Diet and Lifestyle MDL Ebook
Diet and Lifestyle MDL Ebook
Diet and Lifestyle MDL Ebook
Dr. Fitzgerald received her doctorate of naturopathic medicine from National College of Natural
Medicine in Portland, Oregon. She completed the first CNME-accredited post-doctorate
position in nutritional biochemistry and laboratory science at Metametrix (now Genova) Clinical
Laboratory under the direction of Richard Lord, Ph.D. Her residency was completed at
Progressive Medical Center, a large, integrative medical practice in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr.
Fitzgerald is lead author and editor of Case Studies in Integrative and Functional Medicine, a
contributing author to Laboratory Evaluations for Integrative and Functional Medicine and the
Institute for Functional Medicine’s updated Textbook for Functional Medicine. She has been published in numerous peer-
reviewed journals. Dr. Fitzgerald is on faculty at the Institute for Functional Medicine, and is an Institute for Functional
Medicine Certified Practitioner. She is a clinician researcher for The Institute for Therapeutic Discovery. Dr. Fitzgerald
regularly lectures internationally for several organizations and is in private practice in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.
Romilly Hodges completed her Master’s degree in Human Nutrition at the University of Bridgeport,
CT. She is a Certified Nutrition Specialist through the Board for the Certification of Nutrition
Specialists, and completed her practice hours under the supervision of Dr. Deanna Minich, PhD
and Dr. Kara Fitzgerald, ND. She has published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism on
food-based modulators of detoxification enzymes, and has been a contributing author to Sinatra &
Houston, Nutritional and Integrative Strategies for Cardiovascular Medicine. She has been
teaching assistant to Dr. Minich for the Certified Food and Spirit Practitioner Program and the Food and Spirit Advanced
Detoxification Module. She is the staff nutritionist at the office of Dr. Kara Fitzgerald where she advises and supports
patients in the implementation of complex, multi-layered dietary and nutritional protocols that are uniquely personalized to
each individual’s needs.
All contents copyright © 2016 by Kara Fitzgerald, ND. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related documents may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Disclaimer: No publication can be assumed to encompass the full scope of information that an individual practitioner brings to his or her practice and,
therefore, this book is not intended to be used as a clinical manual recommending specific treatments or tests for individual patients. It is intended for
use as an educational tool, to broaden the knowledge and perspective of the practitioner. It is the responsibility of the healthcare practitioner to make
his or her own determination of the usefulness and applicability of any information contained therein. If medical advice is required, the services of a
competent professional should be sought. The final decision to engage in any medical treatment should be made jointly by the patient and his or her
healthcare practitioner. Neither authors assume any liability for any errors or omissions or for any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising
1 Abbreviations ..........................................................................................................................................................6
2 Preface: The Need For Conservative Yet Effective Methylation Support .......................................................8
3 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................11
4 An Introduction to Methylation ..........................................................................................................................14
4.1 The Biochemistry of Methylation ..........................................................................................................14
4.2 Endogenous Methylation Uses ..............................................................................................................15
4.3 DNA Methylation Plasticity ..................................................................................................................17
5 The Clinical Problem ............................................................................................................................................19
5.1 Methylation Deficits................................................................................................................................19
5.2 Folic Acid Concerns ................................................................................................................................22
5.3 Methyl Donor Intolerance ......................................................................................................................23
5.4 Methylation Gone Awry ........................................................................................................................25
5.5 Reason to Tread Carefully......................................................................................................................32
6 Assessment of Methylation Status ......................................................................................................................33
6.1 Genetic Profiling ......................................................................................................................................33
6.2 Nutrient status .........................................................................................................................................37
6.3 Methylation Metabolites ........................................................................................................................41
6.4 Nutrient Assimilation Capability..........................................................................................................43
6.5 Inflammation ...........................................................................................................................................43
6.6 Oxidative Stress .......................................................................................................................................44
7 The Methylation Diet and Lifestyle ....................................................................................................................46
7.1 Food-Based Nutrients .............................................................................................................................47
7.2 Support for Nutrient Assimilation ........................................................................................................51
7.3 Microbiome ..............................................................................................................................................52
7.4 Inflammation ...........................................................................................................................................53
7.5 Oxidative Stress .......................................................................................................................................54
7.6 Detoxification ...........................................................................................................................................55
7.7 Stress Management .................................................................................................................................57
7.8 Exercise .....................................................................................................................................................58
7.9 Nutraceutical Interactions ......................................................................................................................60
The spark of inspiration behind creating the Methylation Diet and Lifestyle (MDL) program
was wanting to “do right by my patients” by embracing both the importance of healthy
methylation balance while recognizing the limitations of our current understanding. What
we don’t know in the biological sciences always far outweighs what we do know, and this is
especially true in our understanding of methylation. Imbalanced methylation of the epigenome
(comprising both hyper- and hypomethylation primarily of gene promoter regions) is an
emerging area of investigation implicated in many disease processes, ranging from aging and
allergies to neurodegenerative processes and cancer. Regulation of the epigenome is a highly
complex process; we cannot state with certainty what the impact is of high-dose, long term
methylation interventions.
Thus, for the vast majority of our patients we need to consider whether high-dose, long-term
supplementation really is the right approach. There is a dearth of research in this area, with
the exception of folic acid, where, as we discuss below, reasonable concerns exist. There are also
those patients who do not tolerate methyl donor supplementation, suspected to be chiefly due
to either poor clearance of epinephrine and other biogenic amines, or “ramped up”
detoxification activity.
While homage to Dr. Bruce Ames and his remarkable work around increasing enzyme kinetics
using high dose cofactor supplementation is due, and understanding that this approach may
indeed be appropriate for methylation in the short-term, our emerging understanding on the
epigenome suggests that more “up-stream” and nuanced interventions are in order when
possible. Food-based folates, for instance, have only been shown to be protective. Numerous
additional phytochemicals, not directly tied to methylation, appear to favorably modulate
global epigenetic and biochemical methylation activity. And reducing methyl donor depletion
by minimizing toxic exposures, nourishing the microbiome, augmenting the stress response and
far more, is safe and impactful. By removing the obstacles and drains on methylation while
providing broad spectrum nutrient ingredients for balanced activity, we are allowing
physiological wisdom to manage the process.
The Methylation Diet and Lifestyle would not have been brought into being in my clinical
practice or in this eBook without the years of frank discussions I’ve had with leading expert
Michael Stone, MD on current research and patient care approaches1. Likewise with my Journal
Club comrades, where each month for over the last three years we meet and “tussle with” new,
often complex concepts in the biological sciences. A heart-felt “shout out” goes to my
nutritionist extraordinaire, Romilly Hodges, who has worked tirelessly with me to capture the
bulk of our thoughts in the below text.
This eBook serves as a guide to understand the current methylation issues and challenges facing
practitioners, the potential concerns with supplementation alone, how to assess methylation
1Drs. Leslie and Michael Stone, along with their daughter, nutritionist Emily Rydbom, are doing
remarkable work in the field of methylation assessment and support during preconception, pregnancy
and the postnatal period at their clinic in Ashland, Oregon. Find them at and
status, and how to incorporate an MDL program into your protocols. Not only are there easy-
to-apply menus, recipes and nutrient guidelines but important lifestyle factors are reviewed
as well.
How should we determine when to use the MDL? Well, it may be the optimal way to offer
methylation support right off the bat, especially for those who cannot tolerate
supplementation. It is also a sensible and safe long-term strategy for most patients who have
achieved balance through a short-term course of higher-dose methyl donors. Importantly, the
full MDL program also supports detoxification, stress reduction, microbiome and hormone
balance, and can be readily modified to incorporate other programs that we routinely prescribe
such as elimination diets, grain and lectin-free plans, low FODMAP diets and general gut
restoration programs. Highly restricted plans, such as the calorie restricted ketogenic diet,
sometimes used in cancer and epilepsy, can incorporate aspects of the methylation diet with
additional nutraceutical support. Virtually any dietary program can work with the MDL as a
We would like to acknowledge P. Michael Stone, MD, MS,
Institute for Functional Medicine, for his groundbreaking work in
the area of methylation.
We would also like to thank Lara Zakaria MS for her
contributions to the menus, recipes and figures, and Brigid Krane
( for the cover and logo design.
It has become increasingly common for functional medicine practitioners to recommend high-
dose supplementation with methyl donors, such as 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) and
methylcobalamin, in certain patients. For example in those with genetic polymorphisms that
may impair the functionality of relevant enzymes, most commonly methylenetetrahydrofolate
reductase (MTHFR), or in those with out-of-range methylation-related biomarkers such as in
hyperhomocysteinemia. Deficiency in methyl donors is a fairly frequent finding in laboratory
analyses, depending on your population, and can relate directly to clinical symptoms; for
example B12 deficiency-associated neuropathy, which is relatively common. Some practitioners
may even look to supporting methylation as a means to improve inherited or environmentally
acquired epigenetic programming.
Of course, improving global methylation status and averting the pathways of disease and
dysfunction associated with a potential deficit in methylation activity is a commendable goal.
However, as with other biochemical processes, methylation activity exists ideally in a state of
active balance, or homeodynamics. Imbalance in these mechanisms can lead to dysfunction and
disease. So while we can be confident that ensuring the adequacy of available methyl donors for
use in the body is important, we have to question whether “pushing” reaction rates using
supraphysiological doses is always safe. Rather than bluntly forcing reactions forward, perhaps
our ultimate goal should instead be enabling the body to do the right thing at the right time.
There are a number of potential issues with long-term high-dose methyl-donor
The impact of genetic alterations is unclear. Aside from the altered activity of MTHFR C677T
and A1298C single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) which has indeed been studied to some
degree, the discovery of other SNPs remains a qualitative rather than quantitative indicator of
enzyme functionality. The overall effect of these SNPs on methylation depends on the activity
of many enzymes working together in the context of one’s internal and external environment.
This fact underlies the many variable results found in genome-wide association studies. As a
result, it isn’t readily possible at this time to determine exactly how much of an impact any one
of those alterations, even MTHFR C677T, has on overall methylation status [1].
The correct supplementation dose is as yet unknown, and may vary between individuals. No
studies have clarified yet what the right dosage or duration of methyl donor supplementation is
needed to rebalance biochemical or epigenetic methylation status Some side effects of high-dose
5-methyltetrahydrofolate supplementation have been reported in clinical practice, including
worsening of symptoms and anxiety. Consequently it may be safer in the long term to stay
within physiologic levels [2].
Hypermethylation states may occur and may also be detrimental: The scientific literature
contains many examples of region-specific DNA hypermethylation associated with adverse
outcomes, including cancer, immune dysfunction and Downs Syndrome. Interestingly, both
DNA hyper- and hypomethylation states can be identified in states of methyl donor deficiency
and repletion. Certainly folic acid, in either deficiency or excess, has been associated with
increased rates of cancer and immune hypersensitivity, but since the mechanism is not fully
understood, should we not also be cautious with high levels of methylated folate? The
mechanisms controlling DNA methylation and demethylation are incredibly complex, yet we
know that pushing reaction rates through supraphysiological dosing of nutrient cofactors is
possible [3]. The bottom line is that we don’t know what effect long-term, high-dose methyl-
factor supplementation has on DNA methylation.
