Support For Allied Telesis Enterprise Mibs in Alliedware Plus™

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Technical Guide

Support for Allied Telesis Enterprise MIBs in

AlliedWare Plus™
Feature Overview and Configuration Guide

This guide describes SNMP Management Information Bases (MIBs) and managed objects
supported by the AlliedWare Plus™ Operating System. The following topics are covered:

 “Allied Telesis Enterprise MIB” on page 7 describes the objects implemented in the Allied Telesis
Enterprise MIB

 “Public MIBs” on page 134 describes the public MIBs supported by the AlliedWare PlusTM
Operating System, and any variations from the standard implementation.

C613-30001-00 REV F

Support for Allied Telesis Enterprise MIBs in AlliedWare Plus™

Introduction .........................................................................................................................................1
Products and software version that apply to this guide ...............................................................4
Related documents.......................................................................................................................4
About MIBs ...................................................................................................................................4
About SNMP .................................................................................................................................4
Obtaining MIBs .............................................................................................................................4
Loading MIBs................................................................................................................................5

Allied Telesis Enterprise MIB ...............................................................................................................7

AT-SMI-MIB ..................................................................................................................................8
AT-SMI-MIB objects listed by object group..................................................................................9
AT-ATMF-MIB ..............................................................................................................................13
AT-CHASSIS-MIB .......................................................................................................................27
AT-DNS-CLIENT-MIB ..................................................................................................................32
AT-ENVMONv2-MIB ...................................................................................................................33
AT-EPSRv2-MIB ..........................................................................................................................41
AT-FIBER-MONITORING-MIB ....................................................................................................44
AT-G8032v2-MIB ........................................................................................................................56
AT-HHM-MIB ..............................................................................................................................57
AT-IP-MIB ...................................................................................................................................58
AT-LINKMON-MIB ......................................................................................................................63
AT-LOG-MIB ...............................................................................................................................67
AT-LOOPPROTECT-MIB .............................................................................................................69
AT-PORTINFO-MIB .....................................................................................................................79
AT-PRODUCTS-MIB ...................................................................................................................81
AT-PTP-MIB ................................................................................................................................87
AT-QOSv2-MIB .........................................................................................................................106
AT-RESOURCE-MIB .................................................................................................................107
AT-SETUP-MIB .........................................................................................................................108
AT-SYSINFO-MIB .....................................................................................................................117
AT-TRIGGER-MIB .....................................................................................................................120

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AT-UDLD-MIB ...........................................................................................................................122
AT-UFO-MIB .............................................................................................................................123
AT-USER-MIB ...........................................................................................................................124
AT-VCSTACK-MIB ....................................................................................................................126
AT-VLAN-MIB ............................................................................................................................131
AT-XEM-MIB .............................................................................................................................133

Other Enterprise MIBs .....................................................................................................................134


Public MIBs .....................................................................................................................................135

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Support for Allied Telesis Enterprise MIBs in AlliedWare Plus™

Products and software version that apply to this guide

This guide applies to all AlliedWare Plus™ products, running version 5.4.5-1 or later.

Related documents
The following documents give more information about the MIBs and SNMP on AlliedWare Plus

 the SNMP Feature Overview and Configuration Guide

 the product’s Command Reference

These documents are available from the above links on our website at

About MIBs
A MIB is a collection of managed objects organized into a tree-like hierarchy of nodes in which the
managed objects form the leaves. Within the tree, each node is identified by a non-negative integer
identifier that is unique among the node’s siblings. The address, or object identifier, of any node
within the tree is expressed as a series of dot-delimited node identifiers that trace the path from the
root of the tree to the node. For example, the object identifier for the sysDescr object is

Note: This guide does not indicate which MIB objects are not-accessible (and therefore cannot be
queried directly). Please consult the MIB files for that information.

About SNMP
A Network Management Station (NMS) uses a protocol known as Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) to query or change the values of objects in the MIB of managed devices.

A managed device uses SNMP to respond to queries from an NMS, and to send unsolicited alerts
(traps) to an NMS in response to events.

Obtaining MIBs
You can download MIBs from the following locations:

Table 1: Obtaining MIBs


Allied Telesis Enterprise MIB The MIB files are available with the software files from the Support area at:
Public MIBs defined in RFCs

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Support for Allied Telesis Enterprise MIBs in AlliedWare Plus™

Loading MIBs
Individual MIBs define a portion of the total MIB for a device. For example, the MAU-MIB defines
objects for managing IEEE 802.3 Medium Attachment Units (MAUs), and forms a sub-tree under
mib-2 with the object identifier snmpDot3MauMgt (

All the objects within a MIB are assigned object identifiers relative to a parent object. Most MIBs
import the object identifier of the parent object, along with other object identifiers, textual
conventions, macros and syntax types from the MIBs where they are defined. This creates
dependencies between MIBs.

Some network management stations and MIB compilers will generate errors if you load a MIB that
depends on another MIB that has not already been loaded. To avoid these errors, we recommend
that you load MIBs in the following order:

1. RFC 1212
RFC 1239
RFC 2257
RFC 3410.

2. RFC1155-SMI (RFC 1155)

SNMPv2-SMI (RFC 2578)
SNMPv2-PDU (RFC 3416).

3. RFC1213-MIB (RFC 1213)

RFC 1215
SNMPv2-TC (RFC 2579)
SNMPv2-CONF (RFC 2580).

4. IP-MIB (RFC 2011)

TCP-MIB (RFC 2012)
UDP-MIB (RFC 2013)
SNMPv2-TM (RFC 3417)
SNMPv2-MIB (RFC 3418)

5. IF-MIB (RFC 2863)



EtherLike-MIB (RFC 3635)
MAU-MIB (RFC 3636)

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Support for Allied Telesis Enterprise MIBs in AlliedWare Plus™

Allied Telesis Enterprise MIB

The Allied Telesis Enterprise MIB defines a portion of the MIB for managing Allied Telesis products
and features that are not supported by public MIBs. Objects defined in this MIB reside in the
private(4) subtree and have the object identifier alliedTelesis { enterprises 207 } OID

This document describes only those portions of the Allied Telesis Enterprise MIB supported by the
AlliedWare Plus™ Operating System. Figure 1 shows the structure of the Allied Telesis Enterprise
MIB. Each component MIB is detailed in the following sections of this chapter.

Figure 1: The Allied Telesis Enterprise MIB sub-tree of the Internet-standard Management Information Base (MIB)


directory (1) mgmt (2) experimental (3) private (4)

mib (1) enterprises (1)

alliedTelesis (207)

products (1) mibObject (8)

brouterMib (4)
industrial bridgeRouter (1) routerSwitch (14)
switch (24) atRouter (4)

objects (1) traps (2) sysinfo (3) modules (4) arInterfaces (5) protocols (6) Agents (7)


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AT-SMI-MIB defines the high-level structure and root objects of the Allied Telesis Enterprise MIB, see
Table 2. The object identifier is alliedTelesis { enterprises 207 } OID These objects
are imported by other component MIBs of the Allied Telesis Enterprise MIB.

Table 2: AT Enterprise MIB - High Level Structure


alliedTelesis { enterprises 207 } Root of the Allied Telesis Enterprise MIB under the private(4) node defined in RFC1155-SMI.

products { alliedTelesis 1 } Sub-tree of all product OIDs. Described in “AT-PRODUCTS-MIB” on page 81.
bridgeRouter { products 1 } Sub-tree of bridge product MIB objects (not applicable for AlliedWare Plus).
routerSwitch { products 14 } Sub-tree for all router and switch product MIB objects.

industrialSwitch { products 24 } Sub-tree for industrial switch product MIB objects.
mibObject { alliedTelesis 8 } Sub-tree for all managed objects.
brouterMib { mibObject 4 } Sub-tree of objects for managing bridges, routers, and switches.
atRouter { brouterMib 4 } Sub-tree of objects for managing multiprotocol routers and switches.

objects { atRouter 1 } Sub-tree of OIDs for boards, releases, interface types, and chips.
traps { atRouter 2 } Sub-tree for generic traps (not applicable for AlliedWare Plus).

sysinfo { atRouter 3 } Sub-tree of objects describing general system information.
modules { atRouter 4 } Sub-tree of objects for monitoring and managing software features.

arInterfaces { atRouter 5 } Sub-tree of objects describing boards, slots and physical interfaces.
protocols { atRouter 6 } Sub-tree of OIDs for protocols.

atAgents { atRouter 7 } Sub-tree of objects describing variations from standards.

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AT-SMI-MIB objects listed by object group

Table 3 lists the major modules of the AT-SMI-MIB grouped by their object identifiers.

Table 3: AT-SMI-MIBs Listed by Object Group


AT-SMI-MIB This section describes the structure of management information for
the Allied Telesis Enterprise object, alliedTelesis { }.
See “AT-SMI-MIB” on page 8.
AT-PRODUCTS-MIB Object identifiers for Allied Telesis products. See
“AT-PRODUCTS-MIB” on page 81.

AT-BOARDS-MIB Object identifiers for boards, interface types, and chip sets. See
“AT-BOARDS-MIB” on page 18.
AT-SYSINFO-MIB Objects that describe generic system information and environmental
monitoring. See “AT-SYSINFO-MIB” on page 116.

AT-XEM-MIB Objects for managing XEMs (Expansion Modules). See

“AT-XEM-MIB” on page 132.
AT-ENVMONv2-MIB Objects and traps for monitoring fans, voltage rails, temperature
sensors, and power supply bays. See “AT-ENVMONv2-MIB” on
page 33.

AT-VCSTACK-MIB Objects for managing Virtual Chassis Stacking (VCS). See
“AT-VCSTACK-MIB” on page 125.
AT-PORTINFO-MIB Objects for managing interface port objects such as transceivers. See
“AT-PORTINFO-MIB” on page 79.

AT-MIBVERSION-MIB Objects to display the last software release that contained changes to
the support AT Enterprise MIB definition files. See
“AT-MIBVERSION-MIB” on page 71.
AT-VLAN-MIB Objects for managing VLANS. See “AT-VLAN-MIB” on page 130.

AT-USER-MIB Objects for displaying information of users currently logged into a
device, or configured in the Local User Data base of the device. See
“AT-USER-MIB” on page 123.
AT-RESOURCE-MIB Objects for displaying system hardware resource information. See
“AT-RESOURCE-MIB” on page 107.

AT-LICENSE-MIB Objects for managing software licenses on devices using

AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System. See “AT-LICENSE-MIB” on
page 60.
AT-HHM-MIB Objects for managing Hardware Health Monitoring (HHM). See
“AT-HHM-MIB” on page 57.

AT-LINKTRAP-MIB Objects for managing link traps. See “AT-LINKTRAP-MIB” on

page 66.
AT-ALMMON-MIB Objects for managing alarms. See “AT-ALMMON-MIB” on page 11.

AT-FIBER-MONITORING- Objects for managing fiber monitoring. See “AT-FIBER-

AT-PLUGGABLE- Objects for monitoring Optical Digital Diagnostics for pluggable

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Table 3: AT-SMI-MIBs Listed by Object Group (continued)


AT-TRIGGER-MIB Objects for managing triggers. See “AT-TRIGGER-MIB” on page 119.

AT-LOOPPROTECT-MIB Objects for managing Allied Telesis Loop Protection. See
“AT-LOOPPROTECT-MIB” on page 69.

AT-SETUP-MIB Objects for managing software installation and configuration files.
See “AT-SETUP-MIB” on page 108.
AT-DNS-CLIENT-MIB Objects for managing Allied Telesis Domain Name System (DNS)
Client Configuration. See “AT-DNS-CLIENT-MIB” on page 32.

AT-NTP-MIB Objects for managing Allied Telesis Network Time Protocol (NTP)
configuration. See “AT-NTP-MIB” on page 72.
AT-QOSv2-MIB Objects for managing Allied Telesis Quality of Service (QoS)
configuration. See “AT-QOSv2-MIB” on page 106.

AT-PTP-MIB Objects for managing Allied Telesis Network Precision Time Protocol
(PTP) configuration. See “AT-PTP-MIB” on page 87.
AT-EPSRv2-MIB Objects for managing Allied Telesis Ethernet Automatic Protection
Switching (EPSR). See “AT-EPSRv2-MIB” on page 41.

AT-DHCPSN-MIB Objects for managing Allied Telesis Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP) Snooping. See “AT-DHCPSN-MIB” on page 29.
AT-UDLD-MIB Objects for managing Allied Telesis UniDirectional Link Detection
(UDLD). See “AT-UDLD-MIB” on page 121.

AT-FILEv2-MIB Objects for displaying and managing file content on local, stacked,
and remote sources. See “AT-FILEv2-MIB” on page 46.
AT-LOG-MIB Objects for listing log entries from the buffered and permanent logs.
See “AT-LOG-MIB” on page 67.

AT-IP-MIB Objects for Allied Telesis specific IP address management. See
“AT-IP-MIB” on page 58.
AT-ATMF-MIB Objects for managing ATMF. See “AT-ATMF-MIB” on page 13.
AT-G8032v2-MIB Objects for managing Ethernet Protection Ring Switching (EPRS).
See “AT-G8032v2-MIB” on page 56.

AT-UFO-MIB Objects for Allied Telesis Upstream Forwarding Only (UFO) for private
VLANs. See “AT-UFO-MIB” on page 122.
AT-LINKMON-MIB Objects for Allied Telesis Link Monitoring for collecting and reporting
link metrics. See “AT-LINKMON-MIB” on page 63.

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AT-ALMMON-MIB defines objects for managing and reporting device alarms, see Table 4. Objects in
this group have the object identifier atAlmMon { sysinfo 26 } OID
Table 4: Objects defined by the AT-ALMMON-MIB


atAlmMon { sysinfo 26 } The AT Alarm Monitoring v2 MIB for managing and reporting device alarms.
atAlmMonActionTable { atAlmMon 1 } Table of information defining alarm monitoring inputs and consequent actions (i.e. fault LED and relay
outputs), indexed by:
■ atAlmMonActionStackMemberId
■ atAlmMonActionIndex.

atAlmMonActionEntry { atAlmMonActionTable 1 } A description and configuration of what to do for a specific monitored alarm.

atAlmMonActionStackMemberId { atAlmMonActionEntry 1 } The index of the stack member of this alarm action. Read only.
atAlmMonActionIndex { atAlmMonActionEntry 2 } The numeric identifier of this alarm action. Read only.
atAlmMonAlarmType { alAlmMonActionEntry 3 } The type of alarm that this action monitors. Read only. Values can be:
■ externalPSU (1)
■ epsr (2)
■ contactInput (3)
■ portLinkDown (4)
■ loopDetect (5)
■ mainPse (6)
■ portPoeFailure (7)
■ temperature (8)
■ g8032 (9)
■ ufo (10)
atAlmMonAlarmTypeSelection { atAlmMonActionEntry 4 } The 1-based index of the alarm of the particular type
(as categorized by AlmMonAlarmType).

atAlmMonActionDescription { atAlmMonActionEntry 5 } The description of this alarm monitoring entry. Read

atAlmMonActionUseRelay1 { atAlmMonActionEntry 6 } Indicates/controls whether or not this alarm monitor
drives the first relay output. Read-write.
Values can be:
■ Unused (1)
■ Used (2).

atAlmMonActionUseRelay2 { alAlmMonActionEntry 7 } Indicates/controls whether or not this alarm monitor

drives the second relay output. Read-write. Values can
■ Unused (1)
■ Used (2).

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Table 4: Objects defined by the AT-ALMMON-MIB (continued)


atAlmMonActionUseRelay3 { atAlmMonActionEntry 8 } Indicates/controls whether or not this alarm monitor

drives the third relay output. Read-write. Values can
■ Unused (1)
■ Used (2).

atAlmMonActionUseFaultLed { alAlmMonActionEntry 9 } Indicates/controls whether or not this alarm monitor

drives the fault LED. Read-write. Values can be:
■ Unused (1)
■ Used (2).

atAlmMonAbnormalState { atAlmMonActionEntry 10 } Indicates/sets the abnormal (i.e., alarm active) state for
a contact input. Only used for contactInput alarm
monitors, ignored for all other types. Read-write.
Values can be:
■ open (1)
■ closed (2).

atAlmMonActionState { atAlmMonActionEntry 11 } Indicates the current state of this alarm monitor. Read
only. Values can be:
■ Inactive (1)
■ Active (2).

