Software Requirement Phase Development Project: Student: Bùi M NH Linh Class: CLC07CNTT

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Software Requirement phase development


Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh

Class: CLC07CNTT

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 1


I. Introduction

1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to present a detailed requirement of the Library
Management Online System. In this document, the purpose, feature, interface of the
system a will be explained Also, the domain system will be illustrate by use case
diagram, scenarios, and communication diagrams. This document is intended for
both the stakeholders and the developers of the system and will be likely related to
software development process.

2. Scope of project
The system is made for a local university, in which students and staffs (or librarians)
can login into the system to perform their own function. In our project, the system is
implement as much as possible, all basic functions will be try to make like the real
one running in the real world. The system will facilitate communication between
staffs, students, and teacher via E-Mail. All the actors in system are identified with
his or her own id, which is provided by university. Going to the detail, the system
also contains a relational database containing a list of students, librarian and teachers.

3. Glossary
Term Definition

Admin Librarians or staffs, who can login to the system as the

administrator and can perform many high priority of
User Students & teachers who using the system. User cannot
manage the another account, and just perform the very low
priority functions
Database Collection of all the information monitored by this system.
Field A cell within a form.
Member A member is admin or user, that has an account in
Software Requirements A document that completely describes all of the functions
Specification of a proposed system and the constraints under which it
must operate. For example, this document.
Stakeholder Any person with an interest in the project who is not a

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 2

The web server that install our library system and running
Web Server
on the server side

4. References
- UML 2 Toolkit.- Wiley Publishing. Pdf
- OO_Analysis&Design_UML_2005.pdf

5. Overview of documents

In the following chapters, this document gives an overview of the functionality of

the product. It describes the informal requirements and is used to establish a context for
the technical requirements specification. They including:

- Use case diagrams

- Scenario
- Communication diagram


1. Use cases and actors

1.1. List of actors
 login to the system through the first page of the application
 change the password after logging into the system
 see the status of the material borrowed/reserved by him and the
respective due dates and other relevant details
 search for materials
 see who has borrowed a particular book/journal and when is the
due date for the same
 Borrow material or download
 Manage user’s profile
 Comment on material and rating it.
 include new books/journals or remove some books from the
 add new users to the system, edit user’s information
 get report
 manage Comments

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 3

 Search for material
 Register with the system
 Send his feedback
 View material information in detail

1.2. List of use case

# Use case’s Name Description
1 searchMaterial Reader searches the e-material by entering the keyword
2 viewDetail Reader views the e-material information in details
3 viewComment Reader views all the comments about this e-material
4 browseCatalog Reader opens the category of material
5 feedback Reader send his feeling about the system to administrator via
email address
6 Help Reader will find the useful information to use the site, it also
contains the information to contact the administrator
7 Register Reader sign up with the system to become a member of the
8 Download Reader download the e-material to his computer
9 Borrow Reader asks for borrowing a material
10 checkAvaiable Checking the number of material available for borrowing
11 postComment Post the comment to the material
12 rateItem Rating the material from 1 star to 5 star
13 checkStatus User check status of his account
14 extensionRequest Delay the due date for returning materials
15 Logout User has gone out of the system
16 Login User logs in to the system
17 AdminLogin Staff logs in to the system
18 addUser Staff adds new users to system
19 removeUser Staff deletes an user of the system
20 updateUser Staff edits the information of user
21 manageUser The page that contains all activities of controlling usert
22 changePassword User change his current password
23 manageProfiles The page displays information of an user
24 updateProfile Edit user’s information
25 viewProfile View user’s information in details

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 4

26 manageItem The page contains all activities of controlling material
27 addItem Staff add new material to the system
28 removeItem Staff deletes a material
29 updateItem Staff edit material’s information
30 manageComment Pages contains all activities of controlling comments
31 removeComment Delete a comment that do not follow the roles of the system
32 editComment Editng a comment
33 getReport Staff gets the report of the system
34 Weekly Get report every week
35 Monthly Get report every month
36 Annually Get report every year

