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CIM CE-15 SECTION 3 THEORY OF OPERATION INTRODUCTION ‘one circuit is being described the full reference designation will be weed. 3.01 The Theory of Operation is divided into threo sub-sections. The {iret eub-section 4s a description of the Circuit Reference Series ‘which is used for efreuit and component ideatisi— ‘cation. The following sub-section describes the overall functioning of tho instrument from a block diagram viewpoint. The final sub-section is a @eseription of the operation af the individual cir ceult boards. CIRCUIT REFERENCE SERIES General Description 8.02 The Circuit Reference Sorioa ie a serios of numbers assigned to the etreuits of the instrument to make It possible to relate the actual cfrouit bourd or assombly to the schomatie dia- grams, the parts Usts and the text of he manual with a minimum of effort. 8.08 ‘The series of numbers assigned to the (CE-19 are as follows: Front Panel 10900-1990 RF Casting 2000-2700 Main Chassis 3000-3800 Rear Panal 4000 ‘Tho Front Panel itself is 1000 and 1100 is aa assembly attached to the front pane] containing elreuits 1200 and 1300. ‘Tho RF Casting is 2000 with the clreulte 2100-2400 mounted inside the casting, Circuits 2300-2700 are mounted outside the casting but closely associated with it. Tha Main Chassis Is £000 and tho eiroults 3100-2700 ‘are plugged Into it, 9800 is the CRT assembly, 4000 is the Rear Panel. Componeat Numbering: 3.04 In euch etroutt the componente are indi- vidually numbered with a soparate series for each type of component, The complete identi fication for a component consists of the type dasig~ nation lotter, tho elrouit reference eeriog number for that circuit and the component number. For example, the first resistor in the Log Coaverter will be R3301, the fourth capacitor C8304, ote. 3.05 When the individual etreuits axe deseribed {in the Circuit Daseription the eomponant roforencea will be abbroviated for convenience. ‘Thus Ri will refer to a resistor on the board under consideration only. If reference 1s made to a ‘component outside that hoard or when more than Bel Cross Reference 5.06 In order to identhfy each board a cross reference list is given at the beginning of Section § listing the baste board umber, which io ‘otched on cach board, and the title, assembly num~ ber, cirouit reference number apd the figure and age number of the schematic diagram. ‘The basic board aumber 1s in the 1780-0 series, However, {in some cases the board is so Small that suificient oom was not available to etch the full number. In those cases only tho last four digits ary otched with the 1780 to be understood, The 1780-xx umber appears also in the parts lists along with the assembly number and the eizcuit reference number. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 5.07 ‘The CH-15 fumetions as « triple conversion superboteradyne recaiver. Levels through- ‘out the instrumont azo carefully controlled so that an accurately calibrated oscilloscope display 18 cb- tained as the output. Refer to Figure 3-1. 3.08 The first Local Oscillator (1.0,) 18 a YIG oscillator, ‘The 2.1~8.1 Giz frequency 1s adjusted by the froat panel COARSE and FINE con~ trols. The 2100 Miz first IF (9 mixed with the 1900 Mitz VCO second LO in the second sonverter to provide a second IF of 200 MHz. A feadbacke Loop from the third IF output controls the 1900 MHz VCO 10 provide frequency stability in the Monster mode, ‘The tatrd LO is a 189.3 MHz crystal controlled oscillator. Tis produeos tho 10.7 Milz third IF. ‘An oufpat from this oscillator is also breught to the ‘opt pans! for use as the calibrating signal for the instrament. 3.09 The 10.7 MHz output from the third IF goes to the Log Convertar and to the FM Demod- lator. The FM Demodulator output is used to vom plete the AFC feedback loop to the 1900 Miz VCO. second LO. It also is amplified and appears as the aurtfo oufptt through the bullt-ia speaker. The Log Converter changes the Linear amplitude signals to @ ‘Jogarithmic output which is detected, and then ap- pears as the vortical display on the CRT sexoen. ‘This detected output is also applied to the audio am- plifier and appears as the detected AM audio signal ‘on the speaker. 