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Support for Allied Telesis Enterprise MIBs in AlliedWare Plus™

The ATMF-MIB defines objects for managing the Allied Telesis Management Framework (AMF).
Objects and triggers are shown diagrammatically in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Objects in this group
have the object identifier atmf { modules 603 } OID

Figure 2: The upper levels of the AT-ATMF-MIB sub-tree

enterprises (1)

alliedTelesis (207)

products (1) mibObject (8)
brouterMib (4)
bridgeRouter (1) routerSwitch (14) at-AtmfTraps (1)
atRouter (4)

objects (1) traps (2) sysinfo (3) modules (4) arInterfaces protocols (6)


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Figure 3: The lower levels of the AT-ATMF-MIB sub-tree

objects (1) traps (2) sysinfo (3) modules (4) arInterfaces protocols (6)

at-Atmf (603)

at-AtmfTraps (0) atAtmfTrapVariable (1)

atAtmfBackupStatusTrap (1) atAtmfTrapNodeName (1)

atAtmfTrapNodeName (1)
atAtmfTrapMasterNodeName (2) atAtmfTrapMasterNodeName (2)
atAtmfTrapBackupStatus (3)

atAtmfTrapNetworkName (3)
atAtmfNodeStatusChangeTrap (2)
atAtmfTrapNodeName (1)
atAtmfTrapNodeStatusChange (2) atAtmfTrapInterfaceName (4)
atAtmfTrapNetworkName (3)
atAtmfNodeRecoveryTrap (3)
atAtmfTrapNodeName (1)
atAtmfTrapMasterNodeName (2) atAtmfTrapNodeStatusChange
atAtmfTrapInterfaceName (4) (6)
atAtmfTrapNodeRecoveryStatus (3)
atAtmfTrapInterfaceName (4) (7)
atAtmfInterfaceStatusChangeTrap (4)
atAtmfTrapNodeName (1) atAtmfTrapNodeRecoveryStatus
atAtmfTrapInterfaceName (4) (8)
atAtmfTrapInterfaceName (2)
atAtmfTrapInterfaceStatusChange (3)
(9) (4)
atAtmfIExternalMediaLowMemoryTrap (5)
atAtmfTrapMasterNodeName (1) atAtmfTrapMediaTotal
(10) (4)
atAtmfTrapMediaType (2)
atAtmfTrapMediaTotal (3)
atAtmfTrapMediaFree (4) atAtmfTrapMediaFree
(11) (4)

atAtmfRollingRebootCompleteTrap (6)
atAtmfTrapInterfaceName (4)
(4) (12)
atAtmfTrapNodeName (1)
atAtmfTrapRollingRebootStatus (2)
atAtmfTrapInterfaceName (4)
(4) (13)
atAtmfRollingRebootReleaseCompleteTrap (7)
atAtmfTrapInterfaceName (4)
(4) (14)
atAtmfTrapNodeName (1)
atAtmfTrapRollingRebootStatus (2)
atAtmfTrapRollingRebootReleaseName (3)
atAtmfTrapRollingRebootReleaseStatus (4)

atAtmfSummary (2) atAtmfNodeTable (3)

atAtmfSummaryNodeName (1) atAtmfNodeEntry (1)

atAtmfSummaryStatus (2)
disabled (1) atAtmfNodeName
enabled (2)

atAtmfSummaryRole (3)
member (1)
master (2)

atAtmfSummaryNetworkName (4)

atAtmfSummaryParentName (5)

atAtmfSummaryCoreDistance (6)

atAtmfSummaryDomainId (7)

atAtmfSummaryRestrictedLogin (8)
disabled (1)
enabled (2)

atAtmfSummaryNodes (9) ATMF_mib_tree-Lower.eps_

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Table 5: AT-ATMF-MIB


atmf { modules 603 } Root of the Allied Telesis ATMF MIB under the private(4) node defined in RFC1155-SMI.

atAtmfTraps { atmf 0 } Sub-tree of objects describing ATMF traps.
atAtmfBackupStatusTrap { atAtmfTraps 1 } This trap is generated when an ATMF master
attempts to backup a node’s FLASH contents. It
states whether the backup of an individual
node, or all nodes, to a master node has passed
or failed. Its objects are:
■ atAtmfTrapNodeName
■ atAtmfTrapMasterNodeName
■ atAtmfTrapBackupStatus.

atAtmfNodeStatusChangeTrap { atAtmfTraps 2 } This trap is generated when an ATMF node joins

or leaves the ATMF network. It states whether a
node has <left|joined> an ATMF network. Its
objects are:
■ atAtmfTrapNodeName
■ atAtmfTrapNodeStatusChange
■ atAtmfTrapNetworkName.

atAtmfNodeRecoveryTrap { atAtmfTraps 3 } This trap is generated when an attempt has

been made to recover an ATMF node. It states
whether an attempt to recover a node from the
specified master has passed or failed. Its
objects are:
■ atAtmfTrapNodeName
■ atAtmfTrapMasterNodeName
■ atAtmfTrapNodeRecoveryStatus.
atAtmfInterfaceStatusChangeTrap { atAtmfTraps 4 } This trap is generated when an ATMF interface
status change occurs. It states that an interface
on a node has changed status to either blocking
or forwarding.
Its objects are:
■ atAtmfTrapNodeName
■ atAtmfTrapInterfaceName
■ atAtmfTrapInterfaceStatusChange.
atAtmfExternalMediaLowMemoryTrap { atAtmfTraps 5 } This trap is generated when the available
external storage on the ATMF master node falls
below a nominated threshold. It states that the
external USB or SD card storage on a master
node has fallen below the designated threshold
and specifies the total available memory <xxx
MB> and the total free memory <xxx MB>. Its
objects are:
■ atAtmfTrapMasterNodeName
■ atAtmfTrapMediaType
■ atAtmfTrapMediaTotal
■ atAtmfTrapMediaFree.

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Table 5: AT-ATMF-MIB (continued)


atAtmfRollingRebootCompleteTrap { atAtmfTraps 6 } This trap is generated when the ATMF rolling

reboot process has finished on a particular
ATMF node. Nominally, it states that the ATMF
rolling reboot, executed against the specified
node, has returned a reboot status of either
failed or passed. Its objects are:
■ atAtmfTrapNodeName
■ atAtmfTrapRollingRebootStatus.

atAtmfRollingRebootReleaseCompleteTrap { atAtmfTraps 7 } This trap is generated when the ATMF rolling

reboot process attempts to push a new
software release to a specified ATMF node.
Nominally, it states that the ATMF rolling reboot
release process, executed from the specified
node has returned a reboot status of either
failed or passed, the name of the attempted
release file and the release status of either
“failed” or “passed”. Its objects are:
■ atAtmfTrapNodeName
■ atAtmfTrapRollingRebootStatus
■ atAtmfTrapRollingRebootReleaseName
■ atAtmfTrapRollingRebootReleaseStatus.

atAtmfTrapVariable { atmf 1 } Sub-tree of objects describing ATMF traps.

atAtmfTrapNodeName { atAtmfTrapVariable 1 } The ATMF trap node name.

atAtmfTrapMasterNodeName { atAtmfTrapVariable 2 } The ATMF trap master node name.

atAtmfTrapNetworkName { atAtmfTrapVariable 3 } The ATMF trap network name.

atAtmfTrapInterfaceName { atAtmfTrapVariable 4 } The ATMF interface name, “Trap”.

atAtmfTrapBackupStatus { atAtmfTrapVariable 5 } The status of the last trap backup attempt on

either a specified ATMF node or all nodes in the
ATMF network. Its objects are:
■ failed(1)
■ passed(2).

atAtmfTrapNodeStatusChange { atAtmfTrapVariable 6 } An ATMF trap node has changed its status in the
ATMF network. Its objects are:
■ left(1)
■ joined(2).

AtmfTrapInterfaceStatusChange { atAtmfTrapVariable 7 } An ATMFtrap interface has changed its status.

Its objects are:
■ blocking(1)
■ forwarding(2).

atAtmfTrapNodeRecoveryStatus { atAtmfTrapVariable 8 } The status of the last recovery attempt. Its

objects are:
■ failed(1)
■ passed(2).

atAtmfTrapMediaType { atAtmfTrapVariable 9 } The media type resident on the ATMF node -

USB or SD.

atAtmfTrapMediaTotal { atAtmfTrapVariable 10 } The total memory available on the resident

media, in MB.

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Table 5: AT-ATMF-MIB (continued)


atAtmfTrapMediaFree { atAtmfTrapVariable 11 } The free memory available on the resident

media, in MB. Each node has a maximum flash
of 64MB.
atAtmfTrapRollingRebootStatus { atAtmfTrapVariable 12 } The status of the last rolling reboot for a node.
Its objects are:
■ failed(1)
■ passed(2).

atAtmfTrapRollingRebootReleaseName { atAtmfTrapVariable 13 } The name of the last rolling reboot release

atAtmfTrapRollingRebootReleaseStatus { atAtmfTrapVariable 14 } The release update status of the last rolling

reboot for a node. Its objects are:
■ failed(1)
■ passed(2).

atAtmfTrapVariable { atmf 2 } Sub-tree of objects describing ATMF summary

atAtmfSummaryNodeName { atAtmfSummary 1 } The name assigned to a particular node

atAtmfSummaryStatus { atAtmfSummary 2 } The Node's ATMF status.

atAtmfSummaryRole { atAtmfSummary 3 } The role configured for this ATMF device, either
Master or Member.
atAtmfSummaryNetworkName { atAtmfSummary 4 } The ATMF network that a particular node
belongs to.
atAtmfSummaryParentName { atAtmfSummary 5 } The parent name of the node or 'none'.

atAtmfSummaryCoreDistance { atAtmfSummary 6 } The ATMF core distance for this node.

atAtmfSummaryDomainId { atAtmfSummary 7 } The ATMF domain Id for this node.

atAtmfSummaryRestrictedLogin { atAtmfSummary 8 } The login for this ATMF device is restricted to

only those devices that are designated ATMF
Masters. Its objects are:
■ isabled(1)
■ enabled(2.)

atAtmfSummaryNodes { atAtmfSummary 9 } The number of ATMF nodes known to this


atAtmfNodeTable { atmf 3 } Sub-tree of objects describing ATMF Nodes.

atAtmfNodeName { atAtmfNodeTable 1 } The name assigned to a particular node.

atAtmfControllerAreaTable { atmf 4 } Sub-tree of objects describing the configured

areas available to the ATMF controller.

atAtmfControllerAreaEntry { atAtmfControllerAreaTable 1 } The area identifier assigned to a particular

controller area.

atAtmfControllerAreaName { atAtmfControllerAreaEntry 2 } The name assigned to a particular controller

atAtmfControllerAreaStatus { atAtmfControllerAreaEntry 3 } The reachability status of a particular controller
atAtmfControllerAreaMemberCount { atAtmfControllerAreaEntry 4 } The number of member nodes available in a
particular controller area.

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Support for Allied Telesis Enterprise MIBs in AlliedWare Plus™

AT-BOARDS-MIB defines object identifiers for components of Allied Telesis products—base CPU
and expansion boards, interface types, and chip sets. Objects in this MIB have the object identifier
objects { atRouter 1 } OID, and are organized into the following groups:

 Base CPU and expansion boards, see Table 6. These object identifiers are for use with the
hrDeviceID object in the Host Resources MIB (see “Public MIBs” on page 134).

 Interface types, see Table 7.

 Chip sets, see Table 8.

Table 6: Object identifiers for base CPU and expansion boards


boards { objects 1 } A subtree beneath which board ids are assigned.
pprx90024XT { boards 271 } x900-24XT, Enhanced Gigabit Layer 3+ Expandable Switch, 24 x 10/100/
1000BASE-T copper ports (RJ-45 connectors), 2 x 20 Gigabit expansion
pprx90024XS { boards 272 } x900-24XS, Enhanced Gigabit Layer 3+ Expandable Switch, 24 x 10/
100/1000BASE-T copper ports (RJ-45 connectors), 2 x 20 Gigabit
expansion bays.
pprAtXum10Gi { boards 273 } XEM-1XP, Expansion Module, 1 x 10Gbe XFP port.

pprAtXum12SFPi { boards 274 } XEM-12S, Expansion Module, 12 x SFP Gigabit ports.

pprAtXum12Ti { boards 275 } XEM-12T, Expansion Module, 12 x 10/100/1000BASE-T copper ports

(RJ-45 connectors).
pprAtXum12TiN { boards 280 } XEM-12T-N, Expansion Module, 12 x 10/100/1000BASE-T copper ports
(RJ-45 connectors), NEBS compliant.

pprx90024XTN { boards 281 } x900-24XT, Enhanced Gigabit Layer 3+ Expandable Switch, 24 x 10/100/
1000BASE-T copper ports (RJ-45 connectors), 2 x 20 Gigabit expansion
bays, NEBS compliant.
pprSwitchBladex908 { boards 282 } SwitchBlade x908, 8 Slot Layer 3 Switch Chassis.

pprXemStk { boards 286 } AT-XEM-STK, 2 x high speed stacking ports.

pprx90012XTS { boards 288 } AT-x900-12XT/S, Advanced Gigabit Layer 3+ Expandable Switch,

12 x combo ports (10/100/1000BASE-T copper or SFP), 1 x 30Gbps
expansion bay.
pprAt9524TS { boards 290 } x600-24Ts/XP, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports (RJ45 connectors),
4 x SFP (combo) ports.
pprAt9524TSXP { boards 291 } x600-24Ts/XP, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports (RJ45 connectors),
4 x SFP (combo) ports, 2 x XFP ports.

pprAt9548TS { boards 294 } x600-44Ts, 44 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x SFP ports.

pprAt9548TSXP { boards 295 } x600-44Ts/XP, 44 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x SFP ports, 2 x XFP

pprXem2XP { boards 306 } XEM-2XP, Expansion Module, 2 x 10Gbe XFP port.

pprATStackXG { boards 307 } x600, Expansion Module, Stacking.

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Table 6: Object identifiers for base CPU and expansion boards (continued)


pprATEMXP { boards 308 } x600, Expansion Module, 2 x 10G XFP ports.

pprATLBM { boards 309 } x600, Expansion Module, loopback.

pprAtSBx8112 { boards 316 } AT-SBx8112, SwitchBlade x8112 chassis.

pprAtSBx81CFC400 { boards 317 } AT-SBx81CFC, Control Fabric Card for SwitchBlade x8112.

pprAtSBx81GP24 { boards 318 } AT-SBx81GP24, 24 x 1G PoE line card.

pprAtSBxPWRSYSAC { boards 320 } AT-SBxPWR SYS/AC, system power supply unit for the SwitchBlade
x8112 (AC input).
pprAtSBxPWRPOEAC { boards 321 } AT-SBxPWR POE/AC, PoE power supply unit for the SwitchBlade x8112
(AC input).
pprAtSBxFAN12 { boards 322 } AT-SBxFAN12, fan tray for the SwitchBlade x8112.

pprAtPWR05DC { boards 323 } AT-PWR05, DC power supply unit for SwitchBlade x908.

pprXem2XT { boards 325 } XEM-2XT, Expansion Module, 2 x 10Gbe copper XEM port.

pprx60024TSPOE { boards 326 } x600-24Ts-POE, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE ports (RJ45 connectors),

4 x SFP (combo) ports.

pprx60024TSPOEPLUS { boards 327 } x600-24Ts-POE+, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE+ ports (RJ45

connectors), 4 x SFP (combo) ports.
pprx61048TsXPOEPlus { boards 331 } x610-48Ts/X-POE+, 48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE+ ports (RJ45
connectors), 2 x SFP (combo) ports, 2 x SFP+ ports.
pprx61048TsPOEPlus { boards 332 } x610-48Ts-POE+, 48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE+ ports (RJ45
connectors), 4 x SFP (combo) ports.
pprx61024TsXPOEPlus { boards 333 } x610-24Ts/X-POE+, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE+ ports (RJ45
connectors), 4 x SFP (combo) ports, 2 x SFP+ ports.

pprx61024TsPOEPlus { boards 334 } x610-24Ts-POE+, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE+ ports (RJ45

connectors), 4 x SFP (combo) ports.
pprPWR800 { boards 336 } AT-PWR800, 800W power supply unit.
pprPWR1200 { boards 337 } AT-PWR1200, 1200W power supply unit.

pprPWR250 { boards 338 } AT-PWR250, 250W power supply unit.

pprx61048TsX { boards 339 } AT-x610-48Ts/X, 48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports (RJ45 connectors),

2 x SFP (combo) ports, 2 x SFP+ ports.
pprx61048Ts { boards 340 } AT-x610-48Ts, 48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports (RJ45 connectors),
4 x SFP (combo) ports.

pprx61024TsX { boards 341 } AT-x610-24Ts/X, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports (RJ45 connectors),

4 x SFP (combo) ports, 2 x SFP+ ports.
pprx61024Ts { boards 342 } AT-x610-24Ts, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports (RJ45 connectors),
4 x SFP (combo) ports.
pprx61024SPX { boards 343 } AT-x610-24SPs/X, 20 x 10/100/1000BASE SFP ports, 4 x SFP (combo)

pprXem2XS { boards 350 } AT-XEM-2XS, Expansion Module, 2 x 10GbE (SFP+) ports.

pprPWR250DC { boards 351 } AT-PWR250DC, 250W DC power supply unit.

pprAtSBx81GT24 { boards 352 } AT-SBx81GT24, 24 x 1G copper line card.

pprAtSBx81GS24a { boards 353 } AT-SBx81GS24a, 24 x 1G SFP line card.

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Table 6: Object identifiers for base CPU and expansion boards (continued)


pprAtSBx81XS6 { boards 354 } AT-SBx81XS6, 6 x 10G SFP+ line card.

pprXem24T { boards 356 } AT-XEM-24T, Expansion Module, 24 x 10/100/1000T (RJ Point 5) ports.

pprXem12Tv2 { boards 358 } AT-XEM-12Tv2, Expansion Module, 12 x 10/100/1000T (RJ-45) ports.

pprXem12Sv2 { boards 359 } AT-XEM-12Sv2, Expansion Module, 12 x 10/100/1000X SFP ports.

pprx2109GT { boards 367 } AT-x210-9GT, 8xGigbit, 1xSFP/T.

pprx21016GT { boards 368 } AT-x210-16GT, 14xGigbit, 2xcombo SFP/T.

pprx21024GT { boards 369 } AT-x210-24GT, 20xGigbit, 4xcombo SFP/T.

pprx51028GTX { boards 370 } AT-x510-28GTX, 24 10/100/1000Base-T ports and four 10Gb/s SFP+
pprx51028GPX { boards 371 } AT-x510-28GPX, 24 10/100/1000Base-T ports, four 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports
and PSE function available on pins 1/2 and 3/6 (Mode A) of every copper
pprx51028GSX { boards 372 } AT-x510-28GSX, 24 100/1000 SFP ports and four 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.

pprx51052GTX { boards 373 } AT-x510-52GTX, 48 10/100/1000Base-T ports and four 10 Gb/s SFP+
pprx51052GPX { boards 374 } AT-x510-52GPX, 48 10/100/1000Base-T ports, four 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports
and PSE function available on pins 1/2 and 3/6 (Mode A) of every copper
pprAtSBx8106 { boards 375 } AT-SBx8106, SwitchBlade x8106 chassis.

pprAtSBxFAN06 { boards 376 } AT-SBxFAN06, fan tray for the SwitchBlade x8106.

pprAtSBx81CFC960 { boards 377 } AT-SBx81CFC960, Control Fabric Card for SwitchBlade x8100 Series
chassis, four 10GbE SFP+ ports.

pprSBx81GT24a { boards 378 } AT-SBx81GT24, line card.

pprSBx81GP24a { boards 379 } AT-SBx81GP24, PoE+ line card.

pprSBx81CFC960v2 { boards 380 } AT-SBx81CFC960v2 Control Fabric Card for SwitchBlade x8100 Series
chassis, four 10GbE SFP+ ports.
pprAtSBx81GT40 { boards 381 } AT-SBx81GT40, RJ point five line card.

pprSBx81XS16 { boards 382 } AT-SBx81XS16, SFP+ line card.

pprPWR100R { boards 384 } AT-PWR100R, 100W power supply unit.

pprPWR250DCR { boards 385 } AT-PWR250R-DC, 250W DC power supply unit.

pprx510DP52GTX { boards 386 } AT-x510DP-52GTX, 48 10/100/1000Base-T ports and four 10 Gb/s SFP+
pprxIX528GPX { boards 387 } AT-IX5-28GPX, 24 10/100/1000Base-T ports, four 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports
and PSE function available on pins 1/2 and 3/6 (Mode A) of every copper
pprx93028GTX { boards 388 } AT-x930-28GTX, 24 1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.

pprx93028GPX { boards 389 } AT-x930-28GPX, 24 1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.

pprx93028GSTX { boards 390 } AT-x930-28GSTX, 24 1000BASE-T ports (combo), 24 x 1000 SFP ports
(combo), 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.
pprx93052GTX { boards 391 } AT-x930-52GTX, 48 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.