1.3. Use case diagram

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 5

1.4. Scenario

Use case title searchMaterial

Primary actor Reader
Level 1
Precondition User visit library site
Minimal Guarantee System display “item is not found”
Success Guarantee The found items are listed for reader.
Trigger Reader click on the search blank box
Main success scenario : click on the search blank box
1. reader visits home page interface library management.
2. reader click on the blank box to search for items
3. reader choose search category: search by name, search by author, search by rating.
4. reader enter key words then submit
5.system process searching request
6. system display search result for reader

Extension :
4.1 reader submit without entering keywords
4.1.a system ask user for entering keywords before choose to submit
4.1.b reader enter keywords into search box and submit
6.1.System found no item and ask user whether he/she want to search for another item.
6.1.a.user choose Yes and enter another keyword for searching
6.1.b. user choose No and no more search progress is performed


Use case title viewDetail

Primary actor reader
Level 1
Precondition User visit library site
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee The detail information of product is shown
Trigger Reader click on the specific item

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 6

Main success scenario : User click on the specific item
1. reader visits home page interface library system.
2. System displays the products with the image.
3. user select a product to get detail information.
4. System display the product’s information in details.

Extension :
4.1.System check whether user is already log-on.
7.1.a.if user is log-on reader, system display full information and its extension:
viewComment, checkAvailble, postComment, and Rating.
7.1.b. if user is not a log-on reader, system display information without postCommnet
and Rating function


Use case title viewComment

Primary actor Reader, user
Level 2
Precondition User choose to view detail of an item
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee All comments related to the item is shown
Trigger User click on view comment appear on screen
Main success scenario : User select view comment button on screen
1. User choose an item to view its detail information
2. System displays the products with the image, detail and its view comment button.
3. User select view comment.
4. System display all comments that related to the item if any.

Extension :


Use case title browserCatalog

Primary actor Reader, user, staff
Level 1

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 7

Precondition User visit library site
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee The product category is shown for user to choose
Trigger Customer click on rate this product button on the screen.
Main success scenario : User select “ rate this product ”
1. User visits home page interface homepage.
2. System displays the products with the image.
3. User select browse catalog.
4. System display the product’s category.


Use case title feedback

Primary actor reader, user
Level 1
Precondition User visit library site
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee Feedback successfully sent by user
Trigger User click on feedback button on screen
Main success scenario : User select “ feedback ”
1. User visits home page interface library system.
2. System displays the homepage with some products.
3. User select a feedback button.
4. system display form for user input feedback information.
5. user enter information and submit.
6. system process submit request and announce request succesfully
Extension :
5.1.user not fill all the information needed.
5.1.a.system display error and require user to fill all the fields, user enter the missing
fields and submit
5.1.b. system displays error and require user to fill all the fields, user cancel feedback
and return to homepage

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 8


Use case title help

Primary actor User, reader
Level 1
Precondition User visit library site
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee User can get help from the site
Trigger Customer click on help button on the screen.
Main success scenario : User select “ help ”
1. User visits home page interface library system.
2. System displays the products with the image.
3. User select help button.
4. System return the page with the help topic for user to choose if needed.


Use case title register

Primary actor reader
Level 1
Precondition User visit library site
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee Reader register succesfully
Trigger Customer click on register button on the screen.
Main success scenario : User select “ register ”
1. User visits home page interface library system.
2. System displays the homepage with some product images.
3. User select register button.
4. System displays the form for reader to enter register information
5. User fills the blank fields and submit
6. system process register request and announce successfully message

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 9

Extension :
5.1.some fields are missing filled by user
5.1.a.system requests user to fill all the fields, user fill all the missing fields and submit
5.1.b. system requests user to fill all the fields, user cancel register process and back to
6.1. system found that some unique-required fields have already existed in databse
6.1.a. system requests user to change the information of the fields that have existed
information, user try another information and submit
6.1.b. system requests user to change the information of the fields that have existed
information, user cancel process and return to homepage


Use case title download

Primary actor user
Level 2
Precondition User must log in to system
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee The book successfully downloaded
Trigger Customer click on download button on the screen
Main success scenario : User select “ download ”
1. User visits home page interface library system
2. System displays the homepage for user.
3. user choose an item to view its detail information
4. system return the interface of detail information
5. User choose download button
6. system display form and require user to log in
7. user enter username and password and submit
8. system check username and password of user and then file is loaded to user location

