Independent Variable Source
Independent Variable Source
Independent Variable Source
How to cite this paper: Karagiorgou, D., The current reality of the business world, commands that
Seretidou, D., & Stavropoulos, A. (2019).
economists and especially accountants include in their daily
The impact of IT level of knowledge on
work-readiness from the accounting routine contemporary and advanced information systems with
graduate perspective: Evidence from which it is considered necessary that economists and accountants
Greece. Journal of Governance & Regulation, be familiar and well trained. IT knowledge and skills are
8(2), 41-48.
increasingly important for graduates to enter the accounting job
market. Over the last years, the persistent discrepancy between IT
Copyright © 2019 The Authors skills provided by job candidates and expectations of employers
has triggered many scholars and research centers to focus on the
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
graduate skills gap. The lack of education of business schools
License (CC BY 4.0). comprises an obstacle to the normalization of new circumstances as there is no defined standard of necessary knowledge and the
4.0/ appropriate lessons learning technologies are not included in the
ISSN Print: 2220-9352 curriculum.
ISSN Online: 2306-6784 The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of
graduates’ IT knowledge on their perceived readiness to enter the
Received: 23.03.2019 accounting job market. A self-administered survey conducted and
Accepted: 12.06.2019
a sample of 363 questionnaires was gathered for the purpose of
JEL Classification: I25, M15, M41 the study. Principal components analysis supported four
DOI: 10.22495/jgr_v8_i2_p4 components of IT tools which were used in hierarchical regression
analysis as determinants of the perceived work readiness of
graduates. During the analysis satisfaction with the teaching and
learning processes were taken into consideration as well as the
type of the institution graduates attend.
Research findings indicate that educators must give attention to
specific accounting IT tools and applications so as to enhance
graduates’ level of knowledge. Satisfaction with learning and
teaching experience and the type of institution are important
causal elements for graduates’ work-readiness.
Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 8, Issue 2, 2019
meet the increasing demands and constant changes their implementation (Serrat, 2017). Studies
in the business environment (Awayiga et al., 2010). approach the conceptualization of work readiness
There is a discrepancy between the technical from different directions and perspectives. The
and professional skills graduates possess and the concept of graduate’s work-readiness is elusive and
expectations of requirements by the employers. The difficult to formulate. It is rather a multidimensional
skills gap creates extended job vacancies which are construct than a concept which encompasses an
costing to U.S. companies almost $1 million per year array of skills (technical and generic) and personality
(CareerBuilder, 2017). There is evidence that traits valued differently by different stakeholders
accounting graduates do not have the required skills (Dhakal et al., 2019). While there are many
to move into the workplace (Altarawneh, 2016) and definitions and viewpoints they all concur that the
that there is a mismatch between accounting elements of knowledge and job-specific skills are
education and knowledge requirements of the intrinsically linked to work-relatedness. Mason et al.
accounting job market (Albrecht & Sack, 2000; (2009) placed the information technology skills
Awayiga et al., 2010; El-Dalahmeh, 2017). Although among the key competencies for all new job
graduates who equipped with soft skills are of great applicants. They defined work-readiness as
value to organizations (Warwick & Howard, 2015), “possession of the skills, knowledge, attitudes and
technical skills remain important as ever commercial understanding that will enable new
(Adel, 2016). graduates to make productive contributions to
In Greece, a study made by the Foundation for organizational objectives” (Mason et. al., 2009, p. 2).
Economic and Industrial Research found that the Cabellero et al. (2011), defined work readiness as
fiscal deficit of 2018-2014 had little influence on “the extent to which graduates are perceived to
youth unemployment rates (FEIR, 2018). Findings possess the skills and attributes that will enable
also demonstrate that the basic determinant of them to be prepared or ready for success in the
youth unemployment is their inefficient training at workplace” (p. 42). This need for innovation and
all levels of education. What is absent is not job competitive strategies especially in a global digital
vacancies in the labor market but rather the suitably economy, urge organizations to invest in
qualified staff to cover them. The study also information and communication technologies (Van
highlights the inelasticity of the Universities to Grembergen & Haes, 2018).
