Concept of Operation For The Irctc Online Booking System: Prepared By: Swapnil Gupta. ROLL NO.: 200801072
Concept of Operation For The Irctc Online Booking System: Prepared By: Swapnil Gupta. ROLL NO.: 200801072
Concept of Operation For The Irctc Online Booking System: Prepared By: Swapnil Gupta. ROLL NO.: 200801072
ROLL NO. : 200801072.
Purpose of the Document
The purpose of this document is to describe the operations, content, intention and
audience of the IRCTC online booking system. This document stepwise describes the
purpose, utilisation for the different satkeholders of the system. This document is
useful for verifying the proper functioning of the system. It also covers different
stakeholders and their roles.
Scope of System
This system allows the user to book railway tickets online from anywhere to anywhere
. The agencies that are associated are the Indain Railways and all different banks that
provide the payment gateways through credit and debit cards. Apart from these
directly related agencies, there are some who put their advertisments on the site. The
system basically covers the area of the booking and payment for the tickets.
Earlier booking ticket for travelling in a train was a very hectic job. People had to
stand in long queues and wait for their turn. On top of it they had to firstly take
correct information for the train they wanted. That was quite tidious. This system was
mainly inappropriate for senior citizens. To overcome this, a parallel system was
installed which enabled people to book their tickets online. This avoids people to
stand in long queues and also gives information about different trains on a press of a
Concept of the Proposed System
The proposed online system enables a user with an internet connectivity to book rail
tickets from anywhere to anywhere. To book a ticket :
• The user must register with the Online booking system.
• The user must login to his/her account.
• He/She must fill up the form to get the list of desirable trains.
• Then select a particular train from the proposed list of trains.
• Enter the details of the passengers and confirm the entries.
• Select the payment gateway from proposed ones.
• Make the payment by entering the necessary details about the account.
• The ticket is booked.
User Oriented Operational Description
The stakeholders of the system includes :
• Travelling people who book tickets.
• Banks who provide payment gateways for booking the tickets.
• Maintainance team which keeps an eye over the proper functioning of the
• Ticket Booking Staff, their work is less hectic now.
• Agencies who put up their advertisments on the ticket booking portal.
• Agents who get official license to book tickets for people who don't have
internet connectivity at their places or don't know the functioning of the
system. This in turn provide them employment by providing them some
commission in lieu of booking tickets.
• Indian Railways who has gained in the sense that it has to now pay less for the
booking staff and also gains from advertisments on the web portal.
Inter Agency Interactions : The only inter agency interaction in my view is the
money transaction that takes place between the banks and the Railways. The money is
transfered from the user's account to the Railway's account. This interaction is only
there during the payment phase of the system process. Otherwise, there is no such
interaction during the entire process.
Constraints :
• The system is available to the end user for a specific time of the day. This is,
maybe, because of certain policies of the payment gateways or the railways
• The system presently allows tickets to be booked only for sleeper and higher
classes and not for second class.
• To use the system one should have an internet connection. Also he/she should
have any supported debit or credit card for making the payment.
Operational Needs
• Allows user to enquire about the trains and book tickets sitting at his desk.
• This requires the user to be trained to use internet and understand atleast basic
norms to use a computer.
• User should have a registered account eith the portal. This is done by filling up
an electronic form.
• As the system is electronic, less is to be done to regulate it in the sense that it
does what is being told to it. One of the basic operational needs that is being
• Payment is also electronic and easy. This was also a heavy task to be
implemented. It has baan accomplished in a fairly nice way.
Operating Environment
• The IRCTC portal works on latest versions of IE, Firefox, Google Chrome,
Netscape Communicater and Safari web browsers.
• The system shall permit user access from the corporate Intranet and, if a user is
authorized for outside access through the corporate firewall, from an Internet
connection at the user’s home.
• The system is running under a team of skilled personnel who are well equipped
to face situations which may lead to mishap.
• The system is running on the latest sever class machines.
• The system is provided with huge storage devices to store the user informations
as well as the booking status of the trains. In addition to this, it also stores the
details of various trains.
• The system has been installed in an air conditioned environment. This increses
the life of the hardware.
• The system has been provided with a backup to recover any data loss.
Functional Requirements of the System that are being fulfilled
Verification of the User
• The user must log in into his/her account.
• If the user does not have an account, he/she may register, as mentioned above,
with the portal.
• If the user name and password are incorrect, the user is given the respective
message and an option of registering is given.
Search for the train
• A proper form is there into which you put destination, starting point, date, class
and the type of ticket that you want ( iticket or eticket ).
