AeroScout MobileView User Guide

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MobileView 4

Version 4.2.1

User’s Guide

The information and know-how included in this document are the exclusive property of AeroScout Inc.
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This document is confidential and proprietary to AeroScout Inc. and is not to be distributed to any
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Trademark Acknowledgements
AeroScout™ is a trademark of AeroScout, Inc. Other brand products and service names are
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trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein:
Cisco™ is a trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
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Images of PLUM A+™, PLUM A+™ 3, LIFECARE PCA™, and SYMBIQ™ infusion systems are provided
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Copyright 2009 -2010 AeroScout Inc. All rights reserved.
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Table of Contents

Getting Started ......................................................................................................................6

Audience ..............................................................................................................................7
Accessing MobileView.......................................................................................................7

Finding and Viewing Assets ...............................................................................................9

Using Favorites .............................................................................................................11
Changing and Deleting Favorites ..............................................................................12
Finding a Specific Asset ...................................................................................................12
Advanced Search ..............................................................................................................13
Performing an Advanced Search and Creating a Favorite .....................................14
Viewing Search Results and Creating a Favorite .....................................................17
Using the Map ...................................................................................................................21
Personalizing the Asset Locator Settings ......................................................................25
General tab ....................................................................................................................26
Asset Locator Tab .........................................................................................................27
Reset to System Defaults .............................................................................................30
Finding Assets by Navigating the Site ..........................................................................31
Real-Time Tracking of an Asset......................................................................................33
Viewing the Asset Location History ..............................................................................34
Making a Tag Blink ..........................................................................................................36

Viewing Alerts .....................................................................................................................37

Alert Viewer ......................................................................................................................37
Finding Alerts ...............................................................................................................38
Alert Details ..................................................................................................................38
Taking Corrective Action ............................................................................................38
Changing the Status of an Alert .................................................................................39

Table of Contents 3
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Changing the Status of Multiple Alerts.....................................................................40

Deleting an Alert ..........................................................................................................40
Deleting Multiple Alerts ..............................................................................................40
Viewing Events on the Map ............................................................................................40

Reports ..................................................................................................................................42
Generating a Report .........................................................................................................42
Saving and Sending Reports ...........................................................................................44
Regenerating a Saved Report ..........................................................................................46
Report Tools ......................................................................................................................47
Column Selection..........................................................................................................47
Output Sorting ..............................................................................................................48
Locale Settings ..............................................................................................................48
Report Reference...............................................................................................................49
Asset Management .......................................................................................................49
Asset Utilization ...........................................................................................................51
Temperature and Humidity........................................................................................54
Par Levels ......................................................................................................................59
History ...........................................................................................................................61

Table of Contents 4
MobileView 4 User's Guide


Revision Date Comments Author

1 13 July 2009 New document. M Sharon

2 2 February 2010 Updates L Hazan

3 15 February 2010 New screenshots L Hazan

M Sharon

4 30 May 2010 Updates Itai R

M Sharon

Document History 5
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Getting Started

AeroScout MobileView 4 is a full-featured Real-Time Asset Visibility Platform that

offers users the ability to

 Track people and objects as they travel throughout the site, allowing you to view
their locations on maps and search for them using a wide variety of criteria.

 Monitor conditions of assets, such as whether they are in motion, their

temperature, status and other information transmitted by the tag attached to the

 Set up event monitors which can alert users when the predefined conditions are
met, such as:

 An asset enters or exits to/from a certain location

 An asset’s temperature violates its threshold

 An asset begins moving

 The asset’s tag transmits a certain message or the call button on the tag is

 And many others – refer to the Administrators guide for a full listing of the
types of events available in MobileView.

 Inform users that events have occurred via alerts in MobileView, e-mail, Skype
message, and a variety of other channels.

 Generate reports on a wide range of MobileView’s asset information.

Tracked objects are called assets. These may be cars, trucks, employees, containers,
medical equipment, and the like. Assets are tracked through tags fixed on them.

Chapter 1 Getting Started 6

MobileView 4 User's Guide

As assets move or perform tasks, MobileView receives information about their

location other important details such as a temperature reading or a motion

This user guide is intended for AeroScout MobileView users who need to track and
manage assets, receive alerts about assets and create reports.

