World PIpeline Coping With The Heat February 2015

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Christopher Lopez, Fred Allen,
Orlando Teran and Ricardo
Abisambra, Axalta Coating
Systems, USA, discuss the
application of fusion bonded epoxy
for high temperature
operating conditions.

ipeline operating temperatures have increased as oil and natural gas
exploration has focused on drilling deeper for reserves. As a result, the need
for pipeline coatings that are resistant to the increasingly higher temperatures
for transporting hydrocarbons is also on the rise. This has prompted the
development of a new generation of external coatings with higher glass transition (Tg)
temperatures, which enables good performance at higher operating temperatures. By
providing good corrosion protection and good mechanical properties, these new external
coatings are designed to provide pipeline integrity in the higher service temperature
Parameters of surface preparation and application of fusion bonded epoxy (FBE)
coatings are considered the key factors to ensure successful performance of an external
pipeline coating once put into operation. Adjustments oil pipeline temperatures. This increase of temperature has
of application temperature, spray gun arrangement, post not only changed what is considered to be normal operating
application curing time and temperature after quenching conditions, but has also become a problem for conventional
are the most important parameters to achieve the specified corrosion protection methods and the technologies involved.
thickness, to allow for proper cure of the coating, and to Temperatures above 110°C (230°F) start to represent a
optimise performance of the coating system. The application conflict in selection of protective systems for corrosion
process for the external coatings described in this article does control, in this case the most common methods used for
not require any plant or process modifications differing from external corrosion protection for pipelines that consist of
the application of FBE for typical operating temperatures (up coatings and cathodic protection. FBE coatings have been
to 110°C [230°F]), which is very suitable for existing facilities used since 1960 and have been historically demonstrated as
application. the most suitable option in providing corrosion protection
in conjunction with cathodic protection to ensure pipeline
Background integrity. The evolution of the FBE formulations through the
A continuous increase in worldwide oil and natural gas years has made these products capable of withstanding higher
demand has led to the search of deeper reservoirs, resulting operating temperatures.
in the extraction of heavy oils, extra-heavy oils and bitumen, Maintaining the anticorrosion and mechanical properties
characterised by their viscous, solid or semisolid form. at higher temperatures were some of the first challenges
This exploration is associated with the need for increased of high Tg FBE. The application process should not differ
temperatures during production and transportation of substantially from that of conventional FBE coatings to ensure
these types of oils due to the reservoir depth and the its commercial viability. In this work, application of high Tg
use of enhanced oil recovering technologies to ease the FBE coatings were conducted for single and dual layer systems,
movement of oils that do not easily flow at conventional Nap-Gard® 7-2555 and Nap-Gard 7-2675, from Axalta Coating
Systems. The parameters of application were monitored and
documented. It was confirmed that, in general, the application
process and the coating equipment requirements are no
different than for conventional FBE.

FBE properties
Development of high Tg FBE was necessary to face the
challenges encountered with higher in-service operating
temperatures. Significant efforts have been made by the
coating industry to develop coatings capable of withstanding
these higher operating temperatures. Resin manufacturers
have also provided to the market new generations of resins
and raw materials that have allowed for the development of
polymers with higher glass transition temperatures.
Over time, a conventional FBE coating in conjunction
with cathodic protection has proven to be the best pipeline
corrosion protection method. Maintaining this level of
Figure 1. Double layer FBE coating.
pipeline corrosion protection is the goal of FBE coating
manufacturers with high Tg FBE coatings.

Degradation of FBE at high temperatures

To understand how the FBE coating degrades over time
at high operating temperatures, several factors must be
considered, such as the environment to which it will be
exposed during its lifetime. Due to the temperature gradient
through the tube wall, the temperature of the surface
exposed to the external environment of FBE may be lower
than the fluid temperature, while the temperature of the fluid
being transported through the pipeline can be above the Tg of
the FBE coating.
The Tg temperature of an FBE coating can be defined as
the change of the coating from a hard and relatively brittle
solid state to a viscous or rubbery condition. At or above this
temperature, the permeation rate of oxygen, moisture and
other ionic substances increases considerably, which may lead
Figure 2. Axalta water quench.

World Pipelines / REPRINTED FROM FEBRUARY 2015

to rupture of the polymer structure, and finally the adhesive When the anticorrosion FBE is used in a dual-layer system
bonding of the FBE to the substrate. with an outer layer such as Axalta Coating Systems’ Nap-Gard
Also to be considered are the thermal shearing stresses 7-2675, the total system is designed to perform at operating
caused by variations in temperature, which causes the pipe temperatures greater than the Tg of either coating layer.
to move, and in turn promotes mechanical failure of the Nap-Gard 7-2675 is a specialised coating with a Tg lower
coating. For a period of time these stresses weaken the than 100°C, yet due to its uniquely plasticised polymer
adhesion of the coating to the substrate and cause the backbone, it can greatly reduce moisture and oxygen from
coating to be removed during thermal shear conditions. This penetrating through to the anticorrosion FBE layer, which
scenario may worsen when the temperature of FBE in contact
with the substrate becomes high enough to continuously
exceed its Tg, while the surface exposed to the external
environment is kept below the Tg. This causes additional
fatigue as a result of the tensions in the thermal coating
layer, which can then lead to a total collapse of the FBE,
detaching the substrate from the pipeline. It is for this reason
that the use of high Tg FBE coatings is vital for good long-
term performance of production lines with higher operating
Examples include Nap-Gard High Tg 7-2555, which can
withstand continuous operating temperatures of 155°C
(311°F). Nap-Gard High Tg 7-2555 is a thermosetting epoxy
powder designed for use as a corrosion barrier coating
for underground and subsea pipelines that operate in high
temperature service. It can be used as a corrosion coating in a Figure 3. Axalta coatings technology centre pilot reactor.
stand-alone or dual-powder coating system or as a corrosion
coating under multilayer insulation systems. When used in
conjunction with Axalta’s most recent dual layer system Nap- Table 1. Parameters, specified values and registered values for
single layer FBE application
Gard 7-2675, the operating system increases to 180°C (356°F).
The second layer ensures reduced water permeability and Parameter Target Value

