Jacksonville Golf Magazine

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New Year,
New Leaders
Streightiff & Lynch — page 12

TRAVEL: — page 7


PEOPLE: — page 10
Mick Hubert

Mike Lynch Mike Broderick
President Secretary
(904-982-3171 (904) 540-9817

Jack Aschenbach Brad Rollinson

Vice President Tournament Chairman
(904) 868-9535 (904) 477-6115

2011 Northern Chapter PGA - Callaway Pro-AM Series Schedule

Date Day Course Time
January 31 Monday King & Bear Pro-AM 1:00 PM
February 7 Monday San Jose Pro-AM 9:00 AM
February 20 Sunday Underwood Cup Pro-AM, Timuquana 12:30 PM
Monday - Northern Chapter PGA -
February 21-22 8:00 AM
Tuesday Underwood Cup Matches, Timuquana
March 7 Monday Browning/Kratzert Pro-Am at Deerwood 8:00 AM
March 20 Sunday Gainesville C.C. Pro-AM Warm-Up 12:30 PM
March 21 Monday Gainesville C.C. Pro-AM 10:00 AM
April 1 Friday North Chapter Match Play Begins -
April 4 Monday Pablo Creek Pro-Pro 8:00 AM
April 11 Monday Amelia National Pro-AM 12:30 PM
May 2 Monday Palencia Pro-AM 12:30 PM
June 8 Wednesday Windy Harbor Pro-Lady 8:30 AM
June 20 Monday Jacksonville Golf & C.C. Pro-Scratch 9:00 AM
Sunday - Chapter Championship
July 10-11 7:34 AM
Monday at World Golf Village (S&S and K&B)
August 10 Wednesday Chapter Stableford at Ponte Vedra Inn 7:30 AM
Sunday -
August 28-30 Gate Petroleum Invitational 7:30 AM
September 18 Sunday Blind Draw Party for NAS JAX Pro-AM 6:00 PM
September 19 Monday NAS-JAX Pro-AM 9:00 AM
October 3 Monday Chapter Pro-Assistant, Glen Kernan 10:00 AM
October 17 Monday Marsh Creek Pro-AM 9:00 AM
November 7 Monday Sawgrass C.C. Pro-AM 12:00 PM
November 21 Monday Tournament of Champions Pro-AM at Amelia National 11:00 AM
December 12 Monday Year End Partners Pro-AM 12:00 PM

Thanks to our Partners!

From the Publisher Hello fellow Tweeps.
Check us out at twitter.com/jaxgolfmag

Getting ready for 2011

There was more in 2010 but we need
to turn to 2011.
Do I have any suggestions? No, I’ll
A new year, new beginnings. New high. This hasn’t been a good year decline the opportunity to bend your
faces in charge of our golf associa- for almost anything you can name, ear with what I think, but I will say
tions, new tournament lineups and but there were high hopes for 2011. this: this magazine is here for any-
— if you’re like me — New Year’s Almost everyone survived 2010. It’s one out there to give their opinion.
Resolutions to get in better shape time to erase that blackboard and We want to hear from you, as long
and get your golf game in much bet- start over again. as what you say will be informative
ter shape. I know there have been problems. to others. You’ve been good enough
I like the enthusiasm I’m hearing. Tournament participation certain- to give us a big welcome; we’re here
When we met Mike Lynch and Bob ly dropped. We lost Panther Creek for you, too.
Streightiff last month at Ponte Vedra without gaining a course. It seemed I’m ready for a good year. With any
to take the cover photo, it turned like the weather was either too hot luck, I’ll be in better shape, and so
into more than a cover shot. By the or too cold. Sea Island’s problems will my game.
time we teed off (yes, it wasn’t just came to a head.
a working day,) those two were still Your thoughts?
Some good signs, too. Amelia Island
talking. A great start — there have Plantation got what appears to be a I’m at brian@jaxgolfmag.com
been many years when the local pro great ownership in the Omni hotel or 383-7587.
and local amateur leadership didn’t chain. Amelia River got away from
talk all that much. being a Plantation stepchild and
A lot of people in the golf commu- is under solid, independent man-
nity were at St. Johns G&CC last agement. The Hampton collection Brian Lamarre
month to help that facility cele- continued to grow, and taking over Publisher
brate its 10th year. The weather was Selva’s operation can only be a posi-
daunting but the enthusiasm was tive.


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Jacksonville Golf Magazine • January 2011 • www.jaxgolfmag.com 3

We keep the conversation going.
Look for “Jacksonville Golf Magazine” on Facebook.

