11 - Bookings

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Table of Contents 
Outline 1 

Hands-on 2 
Create the Bookings application 2 
Data Model 2 
Rooms 3 
Bookings 4 
Check-in and Check-out 7 
Homepage 8 
Room Amenities 9 
Occupancy for the Next 7 Days 10 
Extra challenge - Room Service 10 

In this project, we will create an application to manage hotel Bookings. This application will have 
all the rooms of the hotel and also all the bookings made in the hotel. 

Our application will be able to list all rooms, as well as create new rooms and edit the 
information of existing rooms. Also, in each room, we will be able to add amenities, such as TV 
or Crib. All of this can only be done by hotel clerks or the hotel manager. 

Then, the application will allow the clerk / manager to create new bookings for guests, as well as 
cancel them if needed. Then, when the check-in date comes, the hotel staff can check-in the 
guests as well as proceed with the check-out at any time after the check-in. 


The application will also have an homepage which will display the bookings with check-in date 
and check-out date on the current date, as well as a view over the occupancy of the hotel in the 
next 7 days. 

At the end, there is an extra challenge to add the room service functionality to the application. 

Create the Bookings application  
To start this assignment, the first step is to create the Bookings reactive web application. In the 
resources of the exercise, there is an icon to be used for the application.  

The application should have two modules: one Core, for the data model, and one for all the UI 
and business logic. Don’t forget that the names of the modules must be unique in the 

Data Model 
The application will require a very simple data model, with the following Entities. 

All the attributes are mandatory except for the number of children and consider the following 
statuses: Booked, CheckedIn, CheckedOut and Canceled. 


Use the Room.xls file to populate the Room Entity with data. 
Create the relationships you think are relevant for this application. 

The  application  will  have  a  Screen  to  list  all  the  Rooms  available  in  the  database.  The  Screen 
should  only  be  accessible  by  the  Hotel  Manager  and  the  Hotel  Clerk  and  it  should  look 
something like this: 

The  application  will  also  have  a Screen to allow creating and editing Rooms, with a Save Button, 

to save the information in the database, and a Cancel Link to go back to the list of Rooms.  

This Screen has a ​Save ​button and a ​Cancel ​link. The first one will save the data on the Room 
Form to the database, while the link will go back to the Rooms Screen. The Screen should be 
accessible by the hotel manager and the hotel clerk, but only the hotel manager will be able to 
create a new room, or edit its information.  

This Screen should look like the following screenshot: 


The most important part of the application is to allow a hotel clerk (or manager) to create 
Bookings for guests.  

For that, it is important to list the existing Bookings and to create / modify Bookings in 
the database.  

Also, the clerk / manager should be able to search for guest names and / or the status of the 
Booking. The list Screen should look like the following screenshot: 


The Detail Screen should look like something this: 

The application should automatically choose the cheapest available room option, when the 
clerk / manager selects the Get Available Room option. To accomplish that, we can use the 
following SQL: 
SELECT​ {Room}.​*​ ​FROM​ {Room} 

WHERE​ {Room}.​[AdultsCapacity]​ ​>=​ ​@NumberOfAdults 

and​ {Room}.​[AdultsCapacity]​ ​+​ {Room}.​[ChildrenCapacity]​ ​>=​ ​@NumberOfAdults​ ​+​ ​@NumberOfChildren 

and​ ​not​ ​exists 

(​SELECT​ ​1​ F
​ ROM​ {Booking} 

​WHERE​ {Booking}.​[RoomId]​ ​=​ {Room}.​[Id] 

​and​ (​@CheckInDate​ b
​ etween​ {Booking}.​[CheckInDate]​ ​and​ {Booking}.​[CheckOutDate]​-​1 

​or​ ​@CheckOutDate​ ​between​ {Booking}.​[CheckInDate]​+​1​ a

​ nd​ {Booking}.​[CheckOutDate]​) 

​and​ {Booking}.​[StatusId]​ <

​ >​ @
​ CanceledStatus​) 

ORDER​ ​BY​ {Room}.​[Price]​ ​ASC 


The Room row should only appear after the Get Available Room is selected.  

