Concept of Prakriti in Ayurveda and Its Significance in Evading Lifestyle Disorders
Concept of Prakriti in Ayurveda and Its Significance in Evading Lifestyle Disorders
Concept of Prakriti in Ayurveda and Its Significance in Evading Lifestyle Disorders
Ayurveda a holistic medical sci- Ayurveda provides better solution in the
ence has given emphasis on maintaining forms of proper dietary management, life-
health of healthy individuals and treating style advises, detoxification and bio-
illness of diseased one. World is being at- purification procedures such as Pan-
tracted towards potential of therapeutics of chakarma, medicaments, and rejuvenation
Ayurveda as it describes ways not only to therapies. Treating the patient as a whole,
manage various diseases but also to pre- meaning intervention targeted toward
vent diseases including lifestyle disorders. complete physical, psychological, and
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Lifestyle Disorders. International Ayurvedic medical Journal {online} 2016 {cited 2016 July} Available from:
Dr. Snehal V. Kukade Et Al: Concept Of Prakriti In Ayurveda And Its Significance In Evading Lifestyle Disorders
spiritual well-being is the holistic approach Observations and results: Based on the
of Ayurveda which makes this science a critical review of classical and recent in-
wonderful option in lifestyle disorders. formation, the following observations have
The term lifestyle incorporates been found relevant to this study.
Ahara (food habits) and Vihara (do’s and Concept of Prakriti: This constitution
don’t’s in lifestyle). Lifestyle related dis- comprises of both “physical body” as well
orders occur only because individual are as “mental body” Prakriti means “nature”
not using or adopting way of life according or natural constitution of the human body.
to self-constitution of body. It is interest- ‘Pra’ means the ‘beginning’ or ‘source of
ing to note that the Ayurvedic classics have origin’ and ‘kriti’ means ‘to form’. Put to-
emphasized the role of faulty lifestyle and gether Prakriti means ‘natural form’. Pra-
inappropriate dietary habits in the causa- kriti word derived from ‘Prakarotiiti. Pra-
tion and pathogenesis of diseases. It is no- kriti means manifestation of special char-
ticed that most of the lifestyle related dis- acteristics due to predominance of Doshas
orders and dietary habits as opposite to (Vata, Pitta and Kapha the functional
individual’s Prakriti (special body consti- component of body), & in these Prakiti
tution) described in Ayurveda; in terms of indicates predominance of specific Dosha
Dincharya (daily regimen), and Ritu- in a human being. There are other factors
charya (seasonal regimen) and wholesome which also determine the constitution of a
–unwholesome diet. Therefore, it clearly body in minor way.2 Charaka has men-
indicates that if a person wants to be tioned several additional factors which de-
healthy, he must design his lifestyle ac- termine the Prakriti such as nature of the
cording to his Prakriti. season, condition inside the uterus, food of
The incidence of lifestyle diseases mother, during pregnancy, other regimens
such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, adopted by mother during pregnancy,
dyslipidemia, and overweight/obesity as- Sukra-Sonita (sperm-ovum) of father and
sociated with cardiovascular diseases is mother and Mahabhuta Vikara.3 These
high on the rise. With rapid economic de- factors get afflicted with one or more of
velopment and increasing westernization the Doshas which are dominantly associat-
of lifestyle in the past few decades, preva- ed with the above mentioned factors.
lence of these diseases has reached alarm- Therefore, Prakiti of some people is domi-
ing proportions among Indians in the re- nated by Vata, some others by Pitta, some
cent years.1 Hence in present work an at- others by Kapha and some others by the
tempt has been made to elaborate the con- combination of two Doshas and some cas-
cept of Prakriti in Ayurveda and its signif- es, equilibrium are maintained by Dosha.
icance in evading lifestyle disorders. Although all these factors mentioned
Material and methods: Present work has above play an important role in determina-
been done based on critical review of clas- tion of Prakriti.
