08 - Chapter 6 Decision Support Systems
08 - Chapter 6 Decision Support Systems
08 - Chapter 6 Decision Support Systems
Chapter 6
Understanding DSS Architecture,
Networking, and Security Issues
Information technology (IT) architectures and computing infrastructures are
evolving rapidly in corporations. In some companies, the IT infrastructure is
being built in an uncoordinated, opportunistic manner. This approach is
understandable given the rapid pace of technological change, but companies
need much more than a “Web server here and a router there” approach to IT
architecture and networking. Managers need to take steps to design an
infrastructure that meets the following evaluation criteria: 1) minimizes support
costs and maximizes user productivity; 2) avoids system crashes and other
performance problems; and 3) reduces infrastructure impediments that delay the
deployment of new IS/IT applications, especially Decision Support Systems
(DSS). A network is the critical element of the IT infrastructure that supports
enterprise-wide and communications-driven DSS.
According to Evans and Wurster in a 1997 Harvard Business Review
article, the “rapid emergence of universal technical standards for
communication, allowing everybody to communicate with everybody else at
essentially zero cost, is a sea change.” They note, “It is easy to get lost in the
technical jargon, but the important principle here is that the same technical
standards underlie all the so-called Net technologies: the Internet, which
connects everyone; extranets, which connect companies to one another; and
intranets, which connect individuals within companies.” Both managers and
MIS staff need to understand the magnitude of this sea change in how people
can communicate.
One could reasonably ask how the DSS architecture and IS/IT infrastructure
is related to networking and security issues. First, part of a DSS architecture is
the network design. Second, security issues for a DSS are directly affected by
architecture and network choices. These three topics of architecture, networking,
88 Decision Support Systems
and security are closely intertwined and are very important issues for building
DSS. Unless one builds a DSS on a stand-alone computer in a secured office
environment and keeps the computer under the watchful eye of the manager who
is using it, designers and managers need to address DSS architecture,
networking, and security issues. If one wants to design, develop, and implement
successful DSS, it is important to understand these three fundamental technical
This chapter explores the basics of DSS architecture, enterprise-wide
networks and extranets, and security issues. The linkages among these issues
are also explored.
A Client/Server Architecture
Most DSS are built within the context of a corporate-wide client/server
architecture. Based on Taylor (1998), client/server refers to a computational
architecture that involves client processes requesting service over a network
from server processes. Ravi Kalakota in the Client/Server FAQ (Taylor, 1998)
explains that client/server architectures are:
1) A combination of a client or front-end portion that interacts with the user
and a server or back-end portion that interacts with the shared resource. The
client process provides the interface between the user and the rest of the
application system. The server process acts as a software engine that manages
shared resources such as databases, analytical processors, or printers.
2) The client and server have fundamentally different requirements for
computing resources such as processor speeds, memory, disk speeds and
capacities, and input/output devices.
3) Scalable. An important characteristic of client-server systems is
scalability. They can be scaled horizontally or vertically. Horizontal scaling
means adding or removing client workstations with only a slight performance
impact. Vertical scaling means migrating to a larger and faster server machine or
to multiple servers.
A common error in client/server development is to prototype an application
in a small, two-tier architecture environment and then scale up by simply adding
more users to the server. This approach usually results in an ineffective system
because the server becomes overwhelmed. A three-tier architecture with a
second “agent” server between the client and the server can support hundreds or
thousands of users.
The Gartner group proposed terminology for describing different
client/server styles, or organizing schemes, based on the distribution of the three
components of an application: user interface, business analysis or application
logic, and data management. The descriptive styles are distributed presentation,
distributed function, and distributed data management. Distributed presentation
is when only the user interface is processed on the client either using a Web
browser or thick client interface. In a distributed function design, one part of the
application processing is on the client, additional application processing is on
one or more servers. Distributed function applications are the most complex type
of design. In distributed data management, the entire application resides on the
client, and data management is located on one or more remote servers/hosts.
Web-based DSS are implemented using a distributed presentation design, but a
DSS may also have distributed functions and distributed data management.
As noted, networks are a major element in the technical specification of a
DSS architecture. The next section discusses this key architecture component.
94 Decision Support Systems
Enterprise-wide DSS have interconnected servers, databases, and
workstations. In many DSS development situations, an existing corporate
network is used as part of the DSS architecture. In this situation the corporate
network must be examined to make sure it meets present and future DSS traffic
needs. Also, many DSS proposals are recommending Web-based DSS that are
accessed from a client computer connected using the global Internet to a Web
server. This architecture uses a public network based on the TCP/IP
communications protocol.