Then, when the available room is selected, an option should appear to book the room or to 
return to the Bookings page. 

While creating a new booking, don’t forget these validations: 

● Check-in and Check-out dates are mandatory. 

● Check-out must happen after the Check-in  
● There must be at least one adult in the room 
● The number of children cannot be negative. 


Check-in and Check-out 

When the Booking is created, the hotel clerk / manager can check-in the guests, or cancel the 
booking. These options should only appear AFTER the Booking is created, in the ​BookingDetail 
Screen. The Check-in shouldn’t be possible before the Check-in date. The experience should be: 

1. Clerk / manager books the room. 

2. In the BookingDetail Screen, after the room is booked, a Cancel option should appear. 
3. In the BookingDetail Screen, whenever the Check-in date is the actual current date, the 
Check-in option should appear. 

For the check-out, the hotel clerk / manager can only see that option, when the user is already 
checked-in. In this case, since the guests can leave the hotel earlier if they want to, the 
check-out can happen anytime between the check-in and check-out dates. This option should 
also appear in the BookingDetail Screen. 

In Service Studio, the Screen will look like the following screenshot, but depending on the 
scenario, only the expected options should appear 


Now, we want to have a Homepage in our application. This homepage will display a banner and 
then a list of bookings where the check-in date is today, and a list of bookings where the 
check-out is today. That list should allow the hotel clerk / manager to check-in and check-out 
the guests directly, without going to the Booking Detail page.  

These lists should have the name of the guest, the room number and the check-out date, in the 
Checking In Today list, and the check-in date in the Checking Out Today list. The Screen should 
look like the following screenshot: 

The image can be found in the Resources folder of the exercise. 

Notice that the Guest Name appears differently in these two lists. So, let’s standardize the way a 
guest name appears on the app to something like this: 


Room Amenities 
Another functionality that the Bookings application will need to support is the addition of 
amenities to a room. A Room can have the following amenities:  
● Television; 
● Internet Access; 
● Hair dryer; 
● Premium Towels; 
● Crib; 
● Safe. 

To support this new functionality, the data model needs to be changed to include the 
amenities. Don’t forget to create the respective relationships with the Room Entity. 

In the Room Detail Screen, the list of amenities in the room should appear as in the following 


The application should also have a new Screen to allow the hotel clerk / manager to add new 
amenities to a room. A Room should not have the same amenity twice. 

Occupancy for the Next 7 Days 

In the ​Homepage​ Screen, we want to display the hotel occupancy in the next 7 days, starting 
from the current date. This will allow the hotel clerk /manager to plan the next few days, and 
better allocate the available resources.  

This information should be displayed in a chart, where the percentage of occupancy will be 
displayed in the Y-axis and the days in the X-axis. At the end of this section, we should have a 
Chart looking like this:  

To create the Chart, we need a widget, which is a Line Chart. Find out more about Line Charts in 
this section d
​ ocument​. 

To build the Line Chart, we need a list of data points. To build the chart we need to use a list of 
data points​. The list of data points in this case will have to represent the day and the 
percentage of occupancy on that day. So, to build the chart, we need to have a list of 7 
elements, one per day, with the relevant information in it. 

The Line Chart and the Data Point type already exist. We just need to use it and build the list 
we want to display the correct data on the chart. 

Extra challenge - Room Service 

In this extra section of the assignment, we want to create a Room Service functionality.  


To do that, we first need to change the Data Model to support the Room Service. 

In the Homepage of the application, we will have a section to request a service to a Room. To 
request the room service, the hotel clerk / manager will be able to select a room, select the type 
of service that the customer wants and after the selection is made, the total price should 
appear. Then, the hotel clerk / manager should confirm the Request by clicking on a Button. 
The Room Service section should look like the following mockup: 


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