Accessing MobileView
If you are using Windows 7, add the MobileView IP address to the browser’s
trusted sites manually before launching MobileView.
To access MobileView

1. Open your Web browser and connect to MobileView’s URL.

The login page appears.

2. Enter your username and password.

3. If you want to have your computer remember your username and password,
check the box Remember me on this computer, so that you do not have to
retype them every time you access MobileView.

Exiting MobileView by clicking the “Sign out” button (at the top of the
MobileView screen) will cancel the "Remember me" feature and you’ll have to
log in the next time you access MobileView.

Chapter 1 Getting Started 7

MobileView 4 User's Guide

4. Click on Log In.

If the default settings have not been modified, the Asset Locator home page

From this page, you can access all MobileView functions by clicking a search.

Chapter 1 Getting Started 8

MobileView 4 User's Guide

Finding and Viewing Assets

You will use MobileView’s Asset Locator to find assets. Asset locations are shown on
the map displayed on your screen.

When you log on to MobileView, the Asset Locator page opens by default (this
default can be changed). This page gives access to the asset search tools, namely:

 Favorites: A set of saved searches created by you or other users in your

department, which allow you to execute a frequently used search in a single

 Find Specific Assets: Use this type of search if you are looking for a specific asset
and you know all or part of the asset’s name, ID or tag ID.

 Advanced Search: Use this type of search to specify multiple criteria to find one
or more assets, such as all wheelchairs located on the first floor whose status is

If you leave this page, you can return to it by clicking the Locator tab.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 9

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The Favorites button opens a page that lists the saved searches that have been
previously defined by you.

You may also optionally see the saved searches created by other users in your
department as shown in Favorites that other users have shared. See Advanced
Search on page 13 for more information on creating favorites.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 10

MobileView 4 User's Guide

Using Favorites
Click a saved search to display the assets that meet the search criteria.

If there is only one asset that meets the stored criteria, the map is displayed, showing
the asset.

If multiple assets meet the criteria, they are listed.

Click the location link on an asset record on the list to show it on the map.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 11

MobileView 4 User's Guide

Changing and Deleting Favorites

You can change the name and other parameters of a favorite record.
To change parameters:

1. Click the Edit button in the Favorites box.

This opens the Edit Favorite Search dialog box.

2. See Viewing Search Results and Creating a Favorite on page 17.

To delete a favorite:

1. Click the Delete button in the Favorites box.

2. Confirm the deletion message.

Finding a Specific Asset

The Find Specific Asset button opens a page that allows you to find one or more
assets that meet your search criteria.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 12

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In the search box, enter an asset property in full or partially. For example, you can
enter digits includes in the asset ID, letters included in the asset name, or a full MAC

If you enter partial criteria, such as letters included in the asset name, all assets that
meet the criteria are listed as you type the letters:

When the list appears, you can click an entry to see the location of the asset on the
map. Alternatively, you may enter your search string and click the Search button
and you will receive the location information for all of the assets containing the
string you entered.

Advanced Search
The Advanced Search tool allows you to find assets using much more detailed

For example, if you are looking for all of the working (status) infusion pumps (asset
category) in Building A (location), you can use the Advanced Search option to
specify these three criteria and execute this search.

The Advanced Search button opens a page that displays the selectable criteria.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 13

MobileView 4 User's Guide

Advanced search involves checking boxes in order to select search criteria. To

select all the boxes in a single operation, click the Check all link located below
the criteria panel. Click Uncheck all to clear all the boxes that are currently

Performing an Advanced Search and Creating a Favorite

To conduct an advanced search and save the criteria:

1. In Asset Categories, check the box that corresponds to the category to which the
assets you are looking for belong.

If you click a parent branch, all the categories under it are included.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 14

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2. In Locations, select the places where the assets should be found.

Here too, if you click a parent branch, all the locations under it are included in
the search. You can search in a parent branch or in any of its descendants down
to the zone level.

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3. In Status, select the status of the assets you want to track.

For example, select Available to find the assets that are in working order and
that are not tied to a task.

The status values are defined in your organization and therefore their names
may be different from those used here.

4. To limit the search to assets belonging to a certain group, check the

corresponding box in Groups.

You can select multiple groups in order to find the assets that belong to any of
the selected groups.

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5. To further limit the search to assets whose name, ID, serial number or Tag ID
contain certain characters, enter the text in Any specific text?

