Rizal Notes Long Quiz No. 1

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SECTION 1. Courses on the life, works and writings of Jose SECTION 3. The Board of National Education shall cause
Rizal, particularly his novel Noli Me Tangere and El the translation of the Noli Me Tangere and El
Senate Bill 438
Filibusterismo, shall be included in the curricula of all Filibusterismo, as well as other writings of Jose Rizal into
schools, colleges and universities, public or private: English, Tagalog and the principal Philippine dialects; cause
June 12, 1956
Provided, That in the collegiate courses, the original or them to be printed in cheap, popular editions; and cause
President Ramon Magsaysay
unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El them to be distributed, free of charge, to persons desiring
Filibusterismo or their English translation shall be used to read them, through the Purok organizations and Barrio
Congress passed the Rizal Bill (Senate Bill 438) and was as basic texts. Councils throughout the country.
signed into Rizal Law (Republic Act 1425) by President
Ramon Magsaysay on June 12, 1956. 1425: House Bill No. The Board of National Education is hereby authorized and SECTION 4. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as
1425, known as the Rizal Law, mandates all educational directed to adopt forthwith measures to implement and carry amendment or repealing section nine hundred
institutions in the Philippines to offer courses about Jose out the provisions of this Section, including the writing twenty-seven (927) of the Administrative Code,
Rizal. and printing of appropriate primers, readers and prohibiting the discussion of religious doctrines by public
textbooks. school teachers and other person engaged in any public
PRIVATE SCHOOLS, COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES COURSES The Board shall, within sixty (60) days from the effectivity
ON THE LIFE, WORKS AND WRITINGS OF JOSE RIZAL, of this Act, promulgate rules and regulations, including SECTION 5. The sum of three hundred thousand pesos
PARTICULARLY HIS NOVELS NOLI ME TANGERE AND EL those of a disciplinary nature, to carry out and enforce the (300, 000) is hereby authorized to be appropriated out of any
FILIBUSTERISMO, AUTHORIZING THE PRINTING AND provisions of this Act. fund not otherwise appropriated in the National Treasury to
DISTRIBUTION THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES carry out the purposes of this Act.
The Board shall promulgate rules and regulations
WHEREAS, today, more than any other period of our history, providing for the exemption of students for reasons of SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
there is a need for a re-dedication to the ideals of freedom religious belief stated in a sworn written statement, from
and nationalism for which our heroes lived and died; the requirement of the provision contained in the second part
of the first paragraph of this section; but not from taking the
WHEREAS, it is meet that in honoring them, particularly the course provided for in the first part of said paragraph. Said
national hero and patriot, Jose Rizal, we remember with rules and regulations shall take effect thirty (30) days Senate bill 438 known as Rizal Bill which was first
special fondness and devotion their lives and works that after their publication in the Official Gazette. authored by Senator Claro M. Recto – requiring the
have shaped the national character; inclusion in the curricula of all private and public schools,
SECTION 2. It shall be obligatory on all schools, colleges colleges and universities the life, works and writings of Jose
WHEREAS, the life, works and writing of Jose Rizal, and universities to keep in their libraries an adequate Rizal particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El
particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, number of copies of the original and unexpurgated Filibusterismo – is considered as one of the most
are a constant and inspiring source of patriotism with editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as controversial bills in the Philippines.
which the minds of the youth, especially during their well as of Rizal’s other works and biography. The said
formative and decisive years in school, should be unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Normally, before the bill was approved and implemented in all
suffused; Filibusterismo or their translations in English as well as other schools and was signed into a law known as Republic Act
writings of Rizal shall be included in the list of approved 1425, it had been brought to the Upper and Lower House
WHEREAS, all educational institutions are under the books for required reading in all public or private of the Congress for deliberations.
supervision of, and subject to regulation by the State, and all schools, colleges and universities.
schools are enjoined to develop moral character, But what made it controversial is that the bill was not just
personal discipline, civic conscience and to teach the The Board of National Education shall determine the fiercely opposed by people from Legislative Arm but also
duties of citizenship; Now, therefore, adequacy of the number of books, depending upon the by the Catholic Church due to the inclusion of
enrollment of the school, college or university.