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Table 6: Object identifiers for base CPU and expansion boards (continued)


pprx93052GPX { boards 392 } AT-x930-52GPX, 48 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.

pprx31026FT { boards 393 } AT-x310-26FT, 24 10/100 Base-T ports, two 10/100/1000Base-T ports,
and four 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.
pprx31050FT { boards 394 } AT-x310-50FT, 48 10/100 Base-T ports, two 10/100/1000Base-T ports,
and four 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.
pprx31026FP { boards 395 } AT-x310-26FP, 24 10/100 Base-T ports, two 10/100/1000Base-T ports,
four 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports, plus PSE function available on pins 1/2 and 3/
6 (Mode A) of every copper port.
pprx31050FP { boards 396 } AT-x310-50FP, 48 10/100 Base-T ports, two 10/100/1000Base-T ports,
four 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports, plus PSE function available on pins 1/2 and 3/
6 (Mode A) of every copper port.
pprx23010GP { boards 405 } AT-x230-10GP, 8 10/100/1000BASE-RJ-45 ports, 2 1000Base SFP ports.

pprx23018GP { boards 406 } AT-x 230-18GP, 16 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports and 2 1000BASE SFP
pprx23028GP { boards 407 } AT-x 230-28GP, 24 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports and 4 1000BASE SFP
pprIE2006GT { boards 410 } IE200-6GT, L2+ managed industrial Switch with 4 x 10/100/1000T LAN
ports and 2 x SFP uplinks (100/1000X).

Note: that this is a single board device.

pprIE2006GP { boards 411 } IE200-6GP, L2+ managed industrial Switch with 4 x 10/100/1000T LAN
ports (with 802.3at PoE+) and 2 x SFP uplinks (100/1000X).

Note: that this is a single board device.

pprIE2006GPW { boards 412 } IE200-6GPW, L2+ managed industrial Switch with 4 x 10/100/1000T LAN
ports (with 802.3at PoE+) and 2 x SFP uplinks (100/1000X) and
802.11bgn wireless.

Note: that this is a single board device.

pprdc2552xs { boards 414 } AT-DC2552XS/L3, Stackable 10 Gigabit Layer 3 switch with 48-port SFP+
slot, 4-port QSFP slot.

pprATStackQS { boards 419 } AT-StackQS, 2 x QSFP+ expansion module, 40GBPS 2.5µs.

pprx51028GSXDC { boards 421 } AT-x510-28GSX-80? 24 SFP ports, 4 SFP+ ports.

pprIE51028GSX { boards 422 } AT-x510-28GSX, 24 SFP ports, 4 SFP+ ports.

pprAR3050S { boards 423 } AT-AR3050S, Next-Generation Firewall, 2 x 1000X SFP / 2 x 10/100/

1000T RJ-45 combo.
pprAR4050S { boards 426 } AT-AR4050S, Next-Generation Firewall, 2 x 1000X SFP / 2 x 10/100/
1000T RJ-45 combo.
pprIE2006FT { boards 429 } AT-IE200-6FT, 4 × 10/100TX ports and 2 × 100/1000X SFP Industrial

pprIE2006FP { boards 430 } AT-IE200-6FP, 4 × 10/100TX ports (PoE+ support) and 2 × 100/1000X SFP
Industrial switch.
pprx510DP28GTX { boards 431 } AT-x510DP-28GTX, 24 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 4 x SFP+ ports.

pprx510L28GT { boards 432 } AT-x510L-28GT, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 4 x SFP+ ports.

pprx510L28GP { boards 434 } AT-x510L-28GP, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 4 x SFP+ ports.

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Table 6: Object identifiers for base CPU and expansion boards (continued)


pprx510L52GP { boards 435 } AT-x510L-52GT, 48 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 4 x SFP+ ports.

pprIE30012GT { boards 438 } Industrial Layer 3 switch Gigabit 12-port IE300-12GT.

pprIE30012GP { boards 439 } Industrial Ethernet Layer 3 Switch Gigabit 12-port IE300-12GT.

pprAtGS924MX { boards 443 } AT-GS924MX, 24 x 10/100/1000T ports, 2 combo ports (10/100/1000T or

100/1000X SFP) and 2 X 10G SFP+ Stacking/User ports.
pprAtGS924MPX { boards 444 } AT-GS924MPX, 24 x 10/100/1000T POE+ ports, 2 combo ports (10/100/
1000T or 100/1000X SFP) and 2 X 10G SFP+ Stacking/User ports.
pprAtGS948MX { boards 445 } AT-GS948MX, 48 x 10/100/1000T ports, 2 combo ports (10/100/1000T or
100/1000X SFP) and 2 X 10G SFP+ Stacking/User ports.
pprAtGS948MPX { boards 446 } AT-GS948MPX, 48 x 10/100/1000T POE+ ports, 2 combo ports (10/100/
1000T or 100/1000X SFP) and 2 X 10G SFP+ Stacking/User ports.
pprAR2050V { boards 454 } AT-AR2050V 1 x GE WAN and 4 x 10/100/1000 LAN.

pprAR2010V { boards 455 } AT-AR2010V 2 x 10/100/1000T RJ-45.

pprSH23010GP { boards 463 } AT-x230-10GP, 8 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE

SFP ports and PoE+.
pprSH23018GP { boards 464 } AT-x 230-18GP, 16 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/
1000BASE SFP ports and PoE+.

pprSH23028GP { boards 465 } AT-x 230-28GP, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/

1000BASE SFP ports and PoE+.

pprSH2109GT { boards 466 } AT-x210-9GT, 8 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 1 x 10/100/1000BASE

SFP port.
pprSH21016GT { boards 467 } AT-x210-16GT, 14 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/
1000BASE combo ports.
pprSH21024GT { boards 468 } AT-x210-24GT, 20 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 4 x 10/100/
1000BASE combo ports.
pprSH31026FT { boards 469 } AT-x310-26FT, 24 x 10/100BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE
(combo) ports and 2 x stacking ports.
pprAtXS916MXT { boards 456 } AT-GS916M 14 × 10/100/1000T ports, 2 × Combo ports (2 × 10/100/
1000T or 100FX/1000X ports) 1 standard AC power supply in a compact
form factor.
pprSH51028GTX { boards 459 } AT-x510-28GTX features 24 x 10/100/1000T ports and 4 x 10G/1G SFP+
uplink ports with two internal load-sharing AC power supplies.
pprSH51052GTX { boards 460 } AT- x510-52GTX stackable Gigabit edge switch features 48 x 10/100/
1000T ports and 4 x 10G/1G SFP+ uplink ports with two internal load-
sharing AC power supplies.
pprSH51028GPX { boards 461 } AT-x510-28GPX features 24 x 10/100/1000T PoE+ ports and 4 x 10G/1G
SFP+ uplink ports.
pprSH51052GPX { boards 462 } AT-x510-52GPX stackable Gigabit edge switch features 48 x 10/100/
1000T PoE+ ports and 4 x 10G/1G SFP+ uplink ports.
pprSH31050FT { boards 470 } AT-x310-50FT, 48 x 10/100BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE
(combo) ports and 2 x stacking ports.

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Table 6: Object identifiers for base CPU and expansion boards (continued)


pprSH31026FP { boards 471 } AT-x310-26FP, 24 x 10/100BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE

(combo) ports and 2 x stacking ports.

pprSH31050FP { boards 472 } AT-x310-50FP, 48 x 10/100BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE

(combo) ports and 2 x stacking ports.
pprSH23010GT { boards 473 } AT-x230-10GT L3 switch with 8 x 10/100/1000T ports and 2 x 100/1000X
SFP ports.
pprSH23018GT { boards 474 } AT-x230-18GP L3 switch with 16 x 10/100/1000T PoE ports and 2 x 100/
1000X SFP ports.

pprSH23028GT { boards 475 } AT-x230-18GT L3 switch with 16 x 10/100/1000T ports and 2 x 100/
1000X SFP ports.
pprAtFS980M9 { boards 476 } AT-FS980M/9, 8 x 10/100TX ports and 1 combo (10/100/1000T or 100/
1000X SFP) uplink port.
pprAtFS980M9PS { boards 477 } AT-FS980M/9PS, 8 x 10/100TX PoE+ ports and 1 combo (10/100/1000T
or 100/1000X SFP) uplink port.

pprAtFS980M18 { boards 478 } AT-FS980M/18, 16 x 10/100TX ports and 2 combo (10/100/1000T or 100/
1000X SFP) uplink ports.
pprAtFS980M18PS { boards 479 } AT-FS980M/18PS, 16 x 10/100TX PoE+ ports and 2 combo (10/100/
1000T or 100/1000X SFP) uplink ports.
pprAtFS980M28 { boards 480 } AT-FS980M/28, 24 x 10/100TX ports and 4 x 100/1000X SFP uplink/
stacking ports.
pprAtFS980M28PS { boards 481 } AT-FS980M/28PS, 24 x 10/100TX PoE+ ports and 4 x 100/1000X SFP
uplink/stacking ports.

pprAtFS980M52 { boards 482 } AT-FS980M/52, 48 x 10/100TX ports and 4 x 100/1000X SFP uplink/
stacking ports.
pprAtFS980M52PS { boards 483 } AT-FS980M/52PS, 48 x 10/100TX PoE+ ports and 4 x 100/1000X SFP
uplink/stacking ports.
pprSBx908G2 { boards 484 } AT-SBx908 GEN 2, High capacity Layer 3+ modular switch chassis with
8 x high speed expansion bays.

pprAtFan08 { boards 486 } AT-FAN08, Hot-swappable fan module for the SwitchBlade x908
Generation 2.
pprAtXem2QS4 { boards 487 } AT-XEM2-4QS, 4 x 40G QSFP+ ports.

pprAtXem2XS12 { boards 488 } AT-XEM2-12XS, 12 x 1G/10G SFP+ ports.

pprAtXem2XT12 { boards 489 } AT-XEM2-12XT, 12 x 1G/10G RJ45 ports.

pprx55018XTQ { boards 491 } AT- x550-18XTQ, stackable 10 Gigabit Layer 3 switch is a high-
performing and feature-rich solution, with 16 x 1G/10G copper Ethernet
ports and 2 x 40G uplinks.
pprx55018XSQ { boards 492 } AT-x550-18XSQ, stackable 10 Gigabit Layer 3 switch is a high-performing
and feature-rich solution, with 16 x 1G/10G SFP+ ports and 2 x 40G
pprx55018XSPQm { boards 493 } AT-x550-18XSPQm, stackable 10 Gigabit Layer 3 switch is a high-
performing and feature-rich solution, with 8 x 1G/10G SFP+ slots, 8 x 1G/
2.5G/5G/10G PoE+ Ethernet ports, and 2 x 40G uplinks.
pprAtXem2CQ1 { boards 494 } AT-XEM2-1CQ, 1 x 100G QSFP28 port module.

pprx53028GTXm { boards 523 } AT-x530-28GTXm, stackable Gigabit layer 3 switch is high-performing

and feature-rich, with 24 x 100M/1G copper ports and 4 x 10G uplinks.

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Table 6: Object identifiers for base CPU and expansion boards (continued)


pprx53028GPXm { boards 524 } AT-x530-28GPXm, stackable Gigabit layer 3 switch is high-performing

and feature-rich, with 24 x 100M/1G copper PoE+ ports and 4 x 10G
pprAtGS970M28PS { boards 534 } AT-GS970M/28PS, 24 x 10/100/1000T Gigabit PoE+ ports and 4 x 100/
1000X SFP ports.

pprAtGS970M18PS { boards 535 } AT-GS970M/18PS, Layer 3 managed switch 16 x 10/100/1000T Gigabit

PoE+ ports and 2 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
pprAtGS970M10PS { boards 536 } AT-GS970M/10PS, Layer 3 managed switch 8 x 10/100/1000T Gigabit
PoE+ ports and 2 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
pprAtGS970M28 { boards 537 } AT-GS970M/28, Layer 3 managed switch 24 x 10/100/1000T Gigabit
Ethernet ports and 4 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
pprAtGS970M18 { boards 538 } AT-GS970M/18, Layer 3 managed switch 16 x 10/100/1000T Gigabit
Ethernet ports and 2 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
pprAtGS970M10 { boards 539 } AT-GS970M/10, Layer 3 managed switch 8 x 10/100/1000T Gigabit
Ethernet ports and 2 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
pprAtIE34012GP { boards 540 } AT-IE340-12GP-80, 8x 10/100/1000T, 4x 100/1000X SFP, Industrial
Ethernet, Layer 3 Switch, PoE+ Support.

pprAtIE340L18GP { boards 541 } AT-IE340L-18GP-80, 16x 10/100/1000T, 2x 1000X SFP,

Industrial Ethernet, Layer 3 Switch, PoE+ Support.
pprAtIE34012GT { boards 542 } AT-IE340-12GT-80, 8x 10/100/1000T, 4x 100/1000X SFP,
Industrial Ethernet, Layer 3 Switch.
pprAtIE34020GP { boards 543 } AT-IE340-20GP-80, 16x 10/100/1000T, 4x 100/1000X SFP,
Industrial Ethernet, Layer 3 Switch, PoE+ Support.
pprIE21010GP { boards 544 } AT-IE210L-10GP, 8x 10/100/1000T, 2x 100/1000X SFP,
Industrial Ethernet, Layer 2 Switch, PoE+ Support.

pprIE21018GP { boards 545 } AT-IE210L-18GP, 16x 10/100/1000T, 2x 100/1000X SFP,

Industrial Ethernet, Layer 2 Switch, PoE+ Support.
pprAtXem2XTm12 { boards 546 } AT-XEM2-12XTm-B0y, 12 x 1/2.5/5/10G RJ45 ports.

pprAtXem2XSTm8 { boards 547 } AT-XEM2-8XSTm-B0y, 4 x 1/2.5/5/10G RJ45 ports and 4 x 1G/10G

SFP+ ports.
pprx95028XTQm { boards 548 } AT-950-28XTQm, 24 x 1/2.5/5/10G copper ports, 4 x 40G/100G uplink
ports, and 1 x expansion bay.

pprx95028XSQ { boards 549 } AT-950-28XSQ, 24 x 1/10G SFP+ ports, 4 x 40G/100G uplink ports, and
1 x expansion bay.
pprx230L17GT { boards 556 } L3 switch with 16 x 10/100/1000T ports and 1 x 100/1000X SFP port.

pprx230L26GT { boards 557 } L3 switch with 24 x 10/100/1000T ports and 2 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
pprx32010GH { boards 558 } 8-port 10/100/1000T PoE++ switch with 2 SFP ports, and 3 external PSU
pprx32011GPT { boards 559 } 8-port 10/100/1000T PoE+ switch with 2 SFP ports, one AC adapter
port(4), and one PoE-in port(5) (supporting PD and PoE pass-through)

pprAtXem2XS12V2 { boards 560 } 2 x 10GbE (SFP+) ports?

pprAR1050V { boards 561 } 1 x GE WAN and 4 x 10/100/1000 LAN.

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Table 6: Object identifiers for base CPU and expansion boards (continued)


pprAtSBx81GC40 { boards 562 } AT-SBx81GC40, line card for SBx8100.

pprx55018XSQV2 { boards 563 } AT-x550-18XSQ, stackable 10 Gigabit Layer 3 switch 16 x 1G/10G SFP+
ports and 2 x 40G uplinks.
pprx530L28GTX { boards 568 } AT-x530L-28GTX, 24-port 10/100/1000T stackable switch with 4 SFP+
ports and 2 fixed power supplies.
pprx530L28GPX { boards 569 } AT-x530L-28GPX, 24-port 10/100/1000T PoE+ stackable switch with 4
SFP+ ports and 2 fixed power supplies.

pprx530L52GTX { boards 570 } AT-x530L-52GTX, 48-port 10/100/1000T stackable switch with 4 SFP+
ports and 2 fixed power supplies.
pprx530L52GPX { boards 571 } AT-x530L-52GPX, 48-port .10/100/1000T PoE+ stackable switch with 4
SFP+ ports and 2 fixed power supplies
pprAtFS980M28DP { boards 573 } AT-FS980M/28DP, 24-port 10/100TX PoE+ switch with 4 SFP
uplinks and dual fixed AC power supply.

pprAtSBx81FAN12v2 { boards 575 } AT-x81FAN12, contains four fans, temperature sensors and controller
board for SBx8106 chassis.
pprx95052XSQ { boards 577 } AT-x950-52XSQ, 48 x SFP+, 4 x QSFP+/QSFP28.

pprAtGS980EM10H { boards 578 } AT-GS980EM/10H, 8-port 10/100/1000T PoE++ switch with 2 SFP ports,
and 3 external PSU ports.
pprAtGS980EM11PT { boards 579 } AT-GS980EM/11PT, 8-port 10/100/1000 PoE+ switch with 2 SPF ports,
one AC adapter port and one PoE-in port (supporting PD and PoE pass-
pprVAPA { boards 580 } AT-VAPA, Virtual AMF Plus Appliance.

pprAtSBx81GP24v2 { boards 581 } AT-SBx81GP24 v2, 24-port 10/100/1000T PoE+ Ethernet line card.

pprx530L10GHXm { boards 582 } AT-x530-10GHXm, 8 x Multigig POE++, 2 x SFP+, single PSU.

pprAtGS980MX10HSm { boards 586 } AT-GS980MX/10HSm, 8 x Multigig POE++, 2 x SFP+, single PSU.

pprSBx81CFC960v2a { boards 588 } AT-SBx81CFC960 v2, 960Gbps Controller fabric card with 4 x 1/10GbE(6)
ports. Version 2 has 1G and 10G speeds.

