Master The Chamber: Dr. Mohammad Rasel
Master The Chamber: Dr. Mohammad Rasel
Master The Chamber: Dr. Mohammad Rasel
Fever 22
Acute abdomen/Abdominal pain 27
Vomiting 30
Dyspnoea 34
Cough 37
Hemoptysis 38
Per rectal bleeding 39
Purpura 40
Swelling of the body 41
Ascites 44
Vertigo 45
Anaemia 48
Polyarthritis 51
Headache 56
Weight loss 57
Obesity 58
Hypercholesterolemia 60
Gastrointestinal System
Hypertension 86
Anti hypertensive drugs 86
Choice of antihypertensive drugs 86
HTN in special situation 87
Severe hypertension 88
Hypertensive urgencies 88
Hypertensive emergencies 88
Myocardial infarction 90
Unstable angina 93
Chronic stable angina 95
Acute left ventricular failure 96
Chronic heart failure 98
Atrial fibrillation 99
Acute rheumatic fever 100
Mitral stenosis 101
Respiratory System
Asthma 103
COPD 107
Community acquired pneumonia 108
Pulmonary tuberculosis 111
Common cold 114
Rhino sinusitis 115
DM & Endocrinology
Migraine 134
Tension-type headache 135
Epilepsy 135
Bell’s palsy 139
Parkinson’s disease 139
Acute vestibular failure 140
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 140
Restless leg syndrome 140
Stroke 141
Bacterial meningitis 144
Tubercular meningitis 146
Viral meningitis 149
Status epilepticus 150
GBS 152
Lumbar disc herniation (PLID) 152
Acute transverse myelitis 153
Schizophrenia 162
Bipolar affective disorder 162
Depression 164
Generalized anxiety disorder 165
Panic disorder 166
Obsessive compulsive disorder 166
Somatoform disorder 167
Dermatology &Venerology
Scabies 169
Tenia capitis 170
Tenia corporis 171
Tenia cruris 172
Tenia pedis/Tenia mannum 173
Paronychia 174
Pityriasis versicolor 175
Psoriasis 176
Alopecia areata 177
Androgenic alopecia 177
Urticaria 178
Cold sores 179
Pediculosis (lice infestation) 179
Eczema and dermatitis 180
Lichen simplex chronicus 182
Acne 182
Impetigo 184
Cellulitis and erysipelas 185
Folliculitis 185
Boils 186
Carbuncles 186
Warts 187
Molluscum contagiosum 188
Callosities 188
Melasma 189
Vitiligo 189
Lichen planus 190
Generalized hyperhidrosis 191
Focal hyperhidrosis 192
Miliaria 193
Erectile dysfunction 194
Premature ejaculation 195
Gonorrhea 196
Chlamydial infection 197
Hyponatremia 222
Hypernatremia 223
Hypokalemia 224
Hyperkalemia 225
Hypocalcaemia 226
Hypercalcaemia 227
OPC poisoning 229
Benzodiazepine poisoning 230
TCA poisoning 231
Travel related poisoning/commuters poisoning/unknown 232
Paracetamole poisoning 233
Kerosene poisoning 234
Corrosive poisoning (herpic/savlon/any acid/any alkali) 235
Snake bite 236
Infectious Disease
Sleep disorders
Insomnia 255
Restless leg syndrome 256
Growth & development 258
Acute Bronchiolitis 259
Nasal polyp 259
Common cold 260
Thrush (oral candidiasis) 260
Constipation 260
Hypothyroidism 261
Measles 261
Chicken pox (varicella) 262
Migraine 262
Bell’s palsy 263
Mumps 263
Awd with no dehydration 264
Awd with some dehydration 264
Awd with severe dehydration 265
Severe persistent diarrhoea 266
Dysentery 267
Pneumonia 268
Severe pneumonia 268
Acute Bronchiolitis (mild case) 269
Acute Bronchiolitis (severe case) 270
Intermittent asthma 271
Persistent asthma 272
Acute severe asthma 273
Acute viral fever 273
Acute ottitis media 274
Dengue fever 274
Acute viral hepatitis 275
Enteric fever 276
Malaria 277
Kala-azar 278
Recurrent abdominal pain 279
Non specific abdominal pain 280
Peptic ulcer disease 280
Haemorrhoids 281
Juvenile 281
Juvenile colonic polyp 281
Acute tonsillitis 282
Henoch-schonlein purpura 282
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis 283
Growing pain 283
Club foot 284