For example, enter Alpha to limit the search to assets that carry a name that
contains the word Alpha. You can also use digits included in the asset ID or part
of the MAC address.

Viewing Search Results and Creating a Favorite

When the search results (or the map) appear, the criteria that returned the displayed
results are listed on the left.

The List tab displays the search results in list format. You can save those criteria and
then re-use them without selecting them again.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 17

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Under the Map tab: If the search returns one asset or if you selected an asset from
the search results list, the area map appears, showing the asset.

If the search returns multiple results, MobileView defaults to the List tab. In this
case, while the List tab is displayed, clicking the Map tab does the following:

 If the assets found are all in one area (one map), the map appears, showing the

 If the assets are found in different parts of the site, MobileView displays all the
relevant sections of the site.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 18

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In the site display, click the Switch to 3D View button (the button may read 2D
depending on your pre-defined system settings) to display the site section in three-
dimensional view. For details, see Finding Assets by Navigating the Site on page 31.

The Hybrid tab combines the map (or site) and the search results.

Saving Search Criteria: Creating a Favorite

Follow these steps:

1. In the search results page, click the Save to Favorites link.

The Create Favorite Search dialog box opens.

2. In Name, enter a name for this search.

3. If you want to assign an icon to this search, click the Replace icon link.

The icon library opens.

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4. Select a group of icons, click the icon you want and then click OK.

5. If you have the appropriate rights, the box Share this favorite with other
people appears on your screen. Check this box if you want this favorite to
appear on the Favorites list of other MobileView users.

6. Click OK.

The stored search now appears in the Favorites page.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 20

MobileView 4 User's Guide

Using the Map

The map includes handling tools that provide asset details, allow you to focus on an
area, and to list assets that look too close to one another in a densely populated area.

A description of the functions follows.

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1 The Asset
If the search returns one asset or if you select an asset in the search results list, the
asset appears with its tooltip open.

2 The Tooltip
The tooltip provides details about the selected asset. The tooltip includes the
following information.

The name of the asset appears on the tooltip title bar, on the left.

In the upper right-hand corner the date and time of the last location report appears.

In the upper left-hand corner the following information appear: the alert icon, the
severity level, the event monitor type and the time of the latest alert.

Location, Status, Category, Event, Picture

The central section displays the asset location and properties, as well as a picture of
the asset (if one has been attached to it).

Sensor Data
If temperatures or humidity are involved, the current measurement is displayed,
accompanied with a status icon and color showing whether the measurement is
within the accepted range.

Click this link to display the asset’s properties box in the bottom half of the map
display area.

Make Tag Blink… See Making a Tag Blink on page 36.

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General tab… This tab repeats the details seen in the tooltip.

Tags tab… This tab lists the tags attached to the asset, and their battery status.

Location History tab … See Viewing the Asset Location History on page 34.

Other tab… This tab displays the additional attributes of the asset as well as the
custom properties of the category to which the asset belongs.

Edit Asset button… Click this button to access the asset record for viewing and

Track this asset

See Real-Time Tracking of an Asset on page 33.

3 Other Assets
The other assets found on the same map are shown with their tooltip closed. You can
click an asset to display its tooltip and access all the functions included in it.

4 Refresh Tool
If so defined, the map is refreshed automatically by pre-defined intervals, showing
the last location of the assets (the automatic refresh is disabled by default). If you
want to get a picture of the asset locations now, click the Refresh button. The
date and time of the last refresh appear next to the button.

5 Panning in All Directions

Drag the mouse over the map to bring more of the map into view.

Click one of the direction arrows to pan the map in that direction.

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6 Panning with Overview Map

Click the Show button to open Overview Map.

Drag the red box and observe the panning effect on the map.

Click the Hide button to close Overview Map.

7 Zooming
Drag the zooming handle up and down over the ruler to zoom in and out.

8 Selection Tool
In an area that contains a large number of assets, the asset icons might not be seen
clearly. The zooming tool might help in enlarging the area and in distinguishing
between the assets. Where zooming does not help, the low visibility selector allows
you to fence off an area and display a list of the assets found in it.

Click the selector button and then drag the mouse over the area, forming a

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 24

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The selected assets are listed in the Asset List View panel on the right.

Click an asset on the list to find it on the map.

9 Map and List Display

The tabs above the map display search results.