Table 7: Object identifiers for interface types


iftypes { objects 3 } A subtree beneath which interface type ids are assigned.

ifaceEth { iftypes 1 } Ethernet.

ifaceSyn { iftypes 2 } Synchronous.

ifaceAsyn { iftypes 3 } Asynchronous.

ifaceBri { iftypes 4 } BRI ISDN.

ifacePri { iftypes 5 } PRI ISDN.

ifacePots { iftypes 6 } POTS (voice).

ifaceGBIC { iftypes 7 } GBIC (Gigabit Interface Converter).

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Table 8: Object identifiers for chip sets


chips { objects 4 } A subtree beneath which chip IDs are assigned.

chip68020Cpu { chips 1 } MC68020 CPU.

chip68340Cpu { chips 2 } MC68340 CPU.

chip68302Cpu { chips 3 } MC68302 CPU.

chip68360Cpu { chips 4 } MC68360 CPU.

chip860TCpu { chips 5 } MPC860T CPU.

chipMips4kcCpu { chips 6 } Dual MIPS CPU.

chipRtc1 { chips 21 } Real Time Clock v1.

chipRtc2 { chips 22 } Real Time Clock v2.

chipRtc3 { chips 23 } Real Time Clock v3.

chipRtc4 { chips 24 } Real Time Clock v4.

chipRam1mb { chips 31 } 1 MB RAM.

chipRam2mb { chips 32 } 2 MB RAM.

chipRam3mb { chips 33 } 3 MB RAM.

chipRam4mb { chips 34 } 4 MB RAM.

chipRam6mb { chips 36 } 6 MB RAM.

chipRam8mb { chips 38 } 8 MB RAM.

chipRam12mb { chips 42 } 12 MB RAM.

chipRam16mb { chips 46 } 16 MB RAM.

chipRam20mb { chips 50 } 20 MB RAM.

chipRam32mb { chips 62 } 32 MB RAM.

chipFlash1mb { chips 71 } 1 MB FLASH memory.

chipFlash2mb { chips 72 } 2 MB FLASH memory.

chipFlash3mb { chips 73 } 3 MB FLASH memory.

chipFlash4mb { chips 74 } 4 MB FLASH memory.

chipFlash6mb { chips 76 } 6 MB FLASH memory.

chipFlash8mb { chips 78 } 8 MB FLASH memory.

chipPem { chips 120 } Processor Enhancement Module.

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See Table 9 for the list of objects defined in the AT-CHASSIS-MIB. These objects manage chassis-
based devices. Objects in this group have the object identifier chassis { sysinfo 23 } OID

Table 9: Objects defined in AT-CHASSIS-MIB


chassis { sysinfo 23 } Trap notifications for chassis based devices.

chassisNotifications { chassis 0 } List of traps (notifications) generated for the chassis.

chassisCardRoleChangeNotify { chassis 0.1 } Notification generated when the Control Fabric Card’s
role changes.
chassisCardJoinNotify { chassis 0.2 } Notification generated when a line card connects to the
Control Fabric Card.
chassisCardLeaveNotify { chassis 0.3 } Notification generated when a line card detaches from
the Control Fabric Card.

slotNumber { chassis 0.4 } The slot number of the line card or Control Fabric Card
that has changed.
Has the numeric range 1-12.
chassisRole { chassis 0.5 } The Control Fabric Card’s role in the chassis. Can be
one of the following:
■ leaving (1)
■ discovering (2)
■ synchronizing (3)
■ standbyMember (4)
■ pendingMaster (5)
■ disabledMaster (6)
■ activeMaster (7).
chassisCardTable { chassis 1 } A list of cards presented on the device.

chassisCardEntry { chassis 1.1 } A table entry containing information about a card.

chassisCardSlot { chassis 1.1.1 } The slot number that the card is installed in.

chassisCardBoardOID { chassis 1.1.2 } The object ID used to identify the AT board type as
defined in the AT Enterprise MIB.
chassisCardName { chassis 1.1.3 } The name of the card; e.g. AT-SBx81CFC400, AT-
SBx81CFC960 for controller cards; and
AT-SBx81GP24, AT-SBx81GT24, AT-SBx81GS24, AT-
SBx81XS6 for line cards; “unknown” is displayed for
unsupported hardware.

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Table 9: Objects defined in AT-CHASSIS-MIB (continued)


chassisCardState { chassis 1.1.4 } The current state of the card. The valid state is in one of
the following:
■ unknown(1),
■ configuring(2),
■ syncing(3),
■ online(4),
■ syncingFirmware(5),
■ joining(6),
■ incompatibleSW(7),
■ disabled(8),
■ initializing(9),
■ booting(10),
■ unsupportedHW(11),
■ provisioned(12).

chassisCardControllerState { chassis 1.1.5 } The current state of the controller card, in addition to
the card state.
The valid state is in one of the following:
■ unknown(1)
■ active(2)
■ standby(3).

chassiCardSwVersion { chassis 1.1.6 } The software version that the card is running. When
feature ISSU (In Service Software Update) is supported,
there are situations when a LIF card may run a different
software version to that running on the active CFC.
chassismappingtable { chassis 2 } A list of cards existing on the device.

chassismappingentry { chassis 2.1 } Other SNMP SET/GET operations that refer to a card in
a chassis using a single integer index, i.e. a 'node-ID'.
This table entry maps a node-ID value to the VCS
member-ID and slot number of the card.
For example, node-ID 17 would map to card 2.5 (VCS
member-ID 2, slot 5).
chassisNodeId { chassis 2.1.1 } The node ID of a chassis card.

chassisVCSMemberId { chassis 2.1.2 } The VCS member ID of the chassis that contains the
chassisSlotNumber { chassis 2.1.3 } The chassis slot number that the card is installed in.

chassisNodeDisplayString { chassis 2.1.4 } The name of the chassis card, e.g. 'card 1.5'.

chassisNodeStateString { chassis 2.1.5 } The current state of the card located in the bay. If the
card is present, then its state is displayed as “online”. If
the bay is provisioned then the display will be

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This MIB contains objects for displaying and managing DHCP snooping and ARP security
information on the switch, see Table 10. The objects reside in the module atDhcpsn { modules 537 }
OID, organized in the following groups:

 The DHCP Snooping Events group (atDhcpsnEvents) contains notifications (traps).

 The DHCP Snooping table (atDhcpsnVariablesTable) contains DHCP snooping information.

 The ARP Security table (atArpsecVariablesTable) contains ARP security information.

Table 10: Objects defined in AT-DHCPSN-MIB


atDhcpsn { modules 537 } or This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for DHCP Snooping in AlliedWare Plus.

atDhcpsnEvents { atDhcpsn 0 } DHCP Snooping notifications (traps).

atDhcpsnTrap { atDhcpsnEvents 1 } DHCP Snooping violation notification.

atArpsecTrap { atDhcpsnEvents 2 } DHCP Snooping ARP Security violation notification.

atDhcpsnVariablesTable { atDhcpsn 1 } The DHCP Snooping table. This table contains rows of DHCP
Snooping information.
atDhcpsnVariablesEntry { atDhcpsnVariablesTable 1 } A set of parameters that describe the DHCP Snooping features.

atDhcpsnIfIndex { atDhcpsnVariablesEntry 1 } Ifindex of the port that the packet was received on.

atDhcpsnVid { atDhcpsnVariablesEntry 2 } VLAN ID of the port that the packet was received on.

atDhcpsnSmac { atDhcpsnVariablesEntry 3 } Source MAC address of the packet that caused the trap.

atDhcpsnOpcode { atDhcpsnVariablesEntry 4 } Opcode value of the BOOTP packet that caused the trap. Only
bootpRequest(1) or bootpReply(2) is valid.
atDhcpsnCiaddr { atDhcpsnVariablesEntry 5 } Ciaddr value of the BOOTP packet that caused the trap.
atDhcpsnYiaddr { atDhcpsnVariablesEntry 6 } Yiaddr value of the BOOTP packet that caused the trap.

atDhcpsnGiaddr { atDhcpsnVariablesEntry 7 } Giaddr value of the BOOTP packet that caused the trap.

atDhcpsnSiaddr { atDhcpsnVariablesEntry 8 } Siaddr value of the BOOTP packet that caused the trap.

atDhcpsnChaddr { atDhcpsnVariablesEntry 9 } Chaddr value of the BOOTP packet that caused the trap.

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Table 10: Objects defined in AT-DHCPSN-MIB (continued)


atDhcpsnVioType { atDhcpsnVariablesEntry 10 } The reason that the trap was generated.

■ invalidBootp(1) indicates that the received BOOTP packet
was invalid. For example, it is neither BootpRequest nor
■ invalidDhcpAck(2) indicates that the received DHCP ACK
was invalid.
■ invalidDhcpRelDec(3) indicates the DHCP Release or
Decline was invalid.
■ invalidIp(4) indicates that the received IP packet was
■ maxBindExceeded(5) indicates that if the entry was added,
the maximum bindings configured for the port would be
■ opt82InsertErr(6) indicates that the insertion of Option 82
■ opt82RxInvalid(7) indicates that the received Option 82
information was invalid.

atDhcpsnVioType ■ opt82RxUntrusted(8) indicates that Option 82 information

(continued) was received on an untrusted port.
■ opt82TxUntrusted(9) indicates that Option 82 would have
been transmitted out an untrusted port.
■ replyRxUntrusted(10) indicates that a BOOTP Reply was
received on an untrusted port.
■ srcMacChaddrMismatch(11) indicates that the source
MAC address of the packet did not match the BOOTP
CHADDR of the packet.
■ staticEntryExisted(12) indicates that the static entry to be
added already exists.
■ dbAddErr(13) indicates that adding an entry to the
database failed.

atArpsecVariablesTable { atDhcpsn 2 } The ARP Security table. This table contains rows of DHCP
Snooping ARP Security information.
atArpsecVariablesEntry { atArpsecVariablesTable 1 } A set of parameters that describe the DHCP Snooping ARP
Security features.

atArpsecIfIndex { atArpsecVariablesEntry 1 } Ifindex of the port that the ARP packet was received on.

atArpsecClientIP { atArpsecVariablesEntry 2 } Source IP address of the ARP packet.

atArpsecSrcMac { atArpsecVariablesEntry 3 } Source MAC address of the ARP packet.

atArpsecVid { atArpsecVariablesEntry 4 } VLAN ID of the port that the ARP packet was received on.

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Table 10: Objects defined in AT-DHCPSN-MIB (continued)


atArpsecVioType { atArpsecVariablesEntry 5 } The reason that the trap was generated.

■ srcIpNotFound(1) indicates that the Sender IP address of
the ARP packet was not found in the DHCP Snooping
■ badVLAN(2) indicates that the VLAN of the DHCP Snooping
binding entry associated with the Sender IP address of the
ARP packet does not match the VLAN that the ARP packet
was received on.
■ badPort(3) indicates that the port of the DHCP Snooping
binding entry associated with the Sender IP address of the
ARP packet does not match the port that the ARP packet
was received on.
■ srcIpNotAllocated(4) indicates that the CHADDR of the
DHCP Snooping binding entry associated with the Sender
IP address of the ARP packet does not match the Source
MAC and/or the ARP source MAC of the ARP packet.

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AT-DNS-CLIENT-MIB contains definitions of managed objects for the Allied Telesis DNS Client
Configuration. Objects in this group have the object identifier atDns { Modules 501 } OID Table 11 lists the objects supported by the AlliedWare PlusTM Operating

Table 11: Objects defined in AT-DNS-CLIENT-MIB


atDnsClient { atDns 1 } or MIB File for DNS Client Configuration.

atDNSServerIndexNext { atDnsClient 1 } The next available value for the object ‘atDNSServerIndex’. The
value is used by a management application to create an entry in
the ‘atDNSServerTable’.
atDNSServerTable { atDnsClient 2 } Table of information about the Domain Name System (DNS)
Server configurations in the system, indexed by
atDNSServerEntry { atDNSServerTable 1 } Information about a single DNS Server Configuration.

atDNSServerIndex { atDNSServerEntry 1 } The index corresponding to the particular DNS Server

Configuration. When creating a new entry in the table, the value
of this object must be equal to the value in the

atDNSServerAddrType { atDNSServerEntry 2 } The Internet Address Type of the ‘atDNSServerAddr’ object. Can
be one of the following:
■ unknown (0)
■ ipv4 (1) - default
■ ipv6 (2) - not supported
■ ipv4z (3) - not supported
■ ipv6z (4) - not supported
■ dns (16) - not supported.

atDNSServerAddr { atDNSServerEntry 3 } The IP Address of the DNS Server. When a new entry is created,
this object is set to the default of ‘’ { ‘00000000’h }. The
management application will change this to the desired value
using a SET operation.
atDNSServerStatus { atDNSServerEntry 4 } The status of the current entry (row). Can be one of the following:
■ active (1)
■ createAndGo (4)
■ destroy (6).
To create a new entry the management application must set this
object with value ‘createAndGo (4)’.
To delete an entry, the management application must set this
object with value ‘destroy (6)’. Once an entry is deleted, all
subsequent entries in the table will be renumbered.
The default is 1 (active).

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The AT Environment Monitoring v2 MIB contains objects for managing and reporting data relating to
fans, voltage rails, temperature sensors and power supply units installed in the device, see Table 12.
Objects in this group have the object identifier EnvMonv2 { sysinfo 12 } OID

Table 12: Objects defined in AT-ENVMONV2-MIB


atEnvMonv2Notifications { atEnvMonv2 0 } or A collection of traps (notification) objects for
( monitoring fans, voltage rails, temperature
sensors, and power supply bays.

atEnvMonv2FanAlarmSetNotify { atEnvMonv2Notifications 1 } or A notification that is generated when the

( monitored speed of a fan drops below its
lower threshold. It returns the value of:
■ atEnvMonv2FanStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2FanBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2FanIndex
■ atEnvMonv2FanDescription
■ atEnvMonv2FanLowerThreshold
■ atEnvMonv2FanCurrentSpeed.

atEnvMonv2FanAlarmClearedNotify { atEnvMonv2Notifications 2 } Notification generated when the monitored

speed of a fan returns to an acceptable value,
the fan having previously been in an alarm
condition. It returns the value of:
■ atEnvMonv2FanStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2FanBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2FanIndex
■ atEnvMonv2FanDescription
■ atEnvMonv2FanLowerThreshold
■ atEnvMonv2FanCurrentSpeed.

atEnvMonv2VoltAlarmSetNotify { atEnvMonv2Notifications 3 } Notification generated when the voltage of a

monitored voltage rail, goes out of tolerance
by either dropping below its lower threshold,
or exceeding its upper threshold. It returns the
value of:
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageIndex
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageDescription
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageUpperThreshold
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageLowerThreshold
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageCurrent (i.e. the
voltage currently being measured).

atEnvMonv2VoltAlarmClearedNotify { atEnvMonv2Notifications 4 } Notification generated when the voltage of a

monitored voltage rail returns to an
acceptable value, having previously been in
an alarm condition. It returns the value of:
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageIndex
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageDescription
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageUpperThreshold
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageLowerThreshold
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageCurrent (i.e. the
voltage currently being measured).

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Table 12: Objects defined in AT-ENVMONV2-MIB (continued)


atEnvMonv2TempAlarmSetNotify { atEnvMonv2Notifications 5 } Notification generated when a monitored
temperature exceeds its upper threshold. It
returns the value of:
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureIndex
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureDescription
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureUpperThreshold
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureCurrent.

atEnvMonv2TempAlarmClearedNotify { atEnvMonv2Notifications 6 } Notification generated when a monitored

temperature returns to an acceptable value,
having previously been in an alarm condition.
It returns the value of:
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureIndex
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureDescription
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureUpperThreshold.

atEnvMonv2PsbAlarmSetNotify { atEnvMonv2Notifications 7 } Notification generated when a monitored

parameter of a power supply bay device goes
out of tolerance. It returns the value of:
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorIndex
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorType
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorDescription.

atEnvMonv2PsbAlarmClearedNotify { atEnvMonv2Notifications 8 } Notification generated when a monitored

parameter of a power supply bay device
returns to an acceptable value, having
previously been in an alarm condition. It
returns the value of:
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorIndex
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorType
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorDescription.

atEnvMonv2ContactInputOpenNotify { atEnvMonv2Notifications 9 } Notification generated when a monitored

contact input opens. It returns the value of:
■ atEnvMonv2ContactInputStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2ContactInputBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2ContactInputIndex
■ atEnvMonv2ContactInputDescription.

atEnvMonv2ContactInputCloseNotify { atEnvMonv2Notifications 10 } Notification generated when a monitored

contact input closes. It returns the value of:
■ atEnvMonv2ContactInputStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2ContactInputBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2ContactInputIndex
■ atEnvMonv2ContactInputDescription.

atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUAlarmSetNotify { atEnvMonv2Notifications 11 } Notification generated when supply potential

of a monitored external power supply is not
present. It returns the value of:
■ atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUIndex
■ atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUDescription.

