413 - Identifying Language Demands
413 - Identifying Language Demands
413 - Identifying Language Demands
Content Objectives: SWBAT fill in the blank when counting by 5’s, 10’s and 100’s, SWBAT
communicate effectively with one another in order to solve a math problem, SWBAT solve a
maze using their counting strategies.
Language Functions: skip count, communicate, use counting strategies, explain, resolve
Measurable Language Objective: Students will be able to orally explain how they used their
counting strategies to solve math problems.
Learning Task: Students work in groups to solve these problems “1) __, 35, 40, __, 45, 50, __,
__, 65, __ and 2) 3, __, 23, 33,__, ___, 63, 73, __, __”. The students will need to communicate
with each other to solve the problems and explain their thoughts. Students will come back as a
class and volunteers will orally explain and demonstrate how they solved their math problems
using their counting strategies. Students will be asked specific questions to aid them in explain
their though process, those specific questions include “How did you figure out what to count
by?” and “How is this repeated addition? What are we adding?”
Additional Language Demands: Students will use academic vocabulary to communicate with
one another. Content based vocabulary such as addition, sum, and skip counting are words that
might be used in this circumstance. Additionally, students will engage in productive discourse
with their teachers and peers. They will use both written language and oral language when
communicating on Zoom and on Nearpod. Students will respond to questions posed during the
lesson on Nearpod. The discourse used during this time period will be productive because
students will show that they are actively learning and practicing their skip counting skills.
Additionally, student discussions will be productive since students will communicate with one
another about how they solved the problems they were presented with. Syntax will not have an
explicit use during this lesson, but students will still use it to produce responses to questions
during communication moments.