respond promptly to the new demands of the The following section focuses upon the
market. Also, Universities are charged for being cut- development of accounting related knowledge and
off from the real needs of the labor market and that skills on information technology system in higher
the educational system is rather anachronistic and accounting education. Many researchers examined
therefore is natural to bring forth graduates unable whether an expectation gap exists between the
to find jobs. knowledge or skills acquired by graduates in
Accountants are involved in a wide range of university curriculum and those expected and
roles in business and it is important for them to preferred by employers (Albrecht & Sack, 2000). It is
possess IT knowledge and skills relevant to their common among researchers the terms of work
roles to provide competent and professional readiness, career readiness and job readiness to be
services. However, the scope of IT is broad and not used interchangeably. Employability, on the other
all IT knowledge and skills relate to an accountant’s hand, appears to refer to the soft (generic) skills
role. This raises the questions: what kind of IT which complement the knowledge and technical
knowledge do graduates consider important to skills. Thus, the goal of accounting science
embark in the accounting workplace? Does education should be that of producing professional
satisfaction with teaching and learning experience accountants (Wessels, 2005) adequate of supporting
contribute to the self-awareness of work readiness modern techniques and strategies (Kazanjian et
among graduate students? In which information al., 2017).
tools should educators emphasize to make Burnett (2003) has conducted research seeking
graduates feel well prepared so as to enter the the views of employers of accounting graduates on
accounting job market? the technology skills that are considered crucial and
The premise objective of this study is to assess important for new graduates to possess. In his study
the work readiness among business and economics (Burnett, 2003), refers the top four technology skills
for accounting graduates as: 1) spreadsheet
graduates in relation to their perceived IT specific
software; 2) windows; 3) word processing software
knowledge level required to plunge into the
and 4) World Wide Web. The technology skills that
accounting job market. To achieve this objective,
ranked from 5 to 10 were:
graduates’ perceptions of knowledge level for a
5 - information systems planning and strategy;
number of accounting IT tools were identified and
6 - database software;
used as explanatory variables in determining their
7 - communications software (e.g. Outlook);
self-perception of work readiness. During the
8 - project management;
analysis, the personal characteristics of students,
9 - presentation software;
the type of institution graduates study at and their
10 - technology security and control.
satisfaction of the teaching and learning process
Greenstein and McKee (2004), perform a
were taken into consideration.
literature review through which they concluded on
the identification of 36 critical information
2. LITERATURE REVIEW technologies. The continuance of their survey was to
study 1000 accounting information systems and
The increasing value of knowledge placed on capable auditing academics and 1000 audit practitioners in
people, job complexity increase, and an abundance America to define their self-reported IT knowledge
of information are fundamental changes, bring out levels and comprehensions about the best places to
the necessary knowledge management strategies and learn IT skills. After performing factor analysis, they
Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 8, Issue 2, 2019
found a relatively low level of knowledge of e- satisfaction and motivation in flipped classrooms,
commerce and advanced technologies and audit furthering the requisiteness of technology-based
automation constructs among both educators and techniques and necessary skills for students to
practitioners but found a relatively high level of enroll in business life.
knowledge of office automation and accounting firm
office automation constructs. They also designated a 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
potential “learning gap” between educators and
practitioners that may occur in five of the 36 critical A scale-based survey instrument was designed in
technologies that they examined (Wessels, 2005, order to gather information about graduates’
p. 94) perceived knowledge about current Information
Awayiga et al. (2010), conducted research on Technologies and Accounting Information Systems
knowledge and skills development of accounting (AIS). The instrument consists of three parts. The
graduates in Ghana and they culminated in first part contains items related to basic student
remarkably similar results to those of the Burnett demographic information and an item inquiring the
(2003) research. The study surveyed both graduates type of institution the student attends
and employers of the graduates on their opinion on (Technological Institute of Education or University).