compulsory reading of Rizal’s novels in which according Oppositors argued that among the 333 pages of Noli Me Excitement and intense scenes were eventually arisen in
to them, catholic dogmas are humiliated. Tangere, only 25 passages are nationalistic while 120 settling the Rizal Bill. One of which was the debate of Cebu
passages are anti-catholic. Representative Ramon Durano and Pampanga
Senator Recto brought the bill to the Senate and Senator Representative Emilio Cortes that ended with a fistfight
Jose B. Laurel Sr. who was then the Chairman of the While upon scrutiny of the two novels by some members of in Congress.
Committee on Education sponsored the bill that catholic hierarchical, 170 passages in Noli Me Tangere and
consequently led to exchange of arguments from the 50 in El Filibusterismo are against catholic faith. Bacolod City Bishop Manuel Yap threatened to campaign
Congress. against pro-rizal bill legislators and to punish them in
Furthermore, oppositors pointed out that Rizal admitted that future elections.
The bill was headedly opposed by three senators namely: he did not only attack the friars who acted deceptively on
● Senator Francisco Rodrigo who was a former the Filipinos but also the catholic faith itself. Catholic Schools Representatives threatened to close
Catholic Action President down their schools if the Rizal Bill was passed.
● Senator Mariano Cuenco They suggested a reading material for students as to what
● Senator Decoroso Rosales who was the brother of they called Rizalian Anthology, a collection of Rizal’s Recto told them that if they did, the State could nationalize
Julio Rosales, an archbishop. literary works that contain the patriotic philosophy the catholic schools.
excluding the two novels.
Other oppositors were from Lower House namely When there was a proposal to use the expurgated novels as
● Congressmen Ramon Durano Of course, Recto and Laurel defended the bill and argued textbooks and put the original copies under lock and key
● Marciano Lim that the only objective of the bill is: in the school libraries, Recto rejected this amendment
● Jose Nuguid ● to keep the memory of the national hero alive in and expressed:
● Manuel Soza every Filipino’s mind
● Godofredo Ramos ● to emanate Rizal as he peacefully fought for “The people who would eliminate the books of Rizal from
● Miguel Cuenco freedom, and the schools…would bot out from our minds the memory
● Lucas Paredes ● not to go against religion. of the national hero…this is not a fight against Recto but
● Congressmen Carmen Consing a fight against Rizal…now that Rizal is dead and they can
● Tecia San Andres Ziga. Supporters of the Bill: no longer attempt at his life, they are attempting to blot
out his memory.”
The Catholic Church was indirectly included in the Senators Lorenso Tanada, Quintin Paredes and Domocao
debates and played a major role for the intervention of Alonto of Mindanao also defended Rizal Bill which was Senator Soc Rodrigo’s privilege speech:
signing of the bill into a law. Allied with the church in battle also favored by Representatives from the House namely ● “The issue is not Dr. Jose Rizal, but the Senate
against Rizal Bill were the Congressmen Jacobo Gonzales, Emilio Cortez, Mario Bill. The church is not against Rizal nor his
● Holy Name Society of the Philippines Bengson, Joaquin Roxas, Lancap Lagumbay and Pedro nationalism, but the provision in the Bill which
● Catholic Action of the Philippines Lopez. made novels compulsory reading, even for those
● Legion of Mary, Knights of Columbus and who found it offensive to their faith.”
Daughters of Isabela. Other supporters of the bill were Mayor Arsenio Lacson
call anti-rizal bill “bigoted and intolerant” and walked out Due to apparently never-ending debate on the Rizal Bill,
Oppositions argued that the bill would go against freedom of a mass when the priest read a pastoral letter from the approved amendments were formulated through ideas of
of conscience and religion. Archbishop denouncing the Rizal Bill and General Emilio three senators.
