ICT Integration in The Educational System of Philippines: January 2018

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ICT integration in the educational system of Philippines

Article · January 2018

DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.5399

6 16,797

1 author:

Queenie Pearl Villalon Tomaro

Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology


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Queenie Pearl V. Tomaro1, Dyah Mutiarin 2
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of
Lecturer of Govermental Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
queenietomaro@gmail.com; 2 dyahmutiarin@umy.ac.id
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/jgpp.5399

Article Info ABSTRACT

The paper aims highlight the state of ICT integration
Article history:
Received 02 Sep 2018 to the educational system of the Philippines, including the
Revised 17 Nov 2018 challenges, efforts, and possible solutions. The study is a
Accepted 30 Nov 2018 review of two scholarly works focusing on the case of ICT
integration in the educational system of Philippines. The
paper reviewed were the paper of Kubota, Yamamoto,
and Morioka (2018) entitled, Promoting ICT education in
developing countries: Case Study in the Philippine and the
research work of Bonifacio (2013) entitled, Developing
Information Communication Technology (ICT) Curriculum
Standards for K-12 Schools in the Philippines.The critical
analysis of the reviewed papers revealed several policy
actions to fully integrate ICT in education in the case of
Philippines such as added trainings for teachers, provision
of computer infrastructures, integration of ICT in the
curriculum in a strategized manner, and lastly a strong
leadership. The paper provided a lens both on the
problematic situation on the actual school set-ups and
also the possible key steps to be undertaken for
improvement. It is a review of the selected academic
papers which delves into the ICT-Integration in the
Educational System of Philippines. The formal efforts of
the government were also highlighted including the prime
importance of ICT in education. The paper does not only
embolden a problem of the inadequacy of the school
facilities but it highlights how this problem affects the
competitiveness of Filipinos in the job market and the
Keywords: backwardness of the standing of the country in
Technological technological advancement
advancement; ABSTRAK
education; ICT- Makalah ini bertujuan menyoroti keadaan integrasi
integration TIK ke sistem pendidikan Filipina, termasuk tantangan,
upaya, dan solusi yang mungkin. Penelitian ini merupakan
tinjauan atas dua karya ilmiah yang berfokus pada kasus
integrasi ICT dalam sistem pendidikan Filipina.
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Public Policy

Makalah yang ditinjau adalah makalah dari Kubota,

260 Yamamoto, dan Morioka (2018)
Mempromosikan pendidikan TIK di negara-negara

berkembang: Studi Kasus di Filipina dan pekerjaan

penelitian Bonifacio (2013) berjudul, Pengembangan
Standar Kurikulum Teknologi Komunikasi (TIK) untuk
Sekolah K-12 di Filipina. Analisis kritis dari makalah
yang ditinjau mengungkapkan beberapa tindakan
kebijakan untuk sepenuhnya mengintegrasikan ICT
dalam pendidikan di Filipina seperti pelatihan
tambahan untuk guru, penyediaan infrastruktur
komputer, integrasi ICT dalam kurikulum dengan
cara yang strategis, dan terakhir kepemimpinan yang
kuat. Makalah ini memberikan lensa baik pada
situasi problematik pada pengaturan sekolah yang
sebenarnya dan juga kemungkinan langkah-langkah
kunci yang harus dilakukan untuk perbaikan. Ini
adalah tinjauan makalah akademis terpilih yang
menyelidiki Integrasi TIK dalam Sistem Pendidikan
Filipina. Upaya formal pemerintah juga disoroti
termasuk pentingnya ICT dalam pendidikan.
Makalah ini tidak hanya memperkeras masalah
kekurangan fasilitas sekolah tetapi menyoroti
bagaimana masalah ini mempengaruhi daya saing
warga Filipina di pasar kerja dan keterbelakangan
dari negara dalam kemajuan teknologi..