improved chemical resistance. Surface profile

63 - 100 μm 75 μm (3 mm)
(2.5 - 4 mm) average

Cure time Preheat minimum/

232˚C (450˚F) < T <
Record 239˚C (463˚F)
Defined as the “period of time at temperature (post maximum
application cure time) for the cross-linking reaction to reach
Preheat Temp stick, IR, roller Temp stick
the point that the coating meets performance requirements”,1
measurement type contact
cure time is the main difference between high Tg and
90 sec. Min 260 sec. 140 sec.
conventional FBE. A more dense cross-linking reaction is Time to quench
necessary for high Tg FBE coatings to achieve the properties
Holiday detection No holidays No holidays
required. The more robust and coherent molecular structure
Temperature at
of the coating allows for improved performance at higher 80 - 93˚C (175 - 200˚F) 77˚C (170˚F)
holiday/kick off
temperatures, conserving its mechanical and chemical
resistance with very minimal deterioration. This is the reason
why the cure times for these high Tg coatings tend to be
Table 2. Parameters, specified values and registered values for
dual layer FBE application
Parameter Target Value
Dual layer systems
It is considered necessary to have the Tg value of the 63 - 100 μm 75 μm (3 mm)
Surface profile
(2.5 - 4 mm) average
anticorrosion FBE coating equal to or greater than the
232˚C (450˚F) < T <
operating temperature of the pipeline in order to ensure that
Preheat min/max Record 239˚C (463˚F)
the coating remains mechanically stable at high temperatures
and also retains its maximum corrosion resistance.2 The glass
Preheat Temp stick, IR, roller Temp stick
transition temperature of FBE has evolved and increased due measurement type contact
to the need for higher in-service temperature performance.
90 sec. (minimum) 260 215 sec.
However, this is not necessarily the case for dual layer Time to quench
sec. (maximum)
systems. As described earlier, a cause of the degradation of
Holiday detection No holidays No holidays
the anticorrosion FBE coating is driven by the breakdown of
Temperature at
the chemical bonds as the coating reaches or exceeds its Tg, holiday/kick off
80 - 93˚C (175 - 200˚F) 66˚C (150˚F)
allowing moisture and oxygen to penetrate at a higher rate.

REPRINTED FROM FEBRUARY 2015 / World Pipelines

can allow it to function for greater lengths of time at higher mechanical resistance, cathodic disbondment, as well as
operating temperatures. lowering porosity levels of the applied film. Time to quench
When the anticorrosion FBE is used in a dual layer system – between 90 - 260 sec. – is within the range of the technical
with an outer layer such as Nap-Gard 7-2675, the total system data sheet requirements and the technical representative’s
greatly reduces the levels of moisture and oxygen from recommendations.
penetrating through to the anticorrosion FBE layer, due to its
uniquely plasticised polymer backbone. This allows the system Conclusion
to work better in high phreatic level soils and also increases None of the typical parameters are changed during the
mechanical resistance of the coating system. application process. Pre-heating application temperature is
in range with conventional FBE coatings. The primer guns are
FBE application important in controlling the porosity levels of the applied film
The most important application parameters associated with high although this does not represent a modification of the coating
Tg FBE powder coatings are consistent with conventional FBE plant or process. Cure time is sufficient to allow proper cure
products. Application parameters are listed in Table 1 and Table 2 of the coating and the coating plant is able to handle this with
for single layer and dual layer systems, respectively. coating line speed of 5.76 m/min. (18.89 ft/min.) for single layer
The surface profile after abrasive blast cleaning was FBE application and 3.78 m/min. (12.40 ft/min.) for dual layer FBE
specified to be between 63 μm (2.5 mm) and 100 μm (4 mm). application. Compliance with cure times does not require any
Pre-heating temperature was specified to be between 232°C modifications to the quench line.
(450°F) and 239°C (463°F). For the application booth the most
important parameter is gun arrangement, specifically the References
1. BATALLAS, M., “Evaluation of Anticorrosion Coatings For High Temperature
use of primer guns. Curing of the coating is a high density
Service”, CORROSION 2008 Conference & Expo, paper no. 08039 (New Orleans,
cross-linking process so entrapment of gases is greater when LA, 2008), p. 2.
precaution is not taken. Three primer guns are recommended 2. KEHR, J., Alan, Fusion Bonded Epoxy: A Foundation for Pipeline Corrosion
Protection, 1st Edition (Houston, Texas: NACE, 2003), p. 573.
to facilitate wetting of the coating on the substrate while
minimising porosity. This improves properties like adhesion,

World Pipelines / REPRINTED FROM FEBRUARY 2015

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