Muhammad Shahid Shafi, Jianhui Lu, Zhenpeng Song and Yingqun Fu
Muhammad Shahid Shafi, Jianhui Lu, Zhenpeng Song and Yingqun Fu
Muhammad Shahid Shafi, Jianhui Lu, Zhenpeng Song and Yingqun Fu
Design and tension control of double drum Winch system for deep-sea
exploration equipment
Muhammad Shahid Shafi a, Jianhui Lu b, Zhenpeng Song c and Yingqun Fu d
College of Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China
Keywords: Deep-sea engineering, Traction Winch, Double Drum Winch, Tension Control, Fuzzy
Abstract. This paper puts forward the structure scheme of dual winch with separation of storage and
a traction mechanism. In view of the problems about the existing cable arrangement of single drum
winch retracting long deep-sea detector cable where the tension is uneven. Whereas the traction
winch with double drum structure, composed of two parallel groove drums, two drums driving at the
same time. The cable winding in order on two drums. According to the deep water monitoring
specific tasks, for different parts of the system to carry out the design and calculation, the scheme
satisfies the requirements of deep water monitoring, achieves the design aim to control tension and
extend the service life of the cable..
Underwater detector as a kind of important means, in the process of human exploration, research
and development of marine resources is an important task. In order to realize the real-time detection,
the detector and the support ship connected through a cable, obtain the power and transmission of
information from the mothership. The hoisting cable is usually the detector, detector cable winch is
the important equipment in water. Working in shallow water of draw work generally use the single
drum structure, that bears the cable lifting and storage work. With the detector operating depth
deepening, cable length become longer, in the process of retraction detectors, will appear the
following changes:
Detector goes into the water, the main load on winch is the weight of the cable and detector in the
water, cable weight and water depth is proportional, with increasing operating depth, cable weight
also continue to increase, and will be more than the weight of the detector in the water, has gradually
become the main load on winch.
Due to the increase of the length of the cable, at the same time limited by the guide wheel angle,
winch length cannot be too large, resulting in the increase of cable layers on winch drum, resulting in
increase of winch rotational inertia, the required driving torque is greatly increased.
Cable tension on the winch drum causes large change between the layers. When lifting the bulky
equipment in front of the detector effluent minimum tension, and in the detector effluent buoyancy
disappears weight suddenly increases, resulting in the outermost layer of the cable winch tension of
the water is much larger than before winding tension, which may cause disturbance in the cable
arrangement, easy to damage cable [1].
For this task, the test device has the advantages of small volume, buoyancy changes can be
neglected, single drum winch scheme can make the inner tension cable design limit reached 80%, the
inner cable tension and the surface of the outer layer extrusion, long-term storage will seriously affect
the cable service life and reliability. In the view of existing more than long cable winch design
problems, proposed to use the double drum scheme, control retractable cable in constant state of
tension, to solve the effect of cable for long-term storage of the service life and reliability.
1.00-Cable, 1.0-Storage cable winch, 1.1-Storage winch base, 1.2-Storage drum, 1.3-Storage winch reducer,
1.4-Storage winch motor, 1.5-Fairleader screw, 1.6-fairleader, 1.7-Stepper motor, 2.0-The traction winch, 2.1-The
traction winch base, 2.2-The traction winch gearbox, 2.3-Traction drum, 2.4-Towing winch gear, 2.4.1-Traction
winch motor, 2.5 Tension Measurement System, 2.5.1-Stand, 2.5.2-Tension measuring wheel, 2.5.3-Buffer Spring,
2.5.4-Tension measurement sensors, 2.6-Guide wheel.
Figure 1 double drum winch deep-sea detection principle diagram
The traction winch by the same structure, the order of two winch constitution, N parallel with each
winch cable trough. Connect the cable detector through a guide wheel into the traction winch, winch
winding alternately on two drums, again through the guide wheel into the storage drum. Storage drum
for single drum winch structure can accommodate all cable, axis along the vertical direction is
arranged in the rear of the traction winch. Traction winch cable from the winch into the storage drum
through the cable guide wheel and exhaust mechanism is wound on the spool. Cable which comprises
a loading end into the traction winch, followed in the traction winch's two winch winding n-1 ring and
two winch disc drive synchronization. By the friction of the cable trough and the cable produced
lifting force. Due to the traction winch cable winding turns, cable tension is reduced [4]. Because of the
traction winch "amplification" effect, storage winch need only to maintain a small tension, can meet
the need to enhance the detector [1]. The concrete scheme is shown in figure 2.
Because the detector system storage, acceleration and deceleration time is short, so only consider
the system uniform retraction or static load end of the traction winch pull [6].
FZ = GT + BL L + DZ − F𝑓𝑓 (1)
Where G T is the gravity probe B L cable; the gravity of unit length of cable length; L release length;
D Z is the Z force, relative to the detector system weight is small, it can be neglected; F f as a detector
in the water buoyancy.
According to equation (1) in the work process, the maximum load occurs when cable fully release,
so the traction winch lifting force must take F Z =6500N to this load as the basis of design, safety
coefficient, K=1.5, F ac =7800N.