Smith wins Gate Senior Burr event

Larry Smith of St. Johns G&CC bat- Mike Jackson. raises
tled the cold weather and a horde
Cold weather caused the opening
of challengers last month to win the
round to be called off, and condi-
Gate Petroleum Senior Championship
tions weren’t much better for the 36
at Ponte Vedra Ocean and Lagoon. A field of celebrities and local play-
competition holes.
ers raised $138,000 at the 13th an-
Smith opened with 71 on the Lagoon
Dan Tourtelot closed with a 71 to nual Monique Burr Foundation for
and followed with 73 at the Ocean
easily win the Super Senior, and Children Jinglebells Pro-Am Golf
for a two-over 144, one better than
Wally Mizell took the Grand Senior Tournament.
four-time champ David Anthony of
South Hampton and two ahead of More than 18 tour golfers partici-
pated including Jim Furyk, Fred
Funk, Mark McCumber and Bubba
Gate winners Dickerson. Funk and McCumber
were honorary chairpersons for the
tournament and tournament chairs
were M.G. Orender and Robert Cas-
The winning gross team included
Funk, David Biscan, Chris Noah,
Derek DiStefano and Chuck Thom-
as. Low net went to ex-Tour player
Mark Carnevale and amateurs Denny
Doyle, Ed White, Greg Smith and
Robert Baker.

Brian Lamarre
Fred Seely
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club Director of Golf Jim Howard with the Gate Petroleum Senior winners: Larry
Smith (Senior Champion), Dan Tourtelot (Super Senior Champion) and Wally Mizell (Grand Senior Advertising Director
Champion) Rick Agliata

Cover photo by Excipio Photo

UNF team wins Gator Bowl For advertising & editorial

Jacksonville Golf Magazine
PO Box 65536
Orange Park, FL 32065
The UNF team of Rob Bradley, Rob 36-hole event at the TPC Valley and p. 904.383.7587 f. 904.240.4487
Schiller, Major Forbess and Scott San Jose courses.
Schroeder won the Gator Bowl Pro-
Bradley is a former UNF assistant info@jaxgolfmag.com
Am last month on the second hole
coach, Schroeder is the current UNF
of a playoff. Jacksonville Golf Magazine is published every
coach, Forbess is one of the Ospreys’ month and distributed throughout Northeast Florida.
Reproduction without express written authorization
The team prevailed over a foursome stars and Schiller is a top local play- from Jacksonville Golf Magazine is strictly prohibited.
headed by PGA Tour player Jeff Klauk er at Pablo Creek. Editorial content is not necessarily the view of the
publisher. All information is from sources we believe
and his father, Fred, and amateurs
Tied for third were teams led by to be creditable. Neither the publisher nor the
Pete Abernathy and Larry Mueller. advertisers will be held responsible for any errors
pros Matt Every, Mike Blackburn and found in the publication. The publisher accepts no
They had tied at 22-under 122 in the Bubba Dickerson. liability for the statements made by advertisers.

4 Jacksonville Golf Magazine • January 2011 • www.jaxgolfmag.com

From the Editor Get a more interactive experience.

Can Jags
good 2011, but can we stand the pan- Elin Nordegren isn’t hiding out. She’s a
dering TV announcers? You would have student at Rollins College in Orlando,
thought he had just come back from Af- finishing a degree in psychology, and

repeat their ghanistan combat, to hear the shills at

the Chevron. <<<
British papers claim she’s dating a fel-
low student, a 35-year-old South Afri-
can. <<<

ticket sales
Too early to predict the draft here but a
sampling of four NFL draftniks comes up
with four different names for the Jags: As always, congrats to the Hampton
QB Jake Locker of Washington, DE J.J. Golf crowd for their great Monique
The Jaguars can be happy Watt of Wisconsin, DE Ryan Kerrigan of Burr event. 13 years now. <<<
about this season’s atten- Purdue and LB Travis Lewis of Oklaho- Special lady, that Nancy Lopez, and
dance but trouble looms. ma. <<< you can visit with her on January
The big season-ticket
sales time is spring, but Amateur Jessica Korda did well in the 15 from 4-6 p.m. at the World Golf
the players vs. owners LPGA qualifying school at Daytona Hall of Fame. Whatever flaws you
Fred Seely dispute almost certainly Beach and no wonder: she once won might attribute to the LPGA Tour,
will cancel the OTA work- the South Atlantic Amateur, played at she wasn’t any of them. <<<
outs that follow the late April player se- nearby Ormond Beach’s Oceanside CC
lections. A big chunk of 2010 Jag season and reputedly the coldest tournament Nice to see the PGA and JAGA get
tickets were sold during the late sum- anywhere. If you don’t believe, it’s Jan. their schedules so early. That helps
mer push and many of those are ques- 12-15. Dress warmly. <<< everyone, and mostly it helps the
tionable return buys. So, expect some Our David Duval’s endorsement cabinet organizations. Credibility, you know.
2011 blackouts. In their favor: decent is almost dry, it appears. He’s now signed <<<
non-conference home games against on as a spokesman for Perky Jerky, a If you like this weather, go back
Tampa Bay, New Orleans and Baltimore. beef jerk flavored with a big dose of caf-
Sure blackout bet: Cincinnati. Planning feine. Oh, and no more Srixon for Jim
where you came from. <<<
a road trip? Not bad: Pittsburgh, Atlanta Furyk. He’s now with TaylorMade. <<<
and Carolina are on the schedule. <<< Teacher Mary Hafeman of Windsor Parke — Fred Seely is considering a degree in
Guy from North Carolina passes along gave a speech on women’s golf to a psychology at Rollins and can be contact-
this: “A recent study found the average Chamber of Commerce group recently ed at editor@jaxgolfmag.com
golfer walks about 900 miles a year. An- and got 10 calls for lessons. Eight of the
other study found golfers drink, on av- 10 were men, wanting lessons for their
erage, 22 gallons of alcohol a year. That better halves. <<<
means, on average, golfers get about 41
miles to the gallon. Kind of makes you
proud.  Almost feel like a hybrid.” <<<
See what happens when you get old
Theory alone doesn’t cut it.
enough to work for your father? Taylor
Funk, 14, caddied for dad Fred in the
Learn from a PGA Pro who can really play!
recent Shark Shootout and he’ll get the
bag on occasion this year. <<<
Great video on YouTube, search for Gerry James understands how to play
Bundaberg Rum - Favourable Lie. <<< and win golf tournaments. He uses his
experience along with the latest golfing
Okay, you Gators. You may not want to
technology to teach you how to hit it
wait ‘til next year when your pre-Geor-
gia schedule goes like this: Tennessee, longer and score lower. Guaranteed!
at Kentucky, Alabama, at LSU, Auburn.
Welcome to the 2012 Gator Bowl. <<< • 2X World Long Drive Champion
• Chapter Champion PGA
Caddie Steve Williams seems to have the • Multiple tournament winner
occasional arrogance of his boss and he • 15 Years teaching beginners to PGA Tour players
showed it on the final hole of the Chev- • Fitness and Nutrition Expert
ron tournament when he took off his
bib when it looked like Tiger had things Jax Golf Mag Special:
wrapped up. Oops ... Graeme McDowell 4 - 1 hour lessons $400.00
forced a playoff with a long putt and Reg price $500.00
the bib had to go back on. <<<
904-704-2997 | By appointment only.
No one doubts that Tiger will have a
Jacksonville Golf Magazine • January 2011 • www.jaxgolfmag.com 5
Hello fellow Tweeps.
Check us out at twitter.com/jaxgolfmag