The paramount importance of education as the key to
develop a country rationalizes the government’s thrust to re-calibrate
the educational system for increased competencies and added skills in
the labor force. The Incheon Declaration on Education Framework
for Action, made during the World Education Forum in Incheon,
South Korea re-committed the effort to the attainment of the vision
for Education and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals,
especially the fourth Sustainable Development Goal which is:
Vol. 5 No. 3
October 2018

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and

promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
As part of the goal of providing an inclusive quality
education, teachers must be given fundamental consideration: the
number, the quality, the capacities, and competencies. Thus, the
SDG 4 further stated:
By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified
teachers, including through international cooperation for
teacher training in developing countries, especially least
developed countries and small island developing States
Consequently, as an embracement to the modernizing world,
education has evolved as one of the main thrust of Information and
Communication Technology. ICT is now developed as one of the
main infrastructures that every educational institution should provide
its students with. Information and Communication Technologies or
ICT is an umbrella term that comprises any communication device
or application, such as; radio, television, cellular phones, computer,
and network hardware and software, satellite systems and many
others, as well as the various services and applications associated with
them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning (Kumar,
2008). Kumar (2008) stated that ‘when such technologies are used for
educational purposes, namely to support and improve the learning of
students and to develop learning environments, ICT can be
considered as a subfield of Educational Technology’. Not only is ICT
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important as a learning course but also ICT materials such as

262 software and multimedia, are used to supplement instruction
(Bonifacio, 2013) and it provides ease to teacher’s in tasks such as,
computing of grades, writing reports, and etc.; tasks that was to be
done manually using hands before.
In adoption of the fast advancing technological developments
in the international arena, the education sector, the teachers
primarily, must be provided with trainings and workshops for the
integration of ICT in the learning curricula. This is vital not only for
the quality education that will be afforded to the students but also for
the internal development of the Department of Education as an
organization in itself. It also puts pressure on the quality and access of
education and on how to keep pace with the development of new
digital technologies, and the transition to a knowledge-based
economy (Bonifacio, 2013). The currently emerging knowledge-based
economy elevates knowledge as ‘the most precious asset driving
growth, wealth-creation, and employment, and education serves as
the key to economic and social mobility’ (Bonifacio, 2013). This is
why ICT education is vital in the current age and on how it is
integrated to education, how accessible and functional are the
facilities, and on how capable and knowledgeable the teachers are,
directs the course of ICT and its impact to the development of the
country. Hence, human performance in organizations, such as the
Department of Education, reflects on the knowledge, skills,
behaviors, and values and added or expertly performed abilities and
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October 2018

skills, and these will help the organization to perform better and to
increase productivity; which is why ‘any expenditure on education
and development is considered a long term investment that the
organization can benefit from (Rafiei & Davari, 2015). Not only is it
for the benefit and productivity of the organization but also for the
quality and outcomes of its services. In light of this forwarded notion,
investment to not only facilities and infrastructures for ICT-led
learning but also to the trainings and workshops that must be
provided to the teachers and staff must also remain as a priority to
effectively provide ICT literacy.
In providing a deeper look into the integration of ICT to the
educational system of the Philippines, several papers will be reviewed.
The first paper is the paper of Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka
(2018) entitled, Promoting ICT education in developing countries: Case
Study in the Philippine. The second paper is a research work of
Bonifacio (2013) entitled, Developing Information Communication
Technology (ICT) Curriculum Standards for K-12 Schools in the Philippines.
These papers were handpicked to not only provide an understanding
of ICT in the Philippine Educational setting but also how ICT
integration to education evolved after the new educational system was
set up under the Aquino administration.
The first reviewed paper was written by Kubota, Yamamoto,
and Morioka (2016) entitled, Promoting ICT education in developing
countries: Case Study in the Philippine. The paper generally highlighted
the ICT education settings through a depiction of the situation in
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two schools from the rural (100 kms from Manila) and suburbs (50
264 kms from Manila). It was first and foremost emphasized that despite
the wide adoption of ICT in developed countries, in the Philippines,
a developing country, there is a gap of accessibility present between
rural and urban areas of the country. This said gap was grounded by
Kubota, Yamamoto and Morioka (2018) in the educational setting by
delving into the ICT-adoption statuses of schools in the country. The
need for ICT integration to the educational set-up of the schools are
given emphasis as it is part of the goal of the government of the
Philippines that ‘a people-centered inclusive and development-
oriented information society, where everyone can create, access,
utilize and share information and knowledge’, is established (Kubota,
Yamamoto, and Morioka, 2018: 3). Also, the new millennium
ushered in an information revolution that puts pressure to the
countries to catch up to the latest technological developments. One
of the key policy actions of the government, under the Department of
Education was the introduction of the subject, Technology and
Home Economics (THE), a subject combining the Home Economic
and Livelihood Education (HELE) in the secondary level (Magno,
2006; Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka, 2018). Furthermore,
Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018:3) also highlighted the key
policies of the Philippine Department of Education that emboldens
the integration of ICT in the curriculum of education. These are as
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 Technology must be studied as a separate subject, and then

