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OpenText RightFax 10.6 FP2 COM API Reference Guide

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OpenText RightFax 10.

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Reference Guide
OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 COM API
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OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 2 COM API Reference Guide


Chapter 1: Getting started 5 Attachments collection 27

Installing the development server and COM Object DLL 5 BillingCode 27
The RightFax COM API 5 BillingCodes Collection 28
Exploring the COM Object library using the Visual CoverSheet 30
Basic Object Browser 7
CoverSheets Collection 31
Chapter 2: Tutorial 8
Fax 32
Step 1: Start a new Visual Basic project 8
Faxes Collection 46
Step 2: Set up the project form 9
Form 47
Step 3: Create and log on to a new fax server object 9
Forms Collection 49
Step 4: Show the users in the list box 10
LibraryDocument 49
Step 5: List faxes for the selected user 11
LibraryDocuments Collection 53
Step 6: Add an Exit button 13
Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders 54
Step 7: Test and compile the program 13
Delegate 54
Chapter 3: Fax server objects 14
Delegates Collection 57
FaxServer 14
Folder 58
ServerInfo 19
Folders Collection 58
Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments 25
Group 59
Attachment 25
Groups Collection 67

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 3 COM API Reference Guide

Signature 68 TransmissionFaxHistory 108
Signatures Collection 68 Chapter 8: Event Handling and Event Objects 112
User 69 Using the Event Handler 112
Users Collection 87 Event Handling and Event Objects 112
Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers 88 Creating a sample project using the event handler 112
PhoneBook Collection 88 ArchiveEvent 113
PhoneItem 89 CompleteEvent 114
PhoneItemElement 90 Events 114
PhoneItemGroup 92 MessageEvent 116
Printer 94 MessageRouteEvent 117
Printers Collection 96 ValidateEvent 119
PrintRequest 97 Chapter 9: Statistics 121
Chapter 7: Fax History Objects 100 FaxServer statistics properties 121
FaxHistories Collection 100 Statistics 122
FaxHistory 100 Board statistics properties 124
ApprovalFaxHistory 102 Fax server board statistics properties 129
ConversionErrorFaxHistory 102 DocTransport statistics properties 132
DisapprovalFaxHistory 103 Statistics methods 139
FileRouteFaxHistory 103
NetForwardFaxHistory 104
OCRFaxHistory 105
PrintFaxHistory 105
RouteFaxHistory 106
SecureDocHistory 107

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 4 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 1: Getting started Installing the development server and COM Object DLL

Chapter 1: Getting started

The RightFax COM API is a library of objects, properties, and Note The RightFax COM API Module™ consists of the
methods for use in developing custom applications for the RightFax COM library and a copy of the RightFax
RightFax server. The RightFax COM API library is compatible development server. This RightFax server has no functional
with any programming language that supports binary fax channels and is intended for development and testing
standards including C, C++, Java, JScript, Visual Basic, purposes only. OpenText specifically prohibits the use of
VBScript, Delphi, and PowerBuilder. this development server for any other purpose.
This guide describes the fundamentals of COM, provides an
overview of the RightFax COM object including code Installing the development server and
examples, and describes in detail each object in the RightFax
COM library. COM Object DLL
The RightFax COM Module includes a RightFax development The files required by the RightFax COM Module are installed
server for development and testing with the RightFax Server on all RightFax servers during the server installation. The
COM object. The RightFax COM object is contained in a single COM Module must be licensed and activated before its
dynamic link library (DLL) file named Rfcomapi.dll. This file functionality is enabled.
is installed as part of the RightFax client installation from the To activate the COM Module, you must have licensed a
development server. RightFax server type that includes this module, or purchased
Before developing applications with the RightFax COM object, and licensed this module separately. For information on
install the development server on your network, and install activating new components on the RightFax server, refer to
and register the COM object DLL. the RightFax Installation Guide.

The RightFax COM API

The RightFax COM API is an interface to the standard
Component Object Model (COM) services included in all 32-bit
Windows operating systems. Like the standard RightFax API,
the COM API consists of tools for customizing your RightFax

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 5 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 1: Getting started

products. In addition, there are a variety of pre-defined

objects stored in the RightFax COM API library Enumerated data types
(RFCOMAPILib). Some of the properties in the RightFax COM API library
require specific, pre-determined values. These values are
Understanding objects, properties, and included in the library as enumerated data types. The data
methods type generally has both a text name and a number that
represents that text.
The RightFax COM API library contains objects, which are
discrete entities within the RightFax system that can be Example The FaxStatus property of the Fax object must
accessed and manipulated. Users, attachments, and library contain one of the valid values enumerated in the
documents are examples of objects. Multiple objects of the FaxStatusType data type (such as fsSend, fsInPrint, or
same type can be grouped together in objects called fsQueuedforOCR).
Collections. For example, the object called Faxes is a The enumerated values are defined in this guide, with the
collection of Fax objects. affected property.
Each object has properties, that are descriptive aspects of
that object. For example, UserID and Password are The object hierarchy
properties of the User object. Properties can be used to Objects in the RightFax COM Object are organized
identify an object, or to set permissions for the object, or to hierarchically. At the top of this hierarchy is the FaxServer
show status. object, which contains all the other objects in the object
Each object also has methods, that are actions you can model. The Chart on the next page is a visual representation
perform on an object. Sending a fax, adding an object to a of the RightFax COM object hierarchy:
collection, and logging on to a server are examples of

The FaxServer object

Although many objects share similar properties and methods,
one object is unique. The FaxServer object must be created
before you can access any of the other COM API components.
It is also the only object that can be used to create objects
within the RightFax COM API.
The FaxServer object is also an important part of the Event
Handler. You must define a server object to create
applications that perform tasks based on events (such as
sending or receiving a fax).

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 6 COM API Reference Guide

Exploring the COM Object library using the Visual Basic Object
Chapter 1: Getting started

some documentation on what it is supposed to do. To access

this information, open the Object Browser in Visual Basic.
To open the Object Browser
1. On the Project menu, click Object Browser.

2. In the object list box, select RFCOMAPILib.

3. You can now explore the entire object model:
l Classes lists all the objects and enumerations in
the COM API.
l Members lists the methods, properties, constants,
and events of the selected object.

Example When you click FaxServer in the Classes list, and

Exploring the COM Object library using Users in the Members of 'FaxServer' list, a description of
the Users object appears in the bottom of the dialog box.
the Visual Basic Object Browser
The RightFax COM API library uses descriptive interface
definition language (IDL). This means that every function has

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 7 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 2: Tutorial Step 1: Start a new Visual Basic project

Chapter 2: Tutorial

The RightFax COM Module consists of a variety of objects you To start a new Visual Basic project
can use to create any type of application your company
needs. If you are already familiar with Visual Basic and the 1. Open Visual Basic.
RightFax API, see sections 3 through 8 for the complete 2. Click New Standard EXE Project.
descriptions of all of the RightFax COM components and
3. On the Project menu, click References.
examples of how they are used.
This section describes the steps required to build a simple 4. In the Available References list, click RightFax
project using Visual Basic. In this project, you’ll create a COM API Type Library.
window that shows a list of users. When you click a user’s
name, a list of the faxes for that user appears.
To build this project, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Start a new Visual Basic project on page 8
Step 2: Set up the project form on page 9
Step 3: Create and log on to a new fax server object on page
Step 4: Show the users in the list box on page 10
Step 5: List faxes for the selected user on page 11
Step 6: Add an Exit button on page 13

Step 1: Start a new Visual Basic project 5. Click RightFax COM API in the List of References.
When you first start Visual Basic, you’ll need to create a new
project. You’ll also need to verify that the RightFax COM 6. Click OK.
components are available to the Visual Basic application.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 8 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 2: Tutorial Step 2: Set up the project form

Step 2: Set up the project form

This tutorial creates a program that lists the users in a
window. You must define the appearance of the window by
defining the project Form properties. In this step, you will
add two list boxes to the form, one to display the users and
the other to display the list of faxes for the selected user.
To set up the project form
1. If it is not already displayed, turn on the properties
window. On the View menu, click Properties
2. Rename the Form window by changing the Name
property to frmMain. It is a good idea to preface your
names with the type of object (such as frm for form or
str for string).
3. Title the window by changing the Caption property to
4. Create a list box. Double-click the list box icon on the
6. Rename the list box by changing the Name property to
right side of the Visual Basic project window.
lst_Users (wherelst represents a list box).
5. Resize the list box by clicking and dragging the handles
7. Add another list box, and resize as necessary.
on the sides of the box.
8. Name the second list box lst_FaxList.

Step 3: Create and log on to a new fax

server object
To access the COM API objects, you must first create a new
server object that is referenced throughout your program.
Place this code in the main form and make declarations using
the Public statement so that the RightFax server is available
to other segments of code. You also need to specify the
information required to log on to the server.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 9 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 2: Tutorial Step 4: Show the users in the list box

To create and log on to a new fax server object

1. On the View menu, click Code to open the code
2. In the General section, create a global variable called
gl_MyFaxServer that is of the type
RFCOMAPILib.FaxServer. The gl indicates it is a global
variable and is available to all forms in the project.
Public gl_MyFaxServer As RFCOMAPILib.FaxServer
You can type RFC to highlight RFCOMAPILib, type a
period to display the list of objects in this library. Type
the first letters of the object name. When FaxServer is
highlighted, press ENTER. This creates the variable
MyFaxServer (although it is still empty at this point).

3. Now that you created the variable, set it to contain the

objects in the RFCOMAPILib object. From the object
list, choose Form. The procedure list displays the text 4. Specify the login information that is required to access
Load, indicating that the code you enter is executed the server. If you are using NT authorization, you can
when the form is loaded. Type the following between set the UseNTAuthorization property to TRUE, and
the existing Sub and End Sub statements to set the ignore the AuthorizationUserID and
variable created in step 2. AuthorizationUserPassword properties. Type this code
Set gl_MyFaxServer = New RFCOMAPILib.FaxServer between the predefined Sub and End Sub statements.
gl_MyFaxServer.ServerName = “servername”
gl_MyFaxServer.UseNTAuthentication = False
gl_MyFaxServer.AuthorizationUserID = “admin”
gl_MyFaxServer.AuthorizationUserPassword =
gl_MyFaxServer.Protocol = cpNamedPipes

Step 4: Show the users in the list box

To show a list of users in the list box you named lstUsers,
you’ll need to specify the properties of the User object that

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 10 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 2: Tutorial Step 5: List faxes for the selected user

you want to show. This procedure also describes creating 6. Return to the Code window.
labels for the list box.
7. Declare the variables you are going to need. These
To show users in the list box variables are not global, so use the “Dim” statement
1. On the View menu, click Object to show the form instead of “Public.”
window. Dim str_UserName As String
2. Click the label icon, and drag the cursor to draw a box Dim str_UserID As String
where you want the first label to be (above the list box, This creates the two variables, but they are still empty.
aligned with the left side of the box).
8. Next, store the fields from the user object in the two
3. Change the Caption property for the label to Users. new variables by entering the appropriate code. From
the object list, choose Form. The procedure list shows
4. Click the label icon again, and draw a box above and on
the text Load, indicating that the code you enter is
the right side of the list box.
executed when the form is loaded.
5. Change the Caption property for this label to User ID.
9. Enter the following code after the authentication
statements but before the End Sub statement. Note
that the first two lines are comments because they are
preceded by an apostrophe (’).
Show the list of user names and IDS in the lst_Users
box.For Each User in gl_MyFaxServer.Users
str_UserID = User.ID
str_UserName = User.UserName
lst_Users.AddItem str_UserID + vbTab + str_
The vbTab entry aligns the two columns.

Step 5: List faxes for the selected user

In this sample application, a click on a user name gets a list
of the user’s faxes. In this step, we store the selected user to
the variable and create a button that fills in the list box we
created earlier.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 11 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 2: Tutorial Step 2: Set up the project form

To list faxes
1. From the object list on the left side of the screen,
choose the name of the second list box created earlier
2. Enter the following code between the Sub and End Sub
Dim objUser as RFCOMAPILib.User
Set objUSer = gl_MyFaxServer.Users(lst_
gl_SelectedUser = ojbUser.ID
3. Click the Command Button icon to add a button
beneath the list boxes. Set the button Name property to
btn_ListFaxesand the Caption property to List

4. In the Code window Declarations section, declare a

global variable that stores the ID of the selected user.
Make it a global variable so that you can use it in other
forms, and place it with the other global variables you
already entered.
Public gl_SelectedUser As String
5. You also need to declare variables for the information
you want to appear in the Fax List. You can declare
each variable individually as when declaring the user
variables. You can also combine the variables into a
single statement.
Dim obj_Fax as RFCOMAPILib.Fax
Dim str_File As String, str_FromName As String

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 12 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 2: Tutorial Step 6: Add an Exit button

6. From the object list, choose the name of the second

To save and compile the program
button we created earlier (btn_ListFaxes).
1. Press F5 to check the project and verify it works as
7. Enter the following code between the predefined Sub
and End Sub statements.
2. On the File menu, click Save.
For Each obj_Fax in MyFaxServer.Faxes(gl_
SelectedUser) 3. Enter a name. You can use either ListUsers or
str_FaxFileName = obj_Fax.FaxFilename UserFaxes or some other name with meaning to you.
str_FromName = obj_Fax.FromName Click Save.
lst_FaxList.AddItem str_FaxFileName + vbTab +
4. A message appears asking for a name for the whole
project. You can have multiple forms in a single
project. Enter a name such as Tutorial, and click
Step 6: Add an Exit button 5. On t he File menu, click Make Tutorial.exe. If you
To add an Exit button entered a name other than “Tutorial,” that name
appears in the menu.
1. In the Object window, click the Command Button
icon. Note This does not work if you have errors, so test
2. Change the name of the button to btn_Exit and the the program first.
caption to Exit.
6. Enter a name for the executable file. You can use the
3. In the Code window, choose btn_Exit from the name of the project (in this case, “Tutorial”) or you can
procedure list. change it. Click OK. The resulting file, Tutorial.exe, can
4. Enter the following code between the Sub and End Sub be run on any system that is running the RightFax
entries. software with the COM module.

Unload frmMain
Step 7: Test and compile the program
During any point as you create your project, you can press
F5 to run a test of the code so far. You see error messages if
you haven’t completed all of the steps. If you followed all of
the steps in this section, a list of users appears. When you
click a user, a list of faxes appears if that user has any faxes
in the system.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 13 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 3: Fax server objects FaxServer

Chapter 3: Fax server objects

The FaxServer object is the base object in the RightFax COM is released. To change the server manually, close this
Module and must be created before you can work with or connection before changing the server name.
create any other objects. This is the only object that can be
created externally. For step-by-step instructions on creating
a base FaxServer object, see Tutorial on page 8. This section Opens a communications connection to the fax server. This is
describes all of the methods, properties, and events normally done automatically the first time you do something
associated with the FaxServer. that requires a server connection.

The ServerInfo object contains information that describes the Events

FaxServer in a read-only format. This section describes all of The FaxServer is the only RightFax object that has events.
the ServerInfo properties. Basic steps to using the EventHandler
Note All examples were created and verified using 1. Set the object variables that handle the event during
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. If you are using a different the initialization of the Form.
development environment, some of the examples in this
2. Declare one or more functions that are called by the
section do not work as expected.
COM API when the event happens.
3. Set the corresponding variable in the objects that
FaxServer initiate the event.
If you do not specify one of the following properties when
Example To make use of the OnArchiveEvent, set the
working with the FaxServer object, the value you enter will
IsArchiveEnable property to True in the User object.
be used as the ServerName.
For a more detailed example, see Using the Event
Handler on page 112.
FaxServer methods
CloseServer OnArchiveEvent
This method closes the communications connection to the fax This event is generated when a fax needs to be archived. Set
server. This is normally done when the IFaxServer interface the IsArchiveEnable property in the User object to initiate an

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 14 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 3: Fax server objects

OnArchiveEvent. Read/Write
OnCompleteEvent Specifies the password of the user specified in
This event is generated when a fax is sent that has the AuthorizationUserID property.
GenerateCompletionEvent flag set to True. BillingCodes
OnMessageEvent Data type: BillingCodes Collection
This event is generated when a message needs to be shown Read-only
to the user (such as an error message). Returns the BillingCodes Collection
OnNewFaxEvent CoverSheets
This event is generated when a new fax for a specific user Data type: CoverSheets Collection
comes in to the system.
Returns the CoverSheets Collection
This event is generated when a user has the requires
validations flag set to True or 1. The fax stays in the user’s CoverSheets2
queue indefinitely unless the fax is validated by checking for Data type: CoverSheets Collection
this event. Read-only

FaxServer properties Returns the CoverSheets Collection for the specified

Data type: User
Data type: CreateObjectType enumerated value
Returns the entire User object of the authorized User.The
This property creates a new object of the specified
User must be logged on to the server before accessing this
CreateObjectType. For example, to create and name a folder
object, you might use this:
Set obFolder = MyFaxServer.CreateObject(coFolder)
Data type: String obFolder.ID = “foldername”
The object type must be one of the enumerated values, listed
Specifies the UserID that is used to log on to the server. You here with the numeric equivalent.
must also specify the AuthorizationUserPassword property,
unless UseNTAuthentication is set to True.
Data type: String

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 15 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 3: Fax server objects

Numeric Name See also Returns the Events interface. You need to store this interface
equivalent to maintain connection to the events as they occur. For
0 coAttachment Attachment object
Private Sub Form_Load()
1 coBillingCode BillingCode object Dim rfFaxAPI As RFCOMAPILib.FaxServer
2 coCoverSheet CoverSheet object Dim WithEvents FaxEventHandler As
3 coDelegatee Delegatee object RFCOMAPILib.FaxServer
Dim rfEvents As RFCOMAPILib.Events
4 coDelegator Delegator object Set rfFaxAPI = New FaxServer
5 coFax Fax object Set FaxEventHandler = rfFaxAPI
Set rfEvents = rfFaxAPI.Events
6 coFolder Folder object
End Sub
7 coForm Form object
8 coGroup Group object
Data type: Fax
9 coLibraryDocument LibraryDocument object Read-only
10 coPhoneItemGroup PhoneItemGroup object
Returns a specific fax identified by the FaxHandle (a 32-bit
11 coPhoneItemElement PhoneItemElement object integer).
12 coPrinter Printer object Faxes
13 coSignature Signature object Data type: Faxes Collection
14 coUsers User collection Read-only
999 coNone N/A Returns the Faxes collection for a specified user. You must
specify the UserID of the Faxes collection that you want.
CreateObject2 Form
Data type: CreateObjectType enumerated value Data type: Form
Read-only Read-only
Creates a new object of the specified type in the context of Retrieves a Form object based on the form ID.
the specified user (see the CreateObject property).
Events Data type: Forms Collection
Data type: Events Read-only
Returns the Forms collection.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 16 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 3: Fax server objects

GetObjectFromXML Data type: LibraryDocuments Collection

Data type: File name as string Read-only
Returns the LibraryDocuments collection.
Creates and loads an object from an XML file. The object type
is determined by the XML Parser. If the object exists it is
loaded and updated with XML data. If the object does not Data type: String
exist, it is created and updated with the XML data. Read-only

Group Returns the restricted LibraryDocuments collection.

Data type: Group PageNumberToImageExtension
Read-only Data type: String
Returns a specific group identified by the unique GroupID Read-only
string. RightFax stores each page of a fax as an image file with a
Groups unique filename. The extension of the filename indicates the
page number. This property returns the RightFax filename
Data type: Groups Collection
extension (such as .309) for the page number (such as page
9) that you specify.
Returns the Groups collection.
ImageExtensionToPageNumber Data type: PhoneBook Collection
Data type: Long Read-only
Returns the PhoneBook collection for the specified user. If
RightFax stores each page of a fax as an image file with a you do not specify a user by entering the UserID, this
unique file name. The extension of the file name indicates the property returns a blank PhoneBook collection.
page number. This property returns the appropriate page
number of the fax (such as page 9) for the RightFax file name
extension (such as .309) that you specify. Data type: Printer
Returns a specific Printer identified by either the
Data type: LibraryDocument
PrinterHandle or the unique PrinterID string.
Returns a specific LibraryDocument identified by either the
LibraryDocumentHandle or the unique LibraryDocumentID. Data type: Printers Collection

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 17 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 3: Fax server objects

Returns the Printers collection. Numeric Name Notes

RequireGroupMemberCounts equivalent
Data type: Boolean 4 cpTCPIP None
Read/Write 5 cpIPX None
Indicates whether the group member counts are retrieved 6 cpSecTCPIP None
when getting Groups.
7 cpSecSPX None
Data type: Boolean ServerInfo
Read/Write Data type: ServerInfo
Indicates whether the user document counts are retrieved Read-only
when getting Users. Returns the ServerInfo object.
RequireUserGroupIDs ServerName
Data type: Boolean Data type: String
Read/Write Read/write
Indicates whether the group IDs are retrieved when getting Specifies the name of the FaxServer object. This property is
Groups. the default; if you do not name a property, RightFax assumes
Protocol you are specifying a ServerName.
Data type: CommunicationProtocolType enumerated value Signatures
Read/Write Data type: Signatures Collection
Specifies the CommunicationProtocolType of the FaxServer. Read-only
The specified protocol must be one of the enumerated values,
Returns the Signatures collection.
listed here with their numeric equivalents.
Numeric Name Notes Data type: String
1 cpNamedPipes Use this value for
automatic protocols If UseSoapProxy is set to True, specify a value for this
property. Specify the URL for the SOAP proxy server.
2 cpIPXOS2 None
3 cpSPX None
Data type: String

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 18 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 3: Fax server objects ServerInfo

Read-only Example The following code declares the object variables

Returns a text file containing the support information for the that are needed to create a FaxServer object and logs on to
server, such as the phone number for customer support. the server.

UseNTAuthentication 'Declare the object variables that are used in the application
Dim rfFaxAPI As RFCOMAPILib.FaxServer Dim WithEvents
Data type: Boolean
FaxEventHandler As RFCOMAPILib.FaxServerDim rfEvents As
Read/write RFCOMAPILib.Events DIM MyFaxServer As
Indicates whether to use Windows NT Authorization. The RFCOMAPILib.FaxServerPublic Sub CreateGroup()
default is True or 1: use the currently logged in ID and Set MyFaxServer = New FaxServer 'Log on to the fax
password for authentication. If you do not use NT server MyFaxServer.ServerName = “FaxServer”
authorization, you must specify the AuthorizationUserID and MyFaxServer.Protocol = cpNamedPipes
AuthorizationUserPassword. MyFaxServer.AuthorizationUserID = “studentX”
User MyFaxServer.UseNTAuthentication = True
Data type: User End Sub
Returns a specific User identified by either the UserHandle or
the unique UserID string. ServerInfo provides detailed information about the server
you are communicating with. To retrieve this object, use the
ServerInfo property in the FaxServer object.
Data type: Users Collection
Read-only ServerInfo methods
Returns the Users Collection. SaveToXML
UseSoapProxy Saves the server info to an XML file.
Data type: Boolean
ServerInfo properties
A boolean value indicating if all the RPC calls should be
proxied through a Soap endpoint. Data type: String
Data type: String Returns the path to the base folder.
Read-only BillingCodeDescription1
Returns the version number of the RightFax COM API. Data type: String

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 19 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 3: Fax server objects

Returns the description for BillingCode1. This can be used as ImageDirectoryPath

a field label for Billing Code1. Data type: String
BillingCodeDescription2 Read-only
Data type: String Path to the image folder starting at the system root folder
Read-only (includes the RightFax directory path).

Returns the description for BillingCode2. This can be used as ImageDirectoryShareName

a field label for Billing Code2. Data type: String
BuildDate Read-only
Data type: Long Returns the share name from the LANMAN/LANSERVER.
Read-only IsDatabaseANSI
Returns the date when the FaxServer was built. This is in hex Data type: Boolean
format 0xYYYYMMDD. Read-only
CurrentTimeZone Indicates whether the fax server is running in ANSI mode.
Data type: String True or 1 indicates ANSI; False or 0 indicates OEM character
Read-only support.

The time zone in effect on the server. IsDocsOnDemandLicensed

Data type: Boolean
Data type: String
Read-only Indicates whether the server has a license for the RightFax
Docs-on-Demand™ module. True or 1 indicates there is a
Page on the server that contains the ANSI codes. license; False or 0 indicates there is not.
DefaultOEMCodePage IsEnterprise
Data type: String Data type: Boolean
Read-only Read-only
Page on the server that contains the OEM codes. Indicates whether the server has a license for RightFax
ImageDirectoryLocation Enterprise™ software. True or 1 indicates the server does
Data type: String have a license. False or 0 indicates the server does not have
a license.
Path to the image folder starting at the root RightFax folder.
Data type: Boolean

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 20 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 3: Fax server objects

Read-only license. False or 0 indicates the server does not have a

Indicates whether the server has an IP Plus Connector
license. True or 1 indicates the server does have a license. IsProductionFilterLicensed
False or 0 indicates the server does not have a license. Data type: Boolean
IsOCRConverterLicensed Read-only
Data type: Boolean Indicates whether the server has a license for the RightFax
Read-only Filter for Production™ software. True or 1 indicates the
server does have a license. False or 0 indicates the server
Indicates whether the server has a RightFax OCR Converter™
does not have a license.
software license. True or 1 indicates the server does have a
license. False or 0 indicates the server does not have a IsProductionINLLicensed
license. Data type: Boolean
IsOCRRouterLicensed Read-only
Data type: Boolean Indicates whether the server has a license for the RightFax
Read-only InternetLink™ module. True or 1 indicates the server does
have a license. False or 0 indicates the server does not have
Indicates whether the server has a RightFax OCR Router™
a license.
software license. True or 1 indicates the server does have a
license. False or 0 indicates the server does not have a IsProductionLicensed
license. Data type: Boolean
IsOEMCPModeEnabled Read-only
Data type: Boolean Indicates whether the server has a RightFax Integration
Read-only Module™ license. True or 1 indicates the server does have a
license. False or 0 indicates the server does not have a
Indicates whether the original equipment manufacturer code
page mode is enabled. True or 1 indicates the mode is
enabled; False or 0 indicates it is not. IsProductionNotifierLicensed
IsPDFModuleLicensed Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean Read-only
Read-only Indicates whether the server has a production notifier
license. True or 1 indicates the server does have a license.
Indicates whether the server has a license for the RightFax
False or 0 indicates the server does not have a license.
PDF module. True or 1 indicates the server does have a
Data type: Boolean

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 21 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 3: Fax server objects

Read-only Data type: Date

Indicates whether the server has a RightFax Satellite™ Read-only
server license. True or 1 indicates the server does have a Convert a local time value to a server time value.
license. False or 0 indicates the server does not have a
license. MaximumLicensedUsers
Data type: Integer
Data type: Boolean
Returns the maximum number of users licensed to use the
server. A zero indicates no maximum, allowing an unlimited
Returns True or 1 if the server has a SecureDocs license, and number of users.
returns False or 0 if it does not.
IsSerialValid Data type: Integer
Data type: Boolean Read-only
Returns the number of channels licensed for this server.
Indicates whether the SerialNumber property contains a valid
RightFax serial number. True or 1 indicates the number is RequiredFields
valid; False or 0 indicates it is not. Data type: RequiredFieldType enumerated value
Data type: Boolean Indicates whether the specified object is required. To specify
the object you want to check, send the
RequiredFieldIndexType enumerated value from the
Indicates whether the server has a Small Business Server following list.
license. True or 1 indicates the server does have a license.
False or 0 indicates the server does not have a license. Numeric Name See also
Data type: Boolean 0 rfiToName ToName
Read-only 1 rfiToFaxNumber ToFaxNumber

Indicates whether the server has a RightFax TeleConnect™ 2 rfiToVoiceNumber ToVoiceNumber

module license. True or 1 indicates the server does have a 3 rfiToCompany ToCompany
license. False or 0 indicates the server does not have a
4 rfiToCityState ToCityState
5 rfiFromName FromName

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 22 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 3: Fax server objects

Numeric Name See also
equivalent Data type: String
6 rfiFromPersonalVoiceNumber FromPersonalVoice
Number Returns the name of the server currently being used for
7 rfiFromPersonalFaxNumber FromPersonalFax
Number ServerSpecial
8 rfiFromGeneralVoiceNumber FromGeneralVoice Data type: ServerSpecialType enumerated value
Number Read-only
9 rfiFromGeneralFaxNumber FromGeneralFax Returns the special type of the server. The special type is one
Number of the following ServerSpecialType enumerated values.
10 rfiBillCode1 BillCode1
Numeric Name
11 rfiBillCode2 BillCode2 equivalent
9999 ssDelear
The return value is one of the following RequiredFieldType
enumerated values. 9998 ssTampered
Numeric Name Notes
Data type: Long
0 rfNotRequied The object is not required.
Returns the difference, in hours, between local time and
1 rfSend The object is only required Greenwich Mean Time.
when sending a fax.
2 rfReceive The object is only required
Data type: Date
when receiving a fax.
3 rfAlways The object is always
required. Convert a server time value to a local time value.
SerialNumber Data type: ServerType enumerated value
Data type: String Read-only
Returns the type of server from the following list of valid
Returns the server serial number. Use the IsSerialValid ServerType enumerated values.
property to determine whether the serial number is valid.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 23 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 3: Fax server objects

Numeric Name Numeric Name

equivalent equivalent
0x0CF1L sOS2 3 tziDaylightSavingsTime
0x0CF2L sNT

ServerVersion Data type: Boolean
Data type: Long Read-only
Read-only Indicates whether submitted billing codes are checked
Returns the version number of the server in hexadecimal against a list of valid codes.
format. Use ServerVersionAsString to view the server
version in text format.
Data type: String
Returns the version number of the server as a text string.
Use ServerVersion to view the server version in hexadecimal
Data type: TimeZoneInfoType enumerated value
Returns information about the time zone that the server is
using for the current time. The time zone is one of the
following TimeZoneInfoType enumerated values.

Numeric Name
0 tziInvalid
1 tziValid
2 tziStandardTime

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 24 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Attachment

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments

There are two types of Fax objects. When a fax is received distinguished by the value of the AttachmentType property.
into the system, a Fax object is created that contains the When creating a new fax, an attachment can be either a
sender and recipient information. This object has an form, billing code, file or library document. For incoming
Attachment object that contains the name of the page image faxes, the AttachmentType is always File.
of the incoming fax in TIFF format.
Attachment methods
When a user creates a fax to be sent to someone else, the
new Fax object can reference other objects such as a None.
signature file or cover sheet. In addition, there can be See also:
several types of Attachment objects (such as billing codes).
Attachments Collection, BillingCode, Form, LibraryDocument
When the user sends the fax, the Fax object is converted to a
page image in TIFF format, and the name of the image is Attachment properties
stored in an Attachment object.
This section describes the Fax object and the associated
properties and methods. It also describes the objects that Data type: AttachmentType enumerated value
can be attached to a Fax object (Files, LibraryDocuments, Read/write
Forms, and BillingCodes). Specifies the type of attachment from the following list of
valid AttachmentType enumerated values. For each
Caution All examples were created and verified using
AttachmentType, you must also specify the property
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. If you are using a different
associated with that type.
development environment, some of the examples in this
section may not work as expected. Numeric Name Associated See also
equivalent property
Attachment 0 aNone N/A N/A
An Attachment object defines the objects associated with a 1 aFile FileDescription File object
specific Fax. There are four types of Attachment objects,

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 25 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments

Numeric Name Associated See also Read/write

equivalent property Specifies the full path and name of the file that is to be
2 aLibrary LibraryDocument LibraryDocument attached to the Fax object. For incoming faxes, this property
Document object names the file that contains the image of the incoming fax.
This property is only used when the AttachmentType is aFile.
3 aForm Form Form object
4 aBillingCode BillingCode BillingCode object
Data type: Form
5 aNativeFile FileDescription Native file object

For incoming faxes, the system creates an AttachmentType Specifies the name of the form that is to be overlaid onto the
of File for the image of the fax. generated fax (such as company letterhead or a transmission
form). This property is only used when AttachmentType is
BillingCode aForm.
Data type: BillingCode
Data type: Boolean
Specifies the code used for accounting purposes. This Read/write
property is only used when the AttachmentType is a
BillingCode. If AttachmentType equals aNativeFile, this property indicates
if the document is going to be the body of the mail message.
Data type: Boolean
Data type: LibraryDocument
Indicates if the attachment object will be deleted after it is
copied to the fax server. There is no default. Specify either Specifies the name of an existing document to be attached to
True (deletes the object) or False. the Fax object (such as company literature or employment
applications). This property is only used when
FileDescription AttachmentType is aLibraryDocument.
Data type: String
See also:
Attachment, Attachments Collection, BillingCode, Form,
Specifies an attachment. When creating a new fax this can be LibraryDocument
a Form, BillingCode, File, or LibraryDocument. For existing
Example The following code stores the name of the first
faxes it can only be the image that is associated with the fax.
attachment to a variable called sTmpFileName.
Dim obFax As RFCOMAPILib.Fax
Data type: String
Dim obAttachment As RFCOMAPILib.Attachment

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 26 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Attachments collection

Dim sTmpFileName As String Create

Set obFax = MyFaxServer.User(“Owner of Fax”).Faxes(1) Data type: Attachment
Set obAttachment = obFax.Attachments(1) Read-only
sTmpFileName = obAttachment.FileName
Returns a new Attachment object.
'Do something with sTmpFileName
Attachments collection Data type: Attachment
An Attachments Collection contains one or more Attachment Read-only
objects. Returns the Attachment object with the specified Item
number. Each object in the collection is numbered, starting
Attachments Collection methods with 1. For example, to check for a second attachment,
Add enter:
Adds an object to the collection. attachment.item (2)
AddNativeDocument See also:
Adds a native document attachment for use with Secure Docs Attachment, Attachments Collection, BillingCode, Form,
and Certified Delivery. LibraryDocument
Remove Example The following code checks to see if the fax has a
Removes a specified type of attachment object from the library document attachment. If it does, this code adds the
collection but not from the server. To remove an object from specified document to the fax before sending it.
the server, use the Delete method in the object you want to If lstLibDocs.Text = ““ Then
delete. You must specify one of the AttachmentType
enumerated values. oFax.Send

RemoveAll Else
Removes all objects from the collection but not from the libdoc = lstLibDocs.Text
server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete Fax.Attachment.Add_
method in the object you want to delete. MyFaxServer.LibraryDocuments(libdoc)
Attachments Collection properties
End If
Data type: Long BillingCode
Read-only A BillingCode object specifies categorization information that
Returns the total number of objects in the collection. can be used later for functions such as accounting or

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 27 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments BillingCodes Collection

tracking. For example, billing codes can be assigned to Handle

various clients, departments, or types of expense by your Data type: Long
accounting department. These codes can be verified against a Read-only
master billing code table within the RightFax system or used
The handle is used internally by the RightFax system to
by external applications such as accounting.
identify each unique object. If you specify a value without
BillingCode methods specifying a property name, the system assigns that value as
the object Handle.
See also:
Removes the object from the server.
BillingCodes Collection, Attachment
Example The following code retrieves information on faxes
Reads XML data from an XML file. related to a specific billing code and saves it to a database. It
Save also adds one extra page for the coversheet which is not
Writes the object to the server. counted in the TotalPages property of a sent fax.

SaveToXML Public Sub getPages()

Dim Fax As RFCOMAPILib.Fax
Saves the billing code information to an XML file.
Dim nCount As Integer
BillingCode properties For Each User in myFaxServer.Users
For Each Fax in myFaxServer.Faxes(User.ID)
bcCompare = Fax.BillingCode.BillInfo1
Data type: String
If bcCompare = “BillingCode” Then
nCount = nCount + (Fax.TotalPages + 1)
Specifies a string that represents a category in the system. End If
BillInfo2 Next
Data type: String
Read/Write End Sub
Specifies a second string. A BillingCode object can contain
either, both, or no BillInfo properties. BillingCodes Collection
Description A BillingCodes collection is a set of one or more BillingCode
Data type: String objects. This type of collection can get very large, depending
on the complexity of the BillingCodes. Use the SearchOnKey,
SearchString, and MaxRecords properties in conjunction with
Specifies a text description of the billing code.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 28 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Attachments collection

the Execute method to identify specific BillingCode objects

within the collection. BillingCodes Collection properties
BillingCodes Collection methods
Data type: Long
Add Read-only
Adds an object to the collection.
Returns the number of objects in the collection.
Begins a search for a particular BillingCode object, based on
Data type: BillingCode
the values in the SearchOnKey and SearchString properties,
and returns the objects that meet the specified criteria. For
example: Returns a new object.
Private Sub Form_Load() Item
Set BillCodes = frmMain.g_FaxAPI.BillingCodes Data type: BillingCode
listBillCodes.ColumnHeaders.Add , , “BI1”, 2000 Read-only
listBillCodes.ColumnHeaders.Add , , “Descript”, 2000
BillCodes.SearchString = ““ Returns the BillingCode object with the specified Item
BillCodes.SearchOnKey = 1 number. Each object in the collection is numbered, starting
BillCodes.MaxRecords = 999999 with 1.
BillCodes.Execute MaxRecords
LoadBillCodes Data type: Long
End Sub Read/Write
Remove Indicates the maximum number of BillingCodes to return
Removes a specified object from the collection but not from when searching with the Execute method.
the server. To remove an object from the server, use the SearchOnKey
Delete method in the object you want to delete.
Data type: Integer
RemoveAll Read/Write
Removes all objects from the collection but not from the
Specifies the field to search for a BillingCode object within
server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete
the collection. Valid key values are:
method in the object you want to delete.
SaveToXML Value Field
Saves the billing code collection to an XML file. 1 BillInfo1

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 29 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments CoverSheet

Value Field lstItem.SubItems(2) = BillCode.Handle

2 BillInfo2
End Sub
3 Description
Private Sub listBillCodes_DblClick()
SearchString Dim BillCode As RFCOMAPILib.BillingCode
Data type: String For Each BillCode In BillCodes
Read/Write If (BillCode.Handle =
Search for a string using the specified SearchOnKey. listBillCodes.SelectedItem.SubItems(2)) Then
See also: Set frmMain.g_CurBillCode = BillCode
BillingCode, Attachment Unload Me
Exit Sub
Example The following code gets the billing code collection
End If
and displays the code and description for each BillingCode1.
Private Sub Form_Load() End Sub
Set BillCodes = frmMain.g_FaxAPI.BillingCodes Private Sub Form_Resize()
listBillCodes.ColumnHeaders.Add , , “BI1”, 2000
listBillCodes.ColumnHeaders.Add , , “Description”, 2000 listBillCodes.Width = frmBillCodes.Width - 120
listBillCodes.ColumnHeaders.Add , , “Handle”, 2000 listBillCodes.Height = frmBillCodes.Height - 400
BillCodes.SearchString = ““ End Sub
BillCodes.SearchOnKey = 1
BillCodes.MaxRecords = 999999 CoverSheet
LoadBillCodes A CoverSheet object can be either a Microsoft Word
document or a PCL file. When the fax is sent, the sender and
End Sub recipient information as well as any cover sheet notes are
Private Sub LoadBillCodes() merged with the cover sheet template and converted to an
image file for transmission. For the cover sheet to be sent,
Dim BillCode As RFCOMAPILib.BillingCode
the HasCoversheet property in the Fax object, must be set to
Dim lstItem As ListItem
True or 1, and the file name must be specified with the
FCSFilename property. The cover sheet notes, if any, are
For Each BillCode In BillCodes specified with the CoverSheetNotes property for each
Set lstItem = listBillCodes.ListItems.Add CoverSheets Collection object.
lstItem.Text = BillCode.BillInfo1
lstItem.SubItems(1) = BillCode.Description

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 30 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments CoverSheets Collection

Specifies the short file name for the cover sheet.

CoverSheet methods
Use this to specify the cover sheet to use when sending a fax.
Save the coversheet info to an XML File. CoverSheets Collection
CoverSheet properties A CoverSheets collection is a set of one or more CoverSheet
Data type: String CoverSheets Collection methods
Read-only Add
Specifies the description for the cover sheet. Re-loads the list of fax objects from the fax server.
ID Refresh
Data type: String Re-loads the list of fax objects from the fax server.
Specifies an ID you can assign to identify each unique object. Removes a specified object from the collection but not from
If you specify a value without specifying a property name, the server. To remove an object from the server, use the
the system assigns that value as the object ID. Delete method in the object you want to delete.
IsSystemDefault RemoveAll
Data type: Boolean Removes all objects from the collection but not from the
Read-only server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete
Indicates if this is the system default cover sheet. method in the object you want to delete.

LongFileName SaveToXML
Data type: String Save the coversheet collection to an XML file.
CoverSheets Collection properties
Specifies the full file name of the cover sheet.
When used to specify the cover sheet to use when sending a
Data type: Long
fax, the default cover sheet for the user sending the fax will
be used. Read-only

ShortFileName Returns the number of objects in the collection.

Data type: String Create
Read-only Data type: CoverSheet

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 31 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Read-only DisableSendViaSecureDocs
Disables sending of this fax via Secure Docs and Certified
Returns a new object.
Data type: CoverSheet
This method is only available if the IsNeedingApproval
property is set to True or 1. The Disapprove method sets the
Returns the Fax object with the specified item number. Each IsNeedingApproval property to False or 0 and the IsApproved
object in the collection is numbered, starting with 1. property to False or 0, indicating that the fax was not
approved and is not sent.
Example To specify a cover page called FaxLetterhead.pcl,
use the following code. EnableSendViaSecureDocs
myNewFax.FCSFilename = “FaxLetterhead.pcl” Enables sending of this fax via Secure Docs and Certified
myNewFax.HasCoversheet =|True Delivery.
Fax Sends the fax to multiple users within the RightFax system.
A Fax object contains all the information about the For example:
components of a fax. There can be many other objects Dim myUsers As Users
referenced by the properties in a single fax object. The Set myUsers = objFaxServer.Users
default property name is Handle. If you specify a value myUsers.RemoveAll
without specifying a property name, the system assigns that myUsers.Add myFaxServer.User(“USER1”)
value as the object Handle. myUsers.Add myFaxServer.User(“USER2”)
objFax.ForwardToUsers myUsers, “Check out this fax”
Fax methods
Re-sends a fax that has already been sent. See also the Send
This method is only available if the IsNeedingApproval method for new faxes.
property is set to True or 1. The Approve method sets the
IsNeedingApproval property to False or 0 and the IsApproved Mark
property to True or 1. The fax is submitted to the queue to be Changes the state of a fax to a specified FaxMarkType value.
Numeric Name
Delete equivalent
Removes the fax from the server. To remove a fax from the
0 fmViewed
Faxes collection, but not from the server, use the Remove
method or the RemoveAll method at the collection level. 1 funneled

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 32 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Numeric Name you don’t specify OCRFormatType or OCRLayoutType with

equivalent this method, the system uses the format specified in the User
object. See also AutoOCRLayout.
3 fmPrinted
4 fmNotPrinted Numeric OCRFormatType Name
5 fmReleased
0 ofSmartASCII
6 fmHeld
7 fmBodyPrinted
3 ofRTF
8 fmApproved
0xFFFF ofUseUserType
9 fmDisapproved
10 fmGeneric1 See also AutoOCRFormat.
11 fmNotGeneric1
12 fmGeneric2
Numeric OCRLayoutType Name
13 fmNotGeneric2
For example, to mark a record as appproved, enter the 0 olWYSIWYG
following line of code. 1 olLeftJustified
objFax.Mark fmApproved 0xFFFF olUseUserType
This method has an Atomic parameter so you can block other
transactions as this one takes place. As soon as the method is PrintFax
complete, the object is unblocked. Set the Atomic parameter Sends the fax to the print queue to await printing. Inputs are
to True or 1 to block; set it to False or 0 to allow access. The the start page (default is –1), end page, and a Boolean
default is False or 0. operator (True or False) that indicates whether to include the
MoveToFolder cover page.
Moves the fax to the specified folder. ReadFromXML
OCR Reads XML data from an XML file.
Converts the current fax from an image to text using optical RouteToUser
character recognition algorithms. Inputs are the start page, Sends a fax to a user within the RightFax system. To send to
the end page, the OCRFormatType, OCRLayoutType, and a multiple users, use the ForwardToUsers method.
file extension for the resulting file (such as .txt or .doc). If

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 33 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Saves the fax object. With the Save method, you can whether you want the form stored with the TTI information
automatically re-send a fax by using the Kick parameter. Set (the top half-inch of the fax). Set the RemoveTTILine
the parameter to True or 1 to send the fax after it is saved; parameter to True or 1 to remove the TTI line. The default for
set the parameter to False or 0 if you want to save without the RemoveTTILine parameter is False or 0 (leave the form
sending. See also the Kick method, which resends the fax as as is).
a separate method.
SaveToXML Stores the current fax as a new library document that can be
Saves the fax to an XML file. used later by other fax objects. You must specify a file name
for the library document. For example, to create a document
named PRICES with the description “Price Sheet,” enter the
Converts the fax to an image file and sends it to the specified following line.
recipients. To resend a fax that has been sent, use the Kick
method. objFax.StoreAsNewLibraryDocument “PRICES”, “Price Sheet”

StoreAsFormUpdate Fax properties

Stores the current fax as a form that can be used later by
other fax objects. This method updates an existing form, that
you must specify. To store the form to a new name and Data type: Attachments Collection
create a new form, see StoreAsNewForm. This method also Read-only
has a parameter which specifies if you want the form stored Returns the Attachments collection associated with the
with the TTI information (the top half-inch of the fax). Set the current fax object. See Attachment object or Attachments
RemoveTTILine parameter to True or 1 to remove the TTI collection for more information.
line. The default for the RemoveTTILine parameter is False or
0 (leave the form as is). AutoForwardCount
Data type: Integer
Stores the current fax as a library document that can be used
later by other fax objects. This method updates an existing Returns the number of times that the fax has been forwarded
library document, that you must specify. See using the AutoForward feature. This number is tracked for
StoreAsNewLibraryDocument to create a new library each fax to prevent infinite forwarding loops. By default the
document. maximum number of allowed AutoForward events is 5.