Instruction JAGA ends year

Eliminate with honors
your Slice
I see many amateurs
slice ball after ball on
the range, with the
problem only getting
worse as they move
Hayes Farley to the longer clubs in
their bags. Invariably,
another golfer will try to be helpful
by telling the player to release the
club faster through the ball. Unfor-
tunately, this advice will only exac-
erbate the slice.
Through recent advances in launch
monitor technology, we now know
that a right-to-left draw is actually
hit with a slightly open face at im-
pact. The draw spin comes from hit-
ting on an in-to-out swing path.
A huge slice, on the other hand, is Winning team: outgoing JAGA President Jim Edwards (left) presented the Pro-President trophy to the
the result of weakly cutting across Jacksonville G&CC team of Tom Joseph, Skip Lunsford, pro Ray Barr and Rick Cottey.
the ball at impact. Trying to release
the club faster only exaggerates this The Jacksonville Area GA honored a
out-to-in swing path, creating an local pro and one of its directors at
even bigger slice. You may start the its final meeting of the year at Long
ball farther left of the target, but I
guarantee that the ball will continue
to have slice spin. Todd Bork of San Jose was named
Train yourself to hit a draw and im- Pro of the Year and George Halvorsen
prove your impact by hitting punch of Marsh Landing received the Red
shots. Try practicing with the ball Gossman Award as the association’s
positioned back in your stance and outstanding director.
your hands ahead of the ball at ad- The meeting was preceded by the
annual Pro-President tournament,
Place most of your weight on your which was won by the Jacksonville
left side and keep it there as you G&CC team of pro Ray Barr and ama-
swing. If your weight is left and teurs Skip Lunsford, Tom Joseph and
your hands are ahead of the ball
Rick Cottey.
at impact, you will strike the ball
with an in-to-out path and you will An unattached team of past presi-
start seeing draw spin. Notice that dents Lee Crowe and Ed Witten with
you don’t need to release the club Russ Hamilton and John Arms was
through the ball to hit a draw. Af- second followed by teams from Long
ter enough of these punch shots, the Point, Queen’s Harbour, San Jose,
changes will start filtering into your Hyde Park, Marsh Creek and Selva
full swing and your scores will start
Low pro was shared by Cary Splane Top pro: San Jose’s Todd Bork was named Pro of
- Hayes Farley is an assistant professional at
San Jose Country Club and a past winner of the
of Marsh Creek and Ray Barr of Jack- the Year and received a trophy from incoming JAGA
Gate Invitational. sonville G&CC, both with 72. President Bob Streightiff of Queen’s Harbour.