Acute Glomerulonephritis 284
Nephrotic syndrome 285
Urinary tract infection (cystitis) 286
Urinary tract infection (pyelonephritis) 286
Febrile convulsions 287
Hookworms 287
Ascariasis 288
Herpes simplex virus infection 288
Nocturnal enuresis 288
Epilepsy 289
Cerebral palsy 290
Autism 292
Attention deficit/Hyperactivity disorder 293
PICA 293
Thumb sucking 293
Umbilical sepsis 293
Newborn of HBsAg positive mother 293
Umbilical hernia 294
Mastitis 295
Estrogen withdrawal bleeding 295
Caput succedaneum 295
Cephal hematoma 295
Vacuum caput 296
Commonly used drugs 297
Rx following casualty OT(includes excision of all 312
RTA/physical assault 313
Head injury 314
Acute abdomen 315
Acute appendicitis 316
Appendicular lump 317
Appendicular abscess 318
Intestinal obstruction 319
GOO due to pyloric stenosis 320
GOO due to carcinoma stomach 321
Colorectal carcinoma 322
Anal fissure 323
Fistula-in-ano 324
Hemorrhoids/piles 325
Acute cholecystitis 326
Chronic cholecystitis 327
Empyema gall bladder 328
Mucocele gall bladder 329
Obstructive jaundice 330
Acute pancreatitis 331
Acute retention of urine due to BEP 332
Acute retention of urine due to stricture urethra 333
Rupture urethra 334
Renal stone 335
Ureteric stone 336
Inguinal hernia 337
Hydrocoele 338
Epididymo-Orchitis 338
Torsion of testis 339
Cellulitis 340
Diabetic foot 341
Breast abscess 342
Sore throat 344
Acute tonsillitis 345
Hoarseness 346
External ear furunculosis 347
Otomycosis 347
Allergic rhinitis 348
Furunculosis of nose (vestlbulitis) 349
Acute rhino sinusitis 349
Acute parotitis 350
Impacted wax 351
ASOM 351
CSOM 352
Epistaxis 353
Acute conjunctivitis 355
Allergic conjunctivitis 355
Chalazion 356
Infected Chalazion 356
Herpes zoster ophthalmaticus 357
Orbital Cellulitis 357
Painful red eye 357
Leucorrhoea 359
Vaginal candidiasis 359
PID 360
Generalized weakness/body ache 360
Generalized/focal burning sensation of body 361
Postponing menstruation 361
Primary amenorrhoea 361
Secondary amenorrhoea 362
Dysmenorrhoea 362
Puberty menorhhagia 362
PCOS 363
Hirsuitism 363
DUB 364
Fibroid uterus 364
Adenomyosis 365
Ovarian cyst (tiny: few mm) 366
Ovarian cyst (3-7cm) 366
Ovarian cyst (complex/>9cm) 367
Dyspareunia 367
Pruritus vulvae 367
Premenstrual syndrome 368
Uterine prolapse 368
Ca cervix 369
Early menopause 369
Menopause 369
Conventional HRT 370
Antenatal visit 372
Missed period 373
Vomiting in pregnancy 373
UTI pregnancy 374
GDM 374
Pregnancy with HTN 375
Pregnancy with diarrhoea 375
Pregnancy with PV bleeding 376
Pregnancy with anaemia 376
Pregnancy with backache 377
Constipation in pregnancy 377
Leg cramps in pregnancy 377
Oedema in pregnancy 278
Heartburn in pregnancy 278
Varicose vein in pregnancy 378
Haemorrhoids 379
Leucorrhoea in pregnancy 379
Headache in pregnancy 379
Vertigo in pregnancy 380
Insomnia in pregnancy 380
Fever in pregnancy 380
Common cold in pregnancy 381
Oligohydromnios 381
Rh negative mother 381
Pregnancy with bronchial asthma 382
Pre-eclampsia 382
Inadequate secretion of breast milk 383
Suppression of breast milk 383
Breast engorgement 383
Mastitis 384
Breast skin infection 384
Post partum care 384
Tooth avulsion 387
Toothache 387
Periapical abscess 388
Lateral periodontal abscess 389
Dental caries 389
Adult type periodontitis 390
Juvenile periodontitis 390
Inflammatory gingival enlargements 390
Physiology of conduction system of heart 393
Basics of ECG 395
ECG leads 400
Normal ECG morphology 406
Normal ECG pattern 408
Systematic interpretation guideline for ECG 410
Sinus tachycardia 429
Sinus bradycardia 430
Sinus arrhythmia 430
