Application of Microbiological Assay To Determine The Potency of Intravenous Antibiotics

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Stamford Journal of Microbiology, 2020. Vol. 10, Issue 1, p. 25-29

ISSN: 2074-5346 (Print); 2408-8846 (Online) DOI:

Application of microbiological assay to determine the potency of

intravenous antibiotics
Saimun Nahar, Most. Salma Khatun and Md. Shahidul Kabir*

Department of Microbiology, Stamford University Bangladesh, 51, Siddeswari Road, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh

Received 20 Nov 2020/Accepted 04 Dec 2020

Demonstration of equivalent amounts of active pharmaceutical ingredient is a basic requirement for

intravenous generic drugs prior to administration. Physicochemical methods are often used to
determine concentration of antibiotics in biological fluids. However, it does not permit direct
quantification of potency of a desired antibiotic. This study demonstrates the application of a
microbiological assay to determine the potency and concentration of commercially available
pharmaceutical-grade antibiotics used for injections. Concentration-dependent variation of inhibitory
effect of four commercial brands of cefuroxime and two of ciprofloxacin were observed against two
reference bacteria (Escherichia coli DH5α and Escherichia coli ATCC 8739) on Mueller Hinton agar.
Regression analysis was used to assess the in vitro equivalence of generic products sold by different
retail companies in Dhaka city. A linear relationship was found between the concentration and
response of the bacteria in regression analysis where anti-log of X-intercept and slope showed the
concentration and potency, respectively. The study showed excellent results of linearity (r 2≥0.89),
precision (inter assay variation ≤10% for cefuroxime and ≤20% for ciprofloxacin), accuracy and
specificity tests for both types of antibiotics. Pharmaceutical equivalence demonstrated by four
cefuroxime and two ciprofloxacin samples showed no significantly distinguishable slopes (P > 0.78 and
P > 0.44) and intercepts (P > 0.25 and P > 0.07), respectively. Estimated potency for cefuroxime was
91.1-100.0% and for ciprofloxacin was 68.1-100.0%. Microbiological assay was found to be convenient,
rapid, cost-effective, precise and accurate in demonstrating pharmaceutical equivalence of antibiotics
in different dosage forms. This technique can be used as an alternative method for testing generic
antibiotics prior to their use in animal and human.

Keywords: Antibiotics, Microbiological assay, Potency.

INTRODUCTION Chromatography (HPLC), UV spectrophotometry,
immunological assays (fluorescence polarization
Antibiotics are chemicals that are used in low immunoassay) and radioimmunoassay are used to
amount to kill or inhibit the growth of determine the potency of API (7). For some
microorganisms in human and animals. Irrespective of antibiotics chromatographic methods are preferred to
global increase of antibiotic resistance, widespread determine the exact concentration of active
use of these drugs still continues to be a major threat ingredients. However, antibiotics are often adulterated
to the safety of human and animal lives. Antibiotics and faked by several manufacturers during production
are either inappropriately prescribed by physicians or which is a threat for effective treatment and will give
purchased by individual over the counter for treatment rise to problem of super-infections caused by resistant
of infectious diseases. Antibiotics are widely used as bacteria (8, 9, 10). Microbiological methods can
anti-infectives and over half of the prescriptions precisely determine both potency and bioactivity of an
include at least one generic product (1, 2). Antibiotics antibiotic which is a limitation for chemical assays.
account for over 50% of sales which comprise a Microbiological assays are simple, do not require
market of US$66.5 billion worldwide (3). There is a specialized instruments and toxic chemicals, hence
phenomenal growth in the production of such generic convenient for determining potency of antibiotics in a
compounds by a range of pharmaceutical companies laboratory (11, 12).
worldwide and in most cases they do not require to Microbiological assay was first observed by Fleming
demonstrate therapeutic efficacy (4-5). In most cases which was lysozomal activity in agar plate and this
leading drug producers only maintain the assay was shortly followed by Heatley in an agar
pharmaceutical equivalence of same active chemicals diffusion assay for penicillin (13). A reduction in the
of same dosage forms for manufacture under antimicrobial activity can be easily determined by
environment prescribed in the standard specifications microbiological assay under standard environmental
(6). It is therefore necessary to quantify active condition which may demonstrate subtle change by
pharmaceutical ingredients (API) in different dosage chemical methods (14, 15). Microbiological assay can
forms during and after production. Several chemical be carried out under standard condition to observe the
methods such as, High Performance Liquid inhibition of growth of fully characterized microbial
*Corresponding Author: Mailing address. Dr. Md. Shahidul Kabir. Professor, Department of Microbiology. 51, Shiddeswari Road, Dhaka-1217, Stamford
University Bangladesh.. Email:

