Jacksonville Golf Magazine
Jacksonville Golf Magazine
Jacksonville Golf Magazine
New Year,
New Leaders
Streightiff & Lynch — page 12
TRAVEL: — page 7
PEOPLE: — page 10
Mick Hubert
Mike Lynch Mike Broderick
President Secretary
(904-982-3171 (904) 540-9817
Michael Jordan has his own extravagant digs in the Jupiter starting at
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Brian Lamarre
Fred Seely
Ponte Vedra Inn & Club Director of Golf Jim Howard with the Gate Petroleum Senior winners: Larry
Smith (Senior Champion), Dan Tourtelot (Super Senior Champion) and Wally Mizell (Grand Senior Advertising Director
Champion) Rick Agliata
Can Jags
good 2011, but can we stand the pan- Elin Nordegren isn’t hiding out. She’s a
dering TV announcers? You would have student at Rollins College in Orlando,
thought he had just come back from Af- finishing a degree in psychology, and
ticket sales
Too early to predict the draft here but a
sampling of four NFL draftniks comes up
with four different names for the Jags: As always, congrats to the Hampton
QB Jake Locker of Washington, DE J.J. Golf crowd for their great Monique
The Jaguars can be happy Watt of Wisconsin, DE Ryan Kerrigan of Burr event. 13 years now. <<<
about this season’s atten- Purdue and LB Travis Lewis of Oklaho- Special lady, that Nancy Lopez, and
dance but trouble looms. ma. <<< you can visit with her on January
The big season-ticket
sales time is spring, but Amateur Jessica Korda did well in the 15 from 4-6 p.m. at the World Golf
the players vs. owners LPGA qualifying school at Daytona Hall of Fame. Whatever flaws you
Fred Seely dispute almost certainly Beach and no wonder: she once won might attribute to the LPGA Tour,
will cancel the OTA work- the South Atlantic Amateur, played at she wasn’t any of them. <<<
outs that follow the late April player se- nearby Ormond Beach’s Oceanside CC
lections. A big chunk of 2010 Jag season and reputedly the coldest tournament Nice to see the PGA and JAGA get
tickets were sold during the late sum- anywhere. If you don’t believe, it’s Jan. their schedules so early. That helps
mer push and many of those are ques- 12-15. Dress warmly. <<< everyone, and mostly it helps the
tionable return buys. So, expect some Our David Duval’s endorsement cabinet organizations. Credibility, you know.
2011 blackouts. In their favor: decent is almost dry, it appears. He’s now signed <<<
non-conference home games against on as a spokesman for Perky Jerky, a If you like this weather, go back
Tampa Bay, New Orleans and Baltimore. beef jerk flavored with a big dose of caf-
Sure blackout bet: Cincinnati. Planning feine. Oh, and no more Srixon for Jim
where you came from. <<<
a road trip? Not bad: Pittsburgh, Atlanta Furyk. He’s now with TaylorMade. <<<
and Carolina are on the schedule. <<< Teacher Mary Hafeman of Windsor Parke — Fred Seely is considering a degree in
Guy from North Carolina passes along gave a speech on women’s golf to a psychology at Rollins and can be contact-
this: “A recent study found the average Chamber of Commerce group recently ed at editor@jaxgolfmag.com
golfer walks about 900 miles a year. An- and got 10 calls for lessons. Eight of the
other study found golfers drink, on av- 10 were men, wanting lessons for their
erage, 22 gallons of alcohol a year. That better halves. <<<
means, on average, golfers get about 41
miles to the gallon. Kind of makes you
proud. Almost feel like a hybrid.” <<<
See what happens when you get old
Theory alone doesn’t cut it.
enough to work for your father? Taylor
Funk, 14, caddied for dad Fred in the
Learn from a PGA Pro who can really play!
recent Shark Shootout and he’ll get the
bag on occasion this year. <<<
Great video on YouTube, search for Gerry James understands how to play
Bundaberg Rum - Favourable Lie. <<< and win golf tournaments. He uses his
experience along with the latest golfing
Okay, you Gators. You may not want to
technology to teach you how to hit it
wait ‘til next year when your pre-Geor-
gia schedule goes like this: Tennessee, longer and score lower. Guaranteed!
at Kentucky, Alabama, at LSU, Auburn.
Welcome to the 2012 Gator Bowl. <<< • 2X World Long Drive Champion
• Chapter Champion PGA
Caddie Steve Williams seems to have the • Multiple tournament winner
occasional arrogance of his boss and he • 15 Years teaching beginners to PGA Tour players
showed it on the final hole of the Chev- • Fitness and Nutrition Expert
ron tournament when he took off his
bib when it looked like Tiger had things Jax Golf Mag Special:
wrapped up. Oops ... Graeme McDowell 4 - 1 hour lessons $400.00
forced a playoff with a long putt and Reg price $500.00
the bib had to go back on. <<<
904-704-2997 | By appointment only.
No one doubts that Tiger will have a
Jacksonville Golf Magazine • January 2011 • www.jaxgolfmag.com 5
Hello fellow Tweeps.