6 Jacksonville Golf Magazine • January 2011 • www.jaxgolfmag.com


UK golf
in good
You lust to go across the
pond but you’ve heard
about the grim weather.
Let’s take a look today at
a United Kingdom country
where the weather is often Lahinch is one of the best Southwest courses
quite acceptable: Ireland.
Why: The headlines today of choices and it’s rare to can put together an easy and Royal Portrush. The
are about Ireland’s eco- get a mediocre meal. week-long trip to play Bal- South has the nation’s
nomic problems (very sim- Driving: On the “wrong” lybunion, Waterville, Tra- most spectacular course,
ilar to ours: banks funding side of the road and be lee, Doonbeg, Lahinch and Old Head of Kinsale.
too much development.) careful. Most of your Connemara. There are plenty of web-
But that works in your driving will be on skinny The Eastern coast is the sites, both from tour op-
favor because business is roads. Dublin area and that’s erators and the courses
down and they need heads where you’ll find the themselves.
People: Terrific. Glad to
in the beds. Plus, excellent American-like K Club and — Jacksonville’s Trips in the
see you.
courses and hospitality. Portmarnock. In the North Village travel agency can pro-
Bars: Like ours. And, de- are Royal County Down vide more info: 387-2234.
When: Best time is from
spite all those promotional
April to September. Cold
pieces, you probably won’t
winters, but bearable if
see a bunch of fiddlers. The
you’re on a very tight bud-
Guinness you get there is
immeasurably better than
How much: Depends, of what makes it to this side
course, on how fancy you of the Atlantic.
want to be. $600 a day
Getting there: Non-stop
would be a reasonable fig-
from Atlanta is the most
ure: that’s everything in-
convenient, though many
cluding air.
prefer going to Newark and
What else: The coastal taking Continental on over.
scenery is terrific and the Both Dublin and Shannon
much-promoted Ring of airports are excellent.
Kerry is, indeed, a spec-
Where to play: Lots of
tacular tour. The cities are
choices because Ireland
clean with lots of places
has over 300 courses in a
to eat and drink. Dublin is
country about half the size
the capital and you’ll en-
of Georgia. Almost all are
joy it.
old and natural, so even a
Hotels: Lots of B&Bs and low-rated course has a lot
that’s the choice of most to enjoy.
mid-priced golf tours.
We recommend the South-
There’s a pretty good price
west for numerous rea-
jump between B&Bs and
sons: the price is right,
quality hotels.
the courses are close to-
Food: Best in the UK. No gether and the accommo-
contest. There are plenty dations are excellent. You
Jacksonville Golf Magazine • January 2011 • www.jaxgolfmag.com 7
Hello fellow Tweeps.
Check us out at twitter.com/jaxgolfmag

Sponsored by Underwood’s Jewelers

Jacksonville Area GA Jacksonville Women’s GA PGA Tour Golf Channel Tour

www.jaxareagolfassn.com home.comcast.net/~jwga/ www.pgatour.com www.golfchannel.com/amtour
Jan. 18: Directors meet- Jan. 12: Playday, Slammer Mar. 17-20: Transitions Feb. 20: Ponte Vedra Ocean.
ing, Windsor Parke. & Squire. Championship, Innisbrook. Mar. 7: Queen’s Harbour.
Feb. 15: Directors meeting, Jan. 19: Playday, Magnolia Mar. 24-27: Bay Hill April 3: Eagle Landing.
Deercreek. Point. Invitational, Orlando.
April 1: North Hampton.
July 21-24: Amateur Jan. 26: Playday, Selva May 9-14: The Players,
Championship, Ponte Marina. TPC Stadium.
Vedra Inn and Club. Feb. 2: Sarah Shelly (first
round,) Orange Park. LPGA Tour Players Golf Tour
Northern Feb. 9: Sarah Shelly No area events. www.playersgolftour.org
Chapter PGA (second round,) Deerwood. Schedule not available.
www.nfpga.com/north- Feb. 16: Sarah Shelly
ernchapter/5813/ (final,) King & Bear.
Executive Women’s GA Other
Jan. 12: Partner Apprecia-
tion day, TPC Valley. www.ewga.com Jan. 26-29: PGA
Northeast Florida Merchandise Show, Orlando.
Jan. 31: Pro-Am, King & Bear. Seniors GA Schedule not available.
Feb. 21-22: Northern Chap-
Feb. 7: Pro-Am, San Jose. www.nefsga.com
ter PGA Cup, Timuquana
Jan. 10: St. Johns G&CC.
April 18: Spina Bifida
1stCoast GA Jan. 24: LPGA International. benefit, Deerwood.
www.1stcoastgolf.com Feb. 14: Pine Course, April 25: Rotary Club of River-
Palm Coast. side benefit,
Jan. 6: Seniors, Bent Creek.
Feb. 28: South Hampton. Timuquana.
Jan. 13: All Association,
May 2: Dreams Come True
benefit, Timuquana.
Jan. 24: All Association, Florida State GA
San Jose. www.fsga.org
Feb. 3: All Association, No area events.

Who will win the Underwood Cup?