Aguinaldo with groups like the Knights of Rizal, Women ● Senator Laurel created an amendment to the
The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines Writers of the Verrnacular, Philippine Veterans Legion, original bill in which, other that Noli Me Tangere and
(CBCP) submitted a pastoral letter to which according, Rizal Colleger Editors’ Guild and Philippine School Teachers’ El Filibusterismo, works written by Rizal and works
violated Canon Law 1399 which forbids or bans books that Association. written by others about Rizal would be included and
attack or ridicule the catholic doctrine and practices. reading of the unexpurgated revision of the two

novels would no longer be compulsory to ○ Jean Jacques Rousseau (Social Contract

Changes in the 19th Century
elementary and secondary levels but would be Theory)
strictly observed to college level. ○ John Locke (Human Rights)
● Senator Lim suggested the exemption to those ○ Voltaire (Denounces the Power of Clergy) ● Spanish colonial policies were put int importance
students who feel that reading Rizal’s novels would invigortating profitability of the colonies.
negatively affect his or her faith. ● Governor-General Jose Y Vasco Y Vargas and the
● Senator Primicias created an additional amendment 19th Century
Philippines Before the Spaniards establishment of the Royal Philippine Company
that promulgates the rules and regulations in
getting an exemption only from reading the two giving importance to CASH CROPS
novels through written statement or affidavit and Miguel López de Legazpi - introduced Christianity ● He lifted ban on the Chinese merchants that
not from taking the Rizal Course. reinvigorated internal trade.
● The opening of Manila to World Trade (1834) resulted
According to historian Ambeth Ocampo, no student has Colonial System to more demand on CASH CROPS
ever availed of this exemption. ● The importance of land became more evident.
● Monopolization
After the revised amendments, the bill was finally passed ● Socio-political and religious grievances
on May 17, 1956 and was signed into law as Republic Act Chinese and Chinese Mestizos
1425 by President Ramon Magsaysay on June 12 of the ● Polo (forced labor), Taxation, Abuses of the Clergys
same year.
● Spaniards were already suspicious of Chinese since
Socio-political Economic Transformation Of The 19th
Century the early part of colonization
Old World
● This would led to onerous government policies
against the Chinese
● The Old World that was Europe (Greek and Roman ● Opening of the Philippines to world trade ● They would soon become “Necessary Outsiders”
Civilization) 1000 B.C.E - 500 C.E ○ Local merchants were able to find market; and reinvigorated the economy.
● Emergence of the Church’s Power (700 - 1500 C.E) hence, more opportunities ● Chinese came first before the Spaniards; they were
● The Renaissance (Literary and Cultural Movements ○ With World Trade, ideas are also traded,
in the 14th - 16th) jealous of the Chinese
including various stories about French ● If a Chinese in PH marry a local, they stay; hence,
○ Give importance to the worth of individual
○ Possible to improve human society through revolution, American revolution, etc. they produce children: indios and pay tax to Spain
classical education ● Rise of the Middle Class / Ilustrados ● Chinese are involved in trade and retail; middlemen
● The role of Spain ○ Middle Class in Spanish period: referred to in business.
● Colonialism Rich Filipinos ● Hierarchy:
● Protestant Revolution ○ Ilustrado: Filipino educated class during the
● Absolute Monarchy ○ Spaniards
Spanish colonial period in the late 19th ○ Spanish Mestizos
○ Divine Right Theory - Sovereigns are
century; enlightened ones ○ Indios
representative of God
● Glorious Revolution (1688) ● Opening of the Suez Canal ○ Chinese Mestizos
○ King James II refused to rule the Magna ○ Chinese
Carta (Bill of Rights)
● French Revolution (1789)
● From the beginning of the Spanish occupation to
● Age of Enlightenment
○ The age of reason and science about 1740, the inhabitants of the Philippines were

classified into 3 classes : Spaniards, Indios and

History of the Friar Estates Early Days in Calamba
● The legal status of the Chinese mestizo were
ultimately resolved in 1741 when the whole ● Conquistadores were given land grands composed of ● Calamba, province of Laguna; Calamba Hacienda
population was reclassifîed for purposes of tribute large and small tracts of land. ● Rice capital of the Philippines, suitable for
or tax payment into four classes : Spaniards and ● But Spanish hacienderos failed to develop these agriculture.