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 10

Extension :
7.1.user not fill username or password before submit
7.1.a.system requires user to enter missing information, user enter username and
password again and then submit
7.1.b. system requires user to enter missing information, user cancel process and return
to homepage
8.1.system found that log-in information was invalid
8.1.a.system requires user to log in again, user enter username and password again and
then submit
8.1.b. system requires user to log in again, user cancel process and return to homepage


Use case title searchMaterial

Primary actor Reader, user
Level 3
Precondition The item must be in state of available to be borrowed
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee User can borrowed item successfully
Trigger Customer click on borrow button on the screen
Main success scenario : User select “ borrow ”
1.user select “check available”
2.system process and return result
3. user click on borrow button on screen
4. System display the form request user to log in
5. user enter log in information and submit
6.system check log in information and process borrow request
7.system save borrow information into database and return successful message

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 11

Extension :
5.1.user not fill username or password before submit
5.1.a.system requires user to enter missing information, user enter username and
password again and then submit
5.1.b. system requires user to enter missing information, user cancel process and return
to homepage
6.1.system found that log-in information was invalid
6.1.a.system requires user to log in again, user enter username and password again and
then submit
6.1.b. system requires user to log in again, user cancel process and return to homepage
6.2.system found that the number of books borrowed by user was exceed the permitted
6.2.a. system sends message indicate that user must return the borrowed books to be
available to borrow other one, user return the borrowed book and submit to borrow the
new one
6.2.b system sends message indicate that user must return the borrowed books to be
available to borrow other one, user cancel borrow process and return top homepage


Use case title Check available

Primary actor User, reader
Level 2
Precondition User must choose to see the detail information of the book
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee The product status is checked
Trigger Customer click on check available button on the screen.

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 12

Main success scenario : User select “check available ”
1. User visits home page interface library system.
2. System displays the products with the image.
3. User select a product.
4. System display the product’s information in details.
5. User selects check available button that appear on the screen.
6. system return results interface

Extension :


Use case title postComment

Primary actor Staff, user
Level 2
Precondition User must log in to be able to post comment
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee The comment was posted to the site
Trigger User click on post comment button on screen
Main success scenario : User select “ post comment ”
1. User selects post comment button that appear on the screen.
2. system return form for user to log in before they can post comment
3. user enters username, password and then submit
4. system check the username password and then the comment was posted to the site

Extension :
3.1.user not fill username or password before submit
3.1.a.system requires user to enter missing information, user enter username and
password again and then submit
3.1.b. system requires user to enter missing information, user cancel process and return
to homepage
4.1.system found that log-in information was invalid
4.1.a.system requires user to log in again, user enter username and password again and
then submit
4.1.b. system requires user to log in again, user cancel process and return to homepage

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 13


Use case title rateItem

Primary actor Reader, user
Level 3
Precondition User must log in to rate item
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee The product has the new record of rating.
Trigger user click on rate this product button on the screen.
Main success scenario : User select “ rate this product ”
1. User visits home page interface library system.
2. System displays the products with the image.
3. User select a product.
4. System display the product’s information in details.
5. User selects rate button that appear on the screen.
6. User select a level of rating (from 1 star to 5 star).
7. System confirms the rating of user.
8. System display the successful message

Extension :
7.1.System ask user for confirming his rating.
7.1.a.User confirm rating by click Ok button. Product is rated.
7.1.b. User click Cancel button, no new rating are added to product


Use case title checkStatus

Primary actor User, reader
Level 2
Precondition User must log in to check status
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee Status of user has been displayed
Trigger Customer click on check status button on the screen.

