That Is The Question: To Filter or To Ultrafilter
That Is The Question: To Filter or To Ultrafilter
That Is The Question: To Filter or To Ultrafilter
hen lubricating small devices, what you can’t see environmental contaminants
Trapped. Potential light-blocking particles Long, quiet life. Contaminates filtered Unfriendly skies. Without ultrafiltration,
from an optical gel were trapped on this from one pound of bearing grease used in this metal sliver would have found its way
3-micron filter. computer applications are displayed next into an aircraft bearing. Metal is one of
to miniature balls and a bearing. Without the more common contaminates found
ultrafiltration the bearing would have had a in grease.
short and noisy life. (The paper clip is
added for scale)
Contamination control is never complete
unless you consider the lubricant. By
understanding some basic guidelines,
engineers can avoid problems.
First, all filtered lubricants are not equal!
There is a difference between a clean and
ultraclean grease. Never assume that a
filtered grease is a clean grease. It may have
been passed through a large membrane filter
to remove the “fur, teeth and bones,” but
problems may lurk beneath the surface.
Develop a sense about what size contami-
nates can be tolerated. As with any special
process, the finer you filter something the
more expensive it gets. Bearings are quite
happy with a clean grease (contaminates less
than 75 microns) while miniature bearings
need an ultraclean grease (contaminates less
than 35 microns). Manufacturers of disk
drives, who always push the clean envelope,
require an oil with a Cleanliness Level 1.
Ask about the containers! Are they cleaned
before a lubricant is added? Are the design Light Blockade. This diagram compares the maximum size of contaminates allowed in
and material of the container suitable for filtered and unfiltered grease to the size of some of the components with which they interact
maintaining a clean product? (Ultrafiltered Optical Gel, 25 microns; Ultrafiltered Grease, 35 microns; Filtered Grease, 75
microns) For example, a filtered, not an ultrafiltered, optical gel could have a 75 micron
As technology continues its march to
particle in it — more than half the diameter of a fiber optic strand. Less than half the light waves
smaller devices, ultraclean lubricants will would make it through this blockade. (Note, while the elements in the diagram are enlarged,
play an increasingly larger role in assuring they are proportionally accurate. The grain of beach sand is added to illustrate scale.)