Higher Education 1. Answer The Following Questions

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FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term


1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the role of education in the life of society? 2. What is the objective of study
programmes? 3.What fields of chemistry are studied at chemistry departments? 4. In what form is
basic material presented? 5. Where do students become familiarized with experimental
techniques? 6. What subjects are included in the curriculum? 7. Why is English studied at
technical universities? Write down ten reasons why every university graduate should have a good
command of English. 8. What careers can graduates of your faculty choose? 9. Explain the
following quotes. Which point of view do you agree with? Why?

Education = Knowledge Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the
Knowledge = Power world. (Nelson Mandela, a South African political leader)

Power = Respect Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who
Respect = Happiness prepare for it today. (Malcolm X, an American human rights activist)

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. (Benjamin Franklin, an American polymath)

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. (Aristotle)

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. (Albert Einstein)

A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education he
may steal the whole railroad. (Theodore Roosevelt, a former US American President)

The primary purpose of a liberal education is to make one's mind a pleasant place in which to spend
one's time. (Sydney Harris, an American journalist)

2. Listen to the article ‘Universities’ by Richard Sidaway and write down the issues on
university education highlighted by him.

3. Match the words taken from the text with the definitions below.

1. an aptitude test 12. an intellectual elite 22. student houses

2. an entry test 13. subjects 23. halls of residence
3. finals 14. lectures 24. private rented
4. grades 15. tutorials accommodation
5. continuous assessment 16. work placement 25. a grant
6. a dissertation 17. a field trip 26. a scholarship
7. a bachelor’s degree 18. a gap year 27. tuition fees
8. a master’s degree 19. recruitment fairs 28. work one’s way through
9. a doctor’s degree 20. clubs and societies college
10. redbrick universities 21. fraternities and
11. a pecking order sororities

FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term

1. An examination to see if you are good enough 15. A grant or payment made to support a
to go to university student's education, awarded on the basis of
academic or other achievement.
2. Areas of knowledge you study at school
16. The study away from the classroom often to
3. A number or letter to symbolize how well you
collect data or samples
have done in an exam
17. A small group lesson based on discussing an
4. Learning institutions founded in the late 19th
area or problem
or early 20th cent., typically having buildings of
red brick (as opposed to stone), built later than 18. A lesson in the form of a formal speech using
Oxford or Cambridge notes and visual aids
5. A hierarchy of status seen among members of 19. A long, structured piece of writing exploring
a group of people a subject in detail
6. The best minds in the country 20. Examinations at the end of a course
7. A sum of money given by a government or 21. Evaluating pieces of work during the course
other organization for a particular purpose. E.g. 22. Organisations run by and for students to
Education develop different interests
8. Money you pay for a university course 23. Student membership organisations in the USA
9. Paying for your education by being employed 24. A test designed to determine a person's
while you are studying ability in a particular skill or field of knowledge.
10. Houses bought by the university and rented 25. A university qualification gained after a
to their students degree taking one or two years
11. Houses rented to anyone 26. The highest university qualification after a
12. Communal accommodation built by master’s degree taking four or more years of
university research
13. A year between school and university when 27. The first university qualification you receive
you don’t study after 3 or more years of study
14. A temporary position with a company to gain 28. A large ‘market place’ where employers try
employment experience to interest students in working for them
4. Read the article ‘Universities’ and match headings A-I with paragraphs 1-9.

FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term

More than a quarter of the working population of the USA has one. Cairo, Bologna, and Paris
have been offering them the longest. And you can now supposedly get them by sitting at home at
a computer. What am I talking about? A university education, of course. So who goes to
university and what do they get out of their experience?
1. ____
Most universities don’t let just anyone in. Grades in the subjects you take in the final years of
secondary education are what usually count and in many countries people also have to do an
entry test. While most participants in higher education are in the 18-25 age group, some people
choose to take a break from work later on in life and opt for the role of mature student, bringing
experience of work and the real world to their studies.
2. ____
In many countries there is a pecking order to the universities, with a few high status institutions at
the top turning out an intellectual elite and attracting the best minds in teaching and research.
Take a quick name check of the leading writers, politicians or scientists in the UK or the USA
and you should find the majority chose to spend their student years sitting in the dining halls and
libraries of Oxford and Cambridge or Harvard, Princeton and Yale. The training grounds for
medicine, law or engineering in Britain tend to be the metropolitan ‘redbrick’ universities slightly
lower down the list.
3. _____
When entrance was restricted to a lucky few in Britain, the state actually paid the sons and
daughters of the middle classes not only their tuition fees but also a yearly grant towards living
expenses as well. These days most European and North American students are given a loan which
they have to pay back to the government once they are in full-time employment, or they finance
themselves by working their way through college with part-time jobs in the evenings or at
4. _____
For the majority of students, attending a university in a town or city near to where they live is the
only financially viable option, but in Britain for many years going to university meant leaving
home, with all the freedom and independence that implied. Universities traditionally offer cheap
and clean accommodation in halls of residence or student houses. After a year or so, many
students opt to share private rented accommodation outside the university, which often pushes
their culinary and hygiene skills to the limit.
5. _____
These days if you haven’t taken time off between finishing school and embarking on higher
education, you haven’t really lived. The gap year can be devoted to working for charities in
different parts of the world, or simply to travelling, but it can at least concentrate the mind and
perhaps give you a few more ideas about what you should do with the rest of your life. If you
want to study abroad, you can often get a year out as part of a language course, or enter a
scholarship programme such as Erasmus to support you while studying at a foreign university.
Business or management students often devote time away from university in the form of a work
placement, to help them gain practical experience in a professional environment.

FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term

6. _____
A common feature of any university is attending lectures, which involves taking notes while a
lecturer, a university teacher, is speaking to large group of students. In Britain, you are also
expected to present a subject perhaps once a term and comment on it in tutorials. These are small
group discussions led by a lecturer at which closer analysis of a particular area is undertaken.
Science-oriented courses also involve practical lessons and field trips which enable students to
get to grips with their chosen course of study in the laboratory or beyond the university walls.
7. ______
As at school, progress is measured by examinations, either divided into Parts I & II, or taken at
the end of the course, and known as Finals. Alternatively, it can be based on continuous
assessment and coursework. An important component of most systems is the extended
dissertation, a piece of writing measured by the number of words a student has to produce, say
10,000. This must be based on some original research from primary as well as secondary sources
and on some sort of gathering and interpretation of data.
8. ______
There is an old saying that ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’, and prospective students
expect a rich and varied social life. Friendships forged in the student union bar or in the many and
varied clubs & societies that exist at most universities may last a lifetime. In the USA fraternities
& sororities encourage a similar bond.
9. _______
Well before the graduation ceremony, when students queue up to receive their degrees from the
Chancellor of the university at a special ceremony, the careers office has been busy assessing
future graduates for the kind of employment paths they should take by giving them an aptitude
test, arranging interviews, company presentations and recruitment fairs. For those attracted by the
academic life, there are further opportunities for study on Masters and Doctorate (PhD)
programmes and on into further research and teaching.
(taken from: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/magazine-articles/universities)

5. What are the best-performing universities in the subject of Chemistry? Search for the
information on the Internet and process it. Create your own personal rating of top
universities for a chemist.

6. Choose one of the top universities where you can get a degree in Chemistry and compare
it with the university you are studying at. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
studying in both universities?

FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term

FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term

FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term

FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term

FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term

FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term

FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term

*twice as many/much (as something) two times more, bigger, better etc than sth else They employ 90
people, twice as many as last year. twice as high/big/large etc (as something)
a) half as much/big etc half the size, amount etc of sth else The new machine has all the same functions,
but is only half as large. = 50% в два раза/ наполовину меньше
b) half as much/big etc again larger by an amount that is equal to half the original size A flat in London
costs almost half as much again as a flat in Glasgow. = 150% в полтора раза больше
FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term