10 Interactive Location Name

At the top left corner of the map, you can see the full location of the map you are
looking at, in the following format: All Sites/Site Name/Building / Floor/ Area/ Map.

Each of these location entity names is a link. You can click one to navigate to that

Personalizing the Asset Locator Settings

In the top right hand corner of the Locator screen, click the My Settings link.

In My Settings you can personalize settings defined by your system administration.

The values you enter in My Settings apply only to your username.

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General tab

Asset Locator String Pattern

This parameter determines how detailed the location of an asset will appear
throughout MobileView. The default is the full path – building-floor-area-zone.
Removing a component reduces the level of detail. For example
{BUILDING}/{FLOOR} show only the building and floor where assets are located.

You can also change the order of the displays. For example
{ZONE_STR}/{BUILDING}/{FLOOR}/{AREA} shows the zone first.

If you change this setting, make sure you follow the correct syntax shown here.

Zone String Pattern

This parameter is relevant if Asset Location String Pattern includes {ZONE_STR}.

As a zone may contain other zones, the zone specification may consist of a series of
zones. For example, if A contains B and B contains C, and the asset is located in zone
C, then {ZONE_STR} would consist of A-B-C.

In this parameter you can select the order of appearance of the zones in
{ZONE_STR}. The options are:
Option Description

Show Leaf Zone Only Shows only the last zone (C in our example).
Show Full Zone Shows the entire zone specification in the natural
Hierarchy order (A-B-C in our example).
Show Full Reversed Shows the entire zone specification in reversed
Zone Hierarchy order (C-B-A in our example).

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Asset Locator Tab

Enable favorites screen

Clear this box if you do not want to use Asset Locator's Favorites option and you do
not want it displayed.

Enable find specific asset screen

Same as above for Find Specific Asset.

Enable advanced search screen

Same as above for Advanced Search.

Locator default screen

When you log on to MobileView, and unless the default was changed, Asset Locator
appears. If you want MobileView to default to another module, select it here.

Default refresh rate

If you want the map to be refreshed at regular intervals and to show the latest
locations automatically, select the interval. If you select None, the map will not be

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 27

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refreshed automatically, but you can always get the latest locations by clicking the
Refresh button.

Default search result mode

Select the view in which search results will be displayed by default: Map, List or

Enable shared favorites

If you check this box you will be able to see and use the favorite searches that other
users have saved.

Automatically show navigation panel in result screen

Check this box to show the navigation panel in the result screen automatically when
it opens.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 28

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Number of results per page

Select the number of rows to display in one search results page. Longer results are
divided into pages through which you can browse using the page links above the
results table.

Display these columns in list view

This option allows you to select the columns to display in the search results screen.
Click the selection button to open the tool.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 29

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The Available box lists the columns that are not currently included in the display.
Double-click a column or use the arrow buttons to include it in the display. The
Subscribed box lists the columns that are currently included.

Double-click a column in the Subscribed box to remove it from the display.

Show me 3D maps where available

By default, the site view displays two-dimensional data. Check this box to change
the default to three-dimensional display.

Asset icon size

Select a size for asset icons displayed on the map.

By default, the largest size is used.

Zone name size

Select a font size for the zone names displayed on the map.

The default font size is 12.

Map Preferences (Show AeroScout Exciters, Show zones, Show passive

RFID locations, Show business status icon)
Check the boxes that correspond to the elements you want to see on the map. If the
elements become cumbersome, you can remove them from the display by clearing
boxes here. Note that the Show Business Status Icons option alternately displays
and hides the icons associated with different asset statuses defined in
Administration, System, Customized Values.

Display these columns in hybrid view

This option allows you to select the columns to display in the hybrid search results
screen. Click the selection button to open the tool. This is the same as in column
selection in list view.

Hybrid view layout

Select if you want to present the list beside or above the map in hybrid view.

Reset to System Defaults

Click this button (appears under both tabs to cancel all changes made in My Settings
and restore to the settings defined by your administrator.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 30

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Finding Assets by Navigating the Site

Depending on your default settings, you may view the high-level site map in two or
three dimensions. The 2D site view shows the summarized total number of assets
and alerts beside the area:

The numbers next to tag icons indicate the number of assets in the area. The
numbers next to the flags indicate the number of alerts received from that area. The
color of the flag points to the alerts that has the highest severity alert in that location:

Red Critical
Orange High
Yellow Medium
Gray Low

You can drill down to any of the areas by clicking the name hyperlink:

When you click the Switch to 3D View button in the site display under the Map tab
(unless MobileView is set by default to display the three-dimensional view), a three-
dimensional view of the site appears.