the importance of skills and knowledge for entry- The second part consists of 28 items/statements
level accountants. Technology skills identified in designed to collect data on six IT knowledge
order of importance included: 1) spreadsheet domains (see Table 2). The build of the scale items
package; 2) database package; 3) presentation was based on the studies of Greenstein and McKee
software; 4) technology management and budgeting; (2004) and McKee (2000). Furthermore, we adopt
5) word-processing package; 6) communications additional technologies that were found on the
software (Outlook); 7) electronic commerce; 8) World Greenstein-Prosch, McKee, and Quick, (2008)
Wide Web and 9) Windows. information technology study and 6 additional
In another study Spraakman et. al. (2015) technologies were formed on the current used Greek
identified the IT knowledge and skills of accounting Accounting Information Systems.
graduates that employers required. The focus was Each item requires students to assess their
on office automation skills (word, excel, etc.), level of knowledge on a 7-point Likert scale ranging
systems of analysis and design, databases and ERP from 1 (poor) to 7 (excellent). In the third part,
systems. The results of the field research on students were asked to rate their overall readiness
35 firms in New Zealand revealed that Microsoft to work in the accounting market and their overall
tools skills and ERP knowledge were the most satisfaction with the process of learning and
important requirements for hiring accounting teaching at the institutions. The questionnaire ends
graduates. Knowledge of Excel was found to be the with an open format question asking students in
most desired. Similar findings provided by which specific domain they need more training in
El-Dalahmeh’s (2017, p. 207), in a survey of the
relation to AIS.
Jordanian business environment. Graduates with a
The target population was all the graduates
low knowledge level of financial spreadsheets
studying at the University of Macedonia and the
applications are at a disadvantage in the hiring
Technological Institute of Education (TIE) located in
process. Other technological skills such as general
the city of Thessaloniki (Greece). Initially, a pilot
ledger packages software, word processing,
study was conducted to 50 graduates in order to
flowcharting and database, financial instrument
detect any syntax weakness and to simulate the
software, accounting software, audit software, ERP
process of the actual study. Given that 68% of
system software, presentation, tax preparation
students study at Universities and 32% of them at
software, statistical analysis packages, and
the Technological Institutions of Education (TIE),
applications were also desired by employers. Finally,
(HQA, 2017) a proportionate sampling strategy was
on an intriguing research Yilmaz (2017) focused on
the role of e-learning readiness regarding student
Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 8, Issue 2, 2019
Mean Std.
Domains Items Median
Score Dev.
1. Workflow Technology 2,00 2,70 1,65
2. Test Data 2,00 2,62 1,44
3. Cooperative client/server environment 2,00 2,79 1,64
Advanced 4. Digital communications 5,00 4,53 1,74
Technologies 5. Firewall software/ Hardware 4,00 3,84 1,70
6. User Authorization Systems 3,00 3,47 1,74
7. EDI-tradditional 3,00 3,50 1,83
8. Wireless communications 5,00 4,39 1,81
9. Generalized audit software 2,00 2,63 1,60
10. Expert systems 2,00 2,49 1,44
Audit Automation 11. Embedded audit modules 2,00 2,37 1,40
12. Real-time audit modules 2,00 2,34 1,44
13. Simulation software 2,00 2,34 1,47
14. Word processing 5,00 5,06 1,73
15. File management 5,00 5,04 1,70
16. E-mail 7,00 6,18 1,14
Office Automation 17. Transfer and store files (cloud, DropBox, Google Drive...) 6,00 5,51 1,49
18. Internet search and retrieval 7,00 6,09 1,27
19. Image processing 5,00 5,29 1,45
20. Electronic presentations 5,00 4,96 1,56
21. Flowcharting/data modeling 3,00 3,52 1,71
Database 22. Computer-aided systems engineering tools 3,00 3,13 1,70
23. Database design and installation 3,00 3,04 1,77
24. Encryption software 2,00 2,27 1,59
Complex Systems
25. Enterprise resource planning 2,00 2,41 1,54
26. Electronic spreadsheets 5,00 4,74 1,87
Software 27. Econometric Software 2,00 2,40 1,65
28. Statistical Software 2,00 2,64 1,73
Work Readiness 3,00 3,33 1,52
Satisfaction with teaching and learning process 4,00 4,17 1,55
The overall view is that graduates’ self- plot confirmed the existence of four components.