Methylation status depends on many dietary and lifestyle inputs: A complex interaction of
dietary and lifestyle factors (including medications, stress, sleep, exercise and toxin exposure)
plays a role in the methylation end-result. Singular interventions with high dose nutrient
supplementation miss this intricate web of inputs and may lack long-term effectiveness, or may
not achieve desired results.
Dietary and lifestyle interventions may be the best, and safest, long term option for most
individuals with suspected methylation imbalances. This may be particularly true for certain
vulnerable populations such as individuals with active cancers. Aging is known to be associated
with diminished methylation activity, so there is a good rationale for using the MDL as an anti-
aging tool. Careful methylation evaluation and treatment is essential during preconception,
pregnancy and the postnatal period2. A good evaluation coupled with the MDL program and
appropriate nutraceutical support is a useful starting place.
A dietary and lifestyle approach can also be used as a long term follow-up plan to those
requiring early high-dose nutraceutical support. Food sources of methylation nutrients can be
abundant, and with proper planning, dietary modifications have been found to favorably
influence methylation activity [4], [5].
In this eBook, you’ll find a comprehensive dietary and lifestyle approach to support
methylation, aligned with a functional medicine approach and including important methylation
nutrients, specific foods to include, foods to avoid, two 7-day menu plans (with calculated
Drs. Leslie and Michael Stone, along with their daughter, nutritionist Emily Rydbom, are doing
remarkable work in the field of methylation assessment and support during preconception, pregnancy
and the postnatal period at their clinic in Ashland, Oregon. Find them at and
levels of methylation nutrients), recipes and lifestyle factors. You’ll also learn the basic
biochemistry of methylation, the many roles of methylation in the body, how to assess patient
methylation status, the beneficial and potentially detrimental clinical impacts of supplemental
methyl donor interventions, and the potential issues with too little, or too much methylation
Figure 1: Methylation Pathways and Utilization (for enzyme cofactors and allosteric activators see Figure
Oftentimes, functional medicine practitioners will use other forms of supplemental folates
including 5-mTHF and folinic acid (10-formyl THF) to avoid the potential DHFR blockage, and
in the case of 5-mTHF with the intention to bypass polymorphism blockages at the MTHFR
enzyme. Studies comparing the effects of 5-mTHF versus folic acid on folate status have found
the natural, methylated form to be at least as effective at raising folate levels [9]. Folinic acid is
sometimes used since it appears able to support cerebral folate levels in specific circumstances
where autoantibodies to folate transport proteins at the blood brain barrier are present [10].
Cell division, DNA and RNA synthesis. Folate metabolism is critical for DNA and RNA
synthesis since it is involved in the biosynthesis of purine nucleotides and thymidylate [11].
Chronic methyl deficiency increases the potential for cytosine deamination to uracil, creating
mismatch gene sites which increase the risk for DNA strand breaks, fragmentation, apoptosis
and carcinogenesis [12].
Early CNS development. It has been known since the 1960s that folate deficiency is causatively
associated with increased risk for neural tube defects [13]. The mechanism for this has yet to be
fully elucidated, and although there are likely multiple genetic and environmental influences.
Methylation imbalance is one suspected factor [11]. National folic acid food fortification
programs have been successful at reducing the incidence of this condition in newborns [14].
Gene expression. DNA and histone methylation are major epigenetic mechanisms that regulate
the expression of genes. The most common mechanism of DNA methylation is the attachment
of a methyl group to cytosine bases in CpG dinuceotides by DNA methyltransferase (DNMT)
enzymes [15]. Up to 80% of CpG dinucleotides are methylated in mammals under normal
conditions. High levels of methylation in gene promoter regions typically lead to repression.
Histone methylation can either promote or repress expression. Research suggests that aberrant
promoter hypermethylation in DNA repair genes is linked to a variety of cancers [16], [17].
Post-transcription modification. Methylation of post-transcription RNA and microRNA
appears to act in a regulatory function on microRNA translation and protein synthesis.
Aberrant RNA methylation activity is starting to be understood to correlate with myriad disease
states [18].
Immune cell differentiation. Methylation is involved in the maturation of immune cells such as
T cells (including Th2 cytokine regulation) and natural killer cells [19].
Neurotransmitter biosynthesis and metabolism. Methylation via SAMe is a key step in the
synthesis and metabolism of biogenic amine neurotransmitters, including dopamine,
norepinephrine, epinephrine, and serotonin. It is also required in the pathway for acetylcholine
biosynthesis. Methylation is also necessary for the regeneration of tetrahydrobiopterin, another
important cofactor in these biosynthetic pathways.
Histamine clearance. One pathway for histamine metabolism is via histamine N-
methyltransferase, requiring SAMe as methyl donor. Low SAMe or altered enzyme activity can
lead to an increases accumulation of histamine and clinical symptoms [6].
Detoxification. Along with glucuronidation, sulfuration, and acetylation, methylation is a
major pathway for biotransformation of xenobiotics within phase II detoxification. Poor
methylation status can therefore impair the body’s ability to detoxify and can lead to toxicity-
related dysfunction. Separately, DNA methylation also regulates Nrf2 signaling, referred to as
“the master regulator of antioxidant defense” a key mechanism that upregulates various phase
II detoxification enzymes [20].
Hormone biotransformation. The methylation of estrogens via COMT is an important
mechanism for their clearance and regulation. The interruption of this mechanism can be one
factor in the increased risk for oxidative DNA damage from certain estrogen metabolites [21].
Methylation status is therefore an important consideration to support safe estrogen clearance
and detoxification in patients presenting with estrogen dominance or with estrogen-receptor
positive cancers.
Cellular energy metabolism. Through its role in the biosynthesis of CoQ10, carnitine and ATP,
methylation plays a critical role in mitochondrial energy metabolism in every cell [6].
Phospholipid synthesis. SAMe is required for the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine, a major
component of cellular membranes and acetylcholine precursor [22].
Myelination of peripheral nerves. Deficient concentrations of SAMe in cerebrospinal fluid
have been shown to be causative in demyelination [23].
Human investigations support the assertion that non age-associated alterations in DNA
methylation are possible outside of the fetal developmental windows. In a study published in
the Lancet, researchers determined that hyperhomocysteinemia (between 16 and 100 mol/L
plasma or serum) was significantly correlated with DNA hypomethylation in humans (the
population studied aged between 39-68 years) [30]. They theorized this occurred due to the
increase in S-adenosyl homocysteine (SAH), which is a potent competitive inhibitor of SAMe-
dependent methyltransferases (including DNMTs). Induced folate deficiency in the population
studied further worsened hyperhomocysteinemia, and folate treatment (15 mg/d 5-mTHF for 8
weeks) decreased plasma total homocysteine and decreased DNA hypomethylation [30].
More evidence that DNA methylation is modifiable outside the critical development windows
comes from animal studies, with indications that dietary interventions may help to restore
methylation status where it has been previously lost in early-life programming. For example,
methionine supplementation in adult rodent offspring has been shown to reverse DNA
methylation changes in the hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor, as well as the adrenal and
behavioral responses to stress, caused by negative maternal behaviors in early life [31]. And
dietary betaine supplementation in vivo has been shown to induce promoter hypermethylation
on specific genes in porcine liver [32]. Even though the evidence is still limited, and more
research is needed to form strong conclusions, a number of other in vitro, animal and human
studies demonstrate alterations in DNA methylation status that are driven by nutrient
availability, including folate, choline, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6. Intriguingly, and perhaps
most telling, the outcomes of many of these studies suggest that multiple factors such as
lifestyle, environmental exposures and food-based modulators of epigenetic imprints, not just
nutrients, shape the overall impact on DNA methylation outcomes [28], [33], [34].
The depletion of cellular pools of methyl donors due to nutrient depletion can interfere with
both metabolic and DNA methylation activity [39]. There are many nutrients involved in
methylation pathways, which we will cover in more detail below. However, the most
commonly-recognized of these are folate (a B vitamin) and vitamin B12. There are various
factors that can impact the status of these, and other, nutrients in the body.
According to NHANES data, mean US adult dietary intake of food-fortified folic acid and
natural food folates range from 454 to 652 mcg DFE per day, of which 190 mcg/d is estimated to
come from folic acid fortification [40]. This is compared with a target RDA of 400 mcg/d DFE.
Population means for erythrocyte folate levels also fall within so-called sufficient levels,
however certain groups are identified as being at higher risk for deficiency. These include
women of childbearing age and non-Hispanic black women. In our clinic we also routinely see
low levels of dietary folate intake (ranging from 200-350 mcg/d DFE) in incoming patients who
have removed sources of fortified foods from their diet, such as gluten-containing grains and
processed breakfast cereals. While it is clearly advantageous to avoid processed and refined
foods, and avoid provoking food sensitivities where they exist, care must be taken to increase
natural sources of folate to achieve optimal intake levels.
Mean intake for vitamin B12, is estimated at 3.4 mcg/d, higher than the 2.4 mcg/d RDA for most
adults [40]. However, we know that certain population groups are more vulnerable for
functional deficiency. As we age, we have a reduced ability to produce the gastric hydrochloric
acid and intrinsic factor necessary for B12 assimilation. This can be compounded by the
presence of autoimmune pernicious anemia that further limits gastric secretions [22].
Many patients that seek out a functional medicine practitioner also have conditions that can
negatively impact nutrient absorption and the functional status of nutrients in the body,
including dysbiosis, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, altered transit time, Crohn’s disease,
food allergies or sensitivities, impaired thyroid function and more. These should all be assessed
and factored in to the overall nutrient need of the individual.
Ironically, while a move away from processed food-based diets is a clearly essential for
optimizing health, fortification is no longer the ‘catch all’ that it is in the processed food world.
Improperly-implemented whole-food diets still have the potential to be imbalanced. Care must
be taken to include foods that together provide all necessary nutrients, including methylation
nutrients, and it seems wise to also check functional nutrient status through laboratory
evaluations especially in the context of genetic SNPs and/or clinical symptoms.
S-adenosyl homocysteine (SAH) is a powerful competitive inhibitor of SAMe-dependent
methyltransferases (including DNMT), and is often increased with hyperhomocysteinemia [30].
The conversion of SAH to homocysteine is catalyzed by S-adenosyl homocysteine hydrolase, is
fully-reversible, and favors biosynthesis rather than hydrolysis [30]. Therefore, an accumulation
of homocysteine can inhibit hydrolysis and promote formation of SAH, thereby inhibiting
SAMe-dependent methylation activity.
Even though the MTHFR SNP may have landed methylation ‘on the map,’ there are many
enzymes and their corresponding genes that play a role in overall methylation status and
clinical outcomes. A number of practitioners already incorporate genotyping into their patient
assessment. In addition, patients are able to order genetic profiling on their own, and are
starting to bring that data to their health practitioners for evaluation and advice.
Aging is associated with altered DNA methylation, specifically global hypomethylation but
with hypermethylation at normally unmethylated CpG regions, which may lead to the
suppression of specific genes or genomic instability [28], [29]. Preserving methylation status via
nutrient and lifestyle support may be considered a reasonable strategy to slow the age-related
decline in methylation status.
Another essential consideration is that folic acid from supplements is much more readily
absorbed than folate from foods. In fact, one DFE is equivalent to 1 mcg of dietary folate but
only 0.6 mcg folic acid from supplements (taken with food) or fortified foods [49]. Therefore 400
mcg of folic acid from a supplement should actually be considered as 667 mcg DFE.