Stam. J. Microbiol. 2020;10(1):25-29 Determination of antibiotic potency

strains against different concentrations of antibiotics Statistical analyses. The linearity, precision, accuracy and specificity were
determined to validate method for testing pharmaceutical equivalence.
(16). Determination of potency of antibiotics is an Logarithm value of concentration (x-axis, log10 mg/l) of each sample was
essential criterion for the quality control and quality plotted against their respective zones of inhibition (y-axis, mean diameter in
mm). Seven point standard curves were prepared using different
assurance of antibiotic preparation (17, 18). Different concentrations of known antibiotic powders of ciprofloxacin and cefuroxime.
microbiological assays were prescribed by scientists Similar curves were also prepared for with the generic drugs from different
companies. The range of different concentrations those were used viz., 18,
where potency cannot be adequately determined by 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6 µg/µl for Ciprofloxacin and 32, 24, 16, 8, 4, 1, 0.25 µg/µl
chemical assays viz. Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion for Cefuroxime respectively. Data were expressed in a linear model (y = mx
method (19), E-test (Epsilometer test) (20), agar + b, where b is the y-intercept intercept and m is the slope) best fitting the
data in regression analysis (Microsoft Office Excel 2010) with 95%
diffusion method (Cylindrical-plate or Cup-plate) (21, confidence intervals (CI) (25). Linearity was expressed as coefficient of
22) etc. In this study, two known bacterial strains variation (r2) and standard error was estimated. Symmetrical parallel-line
assay was used to test pharmaceutical equivalence comparing slope and
were used in agar plate assay to determine the potency intercept of each generic product with those of the known powder by overall
and concentration of cefuroxime and ciprofloxacin. test for coincidence of the regression lines, a statistical technique for Curve
Fitting Analysis (CFA) (26). The slope of the linear regression was defined as
potency and the anti-log of x-intercept was calculated as concentration when
MATERIALS AND METHODS y = 0. When y is at the mid-point of the linear regression, relative
concentration was estimated at 95% confidence interval of the predicted line.
Antibiotics. Intravenous antibiotics for human use were bought from Intercepts and slopes of linear regressions produced by the reference standard
reputable local drug stores for this study. All products were licensed under and each extra group were compared by Curve Fitting Analysis (CFA) (27).
the drug regulatory agency of Bangladesh. We used four samples of Assuming that generic and raw powders are the same product, a
Cefuroxime (s1, s2, s3, s4) and two samples of Ciprofloxacin (s1, s2) in this pharmaceutically equivalent generic must display a parallel and overlaid
study. All products were reconstituted with calibrated micropipettes curve with respect to the known antibiotic powder (P > 0.05). Parallel curves
following the manufacturers’ instruction for assay purpose. Pure-grade of same concentrations of antibiotics will superimpose one another and will
reference powders of both antibiotics were used as controls and procured demonstrate same intercept. Lack of parallelism indicates different generic
from Sigma Aldrich, St Louis, MO. The former were weighted in an products. However parallel curve with different intercepts will indicate
analytical balance and the latter was diluted to a final concentration of identical APIs with either higher or lower concentrations. As per the
cefuroxime 75 µg/µl and ciprofloxacin 2 µg/µl in distilled water. Pure-grade international pharmacopoeias, the relative potency of each generic to known
reference powder for both cefuroxime and ciprofloxacin were used as control. antibiotic powder was calculated as the x-distance between the two lines (28).
Media, strains and inocula. Testing strains were Escherichia coli ATCC The repeatability of the assay was determined using a minimum of three
8739 and Escherichia coli DH5α for cefuroxime (s1, s2, s3 and s4) and concentrations of each antibiotic by triplicates during the same day or under
ciprofloxacin (s1 and s2). To grow E. coli ATCC 8739 and E. coli DH5α, we similar experimental conditions but with different biological matrices and
followed standard protocols (23). Briefly, each bacterial stock previously plates (intra-assay precision), and comparing the results of assays on different
stored and frozen at 20°C was resuscitated on solid medium (in two days (inter-day precision). These were expressed as means with standard
successive Trypticase Soy Agar) and five colonies were selected and passed deviations and coefficients of variation (CV) (29).
to 10 ml of Nutrient Broth. After overnight incubation at 37°C, we made a
second transfer from the last tube with visible growth into 10 ml of fresh RESULTS
liquid medium and again incubated for 6 hours at 37°C.
Glass-plates assay. Large glass plates/petri plates were used to run all
assays in duplicates of different generic products on Mueller Hinton agar Curve fitting analysis of the linear regression
media (24). Boring devices were used to make well of 6 millimeter onto model to data.
plates for different concentrations of generic products and known antibiotics Figure 1 shows the linear regression analysis of
powders. The device was routinely cleaned (iodine soap and water),
disinfected with 70% ethanol and flamed to sterilize. Suspensions of E. coli logarithm value of concentration (x-axis, log10 mg/l)
ATCC 8739 and E. coli DH5α having 0.5 MacFarland standard were used to of each sample against their respective zones of
inoculate the surface of the plate and dried for 15-20 min. Different
concentrations of antibiotics were added to each well in duplicate and inhibition (y-axis, mean diameter in mm). The best
incubated at 37C for overnight. Diameters of zone of inhibition in straight line predicted from data obtained by
millimeters were measured and plotted against different concentrations.
microbiological assay for the generic antibiotics
Table 1. Potency estimate derived from linear regression analysis with their statistical comparison of generics versus known

r2 Intercept P value Slope Potency
Products value for
(linearity) (C) (concentration) (95% CI) Estimate (%)
Antibiotics Isolates potency
S1 0.92 35.50 0.784 8.508 98.20%
E. coli

Fig: e
S2 0.92 35.24 p<0.05 7.930 p<0.05 92.42%
Fig: f

E. coli ATCC 8739

0.89 13.98 9.593 99.10%

Fig: a
0.89 14.35 8.748 91.1%
Fig: b
0.91 13.43 8.49 91.1%
Fig: c
0.895 13.12 9.372 97.7%
Fig: d
E. coli DH

0.95 16.53 0.438 18.33 98.80%
Fig: g


0.90 23.90 p<0.05 12.48 p<0.05 68.1%
Fig: h
0.97 4.25 14.72 99.02%
E. coli


Fig: i
0.97 7.78 11.93 81.0%
Fig: j

Stam. J. Microbiol. 2020;10(1):25-29 Determination of antibiotic potency

cefuroxime and ciprofloxacin are shown in Figure 1. significant intercept and slope (P < 0.05 by ANOVA).
All cases exhibited a linear relationship between the Determination of pharmaceutical equivalence
logarithm of the concentration (log10 mg/l) and the The log concentration-response relationships of all
diameter (mm) of the zones of inhibition with high generic products and reference powders were parallel
coefficients of determination (r2 ≥ 0.89), low standard and overlaid curve without significant difference by
errors of the estimate (Syx ≤ 0.45) and statistically CFA (P ≥ 0.89, Table 2), demonstrating that all

Figure 1. Multiple linear curves of cefuroxime (s1, s2, s3 and s4) and ciprofloxacin (s1 and s2) for E. coli ATCC 8739 are shown in
Figure 1 (a,b,c and d) and (i and j), respectively. Other linear curves of cefuroxime (s1 and s2) and ciprofloxacin (s1 and s2) for E. coli
DH5 are shown in Figure 1 (e and f) and (g and h), respectively.

Stam. J. Microbiol. 2020;10(1):25-29 Determination of antibiotic potency

products had the same biologic activity (potency) and inhibit the growth of microorganisms is considered as
concentration (intercept). The potency estimate of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). In agar
generic products ranged from 91.10 to 99.10 % for dilution method an antimicrobial agent is incorporated
cefuroxime and 68.10 to 99.02% for ciprofloxacin into solid agar medium in a petri dish. A standard
(Table 1). amount of microorganisms is inoculated onto the
surface of the medium and allowed to grow overnight.
DISCUSSION Like the broth dilution method the minimum
concentration at which the growth of the test
Antibiotics are chemotherapeutic agents which are microorganisms is inhibited is called MIC of the
used in low concentration against pathogenic bacteria antibiotics used (19).
to control spread of infections caused by them (30, In E-test (Epsilometer test), antimicrobial
31). Antibiotics are chemicals that are either produced susceptibility of the test organism is determined
by microorganisms or synthesized chemically are against a specific antibiotic. Commercially prepared
used against pathogenic bacteria. As they are applied filter paper strip is impregnated with a gradient of
in low concentrations to human and animals, a mild concentration of antibiotic. Such E-test strip is applied
variation in the concentrations can affect their efficacy onto an inoculated agar plate. The intersection of
(32, 33). Therefore it is necessary to quantify active inhibitory zone edge and the E-test strip indicates the
ingredients in antibiotic samples during and after MIC value. This test is considered as more accurate
production. Both chemical and biological methods can and precise than previously mentioned tests (35).
be used for such quantification (32), but Agar diffusion method is a well known approach
microbiological method assay can be used to where cylindrical-plate or cup-plates are used to
determine both potency and bioactivity of antibiotics. estimate the potency and bioactivity of antibiotics.
Although subtle change in antimicrobial activity can Antibiotics diffuse from the cup or cylinder to the
be demonstrated by chemical methods loss of activity outer environment in the plate. Based on the gradient
of antibiotics can only be determined by standard of concentrations of antibiotics zones of inhibition are
methods like microbiological assay (34). formed around these cups or cylinders. The zones of
Table 1 shows relevant information of ciprofloxacin inhibition at different dosages are compared to the
and cefuroxime tested in this study. All generic standard to determine similar biological effect in the
products were manufactured outside Bangladesh and sample (34).
legally imported for clinical use. Figure 1 a-j shows A number of factors can influence the variability and
the log concentration-response relationship and the error in microbiological assay. For example, in disc
best straight line predicted from data obtained by diffusion assay unequal exposure of the plates placed
microbiological assay for the ciprofloxacin and in a stack in incubator, variation of time between
cefuroxime. All cases exhibited a linear relationship pouring seeded agar in the plates and time of applying
between the logarithm of the concentration solution of antibiotics to the plates (36). Variation in
(log10µg/µl) and the diameter (mm) of the zones of temperature within the stack can be minimized by
inhibition with high coefficients of determination (R² enclosing the stack in close-fitting steel cylinders.
≥ 0.891), low standard errors of the estimate (Syx ≤ Thickness of agar, concentration of inoculums,
0.358) and statistically significant intercept and slope incubation temperature, exposure time, pH, chemical
(P > 0.78 and P >0.44; P > 0.25 and P >0.07, composition of media and pH of buffer solution can
respectively). Potency estimates were 92.42 to be among other factors to be considered (30, 32). The
100.0%, 91.1 to 100.2% and 68.1 to 99.9%, 81.0% to zones of inhibition will be reduced with the increase
100% for generic products of cefuroxime and in the thickness of the agar media (30, 32, 37). These
ciprofloxacin, respectively. experimental variations for incubation temperature,
Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion and broth dilution time can be minimized by arranging multiple disc or
methods are used to determine the sensitivity and cylinders in the same petri dish.
resistance of bacteria isolated from either clinical or
environmental sources. In Kirby-Bauer method a lawn CONCLUSION
of test microorganisms are prepared on Mueller- Antibiotics are routinely used for treatment of
Hinton agar and filter paper discs having different infectious diseases caused by bacteria. However, most
concentrations of antibiotics are paced at certain of the cases these are wrongly prescribed or misused
distance on the plates. After overnight incubation the and now become the most serious problems all over
zone of inhibition around the antibiotic discs indicates the world. Scientists are trying relentlessly in different
the ability of the antibiotics to kill microorganisms ways and means to overcome this problem. To order
(19). In this method only the effect of antibiotics are to overcome this problem of antibiotic resistance it is
measured but the minimum inhibitory concentration is necessary to correctly determine the potency and
not measured. However, in broth dilution method, bioactivity of antibiotics. A microbiological assay is
different concentrations of antibiotics are added to always more convenient over those like HPLC which
tubes containing Mueller-Hinton broth. Tube needs sophisticated instruments and skilled manpower
containing the lowest concentration of antibiotic that to do the assay. Although HPLC is a rapid, accurate

Stam. J. Microbiol. 2020;10(1):25-29 Determination of antibiotic potency

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