Research Letter Mild Steel Corrosion Inhibition by Acid Extract of Leaves of Hibiscus Sabdariffa As A Green Corrosion Inhibitor and Sorption Behavior

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Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, 2014

Vol. 7, No. 3, 209–219,

Mild steel corrosion inhibition by acid extract of leaves of Hibiscus sabdariffa as a green corrosion
inhibitor and sorption behavior
Z.V.P. Murthy* and K. Vijayaragavan

Department of Chemical Engineering, S. V. National Institute Technology, Surat, India

(Received 16 November 2013; final version received 12 May 2014)

A new corrosion inhibitor, namely acid extract of leaves of Hibiscus sabdariffa, has been synthesized, and its
inhibiting action on the corrosion of mild steel in acidic bath (1.2 N HCl and 1.2 N H2SO4) has been investigated
by corrosion-monitoring techniques. The results of the present study show that this compound has decent
inhibiting property for mild steel corrosion in 1.2 N H2SO4 than 1.2 N HCl. Four sorption isotherms are tested for
the data, namely Langmuir, Frumkin, Florry–Huggins, and Langmuir–Freundlich isotherms; of these the
Langmuir isotherm fits the data well having correlation coefficient over 0.99 in both the acid environments.

Keywords: corrosion inhibitor; Hibiscus sabdariffa; mild steel; acid bath; adsorption isotherm

Introduction processes should be replaced with new environmen-

tally friendly inhibitors to be in line with environ-
Metals are affected by different forms of corrosion
mental protection requirements. Biomaterials and
in various environments. The exposures can be most
their derivatives have received a lot of interest from
severe, but in many cases the corrosion may be
the researchers due to their commercial importance,
controlled by means of inhibitors (1, 2). Naturally
cheap availability, less toxic, and some of them with
occurring compounds from bio-materials can be
antifungal activity (11). The present work is aimed
interface or interphase inhibitors in acid solution
at making a bio-compound, namely acid extracts of
(1). Interface inhibitors function primarily by
leaves of Hibiscus sabdariffa (AELHS), which is
retarding surface reactions through direct adsorp-
easily biodegradable, and to test inhibition effici-
tion, while interphase inhibitors, after an initial
ency against mild steel corrosion in acid environ-
adsorption, alter the metal surface reactivity thr‐
ments, and fit the data with different sorption
ough the formation of an extended phase at the
metal-solution interphase. Most of the well-known
acid inhibitors are organic compounds containing
nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, phosphorous, alkaloids,
Results and discussion
proteins, carbohydrates, and aromatic ring or triple
bonds. It has been reported (3–8) that the inhibition Solution composition
efficiency decreases in the order: O < N < S < P. A The composition of the AELHS is shown in Table 1
broad range of corrosion inhibitors is used for mild (12, 13).
steel under various conditions (2, 4–9). Organic
chemicals commonly used against uniform corro-
sion have a little effect on pitting (10). Moreover, Effect of immersion period on inhibition efficiency
some of the organic inhibitors like benzotriazole The inhibition efficiency is calculated from the weight
(BTA) and its derivatives are excellent corrosion loss experiments performed for mild steel in 1.2 N
inhibitors for mild steel and its alloys in a wide HCl and 1.2 N H2SO4 for 5 g inhibitor concentration
range of media, but the disadvantage of BTA is its per 100 mL of corrosive medium and at temperature
toxicity. The use of BTA is nowadays quite limited, 30 ± 1°C. It is evident from Figure 1 that the inhibitor
as toxic inhibitors that are widely used in industrial efficiency of AELHS on mild steel increases for first

*Corresponding author. Email:;

Present address: K. Vijayaragavan, John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA.

© 2014 The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The moral rights of the named author(s) have been
210 Z.V.P. Murthy and K. Vijayaragavan

Table 1. The % composition of AELHS.

Composition % Constituents Method/reference

Moisture 86.5 American Society for Testing and Materials E949

Protein 1.2 [Ref. 12]
Carbohydrates 10.2 [Ref. 13]
Ash 0.5 American Society for Testing and Materials E897
Calcium 1.1 Internal method
Iron 32 µg/L Atomic absorption spectroscopy, Shimadzu AA-680

Inhibition efficiency

20 Hydrochloric acid
Sulfuric acid
1 2 3 4 16 24
Time in hours

Figure 1. Effect of immersion period on inhibition efficiency of AELHS (5 g/100 mL) on mild steel in acid environment.