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Table 12: Objects defined in AT-ENVMONV2-MIB (continued)


atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUAlarmClearedNotify { atEnvMonv2Notifications 12 } Notification generated when supply potential
of a monitored external power supply returns
to an acceptable level, having previously been
in alarm condition. It returns the value of:
■ atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStatusStackMemb
■ atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStatusBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStatusIndex
■ atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStatusDescription.

atEnvMonv2TemlpCriticalSetNotify { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberid 13 } A notification generated when a monitored

temperature exceeds its upper threshold.

atEnvMonv2TempCriticalClearedNotify { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberid 14 } A notification generated when a monitored

temperature returns to an acceptable value,
having previously been in an alarm condition.

atEnvMonv2TempCriticalLevel1SetNotify { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberid 15 } A trap generated when a monitored

temperature exceeds the level 1 threshold.

atEnvMonv2TempCriticalLevel1ClearedNotify { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberid 16 } A trap generated when a monitored

temperature returns to an acceptable value,
having previously been in critical temperature
level 1 condition.

atEnvMonv2TempCriticalLevel2SetNotify { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberid 17 } A trap generated when a monitored

temperature exceeds the level 2 threshold.

atEnvMonv2TempCriticalLevel2ClearedNotify { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberid 18 } A trap generated when a monitored

temperature returns to an acceptable value,
having previously been in critical temperature
level 2 condition.

atEnvMonv2PsbPresence ChangeNotify { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStackMemberid 19 } A notification generated when an insertion or

removal event is detected on a power supply
bay device.

atEnvMonv2FanTable { EnvMonv2 1 } Table of information about fans installed in the

( device that have their fan speeds monitored
by environment monitoring hardware, indexed
■ atEnvMonv2FanStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2FanBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2FanIndex.

atEnvMonv2FanEntry { atEnvMonv2FanTable 1 } Description, current speed, lower threshold

speed and current status of a single fan.

atEnvMonv2FanStackMemberId { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 1 } Index of the stack member hosting this fan.

atEnvMonv2FanBoardIndex { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 2 } Index of the board hosting this fan in the

board table.

atEnvMonv2FanIndex { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 3 } Numeric identifier of this fan on its host board.

atEnvMonv2FanDescription { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 4 } Description of this fan.

atEnvMonv2FanCurrentSpeed { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 5 } Current speed of this fan in revolutions per


atEnvMonv2FanLowerThreshold { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 6 } Minimum acceptable speed of the fan in

revolutions per minute.

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Table 12: Objects defined in AT-ENVMONV2-MIB (continued)


atEnvMonv2FanStatus { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 7 } Whether this fan is currently in an alarm
condition. The values can be:
■ Failed. Means that the current speed is
too low.
■ Good. Means that the current speed is

atEnvMonv2VoltageTable { atEnvMonv2 2 } Table of information about voltage rails in the

device that are monitored by environment
monitoring hardware, indexed by:
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2VoltageIndex.

atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry { atEnvMonv2VoltageTable 1 } Description, current value, upper & lower

threshold settings and current status of a
single voltage rail.

atEnvMonv2VoltageStackMemberId { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 1 } Index of the stack member hosting this

voltage sensor.

atEnvMonv2VoltageBoardIndex { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 2 } Index of the board hosting this voltage sensor

in the board table.

atEnvMonv2VoltageIndex { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 3 } Numeric identifier of this voltage rail on its

host board.

atEnvMonv2VoltageDescription { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 4 } Description of this voltage rail.

atEnvMonv2VoltageCurrent { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 5 } Current reading of this voltage rail in millivolts.

atEnvMonv2VoltageUpperThreshold { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 6 } Maximum acceptable reading of this voltage

rail in millivolts.

atEnvMonv2VoltageLowerThreshold { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 7 } Minimum acceptable reading of this voltage

rail in millivolts.

atEnvMonv2VoltageStatus { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 8 } Whether this voltage rail is currently in an

alarm condition. Possible values are:
■ outOfRange (1) - means that the current
reading is outside the threshold range.
■ inRange (2) - means that the current
reading is acceptable.

atEnvMonv2TemperatureTable { atEnvMonv2 3 } Table of information about temperature

sensors in the device that are monitored by
environment monitoring hardware, indexed
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureIndex
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureDescription
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureCurrent
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureUpperThreshold
■ atEnvMonv2TemperatureStatus.

atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry { atEnvMonv2TemperatureTable 1 } Description, current value, upper threshold

setting and current status of a single
temperature sensor.

atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 1 } Index of the stack member hosting this

temperature sensor.

atEnvMonv2TemperatureBoardIndex { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 2 } Index of the board hosting this temperature

sensor in the board table.

atEnvMonv2TemperatureIndex { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 3 } Numeric identifier of this temperature sensor

on its host board.

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Table 12: Objects defined in AT-ENVMONV2-MIB (continued)


atEnvMonv2TemperatureDescription { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 4 } Description of this temperature sensor.

atEnvMonv2TemperatureCurrent { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 5 } Current reading of this temperature sensor in

degrees Celsius.

atEnvMonv2TemperatureUpperThreshold { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 6 } Maximum acceptable reading for this

temperature sensor in degrees Celsius.

atEnvMonv2TemperatureStatus { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 7 } Whether this temperature sensor is currently

in an alarm condition. Can be:
■ outOfRange (1) - means that the current
reading is outside the threshold range.
■ inRange (2) - means that the current
reading is acceptable.

atEnvMonv2PsbObjects { atEnvMonv2 4 } Collection of objects for monitoring power

supply bays in the system and any devices
that are installed. It contains the following
■ atEnvMonv2PsbTable
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorTable.

atEnvMonv2PsbTable { atEnvMonv2PsbObjects 1 } Table of information about power supply bays

in the system, indexed by:
■ atEnvMonv2PsbHostStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2PsbHostBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2PsbHostSlotIndex
■ atEnvMonv2PsbHeldBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2PsbHeldBoardId
■ atEnvMonv2PsbDescription.

atEnvMonv2PsbEntry { atEnvMonv2PsbTable 1 } Description and current status of a single

power supply bay device.

atEnvMonv2PsbHostStackMemberId { atEnvMonv2PsbEntry 1 } Index of the stack member hosting this power

supply bay.

atEnvMonv2PsbHostBoardIndex { atEnvMonv2PsbEntry 2 } Index of the board hosting this power supply

bay in the board table.

atEnvMonv2PsbHostSlotIndex { atEnvMonv2PsbEntry 3 } Index of this power supply bay slot on its host
board. This index is fixed for each slot, on
each type of board.

atEnvMonv2PsbHeldBoardIndex { atEnvMonv2PsbEntry 4 } Index of a board installed in this power supply

bay. This value corresponds to
atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex for each
sensor on this board. A value of 0 indicates
that a board is either not present or not

atEnvMonv2PsbHeldBoardId { atEnvMonv2PsbEntry 5 } Type of board installed in this power supply

bay. The values of this object are taken from
the pprXxx object IDs under the boards sub-
tree in the parent MIB. A value of 0 indicates
that a board is either not present or not

atEnvMonv2PsbDescription { atEnvMonv2PsbEntry 6 } Description of this power supply bay.

atEnvMonv2PsbSensorTable { atEnvMonv2PsbObjects 2 } Table of information about environment

monitoring sensors on devices installed in
power supply bays, indexed by:
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2PsbSensorIndex.

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Table 12: Objects defined in AT-ENVMONV2-MIB (continued)


atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorTable 1 } Description and current status of the sensor
on a device installed in a power supply bay.

atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStackMemberId { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 1 } Index of the stack member hosting this


atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 2 } Index of the board hosting this sensor in the

board table.

atEnvMonv2PsbSensorIndex { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 3 } Index of this power supply bay environmental

sensor on its host board.

atEnvMonv2PsbSensorType { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 4 } Type of environmental variable this sensor

detects. One of:
■ psbSensorTypeInvalid(0)
■ fanSpeedDiscrete(1)
■ temperatureDiscrete(2)
■ voltageDiscrete(3).

atEnvMonv2PsbSensorDescription { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 5 } Description of this power supply bay

environmental sensor.

atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStatus { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 6 } Whether this environmental sensor is currently

in an alarm condition. One of:
■ failed (1) - the device is in a failure
■ good (2) - the device is functioning
■ notPowered (3) - a PSU is installed, but
not powered up.

atEnvMonv2PsbSensorReading { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 7 } An indication of whether this environmental

sensor is currently reading a value for the
monitored device. A value of 'no' indicates
that there is no current reading, 'yes' indicates
that the monitored device is supplying a
■ no
■ yes.

atEnvMonv2Traps { atEnvMonv2 5 } or Note that objects under this portion of the tree
( have been deprecated, and replaced by
objects under the tree portion

atEnvMonv2FaultLedTable { atEnvMonv2 6 } Table detailing any LED fault indications on

the device, indexed by:
■ atEnvMonv2FaultLedStackMemberId.

atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry { atEnvMonv2FaultLedTable 1 } Information pertaining to a given fault LED.

atEnvMonv2FaultLedStackMemberId { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 1 } Index of the stack member hosting this fault


atEnvMonv2FaultLed1Flash { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 2 } Indicates whether a fault LED is currently

showing a system failure by flashing once.
Values can be:
■ heatsinkFanFailure (1) - indicates that one
or more heatsink fans have failed, or are
operating below the recommended
■ noFault (2).

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Table 12: Objects defined in AT-ENVMONV2-MIB (continued)


atEnvMonv2FaultLed2Flashes { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 3 } Indicates whether a fault LED is currently
showing a system failure by flashing twice.
Values can be:
■ chassisFanFailure (1) - indicates that one
or both of the chassis fans are not
installed, or the fans are operating below
the recommended speed
■ noFault (2).

atEnvMonv2FaultLed3Flashes { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 4 } Indicates whether a fault LED is currently

showing a system failure by flashing three
times. Values can be:
■ sensorFailure (1) - indicates that the
ability to monitor temperature or fans
has failed
■ noFault (2).

atEnvMonv2FaultLed4Flashes { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 5 } Indicates whether a fault LED is currently

showing a system failure by flashing four
times. Values can be:
■ xemInitialisationFailure (1) - indicates that
a XEM failed to initialise or is
■ noFault (2).

atEnvMonv2FaultLed5Flashes { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 6 } Indicates whether a fault LED is currently

showing a system failure by flashing five
times. Values can be:
■ alarmMonitorAlarm (1) - indicates that the
Alarm Monitor has detected one or
more fault conditions.
■ noFault (2).

atEnvMonv2FaultLed6Flashes { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 7 } Indicates whether a fault LED is currently

showing a system failure by flashing six times.
Values can be:
■ temperatureFailure (1) - indicates that the
device’s temperature has exceeded the
recommended threshold
■ noFault (2).

atEnvMonv2ContactInputTable { atEnvMonv2 7 } Table of information about contact inputs

( available in the device that are monitored by
environment monitoring hardware, indexed
■ atEnvMonv2ContactInputStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2ContactInputBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2ContactInputIndex.

atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry { atEnvMonv2ContactInputTable 1 } The description and current state of a contact


atEnvMonv2ContactInputStackMemberId { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 1 } Index of the stack member hosting this input


atEnvMonv2ContactInputBoardIndex { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 2 } Index of the board hosting this input contact

in the board table.

atEnvMonv2ContactInputIndex { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 3 } The numeric identifier of this contact input on

its host board.

atEnvMonv2ContactInputDescription { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 4 } The description of this contact input.

atEnvMonv2ContactInputState { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 5 } Current state of the input contact - closed (1)

or open (2).

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Table 12: Objects defined in AT-ENVMONV2-MIB (continued)


atEnvMonv2ContactIOutputTable { atEnvMonv2 8} Table of information about contact outputs
available in the device that are managed by
environment monitoring hardware, indexed
■ atEnvMonv2ContactOutputStackMemberId
■ atEnvMonv2ContactOutputBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2ContactOutputIndex.

atEnvMonv2ContactOutputEntry { atEnvMonv2ContactOutputTable 1 } Table of information for contact input and

output entries.

atEnvMonv2ContactOutputStackMemberId { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 1 } Index of the stack member hosting this output


atEnvMonv2ContactOutputBoardIndex { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 2 } Index of the board hosting this contact output

in the board table.

atEnvMonv2ContactOutputIndex { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 3 } The numeric identifier of this contact output

on its host board.

atEnvMonv2ContactOutputDescription { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 4 } The description of this contact output.

atEnvMonv2ContactOutputState { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 5 } Current state of the output contact - closed (1)

or open (2).

atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUTable { atEnvMonv2 9 } Table of information about external power

supply status monitored by environment
monitoring hardware, indexed by:
■ atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStatusStackMemb
■ atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStatusBoardIndex
■ atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStatusIndex.

atEnvMonv2ExernalPSUEntry { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStatusTable 1 } Table of external PSU status with descriptions

and current status of an external power

atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStackMemberId { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry 1 } Index of the stack member hosting this

external power supply.

atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUBoardIndex { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry 2 } Index of the board hosting this external power

supply in the board table.

atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUIndex { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry 3 } The numeric identifier of this external power

supply on its host board.

atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUDescription { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry 4 } The description of this external power supply.

atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUState { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry 5 } Current state of the output contact - failed (1)

or good (2).

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The EPSRv2 Group-MIB defines objects for managing Epsrv2 objects and triggers, see Figure 4 and
Table 13. Objects in this group have the object identifier Epsrv2 { modules 536 } OID

Figure 4: The AT-EPSRv2 MIB sub-tree

enterprises (1)

alliedTelesis (207)

products (1) mibObject (8)

brouterMib (4)
bridgeRouter (1) routerSwitch (14)
atRouter (4)

objects (1) traps (2) sysinfo (3) modules (4) arInterfaces protocols (6)

at-EpsrMib (1) at-Epsrv2 (536)

Epsrv2Notifications (0) Epsrv2VariablesTable (2)

Epsrv2Notify (1) Epsrv2VariablesEntry (1)

Epsrv2ControlVlanId Epsrv2NodeType (1)
Epsrv2PrimaryIfState masterNode (1)
Epsrv2SecondaryIfIndex transitNode (2)
Epsrv2DomainName (2)

Epsrv2DomainId (3)

Epsrv2FromState (4)

Epsrv2CurrentState (5)

Epsrv2ControlVlanId (6)

Epsrv2PrimaryIfIndex (7)

Epsrv2PrimaryIfIndex (7)
Epsrv2PrimaryIfState (8)

Epsrv2SecondaryIfIndex (9)

Epsrv2SecondaryIfState (10)


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Table 13: atEpsrv2Objects Defined in the AT-EPSRV2 MIB


{ at-Epsrv2 } { modules 536 } The root of the Epsrv2 object sub tree.

{ atEpsrv2Notifications } { at-Epsrv2 0 } EPSRv2 Master/Transit node state transition notification.

{ atEpsrv2Notify } { atEpsrv2Notifications 1 } EPSR Master/Transit node state transition trap. Note that
there is a one to one relationship between nodes and
{ Epsrv2NodeType } { atEpsrv2VariablesEntry 1 } The EPSR node type: either master or transit.

{ atEpsrv2DomainName } { atEpsrv2VariablesEntry 2 } The name of the EPSR domain.

{ atEpsrv2DomainID } { atEpsrv2VariablesEntry 3 } The ID of the EPSR domain.

{ Epsrv2FromState } { atEpsrv2VariablesEntry 4 } The previous state of the EPSR domain.

{ Epsrv2Current State } { atEpsrv2VariablesEntry 5 } The current state of the EPSR domain.

{ Epsrv2ControlVlanId } { atEpsrv2VariablesEntry 6 } The VLAN identifier for the control VLAN.

{ Epsrv2PrimaryIfIndex } { atEpsrv2VariablesEntry 7 } The IfIndex of the primary interface.

{ atEpsrv2PrimaryIfState } { atEpsrv2VariablesEntry 8 } The current state of the primary interface.

{ atEpsrv2SecondaryIfIndex } { atEpsrv2VariablesEntry 9 } The IfIndex of the secondary interface.

{ atEpsrv2SecondaryIfState } { atEpsrv2VariablesEntry 10 } The state of the secondary interface.

{ atEpsrv2VariablesTable } { at-Epsrv2 2 } The enterprise Epsrv2VariablesTable.

{ atEpsrv2VariablesEntry } { atEpsrv2VariablesTable 1 } Contains entries within the enterprise

{ atEpsrv2NodeType } { atEpsrv2VariablesEntry 1 } The EPSR domain node type: either
■ master (1)
■ transit (2).

{ atEpsrv2DomainName } { Epsrv2NodeType 2 } The name of the EPSR domain.

{ atEpsrv2DomainID } { Epsrv2NodeType 3 } The ID of the EPSR domain.

{ atEpsrv2FromState } { Epsrv2NodeType 4 } The previous state of the EPSR domain.

{ atEpsrv2Current State } { Epsrv2NodeType 5 } The current state of the EPSR domain.

{ atEpsrv2ControlVlanId } { Epsrv2NodeType 6 } The VLAN identifier for the control VLAN.

{ Epsrv2PrimaryIfIndex } { Epsrv2NodeType 7 } The IfIndex of the primary interface.

{ atEpsrv2PrimaryIfState } { Epsrv2NodeType 8 } The current state of the primary interface.

{ atEpsrv2SecondaryIfIndex } { Epsrv2NodeType 9 } The IfIndex of the secondary interface.

{ atEpsrv2SecondaryIfState } { Epsrv2NodeType 10 } The state of the secondary interface.


{ atEpsrv2NodeState } The trap states that can be advertised for an EPSR

domain node. The following states are defined:
■ idle (1)
■ complete (2)
■ failed (3)
■ linksUp (4)
■ linksDown (5)
■ preForward (6)
■ unknown (7).

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Table 13: atEpsrv2Objects Defined in the AT-EPSRV2 MIB (continued)


{ atEpsrv2InterfaceState } The trap states that can be advertised for an EPSR

interface. The following states are defined:
■ unknown (1)
■ down (2)
■ blocked (3)
■ forward (4).