Spanish mestizos who were exempted from the lands in time due to: ● A town between 3-4000 inhabitants.
tribute; ○ Many of Spaniards were transient ● The town was part of the Dominican estate.
● Indios, Chinese mestizos, and Chinese who were ○ Galleon Trade is more lucrative ● One of the richest during the Spanish era
all tribute-paying classes although each class was
assessed a different amount. Where is Suez Canal? Francisco Mercado
○ Indio: ₱ 1.50
○ Chinese Mestizo: ₱ 3.00 ● How did the opening of the Suez Canal contributed to ● Sugar-planter, land holder
○ Pure Chinese: ₱ 6.00 the socio-policital and economic transformations in ● With Chinese ancestry mostly residents of Binan,
● Any person born of a Chinese father and an Indio the Philippines? Laguna.
mother was classified a Chinese mestizo. ● The Suez Canal is a man-made waterway connecting ● A prominent and respected man in Laguna
Subsequent descendants were listed as Chinese the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean via the ● Rizal’s Chinese Paternal Great-Great-Grandfather:
mestizo. Red Sea. It enables a more direct route for Domingo Lamco
● A mestiza who married a Chinese or mestizo, as shipping between Europe and Asia, effectively
well as their children, was registered as a mestizo. allowing for passage from the North Atlantic to the
● But a Chinese mestiza who married an Indio was Why Jose's Last Name is Rizal?
Indian Ocean without having to circumnavigate
listed, together with her children, as Indio. the African continent. The waterway is vital for
international trade and, as a result, has been at the ● When he studied in Manila at the Jesuit Ateneo
center of conflict since it opened in 1869. Municipal school, Jose Rizal's older brother,
New Economy
Paciano Rizal was associated with Father Burgos
● 1869, the Suez Canal opened. and advice Jose to change his name to Jose Rizal
● New economy demanded more literate population. for his safety against the Spanish authorities and
● This demand compelled Spain to issue colonial order ● The canal enabled the Philippines to have direct
commercial relations with Spain instead of through Friars after the execution of the three priests,
(1836) that required all towns to set-up primary Gomburza. He changed his surname to protect his
schools. Mexico (via the galleon trade) and, with the shorter
travel time to Spain, enabled more Filipinos to identity.
● This also prompted other people to relocate in Manila
for better opportunities. study in Europe.
● Rizal's surname
● As Spaniards lost economic power, they asserted ● Domingo Lam-Co, the great-great-grandfather of
dominance by virtue of their race. Jose Rizal, decided to use Mercado as his surname
in 1731 to match his profession, being a merchant.
● He used this surname from 1731 to November 11,
1849 as soon as Governor-General Narciso

Claveria (1849) posed a regulation that requires ● Sickly at birth ● Bahay na Tisa - Tisa: Roof made up of Tiles
them to make use of Spanish family names. ● Showing interest in reading and writing at an early ● Can be a house of a Spanish Mestizo
● Meanwhile, for Don Francisco Mercado, Rizal’s age. ● 1st Floor: Garage or Stock Room
father, Rizal was used, which means new pasture ● Unpleasant first formal education in a Latin ● 2nd Floor: Where everything in the house can be
or greenfield. school in Binan, Laguna (1870, 9 years old) seen.
○ Teachers are priests ● Wide and Tall Double Doors or the Big Doors for
○ He told Teodora after a year not to study carruaje (carriage)
Teodora Alonso
there anymore and asked for her to tutor him ● House was near the Church of Calamba = meaning,
instead. prominence; more wealthy = live near or beside
● A native of Binan, Laguna church
○ Laguna: South of Manila; Laguna Bay:
Source of Irrigation Water
● A disciplinarian; teacher. Was Jose Rizal born to be a hero? Or made?