perceptions about their knowledge level, on All of the original 28 items retained in the
accounting IT tools and applications, is modest. components since factor loadings surpassed the
Certain knowledge shortcomings exist which can threshold value of 0.4 (Hair et al., 1998). The first
mitigate the propensity of graduates to attain a component includes all the items that belong to the
successful entrance in the accounting job market. domains of Audit Automation, Database, and
The moderate level of perceived knowledge is Complex Systems. It also absorbed two of the eight
accompanied by moderate levels of satisfaction. items (Test data and Cooperative client/server
Table 3 provides the results of the factor environment) attached to the domain of the
analysis using the extraction method of principal Advanced Technologies. Since all these items are
components with varimax rotation. The ΚΜΟ linked exclusively with the auditing processes the
statistic receives a value of 0.9 and Bartlett's Test of first component is labeled as Audit Informatics
Sphericity is found significant (p<00.05) indicating Systems. The second component absorbed all the
that the sample is appropriate to conduct a factor items contained in the Office Automation domain
analysis. The analysis suggested a four-component and therefore retained the same label. For the same
solution (eigenvalues>1) which accounted for 63.6% reason, the third and fourth components labeled as
of the total variance. A visual inspection of the scree Advanced Technologies and Software respectively.
Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 8, Issue 2, 2019
Items Components
1 2 3 4
1. Workflow Technology 0.510
2. Test Data 0.574
3. Cooperative client/server environment 0.507
4. Digital communications 0.641
5. Firewall software/ Hardware 0.656
6. User Authorization Systems 0.685
7. EDI-traditional 0.690
8. Wireless communications 0.687
9. Generalized audit software 0.659
10. Expert systems 0.730
11. Embedded audit modules 0.783
12. Real-time audit modules 0.755
13. Simulation software 0.763
14. Word processing 0.704
15. File management 0.623
16. E-mail 0.735
17. Transfer and store files (cloud, DropBox, Google Drive...) 0.726
18. Internet search and retrieval 0.781
19. Image processing 0.777
20. Electronic presentations 0.760
21. Flowcharting/data modeling 0.632
22. Computer-aided systems engineering tools 0.802
23. Database design and installation 0.729
24. Encryption software 0.754
25. Enterprise resource planning 0.700
26. Econometric Softwares 0.466
27. Statistical spreadsheets 0.686
28. Electronic Softwares 0.724
K-M-O Measure: 0.927
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity: 0.000
Eigenvalue: 10.726 4.045 2.000 1.037
% of Variance explained: 38.310 14.446 7.142 3.704
To test the specified research hypotheses a entered the model in the first step as control
hierarchical regression model was estimated with variables. In the second step, the satisfaction and
the dependent variable being represented by the the type of institution were entered to account for
perceived work readiness of graduates. The four the variance they explain in readiness. The model
dimensions identified by PCA, together with gender, was estimated following the general to a specific
age, satisfaction with the learning and teaching approach. At a first step, the equation enters with all
process and the type of institution (TIE, University) variables in the two groups and then each variable is
constituted the independent variables. The four dropped according to its own significance and its
components encompassing the accounting IT tools contribution to the overall fit of the model. Several
and applications entered the model in the last step tried specifications have been made with the
of the analysis on the theoretical grounds that they intention of retaining the core variables into the
are the core predictors of the perceived work- models. The final (specific) equation with summary
readiness. The nuisance variables of gender and age statistics is reported in Table 4.