Several studies link higher levels of folic acid intake with adverse health outcomes. This has led
to speculation that dihydrofolate (DHF), an intermediate metabolite in the conversion of folic
acid to tetrahydrofolate, and UMFA, may have deleterious effects.
Reported effects of DHF: DHF has been shown to inhibit thymidylate synthase and purine
synthesis enzymes, which has the potential to impair DNA synthesis [43]. DHF also appears to
inhibit the MTHFR enzyme, creating a “pseudo MTHFR deficiency,” which can ironically lead
to a decrease in methionine synthesis and homocysteine clearance [43], [50]. Perhaps this is why
a recent trial of high-dose (5 mg/d) folic acid supplementation in infertile men showed an
unexpected reduction in sperm DNA methylation, an effect that was most pronounced in
patients homozygous for the MTHFR C667T polymorphism [51].
Reported effects of UMFA: Various studies have also reported a connection between folic acid
fortification and supplementation and colorectal cancer [52]–[55]. One of the proposed
mechanisms is that UMFA may actually metabolize via photo-catalysis to DNA-toxic products
[55]. A recent study that investigated the potential connection between levels of prediagnostic
UMFA and subsequent colorectal cancer diagnosis found a small positive association in men
and individuals with MTHFR C677T genotype (both heterozygous and homozygous) with the
highest levels of plasma UMFA as compared to those with no observable plasma UMFA.
However, a small inverse association was found with women in the study [56]. Higher UMFA
was also found to be associated with anemia in US seniors who consumed alcohol, and reduced
NK cell cytotoxicity in otherwise healthy postmenopausal women [56].
Recent research looking at folate receptors in epithelial cancers found a high frequency of
receptor FR-alpha which preferentially uptakes UMFA. It is believed that FR-alpha promotes
tumor progression and reduces apoptosis through increased expression of anti-apoptotic
protein Bcl-2, among other mechanisms. Folic acid exposure to tumor cells in-vitro was shown
to enhance this process [57], [58].
31-year-old female with long-term panic disorder and recent onset of agoraphobia. Genetic
testing revealed homozygous for COMT and MTHFR single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs). Vanilmandelic acid (VMA) and homovanillate (HVA) urinary organic acids were low
and low-normal, respectively, indicating poor clearance of norepinephrine and epinephrine.
These catecholamines are catabolized via COMT methylation, and their poor clearance may
contribute to heightened anxiety symptoms. Her homocysteine levels, on the other hand were
normal, suggesting that either the MTHFR SNP was still functional enough to sustain SAMe
levels, or that increased oxidative stress was confounding the normal homocysteine finding, by
increasing transulfuration of homocysteine for glutathione formation.
Supplementation with high-dose methylated folate and betaine was initiated, but soon after the
patient reported an exacerbation of symptoms. This could have been due to the increased
production of SAMe from the combined effects of the supplementation. SAMe levels in the
brain govern the rate of epinephrine biosynthesis from norephinephrine via methylation, so
increased SAMe availability could have been driving increased epinephrine synthesis. This
combined with the decreased clearance due to the COMT SNP could have been the underlying
reason for increased symptomatology. Replacing methylated folate with unmethylated folic
acid, and discontinuation of betaine resulted in significant symptom improvement, including
resolution of the agoraphobia.
Case adapted with permission from Lord & Bralley, 2012, Case Illustration 11.1 p. 594.
- High intake may mask a B12 deficiency. B12 deficiency is normally indicated by
megaloblastic anemia, but in when folate levels are high enough cell division will
continue in bone marrow, and this will mask the anemia. Unaddressed B12 deficiencies
can lead to irreversible neurological damage and cognitive impairment [43], [55].
- Supplemental folate or folic acid may also reduce the efficacy of certain antifolate drugs
such as methotrexate, anticancer, antimalarial and antibacterial medications.
These issues are typically addressed by simultaneous, balanced B12 supplementation and risk-
benefit analysis, respectively, and although important are not the main focus of our discussion
here. What is worth our serious exploration is this: whether or not the adverse effects of folic acid
supplementation, or aberrant DNA methylation activity seen in certain disease states, are a result of
pushing methylation activity too far. Certainly epidemiological data suggest an inverse association
between folate status and risk of disease, however this is not uniformly the case, and some
intervention trials have suggested that excessive methylation factors may in some cases be
harmful. To investigate this perhaps uncomfortable and controversial possibility, we take a
closer look at the literature.
Some research has linked folic acid intake during pregnancy with an increased risk for allergic
disease in offspring [60]. Higher levels of maternal folic acid supplementation (>500 mcg/d vs
<200 mcg/d) have been associated with an 85% increased risk for allergic eczema, for example
[61]. In animals, maternal supplementation with a combination of folic acid, vitamin B12,
choline, L-methionine, zinc and betaine during pregnancy enhances the development of many
features of allergic airway disease including airway hyperreactivity and higher concentrations
of serum IgE [62]. Similar maternal supplementation with non-dietary methyl donors, including
synthetic folic acid, has been shown to increase offspring susceptibility to inflammatory bowel
disease [63]. Another study, not of maternal intake, found that intakes of folic acid above 600
mcg/d (from food and supplements) was associated with impaired Natural Killer cell activity
have to realize that we have no idea what that is doing to the function
of all the other genes. So if you need to use it for someone who has,
say a mood disorder, use it, but follow the indices and use it for as
Changing folate status in humans has been demonstrated to alter DNA methylation [43]. In fact,
one of the outcomes that functional practitioners often assume when they turn to folate
supplements in under-methylating patients is the “restoration” of DNA methylation activity.
Unfortunately, studies about the effect of folate and methylation status on the DNA
“methylome” are conflicting and inconclusive, leaving us to attempt to derive sound clinical
judgment in the absence of hard evidence. We do know that supraphysiological levels of
substrates or cofactors can sometimes serve to override other regulatory or physiological limits,
and push the rates of reactions forward [3]. We cannot rule out, therefore, that pushing levels of
folate and SAMe methyl donors might increase DNA methylation beyond healthy levels.
According to Smith (2015), “It is now known that if there is too little methylation present, a gene
that causes disease may be expressed. Conversely, with too much methylation, a gene that
inhibits disease might be aberrantly suppressed.” If this is indeed true, we can assume there is
absolutely potential for harm. Once again, let’s explore what the literature says about excessive
DNA methylation and disease, specifically cancer, autoimmune conditions, immune
hypersensitivity and Downs Syndrome:
Aberrant DNA methylation has been put forward as a possible contributing cause to cancers [6],
[43]. In cancer cell lines, both loci-specific DNA hyper- and hypo-methylation has been shown
to occur, indicating that both states can be characteristic of tumorigenesis [68]. Global DNA
hypermethylation is also apparent in various cancer cell lines, as shown in Figure 2.
The association between folic acid supplement use and colorectal cancer is one of the most
studied folic acid-cancer correlations, and we should note that a recent systematic review and
meta-analysis found inconsistent and inconclusive evidence for the effects of folic acid on
colorectal cancer risk [69]. However, looking at broad associations may miss important details
about the type, dose and effect of supplementation, and the folate, methylation and disease
status of the individual, some of which we can glean from individual studies. For example,
specific DNA site methylation in patients with stage II and III colon cancer has been
significantly associated with increased risk of disease recurrence as well as being an
independent predictor of poor overall survival (hazard ratio 2.9, 95% CI 1.5-5.8, P=0.002) and
disease-free survival (hazard ratio 4.0, 95% CI 1.6-10.2, P=0.003) [52]. In another study, a
randomized, controlled trial investigating the potential benefits of folic acid supplementation (1
mg/d) for the prevention of colorectal adenomas, researchers found that not only did folic acid
fail to reduce recurrence risk, but that the risks for recurrent colorectal adenoma and
noncolorectal cancers, especially prostate cancer, actually increased [70].
The influence of folic acid intake on breast cancer has also been explored and is considered
controversial. For example, in one observational study, dietary supplementation with folic acid
greater or equal to 400 mcg/d was associated with a 20% increase in breast cancer risk compared
with those reporting no supplement intake [71]. In contrast, food-sourced folate has a protective
effect on cancer risk according to a 2014 Cochrane systematic review [72], and a recently
published retrospective analysis of data from 367,993 women indicated that higher food folate
intake is associated with a lower risk of sex-hormone receptor-negative breast cancer in
premenopausal women [73].
The connection between folate status and cancer has also been investigated. In an investigation
of women with breast cancer (n=204) compared with controls (n=408), individuals with the
highest tertile of plasma folate (median 17 nmol/L) had the highest likelihood of ERβ(-) breast
cancer (odds ratio 2.67, CI 1.44–4.92, P=0.001) [74]. Some of the same authors had previously
found an increased risk in breast cancer specifically when the MTHFR C667T polymorphism
was combined with high plasma folate levels [75], which may be concerning since patients who
know they have this polymorphism are among the most likely to take supplemental folates.
In another case-control study of over 300 individuals, it appeared that high levels of serum
folate acted as a promoter of the progression of existing benign tumors (polyps) to colorectal
cancer, but also as an inhibitor of carcinogenesis in healthy controls [76], leading researchers to
proposed that serum folate can actually have dual roles in the onset and progression of cancer.
In addition, recent cell studies point to potential dysregulation of one-carbon metabolism in
cancer cells, specifically methionine uptake transporters have been found to be overexpressed,
and the serine-glycine biosynthesis pathway is enhanced [77]. These offer perhaps some
explanation for the potentially harmful effect of folic acid or even other forms of folate where
there is a prior history of cancer.
We can’t know from these studies what folate derivative (see Figure 1) plays the biggest role in
these observed findings, since serum folate measures various folate vitamers, but we do know
that serum folate is largely made up of 5-MTHF (86.7%), with UMFA typically making up a
much smaller amount (4.0%) [7]. Whether the potency of the smaller amount of UMFA is
enough to cause the progression of pre-cancerous lesions, or whether high levels of 5-MTHF are
also implicated, is not possible to discern; leaving the practitioner having to make a clinical
judgment about what intervention to choose which will present least risk to the patient.
Systemic sclerosis is a poorly-understood autoimmune condition, characterized by endothelial
injury, immune abnormalities and fibrosis. It is increasingly thought to originate from
epigenetic dysfunction in immune cells that influence immune cell activation and proliferation
[78]. Alterations in various epigenetic mechanisms are implicated in the pathogenesis of the
disease. Hypermethylation of certain genes, Fli-1, KLF5 and BMPRII, reduce their anti-fibrotic
effects. Conversely, the overexpression of immune cells CD40L, CD70 and CD11a is also
involved, and is associated with hypomethylation of their corresponding genes.
The pathogenesis of other autoimmune conditions may also be influenced via methylation.
IgG4-related autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) and other autoimmune-like phenotypes are
associated with MST1 (a serine/threonine kinase) deficiency in humans, which leads to T-cell
immunodeficiency and hypergammaglobulinemia with autoantibody production. IgG4-related
AIP patients who also exhibit extrapancreatic lesions demonstrate a significant increase in the
frequency of methylation of MST1 and reduced protein productions, suggesting that this gene is
regulated, at least in part, via methylation [79] and may contribute to the underlying disease
onset and progression. Aberrant methylation patterns, both hypo- and hyper have also been
observed in rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune thyroid diseases. [80].