3.10 The horizontal display comes from a ramp generator. The ramp generator cutput also controls the YIG oscillator to awoop the frequency at the ramp generator rate to provide the swept dis- play of the frequency spectrum being abserved.CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION RF Attenuator, 2100 4.11 Input to the CE~15 is through the RF At= tanuator which (x adjustable for three 2t- tonuation levels; 04B, 20 dB and 40 dB. Bee Figure 5-9. ‘The 20 dB attenuator is made up of 2, C5, R3, R5-RS, and the 40 dB attenuator is €7, C10, RO, RITA. Switching diodes, CRI CHS, whlch tre controlled by the RF ATTENUATOR, ‘wafer on the REFERENCE LEVEL switch, either ‘witch in the proper attenuator or bypase the sig- nal around the attenuators according to the setting of the switch. ‘The diode switches are turned on by applying a positive valtage to the soloctod diode pair. Isolating RF chokes, Li, 19, 15, provide the ground retum for the switching cur- Tent. 2, 14 isolate input-output diodes, 3.12 Signal inout from the RF INPUT connse= tor comes in through terminal 5 and C1 to the altonuator, The signal from tho FREQ CAL IN connector comes to terminal 6 and 1s conaseied to the input RF Atteniator tirough 2048 attemuator Ri, R2, Output from the RF Attanuator passes to the First Converter trough a 1 GHz Low pass filter. First Converter, 2200 8.18 The 0.8-1000 Mllz signal from the RF Attenuator eniors through torminal 1 and oes to the VF diods mixer, 21. Refer to Fig~ Ure 5-6. The 2100-8100 MHz L.O. cames in through torninal 2, through a high pass filtor made up of C2 abd the prinbed eireult inductor, to the mixer through matching transformer, Ti. The 2100 BIH2 outpat from the mixer passes through a high pase filter, C4, C5 and the printed circuit inductor to te rst IF amplifier, Ql, Q2. Print- ed cirouit components provide RF chokes and coupling inductors. Output from the firat LF amp~ Aiper passes cut through terminal 4 to a cavity type 2100 MHz band pass filter, 2600 board, before going to the second converter. YIG Driver. 3100 14 The first L.0, te « WIG (Wittrium, Tron Gamet) oscillator. Tue YIG resonant Srequency 1s detarmined by the strength of the muognetic fiold in which it oporates. ‘This makes 4 possible to smoothly control the oscillator fre~ ‘quency by varying the strength of the magnetic field. The YIG Driver, Figire 5-11, performs thio function for the YIG oscilletor, which is con- {mined In the 2500 assembly. 3,15 Tho control inputs te the YIG Driver oir cult are from the COARSE aud FINE ‘front panel frequeney controls, a ramp generator Anput for aweoping the frequency and ecatrol from the SCAN WIDTH awitch to adjust the sweep width. ‘Outputs are current to the main coll and the ‘Nekler (PM) coll of the YIG oscillator and a seormoue, a2 CIM CE-15 voltage, adjusted by the FREQ CAL control, to the Digital Panel Moter display otreuit to indicate the frequency to which the Instrument 1s ned, 4.16 Th COARSE und FINE controls apply a DC voltage to the non-inverting inpat of U2 through board pin 6, Current amplifier Ql, @3 drives the Main Coll of tha YIG to adjust the 1.10. froquoney. Coll current through RUG produces a voltage at Ube current junetion (R24-R25) and 1s applied to the inverting input of U2 to drive tha A/D Convertor and Proquoncy display through the level adjusting buller Qi. Q2 1s a switeh which shunts C20 across the Main Coil in all but the 10 MEiz/em marie to pravent any ripplo appearing oa the Main, Cail, 3.17 Input from the Ramp Generator comes in through board pin 18 to the inverting Input of U9 and 10Q8. QB 1s swliched off exeept in the 10 Milz/em mote, ‘The output of 13 controls the ‘current amplifier, Q12, Q13 which drives the ‘Ticklar (FM) coll of the YIG. Gain of U3 is con trolled by a switchable feedback loop. In the 10 kFz/em mode Q10 switches in RYT as the feadback roalstor, For 100 kilz/em R19 1s switched in by Qi1, and for 1 Mitz/cem all bat #48 are switched out.” The switches are activated by a ground clo- sure at the SCAN WIDTH svitch, 4.18 In the 10 21Hiz/em mode Q8 is turned on to short out all feedback rosistora reducing tho gain of U3 to zero, setting the current through the Ticler cot! at a constant level, At the same time Q5 and Q8 are also tuned on, which then tarn on Q6, Q7. QS aleo turns off Q2, taking C10 out of the cireult, ‘The rump 1s now applied to the sum- ‘ing junction R24-R25 through Q8, Q6, to sweep ‘the Main Coil for the 10 MEz/em mode, The oxtput of QG is also applied to U2 inverting input to weep the Frequency display. 8.19 I the MON AM mode Q9 is tamed on to short the feodbads loop around U3 to tum, off the sweep so that AM aucio may be heard on the speakor. Tho front panol FREQ CAL control ad~ ‘Mts a Voltage at the non-inverting input of U2 while the internal calibration adjustment is made with RS to callbrata tho Frequency display. The overall teplay is cenleced with Ml and the 10 Nilz/em ‘sweep by R37. Calibration of the narrow band swoop with fa with RAN and the wie band sith 14 Second Converter. 2300 3,20 Output from the Firat Converter passes ‘through # 2100 MHz band pass filter through terminal 2 on the Second Convertar to the Mixer, CRA, CR2, See Figure 5-7 The 1900 Miz Second 1L,0, comes in through terminal 1, through high ass filter Ci, C2 and the printed circutt inductive elements, thea through Ti to the mixer. 