Chapter 2 Finding and Viewing Assets 31

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The three-dimensional view is actually a powerful information and asset location


Point to a floor that contains data to display a tooltip that shows the total number of
assets per floor and the number of alerts that have not been read yet, grouped by
severity levels. The color of the alert icon displayed on the floor is that of the highest

An alert marked as dismissed (this is done in the Alerts tab) is no longer

shown in the Asset Locator, and it is subtracted from the alert count shown in
the tooltip.

Click on the asset number to get to the specific floor.

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The floor may have more than one area. Each area will show the number of alerts
broken down by severity, as well as the total number of assets located in the area.
Bring the mouse pointer over the area to display the area name below the floor

Click on the Go to map link to display the asset on the map.

Real-Time Tracking of an Asset

The real-time tracking mode allows you to follow an asset as it travels throughout
the site. This mode may be used in cases where one asset is of particular interest and
you want to know the exact location of the asset at any given time. For example, if a
staff member has activated an emergency assistance alert by pressing the call button
on a tag, security staff may want to track the location of that staff member in real-
time tracking mode.

When you click the Track this asset link in the asset tooltip, the map appears,
showing the asset.

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You can adjust the refresh rate of the map by selecting an interval in the Refresh
Rate field at the bottom of the screen. As the map refreshes, more of the asset’s
course comes into view.

Viewing the Asset Location History

In the asset properties panel, you can see an asset’s movement over time.

1. When you select the Location History tab in the properties panel, a date and
time selection tool appears.

2. Enter the starting and ending date and time of the period.

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3. In Data Points, select the level of detail you want to see:

 Zone: Shows the general movement of the asset between zones rather than
between each point.

 Location: Shows each location report received during in the specified period.

4. Click the Show History on Map button.

The map appears.

The upper section displays a navigation bar that allows you to navigate through
the asset movement history. Drag the pointer along the line to get to the date
you want.

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When you click on a point on the history navigation bar, the corresponding
location appears on the map together with the path that the asset has traveled.
The green icon that shows the asset’s location indicates the time of the location

Similarly, when you click on a point in the history trail on the map, the
corresponding point on the history navigation bar is automatically selected.

If there are many points, scrolling controls appear on the sides of the history
navigation bar.

Making a Tag Blink

Click the Make Asset Tag Blink button in the asset properties box to cause the tag to
blink. The blinking rate is defined in System Settings.

Use this function to allow a person on the field to locate the asset easily among other
similar-looking assets or in a crowded environment.

This function can only be activated if the tag is in the range of an Exciter.

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Viewing Alerts

Alerts are generated when a monitored event takes place. When an event takes place
the alert is sent to the destinations defined in the event monitor. MobileView allows
you to access a list of alerts and focus on certain alerts using filtering tools.

Alert Viewer
The Alert Viewer is designed to list the alerts that have been accumulated since the
last purge. (A parameter controls the time to keep alerts accessible. After that time,
older alerts are deleted.)

To view all types of alerts, click the Alerts tab. The Temperature and Humidity tabs
allow you to focus on temperature and humidity alerts, respectively.

Chapter 3 Viewing Alerts 37

MobileView 4 User's Guide

Depending on the user permissions you have been given, you may see only one of
these tabs.

Finding Alerts
To focus on certain alerts, make selections in the drop-down lists at the top of the
window. For example, to see all unread severe alerts posted in the last 4 hours, in
Show select Unread, in Time Range select 4 hours and in Priority select High. You
can select an area in the Location list to limit the search to alerts that came from that
area or zone. After making your selections, click the Search button.

You can also enter an asset name in Asset. As you type the name a list opens from
which you can select the asset you are looking for.

Click the Clear button to clear the results of a search and restore the original display.

Alert Details
Note the following columns:

Indicates the event condition. For example, if the event condition is “send alert if
temperature goes above 10 degrees”, this column shows >10.

Click the Name link to access the record of the asset for which the alert was issued.

Temp, RH
Indicates the temperature/humidity that triggered the event.

Current Temp, Current RH

Indicates the last temperature/humidity reading received for the asset.