StoreAsNewForm BFTFilename
Stores the current fax as a new form that can be used later Data type: String
by other fax objects. You must specify a file name for the Read-only
form. This method also has a parameter that specifies

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 34 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Returns the file name of the binary file transfer information If a password is desired when creating document for Certified
file if one exists. Binary file transfers have been replaced by Delivery, specify the password as a string. This property is
the fax image attachment, but this property remains only used when creating a new e-mail message.
available for backwards compatibility.
BFTFileSize Data type: Integer
Data type: Long Read/Write
Specifies the channel for sending the current fax.
Returns the size of the binary file transfer information file if
one exists. Binary file transfers have been replaced by the
fax image attachment, but this property remains available Data type: String
for backwards compatibility. Read/Write

BillingCode Specifies a specific note line for the cover sheet. Each line of
notes is a string and can include up to 69 characters. The
Data type: BillingCode
cover sheet can include up to 24 note lines, each identified by
an index number starting with 1 (cannot exceed 24). See also
Returns the BillingCode object associated with the fax, if any. the CoverSheet object.
See the BillingCode object for more information.
BillingCode1 Data type: Long
Data type: String Read-only
Returns the size of the fax cover sheet in bytes.
Returns the Billing Code 1 field as a string.
BillingCode2 Data type: Date
Data type: String Read/Write
Specifies the date and time that the fax should be sent in
Returns the Billing Code 2 field as a string. Visual Basic variant format.
CertifiedDeliveryPassword EmailSubject
Data type: String Data type: String
Read/Write Read/Write
Specifies the Subject line of a new e-mail message. This
property is only used when creating a new e-mail message.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 35 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Numeric Name Notes
Data type: Integer equivalent
3 fecPoorQuality The fax board returned a
Returns an integer that indicates the disposition of the fax. message indicating that
This property has been replaced by information in the although the fax was
FaxStatus property, but remains available for backwards received, it contained
compatibility. errors
FaxDispositionEx 4 fecNoAnswer The destination number
Data type: Integer did not answer the phone
Read/Write 5 fecBadFCS Bad File Cover Sheet
Specifies an integer that indicates the disposition of the fax. 6 fecBadConvert The fax was not
This property has been replaced by information in the converted to an image file
FaxStatus property, but remains available for backwards 7 fecMakeFCS Error occurred creating
compatibility. Fax Cover Sheet
FaxErrorCode 8 fecCantSchedule Fax was not sent
Data type: FaxErrorCodeType enumerated value because fax transmission
Read-only schedule full

Returns the FaxErrorCodeType. A zero indicates that there 9 fecUnknown Unknown error report by
was no error. The FaxErrorCodeType is one of the following fax board
enumerated values. 10 fecHuman A human answered the
Numeric Name Notes
equivalent 11 fecGroup2 Reached a Group2
0 fecNone No error
12 fecLocalInUse The destination fax
1 fecBusy Fax number was busy number is unable to
2 fecTransmissionError Fax was not receive
sent/received 13 fecLineProblem Communications line
between the two fax
numbers not working

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 36 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Numeric Name Notes Returns the name of the image file associated with an
equivalent incoming fax. The image file is stored in the image folder on
the fax server. This property returns the file name, not the
14 fecBadPaper Invalid FormType image object.
15 fecBadSignature Invalid signature file
Data type: Integer
16 fecNoSignatureAuthorization The fax required but did
not receive signature Returns the ID assigned to the fax by the fax hardware when
authorization the fax is schedule to be sent.
18 fecDiscarded Canceled by user FaxPagesInFront
19 fecBadPhone Invalid characters in fax Data type: Integer
number Read-only
21 fecInvalidCode Invalid BillingCode Returns the number of fax pages in the queue preceding the
22 fecBadCode Error in an embedded current fax.
code FaxRecordDateTime
23 fecBadOCR OCR operation failed Data type: Date
24 fecBadPrint Print operation failed Read-only

25 fecNoLibraryDocument Unauthorized user Returns the date and time that the fax was created in Visual
Authorization attempting to create a Basic variant format.
new library document FaxStatus
26 fecViewStar1 ViewStar imaging system Data type: FaxStatusType enumerated value
import error Read-only
27 fecDisapproved The fax was disapproved Returns the status of the fax as a FaxStatusType. This is one
for transmission of the valid FaxStatusType enumerated values.
28 fecEmailDeliveryError The fax document was
not sent to the specified Numeric Name Notes
e-mail address equivalent
0 fsUnborn Not yet created
FaxFilename 1 fsNeedsFCS Needs fax cover sheet
Data type: String

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 37 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Numeric Name Notes Specifies the status of the fax as a FaxStatusType. This is one
equivalent of the valid FaxStatusType enumerated values listed in
FaxStatusType Enumerated Values.
2 fsNeedsConversion Needs conversion to an image
file FaxTerminationStatus
Data type: Integer
3 fsNeedsToBeSent None
4 fsInConversion In the process of being
converted to an image file Returns an integer indicating the termination status of the
fax. The information available through this property has been
5 fsInSend usPagesInFront indicates how
moved to the FaxHistory object but this property remains
many pages sent so far
available for backwards compatibility. See the Histories
6 fsDoneOK Successfully sent or received collection or the FaxStatus property.
7 fsManualFCS Uses a manual fax cover sheet FaxTerminationStatusEx
8 fsInSchedule Awaiting scheduled send time Data type: Integer
9 fsDoneError Too many errors, is not retried Read/Write
10 fsDuplicate None Specifies an integer indicating the termination status of the
fax. The information available through this property has been
11 fsError None
moved to the FaxHistory object but this property remains
12 fsNeedsAttention None available for backwards compatibility. See the Histories
13 fsNeedsAttachment None collection or the FaxStatus property.
14 fsHeldForPreview None FCSFilename
15 fsInOCR None Data type: String
16 fsInPrint None Read/Write

17 fsQueuedForPrinting None Specifies the name of the fax cover sheet image in the
server’s image folder. See also the OriginalFCSFilename
18 fsQueuedForOCR None property.
19 fsInValidation None
20 fsInApproval None Data type: Folder
Specifies the Folder object for this fax.
Data type: FaxStatusType enumerated value
Read/Write ForwardToNewFaxNumber
Data type: Fax

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 38 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Read-only the CompletionEvent. Set it to False or 0 if you don’t want to

generate a CompletionEvent.
Returns a new fax that has all of the same properties as the
previous fax except the FaxID. Handle
FromFaxNumber Data type: Long
Data type: String Read-only
Read/Write The handle is used internally by the RightFax system to
identify each unique object. If you specify a value without
Specifies the sender’s personal fax number.
specifying a property name, the system assigns that value as
FromGeneralFaxNumber the object Handle.
Data type: String
Data type: Boolean
Specifies the sender’s general fax number. Read-only
FromGeneralVoiceNumber Indicates whether the fax uses binary file transfer. The
Data type: String property returns True or 1 if the fax has BFT; it returns False
Read/Write or 0 if it does not. Binary file transfers have been replaced by
the fax image attachment, but this property remains
Specifies the sender’s general voice telephone number. available for backwards compatibility.
FromName HasCoversheet
Data type: String Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Specifies the sender’s name. Indicates whether the fax has a cover sheet. It is only valid
FromVoiceNumber for outgoing faxes. True or 1 indicates there is a cover sheet;
Data type: String False or 0 indicates there is no cover sheet. The cover sheet
is stored as a file on the server and can be specified using the
FCSFilename property. Each user can specify a default cover
Specifies the sender’s personal voice telephone number. page setting with the IsCoverPageDefaultedOn property, or a
GenerateCompletionEvent group can be required to use a cover sheet based on the
MustHaveCoversheet property.
Data type: Boolean
Read/Write HasHotlink
Data type: Boolean
Specifies whether to generate a completion event after the
fax has been sent. Set this property to True or 1 to generate Read/Write

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 39 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Indicates whether the fax has a hotlink. Data type: Boolean

HasPDF Read-only
Data type: Boolean Indicates whether the fax has been approved. True or 1
Read-only indicates it has been approved; False or 0 indicates it has not
been approved.
Indicates whether the fax has a rich PDF document
associated with it. IsBillingCodesVerified
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean
Read-only Indicates whether the BillingCode attachment has been
checked against the list of valid billing codes. True or 1
Hides the fax from the certified delivery Web interface when indicates the BillingCodes have been checked and are valid.
the recipient deletes it. (The original fax cannot be deleted False or 0 indicates that they are not valid billing codes.
from the fax database by the recipient, so it is hidden
instead.) IsBroadcastFax
Data type: Boolean
Data type: FaxHistories Collection
Read-only Specifies whether the fax is a broadcast fax. True or 1
indicates that the fax is a broadcast fax, and the status is
Returns the FaxHistories collection associated with the fax. updated when the entire job is complete (saving machine
The collection contains one or more history objects. overhead).
ImageSizeInBytes IsCallbackRequested
Data type: Long Data type: Boolean
Read-only Read-only
Returns the size of the fax body in bytes. Indicates whether the sender requests a call from the
InputFilename recipient. True or 1 indicates that a callback is requested;
Data type: String False or 0 indicates that no such request has been made. This
property only applies to sent faxes. The default setting for
callback request is set with the IsCallbackRequested property
Returns the name of the file that appears in the outgoing in the User object.
folder. This property has been replaced by functionality in the
Attachment object. See also Attachments Collection.
Data type: Boolean

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 40 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Indicates whether the fax was sent via certified delivery. Data type: Boolean
IsCoversheetConversionNeeded Read/Write
Data type: Boolean Specifies whether the fax is deleted from the server after a
Read/Write successful Send event. Set this to True or 1 to show the fax is
deleted. Set it to False or 0 to show the fax is not deleted.
Specifies whether the cover sheet for the fax needs to be See also the IsDeletedAfterAnySend property.
converted to a TIFF format image file. True or 1 indicates
that conversion is required; False or 0 indicates that it is not IsFaxAutoForwarded
required. Data type: Boolean
IsCoversheetFine Read-only
Data type: Boolean Specifies whether the fax was automatically forwarded. The
Read-only AutoForward feature is set and type of forwarding defined in
the User object. True or 1 indicates that the fax was
Specifies whether the cover sheet is in Fine mode. True or 1 automatically forwarded. False or 0 indicates that the fax
indicates that the cover sheet is in Fine mode (200×200 dots was not forwarded. See also the IsForwarded property.
per inch resolution); False or 0 indicates that it is in normal
mode (100×100 dots per inch resolution). See also the IsFaxBodyAutomaticallyPrinted
IsFineMode property. Data type: Boolean
IsDeleted Read-only
Data type: Boolean Specifies whether the fax was automatically printed. The
Read-only Autoprint feature is set and the printer defined in the User
object. True or 1 indicates that this fax was automatically
Specifies whether the fax has been deleted. True or 1 printed. False or 0 indicates that this fax was not forwarded.
indicates that the fax has been deleted from the server. False
or 0 indicates that it has not been deleted. IsFCSCompleted
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Specifies whether the fax cover sheet has been completed.
True or 1 indicates that the cover sheet is complete. False or
Specifies whether the fax is deleted from the server after the 0 indicates that the cover sheet is not complete.
Send event, regardless of whether the fax is sent
successfully. Set this to True or 1 to show the fax is deleted. IsFineMode
Set it to False or 0 to show that it is not deleted. See also the Data type: Boolean
IsDeletedAfterSuccessfulSend property. Read/Write

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 41 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Specifies whether the body of the fax is in Fine mode. True or Read/Write
1 indicates that the fax is in Fine mode (200×200 dots per
Specifies whether the fax is being held for preview before
inch resolution); False or 0 indicates that it is in normal mode
being sent by the user. True or 1 indicates that the fax is held
(100×100 dots per inch resolution). See also the
for preview. False or 0 indicates that it is not.
IsCoversheetFine property.
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean
Specifies whether the fax is being held until the date and time
Specifies whether the fax was manually forwarded. True or 1
specified by the DelayFaxSendDateTime property. True or 1
indicates that the fax was forwarded. False or 0 indicates that
indicates that the fax is awaiting the specified time. False or
the fax was not forwarded. Use the ForwardToUsers method
0 indicates that it is not.
to specify manual forwarding.
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean
Specifies whether the fax was initialized. True or 1 indicates
Specifies whether the fax was generated by the RightFax e-
that the fax was initialized. False or 0 indicates that the fax
mail gateway. True or 1 indicates that the fax was generated
was not initialized.
by an e-mail gateway. False or 0 indicates that it was not.
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean
Specifies whether the fax is an INL job.
Specifies whether the user customizable API flag Generic1 is
on. IsLCRTimeDelayed
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Specifies whether the fax was delayed because of a least-
cost routing rule. True or 1 indicates that the fax was
Specifies whether the user customizable API flag Generic2 is
delayed. False or 0 indicates that the fax was not delayed.
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 42 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Specifies whether the fax is being held until it is approved. Specifies whether the fax was viewed. True or 1 indicates
True or 1 indicates that the fax is awaiting approval. False or that the fax was viewed. False or 0 indicates that the fax was
0 indicates that it is not. Use the Approve method to send the not viewed.
IsPrinted Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean Read/Write
Specifies whether the fax was blocked by Do Not Dial.
Specifies whether the fax was successfully printed. True or 1
indicates that the fax was printed. False or 0 indicates that
the fax was not printed. See also the PrintFax method. Data type: Date
Returns the date and time that the most recent history
Data type: Boolean
element was added to this fax. It is updated every time an
element is added to any of the fax history objects. See also
Specifies whether the fax was generated by the RightFax the Histories collection.
Production module.
IsReceived Data type: Integer
Data type: Boolean Read/Write
Specifies the maximum number of times the system will
Specifies whether the fax is an incoming or outgoing fax. attempt to deliver the fax if the phone number is not
True or 1 indicates that the fax was received (incoming). responding. If this is set to 1, the system stops after the first
False or 0 indicates that the fax was sent (outgoing). failed attempt. Set this to zero (0) to use the default setting
on the RightFax server. Use the TryInterval property to
specify the length of time between retries.
Data type: Boolean
Read/Write NeedsPDFConversion
Data type: Boolean
Specifies whether the fax is an incoming or outgoing fax.
True or 1 indicates that the fax was received (incoming).
False or 0 indicates that the fax was sent (outgoing). Indicates whether the fax needs to be scanned for embedded
codes before conversion.
Data type: Boolean NeedsPrescan
Read/Write Data type: Boolean

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 43 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Read/Write Sets the priority for the fax using one of the valid
FaxPriorityType enumerated values from the following table.
Indicates whether the fax requires PDF conversion. When
For the user to send a fax with High priority, set the
PDF conversion is complete, this property is automatically
IsAbleToUseHighPriority property to True or 1 and the
set to False or 0.
HighestAvailablePriority property to fpHigh in the User
OriginalBFTFilename object.
Data type: String
Numeric Name
Returns the name of the binary file transfer file before it was
0 fpNormal
renamed by the fax server. Binary file transfers have been
replaced by the fax image attachment, but this property 1 fpLow
remains available for backwards compatibility. 2 fpHigh
Data type: String
Data type: PhoneItemGroup Collection
Returns the name of the original file that was converted to Read/Write
use as the fax cover sheet. This is the name as it appears in
the server folder. The converted file name is accessible Specifies multiple users receiving faxes. Define the users in a
through the FCSFilename property. PhoneItemGroup. Specify that group as recipients. See also
the PhoneItemGroup object.
Data type: User
Data type: String
Returns the User object for the owner of the fax.
Returns the ID of the sender’s fax machine. This applies only
OwnerID to received faxes.
Data type: String
Data type: String
Returns the UserID for the owner of the fax. Read/Write
Priority Returns the secure caller subscriber identification of the
Data type: FaxPriorityType enumerated value sender’s fax machine, if any. This applies only to received
Read/Write faxes.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 44 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Data type: Long Specifies the telephone number of the recipient’s fax
Read-only machine. See also the DefaultToFaxNumber property in the
User object.
Returns the total length of transmission time it took to send
or receive the fax. This is available for all received faxes. It ToName
is only available for sent faxes after successful completion. Data type: String
StatusDescription Read/Write
Data type: String Specifies the recipient’s name. See also the DefaultToName
Read-only property in the User object.

Returns the current status of the fax in text format. For a TotalLinkCount
numeric code indicating the status, see the FaxStatus Data type: Integer
property. Read-only
ToCityState Returns the total number of links associated with this fax.
Data type: String Links are generated when a RightFax user sends or forwards
Read/Write a fax to another RightFax user. Rather than duplicate the
image file of the fax for each user, the system creates a link
Specifies the city and state of the recipient. See also the
to a single instance of the image.
DefaultToCityState property in the User object.
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Returns the total number of pages in the fax. The fax must be
Specifies the recipient’s company name. See also the
converted for this to be valid.
DefaultToCompany property in the User object.
Data type: Integer
Data type: String
Specifies the total number of pages in the fax. The fax must
Specifies an e-mail address for the document destination.
be converted for this to be valid.
Data type: String
Data type: String

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 45 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Faxes Collection

Specifies the telephone number of the recipient. See also the Specifies the unique ID for this specific print job. This can be
DefaultToVoiceNumber property in the User object. defined by either the system or the user.
TryInterval UserComments
Data type: Integer Data type: String
Read/Write Read/Write
Specifies how long to wait, in seconds, between attempts to Comment text added to the fax by the fax sender.
send the fax. Set the MaximumRetries property to greater
than 0 for this to have any effect.
Data type: Boolean
TypeOfPrintJob Read/Write
Data type: PrintJobType enumerated value
Indicates whether the fax uses the Smart Resume feature of
the RightFax system. True or 1 indicates the fax uses Smart
Specifies the type of data in the print job. Use one of the Resume. False or 0 indicates it does not.
following PrintJobType enumerated values.
Example The following example sends a fax with an
Numeric Name attached library document.
equivalent Set oFax = MyFaxServer.CreateOjbect(coFax)
1 pjPCL oFax.Owner = oUser
oFax.Toname = tofaxname
2 pjPostScript
oFax.ToFaxNumber = tofaxnum
3 pjPCL2
If 1stLibDocs.Text = ““ Then
4 pjPostScript2 oFax.Send
5 pjCVL Else
UnicodeCoverSheetNotes oFax.Attachment.Add
Data type: String
The cover sheet notes as a unicode text block.
UniqueID Faxes Collection
Data type: String A Faxes Collection is a set of one or more Fax objects.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 46 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Form

Returns the Fax object with the specified item number. Each
Faxes Collection methods object in the collection is numbered, starting with 1.
Add See also:
Adds an object to the collection.
Fax, Attachment
Refresh Example The following code steps through a collection of
Re-loads the list of fax objects from the fax server. faxes for each user and displays the fax image.
Remove Dim myFax As RFCOMAPILib.Fax
Removes a specified object from the collection but not from For Each myFax in FaxApi.Faxes(“{myUser}”)
the server. To remove an object from the server, use the DisplayImage myFax.Attachments(1)
Delete method in the object you want to delete.
RemoveAll Form
Removes all objects from the collection but not from the A form is an object that overlays a fax, such as corporate
server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete letterhead. Within the RightFax system, the form is
method in the object you want to delete. considered an attachment to a CoverSheets Collectionobject.
SaveToXML To the recipient, the form appears to be part of the fax
Saves the fax collection to an XML file. image.

Faxes Collection properties Form methods

Count Delete
Data type: Long Removes the object from the server.
Read-only ReadFromXML
Returns the number of objects in the collection. Reads XML data from an XML file.

Create Save
Data type: Fax Writes the object to the server.
Read-only SaveToXML
Returns a new object. Saves the form to an XML file.

Item Form properties

Data type: Fax
Data type: Boolean

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 47 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Fax

Read/Write Data type: Integer

Specifies if the form will be appended to the end of the fax Read/Write
pages (such as a disclaimer page for proposals) or will be Specifies the ordinal number of the form object within the
used as an overlay on top of the fax page. True indicates the Forms collection. For example, the first form in the collection
form is added to the end of the fax. False indicates the form is number 1, the second form added to the collection is
is an overlay. The default is False. number 2, etc.
Handle PageCount
Data type: Long Data type: Integer
Read-only Read/Write
Returns the code used internally by the RightFax system to Returns the total number of pages in the form object.
identify each unique object.
ID Data type: Integer
Data type: String Read/Write
Specifies the page of the fax showing the form. For example,
Specifies an ID you can assign to identify each unique object. if the form is shown on the second and subsequent pages of a
If you specify a value without specifying a property name, letter, you might specify PagetoStartOn(2).
the system assigns that value as the object ID.
Name Data type: String
Data type: String Read/Write
Specifies the user or group authorized to access the form.
Specifies a descriptive name for the form.
NextFormNum Data type: String
Data type: Integer Read/Write
Returns the location, of the form’s image files, stored on the
Specifies the number of the next form that is attached to the server.
current fax object. For example, if one form has the
corporate logo and contact information for use on the first
See also:
page of a document, the next form has only the logo for use Attachment, Forms Collection
on the second and subsequent pages.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 48 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Forms Collection

Returns a new Form object. The user must be authorized to

Forms Collection create new forms by having the IsAbleToCreateNewForms
A Forms Collection is a set of one or more Form objects. property set to True or 1 in the user object.
Forms Collection methods Data type: Form
Add Read-only
Adds an object to the collection. Returns the form object with the specified item number. Each
Refresh object in the collection is numbered, starting with 1.
Re-loads the list of form objects from the fax server.
A library document is a pre-defined image object that can be
Removes a specified object from the collection but not from
attached to a fax before sending. For example, you can have
the server. To remove an object from the server, use the
a collection of sales literature available for faxing. Each
Delete method in the object you want to delete.
document can be attached to a fax as a library document. The
RemoveAll AttachmentType property must be set to alibraryDocument in
Removes all objects from the collection but not from the the Attachment object.
server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete
method in the object you want to delete. LibraryDocument methods
SaveToXML AdjustUsage
Saves the forms collection to an XML file. Changes the authorized use of the library document. The
default is to allow access only on the local area network.
Forms Collection properties Specify one of the valid usage types. You can repeat this
command as necessary to allow additional uses for each
Data type: Long
Read-only Numeric Name Notes
Returns the number of objects in the collection.
0 lduNone No authorized usage.
1 lduFOD Allow usage by the RightFax
Data type: Form
Docs-on-Demand module.
2 lduWeb Allow usage on the Web.
3 lduLAN This is the default.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 49 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Forms Collection

Numeric Name Notes
equivalent Data type: Date
0x0100 lduResetAll Re-sets usage to None.
Specifies the earliest date a document can be used. For
0x0200 lduResetLastUsedDate See also the LastUsedDate
example, a price list document can be embargoed until the
first of the following month. After that date, the library
document can be sent. For an embargo date to be effective,
For example, to allow the current library document to be
the IsEmbargoed property must be set to True or 1. To
accessed by the RightFax Docs-on-Demand module, enter:
specify the last date a document can be sent, see ExpireDate.
objLibraryDocument.AdjustUsage lduFOD
To reset the last used date property, you must combine the Data type: Date
reset with the usage type. For example, to change the last
used date (and make it appear that the document has not
been used on the LAN), enter: Specifies the last date a document can be used. For example,
sale prices are only valid for a short time. After the sp ecified
objLibraryDocument.AdjustUsage lduLAN Or
date, the library document containing the sale prices is no
longer be available. For an expiration date to be effective,
Delete the WillExpire property must be set to True or 1. To specify
Removes the object from the server. the first date a document can be sent, see EmbargoDate.

ReadFromXML FODPassword
Reads XML data from an XML file. Data type: String
Writes the object to the server. Specifies the password that must be entered before the form
can be sent using the RightFax Docs-on-Demand module.
Saves the library document to an XML file.
Data type: Long
LibraryDocument properties Read-only
Description Returns the code used internally by the RightFax system to
Data type: String identify each unique object.
Read/Write ID
Returns a brief description of the library document. Data type: String

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 50 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Forms Collection

Specifies an ID you can assign to identify each unique object. Indicates whether the library document is included in the
If you specify a value without specifying a property name, catalog created by the RightFax Docs-on-Demand module.
the system assigns that value as the object ID. True or 1 indicates the document is included; False or 0
indicates that it is not. The catalog created by the Docs-on-
Demand module is also a library object, indicated by the
Data type: String property IsAutomaticallyGeneratedCatalog being set to True.
Retrieves a copy image associated with the library document.
Data type: Boolean
IsALibraryDocument Read/Write
Data type: Boolean Indicates whether the resolution of the library document is
Read/Write Fine. True or 1 indicates that the fax resolution is Fine
This property has been replaced by new functionality, but (200×200 dots per inch); False or 0 indicates that it is normal
remains available for backward compatibility. All (100×100 dots per inch). See also the IsFineMode property
LibraryDocument objects have a value of True or 1 in this for the body of the fax or IsCoversheetFine for the cover
property. sheet mode.

IsAutomaticallyGeneratedCatalog IsInNormalMode
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write

Indicates whether the library document is a catalog or listing Indicates whether the resolution of the library document is
of other library documents. This type of catalog is part of the fine. True or 1 indicates that the fax is normal (100×100 dots
RightFax Docs-on-Demand module. True or 1 indicates the per inch); False or 0 indicates that it is fine (200×200 dots
library document is a catalog; False or 0 indicates it is not. per inch). See also the IsFineMode property for the body of
the fax or IsCoversheetFine for the cover sheet mode.
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean
Indicates whether the library document has a start date. See
also the EmbargoDate property. Indicates whether the library document is available for use
with the RightFax Docs-on-Demand module. True or 1
IsIncludedInFODCatalog indicates that the library document is available; False or 0
Data type: Boolean indicates that it is not. If True, see also the TimesUsedOnFOD
Read/Write property.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 51 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments Forms Collection

Data type: Boolean TimesUsedOnFOD

Read/Write Data type: Long
Indicates whether the library document is available to users
of the local area network. True or 1 indicates that the library Returns the number of times the library document has been
document is available; False or 0 indicates that it is not. If used by the RightFax Docs-on-Demand module. See the
True, see also the TimesUsedOnLAN property. IsPublishedForFOD property to determine whether the library
document is available for use with that module.
Data type: Boolean TimesUsedOnLAN
Read/Write Data type: Long
Indicates whether the library document is available for use
on the Web through the RightFax WebTools. True or 1 Returns the number of times the library document has been
indicates that the library document is available; False or 0 used on the local area network. See the IsPublishedForLAN
indicates that it is not. If True, see also the TimesUsedOnWeb property to determine whether the library document is
property. available for the LAN.
LastUsedDate TimesUsedOnWeb
Data type: Date Data type: Long
Read/Write Read/Write
Returns the most recent date that this library document was Returns the number of times the library document has been
used. The last used date can be re-set using the AdjustUsage used by RightFax WebTools. See the IsPublishedForWeb
method. property to determine whether the library document is
available for use on the Web.
Data type: Integer WillExpire
Read/Write Data type: Boolean
Returns the total number of pages in the library document.
Indicates whether the library document has an expiration
date. See also the ExpireDate property.
Data type: String
Example The following code sends a library document as
part of the outgoing fax:
Returns the name of the library document image file as it
exists on the server. Note that this property returns only the If 1stLibDocs.Text = “” Then
file name, not the document itself. oFax.Send

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 52 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 4: Fax objects and attachments LibraryDocuments Collection

libdoc = 1stLibDocs.Text
oFax.Attachment.Add LibraryDocuments Collection properties
MyFaxServer.LibraryDocuments(libdoc) Count
Data type: Long
End If
LibraryDocuments Collection Returns the number of objects in the collection.
A LibraryDocuments Collection is a set of one or more Create
LibraryDocument objects. Data type: LibraryDocument
LibraryDocuments Collection methods
Returns a new LibraryDocument object. The user must be
Add able to create new library documents by having the
Adds an object to the collection. IsAbleToCreateNewLibraryDocuments property set to True in
Refresh the user object.
Re-loads the list of library document objects from the fax Item
server. Data type: LibraryDocument
Remove Read-only
Removes a specified object from the collection but not from Returns the library document object with the specified item
the server. To remove an object from the server, use the number. Each object in the collection is numbered, starting
Delete method in the object you want to delete. with 1. See also the Num property.
Removes all objects from the collection but not from the
server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete
method in the object you want to delete.
Saves the library document collection to an XML file.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 53 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Delegate

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders

Create a User object for each person who uses the RightFax Writes the object to the server.
system. Users can be organized into Groups, simplifying
tasks like defining maintenance defaults. Each user can sort
their faxes by creating folders. Saves XML data to an XML file.

