Chapter Two
Chapter Two
Chapter Two
Chapter Two
This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part deals with vocabulary acquisition. It
comprises some definitions of the term, its’ importance and different types. It also identifies
difficulties in learning vocabulary, how to teach it and common strategies that are used. The
second part of this chapter includes the main element of the study which is crossword puzzles.
It provides a brief overview of the history of this game, its’ definition and types.
Furthermore, it deals with how to teach crossword puzzles, the value of using this strategy in
Part One
Vocabulary Acquisition
Definition of Vocabulary
It is taken for granted that vocabulary is one of the basic skills in language learning. The
term vocabulary could be related to various views and defined in several ways. Experts have
proposed some definitions about vocabulary. Websters’ New Encyclopedia Dictionary (1995)
defined vocabulary as: “a list or collection of words or words and phrases usually
alphabetically arranged and explained or defined” (p.1166). Another definition for this term is
provided by Hatch and Brown (1995) as a list or set of words for particular language or set of
words that speakers of a language might use (p.1). Therefore, Alqahtani (2015) referred to
vocabulary as the total number of words that are needed to communicate ideas and express the
speakers’ meaning. That is to say that the author wants to explain that vocabulary is all about
Todd (1987) argued that there are four of the most frequently implied meanings of “word”:
the orthographic word, the morphological word, the lexical and the semantic word. The
orthographic word has space on either sides of it. A morphological word considers only form
and not meaning. A lexical word comprehends the various forms of items which are closely
related by meaning. A semantic word considers the distinction between items that may be
vocabulary as follow:
language. However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than just a single
word: for example, post office, and mother-in-law, which are made up of two
or three words but express a single idea. A useful convention is to cover all
From the definitions above, we can conclude that vocabulary is the most important and
meaningful part of language. Therefore, words are used to make phrases and sentences which
are used for representing an idea, object, thought, information, action ...etc.
learner is always in need to enhance his vocabulary. Alqahtani (2005) emphasized that
vocabulary knowledge is viewed as critical tool for second language learners because a
students cannot get the others and express their own thoughts.
The Use of Crossword Puzzle as Teaching Strategy 7
Hatch and Brown (1995) went further to argue that: “communication signals form an
important part of the vocabulary of language” (p.346). In language learning and teaching,
vocabulary always plays an important role because learners need amount of words to
“Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be
conveyed”. This is how Wilkins (1972, as cited in Thornbury, 2002, p.13) summed up the
importance of vocabulary learning. That is to say, learner who just learns grammar without
the lexicon of the language will have difficulties to convey what he\she wants to say. Having
a great amount of vocabulary is actually favorable since it assists learners to have a good
influence on other people. The Linguist Wilkins (1972) gave also an advice to students from
“If you spend most of your time studying grammar, your English will not
improve very much. You will see most improvement if you learn more words
and expressions. You can say very little with grammar, but you can say almost
This means that vocabulary has a great role in language learning that enables students
to enhance their language proficiency. However, they should acquire a sufficient words and
Moreover, Nation (1994) noted that vocabulary is not an end in itself in which a rich
vocabulary makes the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing easier to perform”. A
strong vocabulary has a positive influence on students’ capacities to build up their language
The Use of Crossword Puzzle as Teaching Strategy 8
Types of Vocabulary
Most of researchers and scientists agreed to divide vocabulary knowledge within the scope
of its use. Thus, Harmer (2001) has identified vocabulary knowledge into active and passive
vocabulary. Active vocabulary in which students can use words orally; however, passive
words are known by learners through recognition, but they cannot call and produce through
Nevertheless, Read (2000) have divided vocabulary knowledge into productive and
receptive vocabulary. Hiebert and kamil (2005) argued that words come into oral and print,
and also receptive and productive. Oral vocabulary is a set of words for which we know the
meaning when we speak or read; while print vocabulary consists of those words
for which the meaning is known when we write or read silently. (Hiebert, kamil, 2005, p.3).
Productive vocabulary is the set of words that an individual can use when writing and
speaking. They are words that are familiar and used frequently (Hiebert, kamil, 2005).
Meanwhile, they refered to receptive or recognition vocabulary as the set of words in which
A: A partial trend towards the right dimensions that reflects the level of
B: The depth dimension: such as the construction of the system showing the
ideas of what makes words relatively easy or difficult to learn (p.148). According to
Thornbury (2002, p.27), anyone who has learned a second language will know that some
words seem easier to learn than others. He states that there are factors that make words more
Words that are difficult to pronounce are more difficult to learn. Potentially, words will
typically be those that contain sounds that are unfamiliar to some groups of learners.