• The form, on submission, generates the list of trains which fall under those
• There is a checkbox for each train. You can look at the seat availability,
schedule etc for a particular train.
Book a ticket for a particular train
• Select a train from above list and click on 'book ticket'.
• Enter the details of the passengers.
• After this you have to make payment.
Make payment
• Options are given to choose a payment gateway in the form of a list.
• Choose one of them.
• Enter the account/card details of yours and click on make payment.
• If transaction is successful, your ticket is booked.
• You can, then, take a printout of it.
Other functional requirements
• An option for viewing booking history ( showing all the bookings done till date
) is available.
• An option for cancelling the ticket has been put. The user can select the ticket
and cancel the booking for a particular passenger for that ticket.
• If there is no activity from the user side for some fixed period of time, then the
session expires automatically. This has been done keeping in mind the security
purpose, so that no one can play with your account.
Nonfunctional Requirements
• The system should be able to handle and do proper time sharing to all the users
that are logged in.
• It should handle atleast 5,000 users at a time( estimated value ).
• All the information regarding the passwords and the payment gateways are to
be properly encrypted to ensure security.
• Users are required to log in before any operation with the system.
Logical Concept Of Operations
PHASE I : Authentication of the User
• The registered user can login by entering the usename and password into three
different modes:
a) Train Ticket.
b) Tourism Services.
c) Mumbai Season Ticket.
( The above modes are used to categorize trains in the search phase. Rest operations
are same. Only the trains proposed are different. )
• On logging in the user may reach the following two states:
a) The home page displaying the search form.
b) If user name and password do not match, then directed to relogin page,
which also gives the option of registering and an option to get the password
back through a security question.
PHASE II : Home page operations
• Here you have various modes of operations:
a) Search for a train : Fill up the form in front and submit. In the form you
have to specify boarding point, destination, date of travelling, class, ticket type
(iticket or eticket) and check box for tatkal quota. (ticket type and tatkal
quota checkbox specify the modes of operation).
State 1: You are suggested a list of trains.
State 2: You are informed no trains of your interest exist.
• State 1 is achieved if firstly all the attributes of form are filles correctly.
Otherwise, it dislplays an error message saying a particular field is
• State 2 can be achieved in many ways. Firstly, if you try to book for
tatkal quota before opening date for it. Secondly, if no trains are available
on your mentioned date and between the mentioned locations, state 2 is
b) View booked history : Here firstly you are prompted for password and then
you are shown a list of your recently booked tickets. You can select any
particular ticket and get pnr status , print or cancel the ticket. All of these are
not operable if the journey date of ticket has already passed.
c) Print Eticket : Here you pass the same procedure as in view booked
history. But the list shows only the trains whose journey date have not yet
d) Cancel Eticket : Reach same interface as Print Eticket one.
In any of the above cases, if at any stage password entered is incorrect, then it
prompts for resubmission of password.
• Here you get the list of trains.
• From here you can choose a train and get fare, route , check availability or book
• Get fare option gives the fare per person including all taxes.
• Show Route option gives detailed information as to when and where the train
would be.
• Show Availability option gives the available number of seats in the class that
had been chosen in phase 2. It may show xx available, RAC or waiting list.
• Book Ticket Option allows to book ticket which has been discussed as the
next phase.
PHASE IV : Enter the passenger details
• Here you need to enter :
a) Name *
b) Age *
c) Gender *
d) Berth Preference *
e) Check box for senior citizen
( Starred ones are cumpolsory).
There are six enteries possible. Apart from these there are two options for children
less than 5 years whose tickets are not to be issued.
• After entering the details press on go.
• This leads to either of the two states:
State 1: If any cumpolsory is not filled it leads to error message prompting to
enter the same.
State 2: It reaches a page which asks for confirming the details. If you
have ensured the details there is an option of making payment (this takes you to
the next phase of operation). If you have found any error, there is an option
to replan the ticket( this option takes you to PHASE II of the operation.)
PHASE V : Payment Phase
• Once you enter this phase, you encounter various modes of payment. You may
choose credit cards, debit cards, cash cards etc.
• When you select any one of given, you are directed a different interface which
asks for details authenticating your account and making payment.
a) If you successfully authenticate your account, the system again prompts if
you want to make payment or not, confirming to which the process to payment
starts. If the payment is successfully made, a message is displyed regarding
confirmation. If not ,the corresponding message is displayed.
It also happens sometime that due to error in connection, the payment is
made but the ticket is not booked. In such cases, the money is transferred
back to the user's account within few days.
If at any point of time, after entering phase 2, the system is left untouched by the
user for a fixed amount of time, the session is expired.