You have read an advertisement on the site studyopportunities.com about a British International
School in Brighton inviting students for a two-month course of English. You would like to clarify
some questions that are vital to your decision. Write a letter of about 180-200 words. In your
letter say why you are writing and ask about:
 The fee to pay and lodging;
 The opportunity to learn other languages;
 Class size and school uniform;
 Social, cultural and sporting programs;
 A school catalogue.
Useful phrases
Salutation  Dear Mr Brown
 Dear Ms White
 Dear Sir
 Dear Sirs
 Dear Madam
 Dear Sir or Madam
Starting  We are writing to inform you that ...
to confirm ...
to request ...
to enquire about ...
 I am contacting you for the following reason.
 I recently read/heard about . . . and would like to know.
 Having seen your advertisement in ... , I would like to...
 I would be interested in (obtaining/receiving) ...
 I received your address from ... and would like to ...
 I am writing to tell you about ...
Making a request We would appreciate it if you would ...
 I would be grateful if you could...
 Could you please send me . . .
 Could you possibly tell us/let us have...
 In addition, I would like to receive ...
 It would be helpful if you could send us ...
 I am interested in (obtaining/receiving...)
 I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
 Please let me know what action you propose to take.
Prices  Please send us your price list.
 You will find enclosed our most recent catalogue and price list.
 Please note that our prices are subject to change without notice.
 We have pleasure in enclosing a detailed quotation.
 We can make you a firm offer of ...

FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term


Your address in English
Your index, city, country
School of _______________
Department of ____________________
Name of chairperson
Address (exactly as printed in guidebook)

Dear Name of chairperson,

To Whom it may concern:

I am writing to request information on graduate programs of ___________(your

specialization) at your department. I graduated (will graduate) from
_________________________________(your university) in ____________, (your city) Ukraine
in _______ (month, year) where I majored in_____________________ (your field of study). I
have completed all the required courses with satisfactory scores in (both) my undergraduate (and
graduate) courses. I took (will take) the TOEFL on __________________ (date, year) with a
score of __________ (your score). I plan to start graduate school in __________________
(month, year).

Please include information about the possibilities for financial aid at your department. I do not
have the funds to finance my education; therefore, I will be applying for an application fee waiver
and full financial support from the university to cover tuition and living expenses.

If you could send me these materials along with an application form and any special
information for international students, I would be very grateful. I look forward to hearing from


Your signature

Your Name

Це дуже коротенький приклад і це не означає, що можна просто заповнити пропуски!! Вам

необхідно написати 1.5-2 сторінки, аргументуючи кожне Ваше питання. Щасти!

FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term



1. purpose/goal/objective мета
2. acquire skills набувати навички
3. (well)-educated person освічена людина (образованный человек) Syn well-rounded
4. an aptitude test тест на профпридатність (тест на профпригодность)
5. an entry test /exam вступний іспит (вступительный экзамен)
6. mature student студент зрілого віку (старше 21 років)
7. pecking order неофіційна ієрархія
8. academic career наукова карьера /діяльність, професія вченого
9. curriculum [kəˈrıkjʊləm] pl curricula [-lə] or -lums 1) a course of study in one subject at a
school or college 2) a list of all the courses of study offered by a school or college= курс
навчання, навчальний план, програма (інституту, університету)
10. be given a loan отримати позику (получить ссуду; кредит)
11. work one's way through college (or university, etc.) obtain the money for educational fees
or one's maintenance as a student by working= заробляти на навчання
12. work placement = internship= стажування, виробнича практика (стажировка;
производственная практика)
13. finals государственные/выпускные/семестровые экзамены по изучаемому предмету
14. continuous assessment поточне оцінювання
15. a field trip ознайомча практика, екскурсія на виробництво
16. a recruitment fair ярмарка вакансій
17. a gap year академічна відпустка

1. apply for a place at a (UK) university подавать заявление/документы о приёме в вуз

2. application for admission to a university заявление с просьбой о зачислении в
3. applicant / ˈæplɪkənt / noun [ countable ] someone who has formally asked, usually in writing,
for a job, university place etc. Some 400 applicants apply each year for the 110 first-year
places. = абитуриент; поступающий
4. entrant / ˈentrənt / noun [ countable ] especially British English someone who has recently
started studying at university, or working= зачисленный
5. A bachelor's degree ['bætʃələz dɪ'griː] is a first degree awarded by universities such as a
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc) = степень бакалавра
6. A master's degree [' mɑːstəz dɪ'griː] is a university degree such as an MA or an MSc which is
of a higher level than a first degree and usually takes one or two years to complete = степень
7. A postgraduate degree (BrE) = A graduate degree (AmE) т= учёная степень (выше
бакалавра)= диплом /степень магистра
FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term