Check the "last refresh" timestamp above the column to ensure that the list is current.
If you would like to refresh the list, click on the "Search" button again. This will
ensure that the value shown in this column is the most up-to-date.

Taking Corrective Action

By default, the corrective action feature is available for temperature and humidity
events. To make this feature available for other event types as well, see AeroScout
MobileView Administrator Guide or contact AeroScout Support.

In the Corrective Action field you can enter the action taken to remedy the situation
that triggered the event.

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MobileView 4 User's Guide

Click the Insert link to open the Corrective Action dialog box.

Fill the fields. Enter the corrective action in the Description field and click Save and

Changing the Status of an Alert

An alert can be in one of the following statuses:

 Pending: Means that the alert has not been handled yet and will be displayed
with a yellow background.

 Dismissed: Means that the alert has been handled will be displayed with a white
To change a status:

1. Click the Status field of the alert.

A list opens.

Chapter 3 Viewing Alerts 39

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2. Click the status you want.

3. Click the OK button.

Changing the Status of Multiple Alerts

Follow these steps:

1. Select the alerts by checking their boxes.

2. Click the Mark as Dismissed or Mark as Pending icons.

Deleting an Alert
Follow these steps:

1. Click the Status field of the alert.

2. On the list that opens now, select Delete.

3. Click the OK button.

This removes the alert from the display.

Deleting Multiple Alerts

Follow these steps:

1. Select the alerts by checking their boxes.

2. Click the Delete Alert button.

Viewing Events on the Map

When an event occurs, the asset that triggered it appears on the map with a highlight
around it . The color of the highlight communicates the severity of the event (as
defined in the event monitor):

 Red: Critical Severity

 Orange: High Severity

 Yellow: Medium Severity

 Grey: Low Severity

In addition, the event's details appear in the asset's tooltip:

Chapter 3 Viewing Alerts 40

MobileView 4 User's Guide

The alerts are also shown on the three-dimensional map.

Chapter 3 Viewing Alerts 41

MobileView 4 User's Guide


Reports retrieve detailed information about current states and past events. For
example, you can retrieve information about tags located in a given department and
whose battery level is currently Medium, or a list of critical events that took place
last month.

You can generate an instant report, or one-time or periodical reports scheduled for
future dates.

Generating a Report
To generate a report:

1. Click the Reports tab.

2. In the left pane, select a report.

Its retrieval parameters are displayed in the work area on the right.

Chapter 4 Reports 42
MobileView 4 User's Guide

3. In Report Title, type text that describes the report.

4. In Format, select an output format.

For example, you can create a report directly in PDF format. You can also
generate reports in HTML or CSV format. Note that the report summary data
may vary for one format to another.

5. Enter the report retrieval parameters.


 To generate a report that relates to a certain department, select a department.

 To list all tags whose battery level is Medium, select Medium in the Battery
Status drop-down list of the Battery Level report.

Chapter 4 Reports 43
MobileView 4 User's Guide

 To generate a report that covers assets located in a certain place, select the
Area, Zone or Zone Type.

 If the report returns graphical data, select the graph type.

6. Click the Generate button to create the report.

The report opens in the selected format

Click the Save button to create the report and save it in the selected format. Such
reports can be reopened under the Saved Reports tab.

Saving and Sending Reports

You can create the same instant reports with the parameters you want, and save
them and send them by e-mail. A saved report constitutes a template as well: if you
regenerate it, it retrieves the newest data.
To prepare and save a report:

1. Click the Reports tab and then the Saved Reports tab.

2. In the navigation pane, select the report.

3. Click the Add Saved Report button.

4. Go through the wizard and enter the report parameters.

The parameters are the same as for the instant records only that you also specify
the schedule.

In the Report Scheduling dialog box, you can select Manual to regenerate the
report whenever you want, or specify a schedule. In the latter case, MobileView
generates the report automatically at the specified date at the specified

Chapter 4 Reports 44
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Click Next.

5. In Output Options, you specify whether to save the report and e-mail it.

Do one or all of the following:

If you want to save the report, check the Save to Disk option and in Directory
enter where you want to save the report. Specify a filename as well. The report
is saved in the selected format.

"Local" paths (for example, C drive) refer to the storage of the MobileView
server and not to your local computer.

Chapter 4 Reports 45
MobileView 4 User's Guide

If you want to e-mail the report, check the box Send via email to and enter the
destination e-mail address.

Click Next.

6. In the Access Control page, you specify who will have access to this report.

If you want to limit access, select the Allow only users with the following
roles… radio button and then, in Available Roles, select roles and move them to
Selected Roles. Users having the selected roles will have access to the report.

7. Click the Finish button.

The report is now listed in the work area.

Regenerating a Saved Report

You can regenerate a saved report in order to retrieve the newest data, by marking
its box in the work area and clicking the Generate button.

Chapter 4 Reports 46
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Report Tools
The report parameters pane (on the right) consists of collapsible sections. You can
expand and collapse sections by clicking the arrow icon at the right upper-right
hand corner of the section.

In addition to the Parameter sections, the report tools include the sections described

Column Selection
In this section, you can determine the columns to be displayed in the output.

Available Columns
Lists the columns that are not currently included in the report.

Copy and Remove button

Select a column in Available Columns and click the Copy button to include it in the

Select a column in Selected Columns and click the Remove button to remove it from
the report.

Chapter 4 Reports 47
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Available Columns
Lists the columns that are currently included in the report.

Top-Down Buttons
Select a column in Selected Columns and click of the buttons to move columns up
and down. The column at the top appears as the leftmost column on the report.

Output Sorting
In this section, you can define how to sort the report.

In Order By select a primary sorting field. Then you can specify up to two secondary
(Then By) levels. For example, you can sort a report by asset categories and within
each category by the alphabetic order of asset names.

Locale Settings
The locale settings allow you to localize the output in several ways.

A description of the locale parameters follows.

If your MobileView is multi-lingual, you can select the language in which report
labels will be output.

Time Zone
Select a time zone to express the retrieved dates and times in the date and time of
that time zone. For example, if the time of a record is 5 a.m. in local time, the time
that will be eventually shown on the report for a time zone two hours ahead will be
3 a.m.

Chapter 4 Reports 48
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Date Format
Select the format in which you want to output the dates and times stored in the
retrieved records.

Temperature Unit
Temperatures are stored in the MobileView database in degrees Celsius. You can
select a different unit and have the temperatures displayed in that unit.

Report Reference
The following is a description of the available reports.

Asset Management
Inventory Report
This report generates a list of tracked assets (i.e. those that have tags and have
reported their locations).

To limit the list to specific assets, select one or more retrieval parameters. For
example, to list assets located in a department, select a Department and then an

Battery Level Report

This report generates a list of assets and shows their tag battery level and their
current location.

To limit the list to specific tags, select one or more retrieval parameters. For example,
to list all assets belonging to certain categories whose tag battery is Medium, select
the categories and in Battery Status Less or Equal to select Medium.

Chapter 4 Reports 49
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Assets List
This report returns a list of all assets in the MobileView database.

Out of Sight Assets Report

This report provides a list of assets that have not reported their locations for a given
number of hours. In the report parameters, you specify the number of hours.

Chapter 4 Reports 50
MobileView 4 User's Guide

The output is a standard asset list.

Inventory Summary Report

This report shows the number of assets found in each location, grouped by category.

Asset Utilization
Asset Utilization by Status
This report shows the percentage of the time an asset was in different business
statuses during a period.

It can show utilization rates if you use business statuses that describe usage rates
such as "In use", "Out of Order", "In Maintenance".

The report also returns the calculated average utilization of all assets by category.

Chapter 4 Reports 51
MobileView 4 User's Guide


In Report Parameters, you can specify the period and the group of assets to report

Chapter 4 Reports 52
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Asset Utilization by Location

This report shows the percentage of the time assets spent in different locations.

The report also shows the calculated average time per each category.


In Report Parameters, you can specify the period and the group of assets to report

Chapter 4 Reports 53
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Temperature and Humidity

Current Temperature Report
This report displays the latest temperature reported for each asset in the selected
asset group, department, or category. If you have defined an acceptable temperature
range for each asset, the report will display it, thus delivering the extent of the
deviation, if any, at a single glance.

Temperature History Report

This report retrieves historical data, showing the temperature read from an asset
during a given period.

Chapter 4 Reports 54
MobileView 4 User's Guide

To limit the report to a period and to certain hours, select dates and times in the
From and To fields.

In Asset, select the monitored asset.