sical information, published research Prakriti and lifestyle: Prakriti and life-
works, modern literature and research style are natural phenomena as well as oc-
works conducted at various institutes. The cur essentially. All the physiological pro-
possible correlation has been made be- cess are directly controlled by Vata-Pitta
tween collected information and has been and Kapha and Mansika Doshas (func-
presented in systematic way. tional psychic factors) thus by the predom-
inant Dosha is a particular type of Prakriti. IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 07; July- 2016
Dr. Snehal V. Kukade Et Al: Concept Of Prakriti In Ayurveda And Its Significance In Evading Lifestyle Disorders
The principles of maintaining a proper will know about the strength of a person to
well-being of the body and lifestyle are combat with the lifestyle diseases. Out of
two folds- the observance of personal, rest six types, Prakriti with one Dosha
moral, seasonal conduct and for maintain- (Prakriti formed from one body humor)
ing way of life it must be opposite to Pra- have better resistance than two Dosha
kriti of an individual as the objective of the Prakriti (Prakriti formed from two body
science is establishing equilibrium of the humors). Vata-Pitta-Kapha Prakriti is sus-
body. Prakriti based guidelines for diet ceptible to disease in decreasing order. In
and lifestyle result in healthy tissues and general by knowing your Prakriti you can
homeostasis of Doshas. Every healthy in- be aware of the do’s and don’ts for daily
dividual should know about his/her Pra- routine and to be in healthy state you can
kriti, so that one can know which are the be aware of, what type of disorders or ail-
healthy lifestyle and eating habits for him, ments your body can have in future, so that
by adopting which he can maintain his you can change your lifestyle.6 There is
healthy state and prevent any disease correlation between specific Prakriti and
which may come. For e.g., if a person is lifestyle disorder which is depicted in table
found to have Pitta predominant Prakriti no.1. According to type of Prakriti, Ayur-
he is advised all those food stuffs which veda has given some specific dietary regi-
produce more heat in the body. It is be- mens are needed to be followed for pre-
cause he is having already increased heat vention of various lifestyle disorders.
in the body and by taking more heat pro- Table no.1:- Common lifestyle diseases
ducing regimens he may acquire many and type of Prakriti most prone for some
disease. This can be done only if we know disorders:
the Prakriti. By knowing the Prakriti one
Sr. Lifestyle disorder Correlated Ayurvedic condi- Most prone Pra-
tion kriti
1 Atherosclerosis Dhamanipratichaya Kapha and Vata
2 Alzheimer’s disease Smriti Bhransha Kapha and Vata
3 Some types of cancer Granthi and Arbuda Kapha
4 Asthma Shwasa Kapha
5 Liver cirrhosis Kamala Vata and Pitta
6 Type 2 diabetes Prameha Kapha and Vata
7 Chronic obstructive pul- Shwasa Roga Kapha
monary disease
8 Heart disease Hridaya Roga Kapha and Pitta
9 Metabolic syndrome Agnimandya, Amlapitta, Aruchi Kapha and Pitta
and Grahani
10 Chronic renal failure Mutra Roga Kapha and Vata
11 Osteoporosis Asthisushirata Vata and Pitta
12 Obesity Sthoulya Kapha
13 Depression Avasada Vata and Pitta
DISCUSSION: Basically, a particular lifestyle of person is
a cumulative product of his/her physical
capacity co-ordinated with psychological ment and progress. Almost all inhabitants
functioning, displayed in the form of hab- of cities are engaged in occupations that
its, behavior, dietary and living pattern require little physical activity and most
based on his own training sought from don’t even permit much time to engage in
childhood, and mimicries he gained from any physical activity. This is a huge con-
his immediate companions including par- tributing factor responsible for malfunc-
ents, siblings, peers, etc. Thus, it involves tioning of Dosha (especially in Kapha and
a pure psychological and innate control Pitta Prakruti) and thereby increased risk
over the physical and sensory activities. of lifestyle diseases and chronic conditions
When this initiation, control, and co- like hypertension, high cholesterol and it
ordination are disturbed, it leads to the de- can subsequently lead to problems with
rangement of lifestyle and results in any obesity, heart disease, diabetes, strokes,
lifestyle disorder. Ayurveda narrated this and so on. It can also increase levels of
phenomenon as ‘Prajnaparadha’ (intellec- stress and anxiety and raise the risk of suf-
tual blasphemy)7 which is one of the three fering from various other health condi-
basic causes of any disease. There are am- tions. 10 Persons having Kapha Prakriti are
ple improper actions as an impact of more prone to hyperlipidemic disorders as
Prajnaparadha which are root causes of Kapha has similar characteristics to that of
various diseases, e.g., habit of suppression fatty and lipid tissues. Obesity has become
of any natural urge. Reversal of any neuro- one of the greatest problems for modern
transmission or improper removal of the society as it greatly increases the risk of
waste products formed during metabolism numerous health conditions from diabetes
leading to accumulation of toxins is the and hypertension to sleep apnea, osteoar-
basic cause of a disease. Therefore, the thritis, lower back pain and gallbladder
habit of suppression of urge in improper disease.11
lifestyle can be considered as one of the Vata has similar characteristics
root causes of lifestyle diseases. Removal which can be compared with psyco-
