Metodo Cipac Metamidofos

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ISO common name Methamidophos

Chemical name O,S-dimethyl phosphoramidothioate (IUPAC,
CA; 10265-92-6)
Empirical formula C2H8NO2PS
RMM 141.1
m.p. 46.1 °C
v.p. 4.2 × 10-3 Pa at 20 °C
d 420 1.31
n D20 1.5092
Description Pure methamidophos is a crystalline solid, the
technical material is a colourless to yellowish liquid
or crystalline slurry
Solubility In n-hexane: 0.1 - 1 g/l at 20 °C; toluene: 2 - 5 g/l at
20 °C; miscible with water, 2-propanol and dichloro-
Stability Half life
at pH 4 and 22 °C: 1.8 a
at pH 7 and 22 °C: 120 h
at pH 9 and 22 °C: 70 h
Formulations Soluble concentrates



1 Sampling. Take at least 100 g.

2 Identity tests
2.1 Infrared. Prepare a KBr disc using 1 mg sample and 300 mg KBr. Scan the
disc from 4000 to 400 cm-1. The spectrum produced from the sample disc should
not differ significantly from that of an authentic sample.
2.2 HPLC. Use the HPLC method below. The retention time of methamidophos
for the sample solution should not deviate by more than 1% from that of the
calibration solution.
2.3 TLC. Carry out a thin layer chromatographic identity test by comparing the
sample with the standard using the following conditions:

TLC plate coated with silica gel 60 F254 0.25 mm (e.g. Merck,
Darmstadt, FRG, Art.No. 5715)
Solvent n-hexane/acetone (5+3 v/v)
Sample solution Dissolve an amount of sample containing the equi-
valent of 60 mg methamidophos in approximately
5 ml methanol in a 10 ml volumetric flask and make
up to the mark with methanol. Apply the solution
Reference solution I Dissolve 60 mg of methamidophos authentic sub-
stance in approximately 5 ml methanol in a 10 ml
volumetric flask and make up to the mark with
methanol. Apply the solution immediately.
Reference solution II Mix 5 ml of the sample solution with 5 ml of the
reference solution I. Apply the solution immediately.
Sample size 10 µl of reference solution I, II and of the sample
Travelling distance 15 cm
Visualization Spray the plate with a 0.5% aqueous solution of
Rf value Methamidophos 0.2

3 Methamidophos
OUTLINE OF METHOD A solution of the sample is separated by reversed
phase high performance liquid chromatography. The content of active ingredient
is determined from peak areas using an external standard.

CIPAC method 1991. Prepared by the German Committee (DAPA)
Chairman: W Dobrat. Based on a method supplied by Bayer AG (FRG)


Methamidophos reference substance of known purity
Eluent water - acetonitrile (94+6) v/v, premixed
Calibration solution. Weigh (to the nearest 0.1 mg) about .25 g of pure meth-
amidophos (s g) into a 100 ml volumetric flask, dissolve in 50 ml water and
make up to volume with water.

Liquid chromatograph equipped with a spectrophotometric detector (wavelength:
210 nm) and loop-injection valve (20 µl)
Liquid chromatographic column stainless steel, 250 ± 4 (i.d.) nm, packed with
LiChrospher 100 RP 8, 5 µm

(a) Operating conditions (typical):
Eluent flow rate 1.5 ml/min
Detector wavelength 210 nm
Column temperature 35 °C
Valve injection volume 20 µl
Run time 30 min
Retention time methamidophos: approximately 3.2 min

(b) Preparation of sample. If necessary melt the technical methamidophos and

homogenize the sample. Weigh (to the nearest 0.1 mg) sufficient sample (w g) to
contain 0.25 g of methamidophos into a 100 ml volumetric flask and dilute to
volume with water.
(c) Determination. Inject 2 µl of two calibration solutions (different masses of
pure methamidophos) alternately until the calibration factor varies by less than
1% for the two last injections. Inject 20 µl of the sample solution in duplicate.
Repeat the calibration after the injection of two samples using the two calibration
solutions alternately. Measure the relevant peak areas and average the areas of the
duplicate injections of the respective samples.
(d) Calculation. Calculate the average calibration factor f with the factors of
the calibration solution preceding and following the samples.

s P
The calibration factor f

Hw f
Methamidophos g/kg


Hw = peak area of methamidophos in sample solution
w = mass of sample taken (g)
s = mass of methamidophos reference substance in calibration solution (g)
P = purity of methamidophos reference substance (g/kg)
Hs = peak area of methamidophos in calibration solution

Repeatability r = 9.4 g/kg at 752 g/kg active ingredient content

Reproducibility R = 21.0 g/kg at 752 g/kg active ingredient content

4 Impurities. (draft method)*

SCOPE Determination of by-products in technical material and technical


OUTLINE OF METHOD An internal standard is added to the sample, the

sample is diluted with a suitable solvent and the impurities are determined by
gas liquid chromatography.