applied to other learning areas as a tool for learning how to
 Teaching-learning must not be textbook-driven but should include
the application of ICT, whenever appropriate.
 An education modernization program will equip schools with
facilities, equipment, materials and skills, and introduce new
learning and delivery system, capitalizing on recent technological
In addition, the Philippine Department of Education
introduced the Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) integrating ICT
through the following key mandates:
1. School computerization
2. Teacher training
3. IT curriculum development
4. Multimedia content development
5. Financing
6. Monitoring and evaluation
Following this policy effort, is the introduction of the
Philippine Education Technology Master Plan which has the
following operational targets (Bonifacio, 2013: 5): (1) all public
secondary schools shall be provided with an appropriate educational
technology package; (2) 75% of public secondary schools shall have a
computer laboratory room equipped with basic multimedia equipment; (3) all
public secondary schools shall have an electronic library system; (4) 75% of
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public secondary schools teachers shall have been trained in basic computer
266 skills and the use of the Internet and computer-aided instruction; and (5) all
learning areas of the curriculum shall be able to integrate the application of
ICT, where appropriate.
The research of conducted interviews and the results of the
research revealed not only the depth but the wide size of the limited
ICT adoption in the educational institutions subjected for study. The
results of the study of Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018) are
thematically divided into the following themes of analysis:
infrastructures, human resource, and financial resource. Firstly for
infrastructure status, it was emphasized in the result of the study that
in the rural school chosen as one of the research foci, there was a very
scarce number of computers reaching only 10; with only 6 among the
10 were fully functional for offline computer work. These computers
were expected to cater 1400 students. The computers were also not
connected to the internet and were not used effectively. Water
leakages from leaking roofs are causing damage to the computers
which also lack computer maintenance. Furthermore, there was
unstable power supply in the area and the fluctuating supply of
electricity is detrimental to the present scarce computer facilities. The
second school in the suburbs was revealed to have 10 computers with
only 8 among the 10 are in fully-functioning status. But same as the
situation of the other school, computers were not connected to the
internet despite the availability of internet signal in the area. Thus,
computers can only be used for minimal work. Furthermore, Kubota,
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Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018) revealed that the computers were

said to break down easily and that computers were always locked
inside a room so teachers cannot easily have access.
Secondly in Human resource, it was mainly revealed that
there is no skilled personnel that is capable of basic computer repairs.
Teachers were revealed to possess low computer skills and knowledge
about software and hardware. This is supported by the results of the
study of Caluza et al. (2017) revealing that most of the public school
teachers they have assessed have basic knowledge on ICT and are in
need of improvement. In addition, there is no technical support staff
to maintain the functionality and usability of computers and teachers
were given very limited training due to their (teachers) hectic
schedule. In the situation of the second school studied by Kubota,
Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018) it was revealed that teachers did not
have a learning opportunity for training and no technical support
staff was present hence repairs or any basic damage cannot be given
immediate solution. Teachers were also revealed to lack computer
knowledge and skills for instructional purposes and lacked the
motivation to teach computer-related topics as mentioned ‘it was not
mandated to use computers in classrooms’ (Kubota, Yamamoto, and
Morioka, 2018). According to Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka
(2018), the Philippine Department of Education provides teacher-
training courses to high school teachers and principals (school heads)
several times a year to promote the ICT literacy but these are only
present in ‘big’ cities such as Manila and Cebu. More trainings must
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be provided to the teachers for an effective integration of ICT in

268 teaching and other related task assigned to the teaching force in order
to uplift and enhance the quality of education in schools (Caluza et
al., 2017).