200 MHz ‘output is amplified by Qi and then passes through. the 200 MBiz band pass filter L4-L6, C9, C11-C15, to the cutput torminal 8.7 Mah a aed l 41900 maiz Osctilator. 2700 2.21 This oseillatar is made up of commen ase connected Q1 and printed circuit reactive elements. See Figure 5-9. CR1, CR2 fare part of a voliage divider that sets the bias on the base of Ql. Taig bias {a varied, however by the AFC voltage watch comes in from board 3500 through C3, R4, R7. Oscillator output from ter- tinal 3 gods through a vaxtable pickup Loop, ‘Third Converter. 2400 9.22 200 MH input to she Tule Converter comes in through terminal 2 to 4 of the ‘Third Mixer which ia made up of TI-T4, CRI- CRE, Soe Figure 5-H, Input from the 130.3 MH ‘Third L,0, comes to Ti and the 10,7 242 output goes out through terminal 3. 3.23 ‘Tho 189,3 MIs oscillator, Qu, Yi is mounted on the same board a'the Thira Mixer. CS provides fine mijustment of the oscil= lator frequency. Output ie through a 848 pad, RECRT, AGIs made variable lo tap off an output to be tied sa the front panel CAL OUT source. IF Switetable Gain and Bauclwidth, 200 9,24 10,7 MMHLa input through hoard pin 3 goes to the switchable 2043 amplifier, Q1, through buffer Q3 to switchable 10dB ampistier, Qé and throngh buifer, 5 to the switchable band pase filters, (rough buffer Q9 to the 3018 amp~ fier, Q7, QS and out through board pin 38, Re ferto Fignre 5-12, 3.25 ‘The switches Q2 and Qs ave controlled by the tront panel RF ATTENUATOR switch to sviteh the amplifiors to either 208, 10cB or 4B gain. ‘The banipace Glters are se lected by the SCAN WIDTH switch. The 10 kite bandpass filter is contralled through dicdes CR1, GR, the 100 klix BPF by CRS, CR and tho 2 kits, BPP by ERS, CRS. Eyual levels chrough the BP Filters are adjusted by R21 in the 10 kz filter ane R26 in the 100 iis filter. Level through the 2 Id filter fs the reference for this adjust- ment. Log Converter, 2300 3.26 ‘The 40.7 MHZ IF signal comes in through board pin 21 fo ths 3dB vaxtablo gain amplifier, Qi, QU2. See Figure 5-12, QUO con trols this gain necording to the setting OC the front panel CAL LEVEL control. Q12 is 4 common Base amplifier. Filtering is provided by the 10,7 MHz parallel resonant cireult, Lio, C43. 2.97 ‘The 154B IF Amplifier/Limitor Q18-Q17 raises the level to a OUB reference whlch 4s required at Ul-0, and Iimits the ouput to 5 voles B-P to prevent overlonling UL. A 15dB attenuator, RBS, ROG, at the input to the 15d Amplifier/Lim~ ler provides the ~S0B Input required at U1~7 and the SOB attennatar, R23, R24 adjusts the level to Eat cm cE-s ~G01B af U1—~4. Prem the 0aB cutpat of the 15aB Amplifier/Linutex, two 15dB amplifiers ia series, Q1-Q7 raise the level to the +304B required at Ul 12, ‘Tho gain of those amplifiers is adjusted by Ri, The break points on the logarithmic curve of the Log Converter U1 are adjusted by R27, R26, RDO. 3.28 Voltage output trom tae Log Converter 13 amplified in the Voltage/Current Detector Driver, Q8, Qo, which drives the detector CR2, CRS. The Teogvered modulation 1s amplified by U2 fand passes to the verteal deflection amplifier through board pin 13. 860 calibrates the gain and RO6 sets the adwsignal zero reference trace on the CRT display. The outpat of Uz is also taken through, R70 to boast pin 14 and from thore to the Audio/ +10 volt supply board. Andio/+10V Supply. 3500 3,29 AC Input from the rear panel mounted, poner transformer comes in through board pins 21, 22, to the bridge rectifier Z1. Soe Figure 5-15, One wlpub Crom the rectifier passes through a current source Q1, @2, Qt, to supply the Logic Boast. ‘The +10 val! supply 12 regulated by Q3, Q5, Q6, QT, UL, Q7 a the series voltage rogulator driver for the series pass tranststor mounted on the rear panel. Q5, Q5 form a starter circult to farm on Q7 when power te first applied. U1, Q0 form the exror amplifier and ONS is the voltage relerence. ‘The +LUV regulated current goes ont throu boar pin 11 to the main +10V distribution terminal, A connection from this terminal comes: ‘back through board pin 12 as the regulator sense voltage. Regulator output voliage 1s adjusted by RL. 3.80 A 10.7 MElz output from the IF Switehable Gain’ and Bandwidth board comes in through ‘boant pin 2 to the FM Demodulator U2, YI. De- molulated FI from U2-6 is applied to audio butter famlifier, 99, ehroigh switeh, CRO, which is on In the FM mode. Audio output goes to the rear pansl ‘connector through board pin 14 and to the VOL, con trol through board pin 16. The attenuated auctio ‘comes bask in through board pin 15 to the speaker amplifier U4, Qi4, Q15. In the AM mate the de~ malulated