● Devout catholic
● Rumor: Illegitimate Daughter Rizal was made to be a hero.
● Envied by people because of her family’s wealth and
she was one of the few women who were educated.
The arrest of Teodora Alonso (1871, Rizal 10 years old)
One of Mercado Family’s Struggles
June 19, 1861 - Birth date of Jose Rizal Ultimately led Rizal to question the justice system

● 7th child and the 2nd son. ● Teodora was charged as an accomplice to an
● Saturnina, Paciano, Narcisa, Olimpia, Lucia, attempted poisoning along with Jose Alberto.
Maria, Jose, Concepcion, Josefa, Trinidad, and ● Teodora’s half-brother, Jose Alberto wanted to
Soledad. divorce his wife, whom he alleged to be having an
○ Rumor on Saturnina: Jose (Teodora’s affair with another man. Teodora persuaded him to
half-brother) had fathered a child with his put up with her and preserve their marriage. Since
niece, Saturnina (eldest of Rizal’s sisters) then Jose Alberto went often to Calamba to seek
and that Soledad (youngest) was the fruit of advice from Teodora. This was learned by his wife
this incestuous affair. who then suspected Jose Alberto and Teodora
○ Soledad, deemed as the prettiest because plotting something evil to her. Later Jose’s wife and
her alleged father was Chinese Mestizo an officer of the Guardia Civil then accused Jose
○ Paciano was a huge influence to Rizal's life. Alberto and Teodora of trying to poison Jose Alberto’s
Looks up to Paciano (Gap: 10 years); a wife. Teodora was named as an accomplice. Jose
nationalist, into politics, aware of the Alberto, the main suspect.
happenings, reformer; Father Burgos, a ● Jose Alberto returned from Europe, he cannot find his
● Replica of Rizal’s house
reformist, was his mentor wife who was allegedly with another man. Imprisoned
● Typical Chinese Mestizo’s or Merchant’s house
○ Rizal was Teodora’s favorite his wife.
● Bahay na Bato - Bato: Foundation

● When he returned back to Europe, he asked Teodora ■Parish Priest ○ GOMBURZA learned from what happened in
Alonzo to look after his wife Teodora (same name), ■Missionary or Friars, Clergy Europe (i.e., French Revolution, etc.)
she gave merienda to her but instead gave it to a dog ■Grouped into Major Congregation: ● Internal crisis in Spain and the revolution of 1868.
which died; hence, the attempted poisoning. ● Augustininan ● Carlos Ma. Dela Torre and Fr. Burgos.
● She was arrested mainly because Jose Alberto’s ● Dominican ○ GOMBURZA was famous because of Carlos
wife’s alleged other man was a guardia civil in ● Franciscans Maria dela Torre.
Laguna ● Jesuits (Youngest) ○ Carlos Maria dela Torre - former
● Bargain: She was made to accept the fact that she ○ SECULAR governor-general who was friendly with the
was trying to poison the wife, then authorities would ■ Local or Filipino Priests Indios, especially with Fr. Burgos, replaced
set her free. ■ Discriminated by Izquierdo
● Still Imprisoned for two (2) years ● The Cavite Mutiny. (1 / 1872)
○ The Cavite mutiny of 1872 was an uprising of
Reasons in watching the Mercados with Caution
Filipino military personnel of Fort San Felipe,
the Spanish arsenal in Cavite.
● Francisco and the Dominican estate. ○ In province of Cavite, there was a miniscule
● The friars: ○ Francisco Mercado’s position in Calamba revolt that had something to do with the
○ Augustinians, Dominicans, Franciscans. hacienda where he rented the land of workers, labor dispute, because when
○ Controlled the religious and educational life Dominican friars, hence, he always dealt with Izquierdo became governor-general, the
during Spanish colonial period. Do not want them. privileges and rights (e.g., exempted from
to give up their position ○ Every year, Francisco donated Turkey to forced labor or polo) of those workers
○ Tax collectors Dominican Friars were taken by the government
○ In-charged of charities, health, public works, ○ But there was a year when he did not donate ○ Those workers work at Cavite Arsenal.
security due to Turkeys dying from disease outbreak ○ They killed more or less 2 but less than 5
○ Treated like Royalties in poultries Spanish
■ Example: ● Teodora Alonso’s prominence to other ○ Izquierdo exaggerated it as a revolution so
● Chapter 1 of Noli Me low-ranking Spaniards in Calamba. that the Spanish government would
Tangere: Damaso was ○ Due to Teodora’s wealth and being educated support him in arresting people who they
furious when tinolang manok ○ A lot of people wanted her down, one of suspected as masterminds of the revolt.
