That Is The Question: To Filter or To Ultrafilter

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To Filter or to Ultrafilter:

That is the Question

By William Galary

hen lubricating small devices, what you can’t see environmental contaminants

W can hurt you. Microscopic contaminants in a

bearing lubricant can cause vibration that sounds
like a sandy bicycle chain. In micro switches, tiny particles can
I’ve removed from lubricants
during the past 20 years.
What is clean? Basically,
wedge between contacts, keeping the circuit open when it the amount of contaminants in
should be closed. In fluid films that coat the surface of a hard a lubricant determines how clean
disk, particulates can wreak havoc with the recording head that it is. Federal standards define
cruises at 10 meters per second, a fraction of a cleanliness for oil and grease. MIL-
micron above the disk surface. STD 1246 includes five cleanliness levels
Unfortunately, many design engineers do for oil: 50, 25, 10, 5, and 1, where each number refers to
not pay enough attention to particulate the largest particle (in microns) allowed in an oil. A rating
matter in lubricants. They typically select of Cleanliness Level 1, for example, means that there are
lubricants for temperature, volatility, no particles greater than 1 micron in that oil. Methods to
corrosion inhibition, and other functional determine the levels are also standardized.
properties. And it is not until there is a There are three cleanliness levels for grease: unfiltered,
high percentage of unexplained rejects or, filtered, and ultrafiltered. An unfiltered grease can contain
worse, failures in the field that the spotlight particles larger than 75 microns. The filtered or “clean grease”
turns toward the lubricant. cannot have any particulate matter larger than 75 microns, and
Fortunately, however, lubricant contamination there must be less than 1,000 particles per cubic centimeter
problems, with a bit of foresight, can usually be minimized between 24 and 74 microns in size (MIL-G-8l322, Aircraft
or avoided altogether. Grease). Ultrafiltered or “ultraclean grease” must not have any
particles larger than 35 microns, nor may it have more than
1000 particles per cubic centimeter between 10 and 34 microns
Solid particles in lubricants can come from many sources but
in size (MIL-G-81937, Ultraclean
raw materials, the manufacturing process, and the environment
Instrument Grease). Included
are the three most common culprits. Raw materials — the base
in the ultrafiltered category
fluids, gellants, and additives used to make lubricating oils and
is a new standard for
grease — may contain paper fiber, plastic debris, iron oxide,
optical gels. They may
and chips from a drum liner. Without stringent process control,
not contain any parti-
all can find their way into a lubricant. During the manufactur-
cles larger than 25
ing process, lubricants can pick up metal from misaligned
microns and must have
machine parts, rubber from gaskets, and carbon from kettles.
no more than 50 particles
Undissolved thickener, powders that are combined with oil
per cubic centimeter, none
to make grease, can also damage small parts. Dust particles,
larger than 24 microns.
fabric fibers, hair, glass, even nuts and bolts are just some of the

Nye Lubricants, Inc. 1 Phone 508-996-6721

While ultraclean lubricants were first developed for the military,
applications today are multiplying in several arenas — driven
by more stringent demands for quality, reliability, and long
operating life.
Miniature precision bearings have relied on ultraclean
greases for many years. Found in such devices as disk drives,
spacecraft gyros, high speed dental drills, or positioning
equipment used in vacuum chambers, the bearings can contain
balls as small as 350 microns — which means that 75-micron
particulates (found in an unfiltered grease) can pose a serious
threat to the life and operation of these bearings.
The life of a bearing depends on a micro-thin film of lubricant
that separates the ball and the raceway. The rotation of
bearings creates this elastohydrodynamic (EHD) film. Any solid
contaminant greater in diameter than the EHD film can result in
“debris denting,” where the contaminate jams between the two
surfaces, damaging one or both surfaces. Further, the denting
sometimes creates additional debris, which causes bearing
“noise.” Repeated denting action can eventually lead to
“peeling” or microspalling, a very shallow chipping of the
Collision Course. This exploded view of the head/disk surface inter-
surface caused by metal fatigue. Using ultrafiltered lubricants
face shows the collision course that the head has with contamination
bypasses these problems. in the film of oil that protects the disk surface. Not only are the large
In the fiber optics industry, contamination plays a more particles knocked around and into the surface, the smaller particles
passive, but nonetheless harmful role. It does not gouge or dent. below the film surface can cause damage during the occasional bump
that happens between the head and the surface layer.
It just blocks the light — typically in fiber
optic connectors, one of the few junctures
of dissimilar plastics and glasses — rely on ultraclean optical
on this information highway where light
gels to act as a “ light bridge” in their devices.
waves can be interrupted.
Another application for ultraclean lubricants is disk drives —
Connectors are used in lieu of a
where size really does matter. Hard disks are good examples.
physical splice. Fiber optic strands are
Manufacturers are continually shrinking the distance between
inserted and secured into opposite ends of
the flying head and the disk surface as one way to speed the
the connector. A small gap in the center of
transfer of data. The head now cruises about 500 angstroms
the connector prevents the strands from
above the disk. On the surface of the disk is a 20-angstrom
touching. The gap is filled with a crystal
layer of lubricant film. The film provides protection for the
clear optical gel formulated to have the
occasional bump that happens between the head and disk.
same Refractive Index as the fiber. Hence,
Without lubrication, the surface would wear and fail rapidly.
instead of being impeded by the air, the light
Solid contaminants in the oil, however, jeopardize the
travels through the gel to the fiber on the other
protective film. The flying head could, in fact, become a golf
side. The gel, however, must be ultrafiltered,
club hitting particles of debris across the surface of the disk —
otherwise particles in the gel will cause reflection or
or driving them into the surface of the disk. In either case, disk
absorption, which may increase bit error rates. Connector
reliability and data integrity are jeopardized. By removing the
manufacturers — and designers of the growing number of
particles, ultraclean fluids significantly reduce that risk.
sophisticated opto-electronic devices that require the matching