Thirdly in budgetary challenges and financial resource status,

it was revealed by Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018) that there
was no budget for computer maintenance hence the 4 computers are
dusting in the corners with no provision for repair. Also, there was
no budget for internet connection hence computers remained to be
unconnected and can only be used for very minimal offline work.
The second school remained to be of the same set of problems; no
budget for computer maintenance and despite the internet signal
present in the area, there was no budget for internet connection
The following results in the study of Kubota, Yamamoto, and
Morioka (2018) revealed as surfacing challenges of ICT integration in
the education setting. Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018)
analyzed these challenges to be connected in a perpetuating cycle.
This cycle shows an analysis of the situation of the
interconnectedness of the factors that continue to hinder the effective
integration of ICT in education. This cycle is presented below:
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Figure 1
Situations of Two analyzed cases of ICT in Education setting

Source: Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018)

Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018) described the

challenges presented in Figure 1 to be in a vicious cycle that must be
addressed all together in order to effectively integrate ICT in
education. In light of this, Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka, (2016)
suggesting the following options: (1) collaboration with third party
organization, i.e. Kansai University, (2) Kansai University, to provide
large-scale trainings, workshops, and seminars to teachers, (3)
Collaboration with Bulacalan State University for technical support
and computer maintenance. The framework for collaboration that
Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018) have forwarded is presented
in Figure 2 below.
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Figure 2
270 Framework for Collaboration

Source: Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018)

Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018) provided a very

detailed depiction of the ICT in two schools in the Philippines, Its
strength rests upon the clear details which aided a thorough
understanding of the situation in suburban and rural located schools.
It also provided viable solutions that can be explored to resolve the
problems presented. However, one of the weaknesses of the research
is that it only focused on two schools; 1 in the suburban area and 1 in
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the rural area. Two schools do not present a strong and complete
picture that would generalize a digital divide between the rural, sub-
urban, and urban areas. Furthermore, the paper has focused more on
the existence of computers and its functionality and less on the
integration of ICT in the curriculum as a learning focus.
While the first paper of Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka
(2018) generally discussed about the situation of ICT integration in
the schools in suburban and rural areas of the Philippines, the second
paper that is reviewed in this paper is about the ICT integration in
the new educational system of Philippines introduced under the
administration of former president Benigno Aquino III. The paper is
entitled, Developing Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Curriculum Standards for K-12 Schools in the Philippines.
The paper, as well-illustrated in its title, aims to forward the
need to design a curriculum standard for ICT integration in the K-12
educational system of the Philippines. In addition, the study of
Bonifacio (2013) argued the vitality of ICT in education especially in
the modern age of technological advancement and on how ICT
shouldn’t drive education but that educational goals must drive the
use of ICT in schools. Hence, the paper emphasized how important
for schools to develop curriculum standards that would set clear
educational expectations from students, improve instructional
strategies for teachers, and provide a framework for schools for
technological integration.
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The paper also intensively addressed the question on

272 why ICT-integration is indispensable. One highlighted reason is on
the vitality of ensuring that the Filipino students are able to acquire
ICT concepts and skills that will help them achieve greater benefits of
learning (Bonifacio, 2013). Furthermore, the paper also emphasized
how ICT can best be integrated in the curriculum of the new K-12
system. Bonifacio (2013) founded the core of its paper on the theory
of Pattinson and Berkas (2000) which generally laid down four steps
on integrating ICT standards in the curriculum.
The four steps being exemplified define the process of an
effective ICT integration in the educational curricula. These four
steps are the following (Pattinson & Berkas, 2000; Bonifacio, 2013):
(1) developing a curriculum framework in the context of standards-
based reform; (2) selecting a curriculum-planning model that further
articulates the standards-based reform outlined in the framework; (3)
building capacity at all levels of the educational system; and (4)
monitoring, reflecting upon, and evaluating the curriculum as
teachers implement it in the classroom. This entails a curriculum
development that would direct educators into targeting skills for every
grade level and into focusing the instructional activities and
assessments about the target skill.
The second core of the paper was the discussion on how ICT
can best improve the instructional element in educational
institutions. The benefits of ICT that Bonifacio (2013) extensively
discussed says to not lie on the outputs and ease of work alone but it
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also includes the support that ICT provides in new instructional