Atrial fibrillation 430
Atrial flutter 431
Ventricular tachycardia 432
Supraventricular tachycardia 434
Ventricular fibrillation 434
Torsades de pointes 435
First-degree atrioventricular block 435
Second-degree atrioventricular block 436
Third-degree atrioventricular block 437
Hypokalemia 438
Hyperkalemia 438
Dextrocardia 439
Myocardial infarction 440
Myocardial ischemia 447
Left ventricular hypertrophy 448
LVH with strain 450
Right ventricular hypertrophy 451
RVH with strain 452
1. Educate the patient: About the medical condition, risks and benefits of therapy and
alternatives using understandable language.
2. Consider patient’s perspective and keep a nonjudgmental attitude
3. Maintain contact: Through follow up visits and phone calls
4. Keep care as simple and inexpensive as possible: e.g. using less costly medications,
once daily or combination formulations and drugs that are not affected by meal.
5. Give written instructions
6. Encourage self monitoring: So that patient feels a sense of control over his/her own
health e.g. RBS, home BP, exercise, food diary etc.
7. Identify and address barriers: e.g. time, money, transportation, functional illiteracy,
depression, mental illness, cognitive dysfunctions etc.
8. Focus on positive benefits of treatment and reinforce patient’s efforts
9. Discuss adherence strategies e.g. use of medications long sheets, alarms, reminder
1. Mental disorder
2. Multisomatoform disorder
3. Panic disorder
4. Dysthymia
5. Generalized anxiety
6. Major depression
7. Alcohol abuse or dependence
8. High health care utilization
9. More acute or chronic problems
10. Tendency to bring up new problems at last moment
11. Demanding or controling
1. Aerobic exercise:
150 minutes or more moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic exercise per week.
Daily exercise or not more than 2 days elapse between exercise sessions is
recommended and spread over at least days per week.
Aerobic activity last at least 10 minutes with the goal of 30 minutes or more per
2. Resistance activities: 2-3 sessions per week non consecutive days. e.g. push up, pull
up, weight lifting etc.
3. Breaking up bouts of sedentary activity: Every 30 minutes by briefly standing,
walking or performing other light activities.
4. Daily 60 minutes or more exercise: To gain weight loss in overweight or obese patient
Complications of insomnia:
1. ↓Quality of life
2. ↓Concentration and memory, affecting performance of daytime tasks
3. ↓Relationship problems
4. ↑Risk of accidents: 10% motor accidents are related to tiredness.
C/C: Rx
1. Male smoker above 40 years of Salbutamol+Iptratropium bromide DPI
age 1 capsule to be inhaled with device
2. Breathlessness, coughs, sputum (Bexihaler)- to be continued
production and fever for…
O/G/E: Triotropium 18mcg DPI
Pulse: 1 capsule to be inhaled with device
BP: (Bexihaler) BD- to be continued
Respiratory Rate: Tab. Doxofylline 200mg
Flapping Tremor: 1+0+1- to be continued
Oedema: Tab. Prednisolone 10mg
3+0+0 (A/M)- 5-10 days
Respiratory system examination:
Ronchi: + Cap. Omeprazole 20mg
Breath sound: Vesicular with prolonged 1+0+1 (B/M)–While taking prednisolone
Creps: +
Investigations: 1. Take medicine regularly
1. CXR PA view 2. If there is any breathlessness, cough or
2. ABG feeling of chest tightness, use Salbutamol
4. Spirometry with reversibility 3. You must gurgle after use of
5. Sputum analysis Salmeterol+Fluticasone 250 Cozycap
6. ECG 4. Avoid dust andd other things that induce
your breathlessness
5. Quit smoking and avoid taking jorda and
Tamak pata etc.