They can contribute to words difficulty, especially words that contain silent letters such as
The grammar associated with the word is also a major problem to foreign language
learners, especially if this differs from that of its L1 equivalent. The grammar of phrasal verbs
is particularly troublesome in which some phrasal verbs are separable like (she looked the
word up), but others are not (she looked after the children).
The Use of Crossword Puzzle as Teaching Strategy 10
When two words overlap in meaning, learners are likely to confuse them. Words with
multiple meaning, such since and still, can also be troublesome for learners. Thus, unfamiliar
Words that can be used in a wide range of contexts will be perceived as easier than their
synonyms with a narrow range. For example, the word “put” is very wide-ranging verb
The connotation of some words may cause problems for learners. For example, Propaganda
has negative connotation in English, but its equivalent may simply mean publicity.
Words or expressions that are idiomatic will be more difficult than words whose meaning is
Teaching Vocabulary
Vocabulary is central to language teaching in which teachers give it a great concern in the
teaching process. Particularly, teaching vocabulary is one of the ways to develop language
learning success. Additionally, it also includes the studying of foreign language because
lexicon is the basic material to master other skills such as: speaking, listening, writing and
The Use of Crossword Puzzle as Teaching Strategy 11
Teaching vocabulary is a crucial aspect in learning a language since languages are based
on words (Alqahtani, 2005). Therefore, it is considered as the most discussed part of teaching
a foreign language. Either teachers or students agree that the acquisition of vocabulary is
significant factor in teaching language (Walters, 2004). Language teachers should be aware
that teaching vocabulary for foreign language learners is something new and different from
students’ native language. They have to take into account that teaching young learners differs
from teaching adult. Moreover, they should also know individual differences of their students,
for example, visual learners, aural learners, kinesthetic and tactile learners. Teachers then
have to prepare the most appropriate techniques and methods to gain the target of language
Experts, scientists and language teachers tried to understand the role of lexicon in language
learning and communication. Accordingly, the increased attention to vocabulary teaching has
become more significant. Thus, teachers are supposed to apply more strategies to teach
Here, there are some of strategies of teaching vocabulary as stated by Thornbury (2002);
Using Objects
These include flashcards, wall charts, and regalia. They are used for conveying meaning
and useful for teaching concrete items of vocabulary such as: food. They often lend
themselves easily to practice. Addionally, using objects can help students to member the
Drawing or Sketch
Teachers do not need to be artistic to make simple sketches which illustrate meaning.
Objects can be drawn on blackboards. They can help young learners easily to understand and
realize the main points that they have learned in the classroom (Alqahtanii, 2015).
These are often used to supplement other ways of conveying meaning. Teachers might
It is the most helpful strategy when items become more abstract. To ensure that students
understand, teachers often make use of more than situation or contexts to check that learners
have grasped the meaning. According to Hornby (1974), illustration is often more useful than
According to Hornby (1974), synonyms are words with the same meaning as another in the
same language but often with different implications and associations. They are helpful
particularly with unimportant words of passive vocabulary. Teachers often use synonyms with
low level students, where they have to compromise and restrict the length and complexity of
their explanations.
Autonyms are words that have an opposite meaning of another word. Some words are
easily explained to learners by contrasting it with its’ opposite. For example, the word “sour”
is easily illustrated by contrasting it with the word “sweet” which is familiar to the majority of
The Use of Crossword Puzzle as Teaching Strategy 13
Definitions are often inadequate as means of conveying meaning. They are generally
The Dictionary
Hatch and Brown ( 1995) agreed that dictionaries are sources where new words can be
encountered (p. 376). They seem to be the most appropriate mean for learning vocabulary.