(favorite of Ibarra as the those people is her sister-in-law ■ No proof that GOMBURZA was the
party held by Kapitan Tiyago ● Paciano was a favorite student of Fr. Jose mastermind of the Cavite Mutiny as it
is for Ibarra) was the neck Burgos. (GOMBURZA: Mariano Gomez, José had something to do with labor
part. Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora - Secular Priests) dispute and not secularization.
● Priest sit on the family table, ○ He was not permitted to graduate or get a ● The execution of GOMBURZA. (2 / 1872)
there are other tables set for degree after the execution of the ○ According to report of the government, the
other guests. GOMBURZA as he was included in the list of reason why they arrested GOMBURZA was
● Not all friars in the Philippines are abusive. the friends or links of the three priests. because Fr. Zamora wanted to become King
● Types of Friars in the Philippines: ● Friars were on the defensive brought by the in the Philippines; thus, he wanted to oust the
○ REGULAR opening of the Philippines to World Trade.

Spaniards. The government believed ○ Rented a lodging house in Binondo along

Assessment in Ateneo
Izquierdo. with the sons of priests.
○ The GOMBURZA was tried and executed in ● Outstanding student, developed leadership and
1872. talents. ● 5 medals
○ Paciano witnessed the execution; Rizal knew ● Sexy romantic look. ● A record of studies which had never been surpassed
the GOMBURZA. ● Francisco Paula De Sanchez - model of by any student.
● SECULARIZATION uprightness.
○ Advocated by GOMBURZA ○ Encourage Jose to concentrate on writing. Political Views
○ From the word Secular : for the secular ● Fr. Jose Villaclara - discourages Jose about poetry
priests like them to be part or even in charge as a waste of time. ● The prerequisite to any improvement lay in the
of the parishes, a position held by the regular ● Rizal’s student memoirs in his final year. people acquiring knowledge.
friars. ○ “My second college year (resembled the ● Awakening of the people who are still asleep and
○ Rumor: Friars of PH will not be in charge of first), with the difference that patriotic feeling unconscious.
the parishes. have been greatly developed in me”. ● “There are no despots where there are no
○ GOMBURZA was a threat to their wealth, slaves”.
power, authority.
○ Rafael de Izquierdo - new governor-general,
Early patriotic poems of Rizal in Ateneo University of Santo Tomas
■ The friars had an ally against the
Filipino priests ● Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria. ● The oldest university in the Philippines.
○ Through education the fatherland acquires ○ Managed by the Dominicans.
glory. ● Considered as the institution of higher learning.
Rizal in Ateneo ○ “ Just a gentle movement of a breeze causes ● Teodora Alonso was reluctant to send Jose to UST.
flowers to show of their colors more vividly” Why? Because it was managed by Dominicans
● Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda ● Nuestra Cara Patria ● Paciano accompanied Jose to Manila.
became known simply as Jose Rizal. ○ Our beloved country (Spain or the ● Undecided about what course to take.
● Used Rizal instead of Mercado because of Paciano Philippines) ● Enrolled in Metaphysics.
because after the execution of the GOMBURZA, ○ Spain the source of greatness. ● Pride of the Dominicans? Higher learning?
authorities were looking after the links, friends, etc of ○ Philippines; ignorance can be eliminated by ○ Academically stagnant
the three priests which Paciano was included in the altering the educational system of the friars. ○ Self-expression was hindered.
list. ● A La Juventud Filipina ( To the Philippine youth) ○ Friars are manipulative
● At aged eleven (11), Rizal studied in Ateneo 1879
Municipal (Jesuits). ○ Won 1st prized in a public competition in
○ In touch with modern scientific thought. Manila. Segunda Catigbac
○ Well educated, young passionate teachers, a ○ Give importance to the educated youth.
few years older than their eldest students. ● 14 yrs old from Lipa, Batangas
○ Located inside Intramuros. ● Rizal was 16 years old.