To limit the range of readings enter a minimum and a maximum reading in Lower
Limit and Upper Limit, respectively.

Temperature Events Report

This report displays a list of events triggered by temperature readings that violate
predefined acceptable limits. It can be retrieved by severity levels as well. The report
also states the corrective action needed to restore temperature to the acceptable

Chapter 4 Reports 55
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Current Humidity Report

This report retrieves the current humidity readings for the selected group of assets.

Temperature Summary Report

This report returns the current temperature, the minimum and maximum
temperatures registered by tags over a period, and the average reading.
Temperatures that exceed thresholds are shown in red. A red average value would
point to a persisting problem.

Chapter 4 Reports 56
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Humidity Events Report

This report displays a list of events triggered by humidity readings that violate
predefined acceptable limits. It can be retrieved by severity levels as well. The report
also states the corrective action needed to restore humidity to the acceptable range.

Condition Monitoring Audit Report

This report provides a history of temperature or humidity readings over time for a
group of assets. The report shows detailed data for each asset separately.

Humidity Summary Report

This report returns the current humidity, the minimum and maximum humidity
levels registered by tags over the specified period, and the average reading.

Chapter 4 Reports 57
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Humidity levels that exceed thresholds are shown in red. A red average value would
point to a persisting problem.

Humidity History Report

This report retrieves historical data, showing the humidity levels read from assets
during a given period.

To limit the report to a period and to certain hours, select dates and times in the
From, At and To, At fields.

In Asset, select the monitored asset.

Chapter 4 Reports 58
MobileView 4 User's Guide

The data is shown in graphical and textual format.

Par Levels
Par Level Summary Report
This report lists the pre-defined par levels of assets in selected groups, categories
and locations, their current quantity and the deviation from the minimum (negative
values) and maximum (positive values). Example:

Chapter 4 Reports 59
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Par Level History Report

This report shows the changes in the actual number of assets for a selected par level
over time. You can limit the report to a range of hours or dates and focus on a given

The report shows the changes graphically as well.

Chapter 4 Reports 60
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Event History Report
This report retrieves a list of events that happened in the past.

You can limit the report to a certain period and severity level, as well as by other
parameters. For example, you can retrieve a list of critical events that took place in
the Storeroom department, in area A, in the first week of March, during the night

Chapter 4 Reports 61
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Asset History Report

This report shows the movements and business status changes of assets over time.

To limit the report to a period of dates and times, enter the starting date and time in
From and At, and the ending date and time in To and At.

You can further limit the report by selecting a category, group or specific asset. For
example, if you select a category, the report shows the movements and status
changes of all assets in that category. If you select an asset in the Asset field, the
report shows the movements and status changes of that asset only.

The report displays one line for each change in location or status.

Chapter 4 Reports 62
MobileView 4 User's Guide

Asset GPS History Report

This report lists a history of the location reports issued by GPS tags. By default, the
report shows the latitude and longitude of the location where the assets were found
at the specified dates.

In addition, you can include the X and Y columns to show the corresponding X and
Y coordinates on the MobileView map. The Telemetry field shows the raw latitude
and longitude values in hexadecimal format.

Chapter 4 Reports 63
About AeroScout
AeroScout is the market leader in Unified Asset Visibility solutions. Clients improve operational
efficiency and quality using AeroScout products that leverage standard Wi-Fi networks to track and
manage the location, condition and status of mobile assets and people. AeroScout’s global customer
base consists of leading hospital, manufacturing and logistics organizations, including many of the
Fortune 500. The company originally invented the first Wi-Fi-based Active RFID tag, and today is
widely recognized as leading the market in number of deployments and tags shipped. Headquartered
in Redwood City, Calif., AeroScout has offices in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and
Australia. For more information, please visit

AeroScout (Headquarters) Japan Office

1300 Island Drive Tel: +81 3 3556 9003
Suite 202 Fax: + 81 3 5875 3723
Redwood City, CA 94054 E-mail:
Tel: +1 (650) 596-2994
Fax: +1 (650) 596-2969 Latin America Office
E-mail: Tel : +52 55 5001 5769
Europe, Middle East, Africa Office
Tel : +32 2 709 29 49 Asia-Pacific Sales
Fax : +32 2 791 9028 Tel : +1 650 596 2994
E-mail: E-mail:

Australia and New Zealand Sales

Tel : +61 3 9038 8690

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