Note All examples were created and verified using Delegate properties
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. If you are using a different DeletePermissionCanDeleteFaxes
development environment, some of the examples in this
Data type: Boolean
section may not work as expected.

Delegate Specifies if the delegate is authorized to delete faxes.

A delegate is a person who has access to another person’s DeletePermissionCanDeleteFolders

(the delegator’s) user information. A Delegate object Data type: Boolean
contains one User object. To grant access to multiple users, Read/write
create a Delegate object for each user and create a
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to delete folders.
Delegates collection object. The User object receiving
permission lists this Delegates collection in the DeletePermissionCanDeletePhoneItems
AccessibleByTheseUsers property. Data type: Boolean
Delegate methods
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to delete phonebook
Delete entries.
Removes the object from the server.
ReadFromXML Data type: Long
Reads XML data from an XML file. Read-only

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 54 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders

Returns the code used internally by the RightFax system to faxes, or an administrator. True or 1 indicates that the faxes
identify each unique object. require approval; False or 0 indicates that faxes are sent
without approval.
Data type: Boolean ReadPermissionCanBrowseAllFolders
Read/write Data type: Boolean
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to approve faxes on
behalf of the delegator. Specifies if the delegate is authorized to view folders other
than the Inbox.
Data type: Boolean ReadPermissionCanExportImages
Read/write Data type: Boolean
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to make, add, or
remove users from the delegator’s list of delegates, and to Specifies if the delegate is authorized to save a copy of the
edit the access rights granted to each delegate. fax image from the RightFax fax viewer.
MiscPermissionCanModifyUserOptions ReadPermissionCanMailImages
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/write Read/write
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to make, add, or Specifies if the delegate is authorized to send a copy of the
remove user options. fax image to an e-mail address from the RightFax fax viewer.
MiscPermissionCanToggleRefuseFaxDistribution ReadPermissionCanPrintFaxes
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/write Read/write
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to change the Refuse Specifies if the delegate is authorized to print faxes.
Fax Distribution option.
MiscPermissionFaxRequiresApproval Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean Read/write
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to view faxes
Specifies if faxes created by the delegate in the delegator’s (including the cover page, all body pages, and attachments).
mailbox require approval. Approval can only be granted by
the delegator, another delegate with permission to approve
Data type: Boolean

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 55 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders

Read/write Specifies if the delegate is authorized to create and send new

faxes from the delegator’s mailbox.
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to view the first page
of faxes. When this property is set to True or 1, and the WritePermissionCanCreateFolders
ReadPermissionCanViewFax permission is set to False or 0, Data type: Boolean
the delegate is able to read only the first page of faxes.
ReadPermissionCanViewHistory Specifies if the delegate is authorized to create new folders.
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to view fax histories.
ReadPermissionCanUsePhoneEntries Specifies if the delegate is authorized to add new entries to
Data type: Boolean the delegator’s RightFax fax phonebook.
Specifies if the delegate has access to all the delegator’s Data type: Boolean
phonebook entries. True or 1 indicates that the delegate can
use all phonebook entries; False or 0 indicates that the
delegate can only access the delegator’s shared phonebook Specifies if the delegate is authorized to edit a fax’s
entries. addressing information after it has been initially sent.

User WritePermissionCanEditPhoneItems
Data type: User Data type: Boolean
Read/write Read/write

Specifies the user receiving access. You can only enter one This Boolean property specifies if the delegate is authorized
User object. to edit existing entries in the delegator’s RightFax fax
Data type: Boolean WritePermissionCanMoveFaxes
Read/write Data type: Boolean
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to annotate faxes.
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to move faxes between
WritePermissionCanCreateFaxes folders in the delegator’s mailbox.
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 56 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Delegates Collection

Read/write Refresh
Re-loads the list of objects from the fax server.
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to forward or route
faxes. Remove
WritePermissionCanOCRFaxes Removes a specified object from the collection but not from
the server. To remove an object from the server, use the
Data type: Boolean
Delete method in the object you want to delete.
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to use the RightFax
OCR Converter software to create text documents from the Removes all objects from the collection but not from the
delegator’s fax images. server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete
method in the object you want to delete.
Data type: Boolean
Saves XML data to an XML file.
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to rename folders in Delegates Collection properties
the delegator’s mailbox.
WritePermissionCanUpdateFaxStatus Data type: Long
Data type: Boolean Read-only
Returns the number of objects in the collection.
Specifies if the delegate is authorized to update the fax status
(retry sending the fax after transmission errors are
encountered). Data type: Delegate
Delegates Collection Returns a new object.
A Delegates Collection is a set of one or more Delegate Item
objects. To assign a Delegates collection to a User object, Data type: Delegate
use the AccessibleByTheseUsers property in the User object
with access.
Returns the form object with the specified item number. Each
Delegates Collection methods object in the collection is numbered, starting with 1.
Adds an object to the collection

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 57 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Folder

Returns the User object associated with this folder.

A Folder is an organizational tool that helps each user sort Folders Collection
and categorize faxes. For example, a user can set up an A Folders Collection is a set of one or more Folder objects.
Incoming and an Outgoing folder, or one folder for each of
several projects. The Folder object contains the information Folders Collection methods
that identifies the faxes that the user assigns to the folder.
Folder methods Adds an object to the collection

Delete Refresh
Removes the object from the server. Re-loads the list of objects from the fax server.
Folder properties
Removes a specified object from the collection but not from
ByteID the server. To remove an object from the server, use the
Data type: Integer Delete method in the object you want to delete.
Read-only RemoveAll
Returns the unique identifier of the folder used for database Removes all objects from the collection but not from the
storage. server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete
method in the object you want to delete.
Data type: Faxes Collection Folders Collection properties
Returns the Faxes collection associated with this folder. See Data type: Long
the Folders Collection.
Returns the number of objects in the collection.
Data type: String
Data type: Folder
Specifies a description of the folder. You must specify a
folder ID to identify the folder later.
Returns a new object.
Data type: User Item
Read-only Data type: Folder

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 58 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Group

Read-only Specifies the ID of the user who is the alternate

administrator for this group. See also
Returns the folder object with the specified item number.
Each object in the collection is numbered, starting with 1.
Group Data type: Long
A group object contains administrative information that is Read-only
applied to all of the users in the group. After a group is Returns a number that is incremented each time the object is
created, you can assign any Users collection to the group. updated. You can check this number to determine whether
the group has been updated without getting the entire Group
Group methods object.
Delete ConcurrentDelayTime
Removes the group object from the server. You can only Data type: Integer
delete groups that do not have any members.
Specifies the start time (in HHMM format) that the RightFax
Reads XML data from an XML file. system sends delayed faxes. This parameter is only effective
Save if forced scheduling is enabled. Use the
Writes the object to the server. IsForcedSchedulingEnabled property to enable or disable
forced scheduling. For example, if you set a limit of 50 faxes
SaveToXML that a group can send between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., any faxes
Saves XML data to an XML file. over that limit are sent beginning at 10 P.M. The delay time is
entered as 2000. See also the MaxConcurrentFaxes and
Group properties MaxConcurrentPages properties.
AlternateAdministrator ConcurrentEndTime
Data type: User Data type: Integer
Read/Write Read/Write
Specifies the User object of the user who is the alternate Specifies the end time (in HHMM format) that concurrent
administrator for this group. See also PrimaryAdministrator. faxes are limited by forced scheduling. Any faxes in the
queue but not yet sent at the specified time are sent after the
specified ConcurrentDelayTime. Use the
Data type: String
IsForcedSchedulingEnabled property to enable or disable
Read/Write forced scheduling. For example, if there is a limit of 50 faxes

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 59 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Group

that a group can send between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., enter the 0. The default is 30 days. See also ExcludedFromFaxAging in
end time of 1700. the User object.
ConcurrentStartTime FaxAgeFailed
Data type: Integer Data type: Integer
Read/Write Read/Write
Specifies the start time (in HHMM format) that concurrent Specifies the number of days a failed fax remains on the
faxes are limited by forced scheduling. Use the system before being deleted. To leave failed faxes on the
IsForcedSchedulingEnabled property to enable or disable system indefinitely, set this property to 0. See also
forced scheduling. For example, if there is a limit of 50 faxes ExcludedFromFaxAging in the User object.
that a group can send between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., enter the
start time of 0800.
Data type: Integer
CoverSheet Read/Write
Data type: String
Specifies the number of days an incomplete fax remains on
the system before being deleted. To leave incomplete faxes
The name of the default cover sheet. This can be changed by on the system indefinitely, set this property to 0. See also
each user with the CoverSheetModelID property or for each ExcludedFromFaxAging in the User object.
fax with the FCSFilename property.
FaxAgeCertifyDelivery Data type: Integer
Data type: Integer Read/Write
Specifies the number of days a new fax remains on the
Specifies the number days a fax sent via certified delivery system before being deleted. To leave new faxes on the
remains on the system before being permanently removed. system indefinitely, set this property to 0. See also
To leave certified delivery faxes on the system indefinitely, ExcludedFromFaxAging in the User object.
set this property to 0.
FaxAgeDeleted Data type: Integer
Data type: Integer Read/Write
Specifies the number of days a received fax remains on the
Specifies the number days a fax marked for deletion remains system before being deleted. To leave received faxes on the
on the system before being permanently removed. To leave system indefinitely, set this property to 0. See also
deleted faxes on the system indefinitely, set this property to ExcludedFromFaxAging in the User object.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 60 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Group

Data type: Integer indicates that a password is required; False or 0 indicates

Read/Write that it is not required. See also the GroupSFDType and
GroupSFDEnabled properties.
Specifies the number of days a sent fax remains on the
system before being deleted. To leave sent faxes on the GroupSFDType
system indefinitely, set this property to 0. See also Data type: GroupFDSType enumerated value
ExcludedFromFaxAging in the User object. Read/Write
FaxAgeSubFolders Specifies how faxes will be distributed if the RightFax Smart
Data type: Boolean Fax Distribution feature is enabled. Specify one of the valid
Read/Write GroupSFDType values.

Determines whether fax aging is performed on all user’s Numeric Name Notes
folders. True or 1 indicates that all users’ subfolders are equivalent
aged; False or 0 indicates that only the Main and Trash
0 gsfdLinear Distributes to the users in order
folders are aged.
regardless of number of faxes.
1 gsfdBalanced Distributes first to the user who has the
Data type: Long fewest faxes in the fax inbox.
Specifies the default routing code for the group if RightFax Handle
SmartFax Distribution is enabled. Set this property to –1 to Data type: Long
disable SmartFax Distribution. Read-only
GroupSFDEnabled Returns the code used internally by the RightFax system to
Data type: Boolean identify each unique object.
Read/Write HideUIControlAddPhoneBookEntryButton
Indicates whether RightFax SmartFax Distribution is enabled. Data type: Boolean
True or 1 indicates that it is enabled; False or 0 indicates that Read/Write
it is not.
Indicates whether to show the Add Entry button on the Fax
GroupSFDLoginRequired Information dialog box when the members of this group
Data type: Boolean create new faxes.
Read/Write HideUIControlAlternateFaxNumber
Indicates whether the user is required to enter a password to Data type: Boolean
use the RightFax Smart Fax Distribution feature. True or 1 Read/Write

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 61 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Group

Indicates whether to show the Alt Fax Number box on the Indicates whether to show the Alternate Body Attachment
Fax Information dialog box when the members of this checkbox on the Fax Information dialog box when the
group create new faxes. members of this group create new faxes.
HideUIControlAutoDeleteSetting HideUIControlCallBack
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the Automatic Deletion box on Indicates whether to show the CallBack checkbox on the
the Fax Information dialog box when the members of this Fax Information dialog box when the members of this
group create new faxes. group create new faxes.
HideUIControlBillInfo1 HideUIControlCertified
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the first billing code box on the Indicates whether to show the Certified Delivery checkbox
Fax Information dialog box when the members of this on the Fax Information dialog box when the members of
group create new faxes. this group create new faxes.
HideUIControlBillInfo2 HideUIControlCity
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the second billing code box on the Indicates whether to show the To City/State checkbox on
Fax Information dialog box when the members of this the Fax Information dialog box when the members of this
group create new faxes. group create new faxes.
HideUIControlBillInfoLookup HideUIControlComments
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the Billing Code Lookup button on Indicates whether to show the Comments box on the Fax
the Fax Information dialog box when the members of this Information dialog box when the members of this group
group create new faxes. create new faxes.
HideUIControlBodyAttachments HideUIControlCompany
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 62 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Group

Indicates whether to Showthe To Company box on the Fax Indicates whether to show the Use form boxes on the Fax
Information dialog box when the members of this group Information dialog box when the members of this group
create new faxes. create new faxes.
HideUIControlCoverSheetSelect HideUIControlFromName
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the Cover Sheet File box on the Indicates whether to show the From Name box on the Fax
Fax Information dialog box when the members of this Information dialog box when the members of this group
group create new faxes. create new faxes.
HideUIControlCoverSheetToggle HideUIControlFromPhoneNumber
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the Use cover sheet checkbox Indicates whether to Show the From Voice Number box on
on the Fax Information dialog box when the members of the Fax Information dialog box when the members of this
this group create new faxes. group create new faxes.
HideUIControlDelaySend HideUIControlGeneralFax
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the Delay send checkbox on the Indicates whether to show the From Company fax number
Fax Information dialog box when the members of this box on the Fax Information dialog box when the members
group create new faxes. of this group create new faxes.
HideUIControlFileAttach HideUIControlGeneralVoice
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the Attach Fileoptions on the Fax Indicates whether to show the From Company voice
Information dialog box when the members of this group number box on the Fax Information dialog box when the
create new faxes. members of this group create new faxes.
HideUIControlFormType HideUIControlLibraryDocumentSelect
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 63 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Group

Indicates whether to show the list of available library Indicates whether to show the PDF Options button on the
document attachments on the Fax Information dialog box Fax Information dialog box when the members of this
when the members of this group create new faxes. group create new faxes.
HideUIControlMoreButton HideUIControlPhoneBookButton
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the More Options tab on the Fax Indicates whether to show the Phonebook button on the Fax
Information dialog box when the members of this group Information dialog box when the members of this group
create new faxes. create new faxes.
HideUIControlNativeDocumentAttachments HideUIControlPreview
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the Native Document Indicates whether to show the Hold for preview checkbox
Attachment checkbox on the Fax Information dialog box on the Fax Information dialog box when the members of
when the members of this group create new faxes. this group create new faxes.
HideUIControlNotes HideUIControlPriority
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the Notes box on the Fax Indicates whether to show the Priority box on the Fax
Information dialog box when the members of this group Information dialog box when the members of this group
create new faxes. create new faxes.
HideUIControlNotesButton HideUIControlPrivateFax
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the Cover Sheet Notes tab on Indicates whether to show the From Private fax number
the Fax Information dialog box when the members of this box on the Fax Information dialog box when the members
group create new faxes. of this group create new faxes.
HideUIControlPDFOptions HideUIControlRecipientType
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 64 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Group

Indicates whether to show the recipient type (fax or e-mail) Indicates whether to show the Create PDF image checkbox
selection button on the Fax Information dialog box when on the Fax Information dialog box when the members of
the members of this group create new faxes. this group create new faxes.
HideUIControlScanAttach HideUIControlVoiceNumber
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the Scan Attachments button on Indicates whether to show the To Voice number box on the
the Fax Information dialog box when the members of this Fax Information dialog box when the members of this
group create new faxes. group create new faxes.
HideUIControlSecureSend ID
Data type: Boolean Data type: String
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the Recipient Fax ID box on the Specifies an ID you can assign to identify each unique object.
Fax Information dialog box when the members of this If you specify a value without specifying a property name,
group create new faxes. the system assigns that value as the object ID.
HideUIControlSmartResume IsForcedSchedulingEnabled
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Indicates whether to show the Use smart resume checkbox Specifies whether forced scheduling is enabled. With this
on the Fax Information dialog box when the members of feature you can automatically hold all outgoing faxes in a
this group create new faxes. queue for a specified transmission time, such as late night
when traffic might be less. Use the ConcurrentStartTime
property to specify when the faxes begin transmitting; use
Data type: Boolean the ConcurrentEndTime property to specify when forced
Read/Write scheduling ends.
Indicates whether to show the Fine mode checkbox on the MaxConcurrentFaxes
Fax Information dialog box when the members of this
Data type: Integer
group create new faxes.
If forced scheduling is enabled, this specifies the maximum
Data type: Boolean number of faxes that can be scheduled by the users in this
Read/Write group for transmission between the specified start and end

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 65 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Group

times. Use the IsForcedSchedulingEnabled property to enable NotifyType

or disable forced scheduling. Use the ConcurrentStartTime Data type: NotifyType enumerated value
property to specify when the faxes begin transmitting; use Read/Write
the ConcurrentEndTime property to specify when forced
Specifies the default method when a user in the group gets
scheduling should end.
notification of a received fax. This can be changed by each
MaxConcurrentPages user with the NotifyType property in the User object.
Data type: Integer
Numeric Name
If forced scheduling is enabled, this specifies the maximum
0 nNetworkBroadcast
number of pages that can be scheduled by the users in this
group for transmission between the specified start and end 1 nCustom1
times. Use the IsForcedSchedulingEnabled property to enable 2 nCustom2
or disable forced scheduling. Use the ConcurrentStartTime
3 nCustom3
property to specify when the faxes begin transmitting; use
the ConcurrentEndTime property to specify when forced 4 nCustom4
scheduling should end. 5 nCustom5
MustHaveCoversheet 6 nCustom6
Data type: Boolean 7 nCustom7
8 nCustom8
Specifies whether the users in this group are required to use
9 nCustom9
a cover sheet when sending a fax. True or 1 indicates that
users must have a cover sheet; False or 0 indicates they do 10 nCCMail
not need one. If the users are not required to have a cover 11 nMSMail
sheet with every fax, users can specify their own default with
13 nTRS
the IsCoverPageDefaultedOn property, or can specify
whether each fax has a cover page with the HasCoversheet 14 nCX3
property. 15 nPager
MustHoldForPreview 16 nNotes
Data type: Boolean 17 nExchange
18 nSMTP
This Boolean property specifies whether all faxes sent by the
users in this group are held for preview. NumberOfMembers

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 66 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Groups Collection

Data type: Long

Groups collection methods
Specifies the number of members in the group. See Users to Add
specify the User collection. Adds an object to the collection

PrimaryAdministrator Refresh
Data type: User Re-loads the list of group objects from the fax server.
Read/Write Remove
Specifies the User object of the user who is the primary Removes a specified object from the collection but not from
administrator for this group. See also the server. To remove an object from the server, use the
AlternateAdministrator. Delete method in the object you want to delete.

PrimaryAdministratorID RemoveAll
Data type: String Removes all objects from the collection but not from the
Read/Write server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete
method in the object you want to delete.
Specifies the ID of the user who is the primary administrator
for this group. See also AlternateAdministratorID. SaveToXML
Saves XML data to an XML file.
Data type: Users Collection Groups collection properties
Specifies the Users Collection that contains the users who are Data type: Long
in this group.
Example The following code creates a group called “support”
Returns the number of objects in the collection.
and automatically deletes sent and received faxes for the
group after 90 days. Create
Data type: Group
Set obGroup = MyFaxServer.CreateObject(coGroup)
obGroup.ID = “support”
obGroup.FaxAgeReceived = 90 Returns a new object.
obGroup.FaxAgeSent = 90 Item
Data type: Group
Groups Collection Read-only
A Groups collection is a set of one or more Group objects.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 67 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Signature

Returns the object with the specified item number. Each Handle
object in the collection is numbered, starting with 1. Data type: Long
Signature Returns the code used internally by the RightFax system to
A signature is stored as an encrypted image file on the fax identify each unique object.
server. The Signature object contains the name of the file
and a set of up to three users who are authorized to use the
signature. Data type: String
Signature methods Specifies an ID you can assign to identify each unique object.
Delete If you specify a value without specifying a property name,
Removes the object from the server. the system assigns that value as the object ID.

ReadFromXML Owner
Reads XML data from an XML file. Data type: User
Re-loads the list of signature objects from the fax server. Specifies the user who is the owner of the signature.

Save Users
Writes the object to the server. Data type: Users Collection
Specifies the Users Collection that identifies the users who
Saves XML data to an XML file.
are authorized to use the Signature object. There can be up
Signature properties to three users in the collection.

Description Signatures Collection

Data type: String
A Signatures Collection is a set of one or more Signature
Read/Write objects.
Specifies the description of the signature object.
Signatures collection methods
Data type: String Add
Read/Write Adds an object to the collection

Specifies the name of the signature image file. Refresh

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 68 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders User

Re-loads the list of signature objects from the fax server.

Removes a specified object from the collection but not from A user object contains all the information about a specific
the server. To remove an object from the server, use the person who has access to the RightFax system. This includes
Delete method in the object you want to delete. authorizations for RightFax modules and defaults for user
preferences that can be changed for each fax.
Removes all objects from the collection but not from the User methods
server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete
method in the object you want to delete.
Changes the password for this user by specifying a new
SaveToXML password. Only this user or the administrator can change the
Saves XML data to an XML file. password.

Signatures collection properties Delete

Removes the object from the server.
Data type: Long
Reads XML data from an XML file.
Returns the number of objects in the collection.
Re-loads the list of user objects from the fax server.
Data type: Signature
Writes the object to the server.
Returns a new object. SaveToXML
Saves XML data to an XML file.
Example The following example lists all users in a list box
Data type: Signature
called lstRFUser.
For Each User In MyFaxServer.Users
Returns the object with the specified item number. Each
object in the collection is numbered, starting with 1. lstRFUser.AddItem User.ID

User properties

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 69 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Signature

Data type: Delegates Collection Data type: Variant

Read-only Read/Write
Specifies a Delegates Collection that has access to this User The user’s Windows NT SID in binary form. See also
object, including associated faxes and attachments. IsNTAuthenticationRequired.
AlternateNotifyUser AutoDelete
Data type: User Data type: Integer
Read/Write Read/Write
Specifies a string value for the user ID of the user object to Specifies when to delete fax images from the user’s fax
whom notifications are sent if the current user has the mailbox:
alternate notification feature turned on.
l 0 = Never delete
AlternateNotifyUserID l 1 = Delete only after the fax is successfully sent
Data type: String l 2 = Always delete
Specifies the User object to whom notifications are sent if the
Data type: Boolean
current user has the alternate notification feature turned on.
See also the IsAlternateNotificationEnabled property. Read/Write

AreReceivedFaxesStamped Automatically update the fax list?