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 14

Main success scenario : User select “ check status ”
1. user choose to log in to system
2. System displays the interface for user to enter username and password
3. user fill all information and submit
4. system validates information and process log in request
5. User selects check status button that appear on the screen.
6. system return the personal information of user and his/her status
Extension :
3.1.user not fill username or password before submit
3.1.a.system requires user to enter missing information, user enter username and
password again and then submit
3.1.b. system requires user to enter missing information, user cancel process and return
to homepage
4.1.system found that log-in information was invalid
4.1.a.system requires user to log in again, user enter username and password again and
then submit
4.1.b. system requires user to log in again, user cancel process and return to homepage


Use case title ExtensionRequest

Primary actor User,reader
Level 1
Precondition User must be already in state of borrowing books
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee The book due date is extended
Trigger Customer click on extensionRequest button on the screen.

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 15

Main success scenario : User select “ extensionRequest ”
1. user choose to log in to system
2. System displays the interface for user to enter username and password
3. user fill all information and submit
4. system validates information and process log in request
5. User selects check status button that appear on the screen.
6. system return the status of user, and the book user borrowed
7.user selects a book in the borrow list
8.system displays the information of the book and the due date to return that book
9. user choose extensionRequest to extend the duedate
10.system process request and return result
Extension :
3.1.user not fill username or password before submit
3.1.a.system requires user to enter missing information, user enter username and
password again and then submit
3.1.b. system requires user to enter missing information, user cancel process and return
to homepage
4.1.system found that log-in information was invalid
4.1.a.system requires user to log in again, user enter username and password again and
then submit
4.1.b. system requires user to log in again, user cancel process and return to homepage


Use case title Log out

Primary actor user
Level 2
Precondition User must be in state of log in
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee User change state from log-in user to anonymous user
Trigger Customer click on log out button on the screen.
Main success scenario : User select “ log out ”
1. user click on log out button on screen
2. system display message to ask user to confirm log out decision
3. User confirm log out
4. system process log out, and user return to guest mode

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 16

Extension :


Use case title Log in

Primary actor User, staff, reader
Level 1
Precondition User visit library site
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee User can log in to site
Trigger Customer click on log in button on the screen.
Main success scenario : User select “ log in ”
1. User visits home page interface library system.
2. System displays the products with the image.
3. User choose to log in.
4. System displays the form for user to enter username and password
5. User fills in username , password and submit
6. system checks input information and return successful message

Extension :
5.1.user not fill username or password before submit
5.1.a.system requires user to enter missing information, user enter username and
password again and then submit
5.1.b. system requires user to enter missing information, user cancel process and return
to homepage
6.1.system found that log-in information was invalid
6.1.a.system requires user to log in again, user enter username and password again and
then submit
6.1.b. system requires user to log in again, user cancel process and return to homepage


Use case title Admin login

Primary actor staff
Level 1

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 17

Precondition Staff enter to the site
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee Staff can log in to use the admin mode
Trigger Customer click on admin login button on the screen.
Main success scenario : User select “ log in ”
1. User visits home page interface library system.
2. System displays the products with the image.
3. User chooses to log in.
4. System displays the form for user to enter username and password
5. User fills in username , password and submit
6. system checks input information and direct user to admin mode

Extension :
5.1.user not fill username or password before submit
5.1.a.system requires user to enter missing information, user enter username and
password again and then submit
5.1.b. system requires user to enter missing information, user cancel process and return
to homepage
6.1.system found that log-in information was invalid
6.1.a.system requires user to log in again, user enter username and password again and
then submit
6.1.b. system requires user to log in again, user cancel process and return to homepage


Use case title addUser

Primary actor Member, admin
Level 1
Precondition User must be log in to admin mode
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee New user will be created in database
Trigger Customer click on addUser button on the screen.

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 18

Main success scenario : User select “ addUser ”
1. user choose to log in to system
2. System displays the interface for user to enter username and password
3. user fill all information and submit
4. system validates information and process log in request
5. User choose manage user button
6. system display 3 extension function of manage user: addUser, deleteUser, updateUser
7. User choose addUser
8. System return form for admin to enter information of new user
9. admin enter all the information needed and submit
10. system processes and saves information into database