● Belongs to a wealthy mestizo family.

○ “She was short, with expressive eyes, ■ Continue Rizal’s studies and seek Stereotypes of Chinese
sometimes passionate, at other times reforms in Spain ● If you are a Chinese, you are good in business.
relaxed, rosy-cheeked, with such an ○ Who will go abroad? ● From hardware, eatery, bakery, and others, the word
enchanting and provocative smile that ○ Who will marry? negosyo or business is oftentimes associated with
revealed some very lovely teeth”. ● Leonor Rivera Tsinoys. People would always believe that Tsinoys
● Flirty moments and the Christmas vacation of ○ A Maria Clara in the making. have the golden touch and can make any business
1877. ○ Antonio Rivera and Francisco Mercado successful no matter what. Most of the interviews
○ Chose not to go with Segunda to Lipa. (Rizal's father) were cousins, making Rizal from the Kwentong Chinoy Episode 1: Lahat ba ng
○ For him, he had a purpose in life, and not and Rivera second or third cousins. mga Chinese magaling sa negosyo? pertaining to
even the love of a woman can alter his ○ True love of Rizal whether or not Chinese are good in businesses
perception. ● Secret departure answered yes. An estimated 50% of the Tsinoys in
○ “She as always a conqueror of my heart that ○ (May 3, 1882) lonely mission the Philippines live in Manila, some 1.3% of the
still refused to surrender” national population (2005). As Chinese live in the
● Nocturnal activities. https://www.studocu.com/ph/document/new-era-university/civil-engin Philippines, they venture into businesses in relation
○ “She was fair, with seductive and attractive eering/jose-rizal-life-and-works/5921109 to the law pertaining to the naturalization of
eyes. She, or we, talked about love, but my deserving aliens by decree in 1975 allowed most
heart and my thought followed (Segunda) Kwentong Chinoy Episode 1: Lahat ba ng mga Chinese ethnic Chinese to acquire Philippine citizenship.
through the night to her town. If the filthiest magaling sa negosyo? They are prohibited to acquire other occupation
corpse had told me that she likewise was before, hence, it was only in business where they
thinking of me, I would have kissed it out of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NgbHd9SSMU&t=101s could work. The earliest jobs of the Chinese in the
gratitude” Meah See Vice President of Bahay Tsinoy Philippines include weaving, chocolate making,
● The charismatic Jose Rizal. peddlers, sellers of blankets and silk. During the
● Always had an eye for beauty. Difference about mestizo and Chinoy: Spanish occupation, the Filipinos worked for
● He discovered that his mother was going blind thus ● The big portion of its difference lies on its time frame. agriculture while the Chinese assumed the role of
choosing medicine in his second year in Sto. Tomas They were regarded as mestizo on the period of traders and middlemen.
though not an interest. Spanish colonization because they became middle ○ The earliest Chinese-Filipinos had their own
● Why did he chose medicine? class. As their ancestors have long been on the share of hard times before they became
● Enrolled also Philosophy and literature. Philippines, around 100 or 200 years, they were able bosses of their own companies like today.
● A busy Jose Rizal. to earn money, settled on the Philippines, married ● Other than Chinese being good in businesses,
● The problem is not only in the friars but also the Filipinos from sangley (i.e., a term used to classify a they are also good in mathematics
indios, as also describe by Rizal in the El person of pure Chinese ancestry especially during ● Big companies in the Philippines are mostly owned
Filibusterismo of what a class in Sto. Tomas like. the Spanish Era) to mestizo (i.e., Tsino-Filipino). by Tsinoys. But not all Tsinoys are good in
Mestizos are called Hua Kiaw in Mandarin, regarded mathematics.
as Overseas Chinese Worker until today the are now ● Chinese-Filipinos pioneered the “shopping mall”
Departure on a Mission
called Chinong-Pinoy, Chinoy. concept as seen today. As Tsinoys are regarded as
businessman by many it is because most of them can
● The bond between brothers: Paciano and Jose. be found in retail where they are seen almost every
○ Both were idealistic / seeking reforms.