Data type: Boolean AutoforwardFaxNumber
Read/Write Data type: String
Indicates whether incoming faxes are marked with the time Read/Write
and date that the fax was received. True or 1 indicates the Specifies the fax number to which incoming faxes will be
incoming faxes are stamped; False or 0 indicates they are forwarded. The IsAutoforwardEnabled property must be set
not. to True or 1 and the AutoForwardType to afFaxNumber or 0
AssociatedNTAccount for the fax to be forwarded to this number.
Data type: String AutoForwardType
Read/Write Data type: AutoForwardType enumerated value
Specifies a string value the Windows NT domain and account Read/Write
associated with the user in the format Domain/Account. See Specifies how incoming faxes are forwarded. The
also IsNTAuthenticationRequired. IsAutoforwardEnabled property must be set to True or 1 for

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 70 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Signature

automatic forwarding to take place. This property requires AutoOCRLayout

one of the following enumerated values. Data type: OCRLayoutType enumerated value
Numeric Name Notes
equivalent Specifies the output layout for the resulting file when an
incoming fax is processed with optical character recognition
0 afFaxNumber See also AutoFaxListUpdate.
algorithms. Specify one of the valid layout types. The user
1 afUser None can override this for a specific fax with the OCR method of
the CoverSheets Collection. IsAutoOCREnabled must be set to
AutoOCRExtension True or 1 for this to take effect.
Data type: String
Numeric Name
Read/Write equivalent
Specifies the three-letter extension that will be appended to 0 olWYSIWYG
the file name when an incoming fax is processed with optical
character recognition algorithms. For example, the extension 1 olLeftJustified
might be .doc or .txt. IsAutoOCREnabled must be set to True
or 1 for this to take effect. ChangeTag
Data type: Long
Data type: OCRFormatType enumerated value
Read/Write Returns a number that is incremented each time the object is
updated. You can check this number to determine whether
Specifies the default output format for the resulting file when the user has been updated without getting the entire User
an incoming fax is processed with optical character object.
recognition algorithms. You must specify one of the valid
format types. The user can change this for a specific fax with CheckForNewFaxes
the OCR method of the CoverSheetsCollection. Data type: Fax
IsAutoOCREnabled must be set to True or 1 for this to take Read-only
Returns a new fax object, if any. Repeat this property as
Numeric Name needed.
equivalent For example:
0 ofSmartASCII ‘Timer_Timer gets fired by the form every x milliseconds
1 ofASCII Private Sub Timer_Timer()
3 ofRTF RestartLoop:
On Error GoTo LoopExit

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 71 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Signature

Set newFax = curUser.CheckForNewFaxes Read/Write

’do something here with newFax
Specifies the default sender name that is used in the cover
GoTo RestartLoop
sheet. This can be changed for each fax with the FromName
End Sub
Data type: String
Data type: String
Specifies the default file extension for the file generated
Specifies the file name of the default cover sheet for the
when the fax is processed through the optical character
user. This can also be set at the group level with the
recognition software. This can be changed for each fax by the
CoverSheet property, or it can be set for each fax with the
OCR method. See also the AutoOCRExtension property.
FCSFilename property.
Data type: OCRFormatType enumerated value
Data type: BillingCode
Specifies the default format for the file generated when the
Specifies the BillingCode object that is used as a default for
fax is processed through the optical character recognition
all faxes relating to this user. This can be changed for each
software. This can be changed for each fax by the OCR
fax with the BillingCode property.
method. See also the AutoOCRFormat property.
Numeric Name
Data type: String
0 ofSmartASCII
Specifies a string value for the first default billing code for
the user. 1 ofASCII
2 ofRTF
Data type: String
Data type: OCRLayoutType enumerated value
Specifies a string value for the second default billing code for Read/Write
the user.
Specifies the default layout for the file generated when the
DefaultFromName fax is processed through the optical character recognition
Data type: String software. You must specify a valid OCRLayoutType value.

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This can be changed for each fax by the OCR property. See Numeric Name
also the AutoOCRLayout property. equivalent
Numeric Name 0 fpNormal
equivalent 1 fpLow
0 olWYSIWYG 2 fpHigh
1 olLeftJustified

DefaultPrinter DefaultToCityState
Data type: Printer Data type: String
Read/Write Read/Write

Specifies the Printer object where faxes print when the user Specifies the default recipient city and state information. This
specifies the print function. To specify the printer for can be changed for each fax with the ToCityState property.
automatic fax printing, see the SentAutoprintPrinterand DefaultToCompany
ReceivedAutoprintPrinter properties. Data type: String
DefaultPrinterID Read/Write
Data type: String Specifies the default recipient company information. This can
Read/Write be changed for each fax with the ToCompany property.
Specifies a string value for the printer ID where faxes print DefaultToFaxNumber
when the user specifies the print function. To specify the Data type: String
printer for automatic fax printing, see the
SentAutoprintPrinter and ReceivedAutoprintPrinter
properties. Specifies the default fax number that is entered for received
faxes. This can be changed for each fax with the
ToFaxNumber property.
Data type: FaxPriorityType enumerated value
Data type: String
Specifies the default priority for the fax using one of the valid
FaxPriorityType enumerated values. This can be changed for
each fax with the Priority property. For the user to send a fax Specifies the default recipient name. This can be changed for
with High priority, the IsAbleToUseHighPriority property each fax with the ToName property.
must be set to True or 1, and the HighestAvailablePriority
must be set to fpHigh.
Data type: String

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Read/Write Specifies the user’s return e-mail address. This is required by

SMTP servers when sending documents to e-mail addresses.
Specifies the default recipient’s telephone number, if any.
This can be changed for each fax with the ToVoiceNumber EmailRouteForm
property. Data type: EmailRouteFormType enumerated value
DeleteAfterSuccessfulRoute Read/Write
Data type: Boolean Specifies the type of form used to route a fax to the e-mail
Read/Write system. You must specify one of the valid
EmailRouteFormType values:
Specifies whether the fax will be removed from the user’s fax
list after it has been routed to someone else. True or 1 Numeric Name
indicates the fax will be removed; False or 0 indicates it will equivalent
0 erfDefault
1 erfNone
Data type: String
2 erfStandard
3 erfAdvanced
Specifies a fully qualified name for certain applications.
Data type: Boolean ExcludedFromFaxAging
Read/Write Data type: Boolean
Enable processing received faxes by the External Document
Connector. Indicates whether this user’s faxes are deleted after a
specified time. True or 1 indicates the faxes is not deleted
due to aging; False or 0 indicates that the faxes are deleted
Data type: Boolean due to aging. See also FaxAgeCertifyDelivery, FaxAgeFailed,
Read/Write FaxAgeNewF, FaxAgeReceived, and FaxAgeSent, which are
Enable processing sent faxes by the External Document set in the Group object.
Connector. Faxes
EmailAddress Data type: Faxes Collection
Data type: String Read-only
Read/Write Returns the Faxes Collection for the user. See also the
CoverSheet object.

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Folders Specifies the highest priority available to this user. Set the
Data type: Folders Collection priority to one of the valid FaxPriorityType values:
Numeric Enumerated value
Returns the Folders Collection for the user. See also the equivalent
Folder object.
0 fpNormal
1 fpLow
Data type: String
2 fpHigh
For the user to send a fax with High priority, this property
Specifies the general fax number, such as for a department.
must be set to fpHigh and the IsAbleToUseHighPriority
GeneralVoiceNumber property to True or 1. See also the DefaultPriority and the
Data type: String Priority property.
Read/Write ID
Specifies the general telephone number, such as for a Data type: String
department or switchboard. Read/Write
Handle Specifies an ID you can assign to identify each unique object.
Data type: Long If you specify a value without specifying a property name,
Read-only the system assigns that value as the object ID.

Returns the code used internally by the RightFax system to IsAbleToBypassPrivacy

identify each unique object. Data type: Boolean
Data type: Delegates Collection Indicates whether the user is authorized to bypass privacy
Read-only settings. True or 1 indicates that the user is authorized to
bypass privacy settings; False or 0 indicates that the user is
Returns the Delegates Collection that contains the list of not authorized to make changes.
users who have designated this user as a delegate. See also
the Delegate object. IsAbleToChangeCoverSheets
Data type: Boolean
Data type: FaxPriorityType enumerated value
Read/Write Indicates whether the user is authorized to modify the cover
sheets. True or 1 indicates that the user is authorized to

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make changes; False or 0 indicates that the user is not Data type: Boolean
authorized to make changes. Read/Write
IsAbleToCreateNewForms Indicates whether the user is authorized to send text
Data type: Boolean messages via SMS. True or 1 indicates that the user is
Read/Write authorized to send SMS; False or 0 indicates that the user is
not authorized to send SMS.
Indicates whether the user is authorized to create a new
Form object. True or 1 indicates that the user is authorized to IsAbleToUseHighPriority
create new forms; False or 0 indicates that the user is not Data type: Boolean
authorized to create new forms. See also the Form object. Read/Write
IsAbleToCreateNewLibraryDocuments Specifies whether the user is authorized to send faxes with
Data type: Boolean priority set to High. True or 1 indicates the user is
Read/Write authorized; False or 0 indicates the user is not authorized.
For the user to send a fax with High priority, this property
Indicates whether the user is authorized to create a new must be set to True or 1 and the HighestAvailablePriority
LibraryDocument object. True or 1 indicates that the user is property to fpHigh. See also the DefaultPriority property and
authorized to create new library documents; False or 0 the Priority property in the Faxes Collection.
indicates that the user is not authorized to create new library
documents. See also the LibraryDocument object. IsAdministrator
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Indicates whether the user has permission to control the fax
server settings and features. True or 1 indicates the user is
Specifies whether the user is authorized to use the RightFax an administrator; False or 0 indicates the user is not an
OCR Converter software to create text documents from fax administrator.
images. True or 1 indicates the user is authorized; False or 0
indicates the user is not authorized. IsAlternateNotificationEnabled
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Indicates whether the user has turned on the alternate
notification feature. True or 1 indicates this feature is on;
Specifies whether the user is authorized to run reports. True False or 0 indicates it is not on. Alternate notification sends a
or 1 indicates the user is authorized; False or 0 indicates the notice to a person other than the user when certain events
user is not authorized. occur. For example, a user can receive notification when a

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fax does not transmit properly (by setting Specifies whether the body of received faxes will
SendNotifyOnSendFailure to True or 1). The notice can also automatically print on the default printer specified by the
be sent to an alternate recipient, such as a support desk. The ReceivedAutoprintPrinter property. True or 1 indicates the
user specifies the AlternateNotifyUser property. body of the faxes automatically prints; False or 0 indicates
the body of the faxes does not automatically print. The
IsFaxesSetToBeAutomaticallyPrinted property must be set to
Data type: Boolean True or 1 for this property to be valid.
Specifies whether the user is authorized to generate archive
Data type: Boolean
events. True or 1 indicates the user is authorized; False or 0
indicates the user is not authorized.
Specifies whether the cover sheet of received faxes will
automatically print on the default printer specified by the
Data type: Boolean ReceivedAutoprintPrinter property. True or 1 indicates the
Read/Write fax cover sheets automatically print; False or 0 indicates the
Specifies whether incoming faxes for this user will fax cover sheets do not automatically print.
automatically be forwarded to a specified person or fax TheIsFaxesSetToBeAutomaticallyPrinted property must be
number. True or 1 indicates the faxes are forwarded; False set to True or 1 for this property to be valid.
or 0 indicates they are not forwarded. To use this feature, IsAutoprintReceivedHistoryEnabled
specify the AutoForwardType property. If the forwarding type
Data type: Boolean
is fax, also specify the fax number with the
AutoFaxListUpdate property.
Specifies whether the history of received faxes will
automatically print on the default printer specified by the
Data type: Boolean ReceivedAutoprintPrinter property. True or 1 indicates the
Read/Write history automatically prints; False or 0 indicates the history
Specifies whether the incoming faxes for this user will does not automatically print. The
automatically be converted to text files with the RightFax IsFaxesSetToBeAutomaticallyPrinted property must be set to
OCR Converter software. True or 1 indicates the conversion True or 1 for this property to be valid.
happens automatically; False or 0 indicates the fax is not IsAutoprintSentBodyEnabled
automatically converted. See also the AutoOCRExtension,
Data type: Boolean
AutoOCRFormat, and AutoOCRLayout properties.
Specifies whether the body of sent faxes will automatically
Data type: Boolean print on the default printer specified by the

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SentAutoprintPrinter property. True or 1 indicates the body of Specifies whether faxes that failed during the send process
the faxes automatically prints; False or 0 indicates the body will automatically print on the default printer specified by the
of the faxes does not automatically print. The SentAutoprintPrinter property. True or 1 indicates the faxes
IsAutoprintSentEnabled property must be set to True or 1 for automatically print; False or 0 indicates the faxes do not
this to take effect. The IsFaxesSetToBeAutomaticallyPrinted automatically print. The IsAutoprintSentEnabled property and
property must be set to True or 1 for this property to be the IsFaxesSetToBeAutomaticallyPrinted property must be
valid. set to True or 1 for this to take effect.
IsAutoprintSentCoversheetEnabled IsAutoprintSentHistoryEnabled
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Specifies whether the cover sheet of sent faxes will Specifies whether the history of sent faxes will automatically
automatically print on the default printer specified by the print on the default printer specified by the
SentAutoprintPrinter property. True or 1 indicates the fax SentAutoprintPrinter property. True or 1 indicates the history
cover sheets automatically print; False or 0 indicates the fax automatically prints; False or 0 indicates the history does not
cover sheets do not automatically print. The automatically print. The IsAutoprintSentEnabled property and
IsAutoprintSentEnabled property must be set to True or 1 for the IsFaxesSetToBeAutomaticallyPrinted property must be
this to take effect. The IsFaxesSetToBeAutomaticallyPrinted set to True or 1 for this to take effect.
property must be set to True or 1 for this property to be
Data type: Boolean
IsAutoprintSentEnabled Read/Write
Data type: Boolean
Specifies whether faxes that were successfully sent will
automatically print on the default printer specified by the
Specifies whether all sent faxes will automatically print on SentAutoprintPrinter property. True or 1 indicates the faxes
the default printer specified by the SentAutoprintPrinter automatically print; False or 0 indicates the faxes do not
property. True or 1 indicates the faxes automatically print; automatically print. The IsAutoprintSentEnabled property and
False or 0 indicates the faxes do not automatically print. The the IsFaxesSetToBeAutomaticallyPrinted property must be
IsFaxesSetToBeAutomaticallyPrinted property must be set to set to True or 1 for this to take effect.
True or 1 for this property to be valid.
IsAutoprintSentFailedFaxesEnabled Data type: Boolean
Data type: Boolean Read/Write
Specifies whether the user default is to request the recipient
to call the voice number when the fax is transmitted. This can

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be changed for each fax with the IsCallbackRequested faxes so that if an interruption occurs, the transmission can
property in the Fax object. True or 1 indicates a call is be continued from the point of the interruption rather than re-
requested; False or 0 indicates it is not. transmitting the entire fax. True or 1 indicates that
SmartResume is enabled by default; False or 0 indicates it is
not enabled. This can be changed by the UseSmartResume
Data type: Boolean property for each fax.
Specifies whether the default is set to include a cover page
Data type: Boolean
with outgoing faxes. True or 1 indicates a cover page is sent;
False or 0 indicates it is not sent. This can be changed by the
HasCoversheet property for each fax. Specifies whether faxes in the trash folder are deleted when
the user exits the system. True or 1 deletes the contents of
the trash folder; False or 0 indicates the faxes remain in the
Data type: Boolean trash, to be manually emptied later.
Specifies whether the default is set to send the cover page in
Data type: Boolean
high resolution (200×200 dots per inch). True or 1 indicates a
cover page is sent in fine mode; False or 0 indicates it does
be sent in low resolution (100×100 dots per inch). This can be Specifies whether billing codes submitted by this user are
changed by the IsCoversheetFine property for each fax. checked against the list of valid billing codes. True or 1
indicates the codes is not checked; False or 0 indicates they
are checked. See also the BillingCode object.
Data type: Boolean
Read/Write IsFaxesSetToBeAutomaticallyPrinted
Data type: Boolean
Specifies whether the default is set to send the body of the
fax in high resolution (200×200 dots per inch). True or 1
indicates a fax is sent in fine resolution; False or 0 indicates Specifies whether faxes automatically print after
it does be sent in low resolution (100×100 dots per inch). transmission is attempted. True or 1 indicates automatic
This can be changed by the IsFineMode property for each fax. printing; False or 0 indicates that faxes are not automatically
printed. To control which faxes print, see the
Data type: Boolean IsAutoprintReceivedCoversheetEnabled,
Read/Write IsAutoprintReceivedHistoryEnabled,
Specifies whether the RightFax Smart Resume feature is IsAutoprintSentBodyEnabled,
enabled. This feature stores information about transmitting IsAutoprintSentCoversheetEnabled, IsAutoprintSentEnabled,

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Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Signature

IsAutoprintSentFailedFaxesEnabled, Specifies whether the user is authorized full access to faxes

IsAutoprintSentHistoryEnabled, and or is limited to viewing only the first page of each fax. True
IsAutoprintSentSuccessFaxesEnabled properties. To specify or 1 indicates the user can only view the first page of each
the printer for automatic printing, use the fax; False or 0 indicates the user has full access.
ReceivedAutoprintPrinter and SentAutoprintPrinter
Data type: Boolean
IsNotAllowToSearchBillingCodes Read/Write
Data type: Boolean
Specifies whether the Smart Fax Distribution feature is
turned on. This feature determines the order of fax delivery
Specifies whether the user is authorized to search the to multiple recipients. For example, it can be set to send a
BillingCodes Collection. True or 1 indicates the user is not fax first to the recipient with the fewest faxes in queue. True
allowed to search; False or 0 indicates the user is allowed to or 1 indicates this feature is on; False or 0 indicates it is not
search. See also the SearchOnKey and SearchString on. See also GroupSFDEnabled and GroupSFDType in the
properties. Group object.
IsNTAuthenticationRequired IsSynched
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Specifies whether authentication of this user is required. True Specifies whether the user object was created by an
or 1 indicates that authentication is required; False or 0 automated synchronization process. True or 1 indicates that
indicates it is not. If authentication is required, a valid there is a synchronization process; False or 0 indicates there
AssociatedNTAccount must exist. is not.
IsPasswordRequired IsTrashEnabled
Data type: Boolean Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Specifies whether this user must enter a password to access Specifies whether deleted faxes for this user are stored in the
the RightFax system. True or 1 indicates that a password is trash folder. True or 1 indicates that deleted faxes are stored
required; False or 0 indicates it is not. See also the Password in the trash folder; False or 0 indicates they are deleted. The
property. faxes in the trash folder remain on the system. The user
empties the trash, or the aging time limit is finally reached.
See also the FaxAgeCertifyDelivery property.
Data type: Boolean
Read/Write IsUnableToAnnotate
Data type: Boolean

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Read/Write indicates that anyone can browse through this user’s faxes.
False or 0 indicates that a password is required.
Specifies whether the user is allowed to add annotations to
received faxes. True or 1 indicates the user is not allowed to IsWebRFXEnabled
annotate; False or 0 indicates the user is allowed to annotate. Data type: Boolean
IsUnableToChangeNotificationSettings Read/Write
Data type: Boolean Specifies whether the graphic images posted to a web site
Read/Write are in RFX format. True or 1 indicates the graphics are in RFX
format. False or 0 indicates they are not. The default is GIF
Specifies whether the user is allowed to change notification
format. See also the IsWebTiffEnabled property.
settings. True or 1 indicates the user is not allowed to change
the settings; False or 0 indicates the user is allowed to IsWebTiffEnabled
change them. Data type: Boolean
IsUnableToDelete Read/Write
Data type: Boolean Specifies whether the graphic images posted to a web site is
Read/Write in TIFF format. True or 1 indicates the graphics are in TIFF
format. False or 0 indicates they are not. The default is GIF
Specifies whether the user is allowed to delete faxes. True or
format. See also the IsWebRFXEnabled property.
1 indicates the user is not allowed to delete; False or 0
indicates the user is allowed to delete. MemberOfGroup
IsUnableToEditBillingCodes Data type: Group
Data type: Boolean Read/Write
Read/Write Specifies the name of the user group of this user. If you
change this property, theMemberOfGroupID for this user and
Specifies whether the user is allowed to edit BillingCode
the Users property in the Group object also change.
objects. True or 1 indicates the user is not allowed to edit
billing codes; False or 0 indicates the user is allowed to edit MemberOfGroupID
billing codes. Data type: String
IsUnprotected Read/Write
Data type: Boolean Specifies the ID of the user group of this user. If you change
Read/Write this property, theMemberOfGroup for this user and the Users
property in the Group object also change.
Specifies whether the user’s faxes are available for other
people to see without entering the user’s password. True or 1 NeedsFaxesApproved
Data type: Boolean

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Read/Write Numeric Name

Specifies whether faxes sent by this user require approval. equivalent
True or 1 indicates that approval is required; False or 0 16 nNotes
indicates that approval is not required.
17 nExchange
18 nSMTP
Data type: NotifyType enumerated value
Data type: Integer
Specifies the type of notification the user receives when a fax
is transmitted. The value must be one of the valid NotifyType
enumerated values. Returns the total number of faxes in the Faxes Collection
associated with this user. Use the Faxes property to retrieve
Numeric Name the collection of faxes.
0 nNetworkBroadcast Data type: String
1 nCustom1 Read/Write
2 nCustom2 Specifies the user’s password. Only the user and the
3 nCustom3 administrator can access this property. See also the
IsAdministrator property and the ChangePassword method.
4 nCustom4
5 nCustom5 PersonalFaxNumber
Data type: String
6 nCustom6
7 nCustom7
Specifies the fax number for this user.
8 nCustom8
9 nCustom9
Data type: String
10 nCCMail
11 nMSMail
Specifies the voice number for this user. See also the
13 nTRS RoutingCode property.
14 nCX3 PhoneBook
15 nPager Data type: PhoneBook Collection

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Returns the PhoneBook Collection for the user. See also the Specifies how the user wants to be notified of received faxes.
PhoneBook Collection. The value is one of the ReceiveNotifyType enumerated
values. If the notify type is rnOnce or rnPeriodically, the
NotifyType property must also be set .
Data type: Printer
Read/Write Numeric Name Notes
Specifies the printer where the received faxes print if the
IsAutoprintReceivedBodyEnabled, 0 rnNone No notification is sent.
IsAutoprintReceivedCoversheetEnabled, or 1 rnOnce Notification is only sent on initial receipt
IsAutoprintReceivedHistoryEnabled property is set to True or of the fax.
2 rnPeriodically notification is sent periodically
ReceivedAutoprintPrinterID according to the specifications set by
Data type: String the administrator.
If autoprinting is enabled, this returns a string value for the
printer ID that prints received faxes. Data type: UseRouteFormatType enumerated value
Data type: AutoprintResolutionType enumerated value Specifies the fax format that this user forwards using the
ForwardToNewFaxNumber property in the Fax object. This
converts the fax to the specified format such as a TIFF or PDF
The print resolution to use for auto printing of received faxes. before sending to a recipient outside of the RightFax system.
This must be an enum value of type AutoprintResolutionType: The format must be one of the valid UserRouteFormatType
enumerated values. See also the RouteInfo and RouteType
Numeric Name properties.
0 aprHigh Numeric Name
1 aprMedium
0 urfDCX
2 aprLow
1 urfPCX

ReceiveNotify 2 urfTiffGroup3
Data type: ReceiveNotifyType enumerated value 3 urfTiffGroup4
Read/Write 4 urfGIF

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Numeric Name Numeric Name

equivalent equivalent
5 urfPDF 3 rFile
6 urfPDFWithThumbnails 4 rOCR
7 urfCPC 6 rNotes
8 urfRFX 7 rXRoute
9 urfPNG 8 rTRS
9 rCallXPress

RouteInfo 10 rExchange
Data type: String 11 rSMTP
Read/Write 12 rANI
Specifies the information that the server requires for routing. 13 rSAP1
This varies for each route type. See the RightFax
14 rSAP2
Administrator’s Guide fax sever documentation for more
information. 15 rSAP3

RouteType 16 rSAP4
Data type: RouteType enumerated value 17 rSAP5
Read/Write 18 rSAP6
Specifies the type of system receiving routed faxes, such as 19 rSAP7
CCMail, SAP, or Lotus Notes. The routing type must be one of 20 rSAP8
the valid RouteType enumerated values. Depending on the
recipient system, you also need to specify the RouteInfo and 21 rSAP9
RouteFormat properties. 22 rSAP10

Numeric Name 23 rSAP11

equivalent 24 rSAP12
0 rRightFax 25 rSAP13
1 rCCMail 26 rSAP14
2 rMSMail 27 rSAP15
28 rSAP16

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of notification for the user. True or 1 indicates notification is

sent; False or 0 indicates it is not sent.
Data type: Long SendNotifyOnSendFailedWillRetry
Read/Write Data type: Boolean
Specifies the user’s direct inward dialing number (DID).
Specifies whether notification is sent to the user when a sent
fax fails transmission, even if the system attempts to resend
Data type: Boolean the fax. The system uses the setting in the NotifyType
Read/Write property to determine the type of notification for the user.
Specifies whether a single notification is sent to the user if a True or 1 indicates notification is sent; False or 0 indicates it
sent fax does not contain enough information to complete is not sent.
transmission. The system uses the setting in the NotifyType SendNotifyOnSendFailure
property to determine the type of notification for the user.
Data type: Boolean
True or 1 indicates notification is sent; False or 0 indicates it
is not sent.
Specifies whether notification is sent to the user when a sent
fax fails transmission. The system uses the setting in the
Data type: Boolean NotifyType property to determine the type of notification for
Read/Write the user. True or 1 indicates notification is sent; False or 0
Specifies whether repeated notifications are sent to the user indicates it is not sent.
if a sent fax does not contain enough information to complete SendNotifyOnSendHeldForApproval
transmission. The system uses the setting in the NotifyType
Data type: Boolean
property to determine the type of notification for the user.
The number and frequency of the periodic notifications is
determined by the administrator. True or 1 indicates Specifies whether notification is sent to the user when a sent
notification is sent; False or 0 indicates it is not sent. fax is held waiting for approval. The system uses the setting
in the NotifyType property to determine the type of
notification for the user. True or 1 indicates notification is
Data type: Boolean sent; False or 0 indicates it is not sent.
Specifies whether notification is sent to the user when a sent
Data type: Boolean
fax is being transmitted without a preview. The system uses
the setting in the NotifyType property to determine the type

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Specifies whether a single notification is sent to the user Specifies a string value for the Printer ID where the sent
when a sent fax begins transmission. The system uses the faxes print if the IsAutoprintSentEnabled property is set to
setting in the NotifyType property to determine the type of True or 1.
notification for the user. True or 1 indicates notification is
sent; False or 0 indicates it is not sent.
Data type: Integer
SendNotifyOnSendingPeriodically Read/Write
Data type: Boolean
Specifies the time in minutes between automatic updates of
the user’s fax list.
Specifies whether repeated notifications are sent to the user
as a sent fax is transmitted. The system uses the setting in
the NotifyType property to determine the type of notification Data type: String
for the user. The number and frequency of the periodic Read/Write
notifications is determined by the administrator. True or 1 Specifies the full name of the user.
indicates notification is sent; False or 0 indicates it is not
sent. VoiceMailSubscriberID
Data type: Long
Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Specifies the voice mail subscriber ID associated with the
user, if any.
Specifies whether notification is sent to the user when a sent
fax completes successful transmission. The system uses the WebClientImageFormat
setting in the NotifyType property to determine the type of Data type: UserRouteFormatType enumerated value
notification for the user. True or 1 indicates notification is Read/Write
sent; False or 0 indicates it is not sent.
Specifies the format for converting images, for distribution
SentAutoprintPrinter over the Web Client. The format must be one one of the valid
Data type: Printer UserRouteFormatType values.
Read/Write Numeric Name
Specifies the Printer object where the sent faxes print if the equivalent
IsAutoprintSentEnabled property is set to True or 1. 0 urfDCX
SentAutoprintPrinterID 1 urfPCX
Data type: String
2 urfTiffGroup3

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Chapter 5: Users, groups, and folders Users Collection

Numeric Name the server. To remove an object from the server, use the
equivalent Delete method in the object you want to delete.