Check us out at twitter.com/jaxgolfmag
UK golf
in good
You lust to go across the
pond but you’ve heard
about the grim weather.
Let’s take a look today at
a United Kingdom country
where the weather is often Lahinch is one of the best Southwest courses
quite acceptable: Ireland.
Why: The headlines today of choices and it’s rare to can put together an easy and Royal Portrush. The
are about Ireland’s eco- get a mediocre meal. week-long trip to play Bal- South has the nation’s
nomic problems (very sim- Driving: On the “wrong” lybunion, Waterville, Tra- most spectacular course,
ilar to ours: banks funding side of the road and be lee, Doonbeg, Lahinch and Old Head of Kinsale.
too much development.) careful. Most of your Connemara. There are plenty of web-
But that works in your driving will be on skinny The Eastern coast is the sites, both from tour op-
favor because business is roads. Dublin area and that’s erators and the courses
down and they need heads where you’ll find the themselves.
People: Terrific. Glad to
in the beds. Plus, excellent American-like K Club and — Jacksonville’s Trips in the
see you.
courses and hospitality. Portmarnock. In the North Village travel agency can pro-
Bars: Like ours. And, de- are Royal County Down vide more info: 387-2234.
When: Best time is from
spite all those promotional
April to September. Cold
pieces, you probably won’t
winters, but bearable if
see a bunch of fiddlers. The
you’re on a very tight bud-
Guinness you get there is
immeasurably better than
How much: Depends, of what makes it to this side
course, on how fancy you of the Atlantic.
want to be. $600 a day
Getting there: Non-stop
would be a reasonable fig-
from Atlanta is the most
ure: that’s everything in-
convenient, though many
cluding air.
prefer going to Newark and
What else: The coastal taking Continental on over.
scenery is terrific and the Both Dublin and Shannon
much-promoted Ring of airports are excellent.
Kerry is, indeed, a spec-
Where to play: Lots of
tacular tour. The cities are
choices because Ireland
clean with lots of places
has over 300 courses in a
to eat and drink. Dublin is
country about half the size
the capital and you’ll en-
of Georgia. Almost all are
joy it.
old and natural, so even a
Hotels: Lots of B&Bs and low-rated course has a lot
that’s the choice of most to enjoy.
mid-priced golf tours.
We recommend the South-
There’s a pretty good price
west for numerous rea-
jump between B&Bs and
sons: the price is right,
quality hotels.
the courses are close to-
Food: Best in the UK. No gether and the accommo-
contest. There are plenty dations are excellent. You
Jacksonville Golf Magazine • January 2011 • www.jaxgolfmag.com 7
Hello fellow Tweeps.
Check us out at twitter.com/jaxgolfmag
Sponsored by Underwood’s Jewelers
familiar face, M. J. Maguire, who lived
at Ponte Vedra before moving two years
ago to St. Petersburg. Jacksonville
U. got a good one in Nick Torrance,
a Connecticut native who’s been at
the IMG Academy in Bradenton.
Teams ready
for Cup match
The teams have been set for the Feb- Brad Rollinson, Spencer Brown, Mike
ruary 21-22 Northern Chapter PGA Benjamin and Tom Stecker. Jon Fine
Michael Del Rocco and Rob Sandlin were the gross Cup matches at Timuquana with is the captain.
winners in the Nick’s Cup tournament at San the winners getting the Underwood The amateur team has Duke But-
Jose. The event honors longtime pro Nick Clark. Cup. ler, Mike Bodney, John Lobb, Steve
The Ryder Cup-format match was Carter, Nate Mosby, Jonathan Bo-
won last year by the pros, who this len, Jim Ross, David Anthony, Ken
year will field Clint Avret, Richie Moody, Blake Holcomb, Tom Gross
Bryant, Tim Peterson, Walter Smith, and Andy Purnell. Doug Conkey is
Cary Splane, Gerry James, Broc Nell, the captain.
$29 $39
1stCoast Seniors at Eagle Harbor
Flight 1: Gross - Randy Sim-
mons. Net - Randy Barber.
Flight 2: Gross - James Kirby. Net: Joe Power.
Flight 3: Gross - Jim Spin-
ney 88. Net: Bill Damato.
The Jacksonville Area Golf Association brings together area golf courses
for the purposes of scheduling and conducting tournaments.
JAGA presently has over 50 clubs that each pay $150 a year. Each mem-
ber club may appoint up to three directors to represent the club.
There are monthly meetings, except for December, where the associa-
tion business is conducted. There is often a speaker, a prominent person
in the golf community.
JAGA conducts the area’s major amateur championships including the
Amateur, a four-day competition. There is also the three-day Senior
and a two-day Junior. There will be two one-day Better Ball events this
The association also supervises a scholarship program that presently
has some 20 students earning $1,000 per semester. Any student associ-
ated with a JAGA member club is eligible.
Course Directory
Augustine. Range. 824-4653. St. Augustine. Range. 599-9030.
up to 75
Golf Tee Times!