Alt cones in srough board pin 13, through suitch CHO, which is turned on in the AM male, lo the audio butter amplifier Qo. 3.51 An Automatic Frequency Control voltage from U2-T passos through buffer, QUO, land syticl, Q11, to the AFC amplifier, U9, and ‘at through board pin 8 to control the 1900 Miz VCO on the 2700 board. When there is sufficient signal present Lo catise @ aquelch voltage to appear at U2-13, to tura on squelch threshold switen Q8, ‘and at the same time the SCAN WIDTH switch ts in either MON PM ox AM, AND gate ORI, CRI4 ‘Will be open, wening olf Q12 and tuming on @21 to pass the AFC to the 1900 Miz VCO. When SCAN WIDTH is not in MON FM or AM the AND gate con duets, turuing on Q12 and turning off Q42 to turn off the AFC and set it to a constant =SV, At the sameeur cE-15 time Q12 also turns on Q13 which turns off the adjnstmont. Tho regulated point is the junction of audio buffer, @9, to quiet the speaker ostput, RAL, R27, which {a about +4V DC. Diodes CRA- CRO prevent the Uz outpt trom isiting below +3V DC. ‘Ramp Generator/Deflection Amplifier. 3600 38 ‘Tho CRT cathode potential is taken from the junetioa of R42, RAT. It 1s approxi- ‘mately ~1875V and is conneeted 10 the CRT through terminal 2. The wiper arm of the Intensity control, 9432 "This board contains the pewer supply for the Astigmatisin adjustment, the Vertical Amplifier, the Ramp Generator and the horizontal amplifier, Refer to Figure 5-16. A.C. from th power transformer through board pins 20, 21 1s ‘connected to the rectifier, Z1. Rectifier oxtput fs regulated by Q4, Q5 to approximately 2500 cross the astigmatiam voltage divider, 120-122, 3.83 Output from the Loz Dotector Amplifier on the Log Convertar board {s brought in through board pia 12 to cascode amplifier Qt, Q15, Q17, le. Q16 4s a curren! source for the amplifier, RSS adjusts vertical cealezing and Ad adjusta vertical gain, Output to the CRT vertical deflection plates ts through board pins 13nd 15. Q10, Q12 switeh in C14 as a smosth~ ling filtor when tho SCAN WIDTH awiteh ts in the DK (FLITR) position. 2.54 In the Ramp Generator Ql ia a switeh ‘which turas on to charge timing capscl- tor, C3, during retrace. Q2, QS are switches ‘operatad by the SCAN WIDT'R control on the front panel to select the proper timing discharge rests tor R6 oF R9 ta determine the rump rate, Ul 18 the integrator and U2, U3 are comparators which ‘control the Ramp. Ui atopa the xamp al sporox- mately +7 volts and staris the reurace by turing on Q1 to charge C3. U3 stops the retrace at approximately +3V by awitehing U2, to turn off Ql, allowing the ramp to start again, 35 Ramp output from U1=6 goes through push-pull amplifier Qo, Qi to the horlzontal deflection plates through board pins 6, 8. RAS adjusts horizontal centering and R31 adjusts horizontel gain. Q7 ie « commen bass amplifier witch bulfers the retrace blanking pulse to the High Voltage Suply cirouit. flamp output Uhrough beard pin 4 goes to the YIG Driver to enorate the aoap of the Pict Local Oscillator. High Voltage Supply. 3700 9.90 A.C, at 990 YRMS (1953 P-P) Is brought in through terminals 4, 5 to the voltage Goublar cireuit CRI, CR2, Cl, C2 to provide ‘an ouput of npproxtinstely ~2500V DC. Seo Fig- lire 5-17. Q2-Q5 1s a voltage controlled variable. resistor, controlled by U1, un optical isolator amplifior, Output at about -2000V ts applied to the voltage divider, RLO-R18, RIT~R22, 127. ‘The positive end of the divider is tied to the +10V regulated voltage, 3.97 U2 4s the bigh voltage regulator error amplifier, It is raferenoed to the voltage at the wiper of R1d, which is the high voltage sat aot HLL, is counscted to the CRI through terminal 3, land the Focus control, 13, wiper arm 1s comected to the CRT through terminal 1.” The retrace blank - ing pulse from the Ramp Gonerator comes in urough board pin 1 to the optical isolator ampli- fier, Ui, which controls switch, Q6. During re— trace Q¢ is tumed on to bring the CRT intensity. level down to a voltage below the CRT cut off pouat which turns off the CRT beam, Q1 is effectively variable resistance in the rotation eail axoand The CRT, controlled by H2 to adjust the inclination of the horizontal trace, A/D Converter. 1300 3.39 ‘This etrouit board contains both the A/D convertor and a logic power stioply rog- later, Refer to Figure 5-3. Current from a ‘carrent source on the Audio/+10V supply board, 3500, comes in through hoard pin 4 tovan iwolation ‘stage, Q1, Q2. Tho faction of this stage is to isolate the rest of the instrument from the logic noise generated in board circuits 1200 and 1200. Tho rogulator consists of the orror emplificr, U2, ‘and shunt reyulaior, Q3. The reference voltage: for the error amplifier is the regulated +10 volts hbrought in through board pin 5. Seo Figure 5-2. ‘The ovtput is 157 regalated to the logic boars 1200 und 1800. 