Northern Chapter PGA Cup match
February 21-22, Timuquana Country Club
A great Jacksonville golf tradition!
Jacksonville Golf Magazine • January 2011 • www.jaxgolfmag.com 9
Mick Hubert
Hubert has been the University of
Florida’s radio voice since 1989. He
does play-by-play on all football
and basketball games, hosts the
football and basketball coaches’ Hubert (right) with his engineer at a Florida bas-
TV shows, hosts the weekly Gator ketball game.
Hotline call-in show, and coor-
dinates all other broadcasts. Past jobs: Sports director at WHIO- Jack Aschenbach (center,) the head profes-
sional at Amelia National, received the North
TV in Dayton, Ohio. Play-by-play Florida PGA’s Patriot Award at the Section’s
Few other college broadcasters can for Bradley University in Peoria, Ill. meeting last month in Orlando. He’s with
claim to have called five national the evening’s emcee, Kraig Kann of The Golf
championships: three football He succeeded: David Steele, Channel and Section president, John Reger of
(1996, 2006 and 2008) and two who joined the Orlando Magic. Gainesville.

basketball (2006 and 2007.) His trademark: “Oh my.” He

happily admits he “stole” it from >> Renovations are ongoing at
His golf: “Right now, it’s terrible. Hyde Park’s 85-year-old club-
I hurt my arm, then tried to play one of his idols, network broad- house. The wiring was a big prob-
anyway and it got inflamed.” caster Dick Enberg, and it became lem, plus all sorts of leaks.
a Gator legend in 1995 when a
How often?: “Probably last play, Danny Wuerffel to Chris >> Magnolia Point has a spiffy new
no more than 2-3 times a Doering touchdown pass beat pro shop. You’ll recall that the club’s
month, often in outings.” Kentucky. Hubert punctuated first shop was in the basement, then
was moved to a trailer by the putting
Scoring: “When I’m playing regu- loud “Gators win!” cheers with an green. The new management took over
larly, maybe mid-80s. Good short “Oh my!” and that’s the legend. some office space on the main floor.
game, no distance off the tee.” Rooting interest: “The Gator
coaches and players are my friends, >> Our local colleges are attracting
Where he plays: “Where I big-time talent for their tournaments
live — Haile Plantation.” and I want my friends to win.” this year. Jacksonville U. has Wake
Wife: Judi. She’s a kindergarten Forest, Clemson and Florida among
Hometown: St. Anne, Ill. the teams in its invitational at the
teacher at Martha Manson Academy Stadium on Jan. 31-Feb. 1; Florida
College: Illinois State. at Oak Hall School in Gainesville. has LSU, Auburn and FSU in its field
Feb. 12-13; and UNF gets FSU, Cen-
tral Florida, Auburn, Arkansas and
Tennessee for the Hayt Invitational
at Sawgrass on Feb. 27-Mar. 1.

>> UNF’s incoming class will include

the nation’s best junior college player,
Taylor Johnson of Brevard CC, and a

familiar face, M. J. Maguire, who lived
at Ponte Vedra before moving two years
ago to St. Petersburg. Jacksonville
U. got a good one in Nick Torrance,
a Connecticut native who’s been at
the IMG Academy in Bradenton.

>> Latest college rankings have

UNF at 27th. Florida is 10th,
Oklahoma State is first.

10 Jacksonville Golf Magazine • January 2011 • www.jaxgolfmag.com

Get a more interactive experience.

Teams ready
for Cup match
The teams have been set for the Feb- Brad Rollinson, Spencer Brown, Mike
ruary 21-22 Northern Chapter PGA Benjamin and Tom Stecker. Jon Fine
Michael Del Rocco and Rob Sandlin were the gross Cup matches at Timuquana with is the captain.
winners in the Nick’s Cup tournament at San the winners getting the Underwood The amateur team has Duke But-
Jose. The event honors longtime pro Nick Clark. Cup. ler, Mike Bodney, John Lobb, Steve
The Ryder Cup-format match was Carter, Nate Mosby, Jonathan Bo-
won last year by the pros, who this len, Jim Ross, David Anthony, Ken
year will field Clint Avret, Richie Moody, Blake Holcomb, Tom Gross
Bryant, Tim Peterson, Walter Smith, and Andy Purnell. Doug Conkey is
Cary Splane, Gerry James, Broc Nell, the captain.

The net winners were Ken Baker and Tony Lamell.

Lamell’s career-low 70 led to a team 57. Men’s Interclub
Nick’s Cup at San Jose
Gross: Rob Sandlin-Michael Del Rocco.
Net: Tony Lamell-Ken Black.
starts Jan. 10
Jacksonville Women’s GA Senior The Senior Men’s Interclub opens its champion. Each club fields an eight-
Senior gross: Shirley Budden. Senior
net: Linda Yow. Super Senior gross: Chris 2011 season on January 10 with all man team and scoring is on the Sta-
Moyer. Super Senior net: Virginia Madura. 15 member clubs expected to field a bleford system.
Jacksonville Area GA Pro-President at Long team at Hidden Hills. Team representatives will meet Jan.
Team: Jacksonville G&CC team of Ray Barr, There will be 11 monthly matches 20 at San Jose, and the second match
Skip Lunsford, Tom Joseph and Rich Crotty. and St. Johns G&CC is the defending is February 7 at Sawgrass.
Pro: Ray Barr, Jacksonville G&CC, and
Cary Splane, Marsh Creek, both 72.