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See Table 14 for the list of objects defined in the AT-HHM-MIB. These objects manage definition and
notification definitions for Fiber Monitoring. Objects in this group have the object identifier
atFiberMon { sysinfo 27 } OID

Table 14: Objects defined in AT-FIBER-MONITORING-MIB


atFiberMon { sysinfo 27 } This MIB contains managed objects definition and notification definitions for AT Fiber Monitoring.

atFiberMonNotifications { atFiberMon 0 } Notification objects for Fiber Monitoring alarms.

atFiberMonAlarmSetNotify { atFiberMonNotifications 1 } A notification generated when the monitored received

optical power of an SFP goes outside its alarm threshold.
atFiberMonAlarmClearedNotify { atFiberMonNotifications 2 } A notification generated when the monitored received
optical power of an SFP returns to an acceptable value.
This can occur because the power has returned to its
previous level or the comparison baseline has adjusted to
the new level.
atFiberMonTrapVariable { atFiberMon 1 } Notification variable.

atFiberMonReading { atFiberMonTrapVariable 1 } The current received optical power reading for the port
specified in the trap (x0.0001mW).
atFiberMonConfigTable { atFiberMon 2 } It contains the objects used to configure the operation of
fiber monitoring.
atFiberMonConfigEntry { atFiberMonConfigTable 1 } Entry for the table. It contains configurable options for
fiber monitoring for an interface.

atFiberMonIfname { atFiberMonConfigEntry 1 } The name of the interface where the pluggable is in.

atFiberMonEnable { atFiberMonConfigEntry 2 } Enable or disable fiber monitoring.

atFiberMonInterval { atFiberMonConfigEntry 3 } Fiber monitoring polling interval in seconds.

atFiberMonSensitivity { atFiberMonConfigEntry 4 } The sensitivity for fiber monitoring. Acceptable mode
strings and value ranges:
■ low - 2dB
■ medium - 1dB
■ high - 0.5dB
■ highest - 0.0025mW
■ fixed <25 - 65535> - units of 0.0001mW
■ relative <0.00 - 10.00> - units of dB.
■ If you want to set the sensitivity to medium level, then
you enter word medium.
■ If you want to set it to a fixed value, then you enter
string fixed 1000.
■ If you want to set to a relative value, then you enter
string relative 1.20.

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Table 14: Objects defined in AT-FIBER-MONITORING-MIB (continued)


atFiberMonBaseline { atFiberMonConfigEntry 5 } The baseline value for fiber mornitoring. Acceptable

mode string and value ranges:
■ average <12-150> - number of readings used to
calculate moving average.
■ fixed <1-65535> - fixed baseline value in units of
For example:
■ If you want to use a moving average of 12 readings
as the baseline, you enter average 12.
■ If you want to use a fixed value, though it is not
recommended, you enter fixed 500.

atFiberMonInterval { atFiberMonConfigEntry 6 } Actions to take when an alarm occurs:

Acceptable values are:
1. Log a message only.
2. Send snmp trap and log.
3. Shut down the interface and log.
4. Send trap, shutdown and log.

atFiberMonStateTable { atFiberMon 3 } This table contains the information of fiber monitoring

state for SFPs.
atFiberMonStateEntry { atFiberMonStateTable 1 } Entry for fiber monitoring state table. It contains state
values for a fiber channel.
atFiberMonIfindex { atFiberMonStateEntry 1 } The index of the interface where the pluggable is in.

atFiberMonChannel { atFiberMonStateEntry 2 } The channel number of the pluggable.

atFiberMonlIfDescription { atFiberMonStateEntry 3 } Interface description. Normally it would be the name of

the interface.
atFiberMonActualBaseline { atFiberMonStateEntry 4 } The calculated baseline value for the link, in units of

atFiberMonThreshold { atFiberMonStateEntry 5 } Threshold value for alarm to occur, in units of 0.0001mW.

atFiberMonReadingHistory { atFiberMonStateEntry 6 } The reading history. It is a string containing last 12
atFiberMonMinReading { atFiberMonStateEntry 7 } The minimum reading of rx power, in units of 0.0001mW.

atFiberMonMaxReading { atFiberMonStateEntry 8 } The maximum reading of rx power, in units of 0.0001mW.

atFiberMonLastReading { atFiberMonStateEntry 9 } The most recent reading of rx power, in units of

0.0001mW. -1 is returned if no readings have been taken

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This MIB contains objects for displaying and managing file content of:

 Flash.

 SD cards.

 NVS on local and stacked devices.

 Copying, moving and deleting files from local, stacked and remote sources.

 USB storage devices.

The objects reside in the module atFilev2 { modules 600 }, OID,
organized in the following groups:

 The file operation devices - object for various devices supported for file operations.

 The SD card table - information about the SD Cards configured on the device.

 The File Info Table - information about all files, including pathnames, that are present on the

 The USB storage device table - information about the USB storage device configured on the

To see how to use these MIB objects to upgrade to a new software version and boot configuration
file, see the procedure “Copy a File to or from a TFTP Server” in the SNMP Feature Overview and
Configuration Guide.

Table 15: Objects defined in AT-FILEv2-MIB


atFilev2 { modules 600 } MIB containing objects for listing and managing files.

atFilev2FileOperation { atFilev2 3 } Collection of file operation objects available for

configuration, to enable copying, moving and deleting

atFilev2SourceStackID { atFilev2Operation 1 } Specifies the Stack ID of the source file. Set an integer
corresponding to the stack ID of the stack member to use
as the source. For devices that are not capable of being
stacked, set with the value 1. This value is ignored if the
source device is set to TFTP.

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Table 15: Objects defined in AT-FILEv2-MIB (continued)


atFilev2SourceDevice { atFilev2Operation 2 } Specifies the source device for the file to be copied.
Valid values are 1 to 5. Set a value that corresponds
with the various devices, as below:
■ Flash - default
■ Card
■ USB.
For moving files you cannot use TFTP as source or
For deleting files, the source cannot be TFTP.
You must fully configure all required parameters before
an operation can commence. Where a TFTP operation
is configured, an IP address must also be set via
To copy a file from TFTP to Flash, use 4 for source and
1 for destination.
atFilev2SourceFilename { atFilev2Operation 3 } Specifies the filename of the source file to copy, move
or delete. Include any path as required, but the storage
type is not necessary. For example, to copy the file
latest.cfg from the backupconfigs/routers directory
on the TFTP server, you would set: backupconfigs/
atFilev2DestinationStackID { atFilev2Operation 4 } Specifies the Stack ID for the destination file. For
devices that are not capable of being stacked, set with
the value 1. This value is ignored if the destination
device is set to TFTP, or if a deletion operation is
carried out.
atFilev2DestinationDevice { atFilev2Operation 5 } Specifies the destination device for the files to be
copied into. Valid values are 1 to 5. Set a value that
corresponds with the various devices, as below:
■ Flash - default
■ Card
■ USB.
For copying files, you may use any combination of
devices for the source and destination, except for
copying from TFTP to TFTP. For moving files you
cannot use TFTP as source or destination. For deleting
files, this object is ignored. You must fully configure all
required parameters before an operation can
commence. Where a TFTP operation is configured, an
IP address must also be set via atFilev2TftpIPAddr. To
copy a file from TFTP to Flash, use 4 for source and 1
for destination.

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Table 15: Objects defined in AT-FILEv2-MIB (continued)


atFilev2DestinationFilename { atFilev2Operation 6 } Specifies the destination filename of the file to be

copied or moved. Include any path as required, but the
storage type is not necessary. The destination
filename does not need to be the same as the source
filename, and this object is ignored for file deletion
operations. For example, to copy a release file from the
TFTP server to the backup release directory on Flash,
you would set:backuprelease/latest.rel.

Note: If the destination is set to Flash, card or NVS,

any file at the destination that shares the
destination filename will be overwritten by a
move or copy operation.

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Table 15: Objects defined in AT-FILEv2-MIB (continued)


atFilev2CopyBegin { atFilev2Operation 7 } Represents the status of the copy file operation, in the
form of octet string.
A read on this object can return several possible
values, depending on the current status of the system
and the various file operation objects:
■ idle - There is no file operation in progress and all
required objects have been set correctly. Setting a
'1' to this object will begin the file copy.
■ Error codes: [1-7] - A copy operation cannot be
started until these errors are resolved. See below
for key.
■ [action]ing x [--> y] - A file operation is currently in
progress. You cannot start another operation while
the object is returning this value.
■ [action] x [--> y] success - The last copy, move or
delete operation was successfully completed.
■ [action] x [--> y] failure: [err] - The last copy, move
or delete operation failed, with the error message
attached. Common failures include lack of space
on the destination file system, incorrect source file
names or communication errors with remote
Upon reading a success or failure message, the
message will be cleared and the next read will result in
either an 'idle' message or an 'Error codes' message if
not all required objects have been correctly set. If the
read returned 'idle', a new file operation can now be
started. Following are possible values returned as
Error codes for file copy:
■ atFilev2SourceDevice has not been set
■ atFilev2SourceFilename has not been set
■ atFilev2DestinationDevice has not been set
■ atFilev2DestinationFilename has not been set
■ atFilev2SourceDevice and
atFilev2DestinationDevice are both set to TFTP
■ the combination of source device, stackID and
filename is the same as the destination device,
stackID and filename (i.e. it is not valid to copy a
file onto itself)
■ TFTP IP address has not been set and TFTP has
been set for one of the devices.
TFTP IP address has not been set and TFTP has been
set for one of the devices
Provided all above requirements are met, immediately
upon executing the SNMP set, the device will indicate
that it was a success. The actual file copy itself will be
started and continue on the device until it has
completed. For large files, operations can take several
minutes to complete. Subsequent reads of the object
will return one of messages shown in the first table, to
allow for tracking of the progress of the copy

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Table 15: Objects defined in AT-FILEv2-MIB (continued)


atFilev2MoveBegin { atFilev2Operation 8 } Represents the status of the move file operation, in the
form of octet string. A read on this object can return
several possible values, depending on the current
status of the system and the various file operation
■ idle - There is no file operation in progress and all
required objects have been set correctly. Setting a
'1' to this object will begin the file move.
■ Error codes: [1-6] - A move operation cannot be
started until these errors are resolved. See below
for key.
■ [action]ing x [--> y] - A file operation is currently in
progress. You cannot start another operation while
the object is returning this value.
■ [action] x [--> y] success - The last copy, move or
delete operation was successfully completed.
■ [action] x [--> y] failure: [err] - The last copy, move
or delete operation failed, with the error message
attached. Common failures include lack of space
on the destination file system, incorrect source file
names or communication errors with remote
Upon reading a success or failure message, the
message will be cleared and the next read will result in
either an 'idle' message or an 'Error codes' message if
not all required objects have been correctly set. If the
read returned 'idle', a new file operation can now be
started. Following are possible values returned as
Error codes for file move:
■ atFilev2SourceDevice has not been set
■ atFilev2SourceFilename has not been set
■ atFilev2DestinationDevice has not been set
■ atFilev2DestinationFilename has not been set
■ either atFilev2SourceDevice or
atFilev2DestinationDevice are set to TFTP
■ the combination of source device, stackID and
filename is the same as the destination device,
stackID and filename (i.e. it is not valid to move a
file onto itself.
Provided all above requirements are met, immediately
upon executing the SNMP set, the device will indicate
that it was a success. The actual file move itself will be
started and continue on the device until it has
completed. For large files, operations can take several
minutes to complete. Subsequent reads of the object
will return one of messages shown in the first table, to
allow for tracking of the progress of the move

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Table 15: Objects defined in AT-FILEv2-MIB (continued)


atFilev2DeleteBegin { atFilev2Operation 9 } Represents the status of the delete file operation, in

the form of octet string. A read on this object can
return several possible values, depending on the
current status of the system and the various file
operation objects:
■ idle - There is no file operation in progress and all
required objects have been set correctly. Setting a
'1' to this object will begin the file deletion.
■ Error codes: [1-3] - A delete operation cannot be
started until these errors are resolved. See below
for key.
■ [action]ing x [--> y] - A file operation is currently in
progress. You cannot start another operation while
the object is returning this value.
■ [action] x [--> y] success - The last copy, move or
delete operation was successfully completed.
■ [action] x [--> y] failure: [err] - The last copy, move
or delete operation failed, with the error message
attached. Common failures include lack of space
on the destination file system, incorrect source file
names or communication errors with remote
Upon reading a success or failure message, the
message will be cleared and the next read will result in
either an 'idle' message or an 'Error codes' message if
not all required objects have been correctly set. If the
read returned 'idle', a new file operation can be
started. File deletion operations ignore the values set
in the atFilev2DestinationStackID,
atFilev2DestinationDevice and
atFilev2DestinationFilename objects.
The file deletion operation is equivalent to the CLI
'delete force [file]' command, so it is possible to delete
any normally-protected system files, such as the
currently configured boot release. Following are
possible values returned as Error codes for file move:
■ atFilev2SourceDevice has not been set
■ atFilev2SourceFilename has not been set
■ atFilev2SourceDevicehas not been set to TFTP.
Provided all above requirements are met, immediately
upon executing the SNMP set, the device will indicate
that it was a success. The actual file move itself will be
started and continue on the device until it has
completed. For large files, operations can take several
minutes to complete. Subsequent reads of the object
will return one of messages shown in the first table, to
allow for tracking of the progress of the move
atFilev2Flash_1 { atFilev2Operation 10 } Represents the Flash operation device object.

atFilev2Card_2 { atFilev2Operation 11 } Represents the Card operation device object.

atFilev2Nvs_3 { atFilev2Operation 12 } Represents the NVS operation device object.

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Table 15: Objects defined in AT-FILEv2-MIB (continued)


atFilev2Tftp_4 { atFilev2Operation 13 } Represents the TFTP operation device object.

atFilev2TftpIPAddr { atFilev2Tftp_4 1 } The IP address of the TFTP server that is to be used for
the file copy process. This IP Address needs to be
reachable from the device, or the file copy will fail.
atFilev2Usb { atFilev2Operation 15 } Represents the USB storage device operation device

atFilev2SDcardTable { atFilev2 4 } The SD Card table, containing information related to

SD Cards. Indexed by:
■ atFilev2SDcardStackMemberId.

atFilev2SDcardEntry { atFilev2SDcardTable 1 } Data pertaining to an SD Card instance.

atFilev2SDcardStackMemberId { atFilev2SDcardEntry 1 } The index of the stack member hosting this SD Card.

atFilev2SDcardPresence { atFilev2SDcardEntry 2 } This object indicates whether or not an SD Card is

inserted into a slot. Possible values are:
■ notPresent (1)
■ present (2).

atFilev2InfoTable { atFilev2 5 } The SD Card table, containing information related to

SD Cards. Indexed by:
■ atFilev2SDcardStackMemberId.

atFilev2InfoEntry { atFilev2InfoTable 1 } An entry in the list of files, containing information about

a single file.
atFilev2InfoFilepath { atFilev2InfoEntry 1 } The full path and name of the file. Files are sorted in
alphabetical order and any filepath that is longer than
112 characters will not be displayed due to SNMP
Object Identifier length limitations.
atFilev2InfoFileSize { atFilev2InfoEntry 2 } The size of the file in bytes.

atFilev2InfoFileCreationTime { atFilev2InfoEntry 3 } File creation time in the form <MMM DD YYYY

HH:MM:SS>. For example, Sep 7 2008 06:07:54.
atFilev2InfoFileIsDirectory { atFilev2InfoEntry 4 } This object will return the value TRUE if the entry is a
directory, or FALSE if it is not.
atFilev2InfoFileIsReadable { atFilev2InfoEntry 5 } This object will return the value TRUE if the file is
readable, or FALSE if it is not.

atFilev2InfoFileIsWriteable { atFilev2InfoEntry 6 } This object will return the value TRUE if the file is
writeable, or FALSE if it is not.
atFilev2InfoFileIsExecutable { atFilev2InfoEntry 7 } This object will return the value TRUE if the file is
executable, or FALSE if it is not.
atFilev2USBMediaTable { atFilev2 6 } The USB storage device table, containing information
related to USB storage devices.

atFilev2USBMediaEntry { atFilev2USBMediaTable 1 } Data pertaining to a USB storage device instance.

atFilev2USBMediaStackMemberId { atFilev2USBMediaEntry 1 } The index of the stack member hosting this USB
media. For devices that are not capable of being
stacked, this object will always return the value 1.

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Table 15: Objects defined in AT-FILEv2-MIB (continued)


atFilev2USBMediaPresence { atFilev2USBMediaEntry 2 } This object indicates whether or not a USB storage

device is inserted in a slot. Possible values are:
■ notPresent (1)
■ present (2).

atFilev2FileViewer { atFilev2 7 } The set of objects in this section allow for a view of the
files on this managed device that is reminiscent of the
view that a shell user on a device would have, with the
concepts of current working directory, changing
directories and viewing files within a directory all
This section obsoletes the first two attempts at
creating a view of files for the reason that performance
and functionality of the original views was not
sufficient. In particular, trying to create a view of all files
in the device, sorted by path and file name, proved to
be very difficult when scaling considerations were
taken into account.

Note: In order to use this group of objects the ability

to write MIB variables is required.
atFilev2FileViewerStackId ( atFilev2FileViewer 1 } The stack ID of the stack member for which files will be
displayed in the FileViewer table. For devices that are
not capable of being stacked, this variable will always
read as 1, and will cause an error on being written to
with any value other than 1. Write this variable with the
stack ID of the stack member for which a view of files
is required. If the stack member doesn't exist, an error
will be returned. For a chassis switch, it corresponds
to the card ID.

Note: The other variables specifying the files to view

will not be altered by changing the stack ID,
which means that the file view table could be
empty if a non-existant device or path has been
referenced previously.

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Table 15: Objects defined in AT-FILEv2-MIB (continued)


atFilev2FileViewerDevice { atFilev2FileViewer 2 } The file system device for which files will be displayed
in the FileViewer table. The values supported for this
variable are identical to the values for other variables in
the MIB, although not all values will actually result in
the display of files. The different devices and whether
they will result in the display of files are:
■ Flash - Onboard Flash
■ Card - Removable SD card
■ NVS - Onboard battery backed RAM
■ FTP - not supported
■ USB - Removable USB media.