three hours and then decreases thereafter in the case increase in number of molecules occupied by the
of HCl. The reason behind this increase in inhibition inhibitor on the steel–acid solution interface. As the
efficiency initially may be attributed to the formation number of molecules increases, the corrosion reactions
of a barrier film. But, the weight loss experiments of are prevented from occurring over the active sites of the
mild steel in 1.2 N H2SO4 for 5 g inhibitor concen- mild steel surface covered by adsorbed inhibitor species,
tration per 100 mL of corrosive medium and at whereas the corrosion takes place on the surface not
temperature 30 ± 1°C are slightly different from covered by the inhibitor molecules. Thereby, one may
HCl as the inhibition efficiency decreases continu- conclude that the greater the surface coverage the
ously with time and stabilizes at a value of 66.67% greater the inhibition efficiency. This assumption has
after 24 hours. been applied to deduce the effect of concentration on the
adsorption of inhibitors. This is in total agreement with
the results of several investigators (11, 14).
Effect of inhibitor concentration on inhibition efficiency
From the inhibition efficiencies obtained from the
weight loss experiments for 1.2 N HCl and 1.2 N Effect of inhibitor concentration on corrosion rate
H2SO4, it is found that the inhibition efficiency In the present case, corrosion rate can be defined as
increases with increase in inhibitor concentration for the weight loss per unit area and unit time. To assess
both acidic media, which is evident from Figure 2. its protection value, AELHS is added in 2, 5, 10, and
Values of inhibition efficiency of AELHS for various 15 g/100 mL concentration in corrodent (1.2 N HCl
time periods and concentrations are shown in and H2SO4) at 30 ± 1°C. Figure 3 shows plot of
Tables 2 and 3. The increase in efficiency of the inhibitor corrosion rate of mild steel specimens as a function of
with increase in concentration may be attributed to concentration of the inhibitor. It is evident from the
Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 211





Inhibition efficency



30 Hydrochloric acid
Sulfuric acid


2 5 10 15
Inhibitor concentration (g/100mL)

Figure 2. Effect of inhibitor concentration on inhibition efficiency in acid environment for a period of 24 hours.

Table 2. Inhibition efficiency of mild steel in 1.2 N HCl with AELHS for various time intervals.

Inhibition efficiency in % with respect to contact time

Inhibitor concentration (g/100 mL) 1h 2h 3h 4h 16 h 24 h

2 50 61 64 65 36 39
5 60 62 67 69 42 40
10 65 67 70 70 53 49
15 68 69 73 71 55 51

Table 3. Inhibition efficiency of mild steel in 1.2 N H2SO4 with AELHS for various time intervals.

Inhibition efficiency in % with respect to contact time

Inhibitor concentration (g/100 mL) 1h 2h 3h 4h 16 h 24 h

2 86 84 80 74 67 61
5 90 86 85 76 70 67
10 94 88 87 80 78 68
15 95 91 87 81 79 73

results, say for the exposure period of three hours the inhibition mechanism between Fe and inhibitor,
reported, that corrosion rate decreases with increase as given below:
in concentration. It is assumed that as the concentra-
tion of inhibitor increases, the number of inhibitor Fe þ Inh $ Fe-ðInhÞads $ Fenþ þ ne þ Inh ð1Þ
molecules occupying the active site increases, thereby
offering resistance to the activity of acid (i.e. decreases
the corrosion rate). The basis of assumption may be The adsorbed layer combats the action of acid and
explained, according to Bockris and Drazic (15), by enhances the protection of metal surface (16). When
212 Z.V.P. Murthy and K. Vijayaragavan

Corrosion rate (mg cm–2 h–1)

1.5 Hydrochloric acid

Sulfuric acid


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Inhibitor concentration (g/100mL)

Figure 3. Variation of corrosion rate with concentration of AELHS for the mild steel in 1.2 N hydrochloric acid and 1.2 N
sulfuric acid for a period of three hours.

there is insufficient Fe-(Inh)ads to cover the metal surface 100

(if inhibitor concentration is slow or adsorption rate is 90
slow), metal dissolution would take place at sites on the
mild steel surface which are free of Fe-(Inh)ads. With
Inhibition efficiency

high inhibitor concentrations, a compact and coherent

inhibitor over-layer forms on the mild steel surface, 60
reducing chemical attack of the metal. The results are in 50
line with the works of Quraishi et al. (16). 40 Hydrochloric acid
Sulfuric acid
Effect of acid concentration on inhibition efficiency of 20
AELHS on mild steel 10
It is evident from Figure 4 that with increase in acid 0
concentration (i.e. 1 N, 1.2 N, 1.5 N), the inhibition 1 1 .2 1 .5
efficiency of 2 g per 100 mL of AELHS for a period of Acid concentration in normality
three hours at a temperature of 30 ± 1°C decreases
Figure 4. Effect of acid concentration on inhibition effici-
slightly. The spontaneous corrosion of mild steel in ency of 2 g/100 mL of AELHS for a period of three hours.
acidic solutions may be represented by the anodic
dissolution reaction:

Fe ! Fe2þ þ 2e ð2Þ competition exerted by hydrogen ion getting adsorbed

onto the mild steel, leading to evolution of more
hydrogen, i.e. increased corrosion.
accompanied by the corresponding cathodic reaction:

2H þ þ 2eþ ! H2 : ð3Þ Adsorption isotherms

Basic information on the interaction between the
Based on these reactions, that is Equations (2) and
(3), it is assumed that the protonated inhibitor may inhibitors and the mild steel surface (18) and mech-
exist as a cationic species which may be adsorbed on anism of electrochemical reaction (19) may be pro-
the cationic sites of mild steel and reduce the evolu- vided by the adsorption isotherm. The surface
tion of hydrogen (17). As the acid concentration coverage of different concentrations of inhibitor in
increases with dissociation of inhibitor getting com- acidic media has been evaluated from weight loss
pleted, increase in acid concentration results in measurements and attempted to fit these values to
decrease in surface coverage due to increase in different sorption isotherms.
Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 213


Ci/θ (g/100 mL)


10 HCl
5 H2SO4

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Ci (g/100 mL)

Figure 5. Langmuir isotherm adsorption model on the mild steel surface of AELHS in acid environment.

Langmuir isotherm θ
According to the Langmuir isotherm (20, 21), θ is 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
related to the inhibitor concentration Ci (g/100 mL) 0

Log (θ/(1–θ)C–1) (100 mL/g)

given by the following relation (22): –0.2
Kads Ci
h¼ ð4Þ –0.6
ð1þKads Ci Þ
where Kads designates the adsorption coefficient and is –1
given by: Sulfuric acid
Hydrochloric acid
1 DG
Kads ¼ exp  ð5Þ
55 RT Figure 6. Frumkin isotherm model for corrosion inhibition
of mild steel in acid environment.
Villamil et al. (23, 24) proposed a modified Langmuir
adsorption isotherm for the case of corrosion inhibi- Frumkin isotherm
tion, which is given by the following equation:
The Frumkin isotherm (25) (shown in Figure 6) helps
to evaluate the interactions of adsorbed molecule on
Ci n
¼ þ nCi ð6Þ the mild steel surface. The equation of Frumkin
h Kads
isotherm is given by:
where n is a constant. Figure 5 represents plot of Ci/θ
against Ci. A linear behavior is found with a best fit of h ð2ahÞ
e ¼ bC ð8Þ
over 0.992 for both the media (i.e. 1.2 N HCl and 1h
H2SO4), which is near to the theoretical value of 1.0.
The linear coefficient (1/Kads) permits the evaluation
of Kads and also ΔG/R, which may be obtained from  
Equation (7) given below (16): Linear form : Log ¼ Logb þ 2ah ð9Þ
½ð1  hÞC
¼  T ln Kads ð7Þ
The parameter a is the interaction coefficient, it is
positive for attraction and negative for repulsion; its
and the ΔG/R values are −412.5°C and −199.2°C for zero value indicates no interaction between the
H2SO4 and HCl, respectively. The ΔG/R values adsorbate species in which case the Frumkin equation
clearly indicate that the adsorption of inhibitor in coincides with Langmuir one (26). The values of a
sulfuric acid is much faster than hydrochloric acid, obtained in the present case (shown in Table 4)
which is in concordant with the other supportive indicate that there is repulsion between the adsorbed
results described earlier. inhibitor molecules.
214 Z.V.P. Murthy and K. Vijayaragavan

Table 4. Adsorption coefficients of corrosion inhibitor on mild steel in acid media based on different adsorption isotherm

Kads Parameter R2

Isotherm H2SO4 HCl H2SO4 HCl H2SO4 HCl

Langmuir 1.58 0.78 n = 1.35 n = 1.82 0.9928 0.9943

Frumkin 2150.3 7.95 a = −2.83 a = −2 0.914 0.7710
Florry–Huggins 0.0024 0.002 x = 5.19 x = 5.9 0.9264 0.8074
Langmuir–Freundlich 3.11 0.072 h = 0.246 h = 0.27 0.9445 0.8759

–0.6 –0.5 –0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0

Sulfuric acid –0.2
Log (θ/C) (100 mL/g)

Hydrochloric acid –0.4

Log (1–θ)

Figure 7. Florry–Huggins isotherm for corrosion inhibition of mild steel in acid environment.