3.40 A variable voltage proportional to the YAG oscillator frequency 1g braughe in ‘trom the YIG Driver board, 3100, through hoard pin 3. This voltage (= applied to the A/D aystem UL, U2. The oujput of U2 i e BED form of the three decimal numbers to be displayod on the 1200 board display reasost. Output passes through terminals 7, 8, 9, 10, ‘Those BCD numbers are multiplexed by the U2 outputs through terminals 3, 4, 6, fo the ancde drivers of the display units to turn on each unit in the proper sequence. An~ ‘other output from Uz through terminal 2 goes to the OVERFLOW light driver to indicate that the Froquancy has been act out of range. Display. 1209 8.41 ‘Tho BCD outpet from the A/D converter through termintls 7, 8, 9, 10, is applied to the BCD ta 7 segment decoder, Ui, to generate the seven segment display in LEDI-LEDS. ‘Tha anode drivers Q2-Q+ multiplex the display seconting to the sequence generated in U1302 and brought ia through terminals 3, 5, 6. Tho OVERFLOW light Arivor, QL, iv contzolled by an output from U1902 Shrough terminal 2,ZV De Inverter, 3400 3.42 ‘The 12V DC Invorter is a modification, ‘211, which is available on factory omer. ‘The function of the inverter is to provide an A.C. source to operato the inatrumont tranaformor to provide the required 8.3V, 250V, 960V AC out~ pats, It also provides regulation for the AC out- at, Refor to Figaro 5-14. 3.43 The instrument +10V supply is obtained from the 12V DC input which 1s rg lulatod through the series regulator Q4001, "See ‘the ALI Rear Panel Interconnection Diagram, Figure 5-18. The 10V DC for the Inverter is reduced from the 12V input by zoncr rogulater R302, ‘The AC is generated by RC oscillator ‘U2 which operates at about 400 Hr. ‘The signal is squared up by U1-1,5, to operate the flip-flop crm ce-15 divider Ul-11, 8, 9 to produce a 200 Hz (approx- imataly) output t6 the suiteh drivers Q3401, qsw02, 3.44 ‘The Relay K4001 automatically connects the switching transistors 94008, @4004 to the inverter winding of the transformer, 4001-9, 11 and to series regulator Q4002 whenever 12V DC Le connected to the DC input tormninals. 3.49 Positive 12V is regulated to *10V through 94002, passes throagh polarity reversal preventing diode, CR4002, to the center tap of transformer, 14001-10. ‘Current through the transformer is evitched alternately through each ‘winding by Q4003, Q4004, Tho roforence voltage Tor @4003 1s provided by R401, CR2401, CR4001 is also a polarity reversal preventing diode causing fuse F400? to blow in case polarity is reversed.SECTION 4 MAINTENANCE GENERAL 4.01 This section of the manual contains the information necessary to check the per~ formance of the Model CE-15. It also contains the procedures for adjustment and calibration recommended ‘or field maintenance. 4.02 ‘The Performance Chocks are to be usod (o verify proper operation and may be used for incoming inspection. Adjustment ant ‘calibration procedures chould be carried out only if oul-of-tolerance operation 13 observed. 4,03 i the Adjastmont procedures fail to correct the difficulty, and the ease of the trauble is not readily apparent or repairs camnot conveniently be made, it is recommenled ‘that the instrument be returnet to the factory or ‘sent to a service center for repatr, Always contact Cushman Electronics Customer Service Department bofore returning equimort or sbip~ ppg to u service conter. See paragraph 2.11. 4.04 "Tho Model CR“15 shauld bo turned on. and warmed up for two hours before beginning the Performance Check or the Cali~ bration and Adjustment procedures. PERSORMANCE CHECK ‘Tost Kyuipment Required 4.05 Any equivalent instrument may be used: ‘Signal Generator mpse4op Power Meter passa/s4s1A ‘Precision Stop Attonuator HP355C/D Oscilloscope p180/1801/ 1820 4,06 Sot up the controls and make front panel ‘connections ae follows: PWR/VOL ‘On Gust out of detent) SCAN WIDTH 1 Mie/Drv HEFERENCE LEVEL 6 tim KF ATTENUATOR 20dB (rod dot) CENTER FRE- QuENcY a9 Mite 4.07 Connect CAL OUT to RF INPUT with a short ENC comector coatial esble. Adjust INTENSITY for desired display brightnes ‘Adjust FOCUS for a sharp trace. 