0.764 0.00629 7
0.7 0.0583 0.745 0.00614 8
0.8 0.0667 0.728 0.00600 9
0.9 0.0750 0.712 0.00587 10
1.0 0.0833 0.697 0.00575 11
1.1 0.0917 0.684 0.00564 12
1.2 0.1000 0.671 0.00554 13
1.3 0.1083 0.659 0.00544 14
1.4 0.1167 0.647 0.00535 15
1.5 0.1250 0.637 0.00526 16
1.6 0.1333 0.627 0.00518 17
1.7 0.1417 0.617 0.00510 18
1.8 0.1500 0.608 0.00503 19
1.9 0.1583 0.599 0.00496 20
2.0 0.1667 0.591 21
Sum of column integral = 0.12011

Thus, t =88.7*0.12011 =10.7 s

J.21 Water flowing from a pipe or a tank is acted upon by
gravity and follows a curved trajectory as shown in Fig. P3.21
~I' - - - . I...

and Videos V3.5 and V4.3. A simple flow meter can be con-
structed as shown in Fig. P3.21. A point gage mounted a dis-
tance L from the end of the horizontal pipe is adjusted to indi-
cate that the top of the water stream is a distance x below the
outlet of the pipe. Show that the flowrate from this pipe of di-
ameter D is given by Q = 'TT'D2Lgl/2j(2S/2 XI/2).

• FIGURE P3.21

The only force aclin9 of allY w4fer parfiele ill -Ihe free
Jet is Ihal d()e 10 9ravily - the parfic/e:S wel9hf.
Thv.s J for the X - YQxes shown
i) :: a ana ~~:::o whicA for a parhcle .sfarfi»"
",fl.. tf dP' I

af x r:: y~ 0 ttl I::: 0 9iv e

X;::: t1-t2. and yo:: Vi
£//mt'nale l to 9ive fhe wafer Irajec7ury as
x~{~(~t or x==r~t:
Thvs wifh y::::1.. :

V c V-/x·'" Land
Q::: AV:= fj)"v :: 7T D~L Vj/(2 51:J, Vi)

.3 ."1. I
3.22 A person holds her hand out of an open
car window while the car drives through still air
at 65 mph. Under standard atmospheric condi-
tions, what is the maximum pressure on her hand?
What would be the maximum pressure if the "car"
were an Indy 500 racer traveling 220 mph?
2. 2
.I!.!-+XL ~ V2.
r 2j +Z I = h.
~ 2.1 ..J. Z
~ =Z2
,/;::6StrJph (88fj ) =«5.3!1-
17=0) \4 =-0 6om,"
or Ii =- ~ (2.38X/O- ~~ig)(95.3#/·= /0.8 ~

If V;:: 2.20mph ( B8
60 mph
~) ::: 3 ~3 !f J

12. : : f (2.38 X/O-.3 ~:fi) (3:L3 fj) 2. = /2.'1 ~

3.23 T3.23 A differential pressure gage attached to a Pitot-static

tube (see Video \'3.4) is calibrated to give speed rather than the
difference between the stagnation and static pressures. The cal-
ibration is done so that the speed indicated on the gage is the
actual fluid speed if the fluid flowing past the Pitot-static tube
is air at standard sea level conditions. Assume the same device
is used in water and the gage indicates a speed of 200 knots.
Detennine the water speed.

Af :: tpV2.
In air Afail':::
J f (0. 00'-38 ~~~.s ){2ookn ofs)f/.
In w4fer.i AIl ::: ..1 (/ 9/f S/()fJJ.) ( V)2
rW41er 2 - ' ff3

so thai w/lh Ali- :: A fwater


t(O,OOJ-31 )(ZtJO/' ::: i (I.9~) V.2

V= 7.0/ knofs
,3,2Jf I

3.,.. A 40-mph wind blowing past your house speeds up as

it flows up and over the roof. If elevation effects are negligible,
determine (a) the pressure at the point on the roof where the
speed is 60 mph if the pressure in the free stream blowing to-
ward your house is 14.7 psia. Would this effect tend to push
the roof down against the house, or would it tend to lift the
roof? (b) Determine the pressure on a window facing the wind
if the window is assumed to be a stagnation point.

-o (3)
a) Thvs, from (JJ to (:1-) :
I, +i p~:z. = /2. + 1: P~2.

b) From (I) +(13): Since ~'='O"

(J~ == PI
+1 pU or
(J.J - P, :: -t pv,:L =- f (0,00').38 :~"/f) (S8.7il/s;2 ::: ~/O ~


.~.25 Water flows steadily downward through the pipe

shown in Fig. P3.2S. Viscous effects are negligible, and the pres-
sure gage indicates the pressure is zero at point (I). Detennine
the flowrate and the pressure at point (2).


f=. +Z -I- ]'z.2. =- .fL ~z . . ~£
Jr 2. ~I l: '~,.
where f,:;: 0 4nrJ sInce II, ~,42 Ii {QI/olIIs fha-r Vz. V,

2:J. - 2, ~ - if 0r l; ~ -2 ff

12 :: -2. ft (62,tf Jjp) :: - /25 ~


3.2~ Small-diameter, high-pressure liquid jets can be used

to cut various materials as shown in Fig. P3.26. If viscous ef-
fects are negligible, estimate the pressure needed to produce a
O.lO-mm-diameter water jet with a speed of 700 m/s. Deter-
mine the flowrate.

:/:L \.{ 2. (J~

r + ~I + Z, =V + $~
.,.;$J. where ~ -zO J 2, ~ Z2.J and fJ2- =0
Thll.s ~ == t f~ 2. = t ev,.2. = t ('9'1-i)(70()~)2 = 2.9-5')(/0
Q = ~ A.z = 700 ~ [¥ (/O-i'1h)2] = S.$() x /o-~ .!fi

3.27 Air is drawn into a wind tunnel used for testing auto-
mobiles as shown in Fig. P3.27. (a) Determine the manometer
reading. h, when the velocity in the test section is 60 mph. Note
that there is a I-in. column of oil on the water in the manome-
ter. (b) Determine the difference between the stagnation pres-
sure on the front of the automobile and the pressure in the test
Wind tunnel

~ 60 mph
~ ('-) -'"
• ~
• FIGURE P3.27


(b) f2.
1- Z. ~ Jt ::: 4'
z,.,. k .f Z.?l .f-!2.
Z:L ::: Z.J 41114 ~::' ()
ty ~1; = If
.J 2-

A - (J2. ~ f f 142.::: -f (0.00]..38 -§.~~.s )( eN fj)2 == 9.:z.z 1-.
.3.1-8 I

3.28 A loon is a diving bird equally at home

"flying" in the air or water. What swimming ve-
locity under water will produce a dynamic pres-
sure equal to that when it flies in the air at
40 mph?


3.29 A large open tank contains a layer of oil floating on
water as shown in Fig. P3.29. The flow is steady and inviscid.
(a) Determine the height. h. to which the water will rise. (b)
Determine the water velocity in the pipe. (c) Determine the pres-

sure in the horizontal pipe.


3.3.0 Water flows through the pipe contrac- I 0 .2 m
tion shown in Fig. P3.30. For the given O.2-m
difference in manometer level , determine the flow-
rate as a function of the diameter of the small
pipe, D.


./!L +
\1,2. + Z,
=.if + ziV.' + Z,1 or w/lh z / =ih ani 11 =0

~ =1;>'1 (fi/') ,

but f!, '" ~k and /':z. ~ rh2 so that 17-12. '" ((fir-h.) = 0.').0-
~ =rrZ-?-o.-;""/ ="';2.1(0.').)'


3.31 Water flows through the pipe contrac-

0.2 m

tion shown in Fig. P3.31. For the given O.2-m

difference in the manometer level, determine the
flowrate as a function of the diameter of the small
pipe, D.


= (0.1)

0.2. (2-$)
or ~ ==
[ (!ff)'" -I]

Q_ 0.0156/)
- Y(0.1)'1 - l/'{


3.32 Water flows through the pipe contraction shown in

Fig. P3.3-2. For the given O.2-m difference in the manometer
level, determine the flowra1;e as a function-of the diameter of +
0.2 m
the small pipe, D.

• FIGURE P3.32

12- +X1 t Z :: {J:J,. -1-]1: +£.

it :LI I .., ~ 2-

where Z,:: Z2. t4nrJ ~ -:::0.

kr +ff
= b
IJ!-:::x and t'f::: D,2m +x Sf) -Ihat
X +¥ :: Il'"
O.2m +X or

V, == f--------
2-1 (0.')..",) = (2 ('1.81 /§i) (0. :1-/11))k'2.::: 1.98-fL
Thus J

Q ::; II, Vt ::: f (o.linl- (I.?!.p.) ~ 0.01,56!f-3 for olJy D

3.33 J

3.33 The.speed of an airplane through the air is obtained

by use of a Pitot-static tube that measures the difference be-
tween the stagnation and static pressures. (See Video V3.4.)
Rather than indicating this pressure difference (psi or N/m2)
directly, the indicator is calibrated in speed (mph or knots).
This calibration is done using the density of standard sea
level air. Thus, the air speed displayed (termed the indicated ...... (4)
air speed) is the actual air speed only at standard sea level
conditions. If the aircraft is flying at an altitude of 20,000 v.==V
ft and the indicated air speed is 220 knots, what is the ac-
tual air speed? PI := f
V2 ::: 0
p •





3.3'1 Streams of water from two tanks im-

pinge upon each other as shown in Fig. ·P3.3'1. If
viscous effects are negligible and point A is a stag-
1 h

nation point, determine the height h.

Free jets

20 ft
1 t8ft
1 ~

.()- ~~ z. - ~/I .xl ~ where Ii. =-0.) ~:::- 0 J 2',.:::- h+~()rl

-II( + ').1 + 2. ,,- T + ~I' +.c/J
~ =0.1 a/Jd ~ = 2.() If
Thus J

h +2. 0 II ::: .If; f- 2 () If

h == i!f (I)

fJ, 'h2. ~+ + 1'1
VtJ..2. Z
4" + '-I + Z, .:: i' ').j

.If::: 'f +z, -219

h =- If +z, - Z.19 ~

3.35 I

:US A O.15-m-diameter pipe discharges into a a.IO-m-di-

ameter pipe. Detennine the velocity head in each pipe if they
are carrying 0.12 ro 3/s of kerosene.

O./Z-S m
\I, "..Q. - 1£( • = 6.79$
I /II 'I' O,/sm)
0.12. ;s-
" 15.271}
f (o.lom)'
\/" (';.7?f!1/
v, _ -:"::;':':"'-£"f- " 2. 35m.
"1 - 2. (9.9I-f;,)

v. '
2, " (ls.'Z.7!}l
2(9;8/~) =
II." 111

3.36 J
3.36 Water flows upward through a variable
area pipe with a constant flowrate, Q, as shown
in Fig. P3.36. If viscous effects are negligible,
determine the diameter, D(z), in terms of D\ if
ICf' I
the pressure is to remain constant throughout the .1
pipe. That is, p(z) = Pl. Z~_D(Z)!
FIGURE P3.36 ..... I J (1)

or will; I' = fJ; and z, =0 tQ

2. 2-
V, -V =2<;i!

and V=-f
'f~)2. (JfQ)2..
(TiD/- - ~ 2pE

..l... I

..3.37 I
3.37 Water flows steadily with negligible viscous effects
through the pipe shown in Fig. P3.37. Determine the diameter, rOpen
D, of the pipe at the outlet (a free jet) if the velocity there is V = 20 ftls *
20 ft/s.
115 ft :::; h

-111.5 I,. do""'"

• FIGURE P3.37

V, == 8.83 !1-
BtJf AI Vj = A:l ~ Sofhtff
D'- (8• i3 H)
=F /). 2.(2.0 if)
r:.z. oS

or ~

4. =( 8~~3) ,.(ff fI) == 0.0831 ff:: O. '197 in.

3,38 J
3.38 The circular stream of water from a faucet is observed
to taper from a diameter of 20 rnm to 10 IJ1m in a distance of
50 cm. Determine the flowrate.

:! ":;) (/J
D = o.O:Lom

I!!- + ~ 2. +Z = -1'2._ + v,,2. + E 0.5f) m

~ ')..~ I T '-1 2

where A ;::f2, ': 0 J Z,-- =0

II - Q v.: - ()
J Z, == o. son
L. Q
('-) D2. ;:: O. 0/0",
VI - 7f; J 2. - liz
~~ ,
(%t + 21i!, = ("*J' or Q [(.;~*~)r
, = =
II:J. fii2,
or Since
112 - (- A. )2. we obfRin
A,-o, I
Q- -
z f
1I2jz/ _ 11.(
J -(D.zID,)7J - 'I- 0,010n,
)2.[ 2(9.eI'f;.)(O,SOfIJ1
,_( 0.0/0 ~If
f), fJ2.0 )

_¥ m3
=2,5Lf x/a S

3.3 'I
3.3Q Water is siphoned from the tank shown Closed end
in Fig. P3.39. The water barometer indicates a

reading of 30.2 ft. Determine the maximum value
of h allowed without cavitation occurring. Note
3 in.
that the pressure of the vapor in the closed end diameter
of the barometer equals the vapor pressure. 30.2 ft

5 in. diameter


ft t Vi +Z where jJ/ -=0 J V; ::;-0 J fJz =Ivaplr
r 2.1 I

Thv,s, Z, =°,22 ::0 ft

o- fVlltPfJl' + '(,,2. + 6 f f
- 0' 21
bllf 10 +.30, '). II r ::11 or .since ft:::: {Ji/(/.por J f/lapor = -30,').. It
o = -30.:2. if + ~.t of 6 II
Tf;vs J
l{:: 3 q. .!' !I-
Since ~ 11.3 = Vz A;z ,
'vi = 1'I-,21J
All VJZ LJ.a V: +28 or ~ = Y2-?h
~ f-
o zi +z, ::: ./L::!.

ThtJ.s J
I if. 2 f1
s = ';2. (32.Zli ) h ;/
or h::::3. 13 ff

.3. 'f0

3.40 An inviscid fluid flows steadily along the stagnation

streamline shown in Fig. P3.40 and Vidt'H \l3_l, starting with
speed Vo far upstream of the object. Upon leaving the stagna-
tion point, point ( I), the fluid speed along the surface of the ob-
ject is assumed to be given by V"" 2 Vo sin 8, where (I is the
angle indicated. At what angular position, 61, should a hole be
drilled to glve a pressure difference of PI - P2 = pV~/2? Grav-
ity is negligible.

• FIGURE P3.40

~ 11.'" ~ IlL
::f.. +~:z.f~v.
I.+:z.f· "'/t+2.PV/
where V, =0

f, - P.. d 'i p (v,.'" - W'J ~ d(' ~L
sO fh"f if
f, - f1,. =' d r v/ then v.. " V.
~ '" 2 V. sih ~ '" Vo or . "
II () __ 30'
ntlJc8; L =

.l.41 A eelain vacuum cleaner can create a vacuum of2 kPa

just inside the hose. What is the velocity of me air inside the

fl +f p~ 2. "f:z. + t p V,: / / / / / 1/ / ///111/7
where II ::0, ~ '" 0 .so fhal
~ !I.'"
flence J
3.JL .J. k
-2.XIO 1112. ~ -2.(1.~3!J3) ~

3.4f2 J 3.42 Water from a faucet fills a 16-oz glass (volume = 28.9
in. 3 ) in 10 s. If the diameter of the jet leaving the faucet is 0.60
in., what is the diameter of the jet when it strikes the water
surface in the glass which is positioned 14 in. below the faucet?

= 0.852 it

HenceJ __------------------~--,
1:1. 2 -
tf )(111- fl +
Vz. = 2 ( 3.2..:2.-;2. n:. T 2 (3.2..2 {tao) )
(0. BS2.s) = 8.7/ Ii

11, ~ 112 Vz.
% SI) fhal
or ~ k F+
D - (Ji)
BS2 7
V,2. f)'/ -- (0.8.1111 )2-(0 LO ,·n)
.0 •
:: 0.188 il'l.

3,113 I
0.2 m
3.43 A smooth plastic, lO-m-long garden hose with an in- : (I) ;;~
side diameter of 20 mm is used to drain a wading pool as is :.;;~::;:: C"" 0.2*3 ~
shown in Fig. P3.43. If viscous effects are neglected, what is '/h ~/" /////////////~ 1-1

the flowrate from the pool?


./!!- + '0:L + i! where 11:r /3.. == 0 J ~I :: O. ')../1'1

~ zg I
2 2. :: - O.23m.I and ~I =0
~=f2~(Z,-Z2)i - (2. (9.8/ ~)(O,2 m - (- O.'].3hJ)~ 2.

-- 2 .7.s
Q = fJ2. ~ =-f(o.02-0ml·(2.90!P-) = '1.1/ X/O'f./ff-3
3. iflf I 3.11-'1- Carbon dioxide flows at a rate of 1.5 ft 3 / s from a 3-
in. pipe in which the pressure and temperature are 20 psi (gage)
and 120 of into a 1.5-in. pipe. If viscous effects are neglected
and incompressible conditions are assumed, determine the pres-
sure in the smaller pipe.

o·(I) ::_---.....:.-=c:.:..~):....;,o
D - ':I,,,' .
D2. ;: I,S/I').

f:;. :::; fJ, + i f ( ~ 2. - ~'")

.:: 2. Ib
ero 7[" I"
- .53. I f[z. == If,
2.J 82-71f2.
~ ::; 19. 63 psi 9 Q g e

3. 45 I
3.1f5 Oil of specific gravity 0.83 flows in the .
pipe shown in Fig. P3.IfS If viscous effects are 14 in:= h
neglected, what is the flowrate?
Water~ ~ (tAl
~ -. f1in
TVt ll--;a=o.83 )1
FIGURE P3. Jf.5 tl or- ~ (.liT ()1
112. V/,
+ ..!.L + :z
~i ~I = T -r~
L .... -1--::2
~2 where z, ~ Z:;. and V, ~ 0
V;- _ 1'1 -I':l. (I)
21 - )"
fl., :: ~ +rJ :::; If + oj
fJ:z.:: 't (J, +h) - i}n h -f fll-
ft - fz :: ( ~ -l') h (2)

Comhine £,05. (I) aIJrk (2.) 10 obtain ,h

.1 ' ./ (.62,.'ffl3 )'.!i:r/l
v.. = V2~V\·-") = v2.!(1- 1) h =1 2(32·1.t/-.)~O.83(6';fff.r J 6.."1

Vz = 2.lo!f
Q =1l2. ~ =-f(!r.n)2.(z.lo!j) =0.183 ~


.3.16 Water flows steadily from a large open tank and dis-
charges into the atmosphere through a 3-in.-diameter pipe as
shown in Fig. P3.46. Determine the diameter, d, in the narrowed
section of the pipe at A if the pressure gages at A and B indicate
the same pressure.

p~ + ~ e~2 + ~Zlf == f:J. + if '6.2. +i'z~ J where Z2.:: 0 and 1:l.~O

Thus.! since 14 =1'"
13 + t e~2 + i'r.1I- == f: pVs2. 0)

HOllleve~ fl + ie~2..,. r2, := fL +ipli2. +~E2..1 where It -::'11- ~ ~~Z2.

so that #0
t. pv,.2. ;: ~i!, or Vz. "" Y2fz,' =y;.,;; =(2.(32.. 2 ~~}(16 fI)]~ 32.di/.s
f.3 + 1: P~2. t rZ.3 ~ f~ + i p\{2. f r 22. "hers ~ ~ ~ since 112. ~1l.3
1.3::; -rZ3:: -(16+Q)fI(6,..Jl-l bltl3 ) ~ -/Sto l/,lfl:J. (2)

From Efs. OJ ana (,.): .

-1,s&0 jtJ. f i (I.9'1- ~') '42. := 1::(1,9'1- ::~9f) (:l21/i})2-
~ ;:: ~t./ 11/0$
Since A~ ~ =,42. V,. if follows 1h~f
¥ a~~ =1/):1.2. v,.
d '" L>.. V~' '" (3io.) 3,..1111.r
~.I T /0$
= 2.5 0 in.

3,'1-7 I
3.47 Determine the flowrate through the pipe in Fig. P3.47.

FIGURE P3,,1f7
where z, =- Z2. and l.'2.::: 0

= 2.20-

Tho.s J
Q== II, ~ = -: (0,08 m)2. ('1. .20 !f) ::: 0.0/11 if
.3. '1-8

3.48 Water flows steadily with negligible viscous effects

through the pipe shown in Fig. P3.48. It is known that the 4-
In. diameter section of thin-walled tubing will collapse if the
pressure within it becomes less than 10 psi below atmospheric
pressure. Determine the maximum value that h can have with-
out causing collapse of the tubing.


h= /,3/ fl
3 . Ifq I
3. ljq For the pipe enlargement shown in Fig. P3.lf'1. the
pressures at sections (1) and (2) are 56.3 and 58.2 psi, respec-
tively. Detennine the weight flow rate (Ibis) of the gasoline in
the pipe. <21

~( 1-(4;f)
Vt~2.I.'f!} tUld ~=!l,~=:e/';f'f(21.'f~/) '" 0.'190 if
O'Q = If2.S"#-, (0.'1-90.[/) = ZO.8!E.
3.50 I
3.50 Water is pumped from a lake through an 8-in. pipe at
a rate of 10 (1 3/ 5. If viscous effects are negligible, what is the
pressure in the suction pipe (the pipe between the lake and the
pump) at an elevalion 6 ft above the lake?

ill e 0J ilL " 6.0 II

'I (/o ij!)
= 28.6!f

3 -'15
b =width =0.06 m Free jet
3.SJ Air flows through a Venturi channel of rectangular
cross section as shown in Video V3.6 and Fig. P3.51 The .(1) Air
constant width of the channel is 0.06 m and the height at the ~ ·(If)
exit is 0.04 m. Compressibility and viscous effects are neg-
ligible. (a) Determine the flowrate when water is drawn up 004 13'::: 0.10 m
0.10 m in a small tube attached to the static pressure tap at . m 1 0.04 m
the throat where the channel height is 0.02 m. (b) Determine
the channel height, hz, at section (2) where, for the same
flowrate as in part (a), the water is drawn up 0.05 m. (c) De-
termine the pressure needed at section (I) to produce this Water
flow. • FIG U REP 3 . 51


~2. .3Ji
(2.) (b) t; +;.; 1- +i.f :=
Ih 2
Whel'€ A =' OJ I:;. =-~.oJ 2. := U()X'J!.3 (o.asml
II m = - lI90 m:z.
From parr (a) I V.f::: 23.,:s

ThllsJ £1n. (~) becomes

- Jf90 .f-,.
--.,...-- +
'1,.2 :::
(~3.1 ~)2. or IV2:::
I 3/
.,j sm
1'1..0/3 2(q.81!;,) 2 (Q,8'fi)
8 uf Vi AA ::: V'I,44' .so ihai
(36 ..s.!JL) (o.o6m)h,. r:: (u.,!-) (O.06m) (0. oIf. m) or h;. ::O.02.53m
(3) (c) AIsoJ -r
\h :z.
Jj :: ?
~ :z.
-ii where fJ/f -:::() and AI ~ :: t9~ ~
Bvf since /)1:::: (0.0'1-111)( 0.0&,,) ::: lip then V; ~ ~ alia EfP. (3) r/ve..s
{JI ::: f/f e 0

3.52 An inviscid, incompressible liquid flows steadily from

the large pressurized tank shown in Fig. P.3.S2. The velocity at
the exit is 40 ftls. Determine the specific gravity of the liquid
in the tank.

• FIGURE P3.52
3.53 Air (assumed frictionless and incompressible) flows
steadily through the device shown in Fig. P3.53. The exit ve-
locity is 100 ft/s. and the differential pressure across the noz-
zle is 6Ib/ft2• (a) Determine the reading. H, for the water-filled
manometer attached to the Pitot tube. (b) Determine the diam-
eter, d. of the nozzle.


(a) fJl + rz, +fpV;2-:: A +Z:). ft:pv,.:z.

~ ::: :z2. J " :: () J ona l{::: ()
p,. -: : 1: p~ t. /;1. : : dH.1c1 1/ so ij, aT
J /; vi
(62,1/- ~) H i ((). 00:1-38 ~if) (100 #iJ. or fI ==
=: O. /9/ ff

Hence J

61f-,. +t(O,OO').38sX'f)(I/-If."'Ij.)~;: 1(0.00:;"30:'$)~.2

or £i
~::= 83.7 s
so th4f with III/ V¥ -:: Q4' :' ~ J

-fd~ (83.7#) ::: 0.79s

d:::; o. /09 ff

,3.5 if
3.54 The center pivot irrigation system shown in Fig. P3.54
is to provide uniform watering of the entire circular field. Water
flows through the common supply pipe and out through 10
evenly spaced nozzles. Water from each nozzle is to cover a
strip 30 feet wide as indicated. If viscous effects are negligible,
determine the diameter of each nozzle, d i , i = 1 to 10, in terms
of the diameter, d!(), of the nozzle at the outer end of the arm.
Supply pipe Nozzle

• It

, I

• I

! I I I

! I

tV~ • fa I r



= (rl.·2.-t; ...:) (3)

(3fJ02. -'-70"")

I. r:4 H

rJ,o -
f - r,·2.-
rI-I,"]4 2
I 30
.3 90 0.51.3
These reslJ/fs are r;il/en 11- ,,-0 ().607
in the f.hle. 5 /50 0.688
6 /80 0.7&/
7 210 0.82.7
a ').11-0 o. seq
q 270 O,Q'l-6
10 300 /,00

x=L x-----"x = 0

3.5.5 Air flows steadily through a converging-diverging ;;Q~~l~~~~~;;;::lZ~r~=:;;:,;;..;n~ 0

re. tctangular channel of constant width as shown in Fig. P3.55 ;: ; ,:
and Video V3.6. The height of the channel at the exit and the .£.....
exit velocity are Ho and Vo, respectively. The channel is to be
shaped so that the distance, d, that water is drawn up into tubes
attached to static pressure taps along the channel wall is lin-
ear with distance along the channel. That is, d = (dmax/L) x,
where L is the channel length and dmax is the maximum water
depth (at the minimum channel height; x = L). Determine the
height, H(x), as a function of x and the other important para-


1-+ z'( -1-1. Pvz. ~ If) 1- Zo 0 4- t (lVo z. wners p::: air dells/I,
-Z cEo J {Jo::: 0 J fJ::: - ~LO rJ. = - ~D
7hvs J
- 0H,.o
"''ltIX X+
:2. PV2. ::: 2:I f Yo .z.

AV :::: A0 Vo I}
J () r V-,CJ
- Ao V,0 -- 7T
flo II
Yo .s 0 J.1..

- ~.~ ~rflX +tp(!J; v.t« i ev,"


H/Ho vs xlL

. - -.

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 o


*.3,56 I
*3.56 Air flows through a horizontal pipe of variable di-
ameter, D = D(x), at a rate of 1.5 ft3/ S. The static pressure
distribution obtained from a set of 12 static pressure taps along
the pipe wall is as shown below. Plot the pipe shape, D(x), if
the diameter at x = 0 is 1, 2, or 3 in. Neglect viscous and
compressibility effects.

x (in.) p (in. H 2O) x (in.) p (in. H 2O)

0 1.00
fI~ f p 1)
D. (f-P.
L .-
J t
4 -0.31 10 0.78
5 0.27 11 0.90
J..-x ........
6 0.39 12 1.00 _:Ih

If+ ¥(+zo =- f +lj +Z J where Zo"::Z

n~ £
V= 1'i + 2('9-/)' 'llilh v.::: Q = 1.5 ~
- 1.91 .£l whereD.",fI
V0 P D ~ :It D2. - D2 S J 0
If 0 0
and _ 62. If -Ita .
nence J
II p::: 2.38 X/O -3.
fo-f= ~.ao (ho-h) - 12. 1 (1 m. -h)

we 11'oOTain
c: s.20(J-h) ~Jw,:jh h"'in.

V= [(.J,iJ.)2.+ j [3.&5
10.'+ (/-h) k2 = -l- '1-370 (j-h) ~u:2. (J)
D: 2.38 x /,,3 Do'"
Also AV:::Q or IllV:::(f
so fhtrl
if~]~ ,...
D-- [ 7l'V - [¥(J'#fq~ -
7T.$ - VV
1.38; J or when comhined wilh Et{,{/J

t382 .
D-= [3Dl65 t'l370(J-h)J~l ~ H where Do'V ff h,., /1).
J (3.)

Plot D= /)(X) with Do:= if J and f fl) vsiIJ9 fhe va/lies of /,::/'(X)
fro/TJ the lahle. Nofe : h i.s the SQIIJ(; a I/(J On. liz. 0)'1 in Ihe tab/e.
AII EXCEL pro9r4m W~J' used If) ob/fA/1i fhe fol/oUl/II, re.rvl/u.

~3,.s6 r (con 'f)

x, in. 0, ft (Do = 1/4 ft) 0, ft (Do = 1/6 ft) 0, ft (Do = 1/12 ft) p, in. H2O
0 0.24996 0.16664 0.08332 1.00
1 0.20277 0.15733 0.08299 0.72
2 0.16776 0.14435 0.08234 0.16
3 0.13999 0.12870 0.08112 -0.96
4 0.15299 0.13667 0.08182 -0.31
5 0.17245 0.14649 0.08247 0.27
6 0.17841 0.14902 0.08260 0.39
7 0.18123 0.15015 0.08266 0.44
8 0.18558 0.15179 0.08274 0.51
9 0.19616 0.15537 0.08291 0.65
10 0.20944 0.15911 0.08306 0.78
11 0.22710 0.16300 0.08320 0.90
12 0.24996 0.16664 0.08332 1.00


0.30 - j
0.25 ~---



... '" ... t ,._._JI

", I

. I
0.20 -~
. .. I
. ... .. ••_ .. -1- .-

.......... "
-------,~-.;;.~~ .",-
..... .,.

- -
H __• ~ - -
-1 I

- - - 0
- -0
= 1/4 ft '1
=1/6 ft I
=1/12 ft
0.10 - --.-~.--~+------
, ~!

0.05 I
, i
I i
0.00 I I

I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
I x, in.

3.57 I
357 The vent on the lank shown in Fig. P3.57 is closed
and the tank pressurized to incr~se the f1owrate. What pres-
sure, PI' is needed to produce twice the flowrate of that when
the vent is open'?

Wi/;' ihe veil! open:
1-:' -I-&Z
b +~ •
+2 A.
= J,;. +2..
r 2.! ' r Z?
z , = -Zj
L or
To hove dovUe fhe f/gwrafe /'liM Ihe veil! clfMed (j'l 10):

u, ==..Y:.
where fot'th;.s uue 1Iz.: 2. (:z.s./ffi)
~ .>0.8 II
Il (SO.8!t/
(< ~',J,) t/ofl == fl
t2.'1''fP 2.(.32.2 Si)
or Ih .
It == /87671'- = 1:l.OpS,

- 3.581

3.58 Water flows steadily through the large

tanks shown in Fig. P3 ..sS. Determine the water
depth, h A •

For sfeady (low)

QI/- ~!9~ ~ w/fA

-1.1-+ ~:L +z
r ')..1 I

.so fhaf
V.2. =,f2fh//
1i2.~ ==cr~ or f(O.03hJi";2(9.81f;.)~j = O.O/J-31}3

/ 0.5 in. Hg vacuum
3.5'1 Air at 80 of and 14.7 psia flows into the tank shown dja~eter
in Fig. P3.59. Determine the flow rate in ft 3/s.lb/s. and slugs/so (I) Q +
• ~ .(2.)
Assume incompressible flow.
t ~ump

3.60 I 'J (0)
.-.-•.-:::-'.' •.'.'.'-:-' :j:-
3. 60 Water flows from a large tank as shown in Fig. P3. 6o..
Atmospheric pressure is 14.5 psia and the vapor pressure is 1.60
psia. If viscous effects are neglected. at what height, h. will
~avi tation begin? To avoid cavitation should the' value of DI be
mcrea~ed or dec reased'! To avoid cavitation should the val ue of
D~ be increased or decreased? Explain.

where f10 ; 1'1. 5psio. ,/'t ~ 1.60 pSia,
E.; h, Z, ~o, and V. ~O


A, V, "11~ V,
Or 11 =( z: r~

( D.)'"h.
= - D, (2)

Ih( 1'f1fW-
( IIf.5 -./.60 ) In?

6:z..'f N'
'h [
e::J -'J .. • ,1 (3)

From £y. (J) il is seen fhaf h increases in increasing D,

and. c1ecreo.in9 D:z.. Thvs, fo avoid cavilaf;.n (,; ~. to have
h slnall enot/9h) D, should be increq.sec1 and 4. decreased.

3.61 Water flows into the sink shown in Fig. P3.61 at a rate
of 2 gal! min. If the drain is closed, the water will eventually
flow through the overflow drain holes rather than over the edge
of the sink. How many OA-in.-diameter drain holes are needed
to ensure that the water does not overflow the sink? Neglect
viscous effects.

=fy +if +%2. , where It "0, V, =0, Inti. .21"ti fJ.. =0

V1 .. V2,~, ·=[2(32..2. Jj) ( 1+/~2. ff)] ~ = 2 .5i' ff.
Q ::: n A2. 14 :: n ~ f d; V:z. J where n:: IJlllflher of PfJles reqlJired,l
Q2. := o. 'I in; and. C;::: c,nfraction coel.
= 0.61 (see ri'1.3.19)
ThlJs~ with
Q 2 w,( I ""'" ) (~31 in. ) I fl~ )::: ~, ~tx/O".J fi.!
= 111111 60.s 19GJ
17'-8 m.3 .& )


3.(i2 What pressure, PI' is needed to produce a flowrate of

0.09 ft 3/s from the tank shown in Fig. P3.62?


If + :i + Z2. " 1- +{f +j!~ where -/'2.:: f1 + ~ h J

"Z2 :: 3.6 fl J Z3 =0
fJ3 -: 0

ThusJ and ~::tO

11 + Ooh

I • 8 £:!.
~ ) 2-
o( 2~ \lg2. Ib
[ (3
- Z2. ) - t"h == (1./ (6J..1f 7i;» 2.(32.. 2.

- '12.5 ~ (2,0{-0
fJl == 7'1-6 ~ - 5./8 ps/

3.63 ,
3.63 Laboratories containing dangerous materials are often

kept at a pressure slightly less than ambient pressure so that
contaminants can be filtered through an exhaust system rather
than leaked through cracks around doors, etc. If the pressure in

such a room is 0.1 in. of water below that of the surrounding
rooms, with what velocity will air enter the room through an
opening? Assume viscous effects are negligible.
V2. (1)rL
-/71111111/77 (I)
........-. ..----.-..--.

I { vise oV.s e (feefs tJ,,~ neqligihle I '

v.2. I,. + ..L,.. f v,.

I, +'2I P,:: 1/2.
J '"
here V, ~ 0
I 4fJd It -/2 :: i'azo h
p, - f:J.::: (~fI)('2.1f {t3) ;;0.520 ~
Thus J

~ ==[ 2 (prp,.J ] ~ == [ 2 (0.520 Ib/I/1.) ]~ -:= 20.9 Ji

2. e] O.OO:J.39SIIJ1s/113 .s

3. 61f I
3.6/f Water is siphoned from the tank shown
in Fig. P3.6'f. Determine the ftowrate from the
tank and the pressures at points (1), (2), and (3)
if viscous effects are negligible.


FIGURE P3.6.1f

fJo of 'v" 2. + =z -(1,- + ~.2.. + 2. f ' (I)

~ ~~.L.-o
r ~ " Of' 6 ::
~'I;; ~
For t';:: 5 and 1'0::: 0 J Va =-0) fJs =::0 flus become.s
i!.0 = :;2.
+ Es or Vs""; 2 ~ ( Eo - Z.s)' =1,--2-(3-.2.-2_~:~:--)-(3-ff--"') I

I n/Js)
= /3.'1 l
Q:: /}s 'Is ::: .;-( -Ii: fl)'L(I.3,q fj) = 0.303 ~
Fro/IJ £r.(I) with l-::/ a/Jd t{:::o J ~ = o(Zo-Z,)
~ =(62,Lf ffa)( 8 (I) :7l9?fA
Fro/1J E'[ II) wifh /=2 J LO = + E:z. :Ij i, .j.

where 1J2. ~ ::: flo!' ~ ~ ~'-

SJ/Jce f}2::' 115 if f()llows that L{:::~ or ;; = =20-Z,5 2;
1- = Z!o -22. -
:2.1 =Eo-%:z. -
,.; =Zo -22. -(Zo-Es )
or =i!

11 :: t(zs -~2.) =(62,1- -/fo)(s if) = 3/2-ffo.

From Er{ (J) wifli t''''3J 20:: Jf + ;:f+Z.3

where fla ~ :: lis ~ ~2. ~ 2.
Since 1).3:::115 if fo/lows thai ~ t:: Vs or ~; =- 2..1 =&0 -Zs
Thvs J 2. 2-

:fi; = Z!~ -2'3 - ~ : Zo-E3 - ; ; :: %. -2.3 -(Zo-Es)

:; Zs - z,3
o~ =t(zs -%3) =(62.'1' ~~)(-.3fI) -/B7~ :0

3- 60
3.65 J
3.65 Redo Problem 3. 61f if a l-in.-diameter
nozzle is placed at the end of the tube.

~) (1)

fJo \4, 2. _ ..t2. \/,.7. • r ._/ S (I)
i' + 2.7 +Zo - ~ +?-9 +%1 Ter t - ,/°°)

For l ~ 5 2. and -/b =0 J !0::: 0 J fJ.s =0 fhls becomes

:Eo =- y~ or ~ =- 12.9{~.-:Z5)1= {2.(3Zo2fj-.J (3ff/
Thus ::: /.3.'/ 4-
Q =A.s ~ == T
11' (1)2. ii) _ :£:L3
-;z:ff (/3.9 oS - O.07S8 oS
From E'f(!) w/fh i=/ and it;::o J A::: a(zo-Z,)
=(6Z./f-#r3)(8f-l) == '1991-2-

Fro/h £i/o (J) wilh i ~2 J i!o:: ~ + -¥!i + ~2.

where 112 V:z. :: A5 ~
Since A:z. == (~y2.A5 = (t)~.s =LJ.As iT follows that
\J _ .L ,/ J!:l _ J- (-1- 1/)2. _ J ~2 _ -L ( z )
V.z - ¥ V.s or 2~ - 29 If ~ - 7D~ - /6 Zo - oS

Thus) 2-

fJ:;. = Zo -Z2 - ~ -:= 2'0 - Z2. - -!r(:ZO-Z5)= afl-!t(3ft)

~ tI == 7. 81 ff
or Ih ) Ib
-Ii =(62 JI- ff.i) (7. 81 PI- ::. 'f$ 8 7P-
From fro (I) w/lh i = 3 J 20 == :t; ~; +Z.3

where f}.3 ~ e.As Vs ~2 ~2.

or s/nce 113.=!J2. then ~::: ~. and 2; =

2.~ = 16 (zo-2~J
Thu,s )
~ ~2. .-l.. J
- ; ~ L O - Z 3 - 2$ :::Zo-~3- /6 (Zo-Z5) = -76 (3 {-i) = - /~ PI
or Jl;.. 3 Ih
fj == (62.Jf fP.) (-Tl"H)= - II. 77fi.

I h
0.37 m

3.66 Determine the manometer reading, h,

for the flow shown in Fig. P3.66. 1 . . 1--I--H--~
a08m ... -~
-... -

'c:::=:=l I
0.05 m diameter

where Z, =:Ez , ~ -:: 01 and

Vz = 0
f, : : f:;.
!lowe Ver, f1:::: O'h and 122.::: 0' (0.37m)
so Ihot
h = 0.37 m

3 -6z.
3.67 I
(f) (2.)

3.67 The specific gravity of the manometer fluitl shown in £1 o.~ m

Fig. P3.67 is 1.07. Determine the volume flowrate, Q, if the
flow is inviscid and incompressible and the flowing fluid is
(a) water, (b) gasoline, or (c) air at standard conditions.
10 mm
20 mm=h
4,..--' ....


kN m3
fluid O'J m3 Q)s
fa) Wc.i-ler 9.80 /.06 X /0
(b) ~a.so//ne 6,61 .3 . 02. X /0-.3
. /2 X/o- 3 O.UB


3.68 IP-4 fuel (SC = 0.77) flows through the

Venturi meter shown in Fig. P3.68 with a velocity
of 15 ftls in the 6-in. pipe. If viscous effects are
negligible determine the elevation, h, of the fuel
in the open tube connected to the throat of the
Venturi meter.

v= 15 fUs
FIGURE 1'3.68

where Z/::O J Z2. :::: .f} f-l, (I)

and If::: 15 {-I/.s

1!f=-7. S3 ff
Buf if=-h so that h == Z 53 ff

3.69 Repeat Problem 3.68 if the flowing fluid
is water rather than IP-4 fuel.

Note from the solution fo Prob lem 3.68 fhai fhe

value of 0 is /Jot needed, Thus; h = 7. S3 ff for
eft her waf er 0 r J P- if rIJeI.


3.70 Air at standard conditions flows through the cylin-

drical drying stack shown in Fig. P3.70. If viscous effects are
negligible and the inclined water-filled manometer reading is
20 mm as indicated, detennine the flowrate.


However) fJz +~J2. + Ymh == {1- '0(1- h-~) where h =(-zomm)sil)l.

or PI ;12. ""( ~ -I)h +i (2)

By comhinilJg £rt's~(!) and (2)

1;/2. = (!p- -/)h

or ~ 9. 8tJ X/0 3 ,*3
= 2 ~ ( /5
~ - J) h _ 2 (9. 8/ ~) /2 .o=!b

- 2.35 ~
Q::: AI 'It ==.:If D/-I/; ==f (2",)2.(2,35.r;) -


3.71 Water, considered an inviscid. incompressible fluid,

flows steadily as shown in Fig. P3.71. Determine h.

• FIGURE P3.71

f, -I-+l-pv,2. ::: f:z. f rzz.+l:pV/1.

where ~ '" 0 %;L::.3 (I, Va '" 0, and ~ '" -1;:= ; ;f/J'"
I = S. 09 f1
1'1 + t (1,9'1 !'ff;) (£.()9 fj l' := 12. + 62. oil-if, (3 f.I)
" - f" =: / t:J. -Jf,. (I)

B,,1 from fhe h14f1omelerJ

(JJ -¥rJ-l3flJ .J. a(h+/.) ::: Iz
f,-d2,1f -fp (3ft) ~62.Jf ~ h = /,3-
f, : : f% + le7 - 62.'fh wlll~1J whslJ C()/JIbilJDd wilh £t. II) ,ive.r
It.. + 117 -J2.'fh - f1~ -:: / bJ.
h= OJI-ooff

3. 72. I \1 (/)
~ ::----:::::--_-:..:-:---::=:= :..::=::-

-- - --:-::=:=::----:..:-:-:-::=:
3.72 Determine the flowrate through the submerged orifice 6ft
shown in Fig. P3.72 if the contraction coefficient is Cc = 0.63. 1('2.) (.3)
3-in. 2ft
diameter ... ·f


where fJl:::O J ~:::O J zl::.'1f~

Z2.=O J qnd =2 ff 'l


3.7;3 Determine the flowrate through the

Venturi meter shown in Fig. P3.73 if ideal con-
ditions exist.

'Y = 9.1 kN/m 3


.£J..+ ~l +Z =.:b:. + v;.2 + Z

'0 2.i I K' 2-9 2.

tl+ (~rtv;
r '2-~
(73S -s50)kPa
2(9.8/~) (9.1~)
" m == ZI,5!}-
I - t-I 3/mm
/9 him )If

3.7'1- I
3.74 For what flowrate through the Venturi meter of Prob.
3.73 will cavitation begin if PI ., 275 kPa gage, atmospheric Q t '---.)~,k'----1\
pressure is 101 kPa (abs), and the vapor pressure is 3.6 kPa - - :)31rm.cn .(') 19mm / \
')' _ 9.1 kN/m3 /

(I) .£!.. + WI. +.i? =.:IJ,. + It..\ z where Z," 1!:2. ~ =-3.6 KI'~
r ~'J ' r 2.7 2
and 11 =(pH/OI)kfQ(Qbsl
Thvs, wl/h A, l'J' ;: 112 Vt. = 376 kPa labs)

Vz " 30.6 -!}
Q=/12 v.. =v.".Ll" 2. v,"" ' )"
:z. = -:y:- (0.01'1 m (30.65 =8.68 X/O "S
m) -3 m 3


3.75 What diameter orifice hole, d, is needed if under ideal

conditions the ftowrate through the orifice meter of Fig. P3.7S
is to be 30 gal/min of seawater with PI - P2 = 2.37 Ib/in.2?
The contraction coefficient is assumed to be 0.63.


(.3.06 .fi) + 2. (32 .2 .£i) 2.37 X11I-'11p·

2. ( Ib)
.s oS 2. 6'1: 0 J.li
. ft3
v,. == IB~8 fj
Thvs J since
Q = 112. Vz = ~ f d2. ~ if {QI/ows fh47
d. =[ 'IQ
7l'Cc V,.
~Ji=[ 17'¥ x(O,63)(l8,Bf)
0.0668 .~·e J~ o.08'f7ff := 1.016 //1,

3.76 An ancient device for measuring time i~
shown in Fig. P3.76. The axisymmetric vessel is
shaped so that the water level falls at a constant
rate. Determine the shape of the vessel, R :::J
R(z), if the water level is to decrease at a rate of
0.10 m/hr and the drain hole is 5.0 mm in di- I

-!l~~J.o-mm diameter
ameter. The device is to operate for 12 hr without
needing refilling. Make a scale drawing of the
shape of the vessel. ~, l~
jf the flow l.s assumed fo
he tj /I tJ. oS i - .s Ie Q rly,
z, = z./ and Z2- ~o
\42. = 'vj2. t z which} if ~« ~ (i, e. R» s, OhJhJ~ become.s
Z? 2?
'4 =y2IJZ'
Since AI Vt "Az ~ and l{ = I~I = 0./ T,.(-3,/6~~.s)
== 2.. 7B X /0- ~
we ob1ain
1T R2 (2,78 X10
.p-) = -f-(o.oosm)2. J2 ('1.8 J1£;.) Z J

where Rand z are ~m

B = o. qqB zu;'
z. m R.m
0 0 Vessel Radius, R, vs Water Level, Z
0.02 0.375
0.05 0.472 1.0
0.12 0.587
0.22 0.683
0.32 0.751
0.42 0.803
0.52 0.847 0.6
0.62 0.886 N
0.72 0.919 0.4
0.82 0.950
0.92 0.977 0.2
1.02 1.003
1.12 1.027 0.0
1.22 1.049 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

3.7B* A spherical tank of diameter D has a
drain hole of diameter d at its bottom . A vent at
the top of the tank maintains atmospheric pres-
sure within the tank. The flow is quasisteady and
inviscid and the tank is full of water initially . De-
termine the water depth as a function of time ,
/! = h(t) , and plot graphs of h(t) for tank diam-
eters of 1, 5, 10, and 20 ft if d = 1 in.

~t~\ZI = 1+ ~i+i!z
where fJ; ='0 J fJz" 0 J z/ "'h, Zz ='0 and
Thvs) .
Vz =12.
jh' which when cumbined IIIdh At ~ =' Az ~ ?IPes

-II/I/t =11:.y7.1l or - rr r:1.4f = ¥dzY:l.jh' (I)

where R:1.:= rZ +(h -R)'

wdh R,=4- =radivs of lank
h-R w:;
Thvs) r=v R'--(h-R;'-' so flJflt £s.{/) beco~i9.s
;t '"
4; 1/2.1h
(h 3/z, _ 2Bh li) dh = d2.fi Jt whid elln 6e infe9rafed from
the il'll/tfil limo aAd deplh (t=o,
h '" 2.R) fg dII or6drdry f;m~ aM-
h t depll! (UI) as
Yh%.-2Rh'1.)dh = dZ.pfdt
2R 0
or .
1;(H~i_(2.Rt2)_::R(h3/z._(2Rf2) =
t :7 (2)

Use d= ,i ff (wi j=32.2 ~ and pM !J=h(I) fu/'

valves of R = o..s J 2.S J..s:; Q/ld III II
!Vole: .It is easier to solve £r. (2.) as t s t (h) rafhe r
fhl/n h =hit)

J.71A. I (con'/.)

Results of an EXCEL Program to calculate h(t) from Eqn. (2):

D=1ft D=5ft D = 10 ft D = 20 ft
t, s h,ft t, S h,ft t, s h,ft t, S h,ft
0.00 1.000 0 5.000 0 10.00 0 20
0.09 0.950 5 4.750 28 9.50 158 19
0.35 0.900 19 4.500 110 9.00 620 18
0.77 0.850 43 4.250 242 8.50 1370 17
1.34 0.800 75 4.000 422 8.00 2390 16
2.05 0.750 114 3.750 647 7.50 3661 15
2.89 0.700 161 3.500 913 7.00 5163 14
3.84 0.650 215 3.250 1216 6.50 6876 13
4.91 0.600 274 3.000 1552 6.00 8778 12
6.06 0.550 339 2.750 1917 5.50 10846 11
7.30 0.500 408 2.500 2308 5.00 13055 10
8.60 0.450 481 2.250 2718 4.50 15376 9
9.94 0.400 556 2.000 3143 4.00 17782 8
11.31 0.350 632 1.750 3577 3.50 20237 7
12.69 0.300 710 1.500 4014 3.00 22706 6
14.06 0.250 786 1.250 4445 2.50 25144 5
15.37 0.200 859 1.000 4862 2.00 27502 4
16.61 0.150 929 0.750 5253 1.50 29714 3
17.72 0.100 990 0.500 5603 1.00 31695 2
18.62 0.050 1041 0.250 5889 0.50 33311 1
19.14 0.000 1070 0.000 6053 0.00 34239 0

Water Depth vs Time Water Depth vs Time
D=1ft D=5ft
1.0 5,----:--~-----,--..,..........-...,.----.

0.6 --~-

:-i-=:.---"<=~ -=~--=:~---'----i--~---l
3 +---t---T---+----r---r-----+----1

_ 0.5 -= 3+---~--~--~---+-------~
0.4 2 +-_~--4-~~-~_--+--~

0.3 2 +----+----'-
0.0 O+---+--+--+---+---;-..L--!
o 5 10 15 20 o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
t,s t,s

Water Depth vs Time Water Depth vs Time

D 10 ft =
D 20 ft
10 ,----~-----,-----r--, 20,------..,..........----~---------~

9 18 -t\---~-. ----:-----1I

8 -1---\_ _-
, I
6 12 +--~--'<+-- -+----1
-= 10
5 .c ,


2 +------~--~-~--+-_4

2 I
o +-------~----~r_-----4--~ O+----~----_r--~~~~

o 2000 4000 6000 o 10000 20000 30000 40000

t,s t,s

3.7q* An inexpensive timer is to be made from
a funnel as indicated in Fig. P3.7C(. The funnel is
filled to the top with water and the plug is re-
moved at time t = 0 to allow the water to run
. out. Marks are to be placed on the wall of the
funnel indicating the time in 15-s intervals, from
o to 3 min (at which time the funnel becomes
empty). If the funnel outlet has a diameter of d
= 0.1 in., draw to scale the funnel with the timing
marks for funnels with angles of 8 = 30,45, and Plug

60°. Repeat the problem if the diameter is FIGURE P3.7q

changed to 0.05 in.
.£L + VI 2. + Z
~ 2'1 I r ~9V: +2
= -J2.,. +
(I) r - R--..t

where "'::: 0 J ~ =::if =- oJ

0 J

22 ::: OJ and ~:::!*- « ~ 11 h

ThIlS, if R » -t -l ~~ --.J
\{ ~ ';2tjh' which when combined wl1h A~ :::A~ li 9ille.s
-IJ,-# :::A2./zgh' or -7TR
1!f =fd:;i~9h' (I)

where R =h ftlne
Th!1 s J £'1' (I) become.s - h2. tan1-e ~ == /-V2.gh'
h / 2 dh = ~"f{8 di which
Ct.1II De infeprqied From h =ho
III) of t~o as
h t
L Yii Sdl:
. n = _ l/-d1.tlJn"8
J(h3/3.'d' or 1f
2- [5~
h - h.
54] -_- 'f
d 2{ij
flJll~() t
ho 0

ThvsJ . .2/5
d2. V2i"'t]
h= [h 5/2
0 -
8 Ttln2.e Since h ==0 wnen t = 3m//)
== /80.s
. }, if (ol/ows thaTJ
ho ~. =
sd2.1(2(32. 2(180 s )
.8 +an 28 ~ w/fh .
which when combined
£'1' (2.) gives
:::[ S d 212 (32'~#:l./iIBOS)J (I _ --L)Z/S
h 8 tan2.8 . J 180

rJ. ¥/.s t 2-,1; (3)
h = /5.2 ( fan e) (1-/eO) where h- ft J d~nJ and t~s
The results of an EXCEL Program using Eqn. (3) to calculate h as a function of t are shown below.
The time interval markings for the sixfunnels are shown in the figures on the following page.

d=0.1 in.,8=30deg d = 0.1 in., e == 45 deg d = 0.1 in., e == 45 deg

t, s h,ft t, s h,ft t, s h,ft
0 0.512 0 0.330 0 0.213
15 0.495 15 0.319 15 0.205
30 0.476 30 0.307 30 0.198
45 0.456 45 0.294 45 0.190
60 0.435 60 0.281 60 0.181
75 0.413 75 0.266 75 0.171
90 0.388 90 0.250 90 0.161
105 0.361 105 0.232 105 0.150
120 0.330 120 0.213 120 0.137
135 0.294 135 0.190 135 0.122
150 0.250 150 0.161 150 0.104
165 0.190 165 0.122 165 0.079
180 0.000 180 0.000 180 0.000

d = 0.05 in., e == 30 deg d = 0.05 in., e == 45 deg d = 0.05 in., e == 45 deg

t, s h,ft t, s h,ft t, s h,ft
0 0.294 0 0.190 0 0.122
15 0.284 15 0.183 15 0.118
30 0.273 30 0.176 30 0.114
45 0.262 45 0.169 45 0.109
60 0.250 60 0.161 60 0.104
75 0.237 75 0.153 75 0.098
90 0.223 90 0.144 90 0.093
105 0.207 105 0.134 105 0.086
120 0.190 120 0.122 120 0.079
135 0.169 135 0.109 135 0.070
150 0.144 150 0.093 150 0.060
165 0.109 165 0.070 165 0.045
180 0.000 180 0.000 180 0.000


six funnels (d ~ O.oS in. or

I ' , : i [/ ! Z i i _ I : Y ; , ;. -h.. " i!: ' -c-+

1 -i:; ':?-+-t-J-----r-t-';- ~. --l-+- H---+-.L-+
I: ,I I i / ' , .v,
I' I
-H-+-~t-:.'. ,: ~+- +++
'.' I l.i
1 .----rrl if v,v,, 'I/~.
, I~
I .Y ~-t-i.
, .. , I, " .' . .
0• /, IV 1/111 II I 'I
I ii' ~ /' + :+r-~'+'~ j-L
,I ; ::

~;- I!./'
vr· I! : I ' I ~ ~.' ...l.. f-C--,.'1-~- ...:......:iT,.
. •'


3.80 The surface area, A, of the pond shown

in Fig. P3. SO varies with the water depth, h, as
shown in the table. At time t = 0 a valve is opened
and the pond is allowed to drain through a pipe
of diameter D. If viscous effects are negligible
and quasi steady conditions are assumed, plot the
water depth as a function of time from when the
valve is opened (t = 0) until the pond is drained
for pipe diameters of D = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, FIGURE P3.80
and 3.0 ft. Assume h = 18 ft at t = O.

h (ft) A [acres (1 acre = 43,560 ft2)]

o o
2 0.3
4 0.5
6 0.8
8 0.9
10 1.1
12 1.5
14 1.8
16 2.4
18 2.8

12.::: 0 J z; = h J 22 =-311
where -Ii =0 J
and ~ ;: - j <.< ~
which when combined with A~ =112. ~


Note: t ~ D
( con/f)

( cO/J'I)

An EXCEL Program using a trapezoidal integration approzimation was used to calculate the results
shown below.

D =0.5 ft D =1.0 ft D =1.5 ft D =2.0 ft D =2.5 ft D =3.0 ft

h,ft A, acres A, ft2 t,s t, s t,s t,s t,s t, s
18 2.8 121968 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 2.4 104544 32181 8045 3576 2011 1287 894
14 1.8 78408 59530 14882 6614 3721 2381 1654
12 1.5 65340 82354 20589 9150 5147 3294 2288
10 1.1 47916 101536 25384 11282 6346 4061 2820
8 0.9 39204 117506 29377 13056 7344 4700 3264
6 0.8 34848 132412 33103 14712 8276 5296 3678
4 0.5 21780 145035 36259 16115 9065 5801 4029
2 0.3 13068 153988 38497 17110 9624 6160 4277
0 0 0 157704 39426 17523 9857 6308 4381

The graph for D =1 ft is shown below. The shape of the curve is the same for any D.

Water Depth vs Time

for D 1 ft =
16 ~ ~

14 ~
12 ~ ....
~ 10 I~
8 ~.....
6 ~
4 ~
2 '\..
o 1...
o 10000 20000 30000 40000
t, s
3,8 I I
J.8' Water flows through the branching pipe shown in Fig. A3 = 0.035 m2
P3.81. If viscous effects are negligible, determine the pressure ~_------, ;:3 = 10 m
at section (2) and the pressure at section (3). (3)

V2 = 14 m/s
A2 = 0.03 m2

10 (7-):
where Z,:: ~2. -= 0 Qllri

or s
(1,. ::: 2,52 XIO .f-,. : : 2S2 kP.
Alon9 fhe sfreamline from (0 10 (3):
t +if + ~1
Z, = 7' t 4 + 2,3 where
~'Il ~&
Since rt, =Q,. +Q3 then (I)

Q3 : : A.J v., =~ .. Q;l =CV, - At. V2. Sf) thai

~::: Q,:A1.V2. _ 1111% -O.03","(/¥1II1,s) =16,t,.!R-
A.3 - 0,035 / ) ' J 2 . . ~

TIllIS) £'1' flJ becomes (wtlh ZJ ~O J Z,J <# 10 11J)

.300 X 10 #/.,2 + flo 1II/.s)'J. , _ {J3 + (JI•. tWJIs)'J.. +-Iom
9.801.,03 /'11m3 2 (tl. 81 rnl.s2.} - 9.f}ox/ul Nlm 3 2-('1,f)1 mIs')

I.J::: 1,lifX/OS f;. : : JIJfkPa

3.6:2.. Water flows through the horizontal branching pipe
shown in Fig. P3.82.at a rate of 10 ft 3 /s. If viscous effects are
negligible, detennine the water speed at section (2), the pressure A3 =0.2 ft2

at section (3), and the ftowrate at section (4). V3 = 20 ft/s

From (I) 10 (2.):

From (!) +0 (3) ;

(Jo~l _
2(32..2 f{) -
or Ih .
~ ::: 1/50 ff'- ::: 7.98PSI
Q~ :::: Q, - Q,. - Q3 ::: Q, - II:;. \{ - A3 ~
or 3
U{1f ::: IP -
lOs- o.o7fI'J. (2.9.0-:s
tf ) - 0.2 f'.L2.f fi) - 3, 9 7 Lst
l. l20 oS
3.83 Water flows from a large tank through
a large pipe that splits into two smaller pipes as
shown in Fig. P3.83. If viscous effects are negli-
gible, determine the flowrate from the tank and

the pressure at point (1).

0.02 m

t:; + If f Zo '" :If 4- lJ':.,. 4. where A" 0 I 1'2. ,,0 I Vo '" 0 J zb" 7/1)
n~ ~d~=~

Ik ::';21 (Zo -Z20)' = f 2. (9.8Ilfo.) (7- ~)ml ::::: 7, 67.1f

~ '~ Ir+-7-7-(:2-0 --Z-~---,)I = ,;2 ('1.8/ fA) (7 m)' = / /. 7.1f
Thvs J Q:: Qz.'" Q3 :: flt\;2. -I- fD;~:J.
Q:: f[(O.03h1)"(7.67~) .J.(o.02.m)~(1I.7.p.)J ::: 9./ fJx /o-.3.!J!

t Vg=z'f'
.fl. Vt'- +'ZI
r + ~'i uJhere
2/:::: 0 and
3 .l!J!
or \/,:: Q == 9.I()xlo- s =- ~63.1!L
I -;z;; -5 (0. 0.5 11J)2 • .s

f1 _0~[z0 - 2QV, 2] =7.fo)l./O
- T
n J:L.
3 I 7m -
(Jf.63!f- )2.]
(0 0(.')
=s: 7?X/O.¢4

f1 ::: 5 7. 9 kPo.

20 ft

3•. 8/f Water flows through the horizontal Y-fitting shown in

Fig. P3.'6/f. If the flowrate and pressure in pipe (1) are QI = Ql-"
2.3 ft3/ S and PI = 50 Ib/in. 2• determine the pressures, P2 and
P3' in pipes (2) and (3) under the assumption that the flowrate
divides evenly between pipes (2) and (3).
FIGURE P3.9/f ~(2)

3.85 r
3.85 Water flows from the pipe shown in Fig. 1-0.1 m -1- .I
P3.85 as a free jet and strikes a circular flat plate. I Diameter 1 -II (2)
The flow geometry shown is axisymmetrical. De-
termine the flowrate and the manometer reading,
H. \\ I 0.4 mm

0.2 m

i. 'J III r(/)

111 O.Ol-m


where (I)

7l4.h \I
11. D2. V2
If I

Hence Eq.l
0) qive.s
(J.6ov"f ·:: ~2. ~ 2,(fl.81-!k) (0. 2./IJ) or v" = I.Sq.lf

.so fhtrf
r; .: ~1 v,. = 71 (0,/ PJ)(t;.X!O-IIIh ) (I.sql}) :: 2.00X/O-'" .p-3

3- 8Jf

3. 86 Air, assumed incompressible and inviscid, flows into

the outdoor cooking grill through nine holes of O.40-in. diam-
eter as shown in Fig. P3.96 . If a flowrate of 40 in. 3/s into the
grill is required to maintain the correct cooking conditions, de-
termine the pressure within the grill near the holes. FIGURE P3.86

9 holes, each
DAD-in. diameter

Q = qA.z v.z where

~ = Q -
,.. 9~
A/so J
+ Z'VilJ2.+ ~ I =..ti:.
+ V2.'2. -1-:12. where rLJI
"-9 =0
and ~::o

f:;. = - f PV: = - i (2.38 x/o 3 , .s};r-) (2..Qlf!j.) 2. = - /.03 x/o-2. #1.

3.87 v

3.87 A conical plug is used to regulate the air

flow from the pipe shown in Fig. P3.87 . The air
leaves the edge of the cone with a uniform thick-
Q '" 0.50 m3 /s
ness of 0.02 m. If viscous effects are negligible --I~~ -~+-
and the flowrate is 0.50 m3 /s, determine the pres-
sure within the pipe.

3.8a r3. 98 An air cushion vehicle is supported by ground clearance were reduced to 2 in., what
forcing air into the chamber created by a skirt f10wrate would be needed? If the vehicle weight
around the periphery of the vehicle as shown in were reduced to 5000 Ib and the ground clearance
Fig. P3. Be. The air escapes through the 3-in. maintained at 3 in., what f10wrate would be
clearance between the lower end of the skirt and needed?
the ground (or water). Assume the vehicle weighs Fan Q
10,000 lb and is essentially rectangular in shape, ,J ( / Vehicle
30 bySO ft. The volume of the chamber is large \.rr ~~~ 11 ..",
enough so that the kinetic energy of the air within
~ 'If .¥ - .'M L~
the chamber is negligible. Determine the f1ow-
rate, Q, needed to support the vehicle. If the 3 in.
To svpporf fhe load where W= vehlf;!e weigh!
Also} and Ao= (30·f/) (50!+) ::: 1500 fll.
+ \to:L +.z. :::: -A- +
2g 0 r \,42. + %
~1 2
where 4.::: 0
J ~():: and Z()-;:22.

so fha+
\/_';26' \/_ ~
V2. - P or V2. - ,qfJf
Wah h::: fjrovnrl clearance if follows fha-l
Q = fJ 2 ~ == 2h (L+ b) ~ where L =50 tI and b:: 30il
Thus) I '
Q= 2h(soff +30f.l)i(JsOOfI1)(:'~8X/O-3 ~)
. fI.i
Q:::: h Yw'
IIq.8 ¥
where h.-v fJ and W-/6
Thus) If h = /~ ff and W=/g 001) /6 the/} q:::: 3000 !f J

if h ;: ~ ff and W=/~ooo I~ fhe/) Q::: 2.000 .if J

and if h = -Ii ff and 'II = 5 OOO /i:J the/) Q = 2/20 .fj-~

3. e'l A small card is placed on top of a spool as shown in

Fig. P3.eQ . It is not possible to blow the card off the spool by
blowing air through the hole in the center of the spool. The
harder one blows, the harder the card "sticks" to the spool. In
fact, by blowing hard enough it is possible to keep the card
against the spool with the spool turned upside down. (Note: It
may be necessary to use a thumb tack to prevent the card from
sliding from the spool.) Explain this phenomenon.

• FIG U REP 3 • eq

As fhe air flows r4dially ovfward in fhe 90P he/ween the cord and
fhe spool if .slow.s down since fhe Flow area ilJcreases will? r; the
radial dis/once from fhe center. That IS J

(J = 2-71' r hV J or V= ').!h r ( see the fi'jvre). rexif

,_1 ~ (I)
I r.. I exit
If visco[).s effecf.r are nfJ/ imporfanfJ h II VI
#.: +X : : cOl/slanl ;::: {JexH -I- 'lexif
:2.. / /! /
r '-I- (f 29'
or since lex/I:::O (a free jel) if
/ fQ
follows fhal 2. 2. Z _ 2._ Q 2.[ J _ J..
{J '" if ('iex/I - V ) ) where from Er- (/) ~Xlt V -t2rrh) ~t ri]
Bvf rex/I> r so fhat f ~ 0, !here /s a wlthi/) fhe 9a/.

The card is svcked 1J9oi/ls! fhe spool, Tl;e harrier one blows fhrIJ{)flA
fhe sfJ()o/( /atyBr())) fhe /rJrger fhe V(JCIIIIII'I IJnd fhe harder fh~ CQrd is

held rJ9aiIJsi the spool.

3.1:(0 I
sz £ech !t=CHlI2=f
3.90 Water flows over a weir plate (see Video V 10.7) which t'~(/f ~-Q~-:
has a parabolic opening as shown in Fig. P3.90. That is, the 'Z
--'-"'" f
2)::- H
* I \-,-' ~'-:J

opening in th~ weir plate ~as a width CHIP, where C is a con-

stant. Detennme the funcbonal dependence of the flowrate on
the head, Q = Q(H).
t,' ,,~
] _f /
'" "tAR

Q == Ll dll where IJ. is t.t r
{()nc1;OA () h.
Thai is, frl1m 1/
Ijf + #2, '" IF #.%j +'E:z.
wilh /If =H-Z'J t{
If::o (,'free jei,

alld, ZJ. ::: II-h

or 2. U1-
(H-~/)+lj+z,::O +0/ +(II-h)
Tnvs) __
II = Vl,h +Jlt2. ~ f'J-,:h il ~ is "s/lla// IJ

dA):# C fftJ,r (i. e. dll:: 0 dl fflr Z${). till ;&cffii fIr ;~II ) So fhai
bH J

Q= f'~I'1/h cW rJl where h::: H-z.

p~o H
ThlJs) f¥ =: c1};j f1-Z/l--2--""1; dl J
H 0 pH
S1{iiHI71i:: f[(z--!) YHZ -Zo." + (~t.sin-I[(Z--f)/(H/J.)fl
o zaO
whjGh reduces If)!
~::: ¥ Vii H2. Thai is Q- H:L
AIfernative/y J Q::: Vt9 where the QveraJe ve/Qc/IJ is fJrPjXll'liPIlII!
fo 1if (t·.e. V'" Vi-,,#) IJlJti fhe 1,14'/ flow area., is pl'rJfJOn/olJa/
fo H~ (t·. e. A - HN (C HI'..) ::: c H.3h. ). TlJv~

Q ¥2-~H- (CH*) :: C V,.i' H2-


That Is) ~'V HZ 4S ohfained above.

3.91 A weir (see Video VI 0.7) of trapezoidal cross section
is used to measure the flowrate in a channel as shown in Fig.
P3.91. If the flowrate is Qo when H = e/2, what flowrate is ex-
pected when H = e?


Q == II V where if t'.s eXp'ecferl Mai V is (J. function of the head. fl. J

Thai is I V-,J2,Hi
Also, from fhegeomelry A=fH(t+J,.) where~::=.t+2.Hff/173o"
Thus A::: /I (i + H11/1'}.300) so fha1

Q == C; 1'"1'" (J.f H tan30 H~/:1. where q ;s a con.stanf


Lei Qo = f/oWfa1e when. jJ::: l-

and Ql::: {Iowrale when H=1
Thus, 3,t
Qo _ C;p:j (1-+- f ftln 30 0)(i);" _
(J + ifan300)
q; - c, Vii (P. 4- I, fan 31l) (£)3/2. - (I + tQn 30°) (2~/2.) :; O,2.Sq
3.92 Water flows down the sloping ramp
shown in Fig. P3. q2. with negligible viscous ef-
fects. The flow is uniform at sections (1) and (2).
For the conditions given show that three solutions
for the downstream depth, h2 , are obtained by
use of the Bernoulli and continuity equations.
However, show that only two of these solutions FIGURE P3.Q2.
are realistic. Determine these values.

:£L + Vl +:r = -Ii + V2.2. + Z2 where f' =0 , ~ -::0 J Z, :: 3 ill
~ 21 1 29
and Z2 =n2
fJ/so) A, V; :: A:t ~
or H
V -..hLv, - (/N)(IO.s):; /0
2 - h,. I - h2. h2.
Thus) Ect. (I) becomes
Jj. 2. ( /0 )2.
( 10 ;s) + 3 ff _ hi.
2 (32.2 ¥:z.) - 2(32.2 ~J
6 'f. if h: - h: ~2 93 100 -::: 0

By v.sin, a root findin~ pro9ram the fhree roofs to this o()bic

erllalion ~re fovnd fo b8;
h:;. = 0.630 f1
h2 = if. IJf8 fl
h2 = a ne9tt1il/e roof C /early if is not po.ssihle (physicql/y)
If) hlJve h2. <0 -rhus, h,.:::: 0.630 H or
h2. = Jf.'f8 ft
3.Q3 J
3. q 3 The flow rate in a water channel is some-
times determined by use of a device called a Ven-
turi flume. As shown in Fig. P3.Q,3 , this device
consists simply of a hump on the bottom of the
channel. If the water surface dips a distance of
0.07 rn for the conditions shown, what is the
flowrate per width of the channel? Assume T
0.2 m
the velocity is uniform and viscous effects are
negligible. FIGURE P3. q3

w/fh"11 =0 J fJ2. =0 J E, == 1.2mJ
ond 22 ::: /.. 2m - 0.07117 = /. /.9 m

= I, 29 ~

or [(1.2.9)2. -I] w'" = 2. (q.8/~) (1,2. - /.13) m

or \1 =I,'I38~
Cf =h, ~ =(1. 'I38.f) (1,2m);:: I. 73 ¥
3.9'f Water flows in a rectangular channel that
is 2.0 m wide as shown in Fig. P3. qlf . The up-
stream depth is 70 mm. The water surface rises
40 mm as it passes over a portion where the chan-
nel bottom rises 10 mm. If viscous effects are
negligible, what is the ftowrate?
FIGURE P3. q'f

where f'l:::0, 12.:::0 , Z,:::: O.07R'1, (J)

and Z2.;:; (o,()/ +o,/o)rn ~ O,lIm
Also) A,W:::A:l~
hi \I, O.07m \/ II
V2:::h:t I = 0,/0 m VJ == 0·7-'(1
Thus, &t. (I) become.s
[J-O.72.]\/,'-=2(Q.81*)(O,II-o.o7)m or y,== /.2'1~
Q=A/~;:: (O,07m)(2.0m) (J.2lf!f):: O.17q.

3.QS I

Water flows under the inclined sluice gate shown in ~'~~'.. -:~'''' - ... --'--~
Fig. P3.95. Determine the flowrate if the gate is 8 ft wide.


wher~ 11 # (J I fo :: I) J Z, ~ IfT,
alit/. Zz. I ff #
Thlls J
~+6H = Jt.t'f-f
"-I ,..,.

B(IT A, V, :: II,. V2-) Qr

\/_ A, _ 611"
- 7iT v, :: 6 v,
Y2. - 1f1 VI
Hence., £". tI) become.s
Jt" + 6ff ;;: f1Y~Y/·t I If
'-, "1
~1_/]~2 ::: 2 (32.Z.!f,.)(6-I)ff Q ~ ;;:;.3.03#
Hence J .1
Q:::./1, V, :: ~H (et~)(.3.0.3!j.) =I~S.!f
3.96 Water flows in a vertical pipe of 0.15-m
diameter at a rate of 0.2 m'/s and a pressure of
200 kPa at an elevation of 25 m. Determine the
velocity head and pressure head at elevations of
20 and 55 m.

",g D=0.15", -
= il. ==
0. -::s 2 m = Y'o :::- ~
V nLI:a
If (O,15m)
2. = //, 3 -..5 1/
~ = ~5tn • (I)
(1= 200kPa
IJI p()int (0): 70 =20m • (0)
~ == (1J,31fl == 6,5/ m
'"I 2(Q,8I/fo)
an d ~_ \,h2 A)/ ~2.
.u:.!L+-L+z ::~+....l..+z
't 29 0 ~ ~D I

orA _ 200 ~
r - 9.80!y:£
( ,\
+ 25 - 20) m == 25.'1 In
3.t17 Draw the energy line and hydraulic
grade line for the flow shown in Problem 3.6/f.

~) (1)

FIGURE P3.6'1-

For /lJviscid {low w/IIJ no pfllnjJs orfurbines} Me e/Jer9Y line (EL)

is hori:zo/Jla/ af tJlJ elevation 01 the free s(Jr~7ce. T/;e /;ytirduhc

grade line (H6L) is ()ne ve/oc/I; head lowe!',) ~welJ w/IJ file fJipe
ou tie f . Since Ihe Iluid ve/ocily is cOlis/tint Ihr1)v9h,vr lIJe pipe
wilh -fi = :3 r~ the fd//ow/IJJ is Qbfained:

3.98 I 'V (0)
..:----:::;:-----:----~::-- --

3.98 Draw the energy line and the hydraulic

grade line for the flow of Problem 3.60


For il)lI/scid flow wilh no ptJmps or turbines, the energy line

is horj2()nfo~ a disflJnce /; above fhe ovf/et . From Problem 3.60
we obf"in h :: /. 7'1 fl..
The hydrolJlic qrade line is ~~ below fhe energy line, sl"rftng
af Ihe free surface where Vo::: 0 and ending at fhe pipe exil
where fJ2. =0 and ;f
=h. IN poinl (I) the pressure he(ui
i.s fJ'/l = (2..98 - 1'1-.5) jff.:z. ( /~:;A?-) /62Jf = - 2.6.S I~ Ia
and £/ =0. 2-

In the ~;n. pipe Vj = /12. ~/Il.1 =(t) ~ so fIJaf

:z. If ~2. 'I- If
-.¥.-J =( D:l.,) ~
29 D3 ~9 D3
(.A) h =(..£-) (/.7'1 fO = O. //2 (I
The corresponding EL and HGL are drawl) 10 scale below,

li:: 0./11 II
V (0)
-----Jr~~' --;:=-_=-=_-==-~Ener91 LliJe (EL)
4(3) , .l/). - 'Cf) Z! 0 1::

, t
,,,2- I
pipe eenler line: : 2:!. = h = 1.7'1 It

, ,
I ,
:1- = -26.afj

HydralJlic Grorie --: I

Line (HGL) :, ,I
, I

, ,
I ,

I ,
I ,
, I
r ,
I ,

3. qq J l
2 ft (0) '\/

3. q q Draw the energy line and hydraulic

7. ~ · (3)t- t=-=::-J:§:j::e:-=
grade line for the flow shown in Problem 3.65.
~~ .
(S), (If)
--L B ft


For il'Jlliscid flow wilh IJIJlumps or furbine.s) fhe e/)~r}' li/)e (£1-)
is. horizo/J/tll, af (J/) elevafio/J ()llhe free sur/dee. TlJe~ hy/rdv/Ie
9rade line (/l6L) ;0$ one veloc'fJ heod lower. SInce 2Ys ;: 3 It
if follows fhal fhe !leL pa.rses Il)/'f)u,h tlJe f.i;; u( fhlIlOZ2/8.
I//so, since ~ '" ~:s =(*r~ if Mlol/IS Ihal
-;.r~.7- = (l);D)'" zg~2 = (t) (3fl) ::
II- 3
III ff . T/;r()u,houf the pipe
Ihe velocil, head is c()ns/olll Sf) fh4f the fQ/lolllilJg /.S obTtJ/IJeri:
3.10'0 * Water flows up the ramp shown in Fig.
P3.100 with negligible viscous losses. The up-
stream depth and velocity are maintained at hi
= 0.3 m and VI = 6 m/s. Plot a graph of the
downstream depth, h2' as a function of the ramp
height, H, for 0 s:,.H s:, 2 m. Note that for each
value of H there are three solutions, not all of
which are realistic.

III + ~ 2. + Z I =.:t!2: + V'%'2. + i!.:;.. where fJI ~O J 1'2. ~O 2/ ::: o.3m,
o 2.q ~ 2q
(J z,2.:::

fI +I; 2.
I//.so J At 11 :::,42. U. .so fhat
\J - fJ, II - (O,31TJ)(6~) - ~ 1~II..JeJ"'e h2,"''''
V2. - ~ Yj - n2. - h2. ",rl", .
Thvs £r- (I)
J become~
(1.8 )'J.
: ; + 0.3 m = ~ + (f'~h3.) or wdli L{ =' b~ J
( 61}i' +2. (9. 81 ':2.) ( 0.3 - f/- h,Jm =(- ~~ )'J-q;
which CdlJ be writ/en as ~
h: - (2_13.5 -R)h: +0.//'5/ =0 (2)

For 0 ~ f1~ 2m solve Ert. (2) {or h2.

Ra-lher than SO/Vifl1 a Cf/b/c e9{)ahon for h,. (?llIe II) J one
con directly solve for 1/ f9/llen 171-)' From £r. (1-) :
1/=2./3.5 _l _ 0,/651 (3)
"2. h"J.2..
fJ 9raph of £'1, (2) or (3) /s 9/l/en on the {pi/ow/f)! pa98.

( con'-I)

The results of an EXCEL Program to calculate H for given values of h2 are shown below.

h2' m H,m
0.3 0.001 Water Depth vs Elevation Change
0.4 0.703
0.5 0.975
0.6 1.076 2.2
0.7 1.098
2.0 +--~~---~---------- .~--------1
0.8 1.077
0.970 1.8 -~I
1.1 0.899
1.2 0.820 1.6
1.3 0.737
1.4 0.651 1.4
1.5 0.562
1.6 0.471 E 1.2
.c 1.0

2.0 0.094
2.1 -0.002
0.6 I

0.4 t====~:::::::::~=---...-=::::::--~--~---t-
0.2 -------- ------ --·----rI -----1 1

J i
0.0 J.oqg
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0,' 1.2

For H ~ I,OQ8 m fhere are no real J posilil/e roofs of Ef(. (2.).

Thai is J for fhe (jive/J upstream condilions (V; == 6 f- and hI::: O.3/n)
We must have 11<: /,098 m. II w()IJld nol be possible fo hove
the flow 90 vp a ramp of 9rB41er hei9)rI fhalJ fhis w/-/huv/
/ncreas/f)1} e/lher I1lJnd/or hi . The two P(J,s.s;;/g waler de,fJ;.r
for a 9ive/J HtJfQ plo/leri be/ow.

3, /01 I

3.101 Pressure Distribution between 1\vo Circular Plates

Objective: According to the Bernoulli equation, a change in velocity can cause a change
in pressure. Also, for an incompressible flow, a change in flow area causes a change in ve-
locity. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the pressure distribution caused by air
flowing radially outward in the gap between two closely spaced flat plates as shown in
Fig. P3.101.

Equipment: Air supply with a flow meter; two circular flat plates with static pressure
taps at various radial locations from the center of the plates; spacers to maintain a gap of
height b between the plates; manometer; barometer; thermometer.

Experimental Procedure: Measure the radius, R, of the plates and the gap width, b,
between them. Adjust the air supply to provide the desired, constant flowrate, Q, through the
inlet pipe and the gap between the flat plates. Attach the manometer to the static pressure
tap located a radial distance r from the center of the plates and record the manometer read-
ing, h. Repeat the pressure measurements (for the same Q) at different radial locations. Record
the barometer reading, H atm , in inches of mercury and the air temperature, T, so that the air
density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law.

Calculations: Use the manometer readings to obtain the experimentally determined pres-
sure distribution, p = p(r), within the gap. That is, p = -"Imh, where "1m is the specific
weight of the manometer fluid. Also use the Bernoulli equation (Ph + V 2/2g = constant)
and the continuity equation (AV = constant, where A = 27Trb) to determine the theoretical
pressure distribution within the gap between the plates. Note that the flow at the edge of the
plates (r = R) is a free jet (p = 0). Also note that an increase in r causes an increase in A,
a decrease in V, and an increase in p.

Graph: Plot the experimentally measured pressure head, ph, in feet of air as ordinates
and radial location, r, as abscissas.

Results: On the same graph, plot the tJleoretical pressure head distribution as a function
of radial location.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

r- _ 1
1 ________- - -___
circular plates
r ----- II1II

-1 •~ir.-,.__vBlli·_-'"

tQ • FIGURE P3.101

(con'/: )
3,/0 I (conJl)
Solution for Problem 3.101: Pressure Distribuition between Two Circular Plates

Q, ft"3/s R, in. b, in. H alm , in. Hg T, deg F YH2D, Ib/ft"3

0.879 5.0 0.125 29.09 83 62.4

Experiment Theory
r, in. h, in. ply, ft V,ftls ply, ft
0.7 -9.05 -663.75 220.8 -740.7
1.0 -6.02 -441.52 161.2 -387.2
1.5 -2.02 -148.15 107.4 -163.1
2.0 -0.96 -70.41 80.6 -84.7
2.5 -0.48 -35.20 64.5 -48.4
3.0 -0.24 -17.60 53.7 -28.7
3.5 -0.13 -9.53 46.0 -16.8
4.0 -0.03 -2.20 40.3 -9.1
4.5 -0.01 -0.73 35.8 -3.8
5.0 0.00 0.00 32.2 0.0

P =Palm/RT where
= =
Palm YHg*H alm 847Iblft"3*(29.09/12ft) =20531b/ft"2
R = 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T 83 + 460 543 deg R=
Thus, P =0.00220 slug/ft"3 and Y = p*g =0.00220*32.2 =0.0709 Ib/ft"3
ply =YH2D*h/y
v = Q/(27trb) = 0.879 ft"s/(2*3.1415*(O.125/12)ft*r)

Problem 3.101
Pressure Head, ply, vs Radial Position, r



--;.. -400
/! :
• Experimental

41 I
-800 I

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0

r, in.

3. 102,

3.102 Calibration of a Nozzle Flow Meter

Objective: As shown in Section 3.6.3 of the text, the volumetric f]owrate, Q, of a given
fluid through a nozzle flow meter is proportional to the square root of the pressure drop
across the meter. Thus, Q = Khl/2, where K is the meter calibration constant and h is the
manometer reading that measures the pressure drop across the meter (see Fig. P3.102). The
purpose of this experiment is to determine the value of K for a given nozzle flow meter.

Equipment: Pipe with a nozzle flow meter; variable speed fan; exit nozzle to produce a
uniform jet of air; Pi tot static tube; manometers; barometer; thermometer.

Experimental Procedure: Adjust the fan speed control to give the desired flowrate, Q.
Record the flow meter manometer reading, h, and the Pitot tube manometer reading, H. Re-
peat the measurements for various fan settings (i.e., flowrates). Record the nozzle exit di-
ameter, d. Record the barometer reading, Hatm, in inches of mercury and the air temperature,
T, so that the air density can be calculated from the perfect gal law.

Calculations: For each fan setting determine the f]owrate, Q = VA, where V and A are
the air velocity at the exit and the nozzle exit area, respectively. The velocity, V, can be de-
termined by using the Bernoulli equation and the Pitot tube manometer data, H (see Equa-
tion 3.16).

Graph: Plot flowrate, Q, as ordinates and flow meter manometer reading, h, as abscissas
on a log-log graph. Draw the best-fit straight line with a slope of Yz through the data.

Results: Use your data to determine the calibration constant, K, in the flow meter equa-
tion Q = Kh 1(2.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

Flow meter Pitot tube


Air Pitot static


Exit noule
meter • FIGURE P3.102

Solution for Problem 3.102: Calibration of a Nozzle Flow Meter

d, in. Hatm , in. Hg T, deg F

1.169 29.01 75

h, in. H, in. ~P, Ib/ftA2 V, fUs Q, ftA3/s

11.6 5.6 29.1 162 1.20
11.1 5.4 28.1 159 1.18
10.7 5.2 27.0 156 1.16
10.1 4.9 25.5 151 1.13
9.6 4.7 24.4 148 1.10
8.8 4.3 22.4 142 1.06
7.9 3.9 20.3 135 1.00
7.2 3.6 18.7 130 0.97
6.1 3.1 16.1 120 0.90
5.4 2.7 14.0 112 0.84
4.5 2.3 12.0 104 0.77
3.8 2.0 10.4 97 0.72
2.9 1.5 7.8 84 0.62
2.1 1.1 5.7 72 0.53
1.0 0.6 3.1 53 0.39

P = Patm /RT where

Patm = YHg *H atm = 847 Ib/ftA3*(29.01/12 ft) = 2048 Ib/ft"2
R = 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T =75 + 460 =535 deg R
Thus, P = 0.00223 slug/ft"3

V = (2*~p/p)1/2

Q =AV where
A = nd 2 /4 = n*(1.169/12 ft)"2/4 = 7.45E-3 ftA2

From the graph, Q = K h 1/2 = 0.358 h 1/2 where Q is in ft /s and h is in in.

Thus, K =0.358 ft3 /(s*in. 1/2 )

Problem 3.102
Flow Rate, Q, vs Manometer Reading, h

"i • Experimental I
i i

I iii
I ', I !,'
I I'
, i
, I
: I

.v i i

I Iii
! I'
I '1


II iii

0.1 I
I ill:
1 10 100
h, in.


3.103 Pressure Distribution in a Two-Dimensional Channel

Objective: According to the Bernoulli equation, a change in velocity can cause a change
in pressure. Also, for an incompressible flow, a change in flow area causes a change in ve-
locity. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the pressure distribution caused by air
flowing within a two-dimensional, variable area channel as shown in Fig. P3.103.

Equipment: Air supply with a flow meter; two-dimensional channel with one curved side
and one flat side; static pressure taps at various locations along both walls of the channel;
ruler; manometer; barometer; thermometer.

Experimental Procedure: Measure the constant width, b, of the channel and the chan-
nel height, y, as a function of distance, x, along the channel. Adjust the air supply to provide
the desired, constant flowrate, Q, through the channel. Attach the manometer to the static
pressure tap located a distance, x, from the origin and record the manometer reading, h. Re-
peat the pressure measurements (for the same Q) at various locations on both the flat and
the curved sides of the channel. Record the barometer reading, Halm , in inches of mercury
and the air temperature, T, so that the air density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas

Calculations: Use the manometer readings, h, to calculate the pressure within the channel,
P = "Imh, where "1m is the specific weight of the manometer fluid. Convert this pressure into
the pressure head, ph, where "I = gp is the specific weight of air. Also use the Bernoulli
equation (Ph + V2/2g = constant) and the continuity equation (A V = Q, where A = yb)
to determine the theoretical pressure distribution within the channel. Note that the air leaves
the end of the channel (x = L) as a free jet (p = 0).

Graph: Plot the experimentally determined pressure head, ph, as ordinates and the dis-
tance along the channel, x, as abscissas. There will be two curves-one for the curved side
of the channel and another for the flat side.

Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical pressure distribution within the channel.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

Static pressure taps


• FIGURE P3.103

o ution for Problem 3.103: Pressure Distribution in a Two-Dimensional Channel

b, in. Q, ft"3/s Halm , in. Hg T, deg F L, in.

2.0 1.32 28.96 71 21.75

Experimental Theory
x, in. y, in. h, in. h, in. ply, ft ply, ft ply, ft
flat side curved side flat side curved side
0.75 2.00 0.28 0.31 20.2 22.3 0.0
2.50 2.00 0.21 0.37 15.1 26.6 0.0
4.00 1.28 -0.42 0.03 -30.2 2.3 -50.5
4.63 1.05 -0.77 -1.63 -55.5 -117.4 -92.2
5.38 1.05 -1.01 -1.05 -72.7 -75.6 -92.2
8.14 1.29 -0.63 -0.62 -45.4 -44.7 -49.2
10.75 1.54 -0.32 -0.31 -23.0 -22.3 -24.1
13.25 1.77 -0.15 -0.15 -10.8 -10.8 -9.7
15.78 2.00 -0.05 0.00 -3.6 0.0 0.0
21.75 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0
P = Palm /RT where
Palm = YHg*H alm = 847 Ib/ft"3*(28.96/12 ft) = 2044 Ib/ft"2
R = 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T = 71 + 460 531 deg R

Thus, P =0.00224 slug/ft"3 and y = p*g =0.00224 slug/ft"3*(32.2 ftlsll2) = 0.0722 Ib/ft"3
ply =YH20 *h/y

ply =V ex /12g - V 2/2g where
V = Q/A = Q/(b*y) and
Vex~ = Q/Aex~ = (1.32 ftIl3/s/)*(2 *2/144 ft1l2) =47.5 ftls

Problem 3.103
Pressure Head, ply, vs Distance, x
20 -~--J
0 .~~--:-~~~~~~

= ~~--------j-----------------r=-=J
Q. -60
-80 .--~~~--t-------T-------r-~~-- J
-100 ~•......- Experimental, flat side
-120 - 1 - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - + - - - - - - .. - Experimental, curved side
0 5 10 15 20 25
x, in.

.3, /oLf

3.104 Sluice Gate Flowrate

Objective: The flowrate of water under a sluice gate as shown in Fig. P3.104 is a func-
tion of the water depths upstream and downstream of the gate. The purpose of this experi-
ment is to compare the theoretical flowrate with the experimentally determined flowrate.

Equipment: Flow channel with pump and control valve to provide the desired flowrate
in the channel; sluice gate; point gage to measure water depth; float; stop watch.

Experimental Procedure: Adjust the vertical position of the sluice gate so that the
bottom of the gate is the desired distance, a, above the channel bottom. Measure the width,
b, of the channel (which is equal to the width of the gate). Turn on the pump and adjust the
control valve to produce the desired water depth upstream of the sluice gate. Insert a float
into the water upstream of the gate and measure the water velocity, VI> by recording the time,
t, it takes the float to travel a distance L. That is, VI = Lit. Use a point gage to measure the
water depth, z\> upstream of the gate. Adjust the control valve to produce various water depths
upstream of the gate and repeat the measurements.

Calculations: For each water depth used, determine the flowrate, Q, under the sluice gate
by using the continuity equation Q = AI VI = b ZI VI' Use the Bernoulli and continuity equa-
tions to determine the theoretical flowrate under the sluice gate (see Equation 3.21). For these
calculations assume that the water depth downstream of the gate, Z2, remains at 61 % of the
distance between the channel bottom and the bottom of the gate. That is, Z2 = O.61a.

Graph: Plot the experimentally determined flowrate, Q, as ordinates and the water depth,
ZI> upstream of the gate as abscissas.

Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical flowrate as a function of water depth up-
stream of the gate.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click III're
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem .

• FIGURE P3.104

3-1 0 8
3./0/f I (conJ/)
Solution for problem 3.104: Sluice Gate Flowrate

a, in. b, in. L, ft
1.2 6.0 4.0

Experimental Theoretical
Zl,ft t, S V 1 , ftls Q, ft"3/s Q, ft"3/s
0.183 4.2 0.952 0.087 0.091
0.267 5.0 0.800 0.107 0.114
0.343 5.2 0.769 0.132 0.132
0.453 6.2 0.645 0.146 0.155
0.569 6.4 0.625 0.178 0.175
0.725 7.0 0.571 0.207 0.200
0.877 8.6 0.465 0.204 0.222
V 1 = Ut
Q = V 1 bz 1

Q = b*Z23/2*(2*g)1I2*[((Zl/z2) -1)/(1 - (z2/z1)2)]1/2
Z2 = 0.61*a

Problem 3.104
Flow Rate, Q, vs Depth, Z1

1.00 -r=======:r====r==:r==r==+=+==l=+=I
i I
i I T
1 ',
I ! ,i

i !

1 -----'-----1 --t,~-
I i : ! , ;

I i~l! i
- ~~l

i • Experimental
0.10 .-.

I !
- Theoretical
; I ; ! I
I -r
I I i I
! r I
i i r ,I
-I I I

I !

I ! I I
I 1
I I , !
i i I
! i
I !
I i I
1 i i I

0.01 1

0.1 1
Z1' ft

3 -/0'1
4.1 1}te velocity. field. of a flow is given by V =
(3y + 2)i +(x - 8)j + 5zk ft/s, where x, y, and z are in feet.
Determine the fluid speed at the origin (x = y:::;: Z = 0) and
on the y axis (x = z = 0).

IJ..::= 3Yf2. J v=x-8, W=Sz

Thl/s) af X= y:::r ~O V =1«2.
+ V2. + W,,' = J2~ +(-Sl ' = e.2s1j
and Of) the line x;: Z =OJ
V =/(3 y +2)2. +(_8)").1 :::: J~9-y-2.-t-/2-y-+-68-" #- where y--ft

if. '1-

4.2 A flow can be visualized by plotting the velocity

field as velocity vectors at representative locations in the
flow as shown in Video V4.1 and Fig. E4.1. Consider the Vr
velocity field given in polar coordinates by vr = -lOlr
and Vo = 101r. This flow approximates a fluid swirling into
a sink as shown in Fig. P4.2. Plot the velocity field at
locations given by r = I, 2, and 3 with e = 0, 30, 60, and
90 deg.

W;1h tV";;:: -/ olr and N8 ::: lo/r then • FIGURE P4.2

V-=Jrv;.'-+IV92. ::; I(-Io/r)% + (Jo/r)1 = I'I-;!.'I-

The QI191e ex hetllleen the radial J/re{;/ion and
the velocify vee/or is r;iven hy
filii lolr
tan eX = -AIr ;:: _(-Iolr) =I
ThvsJ ()( = ~s for anv 0 rJ B o

~·.e. the velocify vector is alway oriente') /fS" re/4live 1orodia/ lines)
3 8=60
Nofe: VIS
of 9.

V=II/.III 1ft r::: I

#.3 r
4.3 The velocity field of a flow is given by What is the angle between the velocity vector and
V = 20yl(.\"2 + y2)l'2i - '20xl(x 2 + )'2)1121 fils, the x axis at points (x, y) = (5,0), (5, 5), and
where x and yare in feet. Determine the fluid (0, 5)?
speed at points along the x axis; along the y axis.

Also, -2.0X
2 off
(xl. +y2.)J..2.
fan e =-tr-= 20Y (0,5)
or (x'J. t y2.) Ji.

fane == - f
Thus J for (xJy) =(sJ 0) ~~----~--=-....;"".-- X
2.0 ff
fan e ::: - 00 or e = - qoo ,s

For (~y) =(5,5)

tQn8=-/ or B=-'fsl!)
for (XJY) =(0,.5)
fan () = 0 or B== ot)

4.4 The x and y components of a velocity field are given

by u = x - y and v = x 2y - 8. Detennine the location of any
stagnation points in the flow field. That is, at what point(s) is
the velocity zero?

v== 0
provided fhQf bolh u =0 and v::: o.
ThIJs f).:: X - Y::: 0 or X := y anti V = x~ - B ::: 0 or x2y == 8

By combinin9 ob/ain X J :- 8 or X::: 2. Since X:::. y N follow..! fh41

y=2. also. Thl/.s (x) y) == (2.,2.)


45 The x and y components of velocity for a two-dimen-

sional flow are u = 3 ft/s and v = 9x 2 ftls. where x is in feet.
Determine the equation for the streamlines and graph repre-
sentative streamlines in the upper half plane.

Ii = 3 and If:::: 9x2. so fhai Sfre4f)1//nes are 9/ven hy

4¥ ~ -f ~ 2/ :: 3x2 Or Jdy =: J.3x2.dx
Thvs y:: X.3 +C J where c is ac()llsfanT.

Repre.renfalirJe .sfream/ines correspondil'l9 70 differenT va/VB.! of

care shoVln he/ow.

Streamlines y =x 3 + C
c=/OO C=.5o

c= 0
100 -J
Ic= -so

50 -+-I-'--I------+--

o ~~~--r_~r--,--~--~~~--~~~~
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 o 1 2 3 4 5

~. 6 I 4. 6 Show that the streamlines for a flow whose
velocity components are u = c( x 2 - y2) and v =
- 2cxy, where c is a constant, are given by the
equation x2y - y3/3 = constant. At which point
(points) is the flow parallel to the y axis? At which
point .(points) is the fluid stationary?

U=C(X2..-y2.) J V=-2cxy
Sireamlines given ny y"{(x) Qre -such fhal
Consider +he {une/ion x'l.y - -f = t:.ofJsf,
*"f (I)
!VoTe; If i.s nof easy fo wr/le fhis eXf/iviily as y ~ f (x)
However J we can differentials Ef. (JJ ff) 9ille
2xyr/x +x'-dy - y'1.rly :;;: 0 I or
(x2.._y2.) dy +2xy dx =0
Thvs.l fhe //ne.s /n fhe x- y plane given by £1, (I) hdl/O a slope
(IX == - ;XY) or for allY cons Ian I
(X _y'1.
CJ lIx:: C-(2.X~ _y2.
xy ) =L.
~,e. fhe fun6fion x2y - ~ =consf. represenfs the .sfreafllines
of +he 9iv81J flow.
The flow is par4/Je/ fo ihe x- axis wASil *::0 J or v=:O.
rlus OCC{)rs whelJ eifher X=0 or y:::O J t:e-.; fhe X-ax/s Of

The flow i.s para/Ie J fo The y-axi.s when

This occurs who tJ X = ± Y
* =: 00 J
IJ.. ::::0.

The livid has z.ero ve/oc/I)' at x:: y =0

~. 7 I 4. 7 The velocity field of a flow is given by
U =- - V~y/(x~ + y2)112 and v = V ox/(x 2 +
y2)II2, where Vo is a constant. Where in the flow
field is the speed equal to Vo? Determine equation
of the streamlines and discuss the various char-
acteristics of this flow.

11 = - v.o (Xl. +y y"J.'fo- V = V,

oS 0 fh41

V ;: _IU 2. -+-
,. [\/2-
V 2. :=. (y2. + X '-) 1~ =
Yo \t
V (Xl. + y2.) 0

Thus, V = ~ fhrou?houl the entire {low fielt1

Sfream lines IJro 9iveIJ by

dx = LIJ. = 2-
-y or - ydy = xdx which can be infe9rafed
fo give X2. t y2. =cons!.
Thus J fhe flvid {low wifh circular .sfream liIJes and the
speed is constanT fhrollghout.

4.8 Water flows from a rotating lawn sprinkler as shown
in Video V4.6 and Figure P4.8. The end of the sprinkler arm
moves with a speed of wR, where w = 10 radls is the an-
gular velocity of the sprinkler arm and R = 0.5 ft is its ra-
dius. The water exits the nozzle with a speed of V = 10 ftls


(a) Wafer leave.s the nozzle wilh Q Ve10 ClfY 0 f V= If) fIls af all QI191e of ,gOO
rela live 10 the radial direvlion - for an obserJler ri,)/nfj on the sprinKler 4rb1.
Th/s is fhe rel41ille velocity. II.! shown ill the .skefch, fhe sprillk/PI 4rll1 has
a c;"c/lmf~enci41 veloc/Iy 0 f RfP -::: O. b fI (10 rad/s) =: s His. TlJe IJbsolv/e
ve10cily J Va; 4.!' observed hy a person sfanJilJr. on -Ihe lawn is the vee/or
SlJm of re/t'J1/ve velocily and the nO"j"Jle ve/oeily.
From fhe 9(;omell'Y of tne fi9vre :
i a. n 0( =
10 Sin 30
. -.5 ::::. 0
10 Ct'J~300
Tho! i.s ex, == 0 )
o w;:;/o
(,',e,) the ahsolvfe wafer

velov/ly is in the r4rJial

rJ.irecfion. Since there is
no force ac+i"1 on
fhe wafer
after iT leavesJ "he W41er p4f'h'c/e-s
coni/nile f~ move in The raJial direc,lion.
Th~ the palh1ine..r are .s1rai9hf raJiallines.

(b) TAe sh4pe of the water stream «1 a 1irJen installf (t:e"a ~fJ4P .shot" of
fhe W4fer) can he ob-lained 4S follolVs, COf).rider the wafer .sfream emaIJaliA9
from +he end af-lhe nO"/.i/e al r::R (md (}::oat -lime /;=:()

-¥. 8 (con II)

A particle in -Ihi.s that lefl from -Ihe no~~/e t seconds 490 d'd
so when the nozzle wasaf f) ~ wi. SinGe /'0 /.t::0
the parth/e.s in sfrai1h1J ratii4/ pAths w/lh Va~.""
speed ~ (.see pa,.{ (al)) fhis parliole is ~"t ser;o~Js 070
af a dis/once of r = R +Va { from .Jhe / ;-~e=wl
orl9tn. ... ~ ~ i=o
Thlls the s1reanJ sho.pe js
) fJ)
r = R +Va t and e t
t:: fA) J or by eli,.,,;ncdiJ19 i

For the qiven data wi1h Va -;: V&0.s30' =0 0 1j-) (.os30 8. Db ~ (seeparl(4J)

CI/Jd I.U == If) rad/s this hecomes

r = o.s +0. 866 f:) where r,v ff alld ()~ rad.


'his .sfream shape i.s plofled beJoU/.



'''4.9 Consider a ball thrown with initial speed Vo at an angle
of 0 as shown in Fig. P4.9a. As discussed in beginning physics. x, in. y, in.
o - ........... ,
if friction is negligible the path that the ball takes is given by 0 ,
y = (tan O)x - [g/(2 2 2
O)Jx 2 0.25 0.13 ,, x

That is. y = CIX + c&x 2, where Cl and C2 are constants. The path
, \
is a parabola. The pathline for a stream of water leaving a small 1.0 0.00
nozzle is shown in Fig. P4.9b and Video \'4.3. The coordinates 1.25 -0.20 (a)
for this water stream are given in the following table. (a) Use 1.50 -0.53
the given data to determine appropriate values for C 1 and C2 in 1.75 -0.90
the above equation and, thus, show that these water particles 2.00 -1.43
also follow a parabolic pathline. (b) Use your values of c, and
"'-, ",\

C2 to determine the speed of the water, Vo. leaving the nozzle. ., , '



An EX eEL Pttt79f!tJl!J W4S v.red to p/of the x-y d4itl d/Jd

to fif a .seco"J order curve to fhe data. Tile results are .showfJ he/oUl.

y vs x for Water Stream

0.04 - , - - - - - . , - - - - - . , - - - - - - - - - l
0.02 -~~~~~ ~J
o I
-0.02 .. -~-.~-. ~-~--~--PIIIo~-.---~-~-... i
:::~ -0.04 --~--~-.~---~--~~~~

-0. 06 +----~--!------,-------!---~~
~-----"C -8.4987x + 0.7n 15x
-0.12 +----.,..-----,---------,.--+-----1
o 0.05 0.1
x, ft

C,:::: O. 7//5 :::: 14nB or e::: 3S,~ I

c,. ::: - 8. 'f?11 =:
2. .32.. ~
'10 = 2. (8.'f187) cos'"(.3S,rJ
Thll~ '10 -:: 1.69 fj

'I-~ 10 I
4. t 0 The x and y components of a velocity field are given
by u = :l-y and v = -xy2. Determine the equation for the
streamlines of this flow and compare with those in Example
4.2. Is the flow in this problem the same as that in Example
4.2? Explain.

Stream Jines are 9t"ven by ~J:: == J!. ::; _ X y2. __ .X-

d :: - ~ J X U x2.y - X
or .-t which cal} he iIJ1e9raied as:
y x

s* =-J~
Thfls) X y ::: C
Thus, In y = -Iny + c) where C /s ~ CIJI7.ff4nl.

No fe: These streofllline.s are the So.lhS shape (same Ilf/ow paifenn
as in £xample ~ 2 - but fhe veJoc/fy fields are dt'lferel'r/.
However lhe ralios -£ are the same:

.;f.:; _ X y2. :: _ t
w x"Y x
~ := (Volt) (-y) := _ X-
u (voll) (x) x

4.11 In addition to the customary horizontal /'"
velocity components of the air in the atmosphere /
(the "wind"), there often are vertical air currents
(thermals) caused by buoyant effects due to un-
even heating of the air as indicated in Fig. P4.12. J.
Assume that the velocity field in a certain region
is approximated by u = Un' v = Va (1 - y/h) for
o < y < h, and u = un' v = 0 for y > h. Plot o
the shape of the streamline that passes through
the origin for values of lio/vo = 0.5, 1, and 2.

.so fhai streamlines

= ~fdx
Nofe: The lower limds () f infe1raJiol)
(x=o) y:::o) insure fhal fhis
eqvaf lon is for fhe streamline
fhrov'Ih fhe ori9in.
Thi.s sfream I//JB
X ==-h (~) In (J - i) i~ ploffed befow.

y/h vs xlh

1 .- •• _M -:..
~ .... .. _p'.
: -.-'-""-

...r --- . . . . . t'"'"' I

O.8 +-------+--#~-,
.. .......r..,
I ..,.,

,# ,/
, /'
0.6 ----j--r-
- -uOlvO = 1
0.4 : ,/ "~~--+--------'---~--I - - - uO/vO = 0.5

0.2 -~~~ -11


o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3



4.13* Repeat Problem 4.12 using the same in- /
formation except that u = UoY / II for 0 ::; y ::; II
rather than u = U(). Use values of uo/vo = 0,0.1,
0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0. A
/ , //

0 X

ll= UhY , V= Va (I-i) tor o<y<h .so fhaf .sfreafh//ne.s

for y '" h are given by
1>:- =..::L = vo(J-{) = Vo (h-y) or wtth X::::O when y=o
(J x IJ. U
Ua Y

{ (h~ y)
fiy =
IX~ dx This ifJ1e'lf'ales 117 'live

-~ -h In( h-y):h In (h) = -to; X or f=r&.,)[ln~)- iJ

Thi.s sTreamline is plolled he/ow for 0 ~ ~ I J wilh "*
~ = 0 J 0.1 0.2. O. 'I- O. /) I o. B Qnri I. 0 The VIJ Itie s were

calc tJ/oted ana plotted ()S ifJ? 41) £XC£L PrtJ'1J'i1J11.

y/h vs xlh

1 _ D,/ O.C
0.9 - ~~-"~=--- -----
0.8 --- ---------- I
0.7 ~-I-- - -- ------------- -- ---I
0.6 --~--1

to. 5 -l--'--l---1.f-,~ !

0.4 -P.I-'-J(-q--~--~- -~~~~~---~-

0.3 -WJIj'---~~--~__i____--~~~~_l______- -~--~-----------------:

0.2 - --~~----~-.----

0.1 ------~-------- ----;i


a 0.5 1 1.5 2

'f.II/- I
4.14 A velocity field is given by u = cx 2 and
v = cy2, where c is a constant. Determine the x
and y components of the acceleration. At what
point (points) in the flow field is the acceleration

Ox =rr
dlJ. dU dlJ,
+l1.Tx +VTy - (CX'")(')..CX) ::;2c X
2. .3

ay =1f +u.¥X+v:; :: (cy2.)(2-c.y) = 2C2. y 3
Thus) a=axl+ayJ =0 af (X1Y) -::(0)0)

"".15 I
.1.1.5 A three-dimensional velocity field is given by u = x 2 ,
V = -2xy, and w = x + y. Determine the acceleration vector.

= If + U DX +~ 19 +jJI nO!J,
=X2.(2X) ~ 2X 3

Cly :::
rr + It
dAl. + IV ry
aN:. of)lf
- X%.(-2y) +(-2.XY){-).X) -= 2X'y

Q1. = 1f +IJ¥f +1'1' 1'1 -fiJI W

= x2.(J) +(-2-xy)0) xz. -:J.xy '=-

Ihvs J
~ 3/1 .1 A 2 I'
11. - 2 X t + 2. X Y I +(x ... 2XY) k
If. ./7

-4.11 The velocity of air in the diverging pipe shown in Fig.

P4.17 is given by VI = 4t ftf sand Vo = 21 ftf s, where t is in
seconds. (a) Determine the local acceleration at points (I) and
(2). (b) Is the average convective acceleration between these
two points negative, zero, or positive? Explain.

b) convecfive acceleration a/on9 the pipe : : U #-

where IJ. >0. IN aIJr lime'
~.... < Vt . r/;ps he/ween OJ a"d(:J.)

JI£ ~ V2.- ~ /0
JX"'" 1 ~

/lel1cc", 11. ¥X
c::: 0 or the tlver41e conl/eet/ve acceleration
is neq4live.
If. {8 f
4. I a Water flows through a constant d!arneter pipe with a
unifonn velocity given by V = (8/t + 5)j mis, where t is in
seconds. Detennine the acceleration at time t = 1, 2, and lOs.

a: : Tf + .-V.vV.....
Wi Ih U == 0 J V -(T +.5) ': J
thi.s becomes
cV ~V)" _ dV ~ m
a = -rr + v Jy J - n J -
......110 ( A __ 1\
t2. J S'-
ThlJs, a=-81./fi af t=/.s
a = -2.0 J.f.. af t =2 oS
a =-O.OBJ~ at t::::/O..s

4. Iq When a valve is opened, the velocity of water in a

certain pipe is given by u = 10(1 - e-'), v = 0, and w = 0,
where u is in ft/ sand t is in seconds. Detennine the maximum
velocity and maximum acceleration of the water.

~- ---_._- '-_ ... -
4.20* Water flows through a pipe with V = t (s) u (ft/s) t (s) u (ft/s)
u(t)i where the approximate measured values of 0 0 11.2 8.1
u(t) are shown in the table. Plot the acceleration 1.8 1.7 12.3 8.4
as a function of time for 0 ~ t ~ 20 s. Plot the 3.1 3.2 13.9 8.3
acceleration as a function of time if all of the 4.0 3.8 15.0 8.1
values of u(t) are increased by a factor of 2; by 5.5 4.6 16.4 7.9
a factor of 5. 6.9 5.8 17.5 7.0
8.1 6.3 18.4 6.6
10.0 7.1 20.0 5.7

a= elt~v +V'VV

u=u(t) J
v=:O )
thi.s becomes
~ (~U. ~IJ.)I\ ~ tL 1Jl
a:: Tf+urx l =rr 1./1
or /J -
"'x - ~t

The IJ. ~U(f) ,rttph Qnd fhe hesf [// clIbic erlJatiofJ .shown helolJl
was ploNeJ ilsifl9 In £XCEJ.. Pr091'4RJ.
Thvs w/lh J
IJ.::: -0.0012.-/ 3 - O,OI/2tJ. +0,97.5" if fo//ows 11141
fix := 1~ :: - 0.0031 flo - O,01.Z.lft + 0.97.51 jt J where tl'VS
This acce/fJI'4/ion is a/so p/ofleri he/QUI,
Note Ih4-f if U increMes by fA fAvlol' 01 K ti, e, K::: 2. ,,, K:::S)J
Ihe ()'cae lera lion J tI)(. .:= If J does also.

Water Speed vs Time Acceleration vs Time

u = -0.00121 - 0.0112r + 0.97561
9 4
B - 3
7 2
6 N

~ 5 ~ 0
:; 4 1"11 -1

3 -2
2 -3
1 -4
0 -5
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
t, s t, S
Jf.2.1 I
4.2 The fluid velocity along the x axis shown
in Fig. P4.21 changes from 6 mls at point A to VA =6 m/s VB = 19 m/s
~ ~
IS mls at point B. It is also known that the ve-
• • •
locity is a linear function of distance along the A C B
streamline. Determine the acceleration at points
A, B, and C. Assume steady flow.
//// ,///////""
,. 0.1 m----l

a.- oV
= 1T + V-VV
- -.
U==U(X) )
v=O J
and w=O
fhi.s becomes
a =(!t +u ~J)t = u ~~ t (I)
Since U is a /ineqr ftlnclion ()f X J (j,= c,X +c2, where fhe
cons/an/.s C, J C1. are given as: I.JA " 6 :: Cz.
and ltD = 19 =0,/ C, .r C2.,

m 0r C, ;:;: J20 J C2.:: 6.

Thus J (). =( /20 X + 6 ) s with x~m
From Efj. (I)
a= U ~~ L -= (/20X + 6 ) P. (/20 :5) t
for XII =:0 J ~= 7~O r 1i
for X8-::: 0,0.5m) aB= IJftiOtp.
rf!Jr Xc. == 0, / m J a~c =- Am
21 6 0 l':S'J-


R ~~~==:-,.....----x = 0
4.2'1 When a fluid flows into a round pipe as shown in Fig. x = fl4
P4.22, viscous effects may cause the velocity profile to change
0.75 R
from a-uniform profile (V = Voi) at the entrance of the pipe to ,,~x =fl2

a parabolic profile {V = 2Vo [1 - (r/R)2]i} atx = e.
profiles for various values of x are as indicated in the figure.
Use this graph to show that a fluid particle moving along the
centerline (r = 0) experiences an acceleration, but a particle
0.5 R
I~~'\\ x = 3Cl4

close to the edge of the pipe (r ""'" R) experiences a deceleration.

Does a particle traveling along the line r = 0.5 R experience
an acceleration or deceleration, or both? Explain.
0.25 R
x = t



a =F +V'VV ~
v=o J
and w=O
we obtain
~ ~ aU dU dU
a:= Ox t where ax == Jf + uTi := UR
a) Along the centerline (r =0) we finri li >0 and ~ >0
Thus J Qx >0 on r::: O.

b) /Veo.r the pipe wall (r ~ R) we find Ii >0 btA <0 (i.e.; fhe -if
ve/oc/ly changes from (j.::: Va fo u.c: Vo (J.s X increase!;.)
Th v.s J ax < 0 for r ~ R ,
c) For r:: f
R we r/nd u >0 and >0 'leaf fhe pipe fx
en/ranee) buf #..c.
0 elsewhere. This is indi cofed /n fhe
t;9IJre beJow.
U Th{)~JJ for r = 1-
~ J
I ax >0 neQr the en/ranee and
-I -
Ox <0 elsewhere
r== iR
¥x->o ~ <0
x = 0 x = I'


tf -/7
y f-o------el2-----l·1

4.23 As a valve is opened, water flows through

the diffuser shown in Fig. P4.23 at an increasing
flowrate so that the velocity along the centerline 1
is given by V = ui = V o(1 - reI) (1 - xII' )i, u u = -VoG - e-et)
where uo, c, and are constants. Determine the ----i~~ L _ _~~~~~_~2_~~~
u = VOG - e- c0
acceleration as a function of x and t. If Vo =
10 ftls and = 5 ft, what value of c (other than ~

c = 0) is needed to make the acceleration zero

for any x at t = 1 s? Explain how the acceleration
can be zero if the flow rate is increasing with time.

Q =iY..
v::O J
and w::O
this becomes
~ (~U JM)/\
a::: rt t u 1)( t == Cl~ t

I fax s: af t:: 1 s we mils! htlve

0 for any X

[c i(;t _ .:;. (/_ e- ct )2J :: 0 with Vo::: /0 Q/Jd 1.::: 5

-c 10 ( _C)2
ce -5/-e =0

For fhe above condl'fionJ fhe /()co,/I/ccelerafio/J (ft- >0) is

precisely Do/alJced hy fhe Colll/eelitlc decelero/i on (it :~ <.0),
The {Iowrote if)crea.re.s wilh lime J /;vi fhe I/Vid flows 10 an
area of lower ve/oc/Iy.

4.24 A,fluid flows along the x axis with a velocity given by
V = (x/t)i, where x is in feet and t in seconds. (a) Plot the
speed for 0 :s x:s 10 ft and t = 3 s. (b) Plot the speed for x =
7 ft and 2 :s t :s 4 s. (c) Detennine the local and convective
acceleration. (d) Show that the acceleration of any fluid particle
in the flow is zero. (e) Explain physically how the velocity of
a particle in this unsteady flow remains constant throughout itf.
tJ,J fp.s t =3.s
(0) U. -;;; : 1j so at t:: 3.s J Ii:;: f !f 2.

(b) For X == 7 If J U:;.2 --.sfl
t 0 10
U, fp5
It x
= --p. an
d JU
Urx X(')_
=T T -
/;'" 2- X= 7 f+


(d) For Qny fluid particle +V,VV a=1¥ °0

whi c.n with v:;: 0 J W -::: 0 becomes
...... (dlJ. (j(J,)J'\ _ ( X + X ) -1 0
a :- "IT +uTx l - -72- 72- { :=

(e) The {Jarfie/c.s flow Inlo area-s of hl9het ve/oc/ly (see r;.~./),
hoi af 0"1 9iven loca/Ion fhe veJooifj i.s de6rea.sifJ9 i/J Ilme
(see Fig- 2J. For The 9iven ve lo&/fy field the local qnd
COhflBr;fil/C acceleratio"s ore e'lv41 and Oll()s,ie) 1iflifJ9
'2 e/,O acee / era/ion fhl'otJ9n ~vl.
4.25 A hydraulic jump is a rather sudden change in depth
of a liquid layer as it flows in an open channel as shown in .
Hydraulic jump

Fig. P4.25 and Vitleo V 10.6. In a relatively short distance

(thickness = e) the liquid depth changes from ZI to Z2' with a
corresponding change in velocity from VI to V2• If VI =
1.20 ftls, V2 = 0.30 ft/s, and e = 0.02 ft, estimate the average
deceleration of the liquid as it flows across the hydraulic jump.
How many g's deceleration does this represent?

1'1 FIGURE P4.25

JV .- '" JIJ,
Ii -:: T{ of V·vV.> -
SO w/fA -V::
- A
IJ.(XJi J a =Ill.

Will1 ouf knDWin9 fhe acftJa/ ve/oc/Iy Ji.flr;/'u/i()11 J t( == IJ(X~

the (Jcceleraliol) can he approximated tis
tlx ~ fA .w ~ i (V,+~) (~i"') :; ; 1(1.2.0 +0,3 0) if ( O. 30 -1.;).0
= -33.,{!z.
ThllsJ - /.05
'I-:k6 I
-t.U. A fluid panicle flowing along a stagnation stream·
line. as shown in Vick,) Y4.:: and Fig. P4.26. slows down as it Stagnation pornt. t::: 0
approaches the stagnation point. Measurements of the dye flow ~ ~~J(f~~¥ FI Id It I
in the video indicate that the location of a panicle starting on i,; ~:tt~" ";.i;oro. ~ v / U PC! Ie e
the stagnation streamline a distance s "" 0.6 ft upstream of the 'tfi~ s
stagnation point at ( "" 0 is given approximately by s =O.6e- o.s" , -
where t is in seconds and s is in ft. (a) Determine the speed of • FI G U REP 4 . 2 6
a fluid particle as a function o(time, Vpanicl.Jt), as it flows along
the sleamline. (b) Determine the speed of the fluid as a func·
tion of position along the streamline. V"" V(s). (e) Determine
the flu id acceleration along the streamli ne as a function of po-
sition. a, :::: a,(s).

(,,) Vlilh s" 0.6 e-o.s if follows Ihat
II ds ( ) _O.Sf _o.st
~ ~"J
P',.TfC e "-rr
~ 0.6 -o.s e "-0.3 e His

(b) From pari (a),

_0.51] _o.sl
V" (-0.5) [0_6 e where .s" 0.6 e
Thvs I

v~ (-0 ..»[5], or V= -0.s5 [lis whero s-ff

(e) For sfeadl {lOlli, I?r" V 4i
Thvs, wilh V= - 0.5s pnd ~ « - O,S,

Qs " (-o.s 5) (-0.5) " 0.255 fils' where $- H

No Ie : For S >0, Os iJ pari/lve - the parficlt:r acee/eralion is /0 /he ri'llrl.

S i"ce fhe paMic/e is mavifltj fa the left. a plJS//ive as fof' fj,is ca.re
implies -fhal Ihe p",.fide is dece/era/in,! (qS ,I m~f be for Ihis
sfa? nalion point lJow 1.

4~1. 7 A nozzle is designed to accelerate the fluid from VI to
V2 in a linear fashion . That is, V = ax + b. where a and b are
constants. If the flow is constant with VI = 10 m/ s at XI = 0
and V 2 - 25 m/ s al X2 = I m. delennine the local acceleralion.
the conveclive acceleration, and the acceleration of the fluid at
poinls (I) and (2).

Wiih u =ax +b ) V=O J and w=o fhe accelerafion

can be wriHen as
a = Ox t were h Ox = /J.1X • (I)

Since /J. = ~ = IO.p af x =0 and Ii- =v.. =25.p. al x =1 we oMain

10 = 0 + b
25 = a +b So thai a = 15 and b = 10
Thai i.s, /J. = (!5X+10).If ; where x- m , so th.i from EZ'O)
ax = (/5X+ IO )f (15'f) = (t1.5XTISO) f,.

4.21.) Repeat Problem 4.27 with the assumption that the
flow is not steady, but at the time when VI = 10 m/s and
V2 = 25 mis, it is known that aVl/ar = 20 m/s 2 and
aV2/ar = 60 m/s 2•

.- ~

JV ~ ~
Wifh U=fJ.(x)l:) J v::: o J and w =:0 the acce Iera f ,'on a =Tf +V·vV
can be wriffen a.s
#- ¥X
a :: Ox f where Ox:::: +Ii J w/lh /.J.:::; a(f)x +btfJ. (I)

III fhe given lime (fc:io) u:: ~ = IO.qz. ~.d X ==0 (JnJ IJ == ~ ==25 11 aT X:=/m
Thus) 10 = 0 + bOo)
25 :: aCto) t ha,,) so fhai aCt,,)::: /s tJlld !JII,) == 10
II/sf) af {:::to J #-== ~~~L :: 20 ~ at X=:(}

and ~/J. = JV2. _ 0f 0 !l!...

Tt -rr - - m oMeI : "'If,.
.s:J- a f X-I I 'lese Qre
/ I

(Jcce /er"f ions (J f time t= to

The convective accelerofion al X::O (Ef - 0) i.s
u¥x= (oxtb) (a) =(15(O)+IO)~/5 ~):::ISO?
vJ'h//e a f '1= / if i.s
u~ :: (/5 (I) +JO)!J-(ls f) == 375ii
The fllJid accelerofion ,d t:::to Is
a = (#- +I.l ~)t == (2.0+ ISO)'( ~ = 170t ~ af x::()
a =( 60+ 37s )t ';2. ::: 'f.9st-jt af X'::lm
9.3 0
-1.30 An incompressible fluid flows past a turbine blade as v
shown in Fig. P4.30a and Vidt'o \'4.5. Far upstream and down-
stream of the blade the velocity is Vo. Measurements show that 1.5 Vo
the velocity of the fluid along streamline A-F near the blade is
as indicated in Fig. P4.30b. Sketch the streamwise component
of acceleration, as, as a function of distance, s, along the stream- Vo
line. Discuss the important characteristics of your result.
0.5 Vo

A .I'
1\ .~
---1 Vo (b)

tA.s :: Vis where froRJ the fit/fire of V =VIs) The (vl/cfion

1! has the foJ/olNin1 Sh4I'S.


The ffwd decelerates from 1/ 10 C) 4cce/er4les {rum c If} IJ) and

fhe decelerates a94JI; from [) 10 F. the nel acceler4li(}17 (rpm
Atf) F is zero (i. 8/ ~::: V, =- VF ),
4.31* Air flows steadily through a variable x (in.) u (fils) x (in.) u (ft/s)
area pipe with a velocity of V = u(x)i ft/s, where
the approximate measured values of u(x) are given
o 10.0 7 20.1
1 10.2 8 17.4
in the table. Plot the acceleration as a function
2 13.0 9 13.5
of x for 0 :S X :S 12 in. Plot the acceleration if
3 20.1 10 11.9
the flowrate is increased by a factor of N (i.e.,
4 28.3 11 10.3
the values of u are increased by a factor of N),
5 28.4 12 10.0
for N = 2, 4, 10. 10.0
6 25.8 13

Since /). ~U(x) v==o) and w=o /1 follows fha! (j= :: +v·vV
simplil/e.s fo 11 = ax t where (Ix -::: U ¥X (I)

The valves U are given in fhe faMe ; the correspondin9 values

of ~~ C4n be tJbt"ined by an approximale numerical diFreren-fialion o.s
qiven in Pro9rom P'f#31 shoJ¥fJ he/ow,
No Ie fhat since (/x ~ f). #-
if fo//ows thol and increose in ve/ocIl,
from u. 10 N U Increases Ihe occelerafiol) from Ox If) ;V2dx
2-00 cls
110 open "prnl! for output as #1
120 dim u(l~), n(~)
125 u(l)=lO.O : u(2)=10.2 : u(3)=13.0 : u(~)=20.1 : u(5)=28.3
130 u(6)=28.~ : u(7)=25.S : u(S)=20.1 : u(9)=17.~ : u(10)=13.5
135 u(11)=11.9 : u(12)=10.3 : u(13)=10.0 : u(1~)=10.0
1~0 n(l)=l : n(2)=2 : n(3)=~ : n(~)=10
150 print#l, "************************************************"
160 print#l, "** This program calculates the acceleration **"
170 print#l, "** as a function of position. **"
180 print.# 1, "********************************************* ***"
200 print#l, " I!
210 for i = 1 to ~
220 print#l, II "
230 print.#l, using "For N = ##";n(i)
2~0 print#l, 11 x, in. u, ft/s a, ft/s2"
300 for j = 1 to 13
310 a = n(i)-2*((u(j+l) + u(j))/2)*{(u(j+l) - u(j))/(1/12))
320 uavg = (u(j+ll + u(j))/2
330 x = j - 0.5
3~0 print#l, using "###.# ###.# +#.###----";x,uavg,a
350 next j
360 next i

Nole fhQf aHhou9h Ihe velocIty· da/a J U :: fJ. (X)/ o/fJerJrs fo he

qulfe "smoolh '; the occelerat;on resvll J ox:::: I.i ~ is somewhaT I

irrerju/ar (especia/~ for x> 7 in.).

** This program calculates the acceleration **
** as a function of position. **

For N = 1 For N = 10
x, in. u, ft/s, a, ft/s2 x. In. u, ft/s, a, ft/s2
0.5 10.1 +2.424E+01 0.5 10.1 +2.4,2l"E+03
1.5 11. 6 +3.898E+02 1.5 11.6 +3.898E+04,
2. :> 16.5 +1.410E+03 2.5 16.5 +1.l,,10E+05
3.5 24,.2 +2.381E+03 3.5 24,.2 +2.381E+05
4.5 28.3 +3.402E+01 4.5 28.3 +3.l,,02E+03
5.5 27.1 -8.455E+02 5.5 27.1 -8.l"55E+0l,,
6.5 23.0 -1.570E+03 6.5 23.0 -1.570E+05
7.5 18.8 -6.075E+02 7.5 18.8 -6.075E+04,
8.5 15.4, -7.231E+02 8.5 15.4, -7.231E+0l"
9.5 12.7 -2.438E+02 9.5 12.7 -2.438E+0l"
10.5 11.1 -2.131E+02 10.5 11.1 -2.131E+0'"
11. 5 10.1 -3.654,E+01 11. 5 10.1 -3.654E+03
12.5 10.0 +O.OOOE+OO 12.5 10.0 +O.OOOE+OO



5 10 Xl in. 15


2.000 - -- -/- N=F
.------ ---,---------------- -:-------~-----,------~--

£l1.s2- 1000 ----
---:----- --- --------.- --------- --- - - - .
--- -------~' --.------~.----.-

0 ~~---+-'------~,....------'J5--Xi-in;

-1000 ___ ~\~~/O-.---- ________,______

'1.32. J 4.32. Assume the temperature of the exhaust
in an exhaust pipe can be approximated by T =
To(1 + ae-bx)[l + c cos(wt)], where To =
100 °e, a = 3, b = 0.03 m- 1 , c = 0.05, and w
= 100 rad/s. If the exhaust speed is a constant~
mis, determine the time rate of change of temp-
erature of the fluid particles at x = 0 and x =
4 m when t = o.
Since u-== 2 T
'V J
v;O J
and w=O if fol/ow.s +h~+
=rr+ V' V
~ T oT ~T
=rt+lJ.rxf-V 1y tWn-=-rr+UdX
IJT dT oT 'dT

Thus I
gr= To (I +a ibx)(_c fA) sin(4Ji)+u.T,; (t+c c.o.s(wt»)(-ab e-b:x)
When t;:: 0 :
%f = - ab 7; (I + c) e- bx or w/llJ fhe given data.,

%f == -(3) (0.03 ;h)( 2.~ )(100 (/+0.05) i o.o3X


=-/B.q e- :C where x,vm

O 03X
• J

Thus, Iff-;- /B.q:j- at X;::O J t=:o

DT °c
Df = -/6.8 s af x;: Lf »J J t =0

4.33* As is indicated in Fig. P4.33, the speed
of exhaust in a car's exhaust pipe varies in time
and distance because of the periodic nature of the.
engine's operation and the damping effect with;
distance from the engine. Assume that the speed.
is given by V = V o[1 + ae- bx sin(wt)], where· v = vorl + ae- bx sin(wtl)
Vo = 8 fps. a = 0.05. b = 0.2 ft-I, and w = 50
rad/s. Calculate and plot the fluid acceleration at
x = 0, 1, 2. 3, 4, and 5 ft for 0 :5 t:5 n/25 s.

v=o J and w=o if fo/low.5 thaf
~ aV
a = Tf + V •V
_.-v = J\
Qx I. ,
h DUo
were Ox:: Tf + U IX
au (I)
ThIJS, w/lh U:: Vo [I + a e- Sin (wt)] Ef. (/) 9ives
Ox = Va aw e- bx co.s(wt) + Vo[I+ a bx.sin (fAJi)] Va a. (-b) e-bxsin(wt)
=Vo a e bX [ tQ COoS ((pt) - Vo b Sin (4JtJ (J ta e- bXsin (wi »)]
W/lh Va:: 8!j J a;:; 0.05 , b =:: 0.2. ft and I» =50 !.1 d J

fh is becomes
ax == O. If e- o.2.X [so cos (sot) - 1.6 sin (Eot) (J +0.0,5 eo. 2xsin (sot))J f}a. PJ
where t~.s and x- ff
PI07 tlx from £'1- (:J.) (or o:s t ~ if s w/lh X =0) J) 2.,3, if, tlnrl51!,

AIJ £xce/ Prorflam Wa.r vs-eci 10 (;4/clI/4Ie ax frolll £r (~). The re.rvlfs
ore shown en Ih9 /Jext p4,e,

(con 'I)
'I: 33- {con 'I)
Acceleration at various x locations, fUs"2
t, s x=Oft x=1ft x=2ft x= 3 ft x=4ft x=5ft
0.000 20.00 16.37 13.41 10.98 8.99 7.36
0.005 19.22 15.73 12.88 10.55 8.64 7.07
0.010 17.24 14.11 11.56 9.46 7.75 6.34
0.015 14.18 11.61 9.51 7.79 6.38 5.22
0.020 10.24 8.39 6.87 5.63 4.61 3.77
0.025 5.67 4.65 3.81 3.12 2.55 2.09
0.030 0.74 0.61 0.51 0.42 0.34 0.28
0.035 -4.23 -3.46 -2.83 -2.31 -1.89 -1.55
0.040 -8.93 -7.31 -5.98 -4.90 -4.01 -3.28
0.045 -13.08 -10.71 -8.76 -7.17 -5.87 -4.81
0.050 -16.42 -13.44 -11.00 -9.01 -7.37 -6.04
0.055 -18.73 -15.34 -12.56 -10.28 -8.42 -6.89
0.060 -19.89 -16.29 -13.33 -10.92 -8.94 -7.32
0.065 -19.81 -16.22 -13.28 -10.87 -8.90 -7.29
0.070 -18.51 -15.15 -12.41 -10.16 -8.32 -6.81
0.075 -16.06 -13.14 -10.76 -8.81 -7.21 -5.90
0.080 -12.61 -10.32 -8.45 -6.91 -5.66 -4.63
0.085 -8.37 -6.85 -5.61 -4.59 -3.76 -3.07
0.090 -3.62 -2.96 -2.42 -1.98 -1.62 -1.32
0.095 1.36 1.12 0.92 0.75 0.62 0.51
0.100 6.26 5.13 4.20 3.44 2.82 2.31
0.105 10.77 8.82 7.22 5.92 4.84 3.97
0.110 14.61 11.96 9.80 8.02 6.57 5.38
0.115 17.54 14.36 11.76 9.63 7.88 6.45
0.120 19.38 15.87 12.99 10.64 8.71 7.13
0.125 20.01 16.38 13.41 10.98 8.99 7.36

Acceleration, ax, vs Time, t




¢:! 0
-5 -.~----'---

-10 ~-----.--------------


0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
t, S

4.34 A gas flows along the x-axis with a speed of V = 5x sure for a fluid particle flowing past x = I. (c) Explain without
m/s and a pressure of p = IOx 2 N/m 2 , where x is in meters. using any equations why the answers to parts (a) and (b) are
(a) Determine the time rate of change of pressure at the fixed different.
location x = I. (b) Determine the time rate of change of pres-
a) Since fJ:::: /0 X /i follows IhQf
b) 'Wifh fj,:::5x J /tr:::O )P=:OJ and r-
ll==jox2.d follows
* = 0 for a 1/ x.


~1 :: +u~ +/Ir ~ +jJr ~ ::: 11.* :: (SXlf)(2oX1.) == IOOX2. ~/.s

-rhvs ~fl == /00 ;;(6
c) For this s lea rJy flow fhe press/Jre at a poinT is cO/Jsiallf (p4rl (",)~ blli
1he pressure fOr a 9i1l811 parfie Ie chafJ?eJ; with lime (,~flf (bJ) heca/)se
fhe pafl1 (~/e flow.: into a hir;hel' pross fire r e9io/J.


4.35 The temperature distribution in a fluid is given by T =

lOx + 5y, where x and y are the horizontal and vertical coor-
dinates in meters and T is in degrees centigrade. Determine the
time ra.te of chan~e of temperature of a fluid particle traveling
(a) honzontally WIth u = 20 mis, v = 0 or (b) vertically with
u = 0, v = 20 m/ s.
Dt ==
rr JT JT
+ IJ IX + V dY J
h Jf
were 1T :::: 0
ThIlS, if IJ,::;2o'f and v~OJ then ~ :::u{f:::(2.o.t;-)(IO !.#r) =:200!f

and '" T
If u =0 anJ v=: 20 7) fhel1 ft-;; vfr7 : : (:LO!)(5'-;;;)
-::: jOIJ ~

. U6 At the top of its trajectory, the stream of water shown ffi = 0.10 It
in Fig. P4.36 and Yid,'o V4.3 flows with a horizontal velocity
of 1.80 ft/s. The radius of curvature of its streamline at that
point is approximately 0.10 ft. Determine the normal compo- m FIGURE P4.36
nent of acceleration at that location.

a:n == VI = (1.8 ) = 3 2.~
1? o,/off s2.·


4.37 As shown in Video V4.2 and Fig. P431, a flying

airplane produces swirling flow near the end of its wings.
In certain circumstances this flow can be approximated by
the velocity field u = -Ky/(;r? + y2) and v = Kx/(;r? + l),
where K is a constant depending on various parameters as-
sociated with the airplane (Le., its weight, speed, etc.) and
x and yare measured from the center of the swirl. (a) Show • FIG U REP 4 .37
that for this flow the velocity is inversely proportional to the
distance from the origin. That is, V = KI(;r? + yl)ln. (b)
Show that the streamlines are circles.

V-= Ji
r J

(x'".f y2.) _ x
(b) Sfreamline.s are (piJen by -y
(x 1 +y'")
which when inferraled qives
t y1. ::: - f X1. +C'.J where t; is I-i cOlJrfalJ/.
X2. -l- y"J, :: Con.sfanf


4.3){ Assume that the streamlines for the wingtip vortices

from an airplane (see Fig. P4.37 and Vidt'(j V4.1) can be ap-
proximated by circles of radius r and that the speed is V = K/r.
where K is a constant. Determine the streamline acceleration.
as. and the normal acceleration. an. for this flow .

• FIGURE P4.13

a - V!li-
~ as where SlfJce V-J:
- r J
if ~(J
Thvs J

f4.s -:: £
Q 'i 2- _ (Klr):1 ::: K

"-Y[- -r -3
4.3 q A fluid flows past a sphere with an upstream velocity
of Va = 40 mls as shown in Fig. P4.3Q. From a more advanced
theory it is found that the speed of the fluid along the front part
of the sphere is V = ~Va sin e. Determine the streamwise and
normal components of acceleration at point A if the radius of
the sphere is a = 0.20 m.


v= ~ Va sin e == -j: (~O ';) sine == 60 sine f (I)

(6 . 0)2. m1
an == X1(2. == 0 Sin 1./-0
SJ::::: 7/f'fO ~
CIs ::: V15 == (60 smf) dS
. ) ~v J where
JV ~v ~e
J.5 ::: Ie TI
From £~,(J) J j ~ :: io cos fJ
dB -
J where e- raJ, J so f hQ +r.s - ~
s::: a8 = 0.1- e I1J
Thus, for B= 'fOD
as:: (60 sinIfOO,T)(6Dco.sIfOO~)(o.~m) ::: 886o~
4.40* For flow past a sphere as discussed iI}
Problem 4.39, plot a graph of the streamwise ac-
celeration, as> the normal acceleration, a,,, and
the magnitude of the acceleration as a function
of 0 for 0 ::; 0 ::; 90° with Vo = 50 fils and a =
0.1, 1.0, and 10 ft. Repeat for Vo = 5 fils. At
what point is the acceleration a maximum; a min-

_r _(tVaasinet-_ Jfa
9 '10 2

dV ~V de oV 3
and G.s = V Ts =V18 E J where T8:: '".2 Vo cosfJ and .s::: a ()
or gjl =..L
Thlls J ~5 a
as = (f Va sine )(t Yo co.s8) f = ff sinO cos e (2)

lienee The ma9ndIJde of the acee/era/ion i.s

I 9Vc 2. I . 'I 9 ~ 2. J
I I = y an2. +a.: = Jl.ao Ysin e +sin2.8 (,os2.8 = If aD sine Vsir/e +co.s~e
i i i

or 2-

(3) urI = ¥.i sinB Thvs, Ia/min = 0 tlf 8=0 J la/mIX = ~ af fj =90

lin bxcel Pr09fafn"W4s wed to caJGt6'i4iB tl.s a/J 4/ld C{ frllm

£flns. (fJ/)'~ afJa (1'J. The l'eJ()/ls are shown ie/(JJ4I~ 7lJe resilils tor
ofher V()'/V8s Od'e simIlar ,llhe f4,,/pr Vo '"/a is 4CG()vnieri /I/",
The folroWif9 derfa is f~f Vo:::5 fils 1 Q::: / ff
e, deg an, ftls2 as, ftls2 a, ftls2
o 0.0 0.0 0.0 Acceleration vs Angular position
5 0.4 4.9 4.9
10 1.7 9.6 9.8
Va ~ 5 fils
15 3.8 14.1 14.6 a :: IN
20 6.6 18.1 19.2 50 T---~~-4--~~~---~
25 10.0 21.5 23.8 N
30 14.1 24.4 28.1 ¢:! 40 1 -normal accel, ftsQ2 i
1- -streamwise accel, '
fUs A2
50 33.0 27.7 43.1 - - - accel, ftlsA2
55 37.7 26.4 46.1
60 42.2 24.4 48.7
65 46.2 21.5 51.0
70 49.7 18.1 52.9
75 52,5 14.1 54.3
80 54.6 9.6 55.4
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
85 55.8 4.9 56.0 e,deg
90 56.3 0.0 56.3
If. Iff r
4.4 J A fluid flows past a circular cylinder of
radius a with an upstream speed of V o as shown v
in Fig. P4.41. A more advanced theory indicates
that if viscous effects are negligible, the velocity
of the fluid along the surface of the cylinder is
given by V = 2 Vo sin e. Determine the streamline
and normal components of acceleration on the
surface of the cylinder as a function of Va' a, and -
e. FIGURE P4.41

an-- V2
f( -
_ (2. Vo.sin8/- _ 'tVQ.2. ",·n2. n
Q - a ~ r:7
and ========
6V V dV ~e
where ~~:::: 2 Yo cos e and
0.s= V().f= ~B Ts J .s =: a8
or rs =-L-

Thus J "

as::: (2'Vo sine)(ZVo cos(i)+ = ~ sinO cose

~.tj2" I 4.4,2* Use the results of Problem 4.41 to plot

graphs of as and an for 0 :5 :5 90° with V o =
10 m/s and a = 0.01, 0.10, 1.0, and 10.0 m.

Fro/?? Problem if. 'II J C1n:= If.cJIo:l S ifl e C/nd t1.s :: "al4,/I. sine cos().
Th ese results with Vc,-.::/o§! and a == 0.0/ J 0./ 0 ) /.0.1 and /0. Om
are plotted below.
a =0.01 m a =0.10 m a =1.0 m a =10 m a =0.10 m a =0.10 m a =1.0 m a =10 m
e, deg as, fUs
as, fUs
as, fUs
as, fUs 2 an, fUs 2 an. fUs 2 an, fUs 2 an, fUs 2
0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
5 3473 347 35 3.47 304 30 3 0.30
10 6840 684 68 6.84 1206 121 12 1.21
15 10000 1000 100 10.00 2679 268 27 2.68
20 12856 1286 129 12.86 4679 468 47 4.68
25 15321 1532 153 15.32 7144 714 71 7.14
30 17321 1732 173 17.32 10000 1000 100 10.00
35 18794 1879 188 18.79 13160 1316 132 13.16
40 19696 1970 197 19.70 16527 1653 165 16.53
45 20000 2000 200 20.00 20000 2000 200 20.00
50 19696 1970 197 19.70 23473 2347 235 23.47
55 18794 1879 188 18.79 26840 2684 268 26.84
60 17321 1732 173 17.32 30000 3000 300 30.00
65 15321 1532 153 15.32 32856 3286 329 32.86
70 12856 1286 129 12.86 35321 3532 353 35.32
75 10000 1000 100 10.00 37321 3732 373 37.32
80 6840 684 68 6.84 38794 3879 388 38.79
85 3473 347 35 3.47 39696 3970 397 39.70
90 0 0 0 0.00 40000 4000 400 40.00
(CO!) 'I)

100000 ES==:::E==t~ 100000 B=:====:E===l


T--- -:-. --:---±~ I ' •
- - - a =0.01 m - - - a = 0.01 m j
N I ,\ N
.Ie T·-----·--~- .\ . - - - a = 0.10 m .Ie i- • I ---a=0.1m
:, i
E --~;---'------~- E
- - - - - a = 1.0 m - - - - - a = 1.0 m
~.....---r-+:...,I------t---t---i - - - -a =10. m ----a=10m
100 100

10 10



:1 .

o 50 100 o 50 100
e,deg e, deg
4.4.3 Determine the x and y components of
acceleration for the flow given in Problem 4.6. If
c > 0, is the particle at point x = xo > 0 and
y = 0 accelerating or decelerating? Explain.
Repeat if Xo < O.

Since 11.== c(x"J._ y 2.) and v= -2 c xy if fo//ow.s fhaf

a A A
= 0xt +(JyJ J
Clx ==1t +u-¥x + v-W == c(x2--y')(~cx) +(-.2cxy)(-2CY)
Ox =2c 2 X (x2.+y2)
Oy == ~ + u1f + v¥y- =c(x2.-y2.) (-2CY) +(-2cxy )(-2cx)
Qy == 2 c 2. y ( x" +y 2. )

For X=X o and y::::O We obfain:

o J
an d
Ox= 2C2. x: J Oy =0
Thlls J wilh c>o and Xo>O ;i foJJows thai u >0 J Ox >OJ i.e.~ the
flviJ l.s acceleratinq.
With C >0 and xo~o if foJlo~.s fhat u > 0 J ax<o j t',8'J fhe
f /uirA is rJece/era1 if1g.

-fM Water flows through the curved hose shown in Fig.
P4.44 with an increasing speed of V = lOt ft/s, where t is in
seconds. For t = 2 s determine (a) the component of acceler-
ation along the streamline, (b) the component of acceleration
normal to the streamline, and (c) the net acceleration (magnitude
and direction).

o:.JI. = 20 It

a) hlJ f ~
dS =0
fdr a/I t.

b) On::: f 2-

an} ::- .5"(")'- == 2.0if,.
t =2.;
c) I}{ t ::= 2 s Ii = Cis f + all n =- /0; .,. 2() n~
J a~J == Q.s + all"]~ ::: [1.
[2. 10 + 20 2.]~ == 2 2. -i' ?ff

e :: arcfo,n(M-) ; 63. ¥fJ

4.45 Water flows steadily through the funnel shown in Fig.
P4.45. Throughout most of the funnel the flow is approximately
radial (along rays from 0) with a velocity of V = clr2, where
r is the radial coordinate and c is a constant. If the velocity is
0.4 mls when r = 0.1 m, determine the acceleration at points
A and B.

'1(-:::00 (i.e) fhe sfreaml ine.s

arB sfraigh t )

Thvs J 2.

Qs-- ]"'2. -? :::: rs

_ (C )( 2..C) 2C
At point _A2.!(Lfx/o-.3 sm )2. :::: 3 2. 0 l!!-
3 o,I"m

a.s - (O.lm).b 's:L 0,11n

2. 2-
O,lm rOB = (0,1) +(0.06)
:: O. /167m

4.4·6 Water flows through the slit at the bottom of a two-
dimensional water trough as shown in Fig. P4.46. Throughout
most of the trough the flow is approximately radial (along rays
from 0) with a velocity of V = clr, where r is the radial co-
ordinate and c is a constant. If the velocity is 0.04 mls when
r = 0.1 m, determine the acceleration at points A and B.

FIGURE )'4.46

a~ :: an n +lls .s
A. J\
h V2.
were CAn = 1? =: 0 since 1?:= OD (,,~e~ the sfream Jine.s
lJ ~v h V C ~v
are sfraiqhf)
n/so) a.s::: VT.S = - V1F Were ::: -;: I

Since V== o.oq.!J- when r:::. O.lm if follow.s 1hat -.3

c::: Vr == ( o.oIfIp)(O.lm)::: 'fx/o-3:z. or V:::: 'f-x/o
r -r, oS J whert~
!!l. c;;
r rJ Tn

as = -( ~ )0;1) = f-
IN poin! 1/: -.3 m2. 2-
(J ~ (lfxlO ~) = 3.13 x/o-5 4oS
~ (O.Bm't
At point B : -.3 m2. ~
(ifx/o :$") -3 m
~::; (0. '}..rn) 3 = 2. oox /0 :sa.
thlf7 I
4.,47 Air flows from a pipe into the region
between two parallel circular disks as shown in DX 5
Fig. P4.1f7. The fluid velocity in the gap between
the disks is closely approximated by V = VoRlr, 7 ~,r
~ ~vo

where R is the radius of the disk, r is the radial

~ t ~PiPe
coordinate, and Vo is the fluid velocity at the edge
of the disk. Determine the acceleration for r =
1, 2, or 3 ft if Vo = 5 ft/s and R = 3 ft. FIGURE P4. 47

a = an n + Qs S were
- J\ h Cln :::: 'ItV2 :: 0 since
I 1(:: 00 (t', eJ +he sireamJine.s
are .straighT. )
Also, as = V ¥S : : V ¥r
where V:::: V~R

S/nce Va:: and R:=3f.J J V== Irs ~ J where rrvff

Thvs _(YoR)(_ VoR) __ VrfR 2 _ _
I ( f+)"( )2-
5':$ 3£1 .. :=_ '),.2,s
a.s - r /,,2 - r3 - , ;3 fl3 r

fJl r:: / ff J (l.s == - 225 !is.

Af r=3 ff J Q.s = -8,33~

4. '1-8 Air flows from a pipe into the region between a cir-
cular disk and a cone as shown in Fig. P4.49. The fluid velocity
in the gap between the disk and the cone is closely approximated
by V = VaR21r2, where R is the radius of the disk, r is the
radial coordinate, and Va is the fluid velocity at the edge of the
disk. Determine the acceleration for,. = 0.5 and 2 ft if Va =
5 ftl sand R = 2 ft.

- A A h V
a :::: an n + CI.s.s , were Cln == "1( -:: 0 smce •
'f<::co (e:e'.l fhe .s+ream/ine.s
are .sfra iq hi)
AJ so) O.s -- Vr.s
aV - av ,were
- V1"F h V----;:r
\b R2.

Thvs .fl 2. If
~(~) (_ 2. Vo3 R2.) = _ 2. '" ~ RI/- 2-(5 s) (20ft) __ .fi
as r2. r r- 5 ::: - r.s .cl"s
r 5 s
. where rNf-j
lit r ::o.sH J O.s = -2.5)600 ~

4.4Q Water flows through a duct of square cross section as B B' D F
shown in Fig. P4.4Qwith a constant, uniform velocity of V =
20 m/s. Consider fluid particles that lie along line A-B at time
t = O. Determine the position of these particles, denoted by line
A' -B', when t = 0.20 s. Use the volume of fluid in the region
between lines A-B and A'-B' to determine the flowrate in the
duct. Repeat the problem for fluid particles originally along line A A' C E
C -D; along line £-F. Compare your three answers.

Since V is cons/ani Ii) time and sptlce J all parfic/e.s on line IJB
move a disfal/ce f -:: V At :d(:2o-!;) (o.2.s) =Lf/J'J from t ==0 10 f~ O.2.s
Thv-s, the volume of ABA'O' l.s ~8A~' = (o.Stn)~(LfIn) :::/.00 m

so thQt
~8t~1 1.00 m ::: S.O ~3
Q = =
0.2s $

Simdar/y from t==o fot==o.2..s fhe {Ivirl a/ol/9 JilJes CD and EF

move fo C'/)' and E'r;respecfiveV. II/so, ~DC~/:::: ~F$~I ::: ~BJ981
so fhat weobfat'n Q::: ft : : 5.fJ!f re9ardlcss which line we consiclel'.
20 m/s B

4.50 Repeat Problem 4.4 qif the velocity pro-

file is linear fromlO to 20 mls across the duct as
shown in Fig. P4.50.

10 m/s A'
From t ==0 fo I:~ 0.2$ the parficle imtially ai B fravels a distance
1B : : Ve At ::: (20.!p- ) (o.2.s) ='f-m as Sholll/} wht'/e one af II/ravels a
Jisiance If/ ~ ~ At r:::~o-¥) (o.'1.s) == ~m. Since the '1e/ocdy prutlle
is linear i/ne 198 remaiIJSsfraI9h.. blll ..h11.s..;..10Iinell.ll~ TAvs J

!he VOIllfll8 of flvid cros.silJ9 the in//;4/ IIIIe III ;'s

t:SB1A' ::: i (iA of J8 ) II ::; i: (2 m +'1-111) (0. Sin /. ;: 0.7£ ",3 t'
so that __F"-----ft
IJ:: ~BB~I = O.7S m
::: 3.75 d
If - .6t O.1-s oS

F.Or any cvrved line £F (which /noves fo £'FI) E £'

~FF~' :: ~BB'R' sO thai the same I/oillme f/oUlrtJie) Q, is obfained
for allY l/nB cunsidered.

?': 5 I I r~---------~Control surface
1- -~.!"r_~~: /Sluice gate I
"'.51 In the region just downstream ~f a slui~e ?at~, the w~- '~~i: Vb = 3 ftlS~1
t~r may develop, a r~ver~e flow reg~on as IS. mdlcated m,' ..•.. ..'
FIg. P4.51 and Vldl'O \141.:-. The velocIty profile IS assumed to I ., '\'
consist of two uniform regions, one with velocity V" = 10 fps , '
VV. .~-------:-:::i=--7-~ ,.J ~~'"i=~.---': ~
".~. ~.. A~ .. ' 1.8 ft
~ ~': ' . ' !
and the other with V/J = 3 fps. Determine the net flowrate of \................ ' . '. --..... ·ct,..;:::~ ......· 1.2 ft
water across. the porti?n of the control surface at section (2) if .... - r7~/. --",. ~ ;,-:t-?,;
the channel IS 20 ft wIde. (1) (2)
Va = 10 ftls


Q- = (10 if) (J.2.ft)(:J.olf) -(3!f )(J,Bff)(;'()ffJ

_ /32 fI.3

L{.. s 2. /4.52 At time t = 0 the valve on an initially as p = p.,(1 - e- bl ), where b is a constant, de-
empty (perfect vacuum, p = 0) tank is opened termine the time rate of change of mass within
and air rushes in. If the tank has a volume of -Vo the tank.
and the density of air within the tank increases

FOr t ~o J
p::. Po [I - e ] so fhai M::: mtJss of air /n tanK
cJM -bt = eVa :::f'oVo [I-e- bt ]
Thvs} df == po ~ b e
4.5'1- :
4.5+ Air enters an elbow with a uniform speed of 10 mls
as shown in Fig. P4.S4. At the exit of the elbow the velocity
profile is not uniform. In fact, there is a region of separation or
reverse flow. The fixed control volume ABeD coincides with
the system at time t = O. Make a sketch to indicate (a) the
system at time t = 0.01 sand (b) the fluid that has entered and Control volume
exited the control volume in that time period.
15 m/s

From i =0 to t:::: O.O/s parlic/es IIJ BJ ~ D and. E /!J()ve the J

followin9 distances:
~::: ~ dt -:: (10.!Jl- ) (o.o/s) :: 0./ m :: OD

JB -:: Va Ji:: (5!j) (o,o/.s) =0.05 m

6c~ '!cit:: (J5~) (o.OJS) =0./517) J and
a =0
Thv.s fluid. a/on9 lines /JIJ
1J1Jd. BEe ori9in(J/~ moves 10 lines
fill;' ana B'E'c' shown be/()w,

-1 ~
D ,\:_
I.. '\I J)I ...... -..;; - - - - .sysfem at 1::::0
- - - - system at i :::0.0/£

//// {Iu/J -IhaT exHed con1rol


\ \ \ \ flvid tho" entered. cunlrol


'1-.55 J

.f.55 A layer of oil flows down a vertical plate as shown in

Fig. P4.55 with a velocity of V = (Vo/h 2) (2Ju - .xl) j where
Vo and h are constants. (a) Show that the fluid sticks to the plate
and that the shear stress at the edge of the layer (x = h) is zero.
(b) Determine the flowrate across surfaceAB. Assume the width
of the plate is b. (Note: The velocity profile for laminar flow Plate ~
in a pipe has a similar shape. See Vidt.'o V6.(t.)


a) fir ==~(2h)(-X2.)
Thus) Oil

/1T I = i£- (0 - 0) == 0 and

1+----,.- h - -


' / =,# 1i/=JJ{r[2h -2xj '"' ()

x=:h x=h x=h
f/ence) fhe flvid sficKs 10 the p/tJfe and there is no shear
slress al .Jhe free S{)rf4c.e.
x=n h
b) IilIiB '" JIlT dlJ:= J/If" bJx =f.}a (2hx _X2) b a'x
x=o 0

Vo b [h X2. -:3J x3 /
Q118 -- V -- 1::.
3 \I Vo
If. 56
V1 = 2 m/s

4.56 Water flows in the branching pipe shown in Fig. P4.S6

with uniform velocity at each inlet and outlet. The fixed control
volume indicated coincides with the system at time t = 20 s.
Make a sketch to indicate (a) the boundary of the system at time
t = 20.2 s, (b) the fluid that left the control volume during that
0.2-s interval, and (c) the fluid that entered the control volume V3 = 2.5 m/s
during that time interval.

- - - Control volume


Since V/.s consf4nf J the flvrd trovels a disitmce i == VJt 117

fime At, Thus -'t:::: Vt of :: (2.J}!-) ('20. -2.0)05 = O./ftn

12.. = V:l. Jt = (1 -P) (zo, - ')..o)s :::: O,2m

and 1,3;;: ~ U = ( 2.5 !f) (').0. - ')..o)..s = 0.50 m
The sy.sfem of f == 2-O.2.~ and fhe {Iuid fhal has eIJlercd or
exiled. the conlrol volume are indicafed in fhe {''lure below.

- - - confroJ volume
------- -- sysfem at i=20,2s

..LSi Two liquids with different densities and viscosities fill

the gap between parallel plates as shown in Fig. P4.57. The bot-
tom plate is fixed; the top plate moves with a speed of 2 ft/s.
The velocity profile consists of two linear segements as indi-
cated. The fixed control volume ABeD coincides with the sys-
tem at time t = O. Make a sketch to indicate (a) the system at
time t = 0.1 s and (b) the fluid that has entered and exited the
. control volume in that time period.


The flv/J af y ~ - 0.'1-11 (Ihe hoflom pia Ie ) relJlaifls slafiP/JdflY.

AI y::: 0 fhe flvid speed is I,.s fflr .$'f) -fhaf af fjlbe t ~ 0,10$ ;/ A4s
fYJDved 10 -Ihe rifJhl 4 d;slance X:: Vt:: /.s # (o,/s) ::: o.lsll. In
Ihe sahJe I;",e periOd Ihe fop p/IJ'/e anrllhe fluid sff)ci If) il has
/hoI/sri a di.rt4fJCe X ~ 2. !f (OJls) -;:: 0.2 If. Since fhe velOCity prof/Ie
is piec,ewire //neat) Ihe enJ.r () f the sysfeM 1I1t// /hove.,jt7 IhtJr
Jines- At; 4"rJ, Be ~emain straiqh-l, This is ilJdicated in the.skeloh below.
41# ~2H
-:1 rAl ID ID I
rlIJidfh4+ AI!" r--~~-= --- ~-~--~ f/viJfhq,t
entered .---r_~/: ex/fed co"'~1
con1(IfJ I V/: ' vo/Vti/e
VO/fllYJe ,X
r //
~; 0, IS
l-r. (f .-J\I I-
\' 0, IS ft
B ~; --= -:....=- -=-=-- =-= --=-- -=-=- --=-- d Co ~ C I

- - - cOlliro/ vO/llf11e
----- - - - - - sysfem af I ~o,J.s

4.5 Q Water is squirted from a syringe with a speed of V =

5 m/s by pushing in the plunger with a speed of Vp =
0.03 m/s as shown in Fig. P4.S8. The surface of the deforming .. ".' ~ . ' V = 5 m/s
control volume consists of the sides and end of the cylinder and
the end of the plunger. The system consists of the water in the
syringe at t = 0 when the plunger is at section (1) as shown. (1) I
Make a sketch to indicate the control surface and the system
when t = 0.5 s.
r-- O.08 m--J

DIJriIJ9 the i == 0.5s lime irderval fhe p/lJnger moves ~:::: Vp Jt :::O.OJ5/r).
and fhe waferiIJ/lio/1y af Ihe exd moves 12.::: V6i ::::2..!5m. The
corresponrJifJ9 confrol surfaces and systems af t=:O t1nd t= O.ES
S hOWl) in fhe fl9vre be/rJU/.

" ..... ,: .... ,

'r:::·.' :.....:.::.,:/J
,-:. : .. .,' '......
" .. 110.. ..

~~.:.~.;t!!.. =:.-~L.~;"T"':'"",'T.-•• ":'":-:-••- ..........-.- ••- .- "••-- .-.,'-',-"j.,..-:-:••""".-'• . . . ,.,.....

~ -.~••~~-:-.~
..... "
~ ..•..... :, ..................... : .... ,
l- "~~:....:. fI) I.. 2 . .5 m ~

control Vo/()me af t= 0.5.$

system 41 f=0.55
/1-, s9

4.59 Water enters a 5-ft-wide. loft-deep channel as shown

in Fig. P4.59. Across the inlet the water velocity is 6 ft/s in
the center portion of the channel and I ft/s in the remainder
of it. Farther downstream the water flows at a uniform 2 ft/s
velocity across the entire channel. The fixed control volume
ABeD coincides with the system at time t = O. Make a sketch
to indicate (a) the system at time t = 0.5 s and (b) the fluid
that has entered and exited the control volume in that time
", .".......................... Control surface


DtJrin9 the l :::0,5 s I/m8 1,,/el'lItJ/ the Ilv/rJ ff;a! was a/()119
//n8 Be Af lime t=o h4J' m()vea I() /he rl?111 III dirfaJlce
J. ;: Vi::: 2 f1 ((j,ss) ::: / If, Si/IJilri"IyJ porfions oflhe
fluid a/on9 Iills AD have fHPved J.::: 1# (o,s-.sJ ::= (),sll
()nd 1.::: b!/- (0,£ s) ~ ~ fl. TIJ/s 4.5'.[(//118$ fhe and, /!!
6 ij flvid streallJs d() !'Jof nl/x Dr IAlcrmillf/R t:/vril'J91lJe
(),£ s time lidel'va/. See ftf;tll'e be/ow.

A ~J B 8'
I:::: - --=-=- =-=-- -=-= - ~ --:-:. - =-=-- - -r..:. -; ~:
•• I - .. ,
• "1 ',t

flfJid tha14f;: -..I. t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

~r' I ~ ..

en fe red. ~ :;fr:·:..:... ~ \'. '.' ~ f/vid fH41

coniroJ 1:-:",. ':- ,~ ,.- ""'1 ;.' .'-"~- exiler./, cOfJ/~/
Vo/u,"e f>.:- -------
.-..:· ....... o.,sH
" 'I
:"'1 .. , J
l' •
~ I

1> \-D
• • 1::.= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---------- I
_":'_1 I
J - - - - - - -c c
_ - - fixed con/I'o/ volt/me
___________ sysfem af 1::0.5s

'1-.60 1
4,60 Water flows through the 2-m-wide rectangular channel A D
shown in Fig. P4.60 with a uniform velocity of 3 m/s. (a) Di-

rectly integrate Eq. 4.16 with b = I to determine the mass
flowrate (kg/s) across section CD of the control volume. (b)
Repeat part (a) with b = 1/ p, where p is the density. Explain
the physical interpretation of the answer to part (b).

V= 3 m/s B
Control surface

Bow == S rb v·~ rAil /) D (I)

cSouf i I v_. .
VC()s{) Ihis becomes / ; ~n
-" A
Wilh b =/ and V·n ==
Bf = SoV cos f) dA =-~V cose SJ,/}
O/) c/)' CD

=pV c~B ACJ) J where IIcD ::: 1, (2"')

_(0,5 Ih)(').fYJ )
- -

b) With b::: J/p £f'O) becomes

Bout S
~ v·~ dfl
=J Vcosf) dlJ:::
Vcose lie/)
=(3~)cosf) (~();8)n/· :: 3.00-:S

Wilh b'" Vp = ~) = !:~ if {,fj,w.s fhal '8 ~ V,//lJfle'

(i.e:; b = -!a.r,s) .so fha! f V'n till ::: B,uI refJI'8seIJIs fhe f/O/{)1fI9
f/ollr""fe C",3/s) frolll fhe cOld!'(;! 1f)/PIfIO.

'f . (, I I

15 ft/s

4.61 The wind blows across a field with an appro;(i matc

velocity profile as shown in Fig. P4.6 1. Use Eq. 4. 16 wi th the
parameter b equal to the velocity to determine the momentum
fl owrale across the vertica l surface A- B. which is of un it depth
inlo the paper.

• FIGURE P4.61


- f ~Vt)[ MH'] (lWely


Buf, V= ;~y -#
for o~y~loff(i.•. , V;o,,+y,Oj V='S'~alrlo)
and V; Is1f For y",o(l

- - fr[ J(1fyfdy SostJy]



2D '

= fF[2.1.s

fl + 2~ YI ]

=0.00238 S;7s [750 :( + 2250 ~'],

S.l Water flows into a sink as shown in Vidt'H V5.1 and
Fig. P5.1 at a rate of 2 gallons per minute. Determine the av-
erage velocity through each of the three 0.4 in. diameter over-
flow holes if the drain is closed and the water level in the sink
remains constant.

Three O.4-in. diameter

overflow Q = 2 gal/min


for the confrD/ vo/vme indt'caTeJ,

0 .. 00'1-'1-£ lj-.1

/,70 1i

5.2 Various types of attachments can be used with the shop
vac shown in Video V5.:. Two such attachments are shown in
Fig. PS .2-a nozzle and a brush. The flowrate is I ftl/s. (a)
Determine the average velocity through the nozzle entrance, V•.
(b) Assume the air enters the brush attachment in a radial di·
rection all around the brush with a velocity profile that varies
linearly from 0 to Vb along the length of the bristles as shown
in the figure . .D~temtine the value of Vb'


(a) rlJ ='41z

II, V, =' Qz Of'
v" = "f S. 8 .fj

Q" =' / .fl'

s lind Q3': ~ 113 where
~= ayerage velocify at (3) = Vb ±
113 =' 7T lJ, h3
-} v;, [17 (ft Fil (# fi l] =/ i/, Of'
Yo =' 2M #-

5 - '2-..
5.3 Water flows into a rain gutter on a house as shown in
Fig. PS.3 and in Vidl'O \'1.0.3 at a rate of 0.0040 ft 3/s per foot
of length of the gutter. At the beginning of the gutter (x = 0)
the water depth is zero. (a) If the water flows with a velocity
of 1.0 ftls throughout the entire gutter, determine an equation
for the water depth, h, as a function of location, x. (b) At what
location will the gutter overflow?

(a) Ft7V the, (Cl1M VO/lAme. .shown IV) -the sketch abdVe

Q in == Qo~f
(O.ooLJ-O ~/1) (x if)

~o h:: 0.012 X

h :: 2. ff

So .L f+ _ ~, 012 X
x -... 10.g f+

5'_ 3
5. if I

504 . Air ~ows steadily between two cross sections in a long.

straight section of O.l-m inside-diameter pipe. The static tem-
Section (1)
perature and pressure at each section are indicated in Fig. P5.4.
If the average air velocity at section (1) is 205 mis, determine PI = 77 kPa (abs) P2 = 45 kPa (abs)
the average air velocity at section (2). TI = 268 K T2 = 240 K
VI =205 rnIs

This C/;1aly.fis Is sl-"'i/(J~ ~ flte. dJ1e ()f' Cxtll11pJe 5:2.