Timuquana Senior Men

Senior: Gross - Scott Shef-
tall. Net - Doug Splane.
Super Senior: Gross - Dick Pier-
Play Golf at
pont. Net - Jack Moriarty.
Golden Senior: Grosss - Park Orange Park
McGeachy. Net - Bill Holyfield.
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$29 $39
1stCoast Seniors at Eagle Harbor
Flight 1: Gross - Randy Sim-
mons. Net - Randy Barber.
Flight 2: Gross - James Kirby. Net: Joe Power.
Flight 3: Gross - Jim Spin-
ney 88. Net: Bill Damato.

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Dave Bisplinghoff, Mar-
tin Poyner and Bob Rupe.

Gate Senior Memberships Include:

Senior: Larry Smith. Super Senior: Dan
Tourtelot. Grand Senior: Wally Mizell. • Unlimited Range Plan
• Membership Decal for
Henry Tuten Gator Bowl Auto Gate Entry
Pro Rob Bradley and amateurs Scott • Preferred $25 Twilight
Schroeder, Major Forbess and Ron Golf rates Year Round
Schiller. (Won playoff over team of Unlimited Practice & • One free round of golf
pro Jeff Klauk, Fred Klauk, Pete Ab- Golf Access for Joining RSG
ernathy and Larry Mueller.) ONLY $29 per month • $29 Lessons from RSG

Jacksonville Golf Magazine • January 2011 • www.jaxgolfmag.com 11

Local organizatio
What is the Northern Chapter?
The Northern Chapter is one of four geographical areas that make up
the North Florida Section of the PGA of America.
The Northern Chapter area runs from the Georgia border to west of Tal-
lahassee, south to Palm Coast and southwest to Gainesville.
It is an association of golf professionals who gather to discuss issues of
mutual concern, provide sessions for continuing education credit and
conduct tournaments for both their own membership and area ama-
teurs. The tournament schedule includes a series of “major” Chapter
championships as well as a pro-am series.
The local Chapter also includes a number of PGA Tour professionals who
live in the area and hold membership in the PGA of America.

Partial Chapter schedule
January 31: Pro-Am, King & Bear.
February 7: Pro-Am, San Jose.
February 21-22: Northern Chapter PGA Cup, Timuquana.
March 21: Pro-Am Gainesville CC.
April 4: Pro-Pro, Pablo Creek.
April 11: Pro-Am, Amelia National.
April-September: Match Play, courses TBA.
May 2: Pro-Am, Palencia.
June 8: Pro-Lady, Mayport Windy Harbor.
June 20: Pro-Scratch, Jacksonville G&CC.
Mike Lynch: July 110-11: Chapter Championship, World Golf Village.
President, Northern Chapter PGA
August 10: Stableford, Ponte Vedra Inn & Club.
Age: 44.
His real job: Market sales manager for
August 28-30: Gate Invitational.
Golf Channel Solutions & GolfNow.com. September 19: Military Pro-Am, NAS.
Family: Married, 5 children.
November 7: Pro-Am, Sawgrass.
Hometown: Cincinnati.
Came here: 1975. “My dad ws traveling to
November 21: Tournament of Champions, Amelia National.
the Virgin Islands to buy the Coca-Cola fran-
chise and sat on the plane next to a Jack-
sonville car dealer named Jake Sutherland.
Next thing you know, he buys a dealership
in Jacksonville Beach: Jack Lynch Chevro- The Chapter’s officers
let (it’s now George Moore Chevrolet.)”
President: Mike Lynch, Golfchannel.com.
Where he’s worked here: Cart attendant
at Ponte Vedra, assistant pro at Sawgrass Vice president/treasurer: Jack Aschenbach, Amelia National.
and Plantation, head pro at Cimarrone and
Windsor Parke. Partner (with Darren Do- Secretary: Mike Broderick, Palencia.
err) in Golf Marketing Concepts Inc.
Tournament chairman: Jim Lear, Julington Creek.
How well he plays: “Not as well as I used to.”
Immediate past president: Todd MacDonald, Amelia National.

12 Jacksonville Golf Magazine

ns take the lead
What is JAGA?

The Jacksonville Area Golf Association brings together area golf courses
for the purposes of scheduling and conducting tournaments.
JAGA presently has over 50 clubs that each pay $150 a year. Each mem-
ber club may appoint up to three directors to represent the club.
There are monthly meetings, except for December, where the associa-
tion business is conducted. There is often a speaker, a prominent person
in the golf community.
JAGA conducts the area’s major amateur championships including the
Amateur, a four-day competition. There is also the three-day Senior
and a two-day Junior. There will be two one-day Better Ball events this
The association also supervises a scholarship program that presently
has some 20 students earning $1,000 per semester. Any student associ-
ated with a JAGA member club is eligible.