Note: Setting this variable to a unsupported value will

result in an error, but setting to a value that is
supported but on a device that doesn't contain
that type of device will not. However, no files
will be displayed in the File Viewer table in this
atFilev2FileViewerCurrentPath { atFilev2FileViewer 3 } The file system path for which files will be displayed in
the FileViewer table. This path will always read as a full
pathname starting with the '/' character. Setting this
variable will specify a new directory for which files will
be displayed. The path specified must be the full path,
relative setting of path does not work. Only paths with
invalid characters in them will cause an error, paths
specifying non-existent directories will be accepted,
but no files will be displayed in the File Viewer table in
this case.
atFilev2FileViewerTable { atFilev2FileViewer 4 } The file system path for which files will be displayed in
the FileViewer table. This path will always read as a full
pathname starting with the '/' character. Setting this
variable will specify a new directory for which files will
be displayed. The path specified must be the full path,
relative setting of path does not work. Only paths with
invalid characters in them will cause an error, paths
specifying non-existent directories will be accepted,
but no files will be displayed in the File Viewer table in
this case.
atFilev2FileViewerEntry { atFilev2FileViewerTable 1 } An entry in the list of files, containing information about
a single file.
atFilev2FileViewerName { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 1 } The name of the file. Files are sorted in alphabetical
order, and any name that is longer than 112 characters
will not be displayed due to SNMP OID length
atFilev2FileViewerSize { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 2 } The size of the file in bytes.

atFilev2FileViewerCreationTime { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 3 } File creation time in the form <MMM DD YYYY

HH:MM:SS>. For example, Sep 7 2008 06:07:54.

atFilev2FileViewerIsDirectory { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 4 } Returns TRUE if the entry is a directory, FALSE


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Table 15: Objects defined in AT-FILEv2-MIB (continued)


atFilev2FileViewerIsReadable { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 5 } Returns TRUE if the file is readable, FALSE otherwise.

atFilev2FileViewerIsWriteable { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 6 } Returns TRUE if the file is writeable, FALSE otherwise.

atFilev2FileViewerIsExecutable { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 7 } Returns TRUE if the file is executable, FALSE


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These objects manage Ethernet Protection Ring Switching (EPRS). Objects in this group have the
object identifier atG8032v2 { modules 604 }, OID See Table 16 for the
list of objects defined in the AT-G8032v2-MIB.

Table 16: Objects defined in AT-G8032v2-MIB


atG8032v2 { modules 604 } This MIB contains managed objects for EPRS.


AtG8032v2InstanceState Defines the EPRS Instance states that are

sent in G8032 State Notification Traps:
■ unknown(1),
■ init(2),
■ idle(3),
■ protection(4),
■ manualSwitch(5),
■ forcedSwitch(6),
■ pending(7)

atG8032v2Notifications { atG8032v2 0 } Object notifictions

atG8032v2InstanceNotify { atG8032v2Notifications 1 } G8032 ERP Instance state transition

atG8032v2SystemAlarmNotify { atG8032v2Notifications 2 } G8032 ERP system alarm transition
notification. Indicates whether any ERP
instance is in a state that is considered to
be an alarm condition.
atG8032v2NotificationVariable { atG8032v2 1 } Notification variables.

atG8032v2NotificationInstanceName { atG8032v2NotificationVariable 1 } Assigned name of the G8032 ERP

atG8032v2NotificationInstanceFromState { atG8032v2NotificationVariable 2 } Defined state that a G8032 ERP instance
is transitioning from.

atG8032v2NotificationInstanceCurrentState { atG8032v2NotificationVariable 3 } Defined current state that a G8032 ERP

instance is transitioning to.
atG8032v2NotificationSystemAlarmState { atG8032v2NotificationVariable 4 } Has value of 1 (true) if one or more G8032
ERP instance(s) are in alarm state, else
has value of 2 (false).

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See Table 17 for the list of objects defined in the AT-HHM-MIB. These objects manage Hardware
Health Monitoring notification generated log messages. Objects in this group have the object
identifier atwhealthMon { sysinfo 24 } OID

Table 17: Objects defined in AT-HHM-MIB


athwhealthMon { sysinfo 24 } The AT Hardware Health Monitoring MIB.

atHhmNotifications { atHwHealthMon 0 } Objects for notifications.

atHhmLogMessage { atHhmNotifications 1 } A notification generated when Hardware Health

Monitoring generates a new log message.
atHhmNotificationVariables { atHwHealthMon 1 } Objects for log messages.

atHhmLogMessage { atHhmNotificationVariables 1 } The most recent log message generated by Hardware

Health Monitoring.

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This MIB contains objects for Allied Telesis specific IP address management, see Table 18. The
objects reside in the module atIpMib { modules 602 }, OID

Table 18: Objects defined in AT-IP-MIB


atIpMib { modules 602 } MIB containing objects for IP addressing management.
AtIpAddressAssignmentType Textual Convention Object containing conditional coded values for the IP address
assignment type being applied to the interface, referred to by
objects in this MIB. The possible values and explanation are:
■ notSet (0) - indicates that the IP address assignment type
has not yet been configured. This value can only ever be
■ primary (1) - indicates that the address is a primary IP
address; only one primary address is allowed per interface.
■ secondary (2) - indicates that the address is a secondary IP
address; any number of secondary IP addresses may be

AtIpAddressTable { atIpMib 1 } A table containing mappings between primary or secondary IP

addresses, and the interfaces they are assigned to. Indexed by:
■ atIpAddressAddrType
■ atIpAddressAddr.

AtIpAddressEntry { AtIpAddressTable 1 } Information about the address mapping for a particular


atIpAddressAddrType { AtIpAddressEntry 1 } An indication of the IP version of ‘atIpAddressAddr’.

atIpAddressAddr { AtIpAddressEntry 2 } The IP address to which this entry's addressing information

pertains. The address type of this object is specified in object
atIpAddressPrefixLen { AtIpAddressEntry 3 } An integer, specifying the prefix length of the IP address
represented by this entry.

atIpAddressLabel { AtIpAddressEntry 4 } The name assigned to the IP address represented by this entry.

atIpAddressIfIndex { AtIpAddressEntry 5 } The index value that uniquely identifies the interface to which
this entry is applicable. The interface identified by a particular
value of this index corresponds to the interface identified by the
same value of the IF-MIB's ifIndex.
atIpAddressAssignmentType { AtIpAddressEntry 6 } The IP address assignment type for this entry (primary or
secondary), as described in the Textual Convention

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Table 18: Objects defined in AT-IP-MIB (continued)


atIpAddressRowStatus { AtIpAddressEntry 7 } The current status of the IP address entry.

The following values may be returned when reading this object:
■ active (1) The IP address is currently mapped to an interface
and is valid.
■ notReady (3) The IP address is currently partially configured
and is not mapped to an interface.

The following values may be written to this object:

■ active (1) An attempt will be made to map the IP address to
the configured interface.
■ createAndWait (5) An attempt will be made to create a new
IP address entry.
■ destroy (6) The IP address setting will be removed from the
An entry cannot be made active until its atIpAddressPrefixLen,
atIpAddressIfIndex and atIpAddressAssignmentType objects
have been set to valid values.

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The AT-LICENSE-MIB contains objects for managing the AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System
software licenses: listing applied software licenses, adding new licenses and deleting existing
licenses, see Table 19. The objects in this group have the object identifier license { sysinfo 22 }, OID, and are organized in the following groups:

 Base Software License Table - a table containing the installed base software licenses on the

 Installed Software License Table - a list of installed software licenses; used also to remove
software license from the device.

 Available Software Features Table.

 LicenseNew - Objects used to install a new license.

 LicenseStackRemove - Objects used to remove a license across a stack of devices.

Table 19: Objects defined in AT-LICENSE-MIB


license { sysinfo 22 } MIB containing objects for listing applied software licenses, adding new licenses, and deleting existing licenses.
baseLicenseTable { license 1 } Table containing information about base software licenses
installed on a device. Indexed by:
■ baseLicenseStkId.

baseLicenseEntry { baseLicenseTable 1 } Information about a single license installed on the device.

baseLicenseStkId { baseLicenseEntry 1 } The stack member ID of the device hosting the license.

baseLicenseName { baseLicenseEntry 2 } The name of the base license.

baseLicenseQuantity { baseLicenseEntry 3 } The number of licenses issued for this entry.

baseLicenseType { baseLicenseEntry 4 } The type of base license issued.

baseLicenseIssueDate { baseLicenseEntry 5 } The date of issue of the base license.

baseLicenseExpiryDate { baseLicenseEntry 6 } The expiry date of the base license.

baseLicenseFeatures { baseLicenseEntry 7 } The feature set that this license enables, in the format of an octet
string. Each bit in the returned octet string represents a particular
feature that can be license-enabled. The bit position within the
string maps to the feature entry with the same index, in
■ binary ‘1’ indicates that the feature is included in the license
■ binary ‘0’ indicates that the feature is not included in the

licenseTable { license 2 } Table containing information about software licenses installed on

the device. Indexed by:
■ licenseStackId
■ licenseIndex.

licenseEntry { licenseTable 1 } Information about a single installed software license on the

licenseStackId { licenseEntry 1 } The stack member ID of the device hosting the license.

licenseIndex { licenseEntry 2 } The index number of the license entry.

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Table 19: Objects defined in AT-LICENSE-MIB (continued)


licenseName { licenseEntry 3 } The name of the license.

licenseCustomer { licenseEntry 4 } The name of the customer of the license.

licenseQuantity { licenseEntry 5 } The number of licenses issued for this entry.

licenseType { licenseEntry 6 } The type of license issued.

licenseIssueDate { licenseEntry 7 } The date of issue of the license.

licenseExpiryDate { licenseEntry 8 } The expiry date of the license.

licenseFeatures { licenseEntry 9 } The feature set that this license enables, in the format of octet
string. Each bit in the returned octet string represents a particular
feature that can be license-enabled. The bit position within the
string maps to the feature entry with the same index, in
■ binary ‘1’ indicates that the feature is included in the license
■ binary ‘0’ indicates that the feature is not included in the

licenseRowStatus { licenseEntry 10 } The current status of the license. The following values may be
returned when reading this object:
■ active (1) - the license is currently installed and valid
■ notInService (2) - the license has expired or is invalid

The following value may be written to this object:

■ destroy (6) - the license will be removed from the device. This
may result in some features being disabled.

Note: a stacked device that has a license deleted may not be

able to rejoin the stack after reboot, unless the license is
also deleted on all other devices in the stack.

licenseFeatureTable { license 3 } Table containing all available Software Features. A feature must be
license-enabled to be utilized on the device.
licenseFeatureEntry { licenseFeatureTable 1 } Information about a single feature that must be license-enabled in
order to be utilized on the device.

licenseFeatureIndex { licenseFeatureEntry 1 } The index number of the feature which must be license-enabled.

licenseFeatureName { licenseFeatureEntry 2 } The name of the feature under licensing control.

licenseFeatureStkMembers { licenseFeatureEntry 3 } The set of stack members on which the feature is enabled, in the
format of an octet string.
Each bit in the string maps to an individual stacking member, e.g.
bit one represents stacking member one, bit two represents
stacking member two.
■ a bit value of ‘1’ indicates that the applicable feature is
enabled on the matching device
■ a bit value of ‘0’ indicates that the feature is disabled.

licenseNew { license 4 } Group of objects available for updates, used when installing a new
software license on the device.

licenseNewStackId { licenseNew 1 } The ID of the stacking member upon which the new license is to
be installed. The value zero (0) indicates that the license should be
applied to all stack members.
licenseNewName { licenseNew 2 } The name of the new license to be installed.

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Table 19: Objects defined in AT-LICENSE-MIB (continued)


licenseNewKey { licenseNew 3 } The key for the new license to be installed.

licenseNewInstall { licenseNew 4 } Used to install new licenses. Values can be:

■ true (1)
■ false (2).
To commence installation, a valid license name and key must first
have been set via the licenseNewName and licenseNewKey
respectively. This object should then be set to the value true (1). If
either the license name or key is invalid, the write operation will
Once installed, the software modules affected by any newly
enabled features will automatically be restarted.
Note that a stacked device that has a new license installed on it
may not be able to rejoin the stack after reboot, unless the license
is also added to all other devices in the stack. When read, the
object will always return the value false (2).
licenseNewInstallStatus { licenseNew 5 } The current status of the last license installation request.
One of the following values is returned when reading this object:
■ idle (1)
■ processing (2)
■ success (3)
■ failed (4).
When a stack license installation operation is complete the first
read of this object will return either a success (3) or a failure (4)
indication. Subsequent reads of this object will then return an idle
(1) indication.
licenseStackRemove { license 5 } Group of objects used when removing a software license across
a stack of devices.
licenseStackRemoveName { licenseStackRemove 1 } The name of the license to be removed from all devices across the
stack, on which the license currently exists.
licenseStackRemoveExecute { licenseStackRemove 2 } When set to the value true (1), the system will attempt to remove
the named license from all devices across the stack on which the
license currently exists. All devices in a stack must be from the
same product family and the named license must activate the
same feature set on all devices.
licenseStackRemoveStatus { licenseStackRemove 3 } The current status of the last requested stack license removal
One of the following values is returned when reading this object:
■ idle (1)
■ processing (2)
■ success (3)
■ failed (4).
When a stack license removal operation is complete the first read
of this object will return either a success (3) or failure (4) indication.
Subsequent reads of this object will then return an idle (1)

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See Table 20 for the list of objects defined in the AT-LINKMON-MIB. This contains objects for link
monitoring used for collecting and reporting link metrics. Objects in this group have the object
identifier atLinkMon { modules 606 } OID

Table 20: Objects defined in AT-LINKMON-MIB


atLinkMon { modules 606 } The AT-LINKMON-MIB contains objects for link monitoring for collecting and reporting link
atLinkMon 1 { atLinkMonProbeTable 1 } A table of information describing the configured
Link Monitoring probes. Upon device reboot,
probe OID’s will be re-assigned based on the
alphabetical naming of probes in the startup
atLinkMonProbeID { atLinkMonProbeEntry 1 } ID of the probe.

atLinkMonProbeName { atLinkMonProbeEntry 2 } Name of the probe.

atLinkMonProbeType { atLinkMonProbeEntry 3 } Type of probe, for example ICMP PING or HTTP

atLinkMonProbeIPVersion { atLinkMonProbeEntry 4 } IP version of the probe, for example IPv4 or IPv6.

atLinkMonProbeDestination { atLinkMonProbeEntry 5 } The destination of the probe.

atLinkMonProbeEgressIf { atLinkMonProbeEntry 6 } The interface that the probe packets should

atLinkMonProbeEgressIfValid { atLinkMonProbeEntry 7 } Indicates if the interface that the probe packets
egress is valid.
atLinkMonProbeSource { atLinkMonProbeEntry 8 } The source IP address or interface.

atLinkMonProbeSourceValid { atLinkMonProbeEntry 9 } Indicates if the source IP address or interface is

valid. This is only applicable for ICMP probes.
atLinkMonProbeDSCP { atLinkMonProbeEntry 10 } The DSCP value to use when sending the
packet. This is only applicable for ICMP probes.
atLinkMonProbePacketSize { atLinkMonProbeEntry 11 } The size of a probe packet. This is only
applicable for ICMP probes.
atLinkMonProbeInterval { atLinkMonProbeEntry 12 } The number of milliseconds between sending
out each probe. The range for an ICMP Ping
probe is 100-10000. The range for an HTTP Get
probe is 30000-3600000.
atLinkMonProbeSampleSize { atLinkMonProbeEntry 13 } The number of probe results to use when
calculating the latency and jitter metrics. This is
only applicable for ICMP probes.
atLinkMonProbeEnabled { atLinkMonProbeEntry 14 } Whether the probe is enabled or disabled. If it is
enabled, then the device will attempt to send
probes if the link is up. If it is disabled, then no
probes are sent.
atLinkMon 2 { atLinkMonProbeDetailTable 1 } A table of information describing the latest Link
Monitoring probe details.

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Table 20: Objects defined in AT-LINKMON-MIB (continued)


atLinkMonProbeDetailProbes { atLinkMonProbeDetailEntry 1 } The number of probes that have been sent.

atLinkMonProbeDetailProbe { atLinkMonProbeDetailEntry 2 } The time that the last probe was sent.
atLinkMonProbeDetailProbe { atLinkMonProbeDetailEntry 3 } The time that the device last successfully
DetailLastRxTime received a probe.

atLinkMon 3 { atLinkMonProbeLatestMetricsTable } A table of information describing the latest Link

Monitoring probe metrics.
atLinkMonProbeMetric { atLinkMonProbeMetricsEntry 1 } The average latency based on the last samples
Latency in ms.
atLinkMonProbeLatestMetrics { atLinkMonProbeMetricsEntry 2 } The average jitter based on the last samples in
Jitter ms.

atLinkMonProbeLatestMetrics { atLinkMonProbeMetricsEntry 3 } The percentage of probes lost based on the last

PktLoss 100 probes. The value is given in tenths of a
atLinkMonProbeLatestMetrics { atLinkMonProbeMetricsEntry 4 } The number of consecutive probes that have
CnscPktLoss been lost. A positive value means consecutive
probes lost. A negative value means consecutive
probes received.
atLinkMon 4 { atLinkMonProbeHistoryTable } A table of information describing historical Link
Monitoring probe metrics.
atLinkMonProbeHistoryID { atLinkMonProbeHistoryEntry 1 } The ID of the probe history collection.

atLinkMonProbeHistoryProbe { atLinkMonProbeHistoryEntry 2 } The name of the probe the metrics are sampled
Name from.

atLinkMonProbeLatestHistroy { atLinkMonProbeHistoryEntry 3 } The interval at which the metric data is sampled.

atLinkMonProbeHistory { atLinkMonProbeHistoryEntry 4 } The maximum number of historical samples that
Buckets re kept.
atLinkMonProbeHistoryLast { atLinkMonProbeHistoryEntry 5 } The ID of the latest sample recorded. This is
SmplID always increasing to distinguish new samples.

atLinkMonProbeHistoryLast { atLinkMonProbeMetricsEntry 6 } The timestamp of the last sample.

atLinkMon 5 { atLinkMonSampleTable } A table of information describing the Link
Monitoring metrics of a historical probe sample.
atLinkMonSampleBucket { atLinkMonSampleEntry 1 } The bucket to read the sample data from. The
first bucket has the oldest available sample. A
bucket can have no data in it if less samples have
been taken than there are buckets.
atLinkMonSampleLatency { atLinkMonSampleLatencySumEntry 2 } The sum of latency metric values calculated
Sum during the sample interval. Divide by the latency
count for an average latency during the interval.
atLinkMonSampleLatency { atLinkMonSampleCountEntry 3 } The number of latency metric values calculated
Count in the sum.

