City Governments of Addis Ababa Education Bureau Curriculum Development and Implementation Directorate

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City Governments Of Addis Ababa Education bureau

Curriculum development and implementation directorate.

Subject Biology Grade 11 Make up class Total make up class = 20
No Unit Content Sub content No of periods No of Unit Outcomes:
( at normal condensing
condition) periods
1 1 The Science of 1.1 Methods of 29 4 •Define science,name and demonstrate
science the scientific methods
Biology 1.2 Basic tools of a •Plan and conduct scientific experiments
biologist and write a report for
1.3 Relevance and scientific experiments
promises of • Name and classify the tools used in
biological science biology, explaintheir functions and
1.4 Biology and demonstrate how to use some tools
HIV/AIDS • Conduct a library research and gather
information to explain the relevance and
promiseof biological science
• Explain the role of biology as a science
in the fight against HIV and
• Express willingness to participate in
community undertakings againstHIV
and AIDS
• Demonstrate life skills that lead to
responsible sexual behaviour.
2 2 Biochemical 2.1 Inorganic 24 4 •group biochemical molecules as
molecules molecules 2.2 Organic organic and inorganic
molecules • explain the property and state the
importance of water for life
• describe and show the structures and
state the functions of organic
molecules in living things
• identify biologically important
compounds by conducting
simple tests.
3 3 Enzymes 3.1 Nature of 27 4 • define, name, classify and explain the
enzymes 3.2 properties of enzymes and appreciate

City Governments Of Addis Ababa Education bureau
Curriculum development and implementation directorate.
Functions of enzymes their importance
3.3 Factors affecting • explain how enzymes lower activation
the function of energy, their mechanism of action and
enzymes the actions of apo- and coenzymes
• give examples of vitamins and minerals
in food that act as cofactors
• explain factorsthat affect enzyme
activity and demonstrate that with simple
•explain allosteric regulation and
feedback control mechanism of
enzyme activity
4 4 Cell biology 4.1 Cell theory 29 4 •tell the history of cell biology and
4.2 Types of cells describe the celltheory
4.3 Parts of the cell • investigate the size andstate the
and their functions functions of cells
• state the importance and describe the
composition of a cell membrane
• compare the models ofthe cell
membrane and show the
arrangement of the phospholipids and
proteins in the fluid mosaic model
• name and explain the function of the
different parts of the cell
• explain the mechanisms of substance
transport across a cell membrane and
demonstrate osmosis and diffusion
• explain the difference between
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
5 5 Energy 5.1 Respiration 27 4 •describe the structure of ATP and its
transformation 5.2 photosynthesis role in cellular metabolism and the role
of electron donors and acceptors
• draw and labelthe structure of a
mitochondrion and locate where the
different processes of cellular respiration

City Governments Of Addis Ababa Education bureau
Curriculum development and implementation directorate.
• explain and demonstrate the process
of alcoholic fermentation and
lactate production
• draw and labela chloroplast, locate
where light-dependent and-independent
processes occur and name the
products of the two processes
• explain photorespiration
• distinguish between C3 and C4 plants
and give at least three examples
for each
• separate photosynthetic pigments by
paper chromatography.
Subject Biology Grade 12 make up class Total make up class = 10
1 1 Micro-organisms 1.1 Bacteria 30 5 • Describe the structure, show the
1.2 Ecology and uses shape of, and classify bacteria and
of bacteria explain their role in every ecosystem
1.3 Viruses • Compare infectious disease with
functional disease and state the germ
• Explain how bacteria producediseases
and the role of reservoir hosts in
disease transmission
• Give examples of industrial processes
that use bacteria and indicate how
bacteria are used in these processes
• Define cloning and illustrate its
• Describe the structure of a virus, draw
and label it, draw itsdifferent
forms, give examples of RNA and DNA
viruses and compare viruses with free
living cells
• Compare the lytic and lysogenic cycles
of viral reproduction

City Governments Of Addis Ababa Education bureau
Curriculum development and implementation directorate.
• Draw and label the structure of HIV,
explain how it affects the immune
system, explain its life cycle, and state its
social and economic impacts
• Explain how antiretroviral drugs inhibit
enzymes of the life cycle of HIV
• Demonstrate life skills that lead
to responsible sexual behaviour

2 2 Ecology 2.1 The cycling of 30 5 • explain why recycling is important,

matter through describe and draw the water, carbon,
ecosystems nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus cycles
2.2 Ecological • define succession and describe, give
succession examples, and compare primary and
2.3 Biomes secondary successions
2.4 Biodiversity • define biome, state the major terrestrial
2.5 population and aquatic biomes withtheir
structure and dynamics characteristics and major fauna and flora
• express love and respect for fauna and
flora and their biomes
• define biodiversity, explain its
significance, status in Ethiopia, threats,
and principles of conservation
• reflect a concern towards, and
appreciate the importance
of, biodiversity and the need for
its conservation
• grow trees in agiven area and express
willingness to participate in tree growing
activities in their locality
•compare intra-specific and inter-
specific competitions and exponential
and arithmetic growth curves
• demonstrate the influence of natality
and mortality on population size and
interpret a population growth rate

City Governments Of Addis Ababa Education bureau
Curriculum development and implementation directorate.
• explain the impacts of rapid population
growth on development and state the
measures that should be taken tocontrol

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