For steady /kw i>elweeY7 $ecl-/tJns (I) and (2)
WI,.. - I'h I
.oA V :: ~ A. V
/ .). ,2;'" 1/ I I
V= -- (I)

AS$um/"!J t-haf ul1der +J,e UJi1dihilns of f~i.s ,Pl7Jblel11/ ClIT

behllj/e~ a~ Cin ie/eal gt/5' we U$e Ihe ('deal 9a5

etjutrHoYl of date (E~. /.8) 10 get-
~~~ !i~. (2.)
,., ~ P T
~ .,. f

C owrb/n/nJ Etjs. I anti 2. 411&1 observ/~ Mal

we. gef
Vz. = p, ~ V, :. (11k fa.(abJ )] ('2'1-0 J< )
(-Z(}5 ~)
[ ,/5 --APt;. (u105 )](268 k)
'3/1- t.f 7j !!!.

!').:')The wind blows through a 7 ft x 10 ft garage door

opening with a speed of 5 ft/ s as shown in Fig. P5.5. Deter-
mine the average speed, V, of the air through the two 3 ft X 4 ft
16 ft
OS.~ I!",: Tits.
. 10 ft ft/'
openings in the windows.

II-·- - - - - 2 2 f t - - - - - - !

roy- sfeady
or A V -- t1 V + A, V
'Jt1tr1fe 1'Jf?Y'Mt%/ -It, w~"drJw iJlmeifMI
a rc)(J ,1U'a.9e. 4"OY'
$0 hie ()..~je ~~eJ) v: df fhe ~/r
Aa/t.aAe. VMt"",,~ +r, III1'"4.'It boY'
V:'~ tI =


5.6 A hydroelectric turbine passes If million gal/min

through its blades. If the average velocity of the flow in the
circular cross-section conduit leadin2: to the turbine is not to
exceed 30 ft/s. determine the minim~m allowable diameter of
the conduit.

I=or IncompreSSible flow through fhe conduif a#d fur6ine.

v C (HId 1.1if
4 )( /0 6~
( Lj. ) (/, min

d CtJMu/f -~oYldui-f
d :: I~rs ff
Cf)ndui f

5.7 I
5.7 The cross-sectional area of the test section of a large
water tunnel is 100 ft2. For a test velocity of 50 ftls, what vol-
ume flow rate capacity in gal/min is needed?


Q:= OO(){fJ.)(50 £! )(7.~P: ~ )1/ / )

S ff-] (t"O ~

·' ,

5.8 A hydraulic jump (see Video \,10.5) is in place down-

stream from a spill-way as indicated in Fig. P5.8. Upstream of (2.)
the jump, the depth of the stream is 0.6 ft and ~he average stream
velocity is 18 ft/ s. Just downstream of the Jump, the average
stream velocity is 3.4 ft/s. Calculate the depth of the stream, h, 'h ~ 3.4ft/s
just downstream of the jump.


Ft,y 5feady ,;" coYJlfpfesj;6le flow belween sech'()n~ (/ )QJ/1d(Z)

Q, = 0.2.
V,-A ,=
~ hi
- h. _ ( / 8 !j.) (0. 6 1+) =
h=2. 3, /8 -ff
l{ (3,tf ~-f)

conf"ol V"/U1't1.e,

5. q A water jet pump (see Fig. P5. q) in- V3 .:: 6 m/s

volves a jet cross section area of 0.01 m 2, and a

jet velocity of 30 m/s. The jet is surrounded by V, ::
r----'--;f---;P--~. 30 m/s
entrained water. The total cross section area as-
jet I
sociated with the jet and entrained streams is
su+io,,~) I
0.075 m2 • These two fluid streams leave the pump
thoroughly mixed with an average velocity of 6
.m/s through a cross section area of 0.075 m2 • FIGURE P5. q
Determine the pumping rate (i.e., the entrained
fluid flowrate) involved in liters/ s.

For sfeady in compre$sib/e flow -I-hl'ough +he.. COfJ~/ volume

0-, + Q.2. = QJ
V, AI +

Q2 - 'V;A 3 - V,A,
/50 trIer)

5.10 Water enters a cylindrical tank through

two pipes at rates of 250 and 100 gal/min (see
Fig. PS.lO). If the level of the water in the tank
remains constant, calculate the average velocity Section (2)
of the flow leaving the tank through an 8-in.- Q2 =
inside diameter pipe. 250 gal/min~ Section (3)

For :'feady and /11 compress/hIe flow
0. 3 = QJ + Q2,.
250 ~I'J'I1 ')(231
!:!:..3 V.i.
gal A60 ~AIz ;n.
J?'11;, If


5./1 ~ fuel in

5.11 At cruise conditions, air flows into a jet

engine at a steady rate of 65 lbm/s. Fuel enters
the engine at a steady rate of(!J.60 Ibm/s. The
average velocity of the exhaust gases is 1500 ft/s I~
relative to the engine. If the engine exhaust ef- I exhoIJ.S-I
fective cross section area is 3.5 ftl, estimate the ~~==~~-~-~-~-~!OS6
density of the exhaust gases in Ibm/ft3. (J"f
conh-o I
For sfeody flow VtJlume

Ij A3 ~ ::: m-tfYI
I 2.

Thus ,
111, +- m..2, 65 ~ +- O. CO !?
~ -
(3. 5 ~+2) (/500 fJ )

5'- 10
5.12 Air at standard atmospheric conditions
seclion(t) (inlef)
is drawn into a compressor at the steady rate of
30 m3 /min.The compressor pressure ratio, PexiJ , --'r--------
Pinle!' is 10 to 1. Through the compressor pi pn • I
remains constant with n = 1.4. If the average ----.I, secl/on(Z) I
velocity in the compressor discharge pipe is not I c'mf~1 (eX)f),:
to exceed 30 mis, calculate the minimum dis- , VtJ!u/tJe. ~i-----1I~--7
charge pipe diameter required.
FoY' sfeady flow
, . pipe
m,.... =f}?I
:2 ~ 2-
- ;: (L

d2. :=
- (;' yo;
- ~
30 PlII'/

-1r ~ /0 --'- ( ) 60~

~ ~ 30!j- min

d 2 ::: 0.004 m

5, / I

Two rivers merge to form a larger river as shown in

Fig. PS.13. At a location downstream from the junction (before
the two streams completely merge), the nonuniform velocity
profile is as shown. Determine the value of V.

U$e fhe.. CI/YJ1Y?J1 VO/vln1C 5h~wn wit1J1~ brol<ey, //ne.s

IYJ fne s ke I-c-t-t ab(}Ve.. {tie nole fha! m::: f A V {;Ir'Jc1
~ ~ ((/Y)s~(Vtvf/on of masS' fY/YJl1pJe vve..
_ m
. -
mI +VYl 2 3 - Y11 t- tv1
().fv v

oA v
{ I I
t fA z. ~2 .. fA0.1 II0.2 V + f A\I V

v =(50ftJ(3ff)(3f! t(iM! {Slf)ftft)

('Yo.ft){6ff)(o, '6)t (7()ff}{i H)

v ~ 3·63 ti
=- 5

5.14 Oil having a specific gravity of 0.9 is pumped as Section (1)
illustrated in Fig. P5.14 with a water jet pump (see Vi(ko V3.6).
The water volume flowrate is 2 m3/s. The water and oil mix-
ture has an average specific gravity of 0.95. Calculate the rate,
in m3/s, at which the pump moves oil. ~
(SG = 0.95)
Section (2)

Oil (SG = 0.9)
{or sfeadJ flow FIGURE P5.1tf
, A.
~~ + t Qz. = Ij Q3 (I)

A/50 I Since fhe wakv and oil /11ay be. cOh.$t'de red Ii, clJrnlre»/61e.

Q" -f Qz = Q3 (2)

Comb/nt'nJ £9.$. / a/l7d z we (jef

I? Q, + /} Qz If ({), f 0( 2 )

QI + SGzQ, = 5G J (Of f Qz)
( 1- 5G3 )
Q'2. -
SG 3 - 5G 2-

(1- ;3)( / _ 0.95) 2.00 :!!. J
:: :::
O.9S - 0,90

5- /3
5·/~ I

Air at standard conditions enters the compressor

shown in Fig. P5.15 at a rate of 10 ft 3 / s. It leaves the tank
through a 1.2-in.-diameter pipe with a density of 0.0035
slugs/ft and a uniform speed of 700 ft/s. (a) Determine the
rate (slugs/s) at which the mass of air in the tank is increasing
or decreasing. (b) Determine the average time rate of change of
air density within the tank .

.,.----- - --
Tank volume = 20 ft3 -~\ 1.2 In.
! _ 700 ftls

- - - - -r b.0035 slugs!ft3

use the.. CtJrl-lrvl vtJ/umf:. W; ff"n the hyo/< ~YJ //nc5.

(oj ~ +ne c (/y}se. '(VCi -h'dY) of m~>s prj ~/-e we !}ef -1"7 [ I

D MJ'(! _ _~ ~/}CJ..-L) A V
01At- c,~ In r OLAi Out (Jur

f)iJ1WJ = 0.00'15£ SIll!! -

'" "'Yea.! J'!}
[)t s
(h) oMs-ys - O{f ~r~ ) = V$,s De ::: o. ooLf56 ~/Lf!J
Pt- Dt .s
So r!J.J s!t{.J -tf
0.00 LfS{

- 6.00'fS£
20 ff'?
.s - 2·ZPXI0 51'1J
- -
I'f~ >

5.16 An appropriate turbulent pipe flow ve-
locity profile is

V = lie (R ; 'rn i
where lie = centerline velocity, , = local radius,
R = pipe radius, and i = unit vector along pipe cross seclion
centerline. Determine the ratio of average veloc- ayec<
ity, u, to centerline velocity lie for (a) 11 = 4; (b)
n = 6; (c) n =8; (d) n = 10

For'" any CYOSS sec lion area

Ii? = ,..oA u - J,P v. ndA

A/50 .J..
~ .A ~A
V. n ; V. l = uc (R,/) dA == 2rrr dr
for a lIni~rm/y dislribufed densify / ~ over Cltet/ A
Io f< u (R-
R /
* Z1rrdr
u. -
R ..1-
- Z f f -; )(~)d(;)
o _
2 n7.
2n2.+ 3n + I
n lie
if- 0.71 f

6 0.79/

10 0.866


5.17 The velocity and temperature profiles

for one circular cross section in laminar pipe flow
of air with heat transfer are
T = Te [ 1 + i (;r - ~ (;)]
The subscript c refers to centerline value. r =
local radius, R = pipe radius and T = local tem-
perature. Show how you would evaluate the mass
where the unit vector i is along the pIpe aXIs, flowrate through this cross section area.

The 1'h~~J f/OWYfJ/e 15

m =/t A
v·n dA

/?;r (Ur acft;y as tin ideq/ !ftlJ'

f - -P

f~y a.., Ciy~/qj" cr()S5, feelloY! oJ'ea.

dA --- 217'rdr

ThU5 /?
fY1 -- fir U
[I - f; )2] Zfr r dr
() II,;,

ror a ul1ikm!J til;h--i6u Ie rI sIalic

and pYe5SLlye
~ I< '1

h1 =21ft~ [I - (;) ] ieft)

~i,-r::: fJ [ Iff (I /-- ;(;)7
If we
Ii ~

5 .I~ * To measure the mass flowrate of air
through a 6-in.-inside diameter pipe, local veloc-
ity data are collected at different radii from the
pipe axis (see Table). Determine the mass flow-
rate corresponding to the data listed below.

r (in.) Axial Velocity (ft/s)

o 30
0.2 29.71
0.4 29.39
0.6 29.06
0.8 28.70
1.0 28.31
1.2 27.89
1.4 27.42
1.6 26.90
1.8 26.32
2.0 25.64
2.2 24.84
2.4 23.84
2.6 22.50
2.8 20.38
2.9 18.45
2.95 16.71
2.98 14.66
3.00 0

The W1 a> > flowvlJ.k Is calCM.LaIe.d. w/tt.

In ::: Io

;OfA 21ir-dr :

R ::
p= 0.00238 slu9
U:: 1~CtJ.{ ax.la! ve.{dci+y ifl ff
r :: I oCd. I yadiu.s ,;' j".
and f~ 11 rd r /5 (. va./u.a. leo! IJUfltU;c.a.tI~ w; fI1 fk ~rJIJ"d.().1 'rule

wi/t1. une1tA.M J;"~v().ls. Thf!- COY/ltp/A,~ PW)(I Y a/V\. u.s~d ro Jollie /his
l'flJblern IS II~ led On the Y1ex. t- pa.je. .


Ii. J~ I (coi'1'f)

100 CL:-:;
* * **
110 PRINT " t::.t -* ;t:.:t *:t: * t: -* :j:: *-:t)< :*--:t:>I::t: *
.i'- :t:i t* :t,;r:t :t.* .~.- i-*;I; i: :t·t *** **
*_:.t i, t"
1.2' 0 F)F~ I 17r "of.-;f: Thit:. program c:omputes the ma:=;;s flow rac:e ;t,,~"
130 F'F~II~T ,,** for problem 5,16 using the trapezoidal rule it"
FPIKT ")::+: applied to unequal intervah:.. *t"
150 PF'INT ":t.***.********** i:***:t;*:*****:t** ***:t *i~ t.:;j::t::t.*******:Lt.:t" *
160 PF:IIH
170 DIN U(19), R(19)
180 '
190 'Initialize the variables
200 N = 19
210 RHO = .00238
220 P I = 4! * ATN ( l! )
230 FOR I = 1 TO N
240 READ R < I ), U ( I )
250 R(I) = R(I) / 12!
260 NEXT I
270 DATA 0,0, 30.00, 0.2, 29.71, O. 4, 29. 3:;, ~ O. 6, 29. 06
280 DATA 0.8, 28.70, 1.0, 28.31, '"'
1. Co, 27. 89, .... 4,
27. 42
290 DA~A 1,6, 26.90, I.e, 26.32, 2. 0, ?h 64,
"- ...J •
'-' . '-',
24. e-4-
300 DATA 2.4, 23.84, 2.6, 22.50, " 8J
Co. 20. 38, 2. 9, 16. 71
310 DA~A 2,95,16.71, 2.ge,14.66, .:::) . 0, 00. 00

'~::'.!=,rnpute integral using trapezoidal rule

340 FOR I = 2 TO N
350 SUM = SUM~(U(I-l)*R(I-l)+U(I)*R(I»*{R(I)-R(I-l)/2!
·:,6;) NEXT I
:::',,(,0 Jl1DOT = F~HO * 2! * PI * SUM
3130 '
3g0 'Print the results
410 PRINT USING "The mass flow rate is ##.#### slugs/s"; MDOT

** This program computes the mass flow rate **
** for pr oblem 5. 18 usi ug the trapezo idal rule **
** applied to unequal intervals. **
The mass flow rate is 0.0114 slugs/s


As shown in Fig. P5.19, at the entrance to a 3-ft-wide

channel the velocity distribution is uniform with a velocity V.
Further downstream the velocity profile is given by u = 4\' -
2l. where u is in ft/s and y is in ft. Determine the value ~f V.

Use the U/YJ~/ V~/ume iJ101/cttkd by /he hY1J/<.eYl //YJe.J J/J

if, e s k-elvh a hwe .

~ ~ CIfYJ.J'-ervt( -h'or-- of /'I?ClSS pYj'y}c/pJe
= Q1.. I ff
'1 AI = f LA dfJ flly - 2y':J b dy
A2. (J
/ If
V (iJ.7Sff) b - y fi!2_ 2y311>= fb 11
- s

3 /) :3

V - - 4
- /.78' Ft

Section (2)
5.20 Flow of a viscous fluid over a flat plate
surface results in the development of a region of Section (1)
\ u Outer edge
reduced velocity adjacent to the wetted surface
as depicted in Fig. P5.20. This region of reduced
~u of
flow is called a boundary layer. At the leading
edge of the plate, the velocity profile may be
considered uniformly distributed with a value U.
All along the outer edge of the boundary layer,
the fluid velocity component parallel to the plate ·1
surface is also U. If the x direction velocity profile FIGURE PS.20
at section (2) is

develop an expression for the volume flowrate

through the edge of the boundary layer from the
leading edge to a location downstream at x where
the boundary layer thickness is b.

From +he Conservt) lioY! of- """ttSS prlnc.iple. C<.ppl/ed fr; fk.
II()w fh J"()u.1h rhe con/nJ / vo I t.l ",., C sitown ,;., fhc /igul'e
~ have.
. .
-::;.. tn
- 1~ -.l
\/. n
'I. dA

:::: WIdth ()f ~c p/afe

Ovtd fhus
Q t: 1 7JJ. b
61 8


5.22 How long would it take to fill a cylin-

drical shaped swimming pool having a diameter
ofIf) m to a depth of 1.5 m with water from a
garden hose if the fiowrate is 1.0 liter/s?
c.onfrt; I
V() il,,( fYt.e

From appl/cah'on of fhe c,onservo,h'oVi CJf J?!1.tlS$" principle

Iv fhe. COrllro1 volume COl'7hlY-J 'ny wak-r only Cf S $hown ,;"

we have

r V. n dA
J(' -l /\
== 0
FOr Incontpres.si6le flow

trJ) fa 11 (IDYl") 1. (;.5"",) (lOCO
-t == ::=-----
if Q. tf (1. 0 I ;e~) (?600tf )

5"- 2. J
5.2.3 J
5.23 The Hoover Dam backs up the Colorado River and cre-
ates Lake Mead, which is approximately 115 miles long and has
a surface area of approximately 225 square miles. (See \jdl'o
\'2.3.) If during flood conditions the Colorado River flows into
the lake at a rate of 45,000 cfs and the outflow from the dam is
8,000 cfs, how many feet per 24-hour day will the lake level rise?

Fa r the cont ('0 I volt/lYle .shoWfJ:

min - moul ==
k f ~ d-1I
or since m:::: pQ. )

Qin - Qouf - k (II/ok. h) '" "Joke 1b.

Thvs, d.h" Q.ut - Qin " ('1s,ooo: 8, odo) .fjJ z = 5. 90X/O i .if
err fI/lJ,t.e. 22S mi (52.9 0 {t.) N
= .s. 'lOX /O-61f- (3,; pO()ir ) ( :ttf.lf;,) :::: 0.5/0 idy

de foYdII n!J.
5.2 Lf Stonn sewer backup causes your basement to flood at
the steady rate of 1 in. of depth per hour. The basement floor
area is 1500 ft 2. What capacity (gal/min) pump would you rent
to (a) keep the water accumulated in your basement at a constant
level until the stonn sewer is blocked off, (b) reduce the water /
/ /1
-- - - J

l/Jrrfl71/ ll olume fhaf
ClJnfriin 5 water
- - - - - -
/ I
1 h
accumulation in your basement at a rate of 3 in./hr even while / / ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .t. / _ -:.
the backup problem exists? J - - -/- - - - - - -, /

I /
/ / I
Cji "~ f/~oY ayea
-= A

How nut flow In

For a aefwmil1j COn/nJI Vd/('(me fhaf u;n!l1/J"S fire WtI/ey
OIlf!Y fhe baS"ewtenf floor- (.see Skef.ch ClbJve}) The
Con serva-hfJYI 01- maS5 priJ1c;,Ie. (Etg. 5.17) /eaC/s fr;

t- 1,;O~' n ciA -- 0
or Con5ft:ln1 flt(id c:leJ1Sily aYlc( ar'ea, (A)

dh Q. ~O (I)
-r QDwf

F;y pari ct .I Etj. / leads fr;

(J 6u.f :;:; Qin

ro eva/utile ()Ii,) ~ use fl{ / wIth Q~wf =:0. 1Ju,s"

Q,;" - A d-tdh = (/500 f/') ( / /h) (--L ) ::; 125 f+1

hr 12 Ih. hr-
and Ff

::; (125 fl)(7. '18 :J~ )(',-!-- .) "' /5:6 JE
hy {f~ ~tJ ~ min

FoY parf boJ E~./ yields

1 j
5.2.5 I
. 5.25 A hypodermic syringe (see Fig. P5.2?)
is used to apply a vaccine. If the plunger is moved
forward at the steady rate of 20 mml s and if vac-
cine leaks pass the plunger at 0.1 of the volume
fiowrate out the needle opening, calculate the FIGURE ps.25
average velocity of the needle exit flow. The in-
side diameters of the syringe and the needle are
20 mm and 0.7 mm.

USing a delDr"'/~ C()n/YrJ/ LIP/lime QJ1d fhe COnservClI/tJn () f

/J1(1 Sf !JI'/;'c.iple. ( Etj. 5'.17) as ot/II/ned In €x.ohlple, S. 5';
w~ tJ61r:lln (see £1' 3 ,,{ Ex Qmple s: g)
-;0 A, ~ + ;0 Q2. of' I' Q leaJ:. 1:

Since ;;:: C/)nJ/rJnf) Qleak.. :. o. / Q ....

~ obm/~ ~ £1. 1

1.1 ~~ = A, ~
V:z.. :: (;,
) -~ 1./
- d! -;;I? =
( Z 0 yrJl'k)
(z 0 n,,,,, Is )
( d. 7 ~,., ) .. (I. I ) (tot}o :~)
and ,

V; :: IJf. & -m

5.17 It takes you 1 min to fill your car's fuel tank with 13.5
gallons of gasoline. What is the approximate average velcoity
of the gasoline leaving the nozzle at this pump?

v A - ~ -
hOJ31e f10JJ/e
Clhtl :: 7!.!h()'J1/~ ,..
AnOJ31e. If
So == {I'~. 5' )(JI)(12 )
VI1P}3 ie

vn()1Jle == 17. if 1"1-



5,2.6 A gas flows steadily through a duct of
varying cross section area. If the gas density is
assumed to be uniformly distributed at any cross
section, show that the conservation of mass prin-
ciple leads to
dp + dV + dA = 0
p V A
where p = gas density, V = average speed of
gas, and A = cross section area.

Foy a sfeady,l oJl1e - dIMensioA(J/ /i~~ fhe CIJnSer-va/ion 01 PI(J'>]

pYiJ1tift1! /elJd.$ -I7J £~. 5./2 or

;aAV = Con sfa",d

cl(fAV) :::0

Or d{J AV + ;aA d 'V T I'dA V -0 (I)

P/v/d'1f ~. / by ",A V we obfl1/~

~ + dV + dA -A - 0
;<1 V

5"'- 26
5.2.9 A IO-mm diameter jet of water is deflected by
a homogeneous rectangular -block (15 mm by 200 mm by
100 mm) that weighs 6 N as shown in Video V5.4 and Fig.
P5; 2.9 Determine the minimum volume nowrate needed to
tip the block.

From fhe free body diaqram
of fhe block when if is ready
10 lip Z i110 =: oJ ()r

Rx JRx ::: WIII' where Rx is

the fore iha+ the wafer pllts
on fhe block.
Thlls (0..0/5 )
W/W - 6N ~", ~O,90N

Rx -== tRx ~ o.OSom

For fhe conff'o/ vollJme shown Ihe X"-componerr! of the m()/l/8I1fllttl

e qv" lion
Sup V'n dlJ c Z rx,

Water enters the horizontal, circular cross-sectional,

sudden contraction nozzle sketched in Fig. P5.30 at section (I)
with a uniformly distributed velocity of 25 ftls and a pressure
of 75 psi. The water exits from the nozzle into the atmosphere
at section (2) where the uniformly distributed velocity is 100
ft/s. Determine the axial component of the anchoring force re-
quired to hold the contraction in place.

r::f:9 ,.- -fh;s plDh/em we incll1de. I;' the C();,~/ V()/Uftllf!.

fhe hOJ}/e as ~// as Me wpf~1" al 4M ins!-zrvtl 6~~en sechiJns

(/)al"ld(Z)cu Ihdicaf~ /n th~ sl::ekh above. The hOY'i}lhfal
.foyce s ac,f/Yl9 ()YJ +he coll1fey,fJ of the UJn-/-nJ1 vaJu.~ a,.t shown
In fhe sk.e fCh _ Note f~rA+ ihe.. CJfWl()S pheriL foy-,eJ CAY/eel (JIA. f
()V1d aye no!- sh()wYl. AppliCA.htJr. of -fhe. hOYI]tJYlftJ.1 tJ'r x-
d/"ecfid~ cOMpaneYlf of +I1e / /jlfeat }?IUYkeYlfu~ eqtJ.a.fion (Gr- >.22)
fo fhe.. flow fhY()U111 fhis ~J11nJ1 v()luYHe yieLds

vA l
-1=A - r2 (I)

Frorvt iN... tfrt'lSf/rv~I/,,1') af I'YIQ-s.r er~n~ ( 1:::).5. /2) we tJbltt/~

m -- fllA. AJ =to 41 A,.
1bu.~ f1- (I) n1t:!y b~ 6e~S~rI".s
m(t.4" - ~ 1):= p'A, - ~ -Ii 1I"l-
Or ;t ~ 2.

=. /',11, -f{A1 +- tYJ 6,,,-U,) = f, 1"-1-/)' -
r;, 1£f}1.
-flu, TI'p, (u 2 -fA,)

and F.
~ rr;;!l ):!(~.j_
016- f'llf!,uznIz5 £t ) Jr(3,:..j IO()
C -ft ' / l~ .s.-l tj"" (N'f ,;.,.?-
ft- 25ft r Ib.~1

~:=~ Ih

5.3 I A nozzle is attached to a vertical pipe and discharges
water into the atmosphere as shown in Fig. PS.31. When the
discharge is 0.1 m 3 j s, the gage pressure at the flange is 40 kPa.
Determine the vertical component of the anchoring force re-
quired to hold the nozzle in place. The nozzle has a weight of
200 N, and the volume of water in the nozzle is 0.012 m 3• Is
the anchoring force directed upward or downward?

to.lom 3/S




~ Cr:J')1 serl/(J..h·/JI"\ tJI "" a.rJ ~e D~I"Jn

Q).. ~ Q,

~. ':' ~DON ~ 'ZOON -ill.6 N - 0 N -: 'f82 N downwttrCf

5.3 Z Determine the magnitude and direction

of the x and y components of the anchoring force Section (2)
required to hold in place the horizontal 180 el-
12 in. x
bow and nozzle combination shown in Fig. P5.31..
Also determine the magnitude and direction of
the x and y components of the reaction force
exerted by the 1800 elbow and nozzle on the flow-
ing water.
FJGUI~E 1>5.32 PI = 15 psi
VI = 5 ftls
Fo~ defet'm;~/''' fhe X and y dl;ec.fi~Y} c(J¥Vtpf)nenff

fone a. Coi11J..D I 1/f)/uJne fhr;t f con llI;nf ';'he elbow.l 1'10}j/e pnd MIt/fer
/:JelweeYl S'ecfioYls (/ JAnti (z.) is used. Th C oJ'dnJ/ v"/l(l11e a;1(1 f'/'e

fOY'ces in vIJ/ved QI't. 5htJWh In the s/t:.~fci1. above. /tj?p/,"cern'Dr, 01

the y cI/recl-;on c.()mptJn~n+ of -file lJ~eclY YYJ()YJ!Iel"t.ftA~ quafltJJI)

(E1' ~. 22) leads -/-t;

r: = 0
Ap,IIc.(J.+iDVI 01 -fh~ Xf:kt'ecf/()n CIJ~p~neyd 01- +k linea)! mOWlei'lful'n
e~ fA a A'oYl YIelds

- LAI f U{AI - U2 f M1.:2A -::: PI AI -

FA + f.. A'2.. II)
~ X. 2
From fA e C(n,.,serllaf,'on of WUlSS e1 ud-f,'on
rn = !Ju/ A, :; fJlA2. A '2, (Z)

1hUj &t. I May be eXl'fej~ed (N~

- P'fA (lA, of U.) :: p, A, - ~," + f,A2


F :; f~, A/w,-tIJ.,) f P, A, t P. A2 =t u , : o,'(IA,tfA.) +p.

Als6 ~ 9. 2




5.32. (con'-/; )

r (is lJ. ) 11' (J2 ,•. J
{n.'l. if

Ftly defwMJY1;11j fhe x aYlq y cOMf~nenlJ of fhe yetlcii())'J -hY(;e

tit COn fro/ v() IUMe fhaf ClJytfa,i-u (1;1Iy the. Wit k,y- between sec/lam
(I) fNt;td (A.,) ;f us~d. A p"lklAh'6-h of fhe y dlrecht)Y} CiJM-pIJt1(Jnf
of fhe. hhe4Y VUOJ1-f~;, fuWl e&JUtX.·fion yieLdJ

I?., := 0

AfP /;caf;'Oh of fhe X d/yecf/ol'J cOl"l-'lptJnenl of -the. II;'; ea v

hi} () /)If e k fuJ'V/ fYJ ua f/(J i1 leadf fr;

=- /i9~ /b

Section (2)

Section (1)

5·33 1
Water flows as two free jets from the tee attached to
the pipe shown in Fig. P5.33. The exit speed is IS m/s. If
viscous effects and gravity are negligible, determine the x and
y components of the force that the pipe exerts on the tee.

Use fne Lo)'lfyl)1 vollAYhe.. s-h()wn.

Foy fhe X - c.offlf() Y1 enf of fhe -force. eX~l'kcl by +he pIpe.

OYJ +he fee we. lAS'~ fhe x- c.oYhplJneni r:;f the l/neCir
i'hO m-e. nItA YVI .€1/A a.ll(Jy).
- ~(' l{ AJ -I- ~f~1J3 :: f,A J - If A.J - ~f,A,""fl3)+ f
"().~r.;t..)Al- (-;;. ~)43- ~-,43) -J- ~
=p A
-t- F
To 1e.f. '1 we LASe cOYlservah'rm 01- mass
61, = Q 2 +- ~3
6y A, ~ -= liz V2. 1- 11"1 V,3
50 v.::; A.l. V:z.. + A~ IIJ = (0, 3M2.) (IS" m1 ) +- (0. S "'')(It;" m/.s) ::: /2 1'Yl1
I AI /~~
To eJ f-/.-necle. f/;fjQff! we. l-1.{e 8~Y'I1(hll/i J' ~~6~ ~ f/(IW belwr£." (1)4t101(2..)

- 72 ()()() N:.
So F":: 72/~OON ~
Fw /1u.. .Y ~!~ ff I1u ~ exekfecJ /:;f hr-t-, PiPe Oh flu. lee, ,ve L).5~ #V
Y (IYYtMc"f Itl- h..L !;~e6N" hlnntA11w.-" er ah ,., ..fe, 9~f
~ II). ,4 2 5

(JSJXq'f9!:!)(l5;)(D.1"'~) ~ {,~'fOoN

t "Fj
(r) (,mltya,1
5.3'1- Water flows through a horizontal bend and discharges
.j. 10 psi
... -- - .......~ VOt..cme.

into the atmosphere as shown in Fig. P5.3'1. When the pressure P, A

gage reads 10 psi, the resultant x-direction anchoring force, FAx' Q =? ~ • ~ Water
in the horizontal plane required to hold the bend in place is ! ~l- FA, = 1440 Ib
shown on the figure. Determine the flowrate through the bend I \i=.======::::'1
and the y direction anchoring force, FA\" required to hold the Area =0.2 ft 2 I. " FA,=?
bend in pJace. The flow is not frictionless. Area = O. 1 ft 2 " ~

• FIGURE P5.3tj-

A uh1 .fl..D/ voluMe!. -f1.taf 'O,,~iJ1S -H,e. 1oe.V1d OlH& -tkt wakr wi+k;Y\
the loeHd be:fwee.n "S«'tlOl'1oS (I) a~d (2.) as s/"OI.\JI1 J~ -H1~ 51<.e.1-'/'"
aho~ ''S uS'-ea. Applic~no~ 01- file. x - direc+ion <J:)MpOy\f.~t-
t> f -HI Co Ii rJt.<1 r ,.t'\ 0 i)\ en tu,.., eti.. tAa:n 011
u ie Ids

- u, p Q v. cos CfSo a. -=.

- F'Ax.+ ,1i)J1A1. cos '1-5

~, - ~
al-1d Va. : -QAz.
e.~. J loe'b~(.s
1- 0

~-a.r Qrc:OsLfS
.. ~I AI - F

or +Cy po.r+ Co.)


ft,v ~r+ (h) We ltS't. 1{e. y'" dtre.c+;oll\ C!.O'M.poYlf!"1f of fhe
, i rl eo. y IA-\ 0 MtLl1 fu WI ~ IA.I:f. -He", -ft, qe +

f~ - - '-+5 • fQ.
• C>
J= ~
~ ~/n q., R. Sin
AY A,.
Q 0

t=AY :. os I'VI if S
a.~a 1.

(?." I +t')
. 'i-S" • (I. 9'1
oS I '"
S~)~ Ib.~'"
FAy -- - Ib
-Ft )" 'l'i
(O,Ol f+")
$I ""'1.
Thrust, vector control is a new technique that can be
u~ed to greatly :mprove t,he maneuverability of military fighter
aJrc:aft. It consIsts of USIng a set of vanes in the exit of a jet
engIne ~o deflect, the, exhaust gases as shown in Fig, PS,3S, (a)
DetermIne the pI,tchIng moment (the moment tending to rotate
the nose of t?~ aJrc,raf: up) about the aircraft's mass center (cg)
- -- i" - -Pj';= 0- -
-_ .....
for the condItIOns IndIcated in the figure, (b) By how much is !lim !li
= out = 16 slugs/s
the thrus~ (force along the centerline of the aircraft) reduced for
:he case IndIcated compared to normal flight when the exhaust
IS parallel to the centerline?

ro.r petrI (0,) WL CA-ff'J the.. (p/'Yfp()nenf of file J')?()hlt!nf-of-tJ1(JMen~'"

e7~1/'tIYJ ;'r pe."pend,'udar -/tJ the plane of i1Je ske}~h of
fhe alrcraff -k the. c()nfe.",ff 01 fhe. cvn-!n,/ Vo/",~e .show,? -k 9f!i
i olAf V ()c.. f
>/;' () mf - j
. V. h,.
In '''I II?
= pi fc~ ),14 J'))otne"f

(2 0 oFf) (/~OO fj ) ~/;' 8' (i6 Jfr.£j _ 1,.. p(){) fJJf'fr) "rrd.""j ", •..e~ f
/ SILl,. ff- I sluy.lt
/1,. $2.. /J. s~

bh IStJ() _ 1000 1. fl. /b -:: pilej'J'y ~P1~hl

. I"
~ p~r(b) ~ apply !he /U)Y/3()YI/R1 Cdn7{'(jY)enf t)/ /he I/YJeoY'
yYJ 0 'I'YIeYl Iu ~ g
Il 1A.t:c. f/vYl -ft; ~ (/m ~Ir t)f htL U/n ~/ V()/U hi ~ Iv 9d


(/~(}O if)(UH/-W '1(6 1l- J


/ ~//,(i' If
16 . .5'

5,,36 The thrust developed to propel the jet ski shown in
Video V9.7 and Fig. PS:3G is a result of water pumped
through the vehicle and exiting as a high-speed water jet.
For the conditions shown in the figure, what flowrate is
needed to produce a 300 lb thrust? Assume the inlet and out-
let jets of water are free jets.

• FIG U REP 5 . '36

For the cordrol volume ii1d/cafed.

the x- componenf of ine fJ10menlllm

Sup g'n dlJ : : ~ Fx becomes

(~ C o.s 3 011 ) f (- lit )III of Vz P(+V2. L42 ::: Rx
where We have asslJtned ihai I:: 0 on the ell/ire control s/Jrl4ce
and fhai -fhe ext'l/fJ9 wafer jet is hori~(Jnlal.
W/fh m::: eli, ~ == fA,. V2 £1. (I) beaJlll6S
Rx -; m(V2 - ~ cos e) =- f Vt AI (v" - \1 cos.30") (I)

A/so) A, ~{ ; A2. ~ so fhal

AI ~
s= - 112.

7- S in."
(3,5 in.) 2-

By comb,'nin9 frs. (/) 4nd tJ.) ;.

v, = 2.60 v,
\I (2)

Rx ~ pV/'A, (2,60-cos30·)
or Jfz.
: : r .Jo o,!}; l
~ l(l. 9¥ ":~)(iJrl') (2.60-co.s30')J
= 22 7 11

Q ::: AI V, =: ~/:~ft~) (:;'2.7 ¥);: 3, 9'f-¥


5.37 Water is sprayed radially outward over

180 as indicated in Fig. PS .3 The jet sheet is
in the horizontal plane. If the jet velocity at the
nozzle exit iszo ft ls, determine the direction and
magnitude of the resultant horizontal anchoring H' _"
force required to hold the nozzle in place.


The Lo~1 volu,.,e includes ik ""'3/e anti waler i:Jdwren secfionJ

(I) a..rI (Z) <lJ /hd;""kd I;' ike sk.ehJ., abcve. Ap,I;c..lio" d' fl.e
y dlie elion eo""'pMtnf o.c
lite j;neay 1'>10""'''1..,., ~a6'"" ·i el"s

or F

F :: 0

ApI'IiCAnM ()f fhe

eg uo.lio'1 le.df n,
A, x


'1-3 16

5.3B A circular plate having a diameter of 300

( Plate
mm is held perpendicular to an axisymmetric hor- I
izontal jet of air having a velocity of 40 mls and
a diameter of 80 mm as shown in Fig. psS8. A
hole at the center of the plate results in a dis- ';;+""':"":;::L.:!..JJ ~ 40 m/s
charge jet of air having a velocity of 40 mls and
a diameter of 20 mm. Determine the horizontal
component of force required to hold the plate

The U)/J!Yo1 fhe p/ak l./JIui {low,;' cor a.> Inri/caler!

lIoluYHe Cl)nfa/n 5
Ih -the f/<.efdt ab"ve - Appliudion of I-h-e. hOfljtJJI1 f a/ t.JY X
d,;ecJi o/l1 cOMpoYlenf of -fi1~ //Y/ear mOMen-lum ~ua.f;~ yIelds

- u, f uIAI + f A
I.L2 -
IAl 2 .


5. ?=I A sheet of water of unjfonn thickness (h = omm)

fl ows from the device shown in Fig. p5.39. The waler enters
venicall)' through the inlet pipe and exits horizontally with a
speed that varies linearly from 0 to iO m/s along the 0.2 m F
length of the slit. Detennine the y component of ancho ri ng force AY
necessary to hold this device stationary. ~

- - ...

-- - -
... ",,""

A ",~t",1 volun\e. tMt ",n+"'i"s he. bOl( poyf,,,... ot l1,c. dev;,e

G<V\d ttoe. wtl1e'l' ,'" -\1,e bo>< o;s ,hown In -Ine ~ke.itJ" above. 'I ' u,~ ,
ArpliC<l.fi." of ttoe y_dl~+io" tOWlpone"f of "'... Ii_y "'OII\e.nJu""
e'b .....""" ~ielJ.~ - ' 0 'l. .
F =
I fI
1) ~V , r. dll ~ D \
,,' hd ...
5t;+ 0
T~<. var' a.+:o" of v- .. ;#, x .. li"'e<t. "y

f \ (<;O)()\ ilx =

FAY :(q~~~ y-so

change in the direction normal to the paper . Cal-
5.40 The results o f a wind tu nnel test to de- culate the drag force (reaction force in x direc-
termine the drag on a body (see Fig. P5.40) are tion) exerted on the air by the body per un it
summarized bel ow . The upstream [section (l)J length normal to the plane of the sketch .
velocity is uniform at 100 ft /s. The static press ures Vz - 100 IUs
are given by PI = PI = 14.7 psia . The downstream
velocity distribution which is symmetrical about
the centerlin e is given by

u ~ 100 - 30 ( 1 -if) l y l s3 ft

u ~ 100 l yl> 3ft

where u is the velocity in ft l s and y is the distance
on either side of the centerline in fee t (see Fig.
Section 11 -- - ~ - - - -- 1:'-C::3
3 It I
PS. 42). A ssume that the body shape does not FIGURE PS.40 Section (2 ~
The (017 &.1conm/;' i"j Plr Mfy PS Shown In fAe ry"ye if lIfed ,
AppliCAfion d f/,. X dlftcl-;O" componenf of Ihe linea, ""me"fuM
e.<j"",fion iead! * 3 ff

-V;r1!,A,+ ZfufUdy -Rx

3 II

= Zf [100 - 30(1- f)] dy (I)

To de k.,.m l ne. ~ fhe c.#hscrvlAh'o,.

fh e di;1tJ",u h 01 .-.'lt1H l!flA.tA.h;"'" is
!Applie d ,,,!weel) sed/onf (I) a"d(z)-as loll"",

J u.
ph -u; =z fJ d'j
Thuf 3fi
h ; ~ [fOO - 30(1- })7 "1
, 0
h = ( z ) {2 55 :;-
". , fI')
5.1 fl
(100 !!)(I il)
Then fr.,., lj' J .
R"r.m731J1"JJ )(too fJ) {5_1f+ill/,
x -II' / (-'1"3- if
)(i ff )
- l (o,002JfJ/"!,) ( 7Z1, if00 [!') Ii I. )
{ ~;I.f.1' (!

17, 1 Ib P"'r
ffj ) sl.

ff of Je~ nor"'41 fo fhc pl.ne of Ihe skeIGh


s- 'II
So 4/
5.41 The hydraulic dredge shown in Fig. P5.41 is used to
dredge sand from a river bottom. Esti.mate the thrust needed
from the propeller to hold the boat statlOnary. Assume the spe-
cific gravity of the sand/water mixture is SG = 1.2.


lJ.rilJj ~ (,1Ih~1 vptut11e fh4'vl>? by ~ hi?;~ I,'v,e In

/t..L- s/::.elct, a6;ve W~ lASe fht., hoy1foJ?W oY X CllwtftIYJenf
of ~ IlfJea-r /YlrM1enft..vm e~lA.P.hin" ~ gel-
~ =~/J V V ::: f. (sq)
.2. 2 .2. :2. X Hz 0 2.
.2. 2-
CO.J .fa fJ
whe!re ~eefi~ / is' where IlfIW en/t,yf Ik C-tM-h-s/ vp/ume
verh·ca.llj tA.i?d secf/(/)1 2 iJ v.;),eye flctw J~ve.s- k ~I
v"kn,e. aT h'1 t:l/}Jle of .?() 0 ~ ~ hor-'Jtr;lhl oIiYec-h~.
N~1e That Me'l'~ is" no fu·y-t]tI>?kl d.io/'eC/h~ //Y1e~
#thne;,1u~ Flow a1 5'€c-fiQn I .

F ::: 1/.9'1- s/uffl(J,l1)

>< \" fi$ /
7T (.2.
Iffro f! )(so :~) tlJs70o/
f/-: $lw!J
F.. = {6SIJ /6 s2-
5.42. Water flows vertically upward in a cir-
cular cross section pipe as shown in Fig. P5.4Z.
At section (1), the velocity profile over the cross
section area is uniform. At section (2), the ve-
locity profile is

V = We (R ; ryn k Section (2)

where V = local velocity vector, We = centerline

velocity in the axial direction, R = pipe radius,
and r = radius from pipe axis. Develop an expres-
sion for the fluid pressure drop that occurs be-
tween sections (1) and (2).
Section (1)

The anCl!ysh' for fhls pmb/em IS fin;i/ar 7z, Ihe one of Exa~e. 5:/?
The (onfml volUMe confaln5 fhe fiuid only belw~eYJ -sechorJs(/)tJnd{z.)
as Ind/cllIter/ in the .ske·h;h. Apf//cafion ~ fhe verI/col Or ~
cOl'Ylf"nenf of fhe jt'neor mohfen~m qua/itJYI leads ~
+ j{JJ.,.. f W
21"1 rdr ::: p" A - Ifr 1- A - Ww
o R .l.. Z.

P,- P. = ~~ _pw,-" + f.~1f [{we ('~~I) ]r f" dr -t (I)

The we;~/d of fhe I/IKJ/w I"" -f-he confYDI volu,n,e may 6e exp,/(;ffed as

w~ = 9fAh
The value of w £ may be obfa,y,yJ frOi'VI fhL col'lseyvalion of ma.S'.f
e~tJ4.fJoY1 (,(s -/O/IOVJ5 l

f~ AI ::: Jf tU~ (,<?~)

I? 7


10 evalu.afe
t>( = R-r
- R.
dt>( = -dr
R.. (If )
s,lf2. I (con'f)

and ~ -!. 0 1.. 1

~ ('7/;"7 ydr -= - / C{ 7(1_1><) R riC<'
C.omb/n,'.", ~s. 2. a",«1 5" we () 1::,.1-... /"
€.E- tvJ
= "19

Th u. 5 frlJWJ &J. /
2 (6)
2. lTRl.

fo ev()/t,ux/-e 1-he.

R 2

[(;;r/rd~ -'19
= 1'1'-/ R

and ~. 6 beCIJmes


/Vofe fhaf In [tJntrAsf Iv -fhe restllf- Of Exttl?'lp/e s: 13, only

a very $"mtl// porf/on of' -the pyessuYf! drtJj7 if clue fo
a c,ht11?ge t"n fh~ mtJmen-hon //ow befWeeh seci/onf /
£#3 I
5.43 In a laminar pipe flow that is fully de- average velocity, u, with the axial direction mo-
veloped, the axial velocity profile is parabolic, mentum flowrate calculated with the nonuniform
that is, velocity distribution taken into account.


I , !, ...........
( 'u ......
I ,
I ~uc

as is illustrated in Fig. P5.43. Compare the axial \ ~~

\ .~

direction momentum flowrate calculated with the \j \JI


The axial d,;ecfitJl1 fr/orwen-furn IIowrafe. btlsed OJI/ a un/101m velocity

pyolde wifh u =: U /s
x Uf/ifOYIJ1
:::: ufu A = {

1he axial direcfion ff/()l1teJ1TUh1 rlow~afe ba!Jed On the fjOfJ-

un; fOYM fltlra btJl/e-.t<. ve locify pr~fi/e if I 2-

= r
UZ'1l hi,- " (1 u~ 271' R'
MFx nol'} -
J (Jl)i faYn?

To ob-fa l"n a ye/~·lionfhip befween U MAti u ~ vve use -fhe

con serva/-l'on of mass e~lt.ahdYt tl5 fo/I~ws

fU 1TR' ~ f hR' Uc; [rt-({Jj(;) d(:)

- -- -lAc,

Mi=;( nOn- - -3if



~ 5.44 For the pipe (6-in.-inside diameter) air
flow data of Problem 5./8, calculate the rate of
flow of axial direction momentum. How large
would the error be if the average axial velocity
were used to calculate axial direction momentum

F.) :. tJ. 002'31' > (1.(9

I H:1
Vi::: /OCA./ ve/()ci/y I ~f (~ Table 61' /'r1Jb!eu,., s: /6 )
r ::. local radius; in. ( .fr~ Table. of I'mb~ s./B)
I? ': pipe YtJdiu.,J J "3 in.

~.- .... 1""_,,"'/
/·""-"1'''' r~J~ 1-r CIt,
-,,/ 1$ e va / u.tA.f'Ct;If
1_.-1 by • /
nbtl11eY,CI( . J. L

f-/5!ny ft,c. frate.fdic/Ift/ you/e WI·!t-t 4neg l1 a.) ,;'/e-yVIJ.!;.7}tG

Lt/nI.(J1A. k¥ PYlJfYd-Wl lA5ed. fw ftJ/s )7v. y,o/f.. /S 1/J1e'/ 6n /'he,
//lex f pt1Jje. The ve.$ L( If of »'1 I,.v",e,y;'c.czJ t'J1leqvahon aJ1d s~11A h~J7 of
Etj. / is
MFx -:: 0.29'1

v =

( MFx - MF) /f7p

conti: )

100 CLS
110 PE I NT ":t:::f. *;t:,.t* *****:~t:**;,j *.:j *::t~.* **-*:** ** ** i:t J>I':,tt.*:.;;f *t::t :tJt* ::1'::t. *,.
120 PE I KT .. i.* This program computes the axial-direct ion ;j;;'."
1::".0 PR I NT "** momentum f lovr rate for problem 5. 44; usi ng :i';:>i:"
140 FRnn tI.t:* the trapezoidal rule appl ied to unequal **"
150 PRINT "** intervals. til!
160 FR I NT "t:i:*::t::t*******::t;j.*****:t:*********i.*;j~;;j.**********:l:>\::**"
180 DIM U ( 9 ) , R (19)
200 'Initialize the variables
210 1{ == 19
220 RHO .00238 =
PI = 4! )\: ATN (1!
2:~,0 )
240 FOR I = 1 TO N
250 READ R<U, UU)
P'I:i = R<I) / 121
270 NEXT 1
IJft.. T A 0.0, 30.00, 0.2, 2fJ. 71, 0.4, 29.39, 0.6,
. \./
"./ 2e..70, 1.0,
~ 2e.31, 1
'-'" t 27.69, 1. 4, 27.42
T,}" 'T /\ .. '
'2. (), 25.64, 24.. =,4
..,.../M.. 1. ..t;.
26,90, ...L.,U,
::".4, 2:3.2-4, 2. e. j
, 22. ::.0, s~
'- , 16.71
.3.0, 00.00

250 FOR I = 2 TO N

~::'! (; ~~E)~'T 1
:. ,:~. (:~'.:::: X. = RHO ,; ::;.

,- ,

~* Thi~
program computes the axial-direction **
~* momentum flow rate for problem 5.44 using **
tt the trapezoidal rule applied to unequal **

The axial-direction momentum flow

rate is 0.284 slug-ft/s2

5' -If?
Consider unsteady flow in the constant diameter, hor- II (I)
iZontal pipe shown in Fig. P5.45. The velocity is uniform
thro\!:ghout the entire pipe, but it is a function of time: V = ," .: I
u(t) i. Use the x component of the unsteady momentum equation
to determine the pressure difference PI - P2' Discuss how this
---------------t I
DI --x

: p = density : I
result is related to F, = mat"
-- ------- (2)

U5/11} the C-tJn-/rD1 VIJ/umf(. shpwYl. I~ fhe 5kel-ch and etffJ/y,'IJ fhe
x- f of /he unstead) //YletfY' h/()n1eY)..J-.q/'Yl 8fl,fetl)~ -fo; !1Je
U)t?1(J()t'J eYl

Contentr of ft;/ s c.v fN~ ge l-

~ JflA.dil f f rIA ~. ;:. d 1/ - 2 rx

")-t CV (J


d (f~ 7r pl., )
df: 'f

CI~ ~t.un;'':} ~ = tt, (). t -e I/f/Yy

r"fA 2.A I : :. I' u7.2./1"

{Y/c/,tmlesJ f;fJW

s .1./-6
SAt) The propeller on a swamp boat produces a jet of
It;r having a diameter of 3 ft as illustrated in Fig. P5.46. The
ambient air temperature is 80 of, and the axial velocity of the
flow is 85 ftls relative to the boat. What propulsive forces are
produced by the propeller when the boat is stationary and when
the boat moves forward with a constant velocity of 20 ftls?

3 It diameter


F;.., ~ sla..J.Iona Y!1 btJa-t +he hoyi]ontlA J Uwtl'~ tJ/ fhe h~e(),Y
y11trme;,fu ...... e~/,4aJ"/m ().PI'/led -It; /tu l6?~ ,,{ IItJ cmM VD/Un1e
S htJWn Ii-; ~ ~":. ei'(,h A,J,cve yields

:: w, <.~
- VI)::.bA VV
r 2 ~ :z.
51nce V«
\.Iff, 2. / /1, V. in ~ ) '2 ~
F = /LA .I'):i~ (I'I.7rn2..1/lf¥.f~...J 'TT'{JfI)('I5.f-1
fj,YUf-i- ( R-r 'I- 15-3.3 -fl. I: )(5'1/)'7<) If /j~.). ibpt.{f )
\ .. /~. 'R (- ,J,.S:l./
F = //7 Ii;

ft?Y fhe lo()tAf Wf()vi, fd.,tNf,VYr/. J/V}'rt.. ~ ffuJ 0/ 2tJ If,{; -the
.5~e. (.~ftb-{ \Id/u~e fhfIWn )n the S-kelc.J/ aINJV~ is u.red)
h~ IttL ~/a,li~ V(,ltrt,:,'1 W is h~ /;"fJI¥~'
~ ~ hIJV/]dvrk/ ~ ()/ fj,~ /J~eA¥ Yh(fWJe;,~
e~ ~ gel-
F.-IhYIH..}- :: 1'1/W -
( I 2.
w) := I ~II~ W (w - w) :: R..E-7?-~:lV\{(~-W)
, 2 r.'1 I <.j

Fw tIu- yn()v;~ h~ ~ ~ gS- ft tw\,,( V\,j =20ft anti .>0

F = /6
';hY'Laf -
5". if 71
A free jet of fluid strikes a wedge as shown in Fig.
P5.47. Of the total flow, a portion is deflected 30°; the remainder
is not deflected. The horizontal and vertical components of force
needed to hold the wedge stationary are FH and Fv, respectively.
Gravity is negligible, and the fluid speed remains constant. De-
termine the force ratio. FHI Fv'

The h()rjt1nfa / QYJd. ve-y-h'Ul/ (tJn..,fJOneYJh of /he lInea ~

m 0 me n fu ffJ ~ M 17(; n cut OfP //ed f1J -I'hi. [ffn /evrh of ft,e
CPYJ~I vO/l.Il'Yle ~hdwn fu fief
- V, f' V, A +- ~ f ~ A:J. t- ~ CbS ?O ~ ~ AJ
j : - ~ (/ )

- ~ f/~:?O·~~ AJ ~ ~ (2)
)-mweve¥"' v/ -= v2.. -- II:I .... V SeJ eo>.
(l)a n d{2) beUfrYJe

V.2.".o (Ill -t A3 &Of. ~(). - II,) -- - Fit

V It' A3 flY) 30 tJ ~ -- FI/

~ _ A2. +Iq t()$" $0 "-11,
Fv AJ $ /;" 3 () 0

~ C(}YIS( Y'VCt h~ of yY1 cus we.. ge f

G( I ::;. ~.2. t- blJ

A J:::' Az. r /lJ
~b i:"/~ €, f . (?) aAt-d (tf) twt-- qe f

.4, -I- /;7 CQ.J JIJ 0 - Ill.. - //1 fJ 3 {COS?OO -I _ 0.27

A7 »,-, 3IJ
0 -
113 >,1;' JO i)

The ne'jCihve 5/tjY1 Indht:l/el' ~f ~ if ~wn r-~~ /Mn

ul CiS 5" how}? I;' the .Jl:..eM~

S.lJ8 Water flows from a two-dimensional open channel and
is diverted by an inclined plate as illustrated in Fig. P5. When
the velocity at section (1) is 10 ft/s, wh~t horizontal force (per
unit width) is required to hold the plate in position? At section
(1) the pressure distribution is hydrostatic, and the fluid acts as
a free jet at section (2). Neglect friction.

• FIG U REP 5 .'f~

2.13 1b

5- 51

5.50 A vertical. circular cross section jet of

air strikes a conical deflector as indicated in Fig.
P5.50. A vertical anchoring force of 0.1 N is re-
quired to hold the deflector in the place. Deter-
mine the mass (kg) of the deflector. The mag-
nitude of velocity of the air remains constant.
Sec·tiM (I )

v = 30 m/s

To deteYmlne. fh~ Y>'fas.5 of fhe UJn/c,(,1/ de.fiecJ'()'r we use fJ,e.

SIP.lionaY"y / )1dl"} - d~fuy»1/~ c.unfnJ/ VtJ/Unl~ ~hdWJ1. In l1te sl:.e kJ"
fA bdlle . /tp,P//CIIl h~n of fite v~h'clA / a'/yec ndn C/)}IJI?pr;nenf of
the /1';-,e.tJ. yo In tJl'H en ~"'" t!j tlal/o¥! ( c 1· 5'. 2. 2) fp -/he ChlIeH Ir (J f
Ih/$ LfI)1/n;/ VtJ/Ul"He y/e/JJ
Ii! (- v: of t-;. UJS 30 0) ::: - 'A -W Cone

Wc~nt' - ~l1ne J - M (~- ~ UJf f()~ - ; :;: f~~(/{-J{CPJJO~-~ (;)

l!;' ::

A; :: 711),
Thll) E~. / Ct2J1t be O<Iyc5s~d as
m -= f frO,"). I{ (~- ~ CbS 10 D) - ~
t.tJne.. fj' .9

':= f2? A-J) /'I'fJ

IYI ::- 1).108 *1

5:51 I
Water flows from a large tank into a dish as shown in
Fig. PS.SI. (a) If at the instant shown the tank and the water in
it weigh WI Ib, what is the tension, T I , in the cable supporting
the tank? (b) If at the instant shown the dish and the water in
it weigh W2 Ib, what is the force, F2 , needed to support the dish?

Pifr ~ ~) we ~j?I'I !he Y~rh'c.a" J

c~mptJneYlt of the linef/ Y
m(JI'l'1eh htlM ~/Aa~~ Iv /he lWJ1en1J

of tdnfrtrf vr;/tlme A) C~;J -Iv Je-I


Td qef /,¥flue 01 ~ill /Ne Of!",!

!,exnfJu/Jj f erJ.tCk~~ -h; ~ fttMI ff(/WJ .'f'N. (yee StA-YhttL ~! ltv.
IN&< -kv J;' /hL -1?tY11<, -k ~ -Ia~J, ewi Ie f fr; gef

Vu",! 0- Vz9 "A = VCz) (J 'Ii )O()

Z.2- fl.) - ZS· f f!
Then ~ i,.(1) we. gef 2

- (Z' 't f:)(''1,{ i/f J{z., If) If 7T / / it) = T, - W,

/ ~/u). /-1
16 . .5'"

ve YHca / CVMj'I{/';JC/h./ ()(

pi CV b qef
~n-fr::> M /;"-/0 ~ ~- IN'z
C~ cV8
;; ere- f V1';.fv we 1A5-e ~l"no""IJ; 's €-1l-tWt$"/:rn be-Iwee-n free furtee of
1tV~ II') c~k. +v '~e su¥/-e,u 0-1- I#a.k- I;' di.fh Iv ,e j

~;-,~ =
Vz. fj (hlJ -t-ho ) - Z(?2. z. (i,,){IO 1-1 rl2,-H)
-: J 7-6 P
~ ,,;,/.,., we L{S' fn,.,... t<M ~.J..,., a! ""'<if5 , ';",;'", ~ ';'6.. ,.f f ~I-!..f
c~ c~ ..fa..,/c..
50 .fr-v.-.. G CO • (2) ~ 7(;f

37. (,
tf)/J.lj'l ~ YzS". if ~ ) 1Tt· 1 ff/(I /~
C' -frJ Jl" .s ) 'I '>/v9 . .ff
1.J - r;. - W2-
One) F2.. ;:" W '"l.. + 14· 7 Ib_
S.52 I
5.52 Air flows into the atmosphere from a nozzle and
strikes a vertical plate as shown in Fig. PS.S2. A horizontal force t
of I Z N is required to hold the plate in place. Determine the
reading on the pressure gage. Assume the flow to be incom-
pressible and frictionless. (oz,).1 I
• -=-.- ..... • 4- 9N

( .(/) I~; ~
\===::::7 Area = 0.003 m 2, I
Area = 0.01 m 2

• FIG U REP 5.52.

To de~"'M·It'\e. +ke. sk+ic:. 'f'Ie. pr~SSLlrE.. at sfz:\..t;OY\ (I) "",f! .f(rs+

Cone:; i dey fi..\c. frtC'Ho\f\less (}.V\o. i~C.cmpv~ssi bte. flow of air ~
(1) -tz, (2) . The BernolA I"I e~(.A.a. +1 0..-. fv.r ~'l S Ho",", "s
.:::f 0 5Q ,c 1..

£: +- V~ -= r!.~- + _Vl
~ ~ "Z
W'<.. V\O~ ,+tw.+ VI aV'(;.l Vt (lV-I{ \iYlked b~ ~e ~oV1+iyu"i+y
((.t!V\Se.No..1-tDy\ of ~oss) e~~.a:tioV\

Q I ': Q'2., ~r '\ V I :: A2. V2-

C.o~Io:V\;V\~ E,\s. l Gtt'\O 'l. vI"- okl..,ir"

i -t (~~ V'-)L _

To d.-e~"V)\IV\e V1... W<. \iY\oW\eyt~~ eolA.A,,"c,,",
use +i1c \;Y1eav
~'f" +h~ -fltJ\N ~ \.2) ~(3). FISY -tL-vt C,.6Y\-tn1 "o\M.me.
s~ft.-V\~J o..b:>ve +he l;~e.ay )"Y\ot"'\ewtullV' py'\Y'lc.·I~Ie. ':j\e\ds

( 12. N

((!on' + )
5:52. 1 (um'+)

NdW, w;#-1 9· 3 'l.

P. " \ l~

5.SLf I
5.54- Two water jets of equal size and speed strike each
other as shown in Fig. P5.5~. Determine the speed, V, and di-
rection, 0, of the resulting combined jet. Gravity is negligible.
~~~~1' /.

V2 =10ftlS--':b Io.lft T /.'"

------~ 0
90 ,11
I 0.1 ft ,


• FIG U REP 5 . stj

For the. c.orrty~l vch.u)\e skow~ lrt -\i1 t. s«.ef-"h aloove +he. l&.rea. (
mOM eyd~M e-~ ~:tjo'" for +he x o.Vld y dl~c+tot\.s are I for
1l-t e. X d l fe.C:f,'oV\
- V7. ~ V2. A'l. + (V CfJS e ) ~ VA =0
£1t1ct ~y ~.: y dLr~c:hoV\
- VI ~ VI A ,-+-(V "SlV'l. e) -e Vf\ :' C
Also .for coV\<;erva+1l>v\ of vY\O.ss we. ~\le
PIV( AI -t pV1. "'1. - ~V~ = c
F-roFV\ E~s. I ar\d 2 We.. ~e+
V'l. ~I.. =' CJ) se = O)t- ~
\J~ AI ~ e 1.

~o e -= c.O(1 V:A-z, = cot_I~( 10 !;) 1r (~t~ -=

\.1. II. '10 '"
'41 n I ( \ 0 f~) 1t' (~l.ft)
N bWI U) M ~ \ r\ i n ~ E~ s. I). C1.t\O '3 IN t q€.+
- V~ A, 1'" V os in e (V I A I + "2 AIJ -= 0

V ::

V .::

S. 55
5. S£ Assuming frictionless, incompressible, z
one-dimensional flow of water through the hor- Section (2)
izontal tee connection sketched in Fig. P5. s5 ,
estimate values of the x and y components of the
force exerted by the tee Jon the water. Each pipe
has an inside diameter of 1 m.

V1 = 6 m/s
Pl = 200 kPa


We COJl'l U$e fhe x and y CCIYVL(ltJnel1'/-r of Ik I/neay YY1()YY1eYl-ft"YVI

eCjtAa-fitTYI (&J. 5. 22) To defen-'Yfine fhe x and Y ct:JYVl{J()YJenls ()f
-fhe. 'feacf7'oYl foyce exeyfed. by -!-he wa.fer Oh -the.. fee. Fw
-fhe.. cor.+rol vo tUYJ1e coYtfA/~jn.J wafey I~ the, fee, E$' f.22 leAds


1/ ::: ll.1
V3 -

(con 'I: )

5'". 55 COn If )

5. Water is added to the tank shown in Fig. P5. 56 through
a vertical pipe to maintain a constant (water) level. The tank is '-+)C ,~ _C0!lst~nt.
water level
placed on a horizontal plane which has a frictionless surface. 1 -:-:~--~-:~i- -~--~~:;::;:~-';:-
Determine the horizontal force, F, required to hold the tank
stationary. Neglect all losses.
Jet area !
(2.) .. '-.+1.
m '. -
= 1250 mm 2
Jet area
..i = 625 mm 2
Frictionless I
surface i !

, • FIG U REP 5 . 5.6

A?p\y'It"~ -the. x- dlV~,tioil' c.oMPOV\e.I\+ of -the l jr\eAr W\OWlCY\-tuM -e~(AClfi ov)
to the. U>~~w\s 0+ +""- (.O~~l vo luM(. Sk.tt.~J dloove vJ~ ~e..f
V,~VI~'- V2..~Y'l-A"l. -:: F (I)
USlh'3 8err\OIA\l','~ ~uo.fjon ~ d.~~c.r~1oe.. -the .ffidio~l-ess -flow
frbM -tltC'- c.o\'\~-h\wt WG\kY" SU1~'E:. level +0 +nCo .flow l~o..Vl~~ o.t
s.m,1io~cz, (l) and (z) VJe... alo~in

V?. "; [z ~ h"- (2.)


~1o;v\ll'l'3 ~5. l) 1. dVld. '3 we qet

F = ~C3 ~, fA. - L~h2.~ A2.


F= D~
5.57 I
I .........
1.L-_ _.,....llL.
Water flows steadily into and out of a tank that sits on
frictionless wheels as shown in Fig. PS.S7. Determine the di- (/f'0 '"I
ameter D so that the tank remains motionless if F = O. I

AffJ/Y1nJ fhe hfFfljQVlIa/ l{fVl1p(}ntVlf

'~ '~;. :.o. ~"; ;" '~3-)
pI f1tl I/Ylea4 Wlornen..f.um -e,u&&-I/f/h (ltD ---if
fn -hu. [tin ~f.s 0f !Itt. (gy,.fn; /

Vd tUY'YJe s h(JWYI I;' the we qef:

fcs VtV.;dll :

Vd~= V pI-- -I-VdL.

I 2. J
A'}t:un / fl»c.e. Vz. = ~ -= VlJh we gef
V;cl7.. = ~p7,..f ~ ti1. (2)
~o/c.IVJj ~f ~$. (I) ~ (z)1-or k w<. ~kvk.
If V3 L.. V; eS' (/) CfAYlJI'Io-f I:x 5iJ.HrteJ
e~.~) CtU-t be 5df,j.fl~

If e8 . (I ) '-t4t.- I..t sall.rh'ecl

e~. (J.) CaJIIYl,f be $t$--H.r~e,j
et. (j ) ~vo. k ~!he,{ w:/t. j) -;; 0
~. (7-) C. (:( 1'1 ~ ~-hj/je"l J/l/'tt. p:: 0

lIs-;-~ ~[)=O
L?. _ h wt..u..!' f k.L.Je f Jf) fhal
~ V'S ~ "'"
Vj -; vzg h ::: l-j

of each is atmospheric. and the flow is incompressible. The
. ..' " contents of each device is not known. When released. which
TI he four de~lces shown In .Flg. P5.5~ res.t on fnlctlOn. devices will move to the right and which to the left? Explain.
Iess w hee s, are restncted to move In the x directIOn on y anc
are initially held stationary. The pressure at the inlets and outlets (I) ,-- - - ~ ~I
\ I
We (),pply jt.e. horijoYlfal I
(Z),~~.__::=;:_-=::J'~~L-' ,
c()mPOYlenf. of f1.,e II~ e~ ~ . -' I

Y>1 Om e,.., /urn eg/,f(.f IltJn f, /he (oj

("OJ1kj1f$ ~f fl,e. CdYlh-;;/ I/IJluYlfe

(bfl);:'en liYles) aY'ld delel"n1J;'e the.
5e n$e of fll e tll'l cJ" ~;t1J ..fo.taL ~.
;If F. ., Is /n fhe d"~cJ-i()n (cJ (eI)

Shown I~ the .fke~l,es, nulion

will be. f.o {he /e fl. .If ~ if
/n ~ d{Y€.cf/(Jn ()flPIJS; Ie fr; {-Jaaf shown.! the. Y??o~;'Y) is' n fhe
riJhf . .J..F FA:O.; there- IS 1'10 )'(J'rJ jonI-,. / l?1(rhOn.
Fr,-y- ske tel, (a.)
- v, ~v, A I - ~ ~ ~ Al. = ~
5(ncf:. ~ is fo f1-,e lei f / mIJh'on /J -/tJ fhe. YO;J},!.
PlN s/r:.e kh (b)
-~f'~,A,+ ~f~A2.=:F
().nol {y()n/) Ulnset"vah'trn of YY'Ja>J
fJ V, A, :::"p ~ 4 l..
~I'ki )"tnee V '> V
I 2.;
rhe" FLI
If -/7J 11.e /eff a'JPI 1"I1(J~~",JIoIl.e~;flu..
Fov s~~ ~) (nD~: flow i.r ,;".ft, c va:f (t )
-l1p V, A = ~ I

a~d ~ ;.1 h ft,e lelf- f, nro hon /s h lJ,e njAf.

FIN' 5Ke. f-c~ (d)

-v,p~~ + ~ p~,.42. = F;;
and ~ UJYI.JerVtA 170 n of ~a.fS
,.0 V, 4J ~ f'V2, A2.
{And ~ <. "2.
so ~ if -10 fie r/!/'t- lAne! ~Pf.~r'J /$ /r; the Jeff.

~. 5'1 I
Water d ischarges into the atmosphere th rough the dc-

vice shown in Fig. PS.59. Determine the x component of force 30 fl~,~ ______
al the flange required to hold the device in place. Neglect the
effect of gravity and frictio n.

To ,,,,,,,/~k fht ;(-d,.-<ch~~

",-,clo.,,'''3 {o".
"fU'Ye,) to hold f/,e
device In flac¢ / the x- d/.-edio'1
CO>'>1I'OYI,,,1- of the 1,'.,,,,1" mommlu..,
egl/ali."" is fAJed 0" h.e (ft,k-.. iJ
fj,e skt-kJ., +0 .I.fa;n;
+ V,, cos'~'f' V3 A3 = - F.1/ +f." 1/ (i )
To dekTI'M/ne VJ I
Jn ~
LJ CIJn5€rvAT7
• ..,
7-D ./,fa ,';., :
Q.,=>;<" T Q,}

~ II, = Ii A, f >J A J
(20 ~f;:O. 8r~') ~f(J~t)(f/'ff'f')t- v,. (b.3h')
V3 =S ff
fY7f'r-> E3 ' / we ,e!-
_ ('20 V)(I.U it}(2O ¥j{d.Zff')

FA -=).'1 '+0 Ib

5. 60 A vertical jet of water leaves a nozzle at
a speed of 10 mls and a diameter of 20 mm. It
suspends a plate having a mass of 1.S kg as in-
dicated in Fig. PS,bO . What is the vertical dis-
tance h?


To de/eYYJlllne. fhe ve~H(.eI1 cI/sfttnce h we apply fk verhl.al tilfecho""!

cowtpbY1enf tJl fhe. II~eIlY I"n()YHehfu".,., e'6u().h·~h (61' >.2Z) fD ft,e
wafe r I;" fhe con-fn,/ voluY11t2- shown 1i1 fhe .s-kefct a.bove.. Thlls,
- R~ -;()O
r .7
-ifwale,.. -- - VI f AI VJ == -;0
l{ ~ ~

7Ae verfico,/ reaciion force of lhe ;/ole on Jhe kI~/er is

efu,o./ in 1n49nilu de 10 lite l,fKiIighl of Ik pJII.le) ()r
RJ : :" 9 !11p /a l e = ('1. $1 !f) ( I. 5 ~J:: I if. 7 N

A /050./ !he. wBiyh f of M£ wQ.ler willl/n I/J£ cfl)1IYo l volt/me J fJ.9 ~41e.r J
;.s 17~1 lig iiJle I and fAe /?It.Z.fS flow role is
m jJ ~ l{
=: == ;; Ao Yo -:: ( 999 ~ ) f (/J. o:J. hi )'- ( 10 ; ) ;:: 3, /3 l!f
Thull Elf / becames
- /~. 7 II ::: - ~ m or v,:: 11f-. 7 N - If. 70 tp
, 3,/3.1t1s-
From lite Berl1lJtI// £tjpg!itJn (Er;.3.7) Wi! h9ve
~ + i. fl v,,:l+ J1zo :::: -f1 .J. 1:(/ 'v; ~ 0' ~ I wAe.r8 /'0 -::It :. 0
20 1# 0 J 2, :::,.1
1fU2~ ifJl1~ h
or .Ji/lce l' ~~?
If =:21 (~,. /I 1)
0 - I
=::"2. (q.81!f{J
(:z.. :z..) m ~
/0 -- JI.. 70 ~ =:: 3. q 7 /J'l
5.6'1 Exhaust (assumed to have the properties of stan-
dard air) leaves the 4-ft diameter chimney shown in Video ..-
15 Itls

VS.3 and Fig. PS." ,."ith a speed of 6 ftls. Because of the

wind, after a few diameters downstream the exhaust flows
in a horizontal direction with the speed of the wind, IS ftls.
Determine the horizontal component of the force that the
blowing wind puts on the exhaust gases.

• FIG U REP 5.61

For -the control volume indic4fed fhe x-Gomponen! ()r the

momenlvm eCI'Jafi~f7
s:u pV·/1 dll
= ~ Fx become.s

~ p Vz- Ill- where Rx ".s the nef hOl'i'l.()IJio./ force

=== Rx J

fha1 -fhe winrh pvis 0" -foe exhaust 9a.ses.

Rx ~ m:;. V~
J m2 ::: e!9" \4 == ~ A, V, (i. e. m,:::: '+',. )
or m~::: (0,00238 sJ?-)I1J (lfHt Jr 611) ::: 0, /79 ~~~
He nCB.!
Rx '" O.1793J?(Jsf}),: 2,6'1 0f.!1:= 2.tQ/iJ

5· 62- I
5. 62. Air discharges from a 2-in.-diameter nozzle and
strikes a curved vane, which is in a vertical plane as shown in
Fig. P5. b2.. A stagnation tube connected to a water V-tube
manometer is located in the free air jet. Determine the horizontal
component of the force that the air jet exerts on the vane. Ne-
glect the weight of the air and all friction.

• FIGURE P5.~~

Note. +hat we 'Iqnoyc. -\-l,<. ef~+ of o~ost>h(,ri c.. Pf.f'SSUfC On ~h(. \lal~~
0+ R ;n OUf SOlu1iOVl below a~ck lASe. ~~e. pye~SLtfe.\. I\s 'In~\c~6 in
)( L ' .
Ex.~mp\e. 5, 10 J '#\(. ~~Sphc":l to ?y~ ~~uye -rvrc.e. MOJ-j r\ee.d c()ns I"~r~+ll>""
whe", id.t~ti~iY'l~ rto.L+ioV\ +orc.e!,. For ~e Qty .f'low·It\~ ihY¢~~h+he
C-Ot\+rol votu,,",e., ~ ~~ a\oove) +he. X - d 'f~C -He>'" COMpot'le.\I\i of +he.
I', neo.'(' M()mc.r'\1u~ ~(AO.,fi on 'I~
- VI P ,vI AI - V'l. eos 30
0~. V2,.Al.. = - R;(. (I)
\Qlf Q\r
I\fP\/\~tioY' 0-( 8eroololll\ IS ~W)..p.oY\ 11r t-he. flow fn>M
(,) -tv ('2..) y'le\c:is
V2, =VI
Ihe n ) +ron'l +he. C()",c;erV'a.-i1on of Mo.S~ t>Y'Ylc.iple
A,V, :: AI...V't. (~)
We lAse m e..rlAAfioY\ ~dl~ -+0 oJ::,~~1'\ +he
.fDlloWl·t'\~ e,~+lOY\ fz,y ~ S~~~(7Y\ -hAbe decele.~~Oh
~ + VI ::: (~)
~ (l\r '2..
For +he V\f\o."'o me.kr'" I w\.t-h. +h-c. e.\IAct1io,""
Pt\~ + h fY'~ t'\OCS' W - h 0'. - 1:s+o. ~ (s)
Q. \.e,y 1Ytt;tr\g o.lr

( G,)

( eDV)'i )
5·62.. I (COn't)

Rx. ==

~x= 2.9f, \b
ThiS is the .f-ov'ce -eKe..rkd. ~~ -\hc. vane CY\ --the. .f.lovl,~ ~~V'.
\?~ th.t. ·tlc,w 1~'1 <:\\1 txer+s on 1i1e VCl.n~
The. .fu.ru2. -ex.uktl
\ ~ ~~ ~y\ ~7 \I'\\-Mo\4. b~ Of posi k iYl d ;~c:nCTY\ 00 -Ihe rl1h-f)

5"- 66
5.6 S A 3-in.-diameter horizontal jet of water
strikes a flat plate as indicated in Fig. P5,65. De-
termine the jet velocity if a lO-lb horizontal force
is required to: (a) hold the plate stationary; (b)
allow the plate to move at a constant speed of 10
ft/s to the right.

(al (bl
FIGURE "5.65

The COI1/-rr;/ volume shoWn In The skefch is used. The

sfah'oYlPYJ plale CAfe if. cPI1J'ldeYea fi;ff. IIpfllicaltan ~I
the htJYlj()nft?1 OY x- dlf'ec.iltJY1 cOYJ/If1~nent of fj,e /;i1eor
tyJ () Me yt /u,yy, e~ ua/j(7}/l y / e/dj

- -~ J



()nd f.,(,

plate tit fP.eed

r I
V= 10 :s
ff /

the x - dIYec,fioY] -the lin eery hI~hZehluh-t erUIl/;OY'j


-== ZOo Z ff
==== J'
/)10 VI;'" platt!

5- 67
5,66 A Pelton wheel vane directs a horizontal. circular
cross-sectional jet of water symmetrically as indicated in Fig.
PS.66 and Vidtm V5.4. The jet leaves the nozzle with a veloc-
ity of 100 ft/s. Determine the x direction component of an-
choring force required to (a) hold the vane stationary. (b) con-
fine the speed of the vane to a value of 10 ft/s to the right.
The fluid speed magnitude remains constant along the vane .,;
surface. D =1 m.

(a) (b)
FIGURE P5 ..6.6

(A) To deferm,nG -fJ,e. )(- dl;ecli~n cpl'H{J4J1ehf of qJ1c.h~Y'I~ ~e !7!fUI'i-etl iP

hlJ/d fhe V4J1{! S"1ei1/onlJry JIVe use file S'lRh'dJ1~'y on"/rrJ/ v~/JtM(!
tU?IJV~ tlJtd th~ x- d,yeCndn ct?m;;~l1ehf of- the //heo.- m,Jlfle"lu"",
MA:n#1I1 (£1' Ii· 2"2 ) • l"hu~

~ :: m(tft ~ I.IJS 'Is ') :::j7AJ ~ ('1 t~ ~Jljl"1 :: I' ~p/I{~ of ~ t;.5'1~'

F. :: Iii Ib

(6) 70 " de!e,YYn,;'e fhe X'- d,;e&h'Oh CIJ"VJ()nel'1f or /lJ1cJ,fH'~ ~e ",(HIed

11J U)wh'ne .fife. Vane.. fr; ()l Chlsnrl1f s/eed of It) fr";" IRe Yl9"'f w-e
life ~ Clhrlrol V()/ume. Ynov/nf/ fo ftt~ Y/1hf WJ'fh t{ $,ud pf /0 ~f"
and me x- d/ved/on comp4J1od ()f tHe. I/;r.u.r MOJll1.tJ1/ztm ejlo"h',,,
IrN- &t f YtlJ1.rlitn·"?j clh1fy,1 vO/~Ylte (£1' $".21). lJut~"

,: ::. ~ A, ltV (vv of" W CIJ$ Y.r D) & p 7r~). W /W t W U.f ¥.f D) {t}
Ii J I l. / (it' ' (' I 1. /

We JI16-k 11tA-1-

/'1-1 'I,

s- 68
'i.h7 I
5.67 How much power is transferred to the moving vane of
Problem 5.66?

P"wer ~ EA V )
where frolf} Prohlem s. 66 Fa -::. II/bib

PDWer :::
( l/.fb \b ) ( ID ft ")
':2 2.6S hp
t;S'o ~+.lb \
( ~. hp J

~- 69
5.68 Water enters a rotating lawn sprinkler
through its base at the steady rate of 16 gal/min
! r ij. /NOZZle exit .
as shown in Fig. P5.68'. The exit cross section area
of each of the two nozzles is 0.04 in. 2 and the flow --
/,.,..----- -

area = O.04m.

leaving each nozzle is tangential. The radius from / /-- I .......

1/ '\
the axis of rotation to the centerline of each noz- V ~
~~ ~
zle is 8 in. (a) Determine the resisting torque " .//j
required to hold the sprinkler head stationary.
(b) Determine the resisting torque associated with
--- -- -::-:--t(sio.fit1nd. YJ
the sprinkler rotating with a constant speed of t......... ClJtrfl7Jl IItJlu~e.
500 rev/min. (c) Determine the angular velocity
of the sprinkler if no resisting torque is applied. @ --- -
=16 gal/min



Th;s if f/~;I"y -It> GK'amfJle 5: 17.

(a) To dekv»tlne fhe ~5"ir/Jy,f 1t;Yi Jt~ r~tlli~d fz> ;u4d M~ 5jJn'hk/er-
head sfafl~l1t:1'Y we U$f:.- The. m"JIIt.~f - tJl-;;noJ1teJllfu"" ~f"Iue
etlA.alidn {EI' ~. 50}. i'Jul5,.

= 6'/./7 t!

-r.$/uil-I : - z.96 ff.16

(b) T() dehYm,ne the r~5iJh'~1 -I-oY'ltl~ a>$dd~f.ed w/ft,.. tt spYIVJkiet' ~ttd
of 5"t1~ ye.v we. a.5e c1· / attll;'. fhn.veVey I (/ot'i fA ro/7tI/t/YJ Wf.. /,ave.


FI7Y W ,.. We use

(16 !~a( ) (Ill'! ;;~~) -= {, '1./7 ff.
Wl.. c
2 AI1()J}~ (2){ ". ()'f ,;"....) (7. '1R 9,4 ,
I ~ ~.L )

(GLJI1' f )
S:6B I (cOJ1'f)

r~y Z{ /,Ale ('(fe

= (9 In.) (soo ~ ) (i7r ftt )

(;2 I;")
(6tJ ~ )

Th{J J with £1' 2. (,N~ htMe.

V. :: 6'1./7 If - "llf.91 ff =- 2f/- 2{ ff-
~2. T .J .J"

C/Jlfti wilt, E't. / W~ tJ6"kt,;"

- (to 9'1 f.!!J.!)(I~ f.."/ Y8 In.j{zf. zt t) (/ iJ!.. )
T - e-z lJcin . / • sll4,. fI-
,$/11llf (~'fK 9tf I) (bIJ ~) /12. i" ' ) .sa..
rf2 him ( H
/. 3~ f-l. /h

CC) To de/e",m/YJe fAt.. ~n.I~/ar veto~/ fy ~f- I1rL >jJ}'/nlder /f ~ Y~/>h~

f()y~ tl.e !s p-p/I/ed we. U.${! the ~/Y1tA-h(;YI ()f CtjS. / aJlut 2
fl; () bID. Ii?


w = W 2
(6'1.17 ~/)(I Z if) ypd
=:. ":::.
yo..... (S,;'.)
7h e Yl; ftJy ~ 1MU.I IV.I i.r fI, Ci .J

N -::::(?I.? YQd) (b()~) = 920 ~

s /(277 ~d) -======A=,=''''

S.t19 Five liters/s of water enters the rotor shown in Video
V5.5 and Fig. P5.69 along the axis of rotation. The cross-
sectional area of each of the three nozzle exits normal to the
relative velocity is 18 mm 2• How large is the resisting torque
required to hold the rotor stationary? How fast will the rotor
spin steadily if the resisting torque is reduced to zero and (a)
() = 0°, (b) () = 30°, (c) () = 60°?


7b de/erm/l'Je fh~ flJ~u~ "'~UI"ed -/zJ }u,/d ..fhe. YrJl»y fiP./7i;)Ylaq

we use, fhe. ~oJ+tenf - ,,1-- m()JIH~Iu;+1 rorf"G I!.j;UIJtIJ'un (1:1' s: So)
-10 obfa/~
;- Shlll'f -- ~ y V t115!) (I)
~uI- duf-
We nl)f~ fHaT
J1I1 :: p t:2.

£1.$. I J Z. aJlld 3 we
r' Q ~t co.> 6' (it)

3 AI'I6JJle
To riekY"w,ine fhe Y7Jtrrr fAJ19/,1Itt y veltJvify t1>s()c/tJtf~d wifh 3ero
oSha! f iDrfJ/lfe Wl. ~!IJ In use. fhe m()~eJ?f- of - fflomel'1luW'l -/Dt"ffJe
e~J,(ah'oV1 ( €'j. ~. So) +t> "hm,n.l it,)$ l7~e w /t?t hJIRhol'7)
~hah-:: Y)1 ~"f (tv 1)1A.7 CbS e qt.tf- ) (5)
W-e nofe tha.f



5.69 I (c~n'f)

r;half :::

I = Zt:Jo AI. not

Fr~ £1" w~ obJ,un ~ fl.t:?H:: tJ
w = If I~/ (OJf 3()")(/PI?P ~),. -= IbtJ YAel

3(18~~L-){ IPI}~ ~)((J.S"..) -- .$

(c.) F7Jy e == 60 d wt use £" 'I Iv ge.f

r~4fi & (9ff!1) (s ~/(t).'-'")(Co! to') {tPtJtI : , . : /(f1'/;" )
~3 ~ f>

(/IJIJIJ ~~y~ (3) (IYn-.n,~)


rJhaff :: III N.~

~ t'j. f we 16hun -fp.., ~ L =- ()

'firr 2-
W ~ (S ~)(UJ6tJ~ (IPPd ~
(3J(13ht,.,~J(lOPcJ ~) (d~~;)

5.7 J A water turbine wheel rotates at the rate of 50 rpm in
the direction shown in Fig. P5.7J. The inner radius, T 2 , of the
blade row is 2 ft, and the outer radius, r I , is 4 ft. The absolute
b1 j1.f-
velocity vector at the turbine rotor entrance makes an angle of
20° with the tangential direction. The inlet blade angle is 60°
relative to the tangential direction. The blade outlet angle is
120°. The flowrate is 20 ft3 / s. For the flow tangent to the rotor
blade surface at inlet and outlet, determine an appropriate con-
stant blade height, b, and the corresponding power available at
the rotor shaft.

Section (1) Section (2)

since • FIGURE PS.7!

Q. 211;-; b ~,I

+hen the blade /'el,kl-, b I 1.5

a OJ
:Iffr; ~I

The 51101f P()WeY'" vv:.~tlH ) 15"
lief (NIt
powef" ~uah'tJn (£1.5'·53) .

-vtt;.haff .::.
nef (Jt.ri 1/ .,
(Ina the Use of 11+ 'I 0,. wi It, l{ V~ 2. d el'end.s 0" wire/her
Ve 2 /s- opposi Ie. 7-0 or i" +he. 5"ante d/rechon as V; respecfively.
To defermine the value of ~,I we use. the velocify fYiong/( af
se c. Non (I). Thus we hallf: I


Wi~ fhe ve/~ci1y /Y/(Jn9Ie we.. have

~,I V.R~ I
= + V,
hn 2()(J
fAn 60 0

V; - r;w
(con't )

5".7/_1 (c()n't)

thus fq.] leads fr;

r,w (if ff) (5() rpm) (/-271' ;;;
V :: :::
R,/ / -L _ I ')
( hn 2.0~ fDn 60,/

tV i ff" ~9 ,I we tJbh'n
b ~ (to #1) = tJ. O~25 if
211"('1/1 )(9.65 1 9")
For fhe blade lIe/ocifl'es 1i1 E~. 2 we ref
7J = r, (J.) == ('I Tn (so YPWt) ( 2TT ~) = 20.9'1 If
I (60 .s: ) .s
1.l:z. = J: w = ('Zff) (5 0 t'p~)
( 2-71' ~)
- --------------~'~~~---== ~.~7
Foy ~I J we we fhe, velrJc/ Iy iYj(Jnv1e af secf/(}n (I) -h; ~blzi,;'

~ ,::' ~I I _".
6 ,1 T ~ 2~. ~ l ff
I fz:tn 20 0 mh 2(} t1 of'

F-or- V.~ 2 we COnJirucf The se.cfiol? (2.) ve/(h:,fltj fy/1I1'10/(: ske.~kd 6elfMI

(Ve, 2. ntrt h salle)

L{ V
(AYld We yeahie -fhaf
VB 2 :: ~ Z fan ~() 0 - t{ (It )

From cOf/servaHon of Mass

'II.: : V. A,:::
R,2. /(, I A


50 wi Hz £~. 'T we obmln

V~ 2. -= {ltf.3 ~f)1-rJJ1 30
_ /&.'17 ft == 0.673 ;f
Finally w/111 €r. 2 we (}b~/~

virshall- ~ I!,ti'l sluff\fi.o if) )!(zfJ.71f £1 )1;.652"£rl-f{O.'f7 fJ:)'/O.6 7JB)}/i !it- )

(," 1-+1/, s If co S /(4. S/ s I· s"(j{ sllI1.ft
net ou.t J~


W s)1tI.H '2.. /8 X I() 'I ft. II:;


net 4ltf

1.. iN X II) If· 110
-Wsna.If - s -::: '39. 6 hp
nef"-o/,tf s~o ff./b
s. hI'

5.72 An incompressible fluid flows outward
through a blower as indicated in Fig. PS.72. The
shaft torque involved, T'haft' is estimated with the
following relationship:
Tshafl = t1U2 VO.2
where t11 = mass flowrate through the blower,
'2 = outer radius of blower, and V O•2 = tangential
component of absolute fluid velocity leaving the
blower. State the flow conditions that make this
formula valid.

.....- _...

S-i1a It
- i11~ ~)2 (;)

valId J1I1a..y 6e Ide",.l/h·ed 6y UJ>?1ffJl'I "J ~&J' I with -IJ,e /Ix/a I

c(JY14fJ~neJ1f of Ee. s· 'f2.. Thast! co hd i -n (n,,$ ar~

a.. s tah'oJ1.IJl;':.Y and h~J? - de/w~/~ CQ'y1~1 volume (see .rtelc~ a6uv&)
". slea.dJ - I;' - flit! - MeQI'I ,clow
c. ne&I'j/6Ie She4Y sIY~s.! 1oY9UL w;~ ve>Iee-f ~ tlx/s IJ{ ttJ/r../JOh
d. V ::: 0
e. no

f. u J1 / flJy~ d /s fy/huh'on of t,.;,


5.73 V R2 = 30 ftls

5.73 The radial component of velocity of water leaving the

centrifugal pump sketched in Fig. PS.73 is 30 ft/s. The mag-
nitude of the absolute velocity at the pump exit is 60 ft/s. The
fluid enters the pump rotor radially. Calculate the shaft work
required per unit mass flowing through the pump.

• FIGURE P5.73

The stah'o}fcuy aMt! 11011- d~/PYMlry ct)J1irrJI vt)/tlYJt~ shown /~ -IJ,e

Sk~l-ch abtJve i.s used. /0 ttebYmln-R (he shlJlf wOy/<.. fer
lIni! Wlt/5J
r, Id~
l«,. U~I
""'L £4.
s: S"~. TJII~.J

= 1J 2.
V9) 2-

7}te bIt/de ~".ud I tJ;. ) cd;r be ()6M,ned (lS ..fiJI/(}w>,

::: C W ::;; (0.5 ff )(2.000 y!!'
~ ~/;'
)fTT ~)/l-
yeV (~O...E.-
)::: JD5 If

The. fangeJ1hd ve/tJti/-yJ ~ I CAli k dbl,J1net/ (/J fp/;;/.,;~

~2 = (v:- v~ ... )i [(6off/-(30~t/l ~
=' 52 {f
ThuJ I .frn.n £$' I
= (105 :1)( ~2 t;lf60 ff·/6

5.74 A fan (see Fig. P5.74-) has a bladed rotor
of 12-in.-outside diameter and 5-in.-inside di-
ameter and runs at 1725 rpm. The width of each
rotor blade is 1 in. from blade inlet to outlet. The
volume fiowrate is steady at 230 fe/min and the
absolute velocity of the air at blade inlet, VI' is
purely radial. The blade discharge angle is 30°
measured with respect to the tangential direction
at the outside diameter of the rotor. (a) What
would be a reasonable blade inlet angle (mea- "
sured with respect to the tangential direction at " .... ,c I
the inside diameter of the rotor)? (b) Find the .;;:--._--- I
power required to run the fan. FIGURE PS.74 1p-
I in.--J I-
The ~lah(;Ylary and nOn - delrrrm/~J confn;/ VtJ!ui11e .fjzDWYl In -the
skel-ch above. is UJed. 10 de~n1/h-e. a retrst)JlUf61e. blt:lde
Ih/ef tJ~1/e we aSSume fhat the 6/adl. $htJl1/d ft,e /-t;;n~Mf fo
-Ihe ve/afive ve/ocJfy ttl lite Iy,/~f. The.. Inlef ve/tJcl/-y /Y/an!/e
/> JkekhuJ belttw.



- = 35./ f!
A, S

== YoJ
= (2.5 11].)
(12. In)
7hu; wifh E~. / fI-
e = +aM -t{J§· I J) 7 = 'f 3 0

, (37-" 51 ) ]
5: 7/f I (con It )

The power ye~~"y.ed) ~J,tlll) may be tJb-blird wi/tJ &1- 5".53.
. (2)
fha/l- 1.. z. ~ "L

VV1IiH -!Iow-ra-!e / rl17-J YYlay k ~bIt;l~i a$ hl/lIWf_

th< 1- '" jl Q =' (2-31 X 10-3 S/"ff
(z"i0 tf Y -'- );; q.12 xmJ~
/ to.!...
fIIlh). S
u.. : ~w '" (6 In. ) (172 ~ J£f J{27T fl! ) '" 90."3 t!.
(/2 In.) (6tJ .ff-: ) .s
H /Hln

The value. of ~I ~ may be. o6-/r:(Jnet/ by cOh-rld'Ylj .fh~ lIe/«:i7

friPYJ1/e -fpy -Ihe. flow letW'l1j -lite j?J~ af 5ec;hdn(~_ The
ye!/ftfNc velocily at /he Yl)~ exjf- i> UMsJdereti -IT; be. IoWf fld
-Iv the-- hhde fheY'e _ !he yafw exi f flrJ/N vtl ()~i fj -IY/aY/le is
skel-d1eJ belfIN.
5.7S An axial flow gasoline pump (see Fig.
P5.75) consists of a rotating row of blades (rotor)
followed downstream by a stationary row of
blades (stator). The gasoline enters the rotor ax-
ially (without any angular momentum) with an
absolute velocity of 3 m/s. The rotor blade inlet c~m+-ml
and exit angles are 60° and 45° from the axial VIJ /Utl1e ~5C
direction. The pump annulus passage cross sec-
tion area is constant. Consider the flow as being I I
tangent to the blades involved. Sketch velocity
triangles for flow just upstream and downstream
of the rotor and just downstream of the stator
where the flow is axial. How much energy is added
to each kilogram of gasoline?

I j£I mean radius blade


:7U:~coYlfro l

I I VDlume
I l


lhe veioc-i-f'l l'IiI1YJj/e." f;;r {low jusf (Jff~tM11 ~ /he, y,,1-tJy Is

SKefrfrled belaJ lOY fhe arithmefic mean Yael/uS.


,- s-

With 'he TriorJj!e., We con~(ude fhai

W :; V, ::.
(3 ;:-) 6 m
J =
cos 60 6
Co> 66"
5"- 81
5.75 -coy/Ii)

The ve-I()ciiy -/-vldYJg/e I()r (I(}w jllsf c/()/)JJ1.JIYetlM pf fhe Y()1-or is

ske hhed b~/(NJ f()y -the tJyifhmelic, JlY/e tlYi Yadws, ~
t'i7UJn1fJm5ib/~ flow ~)2.:::' ~. f:or /J1eon ratift.l.f t~ l{=Z{.
Thus lor relafive lIow
faYJgeJllf fr; fhe blade Wt obkiln iAe
ve(rJcify -Iv/angle.- .>kefd7ed belM.



With fhe fY/an,/e we undude thaI-

= U~ - W@JZ -:; TJ2 - v:J21anl/§D::: 5,2 m_ h
s l-
m) -M~ '1/=
2.2 ?Z'

5"- 82

5.7" A sketch of the arithmetic mean radius blade sections

of an axial-flow water turbine stage is shown in Fig. P5.76. The
rotor speed is 1000 rpm. (a) Sketch and label velocity triangles
for the flow entering and leaving the rotor row. Use V for ab-
solute velocity, W for relative velocity, and U for blade veloc-
ity. Assume flow enters and leaves each blade row at the blade I \/oll.(jIr\e
angles shown. (b) Calculate the work per unit mass delivered
J ~76~Ufe (0,.+11)1 \lOhl~e
at the shaft.
/ / I I Blade sectIons

/ 45¥' ,

at the
mean radius


The ve/oci.fy -/Y-/dr},f/es foy fhe.. Tk>w enleYl?J and fhe flow
leav,h9 fh e vofrJr Yow cd -!he dJ'lfhmelic.- metlh Ytlc!tu.J (1ye JKelched



Ai fhe ari~lJtefic m~a;1 vCid/uJ) the bltlde ve/oclfy ) ~ is

V:: t{ rw (fD ,;".) I DIJO re.", (Z'Tt' Yev

:: ?:? '3 II
:: = nt/~

I f\!I
(12 In.) ('02-: ) s
If )lHlh

W;t4, th~ vel~cify fYl'aYl!/Ie.- f,Y fh~ flow l nHn-IYtJ the Y7JIuy Wl- cmclwle fIdf
~>in 7()fJ -= VgI (I)
" I
V, (;() 5 70 = ~I (2..)

W I §irl LfS II = V~ ,- u ('3 )

\tV I Co> '1-5" ;: 'Ix, I

(Con 'e )

5"'- 83
5. 76 (con '7; )

Fro}1l1 fhe rtlfio tJ{ ~5 . 3 /AMI if we. Obf71'~

which when um6/necl wift;. Elf. I ~d 2. y/e/ds

1af'llfS =
vI U)S 70"
= 0
[5/i1 70 _

=- ~'7.fofl-
VBt :: \.j' S1i17i' = (f7' ~/) 'S,;" 70 () =- SZ,3 If

V = \tj (.f)$ 7(/ -= fa7.b ~+) (()5 70

:- z" '1 -Sfl-
~/ I

Vx , I (~'1, q ~)
WI =
- :: 12, '-I !!
cos fs D U'Js If r ()
W/th fl1~ ve/ocify -/-Y/OYl9/e fllY fhe fl()w leavlnJ fhe r-olrH we.
conclude ihaf

. ()
v~ l
V2. - W2- S-1Y1 ¥s

\{ $,;' «z.

Vz. (,0$ O{z. =

_ Zq, Cf {l-

(conI t )
ThUJ {yom G~. 5

= '12. 'I f-f


oJIId fr-uwt ~. fLJ

::: U _ W ~1Y, Iff; 0
").. 2.
= 52.3 f! _(ttl,'! f.f)
$ S
~/~lf) 4:. 22.l{-!J

The valio or £15. 7 aMd! y/e/dJ

.x; = -fan-I (Vt9
Vx, ~
I '-) -= fru-, -! (2.2.4
( Z'i, 7
it )J
~+; J
= 37 0

aJ1d -IYl7Y'n E,/ . 7

v:z. - Ve, z

We CLJn U5~ Etg. S:S'I fz; C'a/ClAltlk fhe WdYf,. per u~;f
mass deJ/veyed ().f /he s-ha.ff. 71zt-1I

W :::: - TJV + 7J V
5htl.fl- J ~I ~ fJ.

:f (5"2, 3 ft)(n.3 ~+) f (5"z.3 f f)(z~. '/ fI-~

5 s1Jl/t flUj.
J )
!.L )

::: _ :3130 fl. Ib


5- 85
5.77 Sketch the velocity triangles for the flows entering and
leaving the rOlor of the turbine·type flow meter shown in Fig.
PS.77. Show how rotor angular velocity is proponional to aver-
age fluid velocity.


• FIG U RE P 5 . 77 (CoutICsy or EG&G Flow Tech.

nology, Inc.)
F"" '" 5edjt7l-> of {he /uYbj'lG Mo.de. af r",<I/u6 f/ fl.e b/tff/~
J17fN<S t-~"fhl!> w i /I, '" vdQc.i/y V = rrAj. 1k ve/(Jei!;t
Irl"'''9/e ! hltJ.y be fkl.heo( as ShtM>'> .

V ~2.

/.1s'''J IE$. 5". '50 IN· 'lei

- VX 2.-+-1... - r W

cu -


S.7f:3 By using velocity triangles for flow upstream (1) and

downstream (2) of a turbomachine rotor, prove that the shaft
work in per unit mass flowing through the rotor is
V~ - Vi + U~ - Uf + Wr - ~
Wshaft = 2
net in

where V = absolute flow velocity magnitude, W = relative

flow velocity magnitude, and U = blade speed.

Any .fef or veJo(ify fnaJ19/e.- fw ,rIM fhYI/lA;/' t{ /z,tvbt'YJltPch/fe ft)/Py

YOw wtJlAld 9/Jle.. fh~ Jdme I'e~u.lt. We IA.Sc ~ l;r/dnt/es Df 10,. ?S. 77.


Fr()/'YI fhe ,'rile! Ilow velocify fYl'aYJ9/e w4Z qef

':2. l."l.
V.KII V -)/ (;)
I v, I

1. 2. 'l. '1. ).
': W J - (~~ I +u) : \AI - V - 2 Uv -U (2)
I ~ I I e I

c~(, /Y)J nJ £Cjr. / t:IM-d z c.vc ohfaly)

'2.. _ vl _ til
ifI ~I I
- I I

FrO)IVI -fh t!. outJe f flow v~/pt;fy fy/an9/e. we- gef
'2 'l
V y
~ 2..
::: V -


5- 81
? 78 I . COY) 'f)

C(YI/yt /n'n /Y/J Etj~. 'I tA nd S' we. b6h/~

lj'-W""2- T l{ (,)
Ull - :;?.

~ 87..I
;t:-()y the ~ef of veltJcify -Iv,'a 119 /es

sh4f+ - U!/
I ~I
f ~~~ I
he! /n

Corn b/YJ ,fij ~1s. 3/ h ClL-vtd 7 (AJ(.. ok-/-,; I;'

V 2_ V l. 2- 2. W"2-
-t V-U
I ~ 2-
::: ;). /
W5htff f-
hel Ii-? 2

5.71* Summarized below are air flow data for Upstream of Rotor Downstream of Rotor
flow across a low-speed axial flow fan. Calculate Absolute Absolute
the change in rate of flow of axial direction an- Axial Tangential Axial Tangential
Radius Velocity Velocity Velocity Velocity
gular momentum across this rotor and evaluate
(mm) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s)
the shaft power input involved. The inner and
outer radii of the fan annulus are 142 and 203 142 0 0 0 0
148 32.03 0 32.28 12.64
mm. The rotor speed is 2400 rpm. 169 32.03 0 32.37 12.24
173 32.04 0 31.78 11.91
185 32.03 0 31.50 11.35
197 31.09 0 29.64 11.66
203 0 0 0 0

1ItL chA.llje lit

across the.


(/ )

t»td (f) ~ nnu II,( S Ih1/e¥ ()nd t1tt. /ey rad'-;

~ anti ~ aye local y-a.dii af secfil)n (2) dll.lll1s/tla-11-! ()f 1aJ1 y,hy
ClAd 5c,c+io~ (;) I.If$~ of ~ ~iur
~ OVId. V~ I ()Yf!., local aj,5tJluk k"le)1h4! vdlJcJly al secftdJ7J(2)IJIUiU)
~2 I

. a~ (1)(4/ a-x.i(J.1 vt-/()( i ffes aJ Sec piJn.1 (2) a-Itd (I)

lIx'/L aMd VX, J
As 5Wj1t!,JktJ. bj t~. 5· '15
7:Jlu/ff ~.tJ FAMJ( (2)

and Gj. 2- IS eva {ua./(tA nUYY/fJY,"{,Il,/l witr... a. U/mlufw fYP<jYdll? Maf (,iht~J
!ttL -Iror' Jt)l' dA. 1 rukwi/'t, tAJ1e~Yl inWet/J. & pri7Y~ fisi ~yf.d
(e.su.lfs att!, on fhA.. Yle)C-f paJe .
~h((ll) ;f ev~ 4-takD/ w'-f(., Gj. 5. '17. ThUi.)
WrA4ff- =- ~Illf fA.) ( 3)
:3 ;' s .eN1t tlA.ojuI 6~ IIu.. ~ujt,./ tJr;r;Y~ I/)/e~ on bu

(um If )

5"- 8'1
(Con 't)

PR HIT ., :+. tt*******:t;*.******************:*********:*********:.t:"
PRINT ":rt This program computes the change in rate of *:t"
130 PRINT ">1* axial-direction angular momentum and power**"
140 PRINT "** input for problem 5.79 using the trapezoidal **"
150 PRINT "** rule applied to unequal intervals. **"
160 PR I NT "i' t::!.~~.t*****~~*********:t:*.*:t:* :j;~;~;~;**:t,*t*******i:*;t:*****i:"
180 DIM UXU (19), UTU (19), UXD (9), UTD (9), R <19 )
190 '
200 , Initialize the variables
210 N = 7
220 RHO = .L • .:::..
1 ")0

230 PI = 4! * ATNO! )
240 RPM = 2400!
250 FOR I = 1 TO N
260 PEAD R (1) , UXU (I) , UTU (I) , UXD (I) , UTD ( I )
270 RO) = R (1) ,/ 1000!
2130 NEXT I
29U DATA 142.0, 00. 00, 00.00, 00,00, 00,00
300 DATA 143.0, 32,0:::-" 00.00, 32,28, 12.64
310 DATA 169.0, 32.03, 00,00, 32.37, 12.24
320 DATA 173.0, 32.04, 00.00, 31. 7,13, 11. 91
:3~~ 0 DATA lot=: 0, 32.03, 00.00, 31. 50, 11.35
~) -~ ,

340 DATA 197. 0, 31. 09, 00.00, 29.64, 11.66

,3'50 DATA 2():3.0, 00.00, 00.00, 00.00, 00.00

~wo 'Compute integral u:sing trapezoidal rule

380 .:3UJ{U :;:;: O!
SU]lfD = O!
:3(~' (I
400 FOR I = 2 TO N
410 TEMPU=UTU(IJ:t:UXU(I)*R(I)A2+UTU(I-1)*UXU(I-l)tRCI-l)A2
420 TEMPD=UTD(I).tUXDrI)*RCI) 2+UTD(I-l)*UXDCI-1):t.R(I-1)-2

430 BUNU BUMU + TEMPU (RCI) ReI - 1» *

/ 2!
44(1 SUMD = ,sT):MD + TEMPD (R(I) - R(I - 1) *
/ 2!
450 NEXT I
460 MFXU - RHO 2! PI * * * SUMU
470 }{:FXD = RHO 2 ! t PI * * SUMD
480 POWER =:: 01FXD - MFXU) * 2! .t PI * RPM / (60! * 1000!)
490 '
500 'Print the results
520 PRINT USING "The shaft torque is ##.## N-m"; MFXD - MFXU
5:30 PRINT USING "The power input is ##.## KWH; POWER

** This program computes the change in rate of **
** axial-dire . ::tioYl angular momentum and power )j~*
** input for problem 5.7~ using the trapezoidal **
** rule applied to unequal intervals. **
IL.. The
shaft torque is 4.79 N-m
pm',er input is 1.20 KW

S.l:{() Air enters a radial blower with zero angular momen-
tum. It leaves with an absolute tangential velocity, VB' of 200
ftls. The rotor blade speed at rotor exit is 170 ft/ s. If the stag-
nation pressure rise across the rotor is 0.4 psi, calculate the loss
of available energy across the rotor and the rotor efficiency.


+ (I)
nef In
!he. ~haff w()y/::... 11"1 j lNSh4 1:1- CAh be ()6~/~e?l wilt-..- the" V/.1tA11eVlf-of-
tlt:'f ,},
MCJYI1eJ1fuYYl wcJvl,- e~ lA.a:f,'1IY\ (. E~. s·r-<t-). 7hM.s,

:= v;,uf- V (Z)
uJS;'ulH ~ dkr
net- In
c~ ndnY')J'""J tr J· 14-J,tt/2
~ I';. Po
/~df -ID
loss - "
auf r tr i71A-f- t'1,t,J

loss -=


loss 1t9tJo rf. It

5"- 9/
5.81 Water enters a pump impeller radially.
It leaves the impeller with a tangential component
of absolute velocity of 10 m/s. The impeller exit
diameter is 60 mm and the impeller speed is 1800
rpm. If the stagnation pressure rise across the
impeller is 45 kPa, determine the loss of available
energy across the impeller and the hydraulic ef-
ficiency of the pump.

The antl/y.fi$ of EXtfI,nf'le ~. Z 7 /5 a/pi/cable 10 S()/V)~ #til

py()bleVl1' !.JS1i1J €~. ~ &f Exq"".pJe 501.7 we tJb/aln
actual ir)'fp/ Py($$U~ Yise ({&-Yr;$f I),.~ fk""
uv&;2 -

H()lIIe 1If/r"J
(60 (1900 ~) (17T
,.,.4 )
~ ::: t;.UJ = yY''''' )
Yw = 5.66 ~
(2)(!()()O ~ ) (bo.!-. ) .5

/0$5 :: (5.66 J)(!Os'jf~,~", ~
s2- -
t ' ;;i)(f1f~~)
5)(10 AI /

/ /. 6 /II. ~
/055 :::
Fronz &1' 5' of EX~k 5. Z 7 we tJbM,;"
{)C~aJ foia/ f1"t'eJj(Jf( ti.re aCYlJJ I~pe/I""
( ;::
5.82. Water enters an axial-flow turbine rotor with an ab-
solute velocity tangential component, VII' of 15 ft/s. The cor-
responding blade velocity, U, is 50 ft/s. The water leaves the
rotor blade row with no angular momentum. If the stagnation
pressure drop across the turbine is 12 psi, determine the hy-
draulic efficiency of the turbine.

To defeo'J1lne fhe ef{/c/ency of f),e, fuy/:;/ne We use

acfua/ \Nod~- ou.f
'1 ocfua/ //II()r/<.. our of loss

The. achttl-I Wf.!'rK o('vf; w,ft,af{ } Ir

fief ouf
momenf - of - rnomenfuYl'l Wt7Yf:.

v(f J~ (2 )

To fhe I ()5) of a vtf.f/la6/e.. eneYO'r ac.Y()sr the

rofvv use fhe eYJ~ j e~ lAcL/-;'tJy, (61' 5:?2) ~ ~6hln
L ~ ~ n~,Juf
loss = -I- ~;.. - ~Uf -I- 9(~/" h~~o + ~h(1fl- (3)
2 1- l'Jef ,;.,

", I 411, IJu.
V t/6j I;..

V·In tI~ II?.

7.J V . 1-
III ~ In


5.$13 j
5.83 An inward flow radial turbine (see Fig. P5.83) in-
volves a nozzle angle, 0:'1' of 60° and an inlet rotor tip speed,
CJ)...t.. I
U l' of 30 ft/ s. The ratio of rotor inlet to outlet diameters is 2.0. \IOfct,ae
The radial component of velocity remains constant at 20 ft/s ---:o-:~~-~ ~.} ~,~
through the rotor and the flow leaving the rotor at section (2) is
~ I
without angular momentum. If the flowing fluid is water and
the stagnation pressure drop across the rotor is 16 psi, determine :\ ,,~'-1IiIIg1!
the loss of available energy across the rotor and the hydraulic
efficiency involved.


An analyJf.~ //ke fhe One of ~)(tlmf/e 5.Z8 IJ/(juld be liff~flyjok

fw 50/V;'!j fhis flYbh/eJ'J1. ~j"ce t:4 fur6ine is Inwlv~d lit fh/s
pJ1)b1eJ1t'1.1 wshaff :: - W$half and fnm" ~. I ()f EXtJI")flJe ~ U
nd i" hel (Jut
we Cdn c.())1c/ude that

s itlfn ali ()'" pf"e.s.5'I'1~ dfPl' acyO~s yofuy

= - V 1/~ I

51?A(P1~Ht1YI pt(.s.sU'l( dY'Pf o.CrtJSf YrJIuy (r)

If) $5 -=.:
10 c/elwTJ'1J~e" -fh(. V()/{"(e o-f ~ I
we eX'tlm/~e file.- ve/dclfy fy/ol1j/e
ft;y fn(.. I/(JW '€~/ny fhe, ~ fhal- iJ JJ::.ekhuJ k/vw
hvm fhe velOcity fr;'tll1,fJe we Obltil!1
From we, ob1-al;'
It/55 (;6 f:. ~ )(/'I'Il,': )
(t 1'1 f!:J $)

= I'I!J fh ,,,

sla?l'u/jJ'fFYl piU.> u re dJ0/J acrou ihe. roJuy

tv$htlff f J655
hel ()uf ;0
Oy In ofhe,y wWti.J / lite Slayifa.'6'on preIS u Y!. dyojO PlU'~.r -Ihe. n:drJy
re.Jt.l/ir /n J'ju/~1 l/VlI'Yk alu:/ /0$.5 I/f dt/tJ/'/a6/e ~er,/ .
7hl/ 5 &f me aA 1~:fiA.1 e ff;c-ieYlC;Y If

l1er OlAf

5.8 if An inward flow radial turbine (see Fig. P5.83) in-
volves a nozzle angle, 0: 1, of 60° and an inlet rotor tip speed of
30 ft/ s. The ratio of rotor inlet to outlet diameters is 2.0. The
radial component of velocity remains constant at 20 ft/ s through
the rotor and the flow leaving the rotor at section (2) is without
angular momentum. If the flowing fluid is air and the static
pressure drop across the rotor is 0.0 I psi, determine the loss
of available energy across the rotor and the rotor aerodynamic

105$ P,-~

/he slJa{f wor1.., WSJulf~

,,(!f ,;,
WOr/c. e~~~ CEi. 5".5'1/).

wS/-'Q.ff_ = -VI/.:
I ~I
-= W: ha (.1-
l1ef ,;, J?~ t DI1..!-

ol1d C~61""/~ ~s. I t:tA-fd z y/elds

P. - P-a. v,2_ ~~
/t7$5 - r - U\I
I ~ I
/l 2.



5- 96

With the velocifJ /-Y/an 9 Ie.. /life

~ :: (-Zo ~) == I/O .fl-
v~ :: I
SIn b()
0 -:: ('fo -H) SIn ~()
0 :: 3'f.~Lf it
5iYl c e the flow /eav/~ fhe YD/w is Yael/a/ I theY!
V. =- l/ = 20 f+
~ R,L S

~ £1.3 we- tJ6~/;"

Ie -=
/!!-.) (I'1/'1'1 f+~
(b, 0 I I". i!J. ...)
(1a1X10" i.J.1j ')


lhe t.- {{/c/ency may he o!?h:lIi1t:.d wilt,

(lclvtai woY/L Qui
1 ::
aclvtal wov/£.- o-wt + / ()S$
S·es I

5.S5 How much available energy is lost during the process

shown in Video V5.7?

All of tA~ pore"IitJ.1 eneY9!! /0;1- I;' I'YJOI/ly ~ fhe

fr;, of Ihe ~y ~ the. bo7ldh?_
What is the size of the head loss that is needed to raise
the temperature of water by 1°F?


c(r~lAl - r) })J

Ib~ . It \;j7f f.f. Ik \

lb. 57..) . Bn.)
-= If
h = 77f


S.K7 A 100-ft-wide river with a flowrate of 2400 ft 3/s flows

over a rock pile as shown in Fig. PS.87. Determine the direc-
tion of flow and the head loss associated with the flow across
the rock pile.


To dele.rrn,;'e Hte d/'~.c~ of ~ we will Q$.rLinte p. dJ~cIJ8n

u.r~ -fivL eA?~ e~~ (Gfo 5":tt'l) aJ'u;/ C'QlclAlQk the. >
head /bS,J. .Ir I/t.L /vaal 11)5$ is ?()fi~·ve '" OUy aSJ'tlmec/ c4~o)"
t'f ft~ if ~CI: I..f fJ.,e hR.atl /lJf~ if J?ryal,~ whjlh iJ J1td
fJAyfic~/0 ;tJ()ss;ble.,J OrA¥' a.!stJ""et/ d/~c.-hlrn (JI }Iqw iJ w~.

50.; tlSfllm/~ {he is ~ Y&Af -k lei; (/Y' ~

POI'" r (i) -Iv po/ni- (2.) I~ !he .5'kehl, I1bcv<./ we gef
fA sin} .JJ" (J If wDrL

- ~ = (:Zlf(}() fr3) - G f+
\0 A,- .(Lj fi) (in: ff)
- r
~ -::: ('].lf~o ft ) 12 fr
(Jl'ld -::: c
V2, S
AL (2/-1- :(100 ff)

So _ (If+)

5". S8

5J:{S If a t-hp motor is required by a ventilating fan to pro-

duce a 24-in. stream of air having a velocity of 40 ftls as shown
in Fig. P5.88, estimate (a) the efficiency of the fan and (b) the
thrust of the supporting member on the conduit enclosing the

40 ftls


(0.) The s~/uf;d"h -IZJ fJ,if fM] df ht.t poblew, iJ It"k.e b:dMJ'1e s: ),'1.
We. lAse-
7 = ~~<tf{- - /"fS
fr, ca;/Ctf.l4'/~' fJ,e. rd41 e .f17·c /eYlc).
We use fl,e ~ e~a,,;,rnr11.5;S2.)-Pr f/(IW -fA~Uj'h the
~-h-t VI//ume fJ.elel,ed abow.. 10 c,/A/cl1la,!e fh<. iPJS II!

~ + '/,.2 -I- a c -=- !i. + ~~ + 9r of WfJ,tJlft los s

fJ 2" .I l. r' ':l- I nef in

8fA f !{ :: R a-rJ 2-..z -: ~J j \.j:: 0) wfJ,~1 == ~

~ ~f~ m
fUse} ~ :: fA~~ =L ~clJ. V;z...
I?T 'I

~ 101
5.88 I (c.orj'+)

/0;5 -
'Itt- 1-/./6 _ 2 i/.? II. /6 = /9.2
Ibn-, 1~Yt?

'f'f ~~ _ 1f!,2 fU
7 - Ihl""
- ~·~b

¥Y ..p.~

(/:;) We uSe fhe hOY)Jdn/a} ctJYl'IptJnehf of fhe //YJea yo
YY)Qyyle,n ~ etjvtt:~,;h~ ~ e valuak /I....L anch()Y);'J
fWa reJu ,.;e 4 Iz; h()/d ih( 1ztv? In place

FAX = Vii?

h-~ pf).;{f (fA.,)

n:, = L 1T dv L{ =
f<T 4
. 9.t!-1 Ibm
m = s
F -
, ('10 ft )~ 'II 'f') = / 1.7 II;
(~2.2 (k.f+ )
. Ih. $').

U! ___ .___________C!:)~.~

~ I_ ':~W~ke
1_ Air l
Air flows past an object in a pipe of 2-m diameter and 1 1 , , , - ....... " . 1
exits as a free jet as shown in Fig. P5.89. The velocity and •- : "I(K ,t T l ~4 m/s
2m-dia. l-m,dia
pressure upstream are uniform at 10 m/s and 50 N/m 2 , respec- '_
I II ~ ,-"..t l
tively. At the pipe exit the velocity is nonuniform as indicated.
The shear stress along the pipe wall is negligible. (a) Determine
•r-:::: __ ~ ___ - - - -- -_-J
'\ Exit/"
the head loss associated with a particle as it flows from the I' = 50 N/m2 V= 10 m/s
uniform velocity upstream ofthe object to a location in the wake
at the exit plane of the pipe. (b) Determine the force that the air
puts on the object.

(rA) T(') de/-fH--m/(Je fhe /O$} rlJfle~eel h,

flu/d po~/i"k (}{s;1 !loWJ

f,--qn,a (I) -10 ~ I()u"h~n I~ lite VII()*e ,,-I- (2.) we (J.fJply fht..
ene49J e$uaA'on (€f' ~. 8l/) -fr; thaI- pay/7'de floIN' 10 'Ie!:

fii';~;gv/ .-1'~ = Tr.;i9V, '1- vJ£~;

fj' r/~ I -

()'"r '1

J,L = -
+ -~ - ;}.J-v,
2J "l-
(5"q ~~)
(If 1)
hL ::
+ (10 ; )
- - --
$'. '15 n7

('7-~) 2 (9.i';i) ~(9,'1 ;'~)

ffVA) +


r'lx =_lIt) IV

5.90 Oil (SG = 0.9) flows downward through a vertical
pipe contraction as shown in Fig. P5.90. If the mercury
manometer reading, h, is 100 mm, determine the volume
flowrate for frictionless flow. Is the actual flowrate more or l~ss
than the frictionless value? Explain.

~- f .. _ h( $G/fJ (tf )
;0 - 9 5(;011




J _ (' OD ",m) 't

']()O PtM

a J1d .fnJn" ~f' I wC ha ~

1Y (Oo/",,) 1- (S. 7-9;') :. O. o¥z ~ 3
~ s
AcAv.~ / I-I(Jw rill<- wdl-1.IJ j,!. Ie.>.! fhol'! fhe.. {y/c,!-/"I',1esJ \Iv Iwc /.e-l.4MJe-

!he /05.5 WO lAId. be.. frt..a ky- livtl'l fhe. }e-nJ a""unl t-t-;.eP( a/'ov( .

5.91 . A~ incompressible liquid flows steadily along the pipe
shown 10 FIg. P5.91. Detennine the direction of flow and the
head loss over the 6-m length of pipe .

• FIGURE P5.91

A.sSllme f/()'-'V /Y(Jm (I) 1-0 (2) a I'td 1,1.5 e fhe. enedj'J
efut((-,'t:)n (£1- S:BI./) h gef hY- 11te, CQnfe-l?h of fJ,e.
c(}n~1 volume .>howl1:

f{ f, +
- -r}. -
0 "I
h -- p, _ ~ + Z - 'l:-
I J.
-::. '3 tNt - I. 0 Yn _ I, S"." = tJ. 5 ~
~ (f (f

5.'1Z I
5.92. A siphon is used to draw water at 70°F from a large
container as indicated in Fig. PS.9Z. The inside diameter of the
siphon line is 1 in. and the pipe centerline rises 3 ft above the
essentially constant water level in the tank. Show that by vary-
ing the length of the siphon below the water level, h, the rate
of flow through the siphon can be changed. Assuming friction-
less flow, determine the maximum flowrate possible through
the siphon. The limiting condition is the occurrence of cavita-
tion in the siphon. Will the actual maximum flow be more or
less than the frictionless value? Explain.


Q ::: Aa Vs -= frY8 VB' (I)
To 01,1-0 I~ VB' apply -I-he ene,,) e~lAah'()n
A anrJ B t'n fh e skefrh above -Iv ()bftA/n

j: v.'
..P.. 1- 9Z~ ==
jOJO rh
~ 1- .!..
f- !&/I

"leI in
or 2

~ ::; 9{~ -~e) - los}



Vc == Z (q, 11
!!:!) (- 3 ff )f030'/s
ii 1- (101000 /'I
'" n,-z
-122 B N )
lh~ ::; 9.0'18 !?!
(999. 7 ~)(/ ~ ) s
(c.on't) ,.,J 1t,,;:,
b. q1... (con If )

Q = Ac ~ = ~c ~
we have. hv Ik- mtLX/Y'1/Um fitJW~~ -fhyoVfJA ih~ 5//ho Y1 ;
1. 2-
Q. ':: '!YO /Y1.) (f).1()ft In) (tJ,Olf8 P1') "; ~.)8.kIIJ-:J ~3
If (Iif'! Ii,. 7.) fi S s
With E1f. J tlJ'lrj ¥ we Co~clkde Mal Pny los! WOWd pt.f Ir;
/ovJ-e,.r the.va//l..e of V /11 Ik SJf;hIJYJ OYld I'1w"f maJ..e. fJ"e
Oi/IvtJ max/mum f/owmk wi#! fy/chon /e.fs fft4l'1 IJ,e ~axl"mlJl'VJ
flowr~1e wi/11ou t {Y/cfi't1n.

5.93 A water siphon having a constant inside
diameter of 3 in. is arranged as shown in Fig.
P5. c;g. If the friction loss between A and B is
O.5V2/2, where V is the velocity of flow in the
siphon, determine the flowrate involved.
12 ft

3 in.

FIGURE 1)5.93

10 c/elel'hJlne -fhe /Iowrak I Q/ we Use

Q .: A V = 1t11. V (/ )
To obfo/~ V w~ apply fhe eneyfY e~lAAj/on (E~. '.i2.) 6elweeYl
po/~ Ir A anti 0 I;' IAL J/aJd a &0 lie. • 1J-..M S I

/fOr v/+ F, ;4:4:fJfl 7- ~hoff

nef- ,-.,
~ J -Ill - (). '8 V

v= 9(~A - ~II) - = f6. 9 ff

0, q
o.q s-
OVId wifl1 £Ij. I

~ -=
1Y ('3/n .) {I 0.1 ;f) :::: O.l3 {fl
~ (I'll/- '!:....) J

5,95 J

5.95 Water flows through a vertical pipe as is • I
indicated in Fig. P5.95. Is the flow up or down I I

: :
in the pipe? Explain. I I

1.:::r I I


""""" I
The- ~onIY()1 vtJ/ume 5hown 11'1 fhe skefc-h ah()V~ i.! uset/.
Fov Sf~t2.d'tl ;"nCQM.fJlessible flow dowJ'!wa,rd .fnw.. (AJ fD (8)
we Dbfelin ~ ft. s.n
2 1
Ps 1- ~ f ~r ~ F;:; + ~ 1- g ~A - los S
r' 2:' fI to 2 A 8

~ C~.5eYII(lL·l(}}'1 t)f Wlfi>$ we (onv/llfde fhaf

~ = V8
Tnu s fi..urn ~,. I

loss = q H +
A 8

J./tJWever fhe f?1til'JtJmefer ej1Aah'un (5 ee Sec-lion 2.6) y/e/ds

~;;; - g[ h(l- S't,)-H}

[JJhic--h is a. ne$tlfive. ~t(al1lif! .5/nce SG

~ /3.' . /I ne.Jt:i.f/ve
j() S ~ is rJ(}f fJhys i Cd /17 pt1ssJ6/e So -fh~ flow /'nMsf be
vpwllyd ~ 8 -k A. Fur ~wtJ/rd fldW fAe tlbt1 ve anti;SiJ
leads -Iv

B It; 5 SA =!J h ( 5" GHi - 1)

wh; ch , of p()Ji five lIlY/d fh~Yc 1rH--t. pAj'si CA 1ft p"ea.5tJn.a6/e.

5'- 110
5.96 A fire hose nozzle is designed to deliver
water that will rise If 0 m vertically. Calculate
the stagnation pressure required at the nozzle
inlet if: (a) no loss is assumed; (b) a loss of 30
N'm/kg is assumed.

1b dele¥mlhe fhe- rlaiJllan't7n ptt:sS~ a f ~ MJJk Ih/ef we.

a SJ ul'J1e ilia! fhe. 5ktfMt:l/;'gy, ples.fUle aJ- htL ;1()]}/e exif if
& Same af fl"e. >1a5 Y141ftfr' tY'tJJute a/ fh~ nOJ]k ;h/ef Clnd we
apply fhe eJ'% ~J e,.,.".alJPYJ (f,. S:i'l) -/7; Ik -f!tJw ~ h
)203Jlc ex/t iv t1u.. i1It~o(;muYJ-t e/~ vt;"nift" of IN. w~ ~IAN -,0 ~el

~ -.:=. ?f l1 ~ + 17{I 0$$ ) (I )

(a) ~ ;110 IO~J ., ~~. / /eods -Iv

(9. '(D n,11< AIl'l (J "" ) -=- "?q1- -kN =S
"2 -k.. PC<..

(b) Fw /()SS - 30 tv. 1'1

&t.! y;'eldf

5.17 For the 1800 elbow and nozzle flow shown 6 in. .j:'" (I rrt,., I
in Fig. P5. q7, determine the loss in available - - ... V6h.tme
energy from section (1) to section (2). How much "\
additional available energy is lost from section
(2) to where the water comes to rest? :YL
I x
12 in.
Pl = 15 psi
Vl = 5 fUs ~ u.---l.~----,~~
Section (1)

fOr so/v/ny fhe II's f fClyf of fhi.J jlT()bleYn,l the [(};rfrol 1/()/tI~e
&h(}wn t'n fhe sl::eh;h ahtJlle 15 lIser-1.. To defe1"nriYJe the /1J~5
acct!n1.p()lIYI7 flow fYl'/YJ1 sech'P>1 I it; Sec/ion 2. E9' 5". 71 Cdn 6e UJfd
CiS' .jfJ//OW5.

5',';'ce x -y


15 hot,'},,, fa / a",eI 2, - ~2. : o· A/so.; ?Z'::' ~h.,:: 0 ?'si.

Fr{frlA fh (! C-I)-1se rva,n,,1'l of JI'Ylflf! PJ'/;u./ple vv~ (..QYIc/lAtie Iha f

112. :::

2. %
( loSJ:;.. :: {(I
I ;l.

-- 5/U!
For fhe second ptWT- tJ{ th/S' ,roh/en., we c~n5;de" .Jhe Ilow 01 p..
flu/d f",yh'c.le. ~ Jec -hOYl 2. fo t:f .$/nk o~ mf;, 4'£8- ~ 79 /f!Atis -1-0

2. tt
Nofe. T1ta:f

5"- 112
5•.1g An automobile engine will work best
when the back pressure at the exhaust manifold,
engine block interface is minimized. Show how
reduction of losses in the exhaust manifold, pip-
ing, and muffler will also reduce the back pres-
sure. How could losses in the exhaust system be
reduced? What primarily limits the minimization
of exhaust system losses?

We. an1y -f~ e)1~J ~~'I/Y) ( Eb · ~. I)) h f/1L lJo~ ~ Me.

en7111e bloc/<. I ex-haus t YJ14J1Jift;ld I~/er-kta fp IN- ex.l1auff J!lJ~
eXif fo get

i;"r; :::; ~ t.t f- f -r ;;( toss ) (I )

Wifh E$. J lIVe Y(,ducfJ'oYl of loss /)1 !he -exfJa/,o-J.

5y>j-&w1. resulh In a.. ItJlN'er valtle of
P;;, OJlld fh" J l11e enf'he.
b().cJe.- p1ers[JYe. . LtJsse J In ftt(.. exh~.ff .J)'f /4", C(J)A-IcI 6~
re.tiu.ced by e l/wlI·Y14. rh' !J mVt7Y los .J UI Wt(1t)}1 ~ n /f .fue/' ILJ /he
Caj-~lyh'c UlYJ I/"W fe r- and ike M/,(ffler ()J /~ ()f~ done
In race CiJrs. noise Qi1d emiJ.r/dns le!ps 1~/i(/)1 //m;fs
fhe e.x. k YL f 10 with h /"hiJ ,k/Vlt:t of /~.fl ~cf,'()1'J can OCC/..IIY"
In con venh'onaJ veh/cler. S~P1.C IOSI rec!.MciJOn can aflo 6(("("('v

by ((JIl hjUY'":J !he ex hatlJ f .f ffJen, P/{J'ny wilh few 6eHd.s

OJ'fd ~I'YlJjJYiak area clis~"6ul"()nf. Howetl~,
ve..T",nyefr/ el'rh of~ /et:ulJ Iv behci.r aJ?d t-UYJ'}.J" I" fhe PIPI"
(Ina CO.rff /;mif the exhxd of ofJf/"Yl/j/~ C/J"eC( diJIn·bu//d)'Js.

5 ... / /.3
5. 91 Water flows vertically upward in a cir- · _£. s~c--fj,n. ('2.)
cular cross section pipe. At section (1), the ve- I
locity profile over the cross section are·a is uni-
form. At section (2), the velocity profile is
R - ,)117 .
V = We ( -R- k

where V = local velocity vector, We = centerline I

velocity in the axial direction, R = pipe inside
radius, and, , = radius from pipe axis. Develop I I
an expression for the loss in available energy be-
tween sections (1) and (2). -f ~sedj~I'\(i)
fl 6 !AI

Fay- deI-e¥WJ/~;~ /~Sf we use. -tlte, eneYJJ eg/l'lafh'on M 110YJ-

(jYli-/Qym fld'WS J €g. S.i7- ThuS' /
-2 -:to

loss :::- ~-!{

0(, ~ - t(2. ~
-t J(~/- ~) (; )
~ UfrI S eyv 4. h fly, of J.'nti. sf (tj. S.l3) I,tk kve

II Is ()/

ha lie
C(' == /.0
S/nce -fhc.. ve/o( ilJ pyt)-h'le. af .rec/'oJ'l(I) /$ un/Iov"",. /If secho..t2) i
we. sollie ~1 ' S'.3£ (sec. sol£( nOn fw p>ob/~ 5./25 (c » tvYIoI db/a'n

c:r: :::
7J.u... s-' ~1' / Yields

~-~ CJ· O~ V; 1-!} ( ~ I - :Z"2. )

loss - jO 2.

5. 100 5, J(Jo Discuss the causes of loss of available energy in a

fluid flow.
50me cc("uses of loss of Q.Vd.lllA.b/,e; fYVIf!H9't In a fluid fJ(jW
,. fj,i c 17'01'1
z. heal trCln.!/w acft)ss t1 km,-t-rt1Iure. d/fM8Ha.,
'3. /law I1.CYOSJ' fA S ho ck.,

5- fiJI-
s: 10 I
Consider the flow shown in Fig. PS.91. If the flowing
0.1 m t
fluid is water, determine the axial (along the pipe) and normal
(perpendicular to the pipe) components of force that the pipe 3m

puts on the fluid in the 6-m section shown. ,I

[)5/~j f1,£ C-fhlm / v(}/umt. ,$41wn b t &Inri .:1 _.:

hrD~~ I ;ne.s we '~l'Jfl/Y ~e aXJ~1 - ---:: c'

11. (y'r n1tI / (. Q M!(Jne YI h tJI.-/he I,'", ea yo n-, ()me H Iu rVJ e-rlA..Q; h fn.. -Ir; get-: .
Z ~ :: IJ $i;'ce. t1,e~ i.l no mflY"le,.!u"", flow I~ !Itt 1"1(/~nfA/ rlJlech;..,
PY1d 2 F ::. 0 ,fl;"c,e the flow i.s 4.$suI"'JeeJ. f~l/tf de",eUJp~P/ a ~CI the
A he f- ~Y'1(JIM-lf- (Jf Qx/~I J.,,'~cf/(J n ~'r11enlf.1lN1 {Io IN 0{,.#1 of
& CV if ~e~
I?N - Wcos 8 ': 0 OV ~: Wco.rB

W = n! " "4 A.R = )' ~d '1 - f!. IX1/ ~ l'-- (17.'",)"'&..'.';= '162 tJ
fJ :. S I';, ';::. /'1.;-
f<N .:: (ifb 2N )(~f /9.S') == ~N

f!W- ~ 4X-/~J cJ ;~th~

~ Al. + RA of W>';' (7- ~ II, =0 00;

R}q :: r,DI} - r-zD Al.

1- WSJ;' (J =If:-f1.)11
.f- W>I:' t9

~ the- ,..,1( ~omefe,y ~ad/~.J

f{'= >h)... ~r;( f: =- d' h)
I1-P2, = ~ (h;- h2 )

~ = t/(h ,-h )f) -(Wfln 2

~ =r.cx1o':' )(7. 0 ","- o.s:Jtrt·I"'J~ (r62 N j(.f;;'j9-5°j

R~ = 32 N

5- }/5

5.102 Water flows steadily down the inclined

pipe as indicated in Fig. P5.102. Determine the
following: (a) The difference in pressure PI - P2'
(b) The loss per unit mass between sections (1)
and (2). (c) The net axial force exerted by the
pipe wall on the flowing water between sections
(1) and (2).

6 in.

(fA) The. d;ffeyeYlce In pr'eSSuf'e.; ~- P2, J J')1~y be. obfa/~ed fY~ -the.
WlanOYHeter (see Jecf/oVl ~. 6) with tAe fiLtid slllt:Nc.J e~lAll.fiol1
p. - P- :. - 6' f(s it) S/~ 3(JD 1- (6 in.) ] +~ ( 6 I~ .)

or- 2. H2 o l" (/,;Z};) ~~ (,;). f~)

1/ -
:= -42.4
Ik)fSff )Si"J11,o-f (0.50)j7+ ~3.6)(62..'f'&)((J.5.ff)= 2]7'1,
f.I i f-l'J -f+3

P,- P, = 2~7.lJ2. I ': /.65 f S /'
f+' (lw ~~

(h) The IOSf per ".,if ,"7,;) be!wee h Sedi."I (J) Ii mI (2) "'''1 be 06i
wlft, EZ' ~. 71. Thu5

R -= - 77. 2 110

5'"- II 6
s: 103
5.103 Water flows through a 2-ft-diameter pipe arranged
horizontally in a circular arc as shown in Fig. P5.IO 3. If the
pipe discharges to the atmosphere (p = 14.7 psia), determine
the x and y components of the resultant force exerted by the
water on the piping between sections (I) and (2). The .stea?y Section (2)
flowrate is 3000 ft 3 /min. The loss in pressure due to flUId fflc-
tion between sections (I) and (2) is 25 psi.
Section (1)


TO defeYYJlJJne fhe X 4nd Y c(}ht{Jonenh of lite teru/fan"; -£1'C~ exerlep/

"y ihe. w().fe Y On fhe. p/YJJ~ be~eYJ sechdn (I) and (2.) we lAS e the
X and. y 01 -lite. I,j"eay mOYnenfu"1 e$uaf/OY/ (Etj £Z2) .
C()yY!po}1e HI J
fi';r fhe. CtJnlrtJl vo It/me Con-I-~,'ni~!he w(:('/ey I'? the p;r klwtey,
secf/~YJ (,) 4nd (2) / £1' 22 le~d.f fo
R><-=-~It-V;fQ. =-RlI~ -!{f1~
and ¥
Ry -= r:....4,4 7- ~ f{} (2)
7he resu /!-aMi IoYCe c.ompo)"Jenl:r In Elf. / C'R1t1d 2. att exeykd by-/JrG
pipe ('h1 -jh~ vvCt~. l/-t~ Yl.!tdktYll fir.u. of wah" lin p/,e if ~/ltd In
mayni ludt hi-fi o,,,aldr:. ;'" dl;~cf/oYl.
To de{oymln~ PI we use. the e 11e,.-~y ~ua lIun) Efj. ~ Kl. 711.UJ/

~ = ~ (loSS) ':. :25 fS i

~ ~ () ::


Rx =_11.,850 110
(J..J.1d the. x dlt'~c-6~n GtNYtptJYlenf of ft,e, for-c.e. exe,!ed &7 ~
watw On -/1t.t p/"e bd~eey> se..ch'~J (/) tlMrJ (2.) Js +/2,850 110.
5- 1/7
.oS ,J 03 I (GOII ' t)

{)JiM t;~. 2 vvc. ob-/-4t"n

~ = (1).92 If) (ql{. r!!!1!) lJooOft)t ~ .) J ~ 15'10//;
Y s . ffl / (~ no.. ~/"J' : :)(lo ~
CU7Ij the y- d J;let;H~Y) UJmpoYJenf of In-e- mil?

fwee eXf!/¥kd b'l the. walw ~Vl the... pIpe be~ sechdn.J
( I) aY! d (2) t5 IS ifd lb.

~ -//8
s. /041
S.lOLf When fluid flows through an abrupt ex-
pansion as indicated in Fig. P5.10~, the loss in
I \
available energy across the expansion, loss eXl is ~_ _~. f I \
often expressed as ~~
I\ \I
loss ex = (1 _....!.
2 Sectiln (1) II / \ ;'
where Al = cross section area upstream of ex-
(1t+(t'",a~ '.1 S:ctiln (2)
10 c.afi ()(I ~ f
pansion, Az = cross section area downstream of .u.dio"., (I) FIGURE PS.I0if
expansion, and VI = velocity of flow upstream
of expansion. Derive this relationship.

A pply/nJ fhe ene,.,'1 e'tIA~h'()Yl (r=IJ· ).!Z) fo the fl()w ~ Jech'qn(J)

to secH()Y/ (2) we. olofrA/n
,. l
/OS5 ~-P.. + \1-11
::: (I)
ex - -~
;0 I d,~echfJ n Oi'VtptJne n f ()f f/'e /;~etlY" mIJYhel?/z"""
APply/)'},J f~e ax/a. I

c~ IAA-HtJ Y) (~~. 5· Z 2.) W ~e f!iA.,'d ctP'l.frv~ eo! 'n fhe. UJh-h--D1 voluYl1t
fr-gyv, sec -hoY! (I) -Iv se c. fr()yt ('G) we. 010 fa I~
Rx f A AI - P.. A). ~ - ~ f AI l-j + l( fA l. 112 (2 )
NOw, ;f we.. consider sec.+io'VI (J) as tJCCUYY'lry af f;,e evrd
of the. 5ma Iler di(lW/e~ p/pe (-the be91;'J1J~ of fhe /(A'rger
d/(ll'11eiw pipe) uS 1~d.iCA.1-ed In -IAe.. skid. above I I fnll £r
yields fhe C~tJn.J/oy, /oss ~nd ES' 2. 1oe~.J

Rx + P, A 2. - P'1. A" - - ~ t' AV, -t- ~ I' ..42 11:1. (3)

Nofe th~f- wife, sec.flo n (I) ptJsih'tJY/ed at- /1,e, QJ?d of fhe Jma.lleY'
d/4me/e¥ flfe~ .t; ().dJ ovev- ar-e~ .A2.. Also, b(!CtUt.Je of fj,e
jef HdW fy~ fl1e.. S"Ynalle~ d/a.~t-eY' pl;"e- Info f),e /orfe-r
d/(lAeff!Al" p/,o-e) the Va./La. of ;fx /AI/II fpe sYna/1 eJ?4k,jh (.PwIf'4~tA
ft; ft,e. olher ie"-m.s- 1;-, E<e. J 11t~ f ~ can dY()jO Rx' F~ E;.3
~ - P"2.

:: V ~- V A, (f)
-;0 I

L.UYYl h/YJJ.,


FrI/WJ CtJY?.Jervah'p n of }'YJIIISJ (&I. s: /i ) we have

II:l. = I/.J _
~h/1'117 f1S. > ill nA 6 we ,er 1

/OJSex = ~ (A~/ ~ 11) f _l{_'2.__ ~_~_A_~~)


f ·

/OH e)( ~

~ 2((21 )
2 A, +-1
liz. it,')}
(). Jll() '2..

/oss~x . '= ~{(- A~.)

2- "2,


5.105 Near the downstream end of a river spillway, a hy-

draulic jump often forms, as illustrated in Fig. P5.1 05 and Viu,'()
V10.5. The velocity of the channel flow is reduced abruptly
across the jump. Using the conservation of mass and linear mo-
mentum principles, derive the following expression for h2, section {I }

h2 = - i (i J
+ + 2VgIhJ

The loss of available energy across the jump can also be de-
termined if energy conservation is considered. Derive the loss FIGURE (15.105

A'I'//ca;f/oi'/ of !'he. h()~Jjoj!J-/r,r1 cOWLl'lJnenf of fhe. //neay hllJn,el'1iuw.

etjt<~h'(JYI (Ef' >.22.) -fo the. wale,.... In fhe.. (dYl~1 Vo!un-tf! -hw.
see-tim U) Iv se ch'(JY7 (2) /ea.dr fo / -&- Un;f w/dlh ~f' FIII'W/
h2. j
- RX + '0_, _
r; :h~ = - l{l'h, ~ + I{ J:)
h:L ~ (I )
we dYf)p Rx
d lola In
(con'-f )
5".. /2-0
5105 (COy) I t)
/ and 2. we ololtJ I;'
_ 2 V
- 9( (&)-1 /; ] hi

!:~) +
2. (
h~) __, Zv'l.
= 0 (3)
h, 11, 9"',


Jtll'YII /IS! :: g
'I h"2. hJ


5.1 % Two water jets collide and form one homogeneous

jet as shown in Fig. pS.I06. (a) Determine the speed, V, and
direction, 0, of the combined jet. (b) Determine the head loss
for a fluid particle flowing from (1) to (3), from (2) to (3).
Gravity is negligible.

1'1 = 4 m/s

• FIG U REP 5.106

f:Dr +he wakr .flOWing throll9h the. tOntYl)\ volume -sk(.ttY!!td o.ioov€, the
x. - tAY\cA 'i- dlt(.dior'\ GOYY\pof\et\n ()l -\1,e. lir'\u'f rY\OMe",h,tM ~cAo.tiOl-\ ate
- ~~ ~ V2. A2. -t "1> CfJS (8 ~\J3 Af =0 (I)
- V, ~VI AI + v~ Sin e fV 1 A3= C (2)
H-oy)\ -the. <..Ons-enb-hOt'\ of ~"S s p.,.i nc..~p\e we. qd"
- ~\)J A I - ~V2.A"l. + PV3 A-?, -= 0 (~)

COY'\~"I)'\',,,a f=a..s. l aVId 2 We.. Obktl.-, r.' ICJ. 'l. "1.

JP d ' ) ~ITYI)
+o.V\ e = v;- A = V I I l (~ ~ \- '\
-:7r7A ~ :. -----:...-- -= 0 ,';os b
V'). '1 V ndl. ( I' ~ '2..
~ " 10 i-) 'IT~l.m)

NOW) c.ofYI~;n;n'3 f:~s. l o..nc:l:; we. "Ie.t

- \J~~A2. t V;Cos e (~\j,Al T f V'J. "2.) ==- 0

( c..on'i )
(4 )



felk of (05$ :;:: 22

~#" 123
5".1 D7
5.1 07 The pumper truck shown in Fig. P5.107 is to deliver
1.5 ft 3/s to a maximum elevation of 60 ft above the hydrant.
The pressure at the 4-in. diameter outlet of the hydrant is 1U psi.
If head losses are negligibly small. detennine the power that
the pump must add to the water.


hs = ~."3 f"l-

her in

s- /2/f

S.lOS What is the maximum possible power output of the

hydroelectric turbine shown in Fig. P5.108?

6 mls

lOr IIDw .(;.()fY1 sech'()n(t)-h; sechol'tfz.), yt.5.i2. y/e/cls

J.;. :2 f- 92}. : !5 + '12 +- Q ~ t W~hq{t - loss (; )

r.- JO.,./I
f ~ 1'1(1 I;"
5/nce P/ = I?2. = /!,.--L wfhq( r =-wSiJqH
J1ef in nel .,d
9 (i, - ~ 2..) - y~ - /t;'sf

• ,
MW =
W;i1alf sltt,1f
IJe{ ou f lief ou.f
llIaXihluhl ~/Jxirnl.t"'"

and ,
-W5 haH
hef bfA..f

hef ()IA./-
mil. x/ ,." £t JNI
5.109 Estimate the power in hp needed to drive the main
pu~p of the.l~ge-scale water tunnel shown in Fig. P5.109. The
design condition head loss is specified as 14 ft of water for a
flowrate of 4900 ft 3ts.



7he Sf) It,{ -hi; VJ (Jf fhif prob IeI't1 is fimi /a r ~ !he Ohe
of t;x~fJ/e. i'. 6. L00I'I~ p.rtJunc/ iJ,~. wafer tul1l?e/
~ &iy Cn;of.f I"et//jan t7F- the. -iunY)e/ bacl -It> 1/,e
5ame, cl7JSS -S"t;Jcn"rfr, we. UYlc!ude WI;'j ~fhe. ener,fJ
e. f (,url/tr;,) GS' ~ B If

hs = hL..

The y? ~ E8· 5: t> S

=J,f r C<

nef I;'

5, I/O P.1.
= 60 psi_
= 150 ft 3 /s
Section (1)
VI = 3 ft
5.11 0 Water is supplied at ISO ft3 / sand 60 psi ...,...~~

to a hydraulic turbine through a 3-ft-inside di-

ameter inlet pipe as indicated in Fig. PS.ll'"Q. The
turbine discharge pipe has a 4-ft-inside diameter.
The static pressure at section (2), 10 ft below the 10 ft
turbine inlet, is 10 in. Hg vacuum. If the turbine
develops 2S00 hp, determine the rate of loss of
available energy between sections (1) and (2).
L ~

10 in. Hg
4 ft

(I )


= (z /. 22 If) (3 If) :: II. '1'1 t!

s (Lf 1+1 .5

FrlJW1 Gf. I
power I()s!
5'50 f+. /10 )
( S.hr

-t' p2.1-. f! )~(J f1- J(Islu!.110 If _)\

- 2500hp

pllWe¥ t()ss": 30 I hp

5, /1/ 5.111 A steam turbine receives steam having
a static pressure, PI, of 400 psia, an enthalpy, hI,
of 1407 Btu/lbm, and a velocity, VI' of 100 ft/s.
The steam leaves the turbine as a mixture of vapor
and liquid having an enthalpy, h2' of 1098 Btul
Ibm, a pressure, P2' of 2 psia, and a velocity, V 2 ,
of 200 ft/s. If the flow through the turbine is
essentially adiabatic and the change in elevation
of the steam is negligible, calculate: (a) the actual
work output per unit mass of steam; (b) the ef-
ficiency of the turbine if the ideal work output is
467 Btu/lbm.
(tl) This pmblem If fimi/ay ~ Ex.am/,/e 5:21.

2. l.

11: /'1-07 ~ _ /Ofl KIw f (loa fj ) - (200 f! )

/,,~ Ib~
2, ('2.'). Ibm. ft)(771
II, . s 2.

= 308 '!i::-

(b) /I reaS()fllJ,hle e,(!-/ciency 15 /he rtlfit) of ac&aJ worJ. ()ulpwf

it; Jd&.ll I/V'lJ rk out-puf () y
J()B 8!!3
_ _ _/~"I'f'>;..- X 100 - 6610
'It? 8&

5//Z I
5.11 '2. A centrifugal air compressor stage op-
erates between an inlet stagnation pressure of
14.7 psi a and an exit stagnation pressure of 60
psia. The inlet stagnation temperature is 80 oF. If
the loss of total pressure through the compressor
stage associated with irreversible flow phenom-
ena is 10 psi, calculate the actual and ideal stag-
nation temperature rise through the compressor.
Calculate the ratio of ideal to actual temperature
rise to obtain efficiency.

We aS5ume -II, 0..1- -the air compressdr Opera re.J tJdia6afkal/y.

fin ideal Compl"e~$;"Y1 pyoces~ is fl"/c fitlnleSf IAl1d (;l.d/abalk
()//Id thus ~cc.oyd/~ +0 Eg. 5".101) if is IlL' ct/J15fdM.f e;?1YOfl1
Or /5e//l /Y~pic.. pYOC. e 5S. Wi fh £9' 5". It)! we p.,1$t) c.I)JI'! (//ude
fhaf an aclu~ I ad"abpn'c. CVWt/J;IC$$/()YJ pY()ceSJ witt, rl"/c.h'tJYJ
IJ1tJsf IMVO/VC- aM en~y In~YCIl.>e. tJJ1 femfJe,yr,tMl -141:/nJpy
cdo/d/Ylate.;; fhf!., idt!/A I al'ltl /Ae-fJ.t.a1 C~~I/~$,ti()'yI PYPC.ti!CS
()PI'ecw a5 l~dicak<J In -the. ~I<f!fd" 6eltIW. A/~o shMn i5
ft-r(.. /0 jJf i J~$ I~ S ~f"1al"()Yl pY~S$ uYt! dlA~ ~ fYic,IJ()J'I.
70psitl.- :: ,Po' '::
___...,.~_~;......~_o !f:JA. ~ ~ 2, tfchtJ ~2, ideAl
"2 4cl-wJ.I

-----.,01'--...-.--7; 2. id~(J.1


5:/12- I (lIJ,,' t )
5. //'f

5.11q* Total head-rise values measured for air

flowing across a fan are listed below as a function
of volume flowrate.

Total Head Rise

Q (m 3 /s) (mm H 20)
o 79
0.14 79
0.28 76
0.42 67
0.57 65
0.71 70
0.85 76
0.99 79
1.13 75
1.27 64

Determine the flowrate that will result when this

fan is connected to a piping system whose loss in
total head is described by loss = KLQ2 when: (a)
KL = 49 mm H20/(ml/s)2; (b) KL = 91 mm H201
(ml/s)2; (c) KL = 140 mm H20/(m 3/s)2.

7he II~wy-ak
of !ttL Ufrn6/i?af/tJYI of a.. -IaJl1. tN pump an4 IL uJ1l1eckd
f)fJll1J sys~ IS qe/~)IJIJI'y]ed by /J1t.. /nwsecl-/",., of /h.e
fan Oy pump head y/u. tis· V/J(Uhle.. fl6NY'tLk- utrv{.. ~l1.tJI
S'ls~ /t/H vs I/olul'l'le. .f/(jyo/ yak... uo've. 7~ dehm/J1e I1u
flO'Wya.k Y'esu/~ Wh~
!It.t.. ~ of !tz,/,J 'p~b~ /{ ~nYleck~
f?J Il1.L ft,l"e~ [( aJ(b) ~(c)] p/P)i?y sys~s / Ik. )j.,/eysec-f/Ph.J
<:J f fkt. III 111'2} .sy5' ~ / tJ S S vs. b( W YII'f..J () i1 ~ flu. fan
-roW hc~d yise... v.s. ~ UuYlle fil- weye de/wY11iJ1Cd
wirh I1u U/V'J-tfJlA./e¥ pn;rY~ liJk,l On ~ ~?/IIII'W)~ ftifeJ.
A p~/yn()mia I /etl,rf fjuwye.s 4lyl/e. f/I ()f ~ /tJ..6ula..k.d
cL~ /5 used· 1k- jY1/e-rsech'()"¥I pd Jj;,f> wey~ dejeyJl"1/~ee:l
1# i ttt I1v.. Ne.w+oYJ - I(O<.f/h JdYI f- e. c.-~ ;'; 11/ e .



100 CLS
110 PR ~NT "****************.***********t;************************ :t*"
120 PRINT "*:t, This program determines the intersection of the **"
130 PRINT "** head loss and head rise curves for problem 5. 11lf *:r."
140 PRINT "** A least square fit polynomial of the form: :t.*"
150 PRINT "** Y = dO + d1*x + d2*x 2 + d3*x~3 + ...

160 PRINT ":t:.t: is used to describe the head rise dat.a. **"
170 PRINT "*****************)!'************************************"
190 DIM B(21), DC2l), S(21), XClO1) , WOOl), YOOl), FOOl)
200 DIM ERRF (01), PJ (101), PJMl (101), YBAR ClO1)
210 '
220 'intialize t.he variables
240 NPOINT = 10
250 INPUT "Enter the head loss coefficient."; KL
280 READ XC!), YO)
290 W(n = 1
300 F(l) = YO)
310 NEXT I
320 DATA 0.00, 79.0, 0.14, 79.0, 0.28, 76.0, 0.42, 67.0
330 DATA 0.5 7 , 65.0, 0.71, 70.0, 0.85, 76.0, 0.99, 79.0
340 DATA 1.13,75.0,1.27,64.0
350 PRINT "The polynomial fit to t.he head ris:;e dat.a is of ordey-";
.360 PRINT U'::~ING "##"j NTERMS - 1
370 '
380 'determine the polynomial coefficients
390 PRINT "The coefficients of the polynomial are:"
410 FCI) = FCI) - D(NTERMS + 1) * XCI) - (NTERMS)
420 IfEXT I
440 BU) = 0
450 DO ) = 0
4()O E~ (J ) = 0
470 NEXT J
480 C(U = 0
500 D (1) D (1) + F (1)
* W(l)
EO) = B (1) + X (1) .* W (1)
520 S(1) = S Cl) + WO)
5::::0 NEXT I
540 DO) = DO) / S(1)
560 ERRF(l) = Fer) - D(l)
570 NEXT I
590 B(l) = B(l) / S(1)
6 1 () F! J M 1 ( I) = 1
620 PJ(l) = X<l) - B<l)
630 NEXT I

(un 't)


660 P = PJ(l) *' WO)
670 D(J) = DeJ) + ERRF(I) * P
680 P = P P]CI) *
690 B(J) = B(J) + X(I) * P
700 seJ) = S(J) + P
710 NEXT I
720 D(J) = D(J) / S(J)
740 ERRFCI) = ERRF(I) - D(J) pel) *
7e:-.;0 NEXT I
770 B(J) = B(J) / S(J)
780 C(J) = se]) / S(J - 1)
790 FOR I =- 1 TO NPOINT
800 P = PJel)
810 PJO) = (XCI> - B(J» PJ(1) - C(J) PJM1(l) * *
820 PJM1(I) = P
8,30 NEXT I
840 NEXT J
850 PRINT USING" d# = +#.####-"~~"; NTERMS - 1; D(NTERMS)
370 IF NTERMS ) 0 THEN GO TO 400
e.r:,o '
890 'determine the intersection using the
900 'Newton-Raphson method
910 qNF = 1!
~)20 QN = QNP
930 F == O!
940 FP =- ot
960 F == F + D <l) *' QN (} - 1)
970 NEXT I
990 FP = FP + I D (1) QN (l -
1000 NEXT I * *
1010 F = KL QN 2 - F *
* *

1020 FP = 2! KL QN - FP
1030 QNP = QN - F / FP
1040 IF (ABSCQNP - QN) > .0001) THEN GOTO 920
1050 F = O!
1060 FOR I =
1070 F = F + D ( I) QN (I - 1) * ft

1090 PRINT
1100 PRINT USING "Head loss coefficient: ###.##"; KL
1110 PRINT USING "Volume flow rate ----: ##.### m~3/s"; QN
1120 PRINT USING "Operating head ------. ### rom of H20"; F

(COn 'f )

5./1'-1 (Con't)

** This program determines the intersection of the **
**:head loss and head rise curves for problem 5. 11'1 ~:*
** A least square fit polynomial of the form: **
** y = dO + dl*x + d2*x-2 + d3*x-3 + ... **
** is used to describe the head rise data. **

(e) Enter the head loss coefficient? 140.

The polynomial fit to the head rise data is of order 7

~he coefficients of the polynomial are:
d7 = -1.7369E+03
d6 = +8.2623E+03
d5 - -1. 5353E+04
d4 = +1. 3788E+04
d2 = -5. 9543E+03
d? = +1.0551E+03
dl =- -6. 2329E+Ol
dO = +7. 8983E+Ol

Head loss coefficient: 140.00

Volume flow rate ----: Q.705 m"3/s
Operating head ------. 70 rum of H20

** This program determines the intersection of the **
** head loss and head rise curves for problem 5.114 **
** A least square fit polynomial of the form: **
*t y = dO + d1*x + d2*x-2 + d3*x~3 + .. , **
** is used to describe the head rise data. **

(b) Enter the head loss coefficient? 91.

The polynomial fit to the head rise data is of order 7

The coefficients of the polynomial are:
d7 = -1. 7369E+03
d6 - +e..2623E+03
d5 = --·1 . 5353E+ 04
d4 = + 1. '3788E+04
-' r,
c.':" - -5. 9543E+03
C:2 = +1. 0551E+03
dl = -6. 2329E+01
dO -. +7. 8983E+Ol

Head loss coefficient: 91. 00

Volume flow rate ----; 0.928 m-S/s
Operating head 78 rom of H20

(COJ'7't )
(Con If )

** This program determines the intersection of the **
** head loss and head rise curves for problem 5.11Q **
** A least square fit polynomial of the form: **
y = dO + dl*x + d2tx-2 + d3*x 3 + ...

** **
** is used to describe the head rise data. **

(al Enter the head loss coefficient? 49.

The polynomial fit to the head rise data is of order 7

The coefficients of the polynomial are:
d7 = -1. 73~59E+03
d6 = -+8. 2623E+03
d5 =-1.5353E+04
d4· - +1.3788E+04
d3 = --5. 9543E+03
(i~~ = +1. 0551E+03
ell -- -6. 2329E+Ol
dO = +7. 8983E+Ol

Head loss coefficient: 49.00

Volume flow rate ----: 1.203 m~3/s
71 mm of H20

~ -/31/-
~ lJ)
Water is pumped from the tank shown in Fig. J =~ -~1~ I
PS .1ISa. The head loss is known to be 1.2 V2 /2g, where V is I I
the average velocity in the pipe. According to the pump man-:
ufacturer, the relationship between the pump head and the ftow- J
rate is as shown in Fig. PS .IISb: h" = 20 - 2000 Q2, where,
: I
Ii" = 20-2000Q2
hi} is in meters and Q is in m'/s. Determine the ftowrate, Q. I - .- - - -,
1_ ,-? - . i.......t
- - - Pump 0.07 m 0.05 0,10
Q, m3/ s
VIe wanf Iv 1:.'11"" !he ftowrak b2. (a) (h)

'FrN-!'he- C/Jnl-m J Vd /41"t1e. f hfJ 1/11Y7 )

a/p/,·u/f.htJn ()f /he.. fYherJ:;
ej1AfA.hlgy. (G~, ).gl() y/ei£i.r, 0

£+ V~
(( 2J
2- f- 2-z = 7.I- ~
~I 1- h; 1-


~ nd 'Z.

hs = hp ::: 20 - 20a? a
Since ~::: V2. A1. w<- h~ ..fn,." et z

=: !..:.!:
(£A )
().J/}~ U¥nb:n'j ~.L (/~(])~d. ('1) I/Jt!


..L (!E.)
-I- -t
-J- 2 ~- 2,.000

5.116 Water flows by gravity from one lake to another as
sketched in Fig. PS.116 at the steady rate of 80 gpm. What is
the loss in available energy associated with this flow? If this
same amount of loss is associated with pumping the fluid from
the lower lake to the higher one at the same flowrate, estimate
the amount of pumping power required.


or 1/1 tJ

: 5.1/ 7

5.11 -, A !-hp motor is required by an air ven-

tilating fan to produce a 24-in.-diameter stream
of air having a uniform speed of 40 ft/s. Deter-
mine the aerodynamic efficiency of the fan.

The Qeyt)djJ'1dnt/c. efFic./e"yzc,!/ or fhe fan" '( I /5

1 = "dept ?~wey
acl"tA1 Pd1Alev Ye.IU,;eJ/
~ fAcill1."'/ .rhflff p"wer resu/yM.) WAc.fl.(.::</) IS O.7S hI' .
The. ;dr.al ~h(iff I'0JA/er rtjw;&:/" vV;Cleal J i.1 ()~/;,ed ~ ES' ,.32 hY /low
Wifhou.f loss tl.CYDS$ fire fal1. Thus
• • 2. 1. '2. v3
lN7,.1D_1 ::
/ tlFr:Jf.
I'M ~uf
:: I'A,ut V'ilT 2.~uf = -I' ?r..!!ou+
~ut =

4r VV;ded :: tl. '135 hr


Aerator column
5.119 Water is pumped from a tank, point 0), to the top
of a water plant aerator, point (2), as shown in Video VS.S
and Fig. P5.118nt a rate of 3.0 ft 3/s. (a) Determine the power
that the pump adds to the water if the head loss from (1) to
(2) where V2 = a is 4 ft. (b) Determine the head loss from
(2) to the bottom of the aerator column, point (3), if the av-
erage velocity at (3) is V3 = 2 ftls.

• FIGURE P5.118

(a) The enerqyeCfvof/on {rom {/J to (:;.)

~ + JZ + z +h - h ~ P:L + li2. of ~
~ 2j I P 'J. 7 z1 J.
A ::: ~ :: 11 ~ ~ ::: 0 9/ves
hp == hi- +z2.- Z, ::: iff! f(;O+3)ff-slf == 12ff
Thvs , the pump power ;'s
~ == 't (J h.s ~ 62.'1- * J

(3!f ) (JJ-H) :: 22"'15

= '/-.08 hp
tt; Ib (551~)0

5"- /37

The turbine shown in Fig. PS.119 develops 100 hp


(:=--"-r~"~~~"--:::-- J
/(/ (,V,. t CVB

when the flowrate of water is 20 fto/ s. If all losses are negligible, I P3 1'4
determi~e (a) the elevation h, (b) the pressure difference across I h I 0 0
the turbme. and (c) the flowrate expected if the turbine were J 1 / .:: ::-- /
removed. - ~ .'
- - '.' - . . . (2)
______ 12..in·_ (-aJ,' T ~~ i~ \
~ :. J
- -,' - - - -:I' - -/
- (
- - Free jet


- 2 S-·5 li-


5. /zo J t Pl = 50 psia
V 2 = 35 ftls
5.120 A liquid enters a fluid machine at sec-
tions (1) and (2) and leaves at section (3) as shown -7
in Fig. P5 .12.0, The density of the fluid is constant

Section (2) L
at 2 slugs/ft3 • All of the flow occurs in a horizontal
plane and is frictionless and adiabatic. For the Section (3)--1 .6~
above-mentioned and additional conditions in-
P3 = 14.7 psia
dicated in Fig. 5.120, determine the amount of -..r;--Section (1) V3 = 45 ftls
shaft power involved. A3 = 5 in.2
Pl = 80 psia
V1 = 15 ftls
Al = 30 in. 2 FIGURE PS.12D

Fi:J~ fhe iricfiOY1/tSJ rAJIlri. (JtI/abah'~ flaw +hyoUj" -/-his IlbO(J WlllCh/ne
&j5. 5'.64 J S. 65 and S.7' lead -h>
virS'htlff :: m3 (!l
+ ~2) _ n1
2. / I
(fl.fO + iI{ ) +2
) (I)
nef- in

rn I UJ
. v . v
YYJ U).. - YY13 ()3 =
( .
m1- + m3
.) v
<AI -
. v
m.l. U).- n1J
. '" . (.,
~ 0;: Yn2 lA,-iA 2.

+ n,3 (u-u ) :: I '2.

IIf secfioYl (3)

5./21 Section (2)

5.121 Water is to be moved from one large

reservoir to another at a higher elevation as in-
dicated in Fig. P5.121. The loss in available en-
ergy associated with 2.5 ft 3/s being pumped from
sections (1) to (2) is 61 V 2 /2 where V is the av-
erage velocity of water in the 8-in.-inside diam-
eter piping involved. Determine the amount of
shaft power required.

flow .(y.IIYn Sech'oh (t) -Iv secft'ol'J (2) E~. 'i.iz leads

loss],: ;at; [!J(~-~) f ", fj (I)

FrtJVJ.-t the v()/ul'He flowrale w-e obhl'n

bl ~ (2.5 {t7)
\I :::
;;:-i/- = 7.162 fJ:.
-Lf 11- /!.i:!...
¥ ( 12 117.
)z .J


ner i"

~.12 z..
Oil (SC = 0.88) flows in an inclined pipe at a rate
of S ft3/ S as shown in Fig. PS.l22. If the differential reading in (2)
the mercury manometer is 3 ft, calculate the power that the
pump supplies to the oil if head losses are negligible. 6 in.

12 in.
--+ 3ft

_"':::t .
. ,::r·,.~r

S" IIi' 1'1-

~ =
-- ZS'·5 J

; ( : ft)

5.124 I 5.12'-1 The velocity profile in a turbulent pipe
flow may be approximated with the expression
E. = (~)lln
Uc R
where u = local velocity in the axial direction,
U c = centerline velocity in the axial direction,
R = pipe inner radius from pipe axis, r =
local radius from pipe axis, and n = constant.
Determine the kinetic energy coefficient, a, for:
(a) n = 5; (b) n = 6; (c) n = 7; (d) n = 8; (e)
n = 9; (f) n = 10.
ror -the kinetic. eneryy ctJelhci~l1~ ~ we ma, use Efj. s: 3, . 711/,'($,
rx = ;:
27r;-r)y = 2
1/tlJ(f) ,,~)
= 2 c!, f- i)rf)d(f)
I .L

-3 -3




IX ::: /.08
(C) For n = 7

(d);=w n= r
IJ( == 1·()5

(e) I=tJv. n::: q (f) ~n=l()

0(' ::: /.0"1 tr ::::"/·~J

5.125 A small fan moves air at a mass flowrate
of 0.004 lbm/s. Upstream of the· fan, the pipe
diameter is 2.5 in., the flow is laminar, the ve-
locity distribution is parabolic, and the kinetic
energy coefficient, (11, is equal to 2.0. Down-
stream of the fan, the pipe diameter is 1 in., the
flow is turbulent, the velocity profile is quite flat,
and the kinetic energy coefficient, (12' is equal to
1.08. If the rise in static pressure across the fan
is 0.015 psi and the fan shaft draws 0.00024 hp,
compare the value of loss calculated: (a) assuming
uniform velocity distributions; (b) considering ac-
tual velocity distributions.


loss ::: 3.36 fl-· Ib

5.126 Force from a Jet of Air Deflecled by a Flat Plate
Objective: A jet of a fluid sU'iking a flat plate as shown in Fig. P5.126 exerts a force on
the plale. It is the equal and opposite force of the plate on the fluid that causes the fluid mo-
mentum change that accompanies such a flow. The purpose of this experiment is to compare
the theoretical force on the plate with the experimentally measured force .

Equipment: Air source with an adjustable flowratc and a flow meter; nozzle to produce
a unifonn ai r jet; balance beam with an attached flat plate; weights; barometer; thennometer.

Experimental Procedure: Adjust the coumer weight so that the beam is level when
there is no mass, m, on the beam and no flow through the nozzle. Measure the diameter. d,
of the nozzle outlet. Record the barometer reading, H oam , in inches of mercury and the air
temperature, T, so that the air density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law. Place
a known mass, m, on the flat plate and adjust the fan speed control to produce the necessary
flowrate, Q, to make the balance beam level again. The flowrate is related to the flow meter
manometer reading. II, by the equation Q = 0.358 1Il/1, where Q is in f(l/s and h is in inches
of water. Repeat Ihe measun:ments for various masses on the plate.

Calculations: For each flowrale, Q, calculate Ihe weight, W = mg, needed to balance the
beam and use the continuity equation, Q "" VA, to determine the velocity, V, at the nozzle
exit. Use the momentum equation for this problem, W = pV 2A, to determine the theoretical
relationship between velocity and weight.

Graph: Plot the experimentally measured force on the plate, W, as ordinates and air speed,
V, as abscissas.

Results: On Ihe same graph. plot the theoretical force as a function of air speed.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and dick ,,~/'(!
to bring up an EXCEL page with Ihe data for this problem.