In the process of retraction detectors, winch system provide lifting force. Traction winch and cable
as a special transmission belt, as shown in Figure 3, can use Euler's formula to calculate the driving
force of the traction winch. The cable is wounded on the windlass, winch rotates when the traction
cable slip in the trend of the winch, the loose side force of F 2 winch each ring cable and tension side
force F 1 will have a difference ∆F, namely the capstan friction.
Total efficiency of gear box ƞ t =0.94, so driving winch minimum input torque is:
M +M
M = 1 2 = 1473N ∙ m
The driving power for the winch 1 and winch 2 is analyzed as follows:
The drive power of winch 1
J0 v2
P1 = F ac (1 − e−µα )(1 + e−2µα + e−4µα + e−6µα + e−8µα ) + (7)
= 4337W
The drive power of winch 2
J0 v2
P2 = F ac e−µα (1 − e−µα )(1 + e−2µα + e−4µα + e−6µα + e−8µα ) + (8)
= 3171W
The output power of the drum is P=P1 + P2 = 7508W
So the output power of motor
Pd =
η𝑡𝑡 = · η2 · η23
Type ƞ 1 for the rolling bearing transmission efficiency; ƞ 2 worm reducer; transmission
efficiency; ƞ 3 coupling transmission efficiency.
To obtain the ƞ t =0.52, so
Pd = = 14.42kW
Rated power of motor selectionPed = 15kW.
Because of working on a ship, according to the rated power of the motor and the driving role
torque required to select Y-H series marine motor, model is Y180L-6-H, the speed of 1400r/min.
In the process of detection system release and recovery are the need for strict [7] speed
control, especially during the release phase, the detecting system and the cable’s self-weight may
cause the motor reverse [8], therefore need to select reducer [9] with self-locking function. According
to the transmission ratio and transmission torque selects CWU series turbine worm reducer,
according to the input power selection center distance of 200, type CWU-200-40-I. The speed reducer
has the characteristics of the whole body, modular design, mainly used for transmission of
mechanical transmission two crossed axis motion and power, can effectively save space, also has the
self-locking function under certain conditions.
Control system
Tension measurement principle.
Figure 4 is the three-point bending cable tension measurement mechanism of local deformation,
under the effect of the tension T, C with respect to the point A, B points upward pressing, a
displacement signal δ and the pressure signal P, the figure shows that the center line of the cable
declination α, the system used in the cable of smaller diameter, which is considered fully flexible
cable, there are:
P = 2Tsin(α/2) (9)
Derivation of tension measuring formula.
Figure 5 shows that tension measurement system includes tension measuring wheel, creasing
wheels, springs and sensors constitute compensation mechanism. Tension measuring wheel is located
in the middle of two pressure line wheels, two wheels in the same horizontal pressure line, cable left
after passing through the bottom side of the pressure line wheels. From the measurements above the
wheel to get around, and then through the pressure line from the right side of the wheel for the
formation of the center line of the deflection angle.
According to the geometric relationship between the cable tension suffered T and pressure
sensor’s pressure signal P received is,
2sin(𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑘𝑘)
The range between the towing and storage winches, winch cable tension T is
380𝑁𝑁 ≤ 𝑇𝑇 ≤ 2000𝑁𝑁
According to the system's design requirements, select the cable tension value of T for 500N.
By formula 10 shows that the calculation of the cable tension T needs to determine compensation
device spring stiffness k, compensation device and spring stroke 400mm.
Figure 6 shows the relationship between the towing and storage winches winch cable tension
and tension measuring mechanism between the measured pressure signals, the system is to set tension
500N. Allowing the tension instantaneous change in the system is running in the range of 300N-800N,
the pressure signal variation range is 480N-830N.
quantitative factors GK P , GK I , GK D were taken 1, the system output waveform is shown in Figure 7,
self-tuning PID controller parameters K P , K I , K D over time t curve shown in Figure 8.
(a)KP Time curve (b)KI Time curve(c) KD The curve changes with time
Figure 8 PID control parameters with the time change curve
The simulation study of fuzzy control system -PID get the system in the control process step signal
response curve, through the analysis of simulation results can be learned, -PID fuzzy control system
can satisfy the system control requirements.
For this task, single drum winch scheme can make the inner tension cable design limit reached
80%. The inner cable tension and the surface of the outer layer extrusion, long-term storage will
seriously affect the cable service life and reliability. Aiming at the existing problems in the design of
long-term winch, proposed to use the scheme of double drum, make the cable hoisting release process
isolate with cable storage. Design the structure of winch and put it into the deep-water equipment, set
up the transmission and control system of traction winch through design calculation, ensure the cable
in the constant tension condition during the process of reeling. The tension is less than the limit by
cable tension, reduce the tension, tension changes in the internal and external layer of the cable and
service life and reliability which is affected by long-term storage of cable.
This research is sponsored by People's Republic of China National Science and Technology Major
Project (2011ZX05056-003).
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