This section summarizes a number of major issues in networking and
computing communications that managers and DSS analysts should be familiar
with so they can participate in networking discussions with network technical
specialists. The following discussion is based on Frisch (1995), Nemeth, Snyder,
Seebass, and Hein (1995), Kirkner, Ladd, O’Donnell, et al. (1996), and Jones
(1997). The three major aims of this section are to:
A client/server architecture is based on having a physical network where
computers act as either a server managing files and network services or as a
client where users run applications and access servers. Clients rely on servers for
resources like Web pages, databases, files, printing, and on-line analytical
A network is a collection of computers connected in a way that allows them
to communicate with each other and share information. To communicate, the
computers need an agreed-upon language for communication. Networked
computers are often referred to as hosts. Each host on a network must have some
unique identifier that allows other hosts to communicate with it. Typical
physical connections for hosts include Ethernet, token ring, serial line, and
modems. Communication languages on computer networks are referred to as
network protocols. A network protocol is a set of rules and formats that governs
how information is sent and in what format it is sent. Some of the different
network protocols used today include TCP/IP (Internet and UNIX), IPX
(Novell), and Appletalk (cf., Hunt, 1992).
A number of technologies provide sharing of information, capabilities to
distribute a DSS, and communications connectivity. These technologies include
the Internet, private Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN), and remote
access dial-up servers. Broadband service is another form of data transmission
that uses cable television coaxial and fiber optic cables. Currently, the favored
technology for many new DSS is the Internet because it is inexpensive, it is low
risk, and it is a mature technology. Managers, customers and suppliers can use a
dial-up or high-speed modem to connect to an Internet service provider or to
DSS Architecture, Networking, and Security Issues 95
their main office intranet. A major concern with using the Internet for DSS is
managing security problems.
Sharing Resources
The fundamental purpose of computer networks is to provide access to
shared resources, including storage for decision support data and information.
One type of network for providing shared resources is a local area network
(LAN). A LAN has several primary components:
• A network interconnection and hubs (for example, copper wire, fiber optic
cable, infrared, or radio).
• Network Interface Circuitry (NIC) in the individual personal computers
connected to the network.
• The shared resources, like a database server, each with their own NIC
connected to the network.
• Software on a personal computer that uses the NIC to access the shared
resources. This software is typically arranged to present the appearance to the
rest of the operating system that these resources are directly connected.
• Software on the shared resource that coordinates with the software on the
individual machines to provide access to the shared resources for users. This
type of software is called a multi-user operating system. UNIX is a common
operating system for DSS, but Windows NT is used in some architectures and
for implementing some DSS packages.
The most common network design is for the server in a LAN to be the same
sort of personal computer hardware as the individual personal computers on the
network. In this case, the operating system is called a Network Operating
System (NOS) to emphasize the difference from the single-user operating
system of the personal computer. Novell Netware is an example of this
approach. A NOS is an operating system that manages network resources. The
NOS is like a traffic cop, controlling the exchange and flow of files, electronic
mail, and print jobs. It manages multiple requests concurrently and provides the
security needed in a multi-user environment.
A LAN is a communications network that serves users within a specific
geographic area. It is made up of servers, workstations, a network operating
system and a communications link. A wide area network (WAN) is a much
larger network than a LAN, and all machines are not directly connected. A
group of LANs are often connected to form a WAN. LANs and WANs can be
directly connected to the global Internet.
TCP/IP Protocol
The objective of TCP/IP is to get data from one host to another host, with
the assumption that the connection may be difficult. IP provides three
capabilities: 1) a delivery service; 2) a means to fragment and reassemble data
packets; and 3) routing functions to move data packets on the network.
Data might start out in Seattle with a final destination in Australia. Along
the way, many computers called routers with varying capabilities will be
encountered. There might be heavy traffic that causes a particular route to be
suboptimal, so the data might have to take another route. In addition, the router
may not be able to transfer all the data, so the data has to be fragmented before
The TCP/IP protocol suite includes a number of protocols or rules. The
Internet Protocol is a low level protocol that transports raw data over networks.
The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) sends data between programs using
IP. As with all other communications protocol, TCP/IP is composed of layers.
TCP/IP assigns a unique address to every workstation in the world
connected using TCP/IP. This “IP number” is a four-byte value that is created by
converting each byte into a decimal number from 0 to 255 and separating the
bytes with a period. For example, is an IP number. Machines using
TCP/IP also have natural language host names. A host name under TCP/IP
follows the format hostname.site.domain.country. IP always uses the IP address
and not the host name when it is sending information.