5- I'f'f
(COJ1'-t )

Solution for Problem 5.126: Force from a Jet of Air Deflected by a Flat Plate

d, in. Hatm , in. Hg T, deg F Q = 0.358 h"0.5, with Q in cfs and h in inches of water
1.174 29.25 70

Experimental Theoretical
m, kg h, in. Q, ft"3/s V,ftls m, slug W,lb W,lb
0.010 0.54 0.263 35.0 0.00069 0.022 0.021
0.020 1.08 0.372 49.5 0.00137 0.044 0.042
0.030 1.52 0.441 58.7 0.00206 0.066 0.059
0.040 2.18 0.529 70.3 0.00274 0.088 0.084
0.050 2.72 0.590 78.5 0.00343 0.110 0.105
0.060 3.25 0.645 85.8 0.00411 0.132 0.126
0.070 3.81 0.699 92.9 0.00480 0.154 0.147
0.080 4.32 0.744 98.9 0.00548 0.177 0.167
0.090 4.92 0.794 105.6 0.00617 0.199 0.190
0.100 5.46 0.837 111.2 0.00685 0.221 0.211
0.150 8.13 1.021 135.7 0.01028 0.331 0.315
0.200 10.85 1.179 156.8 0.01370 0.441 0.420
0.250 13.72 1.326 176.3 0.01713 0.552 0.531

V = Q/Awhere
A = nd /4
=n*(1.174/12 ft)"2/4 = 7.52E-3 ft"2

W = pV Awhere

p = Patm/RT with
Patm =YHg*H atm = 847 Ib/ftJ\3*(29.25/12 ft) =2065 Ib/ftJ\2
R = 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T =70 + 460 =530 deg R

Thus, p =0.00227 slug/ft"3

5 - /JfS
s: /2-' (Con' -t )

Problem 5.126
Weight, W, vs Velocity, V

0.6 i

• I

--.--~-- -------~--~---~-.-------~-,-

. ~--I


~ 0.3
• I • Experimental
1 - Theoretical
0.2 --------------~---~--~-_r_----------- --1I

0.1 J,

0.0 +,- - - - - r - - - _ r - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - j
o 50 100 150 200
V, fUs

5 . 12/

5.127 Pressure Distribution on a Flat Plate Due to the

Deflection of an Air Jet
Objective : In order to defl ect a jet of air as shown in Fig. P5.127, the fl at plate must push
against the air with a sufficient force to change the momentum of the air. This causes an in·
crease in pressure on the plate. The purpose of this experiment is to measure the pressure
distribution on the plate and to compare the resultant pressure force to that needed, accord-
ing to the momentum equation, to deflect the air.

Equipment: Air supply with a flow meter; noule 10 produce a unifonn jet of air; circular
flat plate with static pressure laps at various radial locations; manometer; barometer;

Experimental Procedure: Measure the diameters of the plate, D, and the nozzle exit,
d, and the radial locations, r, of the various static pressure taps on the plate. Carefully cen-
ter the plate over the noull! exit and adjust the air f1 owrate, Q, to the desired conSlaIll value.
Record the static pressure tap manometer readings, h, at various radial locations, r, from the
centcr of the plate. Record the barometer reading, HOlm' in inches of mercury and the air tem-
perature, T, so that the air density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law.

C alculatio ns : Usc the manometer readings, h, to delennine the pressure on the plate as
a function of location, r. That is, calculate p = "Ym h, where "Ym is the specific weight of the
manometer fluid.

G raph : Plot pressure, p, as ordinates and radial location, r, as abscissas.

Results: Use the experi mentally detennined pressure distribution to detennine the net
pressure force, F, that the air jet puts on the plate. That is, numerically or graphically iIlle-
grate the pressure data to obtain a value for F = P dA = f p (217"r dr), where the limits of
the integration are over the entire plate, from r = 0 to r "" D/2. Compare this force obtained
from the pressure measurements to that obtained from the momentum equation for this now,
F "" pylA, where V and A are the velocity and area of the jet, respectively.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and did..' "('re
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.


(c on 't )
57 /2.7 I (c()n 't )

Solution for Problem 5.127: Pressure Distribution on a Flat Plate due to the Deflection of an Air Jet

D, in. d, in. Halm , in. Hg T, deg F Q. ftA3/s

8.0 1.174 29.25 77 1.41

r, in. h, in. p, Ib/ftA2 p, Ib/in."2 p*r, Ib/in. pr;+pr;+1 r;+1 - rj

0.00 6.62 34.42 0.2391 0.0000 1 0.0834 0.39
0.39 5.92 30.78 0.2138 0.0834 2 0.1701 0.40
0.79 3.04 15.81 0.1098 0.0867 3 0.1114 0.45
1.24 0.55 2.86 0.0199 0.0246 4 0.0355 0.35
1.59 0.19 0.99 0.0069 0.0109 5 0.0205 0.45
2.04 0.13 0.68 0.0047 0.0096 6 0.0174 0.37
2.41 0.09 0.47 0.0033 0.0078 7 0.0130 0.44
2.85 0.05 0.26 0.0018 0.0051 8 0.0086 0.38
3.23 0.03 0.16 0.0011 0.0035 9 0.0035 0.44
3.67 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000

P = YH2o*h

P =Palm/RT where
Palm =YHg*H alm = 847 Ib/ftA3*(29.25/12 ft) = 20651b/ftA2
R = 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T = 77 + 460 537 deg R

Th us, P =0.00224 slug/ftA3

Using the trapezoidal rule for integration
Fexp =2n*0.5*L:J TO 9[(prj +pr;+1 )*(ri+1 - rj)] = 2n*0.5*0.189 = 0.594 Ib

F = pV A where
= 2
A nd /4 n*(1.17 4/12 ft)"2/4 0.00752 ftA2 =
= =
V Q/A (1.41 ftA3/s)/(0.00752 ft"2) = 188 ftls
Flh 0.00224 slug/ftA3*(188 ftls)"2*(0.00752 ftA2) = 0.595 Ib


Problem 5.127
Pressure, p, vs Radial Location, r

35 .-.--~----~------~~-- ------_._---------j

30 .----~.. -------------------~- --- --_. __ ..-.- - ------- ----- - -----------..j

N 25 - - - - -- --------.. . . ------------------------.-.------- --- ---i

. c 20
ci: 15
I ! --.- Experimental i

10 ------4

5 ----1

0 i
0 1 2 3 4
r, in.

------ --

Problem 5.127
Pressure Times Distance, p*r,
Radial Location, r


::: 0.06
:£ 1--.- Experimental 1
{ 0.04 -\-----~--~.---.~--- - ..


0 1 2 3 4
r, in.

5" - IJfCf

5.128 Force from a Jet of Water Deflected by a Vane

Objective: A jet of a fluid striking a vane as shown in Fig. PS.128 exerts a force on the
vane. It is the equal and opposite force of the vane on the fluid that causes the fluid mo-
mentum change that accompanies such a flow. The purpose of this experiment is to compare
the theoretical force on the vane with the experimentally measured force.

Equipment: Water source; nozzle to produce a uniform jet of water; vanes to deflect the
water jet; weigh tank to collect a known amount of water in a measured time period; stop
watch; force balance system.

Experimental Procedure: Measure the outlet diameter, d, of the nozzle. Fasten the
8 = 90 degree vane to its support and adjust the balance spring to give a zero reading when
there is no weight, W, on the platform and no flow through the nozzle. Place a known mass,
m, on the platform and adjust the control valve on the pump to provide the necessary flowrate
from the nozzle to return the platform to a zero reading. Determine the flow rate by collect-
ing a known weight of water, WwaleP in the weigh tank during a measured amount of time,
t. Repeat the measurements for various masses, m. Repeat the experiment using a 8 = 180
degree vane.

Calculations: For each data set, determine the weight, W = mg, on the platform and the
volume flowrate, Q = Wwate'/( '}'t), through the nozzle. Determine the exit velocity from the
nozzle, V, by using Q = VA. Use the momentum equation to determine the theoretical weight
that can be supported by the water jet as a function of V and 8.

Graph: For each vane, plot the experimentally determined weight, W, as ordinates and
the water velocity, V, as abscissas.

Results: On the same graph plot the theoretical weight as a function of velocity for each

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and dick herl'
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.


5- ISO
5:123 I (COfl't)

Solution for Problem 5.128: Force from a Jet of Water Deflected by a Vane

d, in.

Experimental Theoretical
m, kg Wwater,lb t, s m, slug W,lb Q, ftA3/s V, ftIs W,lb

Data for 8 = 90 deg:

0.02 7.71 29.8 0.0014 0.044 0.0041 4.7 0.038
0.07 8.66 18.2 0.0048 0.154 0.0076 8.7 0.129
0.17 8.87 10.1 0.0116 0.375 0.0141 16.1 0.440
0.12 8.92 12.6 0.0082 0.265 0.0113 13.0 0.286
0.22 9.66 10.6 0.0151 0.485 0.0146 16.7 0.474

Data for 8 = 180 deg:

0.05 6.81 24.5 0.0034 0.110 0.0045 5.1 0.088
0.10 9.02 20.8 0.0069 0.221 0.0069 8.0 0.215
0.20 8.84 13.2 0.0137 0.441 0.0107 12.3 0.512
0.25 7.88 10.9 0.0171 0.552 0.0116 13.3 0.597
0.30 8.86 11.1 0.0206 0.662 0.0128 14.7 0.727
0.35 7.97 9.5 0.0240 0.772 0.0134 15.4 0.803
0.40 6.37 7.6 0.0274 0.883 0.0134 15.4 0.802

Q = Wwate/(y*t)
V = Q/Awhere
A = nd /4 = n*(0.40/12 ft)A2/4 = 0.000873 ftA2

W = pV2A for 8 = 90 deg
W = 2pV2A for 8 = 180 deg


5:/28' CDn't)

Problem 5.128
Weight, W, vs Velocity, V
1.0 -,-----~------------1

0.8 --- ------~~----------------- - -----r;~-------

• Experimental, 90 deg
0.7 --
• Experimental, 180 deg
Theoretical, 90 deg
~ 0.5 Theoretical, 180 deg

0.4 • I
0.3 -.#-+-- ----..rr-----~-~-~__J

0.2 -~-~~---~~cF----~~---'----:~---j
----- --------1
o. 0 J-....-I!~=--..,----r-------t------j

o 5 10 15 20
V, ftls

5.129 Force of a Flowing Fluid on a Pipe Elbow
Objective: When a fluid flows through an elbow in a pipe system as shown in Fig. P5.129,
the fluid's momentum is changed as the fluid changes direction. Thus, the elbow must put a
force on the fluid. Similarly, there must be an external force on the elbow to keep it in place.
The purpose of this experiment is to compare the theoretical vertical component of force
needed to hold an elbow in place with the experimentally measured force.

Equipment: Variable speed fan; Pitot static tube; air speed indicator; air duct and 90-
degree elbow; scale; barometer; thermometer.

Experimental Procedure: Measure the diameter, d, of the air duct and adjust the scale
to read zero when the elbow rests on it and there is no flow through it. Note that the duct is
connected to the fan outlet by a pivot mechanism that is essentially friction free. Record the
barometer reading, H atm, in inches of mercury and the air temperature, T, so that the air den-
sity can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law. Adjust the variable speed fan to give the
desired flowrate. Record the velocity, V, in the pipe as given by the Pitot static tube which
is connected to an air speed indicator that reads directly in feet per minute. Record the force,
F, indicated on the scale at this air speed. Repeat the measurements for various air speeds.
Obtain data for two types of elbows: (1) a long radius elbow and (2) a mitered elbow (see
Figs. 8.30 and 8.31).

Calculations: For a given air speed, V, use the momentum equation to calculate the the-
oretical vertical force, F = pV 2A, needed to hold the elbow stationary.

Graph: Plot the experimentally measured force, F, as ordinates and the air speed, V, as

Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical force as a function of air speed.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click /tat'
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

Centrifugal fan

s: /2 9 I (COli 'f )

Solution for Problem 5.129: Force of a Flowing Fluid on a Pipe Elbow

d, in. Hatm , in. Hg T, deg F

8.0 29.07 73

Experiment Theory
V, ftImin F,lb V, ftIs V, ftIs Fth,lb

Long Radius Elbow Data 0 0

0 0 0.0 5.0 0.02
1200 0.38 20.0 10.0 0.08
1420 0.51 23.7 15.0 0.18
1800 0.79 30.0 20.0 0.31
2160 1.05 36.0 25.0 0.49
2440 1.38 40.7 30.0 0.70
2700 1.65 45.0 35.0 0.96
2900 1.91 48.3 40.0 1.25
3100 2.19 51.7 45.0 1.58
3520 2.83 58.7 50.0 1.95
3750 3.12 62.5 55.0 2.36
3950 3.38 65.8 60.0 2.81
65.0 3.30
Mitered Elbow Data
1400 0.30 23.3
1780 0.55 29.7
2000 0.74 33.3
2300 1.12 38.3
2630 1.44 43.8
2900 1.72 48.3
3150 2.06 52.5
3360 2.38 56.0
3550 2.62 59.2
3620 2.74 60.3

P = Patm/RT where
Patm = YHg*H atm = 847 Ib/W3*(29.07/12ft) =2052 Ib/W2
R = 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T = 73 + 460 = 533 deg R

Thus, P = 0.00224 slug/W3

A = rrd 1l 2/4 = rr*(8/12)1I2/4 = 0.349 ftll2

(CtJl1'-/: )
5"- 15"1-
Problem 5.129
Force, F, vs Velocity, V

4.0 ------~,---,------


- Theoretical
.c • Experimental: Long
-_ 2.0 radius elbow
A Experimental: Mitered
1.5 ----.. . --- ··---------1 elbow


O. a -t-..e::::.---,------'""1r-----i------l
a 20 40 60 80
V, ftls

'-./ J 6.1 The velocity in a certain two-dimen-
sional flow field is given by the equation
V = 2xti - 2ytj
where the velocity is in ft/s when x, y, and tare
in feet and seconds, respectively. Determine
expressions for the local and convective compo-
nents of acceleration in the x and y directions.
What is the magnitude and direction of the ve-
locity and the acceleration at the point x = y =
2 ft at the time t = 01

FroM eJGj>rt'$S 14J" ft,.,. II~ I"c; 1-:; ,)


a" (Ci!Jnv) : (,{ Ju. +1/' Pll.

!);< ~ = (Z.X'.1;) (2.t) -t r- Z!:Jt)(o)
- ,+xl:2.

S/mi Jell" /'J)

pi/" u ~-t v-q
a~ :: Tt:+ t9;( J~


a; (local) 1.!! =- -
= at- 2!:J

a., (C~nj/.) .: u~t-1r~

l);<. d !J
- (2xt)(o) -+- (- 2}jt)(-l-t-)

= If lj t-2..
At x.-:.1.j=2ft Clnd t~o
U = 2. (2) (0 ) =0 v- : - 2. (2 ) ((}) .:: 0

So -that V==o
a~ = .2;<. + il-xt'2 = 2 (r.) + tt (2) (0) = Lf .ftls z.
_ ,2 (2) -t t (2) (0) ::: - If R Is 2.
Cl =
-2J + 'f.!Jt 2- .:

a: = 41: - LfJ +-tis"

6.2 Repeat Problem 6.1 if the flow field is
described by the equation
V = 3(x 2 - y2)i - 6xyj
where the velocity is in ft/s when x and yare in

a;( (tDnv) = [.(.~~ +r~ -:: 3{;tl:.!:J2.)(b,t)-t (-6~.!J)r-b.!J)

= / g(X. 3 + XJ 2.)

a..'J (/OCtJ/):: ~; - 0

a.j (~nJl): U ff r rf
T == 3 (i 2_ !J "l. ) (-6.!f) -t (-h)(!J) (-, I.. )

== Je(.x 2 ':J ~ !i 3 )
At K=!1 = / ft (/hd i:~o

fA. = 3 [O/-ut] =0 v- :: -b (,)(i) = - Ie

~ A
V= -&,j
Qnd a i = /3 (x 3+x :/,) = 18> [(0 3 ..,. (/)(t)~ :: gtlt/.s·
a!J = IS( x~-+y3) = 18[{/)2{1) 3
-t{n ] = 3{, -ftJs~

6 ••~ The velocity in a certain flow field is given by the equa-

v = xi + X2zJ + Yzk
Detennine the expressions for the three rectangular components
of acceleration.

From e)(.frt'j>/~Y1 /t,1" ve /()'l"t!1) fA. -:: ><

a.~ ::
a~ :: 0+ ( >< )(1) ,. (i~)( 0 ) +~r:)(O)

a - olr
:;- t>t +
and a. - 0 +

~w + fA.. ~ -J- 'lr!J!F 1" W' Jur

p~ ox 8~ J~

o 1- ( X ) (0) + (X2~) (~) + 6~) (fj )

xLi'· T :1 r
6.4 The three components of velocity in a
flow field are given by
u = x 2 + y2 + Z2
U = xy + yz + Z2

W = -3xz - z 2 /2 + 4
(a) Determine the volumetric dilatation rate, and
interpret the results. (b) Determine an expression
for the rotation vector. Is this an irrotational flow

(t:L) V()/I.{me.fr/c. d,/t<la.flon v-a.fe = J(.I.

;a;: Jir
+ Jy T

Thus) {"Y fle/()c,fy tdJ/'rJjJtt7l'1fl'll-s f/ien

I/() I"tn~ In Co d;/a.ta.t,b" rate -: 2.t. -r (x.,. r) -t- (- 3 x. -7:) .= 0

This YfSU/t. /nd,ctl+es ih~1: 1heyt! I~ chtllfl/e I;'

nD -the

Volume. e>,f. a.. +Itlid elemfl1i (I~ it rn~lIeJ -hm dJl1e.

/I)Cltt'OIJ to (lI1IJ1he r.

F'IPm .Gss.
:: :i
( ;; - ~;) =; (!f - 2!J) = - 1:
W;(. = :l(1;-- ::) = -1 [0 - (y-tZr)J " - (!J: H)

CU!f -- - ( ~ ~):: [2i - (-3z.)J1 = sz~


- r-; +7:) i +

SI'nt.e W /.5 nat )fr~ elleffjwheve -the fl{)w field

/s nCJt I ~Y'oia-t';'1111 J. N ~ .
6.5 Detennine an expression for the vorticity of the flow
field described by
v = - xy3 i + y4j
Is the flow irrotational?

FY'CJm e;<"fr"t~s,i;n -h,Y ve/tJci-l-!j) tl =- X!J3 J tr= !:J'f) ond w-= o}

C( n cl tv ;' rA

: 1- (~_
:2.. Jy
or ( £t ~. /3)

~ ~ ( ~ - ~~) (po. 6. 11f)

W = 1- (Jtr_~) (EZ·k./2.)
~ ;L ax. 0 !:j

/i Iolll)ws inA-t

CJ~l )
- z [CO) r+ (0) j + (f. ~f1") k J

S/nce :f ,'.5 not jer() evef'fjwhere -f;,e

/~ hot. /;/,()t4",6'(,I1I1I, N tJ.

t:.. ~ I 6.6 A one-dimensional flow is described by
the velocity field
u = ay + by2
v = w= 0
where a and b are constants. Is the flow irrota-
tional? For what combination of constants (if any)
will the rate of angular deformation as given by
Eq. 6.18 be zero?
/~rottl.~/6,~q/ ./-/~w- ,
i=tP1' W '=0


Thu.5) c;) /5 n~i 7'fY't) ellfr!1w/'ere (If/Pi fife f'/tJu/"

is no i irr~l:-tL~itPn(J/, N tJ .

Since.. (~m I:i$. t,.18)

• oU- JL.4
~:: ~ t- J!;j

(I: ~//~w.s .fr:,,, hie.. IIt/I)(./-/:y c/iIfn'hlli.;()J1 7 1J1fJ1 1114.1:

i=- a + zbfj

Thus) 1her-e tire no va. /1{ ts tJ/ t4 1111(/ 6 ( eJt~~fi: k11t

et(,{q/ -h> /~r()) -uud. wil/ rlv~ a-• =-0 .r;,r 4// I)a/wt'.s
~f :to N~ne.
6.7 For incompressible fluids the volumetric
dilatation rate must be zero; that is, V . V = O.
For what combination of constants a, b, c, and e
can the velocity components
u = ax + by
v = ex + ey
be used to describe an incompressible flow field?

For- CI n ine(f)mp tess //'Je /I,,/t/)

Ju. Jtr ~1Jt-o
~;( -t- Tj"" o~-

lv/In -the Ve /C;c./-/!1 d,.!J'.f,.; bl('t;{)~ r I i/el1

~tr oW- _
;'1 =e -

a. +e = 0
6.8 An incompressible viscous fluid is placed u
between two large parallel plates as shown in Fig. Moving
P6.8. The bottom plate is fixed and the upper plate
plate moves with a constant velocity, U. For these
conditions the velocity distribution between the
plates is linear, and can be expressed as

u = ux.b Fixed

Determine: (a) the volumetric dilatation rate, (b)

the rotation vector, (c) the vorticity, and (d) the
rate of angular deformation.

(a) (/e>Jtlmett/c d//a.. t~ tt4?JI f'"11 te ~ ~ + ~i" cW- .=.O

()fj 41:.

(h) ,t:;,,. (/e/~c./ry d,'.s I,; hI.( f,'eJ11 '11 11 1:11 j

Wi! -/;..


tv~ = .J.:2- (~_ dU ) = -zbV
oJ< 0 'J
Thus; ~

w - -2b V ~

U -{'"
-S :: 24) =

• otr cJu
cd. ) "0 :: -
p;<. -r
J!:J (~t b,le)

(' = -[rb
6.9 A viscous fluid is contained in the space between con-
centric cylinders. The inner wall is fixed, and the outer wall ro-
tates with an angular velocity w. (See Fig. P6.9a and Video
V6.1.) Assume that the velocity distribution in the gap is linear
as illustrated in Fig. P6.9b. For the small rectangular element
shown in Fig. P6.9b, determine the rate of change of the right
angle 'Y due to the fluid motion. Express your answer in terms
of ro, ri' and w.

(a) (b)


Foy the. lInear d,.sfy/buf,o"n

t<...: - r; co !J

.5c thai:
d"!. - _ V;w
J!j Yo-Y;;
alllf S/"te r= 0

The nejal-i II~ sifn

rfjlJi- anjle
~./O I
fl.l!) Some velocity measurements in a three-dimensional
incompressible flow field indicate that u = 6xy2 and v =
- 4 y2 Z. There is some conflicting data for the velocity com-
ponent in the z direction. One set of data indicates that w =
4 yz 2 and the other set indicates that w = 4 yz 2 - 6 y 2Z . Which
set do you think is correct? Explain.

To ;5A..t,54 -In e ~"-t1;1I,"1!1 e ~ u.~.fItD~

Ju air ~w-
u..,. 75 1" Tt. .= 0 (/)

J"lnce dU :; ts,!J 2- II i1 II Jzr= - 3'1 i

~x ~fJ

-tlIfl1 IttJtn b3' 0 )

fS,:; '2._ 9fJ % + oW-

Thus) 2t,U-
~i: - 8'fJr -~d2. c. Z)

Ff "A-f", iJ CZ) (!fin be ink Jra-kd w/fh Y~S~ct h i i-c ()j,flJl)'

fdw- J 8!1 ::: 1: d:J - f '!J1.d ~ + + (;I.; !1 )

w-= 'ffj1: 2 _ ":J 2.-J: 1- '(Yo) ~)

The :5et ~f dA-bo. (tvJ'-n-, kt,'J) =0)

w- ::: 4/J:r 2. - ~!:J l.:z
woui tA tlflfllY -10 he fne ~ff'ec,t se i:: .

b. J I I
6.11 The velocity components of an incompressible, two-
dimensional velocity field are given by the equations
u = 2xy
v = x2 _ y2

Show that the flow is irrotational and satisfies conservation of


II -the t:.UJo-d/mfnSIr;I111/ .{jew 15 1~~()I::a..be,ntI/)

UJ =".J... (~V-
:e ,;J. ~;<
_ 17Ju.)=

F;; r 1J1e. ve /()Cit, d/~ fri /:)/1'1-1';/1 f' ven.l

Ct 11 c/ 71te IS

-r; Sllt;.s!::t ttP;1.serJ/ail4J1f "I mass I

eJu. Jtr_
~-;. "t" P!J-()

'./2.. I
6.12 For each of the following stream functions, with units
of m2/s, determine the magnitude and the angle the velocity
vector makes with the x-axis at x = I m, y = 2 m. Locate any
stagnation points in the flow field.
(a) '" = X)'
(b) '" = -2x 2 + Y

~f ~~ ~fY'e/lrn fl.4 Hc..:hiP J1 J

tr-= - ~

l{':: dt =x V-=-~ ::-~

~, . ~~

Ai: x::: l.-m) 'f ~ J-,.",,) I i -4/1IJuJ.J ~.f::

Th~s I


L -
C"a n 9 ":

5Jn!c '" =0 ",I:.){:: C> ClI1" v:. 0 a--t ~::o / tt j+a9n4f../~;'

p()/n I: (!)~C.IAY.s at:. X =- ':J .::. ().

(j,) Ft'y

u. -= 0 cf -= J hM 1r.:: - ~ ~ '!-x
TtJ j D~
A 1:- )(. = jlWl} I:J;:: 2-/I't1 I it ~11f)W5 fhA-/. tA.:: I ~ (.f"d 1r= ~ 0/
'-. , '3 I
6.U The stream function for a certain incompressible flow
field is
'" = lOy + e-Y sin x
Is this an irrotational flow field? Justify your answer with the
necessary calculations.

~'r 1'h~ /f"w -tD hfC l;r()-ttLt:lo~a I (S4'e l:g. 1../2.) J

W ~ = -L
- d!?-

alt~ /z,r f;,~ S.f:rerun .f.U)1c. t.,';rl (J I'veI'!

tA.- =- ~= /0 - e-~/';~
11"":: - J tf :: - e ~s ;(
-':1 . alr_ -~ .

-~j =e .sIn ~ - - e SIJIJ



W~ ::' 11- ( e-~jJ~ l-

e s int.

Jln"e Wl;:O I -r;1J':s JS an J'rroi:(L+r()~t:t1 flow -I,eid. Yes.

~./'f I
6.14 The stream function for an incompressible, two-
dimensional flow field is
IjJ = ay2 - bx
where a and b are constants. Is this an irrotational flow? Explain.

Ql1d #r the slrellln ~1'I'£~J1 7 HI(J1 J
- G CL j

u-::: - ij:

S / n t. e w~ 1:- 0
(t{n/-es~ a =0) .
lO./5 I
6.15 The velocity components for an incom-
pressible, plane flow are
Vr = A,-l + Br- 2 cos f)

Vo = B,-2 sin 0
where A and B are constants. Determine the cor-
responding stream function.

Fr~m 1he de/;;'/i,blt of th~ StYi'II/11 Iwnc,6/~n J

..,,... _ ..!.. dip .,,... :: _ _dip
v~ - r ~ Vt; Or
So tha.t. +OY' fhe velocity c/Js'ft;'I7J,(.it~1/ fll/en,
I cJl; -I -2
;:. Ft9 :- A- r T B I- ~s e (/)

J~ ; - /3}- S;'11 & ( 2.)
Ii? Ie 9n1fe I:'j'()) w/-ht r-eSf~t-t: to e to ~b-b,/~

Jd¥ J{A+ :: 8 }--/ e.~ s e ) da + .f. (r)


S/~/Jar01 /nte'lrllte E~,l Z} u/rlh Y'l'~fec-i +0

fd if =- - fa j--2 sil1 l!} d/' + I'.. fB)
If:: 13 j- - 'sin CI 1- ~ (t) )

Thw5) .fo .sa,tIS.f.!1 both ./;"gs. (.3) 1(l1d/lf)

t.f:: Ae+ /3~-I.5/I1C1 +C

where C ~ an Clrb /trA r.!:J c~n.5itll1 t.
t,.I' I 6.1 G, For a certain two-dimensional flow field
u =0
v = V
(a) What are the corresponding radial and tan-
gential velocity components? (b) Determine the
corresponding stream function expressed in
Cartesian coordinates and in cylindrical polar co-

(()..) A i- an arh i fyay'J pfJ,ni P

(.5~e ti'llAY'e)


ve = V ~s B

Cb) Since.
u= Jif =0
v-= -~:::v
/t f" I low thai fII 15 n()t ~ f/,fnc I:ltJ~ l) f. I;j

Lf=-Vx: -fC
wher-e. C is lin Ii r b / IrA 1"':1 UJ1siol1i .
IIlsrJ) tui"ht .x.::: Y t.t!;S B

'1= - V f"UJS& fC

6.17 Make use of the control volume shown

in Fig. P6.17 to derive the continuity equation in
cylindrical coordinates (Eq. 6.33 in text).

Volume element
has thickness dz


~ f CV
fo'¥ + f-V·:' 0',4
"'0 ( .E'S, &,,)'1)

J~ f ~ t/-tr -

f~y,~ dA - net i"ll.te o! mNSS ()ui//()w fhr()II9h
Cs oS /'(Y'ffu.es cf ~nff"()/ J/()/wme

( f V/. r d::1- t) (I- t )de d~


FrPR1 h'lwn 4 f ~J;h t.

Ne t: rLtc 01 m~~s
()U-tf/DW /n r- dJ';-e,..i/(J~ =
r, . .,. '4.f3
( /J r,: f)y
J.I' of tk)
.". d(; d1: .

- {t ~ - ~ r)(r- t)dGdl
C 2.)
~,/7 (con i)

FrfJl11 !t9~"{ at- ttfht.'

Net Y'a I:e ~/ /nASS
~utfl"/N ,;., t) - d/ree:t";JJ =

(;~ r ~ ~e) drd r (fife - dfife dB)cJl'"dr:

~~~____ 09 ~

-fv;; - ; ~~ ~~ )drdil-
aI'/J{; ely d~d~
( 3)

I'lfPl'n hitlYe at: rl9lJt: y

!Ve.t f"11 te (;/ tnQS.J

{)u-t-R~u; In r - el;~c....j.ldH

~) rd&df

- (/1'j. - of"i dl:- ) rd~ til'

)2: ;l,

(;t~ ydrd{)d~ ('I)


5u"sl-/-j.j,tI-'~1j ~f Gjs. to inY'/'< (fl.) ,"nl-o £1. "./9 'j;eIJs

¥t r dydf)Jr -r Jr:r f- eli" 11'6 dt +! v;. dY'd&d:&

-+ a/v[; drdf)d2 + 0 f~ r dy-dedr : 0

)9 J~


De. wr/ He 1'1 ,q .s

%.,. -/: fi (r~ lIj.) + -f: ;j~Ilj;) ..

,,-/ g
6.18 It is proposed that a two-dimensional,
incompressible flow field be described by the ve-
locity components
u = Ay
v = Bx
where A and B are both positive constants. (a)
Will the continuity equation be satisfied? (b) Is
the flow irrotational? (c) Determine the equation
for the streamlines and show a sketch of the
streamline that passes through the origin. Indi-
cate the direction of flow along this streamline.

(u) 10 :5otisry the Ct'JI1III1U/1y e~uai'';J1

J u...,. d II"" =-0
p;( J';J
Sin ee /1:;r 1J1e ve IDtif.y c/''s-';''''/b,,/-ti;/J 1i1I~11

t>,K. -
-0 q,x =-

the ~l1hiJl,/t1 e.! ",a. &;'J1 ls 5 a t;/sfietl. Yes,

(b) :t.n ~I"der .ft,,.. the .fl(!)w +D be 1~f'~t:flb~i1111 wz.-=Oj IAJheY'{!

w~~l(t-~~) (~%-b,/Z)
a;(. - ~
d r:1

wi =
Thus; f/~w will ()fJ/Y be ;rr{)l:atl()~t:// ,'f ,4=-8.
(!) 4/~n9 a. s.fre/lI'l1/;;'e
dy _ (/
d~ - fA.
S" that for fhe tle/Deit!! dl;fn'bu!tPH
ttl tie" cI!I = B x.

1htre fe,re
slope:: r1
'1 c/!J =-J)(. d x
.t:11.ferrlll/!:)h 'fields
t./ 2 - /.3 ,,(,z+ C
J - -;r
(p.jq I
6. I q In a certain steady, two-dimensional flow
field the fluid density varies linearly with respect
to the coordinate x; that is, p = Ax where A i~
a constant. If the x component of velocity u i&
given by the equation u = y, determine aq
expression for u.

For p.. vCll"it:l/;/e. del1~;.J.'1 f/~t.V)

J fcou.) ~ J (fv-)
~x. J!:f

(t<..:: C4~)(J) = AX!J

11- /t;/llws -thllt
otlA.J . Ay
Th (As)
Jt'fV-J :: -AfJ ( I )
In Ie 'I rille eg .(;) wi fh r~sl'ec.1: tD !f 10 ~61rt/"

jdrtV-) = -jAjd'J + fIx)

With ! =A-x

v- _- - ~ z. + f{)I.)


(p, 2,0 I
y, ft
6.20 In a two-dimensional, incompressible flow
field, the x component of velocity is given by thl" 1.0 ~ ________ A
equation II = 2x. (a) Determine the correspond-
ing equation for the y component of velocity if CPoA :
v = 0 along the x axis. (b) For this flow field
what is the magnitude of the average velocity of \ 1-7
the fluid crossing the surface OA of Fig. P6.2D!
Assume that the velocities are in ft/s when x and
yare in feet. 0'
.f ~DG
:8 ~8

1.0 x, ft

(a) ro s~.J/s~ the t.D"tl;'U~.f!J -Rg U4 b()~ un/t

tnJcJ:.lllSS =1ft)
dlA Jtr_
'?X -r Jb -0

SInce. '\
~~ =2-
I t ~/I"ULS thft-l.
JLr=_Z (I,)
rn.f.e11'~6p;' "I E"1,fJ) With resrc.-t. to :t 'j/eJdJ
1r= - 2:; + f{~)
rf '2r=O ~/tP"9 X-AxIS (f/:'O) 7hen /-(;1.) =0 So thd
1/= - :2..:J
(h) 1;, ~al';;4 C4?11.st!YIIA-k"o'f ~f m~s.3
%,4 :: 0;.~ - 4113 (,,~~ !t7t1~)
tt/()n'j A/J U = ~ (,) = 2 S .50 1h4.. t.
(j)AI3 = U AA8 = (.2.. ItIs ) (/ ,ct)(/ ,ct) =

/f/0I19 t!)13 '1/" =0 Sa ih~t (/)Ot3 = CJ ,

Thus) -Ft 3
~,tI = {/J;/3 :: 2 -5
+-1: 3
{Jt;1J =
2 s -
... /. If. / +-1:
Y;v a f"elt.
v:r +t'J. S
cD. ;2/ I
6.21 The radial velocity component in an incompressible,
two-dimensional flow field (v: = 0) is
vr = 2r + 3r 2 sin ()
Detennine the corresponding tangential velocity component,
vo' required to satisfy conservation of mass.

J.. ~ (rtlj,. ) / J~
r ~ r -r -;. gB +

S/nce -v; ::.tJ )

oU{; :
. de ("I)

Pllc/ wIth
r v:.r ::' :<. r 2 + 31"3 05/ 11 e
l"f fr;//ows 1htt t
~ (r 'J/j,.) -
Tr -
Thu~ E$. (j) be,-",-"es
~ v: =- - (II r f qr 2:S/11 e)

E$Ufli:I4?I1(l) Ctin be ;"'-teff'tLieq' with r~.5rc.t

Jd vg = -f (If I-' f- qrz. si" e) dB r

VB::' - tfre - 9 ,...zcos ~ + .; (y.)

!( r) I"; an Hncle ter/rJ,npd Ittl1ctle;'H ~/ Y".

'-.2 Z.
6.22 The stream function for an incompres- y, m
sible flow field is given by the equation
IjI = 3x2y - y3 1.0 B

where the stream function has the units of m2/s

with x and y in meters. (a) Sketch the stream-
line(s) passing through the origin. (b) Determine
the rate of flow across the straight path AB shown
. in Fig. P6.2]. A
1.0 x, m

If.: 0
(a..) Li~,s fJ/ 6Pns/:t?lJ I: If ore str(1/1If}/Ii7es.
FOr- tf: 3;( 2; - 1 ~ tht! slre/lllllJ;'e
fX'ssinf thrDllfA 1h~ ()I'if,n (~:=~ !I=())
has &t. vpl,,~ cf=o, Tfltl~ -the
If=o X
e$tlat-ldJl1 .{()Y fHl!.. S-f"flll11/iIlPS ihmllfk
1he ()f' 1 9In I~
() :: ax z!J _ 'j3

j= zv3x
4- ~fel:c"h ()f these sfrellm/Jl1e.s 15 sJU)Wi1 il1 1Jfe ;;jllr~,

( b)
,4 t 13 .x. = (») ':1:: I MI .so tha..t
lfs :: B(o) ~/) - (1)3 = - I Mf~/s (per tlnd WJdtA)

3(1)'(0) - (0) 3 -- 6


The. ne1al-l~(' sI9n l~d,C4k.s inll';' the Iltjw /s IT()I'YJ

rl ,h t .f.o Jett QS We /fPtJK ./rpm A Ie E

~.23 I
6.23 The streamlines in a certain incompres-
sible, two-dimensional flow field are all concentric
circles so that v, = O. Determine the stream func-
tion for(a) Vo = Ar and for (b) Vo = A,-l, where
A is a constant.

Prd)m "the. de-h/1;fltPll 0/ -the .5.fr~(Jm knc.t'()'11 )

~= y Je
.J..a v-:(;; -= - ~
So/hilt tt)/f1t ;f '/:'//t)tuS 1/.~-t ~ :::'0

and 1l1prej,,,.e
~ = f(r)
(A) ht ~ = A;-
dlf :-Ar ( I )
EIl1) with 1'I'.s/,ct t:. l-

fd", = -jArdY
'f = - A: '2. + ~ (~)

JIoweVf') .sill~e (jl is 1/6t A. htl1C.i./()1I lJl &1 It- ,t; //"U/.! thL t
t.f = - t!f2. f C
Where. C I~ tin Qrbifral''1 Uf1sMl"rl:,
Cb) SJfn"/tlY'i':J) -k.,. ~ = A- y-I
fdtf- == - fA-r-'dr
tf = - A 1/1 Y +C

6.24-* The stream function for an incompres-
sible, two-dimensional flow field is
'II = 3x 2y + y
For this flow field plot several streamlines.

The 12.~ ua.:tltJlJ Icy a ~.frellm/il1~ ,:S -h,fll1d'/''1 ~fh~ tjJ =~lJsizJl/i
/n ffJe ejua.f::lon -Idr 1JIe offlllllll -func.t:j~l1. Thusl lew -t11e
9/11el1 ~fre/l111 ./uHtittJ#
Lf = 3i y +-b
/ I:: ~ 11t)u)J inai t1Je. eStJd..tl(f)JJ c I

'j= 1 + 3x"2
kJh-ere VIIY'I()/,LS Ct;IJ,st:""t 11r,III'.s erNI be Q~.sJ1 ned Iv If-;
+0 t)hto/" fbm,'/.!t "f ,jrrf'lIm//lJes.. I-J- Py",NIn?
tl {" yo cq Jc" 14. 1:, ~
-rhe XI '1 eoord/n;ks ,,{ 1/'4Y'1(;~ Sfreqm/;d/ZS "?;//f)II/S

-':'00 cls
110 print "****************************************************"
120 print "** This program calculates the X,y poin+.s for **"
130 print "** various streamlines **"
150 print "****************************************************"
160 print
162 dim y(4,)
165 print "x y(Psi=l) y(Psi=2) y(Psi==3) y(Psi=4-)"
170 for x=-10 to 10
180 for psi=l to 4-
190 y(psi)=psi/(1+3*x 2) R

200 next psi

210 print using "###.# ###.#### ###.#### ###.#### ###.####";x,y(1) ,y(
2) ,y(3) ,y(4,)
220 next x

( C&>I'/t )
Tabu/alea res", Its -h'l' if = /; 21 ~ If ol1d a... fltrt .sh"uJ/~" the
..:51-f"ell/l1I1~~ 4J1'~ 71?-t'11 ..6tluw.


:7: ylPsi=l) y(Psi=2) y(Psi=3) y(Psi=L,.\

-5.0 0.0132 0.0263 0.0395 0.0526
-L,..5 0.0162 0.032L,. 0.0L,.86 0.06L,.8
-4.0 0.020L,. 0.0L,.08 0.0612 0.0816
-3.5 0.0265 0.0530 0.079:) 0.1060
-:3.0 0.0357 0.0714 0.1071 0.1~29
-2.:'- 0.0506 0.1013 0.1519 0.202:)
-2.0 0.0769 0.1538 0.2308 0.3077
-1. 5 0.1290 0.2581 0.3871 0.5161
-1.0 0.2500 0.5000 0.7500 1.0000
-0.5 0.571~ 1.1~29 1. 71~3 2.2857
0.0 1. 0000 2.0000 3.0000 ~.OOOO
0.5 0.571~ 1.1429 1.71L,.3 2.2857
1.0 0.2:;,00 0.5000 0.7500 1.0000
1.5 0.1290 0.2581 0.3871 0.5161
2.0 0.0769 0.1538 0.2308 0.3077
2.5 0.0506 0.1013 0.1:)19 0.2025
:'. a 0.0357 0.071~ 0.1071 0.1~29
3.5 0.0265 0.0530 0.0795 0.1060
0.020~ 0.0~08 0.0612
Lj,. '- 0.0816
~. :' 0.0162 0.0324 0.0~86 O.06~8
:).0 0.0132 0.0263 0.0395 0.0526

" 6 Ps1-2
4 • • Ps1-3
~---+I Ps1-4

-1L-~ __ ~~~ ____ ~ __ ~ __ ~~~ __ ~~~ ____ ~ ______ ~

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
6.25* The stream function for an incompres-
sible, two-dimensional flow field is
'I' = 2r l sin 38
For this flow field plot several streamlines for
o ~ (J ~ n13.

Tile e$u ..b~n ;;" . <t st,~qm/;;'e "' HII"d b!l sellin.!
/n t'he "illlt&t''' .,4:>1' 111e sfr~"m Alndlc" . TflIIs~
'lIven sfrfl1lJ1 Itt/utt;,,,
2;-30$';" 3~
It 1<> //(lI<IS file fft"ai:IOI1 cf ... . strellm/lli., IJ

r=//f )~
(Z ~i. 3 B
where VPrt"ll.5 t"",f,,,,i VII/lies be I/J5/fjlled-lt,
1-0 obb"j., a ibm//!! ()r shwm/Jites. ;1- ~r()Jrqm ,I"()I"
epic/daMI)' f"lJe ",.!J
~"rp;,~ks (t./;'"re JC=yc~se
'j= /-5 /"19) o-f yarlt'UJ sftepm//II~ ~//ows .

100 cls
110 print " ~* '~***~*********************************************',
1 20 pri nt " -..>1' This program ca lcu lates the x .y po ints for **"
1 30 print "** various streamlines **"
150 print "~****** *** **************************************** ** "
160 print
162 dim psi(4). , :C4J,y(4)
161.1 print" Psi"'1 Psi =5 Psi=10 P si;20 "
165 prin~" x y x y x y x y"
166 pi=l.I*at n( l.O)
1 67 date 1 . 5.1 0 .2 0
168 fo!:' i=1 t o 4
1 69 rea d psi(i)
1 70 n ext i
1 75 fo r theta=pi / l 80 t o 59 *pi/ l SO step Pi/45
180 for i""1 to J,.
18 2 r"'(psi(il/(2*sin(3 *thetaJ))-(1/3)
185 x ( i J"' r* cos (theta J
190 y Ci)=r*sinltheta l
200 n ext i
210 print u si ns " 1t.UIt M.UM II.UM *,UII II.UIt it,UM II.UII It.UIt" :
x( 1 ) .y( 1) ,x C2) , y(2) , x (3 ) ,y ( 3 ) .x ( 4 ) ,y(t... )
220 next theta
( C{)t1 '-L )

Tab,,/a.f(d Y-l'.sllih ~r If ::: I; S; /~ 2CJ

The ~ fl'"ellm/J;je,.s Cire 9 1tifJJ bellJw.

** This program cal culates the x, y point~o foy *)f'
** various streamlines **
Psi=l Psi=5 Psi=10 Psi=20
x y x y x y x y
2.122 0.037 3.628 0.063 /,),.571 0.080 5.759 0.101
1.2/,),1 0.109 2.122 0.186 2.673 O.23/')' 3.368 0.29::
1.020 0.162 1. 744 0.276 2.197 0.348 2.769 0.439
0.902 0.208 1.543 0.356 1.9/,),4 0.4/,),9 2.450 0.566
0.826 0.252 1. 412 0.432 1. 779 0.544 2.241 0.685
0.770 0.296 1.317 0.505 1.659 0.637 2.090 0.802
0.728 0.339 1.244 0.580 1. 568 0.731 1. 975 0.921
0.695 0.385 1.188 0.658 1.496 0.829 1.885 1.04:)
0.668 0./,),34 1.143 0.742 1. 440 0.935 1.814 1.178
0.649 0.489 1.109 0.836 1.397 1.053 1.760 1.327
0.635 0.552 1. 086 0.944 1. 368 1.190 1. 724 1.499
0.630 0.630 1.077 1. 077 1. 357 1.357 1.710 1.710
0.638 0.734 1.090 1.254 1. 374 1. 580 1. 731 1.991
0.672 0.892 1.150 1. 526 1. 449 1.923 1.825 2.422
0.802 1. 235 1. 372 2.112 1.728 2.662 2.178 3.353

0 oPsi=1
0 a Ps i=5
4 ~ l>Psi=10
0 e> Ps 1=20

-1~~~~ __~~~__~~~~__~~~~__~~~__~~~~__~~~
o 1 2 3 4 5 6
6.2~ A two-dimensional flow field for a non- y
viscous, incompressible fluid is described by the
velocity components
u = Vo + 2y
v =0
where Vo is a constant. If the pressure at the origin
(Fig. P6.2') is Po, determine an expression for the A(1,O)
pressure at (a) point A, and (b) point B. Explain
clearly how you obtained your answer. Assume
Po x

the units are consistent and body forces may be FIGURE P6.2~

Chec.K ~ ;U. ;'{ ,?'/()uJ is Ir'r~t(J.:I:r()~A/. 5 1Y1 c'e

W ::.J.. (!.Jt' _ d LI ) ( /3"'.~.I2.)
2: J- ~;(. ~ b

an d lor fne rive" (le/~ctf'J c!tSfrlbU.bl()#.J ~::::.{) 1111# j~ =Z I

; f fr; II ~W.J thfi I- tU~:j:. O. Sinee I/~w i.5 nat / 'rr()ta it{;;14/
CLJl1noi ().ffJ/'1 the. i3ernou.lli .f!gU(:I:I~1I bet.Wtel1 an3 fw{) poi n 1s
In the. f/()w lie/d.
(a)5/I1~e 1/=0, 1"he ~Y'19;11 and p()/ni A t'/Y'e {)IJ the
5.a me. .5 frelJln //"e.. Th us)
..po "t- ~ 2, = -P14 (I)
;r :L~ 4'
At the Dr;'r1n
f.r~m E~. 0)
(.b) ~/ ~ t 15 Ij /Jot ~11 St'lh1e ~rrY?II/'11j/lle as tJJ"/9In ~o
aff)::; Ber/')tJul// e!"lLt'~# betw~el1 13 pnd tJ. 10
Use the '1- wm~J1ent ~ Gu.lfY'; .e~tlA,t:'tJl1'):
L) ~ -!...! = -<J
r- (f!J
u Jlf 7/)tr
; ':J r
. ,.
fAY Jtr)
pX + ; 'J l' ) t J
1fJ =0 )


c,- 2'1
, ~,l7 J
b.Zl In a certain two-dimensional flow field the velocity is
constant with components u = -4 ft/s and u = - 2 l'tis.
Determine the corresponding stream function and velocity po-
tential for this flow field. Sketch the equipotential line 4J = 0
which passes through the origin of the coordinate system.

k= *
"" -t11e lie /"Clf-rt t~I7If'J"flfh J/vell
~ =-i{-
~ _ '7
{2 J
J;< - .(,..
£'1' (;) /AI;rh Yt'5f~Gt ti, b +0 OhtrUh
jd If ::- f- 1/ d!1 7- ~ (,-)
If =- If ~ -(- +; (x) ( .3 )

iI/feJr4i:e e1. (Z) /AJ i fh res/ni. .Jo)( .j." "b1711 h

fd'l .: I Z d;l. + .{ (!J)

If = Z X. -r I&. (j )
Th U5) -h Sa I: I'S 1'1 /;ith £s s, (3) a 11 d (If)

If,: 2;( -Lf!J -f-C

wher'e C IS till flrbi 1rtJY.!J ~51:t;I1i.
tf(J)H1 1he deli'''t'.f'47;' 0./ the lIe/()cif!J ffJ-/;tlfhQj
fA.. '= @j
v= II
00 fh~t /r;, the lIe/f)CI'nj Mf11POflfttt.s 'lIve fI
=: - 4- (5")

!.-4> = - z (~)


In.f-e frio k E ~ . (5 ) (,IJ /tn '('eoSfe t f.j.y, x .f,; 0 /,f//I it

fd4 = f- ~dx + ~(!J)
~ ::- - It-x t !ar!J) ( 7)

k+efYllk 13;, (It,) w/h re5fee..i b J -k aj,.j",;,

fdp = J-z d:; -t 1Ij.(~)
9:: - 2.) -r 4('1.)
Thus) -k 'Sa f:/'5.f!:t b()P, E$ S, (7 J tlJtti {a)

t.Jhfte C l:S (1;1 aY'blfr'4Y; ~slo!1i.

jJl1C.e, ihe .e!lIlfp,LPHf,q/ 11I1e) rI~a) flfs.se.5 1hr()1I9h Pte

()r"91i1 ()C:.y=o)) ihel1 C.:::. 0 ;'it E"f,fr) So 7hlff -file
e1litt1n~H ()f 71t( ¢;:::o egfJ'Jeftlff'4/ /111' IS
2 fJ =: - 'Ix.

C:..Zg I
6. 2. ~ The velocity potential for a given two-
dimensional flow field is
¢ = (!)x 3 - 5X."2
Show that the continuity equation is satisfied and
determine the corresponding stream function.

to sai:ls/!1 fhe ~"-t/I1,,,if!:1 ~ 0UIL t/(~i1 )

~ -r ~ =0
fi,y -t;,e- ?/~t'1'I tle/~c,'..fy f'ctel1tJdil.;

u= ~ = (3)({))C2.- S !JJ.. ~ Sx 2-5!:J2

- IOx.~

fA. =' ~ ::- S';{2. _ S"!:J l.
, P!J .
and I/'}I-e!rl/I'h~ With re.s'pe~i.f() ~ 9Jlle.J

//11- : if 5";( "-- 5'!/ ) d!1

~ =- S (x1 - }J) + !, ()f ) 0)

51m l 'Jar l, ) ...,,.. - _ JJ == - lOX w

v - ~X ..J

til'ltl Inff,rAitl);' wi"tl, re.s;evt to x. q J i/e..s

If::: 5';( 2!:J 7- -f;z. (!J) ( <)

10 sa-t-';/!; both Ets, OJ qn~ (2),)

tf -- S x 2!J - f. :J 3 -f C
6. z'i Determine the stream function corre-
sponding to the velocity potential
¢ = x3 - 3xi
Sketch the streamline If! = 0, which passes through
the origin.

fA.. = q.J: :: ~ ¢; =- 3X 2_ 3!:J ~

J'j ox
Zn let "" it! tV I n, (,PS/~C.:I; -h !1 -t() tJb';"1;-;
!d fr I.f : 3;1.2- 3fj 1..) dJ

..5!;"';/lIr0 J

1/.- - ij:
~ ~!j
'J.J. = - Iex!:J
and 1~I-e'lrAfllJ', with Y'eJ/Pc,t 1:. x. f1/~'/ds
jd If ::- fix!! d;(
If -= 3x 2!/ t !;.fjJ
To 'stl.ti.sfJ h(!)"/h GiS' (I) 11114 (Z)

Lf:- 3 x"J. y _ :/3 + {'

wheY'e C t.s 4h tlY'bilrlfll"fJ et)lIsi7Il1t. '51;'C~ -the ~+re4m/;l1e 0=0
passes 1hr~tlfh 1J1e. Drlflit (x.:=())y::o) t"t 1:,/I~tUS th~t- C=o qi?~
tf= 3;(':; -!:f (3)

The. -e~uQ,bol1 0/ the stream line

p(J..sS/n~ tnrotA.:Jh the ()Y'lgl;' I~ /o/.{l1d b'.t r=c
5f!H;'n:; If=o IH £~.r3) -1-0

,4 ske icJ, ~I ilJe If =0 sfrellm);I/(;S
4/'e ~hotVl1 IH -the lijwye..

630 A certain flow field is described by the stream func-
r/J = A (J + B r sin (J
where A and B are positive constants. Determine the corre-
sponding velocity potential and locate any stagnation points in
this flow field.

1h - .!. Jtf - d ¢ -
r- r;n;--;n:,- .er + IS ~S e
:t"'nkJrai:e. Win, rf'.s~",f ~ ~ ~ ~bl-olj,
fl ~ f 1-t 8 ~.s(?) dr
tf ~ A /11 r t B yo ~.s ~ -t- ~ (~) (2)

S/mj'JAr/~ )
;<J r' _ _
VI? -
J If _ .J. ~ ¢
Tr - ;. ~
= - B 51 n8
aH~ (
f; ~ =- ) 8 r- ~in l} d ()
tj:; /3 J- ~s~ + t; 0-) (If )

To ~a,i-'s.f!j bO in E JS. {2) tt H PI. {If}

tf : - ;.J. / n r + B r- et;s e +C
fA)hey~ C /~ tin arb/.fr~Y.!:J ~nsi:(JI1I-.

51:a.'I14./:"18/~ ~/;,-h 6CC.~~ U)"er~ Vj.:;() al1ll ~.:o .

PrtP/11 ~r. (3) ~=-o IJ..-t: G:o a~",< () =-rr. t=r~1?1
~!. (/) wi'fh 9=0
1). = -$ 1- /j
A /1 •
So thlJ,i 7J;. : 0 h>r' r =: -"8 . /'1TJ£l.}ev~v.; ~/11"! A- 411d []
t:(t'<l.. b~Th p",joh,i.e, ~".$'frlYJ -Is "n1l~ Yes,,/-/:. il1d,ca.1-e.s a..
fie!},,+-, v~ va/"e ~I' r 1AJ/11i.J, /oS I'}()t de fined.
Ii- -t t9:; 7T
17f,. =1 + e
~o -thAt ry.. .: : 0
sIT;..111 Ai-T~JI f¥'llit o (!C UY$ a,t;
e==-lT aHA r="Jj
~, 31
6.3 r It is known that the velocity distribution
for two-dimensional flow of a viscous fluid be-
tween wide parallel plates (Fig. P6.3 \) is para-
bolic; that is

with v = O. Determinoe, if possible;o'the corre-
sponding stream function and velocity potential.
- - -- -

To d e-t-ernll;,e -!he sireQI>1 hnc/.JoJ1 let

~=~ = [{ [I-(t)~]
an'; 111/efrg.fe WIn, YIZSf~C.1: .fv.!:f 1-0

fdY! :: f~[,-{t)jd,
If = 0; [ :J - 3~: ] f J; (;( )
7/= -
J'f =a ) I.f Ij net A. I'UJ1c. t-/O~ /t).{ X f /t) -/hit t
[{!1 [1- ; (-/)Y+ c
where C /s an ar/n.ftor!:1 6!JJ1stal1t.
Tc de.termJYJe. ihe /I~/tXrl"!:J ,()ifJ1-/;/~/ let:
fA. = ~f ::
7{ [I - ({) 6)
I~ief"..tlie wi f1t Y'e~fect -/;0 x 1:0 ob-l:(lil1

PI J = 7:{ [, - (%f-) d;<

1 == L{ [;< - £i)6;e] + i. t )
~,..- or/; -
v - d!J -
0 -
_.2D(X!1 + Jo-fz(.!J}
h'J. dJ

.x. tlnd~. Thus) "there 15 not q ve/oc./"ft1 ,Poi:.ent/q/ 17111"/:

desct"lues fl1/j -'c/otd (" 17te .fl()w IS /J(Ji l'rrc;ill..-btJnql) .

6.32, The velocity potential for a certain inviscid flow field
cP = - (3.ry - l)
where cP has the units of ft / s when x and yare in feet. Deter-
mine the pressure difference (in psi) between the points (1, 2)
and (4, 4), where the coordinates are in feet, if the fluid is water
and elevation changes are negligible.

5/;' Cf!. 1n~ 111)4.1 -/ie /4 1..5 de.sC!·j but by A. I/e/{J"-fr; pot:ellt';'/ -fhe /I'H~-
is /'r ro &a. t-II)H (J 1 01'1 d '111 ~ 13~".n~"//i -eJ/,la..t,tD~ ~11 be appl,;d beiweei1
tin (j .fwo pDlni:s. lit", s"
= OJ

0 t/J
fA..':: P;t. : -" x. ..J'"

At )(.= / -I-i I 'J = 2 /-i:

U = - ~ {, )(2.) = -/2.f:t:
I s
'V'"r :: - 3 (I) 2+ 3 (t) '3..:. '1~

00 thll.. i:: V;"2..: 4/'''' 'Pi 2.::: (-/2 1) z.. T('f +: ) =

2.. 2- Z£"(7) 2.

A- t x =- ¥ ft J 'J:::' if ft
U2,= -b{If){Lf) =- - ft:. £:#
1-i :: -3(tf)4-r 3{JI)'l.=o

So 1h4.i ~ 2..:" (_ f~ ~) ~

6.33 Consider the incompressible, two-di- y'

mensional flow of a nonviscous fluid between the

boundaries shown in Fig. P6.33. The velocity po-
tential for this flow field is
<p = x1 - y2
(a) Determine the corresponding stream func-
tion. (b) What is the relationship between the
discharge. q. (per unit width normal to plane of
paper) passing between the walls and the coor-
dinates Xf' Yf of any point on the curved wall?

Neglect body forces. x


To qet.errm·"e tf 1~t-e1rll k (# /h re.sfu,.1: .;.. !J .;.. ob-blIH

fd tf = p.)( d!:J

'f:: Z.x!J + "Ix) (I)

SIMi/III" /'1.1 J If _ ~$
'1r~ - ~ - o!J -;: - Z ':J
So thAt
Jd if:- !Z!:J dx
If == 2..x.!J + h l j ) (2 I

To sa./;i.si!;t 6"th E$s. (/) '1111/ 11..)

tf=:LXj+ C
where ~ IS tln ArlJilrl'lf'fj ttf)II-f-/:qHt. S,nt.e tf=O a/"nJ !f=O

C :: 0 tll1e{
if =- Z)C'.:J (3)

C.b) The dischaY'~e) b)

pqssin9 1hrf)U94 tll1fj stlr~ce
the +WD UlQlls) stich as .48 (see nfllre) I /:S

t~ ~ - 911
F1 .l3)) ~ =0
6.3 Lf The stream function for a two-dimensional, nonvis-
cous, incompressible flow field is given by the expression
!/J = -2(x - y)
where the stream function has the units of ft 2 / s with x and y in .
feet. (a) Is the continuity equation satisfied? (b) Is the flow field
irrotational? If so, determine the corresponding velocity poten-
tial. (c) Determine the pressure gradient in the horizontal x di-
rection at the point x = 2 ft, Y = 2 ft.

(a..> -r; sa.t/s 4 ,.;ne C{)n II i,," fl1 eSti a.-/;I rd I'J)
J fA -t- a.J!' =- 0
p.JC. Ii !1
iJJe :5l-rellh1 knc.-tI4Jn 91,;~n)

u= qJf
P!j -- 2- fr
v-= -l!t
=2 .It:

anc/ 7Jte ~111"/~tJ/';'!1 elulJ.i/~J1 1.5 's4tls/;ed. Yes.

( fl/ofe: 0J,e" ~ //(')w .field /5 dt:-hht>d h!:J A .sfretlm IUnc.t:I()·J!
-the ~l'1il;'u/-f!J egua.iliJ;t /,$ (lIWtHIS /del7l-lc~,;1.:t .saill;·//ed.)

(h) S/~{~

(/11" ~fA ;;tr

- '='0 a;<. .:: CJ
; t- 4//aws 1hat CJJ = a Clnd the .(/()(,U -hidcl 15 iY'r~ia-ti()1f4/. Yes,
~ =

tA-= 04 = 2-

Clnd 'l1'.fefr4t:,olJ !f / idcb

¢ =2{x + !J)+ C
CJhere C /s an "Y'bl.fran;j C/Pl?si:"d.
(c) Wi1n the .x - a;(t'~ h~Y;1/)11"~ /) d~ = 0 J a nv(
- ~ -= /J (IA. 0'" T v- ~ )
lJ;<: (~ J';('''~ 11
anll a.i: X= 2. ~t:) , =2.+-1; ~f = ~ [z ~r (0) T- 2 ~t- (0)J
c;,. 35" I
6.35 In a certain steady, two-dimensional flow at the origin the velocity is zero. (8) Determine
field the fluid may be assumed to be ideal and the y component of velocity so that the continuity
the weight of the fluid (specific weight = 50 equation is satisfied. (b) Can the difference in
Ib/ft 3 ) is the only body force. The x component pressures between the points x = 1 ft, y = 1 ft
of velocity is known to be u = 6x which gives and x = 1 ft, y = 4 ft be determined from the
the velocity in ftls when x is measured in feet, Bernoulli equation? If so, determine the value in
and the y component of velocity is known to be Ib/ft2. If not, explain why not.
a function of only y. The y axis is vertical, and

( a.) To sa iisly the (!t),rl:,~tljf!J eglla 1:U)# )

Ju. ocr_t:)
~x T ~ -
17 u ::: ~ it .t~ / /{)141.$ 71111 i
J~ = -t,
(!q11 bi! /J,.J.efrAfe,f w~1h re.ste~t t:~ !J -Ie :J"eJ~
1/= - ~J + ~ (;()
Since 11" IS I7tJt a. HtIfCi:.If!i" ,,( x Rnd JJ ~er() at The. OrJif/ H )
-rr=-6 ':J
,.b) The I3frn"u.JJi Rgu4f/oJt Ct/n he QPpJ/~~ hel:wten 4"!J +Wo POln+':'
/f -I-h e ·f--/"w l.s J yo /"'(') i It i:t011" J. :s JJ''lCe..
t.v=J.(~V-_~) (Eq.h,JZ)
i- :2.. Jx " 'j ()

( 2)
6.3~ The velocity potential for a certain inviscid, incom-
pressible flow field is given by the equation
4J = 2x 2y - (ih,3
where 4J has the units of m 2 js when x and yare in meters.
Detennine the pressure at the point x = 2 m, y = 2 m if the
pressure at x = 1 m, y = 1 m is 200 kPa. Elevation changes
can be neglected and the fluid is water.

SinCe 1h~ ,fJ{)w i..s I;Y'() -64. 61f)ila J)

.p, Yj2. .fJ2. .,. \{.2..
-J- + - :: -r '-}
(Pith )'~it11 II; J 'J J ve J1 J

~c$ 7. 'Z.
~:: Z;{ -2!J

Ai fDI;' f / Ie t )(. =. I h7I (:oul

!J =. 11m
~() tn,i
tf~ v-:I :- ~ (I) 3. - :2.. (J)z = 0
u.. I -- If (1)(1) '::

CI n cI
2..::- ('I ~ ),. ::
" - /1112..
$ '&

f()/~ t :2
IA :: J.f (z)(z.) -

-s . . .

(/" p)~ -

::. &'0. I ~ Pa..

6.37 (a) Determine the velocity potential and the stream
function for a steady, uniform, incompressible, inviscid, two-
dimensional flow that makes an angle of 300 with the horizon-
tal x-axis. (b) Detennine an expression for the pressure gradi-
ent in the vertical y direction. What is the physical interpretation
of this result?

(ct,) Pr'l?7 1::$5_ (,..80 anol /'.8/

tf ::- C/ (.>< t4sol. -+-:J :s I;' 01..) (!='J. ~, 36)
(iI/Pi ~r ot.::: 30"
tf = 0- (;< OJS1o" + ~ S/11300) ~ V-(~,8'b;( + ~.5'h~!1)
Sin" /111' /!j I
tf = v (!f U;sd - x. sin~) (Ef. ,,80
t/ h a. fpr 0(.:; ;-" c
If '" v ('J ~j JiJ'- >< J /" :11/) .. l/ (~. ffU,J - O. S()(),( )

(bJ SJ~'{'
U. :: l:; cfi t'lt11l 1,r..:: ~
, ~ ~'::J
If ~11~tI)J 1nd
V-:::. ~. 5"00 r;-
1A.::~.f"V- Cll'ttl

p:;,.f)I?J itt e t=IA fev -R. ~ tl.1L -tJix I ~ "the IIfr1-/CA. J .!J - d I y~dtolt
1) t:1 - £.1 -:: I[) (0dtIT+ u ~Jr -r V- e.r + JAr E) (£='9, '.Slb)
( if ~ J~ 4~.x P!1 dr 6

anI! hi I in 1r:=' &;115.fz1l, t Clud #1):: - ~

*~ -tJ

/fJJ~ 'r'f1jI.(JI:: /Yld,C4.J.e.s jh4/- 1he pres.suve dJshi hU.J-,D~ 1.5

h'1d"~s-taI-(G ,Th/~ I~ nDi ~ ~l1r/,Y/$ln, Vt'.5u/-I: .sInce.
-tJ, ~ ~ frn~/,( II; e$ U¢I-/~11 Inti, c.al-e..s ~ f II- 1Ittrt.. loS
no ehfll1'1e. 111 Vc. J~'-/:;'.!::J 1h~ eltlll-1pt' 111 pv-e.fS"Y~ Ii
Slmpl 'J ~jtl e ..fa */he. We 19h f of fh(. ,fluId.; L: Po) a..
h fj d rt>.sta..J.ti. v4 y, a. 1-tt> n'
6. '38 The streamlines for an incompressible,
inviscid, two-dimensional flow field are all con-
centric circles and the velocity varies directly with
the distance from the common center of the
streamlines; that is
Vo =
where K is a constant. (a) For this rotational flow
determine, if possible, the stream function. (b)
Can the pressure difference between the origin
and any other point be determined from the Ber-
noulli equation? Explain.

(a) _ J If =k
~= 17","

En.f-e? ra te 1£,.lI} w/1h re.sfec.t.

/dt{; - for :- dr
1<: r"
if :: - ;z. -r fIe)

Sinct:. _ ( ~ If
11 - ? u; =0

/t Iol/()ws 1ha:t t.p J.5 ntJ1.. a. fu 11 C. t /tJJ1 ()I a a;,d 1heye~ye.

- J<;-6. +c
wher-e C
IS an
"" +
arb " va. V:J Cton S1:411 t .

(j,) The Ilew Js l"()ta..tl()~IIJ ohd Therefore fne 13erl1t/uJJi

e~ U~&/DI1 o..pp);'ed betWteh --the.. oY/~/i1 a h d
CA nt10t be
q 11 ~ pOInt J SI h ce These fo/nb QV€ }1{Yt 6)J1 The
Same ~fr"etlm //l1e. Nt).
(I?e.fer 1-0 d'SCtI$S'DI1 t'fS.sOCICl·l:t-tI tu/fh der/~IJ.I:I~·h
olE; Z. it>. ~7. )
'.31 I
6. 39 The velocity potential
¢ = -k(x 2 - y2) (k = constant)
may be used to represent the flow against an in-
finite plane boundary as illustrated in Fig. P6.~t
For flow in the vicinity of a stagnation point it is
frequently assumed that the pressure gradient
along the surface is of the form
ap = Ax .. _._---- ---_.-
ax FIGURE P6. ~9
where A is a constant. Use the given velocity'
potential to show that this is true.

Fe>y the II e /() c. /-J.!J poi:en.f,Q J 7' ve fJ

~cP u)
LA.. ==
a;. - -2.~)!.
11"::- -~b =- 2. '" !:J

Clnc! tne. S~JtJA.ft~11 pt!),~i () CCtlrs at the ~r'.j In

;:';y 'this -6fea , ':J.- 1-kJO - dlmt/l.s/~II/ /It;w

a~ =-t (IA, 1))<
~ 1" r~)
tJ !:J
(£:. ~>/o.)
Qnq (lIon? -the. SUyfac.e. (:;=.o) v-= () So 1J,a. i

?l. : /JU ~ (..3 )

1J.x. I dX.
t-;..t)m E1. U ) u ': - Z--k:X.

au.: -z/{
qnP( Gg . (3) beu;me.s

~ :: fi) (- Z Ie)/ ) r- z~) - IfJe G,x


'.'fO Water flows through a two-dimensional diffuser hav-
ing a 20° expansion angle as shown in Fig. P6.40. Assume that
the flow in the diffuser can be treated as a radial flow emanating ~\
from a source at the origin O. (a) If the velocity at the entrance 2m
is 20 m/ s, determine an expression for the pressure gradient
,. ~

along the diffuser walls. (b) What is the pressure rise between o -~~
the entrance and exit?
7m .

(Sf'e Ta'ie ,. J )

11 =2.0 ~~ 5(> "/hILi:

1??'1 -= 2. rr y. 7rj,.:: 2. rr ("2. hH) (2t!; ?)
Pr~i'Yl /he. /3fYI/~ul/,' ~ lJ.4.;/:J()·}1
-p -+ it 1"';-"2.. = ~(Pl1slr1l1t:.
~ = -~ v;. ~ tJ;.
"y I ~r

'\ ., ,..,.,.", -1-1. 0 v;. ==

JJnc.e VI'":; ~1T'Y Inel1 ~ Y'
6.4 I An idealfliilcffiows betweenthe-inciined "

walls of a two-dimensional channel into a sink

located at the origin (Fig. P6.41). The velocity
potential for this flow field is
¢ = -In'
where m is a constant. (8) Determine the cor-
responding stream function. Note that the value
of the stream function along the wall OA is zero. x
(b) Determine the equation of the streamline o
passing through the point B, located at x = 1, FIGURE P6.4\
Y = 4.

(et) ( I )

r n fe~ t"rt .J.e. ~g ./1) w/fh r-e.s/ec.t: to ~ Ir, ~6io/11

fe/if = f ~ it;
/t11~ + ~ f;")
if= -27T
5/ nee.
-~ - -I
qj = 0 (1. )

Pi'" t- oB
Lf is n()i A tu nc.+;~/1 01 r- So eS .f'l) bectJl1Us
if:: ~
where C ~

J,j ~ ~I1SiP"t . If /~&) !p:=.o ;;'1' ~~ It


C = --

/jJ.: /1"n (~~ -- ) &:.
I (..3 )

( .b) At 8 I-tJ n ~:o;- So Pt II. i: ({) .:- /. :3 3 r d d . J:;.I!) /YJ ~ g .t 3 )

f11e I/Idw€ of tf Possil'1f -t;,Y~w'lh ih/5 ?(),hi 1.5
if ~ t?'n (1.33 - ~ ).:- D. ~1fS"olYl1
211 .
4,nd there~re fI1e eg(J~biJ,J1~.f 1he. sirellll1hlJe. plIsslnJ 1hrtJL(jh 13
IS (). 0 "SO 11'11 = /)?1 (~~ - i)

(fj/) Ie.' It CtlIJ be seefl /rom '&1. (3) 1htl.t fAt! ,;Irflllf1 lilJfS
tlY'e II/I ~"""'1I9I1t };heJ f'k~.sl'n~ 1hrlJtI&11 -!he "yiglit. )
6.42. It is suggested that the velocity potential
for the flow of an incompressible, nonviscous,
two-dimensional flow along the wall shown in Fig.
P6.4Z is
¢ = r~/3 cos !8
Is this a suitable velocity potential for flow along
the wall? Explain.

:tl this ;5 suifaJ,ie ~ -fiJe C/!)rre.sp()ndln~ tfJ must hAVe.

et et u;IIsT:t!l1i
I/o/we fI/on~ the 1U1/1/ (s/nce -the tvll/I tnust tt:)rl"'''~}'~l1d --h a sfr~A/IJ/i"e).
~ d¢ - If- ~
Vj --...Lr JB =- ;r;. - "3 r ~~.s"3 &
If (I)

:1:nk1t'Aie I:iS.tJ) w/tIJ reSfect 1:a B 10 ohtolH

jd if:: f .!j f-"~ c..S : e
If:: !- +£/.8 ,JIb ~B T ~ tr) (2)

:: - 3~ r ~.
o5J :t:. e

if = r -; .5;'1'3 : S + +;. (8) (3)

both E'Is, (2) an4 (.J)

If:: f 1f~ SIn : B + {
where C is an (/rb;~rlJr!1 e()nsbtllt.
A-JotJ? one se~b~n ~I fJu! wl//I; t) =0) Qnd tj;::: C. A-/()nf
1ne other set..-bo'n e::: V
a nil tp C. Th us) tp hils ~ =
c.~ n 5 1::11 n i va/we. a/f)!'''} ihe WtI/J and the 1/vel1 j)e/~c.;-h;
t~)'fe I'rh q, j Ct/n b.e used -k y~tYese" t f~~ a/tJ"1 the Will/. Yes.
ft" if.3 I
6.43 As illustrated in Fig. P6.43 a tornado can be approx-
imated by a free vortex of strength r for r > Ret where R, is
the radius of the core. Velocity measurements at points A and
B indicate that VA = 125 ft/s and VB = 60 ft/s. Determine the
distance from point A to the center of the tornado. Why can the
free vortex model not be used to approximate the tornado
throughout the flow field (r 2: O)? \ \ } fA
R x
\ ". . . - --- /
/ I ,"".. I
""...... //~
--- -,.,.,....

• FIGURE P6.43

Thus) ILl: fA )
~: /zt5" it )
Sf) ina i Ie =/zS' fA

a.-t (Po H that: /G:: 60;-/3

(:011( 13 ) ~: -:r ) ..50

Th ere /r:;re J

/ ZS' fiJ .::. Go 'B

"k - fA =/{)() l-i
/1- f~//t9IPJ ~t
J 2.5" 'A : : I> 0 (/~O + fA )
fA. ~ '11.3 It
7h e hee vorte.(. C/ln/Joi b~ tlsed .j." CljJpro,( i"'41:.e t<. /:or)'UIII'o
1nrou'lhoJl.t the /-ltJUJ .fle/d Since at:- r=o The
t/e/o~ifrt b~~me5 /;'f;';,/fe.
6.44 The velocity distribution in a horizontal, two-dimen-
sional bend through which an ideal fluid flows can be approx-
imated with a free vortex as shown in Fig. P6.44-. Show how
the discharge (per unit width normal to plane of paper) through
the channel can be expressed as

q = cJ¥- (1 = 0.5 m
where Ap = PB - PA' Determine the value of the constant C b = 0.9 m
for the bend dimensions given.


1< k
~A = a:. ~S: 7:
fh e. 13fl'o/)~f,t / It; eba fi" -6u:;'n

1~ .,. ~; = P13 +- -ve.e

~ 2..~ d- 2-J.

~ ±t (~A" - 7Ijg8'- ) = ;;; I("l. ( (J.I,.

or 7-
1<. ::
.111 .J!.

Thus )

tJp= -1t (~ -f: )1- ( ;~ - i~)


t -- (.tL -.b
;;; - i~ ') % iff
Clncl 1he~eh"~

t ::
V2 jn
rY J,
~ VTh tJ,'1
c= =- ~,S"oo m'I

r~ -- I
V(ft; . .), - - /
{o, ~",,/"

6.45" When water discharges from a tank through an
opening in its bottom, a vortex may form with a curved sur-
face profile as shown in Fig. P6.4S' and Video V6.2. Assume
that the velocity distribution in the vortex is the same as that
for a free vortex. At the same time the water is being dis-
charged from !he tanlc ~t point A it is desired to discharge a
small quantity of water through the pipe B. As the discharge
through A is increased, the strength of the vortex, as indi-
cated by its circulation, is increased. Determine the maxi-
mum strength that the vortex can have in order that no air
is sucked in at B. Express your answer in terms of the cir-
culation. Assume that the fluid level in the tank at a large
distance from the opening at A remains constant and viscous
effects are negligible.
• FIG U REP 6 .4-S

,. b )


A-/r w/Jj be. _ J/ I

sUCJC.et ....L
/I1r;~ P'fe. ~ J h en
"'" 7.. ~
= - / -r-r:
f' 1 .fr, ". ;- =- 2 it .
/ hws)

Ir I = /01 -s
__ ~B

6 •. /fb The streamlines in a particular two-di-

mensional flow field are all concentric circles, as
shown in Fig. P6.1f{.. The velocity is given by the
equation VII = wr where w is the angular velocity
of the rotating mass of fluid. Determine the cir-
culation around .thep~~!!.~_~CD~ ____..._.....

r= Pri- d-;

- f ~ f j, df) + -v;. dl- +f~ adt; + Iv;. fli' (I)

A-13 /3, CD lJA

Sln~e 7/j. =0 4ntl ~= CUr J E~. U) be OJ) m e.s

tv d~ +0 +
fe, t<) a.. l. c/ e r{)
~I ~L

6.47 Water flows over a flat surface at 4 ftls as shown in

Fig. P6.47. A pump draws off water through a narrow slit at a
4 fils
~ ------------
volume rate of 0.1 fe /s per foot length of the slit. Assume that t H •
the fluid is incompressible and inviscid and can be represented
by the combination of a uniform flow and a sink. Locate the
stagnation point on the wall (point A) and determine the equa- -

tion for the stagnation streamline. How far above the surface,
H, must the fluid be so that it does not get sucked into the slit?
0.1 ttl/s
(per foot of length of slit)


t.f= t.f "'I)I ;;,f"In

7- If:sl~k. - Ur SIj,e- !!!e
Thu.5; JIp
?If :' '"F dCJ -
I m1
V CfJsB-

1/;= - ~tp - -US/~e
I) ~ Y" -

1I-/c)fJ? the willi ~:: 0 ) ClI1r/ the s.fa9IJAiltf)H p"J/1i (jcc('{I"S

wheY'{: 7/j. =0 J .so 1111 t ..f~m Beg. t'/.)
- -

t; ::

Ql1d the .Jta91J~t,ol} fo/ni IS pn the teJlII/ t!), 007'f~ +t.

-bo 1he f"lfl1t cl S//t.

( CfPl1 '-L )

t..47 I ( COl? 'i )

The (/Q/&1e c/ If Itt the. si:fltll1llitOJ1 f~,~i (r = ~.t)()7~~ It) e :'0°)

IS i.e,..o (E"'g.1) :so thAi the- e~t.iai:'4)H ~/ the cjk'1I1'1t/to~
sfr~t1mhi1~ i,s

Sinle y=- rSln

. (; 1he. .eJ Ii it. t/~1J 01 the. ~*,9/1I1-bP" sf"'~J1",J/1I e
can b£ W/I'I ffe 11 as
!:J= :::Va
P/u/e/ aboVethe. ;5i-dfn~I:'~11 sfrellml1l1e w;11 luJi b.( sucked 1~+lJ
.:5/' 't. Tlte tn4;(imlAm c/,~tt1h,e.1 HJ ~y -Inc sl-otf/llhd,,,, s-trel/mJIi1e
t;~Ctlr..s as c9 ~ 7T :s 0 ~ t
Z (If '{~)

(Noi~: AI/ th~ ./It//d be/f)W -tne s-lA9nl( ttDI1 s+f"ellml,;'e must
111r()tl 9h the. .s//t. Thus) f,."m t4J#S~rJ/4t'4JH ~I mASs
/-IV =- ,f-/()W ,,iii) ~ /;i
~, ~ 250 .ft

wh ic..A e-hec.k:.s WI'fh 71te. tll1swer a J,~lIe • )

"'.!.f8 Consider two sources having equal strengths located
along the x axis at x = 0 and x = 2 m, and a sink located on
the y axis at y = 2 m. Determine the magnitude and direction
of the fluid velocity at x = 5 m and y = 0 due to this combi-
nation if the flowrate from each of the sources is 0.5 m 3 / s per
m and the flowrate into the sink is 1.0 m 3 /s per m.


At pel~i. Pr IlI~H1 The )C.-tH.U A.~ j.,,:: SMA

Th( V e.\oc..; +-I:U dl.l" -h Th~ -two SOI4 VC.eJ
e:t~~ 11te !:I1~\c.. a.v( a.s ,G,llow.s:

SOuVce i
{VY1 } A= ::

= 0,5 "5
2lT (r- z"",) ?rr (S' IW\ -l""" J

FoY' The ~ i)\ 1<-

W hev( y-= ~'(2./M) "l.;{s3l- = ~ 2~ ;;.,.
(1r~ ) A -= 2..rY"
-i'hD.lt. "I.

C>.OZq~: ~
1.0 ~
(V-y ) A=
2iT 'rv:' 1M

Th~s, a.-i A n~ ht>,(,I'~t>",~J ve\oc.;~ ~VY\po)'\e . . tl (A.j \.~

LA.. -= 0.6\ S"'i ~+ 0.0"2.(05 ~ ~, (0. O"2.q~ ') ~
=- O.O\\f'i~
o.VI~ -tne ve v+ic~1 ve \Oc.~+1j ~YY\fo~e,,",i) 11", LS

v= V2q
2. (O.02.qt)C!:!
= O.Ol\O~.. ~

T~e V€.\ 0 c. \ +, (I..t A \~ nevety"~

VA: f Lt~-t1rl = ~ ( o. 0 \ 4-q ~'; 1.+ (0. 0 II 0 ~) 2-

O. olg5 ~ ~Lf-c

6. ~ 9 The velocity potential for a spiral vortex

flow is given by ¢ = (f/2n) (j - (rn/2n) In r.
where f and In areconstants. Show that the angle.
a, between the velocity vector and the radial di-
rection is constant throughout the flow field (see
Fig. P6.~n.

FIc;URE P6.1.f ~

HW me I/e /0'/"::1 p~ 1::e11 til:! I 'II IIf H J

'1=- ~d
:' ~
~ .".;- ~
r 0&or/> : -
I f7

V·e y = I VI

oord -1 "'\

V :- r;. er + ~ eB

-then ""
V· eJ- 7/;.
Cbs~: =
IVI Y1/j.1. -I- VB 1. 1

(..i2 ) 1-
( _ ; , . . . ) 1.

Th US) ;;, .,. a. rand angle 01. IS

a.. Ct; J1 st:a n t.

~.5"O I

6.50 For a free vortex (see Vidt'tI \'(1.2) determine an ex-

pression for the pressure gradient (a) along a streamline, and
(b) normal to a streamline. Assume the streamline is in a hor·
izontal plane. and express your answer in terms of the circu-

1r. " .L &lIP = 0

r r ~B

5,;',,,, fne .fy~~ 114r&" refre,fnH ,ql1 ';r"td'M"/ Ilow

..f-/d4 , -me I3fY'm~II; f?l''(L-t'o;,

1: + X.:
t i: = i!J11ls7:t1l1 f:. (j )

's /lei,#( ht.'!:w,-el1 an, -I:wo poi".b.

(a.) ,4/,1/1 u .ffru",I,Atf; (r-=- wnsf""i), ~ )j ~"sfq.1-
all'" 1).=0 $0 -tIIaf from £'3.(11 w,111
:z. i!,p/ls/-tt"f- .-In .. , press"" ,J C_:;h:lltf) I..'.e.)
': 0

"lretlml,i1~ wi'" 10- =0 ({nil t-= cpns1:J,.f

~ 2. + i: -= ~"s.Jq"",


6.51 Potential flow against a flat plate (Fig. the stagnation point at O. By adding a source of
P6.51 a) can be described with the stream function strength, m, at 0, stagnation point flow against
'1/ = Axy a flat plate with a "bump" is obtained as illus-
trated in Fig. P6.51 b. Determine the relationship
where A is a constant. This type of flow is com-
between the bump height, h, the constant, A; and
monly called a "stagnation point" flow since it
the source strength. m.
can be used to describe the flow in the vicinity of

[ X
(a) Source


lj;= A-x ~ ..,.. ITt;; -- A;z.. 28 + (!!J

/h1 }--lS/11

For 1J,e. bump the ~t:(l.1nlt tlOhpo,'"i will "cct/y Ai

.>G= 0) ~=/,. (B= ~) f-=-P..). FDy -the ~'L1e H o t.retlm Iu YlC- tl (11)
, J if qn
V;=?ae = A-r ~~ z.!I oJ.
:z.1T'r (' 1 )

v::: J/f
e - or-
- AI- :)111 2.8

Th e lOIn /;) B: r) r- =- t,) w/// be A .:;-t:a1I1tft f/~;, pOlni: Ir

v;.. =0 ~ /)''Ue v;;.::: a 0. i: -htJ~ jJo/n t:. Th us) Ir!Jm £'1. (J )

o ::: A h C"$ 7T +
'.52 I
6.5Z The combination of a unifonn flow and a source
can be used to describe flow around a streamlined body
called a half-body. (See Video V6.3.) Assume that a certain
body has the shape of a half-body with a thickness of 0.5 m.
If this body is placed in an air stream moving at 15 mis,
what source strength is required to simulate flow around the


wheye rn 15 Sf-renJth) (JHd iheve-/Cye
7.SCJ -S

6.53 A body having the general shape of a y

half-body is placed in a stream of fluid. At a great
distance upstream the velocity is U as shown in
Fig. P6.S3. Show how a measurement of the dif· --u

ferential pressure between the stagnation point

and point A can be used to predict the free-stream
velocity, U. Express the pressure differential in --
terms of U and fluid density. Neglect body forces
and assume that the fluid is nonviscous and in-

!3ernrJulh' esuQ,.fl{)~ bei:ween

A- ~ ()iPTxlI ;,

1;1:a.J = ~ 7" ~t ~ 2. (I)

It Is f» !=.>' )
\I.: 2. =' V 2. ( / + 2.- ~ e,,, s e + ;:2- (~'t. './01 )
It A If
b (7T-B) (E'g . tt..J()" )
05,-;., e
At P()/~t A e.:. JT
So 7h1J. t
b(rr-I) 7Tb
t:= :::-
A SliJ r-:z..

-'hb .: 2-
( :l )

5u. /:'51:: i tLl. t/(;11 IJ f [;b . (2) ,rl.f-c) E j. {,.. 10 J :flf feb

~ :2.: V- 7. ( / + 0 + =iz.)
Clnd 1n~yt krt! /rtJl11 J;g . (/)

-F]b.j = fA + it T/ 7.. ( / + :;... ) - ~ r tJ.7p3 t V '-

6.54 One end of a pond has a shoreline that resembles a
half-body as shown in Fig. P6.S4. A vertical porous pipe is lo-
cated near the end of the pond so that water can be pumped
out. When water is pumped at the rate of 0.08 m 3/s through a
3-m-long pipe, what will be the velocity at point A? Hint: Con-
sider the flow inside a half-body. (See Video V6.3.)

15 m----J

lud.f -Io(!)d~ )
tf -= V- r-SJh B "f" (l2g. (p, 97)

.::50 -that.
VB =- JI- ::: V .51j"B
dfj; 77 &;S e .,. . ~
'1/.'= 1..
l- I" ae - :::

Thus 41: /
p~J;' t A I
/-.:: IS'_ q,,~

l..-B .:: 0

r ~: V+
1/:.= ( /)

!=or 4\ f/()w ra te /OI'JJ f Ipe ) the.

Sou rc e ~ /-reng'/h J~

(I:g. '.99)

V= -- (P.37 xl/)
-It M4
Z1T (S,,")

-¥ ;IJ4f
{g,37 )( 10 S +
6•.5.5* For the half-body described in Section oj, - TbU
6.6.1 show on a plot how the magnitude of the
velocity on the surface, V., varies as a function
of the distance, s (measured along the surface),
from the stagnation point. Use the dimensionless
variables V,I U and sl b where U and b are defined
in Fig. 6.24.

On 1JJ~ Stlr/ttce, 6/ the hflJf-b()dy

.b (7r-e)
/-= S/h e
d5 =: 1((d;<) 2.-1 {d.J).1
wIth X ::. r t~s !} ol1d !1 = Y' 5,;, 8-. It ~1/(JuJ.s ihpt.
d;(.: y- (- Sill b) db -t til"
C(),s (}

db = V' (~se) dB of- S/nB d~

ClitP there~ye

ds :: V r '2.(d e) 2. +- (d yo ) l.

"V , .
ds -::
~ r2-f- (~)" de
Let .::s~= sib qncl y1' : 1/6 So 7hA. t
, ~

ds;;' = V{rI'F+(UjZ de (I)

r-r~m E Z. c.. /fJO

dr~_ 5111 e r ( rr- B) 19
-de S/n'17
C6'J ( 2. )

Th IA S) 'f}u.. tire / e12jfh s+ IS "J lit 11 by

.5~= //;;1<)'"1- {~/- de (3)


The. ve/oc; ~ .I ~ I (')11 -!he. .s",.fp(~ ~f. th~ hal/-b~J!1 CIt H b~

(!)b#//;"" #Om £'1. /()/ ".
WI"'I'Hl'11 111 11t~ ft,rm

V~= -Vtis =- D -r 2. I!fJs!, + I ] ~

[p,.) l-

Thus I ~Y' a.. 7Jv't'fJ e ) ".-1' 0111 he ~6kllle~ fr~", tf. t. /~O)
S"" .frpl'II el. (3 ) J tlif II V #- fj..Ptn Ef .flr). ,4- fY"()9f'(/ffI /t,y-
CtlJ~lAla.J-/nJ V* tls a iul'1c.t.Jl)it fJ/ S'" f,;//()u}s. (Not.~:.I;,
1}1e pYf),rlllfl V"" 1.5 c/e~J9n.kd 4.5 V' 41111 S'" QS S.)

100 c:1""
110 print "*******************************************************"
120 print "** This program calculates the velocity distribution **"
130 print "** over the arc-length of a half body **"
150 print "*******************************************************11
160 print
170 dim th(18),r(18),s(18),intgd(18),v(18)
171 pi=~.O*atn(1.0)
180 n=18
190 dth=pi/18
200 s(l)=O.
210 for i=l to n
220 th(i)=pi-(i-1)*dth
222 if i>l then goto 230
22~ r(i)=1.
226 drdth=O.
228 goto 236
230 r(i)=(pi-th(i))/sin(th(i))
232 drdth=-(sin(th(i))+(pi-th(i))*cos(th(i) ))/sin(th(i))~2
236 intgd(i)=(r(i)~2+drdth~2)~0.5
238 v(i)=(1+2*cos(th(i) )/r(i)+1/r(i)~2)~.5
240 next i
250 for i=2 to n
260 sum=(intgd(1)+intgd(i))/2
270 iml=i-l
280 for j=2 to iml
290 sum=sum+intgd(j)
300 next j
310 s(i)=dth*sum
320 next i
330 print" Theta Arc-length Velocity"
340 for i=l to n
350 print using" ###.# ###.#### ###.####";180/pi*th(i),s(i),v(i)
360 next i

(con't )
to.55 W'-I (~I1t.)

TObU/ofed da-ta.. (Jlla A. fie-/:. ~f -the cf4-itA. tire gnifH be/tJl().

** This program calculate::-. the velocity distribution **
** over the arc-length of a half body **
Theta Arc-length b Velocit.'}T V5
180.0 0.0000 ) 0.0000 ) U
170.0 0.1751 0.1739
160.0 0.3527 0.3444
150.0 0.5352 0.5078
140.0 0.7255 0.6611
130.0 0.9269 0.8013
120.0 1.1437 0.9257
110.0 1.3811 1. 0322
100.0 1.6464 1. 1192
90.0 1. 9495 1.1854
80.0 2.3052 1.2306
70.0 2.7366 1.254:7
60.0 3.2814: 1.2588
50.0 4,.0079 1. 24,42
40.0 5.0539 1. 2134
30.0 6.74,87 1.1693
20.0 10.14,19 1.1159
10.0 21. 54,87 1.0577


::> r

0.5 h
III 0.0

-0.5~ ____ ~ ____ I~ __~~~ __~~ __ ~~ __

~~~ ____ ~i ____ ~ ____ ~

o 5 10 15 20 25
Dimensionless erc-length. sIb
~ ".5''''Consider a uniform flow with velocity V in the pos-
itive x-direction combined with two free vortices of equal
strength located along the y-axis. Let one vortex located at y =
a be a clockwise vortex (1jJ = K In r) and the other at y = - a
be a counterclockwise vortex, where K is a positive constant. It --
can be shown by plotting streamlines that for Val K < 2 the
streamline IjJ = 0 forms a closed contour, as shown in Fig. U -- H
P6.56. Thus, this combination can be used to represent flow
around a family of bodies (called Kelvin ovals). Show, with the
aid of a graph, how the dimensionless height, HI a, varies with
the parameter ValK in the range 0.3 < ValK < 1.75. --



e ,&. (/) Illul yk: H~. tttUP..f,f)fl (I)

(.!j -t j) 2-
( 2.)
(-* -I)).
t;,y A:Jlec;';;~1fJI va/1ft ~I Va./k 1=1.L2) ~11 1)(: S'tJ/tleA b'1 ~ +r/~j
tfnll err~r :)o/(.('h{;11 /0 t'6-klfl HI),. 5 IPme -itJ/;ulak4 till/ties Alit( the
~6?rre~ff)I1I"i1j' tjl"R,lJ1J tJre $hpWIJ bel/9/.(). 3


Ua/K H/a
0.30 2.65
0.50 2.09 H/a
0.75 1.74
1.00 1.54
1.50 1.32 "1 .-.- - -- ---- -- --- -- - - -.. __ .__________ _
1.75 1.25

0.5 -- - --- -----------1 - -- -------1-

o 0.5 1 15 2
ro.57 I
6.57 A Rankine oval is formed by combining
a source-sink pair, each having a strength of 36
ft 2 /s, and separated by a distance of 12 ft along
the x axis, with a uniform velocity of 10 ftls (in
the positive x direction). Determine the length
and thickness of the oval.

:: [1r~~ + I J~ (Et b./07)

:: ~ [( ~ ) • _ I ] tt< ~ [2. CT;':") : ] ( E'b. ~. /0' )

/3, / Ii

Th e fh /ck.neS5/ 2..l) Ctln be de term/ned frf!)fYJ Fg. '.IOC, .h:J

+rla'/ '111'" fl'"Y'fJ)"'. AS$"fme I/Q/"Ie ~.... -/"/It.. Cfl1d CtPmlflY'e
w;'th rl9 II t ~f E$. to. It) ~. (See -& J,1e. J,(, IDw. )

r (!>.l~) fJ
A4nd Side

-:. ~ [(4)' - IJfa h 2.

C!J. ZSo O. 2~9

0.25"'1 t).2'Z
~. 25"2 o. 2S"I.

O. 25"3 0.25"0 ~ use

Thus) ~a., ~ D.ZS3

al1c/ -thickness - 2J. = 2. (".ft)(~. 25"3) - 3. a'l- -fi:

6.58* Make use of Eqs. 6.107 and 6.109 to
construct a table showing how (ila, hla, and rJh
for Rankine ovals depend on the parameter n Val
m. Plot h versus n Val m and describe how this
plot could be used to obtain the required values
of m and a for a Rankine oval having a specific
value of rand h when placed in a uniform fluid
stream of velocity, V.


w h{)Y~ the Itl1fl1t ()f. the hody I~ Z), tlnd the W/dth IS z~.
/r;r tt J /vtl1 /l'p/ue e>f 'IT 7/tt, //1'11, F'f. (P. /07 Cfln b~ Jt!)jtJed
/r,y .i/a / dlU{ Ef. ,./tJ/f CIII1 be .s~/i/fd ("SJ~.f 4n ~ ceY'l-ft:Iff)d
jJYtJcetlu~) kr ~/~. The Yllt-/o ~/-i Mn 1Jtel1 be dekrmll1f4.
jJr011"1I1')1 iDy Ck/~"lgl/111 t/a)
Ii- -A/a., "Nd l/J as t1 htnc-I:I()~
of 7T V tJ.-/11?1 ~//()IVS.
:00 c15
* * ** '"
2.. 10 pc:int, "* *~: *:+ * *** ** * * * * ** ** * * ** ** * * * ** ** *** *:j: * * *:t. * * * * *:t: * * ~,: I'
:L2'J print. "** This program calculates l/a, h/a, and l/h as a **"
130 p:r:'int "** f1.lnct,ie,n of pi*U*a/m fOT Rankine ovals :tic"
150 print. II ** *** **** **** * ********** * ** *>l:******ll: **:k ****:**:)1:0+ *' *:t:** * *'''
160 print
162 print "pi*U*a/m l/a h/a 1/h"
168 data,1.0,,0.01
170 for i=l to 7
172 st.art.=O. 001
175 read a
180 la=(1!a+1)~.5
190 for has=start to 10.0 step 0.0001
210 ha=O.5*(has 2-1)*tan(2*a*has)

220 if abs(1-has/ha)<O.002 and ha>O then goto 230

222 next has
230 lh=la/ha
250 print using "##.#### ##.#### ##.#### ##.####";a,la,ha,lh
255 start=ha
260 next i
Tabu/pted dabJ.. a"d I( pi,,-/:. ()f- lit. as a. .ffl11~t/~n Df 7T'Tr~/m1 tire
g/l/fl1 be/otV.
**' This program calculates lla, h/a. and l/h as a **
1'* function of pi*U*a/m for Rankine ovals **
!:i:tU*a/m l/a h/a l/h
10.0000 1.01,,88 0.11,,27 7.3,*83
5.0000 1. 0951" 0.2632 1".1623
1.0000 1.411,,2 0.8601" 1.61,,37
0.5000 1. 7321 1.301,,2 1.3281
0.1000 3.3166 3.1022 1.0691
0.0500 1".5826 1".1,,227 1.0362
0.0100 10.01,,99 9.9538 1.0096


-2 -1
10 10

For tA. Rfll1KIIJe O{/4! iAJl1H 1. tinA i. :spec.;!J(~d the IoJJf)wJn~ s.J..eps
f!6;U/d 6~ ~//OWftl It; det:.fJl'InI!1e. /Yn and 4..:
(J) /7;.". a. 9Jvfl1 1.1.Jr. d~i:.f~/7J'I1·e 7J,e reSIJIN'd value t:Jf 7l[r1Z)m
from -nte. gl"aph.
(2.) tI~/I1.1 111/~ J/p/ue ~f 7rD"~ //1'11 ~h/cLtla;i:e 1~ +-1'{)1I1 Eg. ,. /" 7.
(....3) W/1h 'the. VII/we of .ellt. c1eiermJ~e~1 tlnd ,R. :Jj>f'C,'tl p'd) dei:.frI11Ji1e
the '!I4/we !)f a..
LIf) 0;171 7T77a/,m Clnd a.. de tf}l'm,He'!.; the /,It} lue 0 f u1m
/.5 -1r110WJ1/ Q 11 d /r;r ~ jlVfJ1 1/ the I/p/U(! 0-1 t?11 /s f;.xe4.
6.5"'f Assume that the flow around the long
circular cylinder of Fig. P6.59 is nonviscous and u y
incompressible. Two pressures, PI and P2, are
measured on the surface of the cylinder, as illus-
trated. It is proposed that the free-stream veloc-
ity. U. can be related to the pressure difference
/)./) = fJl - fJ2 by the equation

where p is the fluid density. Determine the value
- FIGURE P6.59
of the constant C. Neglect body forces.

si:a.5n4. tlon
-P'2. + ~ 1., (I)

7 ~


-J: ;0 (3 U:t) = -j-!, l! <.

u: )ffy~. «r;¥ ·

c= V-f
6.60 An ideal fluid flows past an infinitely long
semicircular "hump" located along a plane
boundary as shown in Fig. P6.60. Far from the
hump the velocity field is uniform, and the pres- --
V, Po

sure is Po. (a) Determin~expressions for the max-

imum and minimum values of the pressure along
the hump, and indicate where these points are
located. Express your answer in terms of p, U,
and Po. (b) If the solid surface is the'll = 0 stream-
line, determine the equation of the streamline
passing through the point () = n/2, r = 2a.

( ~) ()1'1 ine suv-1ace cf' ihe hump)

1;. = 1:," ;/ l/ 2 (I - J{. si.'-a)
The. max.IYnU/?? pY"e.sst-ft"'e Dec.fAY'S 0hef'e $1;" 8::0) ~Y" a..-t t9.:q 71;
(/11 d 4.-t 1'hese.. f~;n-l=s

1; (rm ~IJ(.) ~ 10 + ~! V'- (ILt t9 =(J 0-#/ 7T )

. .
rn, n I rn III rn f~t5S u Y'~

A t t71{5 !Dln t
1::.s (mlln ) :- (4.-1: e::: r)
(.b) ;:;r un/form f/r;w In 1h( J1e,14h~e ..JC- d/t'Pc.b()~ )

If:: - V r (I - f:~~).r ~ a I

d;5C"SS/~J11 as.s(!)~,ate'" w,·f;., the dey/vA-flO;' ~I £g. ~.JI:;').

~-v-r(l- _r'-
ttl -a..)SII,B
6.61 Water flows around a 6-ft diameter bridge pier with a ~----
velocity of 12 ftls. Estimate the force (per unit length) that the
water exerts on the pier. Assume that the flow can be approxi- u= 12ftls ~
mated as an ideal fluid flow around the front half of the cylin- •
der, but due to flow separation (see Video V6.4), the average
pressure on the rear half is constant and approximately equal
to 1/2 the pressure at point A (see Fig. P6.61).
.. FIGURE P6.61

hJ. '.2.~ t"t !-o11"lJ/! 7nA.-t -t:he drttj

~I? C{ .sec..i::/~J#J (~twei'h 6)=0 C/J;'Jj( ,9=""J
of tA Clrcw/(lY clj/lnt/fY' t.3 7 1 ,,1('110<."'1 17te. ~JU4.i:-/~'11

DrP.J ~ ~ = -1 t ep~t9

;::;1" 1;,(:, -k>l'ce 6)n me .j;.P4-t. hq/f ~ ~e c.ylln/fr <Per III'I//: lei1flh)
r::;.::- - z j; ~s ~ ~ d t9 OJ
( 1T/z
Dill!. t1t{e /::0 SrrnlJ'Jel-rlj ~ =tJ. rrt)/n e;:( 6:.. lib

f.s = ~ -t ;! u ~ (; - If .51;' 2-!) ) rEt. 6,J16)

d.l1P< sinCe V-J(.. (Ire. tPl1/~ II1.fert's/-PII I", 1lt~ -brce ci(.(e 6-0
fh~ //PUlIJ,j ;:/,,/d h/of! (VIII I'f!t 1b'=6. 7hus h~hn 5!.f))
7r /

1-;1 = - 2.
f -1;
1/2. (J - 't .5/~ 1.f) ) cpse v... de ( Z)

t-t;.sBdB == :5/"P 17r/1.- "

Chid i1T5/~ 'Z-f) ~~l7dB - jf~3f}lIT .: -j

1!/z- . 7T~

~. ' I I {(!or;'i )
It f,;1/()IIIS +r()/?1 i:?! .(2.) -ina t
t:XI ~ _
lV()f~ -1J",f 1h~ neja.I:JI/~slid /nciJcJi:-er %,.+ 1I1~ w«lry J~ a c&all.!/
'P4IFn.:; DI1 1J!e. c..rlOftlPy (,frpl1t h4/f) I'; tHe upst:re/lm c/1J'f'c:bf)I"'I.

I-I-e>wevt~ (,Jhe It the -e .f.fe~1:.. of- t'lte Y'eIiY holf' of the ClfIJIfAel'" 6 tAJcPI1
Inib aC~ilJ1i (lit ct YPtd Flu,'d) -then fu,'ll be A net drtlj in til, dlYer;hD/f oI-f/lJlJJ.

The prtS~I(JI'~ A.I: 1ht -I:Dp D/ fh.f (!~kndfY' (pt>J~t ,40) /J fl'/tK ""

P.s =: ~ + 1; 7)"2. (J - Lf -S/I1'l.{;) {ig . •. IJ~

a/,(&( WI n. {) = 71'Iz..

-PI, :: -A - ; f V' ~
SInce. A-o
~ - 3 1-
PA- :; - ""i! if
lJi)fo( 1),/-r 1ne. /J@Jllt/iI~ P(~.5S{,4Y.f w,·l/ '1JJt.. 4. D()..s/~f,J~ ~
~n~ / ~
/:; : -
>< prf>Jt'"ft.d a VE'~ = - ~L ;(.. 1.. a.. (I)
SC f'n .. /;. ~
t- ::: .1
Ii< 7.. If
f '1.
1/ (2.a.){I) :: 1: fD u-

f:;. = ~I + ~l-
= _ p. V-~ +
- ffrJ').~
[,.u I ~ -In e datA fJ I ~e 11 )
t-; =7; (J.1~ ~: )(t2 ;~) 2(3 h) =

6.62* Consider the steady potential flow around
the circular cylinder shown in Fig. 6.26. Show on
a plot the variation of the magnitude 'Of the di-
mensionless fluid velocity, VI V, along the posi-
tive y axis. At what distance, yla (along the y
axis), is the velocity within 1 % of the free-stream

I.J./on, -the !1-I1;(JS 1I'j..=O So th4t The m4'}fJrl-~de.
D f 1I1e. ~e/I!)c.;ff1) V, i...J e!/IAI -fa /118/' J I;;Ut!..

- V- (/ + ;-:) SIn b (Pt. ~.JIG')

(a=¥:) r;::f;j)

v /+ /+ -(-1:)~

110 print "* * * ***-*- * *- *- * * * * *-* * * *- ** ** * ** * *' *:t: *- *- *- *- *- *- ** * * * * * * * * * * *:1'''
120 print "** This program calculates t.he velocit.:,r profile **n
130 print fI*:j( on the +y-axis for flow ar()und a cylinder **"
* *
1~0 print. !! **:t:or. *:0: ** * * ** * * * *- * * ** *)\: ** *:I::;j: * *- * *;~ * *- ** * *- * ** * *)1: *;1: *:t."
150 print
155 print " y/a V/U"
160 for ya=1.0 to 10.0
170 u=1+1/ya~2
180 print using "##.## #.####";ya,u
190 next ya

( UJ:'J t)
t. -72.
da,ip- n tI a. fl"t ().f /he data.

S(Jfl1 fr"l?1 fh'J~ ye.su/-h 1h4i ",..

'1 > ICJ

**' Thi:: program calculat.es the velocits profile **
** on the +y-axis for flow around a cylinder **
y/a V/U
1. 00 2.0000
2.00 1.2500
3.00 1.1111
4:.00 1.0625
:).00 1.04:00
E,.OO 1.0278
7.00 1.0204:
8.00 1.0156
9.00 1. 0123
10.00 1. 0100






1 3 5 7 9 11
u y
6.63 The velocity potential for a cylinder (Fig. ~

P6.63) rotating in a uniform stream of fluid is

¢ = Ur (1 + ;:) cos 0 + ;n ()
where r is the circulation. For what value of the
circulation will the stagnation point be located at:
(a) point A, (b) point B?


(.I:, ) II I
/"f' r; ~/l1t
• /3.) e.S~j -- 371'
2.. J

(':: ¥7TlIa S;'n ~

6. b Lf A fixed circular cylinder of infinite length
is placed in a steady, uniform stream of an in-
compressible, nonviscous fluid. Assume that the
flow is irrotational. Prove that the drag on the
cylinder is zero. Neglect body forces.

D"fl~ : F; : - f. 1's

eeS(J ~ de
fs :: ~ + -it [/2(1 - tf S/~~f)) ( Eg. ,. "I, )

- [

Css t7 dB =

2.7r lT

f S I j, ~ ~ ~s e dB ~ . 3
s,~ (;}
J2. =0

if f.o Jj DW5 ih(l. -t.

Drlt j = 0
- - _.
6. ~S Repeat Problem 6.~4 for a rotating cyl-
inder for which the stream function and velocity
potential are given by Eqs. 6.119 and 6.120, re-
spectively. Verify that the lift is not zero and can
be expressed by Eq. 6.124.


Dr-tl') '" F;,. " - [ t CfJSI9 a. dt9

1.2.(' . ~~ 2f1s/nB
t = -fo + ~ITI ( / - if 5111 l7 of- 7r~ TJ

,ll lrr

I u
C!JS e de '" sin 17]. =0


1. :;I·M"'~ Cilsede- " ~

• 3 J 2T
3 0

I o

Ct)58 51;' 9 de- =

d: +0 II ows fh- -l:

DY'a.~ =0

[ 5/·~e de =
3 e de .-

i s/~"e "jJ

de "

J-t !cIJoW5 1h().-t.

6." ~ A source of strength m is located a dis-
~ tance etrom a vertical solid wall as shown in Fig.
P6.G,b. The velocity potential for this incompres-
sible, irrotational flow is given by
<P = 4n {In[(x - e)2 + y2]
+ In[(x + e)2 + y2]}
(a) Show that there is no flow through the wall.
(b) Determine the velocity distribution along the
wall. (c) Determine the pressure distribution
along the wall, assuming p = po far from the
source. Neglect the effect of the fluid weight on ~e-i
the pressure. FIGURE P6.l,.~

(A) k = ~rJ

S/~Ce. ) 2 ( x-~
Ix 1., [ ex -;./"+ ~.] ::
(~_). ) ~ -t ~

~ f. n [l;<. 1-1 ) ~ j ~J =
QYltA. 2. ()(11.)

ex -rQ ) ';l.

It 10 /J()WS 1tll. t
Mt [2. ex -.e ) 2 C;{ -t..e )
U: -Jf7r (X-).)2 rfJ 'l.
+ (x+~ ) 2.+ 'j 2- J

Thus theye
IS nD i/tJw ihr-ough -the Wa IJ •

(b) Tn! l/eJ~c~+j o/f!)IJJ /AJa 1/) V.w- :. 7T Slhce u.. =o. A-l.so
. tie 1t:)'/~ leI''':'' ~ /
Cln d U)I'th (il v'f? '" ftJ

[ 4 ~
( x-}) '2-r!:J 2-
+ z~
(x+J)l. + ~ ~
J ( /)

( c.~J1't )
( 2)

( ~) !=; y Ir~m ih(!. Sou Y'C e.l 1;) =f;; Qh d V ~ (). Th us J

-PO _ -Pur + V;
7 - 7 2.d
whey-e. fw- l".s the fyeS5Uye ai the 1.J4/}) .s~ 1h4i

PJ,r:: ~ - -1! VIu- 'J.

6.t. 7 A long porous pipe runs parallel to a
horizontal plane surface as shown in Fig. P6'(.1.
The longitudinal axis of the pipe is perpendicular
to the plane of the paper. Water flows radially
from the pipe at a rate of 0.5 IT ft 3 /s per foot of
pipe. Determine the difference in pressure (in lb/
ft2) between point B and point A. The flow from
the pipe may be approximated by a two-dimen-
sional source. Hint: To develop the stream func-
tion or velocity potential for this type of flow,
place (symmetrically) another equal source on the
other side of the wall. With this combination
there is no flow across the x-axis, and this axis
can be replaced with a solid boundary. This tech-
nique is called the method of images.

sou.,.,e )
- ~
2n 1"''2-

/s rnea.suJI'ed ;".I!)fYJ -fne SOl.{r,e. W,"th the. C.tJOJl'dIl1~/e

.sh~wn /n fi9ure
r?.: X"2.+ {'j_3)2.
C/ lui
t'2.: / ()Wtt" sou rre )
so -inA. t ~r --the. C!t9mblnt'c/ S(U(Y"ces

l' = ~ f..en [x 2 + (!j-3 )~J . . in [x'+ 6+3)'J]

u= ()X

() ~ [ ;("Z + (~-:3) 2.] =
-+ (f;j-3) l-

2 iYl [ )( "2..-t-l ~ +3 )1-] =


;;;< )(2.+ (:;'1"3) 1-

/1:. /0//"w.s -thai

WII/I) '1 =0, 1/ =0 and

Vw- = u = n;; (-X-'2. lf
--r-i..q- )
( Con 't )
At f()Jn t A) x.:. Jj. It) find wJ1'h /'YY1 =- 0.57' -¥2.)
VW-A =
O. SIT t;ta. [ Lf (~Pt.) J-_~ :ft
Jf- 7T (If- -Pi:) '1. + 9 -PI:. 2. .2 5" S

At- p{)/n t B) x. =0 ) an d
V'/(r/3 =0
irtJm the /3ern()ulj i
1>13 Vt.crB::
-+ -
5 :L~
J..L .2.
~-~ = 2 d VWA
(3. fE) .2-
- O. OOG> 2t> psf
:L (32. 2 ~ ) 25'S
6.68 At a certain point at the beach, the coast line makes a
right angle bend as shown in Fig. 6.68a. The flow of salt wa-
ter in this bend can be approximated by the potential flow of
an incompressible fluid in a right angle comer. (a) Show that y
the stream function for this flow is I/J = A r2 sin 28, where A is
a positive constant. (b) A fresh water reservoir is located in the
comer. The salt water is to be kept away from the reservoir to
avoid any possible seepage of salt water into the fresh water
(Fig. 6.68b). The fresh water source can be approximated as a
line source having a strength m, where m is the volume rate of
flow (per unit length) emanating from the source. Detennine m
if the salt water is not to get closer than a distance L to the cor-
ner. Hint: Find the value of m (in tenns of A and L) so that a source
stagnation point occurs at y = L. (c) The streamline passing (a) (b)
through the stagnation point would represent the line dividing • FIGURE P6.68
the fresh water from the salt water. Plot this streamline.

(a) f;r 1n~ 1lve~ $f-rtam fun(.:f/~A)

~ = A- r 2$;"1 '2 e9-
a/tin, ().=() if=-o ~,( B-=-rr/2, lP=o ,
Thus) -f/,(, ('A~~ G=o (JHP. replac.eeA
B,. 17'/2. (!,(JI'I be
lv/Tn. a. "5&/;" b~Jllu'"y't 4/(!)A1 4Jh,;;'h the Sfrefll?f
-Iunc.-tItP~ r»1tJJr bt ~n$hnf. 7}J/5 b"u.;;tdf(Y"~
.j;;rmJ ~ Y"lint tlJllfJe. Allit 1'nff'e,/rJle Ink! sf-reAm
ful1(...I-,D /I Cfln b" U$~~ fD yefr~.sfnf ft4~ JJ4' ~
YO/ill! qrtfle ~rl')er.
(J:;) 5'/1'l'~
r 1r
a..b t9:: -rr/'l,..
1;-: :: 2 A
r r Uls7T =- ZA-r


To Cr-t (L ~fL Ct ~ 1-1t7"lVbf)H
J~ I;- "lrr = 11';.1
(~tp" 't )
( CfJl1't)

_ /n1
2. hL - -2.7rL

tjJ= A-r2.s/~'2.B -t g ()
CI n a. IA-Jl' th rrn =: If rrA-L"l.

ljJ= ,A-;-2Sln 28 T lAL!'e

The ~4/ue "l /jJ 41- the. SJ.afnaf/~~ ~In·t (r=L) G::: tr/z ) J~

'&/ A L2 $1'" 7T '1- 2.41..'"("1£)

= ,4L 1T

Th'-lJ) -the €!"UviIDI' .;,,,. 1he ~fre(unJltj.e, pa~sln, in v"~UfJ.t

1n~ sh911aA-/~i4 p~/;'f Ij
,4L '2.11 =: A- rs/n 2B t- 2.A L2 e

_ 7T-28
- V St'11 2.8

~Y'" pj~H-;'l1j let.

, I
X. = r- CDS a
t:lnlA ~ pjr;z ().f- In~ d/I/;d,ltj .sfY"e4mJ/~<t.. ;r~m
J?~.cn I~ sh() wn ~1'1 17u. ~J1DW/~~ pa.,j e.
Theta(deg) Theta(rad) r/L x' y'
10 0.175 2.857 2.814 0.496
20 0.349 1.950 1.832 0.667
30 0.524 1.555 1.347 0.778
40 0.698 1.331 1.020 0.856
50 0.873 1.191 0.765 0.912
60 1.047 1.100 0.550 0.952
70 1.222 1.042 0.356 0.979
80 1.396 1.010 0.175 0.995
90 1.571 1.000 0.000 1.000

IStreamline I
~ .~~ -.----.,.-:'- - - - - , r -
"» 0.60 t----t------j------t---=~--iiiiiiiOO;~:.:__1
0.40 +------l-----I----_!__--__+----+__--_l
0.20 +------l-----I~--_!__--__+----+__--_l
I .00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3,00
! Source X'
iL_______________________________________ J'
~. bet I
6. ,~ The two-dimensional velocity field for
an incompressible, Newtonian fluid is described
by the relationship
V = (12xy2 - 6x 3)1 + (18x 2y - 4y 3)j
where the velocity has units of mls when x and
yare in meters. Determine the stresses a:m ay)',
and Tn at the point x = 0.5 m, y = 1.0 m if
pressu~e at this point is 6 kPa and the fluid is
glycerin at 20 °e. Show these stresses on a sketch.

:: - -F -r 2.;« ~l.!:,,(
( Eg. b,lz5'a. )

(T, - -p-r~ ~()'" ( '=g. b, J 15' 1.,)

~~ ~ O~

txJ ~ f (OU 2)tr) ( ~O. ~.I'Z.£'d)

ay'" ~J<

Fo.,. ih~ 9/(,/(11 lIe/t!>';+:; d;sf~ibui/~J1) With X::.t1),S"",. (JI1J j::1.0M-1:

dU '2 4 'Z. ~ /
-:: 12!J -/~;( ::: 12 (/'0) -Ie (b,s) ::: 7.StJ -s
~.: ,:1.if (~,S)(I,D) :: 1;)..6 S
~= 36X::;: 3b (~,S)(I,o) - If, (j s


~ ()"' == C)
/dX -IZ!:f
2 2


Thus) .f.o~ and /"-:: /,5'0 ~: )

+ 2 (I, 5"' () ~) ( 7, ~() f ) :: - S. r8 ..Ie fa.

cr'J~ ::
tj = (1.5'D

6.70 Typical inviscid flow solutions for flow around
bodies indicate that the fluid flows smoothly around the
body, even for blunt bodies as shown in Video V6.-1. How-
ever, experience reveals that due to the presence of viscos-
ity, the main flow may actually separate from the body cre-
ating a wake behind the body. As discussed in a later section
(Section 9.2.6), whether or not separation takes place de-
pends on the pressure gradient along the surface of the body,

as calculated by inviscid flow theory. If the pressure de-
creases in the direction of flow (a favorable pressure gradi-
ent), no separation will occur. However, if the pressure in-
creases in the direction of flow (an adverse pressure
gradient), separation may occur. For the circular cylinder of
Fig. P6.70 placed in a uniform stream with velocity, U, de-
termine an expression for the pressure gradient in the di-
• - FIG U REP 6 .J 0

rection flow on the surface of the cylinder. For what range

of values for the angle will an adverse pressure gradient

rYP/71 Eeg . ~. /I ro

11 = -to + i fVl(i - if ;1'ln1.B)

( I)

Since el/J adverse fr~.s>nre J rdQle",,-t

p?Slh;e., t3lljPB) /r -!oj/Pills hom Ei .f/)
Hils /17 1J;e rAl1fe tJf 2. rt'cJ #r 1/11 tJdJlerse
p('e.sst/~ 1I'IU//I'I1/. Th/J 1"t/f1/fe e87rrRspl1ti.I -Jo
Y'etlr half "I 171e C!f/ltlder.
'.71 I
6.7' For a two-dimensional incompressible
flow in the x-y plane show that the z component
of the vorticity, C, varies in accordance with the
DC = v V'2[.
Dt -<

What is the physical interpretation of this equa-

tion for a nonviscous fluid? Hint: This vorticity
transport equation can be derived from the Na-
vier-Stokes equations by differentiating and elim-
inating the pressure between Eqs. 6.127a and

~~. 1../27b


b, fleyel1tJ~te Eg.") W,.th Ye'f eci +0 l:J cliol E ~ . tZ) wi-h

V'.esfe,:i: fc) )( ) a""pA $Ubtl"'U.t, G:fJI) .fr fJ " , E~.lZ) ,,~-I:'IIH *
ax;J (JV-
'it -t l.(.
~x .,. V ~!J
Jtr) - a!1d (JU
~"t + u
ax + v- d ~
JI.(.) -

~ [ d (~ 1. tr
"1 ]X. ~X'L T
V-) -
d ( ~ 't (,.(
~ o}('L -t
d'1. '-<.
)J (3)

'8~ cJe//","/-,()i1 (s~e li'~. '.17)

~v- ;;I..L
Re-wr;te Et·(.3} ~ r;j,-/;g/h

- ,X
~t: Pfj
d ( ~v- d L<
(~tr_~)+ u. 'fX ~x- d!:1
) -+
v- &
'""i e'"a>< - ~
(j,,) -

ol. (~_J'<)J
7[ at· ~7.. (o~
ax. - J; dU )
+ ~!J 'I. oJ< t3 'J ( If)

(P, 7/ 1

. .
:5/nce each -fer-rn 01 pqyen thR SI'S In Erg. (If) lor t
it iol/()ws Iha.t
d~ afr ~ fiL = h.(~ +~
d'f. )
+ tA.
-r7.J'" -
J!} ;0 J.x2.. J.!:J 2.-

The I eli f:J icJe of ~ Z.(5) CtV1 be expyessed a. s f'slJe' G!.lf.S)

D f~ t.J here the ~teyab:;r D () 1hf! mtJfenid
-Dt Dt

de f"iva tille . Th e rl ~ h 1:; ha J1 d s; eJ t. 0 I E ~ . (5) ~h b-e

ex.pYessed as
-v V2. ~
where -V =)L~ So thai E''!. tG") ~"11 b~ tdr/fltH I¥~

nfz :: -V l7~
Dt .z

Fo y a. 1'Jt:n{//~C.()u..s .{/uid J -zj=a J QJ1c/ 111 Thu Cq.s-t!

D f1:-
- -=0
Th us ) -{O.,.. a.. fwo- ttllmpI151OA4J +/~w I){ On Ji1~ompt~.s5aJ/p

lIon I//SC/J(J.s ,f-/"I(j I -In e. c.hal1/1€ /H the. v();-iJ~/r':1 t>f "-

·/-Iu,'d j)ru·t,·cJe as t't f?1 () lies ih Y'~"9h the.. !..jaw It'eld
is -,.fl"o.
~.72. I
6.72 The velocity of a fluid particle moving
along a horizontal streamline that coincides with
the x axis in a plane, two-dimensional incom-
pressible flow field was experimentally found to
be described by the equation u = x 2• Along this
streamline determine an expression for: (a) the
rate of change of the v-component of velocity with
respect to y; (b) the acceleration of the particle;
and (c) the pressure gradient in the x direction.
The fluid is Newtonian.

(~) From -the C4Jni./~ul'-f!:t e8ua.tl~~)

c;u ~V'"'-o
ox. "1' ~ -
.so tn~ t: tv in u. = )( :z..

?;tr _~ = -;LX
~:: oJ< (/)

A/so) ~g .II) Cal-( btl ;".f.@9Y'4ftM wit;, res.ft>ct 1:.0!:J +0 OJ,-i-4/~

Jel 11'" =- J- z~ d!1

1r::: - z)(:; + f-l)l.)
SIHce the X-fiX/J is 0. .s/-Ytlll'l1/Jhe) r=o 4/"11, "this o;tiJ (J/I1~
theV'ekl"t. f (;<)::: 0 Jo -tit. t:
'1r = -zx';j
'.73 I
6. 13 >-
Two horizontal, infinite, parallel plates are spaced
a distance b apart. A viscous liquid is contained between the
plates. The bottom plate is fixed and the upper plate moves
T" I Z
Z t Ii' I t I , It

parallel to the bottom plate with a velocity U. Because of

the no-slip boundary condition (see Video V6.5), the liquid b
motion is caused by the liquid being dragged along by the
moving boundary. There is no pressure gradient in the di-
rection of flow. Note that this is a so-called simple Couetle 1 ~ 77 7 7 I 7 I I I n-X
flow discussed in Section 6.9.2. (a) Start with the Navier-
Stokes equations and determine the velocity distribution be-
J:/ )(~d pJ ..-le.
tween the plates. (b) Determine an expression for the
flow rate passing between the plates (for a unit width). Ex-
press your answer in terms of band U.

(a.. )

7htl~ ~r ~.,f'O f'''.5..fIlY~ ~YdQ/;'''t

)2.k, _
7JJz -0

..50 1hd
U::: C, j -t Cz.
At and ,.f -h//t)/.IJS 1h~t
'j=D fA. ='0
at: ::J =-~ u.-= V and C/ ==];
TheYekre J
fA.. ¥!J
f f~':J d::; E~f
b Vb
(1:,) c;:: u (I) d:J = V
J; - j,
-- 2. 0 2..

where is 111 e. flDwra te per unit- WIdth

r;.71f I
6.74 Oil (SAE 30) at 15.6 °C flows steadily between fixed,
horizontal, parallel plates. The pressure drop per unit length
along the channel is 20 kPa/m, and the distance between the
plates is 4mm. The flow is laminar. Determine: (a) the volume
rate of flow (per meter of width), (b) the magnitude and direc-
tion of the shearing stress acting on the bottom plate, and (c)
the velocity along the centerline of the channel.

1-~)( - I (tJ/,i.
~ -r
~;<. (Eg. b.J2!i"J.)

Sln'~ I op
lA.. :- - -.......
').)A aX
;f iO//f!)wS thai
eE (Z!1 ) Ot..r
I -=0
a ':1 - ~ ~x a.x
and -theY'e kwe
Tj,x. :: ~ ('1)
At- the boll-om pia ie) '1 =-,,£. ) (/11 d S il1 C(! ~
:: - ¥J
=: 61' (-R,):: (ZO;<I03.1Y.-a)(Z'(JO~'/YYI)
L'jJ< ;. /WI

(C )

-If ~)
(2.81 xlO ~
- D. 105 ~
(Z)(Z)( IO-3M-{ ')
fD·75 I
6.75 Two fixed, horizontal, parallel plates are spaced 0.2
in. apart. A viscous liquid (J-L = 8 x 1O-3 lb· s/fr-, SG = 0.9)
flows between the plates with a mean velocity of 0.7 ft/s. De-
termine the pressure drop per unit length in the direction of
flow. What is the maximum velocity in the channel?

Tn r.(5)

i .. = 1. If 2 ~z. p.,,..It::

::: 2: (P-b)
0.7 5 = I.05 tt
6.710 A layer of viscous liquid of constant
thickness (no velocity perpendicular to plate)
flows steadily down an infinite, inclined plane.
Determine, by means of the Navier-Stokes equa-
tions, the relationship between the thickness of
the layer and the discharge per unit width. The
flow is laminar, and assume air resistance is neg-
ligible so that the shearing stress at the free sur-
face is zero.

3)1. = 3 S/11 d...

w/th the UJoyd'l14.t~ ~'1s/-em Sh"Wh ,it the hjUye
and #()fl1 1l1e
() ox. =0 Thus)
eLJl1tinuif!J e.tJtl4:i:IOH ~
froM -the )(.- ~m'p'Mfl1t of the lilli/lty -S.f.tJke.s ~!UlLtl()H~ (Et. '.I 2 7a..))

() = _ i j + 1'1} Slit eJ/ +j dZu (I)

fJ.x. (f d!J 2-

A-/~o) s Jj.,{~ there /S 4(. free slwface there CtiIfMt. be a. pre.ssf.lY-e,.

jYrJdlent Ih the X-dlY'ecf/~H So -h.c.i: E..e -= 0 Qut/ E'I. (I)
De. wrt 7T~11 I/lS

( Z)

Direction of flow

6.77 A viscous, incompressible fluid flows be-;

tween the two infinite, vertical, parallel plates of
Fig. P6.11. Determine, by use of the Navier-
Stokes equations, an expression for the pressure
gradient in the direction of flow. Express your
answer in terms of the mean velocity. Assume
that the flow is laminar, steady, and uniform.


With the ~f'dtn4~e .j,/.stem ~hf)UJn t<. = 0) W- =0 C(lId .frt!Jm 111e

UJni/nu/f!:1 ez
(Aa.I::/~J1 ; : ; = o· Th liS) rr"m 11te !/- UJmjJDJ1bl'"i
of -the Nllllley-SlDk~.s -ejtlal-ID;"~ (EI· ~.1Z.1h)) tul1Jt ~:J -= -J)
Jp cJ 2 tr
6 = -h -f3 +;«- d;<'2.

S/I1C~ 'fhe ,"~~stlye is I'}()t a h(J1(:.-b~n 01 .x.) £'1' 1/) C/l11

be wl"iHeJ1 IJs
d 2 v- _ .p
-tlfi'L -/--
(t.Jhe~e P = # +;03) ol1d /nff?rp/-en
( Z)
dt.r:: P X T C,
d.JL r
J:;1!)f)1 s'f/7J/nelr~ ~r =c o.t: x= .j~

of (2) ~if1/d.s

Thu5 )
w/1'J-, v (me~Yl veJocj~ ) 9ivel1
<!- = J..E -I.. "2.
V= 2:h 3 /'-

'4!:J -
6.78 A fluid of density p flows steadily down-
ward between the two vertical infinite, parallel
plates shown in the figurefor Problem 6:17. The
flow is fully developed and laminar. Make use of
the Navier-Stokes equation to determine the re-
lationship between the discharge and the other
parameters involved, for the case in which the
change in pressure along the channel is zero.

See. Problem to. 8 3

'2. p-l3
Z= 3 ~
where ! J5 the ci'scha"ge pel" "1I11 t.vidth
.f = P':J
!.e +/,q.
~ +/J - - 2..-It.

CJp =
TY -- 3
2. 11. -fJ
!=b~ ~ =0

(lIo/:e: Jj,(! ne!a·h;,~ SI'!), iJ1dlC4ks -fh4t 1Ite d'l"e"tJ(/n ~( IIf)W

l?1us t: b.fl d"wnw~lI·eI .f.o create. a IeY'O fY't'ssl.J~~ jradJlfrlt.)
6.79 Due to the no-slip condition, as a solid is pulled out
of a viscous liquid some of the liquid is also pulled along as
described in Example 6.9 and shown in Videu V6.S. Based on
the results given in Example 6.9, show on a dimensionless plot
the velocity distribution in the fluid film (vIVo vs. x/h) when the
average film velocity, V, is 10% of the belt velocity, Vo.

l' VeJ1 b'J the ~tu4:h~)I


( 3)

(Lf' )

r",.,,,, e1.(3)
(J J:..~ ~ 2.7
tlnll eZ. (If) ~''U1 W wr, HfH a.S

V. ~ J. 3S (f. ) 1_ 2·7 [~ ) + J

A pia+- ~ f. -tn(! I/~ /Oc./-hJ c/I'flt-vi 6/.(.J-/~·1'I

xlh vNo
o 1.000 I
0.1 0.744 I 1.500 ,---,----,---r--...,.--,----,-..,---,----.----.
! i
0.2 0.514 i I
0.3 0.312 1.000 f'... ! !
0.4 0.136 <>0 0.500
0.5 -0.013 lr-....t-..,. i
0.000 ___~"...__-I---t--4----l

0.6 -0.134 r
0.7 -0.229 -0.500 -I--......!-I--L._.L...--L-~!----l_..l.---L---L--I
0.8 a 0.5
0.9 -0.296
-0.337 x1h
1 -0.350
~ ~-~~------------'
Calculated from
Eq. (5)
6.80 An incompressible, viscous fluid IS
placed between horizontal, infinite, parallel
plates as is shown in Fig. P6.80. The two plates
move in opposite directions with constant veloc-
ities, VI and V 2 , as shown. The pressure gradient
in the x direction is zero and the only body force
is due to the fluid weight. Use the Navier-Stokes
equations to derive an expression for the velocity
distribution between the plates. Assume laminar

RPr fne :steel h iod c~l1di .J-IDt1~) v =") w-:: 0 ,) tit:.

p,l(. £)
1:111" ! :: 0

Sa 171tl.t the.. X.-6Pmf~l1p"t 01 the Natlle~ - S-iDkfJ e'l"lttJol1S

( EZ' ~. /2'71<.) reduces -1::0
d zf.,( .:. 0
d!J 2. u)
In.f-e1rll 6,p;' t!J.f- Gr (I) 7Ie/cis
U:- ~ J of ("2. ( 2.)

:J= 0) u.. =--L{

c J.
=- - V ~

F;; r 'J =. b) fA.. ':: V, ~o 1ha t



u; -t u;. ) V
u..= ( b t;J - "
6.81 Two immiscible, incompressible, viscous
fluids having the same densities but different vis- u
cosities are contained between two infinite, hor-
izontal, parallel plates (Fig. P6.E,J . The bottom
plate is fixed and the upper plate moves with a
constant velocity U. Determine the velocity at the
interface. Express your answer in terms of V, 111 ~
and 112' The motion of the fluid is caused entirely Fixed
by the movement of the upper plate; that is, there
is no pressure gradient in the x direction. The FIGURE P6.81
fluid velocity and shearing stress is continuous
across the interface between the two fluids. As-
sume laminar flow.

the. spec/hed C~lId;'tloIf.SJ 7/::: 0 ; w-:::0.l if. :'0j QHIiI Ix. =oJ -Se>
'/hat the x- ~mf()nMt of th~ IVallier-5fDkes -esaa:l:loHs (E?fJ. ',/Z711)
-hI- e/they fht! up~Y tJr IOIVIY laffer vedtlces t.o
- ':0 (I)
d!J J,.

I.nk~rA:ti"lt ~I E S. (/) fj/e/ds

u=A-~ -f8
fA.) h ;c h '1 Jiles tJt~ lIe/f)c/-ht dt.sfn~ktIDN I it e/fhev J alJ"'Y".
r", the uppey /4. reY' at- 'j:= 2 -'.) '" = Z7 .so /ha.:t
B -: V - A, (2.1,)
W her~ the S'IbSC. "'pi J re fers 10 11te U.f'f~v la.Yfy',
POI' the lowe#' latter- CIt fj::oJ u=o ..so thai
B2- =0
(..)her~ the. '5L1bu,JI'lpt Z Jl'eier.s +0 the JO£Oty JaY-iV'. Thus)
U I -:: AI ( ':J - 2 t..) +- 7J
fA 2. = A'2, ~

AI: 'J='{ I U, ::: U2 Jo 1ha-l:

AI (~-Z.h) + U
.:: AI. --{
",... u
A:z - -A I +
~ (c'()n 't )
(z )
( CI)I1'i )

S/~(e 1h(. lIeJ()C"-ht chs'frJ'blll:lDh IS /'~elll' '11 e~c.h Jtl~er

he 5he~Y'/n, ~fYi.s.s
L':Jx -jA.
( J u. .,. Ii
J ~)x
tr):: .u. .i!::
/- d!J
Is ~l1si:ql1i 111 r()l.(fIHt)I(,f. eac.h lA-iffY'. hr the "'fpl'Y J~'ttr
L; ~ /-1 A,
a J1 eI laf' the )tJWdy /tl'1fY'
Li ":! jJ,. A 2.

£., =- ~
£.z. v

PI A, -=)tz. A I-

ft, - l:!-~
liz. - ~,

6.82 The viscous, incomp.r0:Jslb1e flow between the paral- plate
lel plates shown in Fig. P6.8~ is caused by both the motion of
the bottom plate and a pressure gradient, iJp/iJx. As noted in
Section 6.9.2, an important dimensionless parameter for this
type of problem is P = -(b 212 p.U) (iJp/iJx) where p. is the fluid
viscosity. Make a plot of the dimensionless velocity distribu-
tion (similar to that shown in Fig. 6.31b) for P = 3. For this
case where does the maximum velocity occur? u
• FIGURE P6.82

U ': ~
I (dP) 2
~ ':f t ..../'I , 'J -t ~L

At t.< :' V Jo "'1}t1A..i: Cz. ::- v: A -I:

C, :: - .J. (lj") b _ ~
/)..1" ~;< / b

(~ ) (!J "- b:;) 7 [,r (1 - ~)

r; - ttr
u -
,;( b )(!LI)
i.~ (~)(Y J, b
t I (I)

P=-iih"'-rr ('?i')

1:1 . (I) Can b< wr/ffel'1 as.

- -p(t)(l-)-
u. ...
-f7 ~
]; t I ( 2.)

IJ- p/oi 6/ -this VI! / ~(..; +rt chsf(; b/.( -tIC ';" loy P =- 3
/$ sh()wn. On -h1t!. .ft, / /() u) I n' , p4.J<! .

, -100
u/U y/b
1 o
1.2 ..,--.,--,...---,-\---,..--,----r--,--;-\-,--,-I----r--,---'I,--;-1 - ,


1.33 0.3
1.32 0.4 1
0.8 ~i JI=JI=JI=I!=rI=L
I! I i

1.25 0.5 It~:~1 I!

1.12 0.6 ~ O. 6 +---+-+-+----+----+-----j---I----l----tl---i~.....
0.93 0.7
0.4 +-+--+-+-+--+-+-+--1--+,-+-----+----i--1'l}l-t-
I, --j

0.68 0.8
, 1
0.37 0.9 __-t-~--r-::~-,r--:-I--j
0.2 +-+----+--+--+----+--+---+---t----t--t-
o 1

o 0.5 1 1.5
from Eq. (2)
with P =3. L-____________________________________ i

To de. krrrlJ~.c. whp,,< fh{ )114)(1I1U011 V€ )0(, I ~ DC'" C..O"

c/,/ft.r-tl1tI4·+-t!.. E'!. (2) Cll1d .sei eS~AJ ~ 'ty~. Thus"

d .(1A-1v) ~-..L
0[1. (J. ) - 1] - J.b
J,a .b
.= 0
ClntA. WJ 1-;, P= 3
c{(fA./v )
=_3 [i (2 i-1ij - ±= ~
So -InlVr
~ .. 1
"I"" 3

6,83 A viscous fluid (specific weight = SO Ib/ft3; viscos- u= 0.02 ftls
ity = 0.03 lb . s/ft2) is contained between two infinite, hori-
zontal parallel plates as shown in Fig. P6.S3. The fluid moves

between the plates under the action of a pressure gradient, and
the upper plate moves with a velocity U while the bottom plate
is fixed. A V-tube manometer connected between two points
along the bottom indicates a differential reading of 0.1 in. If the '~~_.
.1= • Fixed
upper plate moves with a velocity of 0.02 ft/s, at what distance
from the bottom plate does the maximum velocity in the gap
between the two plates occur? Assume laminar flow. r = 100 Iblff

• FIGURE P6.83

MCI;(llnt.f/YI ve/oc,1t:t ltI/// 4'JCCllr at cllS-h}fce ~ntf tJl1t~e


( J)

For rnanofYItte.,. (St~ h~lJrt 1:0 r"IhtJ)

~+ ~f Ah - '(1 f .An = f1.

t, - 1'2. ~ ('0}t - ~ ) Ah
= (J ()O it 11
gD l:! ) (
6. J
111.) -O.I~7-~
_ Ih
A-Is 0 J 1'-'
JP .p, -R'l. O. /(P7 4=t;2. lb
= (). ~3LJ H3
- ~
= ( (01')1.
12. ,'\01. )

I. 0 I~'
12. ,'..,.
+ ~

6 •. S1+- A vertical shaft passes through a bearing and is lubri- 75 mm

cated with an oil having a viscosity of 0.2 N·s/m 2 as shown in
Fig. P6. g'r. Assume that the flow characteristics in the gap be-
tween the shaft and bearing are the smne as those for laminar ~"'i"
flow between infinite parallel plates with zero pressure gradient
in the direction of flow. Estimate the torque required to over-
come viscous resistance when the shaft is turning at 80 rev Imin.

• FIG U REP 6.84-

dF== "t'dA
The -bOY~ ue due. 'yce d r ac.+'~j
+0 = Tr.·2dB
~)\I\ (). d~++eyet,.hal ~vea.) dA-=- vi.Rc1e J
1.5 C$e E' +1; ijll'.iC! Il.t VI·'~t.)

cI~ ~ y. d F :: y.l. 'J. r.1 d8

.J l
().Iheve t IS tne. ~ neAyil1j styes s. Thu S J

i 1oJT"

d8 = :1.11" r/ t ; (I )

u= lJ.:t.

Th us) from E Z . II J

J= 2iTr/"r;«-¥)f. =
= ),11 (0. 015 {0.2 m1 Y
0.355 N· rm
6.85 A viscous fluid is contained between two long con-
centric cylinders. The geometry of the system is such that the
flow between the cylinders is approximately the same as the
laminar flow between two infinite parallel plates. (a) Determine
an expression for the torque required to rotate the outer cylin-
der with an angular velocity w. The inner cylinder is fixed. Ex-
L x
press your answer in terms of the geometry of the system, the
viscosity of the fluid, and the angular velocity. (b) For a small
rectangular element located at the fixed wall determine an ex-
pression for the rate of angular deformation of this element.
(See Video V6.1 and Fig. P6.9.)


1 '" c.~Jihdf( Jen,1h

t .... sheanng s+ress

(ill) The -torgue W~'c.~ must be. o.ppl,fa +v out(lv CLfIJ~dtf 10 ovevco",e 1k.t
kY,e du~ 1v tk~ S~~4v(n, J1-l"'ts.s IS (see .r,9·u~)
d~:: ~ d F = Y" (t ~ .Q de) = ~ ~ 1:"..Q de
J" 'fb' tJ [ de ::: ;2:".,. ro 2. '-'"l!..n (I )

I. n the 3(). P

t:: F'Lt d..Y: : :

1::: YQ - Y"l.' ) 11 +0 Ho ws
G Z. (J) -hia+-
~.fS I

(j,) FYtJln E'fj. t,,18

P_~ 01.(
~ - "K '+ 0'1

/i;~ 1h( j Jt1ea r' J,ifr;bu .j./~'1J

__ Z/~
u.= - r;~ J,
() L

~l-{ __ V-
Fb" b
I/nll 6 V.::.()

/h~ lIe!a..f/,t~ ~J1n indtC4h.! -/n"t;- iJt~ ()rt9J11~/
rl911t ClIt9/~ .Ihf)IINI I;' Fitj, P', 'f J, jJ IhCretl..slh~.
6. 8~* Oil (SAE 30) flows between parallel
plates spaced 5 mm apart. The bottom plate is
fixed but the upper plate moves with a velocity
of 0.2 mls in the positive x direction. The pressure
gradient is 60 kPa/m, and is negative. Compute
the velocity at various points across the channel
and show the results on a plot. Assume laminar

The ve/o(;/t-!1 d/sfr/i1U";'OH £5 'iIi/eM b~ the egt{~bt)~

u =V J + ¥ ~~) (:;2_ b!1)

me 9111iw dA:U I
(~.:J. ;')
u= ~ +
(tJ. ()t)SI'm )

so 1ha i

u = 'fO!:f + 7.!f;<. It; 'I- ( O. O()S!:f - :/J)

tv/lh U. 111 fm/5 whfn !:J i~ I;' 1)t1. If pr0tjY4m
CCI / til J~ 1-,;'.1 t( as 4 I-ttl1c;bl)d bf f:J fO//()lQs.

100 cis
110 print ,,******* *** **** ******** ** **** ***:+ *************** :t-* * II
120 print II ** This program cal culates t.he veloci t.y prof il e * i l l
130 print ,,** for Couette flow **"
140 print "**************************************************"
150 print
155 print." y U(y)"
160 for y=O.O to 0.0051 step 0.0005
170 u=40*y+78900*(0.005*y-y~2)
180 print using "#.#### #.####";y,u
190 next "}t
( CtPn't. )
[;,,/;II/ated dak. 4Hd A. p/tJi ()f- the dlLia. a;e !}/vf'J1 j,e/()w.

** This program calculates the velocity profile **
** for Couette flow **
y u(y)
0.0000 0.0000
0.0005 0.1975
0.0010 0.3556
0.0015 0.4742
0.0020 0.5534
0.0025 0.5931
0.0030 0.5934
0.0035 0.5542
0.0040 0.4756
0.0045 0.3575
0.0050 0.2000

* 10- 3
5r-------------------~~---------------- ________------____

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

u (m/s)

6•.~ 7 Consider a steady, laminar Bow through
a straight horizontal tube having the constant el-
liptical cross section given by the equation:
x2 y2
a 2 + b2 = 1
The streamlines are all straight and parallel. In-
vestigate the possibility of using an equation for
the z component of velocity of the form
w=A (1 - - - -2
X2 y2)
a2 b
as an exact solution to this problem. With this
velocity distribution what is the relationship be-
tween the pressure gradient along the tube and
the volume fiowrate through the tube?

Fr(Pin '/he descl"I,iJt/It 1)/ -the pJ"()b/{'m,) U=O) V-':0

Ix- =0) ur:j: I(t),
C/hd the. C4?l1ilnU; f~ eg tilt tl,,;n li?tl;~~~J' -II1,d Jur.:::.o. w;f1.t 11use
CbI1t/;f/~;'nJ' The iE -CtPmp~pl1t of 1ke NIJII/e}l"-J~".s .e!(J,d,()H.s (Ef. h, IZ 7c.)
rePtlte s -16
J!, _
Ji: ~)'
1- J
~J ~
"Zur) ( I)

)(,'2.. ';/"2..
-al: + 6'3,
- =I
, .
Thus) the pr()t~secl veJoc,'-ht d'SfYI btl I-IO~
~11 d,' +, f!JIt 5 /J1 ce 011 the bt)LlHdtli'fj

0": A ~ -1':-- r)" A [i- (~: ;- ~~» =A D- oj) =()

Th/s V'~.sLlJi 1~(";att'J 7hllt the PY'tJfos('cl lIe/{)cir!1 d/~f~l:)jrho~
Carr b.e used as tt .s~J£li.JbM. Subst/tu 6til1 ~f the ve/oci ~
d',S"fr;l?t/fJoH II1'-1-lJ Et. t.J) ql'/es ihe YeJa-b~sHj be.J-w~eY1
the Pf'.e>StlY.(! 1Ylltltf;'t; #) (/11# 111e Lle/oci'1tj. S;;;C'f!.,)
d2 W-::- _;(,4 d 2 W-"" _ Z,4
P,x'z a 7.. o!J'Z - .bz.
I t ~llows 1H4 i:
- - l AJ<.
(-f. + j,~ ) (2)

( coni)


QV1d 1Y1 e re fr:, roe zeD


!="rom EZ·(2)
~ =- Lf # C)
~t Tr4b
(-jy. i-~)
6. ~ g A fluid is initially at rest between two
horizontal, infinite, parallel plates. A constant
pressure gradient in a direction parallel to the
plates is suddenly applied and the fluid starts to
move. Determine the appropriate differential
equation(s), initial condition, and boundary con-
ditions that govern this type of flow. You need
not solve the equation(s).

D/';:kYPII~,(/j e$ua.ildJl1S OYt! -hte Sf/me.. QS £$5. 1..1291 6./3~ ql1~

~. /;J J e .t"ce,Pt 7Hc t- : ; :# 0 (.5,;'a:.. iHe .f'14L.) 1.5 ~J1sl-ea",).

Ihvs J £1. '. IZ 1 r?/ws-t 'nclwde tHe. IOCQI aCce/enJt:lo~ i:t'r""'.J

~ ) Q HII 1Jte ,/ov(lY'l1ln f d,.,ch~J4hlf'j -ef""iJt9Xs tlre:

( x- d/Ye(.-htJ~)

_ Jp
d!} - fi-
0: -~

J:n, +, q'j &;11t/J '..j.,p# k=o .ft:,y- i:a ~r ,I'll !:1

/3f)t/ J1 r/II,.!} C4'JnQi .fioll5 : u=o h>r !f=~~ -k>y t ~(j •

6.89 [t is known that the velocity distribution for steady,
laminar now in circular tubes (ei ther horizontal or vertical)
is parabolic. (See Vidl'Cl "\'6.6 .) Consider a IO-mm diameter
horizontal tube through which ethyl alcohol is flowi ng with
a steady mean vclocity 0.15 mls. (a) Would you expect the
vcloci ty distribution to be parabolic in this ease? Explain.
(b) What is the pressure drop per unit length along the tube?

(a) C hec.K

Re =

flow /; ) IJm/;'" r (} Hd
PIIY" /JoFc.. y~j .

= g (/.I~ ></0- 3 yt,~)(t? /~f' )

(0. o;,lJ"") "

S7 / -IV, p.er ml

'--1 1/
~. '10

6.90 A simple flow system to be used for steady flow

tests consists of a constant head tank connected to a length of
4-mm-diameter tubing as shown in Fig. P6.90. The liquid has
a viscosity of 0.015 N . s/m 2, a density of 1200 kg/m3 , and dis-
charges into the atmosphere with a mean velocity of 2 m/s. (a)
Verify that the flow will be laminar. (b) The flow is fully de-
veloped in the last 3 m of the tube. What is the pressure at the
pressure gage? (c) What is the magnitude of the wall shearing ~ _ _ _ _IIIIIiiI_m
stress, Tn' in the fully developed region?
Diameter = 4 mm
\. 3m---I.!

• FIGURE P6.90

(C<. ) Check:. Re'fIJ~/"s hum ber-

Re::: !- V (2~) ::

(h) /7;r /qmlfJRY /-/f)W,;

J!..2.Ae (1;3- 1;, /sz)
v= K)4 ,.l.

SInce fJt= 1: -1, :: 1:- 0 fs.ef! I/J'w r-e )

? = J'1t vi B' ( 0.0/5 ~:) (2 '; ) (3/IH)

= ::- /~o.le. ~
J ..e ~ (0.0:' If I'M) 1

(c )

7Ij. :'0 I 50 tha. t

4he/ w/fh v;,"'i::.z V / tJhf"-e. V is the me4n ve/oci"l:'J

Lrr = .< y/ (- f"1-)

ThuS) o.t: the. wall) r= F2}
(2 ~ ) ( (). 0 I fj ~.. ')
I (~"
l Lri-)w./I
-\- ~ ': 1-
- R
If (0.00
ij. IYI1 )
= ~O.O-z.

1--'_'1_,_ . . .1 6.91 A highly viscous Newtonian liquid (p = 1,300 kglm 3 ;
J.L = 6·0 N . s/m2) is contained in a long, vertical, 150-mm di-
ameter tube. Initially the liquid is at rest but when a valve at
the bottom of the tube is opened flow commences. Although
the flow is slowly changing with time, at any instant the ve-
locity distribution is parabolic, that is, the flow is quasi-steady.
(See Vidt-o V6.6.) Some measurements show that the average
velocity, V, is changing in accordance with the equation
V = 0.1 t, with V in mls when t is in seconds. (a) Show on a
plot the velocity distribution (v: vs. r) at t = 2 s, where v: is the
velocity and r is the radius from the center of the tube. (b) Ver-
ify that the flow is laminar at this instant.

(a) [;.,,- ~rAj,~II' veloci-fJ dl;.fy"bH-h~ II

3: = J- (f)1-
:5,'""C! ~IIK:: 2. V
~=tV[I-(~Y"] (I)

V= 6.1t ) 0.-1: i=- 2.s V = O. 2~

15"~~111'1 :::- 1StmM1 . Thus)
ct. (J)

~ = 2. (6,2 r) D-("'~':""J" ]
1i- ': o. Lf (I - 178 r). )
A- pl{)t (;f -hi;.; ve/~(,;frt d/~Jy"butl()'"
Vz (m/s) r(m)
0.000 0.075
0.1 I I
0.08 ~
0.256 0.045
0.06 ,..,~,
0.313 0.035
0.356 0.025 0.04 "
0.384 0.015 0.02 ,
0.400 o ~ 0 t-------t--T------t----t-------I
0.384 -0.015 -0.02 t----t--T---+-~)--t-______j
0.356 -0.025
V ,I !
0.313 -0.035 ~ , I
0.256 -0.045 -0.06~! ! i
0.256 -0.045
~:.:ooo 0;" o~oo o~oo o~oo o~oo I
vz(m/s) ~

(b) o - f-Y D -
/'e- 7 - 6,. () NJ

== '.5 «2..J{)t; ( Flow J".s 14m/naY')

6. ~ 2 (a) Show that for Poiseuille flow in a
tube of radius R the magnitude of the wall shear-
ing stress, TTl> can be obtained from the relation-
I(Trz)wall! = nR3

for a Newtonian fluid of viscosity Jl. The volume

rate of flow is Q. (b) Determine the magnitude
of the wall shearing stress for a fluid having a
viscosity of 0.003 N·s/m 2 flowing with an average
velocity of 100 mmls in a 2-mm-diameter tube.

( Q..)

/]- J~
(..r~ -:: / ' pr

Vi- = ~t" [I - (~]']

a~d V 1.5 1H~ rn el#n ve Jocl+'"J ) /f /o//{)II)S

0lJ.-= _ 'fVr
~r- /C2.

Th US) a. t tHe u/(',// {}- ==-Je) ;

( "....) - _ 'f~V
Lrr willi - Ie
CIII d ";" "ftt cP :: Tit 2 V

(0-~L./I I =

(b ) If (0.003 ~ )(0. Joe> !!f)

( 0. 00 2. ,.,.. )

= /.20 Fa.
6. 'J3 An incompressible, Newtonian fluid Fixed wall"-,..
flows steadily between two infinitely long, con-
centric cylinders as shown in Fig. P6.~3 . The
outer cylinder is fixed, but the inner cylinder
moves with a longitudinal velocity Vo as shown.
For what value of Vo will the drag on the inner
cylinder be zero? Assume that the flow is laminar,
axisymmetric, and fully developed.

G'tua 6,;'1:/ t. ./Jf7 J wh'Gh WIIS 'ec/e/~ptd ~Y' fl"w 111 clrcuilfY -lubes)
CA.pplles JJ1 The. flnnu/lir reJI()n. ThUll

~ = ;. (~) r~ + C, in J- + C% (t)

With .b()"i1dtJr~ U)H(J/f;()J1S I y. =~) -v; =0) tlnd yo ::. rz·) ~.:: ~ )
It fe>1/()w.s tnAt:
( ~ ) ~2 + c, i Y1 t;; T Cz

( U)
~~ '{; 1.0 Z. + Co,in ..-
1-';.7- C. ( 3)

SUh frac.t E~ . (Z) 1',./J11'1 E$ J3) Ie CJbl:~u~

~" ? Of) (r,.z- r;') + c, 2~

C '::::

The w,'j / be reY'o

Lri- -:: I M. (~T


COIf:/ w;fJ, v;. ;: a J if I"/I,,ws tha i

L :::)k J Vi:
rr / or
(c.~n 't. )
~.93 I

D,t~/eY{1ntJ~l:e £$. OJ w;tn NSfec.t t:cJ

J ~ _ -L
~ - ;1.1<-

So 1h1l t ~i r.: r..

.. +

Thus J 1/1 "rd ey./0 r ih e c/Y'II? .fD be ~eY'o .I

-L (ll. ) r. + ~ - ~ (# )(~.7.-y;; 2.)

021' ; z- /.
6.'14- An infinitely long, solid, vertical cylin-
der ot radius R is located in an infinite mass of
an incompressible fluid. Start with the Navier-
Stokes equation in the () direction and derive an
expression for the velocity distribution for the
steady flow case in which the cylinder is rotating
about a fixed axis with a constant angular velocity e
w. You need not consider body forces. Assume
that the flow is axisymmetric and the fluid is at
rest at infinity.

p"t" this (//)W he/cf) v;. =0) -z.; =0; Pi'll! frt)h1 the
al-- + -
pC; + -=0

t"t 10 IIt) w.s '1h I(. t.

I hus) the Ntll//fY- S~kes efua-tlt/H 111 the e-d/}~ec.t/l)~ (Eg.6.1ZJb)
loy s tflld~ Ht)w Y.ftluce.s io
o = - ;.
[f1== h- l'"f J~)
av- -
Due. fo the S'lmme tl''1 tJ/ 1he k"lV )
o -p ::::"0
.so tJu. t
r Jf-o (r ~?)- VB

ti)Zt/j; I Jv;, _ ~
~",2. 1--;;;: }-~ =0 ( I)

S,n·ce ~ /05 4 iul1c.i'f!)·Jf "f ~n/!1 r.l E $ ,(J) Cllf1

eA./"'~ .ssed 4~ t1n ~ rd/)'JA1"!1 dl Ife"/'Inq/ eI tllJ til) J"J

V'e - tv Y'I '#f' J1 t1 S
.!!.. (~) =0 (2.)
dr T

d l/(:; + "V&-
---- -
dl-- J-

I- d~ -t- ~.: C1 r (.4 )


( CCn 't )
b -117
~. 9'1 1

E$lIflt:/f) ~ t.J) ~n be e)(.pY'~.ss(?d 4£

d (;-I./j;) _
c, y

.405 I- -~ eO) ~ ~ 0) (s,;'ce f/tI~d IS ai r~si O-t 1~/;;lIf~)

So 1ha i C, ;: o. T h US)
"'i~ Cz.
ve':: ~

.;Jince ai a -= RtV) /f
;-=-R / v:
6. qs A viscous fluid is contained between two
infinitely long vertical concentric cylinders. The
outer cylinder has a radius and rotates with an
angular velocity w. The inner cylinder is fixed and
has a radius ' i ' Make use of the Navier-Stokes
equations to obtain an exact solution for the ve-
locity distribution in the gap. Assume that the
flow in the gap is axisymmetric (neither velocity
nor pressure are functions of angular position ()
within gap) and that there are no velocity com-
ponents other than the tangential component.
The only body force is the weight.


( See PY'(),bJeh1

W,th The. hOUY1dIlYf:J ~j.fd~ f,;Jt.5 t- =Yi,' ) ve.= 0) 4J.1 til

r =:. r:0; V; :: Y'. U) (s~e fij£ll'e ~Y' hOia.t:IOI1)) it: kl/()ws.
C7 ()

+-ff)1?1 ~ b' C1) tna t .'

c, r;.. eZ.
.2.. 1"".'
-(, Y'"
+ -to



C:2. :::

.so 1n1l.:t
r-tU r..I. 2- ~
G; ..... :a.
1- (/- !i.~ )
I- t.
0 h"

v:= rW 4
[ I r/]
(1- %2-)
,- //7
6.96 For flow between concentric cylinders, with the outer
cylinder rotating at an angular velocity w and the inner cylin-
der fixed, it is commonly assumed that the tangential velocity
(ve) distribution in the gap between the cylinders is linear. Based
on the exact solution to this problem (see Problem 6.95) the ve-
locity distribution in the gap is not linear. For an outer cylinder
with radius ro = 2.00 in. and an inner cylinder with radius rj =
1.80 in., show, with the aid of a plot, how the dimensionless
velocity distribution, ve/row, varies with the dimensionless ra-
dial position, r/ro' for the exact and approximate solutions.


/;1' fh~ e~a(,.J S/)/U.l:,t~·11 (see PrIJf,Jem i" 15')

~ ::
(/ - 1=b~
[I - !lJ

ClIJe! It. n~n d/fY1frlsi~n,,/ ~f"1"n

[I - ~':(lr1
119 .. ~ (2)
-f;AJ Yo V't>
(1- !.:':)
rf)Y r;.:: I,g 0 In· 1/ MAt;; := 2... Ot) /n . S~I11~ k;u J4. fpP{ VII Juel I'JI( II
" jY'A.'ph t:1l"e sh~WiJ beID"V. Npte ~£.J; -h:tY~ IJ 1:tt-.1e •
d;f./e'fll('e he-/;w~eJ1 the eJC.ac.t Q"d a.ppf'l'ilml.fe .sc/U:tlt9fl.S,'(;'Y' thIS
srntJ/ JA..p wid-t'Jt. FtJr 1111 ,rA&'"C4i purft'Jt.s ho11t :5tJ1u.r'/f)Jl/s HII
on 1/te SJhf)e C.UVlltl shpwl'J.

Yo/row r/ro
::::: .~_._. __.__1___~ _ ~
0.000 0.000 0.900
0.125 0.131 0.913 a 960 -- .------:/-------------
~ O.9401--~ ------.-.-
0.500 0.512 0.950 0.920 \/-------- .. --'---'--
0.625 0.637 0.963
0.750 0.759 0.975 0.900 y - - - - - f - - - - - - \
0.875 0.880 0.988 0.000 0.500 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 Vf) Ir;,w
().97 A viscous liquid (p. = 0.0121b . s/ft2, p = 1.79
slugs/fe) flows through the annular space between two hori-
zontal, fixed, concentric cylinders. If the radius of the inner
cylinder is 1.5 in. and the radius of the outer cylinder is 2.5 in.,
what is the pressure drop along the axis of the annulus per foot
when the volume flowrate is 0.14 fe Is?

Check Re'flll';ds iJIIl1'Ibtr 1-0 JeternufJe

R ~
I.. V iJ"

Whev-e Di. :: :l. (';; - ft·) Q/I1 d v::-

1T (~).-ft..1.)

:J. (1,7t; s!:/; )(t). ILl £13)
tr (~.()/2 I~~ ) (.?Sln, + :-SI#.)
12. 111 •

3'1,Q < 2100


S/~ce the Re'f,,~Jd$ l7L1mb!y IJ w!/I b(,/ow Z/oo -the flow I~

/Qm /J1~'" 411 d

(£ 6. 6.1~6)


41' ==

~( ~.S/;'\~ (JIS/~
12 ) 12..J.!l' )
-:rot ft:

- 33.1 ~h fey It

6. '1'6> *
Plot the velocity profile for the fluid
flowing in the annular space described in Problem
P6.Q7. Determine from the plot the radius at
which the maximum velocity occurs and compare
with the value predicted from Eq. 6.157.

The veloc/f!J ch~ fy; btl. tlt)J1 the annulus IS 9 , yfJ1 hI; the -Rgtl~,",dj,
- -!.
~- ~ or r -~ 2
1":.2_ y;
' (/

Jm 1:] (Et, "ISS)

.1n -r,.Yo

From ProbJem t .Q7

~: - ~ = - J. a. 'I- !.k.3
tJz J. tt
Thus) w/iJ, J,t. =
o. 016 I~ ,s/~i 2. I r·::
I, 5" /11.
1//1 tI Y'() = 2. S' I'".
If fo//()ttlS "1hA i

~= - (:u.'I i!:3) rr~ (Yft): (¥.. ft)':.M~)ln ~J

if (d. /)/1. ~ )
l I:z. ) n 2..~

~ 111 .fils w;th J- JH ft. A fY'c9rtl!n .loy
c~/Ctl /~t-/ng ~ as ~ .,Ltll1c. t:1(/~ af r /" the. Y'An'l~

-L.. 1--= ~,ft

:00 cls
110 print "**************************************************"
120 print "** This program calculates the velocit.y profile **"
130 print "** for flow in an annulus **"
1~0 print. "* * ** ** * ** * * * * * ** **** **** *** * * * ** * ** ** * * * >I: *** *** * * *"
150 print
155 print II r (ft) v (ft/s)"
160 for r=1.S/12 to 2.501/12 step 0.1/18
170 v=-~~~*(r-2-0.0~3403-0.05~38*log(r/0.208333))
180 print. using "##. ### ##. ###"; r, v
190 next r

( Ct?JI) i )

'.1.& .110. (eO!?!)
Tahu}qted da.ttL ~l1d ?/tJ t a.f the d" ia. ()r~ f/IJI(Jn beJ!)f.().
FrdJrn 1hp.5e dat:tt. 1--1;
JS speJ1 1hllt -lite. f'n"XllYlttm lJeJoc.I'i!:J
oCCuvs a.t-
~. /"5 ft

** This program calculates t.he velocity profile **
** for flow in an annulus **
r (ft) v (ft/s) ( '~I) t)
0.125 0.000 0.169 1.53l±
0.131 0.l±19 0.175 1.l±64
0.136 0.768 0.181 1.3lj.l
0.14,2 1.048 0.l86 l.169
0.147 1. 265 0.192 0.947
0.153 1. 419 0.197 0.678
0.158 1. 514 0.203 0.362
0.164 1. 552 0.208 0.000


0.21 11111/1'''' ,/ ~


.::. 0.17
ve1ot,tlj OC('LO'~
0.15 a.t r= O./("SPt


O.11L-~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~~ __ ~ __ ~ ______ ~~ __ ~ __ ~ ______ ~~

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

v (ft/s)

6. q,,)4c As is shown by Eq. 6.150 the pressure
gradient for laminar flow through a tube of con-
r r·

02 03
r· r·




stant radius is given by the expression: Compare the pressure drop over the length efor
iJp 811Q this nonuniform tube with one having the con-
-=-- stant radius Ro. Hint: To solve this problem you
will need to numerically integrate the equation
For a tube whose radius is changing very grad- for the pressure gradient given above.
ually, such as the one illustrated in Fig. P6. qq ,
it is expected that this equation can be used to
approximate the pressure change along the tube
if the actual radius, R(z), is used at each cross
section. The following measurements were ob- /'//////. /"

tained along a particular tube. ,. i .,

FIGURE P6. '1 Cf

(fhe prl'.sslIY'e dY'tJ,) ; t

K!4J ft [R(rT'tdi
;l.Jt..:;: r/J. a" II Ie "" = ;e / Ro I

!Jf>= g;;C/J).'jrR")-'f dr.-#.

7rR() ¥ 0

(4)!),sitJrli ra.d;us t:ube. (oJt'e bS. 6./S/))

~A Cp}.
1r'F'() If

So tha.i
LI P (/1()nl/()J ~rtn -tube)_
fj f (tln,term I:llbe)

This it?te'jrtlJ Con be. etltl/uated numfY'Jct:/l& USII1.fj

SIft1PjON Cll1d -the da1;tt, ~/veJ1.
(~n't )

** This program perf01.1l1S numerical integration *>1'
** over a set a set of an odd number of equally **
** spaced point,s using Simpson s Rule I **
Enter number of data points: 11 _¥
Enter data points (X , Y) Ncte: X/V t¥" and '(,.., (RJt..)
? 0.0,1.00
? 0.1,3.52
7 O.2.~.96
? 0.3,5.60
7 O.4~4.96
? 0.5,2.'-1:'-1:

? 0.6.2.'-1:'-1:
? 0.9,2.8'-1:
? 1.0,1.00

The approximate value of the integral 1S: +3.5707E+00

LJ f (non IIn'#'rm -f"b~) = 3,57

Ap (un,ftJrh1 i::uj,~)
6,. /00

6.100 Show how Eq. 6.155 is obtained.

;:;y -/It)tt) lit ~11 Ql1 l1tt/ tl S) 1': .:: c> ttl: r== Y:~ t:l11 pt
1i=D a.t r= y.
(". Thll~ /rtJl'h Er. ~.11/-7

t;'" L
) '1;2. r C; In t; l' Cl.

I) ..:: ..1 (le ) r:.{. 2

t- el 111 Ii 1" Cz.
tf)A. d i:
t:ll1a ~oJ IIlitf ~r- (!, tI)1~
'z. tJt! hnlle

-L I~)
- ~ L~£
fJ - ~.
C .:: (I)
111 (~. )
l.2.. ) (z)
~ -~ /n f;,
In (~. )

't1.:, .-,,{)
'l:l. / yo ]

/n(~.) n ~

~. I()I I
6.101 A wire of diameter d is stretched along the centerline
of a pipe of diameter D. For a given pressure drop per unit
length of pipe, by how much does the presence of the wire
reduce the ftowrate if (a) diD = 0.1; (b) diD = 0.01?



(z.. )

//)c) 4 tk,d:. ';;'y ~ =0 ( h0 w/re)

cp = 711(; 'r I::.p
0:;yre.rjJt)J1ds ~ PO/Jet/Illes Ltw (Eg. 6. / b'1) .

~ = o. I J E 1 ,c l) '7 /(/~5 '2..

if =- 7T~ If. AI'

$)A 1.
[I _ (tJ.l) '1-+ [t - CO. J)
(n (o. J) )
91 == 6.';7'f

Th us) ~'y 1ne stirn e f:.,p +he -f/Ol()r~b:. l:.s reduced b::J

r(o tedttcl:t~1'1 t?.=- (; - ~. S7¥).>C )tJfJ ::= 'f2. b%
(J:J) St ~ a(ty~ .,t;;v 1; -=-~. () I E1. 91 (2.) tJ-l'.j

cp; rid y.~I' [ , _ (/).01) 1',... V- (~. 01)9 ~7=- D.]S3

g;uJ. J 11 (0,0/) j
t:>t reductIon /11 tjJ:.- (; - (j.7 F3) oX /00 :- :2. 1,7 0/0

;tit; ie 1Hlrl- t;,e lYeJfH(€ of e t/P 11 ~ t/f V1 S/'hfl/I un Ie Q!()jIf f

-tlt~ kJe Cef1ffrJJ~e h II~ t:i ~';II; tC~Jllt e~c.-t t!Jn tke f/otJmde

b ~/ 2.7
7. /
7.1 The Reynolds number, pVD/I1-, is a very important pa-
rameter in fluid mechanics. Verify that the Reynolds number is
dimensionless, using both the FLT system and the MLT system
for basic dimensions, and determine its value for water (at 70
0c) flowing at a velocity of 2 m/ s through a 2-in.-diameter pipe.

(FL- If r 2 )(I. T-)(L)
. rOL~T~
Re'111 ()/tis num bit' = ~
- FL- 2 r
. (M L- 3 )(LT-,)(LJ M~LD TD
- ML _1,-' -

/=;;;-- wa..t:er at 10 tJc) ~ = ;V.s

- Qnd
/m 2
LJ = Cj77. g ..k,. (Ta b/e 13. 2 ,,, AppendlJ( B) .
r /YYI~

7.2 I
7.2 What are the dimensions of density,
pressure, specific weight, surface tension, and dy-
namic viscosity in (a) the FLT system, and (b)
the MLT system? Compare your results with
those given in Table 1.1 in Chapter 1.

p = fr~S5UYe:" .../arce.
are a.. .:::
tv(liltj .£ - HL T ...:. /-1
~ = spec; lid. we/rift .:: Wlllt vi/tune - 1- 3
- L..3 T 1- Z
MLT -. ;1.1
L T2..
/. -2.';;L_2..
. ()/ILT
- T -I - -LTM

(a) 1ft the. FtT ~'t.skmJ (j,) /11 the. !VJ L r .5Lf.sffm)
. 3
t:: J= L -If T 2- I~ HL-
1'::' t=L- 2 p; ft1L-' r- 2

&; FL- 3 ~= ML-

r- 2
0-::- M T - 2.
r:T= FL- J
ML-'T- I
FL- 2 T /-=

7,3 1

7.3 For the flow of a thin film of a liquid with a depth h

and a free surface. two im,E2rtant dimensionless parameters are
the Froude number. V/V gh. and the Weber number, pV 2h/cr.
Determine the value of these two parameters for glycerin
(at 20°C) flowing with a velocity of 0.7 mls at a depth of 3 mm.

V 6,7 "5
. -- i -- If. 08
j (r.81 Cf-z)(O,OtJ31M)
f- V 2.h - (/ "2 fDo !!-a
)(CJ. 7 ~)~ ~. ~t)3 trn )
- 2 9. 3
0- , .33 )I.)D-,2. - "

7,Lf I
7. Lt The Mach number for a body moving
through a fluid with velocity V is defined as V / c,
where c is the speed of sound in the fluid. This
dimensionless parameter is usually considered to
be important in fluid dynamics problems when its
value exceeds 0.3. What would be the velocity of
a body at a Mach number of 0.3 if the fluid is:
(a) air at standard atmospheric pressure and 20
°e, and (b) water at the same temperature and

(t:?-) V :: (),3
!=or tllr tit- 20De
c =3Lf.3. 3 !!!1
( Tq6J~ e. if J;' //ppfnix /3 )
111 a. t

V-= tJ. 3 (3'f3. 3 T) :: /03 -


c.b ) Pol" WA-ter at to DC I

c :: /'1-8'/
S (Ta.6/e 8.2 .
111 /t,pfrld/~ 8)
.:s () 1;Iat

V = ~, 3 (/'f~ / c;t) - 'flfLf ff!1.


7.S I
7.5 At a sudden contraction in a pipe the
diameter changes from D j to D 2 • The pressure
drop, !::.p, which develops across the contraction
is a function of DJ and D 2 , as well as the velocity,
V, in the larger pipe, and the fluid density, p, and
viscosity, /1. Use D J , V, and /1 as repeating vari-
ables to determine a suitable set of dimensionless
parameters. Why would it be incorrect to include
the velocity in the smaller pipe as an additional

? == FC
n&m the. pt.' -tlJe~rtm) &,- 3 = ~ dlmfl1"M/ess fClYl/metfYS reg "in''''' Use
l1) ~ t/Md? as refe~/;/n1 variables. Tl1us)
a: b C
1Tj = iJp q V ~
(;= L- '-) (L ) a- (L T -) h ( PL -J. T) c~ j: ~ L"T 0

-2 +~,../:,-:2c=o

- j, + C ='0

1t ~ jJ"w.s ih" i a. :£ / ~ .h:: - J,) C:: -/ ) 1/11 PI 1J1fY'~ f"r~

/JI. /),
TT.= t::..
I V/,
{, heck. d"';)fn.sltJfJs u~/n, 1/4 L 7 ~'Iskl11 :
IJ.t DJ ~ (ML-1r-Z)(L) .:... M"LoT o .'. ok.
·v)<-' ( L I-i) ( HL-JT-)
11;:: '11),
V;a .b c

L (L)Q. (LT-jb (FL- r) c.: rOL~rf) 2

'i'" ~ +b -).C=o
-.b + c ':0

(.=-1 I h=c» c=o

= Dz.
7. s I ( CC)/I t: )
7Tz 1:S Obv/~usJ'1 cilmfnslol'I/ess.

'{?,y 7T3.' ((. b C

7T3~ /,£1 V I-
(F L - 1fT 2) ( L) Q. ( L7 - ') b ( F 1.. - 2. T) C~ poL~ T C

I+G =-0

-If +a -r j, -2C. =0
:l-b -t- C = 0 (Ie" T)
11 ~J/f)tIIS thai et = I) h = I; c =- -/ f/HP( 1h-eJ'e{o~e.
77:= t-D,V
3 ~
. .
Chec,/c JlmpnSIIJIJS us/nJ fv1 1.. T .5lfskm .'
4/), 11 (Mi.- 3 )(L.)(LT- ' )
( . - -d MDI/TD ., tJ/t..,
~ ML- ' T-/
Th US)

~Yrhn~ /f!;J eg U(J..;tt"·J'} )

-rr ~_ 7r 2..
V 7j. D, - ~ ~ D2
wheY't Vs /s 1he ve/l't:.;t!J I ~ the jtn4 J/ey pi fe.. Since
=(!j )2. V /)z.

,j (lot inrie(Jf}1deni of ~ I P2) I1J1A J/ til1d 1heYe~tt!
.sh"u Id no t be /11c,luded. Q~ tJYI /l1depeY1deKi lJav,able.

7.6 Water sloshes back and forth in a tank as shown in Fig.
P7 .6. The frequency of sloshing, w, is assumed to be a function
of the acceleration of gravity, g, the average depth of the wa-
ter, h, and the length of the tank,e. Develop a suitable set of
dimensionless parameters for this problem using g and as re- e
peating variables.

w=. T- '
FY-"rn 1/,t. p,' +11 eo rem) 4 - 2 -=. Z d J'me 11's Ibn less
paY"'!'€t.eYs Y'e!",'red. Use 3- ann L a.s Y'.ep~(J.·h;'~
vaY'ltJ/JJe.s) Thll5) .b
"'" = W? a..1
(T"'I)(L T-2)Q.(L)b::!; LO T
(,f;,r L)
(r;,~ r)
z+ h)/~ws b = y'z I
a"d 1here/r,ye

, Dk
• ¥

Fo yo "TTl.:
7r'}.. := ?1 d
)(.. b
q IJ

L (L T-t. ) a:.(L.).b == L() T
/ + a+b = t;
- 'l tL '::'0
7.7 I
7.7 It is desired to determine the wave height when wind
blows across a lake. The wave height, H, is assumed to be a
function of the wind speed, V, the water density, p, the air den-
sity, Po' the water depth, d, the distance from the shore, and e,
the acceleration of gravity, g, as shown in Fig. P7.7. Use d, V,
and p as repeating variables to determine a suitable set of pi
terms that could be used to describe this problem.



#= L V'= LT- 1 f -= FL -"r

fa.: FL-
rl- d::' L
F;."111 the 1/ fh et>YftJ1 J 7- 3 = Lf f/ .ferms ret(; u/rpti. Use
d J ~ 411" I 4.s fete4.-/;;'lIj VP rt'a6/es , Thus)
tT, = II d a /I b; C

(L ) ( L J(;. (L T -I) b (Ft - 'f T ~) C = F ()L" TO

( hI" F)
I + a... rb - 'Ie =-0 (~r L )
- b -f"Z.C =0 (.{".,. T)

Cl=-/ oJ
1,=0 J C=6 I anti ThftelCte

I d
oj, '/J~{lSi.:J dJMtns/on/ps...5.

tTl.::: fa. a4. tr b t C

[FL -'I r7) tl.. ) fA. (LT-1 ) b (FL -IfT~) t: = POL TO


I -f C =0 (~r' r )
(full' '-)
- If -t- a. -t-b - 4- c = 0
(,fr,'(" T)
2-b-r2C ==0

((!6)n 'i)

7. 7 I ( c~I1'i)

til'll' e::{S J;r 7T/) a =-I) b= 0) C=o ,50 That.

1';3 -

/;,. 7T'f: 11"'f:;- d da. f J, / ' c

{LT--z)(L)4.(LT-'jh (pL- lf r2-)c=. fDL()T"
C'.::. 0 (.for t)
/ -r A. ~h - t.t- c. =0 (-hf' L)
-2. -b "1"2(.-=0 (f;r T)

C :: 0

I 01<

H _ )..
d - r
(Ia. f')

:-:--:s--:::;:S-:-:-~-::-::::- t
7.S Water flows over a dam as illustrated in Fig. P7.~ .
Assume the flowrate, q, per unit length along the dam depends 1
on the head, H, width, b, acceleration of gravity, g, fluid density,
p, and fluid viscosity, J.L. Develop a suitable set of dimensionless
parameters for this problem using b, g, and p as repeating


'f ~ L 2. , - ' Jf:: L j,..:. L ;= L ,-2 1= Pi -'111- f=- FL-2.r

FrtJn? -the IJL the()rem 1,-3= 3 pi tfrmJ regUJY'f'd. Use..
bJ 31 Vlnd I as relea-if h:J vt/n 'af;/es Th(Js~

77f= ~ b aJ~(c
and pOL TO
(L Z T -) (L ) et ( L T - 2.) b (F L - lIt :2.) Co .-:

c=-O (.for ;:)

2 -f a... -t-b -LfC =0 (:ky L)
- / - z.b -I-L C '::0 (lor T)

'p3~ J ~

C heck d/~en~/~M us,;' j 1'-1 L T .5't:,f.em.'

, ()/<

t:£ /, C
77;.-- JI 6 j !
(L)(L) ~ (LT-z).J(,t=t-'fT-a.j c. ~ FOL oro
C=o (J::,r r)
I-t- ~ rb -tfC =0 thy L)
- 2-b -rl. C =0
(.ky T)

a =-1) b ::())
11:2.. = b1-1
1'.5 () b 1/ J ~ ~.50 dt'm !14.5IPI') Jess

7.8 J (~I1'i )

a. "
113=)<- b j f

(FL -2. T) (J-) (J- T-j /, (;=-L -If-T 2) c --= pOLO TO


/ -I-C =0
(,k,- F)
-). 1" t{ -t.b -tfc-=o (J;y L)
/ - 2b-r 2 c. =0 (oCy T)

:t.t- 10 IltP4IJ thai a = - ~) ~ = - 1z .) c= -J


n= L
3 I/Iz /'1
o//rnel1~/i;f1J u5iny ML T s"'f~.J-em.'

?: ~ (I1L-'r- ' ) ()L.I tJ)-o ,

- 11 " ())(
if 'lz..f - (L)3/z(I..T-V'IZ (M[3)
7. 'f I
7. 'l The pressure rise , !:J.p, across a pump can
be expressed as
tJ.p = f (D, p, ro, Q)
where D is the impeller diameter. p the fluid den·
sity, (j) the rotational speed , and Q the flowrate .
Determine a suitable set of dimensionless param-


II .fellows 1h~t tZ = -2) b' -/ , C. = -2 ) qnt/ 111trehte

_ 4p
. . Tli- D'(o4J'
CheclL. dl mel15l()11S IlSin, NI-T slfskm .-
t1p Mf. -'T-'"
- .'. bl<.
D,/,tcJ' (L) Z (J..,J:')(r~·

n; = rP D"'/4J c
(L 3r)(L.),''(;:r¥r)b(rJ C: rLOT"
(;;,~ ,t)
I 31''' -
~b =0 (f"y '-)
(Tor T)
:U f",11.ws 1hai a. =-3I b = 0, c" -/ , 4n4 1h'",/(,re
- cp
. 1r;z - D34J
Checir dimenSIOns 1151;', Mt..T ~'fsJ..em "
CD _ L"T-' _ == NDLDFo .: OK.
D0p,) (L)3 (r-')

7. /0 I
7. 10 The drag, ~, on a washer shaped plate
placed normal to a stream of fluid can be ex-
pressed as
ill = f(d" dh V, fl, p)
where d, is the outer diameter, d2 the inner di-
ameter, V the fluid velocity, f1 the fluid viscosity,
and p the fluid density. Some experiments are to
be performed in a wind tunnel to determine the
drag. What dimensionless parameters would you
use to organize these data?

~ == F
"-, -= L dz. :d: L V ' : : L T- )A =- FL _aT
rrlJ)tn tJte. p/ fhet7r'rm J ,-~ =3 fi Hl"l71s Y',!~,;'ed. lise
d,) V; tlno I "" ~ft'a,6/11~ V4ntl"/e~. Thus)

rr;.: pV
t d,

(F) (L) (4 (L r-j b(FL -'trz) c: = F"L ~ Tfj

/-t-C=O (/;,,,.. F)
a.+h -Ifc=o (-ICY' L..)
-.b-+2.C=o (.fey T)
11: r;,//PI(I$ ihll i /<..=-2.; },=-2, C ='-/ ; tJl1t/ 1here'ye
0/ VI'
ChecK ql mfl1SI;'ns "'SlfJ.!) NtT ~lfs-t-em :
~ ::::::
- NIJttJTO ... ()I<.
d/' VZ; (L) 2. (LT-') (I1L-3)

.z. ~ b c
712 = d;L d, V !
(L )(L) tZ (LT -') b lfL - 1f T 2) c =
C1 =0

/-t-a + b - 1Jc. =0
.b +:J..c ':;0

7. 10 I
.zt -Iol/e;lVs 1h1l t t:l. :: - I; .b = ole:: 0 I tI/I t/ 1heY'e /:;"e.
2. d,
tJh Icn IS ObV/()VS/; til tnf'I1.5I(J/Jlpss .

fOr 7?3:

IrC .::a (~r )=")

- J. -t t( -t./J -ifc :: 0 (.j;,r L)
/ -.b -+ 2.c =lJ
("'yo T)


.: ~k
d, Vj1


S IhC(!; I-V d l I~ a. sirJl1d£trtl dl ~pn~/~l1less PtlrqmebY'

(Re!;//J"lds num bt!}") I E 3. (I) AJould rnOYe Comm t)l11':1 be.
ex-tressed (J 5


As h,y AS cfJmfl1,sIOl1et J /Jllq !t1Si.s Ij ~f1C'erl1pd I ,=;s. (J)

til? tI (Z) qre .fJgu/llalen t" .

7. 1/ I

7.11 Under certain conditions, wind blowing past a rectan- .

gular speed limit sign can cause the sign to oscillate with a fre-
quency w. (See Fig. P7.11 and Video VY.6.) Assume that w is
a function of the sign width, h, sign height, h, wind velocity, V,
air density, p, and an elastic constant, k, for the supporting pole.
The constant, k, has dimensions of FL. Develop a suitable set
of pi terms for this problem.

• FIGURE P7.11
tv: r- I b:.L -4t=L V== LT- f= r-L-'tr 7. .,k';FL
PY'611?1 1'nt. p/ 1I1eorem '-J = 3 pi hn?lj YeZUlyptJ/. Use
b.J ~ tin,!;; 11.5 repea.-t,Hfj INIYlable...s. Thu;~
tJ; ::- tv j, a. V f; C
(T -I) (L)tO. (L r-jh(rL "''fT~ c: Pi- "TtJ
C=:.o (tor r)
a -t J, - i.fC 0 = (/:,y L)
- I - j, i"lC. =0 (Joy T)

t t /-oIJIf}IJI..$ #fa a: I J j,:. -I) C:. 0 ) CI If a 1htre ~re.

1Ti= V
C he("k c/"YlfI/S/()I1.5: ( (
fA) b T- 1) L) . . :. . L() TO ,: 01<..
V-':: (L,J)

7T; - h j,Ow v b/ C

(L) (L)(J. (LT-1)b (FL-'f r2-)(.=. pOLO TO

(! =0 (~y F)
J -t a. +b- ¥c. =0 (~Y' L)
- .b "i"Zc.. =0 (,(oJ" T)

7- 1'f
7 1/ I (tt!)l1t)

/=;r TT3:
1T3:: ~ J/~' Vb f c:.

(r-L)( L)Q.. { L7-0 h ( FL-'I r ).) C = toL T0


/-I-C!. = 0
l-t a...,. b - Jfc.. = a
-1 -r Zc. =0

:Ii ~/jf)Wj 1;J"i a -= - 3) .b: -l) c:::- - I) ~J1A 1here (ore.

173 = .b'V'1
Ch~CK r/;mel'l~PII.s ~ Slh..J ML T .s'l~klt1f I'
-4< . HL'1. T - Z o
- fi1 ~ L ~ T :. Dk.
),3V'/~ = (L')(LT-,)2(HL-3)

7.12- I
1.12. The flowrate, Q, of water in an open channel is as-
sumed to be a function ofthe cross-sectional area of the channel,
A, the height of the roughness of the channel surface, c, the
acceleration of gravity, g, and the slope, So' of the hill on which
the channel sits. Put this relationship into dimensionless form.

(p::' L3 T- 1

FYO/YI the ?'" 1he~ye WI I S- -"2:. '3 P/ ffrrns Y'e 0/J/~r". US~
,4 tlnli 9 as rffJ(Jul;'~ Vt(v/ab Je..s Thus)
11j = ([J ,44J 6
(i ~ r-I)(I..") (L r-1.) "=- L() TO

- I - 2 J, =D
a. :' - 5"/'f J b:: - I/z. 1 a,,1 1Ite"'~ fo,re.
~ - --=-.(/)......""",,==-
1- A5"/'fff
.: 01<

I -t2.&L-tb = 0
(toy L)
- 2..b = D (rfr~ T)
1J,p f a ':= - 1/4,) b = (:)) Ii 11 ~ 1'ltfre f;,1I'e
1T.2-- - e
IJ t>bv/~I4.5J:J d,me"s/t!JJ1/eS'J. Th( 17l1vd f,' ~m Ij

-SC) Jj dun tl1SJ~IIJ fSS. 7ft us)

7. /3 1 I.U Because of surface tension, it is possible, with care,
to support an object heavier than water on the water surface as
shown in Fig. P7.!3. (See Video V1.S.) The maximum thick-
ness, h, of a square of material that can be supported is assumed
to be a function of the length of the side of the square, e, the
density of the material, p, the acceleration of gravity, g, and the
surface tension of the liquid, 0'. Develop a suitable set of di-
mensionless parameters for this problem.
I' {' -I
~);fit~~8 i{Fm>4');~I~1

~=f(.J.) 1)

-l=' L l='L ;= 1=I--'t,2- d= Lr- 1

Fy~rn the p/ 1he~Y'em) b-- B ::. Z fi .f.fr/Y1J Y'R11J1rnl...
t) ffJ (lI1d I (Is retea,6;~~ vl/f'iflbJe..s. Thus)
1Ti -:: ),. .1 a.1- 6; C

(t.. )(L)~(l..T-~) b(FL- If r2.) c_' rfJLD(-

C! ::: 0

'-t-~-+,b-,+c.. =0

- 2.b +2.. c.. .:= ()

a=-') j:.o) e:&J, (/1111 171tJrt"re
wAlch /5 ~j,JlJ~II.sJ!:1 cit in f,,~i!JIJ!1 s S .
/=by 7Tz....' ~ IJ c:.
7T"J.- = rr t d !
(FL-')(L) 4..( L T--~ b (FL-'fr 2.) Co = j='tiO I
/ -+ C := 0

-/ +tJ... -rb - 'Ie =0

_ 2.~ -r '2C =0
a:-z. ) l,-:-/ )
c.=-/ ) t/htl there{;r<.
If'!'J;'~ /vtt.. 7 ~'Is/e1l1 f

0- ' ( fo1 7- "L.. ) .-:. M ~L 0 T P

J, 2#f = (L 7.)0. 1- ){ML- ~ ) Z

-f:= cf (t-f-it )

7.J 4 As shown in Fig. P7.14 and Video V504, a jet of liq-

uid directed against a block can tip over the block. Assume that
the velocity, V, needed to tip over the block is a function of the
fluid density, p, the diameter of the jet, D, the weight of the
block, 'lV, the width of the block, b, and the distance, d, be-
tween the jet and the bottom of the block. (a) Determine a set
of dimensionless parameters for this problem. Form the di-
mensionless parameters by inspection. (b) Use the momentum
equation to detennine an equation for V in terms of the other
variables. (c) Compare the results of parts (a) and (b).

• FIGURE P7.14

(a) V = -f (t) DJ ~) b; d )
V; t.. ~-I f =- r- L -1f T -a. D:: L t:p,J =f b d: L cJ -= L
1nt. ?/ 1htJ)rem
j';S?eVr/DI1 h:,y 11,
J '-3 : 3
p,' -krrns
r ~tIJJY'ed .

11i = V D f:G '~ (L 7-')(/...) ({ r:~~T~) "," rot!'

Check US/IfJ I1LT:

Vb =
H,r 71.,.... J~~
11".z- =:
aha lor 17j
rr,3:: D
til1lt b,,"In 1T~ tll1'{ tT) tire oJ:, JlI ~u.s 1':7 c/; men~/lJl1less .

{.hI t=;r Irnpend/n1 flPplnj aY~I(;1f' 0

L MIJ =e>
50 171(1,,.1: h
t= cl = t:tJ (-;.) (I )

7- 18
7. I tf I ( 6PJ1 ~ )
f:y-IP"" m",m~l1ftlm ~"~Jr/eya,t/~ t{51;'~ tJ,,~ CV sh(Jwlt

C9 !f u ;.;. dA =- L F"
f V2,A = F

7h H~j /rPTn I='1. {J.}

(;V2.A)(d) = ~ ({)
$;0 i114, t
V = V~ (j,) •
2.f,4 d
" nil /A/11h ,4 = . ,.,fir
. DZ
11= \/21v b { 2. }
r ( 7Tf'd-D- 1

(') Front part Ca.)

V -
... I re;;;-'
(id) E.)

1?"f . £2.) Clll1 b£ IN yo I ifr 11 as


.t:f h//oltJs b'f &JlI1flJr'Jn.J E ,/s. (2) tfn,;;{ /.)) 1VJtJ.t

f (~) ~ ) = (~)(-ff)'
So 1/t..,t 1 (~) ~) /.s actua ":1 inrJetflf("J~nt tJ f -i .

7- 1'1
7. /s
7.15 A viscous fluid is poured onto a horizontal plate as
shown in Fig. P7. r5". Assume that the time, t, required for the
fluid to flow a certain distance, d, along the plate is a function
of the volume of fluid poured, ¥, acceleration of gravity, g.
fluid density, P. and fluid viscosity. fL. Determine an appropriate
set of pi terms to describe this process. Form the pi terms by
• FIG U REP 7 • 1%S

i:-= T
;.= J...T- !;;: FL.- r2. !- ~ FL-2. r
z lf

t=rpm -the pt,' 7he"rem 6, - 3 = 3 pi t.errns rejVI"retJ..

B:; /n.5f~dtt3;j / f;r 70 (('~11i:4Iitll1.7 -t) :

_ (T)(I-T-7L) == pOLdr o ~/:.
1T;=iv'J CL ) ~.z.
L ,',

7. Ie, I
7.It; Assume that the drag, ID, on an aircraft
flying at supersonic speeds is a function of its
velocity, V, fluid density, p, speed of sound, c,
and a series oflengths, ell ... , ei , which describe
the geometry of the aircraft. Develop a set of pi
terms that could be used to investigate experi-
mentally how the drag is affected by the various
factors listed. Form the pi terms by inspection.

oJ.:: f ('0 /.1 C) )1) ., " Y/., )

V::;L. 7-1 I == FL-If T 'Z Co == LT-'

r-rtJtn ("/--fL)-3 = /+i pi ffl"tns Y"f'J"/re~ where

the pi thetJI'etn)
L' IS the ntlmhtr of /en91h itrmJ (t'= ~ ; 3) etc. ).
Blj /J1Sfectl(;H) fer 7T; (Ct)J1fq/111)1~ otJ) .-
1T. - ,(J -=- F :::: !=~L 0 TO
I - I V2..J,/, - (FI-- Tl.)t1.r-'j 2.fLj 2-

Check. us/nj MLT:

~ Mt..T t)/<..
rM/.- 3) ( LT- I ) z. (2) ~

Fbf ~ (c~nl-(jin';'j c) .
7Ti. = VCo Dr C
Cll1d both (lYe abl/lows/'1 dllnens/on Jess.
/i;r tI / / () the,. ft' .feyms c,tPl1 kI/~/iJ!J J.L'
7T.' =- t,'
t J/~
til1d these tefm5 /~I1()/III;'-' 1he 1; CI re obJl,otl~ Iy dim ens 1011 Jess.
Thus J


7- 21
7, J7 I
7.11 When a fluid flows slowly past a vertical plate of
height h and width b (see Fig. P7 .17), pressure develops on the
face of the plate. Assume that the pressure, p, at the midpoint
of the plate is a function of plate height and width, the approach
velocity. V, and the fluid viscosity, /.L. Make use of dimensional
anaJysis to determine how the pressure, p, will change when the Plate Width = Ii
fluid velocity, V, is doubled.

1'= .f (~) b) tI))<--)

t= ~c2. J..':: L b -= L l!:: Lr- ~= /=C' T

FrfJfJ? the pt' 1heOYfm 5- 3 .::. z. fi' +trl11J

8'1 1;"'pec,t:/~:/II.1 h,,.. m (dd?11 1-4,iuh, -;):
1Ji = ~-t. ~ z
(FL- )(L) .:..
V)A-- Ct..,I )
(rl--:Z r)
Check. IA$/~.! fit f.., T :
1'-4.. _ fHL _lr--a.)(L) -.: M"L()T tJ
, CJK..
V)<-- - (L 7-1 ) ( Mt.-',-')

ff; r ~ (CtP,rltJ/'1I;'J b) :
frJ- =i
whIch JJ obvifJ('(sb dlm·e~~~oll/tS.5. Tn u~,

Fr~m 13"1. if ,f:,;I" WJ 1),a1: -kr A. ?J v(~ re&flefr;

and VI~t~5Ifr/ if 1At! v(»eI(I+'1/~ Ii dou~/ed -t1te..
l...rlS5l1fe) r:
wal he dCtlb/fd.
7;3 1
7.1 ~ The pressure drop, Ap, along a straight
pipe of diameter D has been experimentally stud-
ied, and it is observed that for laminar flow of a
given fluid and pipe, the pressure drop varies di-
rectly with the distance, between pressure taps.
Assume that Ap is a function of D and e, the
velocity, V, and the fluid viscosity, fl.. Use di-
mensional analysis to deduce how the pressure
drop varies with pipe diameter.

fJ I' =- f. (/)/ J) ~)t)

At=- I=L-'J.. D-' L }-' L V.; LT- ' 1-; FL-'-r

Frt)m 1he p/ fhet)~pm s- 3 =.l pI.' 17rms ye$tlIYed.


Bt{ II1:5fec.l-u;H) -foy -n; (CtP)1.Jqil1lhj A.p):

7r= /l.f>J) ::!: (I=L- )(L)
--.: rOL~To
I /' V (FL- 2 T) (LT-')
ChecK. uSln~ ML T :
Af b ~ (I,/}L""7- 2)(L) . 11 6 LO TD .: 01<.
!'" Y (Mt..-'r-')(LT-')
FDy -n; (CtPnltlil),n,')'
1Tz = i
Oblli()usJlj dlmeY/51()J1less. Thus;
LJfb =1(1. ) (I)
~V D
shfrll1fJ1t af 1Jte pY'()/'iem) LJ p oC 1 So 1J14i
rn us i be t).f. the ~rl'Y1
4f D == k 1..
)'IV D
whfll'e I{ IS c50me tons/:QJ1t. It 'thus JcJ/ow~ 1hot

-D'I 2.
for a. !lIVen lteloci~.

7.11 I
I. [q The viscosity, /-L, of a liquid can be measured by de- /Cylinder
. termining the time, t, it takes for a sphere of diameter, d, to
settle slowly through a distance, e,
in a vertical cylinder of
{ \~~~ ,>-<Gf'"
diameter, D, containing the liquid (see Fig. P7 .19). Assume that Sphere
t = fee, d, D, /-L, ~'Y)
where ~'Y is the difference in specific weights between the
sphere and the liquid. Use dimensional analysis to show how t
is related to /-L, and describe how such an apparatus might be
used to measure viscosity.

rYllfl1 1ht f/ 1heOYflf1) , - 3::, 3

t y 7Ti ( tlPn hi11 IIi.J 1: ) :
1T: - i: L1a d. - . { ,) (f:t..- a) (L)
,- ,)A. ( FL -2. T )

Che,k. USlhj MI-T: -t Ar d -!

(T ) (N C 2T-2.~IL) ~
~ ( "-1. L-'T- ' )
f;, r 11;. (CSJI11rti/11;'j D).'
11'1. =~
"bVIDUS).!1 dlmf"si~I1J~5s
(~fPn ft/ IJlIH .J J.) :
1T.3-- t:i- L
()6111~U6/~ dlmtl1s/o,,/es.5. Thus,
-I::lJoa_- rf,(O
r ft)
r d..
If. hied tjeemef,. ~
-/:Llad.= C
C J:s q e.,11 :, -/-aM:i ) ~r
)A- == ~ !J /I -f ::: {!, Mt
0.. ~"s.f-a",.. + ~ 1" a f.1 ~ eJ. 3 e()'l1 e fr.!:J. Tit ~sI .fr,.".
)A. = ~ Dr-/:
Ilt.e e,1I,s.f.II/1-t (, talt be b'J ~a/,'b¥'aJ'f)')( w,1lt
at.termlt1'(,p{ A

~/Ul" ,/ ~iI~lJ)n Ih5eP5rh. {P, Th C, ~ h,w II fh( VIS·COS,'-#, ~ I

D 1/1(r fl tI' CD Ok-t. hL dt-/:e YlrJt /I'e '" ih Y'OtJj h 4 IYl eQs II. llem P4
~I- 1'1u. -f.IMt! -t: Ii! t.pnjuncf,f)'x L<Jl7h. Et. (J) ,

7- 24-
7.2.0 I
1.40 A cylinder with a diameter, D, floats upright in a liquid /Cylinder
as shown in Fig. P7.20. When the cylinder is displaced slightly C diameter = f)
along its vertical axis it will oscillate about its equilibrium po-
sition with a frequency, w. Assume that this frequency is a func-
tion of the diameter, D, the mass of the cylinder, m, and the
specific weight, y, of the liquid. Determine, with the aid of
dimensional analysis, how the frequency is related to these var-
iables. If the mass of the cylinder were increased, would the
frequency increase or decrease? i'

. -1
w::.T D=L
Fr~'" 1/1e p/ 1heD~~W1, 4 -3 =
8'J I;' 'f'ec.;f-rD~tJ .


,: OJ(

. ",,1, / p/ -/-en"" ;~ P~IIDWS 1h14:t:

S/~Ce- -there JJ

-D ~::
where C Is it. ~"s1-aHf . Thus)

tv= CJ) vr
Fr~m p,i$ reSHli /f ~1/~klJ tnoi:. /f tn1 ,j incy-ease"
tv w/Jl decrease.

7.:lJ/f: I
*7.21 The pressure drop, ap, over a certain length of hori-
zontal pipe is assumed to be a function of the velocity, V, of the
fluid in the pipe, the pipe diameter, D, and the fluid density and
viscosity, p and p,. (a) Show that this flow can be described in di-
mensionless form as a "pressure coefficient," Cp = ap/(0.5 p Vl) V, ftls
that depends on the Reynolds number, Re = p VD/ p,. (b) The fol- ------j------_._._.__ . _-_.
lowing data were obtained in an experiment involving a fluid with 3 192
p = 2 slugs/ft3, P, = 2 X 1O- 3 1b· s/ft2, and D = 0.1 ft. Plot a 11 704
dimensionless graph and use a power law equation to determine 17 1088
the functional relationship between the pressure coefficient and 20 1280
the Reynolds number.
(c) What are the limitations on the applicability of your equa-
tion obtained in part (b)?

(a. ) A r +- (~
=: DJ f; f< )
I.Jp= PL-1. Y=LT-
FY'1'1I fh( p/ theDre m J 5"- 3 ::
8~ ';,spec.. .hc if .fc>r 7T,.)

-rr.I = A. P
Che (.k U'SIII'j 11 LT ~'I.5.J-er11 :
Ap ML-1r-Z. :. Ok..
IV,," == (Hc3) (LT-j l- -

(PL- lf ,2.)(LT-1){Lj _
fJ VD -
TT2 =~ ( FL.-Z. T )

us,;" MLT S'lsiem :

I-VP::: (ML-a) (LT- (L).= H"L/)T~ I
) :. OJ::.
,#-- ( /vi L- ' 7- 1

Thus) J1p
-IV 2.

" i..s aJit unk.hOUJH .{u/lfc.;hoi1 1 a ..{(J.Gl::or

o.G"" Ct:ln b~ inc.-Iude d 111 Tr, (/1 deS/re,) $0

AL_ .1 (~V.b)
aStV2. - 't' ~.
Thw,S/ Lp - c)(R~)
(,uhel"t. Cp ,..; tnt. pre~sur.e ~eff,c.I;' t tll1d Re 1lr-e. Re~"d/J..s
ntlt11 bey,
(Co c>n !t.)
7. 2 I I ( CDn 'z. )
(b) fA $1';1 inl!. da.-/::a '7 J lie n )
_ _.d~p---:----:-_
.6. P
c;. = 6,SfV'- - (6.5){2. V' 1;,r) -
eli-II( (~~)( ) r / (",
t€ :: /:.YJ:> =- 2 ok 3- Y (D. -M:..i _ (DD V
e)A- 1...>< 10-.1 I~'),..

Ta~U/4-k-~ valtleJ /01" Cp C/J!fP. Re

1J,e 4 .. t-a tire Show H be /,u; .

v, ftls Ll p, psf Re Cp
3 192 300 21.3
11 704 1100 5.82
17 1090 1700 3.77
20 1280 2000 3.20

cQ) 25.0 -r---------~---__.
Cp = 638 Re- 1.00
;g •
20.0 f - - - - - ' \ - \ - - - - ' - - - - - - - -..-
:g 0. 15.0 +---~'-------------l
~ () 10.0 f----~ .........~~--.. -. .. - - - - - - - - - - 1

~ 5.0 1 - - - - -~----=----iiOiiiiiii,;~~----
£ 0.0 +----,---...,.-----,.---...,.-----1
o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Reynolds number, Re

{hlL ?() u.Jt V /t(w Y'e /d,o '"Sh, f ,j

c~ = Re

(C) BII.sep "11 1he tI~rJ46Jej Ust-d 411,{ 1'h~ rille" aa..f:a. ~
1nL ern;/y./ca I y-e/ ... ·/-,~II.sh, i') £$. (j)..) WI)u./~ (!)"J'J b4!
a pp/" c.. "I... ,.,,- 1h... Re If 1101"$ h f.I {'II ~/Y rA 11'i&.

300 < Re. 5... 200D

ND1:.e.: 41-thPI(tlh -me efu£t/~11 I71JfhC

he.. VI//,&I ""b/de
-fh/J rtJJ19€1 re1/,(!-h .s-hflu/I( /lot- I:u.. ex. t:/'"#..fJdlal:e'
loe,~"1f 1he rlll'lfe ()f d~ta used.

7.22 The height, h, that a liquid will rise in
a capillary tube is a function of the tube diameter,
D, the specific weight of the liquid, y, and the
surface tension, (J. Perform a dimensional anal-
ysis using both the FLT and MLT systems for
basic dimensions. Note: The results should ob-
viously be the same regardless of the system of
dimensions used. If your analysis indicates oth-
erwise, go back and check your work giving
particular attention to the required number of
reference dimensions.

Us/;" P/... T ~fjstem :

~= PL- 3
-i -= L .D == L CT= /=t--
FrtJm The P": the()rem I 1./--2 = .z pL'tertnJ
8'1 InSfec..ttDII) for iTj (~ni4i/1liJ, -l) :
/.5 OJ,V'Dt/S!y dt'/nfnS/onJess.
( cDnt:olnln, ;r tlnd rr) :
FL -/

{= ~ (a-a;.. )
USlfl'~ ULT ~'fJkm .-
-1,. L= D-' L ~= ML- 2 ;-2. 0-= M r-2.
/.J/tJ,o~,), '!here a.fftll Y'5 f() be .3 reierel1((!.. dl;'fI1S/~~) tJJ1/Y
,t reierFJ1ce dlmeflslol1-5 dYe act",ol/!I Yt'$tlIYfd ( Land M T-z)
1-0 de5cr/~e 'the i/qnqbJes, 8,/ inspec.i't!)"n,l hr 77; Csfle 41"ye)
I .D
CU1C,( ~Y' 7Tz (~ittIHI"" d- (JJ1t1 (j) .'
0- = /VI T - 2. _ _ H DL ~ TD
~= OJ)2. (ML- Z T-z."j(L) l

7:2g I
7.23 The speed of sound in a gas, c, is a func-
tion of the gas pressure, p, and density, p. De-
termine, with the aid of dimensional analysis,
how the velocity is related to the pressure and
density. Be careful when you decide on how many
reference dimensions are required.

c= f' (?;f)
fJ:l: FL-'2.

/flf/J()tl9i1 1he~ ~'p'"r.; to k 3 reference c/Jmfl1~II)IJS

(wjJlch would I~c!tcat~ thac rhl'r~ tlre ilo foss/Me. pi I:eyrns);
011/'1 2 re/erel1ce. d,rn.fI1SII)II.s (LT- 1 (/11&/ FJ...- 2 ) aYe

aciU4//'1 resulted since _,/2-

t= (rt.- )(LT 2

Thu~ fr~m 1Jte pl' 1Jzel)~m) 3 -2 = / Pl' term re~ulred.

8'1 In~pecl::l{;11 .' ~ '..0 _I) 2 r~ -2,1 -,)-~
1T. = ~ == (1-T FU L / ( L T d : riJL t) TO
J -p PI..-'2.

Che~k U51J1J N L T.' 3

(LT- 1 )2.(M/..- ): MDLtJT D
, OJ<
ML-'7- 2

onJIj / fL' term)

~= C
where C J~ a CtJHstani.


c= Clff
where. C, JS a. CliI1S,j;qHi (4= rC ) .
7. 2. 4 H r -'I- I. 2.L/ The pressure rise, t1p = P2 - PI' across the abrupt
expansion of Fig. P7.24 through which a liquid is flowing can
be expressed as
where A 1 and A2 are the upstream and downstream cross-sec-
tional areas, respectively, p is the fluid density, and VI is the
upstream velocity. Some experimental data obtained with A2 =
1.25 ft2, VI = 5.00 ft/s. and using water with p = 1.94 slugs/ft Vi ........
are given in the following table:
AI (ft 2 ) \ 0.10 I 0.25 \ 0.37 \ 0.52 I 0.61
Area = Al

t1p (lb/ft 2 ) I 3.25 I 7.85 1 10.3 I 11.6 I 12.3 I

Area = A2
Plot the results of these tests using suitable dimensionless
parameters. With the aid of a standard curve fitting program
determine a general equation for t1p and use this equation to
predict t1p for water flowing through an abrupt expansion with
an area ratio A 1I A2 = 0.35 at a velocity VI = 3.75 ftl s.

tJf= FL-
AJ == L1. A;L::: L 1. f::' FL-'1 r
"2. V, -= L7- 1
p;.~m iJ,e p" fJ1e~l'(tn) s- 3 = 2. pi ffrmJ '("e~tI/¥'et1.

B~ /,,~pec.tlbJl /;;r ~ (t:£;n.fail1lhg fl f) .'

I Iv;:t
AE _ Fi..-2.
. MLT:
ChecK USJI1!j

- M L-/ T-2.
(1-11..-3 )(L r- J) 1-
- M~L~TO . ~I<.

{;y 7T2- (tlllftli4lrlj A-, tiff" Az ):

I r, J.

tI~/;'j -the daia. 1JI/el11 ,+ ~/I()JI/.5 tha.i

LlPR~2. o.ofp7 0,",2 0.212 o.2J~ 0.2.5'4-

A,/Al. O.ORO O.2()o ().lq~ 6.~lb O.4-F~

( r!41/ i)
0.3 . I I i

·····--i------~----I --f-.- ·

.,- 0.2. I .__ / ____ ~I-.-

i:J... 0.15 . ·7------------------------------- -
0.1 IV ,-----
0.05 I--I-------~------- ------------L------------
I '
o -f------!------!,f----+,----+-----I,
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

The (!urlle dl't:ltvn 1"'" 111 e ~ ylt ph

7'V1J11 7)r~ .e~IiIt.I:I"1f

~ - / J0 /,4/ ) 1. + I. 0 7 ( 4'z. ) -
fl-j ~ - - . {:4z. 0, 0 103

7- 31
7.2;- A liquid flows with a velocity V through - V (m/s) 3.13 4.43 5.42 6.25 7.00
a hole in the side of a large tank. Assume that
h (m) 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
V = f(h, g, p, 0")
where h is the depth of fluid above the hole, g is Plot these data by using appropriate dimension-
the acceleration of gravity, p the fluid density, less variables. Could any of the original variables
and 0" the surface tension. The following data have been omitted?
were obtained by changing h and measuring V,
with a fluid having a density = 103 kg/m3 and
surface tension = 0.074 N/m.

V= LT-' -A =L ;.; LT-2. t= FL-"'r'Z- 0":: /="L- 1

Fr~m 1/1e pt' the()/"em I =2
p" .feJl'/'J'1S
S- 3 f"f'ifllY'fd.

B'1 iYJS;eCt./~H lOr 7T; (~/,-t(Jlnl.l1j V):

.Y- _ /. r- I - 1. 0 TO
77f = '{if {t- T -~ 'I,. (L) ~
/=r;r TT2. (eon /rJ;'lInfj t IIlfd rr) .' 1-

IT: ::- /-3-1.2. == (Ft..- If r2.)(/.T-'1.)(L) ..:. rOL o TO

:z. (/ r-L-/

Check tAStnj
IML- 3j(LT-') (L J_2. == /l1"LD TO
M 7-2.

V3..A ..
;::;,,. fit€. data.. ~J~en:

f#*z.lrr 3."3 J )(.104- 13.3 )(10 t' 2.'1.3 X 10 If S3.0 x 10; J' 2. 'I x If) 'I'

Vl'fih /. If I I. '1-1 /. 'f I I. ifl /.Cf/

~ __ .-•• j

-: -j .. :~~=J.:

-v -


The 9rr~ph 411d +Able shDw- thaI: VIVjh I{J l~clepfndfHi elf fJ#J.)./rr. Thus"
-the. vtlnil6/es ~ anti rr ~,,/d hI/lie hfen ~mdft-c/.
7 2~ 1
7. 2 ~ The time, t, it takes to pour a certain volume of liq-
uid from a cylindrical container depends on several factors,
including the viscosity of the liquid. (See Video V 1.1.) As-
sume that for very viscous liquids the time it takes to pour
out 2/3 of the initial volume depends on the initial liquid
depth, e,
the cylinder diameter, D, the liquid viscosity, J1.,
and the liquid specific weight, )'. The data shown in the fol-
lowing table were obtained in the laboratory. For these tests
e = 45 mm, D = 67 mm, and), = 9.60 kN/m3 . (a) Perform
a dimensional analysis and based on the data given, deter-
mine if variables used for this problem appear to be correct.
Explain how you arrived at your answer. (b) If possible, de-
termine an equation relating the pouring time and viscosity
for the cylinder and liquids used in these tests. If it is not
possible, indicate what additional information is needed.

II 17 39 61 107
t(s) IS 23 53 83 145

i = ((1) ~ jA) ~)
J..=L ])=L ?-= FL r
FYtJrn -the pt' meoYern 5-3 == 2 p/ ffrms Y'efftl.,yed.
8 0/ Jh~Fec..--/-tt:;"/1) -/'0;- 7J; ( CCJI1.J-t/;l1ln!J 1:)

77: = t- tr [) (T)(FL- 3 )(L) . pOLoT D

/ )A-- (!=L-~ r)
Check {,/SII1,j M LT ~ 'I ~1-e1l1 :
+;r-D =- (T)( ML-2. r-2)(L) _ Me. L TO 0

~ (M L-' /-1)

Wh/ch Is C) b v /o{.{ 5 ~ dlmeJ1 j/lJnless . Th"s)
t-tf D - cf (; ) (/ )
.1-- I.j.S-/TIl /iH
For -th(! dt1.,~ .J/v(n 75- == o. Is, 72 ( a (!()IIS I-oll-t ) .
h~m Eg. (/) e£)115-kl 11+ IT- 10 1/005
i:lr.D the dt'l.:ta. 9 I v~ Y1 :

7- 33
7.2Co J
?i77 ? 70 871f 375 g 72

Since ~ J~ -e.~sen1:.IQ.IJ.!J CtPns1::ant ~lIey 1he. Y'an~e of-

1ne eJt-peYJin en-ba. J da.,i-a.. the VtlYla6/es 1/6f4 ~Y' the pYtJ/;/em
a.. p pea y b be a6)Yrec.i:.

Lb) The So Tha:i

i: = 1.31. h
WI fiJ -I:- I~ seuMds f.<Jhen /-- JJ t'n tJl1''f...J tJ{ lV,s//Wt~
NtJ-I:.~ 1ha.t r~s.f-Yl~~d ~zud/~JI /j 0'111 1/a.I/d
.for ~;0:::~. (, 7t,; [) = ~ 7/111-*1) and 6- ~ 9: /pt}4eN//fn 3 Uil n
:L)B t>.f- 1J1e J/JI'+U!J' / I/o iwme be,n.J pour@d.

7- 3 '-f
7,.;2.7 I
7.27 The pressure drop per unit length, Apr, Q (m 3 /s) Ap (N/m 2)
for the flow of blood through a horizontal small
diameter tube is a function of the volume rate of 3.6 x 10- 6 1.1 X 104
flow, Q, the diameter, D, and the blood viscosity, 4.9 X 10- 6 1.5 X 104
jl. For a series of tests in which d = 2 mm, and 6.3 X 10- 6 1.9 X 104
jl = 0.004 N's/m 2 , the following data were ob- 7.9 X 10- 6 2.4 X 104
tained, where the Ap listed was measured over, 9.8 X 10- 6 3.0 X 104
the length, e= 300 mm.
Perform a dimensional analysis for this problem,
and make use of the data given to determine a
general relationship between Apr and Q (one that
is valid for other values of D, ~ and 11).

/' =- FL. -2.r

Fr()tn the ft' fhe"Yftn J /.f - 3 = / pi tfym res lilyed.

81f In;pec.tlon ~ ~ LlAo D' _ (Fr 3) (L) Y

I ~ cP (PL-'Z r) ( L3 7-')
.Ll~ Dif (ML-1T-Z)(L)'f ::.
.' OJ<.
~Q (M'- -lr-I)(Lsr-')
S/nce -there IS

-~ .6p
= /,33 x If) Q
a J1 d fnere ft, re U&ln,9 the. da.& IH

L1i1 Dlf
'fo." ~, 7 40. / itO. If 'fo.7
e,m h,m H,m
2.0 0.10 0.833
"7.28 As shown in Fig. 2.26, Fig. P7.28, and Video \'2.7, 4.0 0.10 0.833
a rectangular barge floats in a stable configuration provided the 2.0 0.20 0.417
distance between the center of gravity, CG, of the object (boat 4.0 0.20 0.417
and load) and the center of buoyancy, C, is less than a certain 2.0 0.35 0.238
amount, H. If this distance is greater than H the boat will tip 4.0 0.35 0.238
over. Assume H is a function of the boat's width, b, length, e,
and draft, h. (a) Put this relationship into dimensionless form.
(b) The results of a set of experiments with a model barge with
a width of 1.0 m is shown in the table. Plot this data in di-
mensionless form and determine a power-law equation relating
the dimensionless parameters.

iii FIGURE P7.28

ft= i(b;J-)~)
(r"l?1 the fL' 1h eoyrm) '-/-/ =~ p,' krl71s rP~l4;ye,f. 91;1
/ I? .$pe c. f,o n "

A/I ~.f. 1h~ p/
krms tjye obv/ousl!:! dJ mens/on/esS.
(/:,) /="0". the dL.J:.a fivel1 1-4bltl"ktl va/U(ls for H-/b) l1/b J ~t1~ .{Ib
a y~ ShbtJIlt btl ow. I
h/b H/b fib ,----------------~-------- -

0.10 0.833 2.0

0.10 0.833 4.0
I H/b = 0.0833 (h/br 1OO
0.20 0.417 2.0 0.8
0.4 " --

0.35 0.238 4.0 0.2 --

I 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
I 0.00
i h/b

All J~sf"cA·,()'1I 61-
1He.H d"i-A. reI/eli 15 1H1l.-t H-/b d"e.s
"~t iI-ep~nd fJ~ "l./b; (.f',,) 111-t "Sl1l?1f Ua luE' Df. H-/b
Is obl-ttll:'~,( ICY' cI,'Flerf'''' t (/a {wtJ$ IJ I- .l. Ii, . Thus,

41'1 d 4{)t1f t;,~ plDt 01 ihe da.ttl.) lAS U1~ 0... pllwev- law-
.e$ u,4,. .f/D YJ

h = 0.0933 1:
('-Pc.)- I." 0
7.2,Q A fluid flows through the horizontal curved pipe of
Fig. P7."2.Q with a velocity V. The pressure drop, !1p, between v - >L---_I--.
the entrance and the exit to the bend is thought to be a function
of the velocity, bend radius, R, pipe diameter, D, and fluid den-
sity, p. The data shown in the following table were obtained in
the laboratory. For these tests p = 2.0 slugs/ft3 , R = 0.5 ft,
and D = 0.1 ft. Perform a dimensional analysis and based on
the data given, determine if the variables used for this problem
appear to be correct. Explain how you arrived at your answer.
- ~-,,--""'---

:;£;::;ft2 ) I, ~:~ I ~:~ ! !:~ I ~:; • FIG U REP 71. 2 ~

Prt9m 1Jte pi thepl'em) 5 - 3 = 2. I" 1::('1"/71 S ret"'/r(#~;

130/ ItJ$;e~l1) .(;;y -u; (C4'nt:III#lny tip) :
..6p _ (Fl- Z)

1Tj = ,,4 V 2. (~L -IfT1.) (LT-) Z

C,heck.. USII1? NI..T s'fs/-em .

~ f' _ ( M'- - I T -I. )
" ~/,
(1'11..-') (I.. T-tj Z

Hr 1Tz. (~n£-~iH,il7 R PI1P /) )

which iJ ~bv;'o{,/f;,/~ diM fI1SIOII/P.5,S_ ThtlS)

/jQ -
;? j/ 2. -

D _ (). /.11:: _ /
--s C,rls&:tn# J. Thu51

;; t. (j) tv J'"'h-1 ~ ~ CPH St:qH i /0 /J"WJ -IrzJ

~1?.s-l:-t1l1i . ~«/eve~ #1" the

C4? 1'1~ brJt i / 1:';- f,:; 1/() f().S 4 pi·, -the

'/he jJYD/,ltm tJlre n~i &f'f'ec.-F·

7. 30 I
1.3 () The water flowrate, Q, in an open rectangular channel
I- b -I
can be measured by placing a plate across the channel as shown V
in Fig. P7.30. This type of a device is called a weir. The height T
of the water, H, above the weir crest is referred to as the head l
and can be used to determine the flowrate through the channel.
Assume that Q is a function of the head, H, the channel width, Weir plate
b, and the acceleration of gravity, g. Determine a suitable set of
dimensionless variables for this problem.

Q :: +(
H; b) ~)
h:i L d = i 7- 2
p/ the~yefYll '1- 2
p/ +(ftnj '::: 2. ri'~UJypJ.
In 'spe d-/~/f .J:,y- 10 (t...~ntot'J11 n, 4'):
4J :=. L3 T- 1
HSIz J IJz. (L ) 5""/z. (L T-z) 1)2-

712.. ( CAIt HI#/l19 /;)

tr;z. = -Af+

7- 38
7. 3/ I
J.51 From theoretical considerations it is known that for
the weir described in Problem 7.30 the ftowrate, Q, must be
directly proportional to the channel width, b. In some laboratory
tests it was determined that if b = 3 ft and H = 4 in., then
Q = 1.96 ft 3 / s. Based on these limited data, determine a general
equation for the ftowrate over this type of weir.


- (/)

H5"/z.. J 'Iz. - c (J;)

where C J:.s tt CtPn s ftvtt f. Th (,lSI -ft,y he dd4. 9' Ilf)1
/. 91, if3
c - .

1h e Jen&Y'4 / egIi a:t:zPI1 J.5

({J == 6. 5"'1t b Y&ft3 ]

7.32 l
7.31 SAE 30 oil at 60 OF is pumped through a 3-ft-diame-
ter pipeline at a rate of 6400 gal/min. A model of this pipeline
is to be designed using a 3-in.-diameter pipe and water at 60 OF
as the working fluid. To maintain Reynolds number similarity
between these two systems, what fluid velocity will be required
in the model?

Pol" Re~I'J~/ds num btl' s/m;/tlr/f!:J;I

VhH D.-m :::

~- (I)

I '-I. 3 I-t 3

v= r (sft) z.
- 2.02 ft

Thus/ ff-()m £r. lJ )

\I. = (1.2/ X- /0-
{t; (3 ftl (2.02 £t) - ~.52 ;C/o

m1 ( If. 5" x /0 - 3 if.) ( ?z. ft) oS

7·33 I
7.3 3 Glycerin at 20°C flows with a velocity of 4 m/ s
through a 30-mm-diameter tube. A model of this system is to
be developed using standard air as the model fluid. The air ve-
locity is to be 2 m/ s. What tube diameter is required for the
model if dynamic similarity is to be maintained between model
and prototype?

FOr d'lntlliJ/c.. sim i /tTr/fy / i'he Reyno/cis numblY' rnu.st. be

the S tim e (;,r mode I aJ.1d prototype.. Th us J
v~ Dtm Vb
~ v
So thai
(I, '16 XI ()-!J'"-;. 2. ) (tf f1 )
DhY\ -- V- ~ D - (O,/)3~/1f1)
V ~ ( t. / 'I X /0" 3!l!1.
2.) (z ~-)s
.. 3
-- CJ. 73IP ~/D I"WJ .. O. 7 3 fe, /'WI I'm

7.3Lf I
7.3 if The drag characteristics of a torpedo are to be studied
in a water tunnel using a 1:5 scale model. The tunnel operates
with freshwater at 20 °e, whereas the prototype torpedo is to
be used in seawater at 15.6 0c. To correctly simulate the be-
havior of the prototype moving with a velocity of 30 mis, what
velocity is required in the water tunnel?

FOr d'lnQ"',"6 s/m; /tlr/ ty I the Re'l,,~/tlJ number must be fhe.

SeNne hI'" m~r/e/ ClI1c1 prtJioiype. Thus J
Vmr D":} _ 'i!l
~ 1/

~=-V411D V
/)?1 V ~

5 t'nce) ~ (Warey @ ~()oc )::: /. ()Olf ;(./o-ID 11)12.6 (7db/e B. 2) )

-V (SeplVaier @ 15:boC ):: /./7~/()""6-111~ (r;6/e /.~)J lind
.D/])/M =5 I;t follows thai
( _, ,.",,2.)
V::: /. 00 II- x. I/) ""5 /2 Cf
M (/. 17 X IIJ -6 ' ; 2. )
7.35 I
7.J5 The design of a river model is to be based on Froude
number similarity. and a river depth of 3 m is to correspond
to a model depth of 50 mm. Under these conditions what is
the prototype velocity corresponding to a model velocity of
1.2 m/s?

Pi:;y. I=;."ude 17/,(1n j,pr s I'm ~ J~ Y'if!J )

V.;m V
V!/WI ctw. V#- tJ..
Wheve d . the fflAIC;
I~ depth . 7h (.{ S J

v: I/f{
flirt d4H

Cll1d w,'1h ! :: j'WI

V= Vt ~ = ~(.
0. O.5() ~) =
Z 5
Mt •

7.3(0 I
7.3 ~ For a certain fluid flow problem it is known that both
the Froude number and the Weber number are important di-
mensionless parameters. If the problem is to be studied by using
a 1: 15 scale model, detennine the required surface tension scale
if the density scale is equal to 1. The model and prototype op-
erate in the same gravitational field.

t=br dlfnqm/e- S;lru'/f/I";'+!J)

Vim ::"
V?rm )., VjJ-
fm, V'; )~
f- V'-J·
0;", cr
To saflsly F;.t:JlJ de HumhtY' .s/~/'Jlly/-J~ ( w~Th a= J~ ))


inere. -h,re !Dr Webev nlAmher .5 '/ mJ'lt:? Y/-f!J

a;, :: ~ (~)~ &

- () (J V f " ~(-r)f=~(;r
Thus) w'rth JIWI /1. ~ I/I~ and ~ /f= IJ
7. 37 I
7.37 The fluid dynamic characteristics of an airplane flying
at 240 mph at 10,000 ftare to be investigated with the aid of a
1:20 scale model. If the model tests are to be performed in a
wind tunnel using standard air, what is tht" required air velocity
in the wind tunnel? Is this a reaHstic vefocity?

For d ~J14m"~ sim; 14;i-lJ,I -the. ReYfJ()/d5 nUn? hiY' rn us.f ~ the.
SaMe. #>Y' model tlnd pY'~ioi'J.pe. ThUS)


jJJ1Cf) 7
~ . /= -3 I
/-~ 3. 5'3Lf.x JO- ftl.
/, tsb x /0 s ut..s (TaMe C.I)
h J
A = 3.711- x JD-7 Ib.s I ~ = 2, 3 r~)f) -3 slui'
(~kJe 1.7)
"" ft~ )
1m +i'
'h,1I< ),,/1,," =1..0 ,+
J follows /r()m liZ·O) -thai

- 3750 mph

No I If / s not 4 rea//stti, ve/()c/f::; - muc.h fDa h/811 .

7.38 If an airplane travels at a speed of 1120
km/hr at an altitude of 15 km, what is the re-
quired speed at an altitude of~ km to satisfy Mach
number similarity? Assume the air properties cor-
respond to those for the U.S. standard atmo-

( V) _ (V) (I)
C J5"~'»1 - C 8 ~~

Th e ~ fRfcl ~f SoufJd ~lJn be CA/cedafe'" ~()m 1he Rgtltl:'='!J#

~ :: V-' ~ T (13 ~, /' Zo)

qHP{ -ft,r til y.) I<.:j, ~()) R:: z 86, '1 J /"*;, I<.
It-/: / ~ ~"'" olh I-ude I
T= - s" ~o °C + 273.16 - J./&',7 k (Table (,2)
aHti (4'1. 8 ~~
T= - 3b.9,/ t:JC f ,;J.73,)~ - 23',21<. (Iab/~ ( l )
Thus) a, t. I~'*1Wf oj I-,I",dt!.
C =l/-r;-.11-0-)(-2.-g~-.ri-.d---)-(:;.-/,-,7-k-) =
/;-6."", if -Ie#- '/<
Ci 11 d () f: ~ .h. I1YI
C(j ~ =. . 1(/'tfo) (21,.1 ~J' ) (13&,21<) :: 308 ~
()~.,., 1Il; ./< s

From £1' (J) ~

~.h~ = =( ~ ) 1120 {M( )
.2.'15"~ (I h ...

1170 ~
7.t;o I
7.40 The lift and drag developed on a hydro-
foil are to be detennined through wind tunnel
tests using standard air. If full scale tests are to
be run, what is the required wind tunnel velocity
corresponding to a hydrofoil velocity in seawater
of 15 mph? Assume Reynolds number similarity
is required.

For ?e'fn()/dJ number s;m "Jllr/f~ J

Vh)1 .i~ =- rt
~ 7/
IAJhere J. I~ Some cnoY'pcten'Sf,c, I eYJJth of the hfjdf'Dfoi /.
~= -u" 1.
m1 V
a Ilt/ tv /"ht ..,e /11tn =I (.,cull scale kst)
-z4, _ fl,5"7 x /0-If !j'1..)
7:l Y - (/, z' x 10-5" .ft'&.)
(/5 mph)


7.41 A 1/50 scale model is to be used in a towing tank

to study the water motion near the bottom of a shallow chan-
nel as a large barge passes over. (See Vidl'O V7.7.) Assume
that the model is operated in accordance with the Froude
number criteria for dynamic similitude. The prototype barge
moves at a typical speed of 15 knots. (a) At what speed (in
ftls) should the model be towed? (b) Near the bo.ttom of the
model channel a small particle is found to move 0.15 ft in
one second so that the fluid velocity at that point is ap-
proximately 0.15 ftls. Determine the velocity at the corre-
sponding point in the prototype channel.


(1) :51 ~ C-e. f-rom t;;~. (I)

V"" --
V1~ -1 = V~O ~
O~ V
S 0 ~a.-i:-
V= '/sO (0.15 ~) = /.
7. ¥2 J
7.4'Z. AI: 40 scale model of a ship is to be
tested in a towing tank. Determine the required
kinematic viscosity of the model fluid so that both
the Reynolds number and the Froude number are
the same for model and prototype. Assume the
prototype fluid to be seawater at 60 oF. Could any
of the liquids with viscosities given in Fig. B.2 in
Appendix B be used as the model fluid?

As dISCIISS(?c/ /n Sec./;/()11 7. e. 3 if) rnQJ~ tal h both ReynoJd.J

nurn ber- 411d Fr""r/e number SlInllq n'7-;;
-V ].
; : (AJ.) ~

( -!..
) --;: ( /, /7 x/I)
-" stWI z..)
- if /Y11 ~
If. 6 J. .>G JD oS

!VI). The VIJ lues tJf y /c;- the I, Z't/lds tf It/t'n /It Fi9. B, 2
aYe a/I much /t1YfO'" thlll1 Ine. re~ lJ t'rer) va/ue.

7. '-13 I
1. Lf.3 A solid block in the shape of a cube rests partially
submerged on the bottom of a river as shown in Fig. P7.43. The
drag, q]j, on the block depends on the river depth, d, the block
dimension, h, the stream velocity, V, the fluid density, p, and
the acceleration of gravity, g. (a) Perform a dimensional anal-
ysis for this problem. (b) The drag is to be determined from a
model study using a length scale of 1/5. What model velocity
should be used to predict the drag on the prototype located in
a river with a velocity of 9 ft/s? Water is to be used for the
model fluid. Determine the expected prototype drag in terms of
the model drag.

(a..) r1J =.f. ( d.) ~) V) fJ J)

i) == f d= L -l:: L V= )..7- 1= t=L-lf r

/=1""111 the fi -fh-e~Y.flY1) ~-3 = 3 p/ 1-~"I?1~ r~1"I;p~, 1/;,1(

().. d"n·.eI1$/~111J1 an4/151J 'lie/tis

#h. = 1 (~) ~)
(b) For- ~;m'l lari+!1 be f-w~ell tn "de I arrti prDf IJ -t:!:/ pe
- +.d
- 4", fA VI'M
::- .JL
WItH d""
Thus ) dMA. -/,."," - (
-d - X -5
v:1IfJ-- V-F Y7 7V = Yfr9~ Jf. 02 -r:
The fr'~dl~-I-JDn elua.-t1fPn J".$
Jj = ~m1
fV1. hl !'WI V,,; h~

7- so
7. /1.11- I
7.44 The drag on a 2-m-diameter satellite
dish due to an 80 km/hr wind is to be determined
through a wind tunnel test using a geometrically
similar O.4-m-diameter model dish. Assume stan-
dard air for both model and prototype. (a) At
what air speed should the model test be run? (b)
With all similarity conditions satisfied, the mea-
sured drag on the model was determined to be
170 N. What is the predicted drag on the pro-
totype dish?

rtit) I=rtJhI E~. 7.19) Re'lJ1fJ/ris number slm; 14r1Tfj

IS Y'eglJiYfl'i. Thus,
~ lJ.... VD
v ....
- -

whey!. D I.J the dt'sh clJtlrneteY". It ~//"WJ 1f14t

1m 7/ ~
and w/n, ~ /v = /
~".,., = ( ~.2. J.j IYYI )/~~
( ~
h Y'

(g~ ~~ )2.
17D tV

(tVote Th_+ I!) :.,/j1Yr! Ii-, -IJ,ti.s pJ'tJb/eWl) 5/~(e I....fJm The. CJJtI(ltf,,,'yj
of Re'lI'1()Jds nwm My S/ffll·/tll',.-ffj) v'll v,; = D; ID~ ThiS IS nrt
rrue 111 ,ln~ra /. )

7. '15" I
7.45 The pressure drop between the entrance
and exit of a 150-mm-diameter 90° elbow,
through which ethyl alcohol at 20°C is flowing,
is to be determined with a geometrically similar
model. The velocity of the alcohol is 5 m/s. The
model fluid is to be water at 20°C, and the model
velocity is limited to 10 m/s. (8) What is the re-
quired diameter of the model elbow to maintain
dynamic similarity? (b) A measured pressure
drop of2.0 kPa in the model will correspond to
what prototype value?

Foy //()W In a. c/(Jsed C6ndtJ/f;

De,PtfldfHt pi I-e,m = f (-i', ; J 7! ) (Eg. 7. 10)

T-;r 1J,/,J fJIlY/-lcu/lJr Py()b/fn? the deppndent vAYJahJe. I ~ The

pJl'~.sSfA~ c!r'~f) Jj1>J So -!hilt

Deoey, cleft t pi f~rWJ .: 1J.fJ

r IV2.
,4/so, the. ~h(JY'(Jcifn~f;c, lel1f/h hV flaw through a. q{)D e/b()w IS the
c/ lame-H. v) 0 J So 1ha-/;
lJ.f _ J. (£ ,oVD)
IV:z. - r D) I~

d'lMIIIlJIc.. :!J/~/"jarl+!1)
;'11H ~ j)~ = &
~~ ~

VAH D"" =: 'i.P


(/;/;/e B. 2)I 4Hd

(lib),- /. ~)/ So thAt

:: If 9. i 1m IW1

( Con Ii )
(b) W,''/H 1ne same Reynolds number fer /nodel and pr~iol.fjpe.J
a J1cJ tv ,'tH jeomefr.h 'sl m; )4 y;-I:J (tv h IC ~ I mpllec, ThAt
fAM /Dtm = t / D) -t11e.,
A,p1)M ~ ~
1/1')'\ VMt2. ..0

7¥6 I
7.4 ~ For a certain model study involving a
1: 5 'scale model it is known that Froude number
similarity must be maintained. The possibility of
cavitation is also to be investigated, and it is as-
sumed that the cavitation number must be the
same for model and prototype. The prototype
fluid is water at 30°C, and the model fluid is water
at 70 0c. If the prototype operates at an ambient
pressure of 101 kPa (abs), what is the required
ambient pressure for the model system?

for naurie. number ~/m;J(JI'I+'J)

V-*, -:

VJfW\ "i~ ViT

$0 -hrAt (WIt;.. j:'Mt)

V; V!; = OJ

I="tPr C(l{//I-~f/~1I n()mbpy slmtlay,fr:J )

(-p". - ?v- ttf'l = (1-;. - p~ )

-t(hI\ V""l. if V4.
It .f.o J/ow-s ~t 2-

(1'.". - tv-)Itt\ =
V J.
(AJr.,. -,lJv )

afJfl m,k/J1~ use ~f '""1. ll)

(-fr - P... L... = 7- It- (tj.-fJ-) (Z )

SD,2 -A Pet (a/'o5)


7.47 As shown in Fig. P7.47, a thin, flat plate containing a Prototype Model
series of holes is to be placed in a pipe to filter out any parti- d-hole diameter = 1.0 mm d=?
cles in the liquid flowing through the pipe. There is some con- D-pipe diameter = 50 mm D = 10mm
cern about the large pressure drop that may develop across the ,u-viscosity = 0.002 N . s/m 2 ,u = 0.002 N . s/m2
plate, and it is proposed to study this problem with a geomet- p-density = 1000 kglm 3 p = 1000 kg/m3
rically similar model. The following data apply. V-velocity = 0.1 m1s to 2 m1s V=?
(a) Assuming that the pressure drop, Ap, depends on the vari-
ables listed above, use dimensional analysis to develop a suit-
able set of dimensionless parameters for this problem.
(b) Determine values for the model indicated in the list above
with a question mark. What will be the pressure drop scale,

• FIGURE P7.47

fa) Llp=/{d;D)t;f;V)
J.p=- p L-2. do:: L D=- L f<:: FC2.T t= FL-'tT '2. V= L T-

Fr~rJ1 the. pi theoJIPm, 6,- 3= 3 pi +--e t-rnS Y'e~UI rrd; tI ncJ a..
dlinen.5li)l14/ ~1')41'f.si.s ';jltld.s

= r~ (.!L fX!»
D) ~

(b) Foy ~/~,I~Y;+!J)

cl"... cI
D~:: 15
w in 1n ~ fA a,./:a

cJ ".,... : 0=
d O. lOO""'hH

~ } J0 wS ThtA. i.
:: ~- V

D.50Dlf fr~ ID.O~

7. 'IS ,
7.4 8 At a large fish hatchery the fish are reared in open, ation' of gravity, and Q is the discharge through the tank.
water-filled tanks. Each tank is approximately square in (a) Determine a suitable set of dimensionless parameters for
shape with curved comers, and the walls are smooth. To cre- this problem and the prediction equation for the velocity. If
ate motion in the tanks, water is supplied through a pipe at water is to be used for the model, can all of the similarity
the edge of the tank. The water is drained from the tank requirements be satisfied? Explain and support your answer
through an opening at the center. (See Video V7.3.) A model with the necessary calculations. (b) If the flowrate into the
with a length scale of I: 13 is to be used to determine the full-sized tank is 250 gpm, determine the required value for
velocity, V, at various locations within the tank. Assume that the model discharge assuming Froude number similarity.
V = f (e, ej , p, j.L, g, Q) where eis some characteristic length What model depth will correspond to a depth of 32 in. in
such as the tank width, j represents a series of other perti- the full-sized tank?
nent lengths, such as inlet pipe diameter, fluid depth, etc., p
is the fluid density, J.L is the fluid viscosity, g is the acceler-

Fr()h7 pi thf'ore",
'f), e.. I 7 - 3 ~ If
dl/neI151;P/14/ anll/';Jsi..J fj/~/d.s
V.12. _ (1.1.: Q z.
q - ~ T ) }.:r:J )
Thus I 1h~ ~irn;Jtlf,'f!1 r-egulrernellfs are
)/.'/YYI :. ~. (J)'ht2.::. CD 2.
J-m. " 1-; d-m J. :>J
Clhd pye dt C.ht)J, etu.~/;iC) H I.J
'n2- V;111'\ oj 1M2.
V;::. _

QM-i - 0

J:r()(n -fhe Jllst sirn//4ra-~ re2t1/remetit 0 017;"

(j)nn == -e ~ )~ ~
Q ft??1)1M1 I- J.
Ir~pt 1he cSec.,r1JJ1d SI'm',/4rl '-J-!1 Y-l''jtl l remeJ1.i With
= (b
5//?ce --these iwo yeg u l'remett b aY~ / 11 et)J1rJ/~ t I't-
IoJ/~ws /n(i= 1he s;'m;/4f,'-!:J V-e~tllremell+S CtU1J1ot
b-e 5~'= 15h e'd. 1/()

(COI11: )

Ge (!)me t Y"J C. SI in / I (j rl f!t r-ez fA I YeJ -t;,f).-t
.1 ""'" :: !:.i.
I.~ ).
j.'#H _ ,R.~ _.-L
() I'"
r j.. J3
SO -fn~1: a/I /eY1;1hs sca.Je as 1Jte lel1f th S~tJ.Je . Thus)

(d efth )17J(}del ::: ( IF )(depTh ~y.-b,-t!Jpe

= (/~) (:12 in.) = 2 ¥-b I In.

7- 5 7
7.49 The pressure rise, Ap, across a blast wave, as shown
in Fig. P7.49 and Video V11.5, is assumed to be a function of
the amount of energy released in the explosion, E, the air den-
sity, p, the speed of sound, c, and the distance from the blast,
d. (a) Put this relationship in dimensionless fonn. (b) Consider
two blasts: the prototype blast with energy release E and a model
blast with 11l000th the energy release (Em = 0.001 E). At what
distance from the model blast will the pressure rise be the same Ii FIGURE P7.49
as that at a distance of 1 mile from the prototype blast?

(a) /J P= .f ( E') f) c) d)
fj == F L- 2. E';' F L f == f:L-'I T ~

Fyt)/I1 the p/ theorem I S - 3:: 2 PI

a d /me"s/tJI'/4 I qnal'tSls !tIe Ids
jJc2.. = CP
/,c2.d 3

(j,) iiI" ~/~aanry I

E"... = E
~h)I C~ d;, f c.. "Z.d 3
/4I/'fh ~::.! J c~ =- C I If

d J::: '=~ cl 3
;n, 1:
E"., IE : : ~. I OtJ tfll1 d cI ::
0"., = (c,.
3 3
()t> I ) (I ;tHi )
d 11M = 0. /OtJlYtZL,
Ju/'th 1'hi.5 ~/ml'J~rl'+~ re~/n'l"ernfl1t
p/ed/~fro'" .I2Jua tliJ'i I~
.Ll -Pht1 =- Ap
f~ c,,: fJC'" -
-th~re hre.
LJf~= L1 P
d ~.:: ~, 100 11111.:

7. So I
7, !;-/) The drag, qv, on a sphere located in a pipe through
which a fluid is flowing is to be determined experimentally (see
Fig. P7.50). Assume that the drag is a function of the sphere
diameter, d, the pipe diameter, D, the fluid velocity, V, and the
fluid density, p. (a) What dimensionless parameters would you
use for this problem? (b) Some experiments using water indi-
. Sphere·
I d
cate that for d = 0.2 in., D = 0.5 in., and V = 2 ft/s, the drag
is 1.5 X 10- 3 lb. If possible, estimate the drag on a sphere
located in a 2-ft-diameter pipe through which water is flowing
with a velocity of 6 ft/s. The sphere diameter is such that ge-
ometric similarity is maintained. If it is not possible, explain
why not.

Wf)h1 the fi fhfl)Yetn) 5"-~: 2 ft' ffrhJJ r"gu/ld'd, t/hd a.

dll'n el1 ~;'tJl1d / 411 ~ / '1 " j (11 ~ / d,J

(j,) The s/;rn'/",./f.7 rf~"ll'emt'lI-1: /J

d'm _ d
- f)-*1 - D

O. "2 I)", =
(). 5"' /n. Z -I./:
d = 0, e ~-I:. (I"e'jlllf('d dltfhleffr).

7 hus, the P f!'dlc.tle/n


7. SI 1 7.51 Flow patterns that develop as winds blow past a
vehicle, such as a train, are often studied in low-speed en-
vironmental (meteorological) wind tunnels. (See Video
V7.S.) Typically, the air velocities in these tunnels are in the
range of 0.1 mls to 30 mls. Consider a cross wind blowing
past a train locomotive. Assume that the local wind veloc-
ity, Y, is a function of the approaching wind velocity (at
some distance from the locomotive), U, the locomotive
length, e, height, h, and width, b, the air density, p, and the
air viscosity, J-L. (a) Establish the similarity requirements and
prediction equation for a model to be used in the wind
tunnel to study the air velocity, Y, around the locomotive.
(b) If the model is to be used for cross winds gusting to
U = 25 mis, explain why it is not practical to maintain
Reynolds number similarity for a typical length scale 1:50.

(0..) V -: .p (~ ,1.1 J,; b) ~ jJ-)

-It 1. 11 =' r-L-1. r
V==LT- 1 V= LT- 1 J.:' L J" -= L J, == L f= FL T fV' r-

From 1he. pi. tneoV'em 7 - 3 .:: '+ fl' -i-noms Y'egu'-y~tI. I Q rt pC, A-

d /meYls/~yJa I aM a I ~ ~J:S ' !j' eIds

~ 4 ( ~ ) .t )

T~ us The ~jl1l" 14y,:f'j reg UI Y'fm ~11.+.s aye.

;.;' _ j. h~ .! = t:'tK 11M! Tl~:= t- h l/
TIWf -;,., --It,.. h ~jG==..,..====-)4 __
T~e. pred;".J-loJ.. €ZJ)..~-/'Ii>~ 1".5
V - VM\
( 1) 5/~ce 1he den,j~ ant< VljC"SI~ at- tHe Ci/'r f/OWIHfj 4rouI1d The
1rg/,., Cind -the (Ur In 'hH Wlj1'd tunnel kJ~u/~ b< pYac.1-,"c.4 l1!t
-tn~ same (I'WJ~! )),*~p..)) /t +olloWJ +rom tn"e IIHi
5Jm/lt(Y/+; vezu/yemen:i.. CWn,cl-1 ,J --f1.u ~ey"oldj nurn},.er)
111 ~t If
::('-A ) U

nu~) w/-fh e::( /eJ1j1n Scale. of 1:50 C/;1(:/ w;1h

V::- 2. S /1'n /s
~ ::- (sO) (Z§mf/s) = ~ Z§~ ~/S
Th/~ ye'SlJlrf'd mfJael t/e/~;-f!J ,,5 rnuch hl9he.r lhal1
Ca J1 be Ct. c h ~ ; v -e a' / h '171 e !AI ",i d i:. I,.( 11;-1e. / Ci n d
'1heve-hY(' ,"/- Is ntrt PytAc..+/~/ Iv /Yr1l1lrl';"/~ Re'tho/d..s
l1ul111JtI"" Slfnl"/arl+Y. Th< v~J&II;eel rn od(l./ v-e!oc'+Ij 1.5
+t90 h 19 h . I
7.52 I
1.5l An orifice flowmeter uses a pressure drop measure-
ment to determine the flow rate through a pipe. A particular or-
ifice flowmeter, when tested in the laboratory, yielded a pressure
drop of 8 psi for a flow of 2.9 fe /s through a 6-in. pipe. For a
geometrically similar system using the same fluid with a 24-in.
pipe, what is the required flow if similarity between the two
systems is to be maintained? What is the corresponding pressure

A-5sllm~ cp = + ( 4p) d) D) f;;')

Wh rre.' Q'" /iDlUya,te.:' L~ r-') LJ p "'" pressure dr~?::: t= C 2)
d ~rl Ii (~ c/t'lfIhlef;,r-': L) D"", I'lpe c/,itlnetfr'= L )

!N .r/~/d df"~i-I:J:::: FL -'lr",,; I/Iul )AN +lwlO vis~sH!:J =- FL -2 T.

fr~f}1 1/Ie p/ the~re",,) ~ - 3 ::: 8 p/ -trttrlS re$uiyed I tlHa tt
d;'mt'n5/~~lIj IIl1aJ'1~/.s f1it/JJ
= t (Pi /)J)<2.
!Jl D't )

D-w. _
D -p""",
- -

.Ll f>.,... D': ! -'"1 = ~ P D'"t


~t=- f)t)1{-!?)/~) AI..,

),=)1.", I ! =/~
tJ t =(iff) ~ AI.. - ff;.fri,!si): o. 5'p~ psi

~ CJ~ ~ ~
/~ Dm, ;fA-.D

Q=(*"f~ j{)(?~
=(i)4J"" =- (If )(2. f .fP) =- p. tIt
7.53 During a storm, a snow drift is formed behind some
bushes as shown in Fig. P7.53 and Video \'9.4. Assume that
the height of the drift, h, is a function of the number of inches
of snow deposited by the storm, d, the height of the bush. H.
the width of the bush. b, the wind speed, V, the acceleration of
gravity, g, the air density, p. the specific weight of the snow,
'Ys' and the porosity of the bush, TJ. Note that porosity is defined
as percent open area of the bush. (a) Determine a suitable set Bush
of dimensionless variables for this problem. (b) A storm with
~ & . 1
30 mph winds deposits 16 in. of snow having a specific weight
of 5.0 Ib/ft3• A half-sized scale model bush is to be used to in-
vestigate the drifting behind the bush. If the air density is the • FIGURE P7.S3
same for the model and the storm, determine the required spe-
cific weight of the model snow, the required wind speed for the
model, and the number of inches of model snow to be deposited.

ra) ~ :: +( d) H J bJ ~ 3-) f) IS) 'Z )

d= L /+~ L V -' L T- 1 L T-2.
-It -= L h=L d=
t == FC'f-T "2. ir".$~ FL- 3 1= rDL~TO

FV'tJ/11 1h4! pi. 1'heare"",) Cf-3 =t. 1'/ .J.trnu reZ~/;e~1 tlH&./
a. dlme'hSltJnaf dna/'1siJ 'jle'J.s

~ = ~(1;)"~) 9s / rJi,) '1)

- Vhh

So 'h1J fAltr" g~= ~ t:{ut;! #1tI4 / )J. :::1.'l-

V11f = ri 7

V = V(d)"' (3(),-,..ph) := J./. ;1.~pJ,

d,1t" £t
Ji-1t'J'I ~
({ ) (I ~ in.) ~. 00 ~n.
d~:(W) d - ::
7. S ~ As iIlu strated in Video V7.2, model s are commonly
used to study the dispersion of a gaseous pollutant from an
exhaust stack located near a building complex. Similarity re-
quirements for the pollutant source involve the following in-
dependent variables: the stack gas speed, V. the wind speed,
U, the density of the atmospheric air, p, the difference in
densities between the air and the stack gas, p - PJ' the ac-
celeration of gravity, g, the kinematic viscosity of the stack
gas, II ... and the stack diameter, D. (a) Based on these vari-
ables, determine a suitable set of similarity requirements for
modeling the pollutant source. (b) For this type of model a
typical length scale might be 1:200. If the same fluids were
used in model and prototype, would the similarity require-
ments be satisfied? Explain and support your answer with
the necessary calculations.

(a.) 5/" Ce. v= L i-I EJ'; L T -I ;;= FL -1f T 2 f-f.s ::i F C'+T4
if ~ 1.. , - 2. ~:!: 1'/'7 -I D= L) I f ~ //t)UlJ. ~r~/7t the pi.
-theoytm --thAi 7-3 Jf- j:>;' ffrrn; 4r~ Yi'p/,I/ypd. /+ dU':'fI1SIt)n~/
CinA/1~/.s fjlf,ld...s .:::!...) ~) 2:2.) Clnd ~ tfs a.. ~5j,;)t!
se t
rr- pI
. L ~L. ~ j. 0. J • I
~rrn5. / rJ"'~
I' .
'In~ 511111/111'1 r!:l
retJIJll'emfl17::l toOl/I«
J.I 1_.
0::: :

~ ~ II I/",. D~ = V.D Vitti 2 =- L Z

0-$ ),. , _(I-A)
Z7,m Y ~M1"11 Y;:-DItIf dD ~ - I'

(};) ~r -D",.,.,
and V£1rtt =- Ys 1ne ~eC&>I1" j/~/'/lIrl'-h:t

ret"': rt "'1'1'71. 10:> Un, _ -VS""

- -I/s D := Zoo (see abt)ve)
V D/m

ThJS re5t-t/J:: ~/7.f/I;;1-J W / 1h 1I11t -t In> m -j;, f. S ect:J;f,(

:fI till '!" y/f '1 re%Ui re f'Yl erll:/ lind 1hfrej,ye. 17I~ j/hn,')lIr,'ft:J
re~ U I remen+S (!OJ1f/pC be 5~.f:./jj,e4 UHt/er 1h'f .s+A.fe4
&;n drf-Ion 5 , Iv'tJ.
7.55 The drag on a small, completely sub- either an un pressurized wind tunnel or a water
merged solid body having a characteristic length tunnel for this study. Determine the required ve-
of 2.5 mm and moving with a velocity of 10 m/s t locity in both the wind and water tunnels, and
through water is to be determined with the aid the relationship between the model drag and the
of a model. The length scale is to be 50, which prototype drag for both systems. Would either
indicates that the model is to be larger than the type of test facility be suitable for this study?
prototype. Investigate the possibility of using

As c/ehl"I'J.J.frll~rd IJIl Pg. 7./fl fo,y .f/~w (J rlJul1d /mmfrst"d b()cJ/~,

Re'Jn~/d.s numbty s/m; /"1"1 =4 /J f".fl tllY'e" J() ihd
-_ -v~

~At'! = ~1
7/ J._
J:f ./-esls IIYf YUh In unpr~.S'.slo,,/'t4 wlnt-1 -hlill1tl I 1kel1
~ (sfqildllJl'd (Jlr) .:: /. 'fb X. 16-f,-/WIYs I ~J1d 1J (~pttY'): /. /2 XIO-'l'fHl/s J

So 1hlrl: - l.
(/.I.,,~ X a!!. ) (/ ) /
Vm. = (1.12;( ID-~ ~ .... l~ (IO ~) = 2,1. I~ (+., wIHII 1,,..,/)
r.{ mode! fest-s t:(re /1'101 Irl water t.unnel WIth. -14 =~ ihel'1
VIWI:: () )(l() )(10 7) = ~. 200 T (~~ w.. fe#' funnel)

SIY1C.e ~ J~ Y'iIJ5~illlbJe J~ both CAstS J e;1I1er 1he. Wmd +ulInel

or 111 e. Wa fe r .ftt JlIl e/ Co u /d b~ wSe d .
?v/I;. '1etPl11efl'lc' 411t{ d'll1l1lfJl~ .s-;hllil/f/-f~1 /t ~I/~U'.s thllt
dJ _ ~"."
I V';R '- ~ ~J. Jt1If2-
~:: ..L.J:..2. 1"~
rJJhi" ~ v,..." J..ff41.


0, Lf LUI-
7. '5b The drag characteristics for a newly de-
signed automobile having a maximum character-
istic length of 20 ft are to be determined through
a model study. The characteristics at both low
speed (approximately 20 mph) and high speed (90
mph) are of interest. For a series of projected
model tests an unpressurized wind tunnel that will
accommodate a model with a maximum charac-
teristic length of 4 ft is to be used. Determine the
range of air velocities that would be required for
the wind tunnel if Reynolds number similarity is
desired. Are the velocities suitable? Explain.

,Rel(IIt>ld~ lJumb.tr s;ml'/4f11!J;

!1" V IIPI ~~ = J- V..R
)A~ r
V'/m =-7;t t V OJ

SlfUe. the. W1I1t1 ..fulllfel 1,$ Uh/!,ftSSII}'I1ft/ the 1/1 r pr~Pfrh'e.s w//J be
aP!r(Jxirn~telt; -I1te St1I?1t. ~I'" medel 1"l1d p~/()f!lpe. TI1/1SI €'$. e/)
feciuce.; -f..o

tll1c{ #~ IRe dll~ ?llIe""

~ :: (20 It) J! = 5" V
",., ( tf -It)
Ttterefr;rf) al IoU) Sfted
/I""., :: S (ZtJ mph) =- /o~ mph
aHa af 11t9h 6,~ed
~ :: S (q~ IWIP),) : tfb() trrtp h
00 fhg-f the mode / vel!)c in, Y'~11ge /s /Oornp;' fo 'f.>7J mph
1111,/1 vel()clfzt IH the WJ~tI 1-uJ1fJel e(f)/)1pr~ss~b/)'+!J ,,,f the
,41 i/Je
Qir W()u! tI . .6ft1r,t -to be~me 411 lin'(JY'k~t titclr;r/ 14JherftlS
Cbmpressllllllf,; l.r /Jot: /n7'p~yfy,l1t -fi,y 1fte pYbfoftjpe. nlt/S, ine
ht'ql?er l/e/~cii-!1 y;oe!tl1retl ~r 1ke ff1()tie/ wf)IIld /Jot be $UJ14j,/e.
7. 57 I
7.5 7 If the un pressurized wind tunnel of
Problem 7. 5~ were replaced with a tunnel in
which the air can be pressurized isothermally to
8 atm (abs), what range of air velocities would
be required to maintain Reynolds number simi-
larity for the same prototype velocities given in
Problem 7. 'S{,,? For the pressurized tunnel the
maximum characteristic model length that can be
accommodated is 2 ft, whereas the maximum
characteristic prototype length remains at 20 ft.

Re'fIJ(>Ic/s n IIm};!y SI'm; /IInfy .;

11m ~ J":!. :: t-E
)A~ ~

~ ::~ & .l. V /1 )

Ib1 fnt'! ~ j..,..

/=PI'" lin Ide,,} 9t:1s ) --;:::I't€ T I til'ld .{;,y ;'s~thfrf)J41 t!.f)/npf"e5S/~H

:1=. =~11 S I:n i1 t

tl'fYJ fJ
tt7'1 - ft'l?'1
( ass tJml;' 7 )J1YI -:::.; )
I) - .:f...J;.. V
~ - 1'1f'OI:4
where. p /.s 'l,'6-mf!)~phfr'~ pr-e.sswY'<' (PY't'SStll"e at: tJ)""h PY'oto tljpq
0{f'Y"Ilf-eS ) J and ~ Is !f?.5SUY'f t:>f ~jJf't'ss('d fli}- In the Wll1d -ftt11t1el.
ror tm =af>
~ == (.J...)(zo It) V=- /.2;- V
/11'1 f ( z .ft)
Thus J 4t /fJl.J .sIted
~ ::. I, Z ~ (2~ mph) = Z 6' /W1 ph
CH1t1 'If hlfjh s?~ed
V"",:: /. "25"" (90/J11ph) ::- 112,5"tmph
There ~rel 1)1(. r'e~(/Irett tnfJdel ve/f)cl1:J rnl1ge /~
dis mph ..fr:, //2.5"trnph.
?s~ I
7. Sg The drag characteristics of an airplane
are to be determined by model tests in a wind
tunnel operated at an absolute pressure of 1300
kPa. If the prototype is to cruise in standard air
at 385 km/hr, and the corresponding speed of the
model is not to differ by more than 20% from this
(so that compressibility effects may be ignored),
what range of length scales may be used if Rey-
nolds number similarity is to be maintained? As-
sume the viscosity of air is unaffected by pressure,
and the temperature of the air in the tunnel is
equal to the temperature of the air in which the
airplane will fly.

l1/,fhJl1ty slm; 1f/f'lf!1 )

~ Y:" ,R~ ~ I- v.1
,)1-i11 /-
So th,,1:
i,," ~ ~ k 1:. (f)
): ~~~
fir fin Icle~J "as) ? =;,e~ IJnd w/1H ~s.f.tI/Ji femppnr/uYe. J

:E.. = e,,,.s fa 11 t
or -p _ -4-
~- 1m,
(fntl 5 ~ . (J) CttI1 he 411'/#e 11 tI.s (tv i1H )Atttt :::)A )
);fIIf _ 1;) V
) - t.. ~
t;y the dll~ '1 J ;;el1
J.4f4 -
T- O500 -
k Pa. ) ~

al1d w/fH ~ = (Ii: (). z) VI /7 .fr; /loliJ5. 7hfJi

j~ (/oJ-IGfl ) J
-1- - (/ 3()().k fa. ) ( / j; (), 2)

CJ, Ot,/f 7 to t). 0'17 I ,

7. SCf I
1 Stf Wind blowing past a flag causes it to "flutter in the
breeze." The frequency of this fluttering, w, is assumed to be
a function of the wind speed, V, the air density, p, the acceler-
ation of gravity, g, the length of the flag, .e, and the "area den-
sity," PA' (with dimensions of ML -2) of the flag material. It is
desired to predict the flutter frequency of a large = 40 ft flag
in a V = 30 ft/s wind. To do this a model flag with = 4 ft e
is to be tested in a wind tunnel. (a) Determine the required area
density of the model flag material if the large flag has PA =
0.006 slugs/ft2. (b) What wind tunnel velocity is required for
testing the model? (c) If the model flag flutters at 6 Hz, predict
the frequency for the large flag.

W= 7- 1 V= L7-1 1= MC 3 !=' /...T-1. l;;'L fA':: NL-2.

j:Y'~f)1 the. ?/ 1he~rem) ~-3 = 3 f/ +erl11s re$tIlYfJ.} t1l1d a.
d/ln e t1 ~/PII~/ tin ,,/ '1'IS tt I.e I"~

W Vj = cf (~ J )
~ .J/t'n

Vtrn l
Vdr;r,)~ V8.R.
gl'm = d
\!",,:: Vf V ::

(t) W,1"h fhe simi I~ r/1-!:I reI U remPt11=s s~.:t
J I ~+I pi 7H(' pr"ecl,'c t./~i1
e!tl.Q.':t:J~M j5

LvV-f = tu." V~ aht1

jo fn~-/;
W - Vi-
- !~
J V~
, 4!
= r.!t:E
~o .f-.f
(~ II,) = I. ~ 0
1 f-l)
I, (Po I
7. fDO River models are used to study many different
types of flow situations. (See, for example, Video V7.6.) A
certain small river has an average width and depth of 60 ft
and 4 ft, respectively, and carries water at a flowrate of 700
ft3jS. A model is to be designed based on Froude number
similarity so that the discharge scale is 11250. At what depth
and flow rate would the model operate?

fi;y P.rpud~ n 1-1111 J,~ Y 5/;"'I'IlIrJf.!l

Vj~ ~~
= Vi). -,
w herll 1. IJ SOn1t c,naY/lc. t-en s' 1-, C 1('HJt;, ) I1I1K /1117], ! ""' ;:: j

£mt.=. (). IJ0

ah to{ for- ().. prof:" -I:!f~ dep1lt t;f If f-t the.
e" rr-t's/o/1 d lit'! model dep1J1 (s
J.t'm ::: ((J.II 0) (If H) == O.If-'f{).f-t
7. ,/ I
7. r..l As winds blow past buildings, complex flow pat-
terns can develop due to various factors such as flow sepa-
ration and interactions between adjacent buildings. (See
Video V7.4.) Assume that the local gage pressure, p, at a
particular location on a building is a function of the air den-
sity, p, the wind speed, V, some characteristic length, and e,
all other pertinent lengths, i • needed to characterize the
geometry of the building or building complex. (a) Deter-
mine a suitable set of dimensionless parameters that can be
used to study the pressure distribution. (b) An eight-story
building that is 100 ft tall is to be modeled in a wind tun-
nel. If a length scale of 1:300 is to be used, how tall should
the model building be? (c) How will a measured pressure in
the model be related to the corresponding prototype pres-
sure? Assume the same air density in model and prototype.
Based on the assumed variables. does the model wind speed
have to be equal to the prototype wind speed? Explain.


1>= rL-· f =F L-'fr V -= L T - (

2. 1 :.- L Y,,' :: 1
FY~fl1 -rj,~ P" 1]1eDref"YI/ s- 3= 2 -p,: kY"l71s ve~",,'red, Ql1d c..
dl n, -en SI;I'1IC./ Ci 11 4. J 1 S 1:S 'J J ~ I OJ

I'~Z = ~ (f: )
georne fy/c, 'S1'm,'l a rj'+j
j.~ _ 1
- ).,:
J.1)rt .. J- ~'hff
T - J.i
t"f- {"IIDWS ThAt 4/1 P(Y't/~fl4t lenfth~ aY( Scaled
le~ffh Sca/(. f.".,. / j., Thus, WITh j;ttl I;. = \/aoo
l'mode.1 h-eicd\,t
-= .ill.Ji:-
:: O.3~3 +t

f'Wt =f ( 1
-P~.lf~) f~
Wd1t 1Jr( ~e1: of. '1' ~e r1 Va r/a hieJ 1hfY(!' IS no ve8~;ref1l~t
foil" f'he V~JDC.·I~ sca./t!; VlYI4jV) 5fJ fk~ rnod~\ WI~e.{ -speed.
dDe~ npt hail~ -to be .e~u~ ilt... tJu prI)-/:oi y pre. WU1~
opee&. No .
7- 70
7. ~2 j
7.62 n
A scale model is to be used in a towing
tank to determine the drag on the hull of a ship.
The model is operated in accordance with the
Froude number criteria for dynamic similitude.
The prototype ship is designed to cruise at 18
knots. At what velocity (in mls) should the model
be towed? Under these conditions what will be
the ratio of the prototype drag to the model dra~?
Assume the water in the towing tank to have the
same properties as those for the prototype and
that shear drag is negligible.

Foy FR.oude n tim blr- s·lm~ jar; +!;j )

Ym, = V
V!hO\ ~"., vF
Qnp( IN ,Tn ?=-im,
~:Vfv-- Vi I/ /~ ~lIdfs )1 ~)-- /. s/ a!!.
(0, S/J.f.1{- ",,~t s

w,·th Frowde lIt1mber ~im i /4 f ,+, tlltd 9tfPllleffli SI ",dan f'j I 1hel1
ptJ :: ~I)M
fy'~J.~ ~ ~loJ:
J,j -the dra.9.
otJ~ fm,
5Jiu:e. I =/fWI and V/Vmt::" V)/-f M4 I ,·t ~JJ()/JJj thai

4: M'1
(t) (fJ J = (J) ( 5"0)
'" /. ~
2 X 105'

7.64 Assume that the wall shear stress, 'Tw, created when a
fluid flows through a pipe (see Fig. P7.64a) depends on the pipe (al
diameter, D, the flowrate, Q, the fluid density, p, and the kine-
matic viscosity, v. Some model tests run in a laboratory using
water in a O.2-ft-diameter pipe yield the 'Tw vs. Q data shown in '::: 0.7 ;,
Fig. 7.64b. Perform a dimensional analysis and use the model J3 0.6 , ,
data to predict the wall shear stress in a O.3-ft-diameter pipe J 0.5 ----1-.-__._+._.__ -L_. __.
through which water flows at the rate of 1.5 fefs.

o 0.5 1 1.5 2
Flowrate. Q. ft\/s

• FIGURE P7.64
LLu- -= +(D J cr ) f)
lw--=- FL-'- D= L 4>::: L ,-'

FY'{)f)1 1he pi tr. eOytM) 5- 3 2. =

ct c/, menS,bJ'l4 I fUt allj'SI'..r fjl 'e' d..s

;cp~~ == 1 ( !J )
SI in // fI r,'+~
7. ~f) 7.65" The pressure rise, f!.p, across a centrifugal pump of a
given shape (see Fig. P7.6Sa) can be expressed as 8r-------------------------~
Model data
f!.p = I(D, w, p, Q) Wm = 40!l" rad/s

where D is the impeller diameter, w the angular velocity of the Dm = 8 in.

impeller, p the fluid density, and Q the volume rate of flow
through the pump. A model pump having a diameter of 8 in. is
tested in the laboratory using water. When operated at an an-
gular velocity of 407T rad/ s the model pressure rise as a function
of Q is shown in Fig. P7.6S'b. Use this curve to predict the
pressure rise across a geometrically similar pump (prototype)
for a prototype flowrate of 6 ft 3 /s. The prototype has a diameter
of 12 in. and operates at an angular velocity of 607T rad/s. The
prototype fluid is also water.

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Qm (ft 3 /s)


• FIG U REP 7.65

Centrifugal pump

Jp = j ( D/~.) f.J a)

tJ t ~ f '-- 2.- D -' L

(",,).::: T
1= FL-'tTl. Q'= L 3 T- J
h-If)tn t:-he PI.: 1:hetJytlYl/ S-~:­ .2 Pi t!'rrns ret II/yeti) 11114 t4

t:ift~/'fsi5 &' e/ tis

Itt) 11> l-

Ye! VI r-emt'lt t I..J

~~ =: cp
;;;-£3 tV D3
'*" ~

a;ui jpy 1;,e dd£ ;,/iJev

tj),., =- (folT tf') ( flit,):3 ( I. .pP) _ I. /'1 {!J
( ~7T ~d) /2./n. .5

Fr()1J1 tHe 1ntlJ, (r;,. P7.bS';) .t1 /:m :: .s:S'o ?.5l.: ~y til =/. / 'i ;tJ. fit liS)
LJp ::

7.~ (P I
7. " <c, Start with the two-dimensional conti-
nuity equation and the Navier-Stokes equations
(Eqs. 7.35, 7.36, and 7.37) and verify the non-
dimensional forms of these equations (Eqs. 7.38,
7.41, and 7.42).

Jt< Jtr=o
J;( r PIj

;0 (~-t U ~ .,. 7r ~)O, - ~ 1")A (~~ 1" ~ ;~ ) (liS. ? 36)

If) (Jrr
_ P~
+ t< U- -r
d ':1
= - a~
- , 0 II
f ~
(~-r JY} (e~. 7. 37)
0,( l. ~:; 1.) ,
4s In(/ic.a/-PII 111 Sec.·ltoN 7.10 let
k """= ..!:!:.. ?i 14:. :JC -p "..; 1:.
V V 1;,
.;. X fA 11= __ _1:1 ..J....L
X =~ v.J C7"-= t-~

Th e /llit/,,'US 1r((i1.sk~IYM.j./~'n..s t4h be mille as /c/JClJIs:

au. _ J(Vu.~) Jx'" V Ju-i-
ax. - ~;(, /4. d x. :: --;. J x'-tIr
1f11,{ j'/ln ; /(11" &)
J v- _ ~ J I/#- ~ .: J:: !..!!:. f!. 0 1.1" _ 1:: lY v.
;2 -.). I;<*" J'j.J. Jyf. ; ; - ~ o!J+

,4/so) J "2 fA. _ v d (0 U -It) ~It -: Y- J Z U I-

p,(2. - -X U.,. a;.. a~ 12. ~x1tZ-
Clnc/ jim/iff r/~/
J 7- V- _ 1/ J 2.v-¥ 27.(A. _ 1/ 0'1.", i'.
tJx2. - F ~L p;2. - Ji J!j'loZ-
fEy 17te local acce/fy~-b~·If.J
dUo J rvu4') Jtl. = V Ju"
rJt:: Jt--f.. it ~ Jt+
til/it ~ /m ,'k,yo)'11
J U- _ V J ]/-J.
n -~ ;-c~
7. ~ ~ I ( ~11 Z )
roY' -the. pY'e.ssure I-erm.s,)
ij::, _ ~ Pa f;J.. d.JG ~ ::
J.x. - ~x. aX.
t/hd s/m;/Ilr/y)
li:.:: A li:..jJ.
o!J j. d!J*
5Ub.'Jf,i-uf,il1 eJ/ 1h~ I/tlrI()~ ftrms J -(xpresspo/ In Hrms ill
tnt! dlln~I1.5;{)I?J-es.r vtJY'lobJe.s, Crill h< IIltlde I~t-~ the (!)Y'I'gJ;'ql
d, fleVfl1h4/ eglAa.t:I()AS (£I S . 7. 3~~ 7.3~,; ~1'1'" 7. 37) -1-0
tjie/ tI Ef~. 7· 38) 7· ~'J 1/(111{ 7. 'fo. To o/'.ftt"j the hh~ /
!orin for ES5. 7. 'fJ tll-ul 7. 'f2 dlV, de each krm
hy IvYi.
r 7.'-7 I

I. Ie. 7 A viscous fluid is contained between wide, parallel

plates spaced a distance h apart as shown in Fig. P7.67. The
upper plate is fixed, and the bottom plate oscillates harmonically ( ) Fixed pi ate
with a velocity amplitude U and frequency w. The differential
equation for the velocity distribution between the plates is f --....11
au au2

p at = J.L ay2 (
I' l x

where u is the velocity, t is time, and p and J.L are fluid density • II = UCOS WI

and viscosity, respectively. Rewrite this equation in a suitable

nondimensional form using h, U, and was reference parameters.

Le i: -V I

v Wou*


02U _

7. ~8 I
7. ~8 The deflection of the cantilever beam of
Fig. P7.bi is governed by the differential equation
d 2y
EI dx 2 = P(x - C)
where E is the modulus of elasticity and I is the
moment of inertia of the beam cross section. The
boundary conditions are y = 0 at x = 0 and
dy / dx = 0 at x = O. (a) Rewrite the equation
and boundary conditions in dimensionless form -
using the beam length, r~ as the reference length. FIGURE P7.1D8
(b) Based on the results of part (aYwhaiire the
similarity requirements and the prediction equa':
rion for a model to predict deflections?

( (,L J Le i. J1- = 1- and ;(.14 = )(.

.so 7"ha.i
; X
dt (J. b~ ) d )(. ~ _
did J. dt1~ ~
d )(. .,.. -d;<. - (-i ) ::
d~ - dt,JJr d)(,~

Co( iii&{
-d.x, l..
= E. (!li*) !.£
J;e"* dx.l/-
'" =...L
rJ'!f 'I-
dx" z.


(.b )
re~ UI veme,.:tr et Y'f.
X,w. _ ~
J .... - )...

7. fo'f I
7. fo9 A liquid is contained in a pipe that is
closed at one end as shown in Fig. P7."~ . Initially

the liquid is at rest, but if the end is suddenly
opened the liquid starts to move. Assume the
pressure PI remains constant. The differential
_P_l_ _ _ _ _--1-_-----. End sed initia!l~

equation that describes the resulting motion of
the liquid is
_ t ,/
rLz ~vz R V
auz = PI + (a 2uz + ! auz) T
P at e JL ar2 r ar
1-1.- - - 1 - - - - 1 , 1
where Uz is the velocity at any radial location, r,
and t is time. Rewrite this equation in dimen-
sionless form using the liquid density, p, the vis-
cosity, jl, and the pipe radius, R, as reference

Le t rlf =..t
R ) t1-: ±
, ) tll1t1 ~*=
V Whe~~ r
IS -?~me ~m'JI~lftt/1'J.S of the p4rtimekYS /)/-I QM~ R hal/ll1? ihe
dlmeI1SI()~ ~f t.lme) tJn~ V I~ J~mt Ct;mlJ/ntt/~~ cf the sqme
p4fllmeter.s hHtllht 1?,e d/rnfrlsl!;/LS t>f tt., tle/()c/7Tj. Let:
1: = /-,R?=. (pl.-If r"L) (L) ~ r
/" FL-2. T
V= ...£-
~ I=i.
-2 T
d ~ L T-
fJ R. ( F/..-'f r2.) (L)

W,1h these d/~ei1S;~l1less IIlJyltd,ies .-

a~: a(v~~ ~~:- V J~" (...!..): ff)!}!:. ) J~ "_ (e)~ dV;""
dt Jt-l- at W 1: ~,R. (1£2. ~t:1ft - fJ 1<3 Jtf'

~ = ~ (V'Zi-tt-) or·: v ~-I- fJ.): (~ )(!.) p~-Jt .:- A Jtfr+

ar ar -to. df- J}-- i- ( i< f> ~ fo Jyo$. (';€ ,. 0 Y' ""
a7tJi: _~ ~ (JVjI)k! = ~ d 21it~ /1) :: ~ JZ1Jj~
ayo l.1',e2 ,It#- --r;;:-. J r
- I'Rz ~ rj.2. (~ ;o;e.3 () r1' z.

The ()l"IflJ14J d,'.fkrfntlq/ e$tlflf:to'n ClJM n~w b~ ex.p'l'tSSfd aoS

[; ~r:f.] ~;: = :. + ~ (f;e3)J(~';:: +?~)

7. 70 I
7.70 An incompressible fluid is contained be-
tween two infinite parallel plates as illustrated in
Fig. P7.70. Under the influence of a harmonically
varying pressure gradient in the x direction, the
fluid oscillates harmonically with a frequency w.
The differential equation describing the fluid mo- h YL~u
tion is -f- x
au a2u
p -
= x cos wt + f.l -ay2
where X is the amplitude of the pressure gradient.
Express this equation in non dimensional form us-
ing hand w as reference parameters.

Let ~j(= f I ti-:. 4J i , c/l111 ,,+::: {~ So 1h4.i '

~: ~ (J.tu '" -I-~j.._- i ~"" (w) = IttU'-~.f.

dr ,; 'C""' t3t tu J t:1c J r It
&IA. _ ~ fA fA) ().:"'") J.!1" ~ -I, tv ~ ~ (J) =- UJ ~~
;!:J - J :;-11- ~ - djf. ~ J!:1'*'
dZt-< :: t.U d ( Pu "*)lit
-'Ie. UJ () Zu 1'. LL) = tU dZu -11
Jj l. ; !J f. a!:1~ J!:J. 0J~ 2.. {h -::t: b !J;' z.

The OY'J9/f1lt! d,/nY.fJ1ttal eg IAlJ.tJtPH Ct(11 naw b.e -e.x.pytssed a~

[;-AtJj ~~: ~ X c:~s tt' + ~-i!] ~>.~z

7.7/ I
7.7 I A viscous fluid flows through a vertical. square chan-
nel as shown in Fig. P7.71. The velocity w can be expressed as
w = f(x, y. b, J.L. Y. V, aplaz)
where J.L is the fluid viscosity, y the fluid specific weight, V the
mean velocity, and ap Iaz the pressure gradient in the z direction.
(a) Use dimensional analysis to find a suitable set of dimen-
sionless variables and parameters for this problem. (b) The dif-
ferential equation governing the fluid motion for this problem
is I-b--I

ap= -y+J.L
- w
a2 w)
az ax 2
Write this equation in a suitable dimensionless form. and show
that the similarity requirements obtained from this analysis are
the same as those resulting from the dimensional analysis of
part (a). • FIG U REP 7 . 71

(tL) w-= { ( J<.) !i; JJ.;)<.1 0.1 V" if. )

w= LT-
;(= L J=- L b=' L ? == P1..-;. T cY =PL- 3 V-:'L--
- I
1 .?E...:.. c::- - 3
Jt: - I L

H()t'Y1 1he p(.: 1hel)i'e~ ?-3 == S J'i i-f>rms ye~IJly.etL I tlnd A.

tll1t1lf1s/~ y/e/Pi..s
~­ (I)

(.b) Let w~= r) x*= ~ ) (jJl.= t So

dw_ d(VW~)())t.Jj.= V~1f

~X - ~;<.. oX J: h<.+
JZW- .= V d /dWi-) h(" _
gXl- ]; Ot:l- ( ~;< 1i:- JX -

5, hit 'IIIY Iy .-' ~~tv V ~2W-J/c.

);; ~ = T... J .'}f:. 2-
lhe. &1'/'1);,,,) d;l{eyel1-6iJ; efud,oJl can nov b~ -f'xjJressp,< as
-= -J- + tW](~1'
h2. ~;<,JJ. 2-
+ ~~)
g~*' 1.-

hZ qp = _ (rbL. -r (» 2 W :lc -r ~"2~) (2)

)tV Ji!: I'V gx"'z. g~+2-

7.71 1 ((1;/1't )

E1' (2) /~titcRk thai

kr+-= .if == 'r
j, ('/;*
/\ ~)
-¥ cr j, 2.
.b.2. J P
~V n )

If/ 1'h()1I! h d~~.s t1D~ all'eAr' i:v mtt.1-cM ih~

1'hu, r.e';WJ-C
eJlldf~" "j,Ioo',l1erl b1 tltmfl1S'M~( tl"""{'1~Jj (E'j,. I)) 1t.<
las I:. 1-Wo PI +fYI11S /11 £7 .t /) !4,z b~ ~m blAe4 ftJ y/~/ tI
11Iz.2.) = ~ 2lf
~ V Jt:
:50 -/7ta.. f £, .! )) e.11J1 II b.se b~ w r/ 1feJ1 a.s

-r = 1 (
X f1 ?r/; ~ b"2... i l )
b) b.J ~ V ) ,.ft y ~t ( If)

ttl! d 1h/~ Y~>u./f -lite $time IJS

IS </hllf- /11 £9 J3). 7htl5~

the ~/'ml'/C{y/~ Y'eJtI;Yempl')-/s I~d,cq)-e~ /:;7 £ t.J. (3) 4-M.P( (If)

Ii re -the sam e .

7.72 Flow from a Tank

Objective: When the drain hole in the bottom of the tank shown in Fig. P7.72 is opened,
the liquid will drain out at a rate which is a function of many parameters. The purpose of
this experiment is to measure the liquid depth, h, as a function of time, t, for two geometri-
cally similar tanks and to learn how dimensional analysis can be of use in situations such as

Equipment: Two geometrically similar cylindrical tanks; stop watch; thermometer; ruler.

Experimental Procedure: Make appropriate measurements to show that the two tanks
are geometrically similar. That is, show that the large tank is twice the size of the small tank
(twice the height; twice the diameter; twice the hole diameter in the bottom). Fill the large
tank with cold water of a known temperature, T, and determine the water depth, h, in the
tank as a function of time, t, after the drain hole is opened. Thus, obtain h = h(t). Note that
t ranges from t = 0 when h = H (where H is the initial depth of the water), to t = tfinal then
the tank is completely drained (h = 0). Repeat the measurements using the small tank with
the same temperature water. To ensure geometric similarity, the initial water level in the small
tank must be one-half of what it was in the large tank. Repeat the experiment for each tank
with hot water. Thus you will have a total of four sets of h(t) data.

Calculations: Assume that the depth, h, of water in the tank is a function of its initial
depth, H, the diameter of the tank, D, the diameter of the drain hole in the bottom of the
tank, d, the time, t, after the drain is opened, the acceleration of gravity, g, and the fluid den-
sity, p, and viscosity, J.L. Develop a suitable set of dimensionless parameters for this problem
using H, g, and p as repeating variables. Use t as the dependent parameter. For each of the
four conditions tested, calculate the dimensionless time, tgl/2/Hl/2, as a function of the di-
mensionless depth, h/H.

Graph: On a single graph, plot the depth, h, as ordinates and time, t, as abscissas for each
of the four sets of data.

Results: On another graph, plot the dimensionless water depth, h/H, as a function of di-
mensionless time, tg l / 2/H 1/ 2, for each of the four sets of data. Based on your results, com-
ment on the importance of density and viscosity for your experiment and on the usefulness
of dimensional analysis.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click her~>
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

r H

iii! FIGURE P7.72

7-- 82-
7.72. I

Solution for Problem 7.72: Flow from a Tank

H for big tank, in. H for small tank, in.

16.0 8.0

h, in. t, s
tg 1/2/H1/2 h/H
Big Tank with T =57 deg C
16.0 0.0 0.0 1.000
12.0 9.2 45.2 0.750
8.0 20.0 98.3 0.500
4.0 33.8 166.1 0.250
0.0 57.0 280.1 0.000

Big Tank with T =20 deg C

16.0 0.0 0.0 1.000
12.0 9.0 44.2 0.750
8.0 20.3 99.a 0.500
4.0 33.0 162.2 0.250
0.0 57.2 281.1 0.000

Small Tank with T =57 deg C

8.0 0.0 0.0 1.000
7.0 3.1 21.5 0.875
5.0 9.5 66.0 0.625
3.0 18.2 126.5 0.375
1.0 30.1 209.2 0.125
0.0 41.4 287.7 0.000

Small Tank with T = 20 deg C

8.0 0.0 0.0 1.000
7.0 3.0 20.8 0.875
5.0 10.0 69.5 0.625
3.0 18.1 125.8 0.375
1.0 32.5 225.9 0.125
0.0 43.0 298.8 0.000

( ~,,'t )

Problem 7.22
Water depth, h, vs time, t


~ -~ ~-··-I -

Big tank, T = 57 deg C
Big tank, T =20 deg C
--.-. Small tank, T = 57 deg C
Small tank, T =20 deg C
6 . I
4 -------~:------~
2 +----~-..:----~~--_r--.---1

0 20 40 60 80
t, S

Problem 7.72
Dimensionless Depth, h/H,
Dimensionless Time, t*(g/H)"O.5

1.20 - , - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

--I • Big tank, T = 57 deg C
• Big tank, T = 20 deg C
= 57 deg C
:c 0.60
_I - .. -
Small tank, T
Small tank, T = 20 deg C

I i

0.40 ----------'-- I

0.20 -l-----+--~,.,----+-----l I
0.00 +----+-----1--__'*----1
o 100 300 400


7.73 Vortex Shedding from a Circular Cylinder

Objective: Under certain conditions, the flow of fluid past a circular cylinder will pro-
duce a Karman vortex street behind the cylinder. As shown in Fig. P7.73, this vortex street
consists of a set of vortices (swirls) that are shed alternately from opposite sides of the cylin-
der and then swept downstream with the fluid. The purpose of this experiment is to deter-
mine the shedding frequency, w cycles (vortices) per second, of these vortices as a function
of the Reynolds number, Re, and to compare the measured results with published data.

Equipment: Water channel with an adjustable flowrate; flow meter; set of four different
diameter cylinders; dye injection system; stopwatch.

Experimental Procedure: Insert a cylinder of diameter D into the holder on the bot-
tom of the water channel. Adjust the control valve and the downstream gate on the channel
to produce the desired flowrate, Q, and velocity, V. Make sure that the flow-straightening
screens (not shown in the figure) are in place to reduce unwanted turbulence in the flowing
water. Measure the width, b, of the channel and the depth, y, of the water in the channel so
that the water velocity in the channel, V = Q/(by), can be determined. Carefully adjust the
control valve on the dye injection system to inject a thin stream of dye slightly upstream of
the cylinder. By viewing down onto the top of the water channel, observe the vortex shed-
ding and measure the time, t, that it takes for N vortices to be shed from the cylinder. For a
given velocity, repeat the experiment for different diameter cylinders. Repeat the experiment
using different velocities. Measure the water temperature so that the viscosity can be looked
up in Table B.l.

Calculations: For each of your data sets calculate the vortex shedding frequency,
w = Nit, which is expressed as vortices (or cycles) per second. Also calculate the dimen-
sionless frequency called the Strouhl number, St = wDIV, and the Reynolds number,
Re = pVDI/-L.

Graph: On a single graph, plot the vortex shedding frequency, w, as ordinates and the
water velocity, V, as abscissas for each of the four cylinders you tested. On another graph,
plot the Strouhl number as ordinates and the Reynolds number as abscissas for each of the
four sets of data.

11& FIGURE P7.73

S/de IIJeW
7.73 I
Results: On your Strouhl number verses Reynolds number graph, plot the results taken
from the literature and shown in the following table.

St Re

0 <50
0.16 100
0.18 150
0.19 200
0.20 300
0.21 400
0.21 600
0.21 800

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

Solution for Problem 7.73: Vortex Shedding from a Circular Cylinder

T, deg F b, ft
70 0.50

Data from Literature

Q, ft 3/s
y, ft D,ft N t, s 00, cycles/s V, ftls Re 8t Re 8t
0.036 0.82 0.0202 10.0 13.2 0.758 0.0878 169 0.174 50 0.00
0.036 0.82 0.0314 10.0 19.9 0.503 0.0878 263 0.180 100 0.16
0.036 0.82 0.0421 10.0 24.5 0.408 0.0878 352 0.196 150 0.18
0.036 0.82 0.0518 10.0 30.1 0.332 0.0878 433 0.196 200 0.19
300 0.20
400 0.21
0.062 0.79 0.0202 10.0 6.3 1.587 0.1570 302 0.204 600 0.21
0.062 0.79 0.0314 10.0 9.6 1.042 0.1570 469 0.208 800 0.21
0.062 0.79 0.0421 10.0 12.5 0.800 0.1570 629 0.215
0.062 0.79 0.0518 10.0 15.1 0.662 0.1570 774 0.219

0.029 0.86 0.0202 10.0 19.2 0.521 0.0674 130 0.156

0.029 0.86 0.0314 10.0 28.2 0.355 0.0674 202 0.165
0.029 0.86 0.0421 10.0 33.1 0.302 0.0674 270 0.189
0.029 0.86 0.0518 10.0 36.7 0.272 0.0674 333 0.209

0.018 0.92 0.0202 10.0 31.2 0.321 0.0391 75 0.165

0.018 0.92 0.0314 10.0 41.3 0.242 0.0391 117 0.194
0.018 0.92 0.0421 10.0 52.2 0.192 0.0391 157 0.206
0.018 0.92 0.0518 10.0 65.3 0.153 0.0391 193 0.203

00= Nit
V =Q/(by)

8t =ooDN and Re =DV/v, where

v = 1.052E-5 ft A 2/s

7.73 ( C<Jn't)

Problem 7.73
Shedding Frequency, ro, vs Velocity, V

1.S --r-------;-----~-----------,

..__._-----_. __._-.. _ - - - - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - / -
1.4 .. -

1.2 --I
~ , -+-0 =0.0202 ft
~ 1.0 ----~~--___:;iI""""'-------J _ 0 =0.0314 ft
~ O.S +-~---------~-+--------;;;,;L------t-:... ------lI """"-0 = 0.0421 ft
___ 0 =0.0518 ft
8 0.6 +-------'-----/--~-___;;;;O..=-_::7'~---.~
0.4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----II

0.2 ~~-=---- .. ----.-------.. ---- ---- ------

0.0 - f - - - - - - ; - - - - - - i - - - - - - , - - - - - - j
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
V, ftls

Problem 7.73
Strouhl Number, St,
Reynolds Number, Re


. _._.__._---_._---,---_._----------\I
en I ! • Experimental I, I

0.10 ---1 1_ Data from literature I !



0 200 400 600 SOO 1000


7.74 Head Loss across a Valve

Objective: A valve in a pipeline like that shown in Fig. P7.74 acts like a variable resis-
tor in an electrical circuit. The amount of resistance or head loss across a valve depends on
the amount that the valve is open. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the head
loss characteristics of a valve by measuring the pressure drop, 6.p, across the valve as a func-
tion of f1owrate, Q, and to learn how dimensional analysis can be of use in situations such
as this.

Equipment: Air supply with flow meter; valve connected to a pipe; manometer connected
to a static pressure tap upstream of the valve; barometer; thermometer.

Experimental Procedure: Measure the pipe diameter, D. Record the barometer read-
ing, H.tm , in inches of mercury and the air temperature, T, so that the air density can be cal-
culated by use of the perfect gas law. Completely close the valve and then open it N turns
from its closed position. Adjust the air supply to provide the desired f1owrate, Q, of air through
the valve. Record the manometer reading, h, so that the pressure drop, Ap, across the valve
can be determined. Repeat the measurements for various f1owrates. Repeat the experiment
for various valve settings, N, ranging from barely open to wide open.

Calculations: For each data set calculate the average velocity in the pipe, V = Q/A, where
A = 7TD 2/4is the pipe area. Also calculate the pressure drop across the valve, 6.p = T'mh,
where T'm is the specific weight of the manometer fluid. For each data set also calculate the
loss coefficient, K L, where the head loss is given by hL = 6.p/y = KL V2/2g and T' is the
specific weight of the flowing air.

Graph: On a single graph, plot the pressure drop, 6.p, as ordinates and the f1owrate, Q,
as abscissas for each of the valve settings, N, tested.

Results: On another graph, plot the loss coefficient, K L , as a function of valve setting, N,
for all of the data sets.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click II/'re
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.


Water --""--',,

Free jet II FIGURE P7.74
Solution for Problem 7.74: Head Loss across a Valve

D, in. Hatm , in. Hg T, deg F

0.81 28.7 70

h, in. Q, ft"3/s ~p, Ib/ft"2 V,ftis N KL

N =2 Turns Open Data

9.20 0.235 47.8 65.7 2 9.95
6.50 0.195 33.8 54.5 2 10.21
5.04 0.169 26.2 47.2 2 10.54

N =3 Turns Open Data

9.40 0.479 48.9 133.9 3 2.45
6.33 0.386 32.9 107.9 3 2.54
5.01 0.341 26.1 95.3 3 2.57
3.62 0.289 18.8 80.8 3 2.59
1.92 0.214 10.0 59.8 3 2.50

N =4 Turns Open Data

9.35 0.827 48.6 231.1 4 0.816
7.65 0.767 39.8 214.3 4 0.777
6.01 0.691 31.3 193.1 4 0.752
4.32 0.578 22.5 161.5 4 0.772
3.24 0.504 16.8 140.8 4 0.762
2.62 0.456 13.6 127.4 4 0.752
1.85 0.391 9.6 109.3 4 0.723
0.98 0.283 5.1 79.1 4 0.731

N =5 Turns Open Data

3.03 0.897 15.8 250.7 5 0.225
2.37 0.799 12.3 223.3 5 0.222
1.79 0.701 9.3 195.9 5 0.218
1.39 0.618 7.2 172.7 5 0.217
0.97 0.517 5.0 144.5 5 0.217
0.64 0.426 3.3 119.0 5 0.211

6.p =YH20 *h
KL=6.p/(pV2/2) where
V =Q/A =Q/(n*D2/4)
p = Patm/RT where
Patm YHg*H atm =847 Ib/ft"3*(28.7/12 ft) =20261b/ft"2
R =1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T =70 + 460 = 530 deg R
Thus, p =0.00223 slug/ft"3
Problem 7.74
Pressure Drop, ~p, vs Flowrate, Q



N --+-N=2
~ ___ N = 3
.c 30 --------~-

-.-N = 4
<l --e-N=5
20 .. ~

10 +-----__ ~--~~----~~~4----~
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Q, ft 3/s

Problem 7.74
Loss Coefficient, KL ,
Number of Turns Open, N

12 ,----------------.

10 ----

~ 6

0 . 2 3 4 5

7.75 Calibration of a Rotameter

Objective: The flowrate, Q, through a rotameter can be determined from the scale read-
ing, SR, which indicates the vertical position of the float within the tapered tube of the ro-
tameter as shown in Fig. P7.7S. Clearly, for a given scale reading, the flowrate depends on
the density of the flowing fluid. The purpose of this experiment is to calibrate a rotameter
so that it can be used for both water and air.
Equipment: Rotameter, air supply with a calibrated flow meter, water supply, weighing
scale, stop watch, thermometer, barometer.
Experimental Procedure: Connect the rotameter to the water supply and adjust the
flowrate, Q, to the desired value. Record the scale reading, SR, on the rotameter and mea-
sure the flowrate by collecting a given weight, W, of water that passes through the rotame-
ter in a given time, t. Repeat for several flow rates.
Connect the rotameter to the air supply and adjust the flowrate to the desired value as
indicated by the flow meter. Record the scale reading on the rotameter. Repeat for several
flowrates. Record the barometer reading, Halm, in inches of mercury and the air temperature,
T, so that the air density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law.
Calculations: For the water portion of the experiment, use the weight, W, and time, t,
data to determine the volumetric flowrate, Q = Wht. The equilibrium position of the float
is a result of a balance between the fluid drag force on the float, the weight of the float, and
the buoyant force on the float. Thus, a typical dimensionless flowrate can be written as
Q/[ d(p/Vg(PI - p))l/2], where d is the diameter of the float, V is the volume of the float, g
is the acceleration of gravity, P is the fluid density, and PI is the float density. Determine this
dimensionless flowrate for each condition tested.
Graph: On a single graph, plot the flowrate, Q, as ordinates and scale reading, SR, as ab-
scissas for both the water and air data.
Results: On another graph, plot the dimensionless flowrate as a function of scale reading
for both the water and air data. Note that the scale reading is a percent of full scale and,
hence, is a dimensionless quantity. Based on your results, comment on the usefulness of di-
mensional analysis.
Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click hue
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

reading Float

~ FiGURE P7.75
7.75 I

Solution for Problem 7.75: Calibration of a Rotameter

d, in. V, in. A3 PI, slug/W3 Hatm , in. T, deg F

1.40 1.50 15.1 29.05 78

Air Flow Data

SR Q, W3/s (Q/d)[p/(Vg(PrP ))]1/2

14.6 0.229 0.142
21.5 0.321 0.200
28.1 0.413 0.257
33.6 0.491 0.305
39.2 0.564 0.351
44.8 0.644 0.400
50.2 0.714 0.444
55.9 0.798 0.496
63.1 0.888 0.552
68.6 0.973 0.605
73.5 1.05 0.653
76.2 1.08 0.671

Water Flow Data

SR W,lb t, s Q, W3/s (Q/d)[p/(Vg(Prp))]1/2

13.1 6.52 19.9 0.0053 0.103
18.5 8.01 17.7 0.0073 0.143
24.2 7.02 10.4 0.0108 0.213
28.2 7.81 10.1 0.0124 0.244
37.1 8.20 8.4 0.0156 0.308
45.7 9.21 7.5 0.0197 0.387
52.6 8.19 5.7 0.0230 0.453

P =Patm/ RT where
Patm = YHg*H atm = 847Ib/W3*(29.05/12 ft) = 2050 IblftA2
R = 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T = 78 + 460 = 538 deg R

Thus, P =0.00222 slug/ft A3

7. 75"

Problem 7.75
Flowrate, Q, vs Scale Reading, SR

< I-+-Air I
-=a i--waterll

10 100

Problem 7.75
Dimensionless Flowrate vs Scale Reading

0.8 -r--~-----~---~--~'----i

0.7 -------------\

!::! 0.6 ---JIP------ - ---~---1


rc 0.5 ,-~----~-----jI
- Cl
> 0.4

i -+-Air
0.3 -I-~~__'_~~~C---~~_+_~~~-----:

- 0.2
0.1 ~------


0.0 -t----,.-----..,----;-----t-----\

o 20 40 60 80 100

a, I I
8.1 Rainwater runoff from a parking lot flows through
a 3-ft-diameter pipe, completely filling it. Whether flow in
a pipe is laminar or turbulent depends on the value of the
Reynolds number. (See Video V8.1.) Would you expect the
flow to be laminar or turbulent? Support your answer with
appropriate calculations.

Re == ~ = ~D If Re >t/-ooo fhe flow is iI/rbI/lenT, The

correspondinq velocify is
5 .fi~
- Re 11 - ('1-000)( 1."J XIO- oS ) _ 0 0161 Ii
V- D - 3 ft -, oS

Mo.sf likely Ihe veloc/fy will be greQter Ihan this J

t:8'J furbfJ/en! flruv.

8,3 I
8.3 The flow of water in a 3-mm-diameter pipe is to remain
laminar. Plot a graph of the maximum fiowrate allowed as a
function of temperature for 0 < T < 100°C.

VD - Q -- J.l.f1.
For laminar flow Re:= -V ~ 2.100 J where V-7f ll'D2
Thu.s} fhe maximum ~ is gil/en by
Re : : (fk)D = ifQ =2./00 or Q= ~/OO 71' 1/ /)
11 71'11 D J
Q == 20/00 :(O,003m)p = 7!9S f/ J where 1/-=::~ Qlld r;~¥
WHh valves of 1/ {rom TabJe B,z we Obtain
T, deg C 2
v, m /s a, m /s

o 1.79E-06 8.86E-06 Flowrate vs Temperature

20 1.00E-06 4.9SE-06
40 6.S8E-07 3.26E-06 1.E-OS - , - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

:::~~: +~-"'----"~-----------~---~--~--'~----~J
60 4.7SE-07 2.3SE-06
80 3.6SE-07 1.81E-06
100 2.90E-07 1.44E-06
E i
4.E-06 j
ci ------- --- ---- - ------ -.--------.-.-. --- - -- -- -- . - -- -

2.E-06 , -1
0 20 40 60 80 100
T, deg C

8.9 I
SA Air at 100 of flows at standard atmospheric pressure in
a pipe at a rate of 0.08 Ibis. Determine the maximum diame-
ter allowed if the flow is to be turbulent.

fY!inimllhl Re::: e~D for tvrbvlent flow is Re :::/f000.

or wHh (1161 )D
V = Ii)
= ¥Q
11' D2. }
Re:: e fi"@
;::: ~p Q
rr'p D
::: '1-000

Q-== lfO~O:J.i D (I)

Given oQ::; O.OB~ J where O'::'}p and p:: fr

ThIJ,s, .&
== OJ!-. 7 x/Jflf fir.) = 0 002.20 s/()q.s
p (/716s/IJ,.
H'ib )('l-to+ 100)'P,
. ft.3

so fhat Jh .u3
_ O. 08 S ::: /. /3 .JL
Q- (..32. 2fi)(000220S/UlJ,S)
. s~· ft:S
nence wifh Ji':= 3.'1# 1./0-7 Ib'S
fl20 (
see Table B~3)J £rt. (I) 9ives
_ if eQ (O,OO2.20~) (/. 13 ~) -
_ If fi
D- qOOO 11' f'- - iJooo"" (3-<>'f'l XI 0- 7 '~t) - 2.27
8.5 I

8.5 Carbon dioxide at 20°C and a pressure

of 550 kPa (abs) flows in a pipe at a rate of 0.04
N/s. Determine the maximum diameter allowed
if the flow is to be turbulent.

For turbulent flow J Re
_ Jfe Q D _ f.e(i _
= fJ~D > 'fOOO J where Q =: VII :: * D2.V

Re - 1l}i D2. - 1l'fJ'D - ~ooo

Thvs, _ II- eQ II
'fn~ (Table I.B)
D - 11-00011'1'- J where ifG = 0.04-:s and j1. =/.'1- X/O-

Hencs J _ (0.0'1 JL
Lf. oS) ( 9.S/f..)
I )
D- 4000"" (J.Jf7 X10-5 !f;;f) = 0.0883 m


8.6 It takes 20 seconds for 0.5 cubic inch of water to

flow through the 0.046-in. diameter tube of the capillary tube
viscometer shown in Videu V1.3 and Fig. PS.6. Is the flow
in the tube laminar or turbulent? Explain.

If Re = Y,9 < ')../00 the {fow /.$ /t~rnina~

where 'O,5/f'J. /
V:: R :: 1//1:_ ( 12;f1./fl)3 20..$
A JI D2.
If 'f (
~i~JI,E. f4)'- • FIGURE P8.~
or f+
V=I. 25 :s {2-
Thvs wifh 11:::. /,1../ X lOS ~ (see Table I.s)

Re --
1.25 !1 ( °iO:AU ) = 396 -< 2./00
/,2.1 x/f.5 re

The flow is laminar.

8.7 I

'1,.7 To cool a given room it is necessary to supply 5 fe /s

of air through an 8-in.-diameter pipe. Approximately how long
is the entrance length in this pipe?

V:: % = ; (!IeffY = 1'1.3 !f Thus, wilh if (see 74Me I. 7)

t/=J. 57 XI 0-'1

/If.3~ -/{.
Re ;;: 7VD ;;: 1.57x (~fJ.~tf) =6 OJ 700 > if 000 J.L 1/ . f hI I
so me 1/0'1/ /s IJr /) en .
I() .!j-

~ ~ '-A 'I Re Y6J or ~ ~ 'fJI (6q 700)~(ft) ::: 18~ If ff

8,8 I 8. 8 The wall shear stress in a fully developed
flow portion of a 12-in.-diameter pipe carrying
water is 1.85 Ib/ft2. Determine the pressure gra-
dient, ap/ax, where x is in the flow direction, if
the pipe is (a) horizontal, (b) vertical with flow
up, or (c) vertical with flow down.

In genel"o/, AfJ -Ii

sine == ')..r{
Thus) willi 7".: 7; at r:: -#: tlnd ~:: --f fA,s bec()mes
M J/- 'IW It'. f)
W == - D - (J Sih

a) For a hori'ionla/ pipe ()~o

~ =_ JfiW .. _ .II- (J,BS -#-2.) = _ Z ¥o ~
1'X D I fl ' H

b) For verlica! flow up e::: qOO

Ul.. __
dX -
'fj _}to
tI- (1, 65
I It
jJ 6" LL 16
- ~,7' 1/3 == -
c) For verfiCt~! flow down e :::_qoD

ail.. __ Lf'lW + l'I == _ 'f a. as ~) + 62 tf JA. = 55 0 .&

1X - D O l ff . ff3 I fl3

8 ,9 I 8.9 The pressure drop needed to force water
through a horizontal l-in.-diameter pipe is 0.60
psi for every 12-ft length of pipe. Determine the
shear stress on the pipe wall. Determine the shear
stress at distances 0.3 and 0.5 in. away from the
pipe wall.

For a hori:zonta I pipe 1 = ~rc- or '(= -f ~

Thus, b
_ (O.6X/Jf~.pp) _ ..!k. ,.,
'( - ~ 'J.(J').. If) - 3,6 r FfL J where r it
'w :: 3.6 (o,S)
'J- /b
7Z =- 0./5 W
and wifh r=(o.s-O.3)in. =O.2in' J
'( == S.6 ( 9,~ ) :: 0.06 ft2.
Finally J w/fh r =: (O,E -O,S)'17. ::< 0 in. r =- 0

8./°1 KHI Repeat Problem 8.9 if the pipe is on a 20° hill. Is the
flow up or down the hill? Explain.

For a pipe ()/J a hilI = ¥. 2.;:

+ 0 sine J where e == ± zoo
/lsslJfJ'Je fhe flow /s uphd/ ; e·= +20° Ih
-rL ~ LJ ~ . 31 '>- J.. (05 )[0.6 xllPI- rp. lb· ;u!7
I flUS, I : : 2. L7 - j smf)j or Iw:: 2 /rfl I~ If -t2·'fff3SIIJ J
Or Ih
fw ::: - 0.29£ H2o Since we fnv.s1 have ?W >0) fhe flow IJ7vstnQt
be uphill.
Assume fhe flow is riownh,11: f:)= -Zo' .JA
-rL L [~
I nils J ' { r::: 2.
. ,7
:£ - i sJnf)j r [0.11 XIII-If
or '(:: 2: 12. If
FlJ. Ih·
+t2,/ffj3 stn20
=1'1. 3 r ~ J where r ~ ff . The
lienee, wilh r =E
rjow is downhill

fw = /~3(1;t) == 0,596 ~
l#iJh r = (0.5 - 0.3) in. :: 0.2. in.)
(= /Jf.3 (~;) = 0,238 #i
Wilh r =(0.5-0.S)i/J. ::0 J
'( =0
e,ll I

8.11 Water flows in a constant diameter pipe

with the following conditions measured: At sec-
tion (a) po = 32.4 psi and Za = 56.8 ft; at section (b)
(b) Pb = 29.7 psi and Zb = 68.2 ft. Is the flow
from (a) to (b) or from (b) to (a)? Explain.

the {Jow is uphill. Thus)

iJSSfJme Ij- + ¥i +~4 = 'I- t ¥i +Zb +0.
or wilh JIg = ~ ) .
h = Ib +:z - I'i> - Z = (32.1 psi -2rt. 7psi)(;IfIff!:) +56 eff -682ft
'L '1 a 4' b 6ZJf !A. '.
or ~
hi =-5./7ff<o, which is impossible. ThllsJ fheflowjsdownhi/l,frorn(bHo(Q).

x. J:2 Water flows downhill through a 3-in.-diameter steel
pipe. The slope of the hill is such that for each mile (5280 ft)
of horizontal distance. the change in elevation is az ft. Deter-
mine the maximum value of az if the flow is to remain lami-
nar and the pressure all along the pipe is constant.

.tlZ ~.J silJfJ ~ - (s~eoff))( (-I,f¥- K /()-s) :::: O. / ()2. If

8. /.3 I 8. 13 Some fluids behave as a non-Newtonian
power-law fluid characterized by r = - C( dill
dr)", where n = 1, 3, 5, and so on, and C is a
constant. (If n = 1, the fluid is the customary
Newtonian fluid.) For flow in a round pipe of a
diameter D, integrate the force balance equation
(Eq. 8.3) to obtain the velocity profile
u(r) = -n
(n + 1)
(12ee 1111 [ r(II"'1) 11 _
(D)lll-lI nJ

i.f == 2-l so thai with (=:;-c(1fr)n

For any FlUid we ob14in
Af=-2f(djflor #;:=-(/fp)* r-h ~
or -L

-s du :::!(-2ti)j r*dr which iIJfe9rafes foqive

lL=-(2~1t(n~J) r(lW.) t-C, , where 0 is a conAanl. (/)

.The fluid sficks to fhe pipe so thaf {). = 0 at r =: ~ •

Hence 1 from Eq. (I)
, (Ll)1; n ( D (n,t')
C, = 2C~ (ntJ) 2" J
so fhot -L.

tJ. ;:: (n+J) Af

--'1- (- 2cL )n f- r ~ -f- (lL)

.. NOTe: Since we tire considering onl,y oJd inleger valves lor

n we ct/IJ vse fhe felt;t ffJqt it"
(1Ir)n= - KJ where 1< > oJ TPe/J ~::- K~
sO fhal ¥r <0.

8.IJf'" I
8.14* For the flow discussed in Problem 8.1S.
plot the dimensionless velocity profile u/V<, where
Vc is the centerline velocity (at r = 0), as a func-
tion of the dimensionless radial coordinate r I (D /
2), where D is the pipe diameter. Consider values
of n = 1, 3, 5, and 7.

From Problem 8./3,

Ii. (r) := -IL (
2 ic;
)h fr(lJril) + (JJ..)(CW)]
2. I (nil)

Let Yc = (). (r=o) , or Yc;:: (~~I) (2£1 Jii (~ J-n (2)

Nofe: For ?- == c(M)n wdh djf <0 and!) on odd inleger Jto hove
( >0 J we tnllsf hove C~o. ThlJs, from £q. (2.) J Vc >0 as if musT.
By dividing £~. (J) by £1.. (1.) we obiQin

u. [r](CW)
Vc = I - (~) r
This resuH i.s ploHed below for n = J) 3J 5; t1nd~ wtfh 0 ~ (~) ~ I.

An EXCEL pr0'll'am was vsed 10 do the calev/41ion.r alkiploif/fl9.

n= 1 n=3 n=5 n=7
r/(O/2) uNc uNc uNc uNc
0 1 1 1 1
0.05 0.998 0.982 0.973 0.967
0.1 0.990 0.954 0.937 0.928
0.15 0.978 0.920 0.897 0.886
0.2 0.960 0.883 0.855 0.841
0.25 0.938 0.843 0.811 0.795
0.3 0.910 0.799 0.764 0.747
0.35 0.878 0.753 0.716 0.699
0.4 0.840 0.705 0.667 0.649
0.45 0.798 0.655 0.616 0.599
0.5 0.750 0.603 0.565 0.547
0.55 0.698 0.549 0.512 0.495
0.6 0.640 0.494 0.458 0.442
0.65 0.578 0.437 0.404 0.389
0.7 0.510 0.378 0.348 0.335
0.75 0.438 0.319 0.292 0.280
0.8 0.360 0.257 0.235 0.225
0.85 0.278 0.195 0.177 0.170
0.9 0.190 0.131 0.119 0.113
0.95 0.097 0.066 0.060 0.057
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

( con 'f)
r/(D/2) vs uNc


-a 0.6 --n=1
---·n = 7

0.2 --- -~~----~------~~

a +-----~------r-----~----_+----~

a 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

f.IS I

K J5 A fluid of density p = 1000 kglm 3 and viscosity

J.L = 0.30 N • s/m 2 flows steadily down a vertical O.IO-m-
diameter pipe and exits as a free jet from the lower end. De-
termine the maximum' pressure allowed in the pipe at a loca-
tion 10m above the pipe exit if the flow is to be laminar.


Re ::: 2100 for maxilf/flm pres.rfJl'e.
Th(}J'.; k
2/00 ::: epoVlJ _ 1000~ Y (O,/I1})
030 #:!.
• PJ~

V= 6.30lJ
Buf for Jam/par flowJ
V:: (~e -!'J sine) /)2. where lJ eo/1m J ~/()IJI 4IJd &:: -po'
.3:z.,P J I I JI
ThlJ~ t:::PIO:::: ~1/olW.3
(LlP - ~I/O.j. {/()m)silJt-P()'))( ()'/m):J.
6,30 f :: ..32 (O.3() ~) C10m)
So fhal
Af ~ - 3, 7, XI 0 Jf :::
-.3 7. t kfa,

~.16 Water is pumped steadily from one large, open tank
to another at the same elevation as shown in Fig. PB.16. De-
termine the maximum power the pump can add to the water if
the flow is to remain laminar.

Length = 100 ft
Diameter = 0.1 ft

8./7 I
8.17 Glycerin at 20°C flows upward in a ver-
tical 75-mm-diameter pipe with a centerline ve;
locity of 1.0 m/s. Determine the head loss and
pressure drop in a lO-m length of the pipe.

tn 3
Il=/. 50 N·S
r' m'J..
For /qmillfJr Flow in fJ pipe,
V=- overQge velocify = f ~qX :: i{J~):: 0.5.1f J =/Om
Thus k
o '_ .e VD _ (J2607,?)(O.S1j) (0. 07£ In) = 31.5 < 2100
ne - p - I 50 N·s
• m2. \-- ~ D-=O.07Sm
The flow i.s /(Jlflil}tJr so ih4f
V= (AfJ-K'I.sinB)J)Z
32~1 J were
h e=no 7
.: ...... ej) 2,
ThlJ,s J ( N•.5)( I l!l. L.<:::
.ALl == 3.2 JI.!V -I- ~i ;:.32 1.50'/ii2. lom),o,s.s) + ('I.8/~){/').60~)(!Otn)
r D (0.07.5m)2.· III

= 1.66 x/Os -J,'J.. J or ~f::: /66 kPQ

/I/S(), 2.
t; +z, + ~ ::: "F +Z2. f ;;
+hi.. J or wNh ~ -= ~ J 22.- "Z/;::J, and
PI = {J2. +AfJ this 9 ille.s
hL == 4f -1.
A /,61)(/0
= (9. 8111;)(1260 :a) -/0", = 3, ¥3 m

8./8 I
8./8 A fluid flows through a horizontal O.l-in.-diameter
pipe. When the Reynolds number is 1500, the head loss over a
20-ft length of the pipe is 6.4 ft. Determine the fluid velocity.

hi. -_.l::C.:
f D 'J-, where since Re::: /500 <: ZlfJO fhe Flow

ioS /4111 ina,. ,

ThV$ J
f;: 6~/Re =t'l//.5o o ;::; O,O~27 .so thai

6, If fI :: 0,01/-2.7 ;LO ·Ff

(0,/ //'}./4)

or J:l
V ::: 2,01 oS

8,19 I

X.J q A viscous fluid flows in a 0.1 O-m-diameter pipe such

that its velocity measured 0.012 m away from the pipe wall is
0.9 m/ s. If the flow is laminar, detennine the centerline velocity
and the flowrate.

For /omif/or flow in a pipe

u(r) = Vc[I-(-¥-lJ J where D=O./m aIJd IJ.:::O.8~ cd
I ,,{lSI 2.
r == °1m - O. O/2m == O.03Sm
hi _ 1/ [1_ (2 (o.o3Sm))] II - I Sqf!L
O.B S - Vc - \. O./Om or Vc - " s
so t/Jai
Q -= 11/'V ::: *D'J. rO.5 'Ie) ~ fro. 1mi' (0.5)(1.89 1') == 7. 'fZx 10-

8.20 J I--I~- - - 0.5 m -!
8.2.0 Oil (specific weight = 8900 N/m\ viscosity = 0.10
N·s/m 2 ) flows through a horizontal 23-mm-diameter tube as
~•.-Oi_1_ _ _ _f..L-23~jn_m__,. (2) ~""12
shown in Fig. P8.20. A differential U-tube manometer is used
to measure the pressure drop along the tube. Detrmine the range
of values for h for laminar flow.

tor Iamii'J4r flow Re ~ 2./00; or e.:f- 5 )./00

where e: : r~. Thv~ flJe milJiI!JvlIJ h is h::: 0 (no 1/(11) and
the maximvm h is for Re::: ~/oo.
( a'lOONlm')
9.8/ IfJ /.s2.
2100 ::

A P -:: It -f:J. -: : 0.0305 0.0'-3 HI
A fl ::: 30J -¥OD "y1m2-
From m4nomeler equal ions:
" of 0 (H of h) - S G ~Hzo h - t H::: f:;. J or
Ap:: {J,-/2.::: (SG ~2.0 -r)h
= J. 3 OJ If. 00 N /m"
h ::: O.50qm
(7 (9 8ooN/m3) - 8900/1//11 3 )
Hence o ~h ~ 0.50Q!YI

8.2/ J
S.21 A fluid flows in a smooth pipe with a Reynolds num-
ber of 6000. By what percent would the head loss be reduced
if the flow could be maintained as laminar flow rather than the
expected turbulent flow?

For eilher laminar or furhu/eni flow

hL ~ f D Z9 .- Thvs J w/lh Ihe same ~"/), 4nd 9

hL /(J1b _ {I,m
"hL -IVI'b - +Ivrh

If the flow is laminar

If the flow is furbf)lenf with Re :::to()() (lAd "* :::(),

then fro", fhe ltlooJ)' charf (Fi,. 8,2()) ~vrb:: 0,035
Thvs J

_ L /fJ'" ::: O. 0101 ::. O•. JI 16
hl.-I 0.035

The heqd/oss would be redvced Dy

(hLturh -hL/41l1 )/h/.tU,.~ == /-0.'186 If:! O,S/If, or 5/,11-70
8.22 I
SG = 0.87_[1
- el). :::==--='--'-
S.22 Oil of SG = 0.87 and a kinematic viscosity v = 2.2 x
JO - 4 m:! / s flows through the vertical pipe shown in Fig. PB.22.
at a rate of 4 X 10 - 4 m 3 / s. Determine the manometer reading.

P. c::4 m
-- -20 mm


SG = 1.3



From manomeTer consideralions

p, +ahI - %h + ~ h2. :: f2. 1 where ~:: SGtrlHJ.O:: 1.3(fl.811$)=12.7/f ~
and h =h- h:J.+jJ or h,.+h, :: hfi
I,-P,. = Ap ::;-'O(h 1 +h) +rm h :: (om- o)h - 01. (3)

Combine Eqs. (~) and (3) fg qive

Lf3.7 ~ = (l2.7J1.-8.53)1$ h - (8.5.3 ~)(1-IIJ)

h:: 18.5 m
8.23 J SG = 0.87_[1
- (2}.::=~_

8.23 Determine the manometer reading, h, for Problem 8.22

if the flow is up rather than down the pipe. Note: The manometer
reading will be reversed.
- -
20 mm

- r-
tQ .. 'SG = 1.3
• 2rm


Fr()m /flan()mefer considerafion.s

III - oh, -I- d;n h - rhz =- III J where Om == s~ ~,.o =/.3(p.er ~)=/2.71f ~
and 172 =i+h-h, or h2-+ hi =J+h
(1,-1,. -== Af == ~(h2.+h,)- ~mh = -(d;,,- a)h +d'i (3)

Combine Ef(s. (2) and (3) if) 9ive -


~ =-(J2.7'!-8.~3)~h +8.S.3~ (lfllJ)
{2.)e ' - -
1 'S.5m
Nofe: Since h<o the man()llJeler is displaced

/n the direcTion 0flfXJS,-le Ihal sbowlI in fhe (I). ~
ofl9inal ft'yvre.

8.24 For Problem 8.22, what fiowrate (mag-
nitude and direction) will cause h = O?

From Prob. 8,22, AI=- (%-(f)h-(f'l

Thvs) with h =0) Af::: - (fi af}d
Q= 71' (-~J +rJ,)/)1f =0
/2.8 j/.i =

Note fhqf ~fJ :J:0J but Q=O .since Af+rJ:::o

8.25 The kinetic energy coefficient, a, is de-
fined in Eq. 5.86. Show that its value for a power-
law turbulent velocity profile (Eq. 8.31) is given
by a = (n + 1)3(2n + 1)3/[4n4(1l + 3)(2n + 3)].

From Err,S, 86)

_ eJAVu V3rJIJ
0( - 2 where V== overtJ'je velot;ify, /} =7TR/
U = Vc - ..t:..Jn
QlJd - 1/ [/ Fi
R • rom xample .
I 8 if I
v- (n+l)(zn+/J
:l \/
Th vs wilh dl/ = 2. 71' r d,.

= : v/'where J
R s
JaJ,j/l =2 71'S~tr) -j ]"I'r dr = 271' R"V,/S[I - y]ydy
} ~
where y::: ~ , r=O y~o (I)
Let x::: J - Y so thai y = I-x and dy =-dX
Hence ~ J.::n
S 0
[1_y]=11y dy =-Jx~(J-X)dx =J(X
y=o x~1 0
- n+-3 X
- 2n+3
n X 2n+31


(ntll (1.fJ+l'1
'l-n+' (n+3) (2I)f3)
~.Z6 As shown in Video V8.3 and Fig. P8.26, the velocity Turbulent with Re = 10,000
profile for laminar flow in a pipe is quite different from that for 1.0l<r----_L .!!... = 11 - .!..1115
turbulent flow. With laminar flow the velocity profile is para- Vc R
bolic; with turbulent flow at Re = 10,000 the velocity profile
can be approximated by the power-law profile shown in the fig- .!..
ure. (a) For laminar flow, determine at what radialloaction you R
would place a Pitot tube if it is to measure the average veloc-
ity in the pipe. (b) Repeat part (a) for turbulent flow with
Re = 10,000.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -1- _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a 0.5 1.0

• FIG U REP 8.2.6

For lam/nor or furbv/enl (low J

Q ~ fJV::: 1TR'J-V:: fUdl] =[U(~llrdr) =27Tf urdr
a) LQtrJinor flow: R 2. 2- 2-

7TR"V,. 271Vc, Jr[l-(i /}:lr == 271'\f~- ~] == 71'4 Yc

Thus) V==t\{ 0 For U::: V::: ~ fhe ervttfiOI1 for -% 9;ves
i == i =' I - (~)"" or (f)"'" t Thus,!' "'Vr R
I r; O.707R

b) TlJrb {Jlen! fJow R I Vi

7TR 1 V: 27TVc Sr[l-ftolr == 27TR2.'Vc J(.f)[J-(f)] 5d(f)

o 0

LeT y:= I - (f) .so -fha-f (f) :: /- y and d. (f) ;: - Jy

ThlJ's >:=0 I
7T R"" V '" 271 R2.Vc f
(I-y) y I(s (-tiy) := 21!R2.\f .f(YIi- - yVs) 1)1
y- [.5 S (').C)
Vc '6 - It J = 271R Vc
::: 21lR'" 7&

Or if Vc hr
V= U::: v':: 1* the e'!vQfitJn fof' ~ 9ives
~ := #- '" [1- f t.s or f '" O.7SO so fh4"/ t' == O.7S0 R
8.27 I

8,27 Water at 80 of flows in a 6-in.-diameter pipe with a

ftowrate of 2.0 cfs. What is the approximate velocity at a dis-
tance 2.0 in. away from the wall? Determine the centerline

II = *(.f2. 2.0" PI
fO" ::; /0.2 s so fhaf Re::; r
- .J..
:: (JO.2.{i) (Aft)
9.2-6 )\/0-6 =S.5/ X/rr

The flow is /()rbu/enf with ~::: (J - t )n) where n';; 8.3 (see Fiy. S.I )
Thvs, (see Example B. If)
V :J.n'- 7-(8.3)'-
Vc ::= (n+l)('-fJtJ) :::: (8.3.1-/)(2X8.3+/) : O.8Jf2
or _ IO.2~ ff
Ve - O.BJt.2. = /2./ :s -L

/llso) af r= 3ifJ.-2.0in. =/.Oil'),) u::::Vc(I-f)fI:/:2.1 s

.L fi.(J-;~~~)=
. 8.3

8.26 During a heavy rainstonn, water from a parking lot

completely fills an 18-in.-diameter, smooth, concrete stonn
sewer. If the flowrate is 10 ft 3 /s, detennine the pressure drop
in a 100-ft horizontal section of the pipe. Repeat the problem if
there is a 2-ft change in elevation of the pipe per 100 ft of its

(b) W/{h f/fJW Vfh/I/ ~ - Z/ : 2 ff so fhat

£jf :: (62ll-!t3)(t.H)( /tf.~~:'''1 +O. 266/~1. ::: /'/3 psi

(c) Wi-Ih flow downht11 .F2. - Z, :- 2ft s() fhQf

.lJ{J:;:: (62·~ffo)(-1.fI) (II{.'J~?-)+ 0.266 *'= :=: - 0.10/ psi
8.zq r

8.2 9 Carbon dioxide at a temperature of 0 °C

and a pressure of 600 kPa (abs) flows through a
horizontal 40-mm-diameter pipe with an average
velocity of 2 m/s. Determine the friction factor
if the pressure drop is 235 N/m 2 per lO-m length
of pipe.

8.30 I

8.3:0 Water flows through a 6-in.-diameter horizontal pipe

at a rate of 2.0 cfs and a pressure drop of 4.2 psi per 100 ft of
pipe. Detennine the friction factor.

= 0.0300

8.31 I
8.31 Air flows through the 0.108-in.-diameter, 24-in.-long T
tube shown in Fig. P8.3J. Detennine the friction factor if the 7,- .l..
flowrate is Q = 0.00191 cfs when h = 1.70 in. Compare your
./"77; Water
results with the expression f = 64/Re. Is the flow laminar or
I --I
24 in.
(I) I i
Air • 0.108 in.
t V (2)
_r--- I
• FIGURE P8.~1

..LJ. \/,2 ~2. £ V2.

i' ""...!.L + Z
2p I
= J2. + ~ + Z2. + f 75 2p
7'r~? - (I)

where 'Z,:: 2'2 ; fJ2. =: 0 J ~::O and

f, = Oq~o h = (6 2 .1f.!ffi) (ft FI) =8. 8'1 ~
A~~ ~
!i O,OOlql oS
V::: v.2. = A = f ( 0'11
8 ff)2.
= 30.0

Hence J Eq. OJ becomes

fJl = -fpV2(1 + f-Z-)
8. e'l- *-
=;. (0.002.38 S~~) [If f (-o.~o~~Jl30.0~)" or f =0.03 2.~
Also Re = .p!
or R _ (~Ii) (30,0 y)
e - 1.57)( IO~~ ~2. = /72-0< '2. 100.J -fhe fl()w is lamifJar

47-e ::: 6'1- :: 0.0372
1'1 1720
8.33 J

8...33 Detennine the thickness of the viscous sublayer in a

smooth 8-in.-diameter pipe if the Reynolds number is 25,000.

O.s = U.
heref~2.. =- ('fMt)lf
e and '>-
'I- •
Si~ce LlfJ == D "i"pV
I ~
we obfain fw = ea and u. 4 == yJ I V
.51/ .511D r _ SD
6 = ""\ff' = 1Jr
Va vD ) or ° 1tr
5 05 - D (I)
V'8 V l1e Ye

From Fi9. 8. 20} for a smooth pipe with Re:: 2.5)( IO~ f == 0,02'1
Thus) from £,{.tl)
6 = sf§' (R.~-I) = O.OO2.Jf3 fI
~ 2,5XIO'" Vo. O")./f

B.3#- I

8.34 Water at 60 OF flows through a 6-in.-di-

ameter pipe with an average velocity of 15 ft/s.
Approximately what is the height of the largest
roughness element allowed if this pipe is to be
classified as smooth?

Lei h = rov9hness heiqhf. Thos} h =4 J where O:S::: 5;

with u~ =( "; )~ and?;::: e . Since AI' -== f-! ieV:l. we obflJin
'>- - pfV2
(w - 8
--IT V
or U., -Va
For a smoofh pipe wilh Re = ift::: {/s fj. ){j.:;~ = 6.19 x/Os we obtain
//J./X/O -
from h9' 8,2 0 f ::: 0.0125 .s


ThV.5, U· = (- O.; IZ5 (/s!j)
- . 5.fi.z,)
=' O. 593 ~
6' = .£it. = .5 (/,2/X/O oS -= /'02x/ri~ ff
:s U· o.sq,3 ~

8.3.5 J

8.35 A 70-ft-long, 0.5-in.-diameter hose with a roughness D=0.5 in. V

of e = 0.0009 ft is fastened to a water faucet where the pressure
is PI. Detennine P I if there is no nozzle attached and the average
velocity in the hose is 6 ft/ s. Neglect minor losses and elevation
changes. (I) .£ = 70ft

0.000'1 If = 2.16 X/o-z.
= 2.07 X/O¥ we obfain f= 0.052.
Hence} from Eft. (j)
fJ, '" (0.052) (;;'ff) ~ {1.91f ~"1f ) (6#/' '" 3050 ~ ~ 21.2.ps;
/2. ff

8- 2. 'I
8.36 I
8.36 Repeat Problem 8.35if there is a nozzle v : D=o.5 in.
of diameter 0.25 in. attached to the end of the
hose. a-+-
=70 ff
D =: 0.').5 in .

Jff+* +II = Pr +fi +Z2. +( Iii I where Z6h I V,=V;61f, fz=O

and V,. ::: Y!& =V.I (.Q..) -'6 f1 ) (z/"::: 2. '1-11
lil D~ \~ s .s
It =(V/·+{-t V:L)~ =-t p(v,.:/. +fl V'") (I)

r· 'Ih £. o.oooqff
rrom Fi,- 8.2·0 WI D = (0.5 ft) =2.1& x/a

and ~
Vb (6 f1 )(0.s 0) ~
Re=-= -rr =2.071</0 weobfaif) (:::O.052
/.2/ x10- 5
Hence) from £'1. flJ
1', := i (I.9'1 S~~$)«2.'f fj-/ +(0.052) (~:) (6!1f) =36 oq I$. '" 2.5.1.j}.
Note: To lI'Jainfain the same flowrale wdh fhe noy-zle aHocherJ QS compared
fo fhat wlthouj fhe nO"i2/e (see Probe 8.35) the pressure mvsf be
increased from 2/.2 psi 10 25.1ps,:

8.37 "J
8.37* The following equation is sometimes used iteration procedure to obtain f. Plot a graph of
in place of the Colebrook equation (Eq. 8.35): the percent difference in f as given by this equa-
tion and the original Colebrook equation for Rey-
1.325 nolds numbers in the range of validity of the above
f = [In[(e/3.7D) + (5.74/Re o.9 )]F equation, with e/D = 10- 4 •

for 10- 6 < e/ D < 10- 2 and 5000 < Re < 10+ 8
(Ref. 22, pg. 220). An advantage of this equation
is that given Re and e/ D, it does not require an

Lei ..of == fapp-f J where fap,:- approximafe reSfJ/f ohI4/iJe.d (rum

/.:3 25

..J..... = -2.0 log[~ +M.

1(f 3.7/) Re1(f J
Thvs with J t == IO-1f these become
fa =. /.3'-5 2-

pp [In(2, 10X/0 -t 5
.s.7~A )11
Reo ~

W = -2.0 loq [2. 7()x/O-.s -I- t:Vr] (.1)

For Sx/O ~
Re ~ 10 ca Icv Iate an"I p/1
J 07 IOOA::
f J00 ( fqpp - {)
f J

where Fapp ana f are obtained from £qs. (I) and (2.)
Proqram P8·fI=.37 shown be/ok! Wq-s used f()r !he cQ/cu/afions.
:'00 cis
120 print "**************************************************"
130 print ,,** This program calculates the difference **"
1i!-0 print "** between the friction factor given by the **"
150 print "** Colebrook equation and that given by the **11
160 print "** approximate formula provided. The Cole- **"
170 print "** brook result is determined by an iterative **"
180 print "** routine. **"
190 print "**************************************************"
200 rr = lE-i!-
210 Re = 2500
220 print " R e f faprox f - faprox, %"
230 for i = 1 to 16
2i!-0 Re = Re*2
250 faprox = 1.325/(log(rr/3.7 +

8.37· I (con't)
260 fp = faprox
270 goto 290
280 fp = f
290 f = 1/(-2.0*log(rr/3.7 + 2.51/(Re*fp~0.5))/log(10) )~2
300 if abs(l - f/fp) > 0.000001 then goto 280
310 diff = ((f - faprox)/f)*100
320 J,?rint using "#.###~~~~ #.###### #.###### +#.###~~~~II;Re,f,faprox,
~30 next i

** This program calculates the difference **
** between the friction factor given by the **
** Colebrook equation and that given by the **
** approximate formula provided. The Cole- **
** brook result is determined by an iterative **
** routine. **
Re f faprox f - faprox, %
5.000E+03 0.037505 0.037961 -1.216E+00
1.000E+0~ 0.031037 0.031138 -3.233E-01
2.000E+0~ 0.026101 0.02605~ +1.809E-01
~.OOOE+O~ 0.022286 0.022196 +~.017E-01
8.000E+0~ 0.019319 0.0192~1 +~.0~7E-01
1.600E+05 0.017026 0.016985 +2.397E-01
3.200E+05 0.015290 0.015295 -3.227E-02
6.~00E+05 0.01~032 0.01~077 -3.176E-01
1.280E+06 0.013179 0.0132~6 -5.091E-01
2.560E+06 0.0126~3 0.012713 -5.513E-01
5.120E+06 0.012332 0.012391 -~.7~8E-01
1.02~E+07 0.012162 0.01220~ -3.~99E-01
2.0~8E+07 0.012072 0.012100 -2.298E-01
~.096E+07 0.012027 0.0120~3 -1.362E-01
8.192E+07 0.012003 0.012012 -7.108E-02
1.638E+08 0.011992 0.011995 -2.875E-02

(f - fapprox)1f vs Re

0.2 / ~
0 t J r\ ..-.
- ><
Q. -0.4
! V ~

'to- -0.6
... l-<

-'to- -O.S
1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+OS 1.E+09

8,38 T
6.38 Water flows at a rate of 10 gallons per minute in a
new horizontal O.75-in.-diameter galvanized iron pipe. Deter-
mine the pressure gradient, 6.p / e, along the pipe.

Q := /0 ~ (JmJE..)
mm 60S
/ fa I
3/ in}) ( 19 /--"3) -::: 0.0223
172' /IJ.
Thvs ~
- Ji _ J s _ .tt
V- 7
II -
J{- -r;:-H )2. -
:tI. (0.75 7.').. ;s

Now, for a horizon/IAI pipe

Af:: f -t t pV2. where si"ce
Re :: til:: -If
7.27J} (~2.fl)
S f+ ::: 3. 76}( /0
y 1.2/1.10--:s
S::. ::: O.-Ooosft ::: O.Oog
D e;-".s II)
if follolNS from Fi'l' e.20 fhal f:: 0.037
II; ( I-N~
E£:;; 0.0.37 (J.'I'fs/f/9S Ifl.3) (7.27(I/s) :: 3 o. ¥ 1{3 --'11'1 in.~)
1 (f!;?f fl) (2.)
= 0.2/1 psi/II

8. if! I
8.41 Air at standard temperature and pressure flows through
a l-in.-diameter galvanized iron pipe with an average velocity
of 8 ft/s. What length of pipe produces a head loss equivalent
to (a) a flanged 90° elbow, (b) a wide-open angle valve, or
(c) a sharp-edged entrance?

VD ( 8!sf )( I ~ H)
::: -KLffD'
t.e .L D

where 'lid" ne:: --:n-::: I.S7XIO

-"".f:f! = Lf.25x If)
.3 -L.
TnlJS WI1'1
<J L

£. 0.0005 (f .s ( .
75 =(//12. H) :: O.~06 (see Table 8./) we oblain f:: 0, 0'15 Fi 9 ·8.20)
Thus t.ef :: kJ.. (/2- f-l) =1.85ZKi. or 0) 90' elbo'l} : k;. :: 0.3 or i~(J::: o.S56Fl
J oO-¥S (, -
. b) qlohe valve: K:: 2. or ie'l =3. 70 If
c) sharp en/ral)ce: KJ.::: 0,5 Of is'f,=o.q2.6If

8.4-211 18.42* Water at 40°C flows through drawn tub- 10-' m.1/ s . In your solution obtain the friction
ings with diameters of 0.025, 0.050, or 0.075 m. factor from the Colebrook formula.
Plot the head loss in each meter length of pipe
for flow rates between 5 x 10- 4 m3 /s and 50 x

hi =f-!s!i ' where

orwdhi=lm, 2.
V= :!l~2 Thus,
hL= fl ~ (::r/= ~~~'-
8 {(Jm)Q.
hL- .".2.(q.g/~)D5 or
frt , UIhere hJ."'In,D,vIllJQ"'s
h'J. ::O.082.6r;s /tI3 (I)

IUbil1tJ &~ ",m ~ 1.5XIO- m

For artWn 0.0015
or -B'::
I.S~ 10
) where D ~m (2.)

f)lso} Re:: y# = 1T~~ = -¥ Q

1f(6.S8XIf)-7~) D J
or fie =1.9'1-x/06 2 .

Nofe: The lhil'JillJU/fJ f?e OCCbrS for @1II1i'J and D/lJllx. Thus,
Relhin =/Jllfx/o" ~.~~~If = /2/100 The flow is 7urbv/cnt over the
rfln98 01 pqrameler.s considered.
Hence, from Ef. (8.35)
J- == -2,0Ioq[.-f- + 2.. 5 /] or with £.:: /.5 x/o-'m
Vf ,3.7D fie 'ff

-L = -2 0 100 [If.o.sx/o-7 + 2.5 J 1

1ff ' J D Re vr] (fl.)

Thvs for J
.5 xIO-~ ~ :s. Q
~ .so x10-'1f-3 and w/lh D=: o. 0 2.5 rn I

O. OSO m J or 0.075 m de fermine Re frofll £1. (3); f from £'1' ('S'~


8,1f2" j (conll)
and hI...
frOfh El(.O). These resvlls are calculafed and plotted
below. (h. -::hJ.. (QJ D), See Pro 9ram P8# '1-2 sh()lIIn be/ow.
100 cIs
110 open "prn" for output as #1
120 print#l, "**********************************************"
130 print#l, "** This program calculates the head loss **"
1~0 print#l, "** as a function of flowrate and pipe dia- **"
150 print#l, "** meter, using an iterative scheme to **"
160 print#l, "** determine the friction factor from the **"
170 print#l, "** Colebrook foxTrlula. **"
180 print#l, "**********************************************"
200 D = 0
210 for i = 1 to 3
220 D = D + 0.025
230 rr = 1.5E-6/D
2~0 print#l, " "
250 print#l, using "For D = #.###:!t m with e/D = #.##:!t~~~~l!;D,rr
260 print#l, " Q. m3/s Re f hL. m"
270 Q = 0
280 for j = 1 to 10
285 f = 0.02
290 Q = Q + 5.0E-4
300 Re = 1.94E+6*Q/D
310 fp = f
320 f = 1/(-2.0*10g(rr/3.7+2.51/(Re*fp~0.5) )/log(10) )~2
330 if abs(l - f/fp) > 0.0001 then goto 310
340 h = 0.0826*f*Q~2/D~5
350 print#l, using II #.#:!t#~~~~ #.:!t##~~~~ #.#### #.##:!t~~~~II;Q,Re,f,h
360 next. J
370 next i

** This program calculates the head loss **
** as a function of flowrate and pipe dia- **
** meter, using an iterative scheme to **
** determine the friction factor from the **
** Colebrook formula. **
For D = 0.0250 m with e/D = 6.000E-0:,
Q, m3/s Re f hL, m
5.000E-04 3.880E+04 0.0223 4.718E-02
1.000E-03 7.760E+0~ 0.0193 1.629E-01
1.500E-03 1.164E+05 0.0178 3.384E-Ol
2.000E-03 1.552E+05 0.0169 5.702E-01
2.500E-03 1.940E+05 0.0162 8.563E-Ol
3.000E-03 2.328E+05 0.0157 1.195E+00
3.500E-03 2.716E+05 0.0153 1.586E+00
4.000E-03 3.104E+05 0.0150 2.028E+OO
4.500E-03 3.492E+05 0.0147 2.520E+00
5.000E-03 3.880E+05 0.0145 3.062E+OO

8. ifZ"
For D = 0.0500 m with e/D = 3.000E-05
Q, m3/s Re f hL. m
5.000E-0~ 1.9~OE+0~ 0.0261 1.727E-03
1.000E-03 3.880E+0~ 0.0222 5.873E-03
1.500E-03 5.820E+0~ 0.0203 1.208E-02
2.000E-03 7.760E+0~ 0.0191 2.021E-02
2.500E-03 9.700E+0~ 0.0183 3.017E-02
3.000E-03 1.16~E+05 0.0176 ~.189E-02
3.500E-03 1.358E+05 0.0171 5.532E-02
~.000E-03 1.552E+05 0.0167 7.0~2E-02
~.500E-03 1.7~6E+05 0.0163 8.717E-02
5.000E-03 1.9~OE+05 0.0160 1.055E-01

For D = 0.0750 m with e/D = 2.000E-05

Q. m3/s Re f hL. m
5.000E-0~ 1.293E+0~ 0.0289 2.516E-0~
1.000E-03 2.587E+0~ 0.02~~ 8.~83E-0~
1.500E-03 3.880E+0~ 0.0222 1.738E-03
2.000E-03 5.173E+0~ 0.0208 2.897E-03
2.500E-03 6.~67E+O~ 0.0198 ~.313E-03
3.000E-03 7.760E+0~ 0.0191 5.975E-03
3.500E-03 9.053E+0~ 0.0185 7.876E-03
~.OOOE-03 1.035E+05 0.0180 1.001E-02
4:.500E-03 1.16~E+05 0.0176 1.237E-02
5.000E-03 1. 293E+05 0.0172 1.~95E-02


.J 2

J: D=O,0.50m

D= 0.075 m

o 1 2 3 5
FLOW RATE. Q (M3/S) ''10-

No Ie fhe sfl'on9 dependence of hI. on D.

g, if] J
8.43 Air at standard temperature and pressure flows at a rate
of 7.0 cfs through a horizontal, galvanized iron duct that has a
rectangular cross-sectional shape of 12 in. by 6 in. Estimate the
pressure drop per 200 ft of duct.

For a horjzontq/ dvcf Af::: 'thL = f

or _ . 7 #3 _ fi
i "ipV2._where V=~ J

V- (J~in.)(6in,)( I n~ 2.) -I.If.o sand Re" - T

'fh /If'fIl1,
WI D .= !td = #- (O.5f/1.) = 0.66711
?J P (2+/)fI
Thus, .f:/.) I. !)
Re = (I'/-. 0 [O. 667ffJ. =
oS &.9SXIOif
h /.57 XIO'f.p.2.
Also J for 90 /I/QlJiled /ron E~ 0 .. 0005 fI) or 25h::: 0.6671/ :: 0.000750
From ~'9' 8.20 we ohtain f=
Thus) from q. (/) w,fh i =20()/fJ
AP = (0. 022.7)~:6~ f (2..38XIO-.3 s~!!J) (III-. o!f) 2. == I.Sq Ita =0.0 I/O pSI


~.44 Water flows at a rate of 2.0 fels in an old, rusty 6-in.-

diameter pipe that has a relative roughness of 0.010. It is pro-
posed that by inserting a smooth plastic liner with an inside di-
ameter of 5 in. into the old pipe as shown in Fig. PS.44, the
pressure drop per mile can be reduced. Is it true that the lined
pipe can carry the required 2.0 ft 3/s at a lower pressure drop
than in the old pipe? Support your answer with appropriate cal- Old New
culations. ill FIGURE PS.44

yes", fhe /Jew 11;& n4S 41()wer At


8.:46 To conserve water and energy. a "flow Flow reducer washer

reducer" is installed in the shower head as shown

in Fig. P8A6. If the pressure at point (1) remains
constant and all losses except for that in the "flow
reducer" are neglected, determine the value of 50 holes of
diameter 0.05 in.
the loss coefficient (based on the velocity in the
pipe) of the "flow reducer" if its presence is to
reduce the flow rate by a factor of 2. Neglect grav-
ity. FIGURE P8.46

j 8.lf7

SA7 Water flows at a rate of 0.040 m3 js in a 0.12-m- D, =0.12m

diameter pipe that contains a sudden contraction to a 0.06-m- D:z. = 0.06 f17
diameter pipe. Determine the pressure drop across the contrac- ( 1
tion section. How much of this pressure difference is due to (
losses and how much is due to kinetic energy changes? • -- 3 '(2.)
(0 61=0,O'ff!!..

v,:z. + ~:lo + l/ \.{2.

¥LJJ +2j z, Vl J..
= !If + :lj- +%2. nL :;.'} wI/ere
z, -~;..
"::t ( )

and",3 m3
~ ~* =;(00;;),,-
'I- • m
:: 3.5'f-P- J v.. =! =~O'f'T
f = IJM~

Thus) wifh -t ==(~~)2.-( ~.~:: )2= 0.25 we Ob/flin from Fie;. 8.30
KJ.= O. 'fO
Hence, from £~, 0)
{J,- (J:z = -t f{KLIS."-+ ~'-- V, S] =f(999 ~)[o. '10 (11f.1 :f"+ (11f.Iq.l-(3.5'ff~
or .l N -3 N
fJl-/~::: 3Q.7 X
/O fi2- + 93,OX/u- fii :: 133 kPQ
This represents a 3 q. 7 /rPo drop from losses Qnd a 93,0 kPa drojJ
rif)e fo on incretlse in kinelic ener9,.

8. Jfq I
8•.4Q At time t = 0 the level of water in tank
A shown in Fig. P8AQ is 2 ft above that in tank
B. Plot the elevation of the water in tank A as a -::=:=::------ ----::::=::-
function of time until the free surfaces in both
2 ft at t = 0 i-3ft-
tanks are at the same elevation. Assume qua-
sisteady conditions-that is. the steady pipe flow !
--:j:j:::::::---';;';;-::;::::-'~---25 ft-
equations are assumed valid at any time, even
though the flowrate does change (slowly) in time.
B ____~~~~c=====~ __ ~AL-~

Neglect minor losses. Note: Verify and use the "'-o.l-in.-diameter, gal. iron
fact that the flow is laminar. FIGURE P8.4Q

Thus, Er.s, (J.) and (If) 9ive

2~/- ho = 1f!: -i Ii = 3;'$1 V, or bl uS;/)9 Ef#!3)
-h0 = _(~)2.
, D
32ft J dz/
'I D'J. at
Lef FE z,-iJ:-
so fhed ~ = 11- and £q. (05) bec()mes
' Dr)2 3 2jJi dF
2. r = - (D r D'J. (fF
or 0( dE + F== 0 J where ex. =
16 # I. (Dr
lD2. D
Thvs J fdF
()( F = -j dt
.r or 0( In F =- t + C) where C:::consTfJlJf
f/ence, t. .
F =C e-(~) .nof
ho C -(tlo<) 'lh lh . .J. I _J-/-
T::: e
IS} Z/ - WI r. /, e Inn/tJ CO'KJI1/~n
z/ =ho when t =0 J or C ::: ~
Thu.sJ z I -.!:k
== l1.!.
e- O/tX)
2/:::: if-[J+e-(i/o()] /Vole; As l:'-"OlJ J Zl-+~
For the cond/liof/.S 9iven} ho:: 2 ff tJnd
~)(ZSN)(~N )2.
«== {62.'f~)(~r1r (WD = 2.801</0.s
Hence~ t
Z I -- J +e -(;..flX/O:S) )
h Zt.tV ff and
were 1
r; ,..,. .s

This resu/f is ploNed be/ow. (Nofe: lim z, = Iff)


0.5 +--+--------1f-------I---+--t----t---t-----r---t----.




t, sec

8.50* Repeat Problem 8.4Q if the pipe diam- f

eter is changed to 0.1 ft rather than 0.1 in. Note: 2 ft at t = 0
The flow may not be laminar for this case. l

O.l-ft-diameter, gal. iron




(0. 25Lflj)2.
2 32.:z. S.1.
it) or Zt =(i+O.00382)fI

£:::: 0.005 {f :; o. os
75 o.lff
(see Table B.O

Hence, _~
= -2.0
J09 [ 1.35·xIO-3 T vYf
3.0'f-X}O ]
J where V-v 11
.s (5)

Solve (t:e. ifJfe9rtlle) £r. (ff)

for Z, $2(f)J siarfin9 wdh in/fiat
cOl1ri;lion Zt::: 2 ff 41 t::: o. Ohfa/n f {which is a {()ncl/oll of i
becavse V= - t'/oo ~ (Ef. (3)) ,:r Q runc hon () t ) from £'1' (s). r
ProqrQm P8NEO shown he/ow WQS /}Sed 10 oldfll" fhe results.

100 cls
110 open "prn" for output as #1
120 pr in t # 1, " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "
130 print#l, "** This program calculates the water depth **"
1""0 print#l, "** as a function of time. The friction **"
150 print#l, "** factor is obtained by itteration from **"
160 print#l, "** the Colebrook formula. **"
170 print#l, "***********************************************"
200 print#l, " "
210 t = 0
220 VP = 0
230 rr = 0.005
2""0 dz = 0.05
250 print#l, " z, ft dz/dt, ft/s f t, sIt
260 for i = 1 to 20
270 z = 2 - (i-1)*dz
280 f = 0.02
300 dzdt = -7.98E-""*(z - 1)AO.5/f AO.5
310 V = -900*dzdt
330 Re = 8.26E+3*V
3""0 fp = f
350 f = 1/(-2.0*log(rr/3.7 + 2.51/(Re*fp O.5))/log(10) )A2
360 if abs(l - f/fp) > 0.001 then goto 3""0
380 if abs(l - VP/V) < 0.01 then goto ""00
385 VP = V
390 goto 300
""00 t = t - dz/dzdt
'*05 zn = z - dz
""10 print#l, using" #.#### +##.##### #.#### +#.##AAAA";zn,dzdt,f,t.
""20 next. i
8.so t I (con'l)

** This program calculates the water depth **
** as a function of time. The friction **
** factor is obtained by itteration from **
** the Colebrook formula. **
'-' , ft dz/dt, ft/s f t, s
1.9500 -0.00440 0.0329 +1.14E+01
1.9000 -0.00429 0.0329 +2.30E+01
1.8500 -0.00417 0.0330 +3.50E+01
1.8000 -0.00405 0.0331 +4.74E+01
1.7500 -0.00392 0.0332 +6.01E+01
1.7000 -0.00379 0.0333 +7.33E+01
1.6500 -0.00366 0.0334 +8.70E+01
1. 6000 -0.00352 0.0335 +1.01E+02
1. 5500 -0.00337 0.0336 +1.16E+02
1.5000 -0.00322 0.0337 +1.32E+02
1. 4500 -0.00307 0.0339 +1.48E+02
1.4000 -0.00290 0.0341 +1.65E+02
1.3500 -0.00273 0.0343 +1.83E+02
1.3000 -0.00254 0.0345 +2.03E+02
1. 2500 -0.00234, 0.0348 +2.24,E+02
1.2000 -0.00213 0.0352 +2.4,8E+02
1.1500 -0.00189 0.0358 +2.74E+02
1.1000 -0.00162 0.0365 +3.05E+02
1.0500 -0.00130 0.0377 +3.44E+02
1.0000 -0.00089 0.0402 +4.00E+02

~ 1.5
o 100 200
300 400
t, sec


8 .. 5/ As shown in Fig. P8.5/ , water flows from one tank

to another through a short pipe whose length is n times the
pipe diameter. Head losses occur in the pipe and at the en-
trance and exit. (See Video VS.4.) Determine the maximum
value of 11 if the major loss is to be no more than 10% of
the minor loss and the friction factor is 0.02.

• FIGURE P8.51

.= lo'ZhL..~
If hLhJ4Jor mlfJor
) then

10 f D 2., - '£ 1\ 1jv2.

1 v'" -
1- _ £KJ.
D - 10 f (I)

where 2: KL
KIJ. en 1rf'4nce + k:'L ex/I = O. e +I :: I. e

-rhvs wifh f:: 0.02 and 1: n /) £r. {/J hecomes


- /.8
/0 (0,02..)

n - q
8.52 J

8.S 2. Gasoline flows in a smooth pipe of 40-

mm diameter at a rate of 0.001 m3/ s. If it were
possible to prevent turbulence from occurring,
what would be the ratio of the head loss for the
actual turbulent flow compared to that if it were
laminar flow?

Lei ( )/ denote fhe turbulent flo/IJ and { ~ the /lJ/fJlfJor flolll,

- /, r 1. yt
Thv.5J hif - ft D:1-9 olld h/.J ::: ~ D 21 (I)

where V= I; _ 1/ _ Q _ O.OO/~3 m
VI: - VJ - 7f - 17'( )2. = 0, 79{-:s
7j O.()lfm

Fro", Table f =6eo~ Qnd J1. =3./X/O- 1I ~~

I. 6 So thaf
Re = eVD = (680~)(O.796~)(o.O'fm) = 6. 98X/O'f
p. .3 •/ x/0-'1- !!.:!.

lielJce} ,from h9. 8.20) for a smoolh pipe 0.0/92 ft::

while for lominar flow £'1 = 4! ~ "6 '16~ ~ = 9.lb X / O- 1f
"e • 8x/O
Thus) from Eft fl)
hl.t _ ft _ O.Olq:;.
- - - - 'I- =2/.0
hLJ ~ 9.1t XIO-
8.53 l 8.53 A 3-ft-diameter duct is used to carry
ventilating air into a vehicular tunnel at a rate of
9000 ft3/ min. Tests show that the pressure drop
is 1.5 in. of water per 1500 ft of duct. What is the
approximate size of the equivalent roughness of
the surface of the duct?


8.54 Natural gas (p = 0.0044 slugs/ft 3 and downstream if the flow is assumed incompressi-
v = 5.2 X 10- 5 ft2/s) is pumped through a hor- ble. Is the incompressible assumption reasona-
izontal 6-in.-diameter cast-iron pipe at a rate of ble? Explain.
800 lb/hr. If the pressure at section (1) is 50 psi
(abs), determine the pressure at section (2) 8 mi
2. lr
11 +~ +~;::- '1+¥j+Z3. +fD~ 2.
where Z/~~Z and ~=-~

/II.so} 'tQ==800 J!;r \3600s Ib

LIIu:-)=O.Z2Z-- orQ=
;s ~
0 2:1.2 i.!L
Thvs V= !i.. == 1.57 !f3 = 800 li {f3
} II .1l(.k.-)2. ..s
~. ,,-if lt l6 )
Wlfh Re c: e'L~ = Vll D = (8.00$ )-~7f). = 7.69 x/o'l- and (Fr()/J'J Tahle 8, t)
.r- 5.2X/O
75::: o.oooasff
-,:Qool7 weOl) tlln
f == o.o2lf5
oS ..,-1..
"vs rro/)'J
r', I
j) ;: 1J - rJ...L D V2. = 50 Ib - (O.02~5) (Smi)(S).8ofj,.) La,. IfXI0.3~)(8.00!:t)2
7/2. TI D 2 r Ii?- o.s ff 2. C • 1f3 oS

::: SOfJsi -:;.q I ~ = (so -1...o2)psi or -A.;::- ~8. 0 psi

Nole: pj-~
- I, -- 2.02psi
= 0 .OLLOL1.
, . T.J
a Lf..O 7. cL/lnoe in pressure.
n "/
Since f ==pRTJ w/fh T essenlia/ly co,;s/Q/Jf.J IJ small choIJge ill I
qives (J SIIJ4// ChIJb96 il) p. TiJtI.t Ihe /l')cfJlIJ,ore.ss//;/e 4.IsfJPJ,tiofJ is valid.
8.55· J 8.55* Water flows in a 20-mm-diameter gal-
vanized iron pipe with average velocities between
0.01 and 10.0 m/s. Plot the head loss per meter
of pipe length over this velocity range .

h f .l.D '),.9v~
z:: J or wilh i =/m qnd [) == O.02. 0 m

hi ftt.:,.",) 2~~8/~
;= J Of' hi = 2.SS f V2. (I)

I//s o} Re ::: X,f.: V (0._0:117; or Re =1.79 x/Oil- V (2.)

r /.I2X/0 4L }
FOr this pipe) *::
O~':::"III = 7.5 )(/0- 3 (see Table 8. I )
fhe Colebrook /ortrJlJ/o hecomes (£f{. 8. 3S)
$0 Ihat

vr : : -2.0 °9[£,
.J... ~
i% + Revt
2.£ ]
I r
w:: -2.0 logJ!.03XIO -3 2. 5 ]
+ Pte 1fT (.3)

Nole: II Re ~ 2100 the (low is lominqr qnd f::: ~ (¢)

If I?e ~ '1000 Ihe flow is f{)rhlJlenl and f is ohftlined from $"r. t:J).
For 2/00< fie < 'fOoo rI;..s ngf clear which value of f 10 f)se, For
simplici& a.s.svllJe lamiIJtJr flow is tr)oiIJlainerl up fo Re ='10()().
From £0,](:J.)
V= I.7¥~oo
oS' == 0.22.3 ~ when /?e -:: '1000.

Thil~ {or 0.0/ ~ V~ O.223~ obf4in flo a/ld r frollt £tts.(1.)PlJdC'I)

and hL from £1'(/)' FOr O.~23< v~ /0-1 06111il) Re and f fro/l/ Ef.r. (2.) and ('I).
The lIalue.s of h. 4re CQ/c()/Qfed and plolled he/ow (see pro9l'fJ/YJ
100 cls
110 open "prn" for output as #1
120 print.# 1, II **************************** *********** ********* If
130 print#l, "** This program calculates the head loss in **"
14,0 print.#l, "** pipe as a function of velocity. The **"
150 print#l, "** friction factor is obtained by the Cole- **"
160 print#l, "** formula. **"
170 print# 1, "********************************* *************:** ff
200 rr == 0.0075
210 V = 0.005
220 print#=l, If "
230 print#l, " VI m/s Re f hL, m"
300 V == 2*V
310 Re = 1.79E+4,*V
320 f = 64,/Re
330 if Re < 4,000 then goto 4,00
34,0 fp == f
350 f == 1/(-2.0*log(rr/3.7+2.51/(Re*fp~0.5) )/log(10) )A2
360 if abs(l - f/fp) > 0.0001 then goto 34,0
4,00 h == 2.55*f*V~2
4,10 print#l, using" ###.### #.###A~A~ #.### #. ### A~. A ~"; V, Re, f, h
4,20 if V < 10 then goto 300
** This program calculates the head loss in **
** pipe as a function of velocity. The **
** friction factor is obtained by the Cole- **
** formula. **

1.E+OO ~~§ill~!~II~~)lfIJII

1.E-01 §'III~tml/~mll - - Turbulent flow
.c I) - - ~ Laminar flow

1.E-04 .4,::1"_L......I...J..~JJ.l.I-.....J......J....J...I...J..j.""'""+_................................."'"'i
0.01 0.1 1 10

V, m/s

8- SO
8.56 I 8.56 A fluid flows through a smooth horizon-
tal 2-m-long tube of diameter 2 mm with an av-
erage velocity of 2.1 m/s. Determine the head
loss and the pressure drop if the fluid is (a) air,
(b) water, or (c) mercury.

, where hi -: : {7i"1 J Z, == &2 J and ~ =:-V2.
or hi ==22S{ m 0)

tt) air l.¥6x/o-s 287 lQl11in.r 61/- 0.2.23

1{e= ro
~. 2 /2.0 602-
6 B,9/X/o'"
b) wafer 1./210.'0- 3150 ..,turbfJlem 0.0'1-0'1- 9.09 q 800
c) mere-vry 1./05 )./0- 36,5"00 furbulent 0.021.0 '1:95 /33,000 6.58Xl05

8.57 I 8.57 Air at standard temperature and pres-

sure flows through a horizontal 2 ft by 1.3 ft rec-
tangular galvanized iron duct with a flowrate of
8.2 cfs. Determine the pressure drop in inches of
water per 200-ft length of duct.
Jr" _ (J~ ~2. .l ~2
~ +1-1 +&, - T + ~I +Zz. ~ f lJ
Z-1 ' where z/= z~ (lI1d ~ =~
Also D:;!M.. = ~(2f1)(1.3fl) =I. 576 ff
and) 11 P 3 z[:Zf/ +1.3f.1.]

V= (J) = 8.20$ =3/511
1f (2f1)(1.3t/) . S

Th tJsJ Ir1'. '" f ~ f pV', where {or 9o/r/Qniled iron Eo = 0.0005 {f (robleS. I)
Hence, -t..n '" f~~:O:/'
o. f)00317 and Reh~ '{.P,I
'" ,
= (I.S7tffJ!:;:/J"'31600
/.S7X/O.$ J

so from Fit). a:to, f=0,01-5

ThusJ ft -f:J.. ==lO.02.S
/ )(2.00 If , I ( -3 §!J!s) I
1.57&F1J2: 2.38X/O ~ ,3,/S.$
11)2 . Jb
or wdh fJ,-f:z. :::: ON;.o hJ
h= f1-;ta ;,f)
= 0,::':'1-/12.
== 6.00XIO-~ff = 0.00720/17. of wafer

8.58 I 8.58 Air flows through a rectangular galvanized iron duct
of size 0.30 m by 0.15 m at a rate of 0.068 m3 /s. Determine
the head loss in 12 m of this duct.

h : : r1 r where D. ::=.!J 0:: 4(O.3m)(o./sln) ::= 0.2 m

L Dh 2.7 J ~ r- 2.[a.3m to.ISm]
Clnd m~ . JIL
V ~(Q = O.068-r ::: /5/1l1.. I//s D = Vl>h.::: (I. 5I oS) (o.1.m) ::= 20700
7f (0.3m)(O,15ni) . oS oJ neh T /.Jf6 X/O-.$".oe J

ond from Table a.1 J .s

i:. ::= o,lsx/o-.3m = 7.S x/o-~
Dh 0.21'11
lienee.! from Fi,. 8,~O F=O,027

so fhat
hL : : (0.027)(12.111 {/.5/f-i
., = O./88m
O.2m) 2(q.a/~

6.5 q I 8. S9 Air at standard conditions flows through

a horizontall ft by 1.5 ft rectangular wooden duct
at a rate of 5000 ft3/ min. Determine the head loss,
pressure drop, and power supplied by the fan to
overcome the flow resistance in 500 ft of the duct.

hL -f1.
Dh 2.9- J
here V-.!i
- (5000fln)(-1!W-)
- II - (J ff) (1.5 fI)
= 55.6 lisT
!tf1 _fO(I.SrI) _ {l (I ,
and Dh == P - 2[1Ft t/.5ff] - /.2 ff
II/so} neh::z
- = (£5.6!j) (/.2. f-I)
,.t.l~ = n
7.2.5 X/O
.5 and f,..,,'IIJ
Tt v.
11 1.57 x 10- .lj-

£ ~ 0,0006 f-I to 0,,·003 If. Use al') ''avera1c'J £.::= 0.001 8 fI so -!hat
~ 0.0018 ff r 8"0 f
Dh = /.2.1-1 =0.0015 IIflIJ-SJ
Trom rL''9"~ ::: o.o'-zJ or
EOO ff _, (5S.61Jf ff
h'i.= (0,022) ( /,2(f ) .2(3.2.2£) = 'f~O
For this horitonial pipe IJ!- +!i +z,:: 11 +If +Z:;. f hL}
where :Z,;: 2:;.
and V,;: v,. .
Thus} fl-P:J.::: O'hL :::::(7. 65X/O-2.. tJp)(l/-'f()f/) == 33.7 ~~%.;: O.23'1-pS i
P =rQ hL ,: 6( (,,-f:t ) ,: (sooo !/:~~;~b) (33. 7 It> ) =(2810 ~1r55~ ~ j]
p =- s.// hI'

8.60 I
8. 60 When the valve is closed the pressure Closed
throughout the horizontal pipe shown in Fig. P8.60 f,....-- Surge chamber
is 400 kPa, and the water level in the dosed surge Angle -.-
valve 0.5 m T D = 0.02 m
chamber is h = 0.4 m. If the valve is fully opened 5? ! 1 ~ Tee ~
and the pressure at point (1) remains 400 kPa, ~C:::r=:::::::::::=::::!~.J=======~====::{ (1)
determine the new level of the water in the surge
• .I
C3)· - - - 8 m' -t - - - I .
\VfH!\-'- 5 m - - f ,+ I
chamber. Assume the friction factor is f = 0.02
and the fittings are threaded fittings. FIGURE P8.60

'f+¥i+ z,::; 1!j-+1i +z.z+(fifZKL)¥i wherez,=Z:l.J J ~::~':l:::'O

~ I. V"
Thus) If = ~ f(flS +L ~)'1 wilh v:: ~ .

Wi.Jh ~:: 2 for 4n an9/e valve ond K::: o. q for The fee (see Table 8.2.)
we obtain
'1-00 Jsjf. == I [I +(O.02)(-(B+S)/TJ \ + 2.+0.91 V2.
9.80.1$ 2 ('1.81!jsJ O.021h -; j
V== 6,88%
Tho.!) fJ.3 is de1ermined from
4s y;-
Jf+i'gv,~ +2,::: "'f J r
').1 +Z.3 +(f D +~ K):z.g
-I- J where 2,==Z.3 ond ~=O
f)Js o} ~ =V HenceJ
'1 == .t; (J +fl +£ Kt.)¥j J where j,== em and K::o

Thus) .! y-'J. l 2-
(13 = II -(J +f D )21°':: f,-{/+f"5)te V
== '-foo kP - (I +-(O~02.)(-a.~:m )~ (qqq~)
m (6. 89lJl/' = 'fO /rP-2.13X,cf.!\
orfJ;a::: /e7 kp

LJ~ = '1-00 kRJ
;;.3 : : 187 /{pq
with the I/q/ve closed wheh h:::: O·lf-m
wilh the valve open qnri h =:hD
M:::: /J74.s.s of air ill surge chamber -::: f ¥ ;:: ~Ql)sfalJt,
I-V ..... ~

where ¥ '= II (o.5m-h) ond fJ::: pl?~or p=if O.5m ~

Thus, wdh ( )c rienoli1J9 fhe closed valve condition) ~ (a)

Pc ~ ==fo"Va J or 41J(O.5 -0.'1-) == RII~ /I(o.5-h,) IIssume ~ ~To

Or n c D xk
0.11(;::: (o,s-ho)lfJ J where pc:::: 'foo/r~-ohc ='I ool<fJ4 -?9~(o.'f/IJ)
and (J,=:J87kPa-th o =- 187/{P4 -r;.eot/fh,= (lB7-9.sho)kPq =39tkPQ
Th()sJ 0.1 (39t) ==(o.5-ho)(l87-9.8ho)J or hD :::: 0.285 m

8.61 What horsepower is added to water to pump it verti-
cally through a 200-ft-long, I.O-in.-diameter drawn tubing at a . ('J.)
rate of 0.060 ft 3 / s if the pressures at the inlet and outlet are the


8.62 (Il
525 ft

8.62 Water flows from a lake as is shown in

Fig. P8. 62 at a rate of 4.0 cfs. Is the device inside
the building a pump or a turbine? Explain and
determine the horsepower of the device. Neglect
all minor losses and assume the friction factor is

525 ft
8.63 Repeat Problem 8.62. if the flowrate is
1.0 cfs.
495 ft


8.6 If
8.64 At a ski resort water at 40 of is pumped through a
3-in.-diameter, 2000-ft-Iong steel pipe from a. pond at an ele-
vation of 4286 ft to a snow-making machine at an elevation of
4623 ft at a rate of 0.26 ft 3 /s. If it is necessary to maintain a
pressure of 180 psi at the snow-making machine, detennine the
horsepower added to the water by the pump. Neglect minor

8,65 I

8.65 Water flows through the screen in the

pipe shown in Fig. P8.65 as indicated. Determine
the loss coefficient for the screen.
t1 -.-
6 in. "-
t , "'SG = 3.2


8.66 Water flows steadily through the 0.75-in. diameter

galvanized iron pipe system shown in Video VS.6 and Fig.
PS.66 at a rate of 0.020 cfs. Your boss suggests that friction
losses in the straight pipe sections are negligible compared
to losses in the threaded elbows and fittings of the system. 6 in. length

Do you agree or disagree with your boss? Support your an-

swer with appropriate calculations.

4 in. length

Closed ball

J. v2.
Major loss ~ { If q. where
j::(6+6+'t+j)in. ==/7//I.~ D:::O,7S/n. • FIG U REP 8 .6~.

an rJ. 0, 0.2 ~ f-l

V= ~:. 1f (0. 7S//;l.) ''f.1, :. 6,$'2 :s
Th{)sJ wi1h H ( O.7S' r )
R =~ == 6,5)'--;s ~it ::: 3.37 X10'1- and
e P J. 2/ x. /0-.5 P
D:: 0,ooos ff = 8x/o-3 ( see ..,..
(0.7,s;4) hI) 11' ( C". 8 )
fa Ie 8,1 we OD70ln see T'9. .'2.0
-rr .1 JC' _ /7 ill. JC' V'-
f :::; 0.038 .so fhai f D~? - 0.038 0.7.5/11. ~p = O.·~61 J:j (I)

Minor loss = r: V" V2.
KJ..'! : : [2 (J .s), + 2 of 0,)05' ] Zj ::: 5,1.5' ~

90 elbow
/iee / /
rcdvcer ~. 2- ::0,6'f
wHo'L A:1. ( !!'O/~) =:"
7f; O.iSln·
(see h1' 8.26)
-rhvsJ from £'(.s. (I) and (j.),. :
major loss
mino!' loss -
o. 861
s,/s ~
fi == 0./67 :: It,? %'

Prob(),bly dl.saZ/'Be wll/J boss hec4v.re pipe frict/(J1l /S ab()!)!

17% of other losses.

8.67 I
X.C) 7 Because of a worn-out washer in a kitchen sink faucet.
water drips at a steady rate even through the faucet is "turned
off." Readings from a water meter of the type shown in Yidl'O
'S.7 indicate that during a one-week time period when the
homeowners were away. 200 gallons of water dripped from the
faucet. (a) If the pressure within the 0.50-in-diameter pipe is
50 psi. determine the loss coefficient for the leaky faucet. (b)
What length of the pipe would be needed to produce a head
loss equivalent to the leaky faucet?


(50 ffi..
IC (O,032.1fUl"

62.'1 ~ i 2. (.32,2. /t)-

or I
K'L. ::: 7. 01 x/O


(0, O.3:J. If
#-)ffl·(W-li) ;' //2 . : : 2-/()() Sf)
. .
the flow Is lam/liar
I,l/XIO _

8.68 I

S.6X Assume a car's exhaust system can be approximated

as 14 ft of 0.1 25-ft-diameter cast-iron pipe with the equivalent
of six 90° flanged elbows and a muffler. (See Vilko VB.S.) The
muffler acts as a resistor with a loss coefficient of KL = 8.5.
Determine the pressure at the beginning of the exhaust system
if the flowrate is 0.10 cfs, the temperature is 250 of, and the
exhaust has the same properties as air.


8.6Q I 8.69 Air is to flow through a smooth hori-
zontal rectangular duct at a rate of 100 m 3 /s with
a pressure drop of not more than 40 mm of water
per 50 m of duct. If the aspect ratio (width to
height) is 3 to 1, determine the size of the duct.





Triol and error so/lJfi()n of Efts. (2.~ (3)) (If) for fJ Re and V:

/lss{)me f ~ 0,02 Sf) thai o. 01- ~ o. 017:J.h or h :::/. 03/IJ. ;:rom Ef. (:;~

Reh::: .3·t:-;,q6 =3.32 x/ot which fro/fJ h1' a2.o~ive.s F=O.009t :10.02
Assume f = 0.0096 which ,ives h = 0, 890m, Thll~ Reh :: 3. etr-xlr!
or f;:; 0,0093 r/ 0,009t
/lsslJme f 0:;: 0,0093 ) or h:::: O.8fPfm. 7IJIIS.) ReI..n = 3.87x/06 of f::: 0.009..3

which ofjrees ~Vllh fhe (JsslJmed va/uB.

Thus, Ihe dflci is h:: 0.88'1 m /;, 3h::: 2. £5 m iIJ s/j.e.


8.70 Repeat Problem 3.14- if all head losses are included.

The pipes are I-in. copper pipes with regular flanged fittings.
The faucets are globe valves.

• FIGURE P3.1"'"

Bill from 74h/e 8.1, -5-:: -5
--:-:---:--- = 6.0 x/ 0
olJd .s ;"ce' fi
R =.lJJL::: (ik. f.I) (2.0$ ) =/.,.38 X 105 if {olio ws from hr. 8. 20 IhaT
e l' /.2.1 x 10-5 IF"
f= 0.0/65
Helice.! from £y- {/)J If::: 7f1.,. 6. ')../ (8/1-(0.0/0$) +11)1-1 = 83,9 II
or11 : : (83 • 9 (-I) (t2.'f~)( Jlf'!!:'~ )=3~, ¥-,.ri
Now; O.fsllnJe I, I'ema/IIS ihe S4me re14rdle.s-s wh/c.h fallcel is ojJen.
This is e.s.relrlra/f irlle if fhe Sf)I'I/Y line /e4dilJf IP the pifJes ;.s re/41iflefy
/01'98 compared 10 the fJj;es IIJ Ihe h{)lIce.
S.70 1(con/f)
(0) Open h4se/lJenf favcef:
v,:z. .A:J ~2.
if +~ +Z.3 +(f D t z: KJ.)zi
). 2-
Ij!- -I-;:j of %, :: )
AJ ::
0J v,:- ~ :: V Ie-::: 93.9ft i::: 511
.) (J0 .J ~

z:: K :: ~o' t KL fjlohe ::: (),3 +10 :;r /0.3

sl'l1w V6/1/8

Thvs J
83.9f/" -sfl +( f tZJ J-/o,3);.(31.2¥5
Of' 2.
5730 = (60 f f /0. 3)V1 whel'e v~ 1j OJ
£ -5
II/so 1)::: 6.0 x 10 ana
n DV (f,:fI) V 3. (I
"e::: T = 1 2/1./0-5 it = t. 89 xlD V wnere (2)
• sl.
TrifJ/ IJlJd erl'or .so/t/tion: IIssume f:: IJ, OldS as be/()f!e.
Thvs from Ef, II)
V= .5 730) = 22. s!f QIJJ frolJ1 £o.(~)
(60)(0.0/&S. +/0.3 J

Re =6,8'1 x/rl (22.~) :: /..5.5 x/oS so fhqf from Fit;. fl. 20;
f:: o. aIDS, This afre8s with tlJ~ (J.r~vmed va/de ~
Hence V= 22. ~ {i

(h) Open 2nd floo! fflvcel: I/s 4bove (excepl /,elweel1 pOilJ7.s (I) IJlJd (If)J
Zi' -f (f'£ +L /0 r; '" f wheN Zi' '" If/II, 1 "/fI~ 1f '" 8 3 .9't
£ KI. ::: ~/ee +~ 90' + ~ 91,;8 = 0.2 +0.3'" /0 ~ /(},E
elboll/ vallie
1! 'V' 2.
Heno eJ 19+({(i!) +/0.5)2(31..2.) =83.9) or /f180==(2.29{t/o,s)V (i)
where VNli
/JsstJI1ISf==O.O/7S. Fr()1J1 £r. (3)j V::/Z()# ,so {~omE?(:;..) s
Re -:: /1/7XjO-'. TlJVS.l (rom Fi'9, 8,2-0 w//h f:- b'() X/()-~ f= 0,d17o$
whic;~ 41/'ees Wtlh the (JofS()lIIerJ ralfle.

lIence.l V=17. o!J.

8.71 I r--I'- - 1 8 in'-~'I(J)
8.71 Water at 40 of flows through the coils of ( Threaded 180 0
the heat exchanger as shown in Fig. P8.71 at a return bend
rate of 0.9 gal/min. Determine the pressure drop (
between the inlet and outlet of the horizontal )
device. ( (2)
• •
' " O.5-in. copper pipe (drawn tubing)

lienee) {rom Fif}. 8.;1.0

f= 0,0#/
fllld from £f· (/)
It -flo = ( O.OJfl ( :;t.f/) +/0.5) (l ) {/.9~ .sir'P )(!.lf7!t /"
f, -f2. = 96.B~ = O.32SP$;

8.72 I

Threaded 1"--30 ft
elbow \ (2) '\

8.72 Water at 40 of is pumped from a lake as shown in Fig. \7.(1} -I

ft lot \3-in.-diameter,"
f = 0.02 Pump
PB.72.. What is the maximum flowrate possible without cavita- ~~=~ ++b===
tion occurring? - -- --:-::=:-::;.- ::;:::~--------:-:~:::::;
20 ft
if +~2fZ = If I -I-
2. 1.
~ -I- Z2 -I-(f-o +r; K)~? ' where 2, ~OJ Z~'" Illfl, (I)

/J;:; 1'l.7~(abs) ~ =0) V2 =V CI/Jd fro/h fahle 8./ f3. =0.12./7 {ffilabs) =/7.52 ~

Thus} with the 9illen f=O.02 we obtai;' from£f{.(I)

.& ) I If in"!') JIL
( /1f.7 in'-. cI'f 1fi
62 ~ ./1L
- 17.52 pt2. =- loff +(O.02( SOH)
A ff
+ I + 1.5 + o~e) V

• ffl 1'- S !

where we have (Jsed K;.::: 0, e for the enff'tfnceJ K;.:: /.5 for the 90' elbOW
(see 09.8,,.2- tlnd Tahle 8.2.)
Thus) V= 1,/-,116fj so -fhal Qc:llv=*(lifl)2.(JJf.If6~) ~ 0.7/0 if

8.73 Q,.,
Nozzle tip diameter,., 0.30 in. 0.010 cfs

8.73 The i-in.-diameter hose shown in Fig. PS. 73 can with-

stand a maximum pressure of 200 psi without rupturing. Deter-
mine the maximum length, e, allowed if the friction factor is Water
D ,., 0.50. ;".~
A 10ft
0.022 and the flowrate is 0.010 cfs. Neglect minor losses. L-j (I)~I j
LL_~=:[p~um./p FIGURE P8.73

~ + ~2. +~I := If +if +Z;. + rl ¥; J where ~ ::oJ $;z.:: /off, f1t =:;'OfJjJSl: (I)

_ _.!!. _ 0.01 ¥ F+ _ g _ 0. 01#3 _ fJ.

fo - 0 J ~ - II, - f (~fI") = 7. 33 s) fIlJ' ~ - 112. - f{ ~ ft)~ - 20.'1- oS

Thvs klilh
1=0.022 £". (/J hecomes (vsin9 V=VJ)
(2oolJi!-)(I'f'f~) + f7.33Jj),- _ (2.0.lf.fj)'). i ) (7.33 !})2..
,*,/0f/+O.022( 0.5 2(. ,.Ii )
62.'1-14"3 2(3:1..2%) - 2(3.2.2~) rrfl 31. S:J.

1::: 1012. ff

q =
Nozzle tip diameter = 0.30 in. 0.010 cfs

8.74 The hose shown in Fig. PS.73 will collapse if the pres-
sure within it is lower than 10 psi below atmospheric pressure. Water-
0 50 in ~.
< ••

Determine the maximum length, L, allowed if the friction factor 10ft

is 0.015 aod the flowra!e is 0.010 cfs. Neglect miDorlosses. .:~ ne;," . L~~' j
-If + vL' +21 = if +¥i +Z.1 +{iii,
::z. 2 Pump
where It 0::: 0, Vi:: OJ :2, :: 311J (I)
'"I I;' _ 6i f1 _ 0.01 1/3
Z2.:::: 0 J fJ~;::; -I01h!- J olJd ~ - If :;: 1l (o.s ~'). - 7.33 s - V
,. If n:FI
Thvs wilh r:: 0.0/s £it. (I) becomes

3rf '" (-1Of!.){tIflf·j~) +(1 f{O.OI.5J( L )) (7.33 ~)2.

62.¥ iJh t J ..rg FI 2. (32.2. :g)
TO l'k S
L = 8'1.0 fl

~\'75 The pump shown in Fig. PS.75 deli'Vers·a. hF.mi of 250 ft

to the water. Determine the power that the pump adds. to the wa-
ter. The difference in elevation of the two ponds is 200 ft.

Pipe length 500 ft
Pipe diameter = 0.75 ft
Pipe roughne55 0

• FIGURE P8.75

or ~
(667 f +/2.8) V ::3],1-0
/llso Re== iV/J = (1.9~~)V(O.7$tl)
J ).t 2.3'1-X/()-s I~~
(l) , Re :::; 6.22 x/o'f V
and {rom Fi9- B.2tJ:


8.76 As shown in Video V8.6 and Fig. P8.76, water

"bubbles up" 3 in. above the exit of the vertical pipe attached
to three horizontal pipe segments. The total length of the
O.75-in.-diameter galvanized iron pipe between point (1) and
the exit is 21 inches. Determine the pressure needed at point
(1) to produce this flow.

• FIG U REP B . 76

~ +~2 +Z -h == bIt + ~2. +Z2-

~ 2j l:l ~j

where 2, = 0 J 12. -::0) ~ ~o Thlls)

( I)
£!- ~ - f? Where V,::: ~ ~ V
r :;: Z:z. +h~:z.
Wilh no head loss from (3) to (2) and 12. :::f,g :: ~ ;::-0 lUll. oblaill
-q: +1,3 '"
Z .. J or ~ =:{~j(Z2. -Z3) =.y2(32.7.!t~) ( ;%:f.I) '" J{;OIg.
Thvs J ft (0.1S If
Re== Y.lJ.:= '9J2. = 'I,Ols _-rr -, = 2. 07 XIO'l-
1/ 11 1.2./XIO 5 .s "
£ ::::: 0.00005 ff =0.008 (see /o,h/e /0, I) J so fh4f (see F;9' F/.2lJ)
D (~)fi
f == 0,039 :z.
Also) hL =
1 V
f D -rj 1- r: ~ ~ 2-
where l: KJ. :: 3 (I.s) =:: ¥. S

Henc~ £0.1 (I) hecomes

*'" J

z.. +[ft +~ k.t] ~ -



where V, "v
~ ~ -/~ fI +[O.03 Q :;"II~./n.'
~ ~
+'1:S-I] ~'l:OIY.X)
2 0.75 32..2. 52-
=(0.583 +1.I'I7)ff

= 1.73 tf
ihlls J

I, ~ (62.'f~ )(I. 73 ft) := 108 1f-2- ~ 0.7.50 ps/


X. i7 The pressure at section (2) shown in Fig. PS.77 is not FIGURE P8.77
to fall below 60 psi when the flow rate from the tank varies from
o to 1.0 cfs and the branch line is shut off. Determine the mini-
mum height, it, of the water tank under the assumption that (a) mi- All pipe is 6-in.-diameter plastic
nor losses are negligible, (b) minor losses are not negligible. (tID == 0). flanged fittings

6 ft ••

e ~~::!:@iWW"i ~:1 ~i~~

1 l-:i~~ [b
90° elbows
.1, 900 ft~
.ift-t-f +~I == £t+-ii +Z2. +(f-t t&K)¥j. J where It=:~ ~=OJ z,=16f11hJ
ond Z2,==o ThvsJ wilh V::~

/6 +h = I} +¥; +(fl +&I<t. )t;2 . !Vole: h. must he no less IhQn tnt/t wiTh
6ons; LJ
mIx I cls or
• =:: (J/Jd ~ ==

lienee) in~
r- rr~(1Im

v- &- - I(-A - . , Ji.

I J' -
Vj - - 7[ - * fJ..i
- S. 00

it 2-
h == -1611 + (6°7?)(~f1i=) +(1 +fr h+6+60 0 +9( 0 ) + Elf;.) (-'.09 oS)
or 62. 'fw:~
,,- 7f 2.(32.2 f,,)

h=/~2..5+(I+f(JS~~5+h)tLK)(o.'I-(}2.) fI) where h"'f/ OJ

With -! =0 (Jlld Re == (s.o9#)ff:/J) == 2.10X/O s we ohio/I)

YI- ::: I.ZIXIO oS

f= 0.015.5 (see hl-- 8.20)

0) Ne9/ect minDr lo.sses (£ K=:O):
From EfJI)
h=/Z2~&-( / +(O.OIG!» (15:'~ +h)) (O.l}02)
or h = IJf3 ff
b) Inclvde m/nor losses:
£ If;. == Jf;.enlrtJlJce +/5 ~e/IJ(Jw + ~/ee ::: 0.5 +/5 (0,3) + 0.2 =S. 2
(see TobIe 8:2.J q,s.rUfIIC f/1J1J9Cd
fif/iIJ9 5 )
Thus} from Ef. (JJ
h :::122~5+(J +(0.0/55)( /~o:th) +s.2.) (0.'1-02.)
h = I#-6 ft
Note: For fhis cqse minor losses ar~ no! VerI i"'floridlJl.

8,78 I

S.78 Repeat Problem 8.77 with the assumption that the
branch line is open so that half of the flow from the tank goes
into the branch, and half continues in the main line. All pipe is 6-in.-diameter plastic
(flD =: 0). flanged fittings

b) Inc/tide minor /().Sses :

£1<;. q =: ~L emr4nce ,J + /.5 ~'l.i!ICJ(IW
IL_ = 0.5 t Is (0.3) =.s. 0 (see Table 8,2,'" (/SSV/He
Md ~~~)
'& IV..Lo -::: f(;'l.fee::: 0,2
From £f,t:;..)
t +h)+ 5. O)(O.tl-Ol) +(1800(0.01705) +0.2) (0./0/)
h:=12-2..5+(/ +(o.0Io5S)('600.5
h = 137ft
Nole : For fhis cqse milJor losses are nol veri imporfllnl.
3.43 A smooth plastic, lO-m-Iong garden hose with an in-
. . side diameter of 20 mm is used to drain a wading pool as is
Repeat Problem 3.43 If head losses are mcluded. shown in Fig. P3.43. If viscous effects are neglected, what is
the ftowrate from the pool?
0.2 m

0.23 m

f.t:.? + Jr &~ +1i

').1 +2 ~ + Z'3- +(f J..D 4- &~II. ) :t
'1 (I)

where It 0=/,. #0.1 ~ =0, 22. =0 J ~ a 'f3th lIS =

dnd liz. V
ThIl$J wifh £~. ::: ~tI,,1 ::: 0.9 £e. (/) beco/l11J.r
V" /0/11
O. If3 IIJ ~ 2 (9.81 .,:5 ( I + f o.02.m+ O. 8)
or ,..
8. 'fJf = (/,8 +500 f ) V where V~.p- (2.)

Also oJ Re::: PY. ::: (o~ O~m) V = 1.7Q X/O/!- V (3)

V 1,/:J.x/(j61£
Trial and error so/vtion:

f} sSlJlhe f : : o. 02. or {rpm £ r. (,.)

V --
so from
r (1.8+500(0.02.))
]~ - 0 811-6!!L
-, s
£r. (3) Re::: 1.7Q x/o' (0,8'1-6)
J ::: 1.5/ XjO 'l
Wilh this Ae valve and f:::o we obtain {rom the
Moody charI (Fi9. 8,:JO)) f;:: 0.02. 7 wh/ch is /Jot fhe
assumed 'la/vB. Tht/s fry 49aiIJ.
/lsSI/I»8 {=-O.027 or fro", £tts, (z)ana (3~
V= O.1Lf2. If 4nd Re:;: 1.33 x/o~ 71JtI~ {rpm fhe h10()o/
chari f::: 0.028 ::J: f). 0'). 7
lI.ssvme f::: 0.02.8 W~i(;A 9i t/es V~O,731 1JL) ((eo; /.3/ XI{JJ~
ond from the Mu()dy charf) f ~ 0, 028.1 f/;e t/s.flllYJed '14ft/f).
Hence V:::O.731 'f ~nr1
J 3
-If f1I
q ,I} V == 7j11' (O.OZOfh)2 (O.731 T)
-;:: 2.30X 10 S

~.so The exhaust from your car's engine flows through a
complex pipe system as shown in Fig. P8.80 and \ith~(j \ K5.
Assume that the pressure drop through this system is ApI when
the engine is idling at 1000 rpm at a stop sign. Estimate the
pressure drop (in terms of API) with the engine at 3000 rpm
, when you are driving on the highway. List all assumptions you Intake manifold
made to arrive at your answer. II FIG U REP 8 . 8 0

For sfeady {fowl

If t i!, +fi -4. '" ~ H2o t ~.
!lssvm8 :E,::: Z.z and ~ c ~ Sf) f1741 will, ~ == [
J.. V1
f D +,,] iI
Alld ilf =: It -12- we o~-J4i/J
~I;:; 0'4 : : 0 (f])J +J()"ijV2. = i f V (f 1 +K ) 1.

lIenee J

A~()f)() _ t BoDo ~0~0 ( f +I<L.)


A I/o Of) - :i. flo" V,D~ ( f,tJtJo 1 ~) -I-

/JsJ'pme eooo ::: ~(J(J() anJ ~()()O::: f.]()"(1 ((:e. f ilJcJ~endelll of /(e )
rnvs 1\, (
4b:" _( 'vj ... \"" .f ~
Ll{JIOOO - ~ooo j Re
Buf V-=:: ~ where Qis a.r.rtll)1eri pl'OjJol'fi()lIdJ/ If) ef)?i/J~ r;;Pl.
T/JP,1 is ~O()o;:;.J ~otJt) Sf) fhai
~fJOOO ~ (3)1... ~ q
~f/Of)O =

8.8/ I

s.~ 1 Water flows from a large open tank, through a 50-ft-long,

O.lO-ft-diameter pipe and exits with a velocity of 5 ftls when the
water level in the tank is 10ft above the pipe exit. The sum of the
minor loss coefficients for the pipe system is 12. Determine the
new water level needed in the tank if the velocity is to remain

f I
5 ftls when 20 ft of the pipe is removed (Le., when the length is
reduced to 30 ft). The minor loss coefficients remain the same.
I I ..... 1
r LV2 (~

h::: 8.02-ff

x.Sl Water is to flow at a rate of 3.5 ft3/S in a horizontal
aluminum pipe (8 = 5 X 10-6 ft). The inlet and outlet pres- v
sures are 65 psi and 30 psi, respectively, and the pipe length is
500 ft. Determine the diameter of this water pipe.

r +L/ +iI ==
~r. -&
; +22 + ;.1~:a.+f1D ~ '1
; ~::: Z:J. V, ::: ~ :: V

*'" 3,5
~/)~ = * ~
where D~(f, V~ fI/.s
Ih I jn~ '1-.111 ) 2-
1fi ) _ f (

:::{-t Ii
(6S - 30) 7i~ lllflf §OfL 'Jif
f. 1
/'- Or 6 ~ /1>
2. 1fS
- J) 2(32-.2)
which simplifies to
D =/./38 {liS x/
-, (I)

AlsoJJ from Table 8,/ J .£- ;:: -!D !..


::; e.,VD ;:: 1.9# (~)D ()r Re::: 3.70X/OS

Re -p ')... 3/f 't 10-'& D
Tri4/ and erl'fJl'so/vfion : -¥ IIAK/lQWns (~ j; Re r); 're9 v4Iio/)s ((/)J(~ J
(.J),.41Jt:A /)food,
Ch4rf (F;1~ 8.').0))
Assume f -== 0.02 so from £'1_ (I) D::: O.S'-o rf. TIll/sol frolf} Efs. (l)alJelliJ
Re ~ 7,// x/osand i ~ '1.1 x/P-~ so froll! 0,.8'],()J f: D. 012.8 r/;().02.

AssUl1}e f .. 0.0/:2.8 whir;h 9iv()S /) =:0. If 71 II) Re ~ 7. 77X/O~

qnd -t::: I,/x/(}-~ TI)(/~ from Ft'? 8.2-~ f:: 0.0128 1V1}J~h
Q9rees w,-Ih the tJsslII1Jed vallie.

TlJv~ /) ~ 0.'1-71 f1
8.83 J


Water flows downward through a vertical smooth r=
pipe. When the flowrate is 0.5 ft 3 / s there is no change in pres-
sure along the pipe. Determine the diameter of the pipe.

V ~ 1


( :J.)


Triol find er~/' so/ufioh : .3 UlJtlJlJWIJS (D~ Re J f) and 3 ef/(/41i()lJs

((~t3~ ~lJd Fi9. 8.20)
Assume (;:0.02. so from £f(. (~ /)~o,/t'fl (llld frum
ftt.(3).) Re::: 3.18 x lOs. T/Jvs~ from Fii. 8,").0.1 f:::. O.O/If :I O. 02

Assume f:~ o. O//f .so fh4f D;: o./ssfl and !Ie :::3.1f2 XIO~
7hvs" from Fi9' 8.~~ f-O.llf which cheo~.I wilh fhe
Assvmea Vo./1I8.
Thus D:: 0./55 fI
8 .. 8'" As shown in Fig. P8.8f, a standard household wa-
ter meter is incorporated into a lawn irrigation system to
measure the volume of water applied to the lawn. Note that
these meters measure volume, not volume flowrate. (See
Video V8.7.) With an upstream pressure of PI = 50 psi the
meter registered that 120 ft3 of water was delivered to the
lawn during an "on" cycle. Estimate the upstream pressure,
PI' needed if it is desired to have 150 ft 3 delivered during
an "on" cycle. List any assumptions needed to arrive at youl
• FIG U REP 8 .84

The ener9Y €9tJalion {Of' fhis flow i.!

~ ~ z
~~lf+z,-[fJ+L~]~ ~*~~.Ll:l (I)

where Z, =:: ~:J. J f:L:;-o J ~ ~ ~ and V2. =: 4; ~

/hvs from £,. (I) 2-

1'1 frV,'- [ft

J + r ~ +(4&) -/]
Bof Q::: II, ~ ::: ¥
where VIS fh~ VO/1I1110 01 kldler so/II/od

dvrifl9 a/) '1ln" cycle and t is fhe /elJ9fh ollhe cyc/~.

Fof' 9iven sysfem 2: k;. is indepenJofJl 01 Q. S'/JI,lt1l'ly./ fot'
tl l/Jif/9
Re pipe flow) f is ifJde{JendcnJ of Re ( or ~). Thv~
[f1 +Z kJ. of(! )2- /J is ~on.sf(J"IJ liJdependf}/J! uf Q.
Hence, from £'1' (;')J if fhe len,fh of the cycle is cOlJsianf J

{JI t,ft = ~ pv,~t =[ v,),r. ]~= r~E' ):2.;0 (.!flo t:: I. 5"63
It )17.011 3
2" P'" ~:z.o l V, )/;10 \" I UJ

f,) :;; 1.£6311;) =:& /.SI3( sopsi) ~ 78./ fJSi
150 /1.0

X.SS When water flows from the tank shown in Fig. P8.85,
the water depth in the tank as a function of time is as indicated.
Determine the cross-sectional area of the tank. The total length
of the 0.60-in.-diameter pipe is 20 ft, and the friction factor is
0.03. The loss coefficients are: 0.50 for the entrance, 1.5 for
each elbow. and 10 for the valve. --Z-................-.......,............"....,.,
100 200 300


KS6 Water flows through a 2-in.-diameter pipe with a ve- Open
locity of 15 ftls as shown in Fig. PS.S6. The relative roughness
of the pipe is 0.004, and the loss coefficient for the exit is 1.0.
Determine the height, h, to which the water rises in the piezome-
ter tube. I

15 ftls

(I)t-I.- - 8 f t - - - - i


h = /6.S If
H.H7 Water flows from a large tank that sits on frictionless ~ - - - I) - - -
wheels as shown in Fig. P8.87. The pipe has a diameter of 0.50
m and a roughness of 9.2 X 10-5 m. The loss coefficient for
the filter is 8; other minor losses are negligible. The tank and
the first 50-m section of the pipe are bolted to the last 75-m
section of the pipe which is clamped firmly to the floor. De-
termine the tension in the bolts.

1\1 FIGURE P8.87


~--.-----' (~ h
CfJntro/ YDJlltne

v- /9,9
-V q f ~50f
IIlso Re:: ~ :::
(2.) Re == ~.~t x/os V
and 5
s:: 9.2 XIO m ::: l.i/fXli'f
rnvs from Ihe AI(jot1j cnarl:

f \ ~ *~J.Jlfxlril'
(con 'f)
8.87 I(c,on'tJ
T/'/0/4fJd error srJ/vliof) :
Assume f:: 0.0:;' ..£l V::: s.2-?;- !E- Re := 2. ~X/06!:!!.. I::: 0, o/~ :I (),()2-
flSSPIlI9 f:: 0.01'f'-!!'!' V::.s: 60qL .!!:!- Rf) ~ 2.SX/O I (.1). {::: O. f)/~

7i7~ V== SIIO.fL

/I/so ~
~z ~~
f; +:i!.3 +i!; -4 J
-2. := f!; ~ Zz +~
Z ~::: ~~ J V:z..:::'~ IJn~ f,.. ~ () Sf) fl1al
1'.3_ =: h -;: (f b. -I- k;)J[.1 ;-(0.0/.,. (?E!L)-I8) (S.6o.fl)2 == 1£,/1l'J
'7 'LJ-2. /) ll. z,! f). SAl 2 (9.11i!!..)
or ,r2.

{1== p,aox/o3#
Iii (/~./fII):;; I.se X/O.s-AI
TIJ v~ from Erp (0):
FboH -;: (iJ 113 +PA.l ~ 2-
=p.~x/o$f.):; (O.ShI) 2- +(9P9 tJ)1j-(o.,smll-S'.IIJ11-J 1.
:: 3./(JXIO~N + 6,ISX/O.Jjr/


8.88 Water flows through two sections of the

vertical pipe shown in Fig. P8.8 B . The bellows
connection cannot support any force in the ver-
tical direction. The O.4-ft-diameter pipe weighs
Pipe weighs
0.2 lb/ft and the friction factor is assumed to be 0.20 Ib/tt
0.02. At what velocity will the force, F, required
to hold the pipe be zero? D = 0.40 ft


From Ihe m'OmenTum e9uafion appn'ed 10 fhe

con/rol volume indicofed
I, II, - ~:l0 - Wpipe =rh (V,. - ~) : : 0
~i,!ce VI:: Vl
Thvs .;:; WH~o+WPif' = '0 ill, + I (:t=)
J 1/ AI II,
or~ == 0/ + (O.20 lt)P :: 0/ +1.59 i where f) NiA 1"'//
I!'j ~ ( 0.Jffl)2 J 1// n )

4t- +¥g2 HI 't + .r:;1 U;J. +f /; li
= J where 12::0,
\1 = l{ ~ V, 2, = 0, (Jnd 2,-:::J
ThlJs) f) = };tZ +fl..LfV~
TI Q 2. D 2.. J

or when comhined wifh the ()br;Ve force DC/lance resvll

11 : : oj+f-t ip V2. = 0'1 +1.591 i

-Tii ==/.59 or
v-- _I 2D(/.S9) -
Y pf -
2(O.JI.)(/.S9) ==5.7'3
(1.9'1)(0.02.) =

Nofe: Til is answer is indepenrJelll of the pipe /enqth J 1.

8.8q I
60-mm-diameter, t ------:-:--:-----
8.Sg The pump shown in Fig. PS.89 adds 25 kW to the 30-m-long pipe; I..
f=/ 0.016 _ _ _rJ~
water and causes a flowrate of 0.04 m3 /s. Determine the flow- 40-mm-diameter
no~zle ~.
rate expected if the pump is removed from the system. Assume / J .-
f = 0.016 for either case and neglect minor losses. ----~===========:t,~ " £ " - L - - _ . - - l
(2.) Pump

8.90 I 8.90 A certain process requires 2.3 cfs of water
to be delivered at a pressure of 30 psi. This water
comes from a large diameter supply main in which
the pressure remains at 60 psi. If the galvanized
iron pipe connecting the two locations is 200 ft
long and contains six threaded 90° elbows, de-
termine the pipe diameter. Elevation differences
are negligible.

+ 29v.'"+
.fZ/:: ;
~2. £ V'" .
+~+l:t +(fD+r~)~ J where~==30fJs, J I, ~ 60 fJ si,
= 7.
~=O It == V= !l.::
J It'"
2.3 fJ ::: ~ £i wifh DNff
f j . ! r D'" D2. S J
l1-f2. ::: (f~ +L")fp V2-
orr60 -30) ~ (PI-If #i)=(ff{( 2~Oft) + 6(I.S) +0.5) (~lIf-1jf·(t.)(1.9'f~)
where we hove used
2: f( :: 6 KelhtJw +"elllrlJhce = 6 (I.s) -1-0.5
Jl.tJ, Lf :: (J + /~Ol) iff (I)

A/so, _ VlJ _ ('i!) D :: 2.9..3!f ~ D .5' I

Re - y - 11 1.2IXIO-!;tpD' or Ile :: 2.Jf1.X/O IS
and from TahIr: 8.1
e o.ooo.sN
75 == D
Finol/y) from Fi9' 8.7-0'·
Trial and error so/vfion of
Eqs. (I ~ (:J.); (JJ, and ('I) for
fJ DI ! J and Re. D
Normally if is e4siesf fo 9uess a va/V6 off, cQ/cv/afe ~ efc, In this cose
(becoIJSe of minor losse), Eq,{/) is no! eosy to IJse in fhis fashion, TIlus) Qsstme
DJ calcfJlafe r (Ef{. (/))J lie (£", (2.)) J ond f (£f. (.1)). Look up f;1) Fi7~ 8.20
(cr· (~)) IJlJd c()",pare wifh fhal fro", Eft· (I),
/issII",e D=o./ffi. T/;/IS, f=O.00557, Re:6.05XlosJ f;;:o.oo/:l.S
or from Fi9' 8.:Z 0 f:: 0.021 -:f: 0.00557
Assume D=O.5f-l j f=o.OSSIJ Re =II;8/f/<IO: .g-:::O.OO/orf=O.0203¢O.OSSI
Assume D:: D. 'is ff.J F:: 0.02 -s'3 J fie:: $,38"'0$J -DE = 0.0011/ or f == 0.02.05 :to.Ol/l-.3
/J~siJme D= O.llifff; Re =,s..sox '0: !-::: D. 0 0//'1-0/'" f=O.0205t:O.OlQ7
f::: O. 0197 J
INfer e/J ofJ9h trifJ/5 ()hloifJ D= O. If'/-2 fi
Nofe ; If H9. 8.20 (Ef - ('I)) ;0$ replaced hJ1he Colehrook erll4lio/J
fhis prOblem cOllld be solved efJ.II'Ij will; a cfIJ'J,PtJler..
8.Q' The turbine shown in Fig. P8,QI de-
velops 400 kW. Determine the ftowrate if (a) head
losses are negligible or (b) head loss due to fric-
tion in the pipe is considered. Assume f = 0.02.
Note: There may be more than one solution or
there may be no solution to this problem. 120 m of 0.30-m-diameter
cast iron pipe

'J!-+¥J fZ, ::: iff ri +Z2- +ft¥; -l-~ I where I,;:~ =0; z,c20tnJ
Z 2. ::: 0 z=
ThusI , XI lr
"]..9- +{ D 2.9- +1-.
,,.,. (/)
a)#eq/ecf head losses (f==o): 3 N.m
_ vl + l. "" L:= ¥oo x/o -:s 52.0
Z, - 2j ''7' J where hr rQ (q.80 x/rr P.3)!j(Jm/ ~ ;: T m
Thu,s, \/2.
V2 .52..0 ,,3 \I 0
~om=2(9.81:;") + ~ or Y2. -392v,.+/020= (2.)

De/ermine Ihe roofs of fh,-s cuble erVfJ lion. Lei v,.3-392~ f/O')..O=F
kIanf F:::0. Note Ihol ~ = 3V/'-392 so fhaf ~ :::0 aI ~;: r//.'1l}-
A/so} F::: 1020 when ~ =0 J F::; ~ 007 wheh V,.::: -II. ¥ J and
r = - /9t7 whe/) ~::: I/.Jf. IJs ~- ()b J r F -0().

lis ~ - - 00; F - -ctJ. This liJformaliof)

Indicales Ihere 4re IUlo posilive real rools
(.see Ihe fi9ure). The nefolive rool hlJs no ~
physical meQlJifJ9' So/ulion of £'1' (1-) 9ives

or 3 3
-1967 .---

Vi = 2. 6s ~ Or ~::: 18.3 ~ Thlls, Q -:: 1i:J. liz. := (J tnt V;. *

Q= 2.08!f or Q=/~Jf~

b) Inclvde heQd loss (f ;:0.02): From E'(. II) V = 'h,t2 = ~ (.~)2.= ~ (~.~m)
o~o", =(lfO.o2/:/~om )(JJ.J)~) Vl + 52.0 m ::::.//./~
0.3 m 2 (q, 81-$.) V~
n~ 3 3
~ -O.398~ +1.03'1=0 Lei G= ~ -O.3?B'Vz +1. 03/f j de1ermiIJ8
v,. fhot 9ives 6=0. lis above) G-±ooa,s v,.-tooj ~~ ::::3~2..-0.3?8=O
for Vi =:J:. O. 36Jfj G=/. 03'1- for v,. :::0) an d G:: 1.13 for ~.::' - O.36oS' I

G=O.Q37 of V,,== +0,36'1: Thus, fhe qr4fJh Df G G

looks QS shown, A cuhic e'lIJClfiol} has al most
two min. or max. IJs ,shown, there is no pos/live
real roof, The Flow clJlJn'" occtJr (mvsf have P<'f(}{)~W) -0.361f
8.92. I

K.n A fan is to produce a constant air speed of 40 m/s


-- --
20 m

v= 40 mls
.. /

throughout the pipe loop shown in Fig. PS.92. The 3-m-diam-
eter pipes are smooth. and each of the four 90-degree elbows
has a loss coefficient of 0.30. Determine the power that the fan
D=3m- :.-
adds to the air.
10 m


ii2 FIGURE P 8.92
'i'- ~
8.9.3 ,
KL exit =.0 .V
KL elbow = 1.5
g.~3 Water is circulated from a large tank, through a filter,
and back to the tank as shown in Fig. PS.93. The power added
to the water by the pump is 200 ft·lb/s. Determine the ftowrate
through the filter.

~2. V2
1- + +# +h If ~ +41 +( f l +f 1V.,.)1j
Z; p '" Zz.

,,-:::fJ,. J ~ =- ~ =-0" and Z,:: 23-
AJsoJ ~::: r() hp Dr

h - 200 ,s:f1.:1! -
p - 62.,~ (¥(O.lfO"2)V - V
ThusJ £0,T (I) becfltnts
V =
( 200 ff
f +,0.8+05(1.£) )) V
-I- /2 +6 +/ 2(32.2~}

3 13./.3
V ~ (f +0.01365)

1:: e VD =-
2 a~ x/o&

or Re::: B290V (3)

Tri.1 and error so/vl/o/J:

flssum~ r::: 0.0'1. From £,. (2) J V::: 6.26 # ; from Ft. (3~
Re :: 5. '2. 0 x/0 ~. Thv~ from Fi~. e. 20.1 f:::: O. 039 =I: 0.0/1
/Jssllme (::: O,o3Q J or V:: 6. 2 9.if. IJnd Re ::: S.21 X/O~ and f -: : O.O:Jf
Tf,v~ Q:::/I V::: "'(O.lf/l(6.29~) = o.O.y.9~-!f3
8.94 Water is to be moved from a large, closed tank in
which the air pressure is 20 psi into a large, open tank through
2000 ft of smooth pipe at the rate of 3 ft 3 Is. The fluid level in
the open tank is 150 ft below that in the closed tank. Determine
the required diameter of the pipe. Neglect minor losses. .

~ (2.)



_ P(~)D _ 1.9~ (3.82) or Re == 3./~'JIO~

- P - 2.3¥'tIO- s /) I

Trial lind error solufio!) :

IIssume f=O.02 S~ from Ey. (1.)" /):; O.S'fo II lind from £".(3)
Re =:.£.87X/O S , Thv~ fr(J/II F". 8.UJ(w/lh -i-.=:o) f::o.ol.3 :;0.02.
!JssulIJe f =:0.0/3 wh/cA 'lives lJ ~ O. 'f9.5 II J f(e:: 6.. 1fQ lOs
QlJd f::o.ol2..5
Assume f :O.OI2.S, ~o D=O. ~91f-lJ He ~6Jf~,(/OsJ f ~ O.O/'-S (checJu)
Thvs J
D ::: O. '1-9/ (I

8.,95 I 70 mm
8..95 Rainwater flows through the galvanized

T~. ~.
iron downspout shown in Fig. P8.'15 at a rate of
0.006 m3 /s. Determine the size of the downspout
cross section if it is a rectangle with an aspect
ratio of 1.7 to 1 and it is completely filled with
water. Neglect the velocity of the water in the
gutter at the free surface and the head loss as-
sociated with the elbow.
LI"li'~l\W#Hi$l'W""''> ~
\. 3m---l·1
8.Q6 *1

8.96 * Repeat Problem 8.QS if the down-

spout is circular.





f= f-2.0 JO'J[¥."tX/~-6+ 3.6

W J O-9D]

Solve £rs. (t) and (7) iferqlive/y. S fflrl "11Th Q.ss/Jhlod vfllues
D;;: 0./ J f= 0.02. From El(. (I) o61qill Q /Jew D valve WI/h Mis
0 0

new D cQ/cvlole 0 /Jew f vqlve from fro (7). Re,PfJ4t suc.h CQ/cp/otir¥ls
unfit the nih lind IJ_/.s f I/IJ/ves s4iisr, The CfJIJV8ry8nce crderiQn

) 1- i!L J < 0.001 and II - ~ }<O,OOI

fn- I ~I

Pro9ram P8# 96 .BIJS show/) below kills used 10 solve
£ro5. (6) QlJd (7) 405 indictied above 10 9/~ve D=o. OJf~Sflla/lJ
f= 0.02.78
100 cIs
110 print "*****************************************************"
120 print "** This program determines the friction factor, f, **"
130 print "** and the diameter, D, solving iteratively **"
1l±0 print "** Colebrook's equat.ion **"
170 print "*****************************************************II
180 print
190 f=0.D2
200 d=O.l
210 dp=d
220 fp=f
230 d=( (f+0.1429*dp)/195600)-0.2
240 f=1/(-2.0*log(0.OOOOl±05!d+O.000368*d/fp~.5)/log(10))-2
250 if abs(l-f/fp)O.OOl or abs(l-d/dp)O.OOl then goto 210
260 print.
270 print uSlng "The friction factor is f = +#.####----";f
280 print. uSlng " The diameter is D = +#.####----";d

** This program determines the friction factor, f, **
** and the dia~meter, D, solving iteratively **
** Colebrook's equation **

The friction factor is f = +2.7842E-02

The diameter is D = +4.l±518E-02
g,q 7 1
8.97 Air, assumed incompressible, flows through the two p = 0.5 psi

pipes shown in Fig. P8.97. Determine the flowrate if minor 1 in. 0.50 in.
losses are neglected and the friction factor in each pipe is 0.015.
Determine the flowrate if the 0.5-in.-diameter pipe were re-
~ m ! (2.) (.!)

placed by a l-in.-diameter pipe. Comment on the assumption

of incompressibility.
I (0) t
20 ft
.1.__t 20 ft- ~,

{?a ~ fJ.j_ :: /~. 7p.Ji . ;:: 0.967 The floJV is neflr/j JiJcompressi!JJe.
lJo l'i (0.5 f/1f.7)PSI

p = 0.5 psi
= 150°F 1 in.
* (I)
0.50 in.
t (2.) (.l)

*8.98 Repeat Problem 8.97 if the pipes are galvanized iron

and the friction factors are not known a priori.
(0) I..--_ t 201:._........-..1-20
t \lJ
It-- J.



I (s)
I and
ReI == ~DI
1/ J
Re2. == ~ V~ J where fr()m 'able
1(.4 8,3
·7 ~ ['.12.
11 == ..l! = '1.181./0 {fl. = 2.00X/O·¥ .I-L-
fo O.0020q ~ .s

Hence} Re == (O,2.sV,J (-k fl.) =/O/f V,

1 I 2. OOX /0-11-]£ ~
ano ( I .s
o == V2. Vf H)
nez 2 .OOx/o·if f:J:
=2 08 ~ (7)

For lurhulenf Flow £'(. 8.35 9iV~s vrI =-2.0 Jog [ .3~ £
2 5/ ]
R~yr (8)

By comhinifJ9 £fs. ('1-) fhrough (8) we obtajn

W,I ==-2.0/09
I [ -3
I, 62xl0 +

w: =-2.0 Jog[-3
3,2.lf.x/o t
I 1-1 X 10-
. '4 W;
] (1 0)

B.98 f , (conI!.)

Solve E"q,s.(.3)) (9)J Qnd (jo) {or fhe unknf)w/Js ~J h.J and Ih. (see below).
If D, == D2 then J ~~~ J ~ :: -& since -t; == i2. == 0.006 J qnd
Re =Re2 = V:z. D:J. = V:t (7i:ft~ = '1-16 ~
I 1/ 2.00)(/0-"']£
Thlls, Ef. (I) hecomes
tPo =ie ~~ [~(el;:~) +IJ
(o.s1::,.)(JJflf ~ ) :: i (0.00209 ¥f; ) \{:l. [f2. (1 0
;:) + I]
Hence l

6, eq x 109 = ~~ [ '180 -& +1] (II)

Also) frohl El(. (8)

.-L =-2.0 lo~ ~.62x/0-3 +
vr;. L V:t w:
6,03)(/0- ] (/2)

Solve £'(s. (II) ond (/7-) for &. tJnd ~ (see he/f)w)
Nole: S/nce {J:::: pRT il fo/lolAls +hal
fo - ( A) -]10 73 If we (J.S.SVtrJe 7; =70 (/'prohfJbly
1' will nf)f he J
buf rt should be Q reasof)oble apprOXillJaTi()n) fhen
\ 0
, ()
7 fJ~i
IJt- = (0.5Ilf.tllf.7 psi
:::: OJI67 The flow is neqrly incompressible.
Pro9rIJIiJ P8# qg .shaWl) be/ow 'lidoS used fo Dbl';1J the f()//f)lIIiIJ9
resfJ/ls :
0) W,-Ih fhe fwo different diall1efer pifJes ; Q::: 0, 07~6 .f
b) With fhe sill'lle pipe: Q=: 0.339 #3
100 cls
110 print 11 ********** ****************** ********************* *** * f1
120 print "** This program determines the frict.ion factors, **"
130 print "** f1 and f2, and the velocity V, solving **f1
140 print "** iteratively Colebrook's equation **"
170 print "*****************************************************"
180 print
190 f1=0.002
200 f2=0.002
210 f1p=f1
220 f2p=f2
230 v=(68900/(15*fl+480*f2+1))~0.5
240 fl=1/(-2.0*log(O.00162+0.0241/(v*flp-.5) )/log(10))-2
245 f2=1/(-2.0*log(0.00324+0.0121/(v*f2p-.5) )/log(10) )-2
250 if abs(l-fl/flpl)O.OOl or abs(1-f2/f2p»0.OOl then goto 210
260 print
265 print "For the CB2'.e of unequal diameter pipes: II
270 print. using "Tbe friction factors are fl = +#.####'·~'·-I!;f1
275 print using" and f2 = +#.####----If;f2
280 print. using" The velocity is V = +#.lHt##··--- ft/S";V
290 Q = 3.14159*(0.5/12)-2*v/4
300 print using" The flowrate is Q = +#.####---- ft3/slf;Q
380 print
385 print.
390 print "For the case of equal diameter pipes:"
400 f2=0.002
420 f2p=f2
430 v= (689001 (480*f2+1) ) -0.5
445 f2=1/(-2.0*log(0.00162+0.00603/(v*f2p-0.5) )/log(10) )-2
450 if abs(1-f2/f2p»O.001 then goto 420
470 print using" The friction factor is f2 = +#.####----";f2
480 print using" The velocity 1S V - +#.####---" ft/s";v
490 Q=3.14159*(1/12)-2*v/4
500 print using If The flowrate is Q = +#.###---- ft3/s";Q

This program determines the friction factors.
;j:* **
** f1 and f2. and the velocity V, solving **
** iteratively Colebrook!s equation **

For the case of unequal diameter pipes:

The friction factors are f1 +4.2508E-02
and f2 = +4.4593E-02
The velocity is V = +5.4682E+01 ft/s
The flowrate is Q = +7.4561E-02 ft3/s

For the case of equal diameter pipes:

The friction factor is f2 = +3.5069E-02
The velocity is V = +6.2160E+01 ft/s
The flowrate is Q = +3. 390E-Ol ft.3/s
9.100 I Elevation = 15 m

Diameter of each pipe = 0.10 m
8.100 With the valve closed, water flows from tank A to
tank B as shown in Fig. P8.100. What is the flowrate into tank
B when the valve is opened to allow water to flow into tank C
also? Neglect all minor losses and assume that the friction fac-
tor is 0.02 for all pipes. (/)


Q, == C¥2 +Q3 where QI' = 11£ V:. == f 4~~' J i:: ~2Jl

ThvsJ since /)J:: /)2:: /).3 iI fo/lows fhol
~ == l{ + ~ (I)

Also, for flvid flowin9 from II loB,

~ 21 +z~ =&
+Yl +:!i +Ze tf,I 1L;!L.2
I' 21 D, + t2 j.
D,. 2., v:
'J.~ J
where Tn
LJ,q: y~
A78 == 0,

~ == ~ =0) ZA ::/5 ~2.rJnd Ze==O'

Thus) zA = ,,1L.:iL
I D, ~,
+t:t !.~.2.
D:t 2j ~
or OJ

15m == . (0,02) [(801'h)~3.+(ifO/1})~2]

(0.1/11) (2)(1.8/ $.)
J8,Jf == \,12- + 0,5 ~2. J l'l N ~ (.3)

SiIYJ'/rJl'/y J lor fluid {/owin9 from IJ fo C,

tfJ/J +~ +Z.
T 21 /i :::
r +~
f&. 2?
+z.c +£.! }IL.:J. + £ h li2. where LlLJ ::AJC:::(),
I D, 2.1 3 /).3 ~1 J Vb yc

~r VccO 219 =/.5m, IJnd Zc= 0

j ~2. b ~2.
£ i1 b
ThIJS, :Z/J == ~ + ~ '"9 (~)
, r s (J J ( )
By comptJrth9 r I r 12. V: _£ b vI
k.r . J., ana ~ we Tina T2 D; 1:j - .3 D3 29

or since &=~ and 4.::: D~ J

~ 142. =~ }6.2 Thvs) ~o ~2.= 7..5~.2 or ~ ==1.369 ~ (sJ
Solve £9s. (IJJ (3); IJnd (S) for 11 J ~ find II.J • J

From £fl' OJ and (s); ~ == I, 3t9 ~ + ~ == 2,369 v.s. and from Ef . (3)
fB.if =(2.369~)'). +().5 (1.369'4)2 or 'V.J = I. t7t '!- ~ =1.319(l.t71f)
and ~ =2.1-9 f + /. 67& r = If. 00 ~
=2. 7- 9 11-
<V2. ::: 1i.2 Vz == *" (0, 1mi' (2.2.9.p) ::: 0.0/80 ':
8.101 -I Elevation = 15 m

F-'¥~d (A) Diameter of each pipe = 0.10 m

,'::A Elevations = 0
*8.101 Repeat Problem 8.100 if the friction factors are not ' - - ---:-

LBO c-++-"\" m+;:'~

known, but the pipes are steel pipes.
40 CS) ee) -J/)

Q/ = Q2. +Q3 where Q/ ::;At'l{' :: f4·~Vt· /::~J./3 I

Thus, silJce D,:: D2 :: D.3 if fo/lows fhot

~=~f~ ro
Ais 0) for fluid fJowin9 from It to B
¥i t! ¥i + (;I. t ~i

f + t ~/I = '1 t +28 t ¥$ J where IA ::14 :: 0,

\?i:: '4 =0 2 11 ::::/Sml a!)d.&o:::O
J. I.
Thvs} Z/I :: r;
J 2
~ -I- -& f
I 2, :2
1-1 } or (2.)

/5", = [f,f~.~:nw+M~::)'6·]2(q.~/~)
0.368 == ~ ~2 + 0.5 f:J. ~2. (3)

SinJl/fJr/y, for flvid flowing from 1110 C J

ik v,..,z _ tPc_ + ~2.+ =z r la .M: + r iJ~:l L

?1' +~ +Z/i - T 2.1 ~c 4- TJ D,'" ~ D; '2-1') wnere (111::fJc:: 0,
~ =Vc ::: oJ ~A= IS 111) lI!)d Zc==(}
IL f, 11. ~2. r J~ Y.j2
I nus J ZIJ = I D iii + TJ 7i :z.! ('1-)

-! ¥i
I ~ :3, Z

By cu"'parill9 EfS' (2) afJd (If) we find fz i ~ = &

or since D2 D~ II:: J

t) \~3
. ~

f2 J2. Vzl.::: -& i~ \&2. Thlls} "f()~ V/" ::: 75 ~ ~z or ~ = I. 3&9( (S)

From £q,8./
J:: -2.. oJo 9[! + 2..SI]
3.7 Re vr where from TolJle 8.1

£:: O. OJ.f.-S /1')hJ so fhol for each pipeJ E = o.o~.s mill = 11:5 XIO~
VlJ 7S '00111111 •
II/so} Re = V or for i::~2}3
Re. = V~'Di = ~. (O,/m) = 8.93X/O"" 'i'
l tI /.12 x/o-I>f I

(6) (7)(~
.I ;

Solve 6 e'll/(JtiolJs for b (J/)KIJoMlIJS; £rs, O)J (,g) J (&) /6),(7)) (Jnd (8) for
~J & &
I I ~ J ~J ~. Ir/a/ olJd error so/pi/on tiS fo//pw.s:
From £'(. (s)) ~ =' 0.73 0(- t; t- ~,which when combined "lith
EC(. (J) g/ves
~ = [I to. 730(~)-'i] ~ (q)

Thlls by com bini/}! £rts and (q) we obfqin

I (3)

0.368 ='f~ [I +O.730( to.S fz ] v,,2

-f [I 0.368
~ +0.730(4; Y']2.+ 0.5 f2-
] ~ (10)

fI/s~ from £'1' (I)J


So/vfion method !o)GlJess valves of "J fl.; and & (1I9ooJ siQrfiIJ9
valve IS fne /Q/'7e Re valvB fDr i:::9.sx/o¥-, or "=-&=£-=o.OI7~
h) Ca/clJ/ale ~) ~J alJd Va fro/IJ £ys. ('I); (/0)1 dl/d (1)/ c) Ct,jc(}/4fe
t, JF2 J qnd~ frmEts. (6~ (7~ (8) j d) Compare the new ~. IV/lh fhe
pre vious ones j e) If IIPi 9t1oc/ elloVfA tl9reellleflfJ refJeal wt"-Ih the
new ~. as fhe 9()ess~
Program P8#/OI .shown below Wf}-S used ..fo ca/c()/aie the fO//OIViIJrI
m3 1»3 m3
QJ:: 0.03.3/ S J Q2::: 0.0193 T J l(j::: O.0/38T
8./01 II I (conJi)
100 cls
110 open "prn" for output as #1
120 print fI************************************************"
130 print "** This program calculates the flowrates in **"
1l;0 print "** the three pipes using the Colebrook form- **"
150 print 11** ula to determine the friction factors. **"
160 print H** An i terat.ion scheme is used. **"
170 print "****** *********************** ***** ******** ****** II
200 dim f(3), fp(3). V(3). VP(3). Re(3)
210 for i = 1 to 3
220 f(i) = 0.017
230 VP(i) = 0
2/,00 next i
250 rr = /,o.5E-/,o
260 print II II
270 print "pipe no. Re f V. m/s Q. m3/s"
300 del=O
305 V(2)=(0.368/(f(1)*(1+0.730*(f(2)/f(3) ) ft O.5) ft 2+0.5*f(2)) ) O.5 ft

310 V(1)=(1+0.730*(f(2)/f(3) ) O.5)*V(2)ft

320 V(3)=V(1)-V(2)
330 for i = 1 to 3
3/,00 fp(i)=f(i)
350 Re(i)=8.93E+/,o*V(i)
360 if Re(i)(2100 then goto /,000
370 f(i)=1/(-2.0*log(rr/3.7+2.51/(Re(i)*fp(i) ft O.5) )/log(10) )ft2
380 if abs(l-fp(i)/f(i) )0.001 then goto 3/,00
390 go to /,010
/,000 f(i)=6/,o/Re(i)
410 del=del+abs(l-VP(i)/V(i))
iJ20 next i
500 if del<O.OOl then goto 600
510 for i = 1 to 3
520 VP(i)=V(i)
530 next. i
540 goto 300
600 for i = 1 to 3
610 Q=(3.14159*0.1~2/4)*V(i)
620 print using" ## #.##ftftftft #.#### ##.### #.##~ftft~";i.Re(i),f(i)~
630 next. i (V( i) ,Q

** This program calculat.es the flowrates il"} **
** the three pipes using the Colebrook form- **
** ula to determine the friction factors. **
** An iteration scheme is used. **

pipe no. Re f V, m/s Q, m3/s

1 3.76E+05 0.0176 /,0.211 3.31E-02
2 2.19E+05 0.018/,0 2./,051 1. 93E-02
3 1.57E+05 0.0190 1. 760 1.38E-02

8.102. The three water-filled tanks shown in Fig.

P8.102 are connected by pipes as indicated. If
minor losses are neglected, determine the flow-
rate in each pipe.

D = 0.08 m
f = 400 m
f = 0.020
Assume fhe fluid flow.s from IJ 10 Band /110 c. TIJl/sJ ()I: Q,. +Q3
or f (o./m)" ~ ::: f(O.OBhJ/v,. +*(O.0811ii'~
Thus, ~ = O,6Jf ~ rO.6~ ~ (I)

For fluid flowiIJ9 from /I foB with fA: /,8 ~O and ~ ~ ~ :::-0)
Z = Z + t i, .:it + ~ .&. Yl'
/I 8 I DI 2.1 2. D~ '1

or (200/1)) V/2. +( )(200h) ) V/

60 m - 2 0 111 = (0.. 0105) O,/m 2(fl.8J.ff's) 0.02J) o,oem Z(q.811f,J
Hence J

LfO =/,529 ~2. + 2.55 ~2. (2.)

Simdqr/y, for fluid f/owinfJ from II fa C .wilh fJA ::fc =0 C/lJcI ~::: ~ ~OJ
Z1J =2 C +~k.it
I D, 2.,
+ f3 b. YJ.'-
D3 ,.,
or '-
60", :: (0, 01.5)(-2 o am)
V, +(0.020)( o.oem ( Il!.)
/f.0() IIJ) V;
O,lm 2.(fl.B/~') 2. 9. 810$2.
Hence J

60 =- /,,529 V/ + 5.10 ~2 (3)

Solve Ers. (/)J(z)lond(.3) for 11,) ~14I1dl(g. From£fs.(J)and(3):

60= 1..5'29 (o.tJTi(v,. + ~/ +.5./0 ~:ZJ or 95.8 = (V~ +l4l + B./If ~2. (If)

Su6lr(Jcf £'1' (2.) from Ef. (3) :

60-'1-0 = .s,/0~:Z + 2.55 \,42 or ~ =12 ~'- - 7.8'1- I (5)

Thvs from £I(s. (If) fJnd (s): 8,//f 1/./ +(j2. vi _7.ei +'V.3 )2.- 95.8 :::- 0

This C4fJ be sillJplified fo

I ~ I 2-
2 ~ l' .2. ~ -7. 81f := 103.6 -I/./Jf ~
Square both sirles and (6)

rearrange 10 qive ~ If - /9,63 ~2 + Q2. 5 =0 which C4n he solved

by fhe qlltJdr4/ic formfJla fo give
~2.= Iq.63:±JI9,~":'-tf(q2..5)' ;: /1.77 or 7.86 Thvs ~::3.4l3f
or ~ == 2.BO.!f
8./02' (con'i)

Nofe: The value ~=9.'f3: is not a solufion af the orifjino/ e'lufJlions J

E,(s. (I), (2.), (lnd (3). Wah this' valve fhe rl9hf hand siJe of EfJ6)
is neqaliv8 (i.e, /0.3.6 - II./If ~3.:; 103.6- //.IIf (3.11-3)2. = - 2.'1;5), lis
seen from the lefl hand side of E".(6)J -fhi.s etlAIl"; be. This ex/ro
root WQS inTroduced by squariIJ9 Eq. (i),

Thus} ~= fJ3~=f(O.oBm)'"(2.fJO!f) ;:;0,0IJfI.;-3

lJ/so from Eq, (.3) ~

6o=I,S:J.9V/'+S.JO(2.8 0 )" or ~.::: 3,62f}

1l 2. ",3
or Q/:: AI ~ = ;yo (O.JOm) (.3.62 f) = O.02.B'f-:s
olJd from £'1' (0:
3.62:: 0.6'/- ~ +0.6'1(2.80) or Vt. =2.86f
W 3
Q2. =fiz ~ ::::.1J (0.08m/ (~,86 ~) =O.0/'1-3.!J
K.IIJ3 Water is pumped from a lake, into a large pressur-
ized tank, and out through two pipes as shown in Fig. PS.I03.
The pump head is hp = 45 + 27.5Q - 54Q2, where hp is in
Free jets
feet and Q (the total flowrate through the pump) is in fe/so Mi-
nor losses and gravity are negligible, and the friction factor in = 5 in. Q
each pipe is 0.02. Determine the flowrates through each of the , f----1200 It - - - - I . j (2.)
pipes, QI' and Q2'


/ +0.02. (1ooH/(6112.1-I))
---:'---:ll~/-'-----:~) = O. 703 'vi
/ +0.02 (/2fJO rT/ (SII1. If)
- - ==
Vi ff,fnt
(0. 703V,)
~ 0
r'" _,., LL nD!":)
I.f:z. - v. TU u uri .s 6
J./. -'-
({ I II, V, f
(12#) ""
Q= (fl of c(:z. ::: Q, +O. '1-11 f¥1 ::: /, '1-11 fYl
A/.t0 wi-lh no /O.r.t8s (rr;m Ihe lake 10 the f41J~

of fi +hp = It +ir S~ 11141 wf!h Ie ::l) al/d Y. ~ ::"~


(a) h, =:: f? W/JldJ CAli De r;()/'IIb//lerJ w/I/J -4 (I) ff) five

('1-) hfJ,..,
:: JZ[/+£l]
I /)J WlW6 ~ '" l, ::
• "'..5. o91/i

hp::: 'l-S J-2.7.S' -S'f~:z. so fhal Elf (f:) ber;ollle.r

'$'~ +:1.7.£ ( /.IfN~/) - ~If. (I. 'PI (t, / = :r;:.~([! .fQ. 02. llj ]
or I~

/31r.r/·-~(}.9QI -~Sr:O wht'clJ /;4,S the so/v/;'61l

= I/-o.9.t ii'l().f)"+'f(~)('3,j
(/3 J) -
0 76
• 3 S
\ or -
O.7V '(). W{I/r;II
,J.' ,/. h
'tiS IJO
2 phYJ"/&4/ II1 Caf}iIJf)
II Iso J

t¥2.. ::: O.'MJ Cl ::: O,'HJ((),7P31j3) :::: 0.37.2. !J3

X.IO-l A 2-in.-diameter orifice plate is inserted in a 3-in.-
diameter pipe. If the water flowrate through the pipe is 0.90 cfs, v , t 1..1.
determine the pressure difference indicated by a manometer .-.( ~=3jn. d==2in.
attached to the flow meter. IT

Q _ 1L _ 2. in. _ 2 Ji3
to' - D - 3 in. -"3 J Q:: O. 70 s J and
fJ 0--lld

V~1l~ = O.7-!f =ltf.26 Ii

If D f (f,. rf)~ ~

= 2.'1Sx/o6

8./0S I
8.105 Air to ventilate an underground mine flows through
a large 2-m-diameter pipe. A crude flowrate meter is constructed
by placing a sheet metal" washer" between two sections of the
pipe. Estimate the flowrate if the hole in the sheet metal has a
diameter of 1.6 m and the pressure difference across the sheet
metal is 8.0 mm of water.

Q == 29.5 Co -¥ 0)
Ais OJ Re : : -:;;-
= ---=-----";"----=----rv or (2.)
" /./fb X /O- S 1!L-
and d
~; -D = 1.. 6m :::0.8
2.0 hi.

and errol' so/tJlion:

Assume G,;::: 0.6/ so fhQf from Eq.O), Q :::29.5 (0.61):: /8.0..!p-
nence J
v- 7fQ -- IlJao-:s
( . )2.

::. 5 ..73 ./!1..

JI. 2.01l'J.

Froth £q'(~)J Re -:: 1.37 x/Os (5. 73) ::' Z 85 x/OS

This Re and @ 9ive Co::: 0,6/ (see Fi1. 8.'1-.1) wh/ch "1rees
w/fh fhe ps.!vmed valve.
ThfJS; Q-:: /8.0 r!

9./06 T
8.106 Gasoline flows through a 35-mm-diameter pipe at a
rate of 0.0032 m 3 /s. Detennine the pressure drop across a flow
nozzle placed in the line if the nozzle diameter is 20 mm.

-cn nn
'¥ -
Ll /2(-p,-f>l)'
t:J~.d.D = 35mm
20 mm = 057/
. 7
IJn = lld
2 (I)

-From To ble /. 6 \0.:: 680 ~ m

and }l =3./ x/0'1- ~':'

ThuS Re : : ejD where V=~ == O,00321F = 3.33 111


fh f J ~D .ff (O,o3smt s
so OR = (68of!&)(3.33f)(o.03 5 m) = 2.56 x/Os
e 3.1 x IO-1f'!!.-:f
lien eel from Fi9- 8.4.3 J en == OJI86
Froth E'{. (J)
O. 0032
~ =(O.986).1j (o.02.0m)" (.690""-1 ;,if
-fo) If)
J -0.57/

11 -fJ,- = 3.2'fX/O¥.g.'1. = 32JfkPa

8./07 I 8.107 Air at 200 of and 60 psia flows in a 4-

in.-diameter pipe at a rate ofO.S21b/s. Determine
the pressure at the 2-in-diameter throat of a Ven-
turi meter placed in the pipe.

8-/ 0 3
8. /OPJ 8.108 A 50-mm-diameter nozzle is installed at ..! h:: 7.3 mm H,.o
the end of a 80-mm-diameter pipe through which f
air flows. A manometer attached to the static
pressure tap just upstream from the nozzle in- v
dicates a pressure of 7.3 mm of water. Determine
the ftowrate.

C. 11 2. (PI-e;).L 50mm d
Q J:: n nn pO _~If) I Wnere ~ = 80mm = 0.:625 an
1,-/2 == 0H oh =(q800~ )(7.3XIO- 3m) ==7/.5J:{,"
Thus, with lin;:: If d~" m
Q=C. 1l (O. 050ml" ~ (7/.5~)
n If (/IZ3~)(J-0.62.SII)
or 3
Q:: 0.0230 en IJssiJ/1'Je Cn =0.97 so that Q= O.0223J}
and V=JL = O.0223-f-3 :: 'f.'1'f/ll
fD'" 1J(O,o8m)'" oS
or ~
Re :: JLQ = (If.lI/f oS )(O.o8m) :; ~,Jf3Xlo'l Wilh fhe Re and a we oblain
'Y !.lft x10-.5 !:~ . \"'
Cn = 0.963 :/:0.97 (fhe ass{)med value) (See Flq.8.Jf3)
Thus J assume en:: 0.963 So fhai Q = 0.0230 (0.963):; O.022/.if
J JlL3
ana V= 0.02.2/ = If: 'fO J!l $

f(O.OBml S

C'LneCK'- Cn . WI I./'th Re == (Jf.Jfo~)(0.oBm2

L /.~6xJO-.s.!§3
~ b1 ' C.
= 2./fIX/O we 0 10111 n -;::: 0.963
from Fi9- 8.11-3 (checks)
TL ~ m3
I nUs, l\';;:: O. 02. 2/ T

8./09 J .... .."rQ/r
: --1-
8.109 A 2.S-in.-diameter nozzle meter is installed in a
3.8-in.-diameter pipe that carries water at 160 of. If the inverted
h =3.lff .

air-water U-tube manometer used to measure the pressure dif-

ference across the meter indicates a reading of 3.1 ft, determine VIf. (I) \... +
the flowrate. - ..} D=3.Bm.· • d=2 5J'n
() ! ~f' ,

Q=Cnlln 2({1-PtJ.) where ~=Ji = 2.5(n, =0.658

e{l - ~'1) J D 3.8 m,

,rom 7:ll
8.J: P=I.896
-& Jb's
JjI-=8. 32X / O -fP. sofha
Re:= £VD = (J.eQ641¥) v(flfI)
ft- 8.32 x/o-
Re :: 7. 2.2x10 ~ V where V. . 1i
J 0$ (2.)

f)/SOI wilh (} =:: 1f D2 V £1. (JJ bec()mes (usi"9 {1-(J:;.:;: 0' h):
.1l(~ fI)2. V= C .1l(3:§.ff)~[ 2 (32.2.~)(1.8q6 ¥;f)(3.lf-l) J~
If /2 n If /2 (1.8Q6 o$il105) (1-O.658/f)
V::. 6.78 en (3)

Trial and error solo/ion ().Sif}9 Fi9' 8,/f3 for en -:: Gil (Re ~:::a6s8) ; I

lissome en
=0.Q9 From £1,(3) V= 6.78 (0.99):: 6.11ij
From Ef(. (2) Re;: 7.?..2.XIOII-(6.7/~) = 'f.8/f"t/o s which from
F'9. 8. tt7 9ives en
=- 0.99 (checks wifh fI.uumed vqllJe)
Thf)~J V=6.71# Ql1d Q=~llVr:::f(~"lft)2(6.7/If):: O.5281j-3

8-/ 05


8.110 Water flows through the Venturi meter (I) (2.)! . Q '\
shown in Fig. P8.110. The specific gravity of the 6 e • 3 In. ~ I
manometer fluid is 1.52. Determine the flowrate. ~ 1---------1/
1~_:2 in.
'SO = 1.52


Q::: Cv IIT Z({1-"fo.)· h ~ == JL == 63 in.in, -- 0. 5

p(J-(3'1-) , were \" D
f' +'II = f~ +h'(l-h) +~(SG)h or f,-I2.:= o(SG-J)h = P9 (SG-I)h
Hence I ,

/) - G II /2 eg (S6-nh
L\' - v T p(J- ~If) or

Q= Cv l£(~f.ll
If /2.
[ 2(3:;..2fA)(J'E2-J)(lifl)]~
[ (1- 0.5 11 )
Q= 0, I/qB Cv Assume Cv ';:. 0,9£1 so tha+ Q;:. 0.1198 (O.98)=O.1J71j3
Hencs 1i.~
J@ ~H7~ li
V;;:"2. :::; 1l (6 )1. :::; 0.596 oS so thaI
IfD 'I- jiH

Re = 'tQ == (O.5q6!f)(~FI)
:::; 2.'1-6 X/O'l-
'Y 1.2/XIO #-
From Fi9' 8.'15 cd this Re Cv~O.96 :/=0.98.1 fhe assumed value.

HehceJ ass ume Cv = 0.96 J or

Q'" O. /I fl8 (0.96) '" 0.11 s1f3 and V=':('1)'" :: 0.586 y
6 If 1'1.
There {o,.°e Re -- 0.5S6
nJ -- 2 . Lf2.XIOIf so
/. 2J x 10-.£ Inr.rI hrom R'9, 8 ' ¥s J

Cv ~ 0.96 Checks 'IIdh l).r-svlfJed valve.

Hence) Q::: 0, I IS ¥3

3 ~
*6 'tPl .1,----_---.J/
(l,) ;0 ')
X. j II If the fluid flowing in Problem 8.110 were air, what ~,." ~
would the flowrate be? Would compressibility effects be im-
portant? Explain. 1. ~_:2 in. ~ tm
t 'sa = 1.52


Q:= 5. elf Cv .fl.'! (:2.)
fl3 ~ S.61 fi.
As-s(}me Cv =0.96, or Q= .s. 61 'S so thai V=!fD2 = f (f,.Jfl
-= 28,6 s
Hence. 1:1 ('.9- )
D _
FIe - -
VlJ -
(l8.6o$) p.fl
- CJ
-7,1/ X/O
it Firom r/f]-
r fh
SA'S is qive.s
v I,S7x/O :s

C\l~O.975 or Q=5.8Jf(O.97S)== .5.69!!.3

Nofe: Wah v = "* = :/1-)".
'I- 1'-
"' 29.0 f/- we oh14in
Re = 29.0(1£) = 9 2IfX/O"" T/J/)SJ from Flo. 8.'»'5 c.v~ O.97SJ
/,57)(/0-'1 " 7
which 49rees wdh /he Qss()/lled

8.112 Water flows through the orifice meter shown in
I h

Fig. P8.112 at a rate of 0.10 cfs. If d = 0.1 ft. determine the
value of h.


Q='CoA.y ~t':p{ J where e=* =' ~/; =0.6, f1t -/~ 4h =e~;' (f)

II/so, -lL _ 0.10#3 _ it

V- .g/)2. - 14 (Ii. Hi - /f. 58.s so thor
Re == Y!2 == (Jf.58fJ)(k~t) = 6.3/ XIO~ Hence) from Fi.·9.8Jfl) Co::::O.6/6
/.2.lx/f ¥
Therefore} from E1. {/J!

O.IO.[j-3 =(0.616) ¥(0. Iff?" 2 P(32.21iJ h or

pu- 0.6/1-)
h ==5.. 771;


8.113 Water flows through the orifice meter shown in

Fig. P8.112 at a rate of 0.10 cfs. If h = 3.8 ft. determine the
value of d.

Q== V()11o
r L1
e(J - (J~)
h a tl
were \:' 15
= _d_
I~ ft
- -
fJl f:J., - 0 .
It''h =: f'J h (j)

and, V= Si... =
1l(.!. f~)2.
= ~.58 It R :: ~::: ('!.ssY ~(Aff)
e "..
S ) I 21 XI 0 ..s1L
== 6.3/ X10'f
~ # I~ ~ • s

Trial and error sO/lJfion: From Ef· O) I

,if == c.0 11.
o..s If
(d ff)'2.f 2 e(32 .zYa)(3.BfI 2. or QOOB/If=
f ( /- ~If) •. {
)J C

J _ ~'f
d2.. ) Whe1'e d~ NI Ct.)

/Jssvme ~= O.6} or d= I~~ =: ~ (0.6)== 0, I off. rhv~ from £rt.(:t-)

Co = 0,7£9. !loweverJ (rom Fi9,8.91 for fhis He and ~J Co=O.6IS rFO.7S9
Assume ~ =0, 65, or d == -h (0.65) = 0, J08 (-I. From £". (;.) Co = 0.6 33.
Fro", F;,- e.III J Co = 0.618 :# 0.633. .
A,ssume ~ =0.67) or d== 12. (o.67) ::: 0.112 fl. From £f' (,,) Co = 0, SBo
From Fi9' 8.'fl J Co .::0,6/9 :;:0.S90 ThlJs, d~ 0,109 (1

e.II'I- I I h =1.6 (f

K 114 Water flows through the OIifice meter shown in ~

Fig. PS.1 12 such that h = 1.6 ft with d = 1.5 in. Detennine the

Q =c.ono
Ll 2 (f1-(h.)
p(J-~'1) J
were p;: 15d = 2./.5ill. d
in. :;:; 0.75 an /1-1:1.-::
0 ;: e1h
Thvs, it. ~
=c 1l(1,5 )2.[ 2 e(32.2~){J.6H)]
Q o I/- IT ff f ( /- 0.7£11")
Q=O./S/ CO . 1Z. (I)
Also Re::: ~
, 'V
= 1,'J.IX/fT
;:: 1.3BJ<IOIf VJ ~he/'e V=!-/J2.;;;: /f5.Bt:'l
-: 'Y
Trial olld error so/uri on;
IIssvme Co =O.6j or from £".(OJ ~ =- 0.151 (0.6)::: 0.0906 £j3
Hence from Eft. (2.), V= '15.8(0.0906)::: Jf.15 and Re =5, 73X /Olf

From Fi9. e,If I wifh this He and ~) Co;;;: 0,62 :F 0,6 (the qssvmed Vt,J/ue)
lissome Co= 0,62 or Q=-O./51(o.6J.)::. 0.09361j3, Th/lS V:::~S.B (0.0936)
or V=if.29!j and Re -:::,s.92X/rI, !Tom Fi9' 8.'1-/ J Co =O.62; Me
()ssflmed VtI/lJe.
lienee, r;.:: 0,0936 fJ!

8. lIS

S.I 15 The scale reading on the rotameter shown in Fig.

P8.115 and Video VS.6 (also see Fig. 8.46) is directly propor-
tional to the volumetric flowrate. With a scale reading of 2.6
the water bubbles up approximately 3 in. How far will it bub-
ble up if the scale reading is 5.0?


I!:L +Z -tYL7.- h : : 1J2.~.J.Z +~

jt I 2{f rl ~ z. 2.?
where .
I, ::I,. ~IJ J Z, ::: OJ ~ ~()~. s() thai w/lh no /o.r.res (hI. ~(J~
(0 "£j ::= Zz
For the f'Of4meter r¥ ::: KI(SR WhC/'9 SR ~sca/e reat.iilkl (,fAd
Thv.r J{ is a CQIJ.S141J1.
J /) KtSR
~::-ft~T so th4 i whell c()lfJ/;i/J~J w/IA Elf. (/~

,l<2.(SB)2. :::£ K2.(l./~'- _ .l

Al-(z!-) ,. or 1; (~,) - (r;. fI)
By Jil/iJiA~ 11J6S8 fWfJ e(I'/4ti()ll~
== -f--
or f; == O.92s" If = //'/117.

8.116 I

8.116 Friction Factor for Laminar and Transitional Pipe Flow

Objective: Theoretically, the friction factor, f, for laminar pipe flow is given by
f = 641 Re, where the Reynolds number, Re = pVDIIL, is based on the average velocity, V,
within the pipe and the pipe diameter, D. Also, the flow is normally laminar for Re < 2100.
The purpose of this experiment is to use the device shown in Fig. PS.116 to investigate these
two properties.

Equipment: Small diameter metal tubes (pipes), air supply with flow regulator, rotame-
ter flow meter, manometer.

Experimental Procedure: Attach a tube of length L and diameter D to the plenum. Ad-
just the flow regulator to obtain the desired flowrate as measured by the rotameter. Record
the manometer reading, h, so that the pressure difference between the plenum (tank) and the
free jet at the end of the tube can be determined. Repeat for several different flowrates and
tube diameters. Record the barometer reading, H bar, in inches of mercury and the air tem-
perature, T, so that the air density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law.

Calculations: For each of the data sets determine the pressure difference, Ap = 'Ymh,
between the plenum pressure and the free jet pressure. Here "'1m is the specific weight of
the manometer fluid. Use the energy equation, Eq. 5.84, to determine the friction factor, f
Assume the loss coefficient for the pipe entrance is KL = 0.8. Also calculate the Reynolds
number, Re, for each data set.

Graph: On a log-log graph, plot the experimentally determined friction factor,/' as ordi-
nates and the Reynolds number, Re, as abscissas.

Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical friction factor for laminar flow,
f = 64/Re, as a function of the Reynolds number. Based on the experimental data, determine
the maximum value of the Reynolds number for which the flow in these pipes is laminar.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and elide hen'
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.


8./16 I (CDIJ'f)
Solution for Problem 8.116: Friction Factor for Laminar and Transitional Pipe Flow

L, in. Hatm , in. Hg T, deg F

24 28.9 73

h, in. a, ml/min a, cfs v, fps Re f Re f

D =0.108 in. Data 100 0.6400

7.5 6600 0.003887 61.11 3202 0.0341 2100 0.0305
6.75 6200 0.003652 57.40 3008 0.0349
6.26 6000 0.003534 55.55 2911 0.0345
5.54 5650 0.003328 52.31 2741 0.0344
4.66 5150 0.003033 47.68 2499 0.0349
4.29 5000 0.002945 46.29 2426 0.0339
3.92 4860 0.002863 45.00 2358 0.0325
3.48 4600 0.002709 42.59 2232 0.0322
3.21 4500 0.002651 41.66 2183 0.0307
2.34 3700 0.002179 34.26 1795 0.0338
1.86 2900 0.001708 26.85 1407 0.0461
1.11 1800 0.001060 16.67 873 0.0758
0.63 1100 0.000648 10.18 534 0.1194

D =0.046 in. Data

9.52 560 0.000330 28.58 638 0.1007
7.68 475 0.000280 24.24 541 0.1134
7.08 425 0.000250 21.69 484 0.1311
5.26 315 0.000186 16.08 359 0.1785
3.39 221 0.000130 11.28 252 0.2348
2.61 165 0.000097 8.42 188 0.3256

D =0.063 in. Data

4.58 925 0.000545 25.17 770 0.0838
3.32 680 0.000401 18.50 566 0.1140
2.51 530 0.000312 14.42 441 0.1431
1.48 325 0.000191 8.84 270 0.2270
0.86 190 0.000112 5.17 158 0.3893

P = Patm /RT where

Patm =YH20*H atm =847 Ib/ftJl3*(28.9/12 ft) = 2040 Ib/ftJl2
R =1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T =73 + 460 =533 deg R
Thus, P 0.00223 slug/ftJl3 and Y =p*g =0.0718 Ib/ftJl3
Also, ).l 3.83E-7 Ib s/ft Jl 2

Theoretical for laminar flow: f =64/Re =64/(pDV/).l)

/!p/y =(fUD + KL + 1)(VJl 2/2g) where KL = entrance loss coefficient =0.8 and V =a/(nDJl2/4)


Problem 8.116
Friction Factor, f, vs Reynolds Number, Re


~:-=:- -=~i:-:== ! f! i : :~
. . --.-~.-~--'-----'-----lI

- -.-----.-- ------~---'b.-"-----

.------.. - .. --------~:r-

- -- .. ---------------.;......-~-

.. - .. --------,--~--'--'

:' I ,
-- --------4------+--'--+--\-------"~__.;-~->___+-+--+--+ • Experimental, D =0.108 in.
• Experimental, D = 0.046 in.
• Experimental, D = 0.063 in.
--Theoretical, laminar

0.01 -l-----------'--"-r------~---~""___1

100 1,000 10,000



8.117 Calibration of an Orifice Meter and a Venturi Meter

Objective: Because of various real-world, nonideal conditions, neither orifice meters nor
Venturi meters operate exactly as predicted by a simple theoretical analysis. The purpose of
this experiment is to use the device shown in Fig. P8.117 to calibrate an orifice meter and a
Venturi meter.

Equipment: Water tank with sight gage, pump, Venturi meter, orifice meter, manometers.

Experimental Procedure: Determine the pipe diameter, D, and the throat diameter, d,
for the flow meters. Note that each meter has the same values of D and d. Make sure that the
tubes connecting the manometers to the flow meters do not contain any unwanted air bubbles.
This can be verified by noting that the manometer readings, hy, and ho, are zero when the sys-
tem is full of water and the flowrate, Q, is zero. Tum on the pump and adjust the valve to
give the desired flowrate. Record the time, t, it takes for a given volume, V, of water to be
pumped from the tank. The volume can be determined from using the sight gage on the tank.
At this flowrate record the manometer readings. Repeat for several different flowrates.

Calculations: For each data set determine the volumetric flowrate, Q = VIt, and the pres-
sure differences across each meter, IIp = 'Ymh, where "1m is the specific weight of the manome-
ter fluid. Use the flow meter equations (see Section 8.6.1) to determine the orifice discharge
coefficient, Co, and the Venturi discharge coefficient, Cy, for these meters.

Graph: On a log-log graph, plot flowrate, Q, as ordinates and pressure difference, IIp, as

Result: On the same graph, plot the ideal flowrate, Qideal (see Eq. 8.37), as a function of
pressure difference.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem .

.. FIGURE P8.117

8.//7 T(con)" )
Solution for Problem 8.117: Calibration of an Orifice Meter and a Venturi Meter

d, in. 0, in. V, gallons

1.025 2.00 Ideal
t, s ho, in. hVI in. L1PoI Ib/W2 L1PvI Ib/ft"2 A, ft /s Co Cv L1P, Ib/ftA2
27.0 9.3 3.8 48.4 19.8 0.0099 0.611 0.956 18.0
13.2 37.1 14.5 192.9 75.4 0.0203 0.626 1.001 75.5
34.2 5.5 1.9 28.6 9.9 0.0078 0.627 1.067 11.2
16.6 23.9 10.1 124.3 52.5 0.0161 0.620 0.953 47.7
12.0 43.2 18.1 224.6 94.1 0.0223 0.638 0.985 91.4
11.7 51.3 21.7 266.8 112.8 0.0229 0.600 0.923 96.1
15.4 27.9 11.2 145.1 58.2 0.0174 0.618 0.976 55.5
25.1 10.1 4.2 52.5 21.8 0.0107 0.631 0.978 20.9
20.4 14.7 6.2 76.4 32.2 0.0131 0.643 0.990 31.6
17.3 21.4 8.7 111.3 45.2 0.0155 0.629 0.986 44.0
15.7 26.7 11.2 138.8 58.2 0.0170 0.620 0.957 53.4

Average discharge coefficient: 0.624 0.979

orifice venturi
a = V gal/t s x (231 in."3/gal)x(1 ft"3/1728 in."3)

L1P = YH2o*h = 62.4 Ib/ftA3 *h ft

Ov =A2/[1 - (A2/A 1)"2]"0.5*C v*(2*g*L1p)YH2o)"0.5

0 0 =A2/[1 - (A2/A1 )"2]"0.5*C o*(2*g*L1PoIYH20)"0.5
A1 = 1t 0"2/4 = 1t (1.025/12 ft)"2/4 = 0.00573 ft"2
A2 = 1t d"2/4 = 1t (0.625/12 ft)"2/4 = 0.00213 ftA2

Problem 8.117
Flow Rate, Q, vs Pressure Difference, ~p

i i i....,. J•• : , :'

• Experimental, orifice
• Experimental, venturi
- Theory, C =1
I : i ::
i : Iii
iii! ! I
! I:
i I I '. i I i i!
0.001 +-_--'-_..!...i---L:.....I-~'. !. .: '-tl!---'----.!..--'---'-...........-.W....{

10 100 1000
~PI Ib/ftA2


8.118 Flow from a Tank through a Pipe System

Objective: The rate of flow of water from a tank is a function of the pipe system used
to drain the tank. The purpose of this experiment is to use a pipe system as shown in
Fig. P8.118 to investigate the importance of major and minor head losses in a typical pipe
flow situation.

Equipment: Water tank; various lengths of galvanized iron pipe; various threaded pipe
fittings (valves, elbows, etc.); pipe wrenches; stop watch; thermometer.

Experimental Procedure: Use the pipe segments and pipe fittings to construct a suit-
able pipeline through which the tank water may flow into a floor drain. Measure the pipe di-
ameter, D, and the various pipe lengths and note the various valves and fittings used. Mea-
sure the elevation difference, H, between the bottom of the tank and the outlet of the pipe.
Also determine the cross-sectional area of the tank, A tank • Fill the tank with water and record
the water temperature, T. With the pipeline valve wide open, measure the water depth, h, in
the tank as a function of time, t, as the tank drains.

Calculations: Calculate the experimentally determined flowrate, Qex' from the tank as
Qex = -AU!nk dh/dt, where the time rate of change of water depth, dh/dt, is obtained from
the slope of the h versus t graph. Select a typical water depth, hI> for this calculation.

Graph: Plot the water depth, h, in the tank as ordinates and time, t, as abscissas.

Results: For the pipe system used in this experiment, use the energy equation to calculate
the theoretical flowrate, Qth, based on three different assumptions. Use the same typical water
depth, hI> for the theoretical calculations as was used in determining Qex. First, calculate Qth
under the assumption that aJ1losses are negligible. Second, calculate Qth if only major losses
(pipe friction) are important. Third, calculate Qth if both major and minor losses are important.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and clu:k hen'
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.


.. FIGURE P8.118

Solution for Problem 8.118: Flow from a Tank Through a Pipe System

The pipe is galvanized iron with threaded fittings.

The system contains:
one sharp edged entrance
one fully open globe valve
two 45-deg elbows
four 90-deg elbows

D, in. A tank , ft"2 H,ft Total pipe length, in. T, deg F

0.595 0.654 1.00 135 71

h, ft t, s
1.00 0
0.90 13
0.80 26
0.70 40
0.60 54
0.50 67
0.40 81

Experimental: Q ex = -(dh/dt)*Atank = -(0.0074 ftls)*(0.654 ft"2) = 0.00484 ft"3/s

Theoretical with no losses: Qth = V 2*A2, where when h = 0.90 ft

V 2 = (2g*(h + H))"0.5 = (2*32.2*(0.9 +1.0))"0.5 = 11.06 ftls
and with A2 = rcD"2/4 = rc*(0.595/12 ft)"2/4 = 0.00193 ft"2
Qth = 0.00193 ft"2*(11.06 ftls) = 0.0213 ft"3/s
Theoretical with major losses: Qth = V 2*A2, where the energy equation gives
h + H = V//2g(1 + fLID), where again use h = 0.90 ft and f is a function of Re and £ID
Thus, with h = 0.90 ft,
1.9 = (V//64.4)*(1 + f*135/0.595), or
122.4 =V/*(1 + 227f)
Re = V2D/v = V2*(0.595/12 ft)/(1.04E-5 ft"2/s) = 4768*V2
£ID =0.0005 ftI(0.595/12 ft) = 0.0101
Trial and error solution: Guess f, solve for V 2, calculate Re, obtain new f from Moody chart
The solution is: f =0.041, V 2 = 3.44 ftls, Re = 16,430
Qth = 0.00193 ft"2*(3.44 ftls) = 0.00664 ft"3/s
Theoretical with major and minor losses: The energy equation gives
h + H = (1 + fLID +L.KdV//2g
where L.KL = 0.5 + 10 + 2*0.4 + 4*1.5 = 17.3
Thus, with h 0.9 ft
1.9 = (V//64.4)*(17.3 + f*135/0.595), or
122.4 = V/*(17.3 + 227f)
Trial and error solution gives: f =0.42, V2 = 2.14 ftls, Re =10,200
Q th = 0.00193 ft"2*(2.14 ftls) = 0.00413 ft"3/s

(con J-/)


Problem 8.118
Water Depth, h, vs Time, S


1.0 -6c-----+----~----_r___----~-1

~ 0.6 -------~~~~----1
I I • Experimental I I
.c: I-Linear h vs t II
0.4 I
I i .
h = -q.0074t if 0.9965!
0.2 !

0 20 40 60 80 100
t, S


8.119 Flow of Water Pumped from a Tank and

through a Pipe System
Objective: The rate of flow of water pumped from a tank is a function of the pump prop-
erties and of the pipe system used. The purpose of this experiment is to use a pump and pipe
system as shown schematically in Fig. PB.119 to investigate the rate at which the water is
pumped from the tank.

Equipment: Water tank; centrifugal pump; various lengths of galvanized iron pipe; various
threaded pipe fittings (valves, elbows, unions, etc.); pipe wrenches; stop watch; thermometer.

Experimental Procedure: Use the pipe segments and pipe fittings to construct a suit-
able pipeline through which the tank water may be pumped into a sink. Measure the pipe di-
ameter, D, and the various pipe lengths and note the various valves and fittings used. Mea-
sure the elevation difference, H, between the bottom of the tank and the outlet of the pipe.
Also determine the cross-sectional area of the tank, Atank • Fill the tank with water and record
the water temperature, T. With the pipeline valves wide open, measure the water depth, h, in
the tank as a function of time, t, as water is pumped from the tank.

Calculations: Calculate the experimentally determined flowrate, Qex' from the tank as
Qex = -A tank dhldt, where the time rate of change of water depth, dhldt, is obtained from
the slope of the h versus t graph.

Graph: Plot the water depth, h, in the tank as ordinates and time, t, as abscissas.

Results: For the pipe system used in this experiment, use the energy equation to calcu-
late the pump head, hp, needed to in order to produce a given flowrate, Q. For these calcu-
lations include all major and minor losses in the pipe system. Plot the system curve (i.e.,
pump head as ordinates and flowrate as abscissas) based on the results of these calculations.
On the same graph, plot the pump curve (i.e., hp as a function of Q) as supplied by the pump
manufacturer. For the pump used this curve is given by
hp = -2.44 X 105 Q2 + 51.0 Q - 12.5
where Q is in fe Is and hp is in ft. From the intersection of the system curve and the pump
curve, determine the theoretical flowrate that the pump should provide for the pipe system

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and dick here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem .

Solution for Problem 8.119: Flowrate of Water Pumped from a Tank and Through a Pipe System

The pipe is galvanized iron with threaded fittings.

The system contains:
one sharp entrance
eight 90-deg elbows
two 45-deg elbows
two globe valves
one union

0, in. A tank , ft"2 H,ft Total pipe length, in. T, deg F

0.625 0.647 3.50 242 62

Pump equation System equation

h, in. t, s hp, ft Q, ft"3/s V,ft/s Re f hp, ft
25 0 12.50 0.000 0.00 o 2
24 7.6 12.31 0.001 0.47 2070 0.0309 2.16
23 16.1 11.63 0.002 0.94 4140 0.0490 2.73
22 25.2 10.46 0.003 1.41 6210 0.0470 3.62
21 32.3 8.80 0.004 1.88 8281 0.0450 4.84
20 40.8 6.66 0.005 2.35 10351 0.0430 6.37
19 48.9 4.02 0.006 2.81 12421 0.0425 8.27
18 57.7 0.90 0.007 3.28 14491 0.0420 10.50
17 65.7
16 74.9
15 82.7
Qex -Atank*(dh/dt) where from the graph, dh/dt =-0.1204 in.ls
Qex = -(0.647 ft"2)*( -0.1204/12 ft/s) = 0.00669 ft"3/s

The energy equation gives
h +hp - hL = H +V2/2g, where
hL = (fLlO + LKd*V2/2g = (f"(242 in.lO.625 in.) + 0.5 + 8*1.5 + 2*0.4 + 2*10 + 0.08)*V /2g
= (387*f + 33.4)*V2/(2*32.2) = (6.01*f + 0.519)*V
= =
Thus, with h 18 in. 1.5 ft,
2 2
hp H - h + hL + V 2/2g 3.5 - 1.5 + (6.01*f + 0.519)*V + V /(64.4)
= =
hp = 2.0 + ( 6.01*f + 0.535)*V
But V Q/A Q/(rc0 2/4) Q/(rc*(0.625/12 ft)"2/4) 469*Q
= = = =
Thus, the system equation is
hp = 2.0 + ( 6.01 *f + 0.535)*(469*Q)2 = 2.0 + (1.32E+6*f + 1.18E+5)*Q2
Also, obtain f from the Moody chart with
= =
Re VO/v V*(0.625/12 ft)/(1.18E-5 ft"2/s) 4414*V =
c/O = 0.0005 ft/(0.625/12 ft) = 0.0096
From the graph, the pump and system equations intersect at Qth = 0.0051 ft"3/s

( ('0,,'1)


Problem 8.119
Water Depth, h, vs Time, t




C • Experimental
.£ -Linear h vs t

h=-O.1204tf+-24.9 ;

0 20 40 60 80 100
t, S

Problem 8.119
Pump Head, hp, vs Flowrate, Q

i • ' L'!
8 +--l--~I--i'-+-+~.f-.----'Il-+-¥-\.·-+--+-crr-+--'---+
\. i ' / I -+- Pump curve
-+- System curve

..Jf' ! i I

I ! I I ! ! _\l !

1 ; i
o +---J.--'--i--'--~---r_,..J,J_-,--r--'--........- f 1.
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008

Q, ftJ\3/s

8 -/"-1
a, }20 I

8.120 Pressure Distribution in the Entrance Region of a Pipe

Objective: The pressure distribution in the entrance region of a pipe is different than that
in the fully developed portion of the pipe. The purpose of this experiment is to use an ap-
paratus, as shown in Fig. P8.l20, to detennine the pressure distribution and the head loss in
the pipe entrance region.

Equipment: Air supply with flow meter, pipe with static pressure taps, manometer, ruler,
barometer, thennometer.

Experimental Procedure: Measure the diameter, D, and length, L, of the pipe and the
distance, x, from the pipe inlet to the various static pressure taps. Adjust the flowrate, Q, to
the desired value. Record the manometer readings, h, at the various distances from the pipe
entrance. Record the barometer reading, HbaI> in inches of mercury and the air temperature,
T, so that the air density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law.

Calculations: Detennine the average velocity, V = Q/A, in the pipe and the pressure
P = 'Ym h at the various locations, x, along the pipe. Here 'Ym is the specific weight of the
manometer fluid.

Graph: Plot the pressure, p, within the pipe as ordinates and the axial location, x, as

RESULT: Use the graph to detennine the entrance length, Le , for the pipe. This can be
done by noting the approximate location at which the pressure distribution becomes linear
with distance along the pipe (i.e., where dp/dx becomes constant). Use the experimental data
to detennine the friction factor for fully developed flow in this pipe. Also detennine the en-
trance loss coefficient, KLent •

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.


iIii FIGURE P8.120

Solution for Problem 8.120: Pressure Distribution in the Entrance Region of a Pipe

0, in. L, in. Q, ft"3/s H atm , in. Hg T, deg F

0.74 50 0.481 29.7 75

x, in. h, in. p, Ib/ft"2

0 9.98 51.9
1 7.21 37.5
2 6.61 34.4
4 6.19 32.2
6 5.82 30.3
10 5.15 26.8
15 4.23 22.0
20 3.64 18.9
30 2.28 11.9
40 1.09 5.7
50 0 0.0

P = Patm/ RT where
Patm = YHg*H atm = 847Ib/ft"3*(29.7/12 ft) = 2096Ib/ft"2
R = 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T = 75 + 460 = 535 deg R

Thus, P = 0.00228 slug/ft"3

v = Q/A =(0.481 ft"3/s)/(n*(O.74/12 ft)1\2/4) = 161 ftls

p = YH2o*h

From the graph, the p vs x results are linear after (approximately) x =15 in. Thus, Le =15 in.
For the fully developed flow portion, dp/dx = -fpVI\2/20 and from the graph dp/dx = -0.635 (Ib/ft1\2)/in.
f = 0.635 (I b/ft1\2)/in. *2*0. 74 in./(0.00228 slugs/ft1\3*(161 ftls)1\2) = 0.0159

From the entrance to the exit of the pipe Pent = (KL + fUO)pVI\2/2
KL = 2Pent/(pVI\2) -fUO= 2*51.9Ib/ft1\2/(O.00228 slugs/ft1\3*(161 ftls)1\2) - 0.0159*50in./0.74 in.

Results: Le = 15 in.; f =0.0159, and KL = 0.682.

Problem 8.120
Pressure, p, vs Axial Location, x


50 -j~------:-----~-------1

. c 30 --+-
c. •


fully developed flow

20 - Linear (fully developed



0 20 40 60
x, in.
L~ __

8.I2.J I

8.121 Power Loss in a Coiled Pipe

Objective: The amount of power, P, dissipated in a pipe depends on the head loss, hL'
and the flowrate, Q. The purpose of this experiment is to use an apparatus as shown in
Fig. PS.12l to determine the power loss in a coiled pipe and to determine how the coiling
of the pipe affects the power loss.

Equipment: Air supply with a flow meter; flexible pipe that can be used either as a
straight pipe or formed into a coil; manometer; barometer; thermometer.

Experimental Procedure: Straighten the pipe and fasten it to the air supply exit. Mea-
sure the diameter, D, and length, L, of the pipe. Adjust the flowrate, Q, to the desired value
and determine the manometer reading, h. Repeat the measurements for various flowrates.
Form the pipe into a coil of diameter d and repeat the flowrate-pressure measurements. Record
the barometer reading, H bar , in inches of mercury and the air temperature, T, so that the air
density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law.

Calculations: Use the manometer data to determine the pressure drop, IIp = "Imh,
and head loss, hL = IIp/y, as a function of flowrate, Q, for both the straight and coiled
pipes. Here "1m is the specific weight of the manometer fluid and "I is the specific weight of
the flowing air. Also calculate the power loss, P = "I QhL' for both the straight and coiled

Graph: Plot head loss, hL' as ordinates and flowrate, Q, as abscissas.

Results: On a log-log graph, plot the power loss, P, as a function of flowrate for both the
straight and coiled pipes. Determine the best-fit straight lines through the data.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click /rae
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

k - Manometer
Air supply - T
1m 'I '
r ...." ~)Ol ed pipe
- Free jet

-- • FIGURE PS.121

Solution for Problem 8.121: Power Loss in a Coiled Pipe

D, in. L,ft Hatm , in. Hg T, deg F

1.44 18 29.9 80

h, in. Q, ft"3/s ~p, Ib/ft"2 hL' ft P, hp

Straight Pipe Data (d = infinity)

10 1.19 52.0 709 0.1125
8 1.06 41.6 568 0.0802
6 0.913 31.2 426 0.0518
4 0.731 20.8 284 0.0276
2 0.505 10.4 142 0.0095

Coiled Pipe Data (d = 8 in.)

10 0.835 52.0 709 0.0789
8 0.745 41.6 568 0.0563
6 0.641 31.2 426 0.0364
4 0.517 20.8 284 0.0196
2 0.357 10.4 142 0.0068

~p = YH20h where YH20 = 62.4 Ib/ft"3

hL = ~p/y where Y =gp

P = Patm/RT where
Palm = YHg'"H atm = 847Ib/ft"3'"(29.9/12 ft) = 2110 Ib/ft"2
R = 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T = 80 +460 =540 deg R

Thus, P = 0.00228 slug/ft"3 and Y = 0.0733 Ib/ft"3

P = (yQhJft Ib/s'"(1 hp/550 ft IbIs)


Problem 8.121
Head Loss, h L• vs Flowrate, Q

~ 400
,, f

~Straight pipe
300 / / _Coiled pipe

200 ) -/
rf ('
a 0.5 1 1.5
Q, ft 3/s

Problem 8.121
Power, P, vs Flowrate, Q

1.000 -,.------~-----...,

• Straight Pipe
0.100 +------>;Q;;----t1--------;
• Coiled Pipe
.r:. - Power (Straight
0: P = 0.0679Q2.87 Pipe)
(straight) - - - Power (Coiled
0.010 +-----,...--1---------; Pipe)

0.001 +-------+------.. . .
0.1 10
Q, ft 3/s


p = -0.25 pU2

9.1 Assume that water flowing past the equi-

lateral triangular bar shown in Fig. P9.1 produces
the pressure distributions indicated. Determine U = 5 ft/s
the lift and drag on the bar and the corresponding
lift and drag coefficients (based on frontal area).
Neglect shear forces. p = 0.5 pU2

b = length = 4- ft

olJ = {fJ cose dll + f ~ sin e JII, where ~ == 0

rIY= {fJ ~os e dll +J f cose dA +Sf cos e J/I
I 2. .3

::: 2 JfJ cos 60° dll J

- fJ dll == 2 (o.S~lI:z.) cos 600 iIJ
1 3 -(-0.25 f {j'-) i b
otJ= pU" ib
0,5 (I)
.so fhat JJ= O.S (I.f/I} .s~~.s )(5 ~+ /"(o.lft)(LfftJ == 9.70 /b
Becavse of syrnmefry of fhe object} ;t::: ~
A/so} from El(. {/J
C - ~ - ~sfY1b = ;,00
D - i p7J'-A - f pY2.Jb

and .since ;t::: 0

C"L = -f pTlIJ 0
9.2 r f' = -0.2(+pU 2)
9.2 Fluid flows past the two-dimensional bar shown in Fig.
P9.2. The pressures on the ends of the bar are as shown, and
the average shear stress on the top and bottom of the bar is Tavg.
Assume that the drag due to pressure is equal to the drag due
Width = b
p= +pu2
~I -- ;/
r avg

to viscous effects. (a) Determine Tav a in terms of the dynamic I. r avg
1011 .,
pressure, pU 2 /2. (b) Determine the d~ag coefficient for this ob-

a) elf:;:: {ric/ion drfA1 = 2 7;'19 (/oh b) == 20 hb ~1I1

cJ,. =pf'e.$.Svre Jr41:::: -I: p yz.( hh) -(--I; pU'"(O.2)) (hh) :: 1.2 (1. py2..)(bh)
TlJv~ if 4 ~ ~f fhsA
I y1
20 hh faV! = 1.2 (bh) '£ P
tv, : : 0.06 (fp7J~)
h) t#= 4 +4 ~ C ~ pu2.lJ:: C tp1J2. bh
ll ll
Thvs ~

2,0/76 fall, +/.2 (ipy2) (bh) =CD dpU" hh

20 (0.06) (fpU ) -eel) (-feV:I.)
eLl:::: 2. if 0
9..3'" I
9.3* The pressure distribution on the 1-m-
diameter circular disk Fig. P9.3 is given in the
table below. Determine the drag on the disk.

\ Cll L(2.)
\~ ......

of} == f frill - f f
I 2.
rilJ = J
f (271' r dr) -11 : D2. si/Jce dlt:: 27Trdr

ThlJS J 0.5 m 0 •.5

of) == 271' { f r dr - (-Sif,.)fOmJ.) := Z7TS f r dr oJ- 3.93 kN

o 0 where rLjAJ ~
r.-v In
Evu/lJale fhe /nle9ral numerically tlsiR9 the fOUowiIJ9 In/of/ranJ:
fr J kN/m r (m) p (kN/m2)

o o o 4.34
0.05 O.")../tf 0.05 4.28
0.10 4.06
0./0 0.'106
0.15 3.72
0.15 0.558
0.20 3.10
0.20 0.62-0
0.25 O.6QS 2.37
0.30 0.71/ 0.35 1.89
0.35 0.662- 0.40 1.41
O.JfO O.S6~ 0.45 0.74
O.¥S 0 .. 333 0.50 0.0
0.50 0.000 0.5

By /lSln9 fhe pr09rlJH1 SIMPSON. OilS we ohlain

S{Jr dt' = O.2LJ/
** This program performs numerical integration ·t"
** over a set a set of an odd number of equally **
** spaced point.s using Simpson s Rule :t::t f

Enter number of data points: 12
Enter data points (X . y)
? O.OO.O.OOCI ,. . 0.4-5.0.333
'; 0.05.0.:14 r)
'? O.15~O_55P
? O.20.0.62C The approximate value of the integral 15: +2.4-083E-Ol
? 0.25,0.695
? O.30~O.711
? O~35.0.662
·~I O.4:0.D.564

9.11- I
9.4 The pressure distribution on a cylinder is approximated
by the two straight line segments shown in Fig. P9.4. Determine
the drag coefficient for the cylinder. Neglect shear forces.
~ eJr
o <\ 90
180 '
e deg
"I I
P \ I I
,I I
f-- \: :
\ I I
\ I I
_pu 2 ______ '\1 I

8 'I!: 2,,,,, .".

,fJ-fpC()S8dlJ:: fpcosB (brd9) =2. Sf- cos() (brJJe (J)
8cO 0
fJ :: - PyZ for of ~9~" find
fJ =: -#:(,172.[1-#9] f(JrO~8~ f (,:e. fJ::: 1fU2. if f)::()

Thus) fJ ::: -f U"if e r=: f)

1f' 1f
Sf -pU 2.(J C(Js(jd9::: ~pV2.sine I
cosf) df)~ :: e
V 2. (JJ
1V'2 ~ 7Th
~ ~ ~
{ fJ CQS() tie =TPV'f [I -Ie] c()sede:: i-fV2.[siIl 9
0 0
-* (cos9 f9sin8)}

=t pU2.[I-~ (f) -(-1;)] :: t('u~[ ~ -2] (.1)

Th/l~ fr()111 Frs. (I), (2), IJlld (3)

tb=2br Ii c()s8 de
=2 hr [if u2.{fr -2) +p U ] =ipv'('-;,hr)

so thai

Linear distribution
9.5 Repeat Problem 9.1 if the object is a cone (made by
rotating the equilateral triangle about the horizontal axis through
its tip) rather than a triangular bar.
u = 5 ft/s
0.1 ft
p= 0.5 pU2

b = length = 2 ft

By symmelry the fifl IS 2ero. Thvs; tf. ::0 and CL ::0

X :::O.11iJ
A/so ,jJ = r/{ron+ + 'tear where

4ronf :: SfJ C()So dll and dlJ;::; ~rrrdx

Thv-S.J wilh fJ ==o.sf U2. ( J -lOX)
i.e. fJ/ == o,spU2.
fli :: 0 J we hove
x~~/ 0/

4ronl '" f ~J
0.5 PU2. (J-/OX) 271(X cole) dx =27rCOSR.60'(0.5 pT72.)f(X-IO)t)dx

or 0,'
~ronf '" 27r(0.S/(o.spU")[ 4 ~xsl,o" 4runf ='0.00130q eU"
4ear':::: _(o.1.SpTJ2.)
.so thaI
* (0.1)' =0,00/96 eU2
o:9=4ronl +tiJ,.c4r -::: (0.00130'1 -1-0.00/9/) p7J2.=O.00327 f7J2.
-so w/fh p =/,9'1 s;;rs and U:: 5 # J

tx9::= 0,00327 (/,?/fJ(5)'- :: 0./s9 II;

Q.6 I
9.(; A 17-ft-long kayak moves with a speed of 5 ftl s (see
Video V9.2). Would a boundary layer type flow be developed
along the sides of the boat? Explain.

Re = Pf- J SO wdh 1:::/7ff Ql1d TJ:: 5!1 and 00'F w4fer

w/.Jh 1/= j.Z/x 10-
1f2 we halle

Re- (J7ff)(Sfj.) - 7.02Xj06

- I.Z/x/o5 if -
Since Re ~ }OOO is offen assumed +0 be the lower Jim/I
for bOlJndary layer fype flow J if is clear thai a b()undary
loyer wov/d develop l1/on9 the sides of the kayak. ~.
9.7 ,

9,7 Typical values of the Reynolds number for various an- Animal Speed Re
imals moving through air or water are listed below. For which (a) large whale 10 mls 300.000.000
cases is inertia of the fluid important? For which cases do vis- (b) flying duck 20 mls 300.000
cous effects dominate? For which cases would the flow be lam- (c) large dragonfly 7 mls 30.000
inar; turbulent? Explain. (d) invertebrate larva 1 mmls 0.3
(e) bacterium 0.01 mmls 0.00003

IlJerlia important if Re ~ / (i.e whale, d{}ck dra9()nfl;) I

VisctJl4 effecTs arJlfJin41e if Re~1 (l.e larva I haefer/vliI)

BOlJnrilJfl), layer flow becomes lurhllleni for Re ()/J -Ibe
order of lOS' 10 /o~ (t',e, whale ana psrh4ps Ihe dlJ&~)
The flow w()u/d be /amilJQr for fhe dr4?OllfifJ /1J1'1I1J, 4nd
haGTer/llh1 anJ perhQp5 Me duck.

'l. 9 I

9.9 Approximately how fast can the wind

blow past a O.25-in.-diameter twig if viscous ef-
fects are to be of importance throughout the en-
tire flow field (i.e., Re < 1)? Explain. Repeat for
a O.004-in.-diameter hair and a 6-ft-diameter

UD </ or 7J
Re:=7 < b if viscous e ffecfs are fo be ImporlQnf
fhrouqhoul fhe flow.
For sfandard air 1/ -= /. 5 7 x/o- 1-2

U< D J where D l.s fhe diamefer in feef.

object DJ ff yll

fwi'] 2,OBXI02. 7, S'I- X/0.3

hair 3.331-10'" O.if7/

smokesfack 6 2.62. x/os

9./0 I

9.10 A viscous fluid flows past a flat plate such

that the boundary layer thickness at a distance
1.3 m from the leading edge is 12 mm. Determine
the boundary layer thickness at distances of 0.20,
2.0. and 20 m from the leading edge. Assume
laminar flow.

For laminor flow 0::: c1(i J where C i.s Q cOllslQn7.

- L _ 12XI0.3m
C - ...Iv' - {i:3m = 0.0105 or 6 = 0.0105
rX 1.3m
where X~m J o~tn rx
x) m 6J m 6) mm
0.2. 0.00'-170 If. 70
2.0 O.OI'fB /'f. 8
20.0 O.OJf70 Jf7.0

'1,// I

9 •.17 If the upstream velocity of the flow in

Problem 9.10 is U = 1.5 mis, determine the ki-
nematic viscosity of the fluid .

For /tlmifJfJr flow

6 = sVT ) or j/
= :;.s X
Thus, m 3 '2.
(I.5-r)(J2 Xlo-m) 6 -6m2-
1/ = 2-5 (/,3m) = .6SX/0 S
9./2 I
9.12 Water flows past a flat plate with an upstream velocity
of U = 0.02 m/ s. Determine the water velocity a distance of
J0 mm from the plate at distances of x = J.5 m and x = 15 m
from the leading edge.

From the BJasivs sO/III/on For bovndary laygr flOk! on a flal plate}

U = u f r,,) J where YI J fhe simi/drily variable) I'~

17 = yllx I. Vq/ves of f(J7) are "iI/en in TabJ~ 9.1.
Ux (O.02./f) (J5m) 5
SInce Rex = ~ = J./2.x/tJA ~ == 2..68 x/O is Jess fhan fhe
crifical Rexcr = 5)(/0 5
if fol//ws thai the boundarv/ Jailer
{/Pli/ is labJilJar.

/II X,: /. 5 m andy:: /ox/0- m We obfain:
n -(lox 0-.3 ) O. 02 ~ - IOql
'f, - '/ /'n (J./2X/f 6..!!l!) (I.s m) -.
Linear /nferpo/afion from Tahle q,/ 9ives:
I (O.3Q38 - O.2.6'1?l
f = 0.26'1-7 -I- (J.2 -0.8) (/.Oq/ -0.8) :::: O.3EQ
U, == [j ('(il) =(O.oZ1f) (0.3 5 9);:; 0.00718.t;

SihJilarly ot J Xl. ::: 15m and y:: /ox/f m we ohfain:
I -3) 0.02,..s
T!z ::llox/O rn (I.I2.Xlo-6:J!f) (Js/h) = 0.3'15
L/I)etlr ;nferpo/afi()n {rohl Table 9.1 q/ves :
f 1= 0.0 + (0./328 -0.0)
(0.8 -O,¥)
(0.3'1.5 - 0.0) -= 0, /IJfS

tlz ~ u frlJ2,) =(0.02~)(0.II'fS)= O,002.2Q.tp

9. /3" T
"'9,13 A Pitot tube connected to a water-filled U-tube ma-
nometer is used to measure the total pressure within a boundary
layer. Based on the data given in the table below, determine the
boundary layer thickness, 8, the displacement thickness, 8*, and
the momentum thickness, 8.

From fhe Bernoulli eflJaliofJ) ~/Ih

fa if' .c::< PH,20 H follow.s thai y (mm) h (mm)

o o
PI + -t fQ,r v,2. == 12 + i eq,-,. ~'J.J where 2.1 10.6
4.3 21.1
V, -= {j, I ~ ~ 0 J fl,::: 0 and '2.::: 'tNJ.o h 25.6

I¥ J
10.7 32.5
Thus} I. II 15.0 36.9
~zoh =

U = 2 2l9BOO pjJ)h m 19.3 39.4

Pair /.23~ 23.6 40.5
26.8 41.0
or 11L m 29.3 41.0
tJ..= /26.2. Vh J where h-m} tJ~s 32.7 41.0

For Y> 26.8 mf11 we see that h = '11.0/11111

Thvs U = /~ 6.Z/(O.OJfI/ =
For y::: 23.6mm J U::: /2-6.2 /(O.OJl.05)
== 25. '1-0 .p-
or U 25,.1/<)
V;;; 2.5 ..5.5 = O. 99If
Thvs J 6~ 23.6 mm
The displacemeni fhickness J 6~ is

l =S(1-11- )dy

or Since
= /2. 6. 21/h
25 . .5.5
= '1-. 9~''i(
,n IhIS. hecome.s
0,0268 In

/=' {(I-'f.9!fl/h)dy

Numerical infeqrafion of fhe tabulafed dafa qJves 6-- ~/8X/O-3 m

(See nex+ PtJge.)

IJ/so} the momenlvm fhicknes.s) (iJJ is
~ aOU8m
f!J f
= V(J - -V-) Iy '" 4i. 9/f ~ 1(h (J -1f-.9'f fh) dy .
o y~o

Nt/merical infe~rlJlion of the fabulafed JatfA gives @:::

2.23xI0- m

Use proqrafYI T!(IIPEIOlio ;rde9rqle the Infe9rands fo611/afed be/olJl:

Ym J ( 1- 'f.?'ffh) 1h (/-If,9ifYii')
0 I 0
0.002.1 0.1f9/ 0.0506
0.00'1-3 0.282 O. O~/O
0.006'1- 0.210 0.0335
0.0107 Q./Oq 0.01Q7
0.0/50 0,0511 0.0098/
O.OIQ,3 O.OI9Jf 0. 0 0386
0.0236 0.0058'1 0.001/8
0.02.68 0 0
0.02.93 0 0
0.0327 0 0

** This program performs numerical integration **
** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule **
Enter number of data points: 9
Enter data points (X , y)
? 0,1
? 040021,0.4:91
? 0.00f,j,3,O.282
'? 0.0064:-.0.210
? 0.0107,0.109
'? 0.0150,0.0511,
? 0.0193,0.019f,j,
? 0.0236,0.00584:-
? 0.0268,0

The approximate value of the integral l" c

'" .
· +f,j,.1777E-03

0.0268 -
Th"s~ S(/-Jf.9Jftfh)dy==o.OOlfI8

** This program performs numerical integration **
** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule **
Enter number of data points: 9
Enter data points (X , y)
? 0,0
'? 0.0021,0.0506
? 0.0043,0.0410
? 0.0064,0.0335
? 0.0107,0.0197
? 0.0150,0.00981
? 0.0193,0.00386
? 0.0236,0.00118
The approximate value of the integral is: +4.5206E-04
Thv.s J
Vh (J-q..qJf-Yh),y = ~.51.X/o"fI.
~ = Jf.9~ x ~,S2 '1.10- ¥ -3
=2..23 x/O In

9.14 Because of the velocity deficit, U - /l,
in the boundary layer, the streamlines for flow
past a flat plate are not exactly parallel to the u= Streamline A-B
plate. This deviation can be determined by use
of the displacement thickness, 15*. For air blowing
past the flat plate shown in Fig. P9.14, plot the
1 m/s
-+- A
- - -- ------
" Edge of bOlJndary layer

streamline A-B that passes through the edge of

the boundary layer (y = 15 8 at x = C) at point B. /_ f = 4 m------H.!
That is. plot y = y(x) for streamline A-B. As- FIGURE P9.14
sume laminar boundary layer flow.

5 mee Rej:::: T::::
U£ (If) ( Jf In)
/.Jft X/O-OS..f!!J- = 2.7Jf X /0 s <.:: 5 X 10 5
fh e bounat/ry

layer .flow remain.5 laminar alonq fhe enlire p'lafe. flelJce,
6= sj ~. or 68 ;5 [ u'm~o;-1')(tf"')] ~ O.0382-m
The flowrQle aJrried hy fhe acfual Dovndtlry
loyer is by de{'l/dion ef/val 10 thaf carried by u u

a vniffJrm velOCity w/lh Me plare d/sp/qced. i ,----""
by an aRlotJnf 6~ Since there is no flow
fhrouf/h the plate or sfreamline II-B J 6
QA :::QB or UYI/::= (68 -6;) U
J (I)
where 6'= 1. 721 1';; · ,
or(. [ (/.'l-6XJ(r.5:fflj{lfm)]~ 0 0
°8=/·72.1 IT J=' J315m
Thus, ~
y,q == 68 - dB -= O. 03B2-m - O.O/315m :: 0.025/ m : sfream//ne

lienee, for ooy x-lOCI/lion A

QA == Q or [/>A::: U(y -6 )
_ L~
or y :::: IA + 6.J= ~ t 1.72/ / v: ~"""r~-r-r""""7/'r'7""':)r-r-Tj"7")/"rrr

;;:. O.OUI mt 1.7').1 [(/.~x/o -:s) X m = 0.025/ + 6.58 X/031x' m I

-0.04 /.If _._-,

where X""m


~ o~o~~

=~-=~-------- --:-----=-~-==~-~-===~= ~
--~---- ------.---.-- -1

O. 01 ---------- - ----- -----{I

0.005 - l

o 1 x, m 2 3 4

9.15 Air enters a square duct through a I-ft
opening as is shown in Fig. P9.15. Because the
boundary layer displacement thickness increases
in the direction of flow, it is necessary to increase
the cross-sectional size of the duct if a constant
U = :2 ftls velocity is to be maintained outside
the boundary layer. Plot a graph ofthe duct size.
d, as a function of x for 0 :s x :s 10 ft if U is to
remain constant. Assume laminar flow.

For incompressihle flow Q0 == (}(x) where Qo::: flolVrafe info !he dud n3
:::: (JAo ::: (2. fJ) ( J f/1) ::: 2 -:s
Q(x):: [J/II where fJ:: (d - 2. 6')2. /s Ihe effective areq of Ihe
dlJ~f (1J//owiIJIj for fhe decrefl.sed f/owrale if) fhe
bOllndary layer).
Qo :::: U(d -26·)2 or d = / fI f 2t5*) (0

6' = /. 721V-1!-
= I. 71.1
1.57 ~1;.'" )X
0: 0.0/52 fX {~ where xNf/
Hence, from Ef. (I)
d= / + 0.030'1 rx ff
For example) d:: / IIIJI x:::O ond d::: l.oQ6 fl of x ~ /0 ff.

d vs x

1.06 ---.--------.~~-

~ 1.04

1.00 -I

0.98 ---;---------r-------,----,------j

o 2 4 6 8 10
x, ft

9.16 I
9.£6 A smooth fiat plate of length e = 6 m and width b =
4 m is placed in water with an upstream velocity of U = 0.5
m/s. Detennine the boundary layer thickness and the wall shear
stress at the center and the trailing edge of the plate. Assume a
laminar boundary layer.
2. -,

6::: 5/1/TJX •==-5 (/./2.x/o-t) X == 7.¥8 x/o-

Vx m J where x~m
0.5 oS

and 3 fi)"J? 3 (999.15,;3) (1.12. XIO- 3 !!.;f,.) .

fw =0.332 U ~v-ef· =0.332. (o,s1}-)Y2. X
- rx O./2Lf. N
m'2. J
W X~m

Thvs J af X=3m 6=7,lf8X/(j.31(3::: D.O/30m

">- _ _ 0 07/6 J!.
'IV' - f3' - ' In'-

while of X =6 m o= 7,118 X/031(6' = O· 0183 m

0./2'1- N
?w:: 16' = 0.0506 m"


9.17 An atmospheric boundary layer is formed

when the wind blows over the earth's surface.
Typically, such velocity profiles can be written as
a power law: u = ay", where the constants a and
n depend on the roughness of the terrain. As is
indicated in Fig. P9.17, typical values are 11 =
0.40 for urban areas, n = 0.28 for woodland or >.
suburban areas, and n = 0.16 for flat open coun-
try (Ref. 23). (a) If the velocity is 20 ftls at the
bottom of the sail on your boat (y = 4 ft), what
is the velocity at the top of the mast (y = 30 ft)?
(b) If the average velocity is 10 mph on the tenth FIGURE P9.17
floor of an urban building, what is the average
velocity on the sixtieth floor?

( '"n) U -- C yO./6 J h e 'IS a cons/tin

were J f
Th vs} tJ2. (V) O 6
•J ff (30 If )0.16 1i
U, =r ~ or Uz.;: 20 S lIff == 27.6 S1

~ o.~ -
(b) lJ. = C Y J where C is t1 consTanf
ThlJs U (Y; )0. tlo ( 60 )o.l!== 2.0.s mfJh
, ;; = ~ Or U2. = lomph /0

9.18 A 30-story office building (each story is 12 ft tall) is
.built in a suburban industrial park. Plot the dynamic pressure,
pu /2, as a function of elevation if the wind blows at hurricane
strength (75 mph) at the top of the building. Use the atmospheric
boundary layer infonnation of Problem 9.11.

From F/q. P 9./7 fhe houndary layer ve10cdy prof/Ie is (Jlven by

0.28 C O. '2.9 h
U Y ) Or u.:: Y J were C is a consf4nf.

Thus) .JL ::::(L)0.26

()./ X
or 028
U= /JO(3rO) . fj. where y ~ ff
a n
Hence} o o X= 301..12
t pu~.= i(2.38X,03~¥4)f,o( ~~or;r o o
n o

or 0.5 6 ,,--7J~~-T-'i""7--;~rr'7-"

-t. f u'J.= /'1: tf (k) fr:L J where Y'" If

Th/.s /.5 plolfed in the fi9l1re below.


3 0 0 - ------~--- --------------- --- -----
250 --------------------

=~ 200
100 -------------------"-~-~------ -------------

50 ~~-------------------- - - - - - -

o +-~~--------~------------r_----------~
o 5 10 15

9.19 The typical shape of small cumulous
clouds is as indicated in Fig . P9.19. Based on
boundary layer ideas, explain why it is clear that
the wind is blowing from right to left as indicated.


lis indicafed in h~. P9./7) beCIJilSe of the afmosphmc bOtJndary

layer the velocily of fne wind 'IM.rally increases wiM ajf;/pde. ThlAf,
fhe fop porlioM of a cloud fravels Fosfer Ihun ifs base - Ihe cloi/ds
fend fo "lip " fOlllard fhe direclion of the wind. Tha! is J Ihe wind
is from ri9M fo leff.
9.2.0 I
9.20 Show that by writing the velocity in terms
of the similarity variable '7 and the function f(,})
the momentum equation for boundary layer flow
on a flat plate (Eq. 9.9) can be written as the
ordinary differential equation given by Eq. 9.14.

The 90verninq e'lvtJl/ot}s CI/'Ie

dl/. +- U
IX -0
~y - tin d (I)

U #- + v ~ = r 41t (2)

COIJsirler /).= r; f(n) and v=(%:%)~(1 r'-f) where ( /= 1" (2.1)

and;; = (lxi'-y
Thvs J JJ7
rx = -2., ~ --% .1. II
fV- yx =- 2. X
JJ'l 1fiJ'-k
ond Ty = rJi X :z (.1)

,so fhaJ "

~= !x (Uf') =utf = U~¥X =-i-¥i!f'l (If)

and ~ ~ .;,
If ::; (r;})2it (17 f '- f) = (fJJ~ (" f" i- fl - f')f9- =(¥ff )'-'1 f"Yf x-~
°fr :: i Jf 1'/ {'I

-rh{)~ by tJsi/J9 £1s. ('I-)tJIJd (s) we see fhai .Er rl) is .sqj;Slied fol'
any funcfion (tif). .k
II/so, ~ = 1#- #- =In (ur') [Yf £li] :: (rJ'/) ~ f" (6)

and a'"U = ('.1.)Js. .Lf.1 =( U3)~ u/ ::: J.t:.

fill ry fill
1"y2 vx ~y ~x 1/X (7)

Thus) by lISiIJ9 Efs. (2./)) (t)) fJlJd (7) w/lh £r. (2.) we ohltli/)
(U f') (~-¥ J? {") +( 1f¥)Y,. (1t f '- f) (!i)~ [" = vll f'"
which simplifies 10 :
2. fill - ff"=o
From El(. (2.1) the bovndary conditiofl.S at y=O (i.e. 1=0) beC()me
u.:: 0 = U fco) aIJd V =0 =(!!f)~ (0 (to) - fro))
That is J fro):::o and f'roJlllo
Similarly J usI y -II' 0() (l.e" l? -.. otJ) we re'lvlre 1).'-' u. r/Jv~ from
£1,(2..1) f- / as ".-.00.
9.21 "I 9.21* Integrate the Blasius equation (Eq. 9.14)
numerically to determine the boundary layer pro-
file for laminar flow past a flat plate. Compare
your results with those of Table 9.1.

Solve the fo/lowin9 third ()rder differenfiaJ ef/llafion by a

nvmerical in fe9fafion feGhniqve:
III 1/
Z f +ff with boundary condil/oHS
f:: f'=o at '1=0 and f'-I as 7'/- 00 (( )/: In )
Wrile this third order ef/IJtJfion (/.f 3 lIi'sf order e'ltlalio/lS (,l/Jd /J.se
a RVfJ94 - kuffa IIU/fl81','C4/ techniqfJe TO i/Jf~rale fhem. 7h1/~ /e f
>1 == f J X ~ f I::. Y.z J ~ I ::: f ": ~ dlUI }) / = {"/::: - t f{'/:: -i ~ 13

Thai is:
X./:: ~ ond
These can De tlfJl'roximqted q.s
A)j = ~ AI? .A~ = ~ Ai? J find A)j :: (- J1 Y.J/2.)Ar;

start wilh Yt ~ y,.=O af 1;::0. ;?sstlllle ~ == c af i; =() (w/;el'e C is

s()me 9ivell cIJI)J'rtJllf) IJlJd',hfe!r*le ff) J;:: IX) II by yt.:: X (0) +2; AX··LJI;
I ;;
If Y2 (00) :f / (t:e j f't()()) of I) tlt.(jlJ.jt the /la/tie 01 c (t:o; f'lo)) a/Jd
fry Q9a/n. Tile IwofJlJifJl bOllllldl')' Jl4/ve jJ/'IJb/e/fJ (~;e) f(o)=:rro)~ 0
and f 't¢) == I) is sp/ved by l/er41/()/J fiG IJIJ //I/iial Jla/()e problem
r,:e) fto) =: ('to):/J) fto) ~ c).
Pro9ram P8#J.' show/J below was vsed for fhe c4/c()/atiI}As. rAe
f/n4/vallle 01 C :: 0.332 and f/Je Jle/()c/"fy 'prollie J U -:: V f'r}J),
rJ9ree very well w/lh fhe sfQfJJfJrJ valves ~;velJ in Tab /e 9.1
lOO cls
110 open "prn ll for output as #1
120 print "*** ******* ****** ******* *** ****,..******* ******** *****"
130 print H** This program integrates the boundary layer **"
14:0 print "** equation (Blasius equation) for a flat. plat.e **"
150 print "** using a Eunga-Kutta type routine. The user **"
160 print "** must specify an initial value of f'! (0) :=;,0 **"
170 print "** the boundary condition 'at infinity' (f!! '= **"
9. 21 41 (con't)
180 print "** 1) 1S satisfied. **"
190 print "***************************************************"
200 print " "
210 print If "
300 print "Input a value for f" (0)"
310 input c
320 print "Input stepsize and number of stepslf
330 input dx, n
335 print "Input how often to print output (number of steps)"
336 input. nn
340 print" eta f f! f! '"
350 yl = 0
360 y2 = 0
370 y3 = c
380 x = 0
385 m = 0
390 for 1 = 1 to n
395 m = m +1
400 x = x + dx
410 yl = yl + y2*dx
420 y2 = y2 + y3*dx
430 y3 = y3 - (y1*y3/2)*dx
435 if m ( nn goto 450
440 print using" ##.#### +#.##~~~~ +#.##~~~~ +#.##~~~~";x,yl,y2,y3
445 m = 0
450 next. i
460 got.o 210

** This program integrates the boundary layer **
** equation (Blasius equation) for a flat plate **
** using a Runga-Kutta type routine. The user *)f'
** must specify an initial value of f" (0) so **
** the boundary condition 'at infinity' (f' I '= **
** 1) is satisfied. **

=~pu~ a value for f" (0)

? 0.332
Input stepsize and number of steps
? 0.01 700
Input how often to print output (number of steps)
? 50
eta f f' f' ,
O. :,000 +4.07E-02 +1.66E-01 +3.31E-Ol
1. 0000 +1. 64E-Ol +3.30E-Ol +3.23E-Ol
1.5000 +3.68E-01 +4.87E-01 +3.03E-01
2.0000 +6.47E-Ol +6.30E-Ol +2.67E-01 e~
2.5000 +9.93E-01 +7.52E-01 +2.17E-01 ~ r-
3.0000 +1.39E+00 +8.47E-Ol +1.61E-01 6~
3.5000 +1. 83E+OO +9.14E-01 +1.07E-01
4.0000 +2.30E+00 +9.56E-Ol +6.38E-02 1
4.5000 +2.79E+00 +9.80E-Ol +3.36E-02 Lfr-
5.0000 +3.28E+00 +9.92E-Ol +1.56E-02
5.5000 +3.78E+00 +9.97E-01 +6.41E-03 2.
6.0000 +4.28E+00 +9.99E-01 +2.32E-03
6.5001 +4.78E+00 +1.00E+00 +7.36E-04 If'
7.0001 +5.28E+00 +1.00E+00 +2.06E-04 o 0.5 I
9.22 An airplane flies at a speed of 400 mph at an altitude
of 10,000 ft. If the boundary layers on the wing surfaces be-
have as those on a flat plate, estimate the extent of laminar
boundary layer flow along the wing. Assume a transitional
Reynolds number of Rexcr = 5 x lOs. If the airplane maintains
its 400-mph speed but descends to sea level elevation, will the
portion of the wing covered by a laminar boundary layer
increase or decrease compared with its value at 10,000 ft?

ReXcr = UXcr h U=/fOO h( Ihr )(S2BOff) =587.£i

11 ,were mp 3600.5 mi Ib .s
-1 '5
II - p - 3.S3#-XIO -w:-
(Jf} d f rom I aD e C. I) 11 - f -
-3 §.l~
/,7S6'X/O ft3

= 2.01 X/O-¥ 1j-2.
lienee) wifh RexC,. = 5X/O }

X ':: 1/ Rexcr _ (2.0/ x/oJ/. fj2.) (S x IDS)

cr :: 0./71 If
V 587 i!

IN sea- level:
(b) ReXcr == VlI
J where u == 'fOO mph ( J hr
) (5 2 9,0
ft) :: 587 i±

and 1/ == 1.57 x /0" 1'/2.

Hence, Hl -J/.

Xcr -- 11 Rear _ (1,57 X/0 -::s )(5 xJO ) _ 0 I 'lJ'[ fl

Tr - ft - ,..::1.... ,
v 587 -:s ===
The laminar boundary layer occtJPt"es the ft'rsf o.13Jfff of Ihe
winq at seQ Jeve I and (from par! (a) rrbove) fhe f/rsf O. 171 if
af an alfilude of / ~ 000 ff. This is dve mainly f" fhe lower dellsilt
( iarger kinematic. viscosi1 y ). The d),!7amic visco.sifies are approximaiely
fhe same.
9,2/f I

9.24 A laminar boundary layer velocity profile is approxi-

mated by u/U = [2 - (y/o)](y/o) for y:s; 0, and u = U for
y > o. (a) Show that this profile satisfies the appropriate bound-
ary conditions. (b) Use the momentum integral equation to de-
termine the boundary layer thickness, 0 = o(x).

ra) t::: 9 (1) == 2Y _12. where Y:: yld

TlJvs J #:1 -= 0 as if mllst J -#-/ = 2 - j -:; / 01' IJ -:: lJ () I y:::J
y=O y~J
/1 /J1 wI. J,
A/so, rr = U[ f -~] so 1114t a1J~ 77[f -
r] ~O
(b) From the momon/vI'» infer;rlAl (j1fJafiof),
I d
o= 2-i~,P)(, where c, ~ (, (l-fo)JY and c~ ~ 1r)
1:: 0
T/;t/s) I

c, '" ((:lY-Y') (J-zY+Y'")JY = !(2Y-Sy1+ lfy 3 -Y'l)dY

o 0

:3 ~

CL =: (2 -2yj
Ire 0
so -fhat
J= / 2 ~2.) 1/ X '"' / 3O;X
r:s- 7l
fie f/c S; w/fh Rex:::: 1ff J

<5 _ -{.30 _ S.'hP

-X - VRex - 1/ f/.e)(

9. z-s I y

9.25 A laminar boundary layer velocity pro- 0

file is approximated by the two straight-line seg- /1

ments indicated in Fig. P9.25. Use the momen-
tum integral equation to determine the boundary
layer thickness, t5 = t5(x), and wall shear stress, 012 71 I
T" = T,,(X). Compare these results with those in
Table 9.2.
/l I

[7 I

I ,U

0 2U U

Compare these results To fhose in Table q.2..

9,261t I ylb ulU
9.26* An assumed dimensionless laminar
boundary layer profile for flow past a flat plate is o o
given in the table below. Use the momentum in- 0.080 0.133
tegral equation to determine b = b(x). Compare 0.16 0.265
your result with the exact Blasius solution result 0.24 0.394
(see Table 9.2). 0.32 0.517
0.40 0.630
0.48 0.729
From the momentum infe 9/'al eqllof/on 0.56 0.811
0.64 0.876

f = J
ve, '
where C = 1#3-}
~ dt
d 0.72
1=0 0.88 0.976
and I 0.96 0.988
C, -:: S9( }-~)dY with 1f ::~(Y)and y=f 1.00 1.000
A(~) 0./.13
The I/Q/oe of Cz. ClJn he appr(Jximafed tiS C2. ~ A (f) -= 0.080::; I. 66
:t- cO
and Ihe VQ/IJe of ~ C(JII be oblo/ned from IJPhJ81'1&a1 ~
infe9r41ion (pro9rtlfn Tf(flPElO])
Y ,#(1-9)
o o
0.8 0.115 fI.s ilJdictried helow;
0./6 0./'.5
C, -= J~(J-VJdY ~ 0,/3/
so thaf
o I
O.IfO 0,233
(f.66) J1: - 5 03 (11 X)1:
O.Jf8 0./98 6 =[- 21/X
U (0./31) -. u
0.56 0./53
o.61f O.joq
or h
O. 0If2
x<5 -_ -V 5.03
Re;< J were Rex::: p

0.88 0.02.3
0.91 0.0/2-
Nole: The Blasius sollliion h•.s ~ nol s .03
/ .00 o
** This program performs numerical integration **
** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule **
Enter number of data points: 1'-1,
Enter dat.a points (X , y)
? 0.00,0.000 ? 0.56,0.153
? 0.08,0.115 ? 0.6'-1,,0.109
'? 0.16,0.195 ? 0.72,0.071
? 0.2'-1,,0.239 ? 0.80,0.0'-1,2
? 0.32,0.250 ? 0.88,0.023
? 0.40,0.233 ? 0.96,0.012
? 0.'-1,8,0.198 ? 1.00,0.000

The approximate value of the integral is: +1.3096E-Ol

9.27* I 9.2.7* For a fluid of specific gravity SG = 0.86
flowing past a flat plate with an upstream velocity
of U = 5 mis, the wall shear stress on a flat plate
was determined to be as indicated in the table
below. Use the momentum integral equation to
determine the boundary layer momentum thick-
ness, 8 = 8(x). Assume 8 = 0 at the leading
edge, x = O.

S /nce 7W = f TJ:l. ~ ;t fol1owtS that d@ = e?WU 2


which can be irdeqrorec1 fo give (t}s//Jq @=O af x =0)

X x
(j) '" f
~~2 Iw dx =(o.e6)(1O~~)(5P-)'2. ~ Iw dx
or x
-5 ( N
(j) -== if. 65 x10 J fw dx J where (f),.., m J x ~ rn J and fw..v ;,;. (I)
For 0 ~ x 6 2.0 m, iIJfe9r4fe E'{. (I) fo defermine @os a {()ncl/on
of x. To do soJ we need fhe va ItJe of 7,; af x=: 0) whic;h is !Jof 9itlell
in the fable. Theorel/cally J fw ~ 40 aT the /eadif)}. For our pvr,os8~
based On the exfrapolaTed curve be/olllJ assume ~ =: 22 -ffi at X:: 0
'tw VS X
x (m)
0.2 13.4
0.4 9.25
20 . -
0.6 7.68
0.8 6.51
'"E 15
i 10
1.4 6.75
1.6 6.23
1.8 5.92

Or---~----~----~--~I 2.0 5.26

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Pr09r4rn P91127 showl1below was {}Sed for fhe calcvlafio/Js.

9.27,1. I (con 't)
100 cls
110 open "prn" for output as #1
120 print# 1, "******** * * ******************** ******************** tf

130 print#l, "** This program calculates the momentum **"

140 print#l, "** boundary layer thickness as a function of **"
150 print#l, "** x from the given wall shear streSfj distri- **"
160 print.#l. n** but.ion. **n
170 print#l, H**************************************************"
200 dim t.au (11)
210 tau(1)=22.0 : tau(2l=13.4 : tau(3)=9.25 : tau(4)=7.68
220 tau(S'=6.51 : tau(6)=5.89 : tau(7)=6.57 : tau(S)=6.75
230 tau(9)=6.23 : tau(10)=5.92 : tau(11)=5.26
240 print#l. " If
250 print#l, 11 x, m momentum thickness, m"
260 for l = 1 to 11
270 x = 0.2*(i-1)
280 if l = 1 then goto 400
290 intgrl = 0
300 for j = 1 to i-I
310 intgrl = intgrl + 0.5*0.2*(tau(j+1) + tau(j»
3 20 next. j
330 theta = 4.65E-5*intgrl
400 print#l, using" ##.### #.*##~~~A";x.t.heta
410 next l
** This program calculates the momentum **
** boundary layer thickness as a function of **
** x from the given wall shear stress distri- **
** bution. **
x. m momentum thickness, m
0.000 O.OOOE+OO
0.200 1.646E-04
0.400 2.699E-04
0.600 3.487E-04
0.800 4.146E-04
1. 000 4.723E-04
1.200 5.302E-04
1.400 5.922E-04
1.600 6.525E-04
1.800 7.090E-04
2.000 7.610E-04

0.0008 I



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
x,m I


9.28 The square flat plate shown in Fig. P9.28a is cut into
four equal-sized prices and arranged as shown in Fig. P9.28b. ...!!.. T
Determine the ratio of the drag on the original plate [case (a)]
to the drag on the plates in the configuration shown in (b).
Assume laminar boundary flow. Explain your answer physi-
• • • • •~e/4'
- - - - - - - 1.. T

.. FIGURE P9.28

By comparinq £'ts . CO and (:J.) we see fhaf

4a = 2. 0 4h
In cose (b) fhe bOIJndary ItJyer on fhe reor plale i.s fhicAel' Iholl on
fhe fronl plate. lIellce fhe shear sfre.tS is /e.ss I)" fhe r{](Jf pfafe fhall
if is on fhal p/afe In confl9vrafion (a)) 9,vin, /es.s dray for c4!e (b)
fhan for cqse CO)J eve" fholJ9h the fola/ areas are the Sqme.
9.ZQ I
9.29 A plate is oriented parallel to the free
stream as is indicated in Fig. 9.2.9. If the boundary
layer flow is laminar, determine the ratio of the
drag for case (aHa that for case(bl. Explain your u
answer physically.

(a) I(b)


For case (a):

<Vfa -
_..L T/2.C
2- P Df
/I h
c.'Df -- V1.329
- 1.3)..8
Yu J,'
- an
d IJ
Y-hvs J V
'1a =feU" ~('fJ') := 2.56 pU% y:v;% (I)

For case (6)

4,,:= t PU"CDf /I where c.... = (ffijJJ
UT U(tflJ
and ,4:'f12
Thus, 11
PI == ...L a U2. 1.32.eW ('fill.) = ...L (2 56 OU~ 1fV f)~) (2.)
oUfb 2.\ y4{fi i :,t 2.. \ ~

From E~s. (J) and (2.) we see thai

4a = Z
cftfb =

The shear sfress decrease.s wdh disfance from thrl /eadifl9 erlfje
of fhe plafe (i.e.} fhe fhickenifl9 of the bOlJnriary/tJ!er). ThIJS.I eve/J Ihofl9h
fhe plate !Area /J the same for case (aJ or (b) J the QVfJra9fJ shear
,stress (and the drat;) is 9realer for ca.se (a),
fl. 30 I
9.30 If the drag on one side of a flat plate
parallel to the upstream flow is S) when the up-
stream velocity is U, what will the drag be when
the upstream velocity is 2U; or U/2? Assume
laminar flow.
C ::: 1,328
Vf J~i I


9.3/ I
9.31 Air flows past a parabolic-shaped flat plate oriented
parallel to the free stream shown in Fig. P9.31. Integrate the
wall shear stress over the plate to determine the friction drag
on one side of the plate. Assume laminar flow.

Treat each .strip of thickness dy and /e/J9lh i=i(y) liS a SRJf/I/I

f/Q/ plate wilh rlr49 dtb where for lal1linllr flow

,,jj= CD, tpU JA with rill ~ I tly olla CD1 " ~

2 1.328
Thlls J
1r::::: 3..i
db", V 0/ t eU I rly =
/.32 B 2
O.66-!t- ff'f' U
rt tiy
But 1:::: If _y2 so fh41
,/) :::: JrrlrB Jr0.66'1- ~p' U VJf-y~· dy

/Vole: The un/Is ()/J the inTftJftI/

are HlIa (i.e. 2 rtd: L ~/.a)

9.32 I
9.32 It is often assumed that "sharp objects
can cut through the air better than blunt ones."
Based on this assumption, the drag on the object
shown in Fig. P9.32 should be less when the wind
blows from right to left than when it blows from
left to right. Experiments show that the opposite

is true. Explain.

!l si9IJiliconf porfion of fhe drq9 on an ohject cqn he from

fhe relaliflely low pressure developed in Ihe wake re9ion hehind Ihe
objecf. By maxin9 fhe obJeci sfrean,!;/Jed (i. e./ (luI#! fro/)} left fo
ri9ht) nol rl9hf 10 Iell /f) Ille ahove !J9f)re) botJndary loyer separation
/s avoided I.IlJd (J relafively fhill woke lVill; I()w drtJ9 is O/)"/tlifled.
Whefher fhe front of fhe obJec1 is ~h41'j) or ''/;/u"r does noll.llfecf

the cOl)lr/{;(}/iofJ to fhe dra9 frulIJ the frunf pal'7 of Ihe body -of
/eqsf not CIS mvclJ CI fhe widfh of fhe wake affecfs fhe dr4g.


9.33 Two small holes are drilled opposite each other in a

circular cylinder as shown in Fig. P9.33. Thus, when air flows


past the cylinder, air wil1 circulate through the interior of the ...-~ ... ...,... ....... ~,.,

cylinder at a rate of Q = K (Pi - P2). where the constant K de-

pends on the geometry of the passage connecting the two holes.
It is assumed that the flow around the cylinder is not affected
by either the presence of the two holes or the small flow rate (0)
through the passage. Let Qo denote the flowrate when = o. e
e e
Plot a graph of Q/Qo as a function of for 0 s; s; TT/2 if (a) ....~--- ...... ~...... ~-.~...........................~.,.
the flow is inviscid, and (b) if the boundary layer on the cylin-
der is turbulent (see Fig. 9.17c for pressure data).

• FIGURE P9.33

(0) For invi.rciJ {Jow :

C ::: r T' == / - 'I-.si!) 2.(}
'f tpu"
ThtJs) Q -= K (II - f:J. ) ::: K[r" -fo) -(f,- -fo) ]
=K[ -tpU'-( I-Jfsl,,2.(}) - t.(JU2.(J-tf.sin'J.(e+1r))]
nul si,/O e sirl" (f) +71')
Hence J Q:: 0 fir if/viscid flow " /Vote! !his is 10 he eXfecred
becafAre 01 the .rYlI/mell'l~/
pl'8.sS fJrB dislr/blllioll.
(6) For a ftJrbtllenT hotlndary layer =
Q ::: K ((1, -(12) ::: K[( P, -Po) - (/2. - fo) ] ::: t pllzK [ef , - c,:z.]
where efl is for () CllJd c,:J. is fol' 18o-e dey,
Ohta,n ~ 141a fr()m [;1- 9.17
Noi e; C :;; / fur ().:: () 4/Jd C, z~,1f fur B::: / It) Ie!
TfuI.r Q0
== Q I ::; if 717.K[ / - (-0, t,t)]
:: /. If ( l!J1-K)

,so fhaf

.R:: teu'k[cp,-ce:a.] _ CPI -Cf2.

Qo I. If (1: pTf'''K) - I,If
The resvlls are f4/;vlaled 4J'1d ;Ioiletl be;PW.

(c ()n'-I)
9,3,3 (con If)

e,deg 180 - e, deg cp1 c p2 0/0 0

0 180 1.00 -0.40 1.00
15 165 0.70 -0.40 0.79
30 150 0.00 -0.42 0.30
45 135 -0.90 -0.43 -0.34
60 120 -1.70 -0.45 -0.89
75 105 -2.10 -1.30 -0.57
90 90 -1.90 -1.90 0.00

0/0 0 vs 8

0.6 _____ 1


a 0.0 --~--------.---~--~~.-:-~~~-~-

a -0.2----------~~~----:-~~-~-

-0.4 --~. ---------------

- 0 . 6 - . ------ ----~--------~~-
-0.8 - -------,-------------
-1.0 + - - - - - - , - - - - - - - r - - - - - j - - - - - - r - - - - - . - - - - - i
o 15 30 45 60 75 90 1

8, deg

9- 3S

9.34 Water flows past a triangular flat plate oriented paral-

lel to the free stream as shown in Fig. P9.34. Integrate the wall
shear stress over the plate to determine the friction drag on one
side of the plate. Assume laminar boundary layer flow. U =0.2 m/s
--.... l.Om


.b ~ {7W dl/ where Iw::: 0.332. V

ftf. dA
' " '" 10 • 33 .2//4. Ve,u.~ { * till
x==o.S y=O,s-x
=0.332 7l~Vpp (2) f f
XeO y=o
=0.332. U /7- P"f;;- (2) f D'~'YiX dx
x=o O,S

:: 0.332 7l4.VfjA (2.J[o.~('-)xt - ix~i

= O. 66'f(O.2l})3/,. 999!,Ml.fU/o3 ~.;) [Vo.S - y. (0.5)3;" ]
JJ == 0, 02.96 N

9..35 A three-bladed helicopter blade rotates at 200 rpm. If
each blade is 12 ft long and 1.5 ft wide, estimate the torque
needed to overcome the friction on the blades if they act as flat

Let dill = fOrYIlJe {rom fhe dr49 on area elemenf dll

dlll= (4op +cbbcilom ) Y==z(tPU CDf dll) y
[J = t»y 4/Jd fof' laminar floW *
CDr = !/~ with ReD = UJ 0
Rei .,lI

M = Dy2
d,,; \ 1.329
(llL~ Y1 dy = 1.328 PU~l~ 11 ~ Y dr
or WI'fh 11 l~
el/Y/::: 1.~2e p tJ)~"3. J ..k~ V ~~ Ys.~ tiy ~

,38XIO- ~ ,h(.200 rc..v )( Imifl)(2.lI'rad)l(~ 5F/)-!'(1 S7Xlo¥1il.)i. ~ J

=(1.326)(2 3
~~ 'L\ min 60.s I rev ~ . , .s 1'"'11
d/YJ = O.OJ25 Y 2. dy ff·lb J where Y fI N

Thus) fhe net f()r9ve for the fhree hlades

~ ~
!YJ = 3 Sd/J'J == 3 (0.0 /2E ).f y-t dy == 3(0.012.5 )( -f ) (12.)~
M= 6'1-.1 1f,IIJ

Nofe: The forf{ve covld be greate,. ,'f Ihe bOfJi'Jdal'y layer is fvrhlJ/enl.

* III fhe lip y ==,~ fl so fhaf TJ ==

(J) Y =t ~:op )(2-11 f!tv)(J2 fl)~
2.5/ 1)
and. Re - 25/ -s ) (1.£11) 6 ,L' h 1 JL JL
~tip - /,57X/O-'I- f: l. =2.'I-OX/O , 'Alnlc is 9re aTer rnan rne

ori/ical valve. Thl/~ the bOlJndIJry is t(Jrbf}/ent al the lip and laminar at
the huh. FbrsiIiJP//t:.Ity ass()me a laminar b()undary layer fhr()v,h()v1.

9. .36 I
9.36 A ceiling fan consists of five blades of 0.80-m length
and 0.1 O-m width which rotate at 100 rpm. Estimate the torque
needed to overcome the friction on the blades if they act as flat

Lei dllJ = 1orq{)e fromfhe drfJ9 01} elemenf dA

dA of fhe hlade
or _ +
A _ J.. 2.
d/IJ - (oV.top 4oHom) Y - (2. pUC/)1 d~ Y

where {} =tily and tJJ=/oo..£!).. ( liYlilJ)( 2-'!trod)

mm 60S I rev
E -J
,,~ U
... ..... dy

-flO dF
Ji =O,lm
T 0'

or(j.}::: 10, '17 ::J. L== 0.8m

The fr/()ximvPJ R~ will ()cc()r at t:inf OJ where y:;: L ();
Re == U R. = wLR = (10.'1-7 CfL)(O.8m) (a.lm) = S.7~X/OJI.
:1/ 1/ 1/ 1.1}6 xI 0-.5 .Di!
af a/I poinfs on fhe blade Rex < Rexcr =
ThlJs , SXIO Clnd fhe f/uw is JlJlfJil1or.
C = 1.329 = 1. 3 )'sW
Df ~ ReJ, I if ui
so fhrrl from Elf. CI)

d/YJ = r r;2 'HfJ!'W (i dy) y == 1.32.8

f U 2 Vll t ydy ,hv/ Wit/; Tf::t(Jy
d/Yl::: /.328 f!JJ~ Yvi' y"% dy ,
= /.31.8 (1.Z3~) (10.'1-7 o/l~-g s
,'.¥,{x/o- .()( O./IIIt" /4Jy
d/l1 =0,0669 Y dy N'm J where YAJ'"

ThtJs the nef fOfYjve O/) the four hlades is

0.0669 Y ~oy -
s ( 2) y k-l
M= 5 d#J S == 5
5 (0.06t9) "7 2-

/'1:::; 0,0 Jf38 N'/IJ


9.37 As shown in Video V9.2 and Fig. P9.37a, a kayak

is a relatively streamlined object. As a first approximation
in calculating the drag on a kayak, assume that the kayak
acts as if it were a smooth flat plate 17 ft long and 2 ft wide.
Determine the drag as a function of speed and compare your
results with the measured values given in Fig. P9.37b. Com-
ment on reasons why the two sets of values may differ.

For a fled plate cIf~ fpU'-CD,II where (I)

JJ :: c
/711(2 ff) ::: 3/f ff:;' tlnd IJ1 is a {tinct/of) of Ret::: 11J
Re J::;- J7 N TJ it = /JI-())( /0 6 7J (2-)
:e I. 2/Xlo5 ft ~ 6
Consider I ~ rJ!E 8ft
or /,ifOX/O ~Re.J ~/.12xJ07

From Fi9' 9,/5 we see thaf in this ReJ rtJ"ge fhe houndary layer
flow i.s in fhe fransitional r0/19c. Thlls from To.h/e 1.3 J

GDI :; O.lf.5.5/(/09 Rel)2.&8 - /700/Rel (3)

By cOlnbt'nin, Ef(s. (0.1 (2); anti(3);

J) :::: -! ( I. q'fs.J.~9f )*U 'J.CDf (3'1-f/J.) or

rIJ= 33.0 V" [0.",.5"5/(101 (1.'10I./iU»)'~1700/(/.'fOX/o617)J (II)

The reslJll.r from fhi,s erilarion tire ploffed he 10 w,

7l, ff/s rf}J Ib
I o.oQe6
2 O,/fIO
.3 o.9oq
if 1.58
rYIf>Q5 dvalves S 2.'1-2-
~ 6 .3.L/-3
Ib 41---------+------r----~~--~ 7 'I-.sq
8 ,5,90

..---.- theory
(E . ('I)

• FIG U REP 9 .37

2 4 6 8
Kayak speed U. ftfs
9.38 I
9.38 A sphere of diameter D and density Ps falls at a steady
rate through a liquid of density p and viscosity J.L. If the Rey-
nolds number, Re = pDU / J.L, is less than 1, show that the vis-
cosity can be determined from J.L = gD2(ps - p)/18 U.

"'- diameTer D

For .steady flow E F; ::0 tu

or of) + FE == W J where Ii:: bVOytJRt force = f~ 11 = f1( f )77'( ~ t
W :: wei,hf = Ps g V ::: flJ (4) Tf(~ t
and IJ == drtJ7 ::: CD f f '% D2) or siIJce Re< I

rf} = 37l'Dll,P
31l'DfJl-" + f9(.j-)1!(-B:)3 = fs9(l)7T(~)3
which CC/II be reorf'IJngecJ fo ,ive
= g D2.(e.s-p)
f IBTl
9. 3 q I 9.39 Determine the drag on a small circular
disk of 0.01 ft diameter moving 0.01 ftls through
oil with a specific gravity of 0.87 and a viscosity
10,000 times that of water. The disk is oriented
normal to the upstream velocity. By what percent
is the drag reduced if the disk is oriented parallel
to the flow?

o/}= CD ~ pU:J/1 J where e~ (o.e7)(J.9~-§.~~):: /'688 ~~ (I)

and p=IO')tHz,O::: Il1(z.311XIO s 1:;~)-:::o.:z.3~ It;

Thvs 0 :: UD:: eIli) = O.&88,#!fp)(O.Oll)(o,OJf-lJ _ 7."'/ I -If«/
J ne 11 P Ih's - .~ x 0
so tho! the low Re d41Q of TaMe ?,1f 0.23/f-w:

is valid.
FOr fhe df.sx normal fo fhe flow) 2~: = 2.O.~ -.# = 2~300 r;:::
so thai frolll £~Itl) 7.2./ XIO

/} = 28,300(t )(1. t8B S~} )(O,Olfj)'- f (O.OlfJ)2. ~ I. sax/o-If Ib

If Ihe disk i.s PQraJ/e/ fo the flow, ~::: 1~~6 so thai

~ c. ( 13,6)
pqral/el ;;::. Dpar41/81 = 7[; = 0.667 a 33.3 7. reduction
JJ"OI'1IIQ/ CD"or/YIQ/ ( 2iiel/) J

9. Jf() ,
9.40 For small Reynolds number flows the drag coefficient
of an object is given by a constant divided by the Reynolds
number (see Table 9.4). Thus, as the Reynolds number tends to
zero, the drag coefficient becomes infinitely large. Does this
mean that for small velocities (hence, small Reynolds numbers)
the drag is very large? Explain.

For a 9iven ohjecf CD ~ ~e (where the 1/4/118 C depends or

on the shape of the ()bject) provided Re ~ I, TIllIS" (loS J

Re - OJ- CD - ca.
~ ..L C L ~
= CD 2. pU /I ;: (e!D.) ~ eU II"'" C/
2. f'r

TIJqt iS as lJ--';; (t:e. Re-O)I Ihen 0#- U


TAvs dfJes C/) l')Je4A fhaT ~-o f No.


9. 'l-f
9.41 Compare the rise velocity of an i-in.-
diameter air bubble in water to the fall velocity
of an Hn.-diameter water drop in air. Assume
each to behave as a solid sphere.

diQ. D== O./25in.

(a) air bubble in wafer: For sfeady rise L:r; r; 0
Fe = W +tb' } where ct=JrQ9 = CD {pif2.f J):1.

W= we'jhf ~ ~ir -V Oaifl ~71' ( :=; g)3

~J D3
Fa == buoyanf force = dN;LO -V ~o !fJl(T)

However} since rair.eC.<. ~,.O if f()//o'Us fhal W<'< F8

F8 =d7
Hence J CJ p i17' (Jt )3 == CD f fY2. f D2. or U =/ I/- D g
3 CD
·= 4 (!2!.f¥)f1 (31,
3 CD
¥ ) where CD -= C/) (Re) and Re::: u.v/) (J)
or (0115)
-Tc H-5tJ~
Re = I,l/XIO U = 861 U (2.)
From Fig. 9,ll :
Tria I and error solufion for fI.s.svm~ CD v: j obtai!)
U {r()tn E'{. (OJ Re from Ef. {:J.)j check CD (3)

from Elf, (3).1 the 9raph,

Re IIS.sUII/8 Cb = 1--.-. Y;O.66,1---fI- Re =576 - - ClJ =0.5:1: J
Assume CD:fJ,S--U-=O/I/ftl -- Re :: '615 - CD = 0,5 (checks)
Thv$J U= O.9¥-6 .g.
(b) wafer drop in air: Since ~il'« (fH:I.() ) F8 <:<: W
Thus J W=~ J or 4. 0 !If-(l}? = cD u2.fIJ2. te
orU _/4 D olt.o I
S feD
/I (~R)(6Z,'/-") ]~ /9,1 Jj.
3(2.38)(IO-3~~j} )CD ~

(Jf) all'

fUso} 0 /').5 t
Re = UD = ( '17.. f!) ~ = 66.3 U (5) U
"11 1.5 7xlO 'flf
Trial and error solution of £'1s. (If), (&)) and 9raph 13) :
Il.s.sume CD:: O•.s ---. U -= 27. f) fj - Re ::: /790 - CD:::; 0, if "1= o,s
Assume C/):: O,tf - U::: 30.2 P. -
Re =2000- C/)::: OJ,l (checks)
Th [J = 30,2 ff
Nofe; Becavse of fhe 9raph (Fij. Po 2.1) the tiS J .s
answers are nof ()ccvrafe to fhree sI91J1//canl N9l1res •
9.42. A 38.1-mm-diameter, O.024S-N table tennis ball is re-
leased from the bottom of a swimming pool. With what velocity
does it rise to the surface? Assume it has reached its terminal

tU dia, D=-
-, 38./mm

For sfeady rise 21&=0

( tFB } water
~W f'jf
Fa = W+,/J) where /J -:; drag =CD i fu2.f D2.
VI =: weigh! =- O. 02't5 N TJ1
~ :::: bl/oyanf force = oJ{- ='t if371 (~ )2

CD y2 = o~ 1/-.55 J where U~ ~ (J)

A/so, Re = f{P
Re --
U(O.038Im) {l V rn
J./2X/o- 6J1J.!
= 3,1./-0 x/O '(/ J where ~-:s (2.)

Fino//y, from Fi~. '1.21; Gill "--v-- (3)

Trial tlnd error so/ufion : /I.s.sume CD j obiain TJ from Ef. 0)) Re from
E'l~(J.) j check C/) from £1' tJ) the 9r4ph., J

A.ssf)m~ CD =0.5 -.-. U = O.Q599 - Re = 3.2JfX/O'"- Cl) =O,If '* 0,5

Il.s.sume CD =OJ; - U= I. 06 ~ ---.. Re::: 3.62.1./ ol.f-.-. CD =0. ~ (checks)
ThlJs, V = 1.06.p

Nofe : 8eco/J.se of the qraph (Fig, 9.2.1) the answer,s are nof
accllrate fo three sI9ni{icanf fi9lJres.
9.44 A hot air" balloon roughly spherical in
shape has a volume of 70,000 ft3 and a weight of
500 Ib (including passengers, basket, balloon fab-
ric. etc.). If the outside air temperature is 80 of
and the temperature within the balloon is 165 of,
estimate the rate at which it will rise under steady
state conditions if the atmospheric pressure is 14.7

For .sfeady rise ~ F; =0) or Fs ;:: W+ /!

where volIJme 11
o!) ::: drag ::: CD t. f U : D2.
~ :: 6110yanl force == 0' ¥
W= lofal welJhf =.500 Ih + O;n .y
Jb ) { ")2-
!Vow D= -13- ~ (
I'f,7-w. I). In· = 0,002-29 slllfM
\ RT {!715 s ,,; .• )('16oteo)OR fI.:I
0= p~ ::: (0.00229 .stjf)(32~2~.)::: O. 0736 ¥p
and Jb • 2. Ii
0; = .1i:. == (11f. 7 7ii?-){t2.%) (32.2 .s~) _ L Ib
- 0.0036 N.i
In R"Tin (1715~!;~R)('f.60+/65)'R
/'Iole: Since fhe ba//oon i.s
open at the hoftoll1 J fhe
Thus wifh 11::: 7xIO'lfl3: ~~f)3 pres.spre within fhe Da//ODn
, or D= 51.1

JJ = CD iro. 002- 29) U2. (51., )'1.

;:: 2.36 CtJ rJ2. /b) where U~.g.
ft we obtaIn i~ lJeal'/}, Me same
QJ ill~

Ills 0)
W;:: Soo Ib +(0,0636 PJ..i)( 7~ 000 fi3) ::: 9952/1>
ano rr-
~;:::(O.(J736f!P)(7o"OOOff.3) =SIS2Ib Tht/sJ Fa::: W+rf} 9ive.s
2. 2-
5/52 /b ::: 1'-952 Ih + 2.36 Co TJ or CD TJ ::: Blf.7 (J)
fJlso J Re ... !II- .'
or 51./ ff U ' .s
Re ::: =3.2.SX/O U
-~.fi!" (:;.)
J,S7X/O ~ , I~ ~
ond from [;7- 9.21 CD~ (3)

Tr;al 4nd error solufion: IIssv!1J8 CDj ohrQ/t} (/ from £i.
OJ) Re from Ef{.t:J.);
check C/) from £,.(3)J the qraph.
lJ.s..stJme CD::: 0 •.5 -+ U::: 13.0 #- ~ Re :::1.J..23 x/o 6 ---. Cb ::: o.2.¥;t O~S
lJ.sst/me CD =0.2.'1-' V ::/8.8 ft - Re = 6.11 X/06 - CD :=0.30:/= O.2~
Assume CD:: D.30~ U::::/6.8§. ~ Re ;5.'16 x/06 ~ ~ :: 0.30 (checks)
9. If5
9.45 A 500-N cube of specific gravity SG = 1.8 falls
through water at a constant speed U. Determine U if the
cube faBs (a) as oriented in Fig. P9.45a, (b) as oriented in
Fig. P9.45b.

(a) (b)
• FIG U REP 9.45
For steaay fa II) :£ F;;; ma:::O
W == oI! +Fa, where W::: wel9hf :::500 N (I)
Fa:: buoyanl force::: 0 D3
Qfld of}::: f f UCD A -:; dr4fj
But 3 .3
W~ 0; D3::;
SG 0D , or 500 N ::: I. fI ('I, eox 10 -j.) D

ThvsJ D == 0.30.5 m Sf) that from £~. {/J

.5ooN:: i(qqq~)UCD (O.305m)% +('l80 X/0 3!3) (o,305m)3
U :z. CD ::: '1-.78 where V,.. l}-
(a) for case fa) CD::: 0.80 (see F/". q.2Cf)
Hence.l U:: ( ~:;~ )1/,. ~ 2.Jfif if-
(b) For case (b) CD:::: /.0£

Hence) U:::
( 1.0.5
)"2. ~ 2.137"

9.46 The 5 X 10-6 kg dandelion seed shown in Fig. P9.46
settles through the air with a constant speed of 0.15 m/s. De-
termine the drag coefficient for this object.

• FIGURE P9.46

For sfeady faJ/if19 41 tl cQl/stani .fl'eed,

rfj c VI or /IJ?-:: C/) i p7J2.IJ
sx/O-6kj (Q.II-fi) ~~ ({)(1.23i1a)(O.lst)1. f(O,OlflJl)2.

9.41 A 22 in. by 34 in. speed limit sign is supported on

a 3-in. wide, 5-ft-Iong pole. Estimate the bending moment I---l-..... ~
in the pole at ground level when a 30-mph wind blows 17 tn.
against the sign. (See Video V9.6.) List any assumptions
used in your calculations. T

For e9va//br/tltfJ I LJ IY/q ::: 0 or

(YJB = 2.,.5' fl a9f' of (s + H)ff 4) where (/)

4 .: dra1 on the pole and d& :: dray on 1Hf sir/? 3S1

From Fic/. 9.28 wifli ilD.: 0,/ for the si7rJ i!,p~ D
CDs::: /, q

From ~7' 9./9 if the po.rf aots as tf srvare rod ....., 1-1
with s hal'p cornel'S cnp == 2.2. Th/J~ wilh 17== 3 0nJl'h ;:: 'f'f tt I

t:l :: -J-DT!:z.C ,,==...L '0 001-3~ §,/vf;!..) (tf'fii)2(19) (~).. (9Jf)ff2.) -22 III
~ ~ r 'j) s I'1s 2. \I , f{3 ..r' / ~ -¥- - . I/O
~f =1: W2.C/)P lip =' i(o.oo:m ;'1;-) ('f'ff1. t(2..2.) ( ~ (S)ft) " 6.3'f/l,
-rhtJs; from Eq.,(;) ~
MB :::; ~.sff (b.31f/b) +(s+!J)ff{22,716):::: /62 ff-Ib

9.48 Determine the moment needed at the
base of ZO-m-tall, 0.12-m-diameter flag pole to
keep it in place in a 20 m/s wind.

FOr ervi/i Driom I fYJ = l,jJ where (I)

Jj=c. i y2.iD
• I> P UD (2.0'1- )(0.12 m) .s
Since Re =-:r::= -5 2. ==!.6'fx/0 J
/.lf6 X IO !}
thai CD == /.2
Thus, &0= /.2 (f )(I.~ ~3)(ZO'f)2.(2()11I)(O.I2.IIJ):;; 70aN
Hence J from £r· (/)
M:;; ~ ( 70 8N)::: ?,080;Vi?}
9,1ft( I

~}.49 Repeat Problem 9.48 if a 2-m by 2.5-m flag is attached

to the top of the pole. See Fig. 9.30 for drag coefficient data
for flags.

For eqtJi/ibritJm, /YJ =4tbi

+(1, - ~ )~2. (I)

where ~ = 2 0 m) 12.. = 2.5 mJ (Inri D2 ::: 2m.

From the so/v-lion +0 Problelh q, Jf8 ) ~I ~:: (2.)

/}2.., =CD t pTJ 12. D2
) where from FIg.
9.30 WllfJ n12. == T2.5 :;:

we obfoin ClJ = 0,08.

082 == o.o8(1)(I.1-3~)(20':)~(2IEhJ)(21T1) = 98,'111
By combinifJ9 £'1s . (/), (2.)) and (3) we ohfain
/'1:: 7,080 /V.", +(20m - 1m) (98,';' N) = B)qSO N'm

'1' 9.50 During a flood, a 30-ft-talJ, lS-ft-wide tree is up-

rooted, swept downstream, and lodged against a bridge pillar
as shown in Fig. P9.S0 and Vjdl~O V7.(j. Estimate the force that
the tree puts on the bridge pillar. Assume the tree is half sub-
merged and the river is flowing at 8 ft/s. See Fig. 9.30 for drag
coefficient data.

8 !tis

.. FIGURE P9.50

Force of free on bridge ::: dr(J1 on free c r/J: c" fell'lJ

whe re lJ== 8 H&-
/lS,Sl)me fhe free is .rha;ed as a/} e//ifue anti -t I~ /n fhe 1114/91',
A :;; (dJ (30 It) (/ S fl) :: /771-12.
FrDfJ1 Ft9' 9,3(} tis the wind pas I a free ;f)cr~a.re~ I/Jc clrllf ctJe!l;c/~/J1
decre.'IIsBS (fhe leaves "(Did /;P,(;X 1I.r.rv",e //;e.rafJJe Inif)! l1o//BIJ.r III

wafet 411d (/.re c;::; 0.1..0,

7h{).JJ h
rx9'::: o,,,o(f)(/,9~.!;')(eP/· (!77f1:L) -::: 2Z00//;

9.s/ I

9.51 If for a given vehicle it takes ZO hp to

overcome aerodynamic drag while being driven
at 65 mph, estimate the horsepower required at
"15 mph.

9..52. I

9.52 Two bicycle racers ride 30 km/hr through

still air. By what percentage is the power required
to overcome aerodynamic drag for the second
cyclist reduced if she drafts closely behind the first
cyclist rather than riding alongside her? Neglect
any forces other than aerodynamic drag. (See Fig.

~D == power when nof dl'offing == Volta :: U CDJ/IJ f py"A = q,ND ipV~

Po = power when dl'oflilJfj :: CD -ipu A
From Fi9' 9. 30 CD
== 0,88 Q/Jd q,D== 0,50
- 0.88 -O,5Q. = 0,'1.3)",) i.e',) a 1,L3,27, decrease
9.S'f I
9.54 On a day without any wind, your car consumes x gal-
lons of gasoline when you drive at a constant speed, U, from
point A to point B and back to point A. Assume that you repeat
the journey, driving at the same speed, on another day when
there is a steady wind blowing from B to A. Would you expect
your fuel consumption to be less than, equal to, or greater than
x gallons for this windy round-trip? Support your answer with
appropriate analysis.

1rlp wHh fhe lafrJer pOW81' lOST aV8 f() qerodYI)/Jmic drdf willllJ'e fhe
mO.It 94.f. L ef ( ), mean np
winJu tlnti ( )2. mean //wine/II,
0) No wino!:
4 :: c/) -t pu"'l; fof' ~ofh 11.-. B 41ld B~II
-;; ~ p()wer ::: 1J~ :;: 1:p7l}[)/l
(2) Wind (7Jw -'= wilJd speed; as.sV/IIe ~<:7J):

,j~ ::: CIJ f t ttl f7lwfll for /1-+8

/)2. == Col) 1. P(ll"'~J2.fi fDt' B~II
11 ~ tp(U+1lw) 7Jcj)1I

fot' I}~B
~ :: i (J (rJ-7Jwt
7J ~ IJ for 8-,./1
£ ner'lf f).sed ::: ~( where ,,::: filJ/B III 1Q froll/ /I~ B PI' !~Il
Thvs J

E, == 2- (te 7J3c/JIJ)i
..1.. .L
£2. == 2 f (77-171) 2. UC/) Il t -I- 1. p( TJ -Uw)2. UCb/l rI

:: - I :z. <: I
/ + (71w /7J)

t. e. mf)/,fi fvel needeJ whelJ Windy

9.55 A 2S-ton (SO,OOO-lb) truck coasts down a steep 7%
mountain grade without brakes, as shown in Fig. P9.SS. The
truck's ultimate steady-state speed, V, is determined by a bal-
ance between weight, rolling resistance, and aerodynamic drag.
Assume that the rolling resistance for a truck on concrete is 1.2 %
of the weight and the drag coefficient is 0.96 for a truck with-
out an air deflector, but 0.70 if it has an air deflector (see Fig. v
P9.S6 and Video VIJ.S). Determine V for these two situations. ---
TrUCk width = 10 ft
• FIGURE P9.55

For cOlJs/ant .rp~eJJ & Fx : mtlx ::: 0

Of' !)
Wsi»e::: a9 -/- F 'I.

where (J == Qrc fan (i/o) ::: J/.. 00 tie, ) tiJ= t f 712. c/) /I
£0, ~00 fA (sin 'f.oode,) =t (0.001-38 :./;~ ) lJ'-C/) (/2 N1%fl) +0. 0/2 (5'~ 000 /b)
or 1.
3 'f9a 16 = O,/~3 UcJ) +600 Ii

(aJ 1 r C/) ::. 0.9 t fhen II =/If£!-

J =:- qi//meA

(b) If c/j::: O,7() J then U::: /70 ji = /lbPlpn

9. .56
9.56 As shown in Video V9.S and Fig. P9.56, the aerody-
namic drag on a truck can be reduced by the use of appropri-
ate air deflectors. A reduction in drag coefficient from
CD = 0.96 to CD = 0.70 corresponds to a reduction of how
many horsepoer needed at a highway speed of 65 mph?

(a) CD =0.70 (b) CD =0.96

• FIGURE P9.56

-p ::: poWer == gO' where

rIJ == f p U CD A
Th us) tJ. P ;;: reJl1cliolJ if) power
::: t p7J 3 A[CDb - C~a]
W;I h 71::: 65' mph ::: 95 . 3 .ft;sJ

b'P ;::. i (O,00238!.}:J-!.) (9S.3.fi)3(JOff)(Jlf/) [0.96 -0.70]

;::. 32;; 100 ¥ ( £i-ohb) : : .58. if hp


9.57 The structure shown in Fig. P9.57 consists of three;

cylindrical support posts to which an elliptical flat-plate sign is
attached. Estimate the drag on the structure when a 50 mph
wind blows against it.

where If we a..r.r(/llJe the s;911 is (Jf) el/~eJ

/l:: f (;off) (5f1) ~ 39.3 fl2.
IJ'J. ~ 0.6 ff (15ft)::: 9.0 0 1-12-
IIJ .:: 0, aft (;0511) ::: /2.,0 Ifl. /lAd
At.;: l(f(lsfI) == IS; off)"

From Fif. fl, z? J f()r tI Ihin disc ~/::: /,/

For -fhe cylindricaJ po.ri obl4/n Cb fr()m Fif - 9.'J-/ Cis ~ (7J :::S()IHIA::: 7.3.3.f!.)
Re ~ ~ :: 13.3 ~!OI6~) == 2.8X/().S' - - + C ::: 0.6
2. l' 1p.
/,S7X/() i' /)~
S inl/lar/YJ
Re3 ::;: .3 7x/O.5s~ C.o.J ~ 0. s

{(elf =:Jf.7X/o - Cb~ =: ().'J-S

ThvsJ from £f. (/):

rff =i-(O.O()2.33 ~:f.t ) (73.3P.tf!./ (39.3 ft) +O. Irp.ol-!j +O.S(!1. ff2)+o.2-S (lsf:,l2)]
::= 3 7~ /iJ

9.SY As shown in Video V9.5 and Fig. P9.S9, a vertical
wind tunnel can be used for skydiving practice. Estimate the
vertical wind speed needed if a ISO-lb person is to be able to
"float" motionless when the person (a) curls up as in a crouch-
ing position or (b) lies flat. See Fig. 9.30 for appropriate drag
coefficient data.

For eC((J///hritJm cond/Ii of},s

W=rIJ = CD t f TJ2.A • FIG U REP 9.59
w tv
fls.sume W::: /60 Ih and C/)/}:: q fl:/. (see Fi'9. 9.30)
/601b == (f)(O.00238S1pS) U'l-(9f1'-) where U..... fj
- 122 5
ff)( S28of+
Iml )(36 0 0..$)
I hn :::83.2",1'h

Nofe : If fhe skydiver /~flr/erJ lip il1fo a haIr, fhen Call?:. 2.,slf
(see Fi9 .9.30) and (J= /s8mph

9. 6 o'It
9.60* The helium-filled balloon shown in Fig.
P9.60 is to be used as a wind speed indicator. The
specific weight of the helium is y = 0.01lIb/ft3 ,
the weight of the balloon material is 0.20 lb, and FIGURE P9.60
the weight of the anchoring cable is negligible.
Plot a graph of f) as a function of U for 1 sUs
50 mph. Would this be an effective device over
the range of U indicated? Explain.

For- fhe balloon fo remain stationary

2: Fx ~ 0 and 2: Fy = 0 rb
Thlls) IJ = T cos e or T == c()..s e
I4nrJ. ~ W + T silJ e +k1Je
== pJP
which comhine 10 qiV8 = IenSlon
. I/J. CQ
Fa .: : W t c!J ftJ178 + ~e (I)

Sui W.= 0,2 /6 ) F8 =eq"V =(7. 6£ x/ti2.~) ¥(-f H)3:::: o.32o'llb

and ~e == ONe V = (0.0 II ~) 'i:{l (1: H)3:: 0.01,16/ /6
ThLJs) £f/I (I) becomes
o.320'l1i; = 0,2 /b +,j} f4/JB + O.oi.jt/ II:,
of! fan e :: O. 07l(-3 /6



100 cis
110 open "prn" for output as #1
120 print#l, "***************************************************"
130 print#l, "** This program calculates the angle of the **"
1'"'0 print#l, "** cable as a function of the veloci t.y of the **"
150 print#l, "** air. Values of the drag coefficient are **"
160 print#l, "** obtained from Fig. 9.23 as a function of **"
170 print#l, "** Reynolds number. **'1

9.60' (con 'I;)
180 printfl:l, "***************************************************"
190 printfl:l, " II
200 pi = 4*atn(1)
210 printfl:l," U, mph CD theta, deg"
220 for i = 1 to 10
230 print " "
240 input "For a velocity of (in mph) U=",U
250 Re = 1.27E4*(88*U/60)
260 print using "the Reynolds number is Re=#.###~~~'-II;Re
270 input "Enter the drag coefficient: CD=".CD
280 theta = (atn(19.9/(CD*(88*U/60)~2)))*180/pi
290 print using "For U = fl:fl:#.#fl: mph theta = ##.###fl: deg";U,theta
300 print#l, using II ####.# ##.### #fl:#.##fl:";U,CD,theta
310 next i
, ***************************************************
** This program calculates the angle of the **
** cable as a function of the velocity of the **
** air. Values of the drag coefficient are **
** obtained from Fig. 9.23 as a function of **
** Reynolds number. **

U. mph CD theta, deg

1.0 0.400 87.524
2.0 0.420 79.707
5.0 0.540 34.421
10.0 0.550 9.548
15.0 0.330 7.102
20.0 0.100 13.022
25.0 0.080 10.482
30.0 0.090 6.516
40.0 0.120 2.759
50.0 0.160 1.325
I I --------------------------------------------------,
I i!
i e vs U

90 1\
80 \
70 1
lNofe :oBe:cause of the sudden
chon98 in C/) when Ihe
~ 50+--4-\----~------+_------~------~------~ boundar! layer DecrJfII9S
! 40+---\~--~------_+------_4--------~----~ furhu/slll (at ahout /S mph),
30+---~\--~-------+------~--------~----~ the e vs U eUl've i.s hi9hly
20~-~\~--~----~--~--~ non - linear. 1/J loe" for So/l#
\ ~ ./
"""'-I--- valves of e there is more fhfJA
O~--~----~--~~==~==~ one po-ss/bie va/fie 01 Y. If
o 10 20 30 40 50
U,mph would /Jot wo"k well rJ,f a INiAd
speeJ indica/of' ,n Ih;s f'4IJfR.
9.61 A 2-in.-diameter cork sphere (specific weight = 13
Ib/ft 3 ) is attached to the bottom of a river with a thin cable, as
is illustrated in Fig. P9.61. If the sphere has a drag coefficient
of 0.5, determine the river velocity. Both the drag on the cable
and its weight are negligible.


r: Fx = 0 or t.#-::: TC(Js6o' (I)

ZFy::: 0 or Fa - W= Tslnl o' (1.)
Since T '60·
11 ::Vo/Vl1Js fJf cork== -!llr3 ,-

= /71'( Ji fl)3:;
2.1-2 t/o-.1 f+ if f()llows frf)/II Ff. (2.) thai

4.10 V - ¥:fJl'lt. V :: 7 si/l bil J or

(62../f -13)#" (j..'l-2 x/o- JfI' t:: . , - si",rI
TlJvs~ T::: 0./3 aIh
From £'1' (I) I ~::: CD feu%1J : ; 7 c()Sto() where /I'lI!1Tr

Thvs J
D ~ k
U=[ 2. T (;(J.s6~ ] =[ :2 (O.l3sIIJ)(;t7S6o ]
2_ ft
CD e7r r 0.5 (1,'I1f ~:¥) 1f( ;tft)'I. - 2 .S.5-:s

9.62 Two smooth spheres are attached to a thin rod that is
free to rotate in the horizontal plane about point 0 as shown in .. /O.7-ft diameter
Fig. P9.62. The rod is held stationary until the air speed reaches
50 ftjs. Which direction will the rod rotate (clockwise or coun-
terclockwise) when the holding force is released? Explain your

Lef 4 and del/ote fhe dra9 4

forces on fhe fell and ri9h f :r~
~pher8.s respeclively. If 4 >~

fhe rod will To/ale covllier CIDG~t;ise. 1u

7Js :z
_ I
4. - £;J. f 2. ~ and a&J? ~ CJ)R t 71 IIR e Sf) thai
~ CDt( IJA. wlJere CL) =:: CJ) (Re J. (J)
;( =:: CbJ. IIJ.

#OIi0 UD. O.0023S

sllJ ~(50#)(I,Sf/) 5
Re::: e.. ;:=
1..# 3.7'1'/./0
_ 1$
fii =:/1.771./0

and. =:: D UDR __ 0.002-38 -!fp(SO~) (O.7f./) .5

"1 ~ ::; 2,23X 10
!Tj R
fJ' 3.1'1-1./0 ,.;!
Thv~ frrJlII Fif- B.21 Or 8.25 J for smooth spheres
CJ)L =0.06 alld ~R::: 0.5 $0 thai Eq.f/) 'lives
11 2. 2.
D8p. CDR Lf DR 0.5 (O.7{~)
.....tJ == .1l 1\2 : O.06(J.5f1)1 == /.81
(17/.. C/)L -¥- v/..

Since 4 >4 Ihe r()d will rotafe counter clockwise.

/lole; II11hOUfh Ihe rip,1 sphere /s S llJaller fhan Ihe Ielf, If has
more dra'j hSCfJlI..re il n4S a It/lYe rJr41 coefficielJf (/al1li/JfJr
boundary layer, wiJe waKe). The /4r,9 sphere has a smaller
drtJ1 coefficient (lurbulenl bounJ4ry layer J narl'pw waf.e).

Q.63 I
9.63 A radio antenna on a car consists of a
circular cylinder t in. in diameter and 4 ft long.
Determine the bending moment at the base of ,dia- D
the antenna if the car is driven 55 mph through
still air. V=5 S mph
- - ff
==80.7 -
FOr e9ut//nrivm J g /YJ():: 0 J or fYIo = lrlJ oS 2.=2ff
where of) = CD fpV2.f1 (J) c:;,slRx
5 /l7ce Re -- Jll.
.y - ft'-ft -
- (80,7#)-I/o VB - ,I 07 X/0'1)
/,57 x 10 /Yl()

it follows from Fi9. q. 2/ fhol C~ ~ I. 3

lienee 01} = /..3 (t )(0.002.38 =!.~~5 ) (BO. 71j)'J. (if (1) ( ~ fI)
Thus) Mo = (2 fI) (0.8'10£) = /.68 Ff •Jb

9. 65 Estimate the wind force on your hand

when you hold it out of your car window while
driving 55 mph. Repeat your calculations if you
were to hold your hand out of the window of an
airplane flying 550 mph.

b= CDterf2./I J where U=(ssmph)( ~~m;h) = 80.7!t
Ass/)f/)c your hand 1'.5 'fin_ by bill, i/) si~e dnd acl.s like
a t~in disc wifh CD ~ 1.1 (see Pi-g.9.zq).
rIJ=(J,J)(~)(O,00238)(eo.7fj)').(11f1)(&N) == /, 1f2 Ih
If your hand is norma} 10 the fhe lif! force is zero.
For U =550 mph == e07 Y (i,e') a /0 fold increase in rJ) fhe
draq will increase by (J factor of 100 (i.e~ 08- U )J or JJ= /'f2/b

Note: We have assumed fh4t CL) is not a funcl/on of v. That /sJ

if is /Jof a fvn&lion of either Re:::: ~ or /Y/fJ -:: *" .
?, 66 It I 9.66* Let 0>0 be the power required to fly a
particular airplane at 500 mph at sea-level con-
ditions. Plot a graph of the ratio 0>/0>0' where 0> is
the power required at a speed of U, for 500 mph
=:; U =:; 3000 mph at altitudes of sea level, 10,000
ft, 20,000 ft, and 30,000 ft. Assume that the drag
- coefficient for the aircraft behaves similarly to
that of the sharp-pointed ogive indicated in Fig.
9.2f. 'P t eV3C A C 3
-p == Urb ::; CD i pV fJ

(88 ft )
.sO fhaf -::;:}:;::; ..L eJ1!C A -
ro 2. 00

Do -
Do Va

Nodw1 Yo =(s 00 mph) (6()m~h) = 733~

/Ylo = ¥- =1
where C k RTi so fhat Co -:: /1. If (17/6/it '~~R ) ('1-60+ 5'1) oR i

or Ii. "-/ 9
M =
1'lfJo Co
J&. = 1//7
7 33 ~
11 == 0 656
. = / / /71f
Hence J from Fi9. 9,ZtfJ eno = 0,2 so fhal £". (f) hecOf!J8.5

1> _
% - (0.002 38 sllJ~)(O.2)
e CD if )3 or 70
-p _
(- U -6 C V.3 h
- 5,33 x/o r D were
733 J {:l.)
U,., Ii and
CD =Cb(fYla) from h~. 9.2'1- CDI F-
fils 0, e~ s;:r- (3J

M- U ~
Q - Vf.JI. (1716~J~~t/l) (Jf6() t T) 'R'
Ma = U I where TJN fj and T'" 'F (If)
,; 2 Lf 00 ('1-60 +T) J

Thos J for fhe givel) a/fi1ude obfain Tand p in Table C.I. Se lee f
bOO mph ~ U~ 3,()()O mph (i.e~ 73.3!f ~ U:: 'I-~oo 1j )J determine /!Ja
from £'1,,('1) J C[) from Ef(J3J (the graph)) and ~ frblll Eq. (~J. The
reslI/fs are ploHeri be/olll.
0) IN /~OO() ffJ p::: 1.76 x/o- 3 WI J T= :2 3. Lj. "F
Thus, i:,::; 9,98 x/o9 Cb V3
(J Tt
Ma= 10eo
b) 11-1 2~oooflJ P=/.27 x/o- S/7!- 7= -/2.3 'F J

Thvs :e
~ :: 6.77 X /0
Cb U

Nf _ U
I'IQ - IOIf()

9.66 4 I (conll)
c) IN3~OOO ff J e~ 8.9/ x/o-If. sf:¥- J T =- tf7.8 fir
Thus ~:::
J 'I,7S X/O- 9CD y3

Proqratn P91166 s/70Wh belolV Wqs flsed for the CQ/cfJ/4Iiol)s. Cb vs (;14 rit/fa
WQS f4keIJ fro", Fi9J ? 2'1-.
100 cIs
110 open "prn" for output as #1
120 dim M(17), C(17), A(3), AA(3)
130 print#l, "*************************************************"
ll,o.O print.#l, "** This program calculates the power rat.io **"
150 print#l, "** at different altitudes of flight for **"
160 print#l, "** flight speeds from 500 to 3000 mph. **"
170 print#l, "*************************************************"
200 C(1)=0.19 : C(2)=0.23 : C(3)=0.l,o.2 : C(l,o.)=0.55 : C(5)=0.52
210 C(6)=0.49 : C(7)=0.46 ! C(8)=0.43 : C(9)=0.40 : C(10)=0.38
220 C(11)=0.37 : C(12)=0.36 : C(13)=0.35 : C(ll,o.)=0.35
230 C(15)=0.34 : C(16)=0.34 : C(17)=0.34
240 A(1)=1080 : A(2)=10l,o.O : A(3)=995
250 AA(1)=9.38E-9 : AA(2)=6.77E-9 : AA(3)=4.75E-9
260 for i = 1 to 17
270 M(i) = 0.25*(i+l)
280 next i
300 for i = 1 to 3
310 z = 10000*i
320 print#l, " "
330 print#l, using "For an altitude of z = ######. ftl!;z
3l,o.O print.#l. " U, mph Ma CD P/Po"
350 U = 0
360 for j = 1 to 6
370 B = 0
380 U = U + 500/60*88
390 Ma = U/A(i)
~oo for k = 1 to 17
410 if B = 1 then goto 450
~20 if Ma > M(k) then goto l,o.50
430 CD = C(k-1) + (C(k) -C(k-l) )*(Ma - M(k-l))/(M(k) - M(k-l))
44·0 B = 1
450 next k
460 ratio = AA(i)*CD*U 3

465 UM = U*60/88
470 print#l, using" #####.# #.#### #.#### #.###ft"ftft!l;UM,Ma,CD,ratio
l,o.80 next. j
l,o.90 next i

(con II;)

?# 6 6 4~ (con'-lJ
** This program calculates the power ratio **
** at different altitudes of flight for **
** flight speeds from 500 to 3000 mph. **
For an altitude of z = 10000 ft
U, mph Ma CD PIPo
500.0 0.6790 0.2186 8.088E-Ol
1000.0 1.3580 0.5370 1.589E+Ol
1500.0 2.0370 0./,r556 /,r.550E+Ol
2000.0 2.7160 0.3827 9.061E+Ol
2500.0 3.3951 0.35/,r2 1. 638E+02
3000.0 /,r.07/,rl 0.3/,r00 2.717E+02

For an altitude of z = 20000 ft

U, mph Ma CD PIPo
500.0 0.7051 0.2228 5.9/,r9E-Ol
1000.0 1./,rl03 0.5308 1. 13/,rE+Ol
1500.0 2.115/,r 0./,r/,r62 3.216E+Ol
2000.0 2.8205 0.3772 6./,r/,r5E+Ol
2500.0 3.5256 0.3500 1.168E+02
3000.0 /,r.2308 0.3/,r00 1.961E+02

For an altitude of z = 30000 ft

U, mph Ma CD PIPo
500.0 0.7370 0.2279 /,r.270E-Ol
1000.0 1./,r7/,r0 0.5231 7.839E+00
1500.0 2.2111 0./,r3/,r7 2.198E+Ol
2000.0 2.9/,r81 0.3721 /,r./,r61E+Ol
2500.0 3.6851 0.3500 8.196E+Ol
3000.0 /,r./,r221 0.3/,r00 1.376E+02


- - z =10,000 ft
a.. - - - z = 20,000 ft
- - - - - z =30,000 ft

f------ ---~,-- .

100 1000 10000

U, mph

9,~7 J
1).67 A 0.50-m-diameter meteor streaks through the earth's
atmosphere with a speed of 1800 mls at an altitude of
20,000 m where the air density is 9 X 10- 2 kg/m 3 and the speed
of sound is 300 m/s. The specific gravity of the meteor is 7.65.
Use the data in Fig. 9.24 to determine the rate at which the me-
teor is decelerating.

z:: r::: ma or tb= mq

1: pref) f 1/- == fm .; 1/(.g)3 fA Phi ~ SG PN~o
where If. (/) 3 [ l!. 1 'I- (0.5111)3
m ~ Pm -:3 11 ~) ::: 7,65 (1 000 /113) J r 71 --r ==
£0/ ~9

j U
/fIa ::: C" =


9.68 A 30-ft-tall tower is constructed of equal I-ft segments

as is indicated in Fig. P9.68. Each of the four sides is similar.
Estimate the drag on the tower when a 75-mph wind blows
against it. 4~===~~
.... ....
flss llme no inferference be/ween the 2 in.

fronf and back portions of the lower.

A/so, neq/Bd fhe cJrfHI on the sider of FIGURE P9.68



Thus) from £r.. (t)


,j} = 30(l. (O.OO2.3FJ s~~s )(110 ~l)[(J.q8)(2.)(I ff)(-kH)+(18)(kH)( et~~8V2 rt)

t (1.82.) (z){/f/)(k H) +(1. rO(J. f+)( 8 t8/~812 r+)J

,j} = BSq Ib

9.()9 A 2-in.-diameter sphere weighing 0.141b is suspended
by the jet of air shown in Fig. P9.69 and Vidl:o V3.1. The drag
coefficient for the sphere is 0.5. Determine the reading on the Area = 0.3 ft2
pressure gage if friction and gravity effects can be neglected for
the flow between the pressure gage and the nozzle exit.

Area = 0.6 ft2

9.70 The United Nations Building in New York is approx-
imately 87.5-m wide and I 54-m tall. (a) Determine the drag on
this building if the drag coefficient is 1.3 and the wind speed is
a uniform 20 m/s. (b) Repeat your calculations if the velocity
profile against the building is a typical profile for an urban area
(see Problem 9.17) and the wind speed halfway up the building
is 20 m/s.

(C/) of) == CD f f v'lJ == /.3 (i )(1.23 ~)(2of t(15'1m)(87.SIfJ)
JJ == /1,3/ x /0
N= '1-.3/ MN

(b) For ~n vrDQ/J areo, U;::. C yo.1.}
Thv.s J wdh u =2.0 lJ- af y -:: -b: : 77fJJ
we obfain
C = :,.11- == 3.52. J or f). == 3.52 yO.4 wilh U 1} J Y'" In

The 10141 drtl9 is y= /s'!-

cb = deD =,fCD ip u. dlJ = -freD {(3.s2.
yO.If/- (87.5) dy
or 15~

.() =f(J.23) (1.3) (3. Sz/(87. S) S /,8dy = 967C~ ) (f5'1r= '/;/7 ~/06 N
Thvs) 0

rf} == 'f. /7 MN

9.72 When the 0.9-lb box kite shown in Fig. P9.72 is flown
in a 20 ft/s wind, the tension in the string, which is at a 30° an-
gle relative to the ground. is 3.0 lb. (a) Determine the lift and u = 20 ftls
drag coefficients for the kite based on the frontal area of 6.0 ft2. •
(b) If the wind speed increased to 30 ft/s. would the kite rise
or fall? That is, would the 30° angle shown in the figure in-
crease or decrease? Assume the lift and drag coefficients re-
main the same. Support your answer with appropriate calcula- t
• FIGURE P9.72

(a) z:: Fx ::: If) Ox =: 0 0'" ~::: Tcos30fJ

:::(316JC()s30o :::: 2.IOI/;
e/) == t('U2-A -r=3Ih W= o.911J
e/)::: O,i)/(J
zry =mtly=:O or
!hils; t 2Jfo/6
C.l. ==ff TJ'''I1 =~
G. :: 0.8'1-0


9.73 I

9.73 A regulation football is 6.78 in. in diameter and

weighs 0.91 lb. If its drag coefficient is CD = 0.2, detennine
its deceleration if it has a speed of 20 ftls at the top of its

0.0238 Ii>
::: O.Sil-1
0,0283 S/fJr;s oS

fl. 7'1-
9.74 Explain how the drag on a given smokestack could be
the same in a 2 mph wind as in a 4 mph wind. Assume the val-
ues of p and J..L are the same for each case.

/)= CD i f U'J./J :::: CD £pU 1l'Dt
LeI ( )1 denofe conJilions with lJ= Jl}-
and ( )1. with U= 2. !p-
7/;lIs with p, =f:l 1 fo hove /J;::: ciA We hove

' u,2 rrDLA=V[)z2f2.

CD/2ft I
r J
U1.2. lTDLIJ or CDJl1 ~:::CD:;. Uz2-
Thai i.sJ
CD1 :::: LfC/)2 where CD, and C/)2- ore fvncfions of Re == ~D tJs shown
in Fi9vre 9,21 (a),
Since 11 =u- ±
and ~ = Uz if foJ/oU/s fhat
Rei = 0,5 Re 2.
From F;~, 9,1-1 tq) we cqn deTermine CD
a value of Re2 such fhat Re, -: : 0. S Rez
and CD1 =- Lf CD:;. j hence the drd9s J.

are e'ltJo/ eve"fhou9h the velocHies CD2,.== 0. 25

• ____ 1__ _

are /JIJerlla J. This occurs beCOIJ.J'8

of fhe s()dden drop in ClJ as the
bo()ndafY Jqyer Decomes tlJf1hu/(}n1.

Radius = 0.845 in.
9.77 A strong wind can blow a golf ball off the tee by
pivoting it about point I as shown in Fig. P9.77. Determine the - - Weight = 0.0992 Ib
wind speed necessary to do this.

When the ball is ahout 10 be blown

from Ihe fee fhe free bOdy dia9rtlm
is 4S showlI. flence.; hy .full/min, IfJD/lJ8111s
ObO()1 (I):
[J ~ ~ 0 or Wi == tJ r

Tn vs)
(0. O'!f/2 /6) ( o. 2. oin.) = IJ (0.821 i".)
08= o. 0292/iJ I where /Ie ~ fflf21Tr2 r=O.8IfsilJ.
-ri. D.B2/ in.
IfIUS) . 2-
O. O'}.'I-~/O;:
CD 1...1. £(}fS)
2. (0.00138 If'
In i{!;. n'
~T1 x,:::O.lOln.
C/) U2. =: 130S where1
u- P. (I)

For a sphere4- C/) ==~(Re) (see [;'9- 9./..5) where (2.)

Re == ~ -
p -
3.1f7X/0 7 00',slfl3.)

Re ~ 9tt rJ.; where V~!!- (.1)

Trial and erN!' s()/fliion:
IlSSf)hJ e C/) =: O. If oS 0 Intll frf)/IJ £1- (/)J lJ::: S l /!) and
fro/l} £o.{,1)
1 J
Re::: 9bl (~7./) -::! s. S 2 X/O ¥. TAvs fro/J?

Fl9' 9.],5, Cj; -;: O. 2.5 :f (), ~Il Try 41(J//;.

!Js.su/lJe Cb =: 0.1.2 so fh4t V::: 77,() #- tllJti Re:: 7,1f'rX/O~
T/JlIs.; Fro/IJ r;,. 9.~5J Cb -;:: 0.22 ChecKs.
lienee; U;:; 77,tJ #-
9.78 I 9.78 An airplane tows a banner that is b =
0.8 m tall and e= 25 m long at a speed of 150
km/hr. If the drag coefficient based on the area
bEis Co = 0.06, estimate the power required to
tow the banner. Compare the drag force on the
banner with that on a rigid nat plate of the same
size. Which has the larger drag force and why'!

P = rbV where oft= CD ±fy'J/I w/I/; f}::: bi.


Thus wilh CD=O.06tJnd lJ:::~.50~)( 3}0'::.5)( 'f~O: ):::~1.7.p­


fhis 9ive.s
-p = (0,06) (± )(1, 2.3 ~)('fl. 7.!fl (O.Bm)(-;.Sm) ;: 5 3, S xl 0.3 W :: S 3,5 k W

For a r'9id fla-l plate

P = rlJ7J = 2 CD 1fV~bi (fhe f4c1or of fwo is needed hectlf)Se the
drQ9 coefficjenf is bClSed QIJ file dra1 QIl ()ne
side ()f Ihe pIa If) )
iI,'fh Re/J ~
UI' -$ m£ = 7, /~X/O 1 We ()oraln
.e" k-rD X/O oS

FI9J 9./s a va/tie of CD:::: o.O();).s for a smooTh pia/e.

'P == 2- (0.002.5)( J..) (1.231;) (If!. 7-lJ!-i( o. 8m )(2-.5",) = ¥-.lft x IO.3W :: /f. f~ AW

For +he flal p/4le cQ.!'e the d1'4! is re/alillefJ sll/al/ becfJlJSe /1 IS
doe elJf"f'e~ 10 sheqr(viscotJ,s) forces. /)V{) 10 fhe I'/flvller/1J9 of 1);61 h

banner, (/ 900d porl/o!} of /4 JrtJ1 (4!}ril;elJce power) is (J reS'()/1 01

preS-SlIf'8 forces . II /'.t /lui (/s slreomh"ned tiS a 1'I"tiel /hI pIale.

9.7Q I
9.19 By appropriate streamlining the drag coefficient for an
airplane is reduced by 12% while the frontal area remains the
same. For the same power output, by what percentage is the
flight speed increased?

p :;: g TJ J W I;ere rfJ ::: CD f f 7Jit

Lei ( )0 denole the ori,inlJ I conlijllrtlfion t:fnJ ( )05 the slream/ied one.
Thvs J w/lh r;:: 11 we ohfa/n
eDt) feo Tl;;2.flo Yo == CDs i f!s (!./I1.s Us or w/-/IJ t90 ~lJs ) po -:: f~
tl [c.]~
cl>P. =[
ao == u.s c[)~
ThllsJ iJo 0'135
... Vo Ds C Do -O,/2CD(')
t:e'J a '1-.35h speed Increqse
Note: 'P~ U3Cl> .so/hal JfJ==3V2.GbJU.fU3JCj). Thvs w/IJJ J

JfJ=O this give.s t5U = - f Jet) =- -0;2 = -+0.01/- == 4-%


9.80 I
9.BO The dirigible Akron had a length of 239
m and a maximum diameter of 40.2 m. Estimate
the power required at its maximum speed of 135
km/hr if the drag coefficient based on frontal area
is 0.060.

P:;alJU J where ob'=Cf)teU'll

Thus) with [J:::(/3.5~)( 31 oh;s)( ',Okhlm) = 37.5.lf-
P = CD -tpU 3 f}
=(0.o60)(i)(J.2.3 !;;-3) (37.S!p)3Cf) (lfo.2tn/- == 2.'1- 7 X/06 k~:2.
AW (/.3/f.~)= 3310 hp
p = 2.1- 7 x 10

9.8/ I

9.81 Estimate the power needed to overcome the aerody-

namic drag of a person who runs at a rate of 100 yds in lOs in
still air. Repeat the calculations if the race is run into a 20-mph
headwind; a 20-mph tailwind. Explain.

Q.83 I
9•.83 A fishnet consists of 0.10-in.-diameter o.lo-in.-dia. cylinder
strings tied into squares 4 in. per side. Estimate
the force needed to tow a 15 ft by 30 ft section ifin. /
of this net through seawater at 5 ft/s. Jfin·/.V /
~/ /'.

I U~ecfjon 1/ / / /
The net cQn be freafed as one lon9 .... 1-~--.!'-/~--t---t---1~
0,/0 -/n. -diameTer .circular cylinder wlfh

ell = C; f [JUl./} J where U::: 5 #- . Each I fl' .sectirJn Qr Ihe net

conTains 6 feel {}f sfri171 (donoi C()IJnt fhe edges fwice). ThPJ.; f/;e
fola/ sfri/Jy lell,lh ;0$ 0fJlioximalely 1 =(6 ff2o) (/5 f-l)(30f/) = 2700 Ii
f)lso, since p= /,99 s~¥ and 1/:::: /.26 x/o-.s ~2. (see Table 1,5)
Re:::: Vb
0::: rs q,;. fI)
1,26 x10-.5 1J!
= 33/0

/J==(I,I)(1)(1.99%'1S)(sfj/{~ft)(2700ft):::: 6/61b

9.84 An iceberg floats with approximately,
• 7 volume in air

of its volume in the air as is shown in Fig. P9.84.

IT the-wInd velocity is U and the water is station-
ary, estimate the speed at which the wind forces
the iceberg through the water.



Lei ( ~ denofe fhe portion of the /cebel"fJ in fhe air

dnd ( )w Ihal porlio/) in Me w4ler.
Thv.s} ~::: t-v
and Vw::= f V J where 11:: vo Itlme 0 f fhe ice ber9
For sfeady mofion) 4::: 08w J where 4 -= ~q i ~(U - rh')2.Aa
and A _ C .1. 0 11 Z Ll
GVw- 'Dw2. \W Vb nw
i1 :: speed ot fhe iceber9


9.85 I
9$5 A Piper Cub airplane has a gross weight
of 1750 Ib, a cruising speed of 115 mph, and a
wing area of 179 ft2. Determine the lift coefficient
of this airplane for these conditions.

'1.86 )
9.86 A light aircraft with a wing area of200 ft 2 and a weight
of 2000 Ib has a lift coefficient of 0040 and a drag coefficient
of 0.05. Determine the power required to maintain level flight.

For eqlJi/;hrium t~ W=2 0 00/b == ~ ifU~1l

or .sIll 2-
2000 / b = (0.'100) f. (0.00 23 8 -;/f) U (zoo ff')
TJ = 1'IS !i
Also; p::: power =: It Tl) where
rIJ= e/) i:pV'-;; =(O,OS)i(O,00238E~¥)(/'1$fil·(2.oofl2)~ 250/1;
/Vofe; Thi.s valve of rb C()vld he ohlailJed frfJm
~ == ~ := f!:. :: (),1f() :: 8 fJr d9 ~ ~ : : ?:..,ooo//; ~ :;.50 II;
/IV (7./ c{) o.oS.J 0 8
s )::: 3.b3 x/O /f .!.:Ul.
P ~ 250/lJ (1'1-5 JJ ~ ( sso/ {(.J1J
h£ ) :: 65.9 hp


9.87 As shown in Video V9.9 and Fig. P9.87, a spoiler

b = spoiler length = 4 ft
is used on race cars to produce a negative lift, thereby giv-
ing a better tractive force. The lift coefficient for the airfoil
shown is CL = 1.1 and the coefficient of friction between
the wheels and the pavement is 0.6. At a speed of 200 mph,
by how much would use of the spoiler increase the maxi-
mum tractive force that could be generated between the
wheels and ground? Assume the air speed past the spoiler
equals the car speed and that the airfoil acts directly over
the drive wheels.

Tracfive force = Fz ~ Ji ~ JW
where j1. ~ coef{j'c,ieni rI {net/on w:: O. 6

.Af; :::; fl A~ =ft i!.; where LlF;. ,".r fhe

increase in fracl/ve force d{)e fo the rdowlJwardJ //I'f.
Hence will; lJ:::; 200 hJnh:: 293 fils
) ,- J

t= ipU 2 CL IJ = i(o.OO').3e SK¥-)(2Q31j/·(;'/){J.5ff)(lfffJ-:= 67¥/b;

~ S ::= 0,6 (67~/b)-:: ,!-os /6

9.88 The wings of old airplanes are often strengthened by
the use of wires that provided cross-bracing as shown in
Fig. P9.88.1f the drag coefficient for the wings was 0.020 (based
on the planform area). determine the ratio of the drag from the
wire bracing to that from the wings.

Speed: 70 mph
Wing area: 148 ft 2
Wire: length = 160 ft
diameter = 0.05 in .
• FIG U R E P9.88

so -Ih'rf

Re -- Jl!2
1/ --
(7olYlph) ( -,om'"
88# )(
0.0.5 )
:::: 2720.
I. ~7 x IO-JI. J:L2.

From Fi9' 9.21 } w/lh Re =: 271-0 we obTain

clJwire (1.0)(0. 667f-lZ.)
- (0.02) (IJf8 f/2.) :: 0.225 J or 22.570

9.89 I

9.81) The jet engines on a Boeing 757 must develop a cer-

tain amount of power to propel the airplane through the air with
a speed of 570 mph at a cruising altitude of 35,000 ft. By what
percent must the power be increased if the same airplane were
to maintain its 570 mph flight speed at sea level?

-fJ:::: p()wer :::,fJ7J = ir 1]3Cb 1/

Lef ( )0 and ( )3$ den()le cOllrl/II()M af .seo, lei/el &llJri 3.s;()()() ftrCfJflC!illof)
Tnvs z?;:: 77;. .sf) fh41

7j 71.
-11.s- -
2. c/)t)lio
po 0 Sf) II A:, ~/lJ.5 411d c/Jo ~~3') J f/;ell
df.;s ~ C.o.s./~~
16 :::: ~\M or w,Yh r() Vq/vOs from iaiJ/e cJ,
~s ~

__ 0.00238 ~
~ =8, 22 = 32'1.. tI-f
· .I'D e
13s- 0.0007.38 stqf
9.90 J

9.90 A wing generates a lift 5£ when moving through sea-

level air with a velocity U. How fast must the wing move
through the air at an altitude of 35,000 ft with the same lift
coefficient if it is to generate the same lift?

)~ - ~2.38)(/0-3:7I!

~eQ leve/- 7. 38 X/O"" 1/* q•• level

l{¥oofl = .J. 80 r{eQ level

9.9/* When air flows past the airfoil shown
in Fig. P9.91 the velocity just outside the bound-
ary layer, U, is as indicated. Estimate the lift coef-
ficient for these conditions.

0.8 1.0
If shear forces are negligible FIGURE P9.9/

~= Jf cos e dlJ J where fhe + siqn is used on

fhe lower surface j - sI9n on upper surf(lce. IIlso,
fJ = 1'0 +ipV2.- -feu.'-· Since the
consfcmf aim().spheric preSSllre doe.s not ~
c.onlrib"fe fo the liFt, we sei f. ~O f. u -Ie -7.ZZz:z=-
Thvs J fJ = fpy2.[J - (~tJ So fh4t J~a dA
1.= f#f(,u [I-(tt] cos8dR
~. '(~
However, dll~ j Js where j: will9 leI/II/II ~
or cose dll:= cose ids = i rk
Hence I
j[t -(~):L]idx +ffV2.f[I-(~)2-J 1 dX
upper lower
t :: f f rl"l f[(%)2 upper
- (%)~ ]dx
II/so; since G;. = f f' ~2A = i e~2tC I wnere C: chord len9th
if fo/lows thaf
CL = j[ (-fff' -(-~)2- ] d(i-) Thi.s Infe9ral is obfained by nVQJcriCQ/
.!.::O upper fOlller infeqrafio/J of fhe d4ta 9ir1en in fheh9vre.
The fo//OW/tJ9 f4h/e of Jaf4 is oJ/a/ncd ;

9.9/ "1 (conli)

-cx [(~~:per - (~)~wer J

0 0
0.05 0.65
0./0 0.52
0./5 0.'1/
0.20 0.36
0.2.5 0.32
0.30 O. '2.q
0.35 0.2'/-
O.lfo 0.'2.0
0.Jl.5 0./8
D.SO D.17
0 . .55 O./S
0.60 O./~
0.6..5 0,12.
0.70 0.1/
O.7E O.Oq
0.80 0. 0 7
0.85 0.05
0.90 0.03
0/1.5 0.01
/.00 0

By lJ,sinJ the pro9ram TRAP£~OI wHh the ahove valves of Ihe

infcqrIJluJ we ohf4in
** This program performs numerical integration **
** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule **
Enter number of data points: 21
Enter data points (X , Yl
? 0,0 ? 0.55,0.15
? 0.05,0.65 ? 0.60,0.11,t.
? 0.10,0.52 ? 0.65,0.12
7 0.15,0.lxl '? 0.70,0.11
'? 0.20,0.36 ? 0.75,0.09
? 0.25,0.32 ? 0.80,0.07
? 0.30,0.29 ? 0.85,0.05
? 0.35,0.2lx ? 0.90,0.03
? 0.I,t.O,0.20 ? 0.95,0.01
? 0.1,t.5,0.18 ? 1.00,0
? 0.50,0.17
The approximate value of the integral is: +2.0550E-Ol

Thus) ~:::: 0.206

9.93 9.93 A Boeing 747 aircraft weighing 580,000
lb when loaded with fuel and 100 passengers takes
off with an airspeed of 140 mph. With the same
configuration (i.e., angle of attack, flap settings,
etc.) what is its takeoff speed if it is loaded with
372 passengers. Assume each passenger with lug-
gage weighs 200 lb.

For sfeady fli9ht "£::: CL ifV~A -::: W
Lei ( )'00 denofe conditions wifh /00 pdsset/ljers
ond ( )372 wilh 372 pqs.renrer.s. ThuS; w,lh ~/OO'" ~37.2 J
~oo ;:: 11372. J (}nd 800:::: ('37.2 Ef · (I) 91ves
til 0 0
-2.- or
u u700 ~r58~ooo580,
== +(372 -100) (2.00)J
000 Ib
;/.37.2 ~7:Z
Th/)~J ~12:: /'f6 mph

9.94 Show that for unpowered night (for which
the lift, drag, and weight forces are in equilib-
rium) the glide slope angle, e,
is given hy
tanH = CnIC t .•

FOr steady vn~wered fh9hf v~

L Fx =0 9lve.s b= Wsil}8 Te
~ Fy == 0 91i1es t : : W&Dsf)
ThlJ s }
b_ W sinG
y- Wt Os e -
1 (JIJ

fan e = Ct.

9. q 5 J
9.'J5 If the lift coefficient for a Boeing 777 aircraft is 15
times greater than its drag coefficient, can it glide from an al-
titude of 30,000 ft to an airport 80 mi away if it loses power
from its engines? Explain. (See Problem 9.94.)

From Proble In 9, q if J /5
I or d=if;S)</05{1 d
/5 J
= 8S.21J7/
lienee; the plane can q/ide 80m,:

9.96 I 9.96 On its final approach to the airport an

airplane flies on a flight path that is 3.00 relative
to the horizontal. What lift-to-drag ratio is needed
if the airplane is to land with its engines idled
back to zero power? (See Problem 9.94.) ~ _ y-.pr

From Prohlem 9.9 if J
fan e= CD

c'- 9


9.97 A sail plane with a lift-to-drag ratio of 25 flies with

a speed of 50 mph. It maintains or increases its altitude by flying
in thennals, columns of vertically rising air produced by buoy-
ancy effects of nonunifonnly heated air. What vertical air speed
is needed if the sail plane is to maintain a constant altitude?

WJ1h no vertical air h/o·l;on Ihe sailp/ane w!.IJ/d

91ide wilh a slope Qn9/e OJ where since L F =0
tIf = 1.11 sine (Jnd t = Wcos{;. Helice) .!It::: 1I/si,,() == tane
~ ~ Wc~B U
or since cIJ-::: ffV C/) /I
t = 1: PY 4
Cl II if follow.s
Ihat tan B= -*.
Therefore in sf/I/
4ir the s4i/p/one w()vld 10os8 alfilllrJe ctf a role ()f Usin()) where

fan) ( g~) : : fan' 1.sj:=2,29 ~ lienee, an upward wind 0 f(so "'ph) sin 2.29"
() ==
=: 2,00 mph wI/I a/low hori2 o nlo/ fl'9hl.

9Jl& I
9.98 Over the years there has been a dramatic increase in
the flight speed (U) and altitude (h), weight ('W), and wing
loading ('WI A = weight divided by wing area) of aircraft. Use
the data given in the table below to determine the lift coeffi-
cient for each of the aircraft listed. v __

Aircraft Year 'W,lb U, mph 'WIA, lblit 2 h, ft

Wright Ayer 1903 750 35 1.5 0
Douglas DC-3 1935 25,000 180 25.0 10,000
Douglas DC-6 1947 105,000 315 72.0 15,000
Boeing 747 1970 800,000 570 150.0 30,000

~ W (.W)
Ct. ::: .j f 7J'-,tJ - _
- p77 L
1. f u2j}
Tnt/oS e s/V1.$/{f3
'" ffls w}IJ. /61(12- ct..
Wri9hf F7yer 2. X/o -.3
SZ3 ~.s o.¥--&o

DC-.3 I. 7t 'tJO- 3 2t/f. 2. S". 0 O.'ff)9

DC-6 /,sox/o 'It2- 72-, () O. f.SI

7¥7 8.9/x/o-¥ 83t ISO OJI-J2

9,99 J

9.99 The landing speed of an airplane such as the Space

Shuttle is dependent on the air density. (See Video V9.1.)
By what percent must the landing speed be increased on a
day when the temperature is 110 deg F compared to a day
when it is 50 deg F? Assume the atmospheric pressure re-
mains constant.

('1-60 +/10)
(~60 +£0) == 1.//76

IT110., == VI, // 76 lloo :. 1,0572 77;0-
or a 5.727. IlJcre4Se

9,/00 J

'.100 Commercial airliners normally cruise at relatively

high altitudes (30,000 to 35,000 ft). Discuss how flying at this
high altitude (rather than 10,000 ft, for example) can save fuel

FOr /eve I Fli9ht W:::aircrafl wei'lht = ~::: ~ 1pu'"jJ

T/;/JsJ for given ~ C; J tI/ld f} Ihe dYIJ41J1/C pressure
is COllst ani /ndependenf of a/h'fvde. Thalls

.1. V 2) - .L 7/2.) or lJ - (-J14t1t1~)~ U

2.. P 10., 0001; - 2 e 4~OfJ() ff J :3~fJOO - f.3rJ,;OODj I~OOO
Hence ~o~ OO() > q" O()O
.I '" :a-
li/so,} s/I)ce flJe drill ;'S t# ~c/) -fpV /I II f()//()JII..$ fhal
,/) =C/).J:pll2.I/) =C/JfplJ'II) slIJce tpT{:fJI(J =f:e~(}tJl
.3";,OOD .1 0" "(JI I~QIO -;

Hence fhe o/rcrarl can fly fosler af hif};f) a/l/ltJr/ed wllh file

.same (JlJlotJlJf of dr49 ( 4~,oll ~~"()o) ::

9.102. Repeated controversy regarding the
ability of a baseball to curve appeared in the lit-
erature for years. According to a test (Life, July
27, 1953) a baseball (assume the diameter is 2.9
in. and weight 5.25 oz) spinning 1400 rpm while
traveling 43 mph was observed to follow a path
with an 800-ft horizontal radius of curvature.
Based on the data of Fig. 9.39 do you agree with
this test result? Explain.

For steady IJ')olion a/oIJ! Ihe curved

path ZJ F,. = m Or
or.2. 1(::: 800 f-l
£ = m J{ ::: # where V={lf3mphJ( :os~:h)=63.1~

Thu~ ( ~62S Ib)(6 3.1 ~),. _

~- (32.2 iO(800 f+) - 0.0507 lb
~ = CL -J: fy2.fJ = ~ Py2.fD2.t
_ 9t _ e (o.OSo71J,) (I)
C - 7l'pTli!.D2- - 1l'(O.OO2.38-?'fI)(6.3.I{fi"( #(1/- =0.:2.33

From h.,. ?39 wHh

If rev)( Jmin )(2.11 rad)(2-.9 U)
PL- = (1 OOMfii -;;o.s Jrev n :; 0.28/ We ohft:lin
2. 7J 2.. (63 . Ii} ) .

CL ~ O.OB which is less Ihal) IhB t; =0.23.3 in £,,_ (I).

lienee (J smorJlh sphere would not curve QS mvch (IS indicated, but
perhaps a rotJ9h ball (i.e 'J (J/le w/fh seams) wov/d#

'I, /0.3

9.103 Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate

Objective: A boundary layer is formed on a flat plate when air blows past the plate. The
thickness, 8, of the boundary layer increases with distance, x, from the leading edge of the
plate. The purpose of this experiment is to use an apparatus, as shown in Fig. P9.l 03, to mea-
sure the boundary layer thickness.

Equipment: Wind tunnel; flat plate; boundary layer mouse consisting of ten Pitot tubes
positioned at various heights, y, above the flat plate; inclined multiple manometer; measur-
ing calipers; barometer, thermometer.

Experimental Procedure: Position the tips of the Pitot tubes of the boundary layer
mouse a known distance, x, downstream from the leading edge of the plate. Use calipers to
determine the distance, y, between each Pitot tube and the plate. Fasten the tubing from each
Pi tot tube to the inclined multiple manometer and determine the angle of inclination, e, of
the manometer board. Adjust the wind tunnel speed, U, to the desired value and record the
manometer readings, L. Move the boundary layer mouse to a new distance, x, downstream
from the leading edge of the plate and repeat the measurements. Record the barometer read-
ing, Hbar, in inches of mercury and the air temperature, T, so that the air density can be cal-
culated by use of the perfect gas law.

Calculations: For each distance, x, from the leading edge, use the manometer data to de-
termine the air speed, u, as a function of distance, y, above the plate (see Eq. 3.13). That is,
obtain u = u(y) at various x locations. Note that both the wind tunnel test section and the
open end of the manometer tubes are at atmospheric pressure.

Graph: Plot speed, u, as ordinates and distance from the plate, y, as abscissas for each
location, x, tested.

Results: Use the u = u(y) results to determine the approximate boundary layer thickness
as a function of distance, 8 = 8(x). Plot a graph of boundary layer thickness as a function
of distance from the leading edge. Note that the air flow within the wind tunnel is quite tur-
bulent so that the measured boundary layer thickness is not expected to match the theoreti-
cal laminar boundary layer thickness given by the Blassius solution (see Eq. 9.15).

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click hen'
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

Boundary layer mouse

/Pitot tubes
Flat plate

• FIGURE P9.103

Solution for Problem 9.103: Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate

8, deg Halm , in. Hg T, deg F YH20, Ib/ft"3

25 29.09 80 62.4

y, in. L, in. u, ftls y, in. L, in. u, ftls

Data for x = 7.75 in. Data for x =3.75 in.

0.020 0.20 19.9 0.020 0.15 17.2
0.035 0.35 26.3 0.035 0.35 26.3
0.044 0.48 30.8 0.044 0.45 29.8
0.060 0.70 37.2 0.060 0.71 37.5
0.096 0.95 43.4 0.096 1.20 48.7
0.110 1.06 45.8 0.110 1.30 50.7
0.138 1.21 48.9 0.138 1.56 55.6
0.178 1.44 53.4 0.178 1.77 59.2
0.230 1.70 58.0 0.230 1.95 62.1
0.270 1.85 60.5 0.270 2.00 62.9

Data for x =5.75 in. Data for x = 1.75 in.

0.020 0.20 19.9 0.020 0.20 19.9
0.035 0.42 28.8 0.035 0.50 31.5
0.044 0.50 31.5 0.044 0.68 36.7
0.060 0.71 37.5 0.060 0.90 42.2
0.096 0.98 44.0 0.096 1.51 54.7
0.110 1.06 45.8 0.110 1.70 58.0
0.138 1.30 50.7 0.138 1.90 61.3
0.178 1.54 55.2 0.178 1.95 62.1
0.230 1.76 59.0 0.230 2.00 62.9
0.270 1.88 61.0 0.270 2.00 62.9

pu /2 = YH20 *L sin8
p = Palm/RT where
Palm = YH20*H alm = 847Ib/ft"3*(29.09/12 ft) = 20531b/ft"2
R = 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T = 80 + 460 = 540 deg R

Thus, p = 0.00222 slug/ft"3

Approximate boundary layer thickness as obtained from the graph:

x, in. 0, in.
1.75 0.15
3.75 0.20
5.75 0.27
7.75 0.30

Problem 9.103
Velocity, U, vs Distance, y

0.30 ,-----,----~---,------,I

0.25 ----II--+-~--~-I
0.20 ---~-------~~-------_H'__iI_+_-----1

-+-x =7.75 in.

0.15 - -I-------------i--------I+--f--4-----1 __ x = 5.75 in.
=3.75 in.
--.- x
-e-x = 1.75 in.
0.10 j

0.05 ~~.-:;~-----------~----I

o 20 40 60 80
U, ftls

Problem 9.103
Boundary Layer thickness, 8,
Distance from Leading Edge, x

0.35 I

0.30 ----"--~----+----~~___1
- -
------'---~~~~~~ • Approximate boundary layer
c: 0.20 thickness
r-O~ 0.15 --.---------~------ ---.------~-------_i
I - Best fit power-law curve
8 = OJ 12x°.48 ; '---~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---.J

0.10 - ---~-----------------------------~

O. 05 +=----t-----~---t----;----__t__

0.00 +-----~-----r-----T----_,----~

o 2 4 6 8 10
x, in.


9.104 Pressure Distribution on a Circular Cylinder

Objective: Viscous effect within the boundary layer on a circular cylinder cause bound-
ary layer separation, thereby causing the pressure distribution on the rear half of the cylin-
der to be different than that on the front half. The purpose of this experiment is to use an ap-
paratus, as shown in Fig. P9.104, to determine the pressure distribution on a circular cylinder.

Equipment: Wind tunnel; circular cylinder with 18 static pressure taps arranged equally
from the front to the back of the cylinder; inclined multiple manometer; barometer;

Experimental Procedure: Mount the circular cylinder in the wind tunnel so that a sta-
tic pressure tap points directly upstream. Measure the angle, /3, of the inclined manometer.
Adjust the wind tunnel fan speed to give the desired free stream speed, U, in the test sec-
tion. Attach the tubes from the static pressure taps to the mUltiple manometer and record the
manometer readings, L, as a function of angular position, O. Record the barometer reading,
H bar, in inches of mercury and the air temperature, T, so that the air density can be calcu-
lated by use of the perfect gas law.

Calculations: Use the data to determine the pressure coefficient, Cp = (p - Po)/(pU2/2),

as a function of position, O. Here Po = 0 is the static pressure upstream of the cylinder in
the free stream of the wind tunnel, and p = 'YmL sinf3 is the pressure on the surface of the

Graph: Plot the pressure coefficient, Cp' as ordinates and the angular location, e, as

Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical pressure coefficient, Cp =1- 4 sin 20,
obtained from ideal (inviscid) theory (see Section 6.6.3).

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem .

Water .. FIGURE P9.104

Solution for Problem 9.104: Pressure Distribution on a Circular Cylinder

~, deg Hatm , in. Hg T, deg F U, tUs

25 29.97 75 47.9

Experiment Theory
e, deg L, in. p, Ib/ft"2 Cp Cp
0 1.2 2.64 1.00 1.00
10 1.1 2.42 0.92 0.88
20 0.7 1.54 0.58 0.53
30 0.1 0.22 0.08 0.00
40 -0.6 -1.32 -0.50 -0.65
50 -1.6 -3.52 -1.33 -1.35
60 -2.4 -5.27 -2.00 -2.00
70 -3.1 -6.81 -2.58 -2.53
80 -3.0 -6.59 -2.50 -2.88
90 -2.7 -5.93 -2.25 -3.00
100 -2.7 -5.93 -2.25 -2.88
110 -2.6 -5.71 -2.17 -2.53
120 -2.6 -5.71 -2.17 -2.00
130 -2.6 -5.71 -2.17 -1.35
140 -2.6 -5.71 -2.17 -0.65
150 -2.6 -5.71 -2.17 0.00
160 -2.7 -5.93 -2.25 0.53
170 -2.7 -5.93 -2.25 0.88
180 -2.8 -6.15 -2.33 1.00

P = YH20*L sin~

P = Patm /RT where

Patm = YHg *H atm = 847 Ib/ft"3*(29.97/12 ft) = 2115 Ib/ft"2
R = 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R
T =75 + 460 =535 deg R
Thus, P = 0.00230 slug/ft"3

Problem 9.104
Pressure Coefficient, Cp , vs Angle, e




• Experimental
u -1.0 - Theoretical (inviscid



0 30 60 90 120 150 180
/0, I I

10.1 Water flows at a depth of 2 ft in a lO-ft-wide channel.

Determine the flow rate if the flow is critical.

10.2 The flow rate per unit width in a wide
channel is q = 2.3 m2 /s. Is the flow subcritical or
supercritical if the depth is (a) 0.2 m, (b) O.Sm,
or (c) 2.5 m?

v= -AQ = :tl
:: -i-Y so fho f Fr ::: ~ = if
vg Y yfiY
or m~

Fir -- t
.l!l. ' ~
= 0.73#
S/2 I
were y- m
19.81 s" y Y
y, m Fr flow fype
a) 0.2- 8.21 supercrificQ/
b) 0.8 1,03 supercrif ical
c) 2.5 0.186 slJhcri/icol

/0.3 J
10.3 Water flows in a canal at a depth of 2.8
ft and a velocity of 5.3 ft/s. Will waves produced
by throwing a stick into the canal travel both
upstream and downstream, or will they aJl be
washed downstream? Explain.

C=V~Y =j(32.2!J)(2.8ff)' ==9..5'O¥

ThlJs, with V::5.3 ~ c fhe wove CQI) frl1vel upsfream Cl9tJiIJSi
fhe c{)rrent. Re/alive to fhe sfretJlh bOI1K fhe wave fravels fJps1re4m
wi~h velocity t- V = 9.sofj -5.3 !+ = ¥.2 !/-.1f also frove/.s dOlllfJsfream.
Nofe: Fr = ¥ :: :~!l = 0.558 fhe flow i~ slIberifical.
j .
Waves travel both vp-rfreCfff} 4IJd downstream.


10.4 Consider waves made by dropping objects (one after

another from a fixed location) into a stream of depth y that is
moving with speed Vas shown in Fig. PlOA (see Video \'9.1).
The circular wave crests that are produced travel with speed v
c = (gy)l/2 relative to the moving water. Thus, as the circular
waves are washed downstream, their diameters increase and the
center of each circle is fixed relative to the moving water. (a)
Show that if the flow is supercritical, lines tangent to the waves
generate a wedge of half-angle a/2 = arcsin(l/Fr), where • FIG U REP 1 0 . 4
Fr = V/(gy) 1/2 is the Froude number. (b) Discuss what happens
to the wave pattern when the flow is subcritical, Fr < 1.

(a) In a lime inferval of i slf)ce the ohject h,1 fhe wafer (allJ i11141i4ff)J
fhe Wave) the cef)fer 0 {he wave has heel) swepl J()U'fNfreClfYJ a

d,'.s14f)Ce Vi and fhe W4Ve has eXjlallJerJ. If) 6e a dis/af/ce ct frpm

ifs eenfer. Tn/s i-r .showlI 1/J1/Je f/ytJre be/ow. !Vole fhal Vi >c-t
if V>c (,·.e, Fr>/) .

....... - -- ./

ct _ c
vt -1'
01' f::: arcsin (/ /Fr)
(6) If Fr </ the 4b()V8 result 9ive.s s"rf ~~ Wht"ch is' jPJ!~J'.r/b/e.
For Fr </ The fol/ow/flr; w~ve pal/ern wfllJ/d re.rt//f. Tnere is I')()
IlweJre UproJfloeJ.

/ -,,,-
ci \
\ U J
'" Vi /
Vi <. ct if
'-. - -

10.5 Waves on the surface of a tank are observed to travel

at a speed of 2 m/s. How fast would these waves travel if (a)
the tank were in an elevator accelerating upward at a rate of 4
m/s 2, (b) the tank accelerates horizontally at a rate of9.81 m/s 2,
(c) the tank were aboard the orbiting Space Shuttle. Explain.

Since c:;; 1{iy-' H follows That the fank aep+h ~

_ c2. (2 ~)~
- -
Y 'I = ::: O. ¥o 8 m
(a) If ihe rank accelerafe.s upward wifh acceleration 0. J Jhe effective
acceLe.rcrl ion of qrav/fy is g ff -:: 9+a '= (9.8/ +tt)f! -= 13.81 fi.
Thus J

C =:: V-ge-(r--'y'" == 1('3.8/If,. ) (O./f()8m) == 2,37f-

(b) If the tank accelera1es hori2onla/& 'II/Iii

acceleration aJ the effeciive acceleration is
jefr ~ / i~ + a2. ':;: /9.8/2.+'1.8/": =/3.87.r;:..
c::: (13.87!f;.)(o,If08m) = 2.381}
(c) In orhif ~err -::0 (weI9hfless) .so c:!!.....

10.6 I
10.6 In flowing from section (I) to section (2) along an
open channel, the water depth decreases by a factor of two and
the Froude number changes from a subcritical value of 0.5 to a
supercritical value of 3.0. Determine the channel width at (2) if
it is 12 ft wide at (I).

10,7 I
10.7 Obser\'ations at a shallow sandy beach /~w,,,c,,st
sho\\' that even though the waves several hundred
yards out from the shore are not parallel to the
beach, the waves often "break" on the beach
Ocean (2.).' . .- -
nearly parallel to the shore as is indicated in Fig.
- \
PI O. 7. Explain this behavior based on the wave
speed c = (gy)v:. ........--""H»-jH!>!>~C·7g'7
. .; . :.... M~ Bea~h'" . .' •... '.

Since C =",,9Y il {OJ/Ollis fhaf c, > C2 becQlJse of the fact lhat YJ >)t .

There fore a~ fhe waves move, fhat porfion in Ihe deeper water

fends fo ~afch up wilh fhat porliDn closer fo shore in the shallower


wafer. The wqve cresf Je/ld.s 10 become more nearly pIJra/le I fo Ihe
shore line. The waves "break" on fhe shore 4S if The wind were blolllin9
normal 10 fhe shore.

/0.8 I
10.8 Waves on the surface of a tank containing water are
observed to move with a velocity of 1.8 m/s. If the water is
replaced by mercury, with aU other conditions the same, deter-
mine the wave speed expected. Determine the wave speed if the
tank were in a laboratory on the surface of a planet where the
acceleration of gravity is 4 times that on earth.

Since C =(g i if foJlows fhat the walle speed is independenf of

fhe f/vid density. Thus CH;J.o :: CH, ::: /.8!f on eqrlh.

However) on 'he planet .t

Cplanef - ~/anefY
ge4rfh) (
gearfh fjplanef/
)~ -- ( gearlh
(~eQrth y)
Cpt/l1Iet = ( Lf )~Cearfh =('f)~ (1.8!f) = 3.60 If for wafer or mercury

'10.9 , 10.9 Often when an earthquake shifts a seg-

ment of the ocean floor, a relatively small am-
plitude wave of \'ery long wavelength is produced.
Such waves go unnoticed as they move across the
open ocean: only when they approach the shore
do they become dangerous (a tsunami or "tidal
wa\'e"), Determine the wave speed if the wave-
length. A. is 6000 ft and the ocean depth is 15,000

From £'(, /0,11-: C =[~ fqnh(2.JX )]~

or k
C = [ (.92.Z[l,.)(6oooff) f h(-2.17'(J5~oooft))~1 ~- /75 H
2"" Qn 6000 fl ~ s

10.10 A bicyclist rides through a 3-in. deep puddle of wa-
ter as shown in Video V.lO.l and Fig. PIO.IO If the angle
made by the V-shaped wave pattern 'procfuc-ed by the-1ront
wheel is observed to be 40 deg, estimate the speed of the
bike through the puddle. Hint: Make a sketch of the current
location of the bike wheel relative to where it was !::..t sec-
onds ago. Also indicate on this sketcr the current location
of the wave that the wheel made !::"t seconds ago. Recall that
the wave moves radially outward in all directions with speed
c relative to the stationary water.

AI f ime t :: 0 the froni whee I wos • FIG U REP 1 0.10

af point (OJ. AI fhe Gvrrent lime J

t:; LJ. t Ihe wheel has traveled (J.

J wave proallced
dis/an ce d:: and is at point (j),
01 (0) when t =0
Ai t:rne t ==A( a wave prodvced (/)
by the wheel when N Was of (0)
wi If he a diS1ance C At from (0)
as indicaf e d i/l-lhe fi9vre.
c ~
Waves prodvced 01 variOf}.s /i,."e.s
(from t:; 0 -/0 i =: At) hy the from
wheel will form fA V-shaped Wo,ve
as shown ill fhe sec()/Jd fJ'rttJfIe I
(proviJed V>c jsvperor,.fical \
bike speeJ),

V= c
where C ~ fiY '" [ 32.2 ~ (~H)Ji:::-; 2..e~.p
ThtJs J

V= 2.f'ffj =: 8.30#
sln 20rl

/0.1/ J

IO.1l Water flows in a rectangular channel with a flowrate

per unit width of q = 2.5 m2 Is. Plot the specific energy diagram
for this flow. Detennine the two possible depths of flow if
E = 2.5 m.

E - y + ~"
- 21 y"
Thus, plot
£ ::: y .,. 0.3/'1
y" J
wAel'e £ my'"
m N

Nole; Yc =(T)
0.'- ~
((2 .sJ11!fJ.)~
~ ::: 0. 86 0 111
IF Q.8I s t.
01} d 3 _ 3
Emili =3.' Yt: - 2: (0. 86 0 m) ::: 1.29m

yvs E


2 ~'" /
// l-':: 0.8 ,0

," Ell
0.5 t"-......

0 IL

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3


For £ =2.5 m J Ef. (I) is 2.5::: Y + yi
or y3 -2 . .5y2 +0.3/9 ::: 0
The roo/.s ff) fhi.s e'!volion ore y::: 2.'1-5 , 0.338 tJnd - 0.335 I

Thus, y =2...#5 m or y ::: 0.386 IIJ

10.12 Water flows radially outward on a horizontal round
disk as is shown in Video VIO.6 and Fig. PlO.12. (a) Show that
the specific energy can be written in terms of the flow rate, Q,
the radial distance from the axis of symmetry, r, and the fluid
depth, y, as ( Q)2 1
/ ./
E=y+ -
2gy2 ~( /r '4
\ I
(b) For a constant flowrate, sketch the specific energy diagram. \ / I--r-
" /
Recall Fig. 10.7, but note that for the present case,. is a variable. r--~
Explain the important characteristics of your sketch. (c) Based
on the results of Part (b), show that the water depth increases
in the flow direction if the flow is subcritical, but that it • FIGURE P10.12
decreases in the flow direction if the flow is supercritical.

(a) The specific elJergy i.s E. ~ y + t-gJ.) where V:= ~ ::: Q

Q)2. I
£=y+ (21Tr 2fjY'"

(b) Lei ~ ;;; 2":r so Ihaf E =Y f ~yt. ",hid, is Ihe slime tis For
fINO d/mensi()(JQ/ Flow wifh ff s:: f hei119 replaced by I!pwever; ¥.
for fWo dimensional flow 't is co/ul4nfj for radial flow 'i Is &l
variable since r Varies. Bvf ~ vs YC/JrVes for cons/ani wovla
look as shown below (Fi9~ /0,7). / ~ubc'i1;CQI
(e) Front fhe Bernoult· e'lvalion Y // /-.J'l.
£, ;:: £2. or £ =- cons/QlJt for this flow. ,.
Consider suhcr/fic4/ flow -point
II. For olAf/ow r incrB4se.s so Ih,,1
f decre4ses. Thv.s since £:: c.oMl.J
the flow 90es {f'()HJ sfetfe ~ If) II~;
the depth increQsc.s. F()r sUb - E
crilic.a/ in (10111 r decreases J ~ increases E, =E2, J

fhe flow 'lues fro/ll II, 10 11.1) and the depth decreases.
For s upercr/IiC41 Flow f is true. 'ThIlSJ stlhcrifiCIII supercriliccl
oulfoll! increases fJ decreases ~ j or inflow depfh depth
decreases incre4ses
fr()fn B, fo 82 - decreasin, depl-h.
oliff/ow depth deplh
Supel'cr/llca,/ inflow from B, fa 8.3- increases decreases
increasifl9 depth.

/0,/3- I
10.13* Water flows in a rectangular channel numbers. Plot the specific energy diagram for this
with a specific energy of E = 5 ft. If the flowrate flow. Repeat the problem for E = 1, 2. 3. and 4
per unit width is q = 30 ftl/s, determine the two ft.
possible flow depths and the corresponding Froude




y, fI (s()bcrificalJ r;. YJ ff fsvpercrdical) Fr

2 no .solufion poss,"J,l
.3 I
if .J
.5 if. 21 0.6/2. 2.26 /,56

Note Ihai Emili ='2 Yt: - whers Yc:: J
f) ~ =I(30 If:L)2]
= 3, 03 ff
Thlls , E.
=- !... (3. 0311)= ~s.s ft
As shown on the 9rllph be/fI~J there are no posifive real roots of Ct{. (I)
if £ < £mi,,::: '1.S5 rl.

. . j"
1; ...... /
It: 4 -t--+---+---+-~~-A--+--+-----+--.J---I---I
......... 1,/ >f ;:.3.o3H
/" \ EI7./~ = Krs f.I
1 ./ r--r-+---L-.I
o II

o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

/ D.llf \
10.14 Water flows in a rectangular channel at
a rate of q = 20 cfs/ft. When a Pitot tube is placed
in the stream, water in the tube rises to a level
of 4.5 ft above the channel bottom. Determine
the two possible flow depths in the channel. Il-
lustrate this flow on a specific energy diagram.

= ~.S -y or y.3 -If.Sy2+ 6. 2 ! =0 I where y-{/

The rOOTs ()I this gfl'lt1IiOIJ are y ~ 9. I'fJ I. If1-, lind - I. 0~

y .: ~./'l-II or y ;: 1.'1-2 If


/0-/ 0

10.15 Water flows in a 5-ft-wide rectangular channel with

a flowrate of Q = 30 f~ /s and an upstream depth of Yl = 2.5 ft
as is shown in Fig. PIO.15. Determine the flow depth and the
surface elevation at section (2).


7 f t?~2.fZ, = -I
IJ~ ~2
ti1+Z2} where ~~I1.=:0J z,='t-=21I J Z2=o.2rl+Y~J
-= Q = (30 !f) = fJ. :' Q ::: 30 i}.J -.A.
V, tii (2.£+)(5 fI) 3 S J IJlJd ~ 7& (5 If) Y1. - Y:z.
(3 Ii)2. (1. fi) 2. ..
.s + 2 ff = y~ oS • f 0.2 ff f ~
2(32. 2 ~) 2. (32.2'f{)
or 3.2 •
~ -1.9/fy,. to.5Sf/=O wl"chhQsroofs Y1.='I.77'1- I O.632. 1

!Vole: Fr::jL = 3!f = O.37/f < I

I v;y; K32.2~J(2fnJ~
If fheh Fi;,>/. This
Y2.=O.63:J. J y , • " (I) y,:: 2 ft
cQlJnol he silJce there ,".s no "6vPlpl , • (2.) Y,2,:: I. 77'1-fI
• I

bel.,een (tJ anti (2.) of whi&n critical ,

COfldihfJ"S CfllI Oa&Vr.
Thus} Y1. =I, 77~ II (1I1d 22. =1.97'1 ff


10.16 Repeat Problem 10.15 if the upstream

depth is Y I = 0.5 ft.


Thvs} ~ :: 0.528 f1 olld :&3. =:: O. 72.8 ft

/0.174 I
10.17* Water flows O\-er the bump in the bot-
tom of the rectangular channel shown in Fig. PIO.17
with a flowrate per unit width of q = 4 me/s. The
channel bottom contour is given by ZB = O.2e- x :.
where ZB and x are in meters. The water depth
far upstream of the bump is Yl = 2 m. Plot a
graph of the water depth. y = y(x), and the sur-
ZB = O.2e -x 2
face elevation, Z = z(x). for -4 m s; x s; 4 m.
Assume one-dimensional flow. FIGURE PIO.I7

Ii +i1'1.2. + -f +ijV2.+Z
2/ :: J where fJl o:::f ==0) ~::: ~:: 2m J 22.:: y +28
-x2. v,!t ~ Iff- .., I a. If
or Z = Y t 0.2 e J ,:::: " .::
:: 2!:r tlnQ V=.Jj.. :: -
(!l m)"
oS + 2 m .:: y:S -+ Y+0.2 e- x:2
2. (9, 81;l) 2(fI.&//fi)
y3 _( 2.2.0 -0.2 e- ) yZ+ 0.8IS::0 where y-m
Solve for y with - ~ ~ X~ Ifm y
/Vole: Fr: ~; - = 2 f- = 0"1-52. ""
I 'iy, [(f/.8/~){21n~Ji.
ThiJs, the flow will remQin slJhcrilicQ/ 1/

fhrof},holJf-lhe largesl roof of Er. (I)

wdl be the correc.1 one.
Use proJrarn C UBI C fo solve For yct) froth Ef. (fJ (/Qrpesf roof)
and fhen z = y to.2 e- x
for -'I RJ ~ x ~ If""
_xl. -x2.
X}m - (2.20 -0.2 e ) y Z== Y+O.2 e Jm
"! 'f.O - 2.200 2.000 2.000
;t .3.5 - 2/2;.00 2.000 2.000
± 3.0 - 2.200 2.000 2.000
t 2 ...r - 2.199 / .995 J .q,/s
± 2.0 - 2,196 1,990 1,99'1-
!:. I.S - 2,179 /.961/ /,990
!:. /.0 - 2./26 1.900 1.979
~o.s - 2. Olf'/- /.71/0 1.9Jf6
0 - 2,000 1.72. 7 1.92.7

/0.17"/ (cantO
The ahove resolls are plotfed in the 1ra,h De/ow,
yvs X I

1.95 L

1.90 V
E_ 1.85 /
1.80 /
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

zvs x

I 2

1.99 L.----
1.98 L
E_ 1.96 / I

1.95 /
1.94 J
1.93 . - ' /
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0


*10.18 Repeat Problem 10.17 jf the upstream depth is

O. 4 m.

:n = O. 2 e _.\2

4'-+ 21'VJ2 +2, :: ~+'ij.V:J.. +zJ

where 1t:::/~OJ 2,::Y;:::0,Jfm J z,.= y+ZB
or Z:z. :: y +0.2. e-
J ~;:: t::: '1-4

::: lolJlJ dnd V:::!f- : : 1-

Thl/s, (IOr/-)2. + O,Jf, = (if !f)2 + Y -1-0.2 e-x:J..
2 (fl.811f)'l. In 2 {'lBlf)2
or x )y2 + O. 815;;0 where ylWm
y3 _ (5.50 - 0.2. e- (J)

Solve for y wilh -7' ~ X ~ /,t m

~ IO.!!l y
Nofe: Fr ==--1- == ~ =5.0.5>/
IYj» [('l.8/~) (o,'Tmil~
Thvs the flolI! will remoin svpercrilical
fhroll,hotJf --fhe shQ//esf posit'vB roof of
f,(.O) will he Ihe correcf one.
(joSe prOf/ram CVBIC 10 solve fOry(x)frofIJ Fr.O) (..sma//esf positive
roof) alld then ~:: y +0,2 e- for -tf.m ~ X ~ Jfm.
2- 2.
X)rn - (5,SO-0.2 e- x ) y 2;; y -I-a2 e- X m

-!. if. 0 -5 . .500 0..',.000 O. 'fooo

t .3.5 - S.500 O. 'fOOO O. Jfooo
±3.0 - 5 • .s Of) O. 'fOOO O. JfOOO
± 2.5 - 5 . '1-99 0.3998 O. I..fOO~
± 2.0 - S. '1-96 0.3999 O. if. 036
± 1•.5 - S .479 O.Jfo06 0.lf~/7
± /.0 - s. 'f2.6 O. J/OZB O. Lj 76Lf
± O.S -.s. 3/flf 0, '1-063 0: 5 6 21
0 - .S'. 300 0.11-082 0.6082

/o,/8~ I (conI')

The ahove resv/ls are plolfed on the qrllfJh iJe/ow.

zvs x

0.65 . . . . . . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . - - - - - - - .

~ bl'" 4 ft
Im77r-fflTflZTA3 = 3 ft ~ V2
10.1 q Water in a rectangular channel flows b2

into a gradual contraction section as is indicated

in Fig. PlO.lq. If the ftowrate is Q = 25 ft'/s and
. 1 ~wkvvvm
the upstream depth is YI = 2 ft, determine the Top view
downstream depth, Y2. FIGURE PIO.,q

Side view

'h.3 - 2./5 ~2 + /.077 =0 which htJs roofs Y1.:: I. 8 2 8J O.9~6J and -0.62.3 (I)
. I1
Note: F0 ~ vi>'
~~ 3.~ s ]k~ 0.390..:.1
~YI (32.2.$ )(2.fI) 7-

Since Ihere is no relotive lIIinilllVIf/ y

area he/ween OJ and (2.) where critical
fJow can occur if Fo/lows fhot Fr:z. ~ I
also. Thlls II is nof pOSS/b/6 10

have Y:z.:: O.9¥t

Thvs) Y1.::: 1.828 ff


10.20 Sketch the specific energy diagram for

the flow of Problem 10./'1 and indicate its im-
portant characteristics. Note that qi =;6 q2'

\'] l:_-~J~~L~-_:~--- . _________ ,i


~. Yl 12 -+\'2
>;//fTm?//7/7/7'/////1»//7//7/7////7// 'T/T/Jd//
(1) (2)

_ Q _ 25 !/-J =6. 25 -.sfl~

Cf,- T - Jff+
or fil.~
- + (6. 2 5.s ) _+ 0,607 (I)
E- Y 2(j2,2~)y1. or E- Y y:z.
!i. 2. S .J:ti fi2.
For the b2- = 3 II chQ!1IJe) J ,/1. = b1. = 3H = B.33 .s
or fi2. 2-
E= t (8,3~) 1,077 (JJ
Y 2(32.,2~J y2. or E:= Y + y2.

Noh; Yc =(- r)~ sofhaf Yc, ~ ( f~ =( (~~Z; 17l= I.067R

and k 2 k
.x =(~)3= (-(8;33~)2.):3= 1,2.92 f-l
Cz. Ij 32.2. %
A/s~ Emin =-: Yc J or Emilll =f(I.067{f)::: 1.600ft
£/1IilJz. := f (1.1-12 It)= 1.938f/
The specific ene"9Y ditJ9ro/fJ.S (EfS. (I) IJlJd (J.) tire p/offed he/w:
. . .. ~- ~ j 1 I I
~, ---------r------
; I •
2. ' '
\I ff Jemf). ''')
~ ~I~


10.21 Repeat Problem 10. Iq if the upstream

depth is Yl = 0.5 ft. Assume that there are no
losses between sections (1) and (2).
Top vie\\<

- - - -_ _ _......:01,....:...(2_)_
Y2 ~\'2
>7??>tW?7Tffff/?/T77ff/?l??Tff7ffffff/J/ t77?Tff/J/
(1) (2)

or 3 2 '
Yz - 2.93 Y2 + /. 077 :: 0 which h,s roots Yz -:: 2. 79, 0.699, ond - o. SSE
AI f . Fi v, == 12..S!!
IVO e' r,::: - = 3.12>/
Vii' [(32.2{~J(O.5ff~~
Since fhere is no relafive milJilllvl1I y
arCQ between (JJ qnd (2) where cri/icfJi
Flow COli occur if follows fhal Fr2 > I
also. Thvs if is noT poss/6le 10

hove ~ :::2.7 q- (fhe s{)bcrifiCIJI roo/). E

Thus, ~ =O. 6?~ If

/0.7-1. I
10.22. Water flows in a rectangular channel with a flowrate
per unit width of q = 1.5 m 2 / s and a depth of 0.5 m at section (I) (~)
~ •t
(1). The head loss between sections (1) and (2) is 0.03 m. Plot
the specific energy diagram for this flow and locate states (1) 1.1 • t
and (2) on this diagram. Is it possible to have a head loss of ~ ---~
0.06 m? Explain. Y'

1.6 --,---...,.....----r--....,.----,--.,.--...,....-...,.....-.....,
Note: If hL .:: 0.06111
1.4 -t---t---+---+-----j--+---+--~V~---t
wilh £, =O.9SQm so
1.2 -t---t---+---+-----j--+------::-..f"V'----F-----j----t
~; thaf £2.::£, - 0,06,
1 .0 -r---t---t----t--I-----:;;
...--/---+-----f-----I fhen
E ..,. ...... £,. ==0. eqq III <: Emil')
~ 0.8 -t---t---t----t--~~-/-A----I---'-h-.,9---I
>. ..,.f'f' 1. ,/EJ. F O.q. ThusJ if is not possible
0.6 +---t---t---:,...,-F---f--~---'f-cv:-.A-----I-----1I-----t to hOlle hL -:::o.o6 wifh
"" ... '" ""min= ).9Ia-':';;'r--..... E; =0.9.9 fhe qivclJ ~ andYt .
0.4 -r------r--...
0.2 ... '"
i-~...~--+--+---j--+---+--_+_-_I -
1;'" '" I
0.0 ~--+--+---+--_+_--!---!---+--__!
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

/0.2.3 I
10.23 Water flows in a horizontal rectangular
channel with a flowrate per unit width of q = 10
ft2/s and a depth of 1.0 ft at the downstream
\1~ Y,
f ·
section (2). The head loss between section (1)
upstream and section (2) is 0.2 ft. Plot the specific 77)777777777 )777
energy diagram for this flow and locate states (1)
and (2) on this diagram.

yvs E

3.0 --r----~--....,------r-----r"-----,--,-I'~,'I""V"'"7'""-.....,

2.5 -i------+-----+-----+----+--~I'~--+--t---------I
,.' /:7'-i---t__-______I
2.0 -i------+-----+-----+------:I'.-F----
;:= ,,' 1',' I/E,.~;IJ :: 2.1' II
~ 1.5 -i------+-----+---~I'~--~.\~~---t---------I

>- 1,.,,,,,,,,, ~/E2. =. ,s51f

1.0 - i - - - - - - + - - - " ,..F----+---~--____f"I....;;::::-:--+__-______I
",'" ~~~~----~
",' l£ I =2..7sH
0.5 -i----~--__+_--__+----t--~r___------'---+__-______I

, , '" '"
0.0 -¥---...f---+----+----+-----i-----+------1
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

10.'1..../1 I
10.2+ Water flows in a horizontal, rectangular channel with
an initial depth of 2 ft and initial velocity of 12 ft/ s. Determine
the depth downstream if losses are negligible. Note that there
may be more than one solution. Repeat the problem if the initial t

depth remains the same, but the initial velocity is 6 ft/s.

V. =12 fp.s~ =2
, pi
~ -
- - -~ - -

I 77'7117771711/717777J7//
b;:: widfh

which has 3 roofs; ()ne ne9alive (no phY.Jic41

rneanin9J1 one is ~ =: 2. ff (no change in depth),
and ~ :::: 3,51 If (an increasei" deplh).
If ~::: 6 11 the/) v.: == ( 6 fj )(2.11) ~ .ll:.
I .s) 2. Yz Y1
and £'1.'(/) becomes
2 ( /2. )2-
2 + 6 - \/ + 2i_ .
2(32.2.) - J'2 2 (32,2.)

X. 3 -2.56 Y:z.2- +2-.2-'1- ~O The p()s/live real roQ/s are
~ c: 2 fl J or ~ ::: /,38 ff (a dec.rease ill deplh)

/0.25 ~'''''''-''''TTh.'''·
10.25 A smooth transition section connects ""''''I'''''''''''''''
6ft 7ft
two rectangular channels as shown in Fig. PlO.2S.
The channel width increases from 6.0 to 7.0 ft
and the water surface elevation is the same in &",L",,,,~ 1
each channel. If the upstream depth of flow is 3.0 Top view
ft, determine 11, the amount the channel bed needs
to be raised across the transition section to main- (I) S7 (2.)

tain the same surface elevation .

-l.k!- +..!L f
r Zj'
= l!f. . f V2
J ~~
Z, 3. J
here 4 ~ Ll.. ::: 0 (J/Jd ~,::: 22,
Side view

ThIlS, ~;::"~ or

*t =
0.'129 ff
lienee, 11, :::112. or (6 ff) (3 (t) =(7ff)(3f1-h)

Nofe: ~/:::; f, = f IJ/Jd '/2.::; ~ :::: ~ < rt,

Md ~2 ~
£, : :; Ii +21 IJnd £2.::: ~ +"iff Thv~ .since ~ c: ~ II fo/lows
fhaf ~ - Ez : :; ~ - ~
The correspoIJdin9 specific eIJer9Y di(J9ralll is qs ille/kateri be/oJP=
y //
~ - ~ - ~ - - - - - - / ' - • (J)
~ -------"/./
/ fj.,
LL....-_ _ _ ~---'--_ i:2

/0.26 I
10.26 Water flows over a bump of height f(x)
h = h(x) on the bottom of a wide rectangular -.2.,=,",,"-=-,,-=-= __ ~ _ = -_ __
channel as is indicated in Fig. P10.26. If energy VI .:--=-=-----:-r=-----c-=-- ~) t---
losses are negligible, show that the slope of the
~ JT
water surface is given by dy/dx = -(dh/dx)/ Yl
[1 - (V2/gy)], where V = V(x) and y = y(x) -{ ....
are the local velocity and depth of flow. Com- h(x)
ment on the sign (i.e., <0, = 0, or >0) of dy/ dx FIGURE PIO.26
relative to the sign of dh/ dx.

For any fwo points on Ihe free s()rface:

-If!- +- if t &, :: ~ $.2 -I- ¥i ., I where fJ, -:: 1.2 ::: () J Z, :: M) (u,d ~2 =h f Y2
Thvs, JC + h +y == cOfJslonf so tha+ hy diflerehlialillq

dh fit.
Tx (JX
=0 (I)

Also, for cOl/servoliDA 01 h/qss

Vj >1 :: Vy or V~ t Y ~ ;:;0 or ~:: - f 1x (Z)

Combine £'10$. (I)(I/Jd (2.);

V (-J!. dy ) +dh + d.x -:::0 "dy _ -(df)

~ y dX d1 di J or OJ - (/_(fy'))

/lole: If Fr ==ffy <: I j . fhen ~ (/nd ¥X hove the OpPosite sijn

If Fr > I the" dA and!U V · dll - - -
J Tx dX -..- :;:<0 Fr </
have fhe SQllle sifjlJ. ~
-x di>o


/0.1-7 j

10.27 Integrate the differential equation ob-

tained in Problem 10.26 to determine the "draw-
down" distance, e= e(x), indicated in Fig. P10.26.
Comment on your results.

From Prohlem /0.26 :

\1. 2
y.3_(y,t 26
1J'2 &
-h)Y:Zt(v~; )::0 (I)

Obtain y== y(x) fro/}') £'1' (jJ and fhen 1 =J(x) from y,:: h +y +1
or j:: YJ -h-y
Nofe: £'1' (I) is r/fJlhill9 ",ore Ihon Inc Bern(){)//i efV4//o/) :
y; +y, " 1;+ y+h wilh V,,~ so Ih4t
2;~2 +}j::: (¥J.2
').~ y+h t
wnkh sim/Jlilie.s
70 [r. (I),

/0.28 I

10.28 Determine the maximum depth in a 3-m-wide rec-

tangular channel if the flow is to be supercritical with a flowrate
of Q = 60 m3/s.

_ Q _ 601]- _ 20
V- 7f - (3m) y - y , where y:depfh
A!.so, V (Vl.) 6.3Q
Fr '" YjY - f9. 81;) y]% '" y3Az /Vole: Fr decrt!Qses as y increases.
Thvs wdh Fr:/
y =(6.3q)~ == :).'1I1-/fJ

/ o. 30 I

J 0.30 The following data are taken from measurements on

a river: A = 200 ft2, P = 80 ft, and So = 0.015 ftlSO ft. Deter-
mine the average shear stress on the wetted perimeter of this

rW ==
nh~o J
were D
"I, == pA ==
eo(+ ;::

?W:::: 62.,'f#S (2,s()11) (0. o()030) :::: O,O/fD~1ff:L

/0.31 1

10.31 A viscous oil flows down a wide plate with a uniform

depth of 8 mm and an average velocity of 50 mm/s. The plate
is on a 3° hill and the specific gravity of the oil is 0.85. Deter-
t~ b :: plate widlh - .
mine the average shear stress between the oil and the plate. 77; 7 77 77; ,;;, 7777,/ ;; 7 ;;"1

y= Shim

lw == 't~ So J where 0:: O. fJS rH,.o = 0.95 (QgOOU;3) = 8330 ~3

For a wide flal pIa/e) /)::: hy and p:: b so fhat Rh'::';:: y~ 8XIO-

A/SOl S(J:; sin 3 ' so fhaf

10.32 The following data are obtained for a
particular reach of the Provo River in Utah:
A = 183 ft~. free-surface width = 55 ft, average
depth = 3.3 ft. R" = 3.22 ft, V = 6.56 ft/s, length
of reach = 116 ft. and elevation drop of reach =
1.04 ft. Determine the (a) average shear stress
on the wetted perimeter, (b) the Manning coef-
ficient, n, and (c) the Froude number of the flow.

aJ 7;=Ol)h'o
X" D S }
h 5 0 = 116t/-
were 1.0Jf rf

Thus} ?;, = (62.Jftfs)(3.2.2 ft )(O.OOgQ7) = I. BO~

b) rt::: ~ A Rh2.;3 So %. :: /I V J where K::: l.if?
= I.lf9 R:/.3
s;:. :: (t.Lf9) (3. ').2./"/s(0. OOeq7)~_
6.56 - 0.Oi.f69

c) Fr =y{yy j
=r(32.2 ;;~6!f)]~
'" 2.
0.636 < I (subcrifico{)

/0.33 I Center board

10.33 By what percent is the flowrate reduced / \J

in the rectangular channel shown in Fig. PIO.33

because of the addition of the thin center board? bl2
All surfaces are of the same material.
I. b---+l·1
Q~ ~ fJ Rh~ S/i
Wi/houl fhe centerboard


/0.3 if I
1034 Water flows in an unfinished concrete channel at a
rate of 30 m 3/s. What flowrate can be expected if the concrete
were finished and the depth remains constant?

Q= -* f} R;/3 S~ Lei ()f denote finished j ( )u denote vnfinished.

Thus) since fJ u == Af ) Rhu -:: Rhf and SOil -::: S"-F J if fo/lows fhal

)( fJ o.~ ti
QLl == nu. U 11/1 Sou _
IJ !!L.
Q.f Ji. II
nf .f
Rh~ sOf~ - nu

From Table /0./ nu::: O.D/if J nf :: 0.012-

or l
Qf ::.!1JL
n =
(3 0 l!L ) = 35.0.11l

10.35 The great Kings River flume in Fresno County, Cal-

ifornia, was used from 1890 to 1923 to carry logs from an el-
evation of 4500 ft where trees were cut to an elevation of 300
ft at the railhead. The flume was 54 miles long, constructed of
wood, and had a V-cross section as indicated in Fig. PlO.35. It
is claimed that logs would travel the length of the flume in 15
hours. Do you agree with this claim? Provide appropriate cal-
culations to support your answer.

• FIGURE P10.35

i ::: dis/alice frQl/e/ ed ~ ~119 I: • TlJI/~

~ ::= 1. ~ (S~ mi) (5l eo fll",,') == S, 2c9 1i.
lot t (/s hr) (3o(JO S /hf')

De/ermine the t/veratj8 wafer velocily; ~ (Inri cPPlfaf'O ,I w/lh 1I)j~' ~Of'
V ~ Rh1-~1f'fo ) where }(.::/. If?; 11:! t
z:: (J {il.) ~ O,S f/~J p::: 2 II
$0 7fl(J1
_H. I Rh -- fi. f-l ~ -- 0 ,2 ~,.. f'.lT
p -- o.~s#-
~ z (~500 -300) H
So :: T::: (5/fmi) (52 eo filmi) = o. O/lf7
Thvs wtlh n::: o. 0/2 (see 74h/e /0. / J planed wood)J

/.119 (OI2.5)~ 1o.01lf7 = .6.97 Ii

V= 0,0/2 ~

Nole: V;s slif/1rl1y J4rger than 0"1. TIJ/I~ the claim Clt/eal'S If) be
curr(J(;t. Ves.

/0.36 I
1036 Water lows in a river with a speed of 3 ft/s. The river
is a clean, straight natural channel, 400 ft wide with a nearly
uniform 3-ft depth. Is the slope of this river greater than or less
than the average slope of the Mississippi River which drops a
distance of 1475 ft in its 2552-mi length? Support your answer
with appropriate calculations.

(I) V : : ~ Rh ~ rs; J where X =:/JI~

V=.3ff/s, Y=3ff b=: t;.ofJ1f.l l/::iJy:: /20()f/~ P:::b+2Y~'f(J6rl

TiJfls ~
D J II /2-()o/l /J 1'1
I1h := P:::: I/-otff =2./tTT
IIfro (rom TaIJ/e
/0//) n ~O.03 SrJ 11;41 fl'fJIYI /5."1- (I):

..3 c I. Jf9 ( '). , 9t) ~

rs: "
So = O. 000858
ihB aVerIJ9B lJIIi.rs'ss;ili .s/ofe /:s

10.37 At a particular location the cross sec-
tion of the Columbia River is as indicated in Fig.
P1037. If on a day without wind it takes 5 min
to float 0.5 mi along the river, which drops 0.46
ft in that distance, determine the value of the
Width, ft
Manning coefficient. n.

c: . 5280 if,.) 8 8 £t
[rom the qlven dalo) (5/11mmi)(
v::: (0,5 ,)(60mrn
'.s .

From fhe lIlanning ettlJlJli()n,

V== nK Rh~ So ~ J where
A so=
(I ~ ')(5 JJ) = 0.000/7"1-
o. ml 280 mi

IJlJd !lfJ :::: p .

ilppr()ximaie !J and P fro", fhe fi9vre a.s
II ~ tby -;: -J: (I 7oo(1)(lflfff) :::: 3~¥()(){l2
P~/8ooff Thvs i?Jh~ 37.,JfO~/J2
J 1800
lienee J from £1- (I) ;

8. e :: n- (
20. s)

n:: 0.0/69

10.38 ,

10.38 If the free surface of the Columbia River

shown in Fig. PlO.37were 20 ft above the bottom
rather than 44 ft, as is indicated in the figure, how
long would it take to float the O.5-mi stretch con-
sidered in Problem 1O.37? Assume the elevation Width, It
change remains 0.46 ft. FIGURE PIO.31

Lei ( )20 denofe fhe 20 Hdepth and ( )#~ fhe 'PI- rf depth.
X 213 J.i
~o = n,.o Rh"o so~o
and $020 ::: S,,¥¥
'" 0 =( Rh20 )2.h From the Nivre I/~'f ~ f by =i:(J700!+) (tf'ffl) (I)
V~Jf Rhl#l-
:: 37 'fOOfl2
~If ~ /800 Ff J

@d ~ 2.
A:J.o';:: dby:: i (/S50-Ifoo)(20)ff :: 1~5ooff

F;.o ~ /5S0 - 600~ /oooff

~ ~
II.S f+) :::
Vito 20.8 f1
O.b7~ so fhal wilh j= Vi (Jnd 1,.u=:Pp; :O. .5nll;

L9.0 -
- ( \.{,,,,)
t #~ -- 5 milJ
0.67'1- -
- Z ¥2
~ 111m

/0.39 I

lO.3Q Rainwater runoff from a 200-ft by SOO-ft parking lot

is to drain through a circular concrete pipe that is laid on a slope
of 3 ft/mi. Determine the pipe diameter if it is to be full with
a steady rainfall of I.S in./hr.

Q;: K
n ARh7.;:!I So ~~ where = 0.000568 , (I)


A= D1- and
From Table /0./, n =0.0/2 .
AIso} ~ = Alof r J where r ~ rainf411 rale ::: 1.5 fr
Thus, . , N Jh rl3
Q:: (').oOH)(sooff)(l. s fr)(Ii1nJ( 360;.s) ==3.lf7.!j-
Hence J from Elf' 0):
3~tl1 ~ :'~tt;~ (:q D'") ( 1lt)~ (0. 000568) ~
0= 1.6Lfff


10.40 To prevent weeds from growing in a clean earthen-

lined canal, it is recommended that the velocity be no less than
2.5 ftl s. For the symmetrical canal shown in Fig. P10.40, de-
termine the minimum slope needed.

V== nx Rh~ So"k where X ~/.'1'1

and nh ;:: l' (I)

II :: t (If f.I +12. f+ ) (.3 H) :::: 2 If fll. Qn d p:::: rt ff +:2 (5 [.0 = /IT ff
Thus) R = 2.'Tf/2 =171'1(1
h II/- fl •
From Table 10.1 J n = 0.022 so lhQf Ef.(J) qives (with V:: 2.5 !J)
_ /.1f9 ( "4 ~
2.s - 0.022 /.7/Jf) So or SD ~ 0.00066'+

10. Jf I

10.41 The smooth concrete-lined symmetrical channel

shown in Video V10.3 and Fig. PI0.40 carries water from the
silt-laden Colorado River. If the velocity must be 4.0 ftls to
prevent the silt from settling out (and eventually clogging the
channel), determine the minimum slope needed.


V::: 7fJ< Rh2h 5 V2. J Were

h K:: I. If? and Rh:: A p (I)

fJ ::: t (if fI +12 fO (.1 ff) == 2 Jf f+ 2. an rJ P =if ff f 2. ( 5 f+) =Ilf ff

Th liS, Rh = 21/- H2o
Ilfft = I. 7/Jf ff

From Table 10./) n::: 0.012 so fhal £'j.(J)qives (with V=If.fJ)

1.11-9 ~ ~ _
If..O ;:: 0.0/2 0.7/J-f) So or So - 0.000505

10.4Z The symmetrical channel shown in Fig.
PlO.40 is dug in sandy loam soil with 11 = 0.020.
For such surface material it is recommended that
to prevent scouring of the surface the average
velocity be no more than 1.75 ftls. Determine the
maximum slope allowed.

x ~ So~ ) where
V=rrR K=I.J.f9
and Rh=P (I)
A ;:: t (Lf ff t 12 H) (3 ff) :;:: Z If f f 2. and P == If fl + 2 (5 f I) -::; 1if ff
Thus) R :: 2lfff =I.7IJf{1
h IJfff ff
'Wilh n == 0.020 and V= 1.7.5 T fli.aJ qives
/.7.5 = 6:~:o (J. 711/' /~ S~ or So :: 0.0002 6q

10.43 The flowrate in the clay-lined channel (n = 0.025)
shown in Fig. PlO.43 is to be 300 ft 3 /s. To prevent erosion of
the sides, the velocity must not exceed 5 ft/ s. For this maximum
velocity, determine the width of the bottom, b, and the slope, So.


v== '* where A = f [b t ( b +i, +12)] y wilh ~ == h~:~o 3. '1-6 fl

and J,. =

o =2 ff 3
: (I)

Thus) 5 11 = 300!f or b::. 27..3 ft

s fEb +(b+.3.'l-6fff:ZU5J2fO J ===
K %/,a ~
A/so} V: : n Rh So } where "1.==/.'19 and from Table /0./) n::. 0.025
From Efj.tO} A;:: i [2 (27. 3 to .,. 3. '1-6 ff +2 rtJ (2 ff) :.60.0ff2.
Also} 2ff 2. ff
P == b +J~ .,. J.u :: 27.3 ff +Sin- SOD
~ T
+ .
SIn ,oJ
LU 0 = 3'1-.1. ff
Thus} Rh :: A.p = 60.0£12.
3lf.1 ff
:: I. 76 ff so

fhaf ££1. (2.) becomes

_1,11-9 24 ~ _
5- 0.02..5 (1.76) So I or So- 0.00331

10.Jf4- J

10.44 A trapezoidal channel with a bottom

width of 3.0 m and sides with a slope of 2: 1
(horizontal: vertical) is lined with fine gravel
(n = 0.020) and is to carry 10 m3 /s. Can this
channel be built with a slope of So = 0.00010 if
it is necessary to keep the velocity below 0.75
mls to prevent scouring of the bottom? Explain.

Determine V wilh ~== 10./f and So :: 0.00010,
Q= ~ AR;hVS;; where /l= fy[3+(.3+lfY)]::: 2Y2.+ 3y
J (0)

f/nd Rh :: JJ wdh p:: 3 t 2 (1/5'y)

J0::: --L (zy:L+3y)
f 2. y
2]~ I
r 3 y (o.oooJ)J4.
3 t 2. V5 Y
or (2. y z.,.3y) :3

20 :: ( -v:r )~
3 +1 ;.s 'y
wht"cn COli he wrdlen QS

2 ( O.lI-
:J.y .f-3y-6.03 3fl1/Ey) ==0 =F(y) 0)
Solve (hy frial and error) E'l' OJ for y:
YJ m F (y) 0.1 -
'2.20 -O,'f.Sq
2.2.2 -0.2.6'1 fry) -
2,2.Jf -0,077 ..
2.26 0,1/7
o - I I ~- I

From fhe 9raph '118 see ~ 2.20 2.2~"f 2.2.6

fhal y;:; 2. 25 m -0,6

lIence from £'1' (0)
II ::: 2. (2.2..5) + 3(2.2.5) == /6.9 IJJ 2-
so that m 3

V== l:: /6.9m2.

JOs ::: 0,592 f
ihlls" V< 0.7.5.f so fhat scofJrin, will nul occur,

10.4-5 J
10.45 Water flows in a 2-m-diameter finished
concrete pipe so that it is completely full and the
pressure is constant all along the pipe. If the slope
is So = 0.005, determine the flowrate by using
open-channel flow methods. Compare this result
with that obtained by using pipe flow methods of
Chapter 8.

For open channel flow Q== ~ f} Rh~ S/~· J where x:::: J

A/soJ A=fD2 ==1j(zmt::::3.1'fm:J. and P::::"D=6.28m so thai
R _.1i - 3 .IIf /17'- - 0 5
h - P - 6.2.8 m - . m
Hence J
wifh n:::: 0.012 For finished concrete (see Table 10./)
(3.1'1-) (0.5)~(~
Q = 0.012. 0,005) 2. :::: 11,7 -:s
111 (
open channel )

For pipe flok! with cons/ani pressure:

~ 2,
t JL.2 +z, = b + Yl +Z:J.
~ 21
where PI == f~ and It;' = ~ (2.)
Thus, with z/ - 2:;. == J So •
f So :::: f 1r
D ').g
fV'-::: 2.tjDSo :: Z(9,8/~.)(2.m)(O.005)

F'rom Fig. B. 2.2 J (or smooth concrete ~ == 1.5 x/o-If-

AI 0 - Y.Q - V(2111) -
ne - 11 - 1.I2.XIO'm..2.. - 1.79x/o

and from fhe Moody chari (Fi9' 8.23) :

Solve £'15. (I), (2), tJlJd (3) for ~ VI Re : f
ils.sul!1e f= 0,015 so fhqi from E,.(J)
0'/96]~ =
V ::::[ 0,01.5 3 61l!1.
or .' .
Re.: I. 79x/O~(3,61):: 6J1-6x/06 Thu~ from £f. t.1) (t1foldy c.hqrf)
0.196] J.2
f:::: 0.013 :I 0.015. /lsslJme f c 0.013 or I
V=[ 0,013 = .3.8 801
$0 fhat Re ==/, 7?XI0 (3. 88) =6.'15 x/o 6 T/;/I~J from £1. (3) f:: 0.0/3 (check.s

wHh fhe t/.t.svlIIsd vo/ve) lience V=..3. 88'; ()r


Q=!9 V.::: !(2.111)" (.J.88~) :' 12,2 1f3 (pipe flow) :::, II. 7~ (open c.hannel

IO·Jf7 I
lO.4i Because of neglect, an irrigation canal has become
weedy and the maximum flowrate possible is only 90% of the
desired flowrate. Would removing the weeds, thus making the
surface gravel, allow the canal to carry the desired flowrate?
Support your answer with appropriate calculations.

Lei ( )", and (~ denofe weedy Qnd r;ravel co"difIPf)SJ re.sle6 //l/ely.
~ 1r:::-
(I) Qw-_ /1w!lw
~w ,s"", and

(1.) Q., = f 1 Rny"4 ~

wJw./ wdh !he Ch4M9/ M/ J flU!« 111 J 4,,/ R", J (lnd -5;,,,, ~ s;"
lIe/Jce) /; y diV iJ;f}~ /;1 Ff (/J : £, (:;.)
Q .-1-
J : : : !!L = !jf- ) WAel'B f",fJjf/ ";"/;/0 /().j: /)w::: O.03(); I? : : f},().2.,s-
Qw *~ 1
('J ::
\.1(, (). 03 0 I)
0. Or li ~£.&I
== /, 2 taIV
Evt ~w:: 0.9 lftJeslre
4 rJ 1 • So fH4+
CV, :: If 2 (0, q Q"esil'eti) = /, 0 ~ qriesif'84
YeS ;1 WOIIIJ worA.

10·f8 I

10.48 An open channel of square cross section had a

flowrate of 80 ft 3/s when first used. After extended use, the
channel became half-filled with silt. Determine the flowrate for
this silted condition. Assume the Manning coefficient is the
same for all the surfaces.

LeI ( }n alJd ( ).r denoTe

10.49 A circular, finished concrete culvert is to carry a dis-
charge of 50 ft 3/s on a slope of 0.00 I O. It is to flow not more
than half-full. The culvert pipes are available from the manu-
facturer with diameters that are multiples of I ft. Determine the
smallest suitable culvert diameter.

x 2..-1 k
Q=n ARh 50"') where X= l.'f9 ) S/)= 0.001) anrJ(frollJ TabJe /0.1)
n = 0.0/2-
For a circular pipe half fuJI /I:::
Thus, 50 ::;o~o~~ (*D'')(~)''h(o.ooJ)~) or D::.5.21ff
i D'" J p::: f D so that Rh =~ = *
To make sure if i.s not more thon holf (vII use fhe 6 ff diameler pipe.

10.50 A rectangular unfinished concrete
channel of 28-ft-width is laid on a slope of 8
ft/mi. Determine the flow depth and Froude
number of the flow if the flowrate is 400 fe/so

Q: : j(AR2~s~
n h 0 J were h 8U = 0.00Is/5 Qnd
k= I.'f'l J So = .52BOff 1

from Table /0./ n = 0.01,/-

A 2By
AIso) A = 28 Y and p= 2Y+2B SO fha f Rh :::: P ::: 2y +28
Thus) '100 == /,lI" ( 2By
O,O/If 2y+ZB
)~/3(2SY)(O• OO/5/S)~
or 5'/,9
O.5QJf = -....:......--
(y t/lli/3
Hence l 5./.i
0,5 ...
O.tf58(yt/if)-Y 2. :::0 !fiFfy)
Trial and error soJufion fay Ffy)=:O
\ . y:2.23
From Ihe 9rQ ph r=O when y= 2.23
o l---...L..-\/-4-....L-_....I
I 1_ -

Thvs y:: 2 .. 23 ff 2.2 2.3 Y


V-- Q Jl-OO¥
If :: (2BfO{2.23ff) =
6 VI

so thof -0.5 I-
1.. 6. JfI .s
Fir=V'lY =[(32.2¥a)(2.:l3ff)J~ = 0 .7.56

/O.S I I
10.51 A 10-ft-wide rectangular channel is built to bypass a
dam so that fish can swim upstream during their migration. Dur-
ing normal conditions when the water depth is 4 ft, the water
velocity is 5 ft/s. Determine the velocity during a flood when
the water depth is 8 ft.

L ef ( ~ and ( 1- denule f/Ol'nJa I af/a flood ctJlJd/fiol/s, f'cspecfillely.

0) II
Vn ::: n;;k D 1,./3.fr;::
f1hlJ ySolI

\/ )( R 2-4 Ir;:-'
Vf z:: -n; hf v~{
where nn ~ nf J ~on -::; S()I and
lin :: I (J If (if fIJ ::: ~ (JII~ J 11;:: 10 If (&f-IJ ::; fo til.
Pn = 10 If f 2 ('ffT) =Ii If ~ fJ ::: lofT +2(111) ;: 2.of-l
Th VS Rn/}:;-
t-::: j;ff112- ::: 2..:J.:J. II

anJ _ II 8()t/L
~r - 71" :z.I If '" 3. on.;
flence~ d/v/Je Eq(:J.) by £q(jJ t() ()~/4in:
JfVn -_ (Rhl )~~ ( .3.oe# )~~
R - 2:).~ff
pn - 1.2/f
so that
~ ;= I.;z.~ ~ ::: I. 2'f (s ij) ::: 6,).2-#

/0.52 J
10.52 An engineer is to design a channel lined with planed
wood to carry water at a ftowrate of 2 m3 Is on a slope of 10
m/800 m. The channel cross section can be either a 90° triangle
or a rectangle with a cross section twice as wide as its depth.
Which would require less wood and by what percent?

Qr: -H- AR;h S/i (I)

Let ( )t denote fhe frianguJar cross -sec/ion ana ( ),.. denofe the
rectangular- cross-section
3 10
Thvs 4Jr:= tVl =2.!J- J ~,.. =.s;,t = 800

and nr = nl So thai £q. (I) give.s

ArRh,..~!;: 11
=III Rh: where Rh :: p J (2.)

Hence, ~
iJ,.:= 2. Yr :z. J p,. = lfYr S(7 fhal Rhr := ~t = ~ Yr
Ai = i(2)i)X:= ~~ J '1 = 2 (1{iyt ) so tho! Rhl = 2~ .
Thus) from Ef . (').) :
2Yr 2 ( "2I)~
Yr ::::)1 ,. (J)% '
2."12 M J or Yr = 0.707 Yt
The amotlfJf of wood i.s proporliolJfll fo fhe welled perimeter, P.
21/i'Yt ==
if Yr
q. ( 0.107 ) Yt
= /.00
the friqnq/e requires lhe same amount of wood as 'he recTangle

10.53 The two channels shown in Fig. PIO.53 are laid on

the same slope and lined with the same material. When these
channels are flowing half full, in which one will the flowrate
be the greatest? Show any calculations needed to obtain your

• FIGURE P10.53



10.5 If

10.54 Water flows in a channel with an equi-

lateral triangle cross section as shown' in Fig.
PIO.54. For a given Manning coefficient, n, and
channel slope, determine the depth that gives the
maximum flowrate.
FIGURE P]() ..5+

1 -- fan2.h60°
b = 2lh-y)
fan 60°
/J _ Y
~.s - Sin600

There fore .'%

Q -_ 7f
( 2,)[ J- h y - y:J..
fOI1~o' lhy-y 2(h + y)
cos 60°
For fhe !rJQxi/1JVIfJ {/owrale J ~
-= 0 J which is e'{lJivQ/eni fo
dE ( : l )51.3
Or = OJ where F7y) == ( 2hy - Yo)~ Vpon cli!ferelJlitJlioIJ
y+ hco.s60
and simp/ilicrrlion !his 9ill8S
S ( Y+h cos 6otl) (h - y) - ( 2.h Y - y" ) =0
or tl
+! y 2. +(.5 h cos 60() -.3 h ) y - 5 h2. C os 60 : : 0
which cqn he wrilfen as
e({-t:.- (-f) - 5 =0
Y _ J;t '~I+-'1--(-8)-(5---"),
Hence} h - /6 = -0.73/ or + 0.856
The ne9afive ro01 has no physical meQnin9'
Thus} y =O. 856 h

10 -'1-5
/0.55 (

10.55 At what depth will 50 ft:1/ s of water flow in a 6-ft-

wide rectangular channel lined with rubble masonry set on a
slope of I ft in 500 ft? Is a hydraulic jump possible under these

l .~~--j
conditions? Explain.


n c: 0.02.5
Q:: /.onIf.1 ARh~ vs, where
LJ /y 0 A _ 6r'-
n ~ 0 J 1111:: P - "ly+6 J
n:: 0,01-5 (see Table. 10,/)

Thvs) '-,.1
60 -c: 1.1f9
(6Y)[ 6y ]
:2. y+ 6
Whic.h becomes
y5/3 := (2y+ 6 )'-/3 (O.9~g)
The Irial and error solvfion 70 this e9tJal;~1J IS
Y= 2.S3fl
I f/VS
V - !l
J IJ = -
50 ft~
6 (2.$"3) ffl:::
3 · ')..9 f"TIS
so thai
V 3.29 ff4
Fr ::~~
v'J y
S/nce Fr < I if /s not poss/hle 10 have a hytlr4V//c .ifl~l.

10.56 I
10.56 . Water flows in t~e s~mmetrical, unfinished concrete ~~21 ~':'
~~~~~~~als c:,~f~/i~~~t~ ~~~~i~~~~e6n~tr:;::~;[u~~~ :;:~~ .'V==:<-:-o-: --,g'oo' - -':--:.;::;:::-:-::.;:-:-=-=--~.
of concrete needed to line each 1000 ft of the channel. 35 0 ' . _ ~ _ _ .• ,0

- - , - _. • • ." ., •.••.• d .. I . • • . • • " ' ; " .;... 4-in.-thick

\ I. 10ft .1 concrete lining


Q::: 7fX fJ RhfA3 So% where %J from Table /0.1 n;: 0.01'1- (I)

A= t(~ +/off)y = t (20{ff2.86Y)Y ~ 'i ;t~
or ~/off--lV
A==(Jo + 1.¥Jy)y '" =/011 +). fQ~3.sfl
~-.A.- II
h - P - (joll 102/1.) 12 = sin~sO :: I. 7¥ Y
or R _ (JOt/.'f.3Y)Y
h - (Jot3,lfBy)
Hence J with x:: /.~p £ 1{. (I) becomes
( "
IO-t/·JfJY,yJ~~(11-.2.) ~2
J20= I, lf9 (10 t/.IfJy)y

O.O/If r (jo+ 3. If By) 2000

(10 y +1. #-.3y2.) S SA

/tf,eqo = (JO+3.~8Y)2. J or /22 (JO+.3/fSy) -(Joy+!'Jf.3yZ) 2=O=F(y)

Solve (frial qnd error) for F(y):::O

,v F 200""
/.60 185 F
1.6S 1.f2.S }oo
yo;:. I. 66Jf ff
1.70 -III
ThIJs y -= 1.66'f fl O~L-------'~~--~'
1.65 ~y /,70
v-= volume of concrefe per Jjoooff - /00 I- ~
.:: (P + Lf ff) ( 'JOOO £1) ( ~ fI)
where p= loft +2/,. :: /ofl +2. (I.7Jf)(I.tl'fff)== 15.8ft
Hence J

11 =(15.8 {f +Lffl){IJOOO f·I)(~H) = 6}600 {fJ( k~~~) = 2-~'f yd 3

10.57 J

10.57 Determine the critical depth for a flow

of 200 m'/s through a rectangular channel of 10-
m width. If the water flows 3.8 m deep, is the
flow supercritical? Explain.
i 1

Q= * fJRh1:1 S/2. where for crilicQ/ flow Fr =/ or V= 1iY

Thvs, wifh V" *" [!L3

~~;In""i " 2/ '; we hqve

¥- : : V Q.81 y' or Y= 3.tf'f I'J7

If y=3.8m J fhen V:= f.~ =S.26.f- and Fir = V9Vy = [(q. 81S.:z.6
p,.)(3.8111 )]~
The fJo w i.s slJbcrilicQ/. = 0.862

10.58 I
10.58 Water flows in a rectangular, brick-lined aqueduct of
width 1.2 m at a rate of 73,000 m 3 /day. Determine the water
depth if the change in elevation over the 16-km length of this
channel is 9.6 m.
X ~/3.~
Q == 1) f) Rh vSo where (f)

X= I,) n::' o.o/s (see TalJle /0.1) J and

",3 14':l J hr ) m3
Q;" 7~ 000 j,y ( ').I/-hr) ( 36 oos z:: O. BIfS s-
Also) So = (9.6h1)/(/6x/o3m) ::: 0.0006

DA 1·2.Y_
A ~ /. '). Y and Ilh ~ P = i"y+I.1..

Thvs~ Ea.(!) becomes:

0,8J1.S ::

-L (I.').y)
I /. Y. .] ~----------

of ~
_ [If" Y ]
O. ~3/ - Yr :2ytl.2

IJ fria / and error soluiion of Ihi.s eCI'Ja/ion 9 j l)es

Y= 0.86/ hi

/0.59 J
10.5'1 A smooth steel water slide at an amusement park is
of semicircular cross section with a diameter of 2.5 ft. The slide
descends a vertical distance of 35 ft in its 420 ft length. If pumps
supply water to the slide at a rate of 6 cfs, determine the depth
r 2 .5 !f 1
of flow. Ne£!Ject the effects of the curves and bends of the slide.

.'. .

Q::: nk Ii Rh2A3 So"k J where 35 ff

k;::I.'f9 J SD:: J/.2oFt :: 0.0833 1 Q= 6.0 te

and from Table /0./ n == 0.012
D2. .
Also (see £xomple /0.5) IJ == '8 (f) -smB) and
J R_ D(9-sin8) where D::: 2.5 ff
h- '1-8 J

Q= *So~ I D
8 (1/)"4
[ (e -sinef4 j
e~ J where e r.
6 ,

or 8~ s/:
6 0 :: 1.1f? (O.0833)~ (2.5) [ (() -sillS) ~]
• 0.012. 8 (lfl/.3 fj i l3

lIenee J
JI 0.02528 -(e-sme )5 ==O=F(e)
Trit,j (Jnd error so/ufi()() for F(e) =0
eJ~d F .
1.50 O.02tf7 0.02 ~

1.57 O.oolqS F
0,01 ~
1.60 -O.OJ3.5
Ie::: 1.57¥
J j • I
0 I

1.50 1.55
~60 e
-0.01 l-

-0.02. I-

Thvs, f)=(1.57/f rq,j)( J~or:?) = ,qO.2- 0

or since
y:;:. ~ (/- cos (!)) if follows fhol

y =(¥ fI)( J- co.s( ~)) =0.369 ff


10.60 Two canals join to form a larger canal as shown

in Video VI0.2 and Fig. PI O. 6Q. Each of the three rectan-
gular canals is lined with the same material and has the same
bottom slope. The water depth in each is to be 2 m. Deter-
mine the width of the merged canal, b. Explain physically
(i.e., without using any equations) why it is expected that
the width of the merged canal is less than the combined
widths of the two original canals (Le., b < 4 m + 8 m =
12 m).

Q.3 = Q/ + Q2 where for &':::1,2,3

Q{' :: ~. A,. Rh~~ VSOl~

Thvs J

K fI R 1;j 1r;-' X ~ 1r;::-' }< 2.4 t~

n3 l3 h~ r50,3 :: "1i1. A1. Rh, r So,- + If; AI RIl, rSo, (t)

But n,::: n2 ::: n3 and SOl::: SOl.. ~ SO.3 .$0 thaf Eq. (J) become.s
A3 Rh32/3 :::!l2. Rh,.='-h -I- III Rhi2.h (2)

where :z.
AI::: 2m (4111)::: 8"l F( ~ (2f2+Jf).t8m
J so f.
-fhtat Rh, ~ r: : ; ::: 1m
A:z..::: 2m (em):::/6tn'"
Fi::: (2-+2+B):#/:Lm So +ha1 Rh2. =~:: 12-111
//,,,," -=-/,333m
/).3 == 2 b /112-) f1, :: (~+2+b) ==(b+¥)m so rhal Rh3 == t : (!~9-)
Thvs Er.(2) becomes

(2b)L(b+~) == /6 (1.333) ~ .} 8 (J) ~ ::: 27. 7'-

or5 ~A
b /3 = 8.63 (6+'+) 3 (3)

A tria I and error or e9/Jaiion so/vel' so/vrion 10 £ft- (3) 9/ves

b = 10,6& m
I { Ihe two ori'lin4/ canals mer'jed If) form a/2m wide cafJQ~ fhe
wafer depfh flJov/d he less fhlJlJ 2m h eC4t1.se wdhovl the fwo w~/Is thele
would be I~ frief/on force hold the wa1er b4CK. ThllsJ to lJIallllain
+he 2m depfh W~f}1tJ.rl have b<'/:Lm.
1 fJ. 1=1=1 g.3
j..--8rn~1 ~/:J.m-

10.61 ..

10.61 * Water flows in the painted steel rec- ol

2ft----.. l
tangular channel with rounded corners shown in
Fig. PlO.61. The bottom siope is 1 ft/200 ft. Plot
a graph of flowrate as a function of water depth.
for 0 :s y :s 1 ft with corner radii of r = 0, 0.2,
c_- I r
0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 ft.

FIGUnE "10.61

Q= fJ Rh sji, where X= I. Iff from 7Qb/e /0./ n::: o. O/~J

J 4nol (I)
So = 200ft = 0.005 .. - - 2. fI
,,.. -----t
1 -.-i
(Q) AsslJme y ~r :
Thus) A=2(y-r) +r(2-Zr)+ i 7Tr2. .,.y-r
or A=2Y-(2.-1[)r2. (2.)

and p = 2 (y-r) +(').-Zr)+ llr

or p:: 2y -(Jf-Tf)r +2 (3)

Hence wi! h Rh ::
I Ef(s. (JJ, ('J.)J lind (3) give
1.1:: I.Jf9 A~3 - ' - (0 005)~
\¥ 0.011f p~'
or ~
[2Y-(2.-¥)r2.] r ff3
Q= 7.53 ["Y-('1-1I)r+2.]J~ TOr r~y:!JJ where r-fl,y,.ft/;",s (If)

(b) Assume Y ~ r:

Thus, A = AJ +f}2. +A.3

.: r:z.> y .
• (3)

From Example /O.S J 'IIilh D=2r

A,+A3= (Zrf(9-sin8) where fJNrad and
cosl = r;y
Hence) A = .f(e -sin8) of- (2-2.r)y (5)

AIs 0 p=
2-2r <lop' ... P3 ) where
from Example /0.5) R+~ = (2i)9 = re
Thus p:: 2- 2r tr8 = ~ +(9 -1.)r

By combing £'1.5. (OJ (5)J and (6) We obtain:

() - J.~9 A5.I.s~
I (0 005)./i
q I 0.0111 ,
or -f (9 -sine) +(2-2.I")YJ5~
Q=7.53 2A for O~y6r where r",ff y,..fI (7)
[2. +- (8-Z) r];3 Q'" fJ-3 and ~ =2 co£'( r; Y) "" ;ad

10.61 .. , (&onJt)

For r=OJo.2JO.I/-JO.6Jo.8Jand Iff pl()f Q:::Q(y) from either

ft{. (#oj or Eq. (7) for ()~ y~ I ft. Pro9ram P /o#~ I show" De/()W
wtU used 10 calclJlate fhe .tall1jJle re.rf)//s .J'howfJ.
:"00 cls
110 open "prn" for output as #1
120 print# 1, "************************ * ** *** ***** ** * **** *****"
130 print#l, "** This program calculates the flowrate as **"
1l,r0 print#l, "** a function of depth for various values **rt
150 print#l, "** of the radius of curvature of the **"
160 print#l, "** corners. **"
170 print#l, "***********************************************"
180 r = -0.2
190 pi = l,r*atn(l)
200 for i = 1 to 6
220 1.' = 1.' + 0.2
230 print#l, " "
2l,r0 print#l, using "With 1.' = ##.## ftrt;r
260 print#l, " y, ft Q, ft3/s"
280 y = -0.1 + 0.00001
290 for j = 1 to 11
295 y = y + ('.1
300 if y < = r then goto 500
320 0 = 7.53*(2*y-(2-pi/2)*r*r)ft(5/3)/(2*y-(l,r-pi)*r+2)ft(2/3)
3l,r0 got.o 600
500 th = 2*atn((r*r-(r-y) ft 2) ft O.5/(r-y))
5200= 7.53*(r*r*(th-sin(th))/2+(2-2*rl*y)ft(S/3)/(2+(th-2)*r) ft(2/3l
600 print#l, using" ##.## #.###~ft~~";y,O
620 next j
6l,r0 next i
** This program calculates the flowrate as **
** a function of depth for various values **
** of the radius of curvature of the **
** corners. **

T,tJith r = -0.00 ft With r = 0.60 ft With 1.' 1. 00 ft

y, ft 0, ft3/s y, ft 0, ft3/s y, ft 0, ft3h:.
0.00 6.987E-08 0.00 2.806E-08 0.00 1.589E-I0
0.10 3.0l,r5E-Ol 0.10 1. 79l,rE-Ol 0.10 7.158E-02
0.20 9.123E-Ol 0.20 6.220E-01 0.20 3.112E-Ol
0.30 1.700E+00 0.30 1.281E+00 0.30 7.2l,rl,rE-Ol
0.l,r0 2.613E+00 0.40 2.122E+00 0.l,r0 1.305E+00
0.50 3.620E+00 0.50 3.107E+00 0.50 2.0l,rlE+00
0.60 l,r.699E+00 0.60 l,r.198E+OO 0.60 2.918E+00
0.70 5.835E+00 0.70 5.357E+00 0.70 3.919E+00
0.80 7.017E+00 0.80 6.566E+00 0.80 5.022E+00
0.90 8.236E+00 0.90 7.815E+00 0.90 6.207E+00
1. 00 9.l,r87E+00 1. 00 9.096E+00 1. 00 7.l,r51E+00



9 /.

v", ,,'
- - r = 0.00 ft
- - - r =0.60 ft
4 / j; ," - - - - - . r = 1.00 ft I

.... .........
. --

...-:. -:--. .. " ...

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
I y, ft .

10.61.* Water flows in the fiberglass (n = 0.014) ~~-1
triangular channel with a round bottom shown in r 0.5 m
Fig. PlO.62. The channel slope is 0.1 m/90 m.
Plot a graph of flowrate as a function of water
depth for 0 :0:; Y :0:; 0.50 m with bottom radii of " 90
I j
r = 0,0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.0 m. /V"

(b) I/sslJme y~ 1,
A-= III +Al , where from £X(lIfJp/e 10.5 with e 1/r::

AI = (2r)2.(1l
B 2.
- sin 1I) _ (TT-2) r2.
2.- ~

Also, for the frapezoidal area

iJ2. (see fiqvres):
1t2 If
= 1/2r +2[Yf(l'i-I)r]][y~(J-k)r]
= [Y+(~-I)r][y-(J-*)rJ

11=[y+(~-J)r][y-(J-~)r] + (7T~2.) r2 (.3)

P = 11 t ~J where R= "f r qnd ~ = 2 (YZ)[Y -(l-vi-)r]
p: rr

/0.624 r (con Ii)

Thus, wifh Rh :: 1- Elf. (I) hecome.s

f:) I 115/3 I ( ~
\{ = O.OJJf n p~ 0.00//J)
or 115/3
Q = 2,38 p~/3 (5)

Hence) for y ~ (I-;=} ) r calculafe 6i from £'1' (5) J lAIdh t1 and P from
frs . (3) and (If),
Th tls ; p/o-lQ~Q(Y) for O~y~O.51h wdhr=O 0.2050.50 O,7S/,Om
.L I J J J J
wI/ere .S"/:
a) Q ::: 0.7SO r81a (e -e'-/3 r - It i f y;!f (..L
sin e):3 wil. h CQ.J.a() -::.:...r- 1- y,J r
and 5~
b) Q=2. 38 112, ~ with f) ::[Y +(/i-/)r][Y-(J- &)r] + (1T~2.) rand
P . .3
p =fr +2y£[y-(J-~ )r] if y>(t-Vr)r
These restI/t.s are co/cfJla/cd and plolted below usifl9 PrOrrqm P/O.#62.

100 cls
110 open "prn" for output as #1
120 pr int.# 1, "****************************** ***********'* '* '* '* '*:t:"
130 print#1, "** This program calculates the flowrate in **"
lLrO prir.t#l. t!** a vee shaped open channel with a rounded Oli"
150 print#1, "** bottom. '*:t!1
160 pr int.# 1, "* * ** * * ** * * * ** ** ** **** * ** ** * * ** ** ** * * * * * * * ** * * * *"
190 pi = Lr*atn(1)
195 r2 = 2"0.5
200 r = -0.25
210 for i = 1 to 5
220 r = r + 0.25
225 l)rint#1, " "
230 print#l, using "l>Jith r = ##.## m";r
21,00 print#1, " y, m Q, m3/s"
250 y = -0.05 + 0.000001
260 for j = 1 to 11
270 y = y + 0.05
2S0 if y < = (1 - 1/rZ)*r then goto 1,000
300 A = (y+(3/r2-1)*r)*(y-(1-1/r2)*r) + (pi-2)*r*r/1±
320 P = pi*r/2 + 2*r2*(Y - (1 - 1/r2)*r)
31,00 Q = 2.3S*A~(5/3)/P~(2/3)
360 goto 500
1,000 th = 2*atn( (r*r - (r - y)-2)~0.5/(r-y))
1,020 Q = 0.750*r-(S/3)*(th - sir.(th))~(5/3)/th-(2/3)
500 print#1, using" ##.### #.###----";y,Q
510 next j
520 next i


** This program calculates the flowrate in **
** a vee shaped open channel with a rounded **
** bottom. *Jl'
With r = 0.00 m With r = 1.00 m
y, m Q. m3/s y, m Q. m3/s
0.000 1. 194-E-16 0.000 3.4-36E-13
O.OSO 4-.038E-04- 0.050 5.120E-03
0.100 2.564-E-03 0.100 2.263E-02
0.lS0 7.559E-03 0.150 5.361E-02
0.200 1.628E-02 0.200 9.839E-02
0.2S0 2.952E-02 0.250 1.S69E-Ol
0.300 4-.800E-02 0.300 2.290E-Ol
0.3S0 7.24-0E-02 0.350 3.138E-Ol
0.4-00 1.034-E-Ol 0.4-00 4.113E-Ol
0.4S0 1.4-1SE-Ol 0.4-S0 S.21SE-Ol
0.500 1.874E-Ol O.SOO 6.448E-Ol

0,6 ---~~'--'-'-----


0.'+ -----------

0.3 ------------------------ --- ____ C_~~· ~~-~-"

0.2 i--------------------------------

0,' ------~f

0 0.1 0.3 O.Jf 0,5


10.63 The cross section of an ancient Roman aqueduct is

drawn to scale in Fig. PlO.63. When it was new the channel surface

was essentially rectangular and for a fiowrate of 100,000

m3 /day, the water depth was as indicated. Archeological evi-
dence indicates that after many years of use, calcium carbonate
deposits on the sides and bottom modified the shape to that
shown in the figure. Estimate the fiowrate for the modified shape Original water
if the slope and surface roughness did not change. surface

Calcium carbonate
I I ! I deposits
a 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 m
II FIGURE P10.63 '. . : .' .
.. .'

where from measuremenls on the fi9/Jre

Ao'X 0, 6m (I. 25hJ) -:: 0,75,,/ and
Rho = Pc O,751'n2. 0 306
~/.25m +2.(0,6",)::' m ~O.6m
7nIJs from £'/_ (jJ:
J ori9inai
1.16 - no (O.7S)(O,3()6) '".<5 1r:-
_ )i
f. rs: = 3.1f1

J< 2./3 1'-;:-
Qm == n", flm Rhm VSom
from fhe fi9vreJ /.2-hJ
Am -;: . I m ( /.2111/ O.3b1) -;::: 0.75 m2.
R - Alii".. O.7S m'J. :: O.2B3m
11m - P,n"'" (0, SSm +/.Im + IhI) o.ssm a.3m



10.6'" The smooth concrete-lined channel shown in Fig.

PlO.64 is built on a slope of 2 m/krn. Determine the flowrate
if the depth is y = 1.5 m.
0.5 61=__> 3 m------1
,. . . . - - •• 0 •• , •• ',,,, ••••


_ L IlD~4S~ L _ _ 2m
Q - n nnh 0 Wnere X-I) So- looom == 0,002.) and from TaMe jO./
J (J) .
n = 0.012-
Wdh Y =1,5m ,4= (.3m) (o.,sRJ) + f. (3m fom) (J,Ohl ) == 6/11'-

ond ok
p= /,Smf.3m fO.Emf (1'-+3 )2. m = 8.J6m 2

ThlJs) ~ = ~ =B.~;; == 0.735 "', tJlld Ef. (I) 9ives

Q= 0.;12. (6)(0. 735//3 (0.002)~ = 19.2-tf


10.65 Determine the flow depth for the chan-

nel shown in Fig. PIO.64 if the flowrate is 15
m3 /s.

Q == ~ fJR;-1 SO~) where X=J So:= 3~:m J =0.003) and froh17aJJle/(J,/ 1I=0.01J..

A/so, fl:: 3y'" f [3(y-O ..5)](Y-O.5) = ~ y2..f-;' Y+ ~ ,....~3(_Y_-O_.5_).,-;.--r-_ _--.

p= yt3to,.5t L~(y-t)~+q(y-f)2.]k 2. :+
:Y-O.5 T
:: y +.3.5 of- '{iO' (y- 0.5) :: ~/6 y +/.92 L..01-.5_f1l_~
Hence J wifh Rh = J and rr:: /S 1f-3 we obt4in
1 2. .5/3 I k
15 =v. 0/2
1'1 (/.5y fl.Ey +a37S) (
)"A (0,003)'"
or 0 I/- 0.1
2.01f(lf.16y+I.92)· -1.sy:J. -/•.sy-O.37S=O :;:F(y) F
Tria/and error solufion for F(Y)~ 0 0.05
Y F o +----'--_~---L-_
1.20 0.085.5 Y
1.22 O.OOIfI
Thus) y ~ J.22m
/.2'1- --0,0786 Nofe: Since y < 1.5m the wafer-o.os
does nof conrad the Jef-f
verrica/ wall -0.1

z = 530 ft

10.66* The cross section of a creek vaHey is

shown in Fig. PlO.66. Plot a graph of ftowrate as
a function of depth, y, for 0 :s y :s 10ft. The
slope is 5 ftlmi.


Hence} ~ ~
Q:::: ,.lf9 (8Y)[~ (O,OOOqIf7)~ t I. 1/-9 (3 0 Y-I1-D) [ 30 r-IJ.O] (o.OOO9'f7~
0,03 yt/2J 0.05 yt2.6·

or _ ySI.3 (Y-/f)5!z, .3
Q- LfB.9 (
12.)2/.3 + 265 ( )'"A
yt26 !I
for 'f~ y~effJ where Q~~ (3)

Y-8 y-l/ y-s

(c) Fory ~ 8 ft :
Q = Q, +4>2 tQ3+ QI/-
with n,=o.o3, n2.=o.o5In.3=O.03.sJn~=O.15 eN
Also, A, 8y 1J2. = 30(Y-9) A-i =90(Y- 8) , find 11/1- =50 (y-e)
:= J I


R,=e+etJ.f=2 o
R= 3()tJf=3tf) fj=9 0 +(y-8)= y+82
/10 '
~=50t(y-8)= ytif2 .so thol wilh Rn i =11,: and

Qt .:: Lntfj
/I. Rh~ S ~ == I.n'f!./I:
Q ~
RJt~/8 ( o. OOOqtj.7)1£:;
fl., 'D.'th'l.h

ThilS SA 51 [ ~
(8)') ~ + O.(JIfsq [30(y-/f)] + o.o~sq
_ O.Olf5q QO(y -8)]
Q- 0.03 2.0'h 0.05 3'f""'3 0.035 (y+82.),,13
+ O.0'l-5Q [.50(Y-B)]5/
0./5 (y tlf2.)'4
~ .s~ (y-8)5/.3 (y- e)~
Q::. 6.6'1-y +2S.3(y-If) +2370 (y+BZt/3 + 208 (y+'I2.)~ ForY~&J ('1-)
For o~ y~'O plol Q::Q(y) from £'(..5. (2.)J (3)J O{l (If')'
ProqraPJ P/01166 sh()wlI be/ow wa.; used fo ca/cv/oie the res()/ls,
100 cls
110 open "prn" fOT output as #1
120 print#l, "*************************************************"
130 print#l, "** This program calculates the flowrate in **"
1'*0 print#l, "** the creek at various depths of flow. **"
150 print#l, "*************************************************"
160 Y = -0.5
170 print#l, " "
180 print#l, " y, ft Q, cfs"
190 for i = 1 to 21
200 y = y +0.5
210 if y < = '* then goto 300
230 if y < = 8 then goto '*00
2'*0 goto 500
300 Q = 30.8*y~(5/3)/(y + ,*)~(2/3)
310 goto 600
,*00 Q = ,*8.9*y~(5/3)/(y + 12)~(2/3)+265*(y - ,*)~(5/3)/(y + 26)"(2/3)
'*10 goto 600
500 a = 5/3
510 b = (y-8)~a
520 Q=6.6,**y~a+25.3*(y-,*)~a+2370*b/(y+82)~(2/3)+208*b/(y+,*2)~(2/3)
600 print#l, using" ###.# #.###~-~~";y,Q
700 next i
** This program calculates the flowrate in **
** the creek at various depths of flow. **

y, ft Q, cfs
0.0 O.OOOE+OO 5.5 1. 765E+02
0.5 3.559E+00 6.0 2.2,*5E+02
1.0 1.053E+Ol 6.5 2.781E+02
1.5 1. 9,*3E+Ol 7.0 3.366E+02
2.0 2.961E+Ol 7.5 3.997E+02
2.5 ,*.072E+Ol 8.0 ,*.669E+02
3.0 5.252E+Ol 8.5 5.872E+02
3.5 6.,*86E+Ol 9.0 7.607E+02
,*.0 7.761E+Ol 9.5 9.755E+02
,*.5 1.011E+02 10.0 1.226E+03
5.0 1.350E+02

/O.66~ (conli)
The f lowrafe os a funcfion of de plh is pJo/fed be Jow.
------ ---------i--~----<--~--,----~ - - ----r- -
- -~---.------- ___._~ -.-.---~~----_+--------<. -------·-l~---. ~- ------

---- _~ _ ~===~E~~==---=~===3~~~~==--~--. ,
~J=~~_=~:=_=:=_~~-~~l -_~--_=_
--.------------+--- - - --.,------ ---~'-- ----------i----<---- -- .----
- - - .-----. - - - - ____ J.________ ----".. -- --.---r-------------- --~:~-- ------- -_.

------ ------------i---~--~,
~---+--------+------~-- ~
-------~--+--. --:~-

----~~--==--== ==- -1--- =----=-=-1 --+-----;----

600 ~------~--------_4--------_+----~--~~------+
-- - - ------ -1--------'---
-------1---- ----------
------~----i---------- -

-/ _--+_________ L _____ j
--- - --- --"------- 0- - - _ •• ----_.---t
------:- ------j

-~~-----+I-'~--I , t
"-----. -f---~-- --- - - ---~- .. ----.-

10.67 I
:.1·,1--'-----6 m - - - - - 4
10.67 Repeat Problem 10.64 if the surfaces are smooth con- l.d~:loo::"~-.
-,'-"-.,-., - (j)(j)~,--..--l"''---®---l... /cref e
crete as is indicated except for the diagonal surface, which is i~~ /
gravelly with n = 0.025.
0.5 =.=. =
~ ·~t.=.=.=.. .,. . ,._m
~ ..:j

LJ RZh ~
II,Rh l :3 50"~
Q=Q,+Q2, = tijK"/: +
)( f72..
n;, h~ So where X=I J 50::: 0.002
nJ=:o.ozs,(lnd from TabJe jO./ n,.=o,OI2.
A/SOI II,:: t( I.Om)(3f11)== 1.50 hi" J P, =(1.0 2.+ 3.02.)~ == .3,/6m
D ,4, I.SOm"
or Ilh
R = 3.16 hi = O.if.7S In
=: -

an rJ
A2 =(.3I17)(J,5m)= 'f.Sn/ J ~ =QSm +3117 + 1.5", = sm
D 112. 'I. Sin'"
or nh,,::: Ii = 5 In = 0,90 hi
flenc8J from Eq. (/):
I '"..3 Js. I '"h ~
Q = 0,02.5(1.50)(0.'1-7.5) (o.oo2J + 0.012. (#.5)(0.90) (0.002)

or 3
Q= 17.3 f-
Note: With al/.svrlflce.s concrefe J Q= 18.z.!f (see Problem /O,&lf).

t------2.5 m----l"
10.68* Water flows through the storm sewer -- - - - ------------ - --:---:-:---: -:-:--.- --:---:----
shown in Fig. PlO.68. The slope of the bottom is
2 m/400 m. Plot a graph of the flowrate as a T masonry

function of depth for 0 ~ y ~ 1.7 m. On the same
graph plot the flowrate expected if the entire sur-
face were lined with material similar to that of a
clay tile. tile

(a) For 0 ~ y -==O.5m: The flow is Ihe SQl11e as fhal in 4 circiJlar pipe.
Thf)sJ from EX4mple /0.5 wilh D= / fI1} X=/} and n = O.O/~ (7Q6/e /0.1);
J< k D% (e- s inel.1.3 I ').111 1i (1)fV3 (8-sinell.3
Q= n So:z. B ('ft~ e2/.s =O.OIJl. ('l-oom) 8 (Jf?13 ei / 3

or ~ 5~

Q= 0 . 251 (f) -SinS)

e2 / 3 .m!
where fj"'rad (I)

and 8 = 2 cos-,(o.s-y)

(b) For Y~ O,Sm: LI4--- 2, 5m

y-O.5 (2.)

Q,= n; D"~
n,11 nh, SO~ 2' J W'
'Ih n, = o.o/~} r ~-----,-
j.!m..l -----\..~m-l (J)

II,:: ¥(0.5tn)'-=o.39311J2., !?=7r(0.S)=/, 57m Sf) thaf

R -==.AL =O.3Q3111:L =0.250 m
hi P, 1.57m
(;,= o.~IJI.(O.3q3)(O.2.50t.&(If~O )'1. :; O.787.!f3

.K 2~ li.
Q2 = n" fJ2. Rh2. So ) wilh n1 = 0.025 (see Toh/e /0./) (2.)




lienee, wilh
~ (
Rh2. =
=2.5 Y -1.2.5 and 8. =2. (y-o. .5) T 2(~)=2Y

E'(. (;;..) hecolTle.s
(_2._)~ _ (y_o.S)514
t 0,5

• 2.5 Y 1.25 (
2y+4S)~ ~oo - /3,0

Therefore) s
Q::! 0.787 + /3.0 (Y-O.5) ~ 3
1f for y ~ O,Sm (3)
(2. yt 0.5)'''/3
Plot Q= Q(y) for O:;y ~ 1.71'11 /)SJn9 Eqs. (I) and (3),


If fhe en/ire surfqce were lined with ",c,feria} with n, =n2 = o.o/if,

Etfn. (I) would remain valid. The coefficielJl NJ3. 0/ in Eq. (.3) wovlJ
become /3.0(0.025)
= 23.2
. •
For this case l

Q =0.787 + 23.2
~ -sm for y~ 0.5h1
(2Y+O.5) 1.3
Thi.s re.sulf i.s also plo-lted U.~. Q) frorn £r, {/J for o~ YS:O'S"I and
Q from £'{. (If) for 0.5 4! y:5 1.7/11). See Proqram P /0#68 below.
100 cls
110 open "prn" for output as #1
120 print#l, "*************************************************"
130 print#l, "** This program calculates the flowrate in **"
140 print#l, "** the channel as a function of depth. **"
150 print#l, "*************************************************"
160 dim a(2)
170 a(1) = 13.0
180 a(2) = 23.2
190 for i = 1 to 2
200 print#l. " "
210 if i = 1 then goto 260
220 print#l. "With n = 0.014 for the entire channel"
230 goto 280
260 print#l, "With n = 0.025 for part of the chann8l"
280 y = -.J. + 0.00001
290 print#l, " y, m Q, m3/s"
300 fo~ j = 1 to 18
320 y = y + 0.1
340 if y < = 0.5 goto 500
360 Q = 0.787 + a(i)*(y - 0.5)~(5/3)/(2*y + 0.5)~(2/3)
380 goto 600
500 th = 2*atn(((0.5~2 - (0.5 - y)-2)-0.5)/(0.5 - y))
5200= 0.251*(th - sin(th))-(5/3)/th-(2/3)
600 print#l, using" ##.# #.###~---";y,Q
610 next. j
620 next i
** This program calculates_the flowrate in **
~* the channel as a function of depth. **

With n = 0.025 for part of the channel

y, m Q, m3/s
0.0 7.552E-l1
0.1 3.293E-02
0.2 1.381E-01
0.3 3.089E-01
0.4 5.315E-01
0.5 7.870E-01
0.6 9.837E--01
0.7 1. 367E+OD
0.8 1.853E+00

/0,68· (cadi) 0.9 2.y,07E+OO
1.0 3.010E+00
1.1 3.6L!9E+OO
1.2 L!.315E+00
1.3 5.003E+00
loY, 5.708E+00
1.5 6.L!26E+00
1.6 7.157E+00
1.7 7.897E+00

With n = 0.01~ for the entire channel

y, m Q. m3/s
0.0 7.552E-11
0.1 3.293E-02
0.2 1. 381E-01
0.3 3.089E-01
O.L! 5.315E-01
0.5 7.870E-01
0.6 1.138E+00
0.7 1.822E+00
0.8 2.689E+00
0.9 3.678E+00
1.0 L!.75L!E+00
1.1 5.89y,E+00
1.2 7.083E+00
1.3 8.310E+00
1.L! 9.568E+00
1.5 1.085E+01
1.6 1. 215E+01
1.7 1. 3L!8E+01

- _ ...• _.... .1 ...

in:: O.Ol'!- for

10 _. _. __..____ ._._.__.________ ~e.l!flre . channeL . .

5 n= 0,025
for top porfion
of channel .

o,l/- O,B /.6

y, m

10.6 q Determine the flowrate for the symmetrical channel
shown in Fig. PlOAO if the bottom is smooth concrete and the
sides are weedy. The bottom slope is So = 0.001.

K .1.A k.
Q :::: QJ +<?,. +-Q3 =Q, + 2Q2 where Ql :::: n;.
I fI/ Rht.3 SD:I. with){ ~/, 1.11
Also, AI =(3(1)(11-(1) :::/2 f/2. 1J2 ::. f(3;I)(lffl) :: 6ff~J P, :::~/~ 4nd ~ =5f1 J

D - A, - J2.ff2. -3 ff nnd 0 - A,. - 6 fl2. -/1) ff

so fha! nh, - If - If fl - .. nh2 - 7{ - E ff - . ~

Hence wilh n,::: 0,0/2 and n,.:: 0.030 (see

Table 10./) we obfain:
Q= ~:~;2 (/2) (3/,4 (O,OOJ)""4-(2)~:~~ (6) {J.2),"/3 (0.00014 = IIq ¥3

/0.70 I

10.70 Water in a rectangular painted steel

channel of width b = 1 ft and depth)' is to flow

~ I
at critical conditions, Fr = 1. Plot a graph of the
critical slope, Son as a function of y for 0.05 ft :5
Y :5 5 ft. What is the maximum slope allowed if
critical flow is not to occur regardless of the
II--- /R --~
.. I

V= 1<. zh Ji
7f h X== J.lfq and from Table 10.1
Rh So J were n = O.O/if.
Also) Rh =J.: .,.01 and with Fr==m ==/ J V= 1fiY
Thv.5 ~

V32.2. Y :=
IA'! (
Y )l~
zytl So:
or Soc = 0.0028Jf
EquafioIJ (J) is ploHed below. To de/ermine fhe mini/lJlJ/IJ critical oS lope
set daS;c == 0 . That is:

dSoc _(J.) 0
~ - 3 0.0028
If)[ (ZY+J)IJ]
f 3
if(2ytJ) (2)Y -(2 Y
+J)lJj =0
Thus, y == -t
so fhfff frol11 £C(. OJ

S := 0,0028'1 [ (t,+ 1)'1 ]~ = 0.007.5 7

oCmin "6
If 5 0 <0.00757 critical fJoWl cannot occur aiany dep-th.
The followinq volves are ohfained from Er· OJ. !Vole fhal
Jim So
y_O c
== O.0028tf Jill)
[ (2YtJ)I/o]~
Y = oa and lim So =- 00
y_DO C

1--/0_,7_°---1 (con V)

Soc vs y

--~-~~'---'--~~-~~ ~ "~

0.010 ~~-~--~ ~---"-l
0.005 -~--.- ---------- --·-~--l
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
y, ft

SOc vs y (expanded scale)

0.0090 .,.----,....---,--....,-----r---....,-----~------__n

0.0088 . ___________ ~ ___ ~'_~~ __ ___+__--~~--_-- ____. _ _ _ -----0-----



g 0.0082 -

0.0080 ~

0.0076 ---------;----~I;;;;;;;;-- .~=~=~~-~~

0.0074 +------r-----r------r-----.-------f
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
y, ft

/0-6 q
10.7' 1
10.71 Water flows in a rectangular channel of y (i.e., Soc = CIY, where C I is a constant) and
width b and depth y with a Froude number of that as Y --') 0 the slope becomes proportional to
unity. The slope, Son of the channel needed to Y -113 (.I.e., Soc = C2/Y 113 ,w here C· )
~ IS a constant.
produce this critical flow is a function of y. Show Show that the channel with an aspect ratio of
that as y --') 00 the slope becomes proportional to b/y = 6 gives the minimum value of Sllr'

l4--b ..


lis y -0) (ZV b)" - f so Iha1

SOc --.(- Xn9b'll.l) (J1)l
Y -- c,.

To de/ermine fhe minimtlm Soc J calculafe ~~c =0 from £q.(J):

oe =(Xngb'l/.3 ) (1- J[ (2 ytY b)"'] -2.;3 ['1(2 Yfb) (2.)YY - (2ytb)

] == 0

or 3
(2y +b) [BY - (;;.y tb)];O
y= ~

10.72 I 10.72 Water flows in a rectangular channel with a bottom
slope of 4.2 ft/mi and a head loss of 2.3 ft/mi. At a section
where the depth is 5.8 ft and the average velocity 5.9 ftls, does
the flow depth increase or decrease in the direction of flow?

her S = hL - 2.3ft s = '1-.2 ft

J w e f T - .5280# J 0 52-80H,
and 1T= ~:::: 5.9 g. ::Q Jf32
(g y}li [(32.2.~)(5.8fl)J ~ .
(2.3 -~.z)
- I s;eo t =-0. OOOIf'lZ <: 0
- O.lf32
The flow depthdecreQse.s in flokl direclittJ.
There is less heQa JrJSS fhan chonle in e/evotiof) for fhis .suhcrifico/ f/uw.
The flUid speeds up a/ld qefs shallower.

10.73 J _'V , \'(3)

10.79 Water flows in the river shown in Fig. ~(--l-):"-
J. 1-1(4)
(~--------------- -- ~
PIO.73 with a uniform bottom slope. The total
head at each section is measured by using Pitot
~?77;77i~~~~"d/,J (. (2)

tubes as indicated. Determine the value of

dy/dx at a location where the Froude number is
Zl = 620.1 ft
Z3 = 628.3 ft
l Z2 = 618.7 ft
x2 - Xl = 4100 ft
Z4 = 625.0 ft

dy Sf -so J where from/he fi'lvre S =~ = 23 -i!~ :::. (628.3-62.5.0)(+

(]X=: I-Fl' f J X,-X:z. ¥/ooff
or ,... = 8 os 10-'" d S .::: Zl-~:l =
..::J; • x an 0 R
=3 .-,.li/X/OL{.

10. 7"1- I
! I

10.7/f Repeat Problem 10.73 if the Froude number is 2.75.

21 = 620.1 It
23 = 628.3 ft "2 = 618.7 It
X2 - X] = 4100ft Z4 = 625.0 It


5f - So
1- Frl
I where from fhe fi9vre
-8 -If J$
or Sf - .05 x/o tina (J=
J =
d =
1 -it
8.051./0 -3. Ix 0
'f /-'1 _ _ 7. 07X 10- 5
dx /-(2,75)2

/0.7S I
10.75 Assume that the conditions given in Fig.
PlO.73 are as indicated except that the value of
Z4 is not known. Determine the value of Z4 if the
flow is uniform depth.
:5:b ~r
2] 620.1 ft
23 = 628.3 It
t .
= 618.7 It

X2 - _'I = 4100 It


For uniform flow ~::::

Sf - S~
=0 or S~
= So

Z3 - '2'1- _
J - 2i i-Zz J
or z~ == 23 +Z2. - 2, = 628.3 +6/8.7-620./) ff
%'1 == 626.9 ff

10.76 I
10.76 A 2.0-ft standing wave is produced at the bottom of
the rectangular channel in an amusement park water ride. If the
water depth upstream of the wave is estimated to be 1.5 ft,
determine how fast the boat is traveling when it passes through
this standing wave (hydraulic jump) for its final "splash."

*: r- d I +/1 +8 Fr,'" ]
or / 2.0 U +1.5 if) ::: ..J..[_I +jl +8 Fr, '" ]
t £~,Off
I.S If =)1 ,
7.f777 77 7777711t

~. I.sfl 2. I V,
Thus, Fr,::: /,971 or since FiJ = ~ f})'I
~ ::: Fr, #l = /.97 (32.2!t) (1.5 ff)

10. 77 I
10.77 The water depths upstream and down-
stream of a hydraulic jump are 0.3 and 1.2 m,
respectively. Determine the upstream velocity and
the power dissipated if the channel is 50 m wide.

y2. .:::
Y, I. 2m I
0.3 m ==2"[1 +
r. / / +8 fir, 2.'] or Fti =3./6 Thus, .

if follows that V,:: (.3.16)[(Q.8J?) (O.3/h)] ~ == 5. t;2 !f

The power dissipafed is qiven by
Yt /- ~ -I- F /' (I - (4- t)
-p:: lQ hr;.. J where !:E:.:: r
Y, 2. 12

0\ =(0.31>7)[1- ~.~: + (3~6)1(1-tt:::n] = O.SO'fm

Also, Q= A/~ :: Ytbl1:: (o.3m) (SO/H) (5.1f2!f-) :0: S/.31}3

Thll.s l

;1)::'(9.8 ~)(81.3.t;-3)(O.50¥fn):: ~Ol k~'m = '101 kIN

/0.78 I

10.78 Under appropriate conditions, water flowing from a
faucet, onto a flat plate, and over the edge of the plate can pro-

duce a circular hydraulic jump as shown in Fig. P10.78 and
\'idl!i1 \'10.6. Consider a situation where a jump forms 3.0 in.

,~3 4/J~mp (2)

from the center of the plate with depths upstream and down-
stream of the jump of 0.05. in. and 0.20 in., respectively. De- in.
termine the flowrate from the faucet.
, / ' ,..,....
I fI)i····· pL ...•...

· ~.l:,: :; ; :,:,: ;:;: i: *: ;:;: : :.: : :;: : :+'t; : :; ; ; : :·.':H'· ·

i 0.05 in. 0.20 in.


For a hyriratJ/ic jump:

~ ::= i[-I +1{i+8Fr/· ] or

o. os in. == f £1 + Y1+N F;?-] fhai Frl ::: 3.1t


V, = 3,161.32.·:z.f{(o,os//;l.)11 ::: I. /b!J.

a/Jd ff3
Q== AI ~ ~ 271R, Ii ~ :: 271( ff. f.I){qi~5 11) (/.It {t ) ::: 0.00759 s

/0.79 I
.10.79 In order to have a hydraulic jump, the flow upstream
'of the jump must be supercritical. This implies that a wave made
by a disturbance upstream of the jump cannot travel upstream; it
gets washed downstream (see Video VI 0.(;). Show that for a hy-
draulic jump in a rectangular channel, the Froude number upstream,
- Frl' and the Froude number downstream, Fr2' are related by
-2 8 Frf
Fro -
2 - [(1 + 8 Frf)l/2 - 1]3
Plot Fr2 as a function of Frl and show that the flow downstream
of a jump is subcritical.



Fr2 " [I
8 Fr:
+8Fr/ -
Thi.s resuH iJ p/o/-/ed below. (3)

3.5 T-------------------
FrJ Fr2. 2.5 ~---

0.5 2.26 2.0 ---.~­

/ I LL
1.5 - -- - -.-- ~ -- -~- - - .--

2 O.S'f7
3 0.1/10 :
if O.33Q ! 0.5 ---.
5 0.296 0.0 - I - - - - - - - , - - - - - r - - - . . , . . . . - - - - - , - - - - iI
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Nole; To hQve a jump we Fr1
mils! have FIf> I. FrOIl? ~----------------------------------~

the 9roph FI3. ~I if ~ '>/.

NOTe; Fr/ = / rp"ve.s Frz =/. IJ/so (;QI1 show from £9' (3) that
dFr2./rlFr, <0. Hence" Fr2<1 for Q JUMP,

10.80 Water flows in a 2-ft-wide rectangular
channel at a rate of 10 ft 3 /s. If the water depth
downstream of a hydraulic jump is 2.5 ft, deter-
mine (a) the water depth upstream of the jump,
(b) the upstream and downstream Froude num-
bers, and (c) the head loss across the jump.

Q - 10 ;s i13 \ I " f:l.

(a) \<2. --7[; -2 0 Ii so fhai Fr2. = V:z. ~ = ~ .s
- (2.5f1)(:;.ff) - • S (g.y,) ,. [(3;2..2~,.)(2.5ft)J~
Fr2, =: 0.223 Obfain Fri from fhe reslJH of Problem /0.7Q : ..

Fr: 2. :: 8 Fr,z or (0.223) 2r(J +8 Fr,2.)~_1]3- 8 F~/:z. =0 == f( Fr,) (I)

:2 [(JtBFr,2.)V2.-1]3 LI
Triol and error solviion for f =0 ~ f
Fr, f 5 - Fr: ::8.10/
8.0 -7,3q
- 0.26
o I
V .1

Thvs, Fr," 8.10 =(v, )V~
, where
IL3 g Y,
II -
v, - l, I -
- JO s
(2. ff)}'I
- 5
- ~
fh f
so "
8./0= (ft)
(32.2. Y/)~
Yt = 0,228 Hand \.1:: 0.;29 = 2.1.9#
(b) From pari (a) Ff) = 8./0} Fr2, == 0.223

(c) A/so,
hL ::: r; [I - 2l, + !if(J -(it)] =O. 22B ff[l- ~;;8 + (8~O)( J -( o-;~ey·)J
hL = 5./£ f+
Ir Or could use ~:: f [-I +~ J + B Fi/] wilh Y:z. =2.sfl so fhat
/1 :a. I I 2.
5 +y. = ~-Vr-/-+8-Fi-f--:->2.' /Vow wdh Fr,2.:: J1.. = \CV (by,)) :: (JO/(:z.X))

I I I .) J 'J Yt 'J ~ 32.2 Yt I

or L. 2 _ 0.776 we ~bf4in
rr, - v3 J
1/ .k
5+}j a:: y~ [I -1-8(-°·;:6)]" .By sqlJQri"9 both sirles ofJdsill1ph!JilJy we
aMain X:L+ 2 ,5X -0.62-/;:0 which 9ive.s )1.:0. 22 8 {las ahove.

/0. eI I
10.81 A hydraulic jump at the base of a spillway of a dam
is such that the depths upstream and downstream of the jump
are 0.90 and 3.6 m, respectively (see Vidt'o V 10.5). If the spill-
t / f V~
way is 10m wide, what is the flowrate over the spillway? ~ -}'J:: O.9m Y2.'::: 3.6rn
777p 7 7777}7 / 7 /7
b = 100m

Y2. ='2I [
Y, -} I
+v 1+8Fr,2,'] J or 3.6m
o.qm == 2:
I [J
-I +- 1+8Fi;£]

Hence) ~::: 3. 16 J hur Fr, = (fJ ~Yi so that

~= 3.16 [(9.81 qi )(o.'I/11~Y2-::: 9.3Q !}
ThuS J
Q =IJ, V, : : by! U=( I o.Om)(o.QI7l)('I.3Ql}) = 8.tt,5 ~

10.82 ]
10.82 Determine the head loss and power dis-
sipated by the hydraulic jump of Problem 10.81.

hL= Y,[I-~ +1f?(J-(~t)] I where from~::: ;':~=i[-H-JI+8F"'{I.'J

Hence} Fr, = 3.16 so fhat
hL :::(0• q m)I 1- O/lm
3.6/11 -#- (3.16 )~(I _(o.QI1l )?)J::: I 51
2. 3.6m J .. m

AIso) 'fJ::: rQ hi. J where v,::: (9Y)2. 0:::

.J,. [
(q.81:',.)(O.qm~,,%. (3.16)~ Q.3Q:
Hence J

7'= (9.80~)UO.qf)J)(/Oom)(q.3q~)](J.51 m}= 12J500kN;111 == /2. J500kW

10.8.3 Water flowing radially outward along a circular plate
forms a circular hydraulic jump as is shown in Fig. PIO.83a.
This is shown easily by holding a dinner plate under the faucet
of the kitchen sink (see Video VI0.ll). (a) Sketch a typical spe-
cific energy diagram for this flow (see Problem 10.12) and lo-
cate points I, 2, 3, and 4 on the diagram. (b) Which of the wa-
ter depth profiles shown in Fig. PlO.83b represents the actual
situati~n? Explain.
_ _---'I

, (1) (2) (3) (4)


(a) iii FIGURE P10.83

From Problem /0./2 fhe. specific ener9Y dio'lram for this radial flow is
shown below.

y .~Uj,~~iJical
lncreas~flI' ' ,
~, • • .. • \ .s upe rcritica I
/ • .
/ . /fJcre4Sln9 m

/ /increasin9 r

Up.slream of fhe jump fhe flow mv.sf be Slip ercr/f ica I so (I) and (2) are
localed, Enerpy is consef'teJ- £, =E.2., The deplh decreases from (01rJ(21
1nthe jump enerqy decreases - £.3 ~£'I- < £~. The flow /s stJbcrdt"co/
dOlJlns-freo.m of fha jfJmp and fhe deplh jncreases. (See 4he G1hove qraphJ

Th/)~ fhe flow is like fhe {o//owin,:

IO.Slf I

10.84 Water flows in a wide finished concrete

channel as is shown in Fig. PlO.84 such that a
hydraulic jump occurs at the transition of the
change in slope of the channel bottom. If the
upstream Froude number and depth are 4.0 and
0.2 ft, respectively, determine the slopes up-
stream, SOl' and downstream, S02' of the jump to
maintain uniform flows in those regions. The jump

For uniform flow V==

channel R = A::: yb
can be treated as a jump on a horizontal surface.

R;1.3 5,;1-',. where

~ Y since b»y
J X-::;/·tf.9 and for a wide

h P 2. y+ h i ; _ I
From Table /0., n::: 0,0/2 ~I..-=--=--b-------;---------'+f.J
Upsfream of rhe jvmp Fi;:: ( ,y,Vi)!?, :: 'f so thai
v,::: (~Yi)~ ~ :: [(32,2 ~)(O.2ft)]J-i (If) =10.2 ~
Hence, frrJm ft{. (I):
10,2 ::: 1.'1-9 (o.2.)Zh
S Y'2.
0, J or .s - ='
01 -
0 0577

Downs/ream of +he jump Y2. ==

or y,
f[- )
+JI f8Fr,2.']
Y2 =(i) (0.2 fn[-J+JI +8 (1f)2.' ] =I. 03~ ff
Thvs J AI V, == 1)2 ~ or v,. =~ V, =(J.g3~~) (JO,2 ~) == 1.97l
so -Ihat £". 0) 9ives

1/17 = :,'o~~ (J.036{~ So~ J or Soz::: 0.00021./-0

10.8514- I
10.95* A rectangular channel of width b is to
carry water at flowrates from 30 :s Q :s 600 cfs.
t / ,
The water depth upstream of the hydraulic jump
that occurs (if one does occur) is to remain 1.5 VI - Yi =1.5 ff Y:L ~
ft for all cases. Plot the power dissipated in the 774/ 717 777~7771
jump as a function of ftowrate for channels of
width b = 10, 20, 30, and 40 ft.

-po: rQhL J where hL " Yt [1- (~) + f (J - (f,J)] (J)

~ ::: ~ [- J +~ I+8 Fr~'] J provided F"r,?;O (2.)

Also, \I

rr, - (9 Y,>:)Y:&
,- -
h \I,,-- II,Q --
were Q
/.5 b so
= G-£J
=O.OqSq Q
nenceJ rrom
r £. 0)

hL = (I.5J[J -(~) + (0. 00 if 60)( Z}'O-(f;. t) J ff J

where b"'flJ Q,.,if (3)

and from E£(. (2.)

~ = i[-J+ (! +O.0736(~/")~J (IJ)

For the given values of plof -p from

p= 62.ifQhL ff:s'lb for 30~ Q tr600 ¥ (5)

Nole; If Fr, </ fhere is noivRJp and p:::o. Frf)I')J above) J'h:::/
when Q= O. 0~5q = IO.lI- b (I)

Lei (f, == flowr"fe when Fij =/. from £'/- (6) we oblain
b f+
J QJ J -¥3
10 lOll
2.0 208
30 3/2-
~o ¥16
Wilh h::: /~ 2.~:J~ or Jl.off calculate and plot -p from:
0) p::: 0 if ~<.QI

b) 'P:: 62.# QhL ~ J where ohloin hI. from El(. (.3) wdh
~ from £,/-(,,) if Q/~Q ~ 600ij-3
The pro9ram and rcsulfs are 9iv81J he/ow. (See protjrdm P/o#85)
(conI/: )

/0.85·' ( con Ji )
100 cis
105 open "prn" for output as #1
110 print.# 1, H* * * * * * *** * * * * * ** * * * **** ** ****** * * ** *** * ** * ** * * * H
120 print#l, "** This program calculates the power **"
130 print#l, !!** dissipated by a hydraulic jump for **"
1l,t0 print#l, H** various width channels and various **"
150 print#l, H** flowrat.es. **"
160 print#l, "***********************************************"
180 b = 0
190 for i = 1 to l,t
200 b = b + 10
220 print#l, " H
230 print#l, using "With b = ###.##H;b
2l,t0 01 = 10.l,t*b
250 print#l, using "If 0 < ###.# then P = 0 (no jump possible)";Ol
260 print#l, " Q, cfs P, ft. ibis"
270 Q = 50
280 for j = 1 to 11
300 0 = 0 + 50
310 if Q < 01 then goto 360
320 y2y1 = 0.5*(-1 + (1 + 0.0736*(0/b)~2)~0.5l
330 h = 1.5*(1- y2y1 + 0.00l,t60*(Q/bl-2*(1 - y2y1-(-2l 1 1
34-0 P = 62.l,t*Q*h
350 print#l, using H ####.## +#.###----";Q,P
3 60 nezt. j
370 next i

Sample OVlpVI!
** This program calculates the power **
** dissipated by a hydraulic jump for **
** various width channels and various **
** flowrates. **

With b = 10.00
If 0 < 10l,t.0 then P = 0 (no jump possible)
Q. cfs P. ft. ibis
150.00 +l,t.6l,tOE+02
200.00 +l,t.131E+03
250.00 +1.l,t32E+0i!
300.00 +3.i!27E+04.
350.00 +6. 72l,tE+0l,t
l,t00.00 +1.165E+05
l,t50.00 +1.852E+05
500.00 +2.766E+05
550.00 +3.939E+05
600.00 +5. l,t0 l,tE+ 0 5

With b = 20.00
If 0 ( 208.0 then P = 0 (no jump possible)
Q, cfs P, ft. ibis
250.00 +8.859E+01
300.00 +9.281E+02
350.00 +3.376E+03
l,tOO.OO +8.263E+03
l,t50.00 +1.6l,tlE+0l,t
500.00 +2.863E+0l,t
550.00 +l,t.57l,tE+04-
600 . 00 + 6 . 8 5 5 E + 0 l,t (con J/: )
10- 8/
/0, eSf. (con'/)

With b = 30.00
If Q < 312.0 then P = 0 (no jump possible:
Q, cfs P, ft.lb/s
350.00 +2.87~E+01
~OO.OO +3.628E+02
~50.00 +1.392E+03
500.00 +3.~9~E+03
550.00 +7.039E+03
GOO.OO +1.239E+0~

With b = ~O.OO
If Q <: ~16.0 then P = 0 (no jump possible)
Q, cfs P. ft.lb/s
~50.00 +1.129E+Ol
500.00 +1.772E+02
550.00 +7.201E+02
600.00 +1.856E+03





- - - b = 20 ft
..... b = 30 ft

1- . - . b = 40 ft. t



10.@6 Water flows in a rectangular channel at
a depth of y = 1 ft and a velocity of V = 20
ft/s. When a gate is suddenly placed across the - -----:---:-:::---- --:----
end of the channel, a wave (a moving hydraulic
jump) travels upstream with velocity V w as is in- v~ y
dicated in Fig. PlO.66. Determine V w' Note that
this is an unsteady problem for a stationary ob-
server. However, for an observer moving to the FIGURE PIO.B6
left with velocity V •. , the flow appears as a steady
hydraulic jump.

FOr an ohserver moving 10 fhe lell with speed Vw the flolJl4ppe4rs as shown below.
Thlls ) freQ/ fhe flow CIS q Jump wiih
H, v, (20+ Vw )
r ::; (1 y,)Ji = [(32,:Z¥)(Jf+)] ~
Fr, = 0./76 (20+Vw ) (I)

n so)
AI \Y,I = IJ2 \I
V2 J
Y2 _ v, _
or V - V -
2. 0 +Vw
V. (:J.)
and N 2 W

~ =l[-J+/JfBJ:;-/] which when combined with £,(.s.(J)Qna (2.) become.s

20~ v., = ~[-J+jJfB(O.I76i'(:lOfv.,l]

2(ZO+V...,)+ ~ = Vw ( 1+(O.2'1-8)(ZO+Vwt)2.k
or 2 2 [ 2
('f04- 3 Vw ) = Vw I + (O.2.1f8)(Zo+Vw ) ] J which CQn be wrilfen as
O.2Jf8 VwLf +9.'12 'lw3
+91.2 Yw2. - 2JfO Yw-160 0 ::; 0 == f(VIAI ) (3)

Trial and error solution of £f(.(3) fo/' f(Vw)::o:

Vw .Jf f(Vw ) 50
'1-.20 -/87 f
~.2.S -1'30
J.}.30 -72.2
'1-.'35 -/2.9
¥.JfO '1-7. 6 -50


Thus, Vw.:: If. 36 {t

10.87 When water flows over a triangular weir as shown in ......................

Fig. PIO.87 and Vidl'O VIO.7, the cross-sectional shape of the

water stream is clearly triangular in the plane of the weir (Sec-
tion a-a). Farther downstream (Section b-b) the shape of the
a-a bOb
water stream is definitely not triangular. Explain why this is so.
Hint: Consider the water velocity profile at Section' a-a.


As d/sctJ.fJ'ed in Secfio/l /0. &. 2) fl;e speed ollhe wafer f/ow/1J9 over II
weir is a function of h (see the ff?Vre ):
U2. ::,j2?- (h +¥f )
ThlJ~ fvr () 7I'iaIJ9v/ar- weir
the wafer speed af (3) is 9reafel'
than af (If),
The h"her -/he .speed) the faflflJefl "
.fhe wafer ''.shoots ()vt t)r 1114/1r IIfJtier

the tic/ion of 11'tJlIltr The frtJjecfuf/e.r

of {he wtJJfer.l fherefore al'e ~ .sh()wlI J

be/ow I

...Yt <V1t
(If) "-
V.3 \
(~) . -- - \"', " ....

" '\

The rBsv/f is fA dis/of lion ot fhe ori91/Ja/ rrilJllflli4r crfN..r-secf/()1J

of fhe lIJlJJier sil'eam 4S .shfJwl1 if) lite videlJ,

10.8e Water flows over a 5-ft-wide, rectangular sharp-
crested weir that is P", = 4.5 ft tall. If the depth upstream is 5
ft, detennine the flowrate.


lO.8Q A rectangular sharp crested weir is used

to measure the flowrate in a channel of width 10
ft. It is desired to have the channel flow depth be
6 ft when the ftowrate is 50 cfs. Determine the
height, p ... , of the weir plate:

Q= Cw,. f Vii h H34 , where H-:::6ff - Pw and

CWr =: 0.61/ + 0.075 -H;

Q= (0.611 +-O.07.5(6~PJAl)) (t)(2~)\ (6-Pw)
or W
5oIf3 == (0.6/J +0.075 (6-;:'",)) (} )( 6¥''f~ )~ (/0 f+) (6- Pw )

[ B. J5 + (6-~)J
P ( 6 - Pw)~ - /2.5 ;:: 0 e F( p,# ) (I)
Trial and error so/vfion of £q. (J) for P(Pw) -::O!
Pw F(pw )
'1-.5 3.08
if. 6 1150
if. 7 O.OOqq
If.e -/,116
o ~--~--~--~--~-
Thv.s J Pw = '1-.70 ff


10. q 0 Water flows from a storage tank, over two trian-

gular weirs, and into two irrigation channels as shown in
Video VIO.7 and Fig. PIO.qO The head for each weir is
0.4 ft and the flowrate in the channel fed by the 90-degree
V-notch weir is to be twice the flowrate in the other chan-
nel. Determine the angle for the second weir.


Q=Cwt k ton (!) 1/i.j H 4.


e, :: qoo J HI:: H2o :: O. 'fff QlJd QI;::: 2 61:2-
J (2)

ThvsJ from Fit;. 10•25.1

C.~tl = o.sQO
From £'(s.U) an d (2-) J
C'lit, Is -r ) ~r::::-:
tan (6, Y2.j
H 5/~ == C__
I If 2,
8 1.
7$ TOil ~
(f},. ) ~r::-:.
H.~sA X 2
0,590 tan '1£" :: CW/ 2 iO/1 (~ )x 2
C",t2. tan (~ ) -:: 0.295 (3)

Tr/a I and error so/vllon: 1I.r.svme &2::: 20°. From Fif. / tJ./6 CIII'I.z. :: 0,6u 1

ThIJsJ CWtz fa!} (~ ) = o. 626 tan (10') ::: 0./10 == O,ZPS. ThllsJ e.2 wF 20°
Rel'Bo.fed trie..r result in fhe 9r.aphiJelol,ll froln which We GonC/(Jde thai
82, ==.53 0


CWt,. fan(~ )


2,0 .30 ed '1-0
.50 6t)

/0.'1/ I ,

10." Water flows over a broad-crested weir that has a

width of 4 m and a height of Pw = 1.5 m. The free-surface well
upstream of the weir is at a height of 0.5 m above the surface
of the weir. Detennine the flowrate in the channel and the
minimum depth of the water Ilbove the weir block.

Q=Cwbbff(ff4H~J where
0.65 0.6£
Cwb :: (I t 1L)~ :;:: (1+ o.5m)V2. - 0,563
Pw l.S m
Q= (O,S63)(q.rn)(q.8/~)
(23" ):3/2. (o.5m)3k

Ymin::: Yc = 1-H == (t;)(o.sm) == 0.333 rn

10,92. I
10.92 Determine the flowrate per unit width, q, over a
broad-crested weir that is 3.0 m tall if the head, H, is 0.60 m.

=1) = (
0 6.5
u .iL 119 ( '32)31. H3~ 2.
where H:::O,6tn and Pw =3.0 m
o 1+ rw)'"
.I!! ~ (2-)~ ()~
Cf= (lt0.E.)~ (q.8J s~) :3 O,6m :::: O.Lf70 srn2.

lO.Q3 Water flows under a sluice gate in a

~- l..t
channel of IO-ft width. If the upstream depth re-
mains constant at 5 ft, plot a graph of flowrate as
a function of the distance between the gate and Y,=sfif ______

channel bottom as the gate is slowly opened. As- I +

777/777]' 'f 7 7777/
sume free outflow.

Q::fb= b~aJ2.gy,'J where YJ::5{f, b=Joft,o/JdCd is fromhij.lO.2'1.

Thu~ k
Q::: ~ (loft) a [2(32.2ii~ )(5 rn] 2. = j7q ~ a 1/ J where a"" (f
QJ rt ~ ~ Q, ¥
0 00 0.6 0
0.5 10 0.58 5/,9
1.0 .5 0.55 9B.5
1..5 3.33 0.53 IJf2
2..0 2.5 O•.5J 183
2.,5 2 Q.50 2.21f

250 --
200 -----.----~----.------------ -----

rn 150------------------- ------------ -------


a 100

50 -------

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
a, ft

lO.Q4 Water flows over the rectangular sharp
crested weir in a wide channel as shown in Fig.
~:~~::~--x~~ U";f"m flow J'm:'

PIO.94. If the channel is lined with unfinished
concrete with a bottom slope of 2 m/300 m, will
it be possible to produce a hydraulic jump in the
YI So = 2/300
channel downstream of the weir? Explain.

Q;: CWI' t "(29' b H.3/2- J where Cwr = 0,611 + 0, 075 (!) wilh
H= 3m-2.2m =0.8117 and !i,=2,2/'n
Thus) I

Q= [0.611 +O.075(2~·~:)J (t) [2 (Q.8J ~)J~ b (O,8m)~

or 3
Q== ',3ifQ b ~ J where b. . m
V. - ~ -~ _ I. 3 'f9 b ~:::: J.3'f9 (I)
I - A, - b>'J b y, or J y,
For lJni forth flow
~ X ~ ~ here X ~ /
Q= nX fJ Rh:z.A:3 So:2) or \'
VI;:: 7f Rh/ So J W J
So::: 300m =0.00667

Also) for a wide chann8/ 1//= by! and R: 2 y, f b .so that

Rhl--..&. - by, - v 'f b» /Iv
P, -(2y,+b) -'I I
Thus with n= O.O/If (see 74ble~/0.])
Q = /.3lfQ b == o.d'If- (by,) (y,):3 (0. 00667)~
Yt -:: 0, iflS 111
Hence J from £r· (/)
II __ 1,3Jf9
VI = 3,2S m.
s So
fh 4 f Fir. _- A.~
\I, _
- r.
3.25 fL
I O.l/I.E I vljr, L(Q.8IIf)(o.JfISfb)]r.I.
Fr/;::: /. 6 I Since Fh >, if is possible +0 produce a jtJmp,

10. q.5 I
10._95 Water flows in a rectangular channel of
width b = 20 ft at a rate of 100 ft'/s_ The flowrate
is to be measured by using either a rectangular
weir of height Pw = 4 ft or a triangular (8 = 90~)
sharp crested weir. Determine the head, H, nec-
essary. If measurement of the head is accurate to
only ±0.04 ft, determine the accuracy of the mea-
sured flowrate expected for each of the weirs.
Which weir would be the most accurate? Explain.

(0) Recian9lJ/ar weir:

~= (0.611 +O.07S("*w))(1-)'YZi b H4.
where Pw=:/fff
.,. 0.07.5t ~ )1 (} )[2 (32.2 ~2)J120ff) H4 3
Q= [0.6/1
3A .tl 3
Q= J07(0.6J1 +O.O/8BH)H where ~"'!f and H"'ff
2 J (I)

With Qr:: /oo1jl this 9ive.s 0/135 =(0.6/1 +O.OI88H)H-%

or 3.
( 32.S + H)H~

Trial and error so/ulion for

- Iff/. 7 =0= F(H)
o I



H F(H)
-2. -
,,20 -.5.'1-0
/.25 -2,.53
-If -
1.30 O,~o

Thus H: : I. 2ql/-(f

(b) Trian9lJ/ar weir: ,

Q= GlUt ~ fan (t) V29 H.5 4
Cwt(~Xftm 1f5o)[2(32.2~)J~ H /2
or ~ n3
Q= -¥o2e Cwt H:L I.f J where H,., ff and Cwf is from F,"9./0.25 (2.)

For Q:::: looff) assume Cw+::: 0.58 so ThQt

~.28 (O,EB) H~ J or H= ~39fl Noh: : The ass{)med Cw+:::O.S8
ohecks (see A'l . 10.25)
CaJclJJafe ~ forfPH,oo, ~()!o.o~J and #'00- 0 •0'1 from £f(s. (f) and (2):
(Rectangular) HJ H QJ cf.s (Trian9u/ar) HI ft GJ cfs
I. zStf 95.3 Lt. 35 QB.O
"'rio::: J. 2.9lf 100 H,oo = ~. 39 100
J,33tf 10'1.9 ~.~3 }02.5

'v./iJh Hto.oifff ifis seen thai frian9{)/fJr weir is more acClJrale

((.e. smQller variafion inQ).

10.% Water flows over a triangular weir as shown in Fig.
PIO.96a and VidCt) VJO.1. II is proposed that in order to in-
crease the flowrate. Q. for a given head. H. the triangular weir
should be changed to a trapezoidal weir as shown in Fig.
PIO.96b. (a) Derive ~,quation for the flowrate as a function of
the head for the trapezoidal weir. Neglect the upstream veloc-
ity head and assume the weir coefficient is 0.60, independent
of H. (b) Use the equation obtained in part (a) to show that
when b « H the trapezoidal weir functions as if it were a (, ) (b)

lriangular weir. Similarly. show that when b » H the trape- • FIGURE P 1 0 .96
zoidal weir functions as if it were a rectangular weir.

(<IJ q=CJ U i dh Z J where Uz c 1fi.jh

j = b +2(J/-h) =(:;.J;.J,)-2h
Thlls, H

Q;cJ 1{ijJi[(2Hfb)-2h]dh
o 1/ 1/
",cfij (1.iI+b) S
1[hJh-c"Yij.(Z)I h /"dh
3 0

= Cw 6j (2Htb) ~ /I 'f -Cw ~. t /ISh.

or $
(J) Q= CwH V2i b /I~ +.J Yij.!I ~] J Where Cw ~o, D
Note: This e1v4/ilfl is s/!lf;(y Me SIIIII of q 101' a redo"9u1or weIr
all" Q {Of' t/ /ri41l9U/rJl' weiI', T/7al Is Q'Cl =' Qp ~ Q... .

(f,) From fr. (J)

Q='cwVij 1I~[ffb +J/I]
TIllIs, if h« II, Q'Z C", Yij. /I "''f.£ /I] '" clll 1fij Is /I'%. W/;/C/; Is
fhe e'1i1llii lfl for tI frI4f1~v/dr 41iel',
Si/llr1d~1 ~ il h»~ q ~ C,..1(1.i h f II~ whidl IS f/;e e'1wI'hii/l for
a reciafl'1v/tlr wei/'.


10.91 A water-level regulator (not shown) maintains a

depth of 2.0 m downstream from a 50-ft-wide drum gate as
shown in Fig. Pl O. 97 . Plot a graph of flowrate. Q. as a function
of water depth upstream of the gate. Yl' for 2.0":;; Yl ..:;; 5.0 m.


a = 1m
• FIG U REP 10.97

Q::: b q. -::: b Ca a V~1 Yt I where a =/ m and b = 5011 (0, 301f8 ff) ::: IS,2m
Q= (ls,2fh) Cd, (/ m) V2 (fl81!ffi) ('h m) , == 67.3 Cd, yy; %3 where y, m 'V

Obfain Cd from Fiq. 10. z q w/lh ~ :: 2.

Y/J m -Yt a Cd
Q J!!-?'
2.0 2.0 0 0
2.5 2.5 0.'12 Jfl/.7
3.0 3.0 0,5.3 6/.8 Q VSY1
3.5 .3.5 O.5~ 70.0
If. 0 IA() O.5tf5 73./f 90
If, 5 -¥.s 0.55 78.S
5.0 5.0 0.S5 82.8 80

0.25 25.0 70
2.2 ~.2
• Drowned outflow
7..lf ').. If 0.35 36.5 60
2.6 2. tf O,~7 £1.0 • Free outflow
2.9 05'1,7 ...!D. 50
2.B o.S3
d 40



2 3 4 5 6


10.98 Calibration of a Triangular Weir

Objective: The flowrate over a weir is a function of the weir head. The purpose of this
experiment is to use a device as shown in Fig. PlO.98 to calibrate a triangular weir and de-
termine the relationship between flowrate, Q, and weir head, H.

Equipment: Water channel (flume) with a pump and a flow control valve; triangular weir;
float; point gage; stop watch.

Experimental Procedure: Measure the width, b, of the channel, the distance, PW' be-
tween the channel bottom and the bottom of the V-notch in the weir plate, and the angle, e,
of the V-notch. Fasten the weir plate to the channel bottom, turn on the pump, and adjust the
control valve to produce the desired flowrate, Q, over the weir. Use the point gage to mea-
sure the weir head, H. Insert the float into the water well upstream from the weir and mea-
sure the time, t, it takes for the float to travel a known distance, L. Repeat the measurements
for various flowrates (i.e., various weir heads).

Calculations: For each set of data, determine the experimental flowrate as Q = VA, where
V = Lit is the velocity of the float (assumed to be equal to the average velocity of the water
upstream of the weir) and A = b(Pw + H) is the flow area upstream of the weir.

Graph: On log-log graph paper, plot flowrate, Q, as ordinates and weir head, H, as ab-
scissas. Draw the best-fit line with a slope of 5/2 through the data.

Results: Use the flowrate-weir head data to determine the triangular weir coefficient, CWI ,
for this weir (see Eq. 10.32). For this experiment, assume that the weir coefficient is a con-
stant, independent of weir head.

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and dick here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

/O.Q8 (con'/)
Solution for Problem 10.98: Calibration of a Triangluar Weir

e, deg b, in. Pw, in. L,ft

90 6.00 6.55 1.50

H,ft t, s V, ftls Q, ft A 3/s

0.231 8.2 0.183 0.0711
0.224 8.5 0.176 0.0679
0.211 10.7 0.140 0.0530
0.192 12.5 0.120 0.0443
0.176 16.5 0.091 0.0328
0.156 19.5 0.077 0.0270
0.136 27.1 0.055 0.0189
0.106 48.2 0.031 0.0101
0.091 62.9 0.024 0.0076
0.088 68.1 0.022 0.0070

Q =VA =V*b(Pw + H) where V =LIt

Q =Cwt (8/15) tan(8/2) (2g) 1/2 H5/2 where from the graph
Q = 2.76 H2 .5

Thus, Cwt = (15/8)*2.76/(2*32.2)1/2 = 0.645

Problem 10.98
Flowrate, Q, vs Head, H

-~ --~~I'---~-----i--~- . : +--- I
------.---------.- -~----- -II • Experimental
< i '-------.:----=--
4: ----------j------~
- I
ci I

0.01 ~------------'------'

0.1 1



10.99 Calibration of a Rectangular Weir

Objective: The flowrate over a weir is a function of the weir head. The purpose of this
experiment is to use a device as shown in Fig. PlO.99 to calibrate a rectangular weir and de-
termine the relationship between flowrate. Q, and weir head, H.

Equipment: Water channel (flume) with a pump and a flow control valve; rectangular
weir; float; point gage; stop watch.

Experimental Procedure: Measure the width, b. of the channel and the distance, PW'
between the channel bottom and the top of the weir plate. Fasten the weir plate to the chan-
nel bottom, turn on the pump, and adjust the control valve to produce the desired flowrate.
Q, over the weir. Use the point gage to measure the weir head. H. Insert the float into the
water well upstream from the weir and measure the time, t, it takes for the float to travel a
known distance, L. Repeat the measurements for various flowrates (i.e .• various weir heads).

Calculations: For each set of data, determine the experimental flowrate as Q == VA. where
V = Lit is the velocity of the float (assumed to be equal to the average velocity of the water
upstream of the weir) and A == b(Pw + H) is the flow area upstream of the weir.

Graph: On log-log graph paper. plot flowrate, Q. as ordinates and weir head. H. as ab-
scissas. Draw the best-fit line with a slope of 3/2 through the data.

Results: Use the flowrate-weir head data to determine the rectangular weir coefficient.
Cwn for this weir (see Eq. 10.30). For this experiment, assume that the weir coefficient is a
constant, independent of weir head.

Data: To proceed. print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.


10,99 (con'/J
Solution for Problem 10.99: Calibration of a Rectangular Weir

b, in. Pw , in. L, ft
6.00 6.00 1.40

H,ft t, s V, fUs Q, ft"3/s

0.254 2.2 0.636 0.240
0.216 2.7 0.519 0.186
0.184 3.0 0.467 0.160
0.162 4.2 0.333 0.110
0.151 4.5 0.311 0.101
0.111 6.6 0.212 0.065
0.060 15.8 0.089 0.025
0.046 23.8 0.059 0.016
0.031 38.4 0.036 0.010

Q =VA =V*b(Pw + H) where V =LIt

Q = Cwr (2/3) (2g) 112 H3/2 b where from the graph

Q = 1.79 H 1.5

Thus, Cwr =(3/2)*1.79/(0.5*(2*32.2)1/2) =0.669

Problem 10.99
Flowrate, Q, vs Head, H

1.00 ~---=-~-~~-~i~'~.
- -------~_ I ~- !
----------+-~--,__>_--~ ___ _~-
---~----------- .....--------+~~- ---- ~-~--

'- --------,-- -----------.~----~-----.------.-

-- ---------->------_._-- ~~, ~

.!e --------~--'-1
M I •
! ; I
: i i Experimental
0.10 . -.~----.~

ci ---=-~~~----------, ----<----+-----.-'-!~--=----==--:.-~.=J

--.--------- -·---..:.....1
, IQ = 1.~9H1.5
0.01 0.10 1.00


10.100 Hydraulic Jump Depth Ratio

Objective: Under certain conditions, if the flow in a channel is supercritical a hydraulic
jump will form. The purpose of this experiment is to use an apparatus as shown in Fig. PIO.IOO
to determine the depth ratio, YZ/YI> across the hydraulic jump as a function of the Froude
number upstream of the jump, Fri'

Equipment: Water channel (flume) with a pump and a flow control valve; sluice gate;
point gage; adjustable tail gate.

Experimental Procedure: Position the sluice gate so that the distance, a, between the
bottom of the gate and the bottom of the channel is approximately I inch. Adjust the flow
control valve to produce a flowrate that causes the water to back up to the desired depth, Yo,
upstream of the sluice gate. Carefully adjust the angle, 0, of the tail gate so that a hydraulic
jump forms at the desired location downstream from the sluice gate. Note that if 0 is too
small, the jump will be washed downstream and disappear. If 0 is too large, the jump will
migrate upstream and be swallowed by the sluice gate. With the jump in place, use the point
gage to determine the depth upstream from the sluice gate, Yo, the depth just upstream from
the jump, YI> and the depth downstream from the jump, Yz. Repeat the measurements for var-
ious flowrates (i.e., various Yo values).

Calculations: For each data set, use the Bernoulli and continuity equations between points
(0) and (1) to determine the velocity, VI> and Froude number, Fr\ = VI/(gYI)I/2,just upstream
from the jump (see Eq. 3.21). Also use the measured depths to determine the depth ratio,
YZ/YI' across the jump.

Graph: Plot the depth ratio, Yz/Yl> as ordinates and Froude number, Frl, as abscissas.

Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical depth ratio as a function of Froude number
(see Eq. 10.24).

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.


/0./00 (con)')
Solution for Problem 10.100: Hydraulic Jump Depth Ratio

Experimental Theoretical
Yo, ft hft Y2, ft. V" ftls Fr, Y2/Y' Fr, yh,
0.855 0.055 0.404 7.19 5.40 7.35 1 1.00
0.759 0.055 0.386 6.75 5.07 7.02 2 2.37
0.691 0.055 0.367 6.42 4.82 6.67 3 3.77
0.578 0.055 0.337 5.83 4.38 6.13 4 5.18
0.492 0.055 0.308 5.34 4.01 5.60 5 6.59
0.414 0.055 0.280 4.85 3.65 5.09 6 8.00
0.289 0.055 0.233 3.95 2.97 4.24
0.248 0.055 0.211 3.62 2.72 3.84

For flow under a sluice gate:

V, =[2g*(yo - y,)/(1 - (Y,/YO)2)],12


Fr, =V,/(gY1)112

Problem 10.100
Depth Ratio, Y2JY1,
Froude Number, Fr1

8 ------.- ------------- ._-----

7 - -- --------.--.----------- .---.---~------------~~ -.--.-----------

6 - ---. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - . - - - - - - - P - + _

5 - ----~---.----:..--.______7"'L"L+___ --
-+- Experimental I i
~ N
l - - Theoretical
>- 4 ---.,--~---~- ._----_.- - - - - j

3 ------1 I

2 ---/-----~---,------------~

_ _ _ _---C--~----------
1 ___ ;

o +-----~----~----~----r_----r_--~-----4

o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10.101 Hydraulic Jump Head Loss

Objective: Under certain conditions, if the flow in a channel is supercritical a hydraulic
jump will form. The purpose of this experiment is to use an apparatus as shown in Fig. PlO.lOl
to determine the head loss ratio, hJYI> across the hydraulic jump as a function of the Froude
number upstream of the jump, FrI'

Equipment: Water channel (flume) with a pump and a flow control valve; sluice gate;
point gage; Pitot tubes; adjustable tail gate.

Experimental Procedure: Position the sluice gate so that the distance, a, between the
bottom of the gate and the bottom of the channel is approximately 1 inch. Adjust the flow
control valve to produce a flowrate that causes the water to back up to the desired depth, Yo,
upstream of the sluice gate. Carefully adjust the angle, e, of the tail gate so that a hydraulic
jump forms at the desired location downstream from the sluice gate. Note that if e is too
small, the jump will be washed downstream and disappear. If e is too large, the jump will
migrate upstream and be swallowed by the sluice gate. With the jump in place, use the point
gage to determine the depth upstream from the sluice gate, Yo, and the depth just upstream
from the jump, YI' Also measure the head loss, hb as the difference in the water elevations
in the piezometer tubes connected to the two Pitot tubes located upstream and downstream
of the jump. Repeat the measurements for various flowrates (i.e., various Yo values).

Calculations: For each data set, use the Bernoulli and continuity equations between points
(0) and (1) to determine the velocity, VI> and the Froude number, Fri ::::: VJi(gYl)IJ2, just up-
stream from the jump. Also calculate the dimensionless head loss, hJYl> for each data set.

Graph: Plot the dimensionless head loss across the jump, hJYI> as ordinates and the
Froude number, FrI, as abscissas.

Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical dimensionless head loss as a function of
Froude number (see Eqs. 10.24 and 10.25).

Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click ht're
to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem.

Sluice gate Point gage

Pitot tube 1/1 FIGURE P10.101

( con)t)

IO./O} (con J/)

Solution for Problem 10.101: Hydraulic Jump Head Loss

Experimental Theoretical
Yo, ft Y1, ft Y2, ft. hL, ft V 1, ftls Fr1 hL/Y1 Fr1 Y2 /Y1 hL/Y1
0.855 0.055 OA04 0.364 7.19 5AO 6.62 1 1.00 0.00
0.759 0.055 0.386 0.313 6.75 5.07 5.69 2 2.37 0.27
0.691 0.055 0.367 0.271 6A2 4.82 4.93 3 3.77 1.41
0.578 0.055 0.337 0.201 5.83 4.38 3.65 4 5.18 3.52
0.492 0.055 0.308 0.152 5.34 4.01 2.76 5 6.59 6.62
0.414 0.055 0.280 0.117 4.85 3.65 2.13 6 8.00 10.72
0.289 0.055 0.233 0.058 3.95 2.97 1.05
0.248 0.055 0.211 0.042 3.62 2.72 0.76

For flow under a sluice gate:

V 1 -- [
2g*Yo(- Y1
)1(1 - (Y1 / yO) 2 )]1/2

hL/y 1 = 1 - (Y2/y 1) +Fr12[ 1 - (y 1/Y2)2]/2
Y2/Y1 = [-1 + (1 + 8Fr/)112]/2

Problem 10.101
Dimensionless Head Loss, hL/Y1
Froude Number, Fr1

10 - ---~----~-----.------------------ ---- ----

8 ---- -~---


--F--F------;-- ---I --+- Experimental I

- - Theoretical

4 --~----- -----------------1i

o +---~--==~----+---~----_r----r_--~
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

11.1 As demonstrated in Vidt'll \'11..1, fluid density differ-
ences in a flow may be seen with the help of a Schlieren opti-
cal system. Discuss what variables affect fluid density and how.

;:~Y (/11 ,tdelll / ~4t :

e = Rr
,$tJ elf(I"I~J ,if elel'JJ'/Iy~f,w;11 a.ce(/n1pfJW?Y t:l,lln,~ i"
pressure) ?) ,tiS ~'pI)~jl/fJn ~ R" a.hd/rh' feMt~"'r~.J T.
'/tJ/Y;aniJt?r ,n ';/lti'd vslfJei'J Antipr J,(N"'h~ ILl?eI
c,f)(J/'n; yn~ reslll-l /" /Jresrul't! And t-ewtp!KIJIuI't:,
chan,es-. C/'4h'~ I;" JU ~PIJ.r/I,·tlJ? -/j,4t- Q/fer;f
fI, t, VIJ lue (J f ~e ,gr (,h1J'~I'JI.I 1</ will Y'eS'tll-/ In
C 1"ln,eJ ()I a'el'1f ily ~ e.

I ,. 2 J
11.1 Describe briefly how a Schlieren optical visualization
system (Video" V 11.1 and Vll.1, also Fig. 11.4) works.

A 5'eJ"/"ere,,, v'jIAA/'jlll,o~ syskl"l'1 de-lecl.r ~ve..,

$Yt'tllll 1/« yja-honI In -IAe iYJr/ex 01 re66ch~1'I of
'" {;anIpareHJ htlllrNiQ I. I", f/""/~ Wt~&J,a,,/~ J ~ rJis
ryflt!~ ir dr/en uJed.,fp JhJH~/iJe fh4t:i:.$ lind
~ fl"t!r VQ ria h(;nj Ih ~luld eI~nf/!J ahd' rhUf
V(J,ri~fo;;YI.$ I~ I;' elex of t'e.{y,c.,/on. VII)'J. i/'hJ
I~ -lite JeYl~'·-h; Cll'lei 'nt/ex or ~~-6~ Ii, I) fluid
f/rAN "~fulf I;' J(JWle li!/'1 myJ he,;', t~'Jllt II

().y,"""d IAI'I ,h/e",I,'J'II./.I ',,1,'1 bllJ&~lr called />t..,

Icn/te erJ,e II "t!$UI'f"'~ ,'", Vi,fH."j4fJ"n ~ f
LI~J1fify v4yi .. li()I'1.J· Ph' ¥t"l"yc. I,;~~ .... h(,n
/YI ellA. til"} A f'~ e~.lic, d/a1r/JNt;t fee
En,,;'~e-rlny FIlA;1'd ~ lltt1#1ic'( ~ Iff W,/ey 6,<
6y hI,." f(dberJ ~n a""e/ C'7~ Crowe.

11·3 I
.113 Are the flows shown in Videos V Il.l and VII ..:! com-
pressible? Do they involve high-speed flow velocities? Discuss.

Va Y'/tl h-()YlS l~ I'I~ iol d~nJ/& aye. ev,'den"f $"

(,...(/Ykl,yes.r/ .hIe IltlWS ~ /Y,VI) Iv~. All ()f
Ihe!-I!. f/8W$ OA'~ /fIlAI S''pe~eI ~c,¥f ~ th~
"o.lJ/e ex/-/- I'lfIW which if J,J't, Sfl'ttel.

JI· l./ I
J !A In cities where it can get very hot, airplanes are not
allowed to take off when the ambient temperature exceeds a cap
level. Does this make sense?

0", ~ hd -I d -t.l fit e d~ n J,'':J 0 -I fhe () ir If leI 1

fJ. an q,., et, co/del' clDJ s'-nce ~:-':; ·

The liff :k,.t:..eJ e~er~rJ (JJII fJ.e.,. /,-{t/'n!l SUr"CfJ

~f IJII1 alYp/Ql'le Oy~ ye/4if!t:I -Iv deYJ>;1:J 7

~: t f
rJ ~C'-
So" #r fI.~ ,SQI'I'Je,.
4 /rpI4J?e ~iJJ.f~ () h&"~'"
~fJud V Ii ~f"'rfd (hJ A. h,f cl4J fnAh I}11 A..

cold d,. 7d fA ch"ell~ IhJof "Jl9J,~ $fe~""/ J?1t:#e

YUJIIW4y lel?Jfh If neeqed/·

II.> 1
11.5 Air flows steadily between two sections in a duct. At
section (1), the temperature and pressure are TI = 80°C,
PI = 301 kPa(abs), and at section (2), the temperature and pres-
sure are T2 = 180°C, P2 = 181 kPa(abs). Calculate the
(a) change in internal energy between sections (1) and (2),
(b) change in enthalpy between sections (1) and (2). (c) change
in density between sections (1) and (2), (d) change in entropy
between sections (1) and (2). How would you estimate the loss
of available energy between the two sections of this flow?

(b) C1,11.9 may be used fo eva. /u.~fe the cht:l"Je I;' en/ltaiI'Y.J
'" v
h:J. - hi ' Thus) r ~ plOl'/e~ /I.I(d)
'~53}:: /O~IfDO
..... v
h1.- 4 :- c (7- T ) = I/OtJ'j
I "I' 1 I l I *!,
j{)( ,
- "J5lK) =

(d) £~ . /1.22. /)'Jay be w~d ,f; eva IWA-fe- Me- cA0J11e. in t:I1lnpy.;
5.2.. - s . Thus;

s;, -

5, = CfJ In Tz - I< In ~ =
-r; ~
j Y
(00'1"'Il9. K y,{t:(35~S3KK)
(Z8',Q "k,.N. ...k Y1t~l'dJ
(Jdl kl, )
;. - Sf = 3'Jb -:r

(con't )
//- 'I
5",;'(.(, the f/tMJ i"v"lwJ 0 fIJIt;h'OInf d,lWJf~ J~ tlenfl.,1 .r~~
$()Iu-h'~ Iv Pllyj (t.) ~b(}ve..l if if t:.lYr1fr'(.fJ;J,le (/lllul 11· s: loB
''''''-!If k ~ "" i!-IIII< I....-h·,.. fitL /"u ,-.. ,,1111 ila tk ~ hWJ'1 J,~n

~~ c -h'fh/! (J) IV"tK (2). 50 ~ E;. '>'ltJt we ~I­


loSS -:: u,. - Ii, .f- JP{-f) - ~

) f'
a>?d -h> UIwoplek II"J JoI.. /,.... ~ ,,~,J >"If/rt. 1;,/rN",~.t,,;,. f. f"I<.

C(by. fl v 4. !I.t '" ~ fI,e I i? Ie JroYI / ~" 6C h~f •


//·6 I
11.6 Helium is compressed isothermally from
121 kPa (abs) to 301 kPa (abs). Determine the
entropy change associated with this process.

57- - S
=- - /3 9() ..!:.-

/1,7 I

11.7 Air at 14.7 psia and 70 of is compressed adiabatically

by a centrifugal compressor to a pressure of 100 psia. What is
the minimum temperature rise possible? Explain.

The YYlln I /'JII U Wi fempeY'~ful'e rise. wtJu /d (Jew" w / Ih

fY/c li(}n less process /,4/hlch inv/)Ive.r tf uns~nt en-/rt;I'Y /)y Ifen~ic­
-Flow. A Cc..lh'dlllj ft; -Ihe se.GQnd klw of fheyJt!fodYJ1tJl'JlliCJ) E9' S. 101 )

fhe enfyopi' Musf IhCret1se. or Y~1I11? CdI1.J'htn7 c:U.iYl,!! 4n atllablfle-

procesS' ~ i'; Cdnnof d~ cYetl.fe. . The 7-.s d iOf YIIJII? f'Ke !rhed be/ow
illttsfvedef how fhe i5r3nfn:,pic p~sS' ~$ulfr I~ a. n-,I,,/mum 'kRl~K.
r~e. ~~

Far fhe isenfr-op/{.. pYocess J EI' J /.211- is- va/ld· 7iuAs I
&=1 . '-i:..!
T (lut
- ~n (P.. 7J""
t = (£Jo'R) /fof)P$iA.)
(I¥. !114
I.: 1/7 "I(

() ()

T/Juf T. _ '117 ~ - 530 ~

min ;,..14""

11- 6
fl.g J

11.8 Methane is compressed adiabaticallyi

from 100 kPa (abs), 25°C to 200 kPa (abs). Whati
is the minimum compressor exit temperature pos-i
sible? Explain. i

me m/n/murn ctJmpressO'Y ex.t'f -fempeyt~lur-e wtJuld occ..u~ tv/fJ, tin

ad/al,~tlc Cll1d Ir)cf,(jnks..s /JYlJces$ whic4 invc/ves a unstzrnf
elr/rtJp}, bY i$el'rlrr;plc Flaw. A cceJYdI~ -10 /he.. '5ec..()~d law of
fherm()tilrnqm/c.J.; £9' 5. /0/) -Ihe eh1-rojJ,Y m",.sf /17c..yetlfe or
'Yemcl!'n ctJ;;;-/lttl1f adiabalic pr(Jce.5~ if- CQI/'1I'1Dt
dllr1n.J Qn
clecrel1(s~. The T-s d/tl1Ytlm .riefcAed 6elM ;I/t{sfraks htJw fAL
iseh-iYPpic pn;cess resulf:> I;' D-- /()~r exi f fe?npeyt14"e, -/hQJ'l I1l7y
aciut:d ad /a6a{;c py()cess j;elwe.e~ .fhe. Sdl'J7e /1ressuyes.

C/mc.lutte ~ ~ .//.2'/ Ihal

= 3?/1<....

/I. q I
J 1.9 Air expands adiabatically through a turbine from a
pressure and temperature of 180 psia. 1600 oR to a pressure of
14.7 psia. If the actual temperature change is 85% of the ideal
temperature change. determine the actual temperature of the ex-
panded air and the actual enthalpy and entropy differences
across the turbine.

To deret'm,;'e -th.e aclvtal fen;1pey~fwr'e. of I-l1e expal1atP/ air lJJ1tJ1 the

ac~1 ei/lfttall''1 t:iJ;Jd enn--ol'Y d;ffenHcef IICl'tJ$f Me fuy6/ne we nted
{ii'sf /D delent1lne -lite idf'tJl fetnperalu~e Chan!e (lcr(JSf lite fllr6/ne.
lhe ide,tI 7elNlperalul'e. cht:tJ19~ t:lCY()$> IAe. lurb/ne is tiss()c/ak, wi#' an
ad ialott-n'c- IifHfIJ fYiV'h4Y1/~SS t:lJlJd 11uI; iJ~}1 frt7pic turbine eYpt:l¥15Ipn.

The t:tchtetl Pl'lXefJ Ihwltl~s t:l Jmallw ~walwt'e ct,tlJ1!~ as ;Iklh-tkd

/Alilh ~ T- S c//&:~?r,1;a;, .r-kefrh 6e/gw.

£1. 11 . 2 '/



( ~lJ.t T. ) =
O. 85 ( T
- 7. )
1cA..&/ it:l~« 1

11- g
11·10 I
11.10 An expression for the value of cp fori
carbon dioxide as a function of temperature is !
= 9210 _ 3.71 x 1()6 8.02 x 108
Cp T + P
where cp is in (ft . Ib)/(slug . OR) and where Tis
in oR. Compare the change in enthalpy of carbon
dioxide using the constant value of cp from Prob-
lem 11.2 with the change in enthalpy of carbon
dioxide using the expression above, for T2 - TJ
equal to (a) 10 oR; (b) 1000 oR and (c) 3000 OR.
Set TJ = 540 oR.
'" v
{f;v con5~1
c;" fhe cl1lflJ1,Je In e;r~~lpy.J h, - 1,,) ~y b~
eVdlfA~fepi will? Gf. I/. '}. rhus}

(h: -{):= ,,,,,sIMt .,

C (T~ - ~ )
v v
Fur VtlY)'lY:J '" So) the cha)1~ 'M enlJta/pYJ h'J, -4, J h1~ Ix
-e VtlluaW wi th 6'{ I/. 3. Thus"
v v I~ r~
h, - hi" c" dT '" J ('210 - "i.7(XIO '+ ~.()Z X/Of) d r
7; r; T T"l. J

('h - h):::.
2. ""YI't!,I
9210 (rl.- T,) - 3.71 XIO' k tI~)
- ~.OlX IO~J..
( 7:
..!-) _
'it I 1- I

(tJ.JhrY r; = 5'/-0 (lK aAltd ~ = 55'0"R.

f~97 /'.;.. /6 ) (sSO 01<_ 5''M of() :::: if 9,{}()O -li-.lb

$/"" .1( $iu.J
v If

( n,,- hi) VtMY/~J


51) 000 fl. /1,


II. 10 I(con't)

(.hv V)
-I-, .
2 J VtlYtf/~


(V v 7
11-. /6
h - ~) Varytn.J
. -::: 2 . / -, X 10

2. ,

//.// I
11.1 1 Does sound travel faster in the winter or summer?

firy. ClIY" ~ ~ S"peL4 tJr .f4Jw1d ~ EI' /1.3, iJ

c -= Vf<Ti<"
Sf} I/IIhe~ the "Jtt.tln~~t -k""'r"lut'(!" 1.: if I~v.le,.. PS "vr/~ IJu
1/tI1;"~~ fI,.(! s-pef!d or
JtJIU'UJ'.1 c~ I f /~wel'" fJ,ar. c:lIAY/~, the
fla"l'?7eY'~ w/'el"l r p",p{ f1t.u.s C If j,~"),er:

1/·J2. T
Il.12 Estimate how fast sound travels at an altitude of
250,000 ft above the surface of the earth.

~ eg. 11.3b

~J;J ol-lit.,de ,,1 2S'O, ddtJ .f.J. ,) ~ Tlltb/~ C·I ~ ~r~~1I1e
~~ -Iv k - 81.77 6F 5D

C = I f(?'6 fl. ~' ) ('160 -R_ ih) XI.l{-)

Y~ siCA,. 'R It Ih) ::
( SII#-7.!!..

11.13 J

11.13 Determine the Mach number of a car

moving in standard air at a speed of (a) 25 mph,
(b) 55 mph, and (c) 100 mph.

The M4ci1 nUY'1ber IS /he raflD of ~Cd/ ve/()cify -10 Jleed D/.rIJtmri.
711 us
_ V
Ma.. - -c
h ~ /t) J1d aypl a /y

C :: VRT* =
0: /117 fl-

or 06()O L )
_ (/117 If) hr - _ 76 I. 6 mph
C - sj(~2fO:~)

(a)Foy V = 25 WlI'~

MfA. .::
z 5' I'1"PJ,
= O.03Z8
761.{, mph

(h) FI) Y V.::!i5 mf h

fVlA. = 5~ n?/h
0.072 '2
761.£ mph

(C)Hrr V ~ 100 rnfh

Ma : lao mph O· 131

76/. b Y"ph

11.15 How would you estimate the distance between you
and an approaching storm front involving lightning and thun-

(J¥'J,e. w()..! ft; e$-h~"ie, fhe d/f~J'lce ioe-lwf'en YblA

and f),ffYrJac,hu;'J Sffrm c./oud.$.J x) ;s -frJ C~UI!II­
fhe 1?/..{l'Wbey tJ/ seco;ulJ
befwe.en 5eeJ;'q fj,e
/ i!t.thJj hear;, !-""ouler. U
tlJ'It/ Pi'! fJ7
~'I'Yt?x"'ntf,(f(; value 01 lite, sl'eetl 01' .s1J"11~
IIf~ fj: (see Table B.3) ~ CdJi PjJjJrtJx;~/e

dJf/-r;.nct-.I}( ~

/ /. /6 J

11.16 If a high-performance aircraft is able

to cruise at a Mach number of 3.0 at an altitude
of 80,000 ft, how fast is this in: (a) mph; (b) ,
ftls; (c) m/s?

(6) Wi~ Etg. /1, 'It,

V == (Ma) c
ahd eo, (Jot) 71- /n U· 5· siz:lYJdayo/ f?lrn",oS',Phere/ w~ ~vc
~ -fhe so lu fio 1'"1 0 f- p rob/.e;-n / /. / ~

C. ~ q7K fr
v ;:: C-~.o )('178 ~f ) == 2.'130 t!.

(cn lhel't
= 2000 mph

(C) Also
II : : 393 m

1/-1 If
/ /.1'7 I

1 I, l7 . Compare values of the speed of sound in m/ s at 20°C

in the following gases: (a) air, (b) carbon dioxide, (c) helium,
(d) hydrogen, (e) methane. Give one example of why knowing
this may be important.

To CalUAlak -fhc 5flted. of sdund 111 tJfn /dea/ 91lS ~ can

lAse ~tj. //.J(,. Thus
C :. tfRT~
Wi!t1 va/ueJ of R aMti '* {Y7Jm TaJ:,le /.7 we o6h/n
(AJ f,;,y tl/ r

c =

I()(JS In


(e) ~ me /lulYJ e

__ (5iB.1.I.
-1J.9. K .
) (7!13 K ) ('.31)

fJ I) (I ~~ )
l' }.}.Pt 11..9 In

//·17 I ("on 't )

ie$-I-f of Tuybtll'YJ« ch/Y)er A, ~Qf fAlAt

fA If) w~ Y 'S"l'eer/ of flJLl he! if ftJmef,-WlCJ
fo hl!A - MA.ch -l?tlm6er t:JP~Y'~fJ'f:Jn
be-II c.1, /'e vet?! w"fh le.f'S" ,..fa lit)nil" I

-Sl'~ed anti t,e~e les{ sf~~.r;~J ()1 fhe

}'Y\~chQI?/c" / PIY-1-S of fhe -ferf rj.

II. I tj I
J Lib If a person inhales helium and then talks, his or her
voice sounds like "Donald Duck." Explain why this happens.

ThL 5r<-t~ of .s~j II? he/,',-<W1 ;!' "~(JY"; -/1,Yee

n1He s ftw. f p.t.t ~ of
/I1AA'Id I;' a I r f
.I D I/J... pe-Yf ImJ VI)" u-

50u n dJ Ilk if- d~f when 5fea./c.'j fJ"YVVtJh he//un-"I.

11- /6
II. t q

11. Jq Explain how you could vary the Mach number but
not the Reynolds number in air flow past a sphere. For a con-
stant Reynolds number of 300,000, estimate how much the drag
coefficient will increase as the Mach number is increased from
0.3 to 1.0.

Cans"del"ln~ ~'r QS CAn ide"l ~~S I \II(. can -f1<prtss +he Mac.k t\L4t1\~er
Mo., o.s
MAo= v - v (I)
1he. Re.~r'l.o feh
R~::: ~yd -== ?~d
_ }.A RT)It
Loo\::.lt»q at ~\A&\.(.10tls. \ Q~ '2.. \iJtC. v(a~n 1WJ..t IN'<. C4n v(J.'l\j
Mo. lA)~i\~ k.o\O·l~ Re. cd)\Sta.rf ~ va.v~{It'~ V A~d P OV\\~
v..J i +~ P V held c.Dl\c;i'lllf\.;' .
Fro M +kc D)'(7Af h Ioeto w wcz. C61\c..lUGle +ko.-\- a,1- Re -:: ~ ~ to)
the d.ra.9 c.tdf;"'e.n1 'I~C)C.<;' fro~ O,Lt1 +z> 0.15 C(+ Ma.
,ACr.eo.<;eS ~ o. ~ hI, D .

Ma = 1.2 2.0 3.0 ,,1.5


O.B - . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - 1
O. 7 ~;:':;";;;~::;-'.:.;.;"::; ..--::;-:,.-:::;--=:;--;::==:;:::::;::::::::;1
... ::::::::::::

0.6 r----1r----.--...E-
CD 0.51"'""'_ _


0.2--- ..

0.1 _. . - - . _ - - " ' ... __ .. --------- FIGURE 11.2 The variation of

the drag coefficient of a sphere
o:---"--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - l with Reynolds number and
2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 Mach number. (Adapted from
Re x 10- 5 Fig. 1.8 in Ref. 1 of Chapter 9)

11- 17
//·20 J

11.20 The flow of an ideal gas may be con-

sidered incompressible if the Mach number is less
than 0.3. Determine the velocity level in ft/s and
in mls for Ma = 0.3 in the following gases: (a)
standard air; (b) hydrogen at 68 oF.

Frowr bCO' / /.46 we h.ave.

V = (Ma.) c
{;Jp,ic/r. when C/JrYt6;}u"d wifj" ~~. II. '36 / leads Iv
V = M~ VRT"k (I)

v:: o. '3

v = (335 fJ) (0. 30'l-K ; ) ~ /02

(b) For hydrogen af 68 F;

R =-;.'I-")(I()~ ff· l /:; anel-lt=/''11 ~ Tt2lJe /-7.
A/so T:: S'21 d/(. lhus wilh E1' / s""J . ~

= 1'290 !!
=== J



11.21 At the seashore, you observe a high-

speed aircraft moving overhead at an elevation
of 10,000 ft. You hear the plane 8 s after it passes
directly overhead. Using a nominal air temper-
ature of 40 of, estimate the Mach number and
speed of the aircraft.

x = V./;

Mp. = -
- V
(/ )

hllltJr - -r ( 2.)
{om b;n/~ c1 L /~d z. we tJ6~/~

~/n ()( ::.

r 5'1'" tJ(

{bStI( C t

= /OCfh If

IX :: = 23.7

Ma, ~
- 121.7 -


Fuy-/hw If
V = (M~) c = (2.0!)( 1096 ~f) = 2z7° s -
If. 22 I

11.22. A schlieren photo of a bullet moving through air at

1:1-.7 psia and 68 of indicates a Mach cone angle of 28°. How
fast was the bullet moving in: (a) mis, (b) ft/s, (c) mph?

W'-Ih &ps. I/. 31 tl/luJ //·36 we obk//1

V = ~ ::: VR-r-k
SIn 0("
Sin C\""
For- tJ /r af
frcrm fable
(b) Thuf

v -=- -: 2'-100

(CA.) or

-:: 732. -

(c) and

/ J. 2.3 ihSto#tlneOUs loeo.fion
of lhe point
11.23 At a given instant of time, two of the S()ur(e
pressure waves, each moving at the speed of sound,
emitted by a point source moving with constant 0.1 m
velocity in a fluid at rest are shown in Fig. P 11.2:J
Determine the Mach number involved and indi-
cate with a sketch the instantaneous location of
the point source.

1+----0.15 m--~

~J FIGURE Pll.2 j
7he Mach number tlIs,flJc/ak4 w; fJ, Ine l'I1onlJYI DT f1Je.
p(),~f S~uyce In V()/ve.r/ I~ -fJ,e skeM ab()l/(! i5 8/1$ lIy tJ614111e4
wi /I, E'I- 1/.3'1 as $ho~YI be,/fIW.

Mti =
Prd»? ..; h e. we
O. OJ "" (!). /1+7
.R (J.IS"1?1 +- L

p. dlm)(~./S"'" t- .£) ::: 0.1 ~ ) L

I. :. (d. ()/o/ (f). ISm) .... Of 0/67 /?'I

(~. ()f! m)

0.0, J'J?
O. !7- 9'1

= I." 7

11.2+ At a given instant of time, two of the ifJslal/T4neIJUS I~on

pressure waves. each moving at the speed of sound, ~f fhe pllilf
emitted by a point source moving with constant Soulte 10
velocity in a fluid at rest are shown in Fig. Pll.21t. 2 in. :C(i-tW/M)
Determine the Mach number involved and indi-
cate with a sketch the instantaneous location of
the point source.


c t wlf,v-&
J.I ~, -f'roYJ,t fh e. Sk.e-k~ aloove. We hrv/~

C (t --C~lIe) 0:;: ~ In. -::: C t - c tvJ"~ = /0 In. - cfwa~

ThIA~ ,
C ..J
I. wave -- / CJ In . - 2 ,'". ...... 8 /n .
()J1d w,'ft" £1' I.
M~:::. SIn.
A/so vt
vt ~.h2S"
Ma ::.
-= -
10,n .
/0-025 )(/1) ,;.. ) ':::\ 6.2.S iI'],

/ /-22.
11·25' J
11.2~ How much time in seconds will it take for the "bang"
of a firecracker exploding to be heard after the blast from 200
yards away on a standard day (see ',ilh'o VI L5)?

we.. CCln We +he. s-peed (Jf sound t'n rlaYldarrf a/r

///7 .f.J.
s ) fo fief the lime e.rh~afe SPtAJkfj ~ wilt,
t:: :s. -;: (2~() yJs ) ( 3ft ) -= 0·5 s
(1117 f!)

11·26 J
j 1.26 Sound waves are very small amplitude pressure
pulses that travel at the "speed of sound." Do very la:ge am-
plitude waves such as a blast wave caused by an explosIOn (see
Vidl'O \- i 1.5) travel less than, equal to, or greater than the speed
of sound? Explain.

The ~peed ,,{ ,,$PUl1d IS fhe speed al wh/c.h a V'J

infinire.>/md'/ pl'eSSUye dl.!fuy/,ance -frfAlle/.r Ii,YdUft..
a f1u/J and it re?Ye.sent-..f fAe h'J/Y)/mtlPl .r;;-eecl
01 f-lJiJ di.rlurbO)'Jce. Fin; Ie pl'~t!tlye c//.rlurbl'u')cef
fral/~ I #.ft-e;- I-h~J-'J hectlu.le {he
$t;tlnc/ waVeS'
/arr;ey f 1f.ffute diffe"ence. pcfs pf a 4y/veY" 61
fttf"/w m(}lIf:,»,)enf.

/ 1.27 I
l1.27 Starting with the enthalpy fonn of the energy equa-
tion (Eq. 5.69) show that for isentropic flows. the stagnation
temperature remains constant.

we have

-I- J{e,.( 1,..)] =- ~ef of

s/, .. ff
,,, /tef i"

Fir/ ise.n-fr.6t;c., fiwv fhe en~J fl!.YYlIJ,'".r tI/YJJ-Jm"f

P. hd (Qnel-:: O. S hfYlI/lH#)., en ttIf2t,.J if rJeH1'Jed t7 J
v v '2.
1,0 =- h -I- ~
~o / ~ 1?e,jtj/.b/e cknfe In ele va. --hdn (ol=~ .;;, JQ.re;)
a 17d ho .rA.tlft IN'()'(k...1 V\j.t,(.ff) fheh

//- 2'Jf
".2e I

11.28 Explain how fluid pressure varies with

cross section area change for the isentropic flow
of an ideal gas when the flow is (a) subsonic; (b)

With -the help "f £" II. l/ 7 (A.e CA.}') C~mmenf cJn haw 'Y~UYt. VPYlCS

Wi#' dYeA. chan~ In tin isen--h-o,o/c. f/(JW. FroJ'V1 13,. //.'/7 w~ t7b~/;"

dp ::: I' V'). c/ A ( t)

(l-tvla2) ft

raj Ftr; subson/c, fluw I £1' I sU1~.rIJ -fhaf- Ch4;'J9~S of P f/)/I~w

vJ"a~ges of A· If A 111 C f"ep..{es / p Incretl.Jef ~nd v/c~ verst{.
(b) FttY su.perftJXic fldW,J ~. I SlAjlfeIir thai cht1I?~J of p are "PfHf;ft
ro cAaJ?!es of A. I-/ A J;'crease.f / P clec~a.Je.J and VIC~ versa..
11.29 1
11.2.9 For any ideal gas, prove that the slope
of constant pressure lines on a temperature-en-
tropy diagram is positive and that higher pressure
lines are above lower pressure lines.

r:ri -
tlYJd since .fw.. an iderl/ gel! ~. //.7 is' VA-It'd l We hcwt.
d t, ::: C d T
and -thus
dr = I. (I)
ds Cp
Wif~ E1'/ h'e CtJYIclude -fhdf the.. 5/ope of a Ct/J'Istanr- pye.rJu~ line 0)'1
a -femfJeva.lurt. - en-lrupt d/atjY4fi1 1$ p"sif/ve·
t-UYfl,eY, ~ fl' /1. ZLf we CUyzc!ut:!e -fhal

3= :: (ii
1; )
fDy ~n-y iseh~/c PYlJce.ss aJ1cX rhush1yher f'lesJtw(. lines t:J re abpve
lowe yo pr-e.JSU1'(. 1;J'?~s In fempeya:fu*_ - erd-Y17py c1;~!YAflfS.

//·30 I

11.30 Determine the critical press~re and

temperature ratios for: (a) air; (b) carbon diox-
ide; (c) helium; (d) hydrogen; (e) methane; (f)
nitrogen; (g) oxygen.

1he- crifjc..a/ preSSUye rafio an.d The Crih'ca/ tempem/uye raf/o -iOYoY'}
90S a y-e I fyd'I¥! t::)s. /I.~ / and II· 63
= (2-
-Je .,.,
)* I

::- -
'k +

(a) rdY air) 1<= /·I./-tJ fr.uw. Table /·7. Thus ,

Pa ~ (/~~I ) ' . . -1
= 6.5283


z 0.83'$1
~ ',lfo+1

(b) I7r; carbon d/()(/de I k = /·30 ftrm" 74b 1c 1·7. Th(J~;

~ ~3o
f := /2- ),y;:;
-: : O· S'"ifS7
F:, /.'301"1

T¥- 0.3676

(c) m hej,'u m I -k =- f. 66

p* -= I~)'~
Po ( /·6t+!
- O.l{-Kg I

T* _ 2-
~ - = 0.75'19

( con't)

/ /. '3 0 I (con If)


r* ==
r; PII+I



z 0.1658
r; 1·11+/

(I) fm;. Tdb/e /. 7.

0.£28 '3


- 2
::- 6. 83sj

(g) Fw tJxy'jen I k ~ /. 'kJ ~ 7J.l.le /. 7. JA.u~

~ ~
P.. :;:.
(2 ',110-1
)::: O· ~28J
tJ /.'forJ

T~ Z

11.3 , Air flows steadily and isentropically from
standard atmospheric conditions to a receiver pipe
through a converging duct. The cross section area
of the throat of the converging duct is 0.05 ft2.
Determine the mass flowrate through the duct if
the receiver pressure is (a) 10 psia; (b) 5 psia.
Sketch temperature-entropy diagrams for situa-
tions (a) and (b). Verify results obtained with
values from the appropriate qra.ph in Appendix D
with calculations involving ideal gas equations.

Th/s problem is .!";rn;/ar -10 Exam'ple II· 5"

Th e.- yy,t:l5 s fiOWVlff fe.. is' db fa IJ? e.d a f Ihe fhroAt w//h Gj. I;. Sit? 7JJ1I~

rn ": fth A fh ~h (t )
The ihr()af de.n!iiy Can b~ obhlJ1ePl with E'J' /l.btJ. 7hu~J

t1~ ~ /1 r I r (~) M4 ]i':i


To de(e,-in,),e. the. thnsaf M(J~~ n /A"...w INt. use. E~. 1/·£"9. &JJ


fhen +h~ f/()W IS

The l/eJocJty af fhe -fhYOtlf 15

~"hed tz, y/e/c(

~J., =} M4+h vr-R.-~-It(-
wheYe 4h is (J 6/1/11;' etl wi~ ~f' /1·56'. Thus .I

T~ = (5)
/ 1- (-k.; ')Mo.+~

(~n'f )

//- 2. 8
I/, j J (con If )


F~ £.8 . 2. INe- ()b IP I;' ---.!-

~t, = (2.33 ~/O-J J'IU!)[ I ~/'VQ~

+t J
I + (I'~ - ') (0. 7618 ) "'J -
Fnm, Ef' $' Wt!- fief

I -;- (I.¥~-I)(O.76Zg/"
tJl1d. wi It, Ef. 'I

:= &'06.2 ff

/Iv; ftt E1' / we ObfaJ;'

,;, = (k07)(IO-7;~;J{(J.05ff1J{g/)6.Z {'J ~

J / . u.Jlj Fig. D. I //Iliff,..

t;1, /0 f.>ia
:: -= 0.66'
P., 1'1. 7 f1J iA.

The value of M"-h. j..f

Met := 0·7t

finr Maf~ -:. 0, 7~) we. rei ~ Pi'). P. I

~ ::: (~. 9 ) -: :; (0. 9 )(s/r~) :: lI6 7 ~

'The I"J Wi Ii. ?1' ~

~ = 0.76

1/·31 J (Contf)

fD.r Mtlft,. :: O.7h ~ 'Jei ~ F1' IJ. I

~ ~ ) ( 2.'S.? Xlo -1 J/~) .: :
tJ. 760lt £J
:: (0.76
/. i XI()
.r /tq

NtIW, wjn. B~./ w~ IJblaln

T =
/r (,'::'-j
OM""- wi tt, &j. LJ

In = /O/q f+
WiHt Gj. / ~ ()Iob./~

Ii, ::: (t. 5a9 XIO] flU!) (~.as- )(1019 ~) =


AlkYYlah've'J) ~ Fir- lJ./ fw Mf)..:: 1.0

T :: (O.K? ) (Si,,,/() = Ifjl ~

~ = (o.t,-/
Then wj tf". ~f' if

klh :: I(i 716

(UJY/' t )

1/·31 (um'!)

0. 07'2

~ T / Po
Ttl -7 T 0

(a) (b)
~"'} ().. = Pre
1/ ~~b~J.*
1* Tl\'
/ " ' / t:.e

1/·32 I

11.32 Helium at 68 OF and 14.7 psia in a large

tank flows steadily and isentropically through a
converging nozzle to a receiver pipe. The cross
section area of the throat of the converging pas-
sage is 0.05 ft2. Determine the mass flowrate
through the duct if the receiver pressure is (a) 10
psia; (b) 5 psia. Sketch temperature-entropy dia-
grams for situations (a) and (b).

]his p't?J6/eWJ is Jlm;/(lY h £X~mp/e 1/'S"Jexcepf helium Irli,vo/vfel.

The YY}t:lS.r H()wyx/-c is o6leune,( af- fAe #JYrlai w;1t, £,. //.'Id. Thtl~

I'h - f.fh A-It.. V

The ffwo~t dens ify cal'! be b ItA. I i-J ed witl-t t-i. If. 10. ThMf,


t1.t, =
~ / f
(*-') M~2
j~-' (2.)
2. :';'1,

To cle-bym,'n t fhe -Ihroa.-r Mpch nu."""/'-rr /Ne use £1'//' Sf. ~JI

iJ dblruy,ed wilt,. ft· 11·6/. TJu,S;

/ 2 )~= 7./7S 1'5/(;..
( /:66 f I

If. fhe. yecei~ ptesS£.VIe.; r:.e) is qreafe" Tt,(;ll'l Q'I'"

-Ihe VI p - p.. a ncJ.. ih e., II().A/ ,. ! Y}of chok.ed.

-H, - rc
f-l1en p - p.~ OVId fItL .fluw is chol:.e4. .
ofh - f",

The veloc,ify eLf the -fhYOA.-f if

COntlo/l'!ed h y/e/ el.

~l,:: Mq,h Vf< ~ ~

wheve ~ ;f oh-h I~ed w ift-J

I -f (~-f) M~:

(U;1'1 'f )

/1 ..32
II· 32 J (con If )

:: 0. 7~32.

We lise tie ideAl !ll1f ~wv/I'6'" of- sJtk (Gj.//./ ) ft> 6bhUn ~. 7ku~/
~ - to _ -II
f( To = 3.2zl X/~ .fIU1


PY?Jn.. E5 . ~ W(.. Je f
528 -~
T = _ '15'3 DI(
+1, Ii- (1";- )(tJ 7tJI1.)"L

and Wi It,. {t. ~

vin -= ((). 7oiz.. )

/ t-(;'b6 - ')
(~n'-t )

//.32. (con'l)

$61 {i-

With [1-/ iN£' ohla.t"n

n. " (z.Of6 X/of ; : : ) ( (7.05 HJ(ml 7) = tl. 03

~--""","---- t;, ....---~----~


I---~~---- T *

II· 33 I
11.33 What is the static pressure to stagna-
tion pressure ratio associated with the following
motion in standard air: (a) a runner moving at
the rate of 20 mph; (b) a cyclist moving at the
rate of 40 mph; (c) Acar moving at the rate of
65 mph; (d) an airplane moving at the rate of 500

M~ (/)
we. can

we use

:: 1/17 ff

ft!ta.,. -= 20 I'kl''''
-= ~.OZ62.
16/. ~ I'kPh

Po ::" L I-t-
(6) FOr V ~ 'f~ mph
M tt; '10 mph ::: O. () S 2 S
76 I. h J11.tJ J.
~ -=-
[ J
J+ ~17-(O.OS2.$/· 7 3. t:;

o. q98
(C) ~ v:::: 6~ mflA
M~ -::; 6 ~ n?'ph =- 0, tJ i"S'I
7t/. 6 Jnf)A "3 S
Ii : :
I + ().
( ., 7 . --
o. ?9'frt

(d) h v::: 5"OOtnph

/l1~ == 5ZJP rYlfJh -::- t11. 65" 6
7('/.6 PIP/"
.l ::: ~'7,+9
= [ I+O'~ (o.f/i6)'2. J
1/·34 T

11.34 The static pressure to stagnation pres-

sure ratio at a point in an ideal gas flow field is
measured with a Pi tot-static probe as being equal
to 0.6. The stagnation temperature of the gas is
20°C. Determine the flow speed in m/s and Mach
number if the gas is (a) air; (b) carbon dioxide;
(c) hydrogen.

(a) To defeY"'lne -fh~ flow .s~~d IJnd M4Clt number hpvl1! ke;r j/ven
rhe stan'- p;~S5UYe. fo s-htfntfJlitJn II'{JS$Uf'e yah~ 1') ami
S-1-4jI'Za/li(;1'7 f~mfJen:llure / 7; <I -n,~ tI /1'" we. el1f~1'" f/9' j), I I wilh
the 9/ven volue of.e (JII'Jt:/ yea4
C()I"~~sPtJ"""1Y vt/lue 0/ Mq. lkus wilt,
I/o/ue In Fig. iJ./

MIA = 0.89

rdY" M~ =' t;·19"

-- F;9' /). I fIves

I ::. 1).16
p ~ tJI /'tf,u s

T =- (r)
1,; ~ (t).86

(h) Fol' C4 r bIn

Thu5 we halle

-)-11. -j(t) 'fr( d.6) -;:;- ]e)
Ma = - _ _/ Z
I 1·3-1 -
I. '3 - I
(}Y' I;
-::: 0.11 J
-- (C,4nlf)
//- 36
//.3 con'-f )

_ CJ.8t¥

~ 252.5k


:; 1070!!2
= oS

//·"35 I

11.35 The stagnation pressure and tempera-

ture of air flowing past a probe are 120 kPa (abs)
and 100°C, respectively. The air pressure is 80
kPa (abs). Determine the air speed and Mach
number considering the flow to be (a) incom-
pressible; (b) compressible.

(to A$SlAJII1ln!) inCtJrnpYtHiblc Iilw we ()~e 8eY'MIA/lis efuahiJn (Et.3.7)

-fo COJ1I'1e.ct ihe. slA.h'c anti sfz;fJ1(;o4bYl S'fttks t:iYld ,er
V =-/Z(Fo-P) (I)

~ = 10 (2)
aJIld U/mb/YJl~ E"Is, / and 2 W~ Ob"IR/;'

2 [IZtJ 1tl'4(A6s)- 8(}~{~6F)](ze6,9 ~ V373~)

*'/. K /- -:: 267 ~
[i 20 fe~{"'b$)7 (/1!'i~," ) = f
number We need sa.

Ma = -cv. v (~)

r W-t, fA fe Ih. t:.- ~u.a:f,~n of mat/on (€ij. 11.91) It; (}~/;'

T = To V"(~-I) = ~73jt:. _ (2/7 f )'2.(t.4_ 1) (I.-!:!- )

~ ~r· !!!
2 R R. 2 (/."" ) (Z86.t1 N."" ) $"

'Ill k.
T :::. 337·S K..
1/.3£ Ct) fI'+ )

Wi~ Etj. 3 We o6f?J,;'

2D 7 .s
- 0.725"

p _ 0.67

Nil ::: ()·78

Also frlIWI F /9. f)·1 we ~ 4.c{

r ::= tJ. ali

() 11 tl ftt.u J
T ::: ( 0 . ~1 ) (3 7 ~ f:-) - 132 Ie

V -::. Ma?l RT -k = (0.78J

11.36 The stagnation pressure indicated by a
Pitot tube mounted on an airplane in flight is 45
kPa (abs). If the aircraft is cruising in standard
atmosphere at an altitude of 10,000 m, determine
the speed and Mach number involved.

For /~ O()t) n7 sfandard tlfmtJsphere. vve ~ef -h-PYh Ta61e C·2

P = 26· 5"tJ kIll. (abs)

T - 223./k


P zt. 5"tJ k~ (abs) 1).59

= -
Pa '1-5 VIIt (tiJ,s )

and -frmn P/g. 0./ we reacf

v= {/vlA)C

If. 39 I ':'11 .JK An ideal gas enters subsonicaJly and flows isen-
tropicaJly through a choked converging-diverging duct having
a circular cross-section area A that varies with axial distance
from the throat, x, according to the formula
A = 0.1 + xl
where A is in square feet and x is in feet. For this flow situa-
tion, sketch the side view of the duct and graph the variation
of Mach number, static temperature to stagnation temperature
ratio, TITo, and static pressure to stagnation pressure ratio, plpo,
through the duct from x = -0.6 ft to x = +0.6 ft. Also show
the possible fluid states at x = -0.6 ft, 0 ft, and +0.6 ft using
temperature-entropy coordinates. Consider the gas as being he-
lium (use 0.051 :5 Ma :5 5.193). Sketch on your pressure vari-
ation graph the nonisentropic paths that would occur with over-
and underexpanded duct exit flows (see Vilh:o V 11 A) and ex-
plain when they wilJ occur. When will isentropic supersonic
rhis is like Example //.8. duct exit flow occur?

A = (J., 1" x"

0.1 +- X l. (n
r = 1r _
Witfa ~~. I we... UiYl detet'n1me r valu.e5 cOffesponr)/nJ -Iv VrA/utJ f)f
X. The tAye S ummol'J)ed In the 9 r4.p""- aJ'Ld -ialole.$
r).uc,f is. cr.ol<.e.d,
A If = 0./ f:1T ~
A = I +- x'l.. (2..)
A" 0·,
Wi ft.. &t. 2 we... CIA.J'1 delfHfYllne (.(N"ell'ol1d/~ tv value! of k.
The>e, .1 Values Clye
!=rJy he" ~ YVI wt! en ~ pnJ~Y"~
MfA.. values w/fhiyr ~e rtlfl9(!" s,ecih~ci I;" -ihe pY{)blem sfAkJ¥/~.".f Ci;za
CJ bl-a /;" values of d (Gfj. fl· 71 )) X (£1' 2.) J T ('f.I/·~6) and
,E. (~1' 1/ Sq ) . Th e ~ e. VI) lues aft ~6ult4.k~ and f//"dpht.d on
p~,!es Ih~f ftJ/ldIJ/.


1/- H·I
//·38 COf'/'t )
FrO}lYl Pro9Y't:1-yt'l IS€NTI?OP w/ft. -I< =1·66
I Ef· 2.
Ma.- x(ffJ :r. 1
AI/! To
5ub5tJllic.. so ((J. fJ'oY\

0 , 0 Sf /1.0' !/.OO O.9'I(Ulf O. 9~71l{ ()./c

0, tJ l' 7.'13 t (J.g 0 O. ~ 'I gO" O. 'I9SZ2.
0./2 "3 '1.61- t 0.60 o,t19S03 fJ.'ji155
0.223 2·61 :!. D.I.fO 0.1138S' ~.~5fI9
(l.Lf' 0 '·lIo ! 0.2.0 0·93'173 0.91/36'
1,00 '.00 0 O.1f1g f ().tfWD8
. So {ufidn
$"uper$OI1I c

1.95~ "l/a 0.20 O.~'/1'2.7 o. 1'I83J

2.771 2.'0 oAo b.Z~lq5" 0.01./1'{1
'l.l/17 "1.,0 ~.60 O.(5»)' 0.0('1'1'
J/.'f'f'J 1. 'If) a.go 0./32.12- 0.00'2.'+
?Iq~ /1.0 ,.00 0.(0102- O.OO~(3 d





-o.f -fJ., -0."1- -0.,
_1,0 0 D.l. (J·Y ~6 (J.g /,()
>( (II)

Va y it). fit) n of Ma...c"h, numoer ..fi,y hej,'uYYl-


/ f-lf2.
1/. '?8 (Con'-t )

I.Or--------'--~ .



-/.0 -0.1 - d. b _(J·Y -C.'J- () tJ."J. o.'{ ~, dot 1.0

Var/lili()n of slahc -kmfJemltwt:, 1D sm,l1alt'()1" fempeYfAtufe y():hp

lOY he 1i't1.lJ1

/.0..---------_ _


Po 0.'1


-/·0 -o.g -0.6 -tJ,1f -b.'2- 0 ()./.. ()·4 (7.6 ".f /.0

Vay j o.fjo h of ~fic ptesSUYC +0 5ftt1npt:f,-oY\ presSlAi( Y(;{1>'o

ftrv he lilA VV"I


~ ________________ ~ _ _ ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---J

1/- J.f3
/1· ~8 I (COY/'t)

a,e Po
1·0 . ,/ I;: (J·f''1JL1
.l- 0. '18108

1 i
I 10

[ o.~

0.3 .. .. -
~. - .. ..

0., .- . . . - .e. =.".06.. . ?/~

f). I ... /
d V"I::.. Iq

--_. -- .- -- - ..- " ------

Te rJ1 pe r-Q.1u¥t, enirop'J dJa9yam Iw he//u~

(c.~n 'I; )

11- lflf
Over- and under-expanded duct exit flows will occur on
approximate paths sketched on the magnified pressure variation
graph below when the ambient pressure of the surroundings into
which the duct is discharging is respectively greater than and less
than the flowing fluid p-ressure at the duct exit.This illustrates how
the flow adjusts to these pressure differences through oblique
shock waves that involve irreversible and thus non-isentropic
flows. When these two pressures are equal, the flow is "ideally
expanded" and the flow into the immediate surroundings is nearly

><. (-ft)
II. 3'1

." 11.] 9 An ideal gas enters supersonically and flows isen-

tropically through the choked converging-diverging duct de-
scribed in Problem 11.38. Graph the variation of Ma, TITo . and
plpo from the entrance to the exit sections of the duct for he-
lium (use 0.05 1 s: Ma:S: 5.193). Show the possible fluid states
at x = - 0.6 ft, 0 fI, and +0.6 ft using temperature-entropy
coordinates. Sketch on your pressure variation graph the non-
isentropic paths that would occur with over- and underexpanded
duct exit flows (see \ ilku V.l l...l) and explain when they will
occur. When will isentropic supersonic duel exit flow occur?

Th i! i! si,.,.i/aY' w
E)(ample // 9 ·
Thi! f,-ab le Wl involve! the dud of fydl.kM /1'39. IId~vey fht.
flaw enf~Yf fv,,~ndY1;"'//y . We. CitY! usc value, fro"" the hb'es
"f p,.,bk... II· 31 wi~ " l i Hle yeRYYtlnq~mthf to (/~U>{JI1i fur Ik
;vpersd nic enf&¥IYJ9 ('low.

For he I"~.., Vie- hMe

FrtJyYI PnlfYa,n-, Ir€AJT1!df' wi~ ~. /. 66
£1,2. oFII.J'!
M... ~ X (ff) r: .!.. st.IG
A¥ T, Po
'S U pe Y'S IJn i "- SIIII{ #,,'"
5 .IQ3 1/.0 -/.00 O,/D"7- 0.00J13 a.
~·wv 7.Q _ . :10 O . ln8~ O.DOiZV
3 .'V7 LJ.b - ' ., 0 0 . /0556 O.o/VV6
2.778 2 .6 _0.40 0.211~S' 0 .0"1'(1
I. S~5 /.4 - 0· 1.0 O'~1817 0 .14811
1·0 1·0 0 0.'>188 O·V1B08 b
1 . 1~5 1·4 O· 'l.D O. V611'-, O .I ~.1J
2·771 'H o· ~o 0.2111 15 O·041VI
J.6~7 'I .• 0.60 17.1 65>6 O· dNq,
4-441 7·4 O.So o.I~t.82 O . ~lV
5.113 /1. 0 f .00 0 . 10/07, O.003f'J C

5 lAh5bn ic. Sol.hOn

OHiO 1·'/0 0:1.0 O. q1473 O. fYi/6
0.223 2. 6 J O·YO O. '8JB~ O .1f'8~
0· 123 lU,?. O· 60 ~.'i'15'3 O· jr7'5
/I. o. 0. 10
o·,nlv d

//,3q (con'l)

/. t>

-/.00 -0.8 -D.&. -08 -~.2 0 6.2 0.'1 o.b e,g /.0
x (f+)

Von'afi4n of Mach lIJuMhe~ Iuv he//uJ'tl.





-o.g -~.b -c. If - O. 2 0 a"2.. (). '+ 0.6 o.g /.0
x{ ff)

Va r iafion of 'SftJ. h'c-- ternperaiufl- 11 '> M5V1ttHOvt femper4.lrJlt r~ H6

//- 1f7
11·3Q I (con't )

Over- and under-expanded duct exit flows will occur on

approximate paths sketched on the magnified pressure variation
graph below when the ambient pressure of the surroundings into
which the duct is discharging is respectively greater than and less
than the flowing fluid pressure at the duct exit. This illustrates how
the flow adjusts to these pressure differences through oblique
shock waves that involve irreversible and thus non-isentropic
flows. When these two pressures are equal, the flow is "ideally
expanded" and the flow into the immediate surroundings is nearly

x. (oft)

(con 'I)




-0.8 0.6
-I.OD -0.6 -0, IJ - 0.2 0 fJ,'2- O.Lf 0.1

Varjllt./ioYl of 5~n'-c.- preSSf).re. -fr; r!-P.?I1.4t-h'oY\ p~SSU't yaNo

fr;y hel iuW\

f: o.qt:/7K'I

D.q------ - - - -

~.y --


r:. =0.00313
0,1 --jL--- I::; ~.IOIDZ
o l . - -_ _ _ _ __

T- 5 d/aCf yaWl -{Py he //uW\.
1/. LfO I
'<1 lAO Helium enters supersonically and flows isentropi-
cally through the choked converging-diverging duct described
in Example 11.8. Compare the variation of Ma, TITo, and pip a
for helium with the variation of these parameters for air through-
out the duct. Use 0.163 ;s; Ma ;s; 3.221. Sketch on your pres-
sure variation graph the nonisentropic paths that would occur
with over- and underexpanded duct exit flows (see Viden V U A)
and explain when they will occur. When will isentropic super-
sonic duct exit flow occur?

.A ) T ~ 11t1 .t:. w ift-t fV/o... .fW he /itAm W~$

A1f To Po
o6-kJ./~-ed wi ~ PYb9 r4.",., .ISe N71<OF IN i It, It =/. 66. values of
Mtte-L-t. numb.e.Y"! In tI1e Y'a.n9t:.. 0./, 3 ~ MfA. ~ '3 ·22 J w~e. user! ~5

/iI1PtA. T . Values of )( Vtere o b-/QlitIJ/J. wi#,

)( • j($,) 0./ - O. J

whIch is Example 1/.8

£9. 5" of ye (J. Yran t'jeol. -Iv y /e Icl )( .
The VQ-yianah ()f Ma" T anol ? with. x !;;y al'; tJbtztIJ1eJ
~ GKtUY//'le 11.8. h-eli:w, Po air
X(rn) I Ma 'I.. f M~ I .E..
r; Po To Fa
- tJ.5 ~, 2.21 0.22' I O. 02~g 2.80 O.?;39Q (/,0369
-0.4 2.17~ O.Z~2.0 0.01/14 2.ljg O.LI¥8,( (J.0{04
- 0.3 :;'.;2.0 (J·?602. 0.0767 2. /L.f tJ.s2/9 0.102.7
-0.2 '.85'9 (J.46t3 O.Iq.g) /.76 O.617S' ()./8tfii;
- O· I ,·lIO Z O. ,06, O.21ltf4 '.37 0.72.7 J tJSZ78
o /.0 0.7519 0·'188 I /.0 0. 83~3 ~S]23

O. I J.'-I() 2 O. ,06' 0.2. "1'1 /·37 0.7271 0.32.78

0.2- /·95'8 O.46g3 0.1"18 '3 1·76 o.617S tJ.I'Jso
(!J,J Z.~z. 0 0.3'02- 0.07h'1 1.14 tJ.~219 0./027
(). 'f 2·778 O.29z0 ~.OLfI4 1·48 o. Lftfg'l a.0604
tJ. ~ 3.221 O. '2.2., I O.oz38 2.~O O·~SqLf d.0369

(). ( (J.6~ 2- O.i66 't O·6't83 0.69 O,Ql31 tJ.7Z7'I

(). 7.. 0.%0 O. '13 '11 ~. ~ If 39 0.'-17 Q.QS77 ().8~'
0.3 0.116 "",(, B1 O.~l.17 0.'32 o.'77'1? 0·'13/)"
0.4 O.:2Z3 ('j.'k31j 0.95 'C; 0.23 O.i8''15 0.'1638
0·5" 0./63 (?',9/3 0/11B3 O,f7 0.991{3 tJ.'l8ao

1/.40 (con If)

2.0 ~ .
~ air


-D.S -o.'f -0.3 -cl'Z -0./ 0 0./ at..- 0.'3 D.4 a.S"




-0.1.{ -03 -0..2-- -0.1 0 ~ I O. "2-- tJ. 3

X (hl)




_o.¥ -0,3 -a.2 -0. I 0 O. I a"2.-
x( rn )
( c,()n I~ )

/ ,. '1-0 I (c()n 't )

Over- and under-expanded duct exit flows will occur on

approximate paths sketched on the magnified pressure variation
graph below when the ambient pressure of the surroundings into
which the duct is discharging is respectively greater than and less
than the flowing fluid pressure at the duct exit. This illustrates how
the flow adjusts to these pressure differences through oblique
shock waves that involve irreversible and thus non-isentropic
flows. When these two pressures are equal, the flow is "ideally
expanded" and the flow into the immediate surroundings is nearly

\. ()

) I· ifl

"1 JA j Helium enters subsonically and flows isentropically

through the converging-diverging duct of Example 11.8. Com-
pare the values of Ma, TITo, and plpo for helium with those for
air at several locations in the duct. Use 0.163 :s: Ma :s: 3.221.
Sketch on your pressure variation graph the nonisentropic paths
that would occur with over- and underexpanded duct exit flows
(see Vith:,1 " II.") and explain when they will occur. When will
isentropic supersonic duct exit flow occur?

The. vari(?fion 01 II ) T (J/Yld L wift., Ma ~ hel,'u1'Yl wtJS

~J(- ~ ~
06 fr:uned with PYOfyt:LVYI IJGNTROP tv,'ft-t k = /.6€. l4/ues of
Mach ntAYltbeys '" -the ytll'1re O. 163 ~ Mel. ~ ?'221 ~ye. used as
Inpuf. Values ~I' x weY'e r;6klnetJ witt..

O. I
x =/:") 0·1
which is £fj. 5 of &)((';l 11'1;;/<- /1·8 tetlYYtV1gec/ fz, YIeld x.
The., vayia.fjon tJf Md L t1nd.E.. w/ fit x fZ;y a/yo was ()6m/~ed
) T.. p.
fhm, EXtffflp/e /I. 8 . I)

x (WI) ! P Mo T 1:.
TQ Pc T"
-0-5 (J.~9/3
O./l> 3 O.~7~3 0.l7 O.c(9Lf3 O.98{)O
-0."1 O.z23 O.'j83t:t 0.'5"9 0.2'3 o.,)8'1S" O·C]6'3Z
-0. :3 0·3/h 0.<)661 0.92/7 0.37.- 0.979'7 (7:=]315
- (). 2- 0.'1'60 0·9'347 O.gl(3Cf 0.47 0.'/577 O. 'l5~b
-0· 1 (J .un O. ~'6 q o.('QI3 0.69 O.l]/~1 0.727L/
o 1.0 0·751'1 0.'1'68/ 1.0 (J.~33 0.5283
supers~l7i c. sokrh'on
0.1 /.'102 o. 60'~ 0.2'&44- /·37 0.7271 0.3278
0.2- 1.658 0.4653 0.llf3; ,.71, (J.bOS ('-Ig50
o·?; ~.'32.() 0·3~02 (J.O]67 2.14 (J.~219 0.1027
0·4 1.,. 778 O·2g2o 0.0'+1'1 2· 1ft o. 'ttftl( O.06r)'/
0·5 3.'2'2.1 0.2.26 , O.C03~ 2.g0 0.'18'1'1 0.0%1

5ubscnic... 50/r~:HoYl

0·[ O.6~2 0.866'/ o.6Qs3 0.6'1 O. '7131 O.727J.f

O.q.~() o.tH~7 ~. g-'f3, 0·lf7 O·'jS77 0.851"
0·3 0.3t6 O.'J6H 1 o· 97.17 0·32 o· 9799 f)'''31~
().L{ 0:2.2~ o·~83cr O.9~¥J 0.1.'3 O.989~ (}.~6 3g
0.5 0.163 0.9913 O.978~ 0.17 O. &)1:1'f3 o.ljgoo

//.4' , (Con'f)


-·--1-- _

_os -0.1.{ -03 -0.).. -0. I 0 Q/ O.V fJ.3 0.5"
X (I"'n )



I :

- 0."2.

-t1,S'" -0;'3
-~~2. -0.' 0 0.1 a '2-
(ctJn It )
11·'1-1 I (C()h't J

Over- and under-expanded duct exit flows will occur on

approximate paths sketched on the magnified pressure variation
graph below when the ambient pressure of the surroundings into
which the duct is discharging is respectively greater than and less
than the flowing fluid pressure at the duct exit. This illustrates how
the flow adjusts to these pressure differences through oblique
shock waves that involve irreversible and thus non-isentropic
flows. When these two pressures are equal, the flow is "ideally
expanded" and the flow into the immediate surroundings is nearly


/ /. LfZ

11.42* Helium flows subsonically and isen-

tropically through the converging-diverging duct
of Example 11.S. Graph the variation of Ma.
TlTo, and p/Po through the duct from x = -0.5
m to x = +0.5 m for p/Po = 0.99 at x = -0.5
m. Sketch the corresponding T - s diagram. Use
0.110 ::s Ma ::s 0.430.

Thi S' is like Extlt?1f/~ /1./0·

Foy he Hum we.. lA ~e pY09ratl1 ISEN7f(OP wi ft.t Ie: /.66 +0 defc,ymJn~

values of IJ T ().nol f coyyespondlnJ +0 va.lu.es of- M.a...

.A~ ) To f!,
+he.. yange. 0·110 ~ fl.l(tA.. ~ o·'f3o . We... ulclAlo..k- x. wire...

x = /A~(:~) o. I (I )

which is based On E'fj. z fJf ex P. I'J'!f Ie //·8. S/nce the.. flow is har
chol<ed / A:I" F A

(IiA )-fl.l'o~f

wne-re (.R 1 is ofo.!-A,;'eo( wi~ P'f'(xi'{'·aw,. .lSfN1X~f fw. Ma.:: ().o/Jo.

Aol' '-fYI't~(}o..f
Thus I
"L ,.
O. Of. 8'
A* = ::: Yl1

al'fcJ.. ~1' I heL~U

X == !O.~68 (fo) - (J·t (2)

wi ft1 f(r 2 I
W, ft... e.. ro,,¥a.~ IStNiROf wiftt
A I. f.
,It=- /.6'
x{Itt) MA si&de
~ ~ ~
-0.5"0 0./10 15./6 O.CJ%O 0.<;900 a..
-0·1./0 O./l.fq 3.8'3 O.~'2.7 O.'J'lIV
-O.SO 0.206 2.~{ O.']g62. O.%§f::J
- 0.2. 0 0.28g 2.06 0.9734 O.93Y3
-0·( 0 0.3&1 "b2 0.95'13 a.ggqo
0 O.'f30 1·47 0.9425 0·81,16 b
0·/0 0'$81 1·6z. 0.95'13 O. tj~c;o
0.20- O·2gg Z.06 0.9734 0.9'11./3
0.30 0.206 'Z.~I 0·~g'6z (J.C}6?'
0.'+0 0.1'/-9 ;.~3 0·9927 o.~8Ig
0.1;0 O· (/O !;./ b 0.<]960 o.9~OO c.
(can 'f)

/1.1./2- (con 't )



- 0.5 -o.z.+ - 0.3 -O.l -0. / 0 0./ 0.7.. 0·3 0.4 0.5


-D.5 - 0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0. , 0 o. ! O. ?. Q3 0.4 0.5

o O.')fJ


-0.5 - O./.f -0.3 -0.1.- _0.1 0 O. { ~.'].; ~.3 O./f (j.S"
X (rn)

F :. 0.99
,.00 -To7" =0.996
f.. = tJ. <l?'1
O.9~ I : (J.9lf25


/I. i.f 3 I
11.43 An ideal gas flows subsonically and is-
entropically through the converging-<.liverging duct
described in Problem 11.39. Graph the variation
of Ma, T/To, and p/Po from the entrance to the
exit sections of the duct for (a) air; (b*) helium
(use 0.047 :s Ma :s 0.722). The value of p/Po is
0.6708 at x = 0 ft. Sketch important states on a
T - s diagram.

ThiS is like Example 1/.10·

Since .f..::: O.~7()g at- x'=' 0 is qtettfe.r Than e.. >!'= = O.5"2gg fov air (sa..
Po F;.
fY'ohlenn 11·3(J(a,) stJ/u-h'f)n) and O.¥8fl fo,... hel/uYn (s(e ;:n>6/e""" I;'JO~)
50IlAh'oYl) -the. a/r aY'JP he/,itYVI I'ltJws fhvdlA9h the. c"ohver9Inj-d/veY9'ny
dud ()ye not choked. Fzrv values of t ()f dif!erenf values of x we
Ohfr:l/~ Coyve.>ptJndiY'1j vtllue s of Ma; ; And ?
(o.) Foy aIr

we entey- •
F=la., P.I wift..d valuesPo () f l l -Iv 9e.f M~I T
./ II~ or

A = 1).1 If . A (lIf x::: 0
~ fiy.[).1 n,r fhe {IIJW vcr/tie of .E.. d.t7ol
we gei
A = /,oS
A ~ = 0./ f-f 'Z::: O.~'15 ff'1

A x'l.-fc./ ~'J. t- O.t

~ -:: (lJ
A* II~ 0.,,'5
The, UJYyfs pOYlcl/~ va /u~J of ~
) Na.,; I lOfA .e. Ir~
~ Ii
Fij.D.1 a~ al.>o -fo 6/111a. k PI 0 JI\ fhe Ylex f ra.ge.

~n't )

/1.43 (COtllt )
Witt. ~.I F 1""01'\.\. Fi9' D·I
X (f-+) A M",- T P
A-I' S~te
To ~
-1,0 1/.6 0.05 O. .,q O. 'j9 a"
-0. g 7.8 O.og O·Cf9 ~·19
-0·6 1I.g ~.IZ 0.'19 O.'J~
-0.4 2.7 0.2.2 O. tt'i 0.'j6'
-0·2 /·S ~.44 ()/jb 0.9.7
0 1.0 0.78 ~.H 0.&6 b
0.2- 1·5 t1·LfI.l 0·16 O·~7
0.4 2./ (J.2"1. 0.'19 O.':U·
O.h 4.2 0·/2 o. .,., 0.4!f'i
C.g 7.8 0.08 0·19 o.'t~

I.D 11.6 a.o5 O'&]9 O.CJ'





-1.0 -0.'1 -D.b -0.'1' -D.'1. 0 P.2 (J.t( 0.6 Oog ,.0

Van'af/oY! 01 M~ch number ~ a;'y




-/.0 -O.~ -4.~ -b.t..f -0.2- 0 p. '2, O·Lf 0.(:; 0.& ,. ()


Vaviah'on of slztfic femptya/urt. -hJ sirA.'h~f,dn .f~J71p~Alure rdno

fDy 41r

II. if 3 (Con/t)

/. D. r-----....'""'---

Po O.g

a6 ~--------------------------------------------~
-/.0 -(J,g -D.6 -fJ.'{ -~.... 0 I.'], ().4 ~. 6 tJ.8 I. ()
x(.f.f )

Vayj~fi"Y'I of s172h'c. pyes.ruye -hJ $-Ia,nlf,h'em pteS5ure y-af/o

/7Jy air

1: :: 0·'79
1·00 ! = 0·"''1


4'<;0 ~------

1-5 aIr

(b) h¥ hel/IA~, W~ lAse PYO'jyaYl>1 .zS€N77et1P wit4 ~ == /.6~ ~

defCvrnll17e va/u.~s /)f ~) L 1AJ1/1 P U;yy~>I'Imdl'nj -fD VIJ/I.(~.1 "f
A~ 10 Pe,
wi tlti,.". the ral?ye. 0·17 ~ MIA ~ 0.7'2.2. We. CAIc.~/~ k X wd!.

X;; JA~ (~71) - 0./ (I)

Wf"ie"h is blJ.s~rJ. 0".. G'i' z. "f PI7>J,lell1i'L. ll·31j. 5 ince #ais lIowi5 no!
choked) A"" 1- A+hY'OtLf' ThlA.s we d.e~I'tI'I;V/e Il ~ w/J-{...
1/"* =- Atit nJAi

1/- 60
/ /. If.3 (co n ' t: )

7iJus J
flK- ::: 0./ ffl.::: 0.0'1115 if l
and ~. I be c(} me. s
x ~ j""'(O-..(J-9-3-IS-)-{-:-:-~-)---O-.-I (2)

Wit{" I>ENTP..Of
Wi~ ~~. 2
X (if) M~ A
r .f ~k
-1.0 O,O.ti7 JJ.qq~lj o.m3 oJ~~:z. ().,

- 0.8 0.071 7.ttS'" ~."g3 c;.9959

- 0.6 0·/15 4.'371 0."S7 0.'719/
- f). if 0·207 'Z.7f1n 0.'86/ 0·96£3
- ()·2 ~.tfiq 1.5IJlf'i o·'If 52- 0.3' 7'1
0 D.722 J·0735 O.gS]'}.. (7. '708 b
0.2 {}·lfl't ,·sol(q 0.'''52 0.'fJb7't
(j.Lt 0.207 2. ,Q73 0·9161 0.,65J
().~ O.{/~ 4.'t378 O· ,,'57 o·n'!'
D.<J 0.071 7· ;5'1' O.9H3 O·~95g
'·0 O.()47 n'f1f3'i 0"~'3 O·lj'rn. C



-/.0 -d.g -D.b -0·4 -0,1.- () 0.1.- (J·lI (J.t, 0,£ ,. D

X ( ff)
Va YIP" fioY' t7f MA.cV, nt..o-."bt:IY f&v he //U;'YI
I.00r--- _ _ _~

T., Of}o

_I.~ -0.8 -0.6 -0.'1 -0.2. 0 0.2 '·4 (J.(, (J.g /.0
X (f+)
va.,/~.h·Qn of s~h'c. fem~(1.n.ye -fo slz<'jl'laf/t7Yl
(COI/1' t. )
//- 6/
II. 'f3 (UJI1'i)


0 . / ,-O.g
- - --0.6
--- - - - - - - 0- - -().2.
-0.'1 -fJ.J,
- - -0."1
- - -(J.,
- - -b.~
- - - ,.0
)( (.fI.. )
Va "/A.h'~n of smfle. pye$,H(y~ h, sf-a~/I'\f'. h'o" pYe.JSuye ra.h·tJ '" he.I/~~

f.. .. O.Ho~
~.8S I .. 0.'1532-


/1- 62
11.4Jf An ideal gas contained in a large stor-
age container at a constant temperature and pres-
sure of 59 of and 25 psia is to be expanded
isentropically through a duct to standard atmo-
spheric discharge conditions. Describe in general
terms the kind of duct required and determine
the duct exit cross section area if the discharge
mass fiowrate required is 1.0 lbm/s and the gas
is (a) air; (b) carbon dioxide; (c) helium.

To de leYJIYII;' e -fhe duc.f ex;! flow aveC( vve. us~

= m
Aex.i-!- (j)
t£jr ~)(it
Foy fhe ex; f- flokl ctensify I /eXi/- ) we US(! Er //·60 or loy
air ~;9. O. / . Thu$

/;/ I t-
(i!- ') Ma 2. .
2. e'Xd


~ (jlr

~xit = ( ;::I). D· / valu .. of ~'I)
RJ; J;
We.. obrn,;' Mq
-frdWI ?exit uSlny €-1- II- S1/ tJY ~ t:IIY/

Fig- D. /. 7htlf

-r~1i;.1) J(t;)

- (#-)

/VI 4 e)(i f- F;j. D. / valuf:- fA S fA /uhc.-//()Yl of (5)

lo o6-h l'n
lI~Xif :: (M4eXi f-) C = (M~jt) /~ ~)f f/ *
'------~---~~------~----------.. -.---------~
/J./fLf (COIJ't- )

whe re fr.trm E~. /I. S"6 I OY IPv clIr" ~ F iq · P. I

TeX.i t - _ _7;_ _ __
I t- 1~-I)Ma 'l .
( , 2. exJf
(JY ~ air

7:~x.i f -- ~ ( r.TeXi!' Vel lite ~ F'1' D,I .fW A1t;.~w/'f)

anA thu!
Vexi f = (M4eXl'l- )

(tlJ Fov air

~x.if ILl· 7,os/tL Q

t;; - 2>" ,PS/A

= tJ.5 I

The covyesjJona'IYIJ val",es

- j- _ tJ.86

~xil- = 0.63
Now win, £'1. 3
::: (25"(J$/a ) (1'I't ;.,~ 'l. ) (0. '3 ) -J
2 ·7 S' )( ItJ .1'114. J
(17/6 f'f· 16 )( SI5 -IZ-) .ff)
S" IUf. ";2.

(UlYJ'+ )

IJ~ 6f.j-
//.'f4 (C()J'7 ' f)

'P) = (). tJ / z If 2.
(2.1, XIP-l sl,; ) (q32- ~I- )(nZ~)
H $//'(9
11 Ct;n l/f!/rJIYlJ dwc,./- would. 5ufh'ce $/;'ce ..fk eKil- fttJw i.s
S lIb?Sd>1 i C .

- I
/ ·3 - /

if. ()J' X 10 or !U'j
~Xif = -(./3

Wi Itt ~1' $" we fel-

~lC/f = (0.1123) s: 7 /1-
-:. 76

S' u.b.s())1/c . !
/1-- 6S
II. 'fLf

(C) hJr he/,ulYJ ; Gj. 'I yi~/d 5

Ma e)(,j f

- /

~.05'6 x/a f/U!

WI/-h ~1' t w€- gef

veXjr = (0.81.1£1)

Wi ff,. 1:-). I W'-

(I ~)
--------------------------------: O. 030? {flo

(t.OS"6 )(10-ii SI/,(~)(2lff'f fr1 3 Z. 2 16 no)

~3 T~1

A C()l1VerjlrJj I?tJl}/C w;J/ d{) 51V)ce -Ik exit f/()w If f"b.xmic.

1/. L/-

11.45 An ideal gas is to flow isentropically

from a large tank where the air is maintained at
a temperature and pressure of 59 of and 80 psi a
to standard atmospheric discharge conditions.
Describe in general terms the kind of duct in-
volved and determine the duct exit Mach number
and velocity in ftls if the gas is (a) air; (b) meth-
ane; (c) helium.

10 de/eywz/ne the. dlAcJ exit Mach hlAm6ev / Ma~'f
) we lA~e

E~.I/·s"'j 0,,- .fv.,. Ildr J Fi9' 0./ . TAu>1

Merex,'r =
/ ](~~) (I )

Ov f,v IJIlr

/lA~ :: Fi9- f).1 VA/tfc. 'if ~ Ibnc b-on (7/ ~)(.il- (2 )

(]x/f W~ IAf~
'7" v,c:X'fI )

1-14,,,.if. Y R TcXif- -k {"3J


1C~if (5)
(a.) Ft;y CUr

9" /sid.-
:; ()./f38

v.JA.d f1,u, > kvw. F /9. 0 '/1 ~ c.o-r r€$fol1d!n5 Vt7""~S are,

M4 )1.i/
:' /·Z
ttJt.d '
"Tex/f" = tJ.b2

/1- '61
1/. £/5 Con If)

!he ~ wiftt. ftj. 5 we ohfa.tJ1.

/.. ::: ) -= 322. p.,.
CIP'II:A w; fh Erg. 3 we C-vn.c tude. fha f-

Vexit -: (t."l) (17/6 -FI-./I; )(~22 ~1!.)(I.Lf) = ISSO ti

SI"1' 0.e ( I ~ )
~/Lilj. !!:
= J

fJ C()nJleY7/~j - clive,Yf'J1j n oJ)/e ; r yei:/~c1 6ectUUe M..t. ~xif

:f/()W i; 5'u(J(!'ySdn/c-.

(b) ~ Me..tiuJne we. dblrA.,~ ~ €'1' I

M()exit ::: ~ / ,,')1-1 = /.78

(!~. 7~s;a) Tj(
Then wi Ih clJ- 'f w~ gef
5' 19 III?
~x;t =
1 +- (1.31 - )(1- 7<fJ~
3 iN e. l"fr,u;"

A c(/m)~/~ - dt'~71"'J e-tiJ

fI(fW if .5(Al'ey~()nic-.
(C) Fw he//ui'YI we cJ61a,;'" ~ Gj. I

- /
- /.71

They, with

- 26 'f. I "/?

(VOy/lt )

//- 6e
1/. tf 5 Con't)

Ve'{ir = (1.71)

= 577~
_ sif

/J C!Mllw,t'nJ - d/.)t:IY'iJ~J t1/)31/~ I) ve5",yed Slnc~ the ex.jl-

fft!W I r 5'lA(JeySdY1;e, .
II. '16

11.46 An ideal gas flows isentropically through

a converging-diverging nozzle. At a section in the
converging portion of the nozzle, AI = 0.1 m',
PI = 600 kPa (abs) , TI = 20°C, and Mal = 0.6.
For section (2) in the diverging part of the nozzle
determine A,. p,. and T~ if Ma, = 3.0 and the
gas is (a) air; (b) helium.

ro de-fe YIfII;' e Alo we use Ecp. 1/.71 0'1' rvY' r.)

t;l! PIt]. PI/

(~ , ) M4; j",(*-<l
-It 1- I

(~~ ) j;~ [

::: II, -- = f r{1I..~ I 2

A:z. A, (/ )
(:;) .L
fo1q , I- I t (~ ) Mtt,2 J ~+I

0)' lIN a,y

. , ~ (!~ f)

A;.. -:; A, !(F;'). (2)

( Fi 9,

10 dekH-rn,~ e. { we

~ = = ~ (3)
I (P.)

0"'- airI

p.2- : : . ~
f;:'9' 0· I V6/U' P,.
o.f p, f.... M<i ~ l] ('f)
(F/9 f),,/ vdlue. of..& fw M.&o,)
To defe.,m/,,-e T~ w~ (A.s-e. I':,
G'-g. 11.56 or Iw'
ti ';"/ (:'9. 0./. lhtls,

7:2- = T,
-7;- = ~
[, + (~~')M~,~] ) (5)
7; [ I r-(~-I ) Mtj/" J
! (fiq. 1
Oy .frH a,Y"
T f). I Va llA.\!. of T~ f,.. 11,,,, ) (~)
T~ =- To
, (Flq D.I Va. I",,! or 5 !w M~)

(COn' f ) '"
11- 70
(~) p.()y a/,. .. £'1- 2. 1w.S' -Iv
A2. : (0.//11') ('1·3 :J
(I. 2. )
£9' 1./ yt'elds

~ : [ 6o(J 1t.1i{~"r)7

aYl~ ~f" 9 /lle s

r :: (293 fC..) (0. ~6 ) = 1/3 I<.
:L {d.q~}

:= O.2.S7n-?L.


11.47 Upstream of the throat of an isentropic

converging-diverging nozzle at section (1), VI =
150 mis, PI = 100 kPa (abs), and TI = 20°C. If
the discharge flow is supersonic and the throat
area is 0.1 m~, determine the mass ftowrate in,
kg/s for the flow of (a) air; (b) methane; (c) he-.

we. de feYJI'JIIIYJe.. fhe Mach num6ey- at sec//on. (/) w/It,


ror a/I of Ih"e .1tl~e.s //JvoIVu:/ i-l- is /;/::.(!./y fhcd MQ, is /t!ss 'lhdh /.~

he cause ~ I slow. TJruS'.. t1, t.. .flow ~f Ih e.. -f),Ylx~.f /J rJ?1l/.:.ed 11;"~

fAe. ~ YI/wln3 flow is ~tl6s(')n/c. tl¥Ja. the. leaj//~ HIl/AI is sVl'erstJnic. my

Ma~s Illlwyak. We use 6fj . 1/. '1tJ -fo 0 61rJ l'n

,;, =-,..<J ~ A -¥ V of (2)

FoY' fhY()tlf ve/~ci fy / V~ we, lAse

V*~ VRT~-k (3)

To o!om/;' T ~ W~ use ff· I/, 63. Thus J


~r .fur cur)

T~ -= ~ (value of' T ~ 1=,'9. O. J fiJv /I1a -=- /.0 ) (5)

To de/e..ym,ne TD wt:.. use €~ . 11-S6. Thus"
~ =: r; [/ r (: I ) ~/2 ]
~y 4/y


//,47 ~OP'l't )

or ..foy tllY)

p¥ ~ ':::;g_ P. /
=Po (vAlue of j?'"
~ /Vtt:(. =' I- 0 ) (I tJ)

FaJ' Po we. use E'I_ 1/-$'9 - ThMc; ~


P, [ I f- (~; I) /v1Q,L ]r-i (II)
oy fw t[ ,;,.

~ ::.

(va.lue (If f: .;;~ ;;'9. 0, 1 ,tOy Ma,)

(a) '::w aIr we use G$_ / h LJ !,-hi,;"

Mil, - (). tt 372

2.'13 k...
:: ]05 K..
( d_ '16 )
we.. tJ/:'hr I;'

/1- 73
we... ololA,;' w;tt.. f~e ~e} f of Fi~. a.1
/00 iPtl (ab$ )
Po - = /I 5 1t..1't:i (4f?S )

6f. It)

pK [1/5 /tIjJI{.(llI;s)] (0. 52 g2 8) 6~. 8 kJ'~{a"$)

7heJ'l wi fA ~f- 3
(~t)\B >(10 IJ )
;;>1 '::: /'I?'l- =. ".8'3 ~f
(236.9 N·n? )(25 if kJ
~l. I<. •
H"na.t'J- I t#itt.
fi' z W"1! obI-. U'l
M = fJ· BJ 3) (0./ Yh2.)(:1ltt ;) :::;. 2t.5 'k}

(6) F~,.. meihanG we- lASe.. Gj. I -fr; db~;"

050 ':) 03363

'( ~/I· 3 N. YI? ) ( 2.'i3 Ie) (,.'11 )
~.I< (I L )
Ilow is c-tuk..ed ",f-
a,. l!!.
f3.. +J,e
-::: tJ. 336']

~ :=. (213 ~) [I +- (t.1~-1 )(0.J163)).] - Z~!·II<

and.. i#; ~ cf Lf we. ohm 4;"
T ~ ::: (2.-93·/I<)C 2.. ) -= 25"S./ K.
/.31 + I

v,f. - (Slg.) '!:..!!!.) (2.~C.II<){1.31)

1c.,. I:. (I ~
. *7. !!!)

() ltd
£1'// we..

;:::. [/()d kl(((4ks)]

i It, Elj. 'i


I/X- 9e f
r I


+ (t.1~ -') (tJ. 3361 / ] '.11-'


D.JI ::: [i07. ~ M(4bs)]( ~)/.7/-1 -::. 5'3.5? k

r t '.31-t-1
1"heJ/7 WI ~ E-1· 3 we. ho,lIC
;y (5-g. J x 10 '3 !,.. ) = o. ~3S ~J
;;; j
1--_ _ _ _ _ _-.::_~~~31:~
;O )(253./~) (con/f)
/1- 7Jf
/1. If 7 (con l-t )

r/yzally, witt, £~. 2- we ohm.,;"

vi? == (0.tf3f ~f)( (J.I hI·~)(~/!.6 ;') _ /8·1 it.~
",,3 ~~ .s

_ 0./'/92..

7; = (2-q31<) [ / + (1.~-I)(O.14.ti2)2] = 2.9>.21<..

aMrA vJ;tt, C1. If Wf!. ()6 m.,"n

T.r = (295".2. k / _2_)

"Z I. 66 1-1
-= 222. k.

~ :: [ioo 1efl{{aI,~)] [
and.. wiHt o 'i
fq. 1
.f, 6

p.r::: [ / () 1.9 fq, I'f( (4'S) J( - 2

/.6( tf
)'.~-' :::

Thc¥I wi~ £,. B'

f1 if ~ ('If 7'1 X 10 ~)
- 0.107'7
(2 077 ~ ) (22J../<. )
ai·1< .
r:,·Y)().lly wilt. €~.].. we 6/;'-IA II'?

- -

1/-75 .
11. Lf8 The flow blockage associated with the
use of an intrusive probe can be important. De-
termine the percentage increase in section veloc-
ity corresponding to a 0.5% reduction in flow area
due to probe blockage for air flow if the section
area is 1.0 m:', Tll = 20°C, and the unblocked
flow Mach numbers are (a) Ma = 0.2; (b) Ma =
0.8: (c) Ma = 1.5: (d) Ma = 3.0.

We won-l Iv asceyll1/~

To de'lwvn/;'e fht. Ul"lb/f)c):,ed aveA.. ve,t"c;1y / '{~bIDc..b') we U5e

V ::: M~ ,/ R. T k.. {lJ

U 11 hi M" "I fI ,,/cui V U~ bI DtJcc.J

H;y ~Yl6I()C.~~ we lAse

~ 7;; ( I7; ~ Ma. Ullh/~d:£r/ rn.,.,. E~. /I.?G ~ MaIi"VN J (z)

II) dc-~JII'1J;"e. I1u 6lodu..d tu'&. veLou'", ~ ~/()c.kuI) ~ £A4..t.

~/()~J = ~tloc-lael ~R ~,tk,fk.

Pw M~ b/d(.k..v/ I'Ve.. we. AJlochcI t)Jt1d dek¥~Jne
£f. / /.7/.

,!1bldc,h.t/ ;'"~'jfA '''t!r nr/p/ 4Atd ernrr·



Iliff ~()nlt)

(a) Fiff M~ ~ tJ. l we. oh,*,;' vV il't, E1S. 2 CI..,d J).S",


T II. = (ZQ3 t:-) (~. 9rz()() '= 2.tf()· 7 k.

U ~f:I ~ c.k.ec/
Then w itt... E~· I tv!- ha~
~h61"t4.I -= (0.2..) (2gb.] ~ f~qO.71<)(I.'-IJ
~.'" (' "',..)
We us-e e1 f . ~ (,fn~ 11.7/ +v ret 1 f .;=

- =(o.19SJ(2.'163S) = 2.9'1'7
/JJ1tX w;/4 1d'$./l71 we olht/~
MI( ,~J =~. 2 ()/
W/I"tt £~~ s ~ ~f
z,f"j:; K -= Z O/()., k

= "·l/i] %
(b) ~ M~ == o.g V-/C obh,;' IN;/(, £,s:.2 D-ttP( 11·5"6
~nb/~tk.wI = (zQ31c.)( ~.8g65Z.) =- 2.>"'13 ;:
men tN)itt £9' I we jef

Vlutb1oU:uJ:::: O. 8 (2gt.'! f./.I?'\ ) (zS9.!I<)(I.'1)

~j.1<. (/ IV )
We. USc.. ~'i.(.¥ CYltJ/. 1/.7/ !J.?- 1'>'1

A s~

r;~/8c1c.e4 -c: (0. 91S'")(/·03Izs) - 1·03]

a JIId.. w; It, £,,- /I, 71 we 0 hho;'
M~;/ockuJ ;;: ()·313
Wilt, E~. S we re"f
7i1"~ = 293 k.. = 2S"3.8 K..
I t-(t./f- /)(c1,g/~l
"2. (COn Ii )
/1- 77
w; fh £,. '3 we have

V, -;:: (0.113)
j, Il}t/<Jl.r;/

(~/I)cJ:e4 - ~11h1(J(,~) x 1110 ";>.. (2.b2.1 ~ - 258· 'I ;' ) (/tJtJ) =l.lf3 %
s ~
VLtnblD~ (?t"i.lf ;')
{Cj hr MA... =- ,. S- ,,- M tJ);,Itl/;' wilt, Gjs.2 ew.'{ 1/.5'6
r;~b/"~ :: (2.93 K) (~,6g9ts) -= 2()2. / k
l),~ n wi It, cf. / We. gef .
~J'fblodu.(/ == (I' S-) ;-(234-b.-9-~-·-:-)-t-2-0).-.-,-)-(1-"-tj)
V I F<7. ,.... (I /1/ )
We. use.. EjS.lf and /1·7, -h 7-I-
.. ' Iz!. -;

A bl"cJ.erJ. =' (~. qr;S)(1.17, "2-) -= I. /7

~Mci w/#t 1::7' 1/. 71 w~ tJ"-k/~

(~/othd - IIUrt"/orkd) X /00

(d) FoY ~ =- 3·0 we.. ~~;"I;' "",lit, Ets'2 e(hol II.S6

Gn/:'/t/du-t! '=- (2-1J 1<) (0.15 71lf) = /(JI/.6 I:.

Tht Yl w;~ Gf. 1 W~ gef


/1 ... 78
we.. {,(se E1f. if (J n d II. 7 /

-:: (tJ Cf9S ) (Lf.23lf6)
0 - If. '2.1 3

Pl'7d Wift, £'g.11.71 we. ~bhl;'

Mil/ -:: 2. '19)

With. E~. 5" we. 'let-

T 2'13 k..
I +- roll - 2.
I) (2. ct9S)),
w!. have.


('{)()d~~ - ~1'J61()Ci~.d) X I () 0 -G (6 fL!. 't If- - b/,-/. 9 -;- )(i()b) =_ f1, bit] %
~M 61odu/ ( 6 Ii(. 'j ;J

11.50 For Fanno flow, prove that

dV jk(Ma 1 /2)(dx/ D)
V 1 - Ma~
and in so doing show that when the flow is sub-
sonic, friction accelerates the fluid, and when the
flow is supersonic. friction decelerates the fluid.

5f~yft~ wifh E'j. /1. qs we. h~ve

.L ( / t-
'* M( 2) d(v'")
d (M4).)

11~1~ we j1lfve

d (/.111.
) = d(l/2.j
r I -f (1c- , ) Mal.]

C OMb/niYIJ G~,), , And Z we tJbfa/Y1

~ ( /+ 1i M/./'") d (v~) _ [It- (i!-I) M4"] d~ / f :fA ft11l~)(:: t1 (3)

1/ 2 :2. v" 2. /)

.L ( Ma 2- , ) d{/.I1.j
.2 -= -

d (II l) -=- M ,/. f -k dx
V 2.. ( M4: 1._ I ) f)

t-/oW(. II'tW'
d(I/2.) :: :z.VdV (5)

~s C(/Wl41/n,""..J 1:11." 4Hd S we ,ef

rf.!! = ,ck (~"l)( ~}

II" (,,)
/ - /111(''2
-fJ,~ .s~6.s1J11; c
When Ft""" is (M({ < I. ())
1£,. ~ I et.ttis -h> dV = "/- tI"d flutJ
~/c,f/ol'l IA.C( e/eya.lcs 'lite -/114#1:1. On I1tL dtt.e.y ha.Hd ,..,4elo1 fhe. H~k/

i~ .f'vpeYJIJJlic (Ma> 1.0)., €f· 6 leads n, dv = _ Q neJ/ In jl,ir Cl!ue

n,iG -//on de ce(eY4!u #,e -/i",,/el.

11.5/ Standard atmospheric air (To = 59 of, the values of static temperature, static pressure,
Pu = 14.7 psia) is drawn steadily through a fric- stagnation temperature, stagnation pressure. and
tionless and adiabatic converging nozzle into an velocity at the inlet [section (1)] and exit [section
adiabatic, constant cross section area duct. The (2)] of the constant area duct. Sketch a temper-
duct is 10 ft long and has an inside diameter of ature-entropy diagram for this flow.
0.5 ft. The average friction factor for the duct
may be estimated as being equal to 0.03. What
is the maximum mass flowrate in slugs/s through
the duct? For this maximum flowrate determine

7J,/s is 51",aay 7z, E:xaYH/J!e //- 12. As (..x-pllJ.';'uI II? £-xa""'I/~ 1/· /2/
tlte I'YttlX/""uJ'V/ {'low ~ak thYfJH7h fIt(.. due-I will C1C.c"u Y wl,~n I/,~
(..tTn{/..""f af'eJ\ ducf choi:t!$ and f1tt Math nUWlber ar thl. c4tc.f
ex./f ['see-f/on (2)] is 1.1). lJr.e l'I'lax/munr, liowrak CAn be (}b/7l/~eP{

wi 111

We the! 7; is
VIOle.. fhl'ol<f1hIJI.l f T1te ~ m{,~ hIJw J/"u
ft,e. {low is a.4/alHlh·c - ::: 1,,,1. =5/qD~_ .A/s01 Po is
CUn4l4nf II? -the C.(}n ~rf i':f nO.Jl/e.. bu.f ple&r~RSe.J ft,'(ll,,(fi. IA~
COlliS Itt n f Arelflf duc.f belAIlIe 01 lYi~li()n. TAt/5.1 ~ 1'1. 7l'fia. . ~,
kv c.h.ok.ed flow
(~.()3) (It; Ff)
f" (
. "-1.J) - £, ) "=' -:: 0.6 = (,,(~-.f)
f" _ /
t). S -1+ ()
a~d from Fifj'p, :2
~ CAn re.tA.()( va'/ues o~ 1; v,
];J vii' ) " 4~t(:( ~, 7he n
--~ p~
i:= 7; Ct/n b~ ()b tR.I n e,f witt, €,. //.03 7; ;.s
ptl- .
S/hCe. CtmJ /It '" l- ./
T"" ~ ~2:-)7
~+ "
= (;.:+1 /51'1'12- J = ~32 D,e :-
and V
=V2 I
COn 6~ ple/("""" /I? t:d wi""

(t 716
so /020 If" = L(
=.r <6


//- 8/
/ /.51 I (cOJ1't)
*' )
f (1-,(, ':S

r1t/ I -::: ~. S7

~ :: 1·13
I :;: 0, 6 (~)

;. 0; 1.86

-L- -= /. ').2.

fZrom C1' 2. We.. 9e.f

T :: (I.13 ) ('13)" f)12.) _ 'fRYif)It!.
I" -===
Witt. £,.1 IN'" dbh.Jn
V, .=. (0.6 )(1172.0 {f)::: 6/2 Ii
J - .J


Itt· 7 pii..
= '2-I'.s/a,

" :::; (0.8

= If. i' I's/~ :-


//- 82.
11.52 The upstream pressure of a Fanno flow venting to
the atmosphere is increased until the flow chokes. What will
happen to the flowrate when the upstream pressure is further

fV .-E f./} aIr;;;:;;

- J'fT V"" :: 1 I'
(AJ)1S~ /It f

"YI"e QX iA/ ItJCAJ'/4Y1 ,;, -ft,e- -h~ ~ f3' II.SG

Alf() /!4f- 4/,
- - -

5"0 -4 . . ani fJne axiAl IDUtti~ ()f Ike hlW w~eYe tIu
Ma level Ij' flu. Ja-me 7; IS At's/) tJ,e .}al'lre, blA-f

if ",jher 7kuJ f7V If ~Lrt) !-,1 4,Y" 41'1r1 we

ft,/Lf ':J -I1u.

,'r,/e -I !Yr SJ ~ 1')/ a cJ,okd J#nno

UMcllA.~ 1;'u-etJ-f

e., Iv fJv ~-In-t ,.!, he r'C. vetil/it In tlfJ-a /nCff-Ue (1/ .fIWl 4k Alto. Y

hILVwJ~ ~ p~ df EX~/e 1/.11 ~ ~

,1 + 0 a s-e". iCJ
~ I~ f
d j
fW!,{".{'lI foe ~
Fa;'I?o IJ 'ne./' .;;:., d,'{'~1 v,l/ueJ df
Jn~~tI I

//- 83
11.53 The duct in Problem 11.51 is shortened
by 50%. The duct discharge pressure is main-
tained at the choked flow value determined in
Problem 11.5/. Determine the change in mass
flowrate through the duct associated with the 50%
reduction in length. The average friction factor
remains constant at a value of 0.03.

Jh/s is like Example /1.13. We 9uess 1hN"- fhe, s-horknt&/ dud

will sf/II c-htJ/(e QHd chee-K. OUr as~whlfJf,'on by CdH1f?""~ fd
wi th P~ .L f p,; ~ p:tt" fire .flow is vho I:.e d. .If noll
t:11'1()ff1ey ass umpf,'oY1 mus-I- b~ Y'n.llde. For choked flow ~
ca./cu./,:d-e t-ht?- vntlSf HOWYA!e &IS w-e- 01/&1 /n 6xtl~/~ //./2
Oy In iltfZ st)/uh'on 01- pyo~/eYVI II. S /. F()y Gli1clulced flow,.
we.. mus -f de v/f'e al1t7/11ey ~fya,k9!/.
Fey choked .flow'

:f' fI. -.,( )

P (d.S/'I) D
FrO>?? F;9' 0.2. we ~etd

M~I .:
o· 6"
,If ::. 1./ (I)

~ (J,7 (2)
-If -=-
:- /.G

;:: :::(0.75" ) (N. 7psilA.) ~ I I ;os1A.,
(con If)

//- at(-
//.~3' J (con't)

~ ; •. 3{J I'I/tJ.. > ~ ; t. 3'1 1'~/4..
Itte fl(}w i.t che1k.e4 4. f" tlJ.U.lnH!d.

loA' -= r;. Cdn be o6ht,J,ed wil4 G1.1/.63 SInce ~ 't CtJ)1.f/rnd. 7h1l$...


lAIiftt. E1' I 1A/e. have


- ~ A:l, ~ ':

, flit!
1'}1 = -

The. vhtU1lj e. ,n h1,u j !lflW YtItIt: I"J

?~':- M,09x /00

'() If

The.. 1'Y'·~Hs I'lowr..!c. ;;'cvt4l.ted "r 9. ~)f) i;/lrel<'l. f1....t fub~ W4J

J4/~ i:J7 sa)..

11·5't I

l1.slf If the same mass ftowrate of air ob-

tained in Problem 11.51 is desired through the
shortened duct of Problem 11.53, determine the
back pressure, P2, required. Assume f remains
constant at a value of 0.03.

rhis i1 .r/"",;'/t:{y -fo EKe:tht'pIB /1.1</. Since the stJ~e IMIlS$

fl(}w~ale ach/el/ed m Prt.J6IeJ1l-l 11.51 is desil"l!c/ wi!A n,~ ~h/),.ft",-t(l/

due-I- of Pmhle., 11·~3", /Me. I?eu .;." Acl.iel/-e, fl,e. val'te ,,/- Mit,
C;'felIHed II't P1"llb/~""" 11.,1 _ Tltu$,.frJy '/17e. Stlm(. vcdue. of M4.J.. t;tf~ I;'

f'yz,bl e,-. lIS'! we. ~ ve.

F (J., -l,)

./:) ".~ ff
W/fh f(.lY-~'l.) -= ().3 wt.. enfeJr FiJ. Po Z and r~~d

= 1.6 0)
1h.e Vlt/ue of p '" ~bhJ;'ed /~ PYDJ,/e-, 1/.53 iI .rh'll va.I/Ii Sf)

f ~ == 6 ·ttl psit;..;.
(A.II\.;" wi/1t 1:1_ I we ,e!
P." =- ( ,.6" )(~. ~fi psi"-) ~ (l-. ~$;a.

11- i6
//.55 I

11.55 If the average friction factor of the duct

of Example 11.12 is changed to (a) 0.01 or (b)
0.03. determine the maximum mass flowrate of
air through the duct associated with each new
friction factor and compare with the maximum
mass flowrate value of Example 11.12.

(a) For f' = ().Ol we have.

F ( ~ 1'_.l., ) _ (1/.01) (7.", ) c 0.2
/) (()./ rn)

and fig. P.2 we ret2d

fv1~1 ~.7 0)

T, = /. I (2.. )
-VI ~
() ·73
FnIn-t 6 xantple /1·/2
7,f :: 2 'f0 J<.
vAl = "3/0 ~
7hU5) wifh £,. s
I we 'jei
TI =(I. I ) (2. 'I() /<-) = 2& Lf k.

aYld wif1,.. f'j.2 we %fa,;'"

V, : (0,73 ) (310 ~)
= 22.6 c:!

= 0.72

f>J == (().72

= /.7 1l"

1/- 81
Poy f;; 0.03 we have

r( /)
~ tl_l/) = ((J.03)
((J./ ~ )
(2.,.,.. ) ::. (}.6

Ol1d on Fig. P.2. we- Yedd

/V1 ~ I -= 0.57
?; -= 1.13
V, = ().6
1Au5 J

1; ~ (J./.3 )(z'ftJ t-) == 27 /1<

)(3/0 /g6 ft'1 '!?) -=
Fro;'Yl Fit]. [). I We read ~V" Mtf, == ().S7

1, :: O. <;
R= (0.2
10 de-k¥IM/ne


The max./mul"l? (ch()lc~d

. -Ii,
f"" O.t:J1
- 1·70 -

{ -= 0.02-
:: 1.65

In ::: 1.5"'2. ~
f=(J.03 ,.)

/1- g8
II. 50 I

11.5'6 If the length of the constant area duct

of Example 11.12 is changed to (a) 1 m or (b) 3
m, and all other specifications in the problem
statement remain the same, determine the max-
imum mass flowrate of air through the duct as-
sociated with each new length and compare with
the maximum mass flowrate of Example 11.12.

FoY' maXI"nUrn I'Iowrak- the duct IS choked.

raJ rOY 12. - /', =- I"" we. have

.J) tJ. / ".,

Fyc'f")-. F ,...I'
q [J"
• .-

Ma, .:: ~. 7

T, = I.
-T" I (I)

_V, ': n.
II'" (20)
Frtn'YI Ex.~p/€ /1./2

T~ ':: J. '10 k
1I:t< = 310 ~

1hus I wif'h £'1' J we, tJb h ,;"

~ ~ (I. I )(:J.'10I<): 26iJK.

and wili, £1, 2 we 'Jef

ltj::; (0.73 ) ('310 rn)
= 2. ,,6 S'!!!.
70 deieYm;¥Je f, we €nJw. F i9. O·J wi#' Ma J
=0.70 CLw;( read

= o./l.
(0. 72-

(C On't )

/1- 8'1
1/.5"6 I (con'f)

f (1 ~ 1,) _ f ( 1.2 - £, ) (O.tJ2)(3 W1 )

J) - /) -- (d.1 ;If)
_ 1J.6

~ Fig. [J.2.

NlfA J ::: O. ~7

T, ::. I. /3
r lf
V, 0.6
II'" -
-r; :;(/.13 J(2¥OJ<) : 27/F:-

V, -= (tJ.t ) (3/tJ !!!)

= /3' S

Fr~m h1- D· / we. Yead f,.". MIA, =0.57

l I
== 1·70

le.(,: ;<,...,
= 1.65 ~

J'YI :: 1.~'l1t9
.l")-~ =3..... J

1/.57 I

11.51 The duct of Example 11.12 is lengthened

by 50%. If the duct discharge pressure is set at a
value of Pd = 46.2 kPa (abs), determine the mass
ftowrate of air through the lengthened duct. The
average friction factor for the duct remains con-
stant at a value of 0.02.

:f (12. -.(, )
(O. tJ2 2(?n,2 = d. , ,cu':.~) _ F(L'--t1 ) ti)

We 9lAfSS a. va(~(! of Mt:i2. Ilhrl ger a. CdYl'tSI'OrJlil,y Vttltte of fa!~)

- •
r'9' ,..,...,
v, II- •
Wi"", £,_ I we t/fel-"/. I
c"lc.ei/"fe ~ value
of £)

r !..et'...l,) and wif;' MiS vnlue of f/ .(J!..~) w~ 9f!f ~ r/~. p.2-

o p
a. V()/tle of MQ,. Witt-. M~J ()'ltd MtAl. we.. t76Iai" Ii-rm, ':iys: P./

Then with

we fie +- &f VA/{,fe of Pl. thai we COn (b)¥tftlTt fAlift" 11. = '11,2 kla(dhJ)~
We 91Ae5f ~ value of .M~2.. =O.9S. CtJyye-'l'0nt::t/~ -h Ma2.=~''1S'
w(. rea. d on F ,'3. D.2.

J),en with 6'1' I we Oblal~

Fre'-L, ) = (). 6 + ~.OO128 - tJ. (;


fw fl.Jhie.h ~ FIJ- 0.2-

Mtt j
"" tJ· 57

( COn 't)

//- 9/
/1.57 I (con 't )

Now wi ft" [1- 2 Wt 'Ie f

R ::: [/0 I ~,o~ (tl6s-)] (0, B I )(- I _I (l.tJ6 ) = 'I6,61t.At(ab.s)
2. 1.96' /
which is (lose... el10UYh fo flu JI'v~11 c//5Ct,(1Yjt.. fll'tr$UYe k t.(I h ALte,.;.
fhe aJf ll ""I'-h't1r& cl tv1fA~:: ().f)5".

P = /1:;) P°
(~ 1,
:: (tJ,81) [/tJr~Ik(abs)]::: '31.kIQ{4bJ)
= I 7:r. )
7;, ::: (0.1 'f ) ( 233J::-)
:; 2-7 I I<.
1)/ J

IJ Iso -from F 19. P.2 fur Ma, = t7. s; 7

V, = 0.'/
anti f/1u5
V. :. (t). (JI

(s~~ f,.)7r(O'/h/)2.(;S1 f!)

(286.? N.fJ'1 )(27/;:)('1)
111• - /.55 -119

1/- 92
/1.58 1

11. 58 An ideal gas flows adiabatically with

friction through a long, constant cross section area
pipe. At upstream section (1), p, = 60 kPa (abs),
T, = 60°C and V, = 200 m/s. At downstream
section (2), T2 = 30°C. Determine P2, V2, and
the stagnation pressure ratio Po) po.' if the gas is
(a) air; (b) helium.

Ma 1 = :::
= 0.55

F Ij. p.2 'Kif?.

T, ~ /./ 'f
~ ::: 19 (I)

('~ ... )
~II ; /.25

rrom the ftmper"fzo'e.- raf/()

r:lf::. T, ~ (~J3/C.)
/.1 Lf (/. 11f)

,if (z97. Jt:.)

Fiy. p.?. (,.vi H, 7'l. ::; /.01.{ (iifhd rtl/fd


&. :: /./

!J:i.,. / (con/i) (4)

1/. sa I (contf)

~:: ~ ( P )F)( P,. )
P, pi(
(}nd E.<js. I and '3 we obl.,;'

Ii:: [60 f<Pa.(abs)] ( I -\(I/) == 3'1. 7 1zf" (4bs)

I.e; I
AIs() I

~t. I

Pc, I

~/~ :; (; ) /_1 _1 = (J.g

~I { /.25' -;
..-- .

r ',-tally
V.'J.. :: (216.9 N.I?/ )(]()]fc.)(f.tf)
"kf.k (I N) ;: ?I'f ;'

(6) Hr/ heiJ~m) It? =/. 6{' Itnd R = "2.077 N.m .f~ Ta61e /. B .
The Mach. nUMbey of- sec-han (/) is
(2.00 ': )
::. 0;:. 0./17



(con'+ )
I I. 58 I (Ct) f'J If)

Wit? ftp - 5 we obiaJ'n

T ~::: (331j() :;: 2!i"3.2 K.
(I-j/~ )

- -
(3()3 ~)
(Z~]. 2/:..)
~ 1.ICf7

Wi~ T'j. -::: t. /q7 we...


M~2. = if (R-fL )
I (!!:)
- I ] (ft~,) ;
Ifr ¥) _I
L (/. 19 7)
7(f-)::: O. fig~ 3
J(/. 66-/

!l : J-
p.r Mal.
f /
. l =,1-' ) [
J: IffS (8)

::: .l.
fl Z. )(1 +
~ Jj1';::':/--'.-)ll.,,+,)L
Ma;) [;2- iT; (O.>80~ I
2. 1Jj
?;:.:~';. 2

W;ff,.. ~
!{ = ~ (: )( f$ )
alid ~$_ ~ tl'Yt4 8 /,Ale.. ha lie
f?;; [6o*Pq(~S)J L!-)(/.81)) _ 18.¥ W'i(4 h5)
~ (',/3 -

F/Y'J t:i II'I ~
~::: M"'l..VR~'k. r 077 1'0 )f303K)(t.66)
1J..J.1< (I ~)
1<..9- ~
5<;3 !:!:!.
- 5

1/- CIS
/I. 5"9 I

11. 5"q For the air flow of Problem 11.58, de-

termine T, p, and V for the section halfway be-
tween sections (1) and (2).

If secf/on (A) is p/ac(ld halfway belween sec/70/'u (/) tlnd[2.) we ha~

f (). ~J..,) _ -f ('(~-.l2)

[) D
and wifh f/!~.fll) we Pi,., P~2. (',IYld Ye~P/ (O"l'"l"es,Pone/)Y:J


where. fl- (pas ob-/Q;"Y1I!'/ Ii? t'lte so/u';'/()r} ()f PY7Jblem II. 58'
pJf .
Ft'Ylctll'l) l1f IS" () b..frL/rl ed witt,
:= Ma.
VR~ I(
F(,R~.I,) and
70 deferrn,;'~
we enk,. 1='7- 1J·2 with
Ma.l = a. S~ aVId. ~O;.. :. 0.9/ So /14 '17'0.., of Prob/el'J? II. S!

and vead

_ 0·7

-= 0.01
TheY!,. wi ~ ft. {
:f (./.1_1.,,):; ~_~_1 _ _-_0_._0/~)_ + 0.01
D 2...

(C OI"1't)

1/.51 1 (CO;1'+)

Wifh f(j/-.l.A) = ().36


Ma = (),61
TA ;;; /./
~ = /·7
Now wi'M f" 2 we obtai;'
-= (j./ ' )(2'1'1;:') ; 321 K.

P-. :: (/. 7
)f-./. ? / 5 if '1(~ (lIbs)

£1- if we have

v.II ;" (tJ, 63) (Z~6J; /v."" )(32..3(1::.)(/''1-) _ 2'27 ~

'kJ. I< (I 2:!.- ) --$

;t.,. ~
11.60 I
11. 60 An ideal gas flows adiabatically be- / " CMSItI,,f 0_ pipe
tween two sections in a constant cross section area ~ / cc,,~1 voJuWte
pipe. At upstream section (1), PO.I = 100 psia,
To. I = 600 OR, and Mal = 0.5. At downstream r
section (2), the flow is choked. Determine the I
magnitude of the force per unit cross section area p,A ~l
exerted by the inside wall of the pipe on the fluid I
between sections (1) and (2) if the gas is (a) air;
(b) helium. (I) (2)
flow fVfh'lIdJ) -f7, (2.)

The. (,011 fr-o/ V" lume s-/:;efch eel ~h~lIe is IAse4. Afl'lr/~ 1I1t. A'(./a,/
cam.,()t1enT t7f fhe //net1y l'JI}()menful'Yl ~u.ah'oh (€f' 5. 22.) -Iv i11e
col1Tel1fJ of fhiJ (;1);11n;/ VOIUW1~ w~ ~f -frff tlte -ffm:;(.... exe;led by lite.
pipe wall "11 the flu/ell 1<;( )
Rx == p,A-~A -t rn(~-v2.)

I<x ::: ~ - p.,. + ;0, ~ (~-- V1. ) (I)

Tt,us we JIleetA ~) Pl.; fJl) ~ aYJd ~.
(a.) Po;" lAIr we.. enter ,:; J' D. I with
T, ::- CJ,7-;)


f, :: OJIJ.f

TJ = ((),95

535 t!

/1- '18
1/.60 I (Con 'f )

Af sechi;n (2.) the flow is c/1bked. 7J1.M<; we. use fhe '" s!z:.k. p/ fAe
F-anno f//Jw/ Fig. 0·2 lilY s(.cH0f1(2). 6nk¥J~J Fif· /)·2 wi/1, Ma,=IJ.S
we ,eAOl

v, = (J,5'f = It;
V*" V,.


~: ~
; £~i6 if
(0.5 J.f)
2 - logo f! S
f'/I)w w/It, £". 1 I#l. ~1Ie.

R.AJ( =('1if ps/()..)(i'f'f Ij,.~) -(3't''ffJ.ri,,-)(I'Ilf 1;,.2)

-fi1- if"

(b) For" hell~WI (R= /2/120 f-t·lb an(/{ 1<. =1·66 .fi.trw, fable /,7) we. use
5/£,(,/. PI(
£'J~' /1.~6 q""d //,Sf /IV;J-!j.. Mal -= ~·S QJlld o6trAin
7; 6~tJ d~

/f(~t)Mq,' /+ f·66 -')d.~l

2 1.6'

f- (~Y'W" 1t~ (IM,Si·i, f-{l;"}(M/1 ,.":

P, =' f. I f- 'MIS;...


1/- qq
/ /. b0 I (CO /1' t)

AI- secfioYl (2) fhe fl()w IS ch()ked. TJuA~/ we use. fhe '" ~-lA1e
of Fanno f/tJW fuy secfidYl (2). With EfjS. //./07 a.JIICi /1./01 tfnd
MA I -= 0.5 we qef-

~/. q pr/a.
_-=Z-=--_ _
12 .L

P 1{ = 36· q P s I~
. =

:::; ~05() ff

N()w w;tt.. G;. / we hdll~

11- 100
11.6 I An ideal gas enters [section (1)] a fric-
tionless, constant flow cross section area duct with
the following properties:
To = 293 K
po = 101 kPa (abs)
0.2Mal =
For Rayleigh flow, determine corresponding val-
ues of fluid temperature and entropy change for
various levels of pressure and plot the Rayleigh
line if the gas is helium.

Thi S if 5/11'1; lar fr; lXt:lmple. 1/. IS.

10 pJDf ihe. Rayle/9h //ne ~s*uJ for we. uJe E,. 1/.111
(,IlV) RT 1-
p + ::: ('onsfant == pI + (~V,) RT, II)
P P,
and Ell' //.7b

S-~ ::: Cp
In- -
R In p (2)
r; r:
Iv ('OI'l.J1ru"t a fable of vtllue~ of femperaturG (lnt:l/ t!nlnJl')' t.hllnJe
C() ('I'esf1(h?d/~ Ir> d;ffe.,e""f levels of press"r~ dow1JJfy~,~ t?-

f( aylei?h flow.
10 de feKjNJ./;' e P, we. use M4, aJ1P- E,. 11·59
f() IJh /Q/YI P, lAnd flte 17 ~ -/rdm

1() de fe?'~"";' e. 0 we. use M~l ani £1;; /1·56

-Iv 1)6 -m,'n r, tJlI7t7 fhen

7; -h-6W1
74, I

~ ==(}) r.. ~I
7;, I

We. ob1rJ.,'n ~~~"oV- C4l'1rreu'-/ ~



//- /0/
1/.61 I (C()n't)

281.2. I::.

With ffj. 5 we. ~Illlt.

~ v, =
('1 7.72 )(11) 1 flo }(O.}.)


/1- /02
11.61 (('0;'1 't )

P[~'IJJp.bs)] T(/(:.) S"-~~L)

11.,. /(.
90 583 3g33
KO 8B3.2 61tfB
7(J IOq'2. 763 '-I
60 J2J2 '84- '10

~O /236 fflZO

if5 12/5 q,oCf

'f0 , /72 qlh 5
35 /105 1135
25 903.3 g7g /
I~ €Jlo.'1 77CJ5





~ooo 7N)O 'l()()O roo 0

11- }03
1/.67- I
11.6 Z- Standard atmospheric air [To = 288 K,
Po = 101 kPa (abs)] is drawn steadily through an
isentropic converging nozzle into a frictionless and
diabatic (q = 500 kJ Ikg) constant cross section
area duct. For maximum flow determine the val-
ues of static temperature, static pressure, stag-
nation temperature, stagnation pressure, and flow
velocity at the inlet [section (1)] and exit [section
(2)] of the constant area duct. Sketch a temper-
ature-entropy diagram for this flow.

For yYI(JX /rnlAYYI fiow/ f-he Ray/e/9 A fl()w is c.hok.ed. fbY' I-he. isenfrup/~
1.~I ~ T
= 288;:'

P., -:;. p ;:. /0 I itflfL (A~ ~)

~I "

10 defeyYJ7/-"e fhe ~-/r;l.fic.- 5/-al-e af f/1~ nOJ}/eexif Rayleigh /;tJw I~/ef

.I /

we need the value of Ma" 70 deJcyYH'YJe M"t we... use

hfJ 2. -
~(J)/ - ~ -= c,o (7:
- ~, )
(5"O~ (JIM ~)
TGp. :: !l -r r = ~I
4LJ -I- 29$1:: == 73£ k.
rIM'! ~)
Clnd nof/nJ fhat ~ c.h(Jked f/dw ) T :
~a we ~f
~2 J

~I ::.
7;, I
ZSs k.
== tJ."37
" ::
7;7. T 7g6 I<

With ~I 0,37 we.- eYlIe¥ -F;~. lJ.3 and rene!



~ (I)
= 2./
T, : &.S'- .2.... (2)

/1- 104
/1.,,2- I {Coni!}

v, = (}.2

~ = 1.lq (4 )

Wi#! E~. '-I we olofa,'n

p'" 100/effA(abs) 8q.· q fefa.. (().~s):;; 1:.

::: I

-= ::
", "2-
I./q /.1'1
w;th 1Vl", I ~ 0.31 we 'f'e.a. d fYtrM r::ig.O./

P, = 0.94

'£. ::: 0.93 (6)


Witt, frs. ~ and 6 we, get

~ ::= (O.9Lf .)[ IOI1e..P~{~S)] :: C/'5 f<Pa.{ltb5)

~ :. (0. rSfll.f ) (Z.SB t::..) .:= ZBZ IZ

VJ ::. MfA, r R T, f< = (().JI)

2./ .

II:({ = v,
~. '2

(ctJ1'1 't )

1/- /05
1/.62 (un't)

S-s )

5.2. -s) ': ct i l~ T. -

f\ In ?~
(,/ P.I

$2- - ~J': /6 tJO .IJ. n-.

~!. k



/ '"
/ "
1100 p.;

kf4.(";$ )


/1- 106
/1.6 '3

11.63 An ideal gas enters a 0.5-ft inside di-

ameter duct with PI = 20 psia, TI = 80 of, and
VI = 200 ft/s. What frictionless heat addition rate
in Btu/s is necessary for an exit gas temperature,
T2 = 1500 OF? Determine P2, V 2, and Ma~ also.
The gas is (a) air; (b) helium.

10 defel'm/ne the f,eaf -/ran.Jfer yak we Use fhe eneY9J qUaftbn

(fer 5'.69) -fo gef
• (I)
Clhef =
Fo.". n1a$$ .flow'ra fe we. use.

. = P, 1rJ)
- I
Rr; Lf
-r~'- rAY1d r~J we. U~e £0. /1.56. 7hu~,-

T ~
To (3)
/ +(~2.-I) /vlt{2.
<7Y -!r;y air
-r _ {(Mo.)
-7; - In F/:J. P. I (L/j

To def.eYm,ne If we. use.

!?:: P, (fa. )(J ) (5)

p, ItA
whel'e wi fh 1:$_ //. /23 fp, /?~y/e;j), flow

-~p -:::
It It.
It!vf(). 1.
or -fiN. (1 I~

P :: f (Mill) 111 (1)

Foy eXir ve/()cify I ~ I we use

'{::. Mtl2. VRT"l. k

We. dekYm,'rJe MaI wift..
/'vf a. ::. V, ::: V.
I C, (q)
(C ()n , f )

/1- /07
II. 63 I(con I! )
Gl1d we determIne Mal. wifh
= (~~)(; ) (JO)

elY/of f~ . /I. lit -fot' /(ayle:Jh How/ nlllHe/y

T -:: fri T k ) M.
~ / t- k M~" (II )


(a) Foy 0/1' we defeYml;'e Mal wilt, £(r q. 1}1I'~

(ZotJ tf)
= o·/g

T, -:: f). 19

T ::: = Sr5~
Wdl, M", I = O.lt we read Qr

T. = 0./7
? :: 2·3
TAu> will,. G~. It) we obm/~

f..;. -::; (I y60 'r< ) (0. 17 ):=.~. 6 2-

7;.. ~'f() til<

(C&n / t)

11- 108
/I.G? I (COf'l't)

F~ h. ~ 0.62 we gef ~ Fig. D· 3


Ma 2- ::: () .1/-0
~ = 1."6
Wirh MaJ.. ::: 0.'10 we. Yed.ci On PIg. £) ·1

1?- = 0.97


~"]., ~
- Z020 DR.

Then. wiM q.§" we have

R. ;: (2CJfJ/IA.)!~ ) (1.'16 ) = 17 pfJ&t.
:1. (2.3
Wi th 8t.? we have
t( := (0. 'fp) (t7)t ff. /6 ) (;q6~ tJlZ)(f.l-f)
51u.9· '~ (I .1!z.. ::: ~&I : '
Wi I?t Gj~ 2 we ,e f ;;.

. (zOPJ/a. )(1'1'1 In. 'l) 7T (0,5 ft )). (ictJ ft)

111 = F/). :: 0./22 ~
(1716 1'1. /6)(5~ 'I?-) (tf)
.slll~ !I?
11110< (NiH, Gj.( t,Je 0.6*',;'

f2~ef : (tJ,/22. J'Iu,)(to()6 -flit) (Z02cJ~ - ~Lf5~~) :: 13'M 8~

'1 ..r 54) tJ/?
I;, . (778 fl.I") J"


( ConI f )

/ /- loq
//.63 I (c()/I'f)

(hJ!iJ-y- hellu'm J f<.:;;. /,66 And If == /;;'10/20 H.16 fY-~ Ta6/~ j. 7.

W;Ht ~. '1 we h(lve $/~. d"f
(Z()tJ (t)
Mt{) :: ., - a os97


~ I :: "': f f/! -/)M~ 1 ; (S'IIJ ~)~ t- (I. 6~ - (J'tJ ()S99))-= ~'I~.' ()I!

FtJ y 1v14, = ~ .() Sf( i.> EI5. 6 (/f;'HO{ / / ,y/e/d

If- /.66
-------------------: 2,6o/~
/ I- (1.61 )(d. d5''1'i) l



Mq :: d.1/6 bY s-, /t;
2 -

We use !he JuhJ(h''/c f~/uh~/ Mtil.. ... O.J/b >/},c.e h~4.f is be,:,
added If"l1d /IV: Ih h~f dddil,dn we- cal?'?of a.cce/e Yt:<~ ~
su,tH7rSd11/( I<aI/e&~ .flow ~ a.... .>'ubfdn/c ctJV1dt'I/OJ.-a vf/JiYrta"".

(Con If: )

/1- 110
/1.63 I (Con 'i)

Wifh J.1a l = 0.//6 aJ1ci wif{" bj.] We obi7A./~

:: (1960 4~) [ I f-(i..6'-')(o.1I6
)2] ;; /fI~7 DR.
Wi~ £1. 6 a-"".rJ M.a.).. = O. //6 we have

_1_r_/..-:'6:..-"___ ; z. 60 Z
1+ (1.66)(tJ.U6/
IN i It,. Ef . 5" we

P.. :: (Z() f.Jif). )/_1_ ) (2.602) -= 19· 7 (ISla..

l. ( 2.6tfll

w; ty, Gtj. g we Yv; V~

~ = (6.116) (/),,'f-?,O Ff.11; )(/q6~·R)(1.66)
5/"9. DIl. ( II,
-=- 737 !!
!Ali f?, {'J. 2 we- ')ef / 5IUff!)
m = (20jJS/a.)(I'I'I f:.~~) 7r (()·'5)#-(ZOO jt) -::


(1- /1/
11.64- Air enters a length of constant cross
section area pipe with PI = 200 kPa (abs). T, =
500 K, and VI = 400 m/s. If 500 kJ/kg of energy
is removed from the air by frictionless heat trans-
fer between sections (1) and (2). determine P:-
T2 • and V2 • Sketch a temperature-entropy dia-
gram for the flow between sections (1) and (2).

To defeYrnine fhe slrAfe of the aIr rech'on(z} we.- use fhe


eheyCit, e~n{(ll/on (E~.5".61) Iv c.a/culak ihe value of TC12. . ~5~

iI/ {)
~ Ylet
111et- ~ nef
:: I., + 70,
- - ~ + 7;;, (I)
c" c,P I

We. ()b~/~ To, ~ T, w/'ic.r. M ve~tt FI·9· /). / w/tt.
7;1 1
a v~/ue of /V(().., • we de fe.Ym/;1e Ma I IV"~
M~ I = ~ := ~
we abo enfey Pi9- P. 3 t)11d. tea.c/ volu es of

p, wif"


W//-h thi! value or

de feYYYllhe ~ I 7;,. Ill1d v wi~


P-,~ :; (1/ it')

P, f, ('1 )

~ =: (~2- ) (~ ) '0 (5')

<iii Ti

~ =(~~ )(:) v, (6)

//- //2
u6'+1 (con/f)

We.. use Gtj. 7, ~ gef

_ (lfo() 1)1)
(z?{.] Mffl )(S~OI<)(i.lf2
1;.9- fr. 7 (I.!:!... )
t?,. l!!

r, -= O. It

p, '= t·/if
T, = /.02

V, = o. '1
, =- ~ 99
fI~w wI ft.t 7;, I = b. qq


M~ ;; f). IS

.5. :: 2.:3

7;. ;. d.1l
V2,. = IJ. () 7
With 1-hese. yah'os antii fhose ral/os CPfYefl()ndJYy fo Mq, = P.f7 We lAse
Gjs-. LfJ ~ a wi 6 -1-0 ,6ttu n
~ =: ( 2 . 3 ) r; / }[~ lao l/Uai¥)] =.t!!..! ItJ/;. ("/;$)

~ ::: (C'!7 )~ 1 _ <63 k..

( I. f) Z

)~'f 1 ) ('f ()!!2.)

:: 31 1?1

No k That acetfh;/ I ~J
Thi 1 if no! Cf7n"f!cf resull-
({sstJc/a/ed tvjlt, UJ/ny

To~ ~ U~/I1'.J If. 11.13/- I1rs7 Juwe-W/Y;, we..- deJ~WJ/~-e

!vftl w/M E1' 1/./3/. ThuJ,

m;1i r(.{:!t:. tj

~I :: ;2.(iu-/) Mq/ ( / t- ~ Mq/) = 2 (I." rl )(0. if?

~~ (I t- kMq/)1. [ / f- (I. if) (0. !13/ ]

( C1JYl 'f)

/1- litt-
II. GLf I (cOn '+ )
Now T,

T, I
7;" ------------- ~ aS62¥
I+(t,~-/) (tJ,F'i3)"l.

r;, = ~ - (50PJt:-) ::::

J O. !62'1 (J.!6 21.f
Now (IIJ; f4 E1- I we J"a ve
r; 1,; _(~(}~m t) ::: el· 7'1 !<
f()iI f<r.L

Wi it... {'t. ~ We ,,6~/h


/v1(f ... = ~./776

7hert w;ftJ 6$. I/. /U a.J-td Mil, = ().gq] Clnd Ma.z.. = ()./776 1~f


r; ":: /-
r (u-- k-) Ma ,]Z, : : [u t- ,·if )( ~,rIj3) 2-
==- /. 0 z,
~ :--. / f- -k ~4,"Z- / + {to If )(0. ~9'3l

1/.{,4 J (~f1(f::)

NOlA! witt., E~ . ~ we h.a ve

l;::: (1)./666 J(--.!-)(5t;/)/C.) == 8'1. /'1 k.

T;, :; &'/./1 K. < T:., = gr 7'11<


(is if si2dv.-Ld ~.

Fov OlAV T- S" ~1=.L1vL We u.se £7' //.7t -fl? CA/t".J4 fc- ~-~. TJrllJ,

l J
:= - 7,030 2



o ~-----------------------------------------

1/- //6
11.65 -'

11. 6'5 Air flows through a constant cross sec-

tion area pipe. At an upstream section (1), PI =
15 psia, TI = 530 oR, and VI = 200 ft/s. Down-
stream at section (2), P2 = 10 psia and T~ =
1760 oR. For this flow, determine the stagnation
temperature and pressure ratios, To.21To.l and
Po.]1PO.I' and the heat transfer per unit mass of air
flowing between sections (1) and (2). Is the flow
between sections (1) and (2) frictionless? Explain.

To deferWI/;"e fhe. :da9na.noYl -femp€rafuYe. Cll1d the s1zl:JYlahon pyeJ.fuYe

ro.i-io) we La e.

~, ;' T"

= (r.'·)(ff;., )(?)
I. p~ P,

T -:: f(~,,) 111 Fig. O. I
= r (?1a) 117

70 defeYWI,;,e the. Mach. J-1u;Hbey- ed eoch. st-ch"OI'7 we. (.,fse

Ma :: v :: v

For fhe Ve.IDC,' ~ at- s-ecfion (2)" ~ J t,v~ (lS!- the. ~~h.Jenlafi;'Y) of
mass PY-/yZC.,f;a.1 -Iv ob~/;'
~~ = ~ ~
~:. ~ ~ :: I P, )(!2-) ~
,.o~ (~ / \ r;
Fo". Me he~t /-YOI1J/e¥ pev UYI/t I17tl5S of dir /hWI-., 6elw~eY1
S-f.cllons (I) aMd {Z} we l1Se. IAe. el1eY'!i:; e$ U~. J1(,n ( E$. 5".6,) iv
CJlJel- = h0 2. - ~~/I -=
We.. ~~fz:t/~


/I. C-t;" J (con 'f )

T~ asce.r-/Q/n wl1(~tI,~y or" no! f;,e air flow belwteYl secn~y)J (/) dht:/
(2.) i r {Y/cndn/eSJ ~ lA>~ fhe ax/a. I COm,bonel)f or I/,e //neerr
M~m~YlIun-, ep-tmt;n (£~. S72.2.) fz> gef

Rx = A( ~ - f2) of yj" (v, - ~)

== ~- f2. 1- A ~ {/v -~) ~ R-P1.
+ Ii V; (~-~)

Fiy} t we U5~ €tj." -h detey"",,;'e ~. 7hu~

\{ = (ISP.J/~ f76~ Ote) (2~~ j"") : 9'16 (I-

/tl I'J/~ \ 5stJ ",( S

N(fvV witt.. ECi.

3 we CAlculale Mt/J turd MtiZ . We. Jv:w~
(zoo §t )
Ma. I = := ~. I B

= ().'f8


M4 ::. ~.I f
J )

7; -= 0,19
e... -: :. ~.'97
(AYld -few.
Mf{"2:: 0, ,/-f .)

-("). = 0.96
&. = 0.85
Po) "J.,
(con 't )

Thesf:. ~perafu 'Ie tH1d fye5~tJr<e ratio! tr-ye UJed wi Itt &;1. I &tI1A 2.
+v oh~/'y,

61' 5" we. d bf7../~

(6(){){ -F1. 16)( ~~ S '<) ( 3.112 -/) - 7.37 X If)' ff. /~

In 5 1U.7. D/( s(1tf
al7d wi~ €J. 7 w~ hA.ve

Rx = (I~I'.J;t< _If) f1.JI'a.-)f'f'f I;', 1.)

A ~~

-f (l5"fJI'~) (Nt! ./fi')(2()O ttA 2J)O fi- r'it f~ (~A Ib

I 71" -(f. Ih ) (£ f~ ~I<) J2.
.>It<j. 6,R

/<)1, ;= 3'12 16
A f.j;'

and vv!.- (.Qytdude. fkq/ Me- flow JJ l10t fr,'c{;'t/hlesJ.


11. 66 The Mach number and stagnation pres-

sure of an ideal gas are 2.0 and 200 kPa (abs) just
upstream of a normal shock. Determine the stag-
nation pressure loss across the shock for the fol-
lowing gases: (a) air; (b) helium. Comment on
the effect of specific heat ratio. k, on shock loss.

~ hoc*.. I (/V"

= F:.c:); x
(1- ~) (I)
1;)( I

To defe YW//ne. fh~ J'1a~Y1a 1/~J1 PJ-eSJ(jy€ yan6 [j. 1/. /S"b'
ThusI 1... 1
[(¥)Na:]~-{I r(~)~d:}I-~

((~)~: - (1<11

L ~+I

Po) y

(a) FtIV tI!~(i;'~/.'I) we ha ~ J'v/P

x :: 2.()
~y :: (J.72
TlnlS / wi tI1 E'j. I We t) 6';" I h

~x - t;, Y = (fd4 k.~{tf6s) ](1- IJ.72 ) = §6" ~,att

I J =:=::..=.
(b) Ft¥ At:We wi~ &J.2.
(!.t6) f~
~ :: [{I¥')(2.0)"2.]~·6W'[1 t(t~)(2.ot I-I." ..
)= 0.7621

~/JC J[:l (/.~I)](2.~~2.. - /i.66-')1'~-1)

2l 1.6t f-I ( Util
ClYl d with Et· I we 9e-1
R, x - 1: 1
,/ -= ["20"VP-.{aJ,.sJ] (1- ().7'7..1) == J2i.. I<IC(
~ pcuff (a) OA-Id (b) we UMctYrda M4 Ittt los> cJ( kkl !i'a.5UI'e
OC¥bSJ {)t... ntNMA../ shtJck... decrea...J't:...J wilt,. aJil iV/c~e In 1<..

1/.6 7

11. 67 The stagnation pressure ratio across a nonna! shock

in an ideal gas flow is 0.8. Detennine the Mach number of the
flow entering the shock if the gas is air.

To d efe rrn I;'e - flDW

ClI i"

eMteY/~ >ltoU:...1 Max.l ,,/ve.Y1 fl,e 5 ~nq;f;;Y!

pY..(!$st.u'e fbl )( we ~Mkr Flo. f). 'I w/ft,
- .I .7
= 0·8
{,{vtd read On F/g. D.Lf


11. bB Just upstream of a normal shock in an
ideal gas flow, Ma = 3.0, T = 600 oR, and p =
30 psia. Determine values of Ma, To, T, Po- p_
and V downstream of the shock if the gas is (a)
air; (b) helium.

y (I )
(2~ ) 1v1o.: _ I
~-I •
oy .f;y ~/Y' W£ U5e Fit}. D.l.} fi.,. fvl4; tlS 4 funchfM of A14.J('
de fe n''''~lIrle T we.. use E~. /1.56. ThlA.J~

~y = 7j, [ Ii- f*;.I) M4/ ] (z)

we tH"~ ':,'9' lJ.1 ~




!} as a: Fi< hch~ of" /vIqx'

1/- 122
I /. ~~ I (CO/1'-f)

(to FaY tllY we reQd ~ Fig. p.Lj -mv Ma)(:: 3,0

Mit = 0.4-75

R = 10."3
.1 {n

-= 12

'r :: fJ.96" (10 )


~ £~.I w(: qef

: (7...7 ) (loolJf<) = 16w of!!-
and t/1us with. E'I./ tJ
7. :: Iy ==
~y 6.9~
Wilt, 6,. 7 we (J j, .frt ;"

~ =VO.3 J{3tJl'flP.) = 3tJ11/'s/o..

aYlc{ E'j. 9 y/e(p(.J

p.. = (12 )(3tJ J?.fJf:,..) :: '3~ j'75JCt..

~y -=
The Y1 wi#, Gi. b we 0 b IR,;'

~ :: (0. q,75 ) -= 937 fl-

-== ..5


1/- /23
II. C8 (con If)

~ = (J.t;z/ 35"00 {f

/1- 12'1
II. 69 I
I i):.e +he one sht;wn ,..., Vi cleo V. a.LI
11. ((/7 A total pressure probe"is inserted into a supersonic
air flow. A shock wave fonns just upstream of the impact hole.
The probe measures a total pressure of 500 kPa(abs). The stag-
nation temperature at the probe head is 500 K. The static pres-
sure upstream of the shock is measured with a wall tap to be
100 kPa(abs). From these data, detennine the Mach number and
velocity of the flow.

/hiJ iJlike GXdJ"J1p/e. 11.19·

We e h lev r::-;~. J). 'I w iff"

fo,y :: 5 O~ -kf~ ( 4(,,r)

f'x IO~ -lu'a..{tib~)

llJ1d r-etJ..d

)( = =--
1. 9
We de fer»lIn e. the value of ~ wilt.

\{ :- Ma. x tfRT; k (I)

FC'fY ~ W~ vea.d ~ F,"g. lJ. I ~ Me{ 1( -:: I, q

7;. o.S.g
One( flhce
~x:' ~.7:;: 500 "-
we ~ve..
-::(o.~6 ) St)()/<:.. = zeto I<.

OJ1.d wi~ E'J. I we

= ,.?

($"ee videfJ v3·lf J
11.70 The Pi tot tube on a supersonic aircraftAcruising at an
altitude of 30,000 ft senses a stagnation pressure of 12 psia. If
the atmosphere is considered standard, determine the air speed
and Mach number of the aircraft. A shock wave is present just
upstream of the probe impact hole.


~y -:: /2.. pi}'"..

~ q.'57'!l ~1/~
tUta witt, flt/! vp!ue of ~I y We yettd frt'YVl

F fJ. O.tl Tx

IlAtt = 1.25
'I .=

~ ::: !'v1~x V=R~ ~ -: (17/6 f!J!! )(,+12.,2.'« {I. if)

rrl-tf. ' f(
( lIb )
One! Slu,. £t
lIx ::: f+
I 2 'fo

/ /- 12.6
1/.7, I

11.71 An aircraft cruises at a Mach number

of 2.0 at an altitude of 15 km. Inlet air is decel-
erated to a Mach number of 0.4 at the engine
compressor inlet. A normal shock occurs in the
inlet diffuser upstream of the compressor inlet at
a section where the Mach number is 1.2. For
isentropic diffusion, except across the shock, and
for standard atmosphere determine the stagna-
tion temperature and pressure of the air entering
the engine compressor.
The-- de-celevlfi-t/on process I;' !he- In/e..!- d/fhtser is ~fftl#fed I-D Ie
ad/aha-ht SiV1CR we- (lYe- ~nJ'/dey/~!f i.seY)"lrlJ)'lie- d/ffUJ/~
eXGe,f- acyoss {he- Shad::.. TNA ~
To : C!mr~1-

T (I)
", diffuJ8Y /;"/el-

To 4ete¥IIJ1Jne.. tht. d;f~5€1r l'nle 1- fia'jVlaf/oh fem,c¥~./l,l/rt We eYl1eY"

F ;9. p. I wi~ Htt -:: :. 2.0 a~ti rea.d

1. = 6, ~§ (2)
Af IS" ~I'va elevttnoY/ il? -;1aJ1dClYc/ a/Yn()sjJp,~ye fIVe veqc( ~

Tahle c. z.
T =- ~t·£ C :: 2/~·5 I<
'Thu r, wi H, &t f'. I t:lJIU:;{ 2..- we 0 b"u~

To de fe-VWlI;'~ the.. '>'-laCjJ14-!J~n fye>S(J"c- cd Itte. CtJvv<pve$SlrV I;'/~ t

we use,

(con 'f )
//- /2-7
/1·71 1 ((On'! )

We obla ,;" Fq,-!nAJtn-- ,;'Ie f ~ hJ. f). J ~ M~ :. 2,0.

dif!uJer 'hle!-
{ d,. (ftaf!-y IH It.f
Tttus ~ F/9 • .(J, I we ~ve-

?q,. rru re ~ I;' lei

= 0.13

Fe/x -= /.0
r: di Ruler ,~/ef

~ ((/YYlfJ 1;'/~t' ':=' /. 0

7tnl>1 w//t1 GJ- '3 We. ,,6-ki ,;,
t, um,I' inlef =['lJ, DOO:' (awi]{t. 0)(M'i2%)(i. ()) = 91.1.~'f,.{ttbfJ =91. #Q(ik)
To defer m/ne ftte 5 kt f,'< fyeJJuye at thL C/frYIpYt-s.JdY I~/ef we
e J11er F Ij. D. / wilt, ,tV{ ~ , -= 0, I..f aI-it/(. retA-PI
egy..,p JhJd·

~(J~ In/e..!-
- 0.89
~ Clm, Inlef

1 _ (o.8tf
~/7l1 In J'lf

11·72 J

11.72. Determine, for the air flow through the

frictionless and adiabatic converging-diverging
duct of Example 11.8, the ratio of duct exit pres-
sure to duct inlet stagnation pressure that \\ill
result in a standing normal shock at: (a) x = + 0.1
m; (b) x = +0.2 m; (c) x = +0.4 m. How large
is the stagnation pressure loss in each case?

ThiS is ~'lm;lar IZJ Ex.t1m~/e 11·20.

(a)Fc;y a c;-h:fndlY:J ntJYfYflit1 5'hoci<:- af x -=- f 0./ rn we nof~ {Y"h1
Me f~b/e of EXample I/. ~ thar
Max = /.37
-Px = ()·3:7 '2

FrtJrn Fi9' D. '+1 for M4)( = /.37 ~ eJbTetI;'

M~, :=: 0, 75


FYtJ1'J1 Fig. D.I we. ftnrl rz,y

M~1 = 0.75"

Ay ':' I. / (3)
PtJr X=- r o. / Tn -Me rnfio of. ducf ex i f 4Jr-e~ -IZJ local (J!'eP-
02. / AV-) is

:: 3.18

/1.72 con'+ )

f'. -?"
~I ~2.
=:. f:
-e';!/ -- D
r;,,) = [lOt frl1J.(abs)]f- P. i"j6 ):=£.jl'a.

(b) /7:;v tt. s-fal1e:1l~ /7(JyYl'tn I sl1(:J(;k... Cl f K: +- (). 2.;.., we nf)1e fYlJ~
th e. 1-t:l61e of €'x al'T1l'le I/. I Iha I

Ii: :: O. /1

Fr~ ~i9. D. '1) by M¢)( ~ t . ]{, we (Jb!eiln

MQ ::. f)., 2

_1_, = 0.33
FrtNn r i!J- o. I w-e f-/nd fD,..

Mil -::: 0.63

~ = /. 16
For -= + 0.2""

~z. = tJ./J")f"'-t (o.S,..,) '2- = 2.$"

A~ I/'/A? ~ + (o.2m)

11- /30
/ I. 72 1(UJ/J If)

Met,.: 0.2.0
F;. :: -Pz -= (). ~7
) {~
F:, = ~
-= (f J(P..,): (~97 )f,9J ) == (J.t
D,:/ ~x
lJt~ loss 111 .JflfIf Hit no" preJ.Iure If

~I - ~z :: ~)( -~) :: t:)( (1- ~'t)

: [;orkl'q(ak;7{-tJ.?J )~ 17 ~~
, -

(C) Ny a 5~ndlj I?OY~4/ st,ock. tit k :.f.o.ill¥1 we n~1e fmn the

ht.6/~ of ex.ample ~/.R r~-U:.ft-
Mtf =:;( • 'T~
IF = O.,O(

~17/rn Pi,. O.Lf) {"y M~:: 2· Ifl we o/'frU;'

M~ =- (J'~/S-

.2.::. = ~. 5" I

~ F/j. f).1 we ft'nd

Ma) ::: O. S I

Aft =1·3

/1- 131
11.72.., I (COn't)

()./rn'l. 7- ((J.S~)
= 1·35
1).1 n? "L- f (o .I.f "",) '1

A.. ~ /11,. )/II!/) = (1.35")(1.3 ) == I"Z

A~ (/;, j(;'..,
W,' 'It, 1/,. =- ;. '6 we. gef ~ F/J. /)./

P,. F...
1: - :: ~/I2.
.I ';;

= 1 =([ )(
1:) =(0.,2-
)(1).5/) = 1)·'!-7

]he I()ss In .J-/ztf na oil/')

. .I

/,N~SJ" JI'~ If

/1- 132
11.73 I

11.73 A normal shock is positioned in the

diverging portion of a frictionless, adiabatic, con-
verging-diverging air flow duct where the cross
section area is 0.1 ft2 and the local Mach number
is 2.0. Upstream of the shock. po = 200 psia and
To = 1200 OR. If the duct exit area is 0.15 ft:.
determine the exit area temperature and pressure
and the duct mass flowrate.

fhe duct ex/t -fe YY1peYtJl1u ye ~ 7i.., a n4 fJJ'~.5JtI~

We Cd", o",SI/;" -fht:s~ yt:V?OI ~
I ~2.

F j 9 - lJ~ I i::nolAIIYt.J file I/dll.{e.. o.,c MC/2' Th~ valtle d{ Mt;~ we

t>6-kun ~ FJj" ,D ~ / tAl i It,. Pt.. I<nown Vtl /He /'If A'). wht'c), we
gef ~

&: = (:1. )/ 111/) OJ

A" A, I( A*'
The va/~e of (::) is rJbrn./;'ed ~ Fi1· D. / w~"th /he vt'I/ue
of MQ.j o61r:t1;'ed ~ F if!. f).if w" lh ~ ,kH~lAIn v~/4e or:

'; 2.0. Thus ~ F/~. o· '-/ ~ Max:: 2.. 0

MC/ '= ~. 5" '2>

CJi"ld ~ Fi9- P. / we.. Yf2gol ..frff- Ma) : 0·S3

A~ = /.2

~ Me p)'1)b/~ slrtlemeYlI

- /. S-

(lHd inu.; wi Itt EJ. I vve ~~

= (I. 5) (i. 2 ) = /.8


/1- /33
11.73 I (C~n '+ )
With A,. = /.g

Mql = o.3~ (2.)

- =
10, 'J.

= T

The.. va II.( e of

p =- P =
~l. (')"


~y :: tJ.72

'- = (20() /'S ia. ) (~. 72 ) :::: 1'1"1 pJ;a. (6 )
W//11 £, ~2
s "3 QJ-1d S' we. ,,6111,;'
~:: ~ ,2.(7:;/7;.) ': ' (!2IJO'I<.) (0 .'7 ) ..e: /Idd ~
Wi ft, £, s. 'I d
nd 6' we htf I/~

~ : ~ 2. (5 ) = (i'f~ J?.f'~ )((1.92 ) : !.E. PJ1&t.


~ I'??(;Sf ft()wrak we. use.

YY7 := ~ A2. ilL. = I:;;'
I? 1.;
~2 Mil
c2, ~
P,. 1/~ Ma'l- y ~~

,;, = (I 32ps/Q ) (1'I<t ~;'~?fO./>-If$.J't)

(Itfo ".(2) .
in = O.g! slu,
= .f

11- 131.f
1/. 7Lf I
11. 79 Supersonic air flow enters an adiabatic. Determine also the duct exit Mach number and
constant cross section area (inside diameter = 1 sketch the temperature-entropy diagram for each
ft) pipe 30 ft long with Mal = 3.0. The pipe situation.
friction factor is estimated to be 0.02. What ratio
of pipe exit pressure to pipe inlet stagnation pres-
sure would result in a normal shock wave standing
at (a) x = 5 ft, or (b) x = 10 ft, where x is the.
distance downstream from the pipe entrance?

This IS simi/Clr n Example. /1·21.

wifh Ma:: 3.0
we. enf(,y F'9. f). 2 IJ.nd '1ef
__ (J.
;7 &-

We nbfe tAat
f (l~ll) =- f (1 -1.)() + f ( (J( ... .(, )
- {) f) j)
(~) WiH, Etj. 1 we. qe f ~ Rx'" 1.., ~ S if

f(1~lx.) :::
F (1~1,) :f(1x- I ,) = f).5'z _ (1J.1J2)(sffj
D f) D -(I {"of)

f( 1¥....1.)(} -::: tJ. ¥2


V>litt, .f(J.f":...I1() = tJ.¥2.


M")( = 2· 5
Wi It, MaJ( -= 2· 5 w~ e nfer F;9· D. L/ (,fYl~ read
Mit :: (j,52
Now wi tt, M~7 = ~. 5 2 we. 06 frL,,, ~ != i J. O. 2

~/f~ -~)
J) (cIJI1't)
//- /35
II. 7'1 T (con/f)

we qef
.;-( ft'-l2,]::: (J. 'f
-/) ( / .f"f)

tJYld el1~/'rJ,/ Fiq. P.2 wil1i {'(e1':-.iz ) = ().'(


Ma ::: 0.62 (SUbSf)h!C flfJ w )


Wi ~
t ~(j~£tJif;)(:7(£)
!v1~2- = tJ.6 'L we. tJJ:A I~ fr-lWt ?"'9' (). 2-

fz. - /,7 (3)

Wjfh M~:J;: O.~2 live t7blat'n ~ Fig. 0.2

~ = 1.05
( if)

Wi ft, /11 a ::: ?.. £

we '1ef Frvm P;9 ,P. 4
PJ 7
Px ~

Q,,,,() Wr!..- ~b ItA /'n fn,.,.., F iy. D. 2-

&. = ().3
For M~ = ~. 0 we.. qet ~ F/J. p. 2-



/1- /36
I/. 7zf I (con 't)

) =().213
- ( 'I)



5/nc e. we do J1~f have, vallAc.r of ~a.lufe- Or ptr!JSIAJe

a YlyVJhey€ In fhe ftow / we.- Can onlJ
skeld-I 1utdJ'~/Jve!J
wha..f htuppenr "n T-J c-tJOYd/YJa.IeI. !he. T- S c//tJ..7Ytl-,-v)
wil! he., S/mi/ar itJ /1t€- /Jne of f:1!. Gil. 21 (b) ~ Ind/o/lfed
(1;) I)/i/it E~. / (//e. gel- /rJy .f.x - ~J ::. /0 ff
f(1-1~) ~ ~52 _ (().o~)(/~-rf)..::: 0.J2
(I rf)
= 0.32

Ma ~ =2
With Max :: 2

Ma ::: 0·5'
Na'AI wI fh !/Itt!! == 0.5" we ~bm;Y] ~ 175. D. 2

( co)'/f)
//- /37
If. 7J.f- I(coY) If )

f{J~1!J) :: 0.""2
FU :'1)) = f(t~J'1) _ 1'(-12 -£:;)
we qttf
/) o D
f(l~l)) ':: 0.,'2. - ( o.o2.)(2oft) = 0.2.2-
f) , (I -1'+)
C/l1d e h~/"" FI7,4J.2 win. -F(I!.P1.)
= O·"2.Z·

M't~ = (). e'I

W,/(, M42, -::: ~ eC} we.. (}t;-h,"n ~ F/j. O·?-

J; = ,.IL/
W;tt. 1v1IA., '" tJ. §7 Wf tJbl-,"n ~ ~/J' P·2

Py¥:= 1.~6
p (1 0 )
Witf" Max:: 2 we qef £.rm, Fij. P·lf

1; :: If. 6
(II )
and W~ ()b~ in 1Yom F/7 ~ 0.1.

Px :: 0.'-1
C~bi¥J/"1 Grp5.;).) 7)1; 't /().; /I (JWJl /2 we dbtal"n

) -::: ()·I6'
... ...(y)


..- "

/1- 138
/I. 75 I

11. 75 Supersonic ideal gas flow enters an adi-

abatic, constant cross section area pipe (inside
diameter = 0.1 m) with Mal = 2.0. The pipe
friction factor is 0.02. If a standing normal shock
is located right at the pipe exit, and the Mach
number just upstream of the shock is 1.2, deter-
mine the length of the pipe if the gas is (a) air;
(b) helium.

We J1 ofe tho. t
f (11. -1,) = (I)
j) {) /)

Flq. p.2.

ThUJ, Andw,'nJ Mal and Mal. we.. can de,le~n1/ne ;-f!!:1,) a'1a

f (1~/,) IJl1d with 1:'1. I we d61a/n f (12- 1, ) . Wi Ih .f- and D

o ~
(i/5t) indWI? we. cttn del-el"m/ne J2 - i,

f (t~l,) - ().3

f (~~12.) :: d. ()!
rhus" wi#! £8- I INC ~ve

= ~. 27

/J -l'/ :: (0.27 )(tJ./ nI ) c /.3 5 .!'"
Xl. -
o,t}).. ( C(j 11' t)
/1- 13q
//. 7.> T (C rJnit )

(b) FfJY he/;~~ (It:: J.66 fY-nn ~61e ;'8) we havr.. with Gt· 2

f (1 ~f,)
T ('.66
! 2 ( J.l6)
TI]'" Lr{l.~'J2.0;'
-, +(t.,;- 'Jz.o;'
= 0.213'


f!!l...R.) ~ IL))rJ-{'~2n t r'J!!..!.}/~!I'!Fry,'2/ ~

/) (/.66 L J ! '2.(1.66)
I t~.:IJ-~(J.l}J
:: tJ.02tj07

Wi /fit E1' I we (JblrA I;'

f(1 2 -~):: 0.21JI - o.ozS()7 -= (!J·lf!

1 'f ; (C,/fl)(~.I~) 0.'10/ m

~ I -

/1- I LlO
1/.76 I
11. 76 Air enters a frictionless, constant cross
section area duct with Mal = 2.0, To,l = 59 of,
and pO.! = 14.7 psia. The air is decelerated by
heating until a normal shock wave occurs where
the local Mach number is 1.5. Downstream ofthe
normal shock, the subsonic flow is accelerated
with heating until it chokes at the duct exit. De-
termine the static temperature and pressure, the
stagnation temperature and pressure, and the fluid
velocity at the duct entrance, just upstream and
downstream of the normal shock and at the duct
exit. Sketch the temperature-entropy diagram for
this flow.

Af- the du. c,f en1vance I sech'tJh (/ ) ) we h~ve

7;;, ---
- 5/Q'R

'=" / '-/. 7 f r /a.

Witn M~ , ::: 2.1) we. en/ey FJ9' D./ AJI1P1 yeaol


P, ~ ~.I"3 (2.)
Thu~ w;#t f1>. / and 2 we. 061a.li1
) ( SI'f 'I<) ~ zCJ / :.e
" -= (0. So -

:: (2.0)
::: /660 If

/1- 1.If/
II, 76J (Cf)n 'f )

~d/x = f.',' (e
- ('f)
~I ,

P(J>- Mal:: 2.0 and Max =I·~ we year) ~ Fi9" f).. 3

- :; 0.7'1 (15)

-L- -= 1./2
Wi f{., these vlti-ios and (;11."3 a.wl. tf we, Obtalh

7: -= (~/qtJRY--1. ) (().cJ/ ) -: 518'7<

OJ 'I '( /Y. 7q -

F; = (ILf.7fSjl{)(~)((.12 ) -= ~ fsir;.
,)( (t.S"
{).Ii tC, M~ = f.S we 2#1Jev FiJ- J)~l {;lM~ rl!fA.cI

IL :: 0.61

Px =(0.27 )(11 psi~ -= ~ fsit).
TheY! -
'Ix -= Ma x VR7;./( -=(1.5)

Af secfl(J'yj (1) j()!f d()w;?s/YetJI/')1 of Me, shack. we obi,:,,;' ~
Fl,. /J.Lt- fUy M4.x ::: /.5

May,: (J.7

F; :: 2.5

')' :: /·3

~ :: I. 'j
l! := ~.ci '3
Wifh these rrrh'os ()'J1.d va.lue.> of fy()peYk~s af- Jec!/cNI(x) pYcvlduJ/~
rAe hvl'Yllner} we. htJ.ve,
Py :: (2.5 )(3.tJ()fS /o..j -= 7·5I'si(J.,

TY :::(/.$ J{lf/()(J/!..) ~ ~3~~

V} =' (ft{-10 ft ) ~ 73'1 f'

I. q.
~ 7 :: ((J. q3 )(1/.0 fJ/~) :: If). ].I'si(;.

A/5~, f",;'c.e f1.,e flIJw across -lite hdY»tIl( sA~cJ:.. /$ t:i.c//a{,p!/c/

~lj :: ~x :; 5'99 tJ{(.

Af f1t.e- riM..cJ ex.;' f.l sechtm (2) W~ hrI. ~ I1tL .s u6.>c Yip f ,~" s /r:t Ie
Ii? Pig. O· 1 5iJ?ce the How is choi:.ed -Ihere. Thus..fYrJm
E~>. 5"" anr;( ~ we.... ~c,w.de that
T.(}tJ.. ::: 7;;, I -:::. (5 If 01<.) ?: 6S7'I!.
(0. 7'1) - -:::.. ~ 'l-
_ (fl{. 7 ;OJ/A ) =- Cj. 'B !,sia
//- 11.f3
II. 76 J (COlt Y: )
Wi~ Ma,:=' 2.0 W~ yead ..fiM.ft,w frm, F19· Po 3:

Ii. : :. O·3~

- :: {.'!§"
(/.9 Ips/a. )
F;.. - - ~. "31 fS/a.. :;;
( (7·1' ) -
~ = . "S:" S-~ "f< :::. 72-
(d.53 ~


2.5"0 1 - -_ _ _......1-:--_ _ _.......

o 1000 s-s (fl:Jl.ZO)oo
I SI"".-R

/1- /Jl.J.f
II. 77
11.77 An ideal gas enters a frictionless, con- and pressure, the stagnation temperature and
stant cross section area duct with Ma = 2.5, pressure, and the fluid velocity at the duct en-
To = 20 °e, and po = 101 kPa (abs). The gas is trance, just upstream and downstream of the nor-
decelerated by heating until a normal shock oc- mal shock and at the duct exit if the gas is (a) air
curs where the local Mach number is 1.3. Down- or (b) helium. Sketch the temperature-entropy
stream of the shock, the subsonic flow is accel- diagram for each flow.
erated with heating until it exits with a Mach
number of 0.9. Determine the static temperature

(a) ray all'" we. have ar -/1.e dUvT -lnIY-ancel sechtJn{/)

Mtt J ~ 2·5
~ :: 2o~ :: -;..''3 K-

1; (lJ
7(}J ==

P, :; ~!06

'!Aws we- htAl/e wi f?t Efj!. I and 2-

T :: (d./.fLf )(1-'13Jt:):: 13()/<
'{ := 1014, !fo~~ = (1.5) :::: ~7/ ~



11- If'S

Mt:\x = /. '3 vvt- e n lev :1


-Tx - ().75
lox )

fx = 0.36
ex I
1hu) I
0c =(tJ.7 5 J{JqS 1<) = 2 Cfb IC.

P>c, = ( (7'$6 ) [lf7.tf fd~(v./;?s)] :: !l.-!P~(~bs)

TheYI __- -
~ =fVt~x V~ ~ I<. := (/.1)


/1- / J.j. 6
//.77 I (CI),,'I:J

Af 5eCn~n ('1) jl.l5f dpwJI},)/ream of Me. sluJci. we oblQ,;' ~

Fig. D. 'f .frN Mttx ~ /·3
Md y :: tJ·1Cf

= /·K

!Y. == /. 2-
~ = /·5

~ = ~.q8

Witt, fhese }'1ktl() I Clnd Values of frrJ/fnh'c.J (If .>echd;.(x) p1ev/pw/y

ciek4m/neri we hav~
= (/.! ) [17. / illk[A-b5)] =?o.8
= k./k{ah5}
r; :: (/. Z ) (2'15 k.) -= ;;!!-
V,:: rtf-'f! .;.):: 2 q 9 !!!.
J (I.,) =- S
f ::(0.1 ~) ['t 7. 'f MfaJ,f)] == '16. 'I M(~bs)
~1 ---
A/s!), "')1Y!ce the f/()w ().VY~.!J the, YJOYW1(J/ {hoc/<-;s ad/p.6an'c/
0;:: 1;;, x = 3qfi It:.
At- t1tt- dM. if exi f) se ~hlA, (2-) / we hMG
~ = fJ (~ )(ft)
Z:: Ty (7;.)( 72.) {0J
Ty ~

7,jl-; 7;,., (~ )(7i,1 ) (7)

~Ij ~"
~"L I = 10 I
III (PDI«-)(t; 1.)
p" _ I (I)
~~ F'oa.
~= ~ (~)(~) I

1/0/ Vy ( COli 't )

//.77 I (con'.(-)

IIfJPy~py;ale Y'lAn'os -/D use In ~r. § #JrtM!h 9 Mt #J,fAIW -km

Fig. D.1 fw May = tJ. 7~ and M42 =tJ, 'I.

2. :: 1-'3

.p,. = I. /2

r; :: I. () 2.

- /, () 2

~tt _ f). ttl"


-- J
~. f'l

= 1.02

~ :: /.01

-V~ -_ 0."

_V'),. :: O. 9 I

Waf.. tne.s f, Y't4.:h05 and E$I. 5 tl,YVHfh. 1 we. ob~J;'

Ii:: [3()·1 k~ (rd,$)] (-'- ) (1.12 ) = 26.6 f<~(~f)
(3~11<) / --.l-) (/.02
) ~ 35 I k
7; 1. ::' (395' I<) / -L )(0. ~q ) = q.tJ7 K.
I ( 0. '16 _
( C-DY7'f- )

/1- / 'f8
/1· 77 con 'f )

f. ;:: ['f6.'f"*Pa.(tfJ,$)] / .-!- ) (1.111

~2 (lP2

I{ := ('L16 ;' )(~,! I ; ) ( tJ. 'il

Fw Sl:e~'/~ I/L T-f d/~frtlht ~ I)~ed vall1ef of 5-~.

we u;e I

S - 5', = C.o 1/7 I - I? In ,P

I I r; ~

fuf J fuv- eXAht.f Ie /

Sx - 51 ::: (lOd'f L.) /n(;~ K)
~.I< /~~ J<I

s. -
5 : 52.7
J ~. K
5/Yn I e;t,y 1'1

57 - SI = ~'36 L
7l.J. k.

-sI := 57tJ L



?a.O() Sho'/<.
'f(~) 5k.l!
(nor ft;
S(a/e )

o IDO ZOO 300 ~oo 500
5-5 !~- )
J ~.J:

11- lif9
11.771 -(cOn'fJ
(b) [by hell'urn (~: 1.66 and!<.:: 2()77 ~ (yOWl rah/e /. <I) we.
have (Ai the C/uc,f -enfrClncel su.f,Dn(Jl~!l· k
Ma I ~ Z· 5

7;; ,I
'= 20 "C :: 7- q31<

'"~J ::: /0 I -k.l'a (a h $)

With Mil,:: 2· 5 we ~se,

r. I
. I
I j- 1l.-1 IIA ). O. $2.65 (to)
"2 ,

ThlA~ vJe, i1ave. wilt, f~s. 10 aYLd. II

-r;:: (0.3265) (2Cf3 J<.) =- Cj5.7 K

p:: (o.o5CJ9)
[1 0' iPa. (tllb$)J =- 6.0 5 1e..f~(rAbs)


To, O.7K7
-' :: (Con't)
/1.77 J(con't J

ft" = /. q()5


;;,,. = 2.(1.6(,+1 )(1. '3) '1

- I

~,. (! r 1.6,)


- I r(J.UJ(I.3/" /.tJLf

Wi f?, these yp.fios fJ.na €tjs. 12- Q Y1d 13 we. ge:1-

Tax -:. (1..'131<)/-'-) (0,9671) = 36~ 1'-
I (().7f7 -
-= [itJ'~I'(((j~s)] (;--l-
1• 9~5
)(J'()If) -= 55.' -kfr-t (ab$)

Wi Itt Mqx'" /.3 we use &is. (I. St a-"A I J. S'1 -k Ijet

7; I
r;,x = I
1 t't6~ -1}).3)'l.
:: 0.6'12.

aha lL
, 1*-1

[-It-(~) ""a; _ - {IS}

fl.u 5 w; +i-l ECJf: /4 tt.n Ii IS

~ :: (0.6'1 '2 ) ( '3" 0 ~) ::: Z 31 J<

Px =(tJ, sZI J[ 55.,lefJ (a.b$)] 4 : ,e·, -kfa.. (abs)

v)( -= Mct x if Rr;t -=(1·'3) (20 77
-= IMo !!!..
.= 5

(Con'.f )

/1- /s /
I/, 771 (c(Jn'f )

Af Sec lion (y) juS f dowY}siY'eam of the shtJcK. we. ObftAln w//I, £1;'
jt.f'lq ) Ii t§'o;, /I. lSI) II. 15"'1 and /1·/5"6 a/ltd Max:' /·3

/VIp.y -- /tAQ)("l.. + (~.:J:t) (1· 3J 'J.-t (':_1 )

:: do 7933
(~)M4: -I (2)(!./,iJ)(1.3/ _ I
(1.66-1 )

-Px'r =

-rx1 ::-

r; = (/, 2q 12'31 k) .= ~

~ ;:: (1ltd ;J = <it;'t;

f = (tJ.<j$n.)[55.IItP€(r4bs)] :: ;;If.tIe.P('A.(abJ)

-:: ld x = 36DK
I _

Af Me (haf exjf) ~ecfidyj {2.} lIVe httve

~::: ~
P'f f:t.
) (Ib)
( Conic)
/1- IS 2.
~" v, (~) (~ ) rzO)

A p P'f'P Py lale ntfioJ -h; we In E ~s. /6 il,YfflAyh. 20 tJ¥e o61rt/~~pI

wif?t E,r. 11./23 1 11.128/ //./31.1 //./3J aJ1d 1/./2'1 fin,. l'1a,=:fJ.71J3
and Ma'L::: o. &0. lhl/5 1

/ + /.6'

': /·/3'1

- /.06,)

7#. -= t(/
t- /."
/ +-
~ } (
o. fj 0 )

:- /. () if3

Z (/.66 t 1)(fJ. 7'(33) 7. [ 1+ t'-;;-')(~' 7q33/ ] ":.

> -

[/ f- (/.66 )(O.7f3J)V J"l.-

- -

/1- 153
1/. 77 I . (C() n If J

~ = ((), 7933) f(1 f 1·66 }((),7i3~) 7- ~·!/f7

Vet L-I r (t.66) (0. 77n)'J.}

v,. '"
(D_?O) [(1+1 6&)(0 '11)0

, r{t.,,) (O,'b) ~

J = O.iJlfj

Wi~ fheSl- Y"a.-h'f>I and 8~s. 16 fhYhll'l4 2() we tJb7a';'

P2. = [33.7 ffJl1(tJios) 7/.l- )0.13'f):: 2-9·'1 kAt(IJ~.5)
1/~301 ~
T = (2 ttl t: ) / -.!.-) (I.O'!J) -::. )Jj2;::'
~ (/.o~5' -
T = ( 36 t1 !<) ~ ) (~fjq J'f J::: '37(7 k.
~z. (;"(71 =
1;). = [5't./ft,~(A~j)](;-!-r/·oO~) = £'$.2 *~(ab~)
I l.tJ2/ =
V;z.. = (g~'f ~ )/-L )/b. fj1ttj Cjd2 ~
S ( d.11 97 J( " .J

Fuv $k.efe-h'h9 tt T-!' d/a.'jyltl'l-t we V1e~ol valLteJ of s-~ . We use

5 - 5, = c.p In L - R. In ?
o ~
!hut, f7v ex~ple.,

5)( - 5/ = (522~.2 )
~. ~
/1'1 (21 1
lq5".7 I<
s:JC -5I = 2327 :r
it,. II-//

lOo I-

laO f-



() I I
0 IODO ZDfJO 3d()()
S' - 51
(~;'I< )
//- /Sif
1.1.1 Water flows through a rotating sprinkler arm as shown /'
.- ,...----- .......
.... '-
in Fig. P12.1 and \,id('o \'12.2. Determine the flowrate if the / /
'" "-
angular velocity is 150 rpm. Friction is negligible. Is this a tur- / \
bine or a pump?'What is the maximum angular velocity for this I .- \...~.-
flowrate? I .- _ I 70'
I 0.3 in.
~\ w =/S'D rpm I
(~\ I
\ I
T == m(r2 'Ve2. - fJ Vel) ::: 0 since fhere ""
'- ",/

is no friction. I}/s~ ~I =0 _---,..-

.............. ,.../

lienee} Ve:z.:::; 0
U2 .... (;}'2.
o c
rev ( ? 71' rtNJ)( I min )(2 rl)
::: 150 min rev 60 s 12. TT
:: 1j.16!f
• FIGURE P12.1
ThvS 1

~ s/"B :;: U2-

or 9.1" ~ ::: 9.75 fi
~::: ~in 70' s

lienee) Q:: 2 W,. Al :: 2(1 (W (f)') (9.75!j)

:=. {J.oo9S8 if : :; if,3 94 V"'in

this is t:v -Iur!:J;ne. he.cause. ihe SfY,'~kley fl}(JVe$ 111 reS/HUlSe..

-ft; fA" d -flo

-f I -foyces. ltV

5/Y7ce lYic -no"" if n~;'i,'/;/e tJ,~ n'JIlX;1I1uI'Y/ pn9J,f/4Y ve/()c,;1y

.fIN tniJ f!IIWYHk if /he tJne U/Yfe.(/~I':J -Iv I5'OYI'YM

rz..2 ~----- .......

12.2 Water flows axially up the shaft and out through the
two sprinkler arms as sketched in Fig. P12.1 and as shown in
Video \ 12.2. With the help ofthe moment-of-momentum equa-
tion explain why, at a threshold amount of water flow, the sprin-
kler arms begin to rotate. What happens when the flowrate in-
creases above this threshold amount?

aa FiGURE P12.1 ...
fpY';y,kley- I r s I;"";/IIY' ~ fhe (ll1e fJF GX4m/,/e s: /8.

fl,e. ve/()C; Iy f",A"J1e sJ,OIN"" 1M

U/)IIIc.IMt:it. ~4 t

wlt.e ....e
t{ == t;w
(/MIt" ;~,. "'J J Wit ,e f
-rSn41f := - y
2. (
/wZ >/~
70 -

S"d ./ wke,., ~ 1$ laYge el'tDaJh witt,. G.)-: o +0 tN~

-ihe, fpr,'",I<If!r rdtw ~/~S t. l'D!.k.

~II# ;}
witeYJ -I/tJw ntlc- ,M" c,t{!4.Jt!S .fit -ril,e r J
GAJ is h () /~ey ]tlrtJ

tZ""tJ. w:"" T
n~/'j"b!/ ~I/.J

Wz. SIYJ 7() z Yw

I(~J (.,0 1;'~eJ wifh I;'C~I!~.f. Wz. lit.,,»') 0:1 1'H4XJ~I.I~
VA-Aft. of Wa-.J f.#t, fAts" nal/e. """'~/~"" Vet/we. 01 w.
I:;' -,I

12. 3 The rotor shown in Fig. P 12a rotates with an angular

velocity of 2000 rpm. Assume that the fluid enters in the radial
direction and the relative velocity is tangent to the blades across
the entire rotor. Is the device a pump or a turbine? Explain.

• FIGURE P12.-3

T= n? (r2, l4:z. - r Ve,) where V(iI =0

If ihe rOlor is of cons/ani hei9hf J fhen b, =b:z. and fhe conlilJ()ify e9lJat/on is
2. 7T IJ bJ v" : : 21/ r2. b:z. ~:z.
\I,r 2- .=.!Lv,
r:;. r,
I: 0,5-(/
0, q N
(20 ftS ) :::Jl1ii
• s
UI :: n W J
v:z.'= r2, W SO
fh af TT -
V.2, -
= 0,91-1
O.S ff

U2. =/.e~
Hence Jhe fo/JowilJ9 veloeily frian9/es can be drawn.

VI = 2'0 Vn . = 11,1


If /s seen thai fhe rofor turns fhe flow info fhe direc1ion or the
b/Qae motiof). Th/s is a pvmp.

/ )..-2
l' ..t At a given radial location, a 15 ftls wind against a
~~dmi11 (see Video \'12.1) results in t~e ~pstream (~~ an~
downstream (2) velocity triangles shown In Fig ..P12.4. etc . U2 = 20 ftls
an appropriate blade section at th~t radial locat~on and deter-
mine the energy transferred per umt mass of flUid.
- _ _ ko _ _-+-!- _ ___ i
VI = 15 ftls 60:(.


We can defer-a7lne whethey fhr: qxla/ flow fUYh#~cJ,/~e

il1 vtJ/ved ;f a iur&lnt:. OY a..fanby comfdn~ The d/~c-lto#"J
of fhe I;if iDrct!... 01'7 f.he r-o-hrY- blade Sect/on will, th~
d/yec f/OYl of the bla.de veloci-ly ~ V. .If the fir f frrct. ()Yla
fhe blade ve/()cify are In fhe saYJ'}.e iUYb/ne is
dJyecli't;n e;t

;nvolved. I.f fhe lift fayce ano{ hla.de Ve.ldCify are iYl
orpo~ife. d/~ecf/on.J/ a fan ;..> In v(Jlv~. The d/yec;(ion (Jf fh~
/ i{'f ioYce.be litferrfd
can ~ the shape of lire /VIrJy
blade secl/on s~el-(h ecj -to k iangeYlt"" rhe relat/ve ~ows enleYl~
a nd /~vi'?1 -fhe vofzry ~.
The ei7feYl~ rel/lf/vc flow a;yle / 4 .I t4
4 == -Ir:tJ1 -I V; == frln- I (2..ofJ) = 53.1"
/ V, (15 ~f)
Thu5} fhe -mlor- b/a..dc Secn'tJns s-j~.efdtet/ below are t2fPYb/Jy/a!c

(con~f )

/2 · II (co n ' t )

SInce fhe lifl fOrc~ aclinJ On each rohtr blade 5ec//()n

is in fhe 5aYJ1e dlrec-h'OYl as" fhe. bftJde veloc/fl we.
conclude fhaf +hi J fu. r hdn1. t1c-h/~e i.s a itJrb/ne..
The enertj'j ~Jeyy~d per- tJl1il mas> ;5 !he shafl-
vveJ'Y/::- PW- UI1/f Mt15s ./ W $'2QJ f I Nh;ch We 6::tn ck-hr-J'HIy;e
wiTh ~tJ· 11.5. lhas .

v.6)2- - W
5ih (,0
- V 1-

W 2-
~ V'2. -t- V"l.

)ln60 0
- 20 -ff
r Ib rf
Sf"'J' 72
_ 33,0 fl. Ib

- 33.0 f.J . I}:

fl. tb
tJJ - ----~ - 1,02
shafI- ~ I bfYl
Sh<J (32.1. Ibf\'1)

U.5 Sketch how you would arrange four 3-in.-wide by 12-

in.-long thin but rigid strips of sheet metal on a hub to create
a windmill like the one shown in Vidl'lI VI2.1. Discuss, with
the help of velocity triangles, how you would arrange each blade
on the hub and how you would orient your windmill in the wind.

~.V\d a'o~ -m_-lio~ dx.i~ V.


jtJ. -5

J~.6 Sketched in Fig. P12.6 are the upstream [section (I)]

and downstream [section (2)] velocity triangles at the arithmetic
mean radius for flow through an axial-flow turbomachine rotor.
The axial component of velocity is 50 ftj s at sections (I) and
(2). (a) Label each velocity vector appropriately. Use V for ab-
solute velocity, W for relative velocity, and U for blade veloc-
ity. (b) Are you dealing with a turbine or a fan? (c) Calculate
the work per unit mass involved. (d) Sketch a reasonable blade
section. Do you think the actual blade exit angle will need to
be less or greater than 15°? Why?
~ IGURE P. /2.6

(a) See Fi9vre above.

(b) T = m(r2. Ve2 - n Vel) = th r;"e4Y1 (Ve,. - Vel)
where Vel >0 and ~/':: 0 (see f'1IJre a hove)
Tfws) T> o. The macn/ne is Q fan.
(e) .w:shaf! :: fk V8z - ~ Vel":: U(V0 2 - Vel) where U= u,::: V:z.

SilJce VxL == Vx2 -= 50 fj J if follows

f!'om the fitl'Jre jhal !
\I, cos /s 0 = ~o Ij
or ~:: S'I. fJ ¥
V2. c~30· -:: so!J- 01' V,2. =- 57.7!1-
so -Iha/
V9,==-V, sin/So=-.5/.'l sin/,&()::::.-I'g.'f!i
VG2. -= \{ 5;" 3(/::: .21. V¥
AIso U=IVe d-f/Ve:J.{::: L/ 2. '2 -#

Hence P{hQI./:::: L/7.. 2#( ~a.g

g. - (-/3·lI fj)) - if:
(dH:;rom fh 8 Tl9tJre
r-' ftil):::
() l/2.'i-H"J·
.J or f:1= 'f8 0

ThtJs; the blade shape is as shown:

( con'f: )
/j. - 6
rJ"e ~c~1 J:,laele. 4nJ/e wil/ ne~d ~ be. ksI 1k;. ISD

-It; fA el."'et/~ « IS (J flow ().~/t... R f Iht "lade, e'Lil-.

&C¢I.lJe. Df ~'t{"'elQ'Y layer dtVeUpWleHf. (Jill 01
IMtI, .f'(,iYhas
th "lode, / +J,~ Iltt/tI al'lJI-e. wilt be diffe.,eH'I In,., fj,e
bl,,,,/e ""'J/e. j.J! S$ -/uYYllly 'lJ,AYJ e1l-~elul w//I k A.dwal!J
tJ cit ,',e Vt!e:I.

p .. 7
----- ,
/ ,,
12.7 Shown in Fig. P12.7 is a toy "helicopter" powered
by air escaping from a balloon. The ai r from the balloon flow s
radially through each of the three propeller blades and out small
nozzies at the li ps of the blades. The nozzles (along with the ,, S::: 0
TOIali ng propeller blades) arc tilted at a small angle as indicated. I ~
Sketch the veloc ity triangle (i.e .. blade, absolute. and relat ive I 0
veloc ities) for the now from the nozzles. Explain why this lOy I
,, ,
tends to ffio\'C upward. Is this a turbine? Pump?
I " I

,, I

U /


• FIG URE P12 .1

If we assume Ihe helic.opfer is stQfionary, +hen/he blQde speed

is w R in the horizon /al plane QS shown in the siae view below. The
relalive velody, ki, is direc.led alon9 the mule, and the ahsolvle
ve!uc,lYJ V= wf 17, is as indica/ea,


The -roy fe",:ff -!. ""tlve I/pyVaffd be c".,ue fhe. {Io",," 0 va.,. fk
bloae r PlAs/" VI' 0" the",. TJ-vL a i r fn.'Yr> fh.c bulloon f".v.c"-' /he
/,IqdeJ /0 Yr>fhle /:"." IC .fvJb/n l!. _ ffr,w~V(~/ 11,.. bto.cle! ad
On ihe. a",b/e4f ai. tiS '" f"""P '

/2- 8
A centrifugal water pump having an impeller diameter
of 0.5 m operates at 900 rpm. The water enters the pump parallel
to the pump shaft. If the exit blade angle, f32' (see Fig. 12.8) is
25°, determine the shaft power required to turn the impeller
when the flow through the pump is 0.16 m'l s. The uniform
blade height is 50 mm.

( E'p. /Z.ID)

Tsh4R; :: I tP ~ ~;. (I)

12. tc. D;, - Vt9 ,

(z )

~d )
Yev rtld
::: C;~ 2

~~. b
f/t)w'ra:6e 1..5 JI lien; /-1: .f.c, / /()WJ tha,i

(p=: 2.7T f2. /:;2, i1-z

(J (e;,JI, ;:3 )
-... - 2.o~ t1H
21l'.z bz. (2.1T)(t'. '2£,1#) (~. OSr1Yf )

ThuS) frpm £::"7. (z)

~2- = (Z 3. , - Z. 6'f Cot 2 S6 ) ~ = /f.2 ~
C(/1 P( 11'1/111 F;. (I)

T,h4t '" ("1ff ~ )(0. If, ;-3) (C. Z&rH-1)( / u ;') ~ 7/" ~ N·«>t

/2.·9 r
1~.9 Discuss the differences between a centrifugal pump
and a positive displacement pump (see Vidco v 12 ..' for an ex-
ample of a positive displacement pump impeller that looi(s like
a centrifugal pump impeller),

A c eYJfr;10r1 'UYl'f~ ';"'I'~lIer ,wlttJ "'-91l,;',r1- flte,

/wee.> Jt!ve/operl "''1 ti fluitl I/';w,:' Dver /-)$ INftleol
surkeS' (/Ilt/ /J" So do/YIj jI1()VeS -/'Iuid fI,~h.

II ,,1I _-1. •
A !'()S;/lve, difl/acemel'll fJU1'It1' ~J IIY C~fUye.r
~ v4luYJtt-e () f l'iuiel t).l1d ""'tIeS 1J;e el1-h~t.. v,,1"'"fe
~ one "'CA.~11 * ~III() fl,er.

/2. ./0

A centrifugal pump impeller is rotating at 1200 rpm

in the direction shown in Fig. PI2.1O. The flow enters parallel
to the axis of rotation and leaves at an angle of 30° to the radial
direction. The absolute exit velocity, V2 , is 90 ft/s. (a) Draw
the velocity triangle for the impeller exit flow. (b) Estimate the
torque necessary to turn the impeller if the fluid density is
2.0 slugs/ft'. What will the impeller rotation speed become if
the shaft breaks?

1 in.J tL
• FIGURE P12.10

raJ The ex..Lt fitJw Ve / ~ci +!f {Y;tlY'/jJe C411

9rp-p fu cttil!:J II S (j1·d,c.a+fn belrJw)

v.Z -
- 1':
fA.) = (o,s ft)
tie ItX ,-for In q119)e.-
t:a11;6'2. =

J z. r

/2-.) 0 ( CAPI1 'i )

Th us) /r1J1It Pte t/e/oc/f!/ &I4I1j Je

Wz - -
~c5 1/..97)
- 8'O,() -s
¥VIm ~2 Un d W kl1oWI1 I tHe
CeffJ pJeie./'j v/ec/~e'd.

(.b) Ft'tPh1 Fg. 12. r tv /171 VBI =0

Ishtlf.t::- ~ r;. V~.2 {/J

;n1 = t 2.. Tl r:J- /'2 Vr .z.

=("<.0 ~1; yZ1T)(().!>ft)(,~ ft) (90 ft) &5 j~.
-:: 1ft). 8 s ~9.5
So -that fY'~ EZ. {/)
Is ha Ii: =;- (Lfo. ~ ~.s) (D,S ft)( 'to ;-) 5 I ~ 3 D 0

- fl 8 +t· l.b

When the .5h a fl 6rea k. r .l the -k>Y"tjJ;te bf?q;rneS Sef() and the
IMpeller ~v-tn.fvl.I:d:; slop.r 6eco..use.. fhere is no /tJnger a....
ci r iv/11j -!-oY-fjfAe fo -fr;yce. if -/r:; y-ohfe. In tit. plA-l'?'IjI. ft,e,
sJU:j.{f- -loY-rue. dr/ves !he.. i''hIpe//e-r and fh~ I"Y1pt:jley Y'10~.5

f1u./d. On !I,cyo hand

fA e- 0 Ii;? 1 I

) a. 7-wrt?JY'Je. yY1()v/VI,y fll/f/d

d rl'ves {he I~pe lie.,,-. .I

12. I J [

Discuss the main simplifying assumptions associated

with Eq. 12.13 and explain why actual head rise is always less
than ideal head rise. Discuss how ideal head rise is head
"added" to the fluid and actual head rise is head "gained" by
the fluid.

a.fS "YI"IJ~ fAa.! nb /~.s.J ()/ ava//a~Je.

-flo w -fh YV>1j i, /-k fUn,~ 1;",De //er.

a (., rps!, Ik 'p1L1'nj"J is fhUJ ellAa I

the ideal acroSS the I'/,l~;o I'"/;'v.J fhe

{/owi 7 liu./d
t,bwevw.l ~e ~/LtJ "rJ
. the
I~ a..c.I",.1 ht!arl rl.Je Yea~j~~ bl
be/ny IeSJ t"an fhe ide" /

/2. ) 2..

12.12. A centrifugal radial water pump has the dimensions

shown in Fig. P12.1~. The volume rate of flow is 0.25 ft 3 /s,
and the absolute inlet velocity is directed radially outward. The
angular velocity of the impeller is 960 rpm. The exit velocity
as seen from a coordinate system attached to the impeller can
be assumed to be tangent to the vane at its trailing edge.
Calculate the power required to drive the pump.

0.75 in.~~~
• FIGURE P12.1L.
12. II

( s: S" ,it. ) ( WI" ) r: }I'~d)( I ) .ft

~:: I;. UJ - Z "'itt:
J '1{p()-;;,~ \7...rr ~ 60 r:/~ = If~, I 5

To obt;tfln //BZ We. "se 1Ite ext. t Ve fou-ht fot1ftr/e .sh{)w/"l be/ow.
~ V!92. "'1

/ husI Ii~m Iii. (I)

W6h .rb =U. 'i'f ~){t. Z5~~)(¥O '!)("fS~ J :-c)

I () t 0 .f2t· /h
/ () /0 f:1=;. Ib

) 2--/ 'I-
/2.13 J

Water is pumped with a centrifugal pump, and meas-

urements made on the pump indicate that for a flow rate of 240
gpm the required input power is 6 hp. For a pump efficiency of
62%, what is the actual head rise of the water being pumped?

fr~m Fs. 12-.23 1h~ fum/-> eff; c~el1'c'7

eZu. a;brP 11 if'cp ~a./SSo

('I) (./;h,)(s-so)
(0. ~2){ C. hp)( S50 ;~;; )

('Z.Lf ~~)[(ztf{) ~~)jc7.lf8 Ji~)((po ~,.~)J

~1.3 -fi

12. / '-I I
The performance characteristics of a certain centrif-
ugal pump are determined from an experimental setup similar
to that shown in Fig. 12.10. When the f10wrate of a liquid (SG
= 0.9) through the pump is 120 gpm, the pressure gage at (1)
indicates a vacuum of 95 mm of mercury and the pressure gage
at (2) indicates a pressure of 80 kPa. The diameter of the pipe
at the inlet is 110 mm and at the exit it is 55 mm. If
Z2 - ZI = 0.5 m, what is the actual head rise across the pump?
Explain how you would estimate the pump motor power re-

2... ~
LJl., -1/, (/ )
+ -r-..z.. -.z:, -r 2- d-
:5 /n c e., (flO .J/~ ) ( t. 309 X /0 - -f,;:3j. )
I ;; (D. J1~tm) 2-

)1/ .4-J =- Yz. A-z...

7h US) ,f-r~1!1 G $. (J) WI fA.

Ifn tP<. 12.. = flo X)~ 3 /J //J'I12. )
~()i. JO?! ~ 1- (~.01S)(J33)( )D 3) ::.~
( ~. 9) (f. g() ;<. 10 3) !3
J,.,~ =- //,Sm1

To e$-n"m,,/e- the plA~p M()-k".. pOl#Cr ye D1A1;~el?";' UJ~ Ej.12.21

7:: 0 Q. hp..
bhp (~§o)

Iv Cfef

/2- 16

The performance characteristics of a certain centrif-

ugal pump having a 9-in.-diameter impeller and operating at
1750 rpm are determined using an experimental setup similar
to that shown in Fig. 12.10. The following data were obtained
duri ng a series of tests in which Z2 - Z I = 0, V:z = VI' and the
fluid was water.
Q(gpm) 120140160180 1001120 140
P2 - P I (psi) /40.2 /40,1 138,1 136,2 33,S / 30,1 25,8
Power input (hp) 1.58 2,271 2,671 2,95 3,19 3.49 4,00

Based on these data, show or plot how the actual head rise, hi/'
and the pump efficiency, 17, vary with the flowrate, What is the
design flowrate for this pump?

tln pi ~r the h;s t set: ~ f. c/a-la In --the &b)~

1= (hZ.1f ~3 )[(20 ;p.. )/(7. 9i jf, )(/'f);:'.) J('72. Nt.)
( I.!;-;? hp ) ( S"S-D :~~~ )
= 0, ZCJ7
11. = l-CJ,7 ~Io

/(etYI/l/til/1~ tla/ues 6Y' AI{ ttJ1d 1( ~J1. be C4./~/t<.Jed 111 ~ SI;'tlJ~r

I'YntH1YJer /ai1.a q,1{ iltt/u.es QYe kbulal-etA J~' 11-J. -/-D.t;le he/£94J.

@ (ifPI'm) '2..0 tfc) 6:,0 aD /{)O 1'Z0 /tfo

J7. &[ 83, S' 77. 3 ''1.;- srt.S

~I.. (ft.) 9'2.8 '17.. S

'fl. Z Lf-1. 'I 57.5 bl, 3 ,"0.1(- 5"Z.~

~ (10 ) 21.7

( wn't )
12.15 ((..(p// 't )

A- plo t ()f the daiA I~ sltaw" be /()w. Tlte de.519~

11~w y t:e(1 t9 C c." rs J.j


~ ~

... go -''/"0 ""-'"'

~ ~

~" s::"
l ~

{po i~

2c 'fo /'0 80

12.1 b It is sometimes useful to have flo - Q pump per-
formance curves expressed in the form of an equation. Fit the
flo - Q data given in Problem 12.' 5to an equation of the form
flo = fl" - kQ2 and compare the values of flo determined from
the equation with the experimentally determined values. (Hint:
Plot flo versus Q2 and use the method of least squares to fit the
data to the equation.)

811St'd (f)n -the da.-iL ft.~1?f Problem 12. /5.) -the kl/(!)wJI1, fable
CAn b(' C!:1"'&l:-ed ant1f hrm #( sl-andqrd ;;'ne~r r ejressI(!)i'1
etll"j/~ hflll?~ 1:JY-t!'1I""Qm tJ,e 1e//c9cQllt:!J reStAffs qre ~bfr,I#ed.

Q (!-f/WI) .20

/lV (?!hk >JL 1f.t.IO


~£(H) 7 7. 3 / ~I. 5-
(P Sf. ~

J J./L (ft) #I- - 1.00

~ LJ 1.4. =- ~a. (experimedJ) -,Aa.., (predl'cJed)

Tn e ef tUvi,I'''' 01, -fIlII1 'ed /YtJ"1 -/H. e ~ US I rlJ /iY1eAf' Y'~ r'e.5.5 I 011 /J

t.~= 'itf.5- d.oOl7b Ql. (/)

wheye. Jru.- IS I~ .f1:. WI"-t-h 42 /11 gprm. A- p}"t Sh()W/Hj
the ~m f~Y/s~n be:/;u.;eeJ4 71te -I'X-pev/null'l4./ dam. (inti -/Jte..
fr"e dlc..l-e~ Y'-esuJ-/:s (rr4J1I1 G'g. J) IS shpwn b/llot.J

/00 ~----~---- -- --:----,--------:-~;-----------,__----- _______ -,--____________________ _

.__ ..•.........


,I. i • II I.,- i • _-~-----j

r- i·.• IJ.I~II-Irl-tj,:=t-·';0 ·i·-pt·]
! : I: I • I -

'-1-0 • i I
• • :"•. I I: I ---i - -

o ----- - :4> : ,,_ j
"" to ; "'9 No

F/Of,t)t~i~~ 4') jPhn

/2, /7 I
12.17 In Example 12.3, how will the maximum height, ZI'
that the pump can be located above the water surface change if
(a) the water temperature is increased to 120 of, or (b) the fluid
is changed from water to gasoline at 60 OF?

(0...) Frl)rn la6/!. B. / -Ih{! w~. ,6ey vatIJy' fr"eSStlYe Is /. 692 fS'a...
and if' = (PI. 71 l"I.ft.~ Ihus w,171 1hu c/tqHfe lri' £g.t2)
IJ1 E;(~lI""'lle 1"2..3
( lit, 7 Ib ) (llflL. /;,.2-)
= . ' ' '.1- T k"" It). Z H.
(p I. 71 ~.3
(I. ~ '12,
- 1S'li



So 1HA. t:
(T,) - - t. '1-9 H
(h111X -

The lJe:Jtlt:.Jlle .51111 .f;,r (~)""I(t /nd(c~tles -/n4--t "'fldey the

c'~nd/f/~"';.$ s!e';;;~d -ihe. P'ItHI ~u/d ned. ~;;eYILt:e w;ikoJ
e.{((/if-~PIt)'i1 t<I'/J~5S /1- 11 /oa-l:..ed be/oW"' 1ne ,St(y.fpce letJel
~f 1Ite JIl~/il1e.

/')..- 20
12.18 I
12./ g A centrifugal pump with a 7-in.-diameter impeller
has the perfonnance characteristics shown in Fig. 12.12. The
pump is used to pump water at 100 of, and the pump inlet is
located 12 ft above the open water surface. When the ftowrate
is 200 gpm the head loss between the water surface and the
pump inlet is 6 ft of water. Would you expect cavitation in the
pump to be a problem? Assume standard atmospheric pressure.
Explain how you arrived at your answer.

- -l: I - "£1 -L

f;.~1J1 /;,6/e B. / -the wadey VA. I'd¥" pt"~.$.r"ye 1J.i- 1~~dF I-S eJ. tty. f5 PSI4..
Cll1d q-= ~z.oo ;:.3
. Th u.s/ w;1'11 -/.., :: If. 7 ~.s/~ It, ::' /2 -it. Qn4
I'kfm J
2/r.L = bR. / £1· OJ ¥Ield.r
(;'1: 7 (6
) (;11-'1- Ih.")
/2.. It - Is, Ii

J B. 9 .ft

Fit}. 12.12 (it: Zt)Ci J?1?1

N PsH = ,..... 12 h
Ny Irp?fr pump d:>;;eY/L.i,()~


SII1C~ 1h ,j J'j true. I If 1Jt ,j CttSe / W-C! e )(.pe,t 1JtA. t
1/1' the pl1nJp tv()/.(J4 nc t- It?~ ~ pYt)blel11. N'a

12- 2..1
Il.. 19 I

12. let Water at 40°C is pumped from an open tank through T (I) Sl
200 m of 50-mm-diameter smooth horizontal pipe as shown in 3m
Fig. P12.19 and discharges into the atmosphere with a velocity Diameter = 50 mmCZ)
of 3 m/s. Minor losses are negligible. (a) If the efficiency of 1 r--\----.U (,~
the pump is 70%, how much power is being supplied to the PUMPj Length = 200 m N'"
pump? (b) What is the NPSH A at the pump inlet? Neglect losses • FIGURE P12.19
in the short section of pipe connecting the pump to the tank.
Assume standard atmospheric pressure.

( tt)

01. S. 3 t?r1

~wey jAnie'" blj 11",/4 = yep If

= (1. 73/ ~ '/)~3f~)(O.~f~/ (3: )(l£:~~)
- I. tfS X /0 3 N·t1"1 = /. A. W
-.s t.fS-

PateN>y .1///;'(1 ,; /:; If .f!WI :J

;;:fl/( l'fMC 7
I. '1.5.-k tv 2.07-ieW
~f. 12.21.(.
Iv'P5)1 :: !l + Y.s 2. _ 1Y
J- 23- r (.3 )

t lis re.fe" -b 1he fr'.e.s'stlY'e

411 1/ CU1d /leJoe '+!:J a.t- the
1i1let.l res,e,-t/v'd~. I+!.s0.l

3+ i02.+-l = f.s+ ~2..+~ +-/,.J.

I LJ I J-- Z-j S

/V;-tk p.I -- hi
T6I- M)
V.I =0
-'i:S --c;) CUI A' --4L ::: 0
( C(!)f7l..)

12.J9 . ( ~Ol'/t. )
~fm -t i: :::- ~ +~
J- 1 d- L.;
tl~d 1herf: .fr:;f'e. frt)m Ef /3) the a(/I1'/4/'le !V?Sf} I~

NPS1. :=
Per6,., -f i:: I - i>v- (If)
J- J-
Note 1h~t 1hiJ rfsult ~"y'~.5P/)"J.r Iz> e?;. 12.. zS' Lv I'r 11 ~ p(Uif,~~
(.5Jn'(~ p(jm~ ,j he/ow reJt>YV'o't-) i:/111( 2:~L. =0.

FrtPi11 Tal-Ie .8. z tJre wL-tev t/ap"y ,PYt''>StlYe at if/) lJc

7. ~7t. ,X)o..s N/IHI 2. (Ab.s) t:(n~ tf= 1.73/ xlp3 }JJIYrl~ Thus) hlJm

~t .elf) w/11t ~+4l<:- /0 1 ~ p~

( 101 .x If) 3 .!i... ) (7. 37, X )~3-1; 2. )

IJP5H/t = IJf( + 31'f1t1 -

( 1.7-3) X /0 3 .jf;) ) ('i.731 JdOJ~))


12.20 The centrifugal pump shown in Fig. P12.20 is not

self-<priming. That is, if the water is drained from the pump and
pipe as shown in Fig. P12.20(a), the pump will not draw the
water into the pump and start pumping when the pump is turned
on. However, if the pump is primed [i.e., filled with water as in
Fig. P12.20(b)], the pump does start pumping water when
turned on. Explain this behavior.

(al (bl
• FIG U REP 1 2 . 20

The head -1/()wl-a t.e charli?i:('r~s tJU -f.e,y tJ.. 1::Y?ICA,) c el1 t;n/ujtl!
jJllmp tire ShC9wn In T-iJ. 1l.11. The rnt2~imtlH1 i1et(i. 1h~t -the
pUmp tlln ~cld ~(C.tI;.s when t.)hel1 Q~o ((.:e.) at- si:P,.t- (,(fJ ft,,. extlll1;)e}
!hI] heil~ I~ 111 terms t?/ -/he .f/u/d 0 the '-UflJ,. )/ef/ed1nj /t)sses
411H the Ve!lOc.lry h~l:(d (/i"'« ~1I"/i~i:,i;11 eHee,,-h,) -fh~ pump CI/J1
lilt the ff"'I'd tt heljht H e$aa / to -the hellll added b'f the I"m,.
~k,le peri' f 1he liw/d J/; 1}u. pump iJ (I(.'r (L', e,) /Jot prlmpd) 1h~ heAd
",d';e~f 'S I" i::r'I-rtlS 6f H "I" In ~f ~IIY.. FoY' t='X41'11;Je/ 1'1- h«,:::~~ft
1ft e pUPlp eoll/d rllise. WA-b yo 1h~t h"h I'f j t 'J pnme,l. (Iille/!
iv/hI WA-i:etJ..r.-f lJte ,oJlQJ,/) ,j /')bi primed (hl!ed k)17h "Jr.) 1JteH
?/Je pwtnj> CAIn t9n/y Y'rIlse w/l;t:.er up to ~ di.sftJ/'Jce,
)-f =- 3(; ft 6(1;' = 30 Ii ~ ()7~5 i4~) = (), O:;b 8 f.f:-
t".f:er ((;,z. if ~J)
if-elite -/he w/l--!::.ev /..VI-Ii !')lJi ~ef:- lId-'/) 1h~ pump.

Owing to fouling of the pipe wall, the friction factor

for the pipe of Example 12.4 increases from 0.02 to 0.03. De-
termine the new flowrate, assuming all other conditions remain
the same. What is the pump efficiency at this new ftowrate?
Explain how a line valve could be used to vary the ftowrate
through the pipe of Example 12.4. Would it be better to place
the valve upstream or downstream of the pump? Why?


V-= .::::

~= If) i- Ie.. Oil- 4J 2

t>v w/11t ~ In ~~//In/n 2-
1 f:: /0 -t 5.~{))()b-5 [~ (!a/Jnlll~ (2. )

The l~if't"sec-iil!Jn of EgJZJ (the S!fsl-em ettuJlf!)~) WdH 7He

f~rfr;rmtll1[e e. u rve .j;:,y the pump) CIS 5htPWi/ be /()W) /HC/JC~rl-eJ
1Jta t 1he hew .flow i'd.i(' I~

cP =- /I.f tJo 1ii~

and a~ -In l..:s .f-/()tvYIt-te. l.s 79.0%.

o ---!..----.--"---------'----.---- .-----,
o 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400
(GO Y) '.e ) F'lowrate. pI/min

12.2.1 I (Co;, 'i )

A l,ne valve. t:{c,f.r tlf CA val';'ab/~ fy/c..6iJnaJ ye,Ii.>lance

fo 1he Th,w. CI()S'lny fhe vI/I/~ is efu/va/el'7-f ~ ~y
fy)cli~n and 1?10VI'ny fh~ .$j'.J~ curve to fhe. lel'!
J ~ Terse cn~ /he head W""//e A-!- 1/1 n t?,JJeyt;t li()I"7~/ poihl-
/},vdlv/hy less Iit;wY'p/rt fluln w/H, a m",.~ open valve-./e/Ii,..
This sy~~ C-t,Irve if $"I<e~~ I;' fhe. 1;9ure ()h fhe p;ev/I)"f-'
p~,e. I/1l7ti lakier;! ;,,, YY1(fYf. ~c.hoJ-l (c.-L().f/~ Vti/ve). /~ ()fJe~/j ~e
valve i.f .5'1n,j I", r ~ re WJOV)~ /Y/( ~~J? tll'lPl ;¥10V)';J f1,~
sys~ h I1u Yi.!ht I~ hseciJ
7 fk hued wrJ/e
af tltn t7p~ti. h'"" po/nf /hvP!vIIy n,PY"e f/CMlmle ~aY}
wilt, e:t less t7perz valve. selh~. ?hit' 5pkn, C.t4rl/C. '/.1
.> ke -th e eI () n the.... p'l'e v./OUJ pare.. tvuA labeled ""less ;;"/c:l;;n
("pt>n/~ va Ii/e) .

.If would! te ge~a.11y 6e~ -h> JDiace JJ,e vttlve...-

ekWJ7$fr.ea~ ()f /t,e..- fJUn?jJ fz, tM/tJ/ ol ---J.he /fJlN .fuel/ern
and C/MI/ ~fl"n ,PIJJ$/ble. w/)t, up.r~
pkc~~e,...,f 0-1 I'1vl va/ve.

/2.22... I
12.2 2... A centrifugal pump having a head-capacity relation-
ship given by the equation ha = 180 - 6.10 X 10 -4Q2, with
ha in feet when Q is in gpm, is to be used with a system similar
to that shown in Fig. 12.14. For: 2 - : 1 = 50 ft, what is the
expected flowrate if the total length of constant-diameter pipe
is 600 ft and the fluid is water? Assume the pipe diameter to be
4 in. and the friction factor to be equal to 0.02. Neglect all minor


The pllmp head· Ca.lac; -i!1 re /a ht)~ sh, P 1.5 2.

1r.~::, /~ 0 - d:.. /0 X /0- Lf [ 4J (!~IJP1I;')]

Thk5.)The o;e('~tiI1J jJ{);,,,t w//I oCCI{f' a.t- the fltJLUY'd.i~
wheYe ItL = lip / 6r
-t..f Z - If .z.
j f 0 - 6.1 ~ X jlJ 0 = 501- 3. b If X)6 ~

12.23 J

12.23 A centrifugal pump having a 6-in.-diameter impeller (lJ (l)

and the characteristics shown in Fig. 12.12 is to be used to pump ~
gasoline through 4000 ft of commercial steel 3-in.-diameter
pipe. The pipe connects two reservoirs having open surfaces at '"
the same elevation. Determine the flowrate. Do you think this
pump is a good choice? Explain. 10 I I
1>, v,2.. + ~ -r
t:r + z..>-
t.f ;:' 7
pz.. 1- V~2-
-i- -I- f 1 J!..2 (I)
I T l.. .J) Z!J.
~flll WIth r,,fJ = rz..)
-I'J = 0 i-j ;: ~ :: 0.I -E
=:.z. ~
=0) ~ = ~"o fi .J QHR J):: 3hz-H.
( l1ef1ec.i,;'j tnll'lir )osse~)/ Eg. 0) beCtO#fes
( /fpoo ..f.t) J.I .z.
1'? -- f (341. -It) (2..) (~2. 2ft.)
(2. )

~ (fc'ls)
v =E
(f-){-fz. k) 2-


..-(, = /, 03 X ) ~ 5" f [ cP (-tt %)] (3)

fnct,ol1 -MctOY d~felul.s ~/1 Ife = Vb/v : :- lfCP/lTD-V

WIn, -z; -- ~ 9 X /0-' H7J fr,1' .frt.soll/ie

R. -~ ¥ ¢ (~t)/.;) /, tJ If X J Db Q (ft%)
e (1T)(.i'/;z ft)('t.f XIO-'$J -

eemlt1fVCl4! steel 3-1'n. d Nlln e &€ r /)/, e (froM fi~. 8. 2. 2. )

£ - S. J>X}{)-'f
ThtlS) -:fr A .jllle'rl cp) f CflY1 I?e O/,-bllnfd -IYt:>m ih{' )vf()()c/y
CJU{r t I 0 I' the (ole /; 1"1)01 e.f tllttl(;) ~ (Eg. J'. 3'i' )) Cllf ~ ~~
dei-ermIned fflNJt eZ.(3). MbI(J~.};ep I/II/ue.5 t:il"e 71t/ell
/11 the !e>1/ow,l-tj tttb/e.

/2.23 ( Con'i)

cr (~:) CP{~j Re
it (It)
o.oatfl f. 27;(Ib ~. ~ 20 'f 170
/.8'5>< lOS ~·~/q3 ~3.0
go b. /78
/Z{) o. z~7 2.7fXIf! ~. OJ~7 /37
;60 (). Js7 3.71 x/~S O.~J~1f .2. Lf-2
zoo 6. if'fb '/.'If(/~S" 1.0 I~l. 373
,). '-ft) 0.>35 s:Sf, i. lOs ~.olJ?/ F3L(-

-rh~5~ d~iL (it" v.s. Q) (II"~ p/o/ted t/11 F;~. /2.12.. {reprodlA(t!~
.be / (n".)) ) an'" 1'h t! ..fi"WI'4.t~ A.-t 11te i" +-l'YSt'" ittJI1 of -the syskm
Curve tin d 1it t. pump CUI' lie. IS

/,)::: /S~ ~
'( IrJl 'n

4.1: 11t~ f1pulr(J,~e. -!he. pllmp &,e~a.ie.s nelfy ,eAk. ef.f./~/~HC.7

rype 6f Iton; wt:Juld A/pellY Ie ~~ tC 7"04 C hD/~e t'f
1S-8 :J4/j/nld ffDWY4i-~ Ii t1t "v l1e'lr th( doeS/red -f/tJ!Jyd(.

_______.___. . _w._... . ,. _____ . __________


------·0--.11)·--0· -
Bin. dia 10 10: ID :E -----1I
soo ,


+ !

::: 300
/Z.21 T
Determine the new flowrate for the system described
in Problem 12.23 if the pipe diameter is increased from 3 in. to
4 in. Is this pump still a good choice? Explain.

D = tf/tz. ft i::j .0..)

(I/-o(!)a .ft.) y <.

(t !-t) (Z)(~2.2 ~) ( 2 )

y.:: c:p ::: 4J (Pt% )

(7f;J (,: ft)2-
$0 fA •..!. J. = 2.'1-5 xl/;' I [4'> (liJIs J]' ( .3)

7tte Re{I'"~/d.s n(Jl11wy bt't-/)1/1~5
R. ::- ti? == if tP (ftJ/s)
e 1rP 7/ (7T) ('lftz. .fi) ( 'I: f tID -b$)

~ (tf)) Re ~f (/t:)
L}o ~. ~ 81/ I t.'1S'x Jb ~,0211 tI. I
go ~./78 x
J. 3'1 IDS (). /) Jtil. 1If; f
12..0 P·~b7 Z.()? xI{» ~.DI3j :12..6
)b~ ().3>7 2,.7 g X JUS ().p/79 S'S", ~

.2.e>e> t;. Jf~ 3. ttl X 1~5 ~.()/7b 85';$

2'/-t> ~,S3S /..f.n .KIps O.oI7Lf Iz,.. 2.

L8D ~.b~if 'f. 87 .{ If/' /),0172 1ft, Jf

32 () (;.7/3 S,S'tx IDS f).OJ7{) :LJZ

1h<$~ d4ta.. (.t" liS. r;) tlr( pJo/le,( ~Jt Ii;. Il.. /2 (refl'oclwced
t9 '1 "'Ike 1ro//~k)111J J~~)) 4HH 7h<t2. .,t1Wrdi-e ~i- 1he 1~l'sPc:h~rl ~f
the :5'1.5fel?1 t!. ",rile d;t II< /1t<? ;Dum, et!r lie IJ

cp: 2S-S 1n:~

It.. LJ..{

--~ ---1-:---"-' , ' . I

-8"'-1-,-,-' :~-:g,-o --"--I"'l--" ----.. ·-~··.... --1---
1n. dla : ID IQ ..L It) _~~-+i ,!
SOO '" --.- I "T!~!---;...-

o 80 120
Cosp.xity, ,aI/min

5/'; Ce. ati1t iJ fjtlW rab. the. P"l11f ef{/c)e~C.!7 IS t,J';'/~

/p W (N ?'r%)/ 7ftIJ PII"'I i$" 110 /t"', ,e r- ec. /1o~d C hot'~ .


12.2 S A centrifugal pump having the characteristics shown

in Example 12.4 is used to pump water between two large open
tanks through 100 ft of 8-in.-diameter pipe. The pipeline con-
tains 4 regular flanged 90 0 elbows, a check value, and a fully
open globe value. Assume the friction factor f = 0.02 for the
100-ft section of pipe. Other minor losses are negligible. If the
static head (difference in height of fluid surfaces in the two
tanks) is 30 ft, what is the expected flowrate? Do you think this
pump is a good choice? Explain.

j./P'p/IC4.·+'~;' o/' -/he -e"erj!:J .e.lua.-i,oh heiwt?el1 --!he +w()

ft;,;'tJ (I) 411;( (2.).J 9/;"u
jj +- ~2- f' i: +- -Iv
J' z..> ' f
tiJ1tA wJ111 r,th :. Iz.P ==-0
/I'.I -= v..2.. =~ ) Clnt! :zz. - i = 3() f-I:)
J E 1. (/) bec.tJl!}pj
~p =- '30 -Ft. + ~ lL tZ)
The. heat{ loss term Can be e)('/Y.fSSfd as (/~() It)] V 2-
L 4..L :- [If (~,~) -r /D T Z + ~.O2. (fz, Fe) L{.3Z.Z{!)

With 1hof f'I1ll1~r- Joss C(H!.fflC~e~fJ "Ut:llY1e,t fY~1h La /ole .P, '3. A/so;
cp (.f~h)
1/= !E =
A- L!) ~ ft)2-
an~ GZ. cz,; be CtPml'.5 ,12...
~ = -3D -t 2..0' [~(ft%)J
6 Y 1J,~ 5't5ffl'11 .Il t"- ~/~" C41'1 b{' wr,lflJ1 AS 2-

-/..-1' = :h) t- Ul- XJ~-5 [t?(~~ ( -3' )

The /;'.fpr5ecj.J()~ "I- -fhof!

s,!Stfm curve (E~. 3) bJJ~
1YIe tLlI1l p . ell rlle).as .ShO('uh
t:>1'7 th~ -f',lIre) If7c/J(4..feJ
that 80

/7'16 *"~
Since the e fl,c',eYlc,:/ 6t ih Jj
-fJOk)rafe /; nellY ,P"k
e f.fti. "el1c!J; ~s sh~wl1 f)n-tHe.
ff~t(Y'e -thiJ pump wfJ/lld b~
s(('H5~chl'ft . • I

a-- -----------------
1/ 1716Jltm
-_·-------------1-____ ._
a 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400
Flowrate. gal/min


12.26 In a chemical processing plant a liquid is pumped

from an open tank through a O.I-m-diameter vertical pipe into
another open tank as shown in Fig. P 12.26(a). A valve is located
in the pipe, and the minor loss coefficient for the valve as a
function of the valve setting is shown in Fig. PI2.26 (b). The
pump head-capacity relationship is given by the equation ha = T
52.0 - 1.01 X 103 Q2 with ha in meters when Q is in m 3 Is. 3m
Assume the friction factor f = 0.02 for the pipe, and all minor ....-____ J..
losses, except for the valve, are negligible. The fluid levels in
the two tanks can be assumed to remain constant. (a) Determine
the flowrate with the valve wide open. (b) Determine the re-
quired valve setting (percent open) to reduce the flowrate by
50%. 30m


-___00-_-_-_-_-__ -__-_-_-_-_:--) (~:::-::;:jo:-:--::-:::f-:-:-=:


o ! I

o 20 60 80 100
(Closed) (Open)
Percent valve setting


• FIG U REP 12.26

t:?n'( 111,'"/11 ~:::-

=0 J 11::. If. =0
I l- I
tin If ~z. - r, .=- 33 Mt I 12 B 0 (J) bf?c..&:iI?1e.I'

-Ivf = 33 mI + r LL (2 )

7h~ he~4 iDs.s #f'm ell" k eJlfy~.sJ~"" A.5

_ ~ V'
L fL = (kL -t i- D ) 2-d-
( ~) vp/ Jlf 0fe", kJ. ~ /.0 (~/"'rt-'t r; 1" P /2. 2. 9/:;) S~ tn",t t'.JJ1k
J :::- 3~""'1 1/,,4.1>::~· 1M( I I:p . (Z) elll1 ,,~ Ull'dr-f1f ~s
( 3/)"" ) ] V 2.
= 33/m + [ /. 0 of' ~. 02 ( -
trH )

(j) (1'j! )
v= 1-
Ef.r 3) be'Ui1I~..s
~f-- 33nn + [I. /) f' Is.. 0 ](i26) [ rr (tttI%)] 2.
if = !3"" S; 78>( If) 3 [ (j! c:!l)) " { S"j


s/n(~ Ihe film; -tfIJ(ti,,,h ,.;

1" = St. ~ - /, ~( X (0 3[ Qf-r.3)J 2 (I:.)

(/1'1'( Er (6) ~(/n ~ 1 pa;ied I::D de/;erf}1l14~ 1He IJDUJrtLie. Thus,;

3 .:2.. 3 2.
33 -t 57 7 8 X'1f) tP = S"z. () - I. () I X JD Q
rm 3
fd::- &. t)SZf S

(J;) rf l;?e flow I"a-k ti if) be ctti 1;1 A~Jf :50

rf=- ~. ~ ;.-zr/z :: tJ. ~ 2 IPS" t11'/ 3h) -the. hel('/
b 11}?/.lJ J,j
r r
~? = 5'2. t> - I,f)/ X I~
3 (
~.P2~S ~
.3) 2.


Frpl'}1 Ft· (If) WIPt XL tlI1KI1[)WM

.5~. 6 m1 = d3r»7 + (.kL +1..0 )(S2.b) (~, P2~S' ~J) 2.

Prom ;:.;,. 12. Z'i (b) -tnt. J/4/Y( w()"JA be /3% ~'pel? t:o
obi:tJln -In 11. IeL


A centrifugal pump having an impeller diameter of

I m is to be constructed so that it will supply a head rise of
200 m at a flowrate of 4.1 m3 / s of water when operating at a
speed of 1200 rpm. To study the characteristics of this pump,
a 1/5 scale, geometrically similar model operated at the same
speed is to be tested in the laboratory. Determine the required
model discharge and head rise. Assume both model and pro-
totype operate with the same efficiency (and therefore the same
flow coefficient).

F;'w ~;m;Jllrl:';~ the 1YJ~c/e/ flll11f Inllst t)J>fya"ie at thii' St1l11e

+/()W ~e.pflcie;,t .,) t?'1.
p /2.32. .) ..so thai:

(~3L : ( UJ~3)f
wheye tJ,e SU;'~CYI;t (/'M) re-HrJ to The fnodel and (p) -k -the
? roiot!:J,ce. Th U5)
Q, ~ (D,m)J ~
tV, DI' '

?vmr =- tv/'.J b".,. / Of'::" Yb)

~ ::. (I) (;)3 (if: ) ~ 3)

2l ( h~) 2.(~
$11?'f Vp D,.
ll.", l'

df> = ; "'h1 .) tv.m:=' tJfJ) ])/m / j)P:= YS".J t1 J1 II -t.~ = ltJo In.l

/2.2.g I
! 2.2S Explain how Fig. 12.18 was constructed from t~st
data. Why is this use of specific speed important? Illustrate with
a specific example.

A variety of pump configurations like the ones shown in

Fig. 12.18 were tested over a range of flow rates.
Performance data like those shown in Fig. 12.17 were
acquired. For each pump configuration, the operation at
maximum efficiency was noted and the specific speed, N.s '
(Eq. 12.43) was calculated for that condition of flow.
These specific speed values calculated at maximum
efficiency operation were then used to distribute the
different pump configurations as shown in Fig. 12.18.

Specific speed is important because from desired design

operational data ( UJ , Q, and ha. ) a specific speed value can
be determined. With that value of specific speed and Fig.
12.18 the designer can decide what kind of pump
configuration to use for maximum efficiency operation.
F or example, at lower values of specific speed, a
centrifugal pump is generally best. At higher values of
specific speed, an axial-flow pump may be best. In between
values of specific speed may suggest that a mixed-flow
pump would serve most efficiently.

Use the data given in Problem 12.15 and plot the
dimensionless coefficients CH , C<;ih 7J versus C Q for this pump.
Calculate a meaningful value of specific speed, discuss its use-
fulness, and compare the result with data of Fig. 12.18.

trPI11 P/"/)/:; /em /Zf/'5 1h~ .(;, /I~td '"j dllt.1L tVef"e ~b-b/;'~d .'

Q (jpm) 2-0 Jfo bo 80 j~o /20 lifo

t~.S" 69.S
~~ eft) 1Z.~ 12.; 87. '7 77,3 59.S"

~ (010) 2.'1·7 YI.l 'ff.i s7.S" 'I. 3

(.o.,/- S2.L

PD/()er /.S-8 2·2.7 7.... (, 7 2.1~'" ;,. )CJ J./f9 If, () 0


D= .J
!t) ;'1-

(/!~3 ~~) (if ft.):?

- Z. 88 X /~ Q (" m)

lAtA. = (32.2 ~) ~Ik{.ft)

eH = UJ}..Dl.
(/8'3.3 r:d)l(J~ k)2
= 1,70 X If3 1.. (ft.)

C(J = WshAft. -- W~h6ft (hp) ( ~b~ ~:~; )

(I.11f W:)(183J r;t!)2.~~~ftf
4- •
- /. qIf )( )D- W.s hAft Chf)
/he dak Q botle .'
2..0 ?to bO jO lot') I2-D 1'10
-3 -.3
I. 73 ..(lb-3 1. 3~t)D-3
Lf -,3
5. 76'(ID- /./SX I~ Z.~J>x J(; 3./fI.XID 11.o3XIO-J
~.Nf3 6.//f2J o./3J 7 0.1/ gil- ().Jo/f
~. /53/ ~.IS7t
-~ -s--
3,1)7 Y-JO
'f. 'foxJb
J;J!i Ib- If s'7U J/) h.J1xf~ t. 77 i/O ?7~f Jo

21·7 If]. 2- 'f9.1 57.7 tJ.3 /,0.'1 5"2.6

( ~o" 't)
/z- 37
12.2-1 (COYJ't)

W (ff-) (bJ.. (9f""')

[ha(ff) ] "¥'t
50 frrr 6/.3%


IS' wiftr,;' tA~

In F/J . 12 ./~

12.3 0 A centrifugal pump provides a ftowrate of 500 gpm
when operating at 1750 rpm against a 200-ft head. Determine
the pump's ftowrate and developed head if the pump speed is
increased to 3500 rpm.

h>Y tt ~ll/el1 ptfm p the efflci: t:J/ t:t C-hl{n~e /;-/ s~~d on tp
I{np ~ii. /.J "llIe n b!:J E$s. /2. iJ6 4/11'( /2.37. ih/.t5)

cg -
43. -
And WI1J.t tB = 5"()OJpm/ ~ =- /7~7) Y~mJ 4rlP' toz =- SS"oo rpm I -JheJ1

;:; ... W.2.. /!') _ ( 3 S"P" rfM) / )

Lf'z - - 1..(") - (51) 0 .J1m
Lv I ( /757) rpm)
/(){)~ !ptn

/J. fz. Wz- l.

~IL =- z..~o ft.


goo It
/2.31 I
12.3/ A centrifugal pump with a 12-in.-diameter impeller
requires a power input of 60 hp when the fiowrate is 3200 gpm
against a 60-ft head. The impeller is changed to one with a lO-
in. diameter. Determine the expected flowrate, head, and input
power if the pump speed remains the same.

Ft>r Je(!)/)1e 'Y'/~a Ib SI ~//tll' PI.{ mp.s 6>,t::eva-t1l1' ai -!he same sfeeJ. 1ke
el-tec:/; of- tt CMnge In IInp:z//PY' d//fme-ter" J.] t:jJIIRJIJ };, ~Is. /Z..39)
12.'1-0 / /2·ft/· ThIlS,)

(j), -
- -
¢/ =-
{j?z = (!i;2. ) 3 9/
Hpl'Y1 Eg. I).. 'fo
Ja../ == 1)2.-

~az- ]..

So thflt WJ1"k Jz.~/::: 6~ -f'i-

-Itt{'Z : :- (!l )2 t.~1 - (If) ~ n. ) ~1-6 -Ii ) = fl. 7 f-t
'0, lZ J n·

(b ~. JZ.lI_I)

. tV 5hllfiz.
W~jI4ItJ ::- 60 h p

IV :: (B-) Sf,j ::- (/0/ ~ )!Iao hI') .: - J. if. J np

.JhtJ#;z.. PI .5h4i I I z. Jn.

/).. -J.f.[)

12.3-2. Do the head-ftowrate data shown in Fig. 12.12 appear

to follow the similarity laws as expressed by Eqs. 12.39 and
12.40? Explain.

Ih e dalA In f::i~. /2. /2 z/z"w ihe el+~c' 6f CAlIl1fJn,j Impel/~Y

dlt-/mebr 6>/7 hetltl- ./Nt()tA-te Cht:ly~cie1"/~hC:s. A-ccord;d.f -to -!he
S/ff1J'JI/YI7fj If/WS eA./YeSsfl'l by E3. /Z. 3'1 "nd 1:tg. /2.. f-.o
tP, _ ,/),3
- - - (~t. 1l.3&J)
4J2. ~ :,

TIt US J 4.5 -!he till/me t:ft 1..5 jl1cyet1.s~d ff&ffI ~/h. -k 71n. t6 Jln.
~~ f/()WYI2-i:e In CY'etl:;e....s tiC C 6 rdlny 1:-0 .f",. /2.3'1 tfS

(f-~In bJI? 10 7Ii?) c:P, __ (D;a )3 ~/

=: (~.)
)~/ = /.'>'1 cPt
t( no(

(frOJrt t/n. if) !l I;'. )

5/';1/ /4rJ.J) fy"l11 E'j.

fl;p~ ~j~. ~v 7In.)
t:iI'I C(

(fr~m 61n. to gin.)

7h 145 6,. 41'1J

j ;/lIdl1 l"ln i I .5t(c.h a() (It) lJ here (/J =- IZ~ :I,m 4lfd

!tt<.. =- l..S-D H (S~e h5. /~. JZ ~n "'1/OkJll1~ fa9~) ~r 1htt. b-1n.

4ft/meter' IIn;e//Pfj -!he CtPrr-l'.spfPJ1r/Ir;,9 pr"etll,-+e/ POIJ1 i /,u"lA/P( be
Ivl::- (8) tvh eY'e.
CR. = (;. S1 ) (/ 2 °1 lun) -=-

It = (;. 3b) (2S0 Ii)


( CO~~)

/2.- tfj
;2, ~2 ( ~,/t)

40 80
Cotp.xily, &JUmin

/01' 1J,e 8-/n. 4tAfJ1ebr /11'}~e I/ey -/he fred(c-k~ jJo/;'i,J

W IP u t v( be at:
q =(2..37) (IZt!) Jptn) ::- 2-8lf- #-pm1
fr,4 : (;. 78) (2- 5""() ft) - 'ftfS-~-t
P!9/;ifJ (13) /InA (C) hI; near ih( 6Prre.sjJ()l'/dl n3 C!urlle.s In

;:;~. )2./2. -/here 1:;, tI~m()/1strltt./l1,g -Ih~i. 1h~'1 do a.ppeAY .fo

#J!f)W 1/ze ~/';'I'J4rt't!:J /lftvS. fe.5'

-k SI;"; ltlYl1-!1 law.s The 6,-Irl. QI4rnef:eY'

lJo~ .fh4. l- ei CL~rd/l1!I 17u

CUrv~ £5 simp}:; inl115 Ja -6e t:I. 1::-0 the right tin¢. tA. p k)4 yoIJi -i.e
0,6-/:(11 'n the ~ rre5poJ1dln.!} he~d-,f/~tJr~~ CltrJles ivy ~ 7-/V]. t/{J1t:1

6'-1 n. dltfm'etfJr fWl11p 5 . I f /s cAetlv frfJJI11 h'9- /2. / 2- 'ik,d;

1hu i j 1tr7er4//,!J ht?w -Ih(!. i'hrR€ ell,. lies ~ye re LtL-beP(.

/2- ¥2.

A centrifugal pump has the performance character-

istics of the pump with the 6-in.-diameter impeller described in
Fig. 12.12. What is the expected head gained if the speed of
this pump is reduced to 2800 rpm while maintaining a flowrate
equal to 200 gpm?

Frpl'h ;:;'7. /2. / 2- ~r the ~-I;'. rlltll11ebr 1m/tiler o/erlLt/~;7 ~I:- -!.;,-~O rjM1.)
cp:: 17~ :Jpt»1 411;(hi...=- 230 Ii. wh(n f!);f".~iJnj J peak.. e ff/~ ,eHc:;
( See 1t,1II"t I;elow). Th U~) ,:f 17te ;lIm; /J st/I/ o;tY'/L-bd a.:t pt'ak:.
e ff.lc../enC!1 fA.) J -th the SleeP{ yeduted ~ 2 Koo rpm '1hfl1 -11"01+1

Pr 12.~~
( l?j. /2. if:;)

c5 c> -ftt.a.A
~L :-
tv, cPt = ( 23DO
)r./70.J!~) - I~b ! PI'trl

FrtJm k~. J2.'S7

l~J tv 2.
iii 2.-
= I

.so iktJ.. t
-it< :; (~2.
L W,
) ~f~I 2.3~o rpm
=- ( gs{)O rpm
y(2 (; h) .:
3 Ilt7 H

,-,- -,
-,-_OJ I


a ~ 00 lW 1~ 200 2~
C:lpxily. &.lUmin

12 - 13

12.3'J- In a certain application a pump is required to deliver

5000 gpm against a 300-ft head when operating at 1200 rpm.
What type of pump would you recommend?

,t:;r (f== 5'000 3 ptn) ~,(..:: ~OO /-f.. I dnd tV =- J2C)O rpm
6?e CI "fIC sred 1.5

UJ (rpm) Yq? (Ipm) ·

[I~ (.ft.)) 3/,/-

(;2.&0 YSt;~ Ipm

I'Pfrl) I

(3 ~c It )31y-
II g()

From Fij. 12. /t/ d 1h~ .:5!ec/ltc ~!.eed a. rtf.d/~J

fhcu pClm; (Cf'nfn°1u9"/ !tI,I')1p) tu~tlJd P( rec.~()1meY1dfd.

12..35' I
12.35 A certain axial-flow pump has a specific speed of
Ns =5.0. If the pump is expected to deliver 3000 gpm when
operating against a 15-ft head, at what speed (rpm) should the
pump be run?

tJ (Y'tldh) reP (I-t%)

[~(kIs2) J/LL.ft:3


(7.13 f/3) (bD ~t1 )

(S:o) [c?ZZ ;::)(I';-h~

= Itjq -.s


- I!fDD rpm
/2,~~ I .
A certain pump is known to have a capacity of 3 m 3 I s
when operating at a speed of 60 radl s against a head of 20 m.
Based on the information in Fig. 12.18, would you recommend
a radial-flow, mixed-flow. or axial-flow pump?

t.; (Yilt/is) Ycp ~o/S)

Ivs =
&fm/s~) /,~ ?"'Jj3/cr
.;;,,. 0 :. ~o Y"n' /s) cp::- 3 /WI)Is ) d:! r. 8/ /s;
I'M t1I1A '£:: ZCJ"Wt

( ~o YA 4 h) V3 ~31.s '
Iv =
.s [ (UI ""Is ~)(2~ "" t/~

;t:i~. /2, /~ -the... P" mp 1..5

/2- '16
f Open (Z)
12.37 Fuel oil (sp. wt = 48.0 lb/ft3 , viscosity = 2.0 X
10- 5 lb·s/ft 2 ) is pumped through the piping system of Fig. -::B:'.;:.;:-:-~-::ar-:-:-:--:---~j -1
P12.3/with a velocity of 4.6 ft/s. The pressure 200 ft upstream
from the pump is 5 psi. Pipe losses downstream from the pump
are negligible, but minor losses are not (minor Joss coefficients
are given on the figure). (a) For a pipe diameter of 2 in. with a
relative roughness e/D = 0.001, determine the head that must __ e
5 psi
(l) rD = 2 in. ~r-{K...,..,'-

1.0) 'r
be added by the pump. (b) For a pump operating speed of 1750 v = 4.6 ft/s
rpm, what type of pump (radial-flow, mixed-flow, or axial-flow) 1---200 It - - - 1
would you recommend for this application?
• FIGURE P12."3r


( 2.)

Z (3Z.. 2.~

Th e head Il!>ss ..t:erJ11 CJ4n

T--RL =: [~ -+I.~-+
............ ~
va/tI( eJb()w e';(' ~ t
( 1f6'. ~ ft:.J ) (
BZ. Z 1$ If. ~ s
4)(az. t7../
JiJ-. ~71;(/()'f

tln f)( tv;fh elb = ~, /) 0/ -f == ~.~ Z'f (/Jhrl hI_ ,j.z~) .

MUS.J -t...L = 13. i, h tlhd ~ Ff. (2.)

if::: 18. B -f-t

~= YIt =- ('It, ~ fT)~! ft)2 -= ().It/o

rr = (~.I()~ f/3) (7 '/~ !It{ ) ~~,:,;,) ==

hY th/J ::1fecl'll c.. ;)pf>etJ. a. radla/-flow Pump w()uJd b~

re C f!:)m 111 PI"? de d .{;; yo -fh d 4.'p)JJ I ~J,() ~ (s~e;:;j.. / Z.I a) .

/2- ¥7
/2·3'1 I
12.39 The axial-now pump shown in Fig. 12.19 is designed
to move soon gal/min of water over a head rise of S ft of wa-
ter. Estimate the motor power requirement and the VI VOl needed
to achieve this 1l0wrate on a continuous hasis. Comment on any
cautions associated with where the pump is placed vertically in
the pipe.

rrdJ1lf E,. /2.Z~ ~ (jet file pDwe'l ef/l,'vltk",-I- -!rJ fhe. hf!tJa Y/$e
IlYlti fldWra1e, I"vtl/v~d. Thi$ i.r fJ,e WI;~i/'I'Ju~ P()wer Yejll/~etI '"
()clll~1Ie f~ ~rlwWtaHce. ~/etif/e".

p :: 7 (;( hA.

10 e$n~Q-/~ fhe fhfl{f (1y "."fI'It,., {JdWev ~~ £(/Y~,"e,.,f" /Nt. n~d h

~S~UI?I~ fJ,e ~f-h(;/en':Y pf fhe CfMver.r;tJl'J (J{ skill! IH ~
p(}VtkN 1':'1-0 fhe ;ump pe¥'1w1lf1~~ce s"e~i-hi.cI.

- -?P'
~ t. If lap
5· / J,f
(J." --


12.- tf8
/7. ·31 I(COn't )

7ht m~lIi? ClZUI/on In plac/ny fJe,. pUPlf veY"h'c~/& I~

fJ,t:, ,h-/Ah pi'pl!. is" ~ tio $"0 In a ~ay ~ pV4id

C (J vi -1-4 -f,iln In rAe pump. the. ~1J//a(J.rt.. of' c.a V/*h~n

pu 6/,le..J Ii, the pump e41!? -8'ryd~ pLlWI! 6/ael~ Ahtl ~I/,e~
wetted JUf-k~S. lip!,!!" -Ihe ~n~.J e., uIl 'hm.1 ,.!:S/f)
J,,e+WUJ'1 t-k #ef.. .J/'&r'c~ (I) tMtt:l- ~ pu~p e)lt~n(-t! (2.) INe


~ - P. 'l.

?f ;;''1
+ ?.l.
V, ;-2- -I,
1 L

50 ').

.&.:: 3. of ~, - ?.,. - ~ - hJ,.

'I '6

and fD /#11~/W,f}e.- ~
I w-e m/n/WI'le ~/-~J.' To ()'hie~

n,. it we place the /Jump h"" verh"utl't I~ /he, I;' itJ:G

P,,,e.. !hi! w,-II -k~uJ -h ~ A hif'" enllkjh h aVA/a'
ellV; /anfJ..", wk ic.IA ()(;GUrJ Wh~n P,. Q1"1I1/tI" rdake1 ptesruYeJ
,f" Ik fumf kCl/YYle, If:.S~ tlr4j11t f1re Jlo/lrP /,YeS,Itt."e of
fh~ flw,id ..

12 - '19
Il.Jf /

A Pelton wheel turbine is illustrated in Fig. PI2A!.

The radius to the line of action of the tangential reaction force
on each vane is I ft. Each vane deflects fluid by an angle of
135 0 as indicated. Assume all of the flow occurs in a horizontal
plane. Each of the four jets shown strikes a vane with a velocity
of 100 ftl s and a stream diameter of I in. The magnitude of
velocity of the jet remains constant along the vane surface.
(a) How much torque is required to hold the wheel stationary?
(b) How fast will the wheel rotate if shaft torque is negligible
and what practical situation is simulated by this condition?

• FIGURE P12.41

T= n mrm (u-V,)(J-cos~) where no:: If. (I)

(a) W/-!h fhe wheel staTionary U-:::O so fh4t

Tc:·Jfti; rm ~ (I-c().S~) where
ni = pfJ V= (/ll'f :'~If) 1(1£ FIt (/00 g.) ~ I. OS7 .s~f~

Thvs, T= - 'I ( /.0.51 !~f.s) (J fl) (/oo1}) (I-cos J3S0) '= - 722 fI·lb

(b) FNm Ef· (j)J whel) T=o.l the/} U=~

V = CAJ rm = ~ 01'
tv := 11..::: /00!J. =- 100 raJ ( 60,S) ( I rev )
r", /11 S min 2.11' rad
=9SS rpm
The ?/e- YO .Jvy~ ~ ca se- yep -reseYlis c< hn k..e Y"l
~hq f+ s ilvta-hb-n .

/;J.. - so
12.42 Consider the Pelton wheel turbine illustrated in Figs.
12.24, 12.25, 12.26, and 12.27. This kind of turbine is used to
drive the oscillating sprinkler shown in Video V 12.4. Explain
how this kind of sprinkler is started, and sUbsequently operated
at constant oscillating speed. What is the physical significance
of the zero torque condition with the Pelton wheel rotating?

As s-nIJw¥I ()n PIJ!t! 795 bel4w E<j. 12. >"0

,..; ~ (tJ -'1 )(1- (IJ~ t! )

of "'4~{f wife. c~,,'j ~ /1 /J'y,u-r. Wh'fl n ~.,{1' i~

jll~f. /lJHfey fj,al-1 Ik, yeSisf,', -hrrllfe rnJrI"rJ~d by
f~~ ~1'1"nAJe r ~ The f'e/~ Wheel YOfrJ:Ht-s IJntl e/YIVtf
'lite o.fci//(rhol'l df #te fI'Y/nlcl~r. A.f16v w~et!1
t"tJ~hfm /)NtJ S-IYi)?HkAr ()scil'af/m b,9';'.1/ 4"Y
tvn.fJa"J VAlue (){ h, a"'~ ~tl# Ttsul-h I~ ~
~h; vtt/ue of 0- IUVJ #lit.! YD!A·!i",. 5"1'('&::/
AlI?d also (J~~illa.-I;1n'I ~Y;or/.

IF tJt! fJ,a.ff Cl/HJ1~c,h';J ~ (Jlc;I/t:f~~ S,ylnWw

-h ft,~ It /-Iw, w/'eel IJY~4h duY/'Y o)lUntf,;,." ~
fJ,~ ~pY/~k./ey wil) (t.tl It! OSlillQ n,? al1d fl,e,

R/~ wJ,erl I#i il ru" 4:1 l4~.r~f r~htf.,.,Y)

~jJ€~" ~r'(/l17,j'j -h V = V, .

12.43 A small Pelton wheel is used to power an oscillating
lawn sprinkler as shown in Video VU.4 and Fig. P12.43. The
arithmetic mean radius of the turbine is 1 in. and the exit an-
gle of the blade is 135 degrees relative to the blade motion. Wa-
ter is supplied through a single O.20-in. diameter nozzle at a
speed of 50 ft/s. Detennine the flowrate, the maximum torque
developed, and the maximum power developed by this turbine.

iI FIGURE P12.43

For the Pelion whee I .shown

II -]I. 2.V,_1Z(-O'')..!1..f')2.( o H)
I v, - If D, I - tr- I;J.. T S '1:
or 3

Q~ O.O/oq .ff
From F,9. II, Zl
&half == mrm ~ (I-co.rp)
0,;: 0.20 in.

max V, :::50 f.l,~

~hQN = 0,2.5 mV/2..(1-C .5(1) O

where m:: eQ == /.9-1'- ~~ (o.OJOq If) '" 0.02 /)

_ 0.0211 =!:?S (I~ f.I)(5 0 fjl(t-c:os 1.35') == 0.150 :!v:;;ft

= 0, /50 fl, Ib
~haN ::: 0, '-5 (0,02-1/ ~:tM) (so 1}-/-( /- c os /3.5 0

or: H.Jj, I hp
~ha(f :::: 22.
.:s- .5'So f!.:Jk. ::; 0, oif. 09 hp
max ..s

A water turbine wheel rotates at the rate of 100 rpm
in the direction shown in Fig. PI2.44. The inner radius, r2' of
the blade row is I ft, and the outer radius, r j , is 2 ft. The absolute
velocity vector at the turbine rotor entrance makes an angle of
20° with the tangential direction. The inlet blade angle is 60°
relative to the tangential direction. The blade outlet angle is
120°. The flow rate is 10 ft 3 /s. For the flow tangent to the rotor
blade surface at inlet and outlet, determine an appropriate con-
stant blade height, b, and the corresponding power available at
the rotor shaft. Is the shaft power greater or less than the power
lost by the fluid? Explain.

NDk. fhat #te .slr..ff ptMl&y- C/Alwlake-/

b~/fM/) W5nQ f f
if less Itta" Me rtJdweY
/OJf. bl.l th~ -flu/ol bec~.J(! Jtlme- of
./ Section (1) Section (2)

the- PQWW //).$ f- by 1t,c, 1/1A1~ is clJJe • FIG U REP 12.44 t

h -flu /()( ~ 5haIJ. be4?'ln; /;;(;'17'oY)
While Ih(... Ye.Jf is ~f,~e.'I'ed()-f hu 5i,(JH ..

Q:::: 21T'/j b ~ cos 30(J where r; =: 10!f3 (mri" = 2 II (I)

u,::: 2.0,9
II/s()J w/lh w::Ooo!Y.. )(llfliA)(2.7l'rarJ)
milJ ~().S rev
'f7 rarl

;/ fo//ows that
U, == r; /));:: (2f1)(IO.Jf7 q!) : : 20,9 !/ and
U2.::: r,. W=(J II) (10,117 f!l.) -:
/0. '17!
From the Law 01 Sines (see (jovre): ~'."'~2'oo ':' _2_()_,9_fj~_ _
Sin (90'-ZOtJ-300)
or ~ :: 1/./2 p.
so fhal from Eq. fI)
7 oJ "

b_ ~ _ lofj3
- 2.1l'r, k!,co.s50o - 2.1T(2f1)(II,IZj.) C(}.f30(J
=0.0826 if

Also) Ve, : : ~-I- WI, sih30 20.9 +/1.1'2 sin,30' l: :2.6.£ #-

:::: o;]d
Ulshf4(' == pQ (02. V9 2. - U, Ve,) where Q :: :L1l'r2. b Wz CQs300 (1.)
or ~ _ ~ _ 10 §-3 !i
2,- 2.Tl'r~bco.s30(J - Z7J(J11)(0.082.l>lf)cos30(J =22 . .2..r
Uz.:: /0,'1 7
From the L4W of Cosines (see fo/vre): ~}.
142.= (lO.1f7)2+(2.2..2.1"-2..(J0,lf7)(2.2.2)cos60() or ~ =lfl2!/ V 3d

Thus) 142.::: IO.lf7 - 2.2.2. sin 30' -:: - 0, 63!) (lnd Fl(. (1J hecomes
WshQ(t ::(1,9~ -!~fS) (lofj3) [001 Jf7f1) (-0. 63 fl.) -(.20.9 #)(;z.t.s ¥)] : : - I. 08x 10'1 t!s:!9.
::: - /9.8 hp

1:2..- 53

12. Lf5 A sketch of the arithmetic mean radius blade sections

of an axial-flow water turbine stage is shown in Fig. P12HS.
The rotor speed is 1500 rpm. (a) Sketch and label velocity tri-
angles for the flow entering and leaving the rotor row. Use V for
absolute velocity, W for relative velocity, and U for blade ve-
locity. Assume flow enters and leaves each blade row at the
blade angles shown. (b) Calculate the work per unit mass
delivered at the shaft.

. / fia. tV
~ Blade sections

~ t U
at the arithmetic
mean radiUS
. /

45°V 7450
• FIG U REP 1 2 . '+5

'" U.I = 'i tAl an d U.2::: r.zlJ} were
h ~.I = (15 00 .!!jt.)(J!!!j!!.)
min 60S (2""
raJ):: 157 ~
rev .s
so that wilh rm-=O's HI
V, =(0.5 H)(JS7 !~J) ~ 78.5!t
The inlei and extf velocdy irianq/e s
are as shown. U2. :::78.5
Nofe: U, -= 02 (same rodilJs)
and J')
~ -= W2. (from conT/fwdj efn.

(b) ~Qff = ~ 1/,;2 - ~ l4, =V(v~n. - Vel) 0)

rrom fhe fi9/Jres: ~ cos 70() = ~ c ~s 'f,s0

o/JrJ from Law of Sines W, _ 78.s
Or W, =63.S!l
sinJ..Oo - sin (70 0 -IfS tJ )
so Tlla
f V. =
(63.S #) C-f)S~sl1
cos 70·
::: /3/. 3 Ji.
. s
or 11 II
V9 ,=V;cos20 ::/ 23 $
Vel.::: V2.. - ~ sin~.5t1 = 78,~ f - 63.5£1- sil'J'fS~= 33.~ 1/
Hence; from Eq. (I)
JUShafl::: 78,S Ji[ 33.,{ # - /2.3 £i ] =- 702.0--:..

/;2- S If
j 2.46 An inward flow radial turbine (see Fig. P12.46) in-
volves a nozzle angle, ai' of 60° and an inlet rotor tip speed,
VI' of 9 m/s. The ratio of rotor inlet to outlet diameters is 2.0.
The radial component of velocity remains constant at 6 m/s
through the rotor and the flow leaving the rotor at section (2) is
without angular momentum. (a) If the flowing fluid is water
and the stagnation pressure drop across the rotor is 110 kPa,
determine the loss of available energy across the rotor and the
efficiency involved. (b) If the flowing fluid is air and the static
pressure drop across the rotor is 0.07 kPa, determine the loss U 1 = 9 m/s
of available energy across the rotor and the rotor efficiency.

• FIGURE P12.4'-&

loss = Po J - jJfJ2. h
( a) ~ t .ld.shaH J were POI-fo2. :: s+a9f'J41i on preSSfJre
drop Qcross roi(¥' -=AI!s

so fhai 3 N
-- I JOX/O m:l
qqq ~"S

- ( /I 0 x103-4'2.) - 0.8Lf9
( 999 .lj;3)

12- .53
'" . '-I' I (Cd lI't )

( ot) IOSS = If) I f>- 1f)2. -I- .J»:sht.tll J

h J
were 101 - 'fn.. ;:: sra9lJa1Jon pressure aro!

aero.; S floif)f' :: A Is
JP;h411 ;:: liz Vel. -"0 VOl:: - ~ 14, since Vel. ~O
ThIlS) ~hafl:: - (q q-)( /1- 'f cos .30 0
) ::: - Q3,S f.."l.
.I:J fJs == II -f,. +t p( V, 1:.. V~~)
=0.07 kPa + -}(i.23 ~)((f2
pi1- -(6'!'f) ( 10
=(0.07 +O.066¥)AP4;:: O./3~'fkPr.f

T/Jus ~
3N 1
loss = O,/31'1-X/O;;;;. _ Q3.£ ::: /Z if ~
(1123 ~)
93.S .s~ ..d
• 111~ ==
( 1.23 .!J1s

12,47 For an air turbine of a dentist's drill like the one
shown in Fig. E12.8 and Video VL!.5, calculate the average
blade speed asociated with a rotational speed of 350,000 rpm.
Estimate the air pressure needed to run this turbine.

1() esf,~.,.,,,/e, ..fhe.. air ,reI/lAiC I p,,) Ylt.ed~d ~ YUn Mil

.Ju"'~;Yle ~ wt. esnMAk 1},a;! t1te nPJ?/e etif ve!oti,
;$ fJ.htnNi -Iw;c,o(.. At ~'1~ IA! ft,e, ~aI.t. blAde
VWnA ~ (JY

V = 2 U = 918 f'Vs
50 / ~1I>td.1~ MttcJ,.,. nu... 1..r I N) if ~;nrttlely
V _ '/8 f-Ih wilt. C ~J'n~"k"loJ. fi~,.J l/fJliJ:.
Z IIOt) f1~ J

(Vte (}.eJ

~ F,9· D. I tN.. V~'uJ. 'f- r. {ffrrl~'hlt/liJ -h M= d.13

.e.. -- d. / ~d f: ::: Z. -:::

' (). J
;v /0 (I'1~ 7If/If) :::: .:;t7 fJi~

12AS A high-speed turbine used to power a dentist's drill
is shown in Video V L!.S and Fig. E 12.8. With the conditions
stated in Example 12.8, for every slug of air that passes through
the turbine there is 310,000 ft ·lb of energy available at the
shaft to drive the drill. One of the assumptions made to obtain
this numerical result is that the tangential component of the ah-
solute velocity out of the rotor is zero. Suppose this assump-
tion were not true (but all other parameter values remain the
same). Discuss how and why the value of 310,000 ft· lb/slug
would change for these new conditions.

PYvw, Ex~Je 12. I w(. ha v-e.

W-,-, = -VVh f 1J~
$n~"'1- I f7/ :&.. 17~

fo if ViJ)' i5 (J. cfwll0 no! 3WD ,/ fl,e JIr d~,e.J1dJ' ~

IN J, e,-1J"e",- ()Y' hfJf Vt'll.. /#4f1 IH fhe dl'Hc..:h~Y) IJ~ rD~»~

wfA41f /;,~/.I be $MIVIlle~ ()v'

I~. If' /'/4. tie $ do

less ILwhl'nlJ {1,4"" iJ Iht. {..4.(e. I~ E~~/G /2. r~ V

J In.
\/f/;/1 btl. ,... -fJ,~ dl~c,-h;", If Ytlh:Ii""",1 !he !'If ~e
OVi eG.~ /es.! ,/ ~JIt" les! ww/c. iJ ex-!w.cferl
blt4.cle If

~ the, 1-{f/tN/~ 1lfA.-t',J. Jiu t the t:JPfJ~$;-Ie.;.$ /vt.L~

wI.e '" f1.t. (,LAd r.s tk wu,.,e ..;.."" 'J of tt,c fl..,; 0/
+h_~ if fJ,~ Ct4J-i. I;' [X/l,IM,/( '2.3.

12·50 I
12.5 a A Pelton wheel has a diameter of 2 m and develops
500 kW when rotating 180 rpm. What is the average force of
the water against the blades? If the turbine is operating at max-
imum efficiency, determine the speed of the water jet from the
nozzle and the mass ftowrate.

L '"
= T =f
(JJ Fw or 500 x10 !!.;.!!J.
m,n mi,,)(2.1l'rev
Thvs F= 26 too N
J ==J===
Wshatl :: pQ(J(U-~)(J-cos~) Sf) fh41 af maxihllm efficiency
with ~::;/80o and V= ~ fhis qiVes
e n1 ~{L
W.shaN ::; \or.>1.f:J..'" (- 2-V,)( 2.) == Q2. Vt2. = Z- 0)
= 2 rJ =2 I» 2.
Jl = fA.) D= (!80J:!f. )(1.min) (311'
mJfl &o.s rev
raJ) (.2.m) = 3 7• b !!!..

2. (SOOXlrf ~)
- 707 N·s
=707 kf/
{37.6 ';')2.

/2.S I 12.5 I Water for a Pelton wheel turbine flows from the head-
water and through the penstock as shown in Fig. P12.'?I . The
effective friction factor for the penstock, control valves,and the
like is 0.032 and the diameter of the jet is 0.20 m. Determine
'the maximum power.output. -

1 D=0.90m
I = 1020 m

~h4f1 = pQU(U-V,)(f-C;()S@) or for rnaxilTJ()m power ~::./80oJ U::-¥!-

Wshaft =- p'-f:l\' 2:'\1,2- 0)
max. :z. :l '1

By! f!.{ + ~ u. '" Ii.j~ +Z, +f I> ~ where p. '" " '" OJ z. ~ Q7,s1'J'l,
&, ::::2.S011'J and Vo=-o '7 J
Hence J

"2 () ;:: z, + fi +f l !j.2. where Il ~ ::: /I V ('J)

or ]X
tI- d/ V, = -i D2.V • ThtIT_J is V=(rJ)2.
-d- ~ =
(0.2 m)2
0.9 m V; == O. OJf9'f

so fhal £'1- (2.) hecomes:

97Sm'" UOm + 2(f.~;)[1 +O.032( 1:~:;yo.o~9¥f] where ~~f
or ~ ;:: /lif.3 t;-
lienee J
Q = II/V, ::: *(o.').hJtY//~3';) = 3.S~!f3
Thel'efore frofh £'1' tlJ:

)(3 st.!!t)
I oS
iff)2 -
- 232 x/o6 !!:!!J. -:: 232.00 /rW
. .s =J===

I).. - 60
/2..5'2.. I
12.52. Water to run a Pelton wheel is supplied by a penstock
of length e and diameter D with a friction factor f. If the only
losses associated with the flow in the penstock are due to pipe
friction, shown that the maximum power output of the tur-
bine occurs when the nozzle diameter, D 1, is given by Dl =

WshaN = ptf U(u- ~) (J -Co~p) so the 1fJ4ximvIYI power ovlpui OCC()Y'.s

w/lh ~:: /BO O and Tf = ~. TlJvs,
• l-{2. (0)
WshClN ::::: per i: where (J)
D, 1 ~------

(2.) (3)

/2.53 I
12.53 A Pelton wheel is supplied with water from a lake at
an elevation H above the turbine. The penstock that supplies
the water to the wheel is of length e, diameter D, and friction
factor f. Minor losses are negligible. Show that the power de-
veloped by the turbine is maximum when the velocity head at
the nozzle exit is 2H/3. Note: The result of Problem 12.52 may
be of use.


~D fI


_ 3 ~2.
- ~ ij.
= til

/2 -62.
12.5'1 J

12. {;J./. If there is negligible friction along the blades of a

Pelton wheel, the relative speed remains constant as the fluid
flows across the blades, and the maximum power output occurs
when the blade speed is one-half the jet speed (see Eq. 12.52).
Consider the case where friction is not negligible and the rela-
tive speed leaving the blade is some fraction, c, of the relative
speed entering the blade. That is, W2 = cW I • Show that Eq.
12.52 is valid for this case also.

The inler and otJiJef veJoc/fy

frianq/e.s tire as shown.
VOl = l0 and
V62 == U + W:z. cos ~
bvt W,,==cW', :::c(v,-V) So fhat V8~: r;+c(~-u)c()S(1

Therefore J
WslJatt ::: til u[ u+ c("" - U) co.s~ - v,] ::: m[U( I-c cosp) - V, (I-c CIS ~)]
== m(/- c co.s~)[u2._ lJ~]
For maXilll{)hI lJowefJ
dW s h411
(1 U ::" 0 rJr

m(/-cc~~)[2U-~];:;O ()r u==-¥:

/2-- 63
12. £.;1
12. SS A hydraulic turbine operating at 180 rpm with a head
of \ 70 feet develops 20,000 horsepower. Estimate the power
and speed if the turbine were to operate under a head 0(100 ft.

ru, =180rl'''' ho J = /701/ ,

J hr:z. = / 170 II ,
!ls.s/Jllle fhe efliciellcy remQillS cons/ani;
So wifh D, = D.. and ~ =v .. ;

170 100
(/80)"'- ~ all- or aJ:z.= Z3't q'"

IIssume Ihe SQ"'e powercoefficie#:

so wiih D, =D. and fl '" f.:
2~ 000 = WShg/i. or lIt.h.fl2 = 'f~ '{oo hI'
(t BOr (23'f)'

11. .56 I '----- 1- ..../

12. 56 Drafl tubes as shown in Fig. PI2.% are oflC:n in-

stalled at the ex it of Kaplan and Francis turbines. Explain why
such draft tubes are advantageous.
~~ ·1)~ '@7
t1 .' \:;: ">on I,,,,

:~:f;W/ ",\r,.,;w.,
• FIGURE P12 .5t

i;J,1ho.n +he dra/f lobe there Ulollid be a relative/y 1ii9h steed. exd jel
( speed V, J f"Bssure 111=0). Wdh Me draff ItJj,e (which at;fs as a
ddfwer ) the nif .rpee" is "'''vh smaller (I{,"O,/,1<#0). FrOI11 Bernou/k
e?Jl4/10!J ,y Mlows fhal fJ, <0 (wdh ihe draN Me). lienee fheN is a
Joryef head OII41/a6/e fo fbe fJll'bine. "ore ellcf'?! can be removed
fro", fhe Iluid.
12.57 Turbines are to be designed to develop 30,000 horse-
power while operating under a head of 70 ft and an angular
velocity of 60 rpm. What type of turbines is best suited for this
purpose? Estimate the ftowrate needed.

IJ. - 65
1.2.53 I
12.SS Show how you would estimate the relations~ip ~e:
tween feature size and power production for a wmd turbine !Jke
the one shown in Video V 12. 1.

10 +h~ ve/a-honrh'f k:lwtev, kluy(' $'3e Pi'll! f()wer--'

p'r'rIdAAcfio", f'w t; vv/".,d ~.,b/ ~~ wt. u.$-e +he d;~YlJ;".."IeIJ
pi 1eYWf! dl Err.
12·29 &tNvJ 12·30 whh,t, ate. ~"/;CAbk ft.".
ft, iIi'" u'" flus; ble flow. F(". {,";,/a(" .furl>:I'Itf a~'" '~A-h', (A 4; -I;",,)

-w:J Dr
WfhfJff I --
-WS-haf-f 2-
1 Ds-
f'L ~ J.

qha~ q hA1..
- -
wlJ D).
).. ....

5i~cL ~01 ha I = hal.. w<- um1/' ivae Po"'" ref

il =!'~ J

. l.
~~4If P,
- I co


tJy • w;/·i, ~,,-~"e {11~ sflAMtd .
71JV11-W" VAY/~J

/2 - 66
!2.~C[ I

12. 5'1 Water at 400 psi is available to operate a turbine at

1750 rpm. What type of turbine would you suggest to use if the
turbine should have an output of approximately 200 hp?

/1501[2iO' :: If. 86 wh ic h /s in fh e ralJr e

( Q2-3)S/I{- approprtale for an impulse

/2·60 I
12.6~) What do you think are the major unresolved nuid dy-
namics problems for gas turbine engines?

5~ ,n~qo/ (.¥YIrero!ve,) Fluid mect,QT1icr !'#.bI_ J

..ftv. J«f Iw.Th/~~ enJ1;'e.f In cluk.-
I. ct)mpY~.!.JtJY st-ahi 1/) pwd,'c.:j,~ a~'" ~ I

2. -Pa.-n anGl C8W1fJY'tSS~ bla4-e al?d 4J,r1:...

vi6 y,a -b'trn J
J. n();Je - - £.rnf and 6tlck.. ent/J'

If. sea / / eaM ge

s: hij ), prffJU re ./u d:7) ~ eM hj (c ifh?h,"",a';';'"
of -fluJd }?It ~C~~CI ~ kI ~s,£,,)

?.. ftJ//l(-/ttni ~i.r.lIPn.J (r pyn b/YM.-n~ 01 .fluid

mlU hII. ",'cf ()A-101 Ctm? bu f ~~ cJ, ~/.r-fo!l )

'7. h/fh w bl"pfe 10M, f"~J,,,,,,f

12.6Jf The device shown in Fig. PI2.fif-is used to investi-
gate the power produced by a Pelton wheel turbine. Water sup-
plied al a constant flowrate issues from a nozzle and strikes the
turbine buckets as indicated. The angular velocity, w, o f the
turbine wheel is varied by adj usting the tension on the Prony
brake spring. thereby varying the torque, T'''-fl' applied to the
output shaft. Th is torque can be determined from the measured
force, R, needed to keep the brake arm stationary as T"'./\ =
Fe. where e is the moment arm of the brake force .
Experimentally detcnnined values of wand R are shown
in the following table. Use these results to plot a graph o f torque
as a function of the angular velocity. On another graph plot
the power output, Wollafl = TollaR w. as a funct ion of the angular
velocity. On each of these graphs plot the theoretical curves for
this turbine. assuming 100 percent efficiency. • FIG U REP 1 2. fo/f
Compare the experimental and theoretical results and dis-
cuss some possible reasons for any differences between them.

w (rpm) R (Ib)
o 2.47
360 1.91
450 1.84
600 1.69
700 1.55
940 1.17
1120 0.89
1480 0.16

(Q)EXflerimenlal: T- Rl =(O.sfl) R or T= o.sR rUb, where R-/h

and W·silo" -- r W T ( l<i mn.
rev) (.1m!/!.)
;<6 os
W&h.f/ '" 0./01/1 TW H;'J, , wheN T-fllb, W~f'pHl
Valves of W, TJ and ~h.rl are 9iVefl ill fh faDle and ,!/'aIA below.

(bJ Thelrldico/: Te rhr((J-V)(I-('ls~) where I1ssvll18 ~=180',

- O. 5'12 ~
- 53 7 11
V.,-- 7r,
- Zl(o.'IJ ,\2. - • S J 11
'I Jj;' f'I;

m= pf¥= (1.9'f S71/)(o.SJf:J. f lJ= 0./05 sips

HeflC8, wdh U=wg e(;'..ff)(!~:;'·(,J ~oi) =0.OU2W#, (J}-rpll1
T= (0. /05 S~"9f)(F.:fI)[O.OU2W -53.7] ¥
or ~
T = 1.'11 ['f,88XI0 '" -I] rI·//;, where "'~rprn (3)

(con 'I)
J2,6lf (crJII11)

IIlso) ~hQfl = T tJ) = T(~f (I)) ::: O. lOll- 7 T tJ) t~:Jj ) where T,., fl-Ib, o;-I',jt
Values of T and Ufhalf frtJdJ £rs. (3) and (fl.) are ploiled if) fhe 9r4/);
e~periment Iheory .
T ) fl.1 b W.,LJI
s -7: F/·/b -~h4If J

o 1.235 0 l.lI-l 0
360 0.9S.5 .36.0 /./6 1/-.3.8
l/-5o o/ltO '13.3 /./00 5/.g
600 O.8'fS 53.1 o.QQ7 62..6
700 O. 77.5 .5 6. 8 0.92.8 68.0
9Jf(J 0.595 57.6 0.763 75./
1/20 O.I/IIS 52.2. O.63Q 7S.0
IJfBO 0.080 12.'1- 0.392- 60.7

1.6 80

J.~ WshoU
T ~
H.Jh /.2- 60
1.0 "'
D.S •


" 2.0


0 /000 w, rpm 2000

/'2- 70
Listing of Standard Programs

It -/

100 cls
110 print "***************************************************11
120 print ,,** This program determines the least squares fit **"
130 print "** for a function of the form y = a * e ~ b*x **"
1'*0 print "***************************************************"
150 dim x(101l,y(101l,logy(101l,ybar(101l
160 print
170 input "Number of points: ",n
180 print "Input X, yl1
190 for i=l to n
200 input x(il,y(il
220 next i
230 sx=O
250 sy=O
260 sxy=O
270 sxsq=O
280 for i=l to n
290 sx=sx+x(il
300 sy=sy+logy(il
310 sxy=sxy+x(i)*logy(i)
320 sxsq=sxsq+x(il~2
330 next i
3'*0 loga=(sxsq*sy-sxy*sx)/(n*sxsq-sx~2l
350 b=(n*sxy-sx*syl/(n*sxsq-sx~2l
360 a=exp(logal
370 print
380 print using "a = +*.*~Ht~~~~II;a
390 print using "b = +jt.***~~~~II;b
'*00 print
'*10 print" X Y Y(predictedl"
420 for i=l to n
430 ybar(il=a*exp(b*x(ill
'*40 print using "+#.####~~~~ +*.*###~~~~ +#.####~~~~II;x(il,y(il,ybar(i)
lj,.50 next i


5 cis
10 print "***************************************************"
20 print "** This program determines the least squares fit **"
30 print "** for a fun c tion of the form y::;: b .. x **"
~O print "***************************************************"
4.5 print
50 dim x ( 1011,y(lOl),ybar(101)
60 input "Number of points : " ,n
70 print "Input X, yll
80 for i"'1 to n
90 input x (ll ,yCi )
100 next i
110 5XY=O
12 0 5x3Q=O
130 for i=1 to n
14.0 5 Xy= s xy+x(il*y(il
150 sxsq=sxsq+x(i)~2
160 next i
170 b=sxy /s xSq
180 print
190 print using "b ::;: +* .... ~~ A A .. ;b
200 print
2 10 print 11 X Y Y ( predicted)tl
220 for i"'1 to n
230 ybar(l ):b*x{i )
2lj.Q print using " + •.•• U A
--- + •. UU" """ +1t.UU .. _ .... ";x(il.y(il.ybar{il
250 next i


5 cis
10 print "***************************************************"
20 print "** This program determines the least squares fit **"
30 print "** for a function of the form y = a + b * X **"
~O print 1'***************************************************"
50 dim x(101).y(101),ybar(101)
55 print
60 input "Number of points: ",n
70 print "Input X. Y"
80 for i=l to n
90 input x(i),y(il
100 next i
101 sx=O
102 sy=O
110 sxy=O
120 sxsq=O
130 for i=l to n
131 sx=sx+x(i)
132 sy=sy+y(i)
1~0 sxy=sxy+x(i)*y(i)
150 sxsq=sxsq+X(i)A2
160 next i A
161 a=(sxsq*sy-sxy*sx)/(n*sxsq-sx
A 2)
170 b=(n*sxy-sx*sy)/(n*sxsq-sx 2)
180 print
190 print using "a = +*.***AAAA";a
200 print using "b = +i.i*iAAAA";b
210 print
220 print" X Y Y(predicted)"
230 for i=l to n
2~0 ybar(i)=a+b*x(i)
250 print using "+~Lii**AAAA +~L****AAAA +*.i***AAAA";x(i) ,y(i) ,ybar(i)
260 next i


100 cIs
110 print "***************************************************"
120 print "** This program detennines the least squares fit **"
13 0 print 11 ** for any o rder polynomial of the form: **"
l~O print "** y :: dO + d1*x + d2*x"2 + d3*x"3 + •. . **"
150 print 11***************************************************"
160 print
170 dim b(21),d(211,s(21),x(lOll,y(lOl),f(101)
180 dim errf(101),pj( 1 01),pjml{lOll,ybar(101)
200 input "Enter number of terms in the polynomial: ",nterms
210 input "Enter number of data points: ",npoint
22 0 print:print "Enter data points (X • Y)"
230 for i:1 to npoint
2~O input x { i ) ,y(i )
250 d(i)=Q
260 f(i)"'y{i)
270 next i
280 print
290 print "The coefficients of the polynomial are:"
300 for i=1 to npoint
310 f(i)=f(i)-d(nterms+1)*x(i)~(nterms)
320 next i
330 for j=l to nterms
3lj.0 b( j)=O
350 d(j )=0
36 0 s{j)=O
370 next j
380 C(1)=0
390 for i=l to npoint
400 d(1)=d(1)+f(il
410 b(11=b(1)+x{i)
42 0 s(1)=s(1)+1
430 next i
440 d(1 ) =d(1)/s (1)
450 for i=l to npoint
460 errf(i)mf(i)-d(l)
470 next i
480 if nterms=l then goto 750
490 b(ll=b(l)/s(l)

(con't )


500 for i=l to npoint

510 pjm1(i)=1
520 pj(i)=x(i)-b(l)
530 next i
5~0 for j=2 to nterms
550 for i=l to npoint
560 p=pj(i)
570 d(j)=d(j)+errf(i)*p
580 p=p*pj(i)
590 b(j)=b(j)+x(i)*p
600 s(j)=s(j)+p
610 next i
620 d(j )=d(j )/s(j)
630 for i=l to npoint
6~0 errf(i)=errf(i)-d(j)*p(i)
650 next i
660 if j=nterms then goto 750
670 b(j)=b(j)/s(j)
680 c(j)=s(j)/s(j-1)
690 for i=l to npoint
700 p=pj(i)
710 pj(i)=(x(i)-b(j»*pj(i)-c(j)*pjm1(i)
720 pjm1(i)=p
730 next i
7~0 next j
750 print using "d# ::: +#.####AAAA";nterms-1,d(nterms)
760 nterms=nterms-1
770 if nterms)O then goto 300
780 print
790 print II X Y Y(predicted)"
800 for i=l to npoint
810 print using "+#.####AAAA +#.##1t#AAAA +4L####A~AA";x(i),y(i),y(i)-errf(i)
820 next i

aThis program is based on an algorithm described in Conte, S.D. and de Boor,

C., Elementary Numerical Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach, 3rd Ed., McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1981, p. 2.59. '

5 cls
10 print "***************************************************11
20 print "** This program determines the least squares fit **"
30 print "** for a function of the form y = a * x h b **"
4.0 print "***************************************************"
50 dim x(101),y(101),logx(101),logy(101),ybar(101)
55 print
60 input IINurnber of points: ",n
70 print:print "Input X, Y"
80 for i=l to n
90 input x(i),y(i)
99 logy(i)=log(y(i»
100 next i
101 sx=O
102 sy=O
110 sxy=O
120 sxsq=O
130 for i=l to n
131 sx=sx+logx(i)
132 sy=sy+logy(i)
14.0 sxy=sxy+logx(i)*logy(i)
150 sxsq=sxsq+logx(i)h2
160 next i
161 loga=(sxsq*sy-sxy*sx)/(n*sxsq-sx h 2)
170 b=(n*sxy-sx*sy)/(n*sxsq-sx h 2)
175 a=exp (loga)
180 print
190 print using lIa = +#.###hhhAllja
200 print using lib = +#.###hhhhll;b
210 print
220 print 11
X Y Y(predicted)II
230 for i=l to n
2~O ybar(i)=a*x(i)-b
250 print using 1I+#.####hhh- +#.####_h_h + # • # # # # h h h h " j X ( i ) , y ( i ) ,ybar ( i )
260 next i

100 cls
110 print "*",,,,,,,,,,*,,,,,,*,,,,,,,,,,,,** •• *,,,,,,*,,,**,,,,,,,,,**,,,,,,,,,,,,***********,,,,,,***"
120 print It** This program performs numerical inte gratio n **"
130 print ,,** over a set of an odd number of equally **"
1t..0 print "** spaced po ints using Simpson I s Rule "'."
150 print 11.**************.******",***********************",*."
16 0 print
170 dim x{101J,y(lOll
180 input "Enter number of data points: ", n
190 print "Enter data po ints (X • Y)"
200 for i 1 to n

210 input x (il, y (i)

220 next i
23 0 h : (x(nl-x ( l )/( n - l)
24 0 5"'0
250 for i=2 to 0-1 step 2
260 sEs+4*y(i)+2*y ( i+ll
2 7 0 next i
28 0 intgrl:h/3*(s+y(1)-y ( n»
290 print
300 print using "The approximate val ue o f the integral is: +*.UU ........ ";intgrl


100 c ls
110 print "*****************************************************"
120 print "** This program performs numerical integration **"
130 print u** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule **"
litO print u**** •• *******.*******************.*******************"
150 print
160 dim x(lOl),y(lOl)
170 input "Enter number of data points: ",n
180 print "Enter data points (X , y)"
190 for i=1 to n
200 input x(i),y(i)
210 next i
23 0 intgrl=O
2 ~ 0 for isl to n-l
250 intgrl=intgrl+O .5* (x(i+l' - x ( i)*(y(i ) +y(i+l »
2 60 next i
280 print
290 print using "The approximate value of the integral is: + •.•••• - -- - ";intgrl

A- -8

100 cIs
110 print ,,*.*** ••• *** •• ****.* •• ****.**.* •• * •• *.************* •• ****.11
120 print "** This program determines the fri ction factor. f. for **"
130 print "** pipe floW' for the case of laminar or turbulent flow «."
140 print "*'* (solving iteratively Colebrook's equation), given *. "
150 print "** the Reynolds number and the relative roughness of **"
160 print ".* the pipe **"
17 0 print "* •• ** •• ** ••
*.********.***.*.*.*.**** •• ****.****.****** •• *"
180 print
190 input "Enter Reyn olds number, Re = tItre
200 f"6/j./re
210 if re < 2100 then goto 260
220 input IIEnter relative roughness, rr = ". rr
230 fp · f
240 f~1/(-2.0*log(rr/3.7+2.5 1 /(re*fp~.S)l/log(lO»A2
250 if abs(l-f/£p»O.OOl then g o te 230
260 print
270 print us ing "The friction factor is f ;0 +1t . •• UAA ...... ";f


100 cIs
110 print "******************* ***************************************"
120 print It ** This prosram determines the real roots of a **"
130 print "** c ubic equation of the form x 3 + a*x " 2 + b*x + c '" 0 **"

l(,j. O print "************"'**"'*"' ****************************************"

150 print
160 input " a • ",a
170 input " b • " •b
18 0 input " c • " ,c
200 'Check if the equation h as complex roots
210 p"'(3*b-a'"'2)/3
220 q={2*a A3-9*a*b+27*cl/27
230 if q'"'2/(,j.+p"3/27{=0 then go to 250
240 print:print "The equation has complex root s ll:stop
250 xO= - a/3+2/3 *( a"'2-3*bl"0 . 5
260 for i=1 to 20
270 x1~(2*xO "' 3+a*xO "' 2-cl/( 3*xO"'2+2*a*x O +b )
280 if abs (x1 / xO-1 )<0 .0001 then goto 310
290 xO "'x1
300 next i
310 rn"'a+x1
320 n=b+a*x1+x1"'2
330 x2 z ( -m+(m ... 2-(,j.*n) ... . 5)/2
3(,j.0 x3 -( -m -( m... 2-(,j.*n) ... . S )/ 2
350 print
360 print "The roots of the cubic e quation are:"
370 pri n t using "x1::: +*.UU ... ...... ... x2 .. +It . tUI
x3=+It .• U, ........... ";xl.x2,x3

~o o CLS
110 PRINT "**********************************************************"
120 PRINT ,,** This program computes the one-d imensiona l Fanno or *:*,.
130 PRINT "** Rayleigh flow functions f or a gas with constant **"
1'0 PRINT "** s pecific heat and molec ular weight. (NOTE: k > 1 ) **"
150 PRINT "**********************************************************"
170 ' Fann o flow f unctio ns
180 DEF FNFTTSTAR (K, MAl = (K + 1*) / (2* + (K - 11 ) * MA ~ 2)
210 DEF FNFPOPOSTAR (K , MA l : ( 1* / FNFTTSTAR (K, MA l) ~ « K + 111 / (21 * (K - 1
~))) I MA
220 DEF FNFLD (K. MA) = (11 MA A 2) / (K * MA ~ 2) + (K + 1.) * LOG (FNFVVSTAR(
K. MAl ~ 2) I (2 * K) *
2 ~O ' Rayleigh flow functi o ns
250 DEF FNRTMP (K. MA l = 1* + (K - 11 ) * MA ~ 2 / 2*
260 DEF FNRPPA (K, MAl = ( 11 + K) / (1# + K * MA • 2)
270 DEF FNRTTA {K, MA l : (FNRPPA(K. MAl * MAl 2
280 DEF FNRVVA (K, MAl = FNRPPA(K. MAl * MA ~ 2
290 DEF FNRTOTOA (K. MA l = 2* * FNRPPA(K, MA l 2 * MA A 2 * FNRTMP(K. MA ) / (K
+ UI
300 DEF FNRPOPOA (K, MA l = FNRPPA(K, MAl * (2* * FNRTMP(K, MAl / (K + 111) (K
I ( K - U) )
3 10
320 , Get functions desired
330 LOCATE 8 : PRINT ItProgram options 11
300 LOCATE 9: PRINT" (1 ) Fanno flow cal c ul a tions"
350 LOCATE 10: PRINT" (2 ) Rayleigh f lo"," calcul ations"
360 r,.OCATE 11: INPUT "Enter the number of the option desired: ". OPT
310 IF (OPT <> 11 AND (OPT <> 2) THEN LOCATE 11: PRINT SPACE$(79): GOTO 360
390 '-- - Disp lay banner specif ing which fl ow calcul ation is being performed
400 CLS
410 IF OPT = 2 GOTO "80
420 PRINT 11**********************************************************"
430 PRINT "** Computing the one-dimensional Fanno fl ow functions **"
440 PRINT u** for a gas with constant specific heat and molecular **11
45 0 PRINT It** weight. (NOTE: k > 1) ** "
460 PRINT "**********************************************************"
410 GOTO S,.,O
480 PRINT It*************************************************************"
490 PRINT "** Computing the one-dimensional Rayleigh flow functi ons **"
500 PRINT "** for a gas with constant s pecific heat and molecular **"
510 PRINT "** weight. (NOTE: k > 1) **"
520 PRINT "* **** ********** ***** ": ************ ******** ********************"
5~O '--- Get the user specified specific heat rati o
550 LOCATE 7: INPUT "Enter the specific heat ratio. (k > 1 ): " K


560 IF K (= 1 THEN GOTO 550

580 PRINT USING "The specific heat ratio is k=##.###"; K
590 I

600 I Get Mach number to solve for

610 FOR I = 8 TO 16: PRINT SPACE$(79): NEXT I
630 INPUT "Enter a Mach number to solve for (999 to quit): ", MA
6~0 IF MA = 999 THEN END
650 IF MA > 0 AND OPT = 2 THEN GOTO 710
660 IF MA > 0 AND OPT = 1 THEN GOTO 830
.670 LOCATE 9: FOR I = 1 TO 6: PRINT SPACE$(79): NEXT I: LOCATE 1~
680 PRINT "Valid Mach number range: Ma > 0"
690 GOTO 620
700 I
710 I Solve Rayleigh flow functions for specified k and Ma
730 PRINT USING" Ma #.####~~~~"; MA
7~0 PRINT USING" P/Pa = #.####~~~~"i FNRPPA(K, MA)
750 PRINT USING" T/Ta = #.####~~~~II; FNRTTA(K, MA)
760 PRINT USING" VIVa = #.####~A~A"; FNRVVA(K, MA)
770 PRINT USING "To/Toa = #.####~~~~II; FNRTOTOA(K, MA)
780 PRINT USING "Po/Poa = #.fi:fi:#fi:~~~~II; FNRPOPOA(K, MA)
790 I
800 I Loop back for another Mach number
810 GOTO 620
820 I
830 1 Solve Fanno flow functions for specified k and Ma
850 PRINT USING" Ma = #.####~~~AII; MA
860 PRINT "f(l*-l)/D = ";
865 PRINT USING "#.####~~~~"; FNFLD(K, MA)
870 PRINT " T/T* = ";
880 PRINT II V/V* = ";
885 PRINT USING "fi:.fi:###~~~~"; FNFVVSTAR(K, MA)
890 PRINT II P/P* = ";
900 PRINT II Po/Po,* = ";
905 PRINT USING "#.###*~~~~"; FNFPOPOSTAR(K, MA)
920 '
930 I Loop back for another "Mach number
9il-0 GO TO 620

It -II

100 CLS
110 PRINT "***********************************************************"
120 PRINT "** This program computes the one-dimensional isentropic **"
130 PRINT "** flow functions for a gas with constant specific heat **"
14,0 PRINT "** and molecular weight. (NOTE: k > 1) **"
150 PRINT 11***********************************************************11
160 '
170 I Isentropic flow functions
180 DEF FNITTO (K, MA) = 2# / (2# + (K - 1~) * MA ~ 2)
190 DEF FNIPPO (K, MA) = FNITTO(K, MA) ~ (K / (K - 1#) l
200 DEF FNIRRO (K, MA) = FNITTO(K, MA) ~ (1# / (K - 1#))
210 DEF FNIAASTAR (K, MAl = (2# / ((K + 1#) * FNITTO(K, MA))) ~ ((K + 1#) / (2#
* (K - 1#))) / MA
220 I .

230 ' Get user specific heat ratio and display

24,0 LOCATE 7: INPUT IIEnter the specific heat ratio, (k > 1): ", K
250 IF K (= 1! THEN GOTO 2~0
270 LOCATE 7: PRINT USING "The specific heat ratio is k=##.###"; K
280 r
290 ' Get Mach number to solve for
300 FOR I = 8 TO 15: PRINT SPACE$(79): NEXT I
320 INPUT IIEnter a Mach number to solve for (999 to quit): ", MA
330 IF MA = 999 THEN END
3~0 IF MA > 0 THEN GOTO 390
360 PRINT "Valid Mach number range: Ma > 011
370 GOTO 310
390 ' Solve isentropic flow functions for specified k and Ma
~50 I

~60 r Display computed results

4,70 PRINT USING" Ma = #.####~~~~II; MA
~80 PRINT USING" T/To = #.####~~~~"; TTO
~90 PRINT USING liP/PO = #.####~~~~II; PPO
500 PRINT USING "RHO/RHOo = #.####~~~~"; RRO
510 PRINT II A/A* = "i
515 PRINT USING "#.####~~~A";AASTAR
530 '
54,0 ' Loop back for another Mach number
550 GOTO 310


100 CLS
110 PRINT "************************************************************"
120 PRINT H** This program computes the one-dimensional normal-shock **/1
130 PRINT 11** functions for a gas with constant specific heat and **11
14,0 PRINT 11** molecular weight. (NOTE: k ) 1) **11
150 PRINT "************************************************************"
160 I
170 I Normal-shock functions
180 DEF FNSTMP (K, MAX) = (2# * K * MAX ~ 2 / (K - 1#)) - 1#
190 DEF FNSMAY (K, MAX) = SQR«MAX ~ 2 + (2# / (K - 1#))) / FNSTMP(K, MAX))
200 DEF FNSPYPX (K, MAX) = 2# * K * MAX ~ 2 / (K + 1#) - (K - 1#) / (K + 1#)
210 DEF FNSVYVX (K, MAX) = (K + 1#) * MAX A 2 / «K - 1#) * MAX ~ 2 + 2#)
220 DEF FNSTYTX (K, MAX) = (1# + (K - 1#) * MAX ~ 2 / 2#) * FNSTMP(K, MAX) / «(
K + 1#) * MAX) A 2 / (2# * (K - 1#)))
230 DEF FNSPOYPX (K, MAX) = «K + 1#) * MAX ~ 2 / 2#) A (K / (K - 1#)) * FNSPYPX
(K, MAX) A (1# / (1# - K))
24,0 DEF FNSPOYPOX (K, MAX) = «(K + 1#) * MAX ~ 2) / (2# + (K - 1#) * MAX ~ 2))
A (K / (K - 1#)) / FNSPYPX(K, MAX) A (1# / (K - 1#))
250 I
260 I Get user specific heat ratio and display
270 LOCATE 7: INPUT "Enter the specif ic heat ratio, (k ) 1): ", K
280 IF K <= 1! THEN GOTO 270
300 PRINT'USING "The specific heat ratio is k=##.###"; K
310 I
320 I Get Mach number to solve for
330 FOR I = 8 TO 17: PRINT SPACE$(79): NEXT I
350 INPUT "Enter a Mach number to solve for (999 to quit): ", MAX
360 IF MAX = 999 THEN END
370 IF MAX )= 1! THEN GOTO ~20
380 LOCATE 9: FOR I = 1 TO 7: PRINT SPACE$(79): NEXT I
390 LOCATE 15: PRINT "Valid Mach number range: Ma,x)= 1"
~OO GOTO 3~0
4,10 I
~20 ' Solve normal-shock functions for specified k and Ma
500 '
510 t Display computed results
520 PRINT USING" Max = #.####AAA~ft; MAX
530 PRINT USING II May = #.####~~~~II; MAY
5~0 PRINT USING" Py/Px = #.####AAAAft; PYPX
560 PRINT USING" Ty/Tx = #.####A~AAII; TYTX
570 PRINT USING II Poy/Pox = #.####A~~~II; POYPOX
580 PRINT USING" Poy/Px = #.####AA~A"; POYPX
600 I
610 I Loop back for another Mach number
620 GOTO 34,0


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