Thus, they also give students the meaning of words of language. Using a dictionary helps
them to build their vocabulary. Therefore, individual student learn things outside the
classroom, if not the teacher then asks them to look about new words in the dictionary. There
are many types of dictionaries which are used to enhance students’ vocabulary. The bilingual
dictionary is used by learners at lower level and it translates a word from the target language
into students’ native language. The second type is the monolingual dictionary that is used at
A drill is any repetition of a short chunk of language. The teacher who does the repeating,
so as to accustom the learners to the phonological features of the word. For example, the
teacher precede some sort of cue, such as ‘listen’, and repeat it two or three times to draw
learners’ attention. Thornbury (2002) emphasized that drilling should be clear and natural to
Translation has been the most widely used means of presenting the meaning of a word in
monolingual classes. It has the advantage of being the most direct route to a words’ meaning
assuming that there is close match between the target word and its’ L1 equivalent. In addition,
The Use of Crossword Puzzle as Teaching Strategy 14
it can save valuable time that might otherwise be spent on unsuccessful explanation. For
monolingual groups, it is also a valid strategy to highlight the danger of false cognates. For
example, the French word sensible would be translated as “sensitive” in English, and not
This strategy can be a useful way of revising the new items when students have learnt two
Hadfield (1998, p. 4) says that “a game is an activity with rules, a goal and an element of
fun”. He also stated that games are divided into two main kinds: competitive games in which
players race to be the first to reach the goal, and cooperative games in which teams work
towards a common goal. In addition, many experts of language teaching agreed that games
are a good tool to learn vocabularies that have various advantages on both teachers and
students. Through the use of games, students will break the routine of traditional learning in
which it makes them more motivated in the classroom, it could also facilitate the
entertainment and enables them to learn new words easily and rapidly. Furthermore, there are
several types of games such as: magic tricks, caring and sharing, story games, picture games
Part two
Crossword Puzzle
Teaching through games have been widely used in supporting learning in-side and out of
the classroom as Sugar (1998 ) stated “ Today, learners are usually much more active in the
classroom, and what better way to be more active than using new games strategies such
Among many strategies, crossword puzzle game seems to be more attractive than others.
According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (2009), crossword is
complete the crossword puzzle task, the role of student here is to accurately fill in all the
blank squares with letters those form words. Words are based on the clues provided, which
can be: complete sentences, phrases, or words. Childers (1996) considered crossword puzzles
as game, something to be enjoyed rather than slogged through, they tend to be fun and
Based on Collins English Dictionary (2003), crossword puzzles are puzzles in which the
solver deduces words that are suggested by numbered clues and writes them
encouraging student learning, these puzzles can help students to improve their vocabulary
spelling, and pairing key concepts. Since students need to spell items correctly to complete
the puzzle, they gain greater retention and memorization of vocabulary. (Moore & Dettlaff,
The Use of Crossword Puzzle as Teaching Strategy 16
The effectiveness of crossword puzzles has been explored in many studies such as:
Tabtimsai (2003), who has employed crossword puzzles as “after reading” strategy to enhance
students’ vocabulary growth. In another study, it was found that crossword puzzles could
increase motivation and students’ interest in the topic. (Franklin et al., 2003).
solver has to write words guessed from clues. Words are separated by black
squares or by thick bars between squares [. . .]. Now, crosswords are usually
designed so that they look the same when they are turned upside down. But
symmetrically, so that the left side as the mirror-image of the right side. (p.52)
Augarde described the form of crossword puzzles as a square or a rectangular grid of white-
and black-shaded squares in which the shaded squares are used to separate words.
game, toy, or problem that requires ingenuity and often persistence in solving or assembling.
Generally, a crossword puzzle is a helpful tool that identifies areas of understanding as well
as lack of comprehension and areas of weakness (Franklin e al., 2003; Childers, 1996). As
Hadfield (1990, quoted in Deesri, 2002) pointed out that crossword puzzles are regarded as
very useful and important strategy to stimulate language acquisition. They are defined as
Also, according to Uberman (1998), “games such crossword encourage, entertain, teach, and
According to Arrnot (1981 ), the history of crossword puzzles goes back over 100
year when the first crossword puzzle appeared in the Italian magazine 2 Secolo Illustrato
Della Domenicia under the title “Per Passare il Tempo” which means in English “To Pass the
Time”. However, it was originated by Giuseppe Airoldi. Airoldis’ puzzles contain horizontal
and vertical clues but they were four by four grids without shaded square.
Arthur Wynne, who was a journalist from Liverpool, created first crossword puzzle in New
York on December 21, 1913 that was initially called word-cross and was diamond-shaped
(Mollica, 2008). Wynne called the puzzle "word-cross" because he positioned the words in
the form of a cross. The name later switched to cross-word, and then as a result of an
accidental type the hyphen was dropped and the name became “Crossword”. In the 1920,
people started to notice the phenomenon of crosswords. After that crossword puzzles became
a regular characteristic in “Fun” page of newspapers and spread on other newspapers. By the
time, the crossword puzzles arrived in Britain eleven years later in February 1922 in Pearson's
Magazine. While The Guardian claimed it was the Sunday Express in 1925. Beyond the
abstract of crossword puzzle, England developed the Cryptic and Super Cryptic Puzzles.