The growing acceptance of TCP/IP is due to several factors. First, TCP/IP
has been used since the early 1970s. Second, in the early 1980s it was
distributed as a core part of Berkeley’s UNIX Version 4.2 and UNIX
DSS Architecture, Networking, and Security Issues 97
workstations became primary servers on the Internet. TCP/IP was initially
successful in the mid-1980s because it delivered a few basic services that many
users needed (file transfer, electronic mail, remote logon) across a very large
number of client and server systems. Several computers in a small department
can use TCP/IP (along with other protocols) on a single LAN. The IP
component provides routing from the department to the enterprise network, then
to regional networks, and finally to the global Internet.
Third, TCP/IP is dependable. On the battlefield a communications network
can be damaged, so DARPA researchers designed TCP/IP to be robust and to
automatically recover from any node or phone line failure. This modular design
allows the construction of very large networks with less central management.
Because of its proven capabilities over Internets, its wide availability and
support for routing, it has become an accepted standard for interconnecting
heterogeneous environments from multiple vendors. Fourth, when organizations
use TCP/IP, they can choose to use it exclusively over their own private intranet
or as part of the global Internet.
The Internet Protocol was developed to create a network of networks called
the Internet. Individual machines are first connected to a LAN. TCP/IP shares
the LAN with other uses, for example, a Novell file server or a Windows for
Workgroups peer-to-peer system. One hardware device provides the TCP/IP
connection between the LAN and the rest of the Internet world. To insure that
all types of systems from all vendors can communicate, TCP/IP is standardized
on the LAN. TCP/IP and the Internet are not as secure as some alternative
systems, but the system is available worldwide, and it is inexpensive. So
managers and MIS professionals need to be concerned with maintaining security
on networks using TCP/IP.
• the importance of the system, its availability, and the data stored on it,
• the amount of effort required to make and keep the system secure, and
• how the security features will affect the users of the system.
A computer containing the plans for Intel’s next computer chip or sensitive
financial data should be carefully secured. On the other hand, it does not make
sense to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars securing a computer used for e-
mail by business students. A system can be made as secure as is necessary, but,
in doing so, you might lose the ability to make effective use of it. Managers and
systems administrators must balance the need for convenience against the need
for security.
To implement security on a system, one should first identify the possible
threats to the system. There are three major types of threats to a computer
system: physical threats, denial of service, and unauthorized access. Physical
threats include fire, theft of equipment, and vandalism. Denial of service means
that people are unable to use a system because of some type of security breach.
One way to deny service for Web servers is repeated and ongoing attempts to
access the server that overwhelm its ability to meet legitimate requests for
service. Unauthorized access means a “hacker” or a former employee has broken
into a company’s computers or Web site.
Not all denial of service attacks rely on expert knowledge of computer
hardware and software. The quickest way of denying service is to steal or
destroy the physical hardware. Mechanisms should be in place to prevent access
to the physical hardware of a system. Network cables also create a security risk.
The simplest way to disable a computer network is to take a shovel and dig up or
cut a few of the cables used for a computer network. This problem may occur by
design or accident.
DSS Architecture, Networking, and Security Issues 99
To break into a DSS and gain access a hacker will generally go through a
number of stages. The first stage is information gathering. During this phase, a
hacker is trying to gather as much information about a site as possible, for
example, what are the users’ names, their phone numbers, office locations, what
machines are there. Second, using the information gathered about a DSS or
transaction processing system, a hacker tries to get a login account. It usually
doesn’t matter whose account. At this stage, the hacker is just interested in
getting onto a specific machine.
Third, a hacker tries to get administrator privileges for the system. Hackers
exploit bugs in programs and operating systems. Finally, a hacker makes
changes to gain access and control of the system. Social engineering is one of
the most used methods for gaining access, and it generally requires very little
computer knowledge. The most common form of social engineering is for a
hacker to impersonate an employee, usually a computer support employee, and
obtain passwords or other security related information over the phone. Hackers
also sift through the trash of an organization looking for passwords or other
information. Some hackers actually get a job at a targeted site. Most hackers
consider people to be the weak link in security.
Security threats are also caused by problems with computer software. These
problems are caused either by misuse, by hardware incompatibilities, by people,
by mistakes in programs, or by program interactions with other programs. MIS
professionals need to evaluate the possibilities of technical problems.
Passwords are the first line of defense in the security of a computer system.
They are also usually the biggest security problem. The main reason is that users
perform actions with passwords that compromise their security including:
• writing their password on a “post it” note and then leaving it lying around,
• typing their passwords very slowly while someone is watching over their
• choosing “dumb” passwords like their first name, and
• logging into their secure accounts across insecure connections.