3 urfTiffGroup4 RemoveAll
Removes all objects from the collection but not from the
4 urfGIF
server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete
5 urfPDF method in the object you want to delete.
6 urfPDFWithThumbnails SaveToXML
7 urfCPC Saves XML data to an XML file.
8 urfRFX
Users Collection properties
9 urfPNG
Data type: Long
WillReceivedFaxesHaveBillingCodesAssociated Read-only
Data type: Boolean Returns the number of objects in the collection.
Specifies whether the user’s default billing codes Data type: User
automatically be associated with incoming faxes. True or 1
indicates the billing codes are automatically assigned; False
or 0 indicates they are not. See also the DefaultBillingCode Returns a new object.
property. Item
Data type: User
Users Collection
A Users Collection is a set of one or more User objects.
Returns the object with the specified item number. Each
Users Collection methods object in the collection is numbered, starting with 1.

Adds an object to the collection
Re-loads the list of form objects from the fax server.
Removes a specified object from the collection but not from

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 87 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers PhoneBook Collection

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers

A phonebook in the RightFax system is defined by each user Remove

and accessed when sending a fax. Like other types of Removes a specified object from the collection but not from
phonebooks, it contains the information about the user's the server. To remove an object from the server, use the
most frequent fax recipients. Delete method in the object you want to delete.
The printer objects are also defined by the user and accessed RemoveAll
by the Fax objects. Within the User object, there are Removes all objects from the collection but not from the
properties that specify when a fax is automatically printed server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete
and which printers are default printers for each type of print method in the object you want to delete.
Caution All examples were created and verified using Saves the phonebook to an XML file.
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. If you are using a different
development environment, some of the examples in this PhoneBook Collection properties
section may not work as expected.
Data type: Long
PhoneBook Collection
A PhoneBook is a set of one or more PhoneItem objects. The
Returns the number of objects in the collection.
PhoneBook Collection is called by the user with the
PhoneBook property in the User object. Create
Data type: PhoneItem
PhoneBook Collection methods Read-only
Add Returns a new object.
Adds an object to the collection.
Refresh Data type: PhoneItem
Re-loads the list of phonebook objects from the fax server.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 88 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers PhoneItem

Read-only Specifies an ID you can assign to identify each unique object.

If you specify a value without specifying a property name,
Returns the object with the specified item number. Each
the system assigns that value as the object ID.
object in the collection is numbered, starting with 1.
PhoneItem Data type: Boolean
There are two types of PhoneItem objects, Read/Write
PhoneItemElement and PhoneItemGroup objects. Both have Specifies whether documents sent to this PhoneItem will be
the same basic set of properties and methods, described here sent via certified delivery.
under PhoneItem. In addition, PhoneItemElement objects
contain information about a specific recipient, such as IsEmailRecipient
address and fax numbers. A PhoneItemGroup is actually a Data type: Boolean
collection of PhoneItemElements and also contains other Read/Write
PhoneItemGroup collections.
Specifies whether the phone item is an e-mail recipient. True
PhoneItem methods or 1 indicates the phone item is an e-mail recipient; False or
0 indicates it is a fax recipient.
Removes the object from the server.
Data type: Boolean
Save Read/Write
Writes the object to the server.
Specifies whether the phone item is available to applications
PhoneItem properties other than the RightFax software. True or 1 indicates the
phone item is available; False or 0 indicates it is not.
Data type: Long
Data type: Boolean
Returns the code used internally by the RightFax system to
Specifies whether the phone item appears on the cover sheet
identify each unique object.
in the cc list. True or 1 indicates the phone item does not
ID appear; False or 0 indicates it does.
Data type: String
Data type: Boolean

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 89 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers PhoneItemElement

Specifies whether the phone item is available for viewing by

other users of the RightFax software. True or 1 indicates the PhoneItemElement methods
phone item is available; False or 0 indicates it is not. Delete
IsReadOnly Removes the object from the server.
Data type: Boolean ReadFromXML
Read/Write Reads XML data from an XML file.
Specifies whether the phone item can be modified by users of Save
the RightFax software other than the owner. True or 1
Writes the object to the server.
indicates the phone item can not be modified; False or 0
indicates it can. SaveToXML
Owner Saves the phonebook element to an XML file.
Data type: User PhoneItemElement properties
Specifies the user who is the owner of the phone item.
Data type: String
TypeOfPhoneItem Read/Write
Data type: PhoneItemType enumerated value
Specifies the recipient’s street address.
Specifies the type of phone item. The specified value must be
Data type: BillingCode
one of the valid PhoneItemType enumerated values:
Numeric Name Specifies the billing code that is assigned to all faxes sent to
equivalent this recipient. This can be overridden by the BillingCode
0 piElement property in the Fax object.
1 piGroup BillingCode1
Data type: String
PhoneItemElement Read/Write

Each phone item element contains the addressing information Specifies billing code 1.
for a single recipient. The PhoneItemElement also contains BillingCode2
the information specified in the PhoneItem containing the Data type: String
element, including all properties and methods.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 90 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers PhoneItemElement

Specifies billing code 2. ID of the phonebook element.

CityState IsCertifiedDeliveryEnabled
Data type: String Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Specifies the recipient’s city and state. Indicates whether Certified Delivery in enabled.
Company IsEmailRecipient
Data type: String Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Specifies the recipient’s company name. Indicates whether the document is being sent to an e-mail
Data type: String IsExternallyPublished
Read/Write Data type: Boolean
Specifies the recipient’s e-mail address.
Is the phonebook entry externally published for use by third-
party applications to know if they shadow this phonebook
Data type: String entry.
Specifies the alternate fax number for the recipient.
Data type: Boolean
FaxNumberPrimary Read/Write
Data type: String Is this phone book entry hidden from the cc list on the cover
Read/Write sheet?
Specifies the primary fax number for the recipient. IsPublished
Handle Data type: Boolean
Data type: Long Read/Write
Read-only Is the phonebook entry published for anyone to see?
Handle of the phonebook element. IsReadOnly
ID Data type: Boolean
Data type: String Read/Write
Read/Write Is the phonebook entry only modifiable by the owner?

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 91 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers PhoneItemGroup

Name Specifies the recipient’s voice telephone number.

Data type: String
Example The following code creates a phone book entry for
Read/Write a user named Joe.
Specifies the recipient’s full name. Dim obUser As RFCOMAPILib.User
Notes Dim obPhone as RFCOMAPILib.PhoneItemElement
Data type: String Public Sub AddPhoneItem()
Read/Write Set obUser = MyFaxServer.User (“Joe”)
Set obPhone = MyFaxServer.CreateObject
Specifies notes associated with the recipient.
obPhone.ID = “ID_of_phone_item”
Data type: User obPhone.Name = “To name”
Read/Write obPhone.Owner = obUser
Owner of the phonebook element. obPhone.Save
SecureCSID nd Sub
Data type: String
Read/Write PhoneItemGroup
Specifies the secure caller subscriber identification of the A PhoneItemGroup is a set of one or more PhoneItem
recipient’s fax machine, if any. objects. The PhoneItemGroup also contains the information
specified in the PhoneItem of the group, including all
TypeOfPhoneItem properties and methods. Each PhoneItemGroup can also
Data type: PhoneItemType contain other PhoneItemGroup collections.
PhoneItemGroup methods
Specifies the type of phone item.
Adds an object to the collection
Data type: String
Read/Write Delete
Removes the object from the server.
Specifies the recipient’s alternate voice telephone number.
Loads the elements into the collection. This prevents
Data type: String
recursive loading of the nested phonebook groups.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 92 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers PhoneItemElement

Reads XML data from an XML file. Read/Write

Remove Indicates whether Certified Delivery is enabled.
Removes a specified object from the collection but not from IsEmailRecipient
the server. To remove an object from the server, use the
Data type: Boolean
Delete method in the object you want to delete.
Indicates whether the document is being sent to an e-mail
Removes all objects from the collection but not from the address.
server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete
method in the object you want to delete. IsExternallyPublished
Data type: Boolean
Writes the object to the server.
Indicates whether the phonebook entry is being externally
published for use by third-party applications to know if they
Saves the phonebook element to an XML file. should shadow this phonebook entry.
PhoneItemGroup properties IsHiddenFromCCList
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Long
Read-only Indicates whether this phone book entry is being hidden from
the cc list on the cover sheet.
Returns the number of objects in the collection.
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Long
Indicates whether the phonebook entry is being published for
Returns the handle of the phonebook element group. anyone to see.
ID IsReadOnly
Data type: String Data type: Boolean
Read/Write Read/Write
Returns the ID of the phonebook element group. Indicates whether the phonebook entry is only modifiable by
IsCertifiedDeliveryEnabled the owner.
Data type: Boolean Item

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 93 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers Printer

Data type: PhoneItem Read/Write

Read-only Specifies the size of the paper in the default tray of the
Returns the object with the specified item number. Each printer. The default tray is specified by the
object in the collection is numbered, starting with 1. DefaultPrintSource property. The paper size must be one of
the valid PrintPaperSizeType enumerated values:
Data type: User Name Numeric equivalent
Read/Write psLetter 1
Owner of the phonebook element. psLegal 2
TypeOfPhoneItem psA4 3
Data type: Long psLetterLegal 4
Read-only psA4Legal 5
Specifies the type of phone item.

Printer DefaultPrintSource
Data type: PrintPaperSourceType enumerated value
The Printer object defines a printer for the RightFax system.
Printer methods Specifies the default location of the paper in the printer. The
Delete size of paper in this default location is specified by the
DefaultPrintSize property. The paper source must be one of
Removes the print record from the server.
the valid PrintPaperSourceType values:
Name Numeric equivalent
Reads XML data from an XML file.
ppsDefault 0
Writes the print record to the server. ppsUpperOrTray1 1
ppsLowerOrTray2 2
Saves the phonebook element to an XML file. ppsManual 3
ppsTray3 4
Printer properties
ppsMPTrayOrTray4 5
DefaultPrintSize ppsHighCapacityOrTray5 6
Data type: PrintPaperSizeType enumerated value

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 94 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers Printer

Numeric Name
Data type: String equivalent
0 pNone
Specifies a description for this printer.
1 pLaserJet
Handle 2 pLaserJetII
Data type: Long
3 pDeskJet
4 pLaserJetIII
Returns the database handle used internally by the RightFax
system to identify each unique object. 5 pDeskJet500
6 pPostScriptLevel1
Data type: String 7 pLaserJet4
Read/Write 8 pPPDS
Specifies an ID you can assign to identify each unique object. 9 pXIP
If you specify a value without specifying a property name, 10 pXeroxDCS20
the system assigns that value as the object ID.
11 pXeroxDCS35
12 pLaserJet3si
Data type: Boolean
13 pLaserJet4si
14 pLaserJet5si
Specifies whether the printer is printing to an IP address.
True or 1 indicates the printer is printing to an IP address; 15 pATIImagePrinter
False or 0 indicates it is not. 16 pLaserJet5siMopier
PrinterType 17 pXeroxN24
Data type: PrinterType enumerated value 18 pXeroxDCS220
Read/Write 19 pXeroxDCS230
Specifies the brand and model of printer. The printer type 20 pXeroxDCS240
must be one of the valid PrinterType enumerated values.
21 pXeroxDCS255
22 pXeroxDCS265
23 pXeroxRicoh250

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 95 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers Printers Collection

Numeric Name Printers Collection methods

24 pXeroxLaserJet8000
Adds an existing printer object to the collection
25 pXeroxGDI
26 pXeroxDCS460
Re-loads the list of printer objects from the fax server.
27 pXeroxDCS470
28 pXeroxDCS480
Removes a specified object from the collection but not from
the server. To remove an object from the server, use the
Delete method in the object you want to delete.
Data type: String
Removes all objects from the collection but not from the
Specifies the name of the queue on the server. The server is server. To remove an object from the server, use the Delete
specified by the ServerName property. method in the object you want to delete.
Request SaveToXML
Data type: PrintRequest Saves the phonebook element to an XML file.
Generates a PrintRequest object, which the server uses to
Printers Collection properties
print the fax. Count
ServerName Data type: Long
Data type: String Read-only
Read/Write Returns the number of objects in the collection.
Specifies the name of the server hosting the print queue Create
specified in the QueueName property. Data type: Printer
Printers Collection
Creates a new object.
A Printers Collection is a set of one or more Printer objects.
Data type: Printer

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 96 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers PrintRequest

Returns the object with the specified item number. Each Specifies how the printer will create two-sided copies, if the
object in the collection is numbered, starting with 1. printer supports this feature. The duplex type must be one of
the valid PrintDuplexType enumerated values.
Numeric Name
A PrintRequest contains the specific information needed to equivalent
print a Fax object, such as resolution and paper size
0 pdDefault
information. Use the Request method in the Printer object to
create a print request. Use the print request to print the fax. 1 pdSingle
2 pdLongEdge
PrintRequest methods
3 pdShortEdge
Reads XML data from an XML file.
SaveToXML EndPage
Saves the phonebook element to an XML file. Data type: Integer
  Specifies the last page of a multi-page output that is printed.
To print all pages, specify –1 as the end page.
PrintRequest properties
CollateOutput Data type: Integer
Data type: Boolean Read/Write
Specifies the number of copies to print.
Specifies whether multiple copies of multi-page faxes are
collated, producing one copy of the entire fax before
beginning the second copy. This property only applies to Data type: PrintOutputBinType enumerated value
printer types that support this feature. True or 1 indicates the Read/Write
output is collated; False or 0 indicates it is not collated. Specifies where in the printer the printed output is sent. For
Duplex example, if there is a separate mechanism for stapling, the
Data type: PrintDuplexType enumerated value printed pages can go to the poBinFinisher bin. The bin must
be one of the valid PrintOutputBinType values:

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 97 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers PrintRequest

Numeric Name Read/Write

equivalent Specifies whether to print the cover sheet for sent faxes.
0 poBinDefault True or 1 indicates the cover sheet prints; False or 0
indicates it does not.
1 PrinterID
2 poBinLower Data type: String
3 poBinFinisher
Specifies an ID you can assign to identify the printer. If you
specify a value without specifying a property name, the
PaperSource system assigns that value as the printer ID.
Data type: PrintPaperSourceType enumerated value PrintTiffHeader
Read/Write Data type: Boolean
Specifies which printer tray contains the paper to be used for Read/Write
this output. The paper source must be one of the valid Specifies whether the TIFF image header prints. True or 1
PrintPaperSourceType values. The default value is set for the indicates it does print; False or 0 indicates it does not.
printer with the DefaultPrintSource property in the Printer
object. PrintTransmissionHistory
Data type: Boolean
Numeric Name Read/Write
Specifies whether to print the transmission history for the
0 ppsDefault fax. True or 1 indicates the history prints; False or 0 indicates
1 ppsUpperOrTray1 it does not.
2 ppsLowerOrTray2 Resolution
3 ppsManual Data type: PrintResolutionType enumerated value
4 ppsTray3 Read/Write

5 ppsMPTrayOrTray4 Specifies the print resolution for the fax. Note that this is not
the same as the Fax object property IsFineMode, which
6 ppsHighCapacityOrTray5
specifies the fax image resolution. The print resolution must
be one of the valid PrintResolutionType values, and varies
with the type of output printer.
Data type: Boolean

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 98 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 6: Phonebooks and Printers PrintRequest

Numeric Name Data type: Integer

equivalent Read/Write
0 prHigh Specifies the first page that is printed.
1 prMedium
2 prLow

Data type: PrintSizeType enumerated value
Specifies the size of the fax paper. The paper size must be
one of the valid PrintSizeType values. The default value for
each printer is specified with the DefaultPrintSize property.

Numeric Name
0 psDefault
1 psLetter
2 psLegal
3 psA4
4 psLetterLegal
5 psA4Legal

Data type: Boolean
Specifies whether multi-page output will be stapled, if the
printer supports this feature. True or 1 indicates the output is
stapled; False or 0 indicates it is not stapled.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 99 COM API Reference Guide

Chapter 7: Fax History Objects FaxHistories Collection

Chapter 7: Fax History Objects

A history object is created when activity occurs for a fax, Data type: Long
such as transmission, printing, or conversion to OCR. The Read-only
base class of all fax histories is the FaxHistory object. There
Returns the number of objects in the collection.
are nine types of FaxHistory objects, each containing the
core FaxHistory object properties, as well as unique Item
properties for that type. Data type: Item
Example When a fax is approved, a core FaxHistory object Read-only
is created with a history type of FaxHistoryApproval. This
Returns the object with the specified item number. Each
indicates that the object also contains the properties
object in the collection is numbered, starting with 1.
specified by the ApprovalFaxHistory object, such as the name
of the user who approved the fax. If the type is
FaxHistoryPrint, the FaxHistory object contains information
about the printer and number of pages printed, as specified in A FaxHistory object is created when activity occurs for a fax,
the PrintFaxHistory object. such as transmission, printing, or conversion to OCR. There
are nine types of FaxHistory objects, each containing the
FaxHistories Collection core FaxHistory object properties as well as unique
properties for that type.
A FaxHistories Collection is a set of one or more FaxHistory
objects. Example If the type is FaxHistoryApproval, the FaxHistory
object is an ApprovalFaxHistory object and contains the
FaxHistories Collection methods name of the user who approved the fax. If the type is
FaxHistoryPrint, the FaxHistory object is a PrintFaxHistory
object and contains information about the printer and number
Saves the fax history collection to an XML file. of pages printed.

FaxHistories Collection properties FaxHistory methods

Count SaveToXML

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 100 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 7: Fax History Objects

Saves the fax history to an XML file. Numeric Name Notes

FaxHistory properties
3 FaxHistoryConversionError See the
DateTime ConversionErrorFaxHistory
Data type: Date object.
Read-only 4 FaxHistoryOCR See the OCRFaxHistory
Specifies the date and time the fax history object was object.
created. 5 FaxHistoryNetForward See the
Handle NetForwardFaxHistory
Data type: Long
Read-only 6 FaxHistoryApproval See the
ApprovalFaxHistory object.
Returns the database handle used internally by the RightFax
system to identify each unique object. 7 FaxHistoryDisapproval See the
TypeOfHistory object.
Data type: FaxHistoryType enumerated value
8 FaxHistoryFileRoute See the
Read-only FileRouteFaxHistory
Specifies the type of fax history object. This object contains object.
additional properties based on the fax history type. The 9 FaxHistorySecureDoc See the SecureDocHistory
history type must be one of the FaxHistoryType enumerated object.
Example The following code retrieves the transmission
Numeric Name Notes
history for a user’s faxes.
0 FaxHistoryTransmission See the Dim obFaxHistory As RFCOMAPILib.FaxHistory
TransmissionFaxHistory Dim obFax As RFCOMAPILib.Fax
object. For Each obFax In MyFaxServer.Faxes (“UserID”)

1 FaxHistoryRoute See the RouteFaxHistory For Each obFaxHistory In obFax.Histories

object. If obFaxHistory.TypeOfHistory =
FaxHistoryTransmision Then
2 FaxHistoryPrint See the PrintFaxHistory Dim obFaxTransHist As
object. RFCOMAPILib.TransmissionFaxHistory
Set obFaxTranHist = obFaxHistory
sDesc = obFaxTranHist.Description

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 101 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 7: Fax History Objects ApprovalFaxHistory

MsgBox sDesc Read-only

End If
Returns the notes, if any, that the user entered when
approving the fax.
ApprovalFaxHistory Data type: FaxHistoryType
This type of history object is created when a fax has been
approved. The base FaxHistory object has a history type of Retrieves the type of history as a FaxHistoryType object.
FaxHistoryApproval and also contains the following
properties. ConversionErrorFaxHistory
This type of history object is created when conversion of a
ApprovalFaxHistory methods fax is attempted, either to or from an image file. The base
SaveToXML FaxHistory object has a history type of
Saves the fax history to an XML file. FaxHistoryConversionError and also contains the following
ApprovalFaxHistory properties
ConversionErrorFaxHistory methods
Data type: User
Saves the fax history to an XML file.
Returns the user who approved the fax. ConversionErrorFaxHistory properties
DateTime ConversionType
Data type: Date Data type: String
Read-only Read-only
Retrieves the date and time of the history transaction. Returns the type of conversion that caused the failure.
Handle DateTime
Data type: Long Data type: Date
Read-only Read-only
Database handle of the FaxHistory object. Retrieves the date and time of the history transaction.
Notes Error1
Data type: String Data type: Long

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 102 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 7: Fax History Objects DisapprovalFaxHistory

Read-only Saves the fax history to an XML file.