Extension :
3.1.user not fill username or password before submit
3.1.a.system requires user to enter missing information, user enter username and
password again and then submit
3.1.b. system requires user to enter missing information, user cancel process and return
to homepage
4.1.system found that log-in information was invalid
4.1.a.system requires user to log in again, user enter username and password again and
then submit
4.1.b. system requires user to log in again, user cancel process and return to homepage
5.1.some fields are missing filled by user
9.1.a.system requests user to fill all the fields, user fill all the missing fields and submit
9.1.b. system requests user to fill all the fields, user cancel register process and back to
10.1. system found that some unique-required fields have already existed in database
10.1.a. system requests user to change the information of the fields that have existed
information, user try another information and submit
10.1.b. system requests user to change the information of the fields that have existed
information, user cancel process and return to homepage


Use case title removeUser

Primary actor Staff
Level 3
Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff open User profiles in detail

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 19

Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee An user has been remove from the system
Trigger Staff click on delete User button on the screen
Main success scenario : Staff select “ remove User ”
1. User clicks on User Profiles button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new page that contains the list of all the user
3.Staff choose user that he wants to remove
4.Staff click on delete this user button
5.System display confirm message
6.System displays successful message
Extension :
5.1 User select “Yes ” button , the user has been removed
5.2 User select “No ” button, system roll back to previous page


Use case title updateUser

Primary actor Staff
Level 3
Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff open User profiles in detail
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee An user has been modified information
Trigger Staff click on edit User button on the screen
Main success scenario : Staff select “ update User ”
1. User clicks on User Profiles button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new page that contains the list of all the user
3.Staff choose user that he wants to modify information.
4.Staff edits information
4.Staff click on update this user button
6.System display confirm message
7.System displays successful message
Extension :
5.1 User select “Yes ” button , the user information has been modified.
5.2 User select “No ” button, system roll back to previous page

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 20


Use case title manageUser

Primary actor Staff
Level 2
Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff logs in to the system
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee User control page has opened
Trigger Staff click on Manage User button on the screen
Main success scenario : Staff select “ Manage User ”
1. User clicks on User Manager button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new page that contains the list of all the user.


Use case title changePassword

Primary actor User,staff
Level 2
Stakeholders User
Precondition User has logged in the system
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee Password is successfully changed.
Trigger Staff click on change Password button on the screen

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 21

Main success scenario : Staff select “ Change Password ”
1. User clicks on Change Password button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new form that requires user enters password again
3.User enter password again
4.System display the Change password Form
5.User enter new password
6.User enter new password again
7.User click Change Button
8.System display confirm message
9.User confirm
10.System display successful message

Extension :
3.1.User enters wrong password
3.1.a.System ask user for enter again.
3.1.b If user enter wrong password up to 3 times. System locks user

9.1 User select “Yes ” button , the user password has been changed.
9.2 User select “No ” button, system roll back to previous page
10.1. System display message that “new password do not mtach”
10.1.a.System ask user for enter again


Use case title manageProfiles

Primary actor User
Level 2
Stakeholders User
Precondition User has logged in to the system
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee Profiles page has displayed
Trigger Staff click on Profile button on the screen
Main success scenario : User select “ Manage Profiles ”
1. User clicks on Profiles button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new page that contains The profiles information

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 22


Use case title updateProfiles

Primary actor User
Level 3
Stakeholders User
Precondition User has opened manage Profiles section
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee User’s information has been modified
Trigger User click on update Profiles button on the screen.
Main success scenario : User select “ update Profile ”
1. User clicks on update Profiles button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new page that contains all information
3. User edit his information
4. User click update button
5.System display confirm message
6.System displays successful message
Extension :
5.1 User select “Yes ” button , the user information has been modified.
5.2 User select “No ” button, system roll back to previous page


Use case title viewProfiles

Primary actor user
Precondition User must log in to system
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee User’s profiles successfully displays on the screen in detail
Trigger Customer click on Profiles button on main page interface

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 23

Main success scenario : User select “ Profiles ”
1. User clicks on Profiles button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new page that contains all the user’s information in detail

Extension :


Use case title ManageItem

Primary actor Staff
Level 2
Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff has logged in the system.
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee Manage Item page has opened
Trigger Staff click on Manage button on the screen
Main success scenario : Staff select “ Manage Item ”
1. User clicks on Manage Item button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new page that contains the list of all Item

Extension :


Use case title addItem

Primary actor Staff
Level 3
Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff has chosen Manage Item section
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee A New Item has been added
Trigger Staff click on add Item button on the screen

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 24

Main success scenario : Staff select “ Add Item ”
1. User clicks on Manage Item button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new page that contains the list of all Item
3. Staff click on add tem Button
4. System display new page
5. Staff fill all information
6.Staff click Ok button
7.System display confirm message
8.User confirm
9.System display successful message .