6. Never take medicine like cortan/cotson
without suggestion from registered
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C/C: Rx,
1. Weight gain Tab. Levothyroxine 50 microgram
2. Cold intolerance 1+0+0- In early morning empty stomach- 3weeks
3. Fatigue, weakness
4. Menorrhagia, Then,
5. Dry skin Tab. Levothyroxine 50 microgram
6. Dry hair 2+0+0- In early morning empty stomach- 3weeks
On examination:
1. Pulse: Bradycardia Increase the dose in every 3 weeks until TSH, FT4
2. Oedema: Non pitting oedema is within normal limit.
3. Ankle Jerk: Delayed
1. TSH: 0.2–4.5 mU/L
2. FT4 : 9–21 pmol/L
3. ECG: Sinus bradycardia, Signature
low voltage ECG
4. Thyroid scan In younger patients: Initiate at 100 µg per
5. Thyroid peroxidase day
autoantibody If ischemic heart disease present: 25
Advices: microgram/day initially then increase
1. It’s a lifelong treatment. Do slowly
not alter the dose without In pregnancy: Add 25 microgram with
consulting the physician previous dose.
2. Consult me after 6 weeks
with TSH and FT4 report
C/C: Rx,
1. Pain around the ear followed by Tearfresh liquigel 10mg/ml
unilateral weakness with deviation of 1 drop in affected eye SOS- if drying
mouth for.. sensation
2. Dimished salivation and tear secretion
for... If <72h after onset of symptoms:
LMP: Tab. Prednisolone 25mg
P/H: DM, HTN, immunosuoppression, 1mg/kg in morning for 14 days.
URTI Cap. Omeprazole 20mg
1+0+1 (B/M)- 14 days
Lower motor neuron type of No role but is prescribed conventionally:
paralysis of facial nerve. Tab. Acyclovir 400mg
Absence of wrinkling in forhead 1+1+1+1+1- 10 days [Discouraged to
Unable to close eye prescribe]
Bell’s phenomenon:+
Advice: Refer:
1. Protect eye—tape lid shut and pad 1. If recovery is not starting
at night after 3week
2. Glasses in the day 2. For tarsorraphy if complete
or long-standing palsy
If unacceptable cosmetic result—may benefit
from plastic surgery
C/C: Rx,
1. Symptoms of sympathetic overactivity - Start with (SSRIs + benzodiazepine) and
Palpitations, sweating, dry mouth, withdraw Benzodiazepines over 2-4 weeks
increased frequency, abdominal distress Tab. Escitalopram10mg
2. Sleep disturbance 1 +0+0
3. Forgetfulness or worrying too much. Or,
4. Persistent anxiety, present all the time Tab. Paroxetine10mg
5. Tremulousness, shakiness, generalized 1+0+0 [Can be increased up to 37.5
aches, restlessness. mg/day at the interval of 1 week]
6. Apprehension, worries of future, Or,
irritability, sleeplessness. Tab. Sertraline50mg
7. Intensity, duration and frequency of the 1+0+0 [can be increased up to 200
anxiety and worry are far out of mg/day after 5-6 weeks in increments of
proportion to the actual likelihood or the 50 mg]
impact of the feared event and it
interferes with the task in hand.
Investigations: Tab. Diazepam5mg
1. RBS 1+0+1 [5-20 mg/day]
2. TSH, FT3, FT4 Or,
3. ECG Tab. Clonazepam0.5mg
Nonpharmacological Rx: 0+0+1
1. Reassurance
2. Psychological support
3. Encouragement. Signature
Anxiety management: relaxation exercises, Refer to psychiatrist: If severe anxiety with
breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga. marked functional impairment plus:
1. Risk of self-harm/suicide, or
2. Significant co-morbidity
(e.g. substance misuse,
personality disorder or
complex physical health
problems), or
3. Self-neglect, or
4. Inadequate response to drug
Basic Informations:
Model Prescription:
C/C: Rx,
1. Intense itching, mostly at night. Permethrin 5% cream
2. Presence of same symptoms Apply generously after bath at bedtime entire
among family members. surface of the body below neck (except face).
