Social Institutions-1
Social Institutions-1
Social Institutions-1
• Kinship by Blood
• Kinship by
• Kinship by Ritual
Family Structures
According to
Conjugal or Nuclear Family Husband, wife and children
Married couple, their parents, siblings,
Consanguine or extended Family
grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins
Cohabitating Family Common law couples with their children
One or more members live in different
Transnational Family
One parent taking responsibility for the
Single-parent Family
Single parent marries another single
Reconstituted Family
Family Structures
Social Integration
Social Placement
Cultural Innovation
Émile Durkheim Max Weber Karl Marx
He defined religion as a “unified system He believed that religion was a Religion reflects the social
of beliefs and practices relative to sacred precipitator of social change. stratification of society and that it
things” maintains inequality and
He contends that the Protestant perpetuates the status quo.
Durkheim argued that “religion happens” work ethic influenced the
in society when there is a separation development of capitalism. Marx considered religion
between the profane (ordinary life) and inseparable from the economy and
the sacred. Weber noted that certain kinds of the worker. Religion could not be
Protestantism supported the understood apart from the
Religion binds people together (social pursuit of material gain by capitalist society that perpetuated
cohesion), promotes behavior motivating believers to work hard, inequality.
consistency (social control), and offers be successful, and not spend their
strength during life’s transitions and profits on frivolous things.
tragedies (meaning and purpose).
Theories Perspectives
Functionalism •Religion serves several purposes, like
providing answers to spiritual
mysteries, offering emotional
comfort, and creating a place for
social interaction and social control.
Politics and
a pattern of human
interaction that serves to
resolve conflicts between
people, institutions, and
Politics and
refers to the aggregate of
persons in whose hands
the reigns of government
are for the time being.
and Constituent
Ministrant • contribute to the very
Functions of bonds of society and are
the therefore compulsory.
The keeping of order
and providing for
protection of persons
and property from
violence and robbery.
Examples of
Constituent The definition and
punishment for crimes
The administration of
justice in civil cases.
Constituent Ministrant
Ministrant • those undertaken to
Functions of advance the general
the interest of society such as
Government public works, charity and
are merely optional.
Examples of Ministrant Functions
Theories Perspectives
Functionalism • The government has four main purposes: planning
and directing society, meeting social needs,
maintaining law and order, and managing
international relations.
•Government and politics as a way to enforce norms
and regulate conflict.