8. postgraduate [pəʊstɡrædjuət, pəʊstɡrædjuɪt, $ poʊstɡrædʒuət] BrE = graduate student AmE

someone who is studying at a university to get a master’s degree or a PhD кандидат на
получение учёной степени выше степени бакалавра/магистрант/ аспирант
9. postgraduate study (BrE) = graduate study (AmE) = relating to studies done at a university
after completing a first degree = обучение в магистратуре/аспирантуре
10. postdoctoral research(BrE) =postgraduate research (AmE) relating to studies done after
completing a PhD (обучение) в докторантуре
11. the specific/general entry requirements for a course of study
12. seek clarification from smb требовать от кого-л. разъяснений/пояснение/ уточнение
13. performance in previous schooling успеваемость; знания по дисциплинам во время
обучения (schooling= education or training received)
14. application profile личное дело (абитуриента); характеристика
15. application packet пакет документов (для поступления в вуз)
16. applicants must submit абитуриенты/cоискатели должны представить на рассмотрение/
подать (документы)
17. a transcript (of university courses and grades) выписка об академической успеваемости
выпускника/ вкладыш к диплому (grades -оценки)
18. a minimum score мінімальна кількість балів
19. win a grant отримати грант
20. receive a scholarship отримувати стипендію
21. pay tuition fees [tjuˈɪʃən $ tu-] [fiːz] платити за навчання; tuition (AmE) /tuition fees
(BrE) плата за навчання
22. referee поручитель; особа, що дає рекомендацію (лицо, дающее рекомендацию)
23. financial guarantee финансовая гарантия
24. personal statement небольшое эссе с кратким описанием цели поступления в
25. acknowledge the application подтверждать получение заявления
26. call sb for an interview ask sb to come for an interview= приглашать на собеседование
27. references have to be in отзыв/рекомендация должны быть предоставлены
28. equal opportunities policy политика равных возможностей /политика равноправия
29. a student loan кредит на обучение/образование; студенческая ссуда
30. prospective student= імовірний, потенційний, майбутній
1. a hall of residence (pl halls of residence) (BrE) =a dormitory (AmE) гуртожиток
2. administration building административное здание
3. great hall большой зал, парадный зал, актовый зал
4. student union студенческий (проф)союз/клуб
5. school (AmE) институт/колледж/факультет университета
6. lecture theatre лекционный зал/ аудитория
7. (research) advisor (AmE)/ supervisor (BrE) научный руководитель (в университете)
8. international student студент, який навчається за програмою міжнародного обміну
FCT Higher Education 2nd year, 1st term

9. session ['seʃ(ə)n] собрание

10. lecturer лектор; докладчик; преподаватель (университета, колледжа)
11. research assistant научный ассистент / сотрудник
12. research student аспирант/магистрант
13. tutor руководитель группы студентов (в англ. университетах); куратор
14. student counsellor психолог; психотерапевт
15. postgraduate representative официальный представитель группы аспирантов/
магистрантов=староста студенческой группы
16. a rep is a person who acts as a representative for a group of people, usually a group of
people who work together.
17. seminars, lectures, tutorials
1. academic staff (BrE) преподавательский состав, преподаватели
2. faculty ['fæk(ə)ltɪ] 1) (BrE) факультет 2) (AmE) профессорско-преподавательский состав
university faculty преподаватели университета
3. rubric ['ruːbrɪk] правило, вказівки, пояснення (BrE)= шкала оцінювання(AmE)
4. advisor (AmE)=supervisor (BrE) научный руководитель (в университете)
5. comprehensive examinations = abbr, pl comps(AmE) квалификационные еэкзамены
(глубокая всесторонняя проверка); comprehensive всесторонний, глубокий,
6. exams/ examinations period экзаменационная сессия
7. final examinations (abbr. finals) выпускные экзамены
8. commons a dining hall in a residential school or college =столовая
9. undergraduate [ˌʌndə'græʤuət] a student at a college or university who has not yet earned a
bachelor's or equivalent degree студент (колледжа/университета)
10. freshman/sophormore/junior/senior/graduate student (AmE)
11. graduate (BrE) = выпускник университета (the noun is pronounced [græ̱ʤuət/ ˈgrædjʊıt].
the verb is pronounced [græ̱ʤueɪt].)
12. graduate student (AmE)=postgraduate student(UK) аспірант\магістрант
13. fraternity (AmE)/sorority (AmE) студенческий мужской/женский клуб


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