(Bellis, 2020)
Based on the Guinness Book of Records, the first collection of crossword puzzle was
published in USA in 1924 and named The Cross Word Puzzle Book. The first publication
was by a new partnership formed by Dick Simon and Lincoln Schuster. The term crossword
puzzles first appeared in dictionary in 1930 the New York Times. (Bellis, 2020)
The Use of Crossword Puzzle as Teaching Strategy 18
A crossword puzzle, normally, takes the form of a square or a rectangular grid of white and
black shaded squares. However, there are two main types of grids: American style and British
style in which both of them have a set of rules that setters have to follow: the grids need to be
In North American style, a merely solid white grid with very few black squares is the most
common. In other words, American square grid type is horizontal and vertical word with
unique and list of numbers demonstrating the start of word in which each word has a clue
connected with it that can be another word or an entire phrase. (Griffith, 2012)
American crosswords often have two figures: a theme and a title which tool up a clue to the
theme. Generally, three to five theme entries are longest words in the puzzle and they are
placed symmetrically within the grid. (Sutherland, 2012). As shown on figure 2.1:
British style crossword grids are seen worldwide, especially in common wealth countries
such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India and South Africa. (Sutherland, 2012)
British-style crossword grids also have a higher rate of black to white squares than
American grids. In this style crossword have about 25 percent black squares, and cryptic have
around 35 percent black squares and they called "keyed" or "checked". Half of the letters in
each word are crossed over with another word. Mainly, based on a short squares board pattern
According to Babayemi (2018), there are six types of crossword puzzles: Cipher
and Arrow-word Puzzle; in which each type is different from a regular shape grid puzzle.
Cipher Crossword
Code breakers and code crackers are other names for a kind of crossword called Cipher.
Cipher Crosswords are very different from cryptic puzzles, a Cipher Crossword replaces the
clues for each entry with clues for each white cell of the grid - an integer from 1 to 26
inclusive is printed in the corner of each. However, the objective, as any other crossword
puzzles, numbers correspond to one letter for each cell. (Babayemi, 2018)
Fill-in Crosswords
This type is also known as Crusadex or Cruzadex. The task consists of finding out the
answers to the clues and at the same time the location where they will place the answers on
the puzzle grid. In fill-in crossword, the clue numbers and black squares are not indicated.
Fitting together several long words is easier than fitting together several short words because
there are fewer possibilities for how the long words intersect together. (Babayemi, 2018)
Cross Numbers
It is known as a Cross-figure and as the name imply, the clues and answers are related to
numerical values in which the solutions to the clues are numbers instead of words. Clues are
usually arithmetical expressions that refer to a year of an event or an important date. There are
Acrostic Puzzle
of two parts. The first is a set of lettered clues, each of which has numbered blanks
representing the letters of the answer. The second part is a long series of numbered blanks and
spaces, representing a quotation or other text, into which the answers for the clues fit.
(Babayemi, 2018)
The Use of Crossword Puzzle as Teaching Strategy 21
Diagramless Crosswords
Diagramless Crosswords, or Diagramlesses, are blank and square grids that fill in the
intersecting words without giving the usual diagram. A variation is the Blankout puzzle.
Diagramlesses provided by black Square that tell the location where the words should and
shouldn’t go. The clues are not individually numbered, but given in terms of the rows and
The Arrow-word is the most popular puzzle. This is the only type of a crossword that does
not have as many black squares as a true crossword, but has arrows inside the grid, with clues
Crossword puzzles have been a widely utilized form of study by students and teachers alike,
across all age groups and areas of study. These methods are a desirable learning method, as
they can make studying more enjoyable. (as cited in Davis, et al, 2009).
Crossword puzzle game is a teaching strategy that can be used to enhance several useful
skills including vocabulary. In order to complete the task of crossword puzzle, students must
identify the term being used, and often the result is requiring a new vocabulary or
terminology. Teachers find that solving the puzzle is much less complicated and more like
game to play because solving a puzzle is an active type of learning. It involves students with
more material than just passive types of review method do. (Jones, 2007)
p.48) stated that “crossword puzzle for use in the language classroom is really quite easy to
The Use of Crossword Puzzle as Teaching Strategy 22
create First, make a list of words with which your students should be familiar. Then, search
(2002), puzzles are games and simulations that can be used because they require students to
be more active participants in the class, make decisions about what is right and what is wrong
to solve problems and difficulties, and react as a result of their decisions. A specially designed
crossword puzzle is a type of games that also serves as a means for active learning of course
There are several steps teachers should follow when using crossword puzzle in classroom
Pre-teaching activity:
3. After checking students’ attendance, the teacher reminds the students about
While-teaching activities:
4. After the teacher checks the answer of students, the teacher discusses with
the students to make a sentence using the appropriate words as the crossword
puzzle answer.