In revisiting immune dysfunction we also find that researchers have hypothesized that
environmental exposures that increased DNA methylation may also increase the risk for allergic
disease by suppressing Th1 and T regulatory cell differentiation that would otherwise inhibit
the differentiation of allergy-promoting Th2 cells [60]. In a study of elderly men (n=704), minor
increases (0.31%) in methylation at gene Alu repeat sequences have been significantly
associated with incidence of prior sensitization to at least one allergen, raising the possibility
that even small changes in epigenetic regulators might have significant clinical effects [60]. Even
more compellingly, general hypermethylation at specific CpG sites has been proposed to be
useful for differentiating clinically non-reactive versus clinically reactive food-allergic
phenotypes, in a manner that appears to be even more predictive than serum IgE and skin prick
testing [81].
In Downs Syndrome, early-life downregulation of the TET family genes involved in DNA
demethylation, and downregulation of REST transcription factor expression and subsequent
methylation of REST-vacant sites, have been proposed as potential pathways leading to the
global DNA hypermethylation associated with the condition (Figure 3) [82].
Figure 3: Epigenetic mechanisms in the development of Down Syndrome (DS) phenotypes, adapted from
A safer way to support methylation activity, especially over the longer term, may be through
food-based nutrients that provide the substrates and cofactors necessary for methylation
pathways, as well as food and lifestyle practices that have been shown to promote favorable
methylation activity and epigenetic imprints.
supplementation with B vitamins and a fetal COMT polymorphism, the odds ratio for autism
spectrum disorder rises dramatically to 7.2 (CI = 2.3–22.4; P=0.05) [86].
This kind of clarity of disease risk related to genotype is unfortunately rare, since research into
the combined effects of gene SNPs is still very much in its infancy. In many situations the
practitioner will need to use careful clinical judgment to guide their interventions.
The methylation-related genes presented in Table 1 are frequently evaluated for SNPs.
Table 1: Genes related to methylation metabolism. Note that many SNPs do not result in clinically
significant changes to enzymatic function. However, understanding the biochemical role of the enzyme
coded for by the mutated gene can provide insight into biomarkers to test for and supportive interventions
to consider.
Gene Acronym Gene Full Name Enzyme & Role Possible SNP Effects
CBS is overexpressed in
patients with Down Syndrome
resulting in
COMT Catechol-O- COMT enzymes metabolize the The most studied COMT SNP
methyltransferase catecholamine neurotransmitters is Val158Met, associated with
dopamine, norepinephrine and up to a 35-50% reduced
epinephrine, as well as the activity as compared to wild
catecholestrogens (produced type COMT [87].
from estradiol).
Reduced clearance of
Note that there are two different catacholamines: dopamine,
forms of the COMT enzyme, epinephrine, norepinephrine).
soluble (associated with estrogen Accumulation of
metabolism in the liver, kidneys catecholestrogens.
and GI tract) and membrane
bound (associated with brain
neurotransmitter metabolism).
MAT1A Methionine Encodes for MAT which forms Results in reduced enzyme
adenosyltransferase I, SAMe from methionine. activity.
Alcohol inactivates liver MAT May result in decreased SAMe
[89]. and compromised methylation
activity; increased
MTR 5-methyl- Encodes for the enzyme May result in reduced enzyme
tetrahydrofolate- methionine synthase (MS) which activity
homocysteine catalyzes the final step in
Low THF, increased
methyltransferase methionine biosynthesis. MS
homocysteine, decreased
converts homocysteine to
SAMe, increased reactive
methionine by transferring a
oxygen species.
methyl group from
methylcobalamin to
homocysteine to form
methionine. The methyl group is
obtained from 5-mTHF,
transforming it into THF.
There are various methods for the assessment of nutrient status (Table 2), including laboratory
analytes and physical exam findings. Dietary intake assessment, via analysis of diet diaries, also
provides a view of nutrient intake and can be a useful tool for evaluating nutrient inputs and as
a basis for adjustment of nutrient intake. In our practice we routinely use nutrient intake
analyses in conjunction with laboratory and physical functional status assessments.
Potassium Cofactor for MAT enzyme RBC, serum (obtain both for best
Riboflavin (vitamin Cofactor for MTHFR and MTRR Urine alpha-keto acids, plasma
B2) enzymes.
Physical exam: angular chelitis,
cheilosis, glossitis, recurrent apthae,
poor mucocutaneous border; nail
changes caused by general B vitamin
deficiency include beading,
onychorrexis, koilonychia
Niacin (vitamin B3) Cofactor for MTHFR and MTRR Serum, urine lactate & pyruvate,
enzymes alpha keto acids, picolinate
RBC folate*
Macrocytosis/macrocytic anemia
(with B12)
Serum folate
Macrocytosis/macrocytic anemia
(with folate)
Betaine Cofactor for BHMT; activator for CBS Not typically measured
(trimethylglycine) enzyme
Urine sulfate
Inflammation, and its associated increase in cytokine production, can interfere with methylation
various ways. DNA methylation is affected by inflammation-related signaling molecules.
Cytokines, chemokines, free radicals, prostaglandins, growth factors and matrix
metalloproteinases are among the molecules produced during inflammation, and these induce
epigenetic changes including DNA methylation [92]. IL-1β for example, suppresses p53
expression [93], creating a more favorable environment for tumorigenesis. NFκB, a central
transcription factor activated by inflammation, regulates the expression of more than 400 genes.
It is also a direct regulator of NKκB-dependent histone demethylase which in turn regulates the
fate and transdifferentiation of tumor cells [93]. IL-6, another potent inflammatory signaling
molecule, regulates the activity of DNMTs, microRNAs and histone methyltransferases, and is
able to alter the epigenetics of p53 tumor suppressor genes in a way that reduces their
expression [93], [94]. TNF-alpha induces increases in mitotically-preserved and region-specific
DNA methylation in a manner that appears to associate with impaired cellular differentiation
and renewal [95].
In vitro evidence suggests that inflammation may also drive the production of methyl radicals
which induce DNA methylation of the normally unmethylated tumor suppressor genes, leading
to gene silencing and carcinogenesis [96].
Inflammation can also contribute to a metabolic milieu that drains methylation resources, for
instance via dysregulation of glucose homeostasis. Pro-inflammatory molecules interfere with
insulin signaling in peripheral tissues [97] and reducing inflammatory mediators improves
insulin signaling [98]. Insulin dysfunction and hyperglycemia promote increased oxidative
stress which drives increased utilization of glutathione and depleted homocysteine, methionine
and SAMe. Further, disordered DNA methylation patterns influencing metabolism and
inflammation were identified in adipose tissue from subjects with type 2 diabetes [99].
hydrogen bond acceptor in the formation of methyl binding protein (MBP)-DNA complexes.
However, oxidation of guanine significantly diminishes MBP binding when adjacent to the 5-
methyl cytosine nucleotide. In addition, 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) is also susceptible to oxidation
(hydroxylation), forming 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC), in the presence of environmental
stimuli such as oxidative stress. This can interfere with DNA-protein interaction and inhibits the
binding affinity to MBPs, leading to potentially heritable epigenetic alterations. [4]
Most-commonly used methods to detect DNA methylation do not differentiate between 5-mC
and 5-hmC, which may prove to be an important distinction, especially in the brain where most
DNA hydroxymethylation appears to present [100]. There is evidence that acute psychological
stress can increase DNA hydroxymethylation in the hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor gene
and that this epigenetic change predisposes to neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative
disorders [100]. Aging is also associated with increases in 5-hmC in the brain, and may be
prevented by caloric restriction and antioxidant upregulation [101].
Analyte Significance
Source: [22]
Functional medicine practitioners may utilize The MDL program in various ways:
• As a stand-alone intervention for long-term support
• Alongside folate and other nutrient supplementation to support effectiveness
• As an alternative intervention for individuals who do not tolerate methyl donor
In this section, we review the foundational interventions that are relevant to the MDL program.
Readers may also find a summary checklist of these interventions in Appendix B.
The question of what level of nutrient intake is sufficient to optimize methylation status has no
definitive answer, and will inevitably vary from individual to individual based on their genetic
fingerprint and environmental factors. A Cochrane systematic review, published in 2014, found
that food-sourced folate had a protective effect on cancer risk (specifically breast cancer) within
the range of 153 – 400 mcg/d [72], suggesting that high dosing is not necessarily advantageous
for the general population. However, it may be reasonable to assume that certain populations,
often those whose health concerns lead them to seek out Functional Medicine, may have genetic
or environmental disturbances that merit higher nutrient intakes.
There are various nutrients involved with methylation enzymes and pathways, either as
substrates or cofactors, as shown in Figure 4. Table 6 lists out these nutrients of particular
interest and their dietary sources. Some of these nutrients are already used as targeted
supplements by many functional medicine practitioners, and are a central component of the
MDL Food Plan and Menu Plans.
DHA Fish oil, cod liver oil, mackerel, salmon, fish roe, anchovy,
whitefish, herring, trout, bass, tilefish, sardine, halibut,
oysters, squid, flatfish, mussels, shrimp, crab, perch, scallops.
Riboflavin (vitamin Lamb liver, spirulina, beef liver, egg, paprika, chives,
B2) coriander leaf (cilantro), spearmint, chicken liver, tarragon,
shiitake mushrooms, parsley, almonds, fish roe, cayenne
pepper, duck liver, goose liver, chili powder, soybeans, game
meat, daikon radish, chervil, goat cheese, mackerel, brie
cheese, sesame.
Niacin (vitamin B3) Anchovy, beef liver, lamb liver, peanuts, chicken, chicken
liver, shiitake mushrooms, sesame seeds, salmon, spirulina,
pork, cilantro (coriander leaf), mackerel, parsley, beef, game
meats, sun-dried tomatoes, tarragon, trout, lamb, chili
powder, mustard seed, duck, cod, sunflower seeds.
Vitamin B12 Clams, liver (lamb, beef, turkey, duck, goose, chicken),
oysters, mussels, mackerel, whitefish, salmon, crab, cod,
herring, trout, game meat, eggs, beef, chicken, goose, pork,
lamb, snapper, lobster.
Choline Egg yolk and liver are excellent sources. Choline is also found
in meats, especially beef, salmon, whitefish, trout, soybeans,
lentils, cauliflower and flaxseeds [104], [105].
Depending on the genotype of the individual, nutrient needs can be further customized to
support potential enzyme deficiencies. Individuals with specific SNPs may benefit from
increased intake of cofactor nutrients utilized by the associated enzyme since it has been shown
that high cofactor intake can push the rate of enzymatic reactions forward [3]. Table 7 lists
frequently evaluated methylation-related genes and the nutrients that can be utilized to support
Table 7: Methylation-related genes and nutrition to support SNPs
COMT Magnesium
Recommendation: Support balanced microbial populations and folate-producing species
Early research findings suggest that the microbiome may play a role in regulating host DNA
methylation activity, at least in their local environment. DNA methylation of intestinal
epithelial cells is shown to be significantly dysregulated and reduced in germ-free mouse
models when compared with conventional controls [107]. This study also showed that
reestablishing commensal bacterial populations via fecal transplant correlates with significant
increases in CpG methylation. Gut microbes also produce butyrate, which potently inhibits
histone deacetylase and also appears to affect DNA methylation [108], [109]. Researchers argue
that these findings suggest a sophisticated, directive role for microbes in host epigenetic
regulation, beyond simple facilitation [107].