4.05 Adjust COARSE TUNE uatil the digplayed trace is cpt ce-45 centered on the line of the graticule. Adjust CAL LEVEL until the top of the trace just reuehes to “BOMB like on the graticule. Disconnect ‘the CAL OUT/RY INPUT cable. Level Accuracy 4.08 wat the Sot the Signal Generator to an accurate +20 dBm reference level at 129 MHz, Powor Meter as follows: 2, Sot the Precision Attonuater to 3048 attenuation and canneet to the Sig al Generator output. Set Signal Gener~ ‘tor ta 140 ME. Bb, Sat the Powar Matar to -10 dBm and connect to the output of the At touuator. Connecting cables should be as short as possible. © Set the Signal Generator output for +20 dBm and adjust for a Power Meter reading of exactly ~10 dBm. Dis ‘connect the power meter from the Aiten- tuator and connect the Attenuator output to the CE-15 RF INPUT. Tune CE-15 {or the signal at Fy» Check the level accuraey of the REFERENCE LEVEL control in 108 stope using tho Precision Attonuator ty set the sigaal input levels. Level error should not excved +2 dB, © Check each graticule dtviston for level azeursey using Proctsion Atiomuator te sot levels, Error should not exceed = 3.48, Frequency Response 4.10 steps, check the frequency response as lellows \With the Signal Generator and Precision Ationvatar eomected as in the proviou a. Sot the Precision Attenuator for 50dB aitonuation, Sot the CE-15 REFERENCE LEVEL to ~30 dim and RF ATTENUATION to O4B. Check that trses is ot the O48 REFERENCE LEVEL graticale division. by Set the Signal Generator and the CE-15 to] Miz, 400 Mie and 1000 Miz, ‘Tune the CE=16 for a res ose at Fo for each frequency. Check the Level and frequency ac ‘curacy at each frequency, Level ‘should not vary more than £3dB. From quency should be within £5 MHz at 400 ‘Mlle and 1000 aLttz.Sean Wioth Functions 4.11 With the Signal Generator aud Precision Attenuator Connected as in previous stops chuck the Sean Width functions as follows a, Sot the Cx~15 to ~30 dBm and RF Attomator to O1R. Sot Pre- cision Atlonuator to put top of trace on the O48 Refereaco Lovel gruticule Lina, ‘Tune trace to line with COARSE, and FINE coateal b. Set SCAN WID'TH coatral to each Bean Width mode from 10M to 10K (FLITE). Racontor trace to F line at auch step. Jump in horizontal po- ‘ition of trace between SCAN WIDTH positions should not exceed +2 divisions. "The level displayed should not change moro than 8dB P-P through all positions. FM Demodulation 4.12 With the’ Signal Genemtor and Precision ‘Attenvaior set up as in previous steps check IM Damodilation as follows: a, Set the CE-15 to +20 dBm and RF Attomuator to 40dB. bb. Set the output of the Precision Attonuator to -10 dBm (2008 «t= temuation). Trace should now be oa “80d graticule line. Set SCAN WT contrel to 10K and center trace on Fa line. ©. Set the Signal Generator modulation, to Intomnal FM, 1 kllz rato and ‘8 kttz peak deviation. 4. 3et SCAN WIDTH control to MON FM, Adjust VOL control for audible Tics. tone on inleenal speaker. ‘Connect oscilloncape to DEMOD OUT- PUT (lear Panel) and check (or sine wave outyut .15V 4 .05V P-P at | kHz. ‘AM Demedulation 4.12 With solup tho same as in the previaue step check AM Demodulation as follows 8, Sot Signal Gonerator for Internal 50% AM af 2 kdiz rate, Set SCAN WIDTH control to MON AM. Check for aulible 1 ki tone en internal speaicer. Check that DEMOD OUTPUT on oscilloscope is a 0.11V = -02V P-P, LkHz sine wave. ADJUSTMENTS. General 4.14 ‘Tho Model CE-15 sheuld be turned cn and warmed up for two hours before beginning the Adjustment procedures. ‘The tol owing procedures should he carried out enly li cpt cr-15 out=of-tolerance operation is observed while making the performance chocks given above. 4.15 ‘The AC pover source should be checked for a voltage of 115V AC. If necossary tase a voltage variable transformer (Variac or Poyeratay to supply 113V AC to the CE-15 during. calibration procedures. Alter making calibration fadjustmente they hould remain stable over a Tange of 109.5V w 125.3V AC, NOTE ireuit boards are not normally interchangeable between insisuments without full recalibration. ‘aquipment Required 4.16 Any equivalent instruments may be waod. byvM Dana 4300 High Vollage Probe Dana 82 DC Power Supply Power Designs 6050 Oscilloscope MP130/1501/1820 Frequency Counter Dana 80203 Sigua} Generator HPS64OB Test Oscillator pos2A, NOTE 4 less accurate Signal Generator, set to frequency ‘with a Frequency Comter, may be substituted for the HP8G40B. Power Supply Adjustment 4.17 Make adjustments as follows: (Refer to Figure 4-1 for ctrauit board and assembly oeations).. Connect the DVM betwoon WT3001 (gna) and WT3002 (+10V) turret torminals. Adjust R351 for a reading ‘af +10, 000 volts Bs Coumeet DVM across 3501 (board pind and Q3501 emitter). Adjust 1505 far a vending of 1.53V Dc. ©. Connget the High Voltage Probe to he DVM and touch prohe to termi— nal 3702 (blue) on the High Voltage supply board, Adjust RS714 for a reading of “1n7sv Dc. ‘Ramp Generator/Deflection Amplifier Adjustment 4,18 Make sotup und adjustment as follows: Use insulated clip Leads to short board pins 2606 to 3608 and pin 9018 13015. NOTE: Pins are at 250V DC potential, b, Set POCUS for approximately 8 onecot ceas 2001 4200 ue 32007 sea tee ae rheUT a TieUT is tae ¥ aut 31 owe Jcat"our four a eee 7ARW BEFORE DROPPING FRONT PANEL REMOVE SEMI-RIGIO COAK CABLES FR 1900 MHZ OSC . Figure 4-2. RF Casting Cable Connection Locations a seor-noee 43division diameter spot. ‘Turn IN- ‘TAINSITY up Co full Intensity. c. Adjust 3621 (ASTIG) for a etreular spol. 0. Reduce INTENSITY, refocus spot to normal siza and Femove chip leads, e. — Remove Log Converter board, #300, from the instrument, Set the Power Supply to-+1.500V DC with the DVB. Connect nogative to ground (chassis) ond positive to pin 2012. £ Adjust £9555 to place horizontal trace on the ~400B line, - View from dfractly in Trent of Hne to prevent par fallax. Adjust 3702 (ROTATION) until trace 1s parallel with the horizontal gra~ tale line, With DVM connectad to power sup ply oot i to 4, O00, 4, O00V, .uODV, 16, 000¥ ard chock Usa trace falls on the “70, ~50, -S0, ~104B lines roapectivaly. Adjust RIGIW (VERT GAN) ral R653 (VERT CNTR) and check re~ peatedly until all traces tall within = «09 vision of each graticule line, (Small marke aro 0.4 division graduation h. Sot power supply to 3-500V, 4. 500V, 5. 500V, 6. 500V and check thal trace 1s yitlin © 09 division of ~60, ~40, =20, -O4B gratjoule Hines. Ti necessary readjust R309 and RGSS slightly. e~ peat g. and h, unlll specifications are mat at cach graticule line. i Adjust R645 (HORIZ CNTR) and A631 for a leave 10 divisions Long, enteral hortsantally in the graticule. jk Comect the osciltoseape probe to pin 3604, Verify a sawtooth wave poriod of 50 ms 4.6.5 ms in 10 MIlz/DIV, 1 MIHz/DIV, 100 kitz/DIV mode aexl 100 ms £15 ms im the 10 kt4/DIV mode and V see #18 sec in 10 kH/DIV FLTR modo. Discomnoct power supply and re place Log Converter board, 3900, Frequency Sean Adjustmont 4.19 Adjustment for | MEl2/DV 4. Sot the Signal Generator to 1.0 Mila ‘uamodulaied at 0 dBm output kevel ani connect to the CE=15 RF INPUT coa~ nostor. Set tho CE-15 SCAN WIDTH to 1 MHz/DIV and set EFERENCE LEVEL, to -40.dBm. b. Adjust the CE~19 COARSE TUNE ‘and the Signal Generator to place ‘ono harmonte oa oach of the vertical goutlcule lines. (if harmoute on first Tine of graticule does not Line up disre- gard and Hine up tho other ton.) (Line fo far Loft is first line and last line to 4.23 4.22 OK CE-15 the right 18 the oloveath line.) Adjust (HORTZ GALN) and 1045 (IORIZ CNTR) so that the harmonte on lino 3 1s shifted to line #1 (iar left) and harmonic on line #10 (next fo Inst on right) ia shilled 0. DIV to the right. Adjust R148 (TICK GALN) and the COARSE TUNK lor ope harmonic per vertical Line 40.5 DEV. Adjustment for other Sean Kates 4. Sot Signal Genemtor to 10 MFe aod Sol CE=15 SCAN WIDTH to 10 MBia/ DIV. Adjust COARSE TUNE for eleven harmonics showing on tho CRT sorcen, ‘and set RS1ST (100 MHz, OFFSET) vo mid- range. b, Adjust RBL14 (100 Miz SWEEP) and COARSE TUNING so that the eleven harmonica are ae close to the oloven gra teule lines a8 possible. Each harmonic peak should be within 1 0.5 DIV of its Feupective gratiealo lin fe. Sat thu Signal Gonorator to 100 kHz, set SCAN WIDTH to 100 kHz/DIV. Sot COARSE TUNING for 11 harmonies on tho CRT. Each harmonic peak shacld be within = 0.5 DIV of ita respective vertical graticule line. 4, Disconnset the Signal Geaerator and ‘connoet the Test Oscillator to the CE-15 RF INPUT conoctor. Sct the Teat Oscillator to 10 ktiz a! +20 dBm, (Use eaunter to set the Tesi Oscillator frequen~ fy). Set the CE=15 to 10 kelx/DIV. 6. Adjust the COARSE TUNING and 113165 (10 kHz Swoop) so that the eleven harmonics are as close to the ole ven graticule lines as possible. Each har- monte peak should be within 0.5 DIV of ite respective graticule Une, Contering Sean Width Modes Discomnvet Test Oscillator am con nect CAL OUT to RF INPUT. Set SCAN WIDTH to 10 kiz/DIV and tine CAL signal 10 Fy graticule ae wiih COARSE, and FINE TUNING controls. b. — Switeb SCAN WIDTH to 1 MMHa/DIV. Adjust R141 (DSP CNTR) to centor the 1.0, signal on the Ty graticale line, Switeh SCAN WIDTH to 10 Mi2/DIV ‘and adjust R131 (100 Miz OF FSET) to contor the LO. on the F, graticule line. Adjust DPM Voltage Output Sot Signal Generator to 100 MA at 110 dBin and compect to CB-15 RF INPUT, Sol CE=15 REFERENCE LEVEL rt rE ato 10 dim and SCAN WIDTH to 10 Mita/ Div. Clear ¥IG by adjusting COARSE ‘TUNING control fully CCW, then fully CW, than fully CCW, then tune to tho 10th harmonte of 100 itits and act to Yo line. (Reduce Input until only 100 Miz. line Seen, then increase input and comt up ton harmonica). ¢. Carofully zero the DVM and eon nect between 3100 board pin 10 ‘and ground, on $100 board. Adjust front panel CAT. PREQ adjustment for f roading of +1. 