Returns the first field of the error message generated by the
DisapprovalFaxHistory properties
conversion process.
Data type: Date
Data type: Long
Retrieves the date and time of the history transaction.
Returns the second field of the error message generated by
the conversion process. Disapprover
ErrorMessage Data type: User
Data type: String Read-only
Read-only Returns the user who disapproved the fax.
Returns the name or ID of the error message generated by Handle
the conversion process. Data type: Long
Handle Read-only
Data type: Long Database handle of the FaxHistory object.
Database handle of the FaxHistory object. Data type: String
TypeOfHistory Read-only
Data type: FaxHistoryType Returns the notes, if any, the user entered when disapproving
Read-only the fax.
Retrieves the type of history as a FaxHistoryType object. TypeOfHistory
Data type: FaxHistoryType
DisapprovalFaxHistory Read-only
This type of history object is created when a fax is Retrieves the type of history as a FaxHistoryType object.
disapproved. The base FaxHistory object has a history type
of FaxHistoryDisapproval and also contains the following FileRouteFaxHistory
This type of history object is created when a fax is routed to a
DisapprovalFaxHistory methods network location. The base FaxHistory object has a history


OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 103 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 7: Fax History Objects NetForwardFaxHistory

type of FaxHistoryRoute and also contains the following

properties. NetForwardFaxHistory
This type of history object is created when a fax is forwarded
FileRouteFaxHistory methods to users within the RightFax system. The base FaxHistory
SaveToXML object has a history type of FaxHistoryNetForward and also
Saves the fax history to an XML file. contains the following properties.

FileRouteFaxHistory properties NetForwardFaxHistory methods

DateTime SaveToXML
Data type: Date Data type: FaxHistoryType
Read-only Read-only

Retrieves the date and time of the history transaction. Saves the fax history to an XML file.

Error NetForwardFaxHistory properties

Data type: Long
Data type: Date
Returns the error message generated by the receiving Read-only
system of the fax route attempt.
Retrieves the date and time of the history transaction.
Data type: Long
Data type: Long
Database handle of the FaxHistory object.
Database handle of the FaxHistory object.
Data type: String
Data type: String
Returns the full network path of the fax route attempt.
Returns the notes, if any, the user entered when requesting
TypeOfHistory that the fax be forwarded.
Data type: FaxHistoryType
Data type: User
Retrieves the type of history as a FaxHistoryType object. Read-only

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 104 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 7: Fax History Objects OCRFaxHistory

Returns the user who was the owner of the fax before it was Returns the first field of the error message, if any, generated
forwarded. by the OCR conversion process.
TypeOfHistory Handle
Data type: FaxHistoryType Data type: Long
Read-only Read-only
Retrieves the type of history as a FaxHistoryType object. Database handle of the FaxHistory object.
UsersForwardedTo Message
Data type: Users Collection Data type: String
Read-only Read-only
Returns the Users collection that contains the users receiving Returns a status message generated by the OCR conversion
the forwarded fax. process.
Data type: Long
This history object is created when a fax is converted from Read-only
image file to text. The base FaxHistory object has a history
type of FaxHistoryOCR and also contains the following Returns the time, in seconds, that it took to convert the fax
properties. image to text.
OCRFaxHistory methods Data type: FaxHistoryType
SaveToXML Read-only
Saves the fax history to an XML file. Retrieves the type of history as a FaxHistoryType object.
OCRFaxHistory properties PrintFaxHistory
This type of history object is created when a fax is sent to the
Data type: Date printer. The base FaxHistory object has a history type of
Read-only FaxHistoryPrint and also contains the following properties.
Retrieves the date and time of the history transaction.
PrintFaxHistory methods
Data type: Long
Saves the fax history to an XML file.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 105 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 7: Fax History Objects RouteFaxHistory

PrintFaxHistory properties Data type: Integer
CopiesPrinted Read-only
Data type: Integer Returns the total number of pages printed.
Returns the number of copies of the fax that were printed. Data type: Printer
DateTime Read-only
Data type: Date Returns the printer receiving the print job.
Retrieves the date and time of the history transaction. Data type: Long
Error1 Read-only
Data type: Long Returns the time, in seconds, it took to print the fax.
Returns the first field of the error message, if any, generated Data type: FaxHistoryType
by the print process.
Error2 Retrieves the type of history as a FaxHistoryType object.
Data type: Long
Read-only RouteFaxHistory
Returns the second field of the error message, if any, This type of history object is created when a fax was routed
generated by the print process. to other recipients who are not on the RightFax system. The
Handle base FaxHistory object has a history type of FaxHistoryRoute
and also contains the following properties.
Data type: Long
Read-only RouteFaxHistory methods
Database handle of the FaxHistory object. SaveToXML
Message Saves the fax history to an XML file.
Data type: String
RouteFaxHistory properties
Returns a status message generated by the print process. DateTime
Data type: Date

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 106 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 7: Fax History Objects SecureDocHistory

Retrieves the date and time of the history transaction.
This history object is created when a document is sent to an
e-mail address. The base FaxHistory object has a history
Data type: Long type of FaxHistorySecureDoc and contains the following
Read-only properties.
Database handle of the FaxHistory object.
SecureDocHistory methods
Data type: Boolean
Saves the fax history to an XML file.
Returns True or 1 if the fax was automatically routed, False if SecureDocHistory properties
it was manually routed.
Notes Data type: String
Data type: String Read-only
Returns a short description of the status of the document
Returns notes entered by the user when submitting the when the history element was created.
routing request.
PreviousOwner Data type: Date
Data type: User Read-only
Retrieves the date and time of the history transaction.
Returns the user who was the owner of the fax before it was
Data type: Long
TypeOfHistory Read-only
Data type: FaxHistoryType
Database handle of the FaxHistory object.
Retrieves the type of history as a FaxHistoryType object.
Data type: String
Returns the IP address of the web client that downloaded the
certified document.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 107 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 7: Fax History Objects TransmissionFaxHistory

Data type: String TransmissionFaxHistory
Read-only This type of history object is created when a fax is sent or
Returns the SMTP mail server that the e-mail was delivered received, even if the transmission is unsuccessful. The base
to for forwarding. FaxHistory object has a history type of
FaxHistoryTransmission and also contains the following
SMTPSender properties.
Data type: String
Read-only TransmissionFaxHistory methods
Returns the e-mail address of the user who sent the fax. SaveToXML
TerminationStatus Saves the fax history to an XML file.
Data type: TransmissionFaxHistoryTerminationStatusType TransmissionFaxHistory properties
Returns the transmission status when the transmission is
Data type: String
complete. This is one of these values:
Returns the automatic number identification of the recipient’s
l TERMSTAT_TXRXERROR fax, if available.
Data type: Variant
TypeOfHistory Read-only
Data type: FaxHistoryType
Returns the array of change information, if any, about the
transmitting modem of the fax.BadPageCount
Retrieves the type of history as a FaxHistoryType object.
Data type: Integer
UserAgent Read-only
Data type: String Returns the number of pages that were not transmitted
Read-only successfully.
Returns the type of web browser that was used to download BoardType
the certified document.
Data type: TransmissionFaxHistoryBoardType enumerated

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 108 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 7: Fax History Objects OCRFaxHistory

Returns the type of fax board that was used to transmit the tfhbtBrooktroutNew. See the Brooktrout documentation for
fax. This is one of the valid more details.
TransmissionFaxHistoryBoardType enumerated values.
Numeric Name Data type: Integer
equivalent Read-only
1 tfhbtBrooktrout Returns the status of the fax. This is only valid if the board
2 tfhbtGammalink used is a Brooktrout board and the board type is
tfhbtBrooktroutNew. See the Brooktrout documentation for
3 tfhbtBrooktroutNew
more details.
BrooktroutCallResultLineStatus Data type: Integer
Data type: Integer Read-only
Read-only Returns the specific channel used to send or receive the fax.
Returns the status of the line for a call. This is only valid if DateTime
the board used is a Brooktrout board and the board type is Data type: Date
tfhbtBrooktroutNew. See the Brooktrout documentation for
more details.
Retrieves the date and time of the history transaction.
Data type: Integer Description
Read-only Data type: String
Returns the status of a call. This is only valid if the board
used is a Brooktrout board and the board type is Retrieves the text history for the record.
tfhbtBrooktroutNew. See the Brooktrout documentation for ElapsedTime
more details.
Data type: Integer
BrooktroutFaxResultLineStatus Read-only
Data type: Integer
Returns the time it took in seconds for the transmission.
Returns the status of the fax line. This is only valid if the
Data type: String
board used is a Brooktrout board and the board type is
Returns the fax number that the fax was sent to.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 109 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 7: Fax History Objects OCRFaxHistory

GammalinkError Returns True or 1 if the array of change information is valid,

Data type: Integer False or 0 if it is not valid. See also the AOCData property.
Read-only ISDNCauseValue
Returns an error generated by the Gammalink fax board. This Data type: Boolean
is only valid if the board used is a Gammalink board and the Read-only
board type is tfhbtGammalink. See the Gammalink
documentation for more details. Returns the value representing the cause of ISDN messages,
if any.
Data type: Integer
Data type: Boolean
Returns the number of pages successfully sent or received.
Returns True or 1 if the fax was unsuccessfully retried after a
Handle transmission error. It returns False or 0 if no retry took
Data type: Long place.
Read-only IsRemotelySent
Database handle of the FaxHistory object. Data type: Boolean
HangupStatus Read-only
Data type: Integer Returns True or 1 if the fax was sent by a remote board
Read-only server and returns False or 0 if it was sent by the local board
Returns the status received from the fax board at the end of
the transmission. RemoteID
Data type: String
Data type: Boolean
Read-only Returns the ID of the remote fax that sent the fax if the
IsRemotelySent property is set to True or 1.
Returns True or 1 if the automatic number identification value
is valid, False or 0 if it is not valid. See also the ANI property. RemoteServer
Data type: String
Data type: Boolean
Read-only Returns the remote server that sent the fax if the
IsRemotelySent property is set to True or 1.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 110 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 7: Fax History Objects OCRFaxHistory

Numeric Name
Data type: TransmissionFaxHistoryTerminationStatusType equivalent
enumerated value
0x19 tfhtstRingNoAnswer
0x20 tfhtstGroup2Detected
Returns the status of the line when the transmission is
complete. This is one of the enumerated values from the 0x1a tfhtstQuiet
following table. 0x1c tfhtstFaxMachine
Numeric Name 0x21 tfhtstLocalInUse
equivalent 0x22 tfhtstSilence
0x0 tfhtstSuccessReceive 0x23 tfhtstUnknown
0x1 tfhtstBusy1
0x2 tfhtstBusy2
Data type: FaxHistoryType
0x3 tfhtstReorderBusy
0x4 tfhtstRecall
Retrieves the type of history as a FaxHistoryType object.
0x5 tfhtstConfirm
0x6 tfhtstBlocked
0x8 tfhtstRing1
0x9 tfhtstRing2
0x10 tfhtstHuman
0x11 tfhtstAnswer
0x12 tfhtstDialtone
0x13 tfhtstSITDetect
0x14 tfhtstSITNOCIR
0x15 tfhtstTramsmissionError
0x16 tfhtstHangNoLoopCurrent
0x17 tfhtstCallColide
0x18 tfhtstDialNoLoopCurrent

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 111 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 8: Event Handling and Event Objects Using the Event Handler

Chapter 8: Event  Handling and Event Objects

To utilize the event handler within your application

Using the Event Handler
1. Declare and set the object variables that handle the
The RightFax COM API can be set to perform tasks based on event during the initialization of the Form.
events such as when a fax is has completed sending or when
a notification message is generated. 2. Set the corresponding variable in the Event object that
enables the event. For example, to make use of the
To utilize the event handler within your application OnArchiveEvent, set the WatchArchiveEvents property
1. Declare and set the object variables that handle the to True in the Event object.
event during the initialization of the Form. 3. Declare one or more functions that are called by the
2. Set the corresponding variable in the Event object that COM API when the event happens.
enables the event. For example, to make use of the
OnArchiveEvent, set the WatchArchiveEvents property Creating a sample project using the
to True in the Event object.
3. Declare one or more functions that are called by the
event handler
COM API when the event happens. In the following example, a project is created that generates
a message whenever a fax has completed sending.
Event  Handling and Event Objects 1. To use the event handler within your application first
declare the FaxServer and Events objects globally.
Using the Event Handler Dim WithEvents MyFaxServerEventHandler As_
The RightFax COM API can be set to perform tasks based on RFCOMAPILib.FaxServerDim EventsObj As
events such as when a fax is has completed sending or when RFCOMAPILib.Events
a notification message is generated. 2. Set the two object variables to handle events. Add the
following code to the Form_Load method of frmMain in

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 112 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 8: Event Handling and Event Objects ArchiveEvent

your project.
ArchiveEvent methods
Set MyFaxServerEventHandler = MyFaxServerSet
EventsObj = MyFaxServer.Events None.

3. For this example, set the GenerateCompletionEvent See Also

property equal to true for the fax object you create. Archive, IsArchiveEnable, WatchArchiveEvents
You should add this code before calling the Send
method. ArchiveEvent properties
oFax.GenerateCompletionEvent = True DeleteFax
oFax is the variable for the fax object you are creating. Data type: Boolean
4. Set the server to automatically generate a
CompleteEvent for every completed fax by adding the Specifies if the fax will be deleted after it has been archived.
following code to the Form_Load method of frmMain. True or 1 indicates it will be deleted; False or 0 indicates it
will not be deleted.
EventsObj.WatchCompleteEvents = True
5. Define the action by specifying a function that is called
when the specified event occurs. The following Data type: Fax
example creates a message box containing the status Read-only
of the fax, and the name of the fax recipient, when the Returns the Fax object associated with the Archive event.
event handler finds a CompleteEvent.
Private Sub_ MyFaxServerEventHandler_
Data type: Long
OnCompleteEvent(ByVal_ NewCompleteEvent As
RFCOMAPILib.CompleteEvent) Read-only

MsgBox “Found new complete event fax! Fax sent to “ Returns the database handle of the Fax object associated
+_ NewCompleteEvent.Fax.ToName + “. Status = “ +_ with the ArchiveEvent.
NewCompleteEvent.Fax.StatusDescription User
End Sub Data type: User
ArchiveEvent Returns the User object associated with the ArchiveEvent.
The ArchiveEvent object is generated when a fax has UserID
completed sending. Set the IsArchiveEnable property in the Data type: String
User object to True in order to archive a fax. Read-only

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 113 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 8: Event Handling and Event Objects CompleteEvent

Returns the ID of the User object associated with the Returns the Fax object associated with the fired Complete
ArchiveEvent. event.
See Also FaxHandle
ArchiveEvent on page 113, IsArchiveEnable, Data type: Long
WatchArchiveEvents Read-only

CompleteEvent Returns the database handle of the Fax object associated

with the fired Complete event.
The CompleteEvent object is generated when a fax has been
sent if the GenerateCompletionEvent property in the Fax
object is set to True. Data type: Integer
CompleteEvent methods Returns the notification channel.
See also: Data type: User
l GenerateCompletionEvent Read-only
l OnCompleteEvent Returns the User object associated with the fired Complete
l WatchCompleteEvents
CompleteEvent properties Data type: String
Returns the ID of the User object associated with the fired
Data type: Boolean
Complete event.
Specifies whether the fax will be deleted after it has been Events
completed. True or 1 indicates it is deleted; False or 0
The Events object controls which events get watched,
indicates it is not deleted.
dispatches found events, and retrieves events from the
Fax queue if available.
Data type: Fax
Events methods

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 114 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 8: Event Handling and Event Objects CompleteEvent

See also: Read-only

l ArchiveEvent Retrieves a MessageRouteEvent from the queue, if available.

l CompleteEvent, Validate
Data type: ValidateEvent
l Events (property in the FaxServer object)
l MessageEvent
Retrieves a Validate event from the queue if available.
l ValidateEvent
Data type: Boolean
Events properties Read-only
Archive Specifies whether to check for Complete events. True or 1
Data type: ArchiveEvent checks for Complete events; False or 0 does not.
Retrieves an Archive event from the queue if available. Data type: Boolean
Complete Read-only
Data type: CompleteEvent This Boolean property specifies whether to check for
Read-only Complete events. True or 1 checks for Complete events;
False or 0 does not.
Retrieves a Complete event from the queue if available.
Data type: Boolean
Data type: Long
This Boolean property specifies whether to check for Message
Specifies the time in seconds to wait before checking the
events. True or 1 checks for Message events; False or 0 does
event queue.
Data type: MessageEvent
Data type: Boolean
Retrieves a Message event from the queue if available.
This Boolean property specifies whether to check for Message
MessageRoute Route events. True or 1 checks for Message Route events;
Data type: MessageRouteEvent False or 0 does not.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 115 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 8: Event Handling and Event Objects MessageEvent

See also:
Data type: Boolean
OnMessageEvent, SendNotifyOnIncompleteFirstTime,
Read-only SendNotifyOnIncompletePeriodically,
This Boolean property specifies whether to watch for new SendNotifyOnNoHoldForPreview,
faxes for a specific user. You must pass the User object as SendNotifyOnSendFailedWillRetry,
well as the Boolean value. True or 1 indicates the queue for SendNotifyOnSendFailure, SendNotifyOnSendingFirstTime,
the user is checked; False or 0 indicates it does not. SendNotifyOnSendingPeriodically,
SendNotifyOnSentSuccessfully, WatchMessageEvents
Data type: Boolean MessageEvent properties
Specifies whether to check for Validate events. True or 1 Data type: Boolean
checks for Validate events; False or 0 does not. Read-only
Example The following code sets up the event handler to Specifies whether the fax will be deleted after the message
watch for archive events. has been sent. True or 1 indicates it is deleted; False or 0
Private Sub Form_Load () indicates it is be deleted.
’Set Up Event Handler Fax
Set MyFaxServerEventHandler = MyFaxServer
Data type: Fax
EventsObj.WatchArchiveEvents = True Read-only

EndSub Returns the Fax object associated with the fired Message
MessageEvent FaxHandle
A MessageEvent is generated when the user needs to be Data type: Long
notified that something important happened to the fax. For Read-only
example, if the user has the property Returns the database handle of the Fax object associated
SendNotifyOnSentSuccessfully set to True, a message is with the fired Message event.
generated when a fax is sent successfully.
MessageEvent methods Data type: MessageEventType enumerated value
None. Read-only

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 116 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 8: Event Handling and Event Objects MessageRouteEvent

Returns the type of message generated. This is one of the Returns the text of the notification.
valid MessageEventType enumerated values.
Data type: User
Numeric Name Read-only
Returns the User object associated with the fired
0 meNetworkBroadcast MessageEvent.
1 meCustom1
2 meCustom2 Data type: String
3 meCustom3 Read-only
4 meCustom4 Returns the ID of the User object associated with the fired
5 meCustom5 MessageEvent.

6 meCustom6
7 meCustom7
A MessageRouteEvent is generated when the user needs to
8 meCustom8 have a fax routed into an external mail system.
9 meCustom9
MessageRouteEvent methods
10 meCCMail
11 meMSMail
13 meTRS
See also:
OnMessageEvent, SendNotifyOnIncompleteFirstTime,
14 meCX3
15 mePager SendNotifyOnNoHoldForPreview,
16 meNotes SendNotifyOnSendFailedWillRetry,
SendNotifyOnSendFailure, SendNotifyOnSendingFirstTime,
17 meExchange SendNotifyOnSendingPeriodically,
18 meSMTP SendNotifyOnSentSuccessfully, WatchMessageEvents
65535 meAll
MessageRouteEvent properties
MessageText AutoPrintRequest
Data type: String Data type: PrintRequest
Read-only Read-only

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 117 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 8: Event Handling and Event Objects MessageEvent

This property specifies a PrintRequest object. Numeric Name

DeleteFax equivalent
Data type: Boolean 0 urfDCX
Read-only 1 urfPCX
Specifies whether the fax will be deleted after the message 2 urfTiffGroup3
has been sent. True or 1 indicates it is deleted; False or 0
3 urfTiffGroup4
indicates it is be deleted.
4 urfGIF
5 urfPDF
Data type: String
Read-only 6 urfPDFWithThumbnails

E-mail address of the recipient user. This is unique to each 7 urfCPC

mail system. 8 urfRFX
Fax 9 urfPNG
Data type: Fax
Read-only MessageRouteEventType
Data type: MessageRouteEventType enumerated value
Returns the Fax object associated with the fired Message
event. Read-only

FaxHandle Returns the type of message generated. This is one of the

valid MessageRouteEventType enumerated values.
Data type: Long
Read-only Numeric Name
Returns the database handle of the Fax object associated
with the fired Message event. 1 mreTRS
ImageFormat 2 mreCX3
Data type: UserRouteFormatType enumerated value 3 mreNotes
Read-only 4 mreExchange
The file format of the document. This is one of the valid 5 mreCXINTF
UserRouteFormatType enumerated values.
6 mreSMTP
7 mreSAP1

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 118 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 8: Event Handling and Event Objects ValidateEvent

Numeric Name Read-only

equivalent Returns the User object associated with the fired
8 mreSAP2 MessageRouteEvent.

9 mreSAP3 UserID
10 mreSAP4 Data type: String
11 mreINL
Returns the ID of the User object associated with the fired
12 mreINL2
13 mreSAP5
14 mreSAP6 ValidateEvent
15 mreSAP7 A ValidateEvent object is generated when
16 mreSAP8 NeedsFaxesApproved is True in the User object.

17 mreSAP9 ValidateEvent methods

18 mreSAP10 None.
19 mreSAP11 See also:
20 mreSAP12 OnValidateEvent, ValidateBillingCodes, WatchValidateEvents
21 mreSAP13
ValidateEvent properties
22 mreSAP14
23 mreSAP15
Data type: BillingCode
24 mreINLDel
25 mreAutoReply
Returns the billing code associated with the fax, if any.

MessageText Fax
Data type: String Data type: Fax
Read-only Read-only

Returns the text of the message. Returns the Fax object associated with the fired Validate
Data type: User
Data type: Long

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 119 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 8: Event Handling and Event Objects MessageEvent

Returns the database handle of the Fax object associated
with the fired Validate event.
Data type: String
Returns the destination fax number.
Data type: User
Returns the User object associated with the fired Validate
Data type: String
Returns the ID of the User object associated with the fired
Validate event.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 120 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics FaxServer statistics properties

Chapter 9: Statistics

Value Flag Description

FaxServer statistics properties
0x00000001 statFsNewestActIndex Latest activity event
ServerName index recorded.
Data type: String
0x00000002 statFsInfoVersion Information version
0x00000004 statFsSecondsUp Seconds the Fax Server
Specifies the name of the fax server whose statistics are
has been up.
reflected here.
0x00000008 statFsMaximumEvents Maximum number of
FsActRecords events that can fit in
Data type: Long server queue.
0x00000010 statFsNumberEvents Number of events in
Number of activity events recorded. server queue.
FsEventsProcessed 0x00000020 statFsEventsProcessed Number of server
Data type: Long events processed
Read-only 0x00000040 statFsActRecords Number of activity
Number of server events processed. events recorded.
0x00000080 statFsPercentAvailable Percentage of disk
ImageSpace space available on
Data type: FaxServerStatFlags
Image drive.
0x00000100 statFsPercentAvailable Percentage of disk
Flags indicating FaxServer values to be updated. Combine DBSpace space available on
the following flags to represent the statistics to query on the Database drive.
next refresh.
0x00000200 statFsActivity Fax Server activity.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 121 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics Statistics

Value Flag Description Percentage of disk space available on Image drive.

0x00000400 statFsScheduleQueueDepth Number of documents FsSecondsUp

queued for Data type: long
transmission. Read-only
0x00000800 statFsStatusQueueDepth Pending transmission Seconds the Fax Server has been up.
FS ScheduleQueueDepth
Data type: long
Data type: short
Read-only Documents queued for transmission.

Information version. FS StatusQueueDepth

Data type: long
Data type: Long
Read-only Status records queued for transmission.

Maximum number of events that can fit in server queue. Statistics

Data type: Short
FaxServer statistics properties
Read-only ServerName
Latest activity event index recorded. Data type: String
Data type: Long Specifies the name of the fax server whose statistics are
Read-only reflected here.

Number of events in server queue. FsActRecords

Data type: Long
Data type: Short
Read-only Number of activity events recorded.