Nye Lubricants, Inc. 2 Phone 508-996-6721

to create an ultraclean process for the entire batch. Many plants
do filter their products at the end of the production cycle, but
only to remove visible particles (primarily for appearance)
before the lubricant is pumped into unwashed containers.
Consequently, many oils, greases, and fluids, especially
those destined for miniature devices, have to be cleaned
post-production — a niche Nye Lubricants aimed to address
when it established its ultrafiltration services 20 years ago.
While Nye does use small batch, process control to manufac-
ture all lubricants for ultraclean applications, the ultrafiltration
department serves as a fail-safe when packaging our
lubricants — and as a venue for cleaning greases from other
manufacturers, which is a sizable portion of our operations.
Removing contamination from a grease once it has been
gelled requires a thorough knowledge of Rheology, the science
Clean room, clean grease. Clean air for a 10-foot mini-environment
blankets the working surface, where lubricants are ultrafiltered and of the flow and deformation of matter, a controlled environ-
packaged in a Class 100 environment. ment, and a vast arsenal of filters. Generally, the filters are
either nylon or stainless steel, starting at a rating of three
HOW TO CLEAN A GREASE microns. The filters used depend on the composition of
The best way to make an ultraclean grease is to control each the grease and the type of contaminants. Once a set of filters
step in the manufacturing process. However, most lubricant is selected, the lubricant is forced through them with
manufacturers produce large volumes of grease in a single custom-designed, high pressure equipment in a Class 100
batch. Since only a small percentage of a batch may be mini-environment. This ultrafiltration system can process as
earmarked for an ultraclean application, it is not cost-efficient little as one ounce of grease, and it deposits the ultrafiltered

Trapped. Potential light-blocking particles Long, quiet life. Contaminates filtered Unfriendly skies. Without ultrafiltration,
from an optical gel were trapped on this from one pound of bearing grease used in this metal sliver would have found its way
3-micron filter. computer applications are displayed next into an aircraft bearing. Metal is one of
to miniature balls and a bearing. Without the more common contaminates found
ultrafiltration the bearing would have had a in grease.
short and noisy life. (The paper clip is
added for scale)

Nye Lubricants, Inc. 3 Phone 508-996-6721

lubricant directly into end-use containers, which range from long and defect-free product life. And the important question
1cc syringes to 35 pound pails. Before filling, each container design engineers must ask is not whether a lubricant has been
undergoes a multi-cycle cleaning with filtered de-ionized filtered — but, rather, whether to use a clean or an ultraclean
water. They are then dried with HEPA-filtered hot air. oil or grease. ■
Care is also taken in the selection of containers. Metal and
fiber containers are avoided. Plastic is a
good choice as long as there are no pressure
plug openings. The friction from such
openings releases contaminants. Glass is an
excellent choice, but must be examined
before use. A rough molding flash along the
bottle threads can create contaminants when
the caps are screwed on and off.

Contamination control is never complete
unless you consider the lubricant. By
understanding some basic guidelines,
engineers can avoid problems.
First, all filtered lubricants are not equal!
There is a difference between a clean and
ultraclean grease. Never assume that a
filtered grease is a clean grease. It may have
been passed through a large membrane filter
to remove the “fur, teeth and bones,” but
problems may lurk beneath the surface.
Develop a sense about what size contami-
nates can be tolerated. As with any special
process, the finer you filter something the
more expensive it gets. Bearings are quite
happy with a clean grease (contaminates less
than 75 microns) while miniature bearings
need an ultraclean grease (contaminates less
than 35 microns). Manufacturers of disk
drives, who always push the clean envelope,
require an oil with a Cleanliness Level 1.
Ask about the containers! Are they cleaned
before a lubricant is added? Are the design Light Blockade. This diagram compares the maximum size of contaminates allowed in
and material of the container suitable for filtered and unfiltered grease to the size of some of the components with which they interact
maintaining a clean product? (Ultrafiltered Optical Gel, 25 microns; Ultrafiltered Grease, 35 microns; Filtered Grease, 75
microns) For example, a filtered, not an ultrafiltered, optical gel could have a 75 micron
As technology continues its march to
particle in it — more than half the diameter of a fiber optic strand. Less than half the light waves
smaller devices, ultraclean lubricants will would make it through this blockade. (Note, while the elements in the diagram are enlarged,
play an increasingly larger role in assuring they are proportionally accurate. The grain of beach sand is added to illustrate scale.)

Nye Lubricants, Inc. 4 Phone 508-996-6721

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