Statistical Analysis and Data Visualization of Indonesia and Malaysia Sars Cov-2 Metadata
Statistical Analysis and Data Visualization of Indonesia and Malaysia Sars Cov-2 Metadata
Statistical Analysis and Data Visualization of Indonesia and Malaysia Sars Cov-2 Metadata
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3 authors:
Bens Pardamean
Binus University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Bens Pardamean on 16 June 2021.
1. Introduction
Indonesian SARS CoV-2 transmission showed shows the highest incidence in ASEAN. On 31 December
2020, the total positive cases of COVID-19 had accumulated 743,198 incidences, and the death rate was
22,138 dead. COVID-19 incidence with most positive cases was found 31.24% in age group range 31-
45. Meanwhile, based on gender, the positive incidences between men (50.02%) and women (49.98%)
are almost equal [1–3]. However, from the high number of COVID-19 cases, Indonesia only sequences
140 SARS CoV-2 genomes, both partial and complete genomes uploaded to the GISAID database during
2020 [4,5]. Several of the metadata information displayed on GISAID can use to understand the COVID-
19 characteristics in Indonesia.
The visualization of the GISAID database only summarizes the metadata information of the SARS
CoV-2 sequences in a limited way and cannot customize the detailed comparisons between countries.
Mutation variation, clade distribution, age, and gender demographics are potential factors to be studied.
During the year 2020, several research papers on these factors have been published, allowing for a more
in-depth investigation of the virus's characteristics and diversity [6–12]. However, in Indonesia, the
specific dynamics of SARS CoV-2 in the population of this country are very rarely published.
Meanwhile, Malaysia has published a paper regarding the distribution related to the SARS CoV-2 clade
based on metadata from the virus database [13]. Malaysia's population has an ethnic distribution with
high similarity with the Indonesian. The country's contiguous territory and related ethnic distribution are
intriguing research topics for comparing SARS CoV-2 characteristics in the two countries. Based on
metadata information, statistical analysis can determine the prevalence of SARS CoV-2 infection in each
region, allowing us to identify the origin of the virus's transmission and characteristics. Based on this
information, policymakers may decide whether to enact regional quarantine, lockdown, or international
flight restrictions to reduce the virus's transmission [14–16]. In addition, drug and vaccine synthesis can
also be carried out quickly following the dynamic of the specific variants and characteristics of the virus
in the Indonesian population [17–19]. Python-based statistical analysis allows for simultaneous
visualization and statistical tests with a high level of customization. Several variables from the GISAID
metadata can be described and visualized statistically by comparing between countries.
In the present study, we conducted a comparison of SARS CoV-2 between the populations of
Indonesia and Malaysia using Python to see if there were differences in virus characters statistically
from the GISAID metadata.
2. Literature Review
3. Research Methodology
SARS CoV-2 sequence data containing virus details (clades and mutations) and sample information (age
and sex of the patient) were collected from GISAID for two populations, Indonesia and Malaysia. The
117 Indonesian and 250 Malaysian sequence information were collected during 2020. Descriptive
statistics technique was performed in Python to analyze the differences of COVID-19 case
characteristics from these two populations, specifically looking at virus clade, virus mutation, and age
distribution stratified by gender. Series of bar plots and boxplots were created using the Matplotlib [36]
to visualize the comparison between Indonesia and Malaysia cases. Barplots were used to visualize the
comparison of virus mutation and clade frequencies. On the other hand, boxplots were generated to
depicts the differences in age distribution between populations for each gender. Subsequently, chi-square
and t-test were performed to quantify the significance of differences between COVID-19 cases in
Indonesia and Malaysia on all aforementioned variables using the Scipy library [37–39]. Overall, this
research method is summarized in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Method workflow of comparison characteristic Indonesian dan Malaysian SARS CoV-2
The mutation frequency between SARS CoV-2 Indonesia and Malaysia has dominated by D614G
and NSP12 P323L spike mutations. Significant differences were found in the two variant mutations
between Indonesia and Malaysia with a p-value of 0.007. The D614G spike mutation carried by the G
clade and the offspring (GH and GR) increases the infectivity of SARS CoV-2 [12,41,44]. This mutation
dominates the global incidence of COVID-19 by increasing the binding ability of viral S protein to
ACE2 in humans [7][25–29]. Our result indicates that the high number of the G614D spike mutation in
the Indonesian population is carried by the GH clade, while in the Malaysian population, this mutation
is affected by the high frequency of G clade. In addition, the NSP12 P323L mutation together with the
D614G spike mutation predominates in global COVID-19 cases, carried by clades G, GR, and GH
transmission of SARS CoV-2 [19,23,45,46]. The NSP12 P323L mutation alters the intramolecular
interaction and protein stability in the virus, allowing an increase in both structural and functional
variation of SARS CoV-2 [47]. Although these two mutations also dominate COVID-19 in Asian
populations, Asian SARS COV-2 shows a low association of spike D614G and NSP12 P323L based on
the haplotype percentage from the Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) calculation in the study of Pandit et al.
Figure 3. Comparison of top 2 SARS CoV-2 mutation between Indonesia and Malaysia
The majority of COVID-19 cases in both countries were between 20-60 years old, as shown in
Figure 4. However, the average of cases in Indonesia was older than in Malaysia. The high number of
COVID-19 cases in Malaysia at a young age was suspected infected virus from the gathering of religious
events at the start of the pandemic and asymptomatic patient [13,48,49]. Meanwhile, in the Indonesian
population, the COVID-19 cases are frequently infected in men aged > 40 years. There is probably a
higher percentage of male active smokers in the Indonesian population than in Malaysia. On active
smokers, there was an increase in ACE 2 expression in lung cells. Overexpression of ACE-2 leads SARS
CoV-2 to bind the spike protein with the host conveniently, resulting in infection [50,51]. But the
prevalence of COVID-19 with smoking is still low in patients. Therefore, that several factors indicate
the age difference between men in the population of Indonesia and Malaysia. These age distributions
reflected the same pattern in the early days of the global pandemics as reported in several studies [33,35].
Figure 4. Age distribution of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia and Malaysia stratified by gender
In the gender-stratified comparison, the difference of age distribution among the male group was
found to be significant with a p-value of 0.017. On the other hand, the difference in age distribution in
the female group was not significant with a p-value of 0.206. Additionally, the comparison of age
distribution between genders in Indonesia and Malaysia population were also statistically insignificant
with a p-value of 0.947 and 0.470 respectively.
5. Conclusion
The comparison of COVID-19 cases metadata between Indonesia and Malaysia, collected during the
year 2020, shows some differences in terms of the clade, mutation, and gender-stratified age distribution.
Indonesian SARS CoV-2 isolates were dominated by clade GH and L, while clade G and O were found
to be the highest frequency in Malaysia cases. A significant difference in SARS CoV-2 clades proportion
between Indonesian and Malaysian populations was found only in the two dominant Malaysian clades.
From the mutation point of view, a significant difference was found in the comparison of spike G614D
and NSP12 P323L mutations between the two countries. COVID-19 patients in Indonesia and Malaysia
were predominantly between the ages of 20 and 60 years old. The difference in age distribution was
found significant only in male groups from the two countries. Despite the limited data in this study, our
analysis still provides relevant findings to be validated with more data from other countries.
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