Percentage of disk space available on Database drive. FsEventsProcessed

Data type: Long
Data type: Short
Read-only Number of server events processed.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 122 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics

Value Flag Description
Data type: FaxServerStatFlags
Read-Only 0x00000400 statFsScheduleQueueDepth Number of documents
queued for
Flags indicating FaxServer values to be updated. Combine transmission.
the following flags to represent the statistics to query on the
next refresh. 0x00000800 statFsStatusQueueDepth Pending transmission
Value Flag Description
0x00000001 statFsNewestActIndex Latest activity event FsInfoVersion
index recorded. Data type: short
0x00000002 statFsInfoVersion Information version
Information version.
0x00000004 statFsSecondsUp Seconds the Fax Server
has been up. FsMaximumEvents
0x00000008 statFsMaximumEvents Maximum number of Data type: Long
events that can fit in Read-only
server queue. Maximum number of events that can fit in server queue.
0x00000010 statFsNumberEvents Number of events in
server queue.
Data type: Short
0x00000020 statFsEventsProcessed Number of server Read-only
events processed
Latest activity event index recorded.
0x00000040 statFsActRecords Number of activity
events recorded. FsNumberEvents
Data type: Long
0x00000080 statFsPercentAvailable Percentage of disk
ImageSpace space available on
Image drive. Number of events in server queue.
0x00000100 statFsPercentAvailable Percentage of disk FsPercentAvailableDBSpace
DBSpace space available on Data type: Short
Database drive. Read-only
0x00000200 statFsActivity Fax Server activity. Percentage of disk space available on Database drive.
Data type: Short

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 123 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics Board statistics properties

Percentage of disk space available on Image drive. Value Flag Description

FsSecondsUp 0x00000020 statBrd1CurrentLoad Current load
Data type: long
0x00000040 statBrd1CrtChnType Channel type.
0x00000080 statBrd1CrtCanDo Lists Board 1
Seconds the Fax Server has been up. authorized tasks.
FS ScheduleQueueDepth 0x00000100 statBrd1CrtRoutingCode Routing Code.
Data type: long
0x00000200 statBrd1CrtState State.
0x00000400 statBrd1CrtCurrentPage Current page.
Documents queued for transmission.
0x00000800 statBrd1CrtTotalPagesSent Total pages sent.
FS StatusQueueDepth
0x00001000 statBrd1CrtTotalPagesRcvd Total pages received.
Data type: long
Read-only 0x00002000 statBrd1CrtTotalCallsAnsw Total calls answered.

Status records queued for transmission. 0x00004000 statBrd1CrtTotalCallsPlcd Total calls placed.
0x00008000 statBrd1CrtTotalHangups Total hangups.
Board statistics properties 0x00010000 statBrd1CrtROMID ROM ID
Brd1Flags 0x00020000 statBrd1CrtCurrentRemoteID Current remote ID.
Data type: Board1ServerStatFlags 0x00040000 statBrd1CrtSending Sending.
0x00080000 statBrd1CrtTUIing Indicates when the
Flags indicating Board Server values to be updated. Combine board uses a telephone
the following flags to represent the statistics to query on the user interface.
next refresh.
0x00100000 statBrd1CrtReceiving Receiving.
Value Flag Description 0x00200000 statBrd1CrtDODing Indicates when the
0x00000001 statBrd1InfoVersion Board 1 Information board uses Docs On
Version. Demand.
0x00000002 statBrd1SecondsUp Seconds up. 0x00400000 statBrd1CrtGroup Group threshold left.
0x00000004 statBrd1ValidChannels Valid channels. ThreasholdLeft

0x00000008 statBrd1SendQueueDepth Send queue depth. 0x00800000 statBrd1CrtFaxesGrouped Faxes grouped.

0x00000010 statBrd1SendPagesDepth Send pages depth. 0x01000000 statBrd1CrtTicksOffHook Number of ticks off

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 124 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics Board statistics properties

Value Flag Description Numeric Enumerated value

0x02000000 statBrd1CrtPagesInCall Number of pages in
call. 0 brdcdReservedChannel

0x04000000 statBrd1CrtCurrentRate Current rate. 1 brdcdDialOnly

0x08000000 statBrd1CrtCurrent Current compression. 2 brdcdAnswerOnly

Compression 3 brdcdDial_Answer
0x10000000 statBrd1CrtEstMinutesLeft Estimate minutes left. 4 brdcdVoiceMailNotifyOnly
0x20000000 statBrd1CrtReserved Reserved. 5 brdcdDial_w_VMNotify
0x40000000 statBrd1CrtSIPhoneNum Server index phone 6 brdcdAnswer_w_VMNotify
7 brdcdBoth_w_VMNotify
0x80000000 statBrd1CrtSIUserID Server index user ID.

Brd1ChnType Brd1RoutingCode
Data type: Brd1ChnTypeVals Data type: Long
Read-only Read-only
Board 1 channel type. Requires a 0-based channel index at Board 1 Routing Code. Requires a 0-based channel index at
BrdChannelIndex. Values for Brd1ChnType and DT1ChnType: BrdChannelIndex.
Numeric Enumerated Brd1State
equivalent value Data type: String
0 brdctLoopStart Read-only

1 brdctDID_Digital Board 1 State. Requires a 0-based channel index at


Brd1CanDo Brd1CurrentPage
DataType: Brd1CanDo Data type: Long
Read-only Read-only
Lists Board 1 authorized tasks. Requires a 0-based channel Board 1 current page. Requires a 0-based channel index at
index at BrdChannelIndex. Values for Brd1CanDo and BrdChannelIndex.
DT1CanDo: Brd1TotalPagesSent
Data type: Long

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 125 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics Board statistics properties

Total number of pages sent. Requires a 0-based channel Current remote ID. Requires a 0-based channel index at
index at BrdChannelIndex. BrdChannelIndex.
Brd1TotalPagesRcvd Brd1Sending
Data type: Long Data type: Brd1SendingVals
Read-only Read-only
Total number of pages received. Requires a 0-based channel Sending status of Board 1. Requires a 0-based channel index
index at BrdChannelIndex. at BrdChannelIndex. Values for Brd1Sending and
Data type: Long Numeric Enumerated value
Read-only equivalent
Total number of calls answered. Requires a 0-based channel 0 brdsNothing_Idle
index at BrdChannelIndex.
1 brdsDial_and_Send
Data type: Long Brd1TUIing
Read-only Data type: Brd1TUIingVals
Total number of calls placed. Requires a 0-based channel Read-only
index at BrdChannelIndex. Indicates when the board uses a telephone user interface
Brd1TotalHangups (TUI). Requires a 0-based channel index at BrdChannelIndex.
Data type: Long Values for Brd1TUIing and DT1TUIing:
Read-only Numeric Enumerated value
Total number of hangups. Requires a 0-based channel index equivalent
at BrdChannelIndex 0 brdtNothing_Idle
Brd1ROMID 1 brdtExecuting_TeleConnect_Call
Data type: String
ID for the ROM. Requires a 0-based channel index at Data type: Brd1ReceivingVals
BrdChannelIndex. Read-only
Brd1CurrentRemoteID Receiving status for Board 1. Requires a 0-based channel
Data type: String index at BrdChannelIndex. Values for Brd1Receiving and
Read-only DT1Receiving.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 126 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics Board statistics properties

Numeric Enumerated value Number of ticks off hook. Requires a 0-based channel index
equivalent at BrdChannelIndex.

0 brdrNothing_Idle Brd1PagesInCall
Data type: Short
1 brdrAnswer_and_receive

Brd1DODing Number of pages in call. Requires a 0-based channel index at

Data type: Brd1DODingVals
Read-only Brd1CurrentRate
Indicates when the board uses Docs On Demand. Requires a Data type: Brd1CurrentRateVals
0-based channel index at BrdChannelIndex. Values for Read-only
Brd1DODing and DT1DODing." Current rate. Requires a 0-based channel index at
BrdChannelIndex. Values for Brd1CurrentRate and
Numeric Enumerated value
0 brddNothing_Idle Numeric Enumerated value
1 brddExecuting_
FOD_Call 0 brdcrNotAvailable
1 brdcr2400bpsV27
Brd1GroupThreasholdLeft 2 brdcr4800bpsV27
Data type: Long 3 brdcr7200bpsV29
4 brdcr9600bpsV29
Group threshold left. Requires a 0-based channel index at
5 brdcr7200bpsV17
6 brdcr9600bpsV17
Data type: Long 7 brdcr12000bpsV17
Read-only 8 brdcr14400bpsV17
Faxes grouped. Requires a 0-based channel index at 9 brdcr12000bpsV33
BrdChannelIndex. 10 brdcr14400bpsV33
Data type: Long Brd1CurrentCompression
Read-only Data type: Brd1CurrentCompressionVals

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 127 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics Board statistics properties

Read-only Flags indicating Board Server values to be updated. Combine

the following flags to represent the statistics to query on the
Requires a 0-based channel index at BrdChannelIndex.
next refresh.
Values for Brd1CurrentCompression and
DT1CurrentCompression. Value Flag Description
Numeric Enumerated value 0x00000001 statBrd2CrtSIPagesInFax Pages in fax.
equivalent 0x00000002 statBrd2CrtSIPagesDone Pages completed.
0 brdccNotAvailable 0x00000004 statBrd2CrtSIToName To Name.
1 brdccMHGroup3_1D 0x00000008 statBrd2CrtSIToCompany To Company.
2 brdccMRGroup2_2D 0x00000010 statBrd2CrtSIBillInfo1 Billing Info 1.
3 brdccMMRGroup4 0x00000020 statBrd2CrtSIBillInfo2 Billing Info 2.
0x00000040 statBrd2CrtSISecureCSID Secure CSID
0x00000080 statBrd2CrtSIUniqueID Unique ID.
Data type: Short
Read-only 0x00000100 statBrd2CrtCurrentOp Current operation.

Estimated minutes left. Requires a 0-based channel index at

Data type: Short
Brd1SIPhoneNum Read-only
Data type: String
Number of pages in fax. Requires a 0-based channel index at
Phone Number. Requires a 0-based channel index at
Data type: Short
Brd1SIUserID Read-only
Data type: String
Number of pages completed. Requires a 0-based channel
index at BrdChannelIndex.
User ID. Requires a 0-based channel index at
Data type: String
Brd2Flags Read-only
Data type:Board2ServerStatFlags
To name. Requires a 0-based channel index at

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 128 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics Fax server board statistics properties

Brd2SIToCompany Current operation. Requires a 0-based channel index at

Data type: String BrdChannelIndex. Values for Brd2CurrentOp and
Read-only DT2CurrentOp.
To company. Requires a 0-based channel index at Numeric Enumerated value
BrdChannelIndex. equivalent
Brd2SIBillInfo1 0 coIdle
Data type: String
1 coSend
2 coWaitForConnect
Billing info 1. Requires a 0-based channel index at
BrdChannelIndex. 3 coReceive
4 coTUI
Data type: String 5 coDOD
Read-only 6 coQueryStatus
Billing info 2. Requires a 0-based channel index at 7 coVMNotify
8 coStatus
Data type: String BrdChannelIndex
Read-only Data Type: Long
Secure CSID. Requires a 0-based channel index at Read/Write
BrdChannelIndex. 0-based channel index to define channel to query for other
Brd2SIUniqueID Board Server calls.
Data type: String
Read-only Fax server board statistics properties
Unique ID. Requires a 0-based channel index at FSBrdsFlags
BrdChannelIndex. Data type: FSBoardStatFlags
Data type: Brd1CurrentOpVals Flags to be combined to represent the statistics to query on
Read-only the next refresh.

Value Flag Description

0x00000001 statFSBrdsInfoVersion Info version

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 129 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics Board statistics properties

Value Flag Description
Data type: String
0x00000002 statFSBrdsBrdServerCount Server count Read-only
0x00000004 statFSBrdsMachineName Machine name Machine name.
0x00000008 statFSBrdsCmdPipeName Command pipe name
0x00000010 statFSBrdsImageDir Image directory Data type: String
0x00000020 statFSBrdsBFTDir Binary file transfer Read-only
directory Command pipe name.
0x00000040 statFSBrdsQueueDepthPages Queue depth
(in pages)
Data type: String
0x00000080 statFSBrdsQueueDepthFaxes Queue depth Read-only
(in Faxes)
Path of the image directory.
0x00000100 statFSBrdsNumChannels Number of channels
0x00000200 statFSBrdsDown Boards down
Data type: String
0x00000400 statFSBrdsDownTime Total down time Read-only
0x00000800 statFSBrdsDownError Down error Returns the path of the binary file transfer directory.
0x00001000 statFSBrdsLocal Local boards
0x00002000 statFSBrdsBrdSrvUniqueID Unique ID Data type: long
0x00004000 statFSBrdsCurrentLoad Current load Read-only
0x00008000 statFSBrdsLoadTimeStamp Load time stamp Fax Server queue depth in number of pages.
Data type: long
Data type: short Read-only
Fax Server queue depth in number of faxes.
Returns the version number of the Fax Server Board
information. FSBrdsNumChannels
Data type: short
Data type: short
Read-only This value returns 1 when boards are in simulation. For
actual simulation channels, use Brd1ValidChannels instead.]
Number of Board servers.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 130 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics Board statistics properties

Data type: short Activity log statistics properties
Read-only ActLogFlags
Boards down. Data type: ActLogStatFlags
Data type: long Flags to be combined to represent the statistics to query on
Read-only the next refresh.

Total down time. Value Flag

FSBrdsDownError 0x00000001 statActLogCounterStartDate
Data type: long 0x00000002 statActLogPagesSent
0x00000004 statActLogFaxesSent
Down error.
0x00000008 statActLogPagesRcvd
FSBrdsLocal 0x00000010 statActLogFaxesRcvd
Data type: short
Read-only ActLogCounterStartDate
Local. Data type: long
FSBrdsBrdSrvUniqueID Read-only
Data type: long Counter start date.
Read-only ActLogPagesSent
Board server unique ID. Data type: long
FSBrdsCurrentLoad Read-only
Data type: long Number of pages sent.
Read-only ActLogFaxesSent
Current load. Data type: long
FSBrdsLoadTimeStamp Read-only
Data type: long Number of faxes sent.
Read-only ActLogPagesRcvd
Load time stamp. Data type: long

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 131 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics DocTransport statistics properties

Number of pages received. Value Flag

ActLogFaxesRcvd 0x00000400 statDT1CrtCurrentPage
Data type: long
0x00000800 statDT1CrtTotalPagesSent
0x00001000 statDT1CrtTotalPagesRcvd
Number of faxes received.
0x00002000 statDT1CrtTotalCallsAnsw
0x00004000 statDT1CrtTotalCallsPlcd
Data type: long
Read/Write 0x00008000 statDT1CrtTotalHangups

0-based index of boardsrv to retrieve for FSBrds calls. 0x00010000 statDT1CrtROMID

0x00020000 statDT1CrtCurrentRemoteID
DocTransport statistics properties 0x00040000 statDT1CrtSending
DocTransport1ServerStatFlags 0x00080000 statDT1CrtTUIing
Data type: DocTransport1ServerStatFlags 0x00100000 statDT1CrtReceiving
0x00200000 statDT1CrtDODing
Flags to be combined to represent the DocTransport statistics
to query on the next refresh. 0x00400000 statDT1CrtGroupThreasholdLeft
0x00800000 statDT1CrtFaxesGrouped
Value Flag
0x01000000 statDT1CrtTicksOffHook
0x00000001 statDT1InfoVersion
0x02000000 statDT1CrtPagesInCall
0x00000002 statDT1SecondsUp
0x04000000 statDT1CrtCurrentRate
0x00000004 statDT1ValidChannels
0x08000000 statDT1CrtCurrentCompression
0x00000008 statDT1TBD1
0x10000000 statDT1CrtEstMinutesLeft
0x00000010 statDT1TBD2
0x20000000 statDT1CrtReserved
0x00000020 statDT1TBD3
0x40000000 statDT1CrtSIPhoneNum
0x00000040 statDT1CrtChnType
0x80000000 statDT1CrtSIUserID
0x00000080 statDT1CrtCanDo
0x00000100 statDT1CrtRoutingCode DT1InfoVersion
0x00000200 statDT1CrtState Data type: Short

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 132 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics DocTransport statistics properties

Info version. Numeric Enumerated value

DT1SecondsUp equivalent
Data type: Long 0 brdctLoopStart
1 brdctDID_Digital
Number of seconds DocTransport has been up.
DT1ValidChannels DT1CanDo
Data type: Short Data type: Brd1CanDoVals
Read-only Read-only
Valid channels. Lists DocTransport 1 authorized tasks. Requires a 0-based
channel index at DTChannelIndex. Values for DT1CanDo are
the same as for Brd1CanDo:
Data type: Long
Read-only Numeric Enumerated value
For future use.
0 brdcdReservedChannel
Data type: Long 1 brdcdDialOnly
Read-only 2 brdcdAnswerOnly
For furture use. 3 brdcdDial_Answer
DT1TBD3 4 brdcdVoiceMailNotifyOnly
Data type: Long 5 brdcdDial_w_VMNotify
Read-only 6 brdcdAnswer_w_VMNotify
For future use. 7 brdcdBoth_w_VMNotify
Data type: Brd1ChnTypeVals DT1RoutingCode
Read-only Data type: Long
Channel type. Requires a 0-based channel index at Read-only
DTChannelIndex. Values for DT1ChnType are the same as for Routing code. Requires a 0-based channel index at
Brd1ChnType: DTChannelIndex.
Data type: String

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 133 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics DocTransport statistics properties

Read-only Total hangups. Requires a 0-based channel index at

State. Requires a 0-based channel index at DTChannelIndex.
Data type: String
Data type: Long
ROM ID. Requires a 0-based channel index at
Current page. Requires a 0-based channel index at
Data type: String
Data type: Long
Remote ID. Requires a 0-based channel index at
Total pages sent. Requires a 0-based channel index at
Data type: Brd1SendingVals
Data type: Long
Sending status. Requires a 0-based channel index at
Total pages received. Requires a 0-based channel index at
DTChannelIndex. Values for DT1Sending are the same as for
Data type: Long Numeric Enumerated value
Read-only equivalent

Total calls answered. Requires a 0-based channel index at 0 brdsNothing_Idle

DTChannelIndex. 1 brdsDial_and_Send
Data type: Long DT1TUIing
Read-only Data type: Brd1TUIingVals
Total calls placed. Requires a 0-based channel index at
DTChannelIndex. Indicates when the board uses a telephone user interface.
Requires a 0-based channel index at DTChannelIndex. Values
for DT1TUIing are the same as for Brd1TUIing.
Data type: Long

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 134 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics DocTransport statistics properties

Numeric Enumerated value Group threshold remaining. Requires a 0-based channel index
equivalent at DTChannelIndex.

0 brdtNothing_Idle DT1FaxesGrouped
Data type: Long
1 brdtExecuting_TeleConnect_Call

DT1Receiving Faxes grouped. Requires a 0-based channel index at

Data type: Brd1ReceivingVals
Read-only DT1TicksOffHook
Requires a 0-based channel index at DTChannelIndex. Values Data type: Long
for DT1Receiving are the same as for Brd1Receiving. Read-only
Number of ticks off hook. Requires a 0-based channel index
Numeric Enumerated value
at DTChannelIndex.
0 brdrNothing_Idle
Data type: Short
1 brdrAnswer_and_receive Read-only
Pages in call. Requires a 0-based channel index at
DT1DODing DTChannelIndex.
Data type: Brd1DODingVals
Read-only DT1CurrentRate
Data type: Brd1CurrentRateVals
Indicates when DocTransport uses Docs On Demand.
Requires a 0-based channel index at DTChannelIndex. Values
for DT1DODing are the same as for Brd1DODing. Current rate. Requires a 0-based channel index at
DTChannelIndex. Values for DT1CurrentRate are the same as
Numeric Enumerated value for Brd1CurrentRate.
Numeric Enumerated value
0 brddNothing_Idle
1 brddExecuting_FOD_Call
0 brdcrNotAvailable
1 brdcr2400bpsV27
Data type: long 2 brdcr4800bpsV27
Read-only 3 brdcr7200bpsV29

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 135 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics DocTransport statistics properties

Numeric Enumerated value Data type: string

equivalent Read-only

4 brdcr9600bpsV29 Phone number. Requires a 0-based channel index at

5 brdcr7200bpsV17
6 brdcr9600bpsV17
Data type: string
7 brdcr12000bpsV17 Read-only
8 brdcr14400bpsV17 User ID. Requires a 0-based channel index at
9 brdcr12000bpsV33 DTChannelIndex.
10 brdcr14400bpsV33 DT2Flags
Data type: DocTransport2ServerStatFlags
DT1CurrentCompression Read/Write
Data type: Brd1CurrentCompressionVals Flags to be combined to represent the DocTransport statistics
Read-only to query on the next refresh.
Compression values. Requires a 0-based channel index at
Value Flag
DTChannelIndex. Values for DT1CurrentCompression are the
same as for Brd1CurrentCompression. 0x00000001 statDT2CrtSIPagesInFax
0x00000002 statDT2CrtSIPagesDone
Numeric Enumerated value
equivalent 0x00000004 statDT2CrtSIToName
0 brdccNotAvailable 0x00000008 statDT2CrtSIToCompany
1 brdccMHGroup3_1D 0x00000010 statDT2CrtSIBillInfo1
2 brdccMRGroup2_2D 0x00000020 statDT2CrtSIBillInfo2
3 brdccMMRGroup4 0x00000040 statDT2CrtSISecureCSID
0x00000080 statDT2CrtSIUniqueID
DT1EstMinutesLeft 0x00000100 statDT2CrtCurrentOp
Data type: short 0x00000200 statDT2TransName
0x00000400 statDT2TransNumTX
Estimated minutes left. Requires a 0-based channel index at
DTChannelIndex. 0x00000800 statDT2TransNumRX


OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 136 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics DocTransport statistics properties

Value Flag Data type: String

0x00001000 statDT2QueueName
Billing info 1. Requires a 0-based channel index at
0x00002000 statDT2QueueDepth DTChannelIndex.
0x00004000 statDT2QueueLoad
0x00008000 statDT2TransNumPagesTX Data type: String
0x00010000 statDT2TransNumPagesRX Read-only
0x00020000 statDT2TotalsStartDate Billing info 2. Requires a 0-based channel index at
Data type: Short Data type: String
Read-only Read-only
Number of pages in fax. Requires a 0-based channel index at Secure CSID. Requires a 0-based channel index at
DTChannelIndex. DTChannelIndex.
DT2SIPagesDone DT2SIUniqueID
Data type: Short Data type: String
Read-only Read-only
Number of pages completed. Requires a 0-based channel Unique ID. Requires a 0-based channel index at
index at DTChannelIndex. DTChannelIndex.
DT2SIToName DT2CurrentOp
Data type: String Data type: Brd1CurrentOpVals
Read-only Read-only
To name. Requires a 0-based channel index at Requires a 0-based channel index at BrdChannelIndex.
DTChannelIndex. Values for DT2CurrentOp are the same as for Brd2CurrentOp.
Numeric Enumerated value
Data type: String equivalent
0 coIdle
To company. Requires a 0-based channel index at
DTChannelIndex. 1 coSend
2 coWaitForConnect

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 137 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics DocTransport statistics properties

Numeric Enumerated value
equivalent Data type: Long
3 coReceive
Depth of queue. Requires a 0-based transport index at
4 coTUI DTQueueIndex.
5 coDOD
6 coQueryStatus Data type: Long
7 coVMNotify Read-only
8 coStatus DocTransport load (or Availibility Index) for a queue.
Requires a 0-based transport index at DTQueueIndex.
DT2TransportName DT2TransportNumPagesTx
Data type: String Data type: Long
Read-only Read-only
Name of transport. Requires a 0-based transport index at Number of pages sent by a transport. Requires a 0-based
DTTransportIndex transport index at DTTransportIndex.
DT2TransportNumTx DT2TransportNumPagesRx
Data type: Long Data type: Long
Read-only Read-only
Number of docs sent. Requires a 0-based transport index at Number of pages received by a transport. Requires a 0-based
DTTransportIndex. transport index at DTTransportIndex.
DT2TransportNumRx DT2TotalsStartDate
Data type: Long Data type: Long
Read-only Read-only
Number of docs received. Requires a 0-based transport index Hex date for when the 'all-time' totals were last reset.
at DTTransportIndex. Requires a 0-based transport index at DTTransportIndex.
DT2QueueName DTChannelIndex
Data type: String Data type: Long
Read-only Read/Write
Name of queue. Requires a 0-based transport index at Channel index. 0-based index to specify channel to query for
DTQueueIndex. DocTransport transport statistics.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 138 COM API Reference Guide
Chapter 9: Statistics Statistics methods

Data type: Long
Transport index. 0-based index to specify transport to query
for DocTransport transport statistics.
Data type: Long
Queue index. 0-based index to specify queue to query for
DocTransport queue statistics.

Statistics methods
Re-loads the list of statistics from the fax server.

OpenText RightFax 10.6 Feature Pack 2 139 COM API Reference Guide

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