Extension :
8.1 User select “Yes ” button , the new Item has added.
8.2 User select “No ” button, system roll back to previous page


Use case title removeItem

Primary actor Staff
Level 3
Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff open an Item in detail
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee An Item has been remove from the system
Trigger Staff click on delete Item button on the screen
Main success scenario : Staff select “ remove Item ”
1. User clicks on manage Item button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new page that contains the list of all Item.
3.Staff choose item that he wants to remove
4.Staff click on delete this Item button
5.System display confirm message
6.System displays successful message
Extension :
5.1 User select “Yes ” button , the Item has been removed
5.2 User select “No ” button, system roll back to previous page

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 25


Use case title updatItem

Primary actor Staff
Level 3
Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff has opened Items in detail
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee Item’s information has been modified
Trigger User click on update Item button on the screen.
Main success scenario : User select “ update Item ”
1. User clicks on update item button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new page that contains all information of Item
3. User edit Item information
4. User click update button
5.System display confirm message
6.System displays successful message
Extension :
5.1 User select “Yes ” button , the Item information has been modified.
5.2 User select “No ” button, system roll back to previous page


Use case title ManageComment

Primary actor Staff
Level 2
Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff has logged in the system.
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee Manage Comment page has opened
Trigger Staff click on Manage Comment button on the screen

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 26

Main success scenario : Staff select “ Manage Item ”
1. User clicks on Manage Comment button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new page that contains the list of all Item
3.User click on an Item
4.System display all comment about this ITem

Extension :


Use case title removeComment

Primary actor Staff
Level 3
Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff open Comment in detail
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee A Comment has been remove from the system
Trigger Staff click on delete Comment button on the screen
Main success scenario : Staff select “ remove Comment ”
1. User clicks on Manage Comment button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new page that contains the list of all the Item with comments
3.Staff choose Item that he wants to remove comment
4.System display all comment about Item
5.Staff select comment that he want to remove
6.Staff click on delete this comment button
7.System display confirm message
8.System displays successful message
Extension :
7.1 User select “Yes ” button , the comment has been removed
7.2 User select “No ” button, system roll back to previous page


Use case title editComment

Primary actor Staff
Level 3

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 27

Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff has opened Comment in detail
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee An Comment has been modified
Trigger User click on edit Comment button on the screen.
Main success scenario : User select “ edit Comment ”
1. User clicks on edit Comment button on main page interface.
2. System displays a new form that contains Comment that staff has selected
3. User edit content of Comment
4. User click OK button
5.System display confirm message
6.System displays successful message
Extension :
5.1 User select “Yes ” button , the content of Comment has been modified.
5.2 User select “No ” button, system roll back to previous page


Use case title getReport

Primary actor staff
Level 2
Precondition Admin logs in to admin page.
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee The trading’s report is displayed on the screen.
Trigger Admin click on report button on admin’s page.
Main success scenario :Admin selects “ View report ”
1. Admin visits admin’s page Library online system.
2. Admin select Report Button on the screen.
3. System display a list of trading’s report .
4. Admin chooses kind of report.
5. System displays the report that corresponding to the kind of report has selected.
6. Admin select a report.
7. System display the report in detail on the screen.

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 28

Extension :
4.1.Admin do not select any kind of report. System display all reports.


Use case title Weekly

Primary actor staff
Level 3
Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff has chosen view report section
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee The Weekly trading’s report is displayed on the screen.
Trigger Admin click on report button on admin’s page.
Main success scenario :Admin selects “ View weekly ”
1. Admin visits admin’s page Library online system.
2. Admin select Report Button on the screen.
3. System display a list of trading’s report .
4. Admin chooses kind of report is weekly.
5. System displays the report.
6. Admin select a report.
7. System display the report in detail on the screen.


