Introduction Format
Introduction Format
Introduction Format
Not all devices are tested equally. Testing adds costs, so low cost
components are rarely tested completely, whereas medical or high costs
components (where reliability is important) are frequently tested.
But testing the device for all parameters may or may not be required
depending on the device functionality and end user. For example if the
device finds application in medical or life saving products then many of its
parameters must be tested, and some of the parameters must be
guaranteed. But deciding on the parameters to test is a complex decision
based on cost vs. yield. If the device is a complex digital device, with
thousands of gates, then test fault coverage has to be calculated. Here again
the decision is complex based on test economics, based on frequency,
number and type of I/Os in the device and the end-use application.
ATE automatic test equipment is a vital part of the electronics test scene
today. Automatic test equipment enables printed circuit board test, and
equipment test to be undertaken very swiftly - far faster than if it were done
manually. As time of production staff forms a major element of the overall
production cost of an item of electronics equipment, it is necessary to reduce
the production times as possible. This can be achieved with the use of ATE,
automatic test equipment.
There is a variety of different approaches that can be used for automatic test
equipment. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and can be
used to great effect in certain circumstances. When choosing ATE systems it
is necessary to understand the different types of systems and to be able to
apply them correctly.
There is a good variety of types of ATE systems that can be used. As they
approach electronics test in slightly different ways they are normally suited
to different stages in the production test cycle. The most widely used forms
of ATE, automatic test equipment used today are listed below:
• Automatic optical inspection, AOI: AOI, Automatic Optical
Inspection is widely used in many manufacturing environments. It is
essentially a form of inspection, but achieved automatically. This
provides a much greater degree of repeatability and speed when
compared to manual inspection. AOI, automatic optical inspection it is
particularly useful when situated at the end of a line producing
soldered boards. Here it can quickly locate production problems
including solder defects as well as whether the correct components
and fitted and also whether their orientation is correct. As AOI systems
are generally located immediately after the PCB solders process, any
solder process problems can be resolved quickly and before too many
printed circuit boards are affected.
AOI automatic optical inspection takes time to set up and for the test
equipment to learn the board. Once set it can process boards very
quickly and easily. It is ideal for high volume production. Although the
level of manual intervention is low, it takes time to set up correctly,
and there is a significant investment in the test system itself.
• ICT In circuit test: In-Circuit Test, ICT is a form of ATE that has been
in use for many years and is a particularly effective form of printed
circuit board test. This test technique not only looks at short circuits,
open circuits, component values, but it also checks the operation of
With the requirement for testing circuit efficiently increasing while test
access is decreasing, efficient methods of testing are needed.
Boundary scan uses special boundary scan ICs that have a shift
register in the output. By connecting boundary scan compatible ICs
serially on a board (or just using the boundary scan chain in an IC for
individual IC testing) and enabling the boundary scan chain, it is
possible to send in a serial data word, and then monitor the exiting
data word. Analyzing the exit data train enables the test information to
be accessed. In this way it is possible to gain a high level of test access
without compromising the circuit.
As a result of its ability to test boards and even ICs with very limited
physical test access, Boundary Scan / JTAG have become very widely
• Combinational test: No single method of testing is able to provide a
complete solution these days. To help overcome this various ATE
automatic test equipment systems incorporate a variety of test
approaches. These combinational testers are generally used for printed
circuit board testing. By doing this, a single electronics test is able to
gain a much greater level of access for the printed circuit board test,
and the test coverage is much higher. Additionally a combinational
tester is able to undertake a variety of different types of test without
the need to mover the board from one tester to another. In this way a
single suite of tests may include In-circuit testing as well as some
functional tests and then some JTAG boundary scan testing.
Each type of automatic test philosophy has its strengths, and accordingly it is
necessary to choose the correct type of test approach for the testing that is
The digital pattern generator can be used early in the design cycle to
substitute for system components that are not yet available. For example, a
digital pattern generator might be programmed to send interrupts and data
to a newly developed bus circuit when the processor that would normally
provide the signals doesn't yet exist.
It allows exploring new test cases – and create infrequently encountered test
conditions to help verify that a code works and is robust enough – and this,
before the complete hardware is even available.
A digital pattern generator can also be used to put a circuit into a desired
state and then let it operate at full speed or step the circuit through a
series of states. Generating the right specific initialization sequences
and configuring control register will help in exploring many modes of
operations of a circuit. Because nowadays circuits use digital interfaces that
may run at more than a few 10th of megahertz, the old way to do it with
microcontrollers coupled with a GPIO is not sufficient any more.
We share the opinion of the engineers that going on prototype early in the
design cycle speeds up system debug and hence, helps shorten the overall
product design cycle.
Logic Analyzer
Many digital designs, including those of ICs, are simulated to detect defects
before the unit is constructed. The simulation usually provides logic analysis
displays. Often, complex discrete logic is verified by simulating inputs and
testing outputs using boundary scan. Logic analyzers can uncover hardware
defects that are not found in simulation. These problems are typically too
difficult to model in simulation, or too time consuming to simulate and often
cross multiple clock domains.
Logic Blocks (CLBs)
3 Y
• Example
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 1
. . .
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1
Net list
BIT File Reports
Net list
Configure Device
This lab provides a basic introduction to the ISE software tools. You
will complete and implement an existing Pico Blaze design. Pico Blaze
will be used in the labs throughout this workshop to illustrate the ISE
design flow and various point tools. This is by no means training on
designing with Pico Blaze.
For Project Location, use the “…” button to browse to one of the
following directories, and then click OK
• Verilog users: c:\xup\fpgaflow\labs\verilog\lab1
• VHDL users: c:\xup\fpgaflow\labs\vhdl\lab1
Click Next
Click Finish
Figure 1-3. Project Summary Dialog
Add HDL source files for an example PicoBlaze design. You may review
the PicoBlaze documentation to become familiar with the 8-bit
microcontroller architecture and assembler. Refer to
KCPSM3_manual.pdf in the ..\KCPSM3\docs\ directory.
The dialogue below should appear which allows you to select a flow
(none, implementation, simulation, or both) associated with each
source file
Figure 1-4. Choose Source Type
Click OK accepting the default setting of All for both source files
Note: You should now see several files in the Assembler sub-
directory starting with init_test*, including VHDL (int_test.vhd)
and Verilog (int_test.v) ROM definition files
Add the testbench and review the code. Run a behavioral simulation
using the Xilinx ISIM simulator and analyze the results.
Enter the value of 25000 for the Simulation Run Time and click
The steps below are for illustrative purposes only, and show how to
analyze the internal signals of the design. The first step shows how to
add internal signals to the waveform. The second step shows how to
analyze the interrupt process. The third step shows how to analyze the
output waveform process. You may optionally complete these steps if
you have additional time at the end of the lab.
You need to expand the design hierarchy and select the desired
module entry [uut] in Instance and Process Name window, and
then select the desired signal [address] in Simulation Objects
window. Right-click on it and select Add to Wave Configuration.
Similarly add interrupt, interrupt_ack, and instruction signals
Figure 1-12. Accessing Internal Signals
Notice that the tools run all of the processes required to implement
the design. In this case, the tools run Synthesis before going into
The two types of the seven segment displays are as shown below
• Common Cathode Display: In this type of display the cathode of
all the LEDs are tied together and the anode terminals decides the
status of the LED, either ON or OFF.
• To turn ON the LED i.e. segment value of driven segment should
be 1 and 0 for turn OFF.
DIP Switches