Results show that among the first group indication that part of its explanatory power in the
variables only gender remained in the model. The final equation is absorbed by these two predictors.
department the student belongs to and the age did Multicollinearity is not an issue since the VIF value
not have any predictive power. Although gender is for each independent variable is well below the
found significant in the first model its explanatory recommended cut-off value of 10. The inclusion of
power is not evident in the second model. Gender’s gender in the final equation has slightly improved
significant but small in size (r<0.18) correlation with the overall fit of the model. Therefore gender
satisfaction and audit informatics System is an retained in the final model not as a significant
Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 8, Issue 2, 2019
variable but as a contributor with a positive seems to have increased. This can be explained by
relationship to readiness. Its partial correlation is the present complexity of accounting processes, as
small (r=0,06%) but its positive sign shows that men in previous decades its levels did not differ to the
feel more ready than women to enter the job market. same degree of daily processes faced by businesses
Regarding the rest of the independent and ordinary citizens.
variables, the results show that the third (Advanced Similar results, although to a lesser extent, have
Technologies) and the fourth (Software) components been observed by the extent to which Office
are not significant in explaining readiness. In Automation appears to affect readiness. It is a fact
contrast, the first component of audit informatics that a plethora of information support systems for
Systems was positive and highly significant (p<0.01). open-source and day-to-day operations have been
With a relatively large beta coefficient (0.443) and developed. A university institution faces major
with the largest partial correlation (PC) of 45% the difficulties in adopting and learning a significant
Audit informatics Systems is found to be the most number of information systems currently in
influential variable in determining students’ circulation on the market. At the same time, the
readiness. The second component of office learning time required makes it difficult to apply, as
automation is also found significant (p<0.05) but the the curriculum already struggles to cover a huge
magnitude of its effect on readiness is smaller amount of material and information related to new
(beta=0,117). The positive sign the two variables systems, studies, and applications of the respective
receive suggests that the higher the knowledge level scientific fields. The burden is often shifted to
of students regarding Audit Informatics Systems and businesses forced to re-educate graduates and their
office automation software, the higher will be their current employees. It is essential to associate higher
level of readiness to embark on the accounting job education institutions more closely with the labor
market. Results also show that students’ satisfaction market and through joint effort reduce the gap
from lectures is a positive and highly significant between education and entrepreneurship. At the
predictor of readiness (p<0.01). The estimated beta same time, this cooperation could bring about
coefficient (0.247) and the comparatively high partial changes and renewals of curricula and open new
correlation (0,286) make the variable of satisfaction areas of educational and business cooperation.
the second most important variable in explaining the Acquired knowledge and its effect on readiness
readiness of students. Furthermore, the results from the level of difficulty are significant. Furthermore,
the analysis show that the type of institution we found an increase in competition and required
students attend is positively related (p=0.044) to skills required by the labor market from young
work readiness. graduates. Students are aware of the difficulties they
The smallest impact on readiness comes from will encounter. The development of communication
the variable which represents the type of institutions and information technology allowed information to
students attend. The beta coefficient approaches the increase their need for more specialized and up-to-
value of zero (0.09) and the estimated partial date knowledge and skills.
correlation is 11%. Its positive relation with work Each University should integrate into its
readiness implies that university graduates are more strategy the continuous and significant development
ready than TIE graduates to enter the accounting job of the curriculum and the updating of skills that
market. students should develop. It is necessary that such
moves are applied for information systems and
5. DISCUSSION general technologies. Of course, these curriculums
must be designed towards their continuous
It is evident that students are aware of rapid development and renewal in case of future
development regarding that of international technologies. This requires constant vigilance from
competitiveness. The high impact of Audit teachers and executive staff, as well as direct contact
Informatics Systems on the level of students’ with the labor market. Upgrading existing services
perceived readiness towards their entrance in labor and creating new ones are required. At the same
market initially indicates a flare of self-criticism and time within the objectives of educational
rational thought stemming from the complexity of institutions, it is necessary to incorporate tactics of
today’s business processes. Specifically, as the level acquiring new resources and the latter’s appropriate
of processes difficulty is rising, the processes of investment. It is vital to take into account the rules
accounting procedures, which have to be performed and regulations of each institution for the proper
by businesses, organizations and respectively their assessment of functions and staff. Through these
accounting officers or accounting departments, are moves, levels of satisfaction can be increased while
similar. Students recognizing this difficulty can look practical knowledge and skills more adequately
at the closest operational environment they come to developed.