Use case title Monthly

Primary actor staff
Level 3
Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff has chosen view report section
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee The Weekly trading’s report is displayed on the screen.
Trigger Admin click on report button on admin’s page.

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 29

Main success scenario :Admin selects “ View monthly ”
1. Admin visits admin’s page Library online system.
2. Admin select Report Button on the screen.
3. System display a list of trading’s report .
4. Admin chooses kind of report is monthly.
5. System displays the report.
6. Admin select a report.
7. System display the report in detail on the screen.


Use case title Anualy

Primary actor staff
Level 3
Stakeholders Staff
Precondition Staff has chosen view report section
Minimal Guarantee Roll back of any uncompleted transaction ,system log progress
until failure
Success Guarantee The anualy trading’s report is displayed on the screen.
Trigger Admin click on report button on admin’s page.
Main success scenario :Admin selects “ View annualy ”
1. Admin visits admin’s page Library online system.
2. Admin select Report Button on the screen.
3. System display a list of trading’s report .
4. Admin chooses kind of report is annualy.
5. System displays the report.
6. Admin select a report.
7. System display the report in detail on the screen.

1.5. Communication diagram


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Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 39

1.6. interface sketches
1.6.1. add new user

1.6.2. login-register

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 40

1.6.3. manage book

1.6.4. search book

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 41

1.6.5. update profile

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 42

1.6.6. view detail book



1.Finding classes


Attribute Type Description

userName String User name uses to log in system

Password String Password uses to log in system

Permission Boolean Determine kind of use, who is member

and who is staff

Address String The address of user

dob Date Date of Birth

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 43

Email String Email address of user

Contact String Phone number

Sex String Determine gender of user


Attribute Type Description

staffID String The identify of Staff in the system


Attribute Type Description

memberID String The identify of member in the system

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 44

Class String The class that student have joined

Department String Department of student


Attribute Type Description

memberID String The identify of member in the system

staffID String The identify of Staff in the System


Attribute Type Description

eMaterialID String The identify of e-material in the system

catelogID String The identify of category in the System


Attribute Type Description

eMaterialID String The identify of e-material in the system

staffID String The identify of Staff in the System

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 45

Attribute Type Description

reportID String The identify of report in the system

dateCreated Date The time that report has created.


Attribute Type Description

eMaterial String The identify of e-material in the system

comment String The feedback of user about this material

Type String Type of material

Rating String The feedback of user about this material

Category String The category that the material belong to

Status Boolean The Thing will allow user to borrow book

or not

Description String The description about ebook

Publisher String Publisher of material

extensionDate Date The delay date to return book

Author String The author of material


Attribute Type Description

eMaterialID String The identify of e-material in the system

memberID String The identify of member in the System

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 46


Attribute Type Description

jounalID String The identify of jounal material in the



Attribute Type Description

ebookID String The identify of e-book material in the


Isbn String The International Standard Book


2.Class relation ship

2.1 Member-staff-Accout

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 47

2.2. EMaterial –eBook-Jounal


Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 48



Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 49


3.Class diagram

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 50

II. Dynamic Analysis.

1.Communication diagrams.



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Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 56

Add item

Remove item

Update item

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 57

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 58
Manage comment

Remove comment

Edit comment

Get report


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Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 64

2.Building methods for classes

 member:


 borrow:


 account:




 memberManagement





 category:




Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 65

 EmaterialManagement






 report



 Ematerial




3.State-chart diagrams.