Florry–Huggins isotherm
The substitution of water molecules by inhibitor
forms the basis of assumption in Florry–Huggins
isotherm (27). The equation of Florry–Huggins iso- 0.3
therm (shown in Figure 7) is given by: 0.2 Sulfuric acid
Hydrochloric acid
Log (θ/(1–θ))

h 0.1
¼ Kads C ð10Þ
½e ðx1Þ ð 1  hÞ x  0
0 0.5 1 1.5

Data show in this case that x is 5.18 and 5.9 in the –0.2
case of H2SO4 and HCl, respectively, indicating that –0.3
5.18 (approximately) water molecules are substituted Log C (g/100 mL)
by one inhibitor molecule in sulfuric acid environment
and 5.9 water molecules in hydrochloric acid envir- Figure 8. Langmuir–Freundlich isotherm for corrosion
onment. This again reinforces the point that AELHS inhibition of mild steel in acid environment.
is a decent inhibitor.
on the surface can be calculated. Values of h are
tabulated in Table 4. All the results of isotherms
Langmuir–Freundlich isotherm calculations are shown in Table 4. The values of Kads
The Langmuir–Freundlich isotherm (28) (shown in in all the four isotherms used here clearly indicate that
Figure 8) is given by the equation: the adsorption of inhibitor on mild steel in sulfuric
acid environment is more than hydrochloric acid
 1h environment.
¼ Kads C ð11Þ
Specific reaction rate
where h is the heterogeneity parameter (0 < h < 1) and The rate equation that correlates specific reaction rate
a measure of the adsorption energy in different sites (k) with corrosion rate (r) is given by Mathur and
Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 215

2.5 three hours at all inhibitor concentrations. The reason

for the difference in inhibiting efficiency may be due
2 to the competition between the inhibitor molecules
and the anions (of HCl and H2SO4) to get adsorbed
ln r (mg cm–2 hr–1)

1.5 onto the surface of mild steel. This competition may

lead to a random arrangement of the adsorbed
1 inhibitor molecules and hence there is variation in
inhibition efficiency of AELHS of mild steel in HCl
and H2SO4. In HCl, the decrease in efficiency of the
Hydrochloric acid inhibitor may be due to the basic species in the
inhibitor which might have got protonated and these
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 cationic species might have been adsorbed electro-
Acid concentration in molarity statically with Cl− ions on the mild steel surface by
vertical adsorption (31, 32). Similarly, the higher
Figure 9. Variation of ln(r) with concentration of HCl for
mild steel at 30 ± 1°C.
ionization of basic species of inhibitor in sulfuric
acid may be the reason of these compounds exhibiting
higher inhibition efficiencies in sulfuric acid as com-
Vasudevan (29) for the corrosion rate of iron against pared to hydrochloric acid, because of increased
the molar concentration (C) of H3PO4, and obtained ionization. Moreover, the adsorption of inhibitor on
straight-line relationship, whose slope decreased shar- anodic sites through lone pair of electrons on sulfuric
ply at approximately 1.5 M H3PO4. The following ions (SO24 ) reduces the anodic dissociation of mild
rate equation is set up to describe straight-line steel may be the cause for better inhibiting properties
relationship: of AELHS in sulfuric acid than in hydrochloric
acid (18).
Lnr ¼ Lnk þ BC ð12Þ

where B is a constant for the reaction. Wang (30) has

also quoted the same Equation (12) for mild steel
corrosion in phosphoric acid. Figures 9 and 10 show Synthesis of inhibitor AELHS
the kinetic parameters for the corrosion of mild steel The inhibitor selected for the study is the leaves of
in acidic media with and without AELHS inhibitor at fresh H. sabdariffa. A large amount of leaves of
a temperature of 30 ± 1°C. H. sabdariffa are collected from the local area. The
leaves are washed with deionized water and then dried
in oven at 80 ± 1°C for a period of one hour. A 15 g
Effect of acid solution of dried leaves is taken and to that 10 mL each of
It has been evident from Table 5 that AELHS inhibits H2SO4, HCl, and HNO3 are added, along with this
corrosion of mild steel in 1.2 N H2SO4 much better 300 mL of double-distilled water is added (33). The
than in 1.2 N HCl environment for a time period of mixture is boiled for a period of 30 minutes and then

Sulfuric acid

ln r (mg cm–2 hr–1)


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Acid concentration in molarity

Figure 10. Variation of ln(r) with concentration of H2SO4 for mild steel at 30 ± 1°C.
216 Z.V.P. Murthy and K. Vijayaragavan

Table 5. Results of corrosion rate, weight loss, inhibition efficiency, surface coverage of mild steel in acid environment (HCl and
H2SO4) for a period of three hours and for the area exposed for corrosion (Area = 18.25 cm2).