000 DC on DVM. 4. Adjust COARSE TUNING fully CCW, then set 100 Nit signal to ¥, gvaticule line. Adjust 3105 (DVM GAIN) for @ reading of +0.100V BC en the DVM. Rosot 10th harmonic of 100 Alz to the Fo line and readjust CAL, FREQ control for a DVM reading of 1. o00V De. £ Repeat d. and e, until there {2 no more than 4.001V DC difference 1m the two readings. & Tum COARSE TUNING central fully CCW and verify # DVM read ing of SV 4 Sma¥, b. Adjust COARSE TUNING for a frequency display from 999 to (2)000 plus OVERLOAD. If the display Jumps 3 or more digits adjust R3505 slightly olodkwise until reading te etable, Digital Panel Meter Adjustment 4.28 ‘Tam COARSE TUNING control fully CCW, then fully CW, then fully CCW, 4, Adjust 1305 (ZERO AD) for a reading of 005 MIlz on the CENTER FREQUENCY display. b, Sot the SCAN WIDTH switch to 1 Mitz/DEV. With the COARSE “TUNING set the 10) MHz signal te the 46 4.04 cm cE-15, Rp wraticule line, Adjust FREQ CAL for a CENTER FREQUENCY reading of 100 Mit, ©. Set the 10th harmonic (1000 AsHt2) to the Ty line (ace pars. 4, 2b). Adjust R301 (FULL SCALE CAL) for a CENTER FREQUENCY reading of (1)000 with the OVERFLOW light on. d,— Repoat b. and c. until no further adjuotmont is required, @ —With the COARSE TUNING central, set exch harmonic in order (100, 200, 300, .... 1000 AMM) to the Fe gra Heal line. “CENTER PREQUENCY should be the same as the harmoule = § Miz. ‘To obtain the best linearity over the full range RIS01 may be adjusted to aot the 1000 Miz roading at some number be = ttveen 907 and (1}003 MHz. Repeat check and adjustment until best Linearity is obtained. f, Check COARSE TUNING over the full range, using the 100 Miz har~ ‘monles. Range’ should be from Less than =100 Milz to greatar than 1100 Miz. (Tho CENTER FREQUENCY display wilt only cead a mabmusn of 005 MEz but the =100 Miz signal can be seen on the CRT display as the first harmonic below the 1.0, signal)s Sot one of the harmonie signals to the a graticule line, Adjust the FINE TUNING control from the fully COW tc filly CW position and note how far the signal display on the CRT moves. Range Should be 1.5 MHz + .5 Mliz, h, Note reading of CENTER FREQUEN- CY. Adjust FREQ CAL control from macimum to minimum, There should be a range greater than SO Miz ‘on each side of the calibrated setting of tho control. Attor comploting the Adjvatment proce dures the Performance Check procedures, paragraphs 4.05~4,13 should be carried out.‘Table 4-1, ‘Troubloshoeting Chast cm cE-15 Indication Possible Cause Check 14 Does not operate when switehed on 2. Doos not work whoa 12V applied CRE apot but no deflection 4. Prequeney read ‘out ok but na CRF trace CRT trace dim, not ssi Trace not horizontal 1. Coarse and fine do not ime 5. Large signal variations with Frequency 9. No 189.3. ME cal signal 10, Spurious xeaponaes 11, Decreased senst= ivity ‘unable to cals brate with 189.3 Miz internal oac, L 2 a rn 1 2, 3, 4, 2, ‘Malu fuze open AC cord loose No AC at seatrce Line awiteh wrong postu Inverter boant not plugged in. 3A fuse open 410V supply fuse cpon Component In +10 supply No high voltage or fAlument current to CRT ‘Low output from high voltage Teleotive CRT Rotation contral out of adjustment. De- fective transistor Fuse to YIG osell- lator q@en, Companents in microwave custing Bad eumection at micronave casting Component fal lare ia, microwave casting RP fuse bad Bad conacetions to microwave casting Tow Ist or 2nd 1.0. levels ‘Possible component failure in microwave casting 2nd 1.0. not on Frequency. 2.1 GHz filter not operating preperly Alicrowave casting ‘output not set properly Front panel pot not operating properly Microwave casting not bined up properly Replace 1/2A fuse (P4001) AC core ~ both ends ‘AC Sonre Lino switeh rear panel Chek 2400 at board Replace 3A fuse (F400) Replace 2A fuse (P4002) 3500 boul CRT sodtet, 3700 bout 3700 boat vase navea, @o70L Replace #3001 Cchack output evel trom mtero- wave casting ‘Cheek microwave casting comnections: Check microwave casting Check RE fuse (FLO01) Cheek connoetions on microwave casting Cheek for 1.0. levels Chock microwave casting Chock 2nd L.0. frequency Chock 2.1 Gila filter insertion loas Cheek the 189.3 atx ‘output from casting Check the level set control heck casting output levels 46KAXL's -® BAMA This manual is provided FREE OF CHARGE from the “BoatAnchor Manual Archive’ as a service to the Boatanchor community. It was uploaded by someone who wanted to help you repair and maintain your equipment. If you paid anyone other than BAMA for this manual, you paid someone who is making a profit from the free labor of others without asking their permission. You may pass on copies of this manual to anyone who needs it. But do it without charge. Thousands of files are available without charge from BAMA. Visit us at
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