approaches and methods for more feasible cooperative learning
experiences for students. The recognition of ICT as a valuable asset
for education was grounded on how it improves student learning
outcomes and effectiveness and how it provides the teachers options
of their own pedagogical preferences (Choy, Suan & Chee, 2012;
Bonifacio, 2013).Thus, Bonifacio (2013) argued that in order to
effectively utilize ICT in ‘improving the quality of education and
heighten teaching efficiency, pre-service training and programs that
are relevant and responsive to the needs of the education system’
must be provided. This is to provide teachers sufficient subject
knowledge, a repertoire of teaching methodologies and strategies,
professional development for lifelong learning and for them to be
exposed on the new channels of information. Bonifacio (2013) did
not fail to point out that programs of personnel development for
teachers about ICT is important but he also emphasized that the
focus is on learning the technology and not on teaching as ICT is not
to be used as an alternative for teachers but as tools for a more
effective pedagogy.
The final part of the paper of Bonifacio (2013) tackled the
challenges that the integration of ICT to education would bring forth
and on what the government of the Philippines have done and
should do in addressing the challenges. The paper revealed that
developments in the integration of ICT in education has been fruitful
and the facilitation by the Department of Education, and
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collaboration with the private sector in several initiatives successfully

274 equipped a number of schools with ICT facilities but these initiatives
have not insured that teachers fully use the facilities for teaching
purposes (Belawati, 2004; Bonifacio, 2013). In light of this, Bonifacio
(2013) presented an implementation plan for ICT integration in the
education setting. He presented in details the parameters set up
under the National Strategic Planning Initiative for ICTs in Basic
Education launched by the Philippine Department of Education in
February 2005 as part of the effort of the government for a system-
wide reform process aiming to alleviate the Philippine basic education
out of crisis. These parameters that Bonifacio (2013) presented are
the following: Appropriateness, Effectiveness, and Sustainability.
Supplementing these government efforts, Bonifacio (2013)
exemplified the need for ICT training of the faculty force. It was
emphasized in the paper that student’s use of technology represents
the teacher’s integration of technology into teaching and curricula
and also affects the teacher’s effectiveness and that students’ academic
achievements are noticeably influenced by the teacher’s use of
technology (Chang, 2012; Bonifacio, 2013). This provides
rationalization in increasing the need to increase teacher’s
technological literacy. The technology-related knowledge of the
teachers reflect the achievements and educational performance of
their students. In addressing concerns of the teachers’ poor computer
literacy, the paper of Bonifacio (2013) provided several proposed
actions as cited from (Almekhlafi and Almeqdadi (2010)). These
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proposed action are the following: (1) deliver workshops on effective

technology integration; (2) provide teachers with appropriate ICT
tools in the classroom; (3) provide teachers with incentives and
awards for outstanding technology integration in their classrooms; (4)
provide teachers with some release time so that they can plan
effectively for technology integration in teaching and learning; (5)
explore the use of technology in classrooms covering all school levels,
including public and private schools; (6) investigate the effect of
technology integration on students’ achievement and attitude; (7)
evaluate technology integration in relationship to curriculum goals
and outcomes (Bonifacio, 2013: 7).
Bonifacio (2013) also added the importance of an effective
technological leader in the person of the school administrators who
are experienced and capable and are able to receive training in vision,
planning and management. School administrators are instrumental
in designing professional development plans from the set
technological targets (Chang, 2012; Bonifacio, 2013). Bonifacio
(2013) also highlighted the need to more than just integrate ICT as a
subject course but to device a systematic development plan thwarting
the fears of the teachers and users in general of the use of technology.
The challenges of that the integration of ICT to education faces is
more than just infrastructure-wise but also system-rooted. The lack of
facilities hinders the effective integration and the scarce computers in
schools limits the extensive learning experience for both teachers and
students. The study of Cajilig (2009) reinforced this claiming stating
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that ‘while the enthusiasm level for integration was high, the extent
276 of ICT implementation was poor mainly due to the lack of computer
facilities and teacher training programs’. The teachers’ knowledge,
skills, and attitude towards ICT integration is also a challenge that
must be addressed. Resistance to technological introduction and
educational reform is always a present hurdle but an effective
technological leader is always needed to facilitate the acceptance and
adoption through trainings, workshops, and seminars. The effective
development of ICT curriculum standards and its integration to the
educational system would only be effective is the challenges are met
with the forward-looking acceptance that technology has to be
embraced than feared.
Supplementing the presented challenges of ICT integration in
educational institutions, a paper of Arinto (2006) highlighted a
framework for an effective integration. Arinto (2006) also emphasized
the essential role of ICT in education. Arinto (2006) stressed that an
effective integration of ICT in education programs is expected to
“develop not only technology literacy but also, and especially,
information literacy, critical thinking, and other skills needed to
enable teachers and learners to transform information into useful
knowledge.” Hence, both the papers of Bonifacio (2013) and
Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018), did not only point out the
current challenges of ICT-integration in the educational institutions,
and the challenge it poses to the human resource of the education
sector but it also highlighted the call for technological adoption,
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integration in the curricula, and professional development in the

technological field in order to effectively deliver educational services
to the students that is in keeping with the rapidly advancing modern
world and the technology-rooted requirements of the competitive job