Partial JAGA schedule

March 7: Two-Man Championship, Ponte Vedra Ocean.
April 11-13 Senior, Eagle Harbor.
June 25-26 Father’s Day Championship, Hidden Hills.
July 21-24: Amateur, Ponte Vedra Ocean and Lagoon.
July 28-29: Junior, Queen’s Harbour.
August: Match Play, Marsh Landing.
October 3: 9th Annual Bill Black Memorial
Bob Streightiff:
Scholarship Tournament, Ponte Vedra Ocean. President, Northern Chapter PGA
November 11: Four Ball Championship, San Jose. Age: 64.
December 5: Pro-President, Deerwood. Family: wife Joan, 2 children and 5 grandchildren
Where born: Altoona, Pa
Where grew up: Altoona, Pa (Penn State grad)
JAGA’s officers How you got to to Jax: Work transfer in 1998
President: Bob Streightiff, Queen’s Harbour. Where you worked: East-
man Kodak and GE Capital
VP/Administration: Joe Power, Eagle Harbor.
How well you play: 5 handicap
VP/Tournaments: Gary Owensby, Eagle Harbor. Best golf moment: Hole in one in
Treasurer: Jerry Kay, Julington Creek. March 2003 at Queen’s Harbour
What you will need from others:
Secretary: Arch Copeland, Deercreek.
“Feedback and advice from the JAGA directors,
Executive Secretary: Barney Poston, Hidden Hills. North Florida pros and amateurs.  I have an ex-
tremely qualified board of directors working with
Scholarship Chairman: Tom Tierney, San Jose. me and with their help and advice we will continue
to elevate the level of support we give to amateur
Immediate Past President: Jim Edwards, Fernandina Beach. golf in this area.”

Jacksonville Golf Magazine 13

Rick Rhoden:
baseball, then
2 golf careers
Most know him as Rick Angeles Dodgers drafted
Rhoden, celebrity golf me in the first round. I
champion. But what did was the 20th overall pick.
he do to be a celebrity, I figured that they might
and how did he get to be know what they were do-
such a good player? ing.”
That would be Rick Rho- They did, and Rhoden Rhoden at a JAGA meeting.
den, baseball pitcher. Or took a short trip through
Rick Rhoden, hard worker. the minor leagues to a 16- citing time.” Nev., and he’s won it eight
year major league career times in 19 tries. “Fin-
You may have seen Rho- He was traded to Pitts-
with LA, the New York ished 8th last year. Worst
den around the area. He burgh, which then had an
Yankees, Pittsburgh and finish,” he said.
lives in Ponte Vedra and, excellent team. Then it
Houston. He made two All- was the New York Yankees, That celebrity tournament
while he plays mostly at
Star teams, played in two where he gained a degree spawned a circuit and he
uber-private Pablo Creek,
World Series and had a ca- of fame when Manager won 52 times. Like many
he’s around and about at
reer record of 151-125. Billy Martin once made gimmicks, the idea ran its
other courses. 6-foot-5,
240 pounds of muscle who “I pitched in the third him the team’s designated course and soon that tour
hits it a long way. major league game I ever hitter and batted him sev- was down to two events,
saw,” he said recently enth in the lineup. (Rho- so he took a look at the
So, meet the baseball den’s career BA was .238.) PGA Tour’s senior circuit,
as the guest speaker at
player. now called the Champions
a Jacksonville Area GA He retired as an Astro in
“I grew up in Boynton meeting at Amelia Nation- Tour.
1989 and moved to Or-
Beach and was all set to al. “When I went up to the mond Beach. “I really worked on my
sign a baseball scholarship Dodgers, the big rivalry game, playing with guys
at Florida State,” he said was with the Reds, the Big “I always had been a good
like Bob Duval and Leon-
recently, “but then the Los Red Machine. It was an ex- golfer and I started prac-
ard Thompson,” he said. “I
ticing,” he said. “They
learned the same way I did
made the racing movie
in baseball — I kept my
‘Days of Thunder’ and Ran-
mouth shut and my ears
dy Quaid was in it. I knew
him from LA and he was
a big golfer, so we played He had three top-5s and
a lot while the movie was once led the qualifying
being made.” school.
Quaid encouraged him. “He That third career ended
told me I might be able to in 2008 and now he’s en-
play in the big celebrity joying life at 57, playing
tournament. What tourna- tournaments any time a
ment? How do I get in?” celebrity invitation comes
and being grateful for an
Quaid’s influence took care
athletic career.
of that and Rhoden made a
second career of celebrity ‘I was fortunate,” he said.
golf. It’s called the Ameri- “Baseball and now playing
can Century Celebrity Golf golf all the time.
Classic, it’s in Lake Tahoe,
Rhoden as a Yankee in 1988.
14 Jacksonville Golf Magazine • January 2011 • www.jaxgolfmag.com
Royal St. Augustine Palencia
SR 16 west of I-95 in St. US 1 north of

Course Directory
Augustine. Range. 824-4653. St. Augustine. Range. 599-9030.