Post-teaching activities:
Students’ Motivation
According to Harmer (2001), motivation is simply a kind of internal drive that pushes
The crossword puzzle game offers a challenge that will motivate the student to try to fulfill
the puzzle (Widaningsih, 2009). Moreover, Dewi (2010, p.18) also stated that crossword
puzzle can be used in teaching learning process to increase the students’ interest, to motivate
students in learning English, and then the students may feel more relax.
way to review the material. He also stated that when students solve the answer of crossword
correctly, they may experience an increase in self-confidence. This action can have a double
effect. One can increase self-motivation in students to learn and study more. Plus, educational
crossword puzzles can ease the anxiety produced by other assessments. Success breeds
The value of games in education takes supportive role rather than directive. The direct role
of the teacher appears only before and after the gaming in introducing and assessing the
crossword after it takes place.
The Use of Crossword Puzzle as Teaching Strategy 24
According to Karavas-Dukas (1995), the role of teachers classified into four main types: a
source of role expertise, management role, source of advice and facilitator of learning.
The role of the teacher in the classroom and how to organize the crossword puzzle is very
important. To routinize games in the classrooms, the teacher must be open-minded toward
games, but also must believe in the effectiveness of playful learning. (Schiffler, 1992)
As Organizer
The teacher is an organizer and educational manager. Mainly, the teacher organizes the
demand of games, and analyses their cost-benefit-ratio and ensures the game runs properly.
(Atar, 2018)
involves doing a clear introduction, changing the classroom layout to the requirements of
the game.
As Facilitator
The teacher has a role of facilitator of learning in which he/she prepares the appropriate
learning materials and environments. Also, the teacher provides opportunities to students to
enable them to interact with one another and to develop their understanding and language
skills (Atar, 2018). In this regard, Harmer (2001) argued that the teacher can help his/her
learners but with limits and conditions, and his/her responsibility is just supporting them to
As Enthusiasm Generator
According to Brophy and Good (1994), the teachers’ enthusiasm contains two basic sides
When teachers plan these qualities, they are likely to inspire and motivate their learners to
learn more. For instance, while solving a crossword puzzle, the teachers’ role would be
encouraging the learners’ curiosity of new knowledge by showing the advantages of the
There are a multitude of different learning styles. However, a learning style is a specific
way that the mind receives and processes new information. Therefore, in any one class, we
Several learning styles can be distinguished in crossword puzzle as Shafeai and Nejati
(2009) confirmed that crossword puzzles have the advantage of appealing to different learning
The first style is visual learners’ style; they are often having strong puzzle-solving skills
and feel great satisfaction when they complete one. (Shafeai & Nejati, 2009)
The second style is auditory learners’ styles who are that kind of learners that enjoy step-
by-step reasoning, so they benefit from the sequential steps of completing a crossword.
The third style is kinesthetic learners’ and they are kind of learners who enjoy the multi-
Crosswords have been used successfully in many different disciplines (Childers, 1996).
However, this approach engages several useful student skills including vocabulary, reasoning,
and spelling. Further, Olivares et al. (2008) stated that crosswords are appropriate to reinforce
self-esteem, motivation and develop professional skills. Jones (2007) emphasized that
Crossword puzzle is one of the interesting techniques for teaching vocabulary. Thus,
Orawiwatnakul (2013, p.417) said that: “puzzles can help students to extend their vocabulary
knowledge”. In addition, in the process of students solving puzzles, a learner must have the
ability to identify and to understand the term that has been used. According to Alghani (2017),
when students fill in the crossword puzzle in a group, each student contributes new
vocabulary to each other. It proves that crossword puzzle is a facilitator to improve students’
vocabulary. The more students do exercises of crossword puzzle, the more they can memorize
the vocabulary.
Acquiring new vocabulary by using crossword puzzle can also involve exact spelling which
may mean for students practicing dictionary skills. Certainly, practicing pronunciation and
To conclude this chapter, we have reviewed the vocabulary acquisition and the use of
crossword puzzles as teaching strategy. Teaching vocabulary becomes such important in the
teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) because learning a particular language cannot
be achieved without knowing its lexis. Therefore, anyone should master a considerably
Thus, crossword puzzles are considered as a great tool to teach this aspect in which it helps
teachers to maintain students’ interest, motivation and immersion; also to make the learners
involved in challenges and entertainments at the same time. Besides, crossword puzzles are an
effective way to have fun while students build their vocabulary at the same time.