of these accumulated waste products is the somatic functions. Therefore Vata Prakriti
first line of treatment as described in is considered to be more prone to malnutri-
Ayurveda by Charaka.8 tion and stress related disorders. Stress
Specific diet is necessary to main- doesn’t just affect us emotionally or men-
tain normal functioning of Doshas. Poor tally, it also has a clear physical effect as it
eating habits which are not suitable for aggravates and increases the risk of condi-
specific Prakriti greatly increase the risk tions like obesity, cardiac disease, diabe-
of lifestyle diseases like cancer, heart dis- tes, asthma, Alzheimer’s disease, rapid
ease, diabetes and various other health aging and gastrointestinal problems. Stress
conditions. Poor eating habits can include and anxiety can also affect one’s ability to
the over-consumption of certain foods, relax and get proper sleep, contributing to
dietary deficiencies and excessive intake a further deterioration in health and a host
of saturated fats and refined or processed of other problems. Chronic depression
foods. This affects people at both ends of poses even greater risks to one’s health
the socio-economic spectrum; with differ- and this problem often goes hand in hand
ent types of diseases affecting both peo- with other unhealthy habits like comfort
ple.9 Sedentary lifestyle is one of the dis- eating, which contributes to the problem of
tinctive features of urbanization, develop- IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 07; July- 2016
Dr. Snehal V. Kukade Et Al: Concept Of Prakriti In Ayurveda And Its Significance In Evading Lifestyle Disorders
unhealthy eating, as well as a lack of phys- the present literature we felt the need for
ical activity.12 synthesizing the current state of evidence
Sleep is one of the vital factor re- regarding Ayurvedic Prakriti, its relation
lated with maintaining normal functioning to metabolism, chronic disease, and geno-
of Dosha. It is understood from the classi- types, and the future direction. In this re-
cal information that sleep upto 8 hours and view we have attempted to collate evi-
day time sleeping is good for Vata Pra- dence with regards to the relation of Pra-
kriti, however day time sleeping is not kriti with metabolism, chronic disease and
recommended for Kapha and Pitta Pra- genotypes known so far. We also take this
kriti. Maximum 6 hours sleep is sufficient knowledge further to predict a future
in Kapha and Pitta Prakriti. Sleep is one where it will be possible to screen new-
of the most neglected requirements for borns using their genotype and thus deter-
human health and well-being. Several mine their Prakriti, which can then help us
studies have clearly indicated the im- decide the type of most healthy and suita-
portance of sleep in terms of both quantity ble lifestyle for such newborns to lead a
and quality for general health as it affects disease free and productive life. This will
various metabolic, endocrine and neuro- be a novel step towards personalized pre-
logical functions of the body. Sleep depri- ventive medicine for humans.
vation, whether through a lack of sufficient Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Prakriti are
sleep or interrupted and poor quality sleep found to have unique metabolic activities.
significantly imbalances normal function- According to Ayurveda, Kapha is slow,
ing of Doshas and increases the risk of hy- Pitta is fast, and Vata is considered to have
pertension, heart disease, elevated choles- variable metabolism. Various studies have
terol and triglyceride levels, obesity, sleep tried to establish correlation between spe-
apnea and a number of other health condi- cific Prakriti types and different metabolic
tions. Smoking and alcoholism are the fac- activities occurring in the body. Recently,
tors which affect normal functioning of a study reported that body mass index
Dosha in Vata and Pitta Prakruti. Smok- (BMI) in Vata-Pitta Prakriti was signifi-
ing is one of the biggest public health cantly less as compared to Kapha-Pitta
problems because of the high risk it poses. Prakriti and the Vata-Pitta Prakriti indi-
Smoking is associated with various life- viduals were found to be having maximum
style diseases such as numerous respirato- platelet aggregation.14 One of the associa-
ry disorders like bronchitis and asthma, tions of Tridoshas has been hypothesized
lung cancer, oral cancer and other cancers, by Hankey (2005) in which it was suggest-
cardiovascular diseases, strokes and nu- ed that the peptide coenzyme A, which
merous other health conditions. occurs in all cells across all species-
Since Prakriti is related to certain preserved through evolution and is associ-
physical and mental tendencies that deter- ated with lipid metabolism, is linked with
mine susceptibility to diseases, the ancient the Tridoshas at the cellular level.15 One
texts of Ayurveda also provide guidelines more study describes the concept of Pra-
for maintaining lifestyles in accordance kriti in aging stating that the Pitta predom-
with one’s Prakriti for continued healthy inance Prakriti type individuals have high
living in a personalized manner.13 Alt- basal metabolic rate (BMR) and energy
hough numerous publications exist in all consumption leading to tissue destruction
the above mentioned topics, on assessing and premature aging and average life span, IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 07; July- 2016
Dr. Snehal V. Kukade Et Al: Concept Of Prakriti In Ayurveda And Its Significance In Evading Lifestyle Disorders
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