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Multiple Choice: Identify The Choice That Best Completes The Statement or Answers The Question

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Tunasan Muntinlupa City

Name: _________________________________ Section: _____________ Date: ___________


Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. What do you call the region along a plate boundary where one 7. Which of the following features would you expect to find at an
plate is forced to go under another plate? ocean-continent convergent boundary?
a. rift valley a. deep ocean trench.
b. continental rise b. volcanic mountain chain.
c. subduction zone c. major earthquakes.
d. transform fault d. all of these event & features.
2. Why do earthquakes usually occur at plate boundaries? 8. Which of the following increases with distance from a mid-ocean
a. The rock on the edges of tectonic plates is soft and gives ridge?
in easily to various pressures. a. the age of oceanic lithosphere
b. Rock in environments near tectonic plate boundaries b. the depth to the sea floor
experience great stress. c. the thickness of the lithosphere
c. The boundaries between tectonic plates have been d. all of the above
seismically active for millions of years. 9. Because Earth’s interior is warmer than its surface layers, what
d. Rock in environments near tectonic plate boundaries kind of process where hot materials move toward the surface?
experience little stress. a. energy balancing.
3. Convergent plate tectonics includes which of the following? b. convection.
a. rifting and basaltic magmatism c. energy transfer.
b. faulting, side to side collision, spreading zones d. rotation.
c. side-to-side sliding of plates, and no magmatism
d. subduction, continental collision, and volcanic arc
4. What happens to the crust below in the process of isostatic
rebound where mountains are eroded over hundreds of millions
of years?
a. the crust sinks
b. the crust rises
c. the crust splits to form a rift
d. the crust converges at a boundary
5. New oceanic lithosphere forms usually at what type of plate
a. divergent plate boundaries
b. convergent plate boundaries
c. transform plate boundaries 10. Consider the figure above. Which of the following best describes
d. normal fault boundary how heat travels through the Earth’s layers?
6. Which best explains the formation of Himalayas? a. Heat from the core passes through conduction to the
a. Collision of Eurasian and Pacific continental plates mantle.
b. Collision of Eurasian and Indian continental plates b. Heat from the mantle passes to the core and to the
c. Subduction of Eurasian oceanic plate over the Indian lithosphere.
continental plate c. Heat from radiation in the core passes through convection
d. Subduction of Indian oceanic plate over the Eurasian currents in the mantle.
continental plate d. Heat from convection current in the core passes through
radiation in the mantle.

Changing the World for a Better Future

11. Which of the following correctly grouped Laurasia and 12. What hypothesis states that the continents were once joined to
Gondwanaland? form a single supercontinent?
a. LAURASIA a. plate tectonics
Asia, Europe, North America b. seafloor spreading
GONDWANALAND c. continental drift
South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia d. paleomagnetism
b. LAURASIA 13. What is the current best idea used to explain the mechanism for
South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia tectonic plate motion?
GONDWANALAND a. The Earth is currently expanding (growing).
Asia, Europe, North America b. The Earth is currently contracting (shrinking).
c. LAURASIA c. Thermal convection theory for the Earth’s mantle.
Asia, Europe, North America d. Moon and the Sun’s gravitation has shifted the Earth’s
South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, India 14. When an oceanic crust collides with a continental crust, what
d. LAURASIA land feature will be formed on the continental crust as a result of
South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, India the collision?
GONDWANALAND a. A caldera volcano.
Asia, Europe, North America b. A majestic plateau.
c. A chain of volcanic mountains.
d. A medium sized mountain system.
15. Besides the fitting together of the continents, Wegener’s idea of
continental drift was based upon which of the following?
a. fossil evidence between S. America and Africa
b. fossil evidence between India and Africa
c. magnetic “stripes” on the ocean floor
d. mid-ocean ridge system, middle of the Atlantic Ocean

For number 16-19, refer on the picture below.


16. What type of plate boundary is illustrated in FIGURE 1? 18. What layer of Earth is labeled C in FIGURE 1?
a. transform fault boundary a. asthenosphere
b. divergent boundary b. continental lithosphere
c. convergent oceanic-oceanic boundary c. oceanic crust
d. convergent oceanic-continental boundary d. continental crust
17. What feature is labeled B in FIGURE 1? 19. What process is illustrated by the area labeled G in FIGURE 1?
a. trench a. seafloor spreading
b. ocean ridge b. continental volcanism
c. volcanic island arc c. rifting
d. continental volcanic arc d. subduction

Changing the World for a Better Future

20. What kind of plate boundary occurs where two plates grind past
each other without destroying or producing lithosphere?
a. divergent boundary
b. convergent boundary
c. transitional boundary
d. transform fault boundary

For number 21-23, refer on the picture below.


21. What mechanism of plate motion is illustrated in FIGURE 2? 25. Which statement below will best describe how isostasy works?
a. seafloor spreading a. Isostasy is the process by which the oceanic lithosphere is
b. slab-pull consumed at subduction zones.
c. ridge-push b. Isostasy is the creation of oceanic crust at mid ocean
d. magnetic reversal ridges through the process of divergence.
22. What type of plate boundary is illustrated in FIGURE 2? c. Isostasy is the balance of the Earth’s upper mantle on top
a. divergent boundary of the rigid crust.
b. convergent oceanic-continental boundary d. Isostasy is the phenomenon that explains the balance of
c. convergent continental-continental boundary the Earth’s rigid crust on top of the upper mantle.
d. convergent oceanic-oceanic boundary 26. Why erosion causes the uplift of rocks?
23. What feature is labeled A in FIGURE 2? a. Because erosion triggers volcanism.
a. subduction zone b. Because erosion causes isostatic adjustment.
b. trench c. Because of erosion results in crustal recycling.
c. volcanic island arc d. Because erosion leads to sedimentation in the interior of
d. continental volcanic arc continents.
24. What was the main reason why Wegener’s ideas of continental 27. What happens as rocks gets heated when it reaches the mantle-
drift were rejected by many scientists? core boundary?
a. His drift mechanism seemed impossible on the basis of the a. it becomes dense and sinks to the core.
enormity of time required and an unknown mechanism. b. it expands and floats upward.
b. “Land bridges” were proven to have connected S. America c. it becomes dense and floats upward.
and Africa that aided migration of species found as fossils. d. it expands and sinks to the core.
c. The ruggedness and nature of ocean basins were already 28. What happens at convergent plate boundaries where oceanic
well known. and continental crust meet?
d. The gravitational attractions of the Sun and Moon were not a. oceanic crust is created
strong enough to move continents. b. oceanic crust is subducted
c. continental crust is subducted
d. no associated volcanism occurs

Changing the World for a Better Future

29. Which of the following correctly distinguish the three types of
plate boundaries as illustrated in the figure on the left?
a. A-convergent
b. A- transform
c. A-divergent
d. A-divergent

30. Based on the figure above, what can be concluded about the size of the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean after millions of years from now?
a. Atlantic Ocean will be bigger than the Pacific Ocean c. Pacific Ocean will still be bigger than the Atlantic
because of the divergent boundaries present on its Ocean because of the divergent boundaries present
location. on its location.
b. Atlantic Ocean will be bigger than the Pacific Ocean d. Pacific Ocean will still be bigger than the Atlantic
because of the convergent plate boundaries present Ocean because of the convergent plate boundaries
on its location. present on its location.

Changing the World for a Better Future

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