contact each day and tasked with preparing them for
the work environment. The results show that 6. CONCLUSIONS
educational institutions have not succeeded in
staffing and supplying adequate human resources Through this research, we attempt to better
and equipment equal to market levels. understand the level of perceived readiness in
While we are studying the perceived student higher education students. The distributed
readiness, we cannot ignore and not use as an questionnaire tried to gather the key features in
indicator of the fact that the levels of readiness are which students felt weak and where they would like
low to the extent of affecting their confidence. This to improve. This effort aimed to shed light on the
forces the growth of accounting information students’ beliefs in order to clarify the tactics that
systems within universities and the general educational institutions should follow in order to
education sector. This can also be seen in surveys
regarding fields of accounting illiteracy, which
Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 8, Issue 2, 2019
remain competitive and rectify their procedures and example by organizing frameworks of college and
functions. career readiness for students with disabilities
The results have shown that students regard as (Morningstar et al., 2017). It could be implied that
one of the most important issues the level of the need for the evolution of courses and even
knowledge provided from educational institutions better preparation of students for their future is
on Audit Informatics Systems. This result is self-evident.
particularly important as it shows not only the At the same time, the accounting conclusions
importance of accounting in the modern economic demonstrate the significance of both the financial
world as a tool to help businesses but also the and the accounting sector, thus questioning the way
considerable lack of knowledge the average student in which accounting as a science is used adequately
has in this particular field of science. At the same and to its fullest in order to more effectively
time, it is obvious that each educational institution facilitate business decisions.
should make significant moves to cover this Readiness is of grave importance in the
shortage and encourage their students by renewing business world. Although our study raised this
the way of learning and applying modern accounting issue, it was studied as perceived by students. We
information systems in line with the market. must take into account that students do not yet have
Levels of student perceived knowledge they significant interactions with the market. Thusly their
acquire have proved to be low, a result that further answers are likely not to be fully representative and
strengthens the need for stronger organizational the equivalent of professionalism demonstrated in
processes and education quality levels equivalent to firms. Furthermore, the research utilized the
those of competitiveness in the markets. Finally, it is collection of questionnaires, thusly adding a level of
self-evident that, together with knowledge and subjectivity. We could amend this case in future
specialized accounting systems, educational studies by a comparative analysis of the
institutions should update the ways in which expectations between students and firms, in order to
students will acquire skills of automated systems create an even more virtual condition of the gap
useful for carrying out their future duties. between expectation and reality. This research can
This research clarifies important issues on be improved by combining psychological,
student readiness while at the same time raises organizational and business tactics, but each
important questions as to how the educational subject’s greater analysis would go beyond its
process takes place. It demonstrates students' lack present goals. At the same time, although data were
of self-confidence in coping with important collected from some of the major educational
problems that will emerge in their attempts to enter institutions, it came only from northern Greece.
the labor market. This has the potential to initiate a Perhaps a more detailed sample of other regions
significant change in academic processes, allowing could demonstrate more complex findings.
incorporating pragmatic tactics and upgrading its In the future, it is interesting to use studies
functions, curriculum as well as re-evaluating its that will be cover psychological and behavioral
objectives. issues towards more accurate results. At the same
Furthermore, it raises an issue of readiness in time, it is necessary to consider expanding our
developing countries, especially for academic research into larger geographic areas. Eventually, we
communities that achieve many scientific goals but could utilize comparative studies between states or
also largely based on and state financial support and institutions, thus displaying levels of
budget. From a scientific point of view, the question entrepreneurship and more effectively linking them
of readiness as perceived by students combines to the labor market. Respectively, exploring the
psychological, organizational and business tactics. same issues of business affairs could furthermore
This study highlights an important aspect of determine whether or at what level the perceived
education and work-readiness that academic and readiness of students is contradicted by the
business groups must focus on, especially in an era respective perceptions of business owners and the
were sociological and humanitarian aspects are market in general.
improved, urged and included as proposed for
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