Selva Marina Plantation Country Club

Selva Marina Blvd. north of A1A south of Ponte Vedra
Atlantic Blvd. in Atlantic Beach. Range. 543-2960.
PUBLIC St. Johns Golf Club Beach. Range. 246-3144.
Ponte Vedra G & CC
Cypress Links Blvd. 27 holes.
Bent Creek Range. 209-0350. In TPC. Range. 285-0204.
South Hampton
103rd St. on Westside. CR 210 west of I-95. San Jose
Range. 779-0800. Starke Range. 287-7529. San Jose Blvd. Range. 733-1511.
East of town. Nine holes.
Blue Cypress Range. 964-5441. St. Johns Golf & Country Club Sawgrass
Off University Blvd. in CR 210 west of I-95. A1A in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Arlington. Range. 762-1971. UNF Golfplex Range. 940-3200. Range. 273-3720.
At University of North Florida.
Cecil Field Three holes. Range. 620-2050. Windsor Parke Timuquana
103rd St. on Westside. Hodges Blvd. north of Timuquana Rd. west of US
17. Range. 389-0477.
Range. 778-5245. SEMI-PRIVATE Butler Blvd. Range. 223-4653.
Deerfield Lakes Amelia River PRIVATE RESORT
Lem Turner Rd. just south of Amelia Island Parkway.
Callahan. Range. 879-1210. Range. 491-8500. These courses are primarily for
These clubs are private and are open the use of resort guest or mem-
to the public only for special events. bers. Some are also open for
Fernandina Beach Champions Club at Julington Creek
Amelia Island Parkway. public play at certain times.
Off SR 13 in Mandarin. Amelia National
Range. 800-646-5997 Range. 287-4653. Off A1A west of Fernandina Omni Amelia Island Plantation
Beach. Range. 652-0660. In Amelia Island Plantation.
First Tee of Jacksonville Cimarrone 54 holes. Range. 261-6161.
Golfair Blvd. west of I-95 North. CR 210 west of I-95. Deercreek
Nine holes. Range. 924-0401. Range. 287-2000. North of Avenues Mall on Golf Club of Amelia Island
Southside Blvd. Range. 363-1507. Amelia Island at
First Tee of St. Johns County. Country Club of Orange Park Ritz-Carlton. Range. 277-8015.
Three holes. SR 207, West end of Kingsley Ave. in Deerwood
St. Augustine. 810-2231. Ponte Vedra
Orange Park. Range. 276-7664. Baymeadows Rd. west of A1A in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Southside Blvd. Range. 642-5917. Range. 273-7710.
Hyde Park Cypress at Grand Club
Northern dead end of Jammes Rd. Palm Coast. Range. 386-437-5807. Glen Kernan Tournament Players Club
on Westside. Range. 786-5410. Hodges Blvd. north of In TPC. 36 holes. Range. 273-3235.
Eagle Harbor Butler Blvd. Range. 646-1116.
Jacksonville Beach CR 220 in Fleming Island.
Penman Rd. south of Beach Range. 269-9300. Grand Haven MILITARY
Blvd. Range. 247-6184. Palm Coast. Range. 386-445-2327.
Eagle Landing These clubs are located on Navy
King & Bear bases and are for persons assigned
OakLeaf Plantation. Hidden Hills to the bases or retired military per-
Part of World Golf Village but Range. 291-5600. Monument Rd. in sonnel. They occasionally are open
about three miles south of main Arlington. Range. 641-8121. for public play during special events.
area off SR 16. Range. 940-6088. Golf Club at Fleming Island
US 17 in Fleming Island. Jacksonville Golf & Country Club NAS
Mill Cove Range. 269-1440. Hodges Blvd. north of US 17 north of Orange
Monument Rd. in Butler Blvd. Park. Range. 542-3249.
Arlington. Range. 646-4653. Keystone Golf & Country Club 223-6910.
U.S. 21 south of town. Windy Harbor
Palatka Range. 352-473-4540. Mayport Rd. north of Atlantic Blvd.
Long Point in Atlantic Beach. Range. 270-5380.
Moseley Ave. west of South of Amelia Island
downtown. Range. 386-329-0141. Magnolia Point Plantation. Range. 277-5908.
Off US 17 in Green Cove
Palm Valley Springs. Range. 269-9315. Marsh Creek
Palm Valley Rd. east of U.S. 1. A1A south of St. Augustine
Nine holes. Range. 285-8978. Matanzas Course at Grand Club Beach. Range. 461-1145.
Palm Coast. Range. 386-446-6330.
River Bend Golf Links Marsh Landing
South of Green Cove Springs. North Hampton South of Butler Blvd. in Ponte
Range. 284-8777. Off A1A west of Fernandina Vedra Beach. Range. 285-6514.
Beach. Range. 548-0000. Osprey Cove
Slammer & Squire East of I-95 at Exit 1 in
In World Golf Village. Pine Course at Grand Club Georgia. Range. 800-352-5575.
Range. 940-6088. Palm Coast. Range. 386-445-0852.
Pablo Creek
St. Augustine Shores Queen’s Harbour San Pablo Rd. south of
U.S. 1 south of Atlantic Blvd. west of Intracoastal Butler Blvd. Range. 992-6900.
St. Augustine. Range. 794-4653. Waterway. Range. 221-1012.

Jacksonville Golf Magazine • January 2011 • www.jaxgolfmag.com 15

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