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Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 74

Update profile

View Profile

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 75

Manage item

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 76

Add item

Remove item

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 77

Edit comment

Manage comment

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 78

Update item

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 79

Get report

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 80



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Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 85


I. System design.

1. Technology.
On the client side, we would consider the case so that the client or user will be feel the
most convenient. The user will not have to install any software in order to use the library
system. Because our library system is designed in the internet environment, so we want
the user to use their desktop and use the browser such as Firefox and IE. Just by entering
the URL of our library website, so that the user can access to the system and use the
function of system. Because, user who access to the library site must has an interactive
interface to manipulate and interact with system. Therefore, we can consider to choose
one in 3 technology: HTML/CGI, Java Applets, and Flash. Due to the portability, we can
eliminate the Java Applet. The use of Flash can cause delay so that the better choice for
us to implement our system is HTML/CGI

Once on the server side, servlets are a good choice for processing CGI requests because
they’re portable, they’re efficient and they have access to all the facilities of J2EE, which
provides everything that the servlets might need (such as access to distributed transaction
management). Traditional scripting raises issues with portability, expressive power and
performance; .Net technologies raise issues with portability. Once servlets are being used
as the entry point to our servers, the obvious choice for producing dynamic web pages is
the JSP mechanism.

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 86

2.Layer diagrams.
we aim to construct our system follow the J2EE architecture:

Our system provides a variety of services so we will use the three tiers
architecture. In this topology, each service involves at least three machines:
o the data tire stores the data and provides safe concurrent access
o The middle tier: known as business logic tier or serer tier. In this layer, we
will run multiple threaded program code using large processors
o Client tier: represents the user interface to the user, so they can enter data
and view results.

The three tiers provide many benefits over other architectures. Some of them are:

o Separation of concern
o Using the right machine for the job: we will have a vision of how to
choose hard ware for our implementation. We will adjust our budget to fit
to our project
o Improve performance: we can have benefit from load balancing abilities
o Improve security: Each layer will responsible for some roles, so it is easier
to deploy security policy to our system
o Flexibility: The redundancy in each layer will help us to improve the
ability of the administrator to remove or upgrade one machine without
degrade the performance of the whole system

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 87

o Accommodation of different type of clients: Because the client only input
the data, all the processing effort is given to the lower layer, so the ability
to accommodate a new type of customer is much more easier in
comparison with a system where the processing is done in client size

In our system, we will utilize the Internet to provide access to multiple users. The
technology used will be discussed in the next section. The output for user is only
HTML page that provide user a way of browsing the store and they can also input
data that needed for their transaction. These data will be encrypted and send to the
server for processing and saving in the system DB.

In our system, all the servers are located at the same location, so there is no need
for distributed data method. Furthermore, we do not need a VPN to provide
access for tele-workers.

Our intranet, which contains all server and database, should be protected by
firewall. In general, a security policy will be built and deployed to protect
sensitive data from the outside attack.

Our system will use the Client Server architecture. The customer Web browser
issue requests to Web server, which in turn issue instruction to the back-end
systems. The distributed is not appropriate for our system because this store is not
a very large system. The peer-to peer, in most case, is not suitable for an e-
commerce system because of many problems like synchronizing and security. Our
system will handle many transactions, which can involve in the bank account of
the system, so the security problem must be considered.

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 88
As stated before, security is a biggest problem when we use the Internet to
provide access to our services. We must implement many methods to ensure that
the information of our customer is kept in secret and safely transferred over the
Five aspects must be built are:
o Privacy: We must be able to hide information, making it available only to
those who are authorized to read it (or change it).
o Authentication: We need to know where each piece of information came
from, so that we can decide whether or not to trust it.
o Irrefutability: This is the flip-side of authentication, ensuring that the
originator of information can’t deny that they’re the source; this is helpful
to us if anything goes wrong.
o Integrity: We must be sure that information hasn’t been damaged,
accidentally or maliciously, on its way from the source to us.
o Safety: We must be able to control access to resources (such as machines,
processes, databases and files). Safety is also known as authorization.
Firstly, we must use encryption to encrypt the data and safely transfer the data
over the Internet. This encryption will help the data become un-readable from the

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 89

un-authorized eaves dropping. We will use some common encryption method to
ensure this function. We can choose 3-DES or AES to implement in our project
since it provide very strong encryption algorithm.
Secondly, we can use some kind of digital signature to ensure that only authorized
user can read the appropriate data.
Finally, we must use some method to ensure that the data is received correctly.
We will use MD5 algorithm to generate the check sum for the data. This method
is also very simple and very efficient

Student: Bùi Mạnh Linh 90

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