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Table 20: Objects defined in AT-LINKMON-MIB (continued)


atLinkMonSampleJitterSum { atLinkMonSampleEntry 4 } Sum of jitter metric values calculated during the

sample interval. Divide by the jitter count for an
average jitter during the interval.
atLinkMonSampleJitterCount { atLinkMonSampleEntry 5 } The number of jitter metric values calculated in
the sum.

atLinkMonSamplePktLoss { atLinkMonSampleEntry 6 } The sum of the packet loss metric values

Sum recorded during the sample interval. The value is
given in tenths of a percent. Divide by packets
transmitted for the average of the packet loss
metric during the interval.
atLinkMonSamplePktsTx { atLinkMonSampleEntry 7 } The number of probes sent during the sample
atLinkMonSamplePktsRx { atLinkMonSampleEntry 8 } The number of probes sent that received a reply
during the same interval.

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See Table 21 for the list of objects defined in the AT-LINKTRAP-MIB. This contains objects for link up
and down traps. Objects in this group have the object identifier atLinkTrap { sysinfo 25 } OID

Table 21: Objects defined in AT-LINKTRAP-MIB


atLinkTrap { sysinfo 25 } The AT-LINKTRAP-MIB contains objects for link up and down traps.

atLinkDown { atLinkTrap 1 } A trap generated when an interface is linked down.

atLinkUp { atLinkTrap 2 } A trap generated when an interface is linked up.

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The AT Log MIB contains objects for listing log entries from the buffered and permanent logs, see
Table 22. The object identifier log { modules 601 }, OID, organized in the
following groups:

 Log Table - objects containing the information from log messages issued by the system, ordered
from oldest to newest entry.

 Log Options - contains objects used to set up the log options configuration.

Table 22: Objects defined in AT-LOG-MIB


log { modules 601 } MIB containing objects for listing log entries from the buffered and permanent logs.
logTable { log 1 } A list of log entries from the source specified in the ‘logSource’ object. The list
is ordered from oldest entry to newest entry.
Indexed by:
■ logIndex.

logEntry { logTable 1 } Information about a single log entry, from the source specified in the
‘logSource’ object.

logIndex { logEntry 1 } An index integer. This index is not directly tied to any specific log entry. Over
time, the log will grow larger and eventually older entries will be removed from
the log.
logDate { logEntry 2 } The date of the log entry. Data resides in the format octet string, in the form
YYYY MMM DD, e.g. 2008 Oct 9.
logTime { logEntry 3 } The time of the log entry. Data resides in the format octet string, in the form
HH:MM:SS, e.g. 07:15:04.

logFacility { logEntry 4 } The syslog facility that generated the log entry, in the format octet string. See
the reference manual for more information.
logSeverity { logEntry 5 } The severity level of the log entry, in the format octet string. Severities are given
■ emerg (Emergency, system is unusable)
■ alert (Action must be taken immediately)
■ crit (Critical conditions)
■ errr (Error conditions)
■ warning (Warning conditions)
■ notice (Normal, but significant, conditions)
■ info (Informational messages)
■ debug (Debug-level messages).

logProgram { logEntry 6 } The program that generated the log entry, in the format octet string. See the
reference manual for more information.
logMessage { logEntry 7 } The message of the new log entry, in the format octet string.
logOptions { log 2 } Contains objects used to set up the required log options configuration.

logSource { logOptions 1 } An integer indicating the source from which the log entries are retrieved. The
valid values are:
■ 1 - Buffered log (default)
■ 2 - Permanent log.
This information is used when retrieving the logTable objects, and also specifies
the log to be cleared when the ‘clearLog’ object is set.

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Table 22: Objects defined in AT-LOG-MIB (continued)


logAll { logOptions 2 } An integer indicating whether to display all log entries in the logTable objects,
or not. The valid values are:
■ 0 - to display only the most recent log messages. This is the default.
■ 1 - to show all available log entries.

Note: Choosing to display all log entries may result in delays of several
seconds when accessing the logTable objects.

clearLog { logOptions 3 } An integer indicating whether to clear the log that is specified by the ‘logSource’
object. Valid values are:
■ 0 - do not clear log
■ 1 - clear log.

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The atLoopProtect-MIB, see Figure 5 and Table 23, defines objects for managing Loop Protection
objects and triggers. Objects in this group have the object identifier atLoopProtect { modules 4 },

Figure 5: The ATLoopProtect MIB Sub-tree

enterprises (1)

alliedTelesis (207)

products (1) mibObject (8)

brouterMib (4)
bridgeRouter (1) routerSwitch (14)
atRouter (4)

objects (1) traps (2) sysinfo (3) modules (4) arInterfaces protocols (6)

atLoopProtect (54)

atLoopProtectAction (1)
atLoopProtectTrap (0)

atLoopProtectDetectedLoopBlockedTrap (1) atLoopProtectIfIndex (2)

atLoopProtectRecoverLoopBlockedTrap (2)
atLoopProtectVlanId (3)
atLoopProtectDetectedByLoopDetectionTrap (3)

atLoopProtectRxLDFIfIndex (4)

atLoopProtectRxLDFVlanId (5)


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Table 23: Objects Defined in the AT-Loop Protect MIB


{ atLoopProtect } { modules 54 } The root of the Loop Protect object sub tree.

{ atLoopProtectTrap } { atLoopProtect0 } The Loop Protection node state transition trap. List of traps
(notifications) generated for Loop Protection.
{ atLoopProtectDetected { atLoopProtectTrap1 } Notification generated when the Loop Protection feature blocks
LoopBlockedTrap } an interface with a loop. The following bindings are associated
with this trap:
■ atLoopProtectIfIndex
■ atLoopProtectVlanId
■ atLoopProtectAction.

{ atLoopProtectRecover { atLoopProtectTrap2 } Notification generated when the Loop Protection feature restores
LoopBlockedTrap } a blocked interface back to normal operation. The following
bindings are associated with this trap:
■ atLoopProtectIfIndex
■ atLoopProtectVlanId
■ atLoopProtectAction.

{ atLoopProtectDetected { atLoopProtectTrap3 } Notification generated when the Loop Protection feature detects
ByLoopDetectionTrap } a loop by Loop Detection method. The following bindings are
associated with this trap:
■ atLoopProtectIfIndex
■ atLoopProtectVlanId
■ atLoopProtectRxLDFIfIndex
■ atLoopProtectRxLDFVlanId.

{ atLoopProtectAction } { atLoopProtect1 } The Action for the Loop Protection feature. The following values
are defined:
■ atLoopProtectAction-LearnDisable (0)
■ atLoopProtectAction-LearnEnable (1)
■ atLoopProtectAction-PortDisable (2)
■ atLoopProtectAction-PortEnable (3)
■ atLoopProtectAction-LinkDown (4)
■ atLoopProtectAction-LinkUp (5)
■ atLoopProtectAction-VlanDisable (6)
■ atLoopProtectAction-VlanEnable (7).

{ atLoopProtectIfIndex } { atLoopProtect2 } The interface on which the loop was detected.

{ atLoopProtectVlanId } { atLoopProtect3 } The VLAN ID on which the loop was detected.

{ atLoopProtectRxLDFIfIndex } { atLoopProtect4 } The interface on which the loop detection frame was received.

{ atLoopProtectRxLDFVlanId } { atLoopProtect5 } The VLAN ID on which the loop detection frame was received.

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The AT-MIBVERSION-MIB contains an object to display the last software release that contained
changes to the supported AT Enterprise MIB definition files, see Table 24. Objects in this group have
the object identifier atMibsetVersion { sysinfo 15 }, OID

Table 24: Object defined in AT-MIBVERSION-MIB


atMibVersion { sysinfo 15 } This object returns a five digit integer which indicates the last software release that contained changes to the supported AT Enterprise MIB
definition files. For example, If the currently loaded software release on
the device is 5.3.1-0.3 but the Enterprise MIBs have not changed since
5.3.1-0.1, then the value returned will be 53101.

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This MIB contains objects for managing the Allied Telesis Network Time Protocol (NTP)
configuration, see Table 25. The objects reside in the module atNtp { modules 502 }, OID, organized in the following groups:

 NTP Peer/Server Table - a table containing information on the Network Time Protocol (NTP) peers
or server configurations in the system.

 Associations Table - a list of installed software; used also to remove software from the device.

 Status Table - objects in this group are not supported.

Table 25: Objects defined in AT-NTP-MIB


atNtp { modules 502 } MIB containing objects for configuring NTP.
atNtpPeerIndexNext { atNtp 6 } The next available index number to be used for object
atNtpPeerTable { atNtp 7 } Table containing information on the Network Time
Protocol (NTP) peers or server configurations in the
Indexed by:
■ atNtpPeerIndex.

atNtpPeerEntry { atNtpPeerTable 1 } Information about a single NTP server or peer


atNtpPeerIndex { atNtpPeerEntry 1 } The index number corresponding to a particular NTP

server or peer configuration in the system.
To create a new entry, the value of this object should be
the same as that of the value of atNtpPeerIndexNext
object, otherwise the entry creation will fail.
atNtpPeerNameAddr { atNtpPeerEntry 2 } The host name, or the IP address of the NTP peer.
When a new row (entry) is created, this object is set with
a default of ‘’, and the management application
should change it to a desired value by using a SET
atNtpPeerMode { atNtpPeerEntry 3 } The mode of the peer. Can be one of the following:
■ server (1)
■ peer (2) - default.

atNtpPeerPreference { atNtpPeerEntry 4 } The values in this object specifies whether this peer is the
preferred one. Valid values are 0 to 2:
■ 0 - unknown - default
■ 1 - not preferred
■ 2 - preferred.
When the value is ‘not preferred’ (1) NTP chooses the
peer with which to synchronize the time on the local
system. If the object is set to ‘preferred’ (2) NTP will
choose the corresponding peer to synchronize the time

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Table 25: Objects defined in AT-NTP-MIB (continued)


atNtpPeerVersion { atNtpPeerEntry 5 } The NTP version the peer supports. Can be one of the
■ 0 - unknown - default
■ 1 - version 1
■ 2 - version 2
■ 3 - version 3
■ 4 - version 4.

atNtpPeerKeyNumber { atNtpPeerEntry 6 } The authentication key number.

Default number is 0.

atNtpPeerRow Status { atNtpPeerEntry 7 } The current status of this peer entry.

The following values may be returned when reading this
■ active (1) - this value is returned on reading of this
■ createAndGo (4) - this value is set by the
management application when creating a new entry.
■ destroy (6) - value set by the management
application when deleting the entry.
When an entry is deleted, all subsequent entries in the
table will be re-indexed.

atNtpAssociationTable { atNtp 10 } Table containing information on the Network Time

Protocol (NTP) associations. Indexed by:
■ atNtpAssociationIndex.

atNtpAssociationEntry { atNtpAssociationTable 1 } Information about a single NTP server or peer


atNtpAssociationIndex { atNtpAssociationEntry 1 } The index number corresponding to a particular NTP

server or peer configuration in the system. To create a
new entry, the value of this object should be the same as
that of the value of atNtpPeerIndexNext object, otherwise
the entry creation will fail.
atNtpAssociationPeerAddr { atNtpAssociationEntry 2 } The host name, or the IP address of the NTP peer. When
a new row (entry) is created, this object is set with a
default of ‘’, and the management application
should change it to a desired value by using a SET
atNtpAssociationStatus { atNtpAssociationEntry 3 } The status of this association. Can be one of the
■ master (synced)
■ master (unsynced)
■ selected
■ candidate
■ configured
■ unknown.

atNtpAssociationConfigured { atNtpAssociationEntry 4 } The value in this object specifies whether the association
is from configuration or not. Value can be:
■ configured
■ dynamic.

atNtpAssociationRefClkAddr { atNtpAssociationEntry 5 } The IP Address for the reference clock.

atNtpAssociationStratum { atNtpAssociationEntry 6 } The stratum of the peer clock.

atNtpAssociationPoll { atNtpAssociationEntry 7 } The time between NTP requests from the device to the
server, in seconds.

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Table 25: Objects defined in AT-NTP-MIB (continued)


atNtpAssociationReach { atNtpAssociationEntry 8 } An integer that indicates the reachability status of the


atNtpAssociationDelay { atNtpAssociationEntry 9 } The round trip delay between the device and the server.

atNtpAssociationOffset { atNtpAssociationEntry 10 } The difference between the device clock and the server
atNtpAssociationDisp { atNtpAssociationEntry 11 } The lowest measure of error associated with peer offset,
based on delay, in seconds.
atNtpStatus { atNtp 11 } Group of objects containing system status information.
The objects in this group are not supported.

atNtpSysClockSync { atNtpStatus 1 } Indicates whether the system clock is synchronized.

atNtpSysStratum { atNtpStatus 2 } The stratum of the local clock.

atNtpSysReference { atNtpStatus 3 } A display string, indicating the current synchronization


atNtpSysFrequency { atNtpStatus 4 } The actual clock frequency, a numeric value in ‘Hz’ units
atNtpSysPrecision { atNtpStatus 5 } A signed integer indicating the precision of the system
clock, in seconds.
The value is rounded to the next larger power of two. For
example, a 50-Hz (20 ms) or 60-Hz (16.67 ms) power-
frequency clock would be assigned the value -5 (31.25
ms), while a 1000-Hz (1 ms) crystal-controlled clock
would be assigned the value -9 (1.95 ms).

atNtpSysRefTime { atNtpStatus 6 } Indicates the local time when the local clock was last
updated. If the local clock has never been synchronized,
the value is zero.
The values are in the format of an Octet string.
atNtpSysClkOffset { atNtpStatus 7 } Indicates the offset of the local clock relative to the server
clock, in milliseconds.

atNtpSysRootDelay { atNtpStatus 8 } The total round trip delay, in milliseconds, to the primary
reference source at the root of the synchronization
atNtpSysRootDisp { atNtpStatus 9 } The maximum error, in milliseconds, relative to the
primary reference source at the root of the
synchronization subnet.

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This MIB contains objects for monitoring Optical Digital Diagnostics for pluggable devices, see
Table 26. The objects identifier for this MIB is atPluggableDiag { sysinfo 28 }, OID, see "AT-SYSINFO-MIB" on page 116.

Table 26: Objects defined in AT-PLUGGABLE-DIAGNOSTICS-MIB


atPluggableDiag { sysinfo (28) } The AT-Pluggable Diagnostics MIB contains objects to retrieve the
operational diagnostic information from
installed SFP, SFP+, XFP and QSFP
atPluggableDiagTable { atPluggableDiag 1 } A table containing all operational
diagnostics information that can be
retrieved from connected SFP devices.
atPluggableDiagTempTable { atPluggableDiagTempTable 1 } Information about temperature
parameters such as:
TempCurrentAlarm, TempAlarmMax
atPluggableDiagTempIfIndex { atPluggableDiagTempEntry 1 } The index of the interface for the

atPluggableDiagTempChannel { atPluggableDiagTempEntry 2 } The transceiver channel of the

pluggables. QSFPs have 4 channels,
other modules may have only 1 channel.
atrPluggableDiagTempStatusReading { atPluggableDiagTempEntry 3 } The current temperature of the device
e.g. 25.4 degrees Celsius.

atPluggableDiagTempCurrentAlarm { atPluggableDiagTempEntry 4 } The current temperature alarm reading

has 3 values: ‘High’ (the current
temperature status has exceeded
AlarmMax), ‘Low’ (the current
temperature is lower than AlarmMin),
‘---’ (the current temperature is within
the acceptable range).
atPluggableDiagTempAlarmMax { atPluggableDiagTempEntry 5 } The maximum temperature alarm
threshold value.
atPluggableDiagTempAlarmMin { atPluggableDiagTempEntry 6 } The minimum temperature alarm
threshold value.
atPluggableDiagTempCurrentWarning { atPluggableDiagTempEntry 7 } The current temperature warnings have
3 values: ‘High’ (the current
temperature warning status has
exceeded CurrentWarningMax), ‘Low’
(the current temperature status is lower
than CurrentWarningMin),
‘---’ (the current temperature is within
the acceptable range).
atPluggableDiagTempWarningMax { atPluggableDiagTempEntry 8 } The maximum temperature warning
threshold value.

atPluggableDiagTempWarningMin {atPluggableDiagTempEntry 9 } The minimum temperature warning

threshold value.

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Table 26: Objects defined in AT-PLUGGABLE-DIAGNOSTICS-MIB (continued)


atPluggableDiagVccTable { atPluggableDiagTable 2 } A table of supply voltage measurements

taken from the installed pluggable
atPluggableDiagVccEntry { atPluggableDiagVccTable 1 } A table of supply voltage parameters for
installed pluggables, such as:
VccStatusReading, VccCurrentWarning
atPluggableDiagVccIfIndex { atPluggableDiagVccEntry 1 } The index of the interface for the

atPluggableDiagVccChannel { atPluggableDiagVccEntry 2 } The transceiver channel of the

pluggables. QSFPs have 4 channels,
other modules may have only 1 channel.
atPluggableDiagVccStatusReading { atPluggableDiagVccEntry 3 } The supply voltage status reading.

atPluggableDiagVccCurrentAlarm { ATPLUGGABLEDIAGVCCENTRY The current supply voltage alarm


atPluggableDiagVccAlarmMax { atPluggableDiagVccEntry 5 } The maximum supply voltage alarm

threshold value.
atPluggableDiagVccAlarmMin { atPluggableDiagVccEntry 6 } The minimum supply voltage alarm
threshold value.
atPluggableDiagVccCurrentWarning { atPluggableDiagVccEntry 7 } The current supply voltage warnings.

atPluggableDiagVccWarningMax { atPluggableDiagVccEntry 8 } The maximum supply voltage warning

threshold value.
atPluggableDiagVccWarningMin { atPluggableDiagVccEntry 9 } The minimum supply voltage warning
threshold value.

atPluggableDiagTxBiasTable { atPluggableDiagTable 3 } A table of information containing TxBias

(mA) parameter that can be retrieved
from connected SFP devices.
atPluggableDiagTxBiasEntry { atPluggableDiagTxBiasTable 1 } The information about TxBias (mA)
parameters of pