Chemical Checkpoints: Department of Occupational Safety and Health
Chemical Checkpoints: Department of Occupational Safety and Health
Chemical Checkpoints: Department of Occupational Safety and Health
A. Company Particulars
Name :
Address :
Contact Person :
Telephone No. : Fax No. :
Email :
Commencement of
Operation :
DOSH Reg. No. :
Type of Industry :
No. of Workers : ( Male : ; Female : )
B. Assessment Particulars
Enabler Team
Name Contact No.
C2 Appointment of person-in-charge (PIC) to implement programme Letter of appoinment for PIC issued/endorsed by Yes – Employer appoint the PIC and
management issue letter of appointment
Yes No
No – PIC not appointed
Notes : To proceed to the next level employer must full fill all the checkpoint in this level.
B. Level 2 (Basic)
C3 PIC attended program Proof of attendance (certificate) Yes – PIC must attend the SoHELP
training conducted by DOSH or others
Yes No training provider and given certificate of
C4 Provide a place for workers’ meeting & training Proof of meeting & training facilities Yes – Employer provide proper place for
worker’s meeting & training (training
Yes No room, meeting room and etc)
C6 PIC prepare action plan Proof of Gantt chart/action plan on implementation Yes – PIC to prepare Gantt chart/ action
of SOHELP at the workplace plan for SOHELP programme consist of
Yes No planning and action to be taken for each
C7 PIC to conduct internal SOHELP training Proof of conduct training Yes – PIC to organize and conduct
internal SOHELP training to
Yes No SHC/Workers etc)
C8 Availability of complete and updated chemical register Proof of complete and updated chemical register Yes - PIC to proof the availability of complete
and updated chemical register
Yes No No – PIC can't proof the availability of
complete and updated chemical register
C10 Availability of safety data sheets for chemicals according to Proof the availability of SDS at workplace Yes - PIC to proof the availability of SDS
CLASS Reg. 2013 for chemical according to CLASS Reg.
Yes No 2013
C11 Proper storage of chemicals Proof of proper storage of chemicals Yes - PIC to provide proper storage of
Yes No
No – PIC not provide proper storage of
C14 Provide appropriate warning signs Proof of appropriate warning signs Yes – Employer provide appropriate
warning sign.
Yes No
No – No warning sign provided
C15 Provide information, instruction and training Proof of training Yes – Employer provide information,
instruction and training
Yes No
No – Employer not provide provide
information, instruction and training
C17 Provide adequate, well-fitted and easy-to-maintain personal Proof adequate, well-fitted and easy-to-maintain Yes – Employer provide adequate, well-
protective equipment when risks cannot be eliminated by personal protective equipment when risks cannot fitted and easy-to-maintain personal
Yes means.No NA be eliminated by other means. protective equipment when risks cannot
be eliminated by other means.
C18 Make sure that everyone uses personal protective Proof that employee use PPE where is needed Yes - PIC to provide proof that everyone
equipment where it is needed. uses personal protective equipment
Yes No NA where it is needed.
C20 Provide proper storage for personal protective equipment. Yes – Employer provide PPE storage.
Notes : To proceed to the next level employer must full fill all the checkpoint in this level.
D. Level 4 (Advanced)
C23 Implement most (>50%) action to be taken in the CHRA or Yes - Provide proof that most (>50%)
SiRAC report or HRA report action to be taken in the CHRA or
Yes No SiRAC report or HRA report is
Remarks : No – Less than 50% action to be taken
in the CHRA or SiRAC report or HRA
report is implemented.
C24 Reporting/notification of occupational diseases case related Yes - Occupational diseases case
to chemical related to chemical is reported to DOSH.
Yes No NA
No – Occupational diseases case
related to chemical is not reported to
Remarks :
C26 Increase the use of natural ventilation when needed to Yes - Natural ventilation are installed at
improve the indoor condition required area.
Yes No NA
No – No natural ventilation are installed
at required area.
Remarks :
NA -Natural ventilation is not required.
C27 Improve and maintain ventilation systems to ensure good Yes - Engineering control equipment are
workplace air quality. inspected periodically by the employer
Yes No NA and tested and examined by hygiene
technician annually.
Remarks : No – No maintenance, inpection and
test on engineering control equipment.
C29 No new case of occupational disease related to chemicals Yes - New occupational diseases case
related to chemical occur.
Yes No
No – No new occupational diseases
case related to chemical occur.
Remarks :
Notes : Inline with Reg. 10 of
NADOPOD Reg. 1994. Reporting can
be made via online system e-JKKP7
Remarks (Verifier):