Technology is not a separate realm from education as a matter
of fact, technology is penetrating all realms but the appreciation of
technology lies into how it is accepted, adopted, and integrated to
every system. In fact, the study has highlighted the existing efforts of
the government of the Philippines in revamping its technology-
offered education through the integration of ICT in the basic
education curricula. The study presented that it only through
adoption and utilization can technology be useful and meaningful in
the development of one organization and its outputs. Thus, teachers
and school systems must work together in pursuing technology
integration at an optimal level where innovative technology-based
approaches to teaching and learning are adopted and integrated in
the learning curricula (Limon, 2015). Hence, in the education sector
of the Philippine government technological knowledge is given
importance. ICT is now taught in schools but the study highlighted
several challenges that threaten the quality of technological training
among Filipino students. The challenges are rooted in the following
areas: Infrastructure and facilities (computers and etc.), human
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resource (limited training for teachers, lack of motivation, and low

278 technological knowledge), and lastly the need for a technological
leader that would play a pivotal role in effectively integrating ICT in
the curriculum. The study argued the inadequate infrastructure and
computer equipment available for educational usage in the schools in
the Philippines. This provides a detriment to the development of
computer literacy among students and would just further the digital
divide among rural and urbal school-goers. Secondly, the lack of
human resource in ICT teaching limits the extent of exposure, the
quality of ICT training, and the content of ICT education being
taught in schools hence, the study reiterated the important role of
qualified human resource in ICT education. Lastly is a technological
leader. The study emphasized that the existence of a visionary
technological leader- one that does welcomes innovation and
technological advancement- greatly affects the ease and transition of
ICT integration in the educational system.
In sum, the study highlights the importance of ICT-targeted
interventions from the government. The world is in consense that the
job market, alongside the technological advancement, require
computer-literate job applicants thus, the instrumental role of
educational institutions in integrating ICT in the learning plan is of
utmost importance and time-relevance. More importantly, however,
the role of the government and of the heads of educational
institutions in promoting ICT in Basic Education must also be firm
and genuine. Equitable provision of ICT education among all
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October 2018

Philippine schools and the increase of ICT infrastructure provisions

must be prioritized. For Filipinos to be globally competent, adoption
of the technological trend must be integrated to the school’s basic
education. Development of one country, rest upon how it caters
changes and innovation and smoothly transitions towards an upward
slope of progression.

The results of the study imply an intervention from the
government and other societal forces that would fill the lacks and
inadequacies of the ICT adoption in education. Trainings that would
capacitate teachers and counter negative attitude toward ICT-use as
well as re-vamping of the curricula that would advance the ICT
competence of the students must be prioritized. More importantly,
existing equipment such as functioning computer units with installed
programs for educational purposes and have internet connections
must also be looked into. The absence of exposure to technology also
heightens the divide and the technology-linked anxiety. Lastly,
technological leaders with knowledge, vision, and open acceptance of
the adoption, usage, and education of the technological
advancement, must also emerge in every schools and organizations;
technological leaders in the person of the school principals, school
directors/directress, and the members of the faculty. The study
highlights a call for intensified government support to schools. It is
the responsibility of the state, through its educational institutions and
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Public Policy

its government that the people of the Philippines are equipped with
280 the knowledge and competencies needed in entering the global
market and the job industry. The integration, therefore of ICT, is a
crucial move that must be aided by curricula adjustments, human
resource availability, and infrastructure provisionOne of the main
functions of state existence beside to development and
implementation of protection function is the obligation to provide
public services in the form of goods and services in accordance with
the needs and expectations of the community. Through public
services, the needs of the community, especially the basic needs could
be fulfilled and the various problems that arise in society can be

Almekhlafi, A. G., & Almeqdadi, F. A. (2010). Teachers' Perceptions of
Technology Integration in the United Arab Emirates School
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