O/E: Minimum contact period 8-12 hours; and is to
1. Burrows present. be washed off next morning. May be repeated
2. Papular lesions, excoriations at after 7 days
the sites of predilection.
Tab. Cetirizine 10mg
Investigations: 0+0+1- 2 weeks.
Not performed usually
Burrows and mite can be seen If secondary infection present: add
in hand lens. Tab. Azithromycin 500mg
Advice: 1+0+0- 7 days
1. All family members/close If poor compliance or immunosuppression or
contacts should be treated heavy infestation, add
2. Disinfection of bedding and Tab. Ivermectin 3mg or 6mg
clothing by ordinary laundering 200mcg/kg Stat (Single dose)
and sun exposure is required.
3. Improve personal hygiene by by Signature
daily bath with soap and water. Special treatment considerations:
Permethrin and benzyl benzoate appear to be
safe in pregnancy and lactation.
Benzyl benzoate is safe in children <2 years
of age, but duration of use should be limited
to 12 h. Ivermectin is contraindicated in
children <15 kg.
Clinical features: Rx
1. Cold for 2-4 days followed by Syrup. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride
cough, wheeze and rapid 10mg/5ml
respiration. 1 TSF for every 8 kgs QDS- 7 days
2. Lower chest indrawing,
3. Difficulty in feeding,
4. Excessive crying due to
5. Cyanosis and respiratory failure. Hospitalize immediately, if any
Investigations: of the following develop:
1. CBC: Normal or minimal increase 1. Chest indrawing,
in total leucocyte counts with 2. Poor feeding
relative lymphocytosis. 3. Cyanosis
2. CXR PA view: May show 4. Altered sensorium
hyperinflation and small atelectasis. 5. Convulsions
Advice: 6. If there is no improvement or
deterioration at any time during the
1. For associated nasal block, normal
illness, the patient should be
saline drops in both nostrils as and
managed as severe disease.
when required, especially before
2. Use of home remedies (ginger,
honey, tulsi) for control of cough
and plenty of liquids orally.
C/C: Rx
1. Fever for…
2. Respiratory distress for… Syrup. Cefixime 100mg/5ml
3. Cough for… 1 TSF 12 hourly for each 20 kg
Appearance: Chest indrawing, Fast Syrup. Paracetamol 120mg/5ml (if fever)
breathing 1 TSF for each 8kg TDS or QDS
Lung: Crepitation
Syrup. Levosalbutamol 1mg/5ml
1. CBS with ESR (if breathing difficulty)
2. CXR PA view 1 TSF TDS for each 10kg
1. Take medications properly. Syrup. Ambroxol 15mg/5ml (if cough)
2. Avoid cold, dirt, pollen, < 5years: ½ TSF TDS
woolen cloths. > 5 years: 1 TSF TDS
3. Cleaning Nose with normal
saline drop Syrup. Ondansetron 4mg/5ml (if vomiting)
4. Bathing with lukewarm < 4 years: 0.15mg/kg TDS
water > 4 years: 1 TSF TDS
Signature with date
C/C: Rx,
1. P/V discharge for ... Tab. Ornidazole 500mg
2. Irritating: ++ 1+0+1(A/M)- 5 days
3. Foul smelling Cap. Fluconazole 150mg
4. Dyspareunia 1 tab weekly for 6 weeks
P/V/E: Gynomix vaginal suppository [Only for
Thick and profuse/scant secretion: + married woman]
Foul smelling: + 1 stick P/V at night -12 nights
Figure: Normal chest X ray: Trachea (1), Carina (2), right main bronchi
(3), left main bronchi (4), right hilar structure (5), left hilar structure (6),
right horizontal fissure (7), right cardiac border formed by right atrium
(8), left cardiac border formed by ventricle (9), aortic knuckle (10),
descending thoracic aorta (11), right paratracheal line (12), right
hemidiaphragm (13), left hemidiaphragm (14), right costophrenic angle
(15), left costophrenic angle (16), gastric air bubble (17), gas in colon
First degree heart block:
1. PR interval is prolonged: > 5 small squares (1)
2. Every P wave is followed by a QRS complex (2)