Specific bacterial species may also exert different effects on DNA methylation. In one human
pilot study, higher levels of the bacterial phylum Firmicutes (vs bacterial phylum Bacteroidetes)
was associated with increased promoter methylation of 568 genes, and decreased promoter
methylation of 245 genes (P=0.05). The genes affected were associated with cardiovascular
disease, inflammation, metabolic pathways and cancer [110]. Previous studies in humans have
identified various Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratios in obese individuals [111].
The gut microbiota also affects nutrient status, and in this role may also indirectly impair or
support methylation activity. Most Lactobacillus species are in vitro consumers of folate with the
exception of L. plantarum strains which can produce folate in the presence of para-aminobenzoic
acid (PABA). Many Bifidobacteria species, especially strains of B. bifidum and B. infantis, are folate
producers, along with B. breve, B. longum, B. adolescentis, and B. pseudocatenulatum [112]. Most of
these species also produce folate in both its THF and 5mTHF forms, with B. adolescentis
producing the highest levels of methylated folate [113]. In vivo, the administration of B.
adolescentis (MB 227 and MB 239) and B. pseudocatenulatum (MB 116) raised serum folate levels in
folate-deficient rats, and the co-administration of prebiotic fructans raised serum folate levels
further still [114]. While human folate absorption occurs primarily in the small intestine, it also
occurs in the colon [115]. Administration of B. longum to hemodialysis patients reduced serum
homocysteine in a manner attributed to the increased supply of folate produced by this species
in the gastrointestinal tract [116].
In addition, dysregulation of commensal populations or overgrowth of bacteria in the small
intestine can hinder general nutrient absorption and appetite signaling with consequences for
functional status of methylation substrates and cofactors [117]. And, as an example of the
interconnectivity between the various inputs to methylation health, unfavorable microbial
balance may underlie local and systemic inflammation [118], which, as we have reviewed, can
also have effects on methylation activity.
Recommendation: Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle
Strategies to reduce inflammation are appropriate for methylation support (see Section 6.5.
While a full exploration of all anti-inflammatory interventions is beyond the scope of this book,
the following provide a summary of potential actions and are common approaches used in
Functional Medicine:
• Regulate blood glucose: chronically elevated circulating glucose levels, and also acute,
postprandial glucose spikes activate oxidative stress [119], indicating that both aspects of
glucose control should be addressed.
• Healthy weight maintenance: Adipose tissue produces pro-inflammatory cytokines
including TNF-alpha and IL-6 [120] and is associated with aberrant DNA methylation
patterns [99]. A higher body-mass index (BMI) and especially central adiposity is a
driver of chronic, systemic inflammation [121].
• Resolve microbially-driven inflammation: Excessive levels of bacteria or dysbiosis in the
GI tract promote higher levels of local and systemic inflammation [122]. Bacterial pro-
inflammatory compounds with systemic effects can derive from the small and large
intestine, and also in the stomach, and oral cavity. Pro-inflammatory pathogenic
bacterial species may also take up residence in internal tissues such as atherosclerotic
plaque [123]. Helicobacter pylori, a potential pathogen in the stomach, is also associated
with aberrant DNA methylation [124].
• Reduce exposure and sensitization to food antigens: food allergies and sensitivities have
been shown to increase inflammation via innate immune activation [125].
• Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet: which avoids pro-inflammatory foods such as sugars,
refined carbohydrates, conventionally-raised animal products, refined vegetable oils,
hydrogenated fats, and includes phytonutrient-rich whole plant foods and omega-3 fatty
• Support an anti-inflammatory lifestyle: Pro-inflammatory lifestyle factors such as stress
[126] and sedentary behavior [127] can be mitigated by stress management techniques
and physical activity. Lifestyle factors also exert effects on methylation activity that are
independent of their potential actions on inflammation.
Recommendation: Reduce exposure to environmental toxins and support biotransformation and
Figure 5: Potential Mechanisms Linking Environmental Toxin Exposure with Epigenetic Effects, adapted
from [128]
The following environmental toxins are among those that have been found to produce DNA
methylation alterations:
• Pesticides [2] • Benzene [33]
• Fertilizer [2] • Mold toxins (aflatoxin, fumonisin)
• Automobile fumes [2], [129]
• Arsenic [128], [133], [134]
• Bisphenol A [128], [130]
• Mercury [133], [134]
• Phthalates [130]
• Lead [134]
• Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
[128], [131] • Cadmium [128], [134]
• Jet fuel [130] • Nickel [128]
Heavy metals may be particularly problematic. Specific DNMT inhibition and reduced DNMT
gene expression has been shown with lead exposure [134]. Cadmium appears to induce DNA
hypomethylation via DNMT inhibition in the short term, but may actually have the opposite
effect, that of hypermethylation, when chronic exposure is present [134]. In vitro research
suggests that one mechanism involved in aberrant DNA hypermethylation is via the induction
of toxin or inflammation- mediated methyl radicals (from oxidized methionine) that prompt the
direct formation of DNA hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes resulting in gene
silencing and oncogenesis [96]. Oxidized methionine formation has been detected in smokers,
inflammation and aging [96]. Inorganic arsenic is detoxified in the body by methylation, leading
researchers to conclude that arsenic exposure may drain the endogenous pool of methyl donors
Total exposure to toxins such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals may
have cumulative and long-lasting effects. Manikkam et al. (2012), investigating the DNA
methylation effects of bisphenol A, phthalates, digoxin and jet fuel (as listed above) also found
that the epigenetic alterations persisted across generations and appeared to induce early onset
puberty four generations later in rodents [130].
Environmental toxins may also inhibit healthy methylation activity by interfering with other
folate mechanisms. Fumonisins (a type of mold toxin), for example, have been found to inhibit
the proper function of folate binding proteins (human folate receptor alpha) [132].
In light of our growing understanding of how toxins influence methylation, and other health
aspects, reducing exposure where possible is essential. This may involve the assessment and
remediation of exposures to mold, lead, and mercury amalgams, for example, minimizing the
use of plastic food containers, avoiding high-mercury fish, and switching to nontoxic household
and personal care products. The Environmental Working Group ( provides an
excellent resource for further understanding sources of toxin exposure, and independent
product testing.
Supporting endogenous biotransformation via Phase I and Phase II detoxification pathways, as
well as well-functioning elimination, is also essential. Short term use of supplement protocols
for detoxification are often used in functional medicine, where an excessive toxic burden is
indicated. Food and lifestyle also present an opportunity to support detoxification. The
following are basic principles to follow for everyday detoxification support:
• Proper hydration
• Adequate fiber sources
• Low-toxin foods including organic, and antibiotic and hormone-free
• High intake of colorful plant foods, especially deep greens and berries
• Regular intake of cruciferous vegetables
• Adequate protein intake
• Maintain micronutrient intake
States of high psychological and physiological stress increase the production of the
catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine, which require methylation for their
biosynthesis, metabolism and excretion. High methylation activity in these pathways draws on
the available pool of SAMe, and can lower the availability of this methyl donor for other
reactions. Stress reduction and management is, therefore, an appropriate intervention for
sparing methyl donors for other functions.
In addition to metabolic methylation, psychological stress can also alter DNA methylation via
mechanisms distinct from competitive demand for methyl donors. And it is clear that, once
again, there is a significant amount of complexity that governs the overall and site-specific
effect, and that our current understanding is limited. Methylation of the promoter region of
genes coding for the glucocorticoid receptor, a key modulator of the HPA axis and stress
response, has been shown to be differentially altered in various stress states including early life
stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and chronic fatigue syndrome [135], [136].
DNA methylation in the glucocorticoid receptor promoter, and increased expression of the
receptor, suggesting that traumatic experiences, perhaps especially during vulnerable periods
of development, might ‘prime’ an individual for a later, hyper-stress response [31]. Some
authors have theorized that methylation changes that potentiate the effects of the stress
response, may explain the connections between stress and diseases such as asthma [137].
Metabolic risk: Prenatal maternal stress, as evaluated after the January 1998 Quebec ice storm,
correlates with increased central adiposity and BMI in offspring at age 13 ½, and these changes
are thought to be, in part, mediated via DNA methylation [138].
Recommendation: Adopt a personalized, moderate exercise plan; caution with over-training
The enhanced production of reactive oxygen species and free radicals during acute exercise, as
well as increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, is well documented [140], [147], but
long-term effects of these changes depends on the type of activity and duration of an active
lifestyle. Some caution is warranted with high-intensity or anaerobic exercise which may have
deleterious pro-oxidative effects, particularly in untrained individuals. Endurance exercise, for
example, may produce circulating levels of IL-6 that are up to 120 times that of baseline, as well
as localized increases in other predominantly pro-inflammatory cytokines [140]. And a 2013
systematic review, investigating the effect of exercise on levels of oxidative stress in the brain,
found that regular, moderate, aerobic exercise increases the brain’s antioxidant capacity, but
that high-intensity, anaerobic exercise could reduce the antioxidant response [148]. These
discrepancies may be explained by a hormesis model of exercise (Figure 6), which argues that
too little or too much exercise can produce negative effects [149]. Gradual build-up of exercise,
via regular practice or training, can shift the hormesis curve to the right, meaning that exercise
tolerance and benefits are highly personalized.
It has been argued in recent reviews that abundant dietary antioxidants provided by a diet rich
in natural plant phytochemicals (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and beans, sprouts
and seeds) are an effective way to meet the antioxidant requirements of physically active
individuals and athletes [147], [149]. In fact, dietary intervention may well be a more effective
nutrients may drain the pool of available methyl donors and either create or worsen a
methylation deficit. Niacin also limits pyridoxal kinase, which normally activates vitamin B6
[6], therefore high doses of this nutrient may impair vitamin B6 status.
Table 10: Select medications that can inhibit methylation nutrients and pathways [6]
Medication(s) Effect
Homocysteine clearance
Food bioactive components can affect DNA methylation directly at the genetic level,
apparently with modulating effects that appear to be site selective and dose dependent.
For instance, a number of phytochemicals as well as selenium have been shown, using
high in vitro concentrations, to inhibit DNMT enzymes [39]. These include compounds
found abundantly in plant foods such as apigenin, betanin, biochanin A, caffeic acid,
catechin, chlorogenic acid, coumaric acid, curcumin, cyanidin, diadzein, ellagic acid,
epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin, epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG),
galangin, genistein, hesperidin, luteolin, lycopene, myricetin, naringenin, quercetin,
resveratrol, rosmarinic acid, and sulforaphane. The selective de-methylation of the
promoter regions in tumor suppressor genes is suggested to be one of the mechanisms
underpinning the anti-cancer effects of compounds such as genistein, anthocyanins and
green tea polyphenols [34], [166].
Food bioactives have been shown to modulate genetic expression in other contexts such
as Phase I and Phase II detoxification [167], and as such the inclusion of whole, colorful
and varied plant foods in the diet is likely to be of benefit not only for nutrient status,
anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant benefit, but also directly for healthy DNA
methylation and epigenetic expression.
Oxidative stress can be further reduced in the diet by limiting food preparation techniques that
promote the formation of pro-oxidative advanced glycation end products [153]. Advanced
glycation end products form primarily in animal-derived foods cooked in high, dry heat. Their
formation can be minimized by cooking at lower heats and with moisture. Proper hydration is
also an important factor in reducing oxidative stress [154]. Phytonutrients may be valuable in
that they act as beneficial enzyme modulators [6], [155], [156] as well as antioxidants.
Controlled caloric restriction may be recommended since it is considered to slow or reverse the
age-related decline in global DNA methylation and has been shown to favorably modulate the
methylation of genes related to diseases such as cancer [157]. Coupled with a lower
carbohydrate diet, an extended nighttime fast (such as by completing all food intake by 7pm)
that stimulates the production of a low level of the ketone body, β-hydroxybutyrate, may also
have protective effects on the epigenome [158], [159], as well as significant anti-inflammatory
action [160]. While we do regularly use short-term, targeted ketogenic diets in clinical practice
for their effective anti-inflammatory and weight loss outcomes, it should be noted that a full
ketogenic diet, while used as an effective therapy for epilepsy and certain cancers [161], [162], is
not suitable for long-term methylation support without careful monitoring due to the restriction
on amino acid intake that can deplete methionine status [163].
Fortified grains should be reduced or eliminated, especially if methyl donor supplementation is
not tolerated. Alcohol is inadvisable since it produces unfavorable DNA methylation patterns
[5], may interfere with SAMe activity [89] and impedes folate metabolism [164] including via
inhibition of MTR enzymes [165].
Further detail is outlined in Table 12, which specifies which foods to include, and which to
exclude. Bolded foods are especially notable for their contribution to methylation-related
nutrients. Bolded and capitalized foods are the most significant contributors to methylation-
related nutrients.
Case 2.0: Lowering homocysteine with a combination of supplements, diet and lifestyle
Susan felt that she had been healthy up until having her first child. Now, at 57 and postmenopausal, she
was recently diagnosed with latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA), and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Her blood glucose was 335 ng/dL, with an HbA1C of 12.1. Of course, our work with Susan was multi-
faceted, tailored to address the various underlying factors that related to these concerns.
Her initial program included a lower carbohydrate, anti-inflammatory diet and micronutrient for gut
repair, detoxification and blood sugar control. A modest methyl donor prescription included 400 mcg 5-
mTHF and 1000 mcg methyl-B12. At two months, Susan’s blood sugar was 108. However, her
homocysteine was 14.0. She was also identified as heterozygous for both the MTHFR 677 and 1298
mutations.. These findings prompted the initiation of our MDL program and a modestly increased methyl
donor prescription of 800 mcg 5-mTHF and 5000 mcg methylcobalamin.
Our nutritionist initiated a gluten-free, dairy-free, methylation Food Plan that also addressed her
ongoing needs for blood sugar control, curbing inflammation, and balancing immune function. She
helped Susan emphasize foods rich in methylation nutrients such as leafy greens, beets, daikon, shiitake,
spinach, seeds and high quality protein. One of the principle challenges for Susan was her frequent
business travel to Asia. Careful guidance for navigating restaurant food, as well as dry food supplies to
take with her for meal replacements and snacks as needed, helped with compliance. Guidance for
minimizing mercury exposure in food (her mercury levels initially showed high, and she did have some
remaining amalgams which would also be contributing to that result), as well as working through
strategies for “clean” living and stress management, rounded out her diet and lifestyle plan.
Four months later, labs are showing remarkable results. Her fasting blood glucose is down to 82 and her
homocysteine is at 7.1. She reports feeling very well, and is motivated to continue the program.
Table 12: The Methylation Diet Food Plan – Foods to Include and Exclude
Bolding identifies foods of particular relevance to the Methylation Diet; Bolding and capital letters
further identify some of the most important foods for the Methylation Diet
Vegetables Include a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits, 8-12 Deep-fried vegetables.
and fruits servings per day.
Potato chips, fries,
Red: apples (with skin), BEETS, bell peppers, processed vegetable
blood oranges, cranberries, cherries, grapefruit snacks.
(pink), goji berries, grapes, onions, plums,
pomegranate, radicchio, radishes, raspberries,
strawberries, sweet red peppers, rhubarb, rooibos
tea, tomato (including sun-dried tomatoes),
Orange: apricots, bell peppers, cantaloupe,
carrots, mango, nectarine, orange, papaya,
persimmons, pumpkin, squash (acorn, butternut,
winter), sweet potato, tangerines, turmeric, yams.
Yellow: apple, Asian pears, banana, bell peppers,
corn, ginger root, lemon, millet, pineapple,
starfruit, succotash, summer squash.
Green: apples, artichokes, asparagus, avocados,
bean sprouts, bell peppers, bitter melon, bok choy,
broccoli, broccoli sprouts, Brussels sprouts,
cabbage, celery, cucumbers, edamame, green
beans, green peas, greens (arugula, beet, chard,
collard, dandelion, escarole, kale, lambsquarters,
lettuce (endive, green, mesclun, raddichio, red,
romaine, spring), purslane, mustard, SPINACH,
turnip), kiwi, kohlrabi, leeks, limes, okra, olives,
parsley, pears, snow peas, sea vegetables (agar,
kelp, SPIRULINA, wakame),watercress,
Blue/purple/black: bell peppers, berries (blue,
black, boysenberries, huckleberries,
marionberries), cabbage, carrots, cauliflower,
eggplant, figs, grapes, kale, kohlrabi, olives,
Animal Include, but in moderation (6-10 oz/day, based on 0.8 Chargrilled, broiled or
protein grams of protein per kg body weight). deep fried meats and fish.
Fish (anchovy, bass, mackerel, sardines, Processed meats
SALMON, cod, FISH ROE, flatfish, halibut, including sausage, cold
haddock, herring, perch, snapper, squid, tilefish, cuts, canned meats,
trout, WHITEFISH), shellfish (clams, crab, frankfurters.
lobster, mussels, octopus, OYSTERS, scallops,
shrimp), venison, beef, bison, buffalo, lamb,
duck, elk, goose, skinless chicken, Cornish hen,
turkey, pork, rabbit, quail. Organ meats such as
LIVER, tongue, marrow, sweetbread. EGGS
including chicken, duck and goose.
Fish in italics are good low-mercury, high omega-3
choices. Grass-fed/wild animal products are leaner and
have higher omega-3 content. Choose eggs that are
omega-3 enriched.
Spices and All spices and herbs including salt, black pepper,
herbs anise seed, basil, bay leaf, cardamom, carob,
cayenne pepper, celery seed, chervil, cilantro
(coriander leaf), cinnamon, chili powder, cloves,
Condiments Baker’s yeast, brewer’s yeast, cocoa (70%+ dark, Store-bought condiments
not Dutch processed), coconut aminos, mustard, with sugar and additives.
salsa (sugar-free), tamari/soy sauce (low sodium),
Drinks Pure water (filtered, mineral or distilled), coconut Alcohol, fruit juices and
water, herbal teas such as mint, chamomile, green, soft drinks.
hibiscus, and Rooibos.
Maximum 1-2 cups per day of caffeinated
beverages (optional).
Dairy Dairy and eggs (high quality sources): Milk, Ice-cream, sweetened
cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt (no yogurts, frozen yogurt,
sugar added), butter, cow’s milk kefir, gruyere non-dairy creamers.
cheese, goat cheese, parmesan cheese, Romano
Unsweetened, non-dairy milks including almond,
cashew, coconut, and hemp milks. Coconut milk
Vegetable Fermented soy such as tempeh, miso, tamari, Other soy products: soy
protein natto, pickled tofu. Legumes including beans sauce, tofu, soybean oil in
(adzuki, black, cannellini, fava, garbanzo, great processed foods; soymilk,
northern, kidney, lima, mung, navy, pinto, red, soy yogurt, textured
turtle), black-eyed peas, hummus, lentils, split vegetable protein.
Grains Whole grains, preferably soaked and even Any flour-based products
sprouted before cooking, including amaranth, including breads, pastries
barley, buckwheat, bulgur, corn, kamut, millet, and cookies.
quinoa, oats, rice (basmati, bran, brown, wild),
rye (including dark rye), sorghum, spelt, tapioca,
teff, wheat.
Support for the implementation of the MDL Food Plan is important to continue to ensure
desired levels of nutrient intake. Even ‘healthy’ diets can be lacking in nutrients, or fail achieve
sufficient therapeutic nutrient levels if they are implemented incorrectly. To that end, we have
created two sample menu plans that may be used, along with more than 45 recipes. We also
recommend regular nutrient intake analysis, especially in the early stages of implementation, to
elucidate any adjustments that may be needed.
Wed Cranberry- Borscht with Turkey Meatballs Nutty Snack Balls Sweet and Spicy
Apple-Cinnamon Seaweed Salad with Roasted Juice
Oatmeal Vegetables
Thu Hardboiled Eggs, Warm Quinoa Red Lentil and Hazelnut Butter Sea Green Smoothie
Sunflower Seed Salad with Wild Tempeh Curry with and Apple Slices
Hummus and Salmon and Brown Rice; Steamed
Avocado Asparagus Bok Choy
Fri Grain and Nut Whole Beet Salad Lamb Curry; side of Nori Chips Ginger Greens Juice
Hot Cereal with Cashew Simple Vegetable Stir
Dressing Fry
Sat Root Veggies and Colorful Quinoa- Mackerel with Truffle Treats Berry Bliss
Poached Eggs Lentil Salad Ginger-Lime Smoothie
Marinade; side of
Creamy Coconut
Sun Turkey Breakfast Kale and Crispy Cauliflower Baked Hazelnut Butter Zesty Beet Juice
Sausage with Chickpea Salad Eggs with Daikon and Apple Slices
Chard and Fruit and Dulse Salad
Mon Eggs with Swiss Chicken Caesar Beef and Vegetable Nori Chips Sweet and Spicy
Chard Salad Stir-Fry with Juice
Cauliflower Rice
Wed Salmon Cakes with Borscht with Turkey Meatballs Nutty Snack Sweet and Spicy
Cantaloupe Melon Seaweed Salad with Roasted Balls Juice
Thu Hardboiled Eggs, Cauliflower- Grilled Beef and Pâté with Sea Green
Sunflower Seed Celeriac Soup Vegetable Skewers Cucumber Smoothie
Hummus (Paleo with Basil Dressing; “Chips”
version) and Steamed Bok Choy
Fri Fruit Medley with Whole Beet Salad Lamb Curry; side of Nori Chips Power Protein
Nuts with Cashew Simple Vegetable Stir Smoothie
Dressing Fry
Sat Root Veggies and Warm Cauliflower Mackerel with Truffle Ginger Greens
Poached Eggs Couscous with Ginger-Lime Treats Juice
Wild Salmon and Marinade; side of
Asparagus Creamy Coconut
Sun Turkey Breakfast Kale and Cranberry Cauliflower Baked Hazelnut Zesty Beet Juice
Sausage with Chard Salad Eggs with Daikon Butter and
and Fruit Medley and Dulse Salad Apple Slices
Both menu plans above provide ample methylation nutrients (Table 14). In our practice, we also
find it prudent to conduct periodic nutrient intake analyses on patients following a long-term
Methylation Diet and Lifestyle, to ensure that individuals are able to maintain that intake
beyond just one week.
Servings: 1
Heat oil in a sauté pan over medium heat. Add garlic and cook for 2-3 minutes, taking care that
it does not burn. Add chard, salt and pepper and continue to cook on medium heat until wilted,
about 3-5 minutes. The excess liquid from the chard can be drained. Serve the Swiss chard
alongside the eggs, with a squeeze of lemon on the top. Adjust seasonings if necessary.
Servings: 1
Blend almond milk, sunflower seeds and flaxseeds in a high-speed blender until creamy. Soak
chia seeds overnight in the milk/seed mixture. In the morning, add berries and sweetener and
top with cinnamon.
Cranberry-Apple-Cinnamon Oatmeal
Servings: 2
Heat the oil/butter for a couple of minutes. Add the oats to the oil and stir to coat (toasting gives
the oats more flavor and helps it from getting clumpy.)
Add the 2 cups of water and cover pot, allow to boil up and simmer on low for 5-7 minutes.
Add apples, cranberries, cinnamon and salt, and stir oatmeal well. Continue to simmer on low-
medium heat for another 5-10 min, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat when the liquid is
absorbed and it reached the consistency you like. Top with walnuts and maple syrup or honey.
Cook time: 10 min, plus extra for roasting the sunflower seeds
For serving:
Combine all hummus ingredients in a food processor or blender and process to a smooth paste.
This may take five minutes or so. Add more liquid slowly if necessary and check seasonings.
Best if chilled before serving.
Serve each person 2 eggs with 2 tablespoons of hummus and 1/4 avocado, on a bed of spinach.
Servings: 2
Heat the oil/butter for a couple of minutes. Add oats and quinoa to oil and stir to coat oats
(toasting gives the oats more flavor and helps keep it from getting clumpy).
Add the 2 cups of liquid and cover pot, allow to come to a boil. Reduce heat, remove cover and
add chia seeds, cinnamon and salt. Stir in. Continue to simmer on low-medium heat for another
5-10 min stirring occasionally. Remove from heat when the liquid is absorbed and it reached the
consistency you like. Before serving top or mix in sunflower seeds and nuts.
Servings: 4
Heat oil over med-low heat. Add onion and cook for 6-8 minutes, until it begins to soften. Add
garlic and ginger and cook for an additional minute. Stir in additional spices and 1 teaspoon sea
salt, then add the cubed root veggies, tomato puree and stock. Stir then cover and allow to
simmer for an additional 10-15 minutes (until the root vegetables are tender). Stir frequently.
While that cooks, poach the eggs. Bring a large saucepan 2/3 full of water to a simmer. Add the
vinegar and 2 tablespoon salt to the water. Gently crack the eggs into a measuring cup, then
ease them into the water one at a time. Depending on the size of your pan, you will need to
work in batches to give each egg enough room. After four minutes (if you like the yolk still a
little soft), remove carefully with a slotted spoon. Serve 2 eggs on a large spoonful of root
vegetables. Sprinkle with dulse flakes.
In a large bowl, mix together the turkey, cherries, onion, sage, thyme, 1 tablespoon of the extra-
virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper until thoroughly combined. Divide and form the mixture into
12 patties.
Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil in a nonstick skillet over medium
heat. Cook the patties for about 5 minutes each side, until fully cooked through.
For the Swiss chard, heat the oil in a large skillet or saucepan. Rinse the leaves, then add them,
still slightly wet, directly to the pan and steam/sauté for about 5-10 minutes until wilted. Season
to taste.
For the fruit medley, simply combine the fruits together and serve a 1/2 cup serving alongside
the sausage patties and Swiss chard.
Salmon Cakes
• 1 medium sweet potato, baked whole then flesh scooped out and reserved
• 1/3 cup coconut flour
• 1 clove garlic, minced
• 1/2 onion, finely chopped
• 1/4 cup red bell pepper, finely chopped
• 1/4 cup cilantro or parsley, finely chopped
• Juice of 1/2 lemon
• 1 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
• 1 teaspoon salt
• Black pepper, to taste
• 2 eggs
• 2 x 6 oz-ounce cans Wild Alaskan Pink Salmon, skinless and boneless, flaked
Preheat the oven to 400° and line a baking sheet with parchment paper
Form the mixture into 12 patties of roughly the same size. Using a 1/3 cup measure can be
helpful for this!
Place on the baking sheet and cook in the oven for 20-25 minutes, until turning golden brown.
Remove from the oven, turn over with a spatula, and return to the oven to cook for 10 minutes
Servings: 4
• 10 cups romaine lettuce, washed and torn into bite sized pieces
Set the oven to 375°F. Marinade 2 chicken breasts in olive oil, crushed garlic and lemon juice for
a couple of hours. Bake for 20 minutes until cooked all the way through. Set aside and allow to
cool. Slice into pieces or cubes.
Make the dressing: Mash 1 small garlic clove and a pinch of kosher salt until reduced to a paste
(mortar and pestle is best, but you can improvise with knife or spoon). Add anchovies, continue
to mash and chop until well combined and nearly smooth. Move to a medium bowl, and whisk
in Dijon mustard, then the egg yolks, followed by lemon juice. Blend well. Slowly, drop by
drop, add olive oil whisking constantly until dressing is thick and glossy. If desired add more
sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, and more lemon juice.
In a large bowl, toss the lettuce, chicken and dressing until everything is evenly coated. Serve
Pesto-Vegetable Frittata
Servings: 4
First make the pesto: In a food processor, blend basil, parsley, garlic and walnuts together using
pulse setting till they’re well mixed. Slowly add in olive oil and continue blending until smooth.
Season with sea salt and black pepper to taste.
Preheat the oven to 375˚F. Heat the oil in an oven safe skillet over medium heat, add the onion
and allow to soften for 5 min. Add the mushrooms and continue to sauté for another 5-10
minutes. Meanwhile, steam the broccoli for 3-4 min, then add to the skillet.
Beat 3 of the eggs with 1/4 teaspoon salt and pour into the same skillet containing the onions,
broccoli and mushroom. Stir briefly. Spoon about half of the pesto into the skillet but don’t stir
any more. Beat the remaining eggs with another 1/4 teaspoon salt, mix in the flax and water
mixture, then pour into the skillet.
Bake for 20 minutes, then broil for an additional 2 minutes. Allow to cool, then top with
remaining pesto and serve.
Servings: 4
In a large saucepan, heat the garlic and onions in the oil for about 10 minutes. Add the bay leaf,
beets, carrots, cashews and stock. Bring to a simmer and stir. Add more liquid if needed to just
keep the vegetables covered. Allow to cook on low, covered, for 30 minutes, until the beets and
carrots are soft. Add the lemon, salt and pepper.
Remove the bay leaf, then puree the soup with an immersion blender, or in batches in a high-
speed blender. Garnish, and serve.
Servings: 4
Heat the oven to 400F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Season the salmon lightly
with salt and bake with the red bell pepper (whole) for 20-25 minutes. Add the pine nuts for the
last 5-7 minutes of baking.
Meanwhile, bring the quinoa to a boil in plenty of salted water (3 cups), and simmer for 10-12
minutes until tender (the quinoa seeds will uncurl and will be just soft to taste). Drain and
return to the pan, covered. Let sit for 5-10 minutes.
In a separate saucepan, cover and cook the asparagus in an inch of water until tender, about 10
minutes. Right before removing, add the kale and cook for another minute or two until it wilts.
Drain and set aside.
In a small bowl, make the dressing: whisk the chives, parsley, lemon juice, tahini and water
together until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Assemble your warm salad: Flake the salmon into a bowl. Chop the red pepper (removing the
stalk and seeds) and add that too. Add the pine nuts, quinoa, asparagus and dressing. Toss to
combine everything.
Warm Cauliflower Couscous Salad with Wild Salmon, Asparagus and Kale (Paleo
Servings: 4
Heat the oven to 400F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Season the salmon lightly
with salt and bake with the red bell pepper (whole) for 20-25 minutes. Add the pine nuts for the
last 5-7 minutes of baking.
Chop the cauliflower into large chunks and pulse in the food processor until the texture
resembles couscous. Be careful not to over process. Heat a sauté pan over medium heat and
gently fry the cauliflower together with the parsley, and some salt and pepper, stirring
frequently, until tender, about 5-7 minutes. Take off the heat and set aside.
In a separate saucepan, cover and cook the asparagus in an inch of water until tender, about 10
minutes. Right before removing, add the kale and cook for another minute or two until it wilts.
Drain and set aside.
In a small bowl, make the dressing: whisk the chives, lemon juice, tahini and water together
until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Assemble your warm salad: Flake the salmon into a bowl. Chop the red pepper (removing the
stalk and seeds) and add that too. Add the pine nuts, cauliflower couscous, asparagus and
dressing. Toss to combine everything.
Servings: 2
Cook time: 15 minutes for assembly, more for cooking beets and soaking cashews (can be done
the day before and kept refrigerated)
Roasting beets (this can be done up to 36 hours beforehand and kept refrigerated): Preheat oven
to 350 degrees F. Place rack in middle of oven. Prepare the beets by trimming the stems
(reserve) and ends. Scrub well and cut in half. Toss with olive oil (enough to coat lightly). Place
the beets in an oven-proof dish (with a tight-fitting lid, or covered with aluminum foil, sides
pinched to seal), and add 1/2 an inch of water to the bottom of the dish.
Cover the beets and roast in the oven for 1-2 hours (depending on the size of the beets) until
tender. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool. Once cooled enough to handle, peel the
skin by hand or using a knife.
Prepare the dressing: Blend the dressing ingredients in a high power blender or food processor
until completely smooth and not grainy. Set aside.
Assemble the salad: In a large mixing bowl, combine greens, roasted beets, walnuts and other
fruits and veggies. Add dressing and toss well. Serve immediately.
Servings: 3
• 1 cup lentils*
• 1/2 cup quinoa*
• 1 cup water
• 1 cup vegetable broth
• 1 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
• 1 lemon, juiced
• 1-2 cloves garlic, pressed
• 1/4 teaspoon cumin
• 1/4 teaspoon dried ginger
• Salt and pepper to taste
• 1 red pepper, diced
• 1/4 red onion, diced
• 2 medium carrots, grated
• 3 omega 3 eggs, hard boiled, roughly chopped
• 3/4 cup parsley, roughly chopped
• 3 cups arugula
In a pot, bring the water and broth to boil. Add quinoa and lentils and reduce heat to simmer.
Allow to cook for about 12-15 minutes until both are soft. Stir occasionally. When done, cover
and set aside to cool.
In a large mixing bowl, stir together the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, cumin, ginger, salt and
pepper. Add the red pepper, onion, carrot, eggs and parsley and toss with the dressing.
When the quinoa and lentils have cooled, add to the veggies and mix thoroughly. Divide the
arugula between two plates and top with the quinoa-lentil salad. Drizzle with extra olive oil.
Servings: 2
• 1 can (15 oz) chickpeas (garbanzo • 1 small head of garlic, whole, roasted
beans), rinsed, drained and with the chickpeas (see below)
thoroughly dried • 1/4 cup tahini (sesame seed paste)
• 1 tablespoon avocado oil • 1 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
• 1 tablespoon cumin • 1/2 cup lemon juice (from approximately
• 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 2-3 lemons)
• 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger • 2 tablespoons raw honey
• 1/2 teaspoon Cayenne pepper • Sea salt and pepper to taste
• 1/2 teaspoon paprika • Hot water
• 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Other Ingredients
Place the thoroughly-dry chickpeas in a mixing bowl. Add the avocado oil and chickpea
seasonings and toss to coat well. Transition to a baking sheet and spread out evenly. At this
point, also add the whole head of garlic (for the dressing) to the baking sheet, to roast alongside
the chickpeas. Bake for 18-25 minutes, until chickpeas are slightly crispy and golden. Remove
from oven and allow to cool.
Make the dressing: Slice the roasted head of garlic across-ways and squeeze out the garlic cloves
(they should come out easily when cooked). Add the garlic to a mixing bowl, along with the
remaining dressing ingredients. Using a fork, crush the garlic and whisk dressing ingredients
together. Adjust seasonings and add extra water as needed. Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, add a small amount of dressing to the kale and massage with your
hands; this will help soften the kale. Add the remaining dressing (you may have extra left over),
and toss well. Divide the kale onto two plates, top with the chickpeas and poached eggs, and
Cauliflower-Celeriac Soup
Servings: 4
Place all ingredients except black pepper and parsley in a large, deep saucepan. Bring to a
boil and simmer for 20-25 minutes, until all the vegetables are tender. Let cool slightly and
then puree in a high-speed blender (best), or with an immersion blender. Thin with hot
water if necessary. Check seasonings and adjust as needed. Serve garnished with black
pepper and parsley.
Servings: 2
Set the oven to 350˚F. Toast the pine nuts and pumpkin seeds for 5-10 minutes, until fragrant.
Combine the kale with the oils, lemon juice, maple syrup, and salt and massage for a few
minutes to soften the kale and distribute the dressing. Add black pepper to taste.
Toss the kale with the cranberries and toasted pine nuts and pumpkin seeds.
Servings: 4
Heat a large skillet or wok over medium heat. Add 1 tablespoon coconut oil to the pan. Add
half the ginger and half the beef. Stir intermittently for about 2 minutes then transfer to a plate
in a warming oven. Repeat with another tablespoon. coconut oil and the remaining ginger and
Return the pan to the heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoon coconut oil. Add the Brussels
sprouts, onion, garlic, pepper and zucchini. Stir intermittently for 5-10 minutes. Add the
vinegar, lemon juice and return the meat to the skillet and stir together well. Season with salt
and pepper.
To serve, drizzle with sesame oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds and cilantro.
Servings: 1
• 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive or coconut oil (plus olive oil for drizzling)
• 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
• 1 cup artichoke hearts (frozen or water packed, drained)
• 1/3 cup cooked, shredded chicken (organic, free range if possible)
• 2 tomatoes, cut into 1-inch pieces
• 2 cups arugula
• Salt and pepper, to taste
• 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
• 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
Heat the oil in a medium skillet over low heat. Add the garlic and cook 1-2 minutes, watching to
check it doesn’t burn. Add the artichoke hearts and chicken and cook 5-10 minutes more, until
fully heated through. Take off the heat, add the tomatoes and toss to combine. Season with salt
and pepper to taste.
Serve on a bed of arugula. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle the
seeds on top.
Turkey Meatballs
Set the oven to 375˚F. Using a food processor, combine all ingredients until you have a near-
smooth mixture. If you don’t have a food processor, you can finely chop the greens, then mix all
the ingredients in a large mixing bowl until well-combined.
Form the mixture into about 12-16 meatballs, and place on (a) baking sheet(s) lined with
parchment paper. Bake for 15-25 minutes (for sizes 1-2” diameter) until cooked through.
These refrigerate and freeze well, and are great for snacking or adding to meals.
Servings: 4
For serving:
In a large saucepan, heat the oil and sauté the spices for 2-3 minutes until fragrant. Add the
onions and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes, until translucent. Add the garlic and tempeh and cook
for another 5-10 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for 30-45 minutes. Add
water if more liquid is needed. You may also transfer to a slow cooker and cook on low for 6
hours. Check seasonings and adjust if necessary.
Serve with 1/2 cup cooked brown rice and 1 cup steamed bok choy per person.
Lamb Curry
Servings: 6
Gently heat the oil in a large saucepan. First toast the spices until fragrant. Then add the onion
and sauté 2-3 minutes until starting to turn translucent. Add the lamb, carrots, garlic, and
ginger and sauté for a further 10-12 minutes. Add the raisins, water, coconut milk and
seasonings and bring back to a gentle simmer. Cook on low for 30 minutes until the lamb and
carrots are tender.
Check the seasonings, then stir in half the cilantro to wilt. Use the remaining cilantro for
Servings: 4
Rinse the mackerel and place, skin side up in a glass baking dish. Mix remaining ingredients in
a small bowl and stir/massage into the fillets. Cover, and marinade for 30 m to 2 hrs.
Preheat the oven to 400°F. Flip the fillets over. Cook for 15-25 minutes, until done. Extras can be
flaked, then refrigerated or frozen for easy additions to other meals.
Servings: 4
For serving:
Preheat the oven to 350˚F. Grease a 9 inch glass baking dish with the coconut oil (a pie dish
works well).
In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs and blend with the coconut milk, flax-water mixture, cumin and
sea salt. Add the cauliflower, onion, garlic and leek and stir well. Pour the mixture into the
baking dish and bake for 20-30 minutes until firm. Slice like a pie and serve with the melon
Servings: 2
For serving:
Combine the marinade ingredients in a large dish or bowl. Add the chopped beef and
vegetables and allow to marinade for at least 2 hours, up to 6.
Make up the skewers with the marinated beef and vegetables. Cook on a grill or grill pan over
medium-high heat for 4 minutes each side.
While the skewers cook, make the dressing: place the dressing ingredients in a food processor
(without the water/stock) or blender and process until smooth. With the motor running, slowly
add the water/stock until fully incorporated. Check seasonings.
Serve the skewers drizzled with the basil dressing, accompanied by steamed bok choy
Start with white quinoa if you are new to the flavor. Red and black quinoa are also tasty
Serves: 6
First you need to remove the bitter-tasting saponins from the quinoa. Soak the quinoa for at
least 20 minutes, and up to 12 hours. If you are planning to cook quinoa in the evening, setting
it to soak before leaving for work in the morning works well. After soaking, drain and rinse
In a medium saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Add the quinoa and salt, and cook for about
10-15 minutes until the ‘grains’ have ‘opened’ and are just tender (start tasting them from 10
minutes). Drain all the water through a sieve, return the quinoa to the pan, and let sit (covered)
for 10-15 minutes.
Fluff with a fork and serve. Save any leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer. Quinoa is a perfect
base for adding flavors and more nutrients (such as herbs, garlic, spices, onion, sesame seeds) as
well as vegetables, legumes, and meats.
Variation in a rice cooker: Combine 1 cup soaked/rinsed quinoa with 2 cups water and 1/4 teaspoon salt
in the rice cooker; cook for 15 minutes.
Seaweed Salad
Servings: 4
In a large bowl, rinse and soak the seaweed in water enough to cover 10 times its volume. After
about 5 minutes, it should be tender, drain to remove excess water.
While the seaweed is soaking, make the dressing. Combine the scallions and remaining
ingredients in a small bowl and stir well.
Sort through the seaweed to make sure there aren’t any hard parts and cut it if it’s excessively
long (kitchen shears are useful for this task). Pour in the dressing and toss well to combine.
Roasted Vegetables
Servings: 2
Preheat oven to 400˚F. Place the veggies and garlic in a large mixing bowl, add oil and
seasoning. Mix so that everything is coated evenly. Spread flat on a roasting pan or baking
sheet. Roast for 15 minutes, then mix and turn as much as possible, then roast for another 10-15
min. When the garlic and Brussel sprouts brown a little, and the carrots are tender, then they’re
Heat the oil in a large sauté pan. Add the sesame seeds, garlic, and cayenne pepper. Toast the
seeds and spices in the oil for 1-2 minutes. Add the veggies one at a time, starting with the
mushrooms (cook 3-4 minutes until browning), then the cabbage, then bok choy. Cook, stirring
until just softened - the ends of the leaves will wilt. You’ll want them al dente, but not
overcooked. Add the chives and toss to combine. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Serves: 4
Heat the coconut oil in a large sauté pan on medium heat. Gently cook the onions for 2-3
minutes, stirring intermittently, until starting to turn translucent.
Place remaining ingredients into the pan and continue to cook, stirring, until the collards wilt
and the liquid reduces (about 10 min). Check seasoning, squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon over the
greens, and serve.
Cauliflower ‘Rice’
Servings: 4
Place the cauliflower into a food processor and pulse until the texture resembles rice.
Heat the oil in a large skillet. Add the cauliflower and salt, and sauté, stirring, until just tender
(about 8-12 minutes). Serve immediately.
If you don’t need all the cauliflower straight away, save the ‘riced’ cauliflower raw, ready for
the next meal.
Optional extra flavors and add-ins include garlic, onion, saffron, fresh parsley or other herbs,
curry spices, or peas.
Servings: 4
Using a course grater, grate the daikon into a med-large bowl. Add in the dulse, sun-dried
tomato and mix for a minute. Add the lime juice and sesame oil, mix well and season to taste.
Servings: 3
Heat the oven to 400°F. Rinse, drain then pat dry the chickpeas. You more moisture you can get
off the better. In a mixing bowl, combine the chickpeas with olive oil and salt, then place them
in an even layer on a backing sheet. Roast for 20 to 30 minutes, stirring the chickpeas every 10
minutes. They’re done when they turn golden brown- dry and crispy on the outside, soft in the
middle. Back in your mixing bowl, toss the chickpeas with the spices, stirring to coat evenly.
They’re most crispy when they’re warm, so serve immediately for most crunch!
Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over a gentle heat. Add the chicken livers, cashews, onion,
garlic and sauté gently until cooked through, about 15-20 minutes. Add the thyme and transfer
everything to a food processor. Process until smooth and creamy, about 5 minutes (takes a little
longer to get the cashews really smooth). Add salt and pepper to taste, and process to combine
well. Transfer the mixture to a container (with lid) and store in the refrigerator. It will thicken as
it cools.
As a snack, serve 1/4 - 1/3 cup of pâté with 6-8 sliced cucumber “crackers.”
• 3 cup mixed nuts and/or seeds (such as macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds and
sunflower seeds)
• 1 cup unsweetened coconut, shredded
• 6 Medjool dates
• 2 tablespoons coconut oil
• 1 lemon, zested
• 1 lemon, juiced
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
In a food processor, combine all ingredients and blend until a sticky dough is formed. It doesn’t
have to be completely smooth, but it does have to stick together. Keep going with the food
processor until it does. Remove the processing blade and form into 1-inch balls.
Store in an air-tight container in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. Can also be frozen.
Servings: 1
Spread the nut butter on the apple slices and enjoy. Make a sandwich for easier portability-
spread the nut butter on one slice and top with a second slice.
Nori Chips
Preheat oven to 350˚F. Using kitchen shears, cut the nori into squares and arrange on a baking
sheet without overlapping. Using a pastry brush, or your fingers, lightly coat the nori with oil
then sprinkle with seasoning. Flip and repeat on the other side. Bake for 15 min, then transfer to
a wire rack to cool and crisp. Will last about 4-5 days in an airtight container.
Truffle Treats
In a food processor, add the first four ingredients and blend until completely creamy. This may
take about 5 minutes, so that the cashews are completely smooth and no longer grainy. Slowly
add stevia until you reach the desired sweetness.
Remove the blade and, taking a small amount of the mixture each time, roll into small balls. Roll
each ball in the coconut flakes to coat. Keep refrigerated to harden the truffles.
Servings: 1
Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender until completely smooth and enjoy!
Servings: 1
Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth and creamy. Best served
Servings: 1
Servings: 1
Servings: 1
Serving: 1
Blend all ingredients in a high-powered blender until completely smooth. Best served
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