Corrosion rate (mg cm−2h−1) Inhibition efficiency (%) Surface coverage (θ)
1.2 N 1.2 N 1.2 N

Inhibitor Concentration (g/100 mL) HCl H2SO4 HCl H2SO4 HCl H2SO4

Blank 7.306 5.662

2 2.612 1.132 64.25 80.00 0.643 0.800
5 2.429 0.913 66.75 83.87 0.668 0.839
10 2.228 0.749 69.50 86.77 0.695 0.868
15 1.973 0.731 73.00 87.10 0.730 0.871

Figure 11. Schematic of the experimental setup.

kept aside for 16 hours. The resultant mixture is with acetone and dried in atmospheric air for about
filtered and the filtered solution (AELHS) is directly 15 minutes. After each and every test, specimens are
used for experimental purpose. The schematic of the cleaned with 2 N NaOH to remove any corrosion
experimental setup and the flowchart of inhibitor products. The specimen is then cleaned with acetone
preparation process are shown in Figures 11 and 12, and stored in moisture-free desiccators (35).
The chemical constituents that are likely to be
present in the leaves of H. sabdariffa are α-terpinyla- Solution
cetate, anisaldehyde, β-carotene, β-sitosterol, β-D- The aggressive solution used is made of analytical
galactoside, β-sitosteryl benzoate, niacin, fat, isoamyl reagent (AR)-grade HCl, H2SO4, and HNO3 (Merck).
alcohol, iso-propyl alcohol, methanol, 3-methyl- Appropriate concentration of acid is prepared using
1-butanol, benzyl alcohol, ethanol, malic acid, fiber, double-distilled water. Concentration range of inhib-
and ash (34). It is important to note that the informa- itor used for experimentation is between 2 and 15 g
tion on the level of extraction of these chemicals from per 100 mL of aggressive media.
leaves by acids is not available in the literature.

Weight loss study

Specimen The solutions of 1 N, 1.2 N, 1.5 N HCl, and H2SO4
Rectangular specimens of mild steel of dimensions each are prepared by mixing the acid in deionized
4.5 cm × 2.5 cm × 0.5 cm are employed for the double-distilled water. All the batch corrosion studies
determination of weight loss measurements. The chem- are carried out using 100 mL of appropriate corrosion
ical composition of test specimens used for the experi- medium. Once the specimen is prepared, the initial
ments is shown in Table 6. Prior to immersion, weight of the specimen is measured. Each reading
specimens are cleaned by buffing to produce a mirror reported is an average of three experimental readings
finish with the help of a sandpaper and degreased recorded to nearest of 0.0001 g on a weighing
Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews 217

Figure 12. Flowchart of inhibitor preparation process.

Table 6. The composition of mild steel used in the study. The percentage inhibition efficiency (I) of the
inhibitor is calculated (36) as:
Composition % Constituents
ðDMui  DMi Þ
Carbon 0.12 I ¼ 100 ð13Þ
Magnesium 0.50
Silicon 0.14
where ΔMui and ΔMi are the weight loss of the metal
Sulfur 0.04
Iron 99.20
in uninhibited acid and inhibited acid solution,
respectively. The degree of surface coverage (θ) may
be calculated (11) as:

ðDMui  DMi Þ
h¼ ð14Þ
machine. Requisite quantity of inhibitor is added to
250 mL plastic beakers containing 100 mL of syn- The corrosion rate (mg cm−2 h−1) may be obtained by
thetic corrosion medium and mild steel (33). The the following equation (35):
bottles are maintained at temperature 30 ± 1°C for all
weight loss
experiments. The contact time in the batch is varied Corrosion rate ¼ ð15Þ
from 1 to 24 hours (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 16, and 24 hours) for ðarea  timeÞ
a particular concentration of inhibitor. Further, where weight loss is expressed in mg, area in cm2 of
experiments are conducted for the same time period metal surface exposed, and time in hours.
by varying the concentration of inhibitor. At the end
of each test, the weight loss of the specimen is
measured using Mettler-weighing machine. A corro- Conclusions
sion inhibitor is a chemical substance which decreases The results clearly indicate that the AELHS is a
the corrosion rate when added in small concentration. decent corrosion inhibitor of mild steel. Out of
The corrosion efficiency of that inhibitor is thus the four sorption isotherms tested for the data,
expressed by a measure of this improvement. namely Langmuir, Frumkin, Florry–Huggins, and
218 Z.V.P. Murthy and K. Vijayaragavan

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