Carbon tetrachloride
Methamidophos pure, purity at least 975 g/kg
n-Dodecane, internal standard, purity at least 995 g/kg
O,O,O-Trimethyl phosphorothioate (TMPS), purity at least 990 g/kg
O,O,S-Trimethyl phosphorothioate (i-TMPS), purity at least 970 g/kg
O,O-Dimethyl methylphosphoroamidothioate (N-methyl amidate), purity at least
990 g/kg
O,S-Dimethyl methylphosphoroamidothioate (N-methyl methamidophos), purity
at least 910 g/kg
O,O-Dimethyl phosphoroamidothioate (amidate)

Gas chromatograph equipped with a capillary column, on-column injection,
FID detector, recorder and electronic integrator

Based on a method supplied by Bayer AG (FRG)


(a) Gaschromatographic conditions:
Column glass capillary, silylated, 50 m × 0.3 mm (i.d.)
Packing SE-54
Detector temperature 300 °C
Temperature program of oven initial 80 °C for 1 min
80 to 120 °C at 15 °C/min hold at 120 °C
for 10 min
120 to 140 °C at 20 °C/min hold at 140 °C
for 5 min
140 to 280 °C at 20 °C/min hold at 280 °C
for 10 min
Flow rates hydrogen (carrier gas) about 30 ml/min air
about 300 ml/min
helium (make-up gas) 20 ml/min
Injection volume 0.4µ l
Retention times n-dodecane: about 16.0 min
TMPS: about 7.8 min
amidate: about 10.9 min
i-TMPS: about 11.9 min
N-methylamidate: about 12.3 min
N-methylamidophos: about 18.3 min

(b) Determination of response factors. Weigh (to the nearest 0.1 mg) about 0.03 g
(s g) of the respective impurities, about 0.04 g (r g) n-dodecane and 0.5 g pure
methamidophos into a glass-stoppered flask (500 ml). Add acetone (1 ml),
homogenize, and dilute with carbon tetrachloride (300 ml). Inject 0.4 µl portions of
this solution into the gas chromatograph under the conditions given under (a).
Determine the peak areas of the internal standard and the respective impurities.
(c) Preparation of sample. Weigh (to the nearest 0.1 mg) about 0.3 g (w g) of
the homogenized sample and about 0.2 g (q g) internal standard into a glass-
stoppered flask (500 ml). Add acetone (1 ml), homogenize, and dilute with
carbon tetrachloride (300 ml).
(d) Determination. Inject portions of this solution into the gas chromatograph
under the conditions given under (a). Determine the peak areas of the internal
standard and the respective impurities.
(e) Calculation

s Ir P
Response factor of i-th impurity f i
r Hs


s = mass of i-th impurity in the calibration solution (g)
Hs = peak area of the i-th impurity in the calibration solution
Ir = peak area of the internal standard in the calibration solution
P = purity of i-th impurity (g/kg)

H w q fi
Content of i-th impurity g/kg
w Iq

w = mass if internal standard in the calibration solution (g)
q = mass of internal standard in the sample solution (g)
Hw = peak area of the i-th impurity in the sample solution
Iq = peak area of internal standard in the sample solution



1 Sampling. Take at least 100 g.

2 Identity tests
2.1 HPLC. As for methamidophos technical 355/TC/M/2.2.
2.2 TLC. As for methamidophos technical 355/TC/M/2.3.

3 Methamidophos. As for 355/TC/M/3.

Repeatability r = 8.0 g/kg at 600 g/kg active ingredient content

Reproducibility R = 15.6 g/kg at 600 g/kg active ingredient content

CIPAC method 1991. Prepared by the German Committee (DAPA)
Chairman: W Dobrat. Based on a method supplied by Bayer AG (FRG)


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