single day. That is why people feel as though all Most of the interviewees when asked how Chinese came the Binondo area was created. From the initial 150 in 1561,
businesses in the Philippines are owned by Tsinoys across the Philippines answered that they did not know. the number of Chinese migrants rose to 10,000 in 1588 until
which is not true. the first Chinese massacre occurred in 1603.
○ Some Tsinoy families that dominate the There is a rumor where the Chinese escaped China as they
business sector include the Gokongweis, did not want to become soldiers and they came to the The earliest Chinese in the Philippines did not always live as
Lim, Sy, Tan, Teehankee, and Yuchengco. Philippines for business. easy as some of them do today. They have also experienced
● Is there a trademark that allows you to say that hardships.
there is a unique characteristic in a Tsinoy’s 90% of Chinese in the Philippines came from one
business? province, that is, the Fujian province located at the Binondo is a historical place for the old Tsinoys where they
○ The dream in a Tsinoy’s business is to Southeast coast of Mainland China. Chinese migrants can experienced all hardships from the colonizers before. In the
acquire a trademark of honesty and be divided into three groups by language of origin - present times, Tsinoys lived in different areas in the
transparency. Honesty and integrity are Cantonese, Mandarin, and Fujianese with almost all Philippines.
characteristics that a Tsinoy business wants unmixed Chinese coming from the Fujian province.
to be identified for. Today, the Banawe is regarded as the new Chinatown.
Why did Tsinoys stay in Binondo?
The process of creating a Chinatown is long. It is organic how
Kwentong Chinoy Episode 2: Saan ba nanggaling ang
mga Tsinoy? When the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines, they observed a Chinatown flourishes. It forms because it is where a group
a large trading in Pasig. The streets of Binondo are of people concentrate.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WMmu818JuI surrounded by canals and tributaries of Pasig River. As not
known by many today, there are a lot of small estero that are Binondo is unique because it is specifically built by the
The Tsinoy has a large population in the Philippines. They do now closed, sealed, or built buildings on. Church and encouraged the sangley in Parian where they
not only live in Binondo but also in Quezon City, Makati, and could be baptized as Christians and go to church in the
other places in the Philippines. Population of Tsinoy is Considered a historic centre, Binondo is recognized as the Binondo Church. Even though Binondo was created
around 1.2% in the entire population of the Philippines. world’s oldest Chinatown founded in 1596. specifically for the Tsino, it is still organic in how the
Half of the population is located in Manila, whereas other Chinatown was established. It took a hundred years for it to
large population resides in Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Bacolod - The Binondo Church, also known as Minor Basilica of St. be called a Chinatown.
the major urban centers of the country where Tsinoy Lorenzo Ruiz and Our Lady of Most Holy Rosary parish,
concentrates. is the first church built by the Spaniards where they want The spread of the Filipino-Chinese culture in the Philippines
to acquire Christians. Withstanding natural calamities since is one of the most important parts in the history where the
Legend says that the Chinese are the ancestors of the first its founding, the church has undergone a series of Chinese are associated with the Filipinos even before.
inhabitants of Sulu. Early Chinese found records tell that the reconstruction.
Chinese have already established trade relations with
island natives from different provinces such as Sulu, If a sangley undergoes baptism to become a Christian, he
Pangasinan, Ilocos, Maguindanao, Cebu, and Panay long can live at the front, back, or side the church. During the
before the Europeans. Spanish era, the Parian was a ghetto where the Chinese
were confined unless baptized. There were nine locations of
the parianes with the last burned down in 1860. This is where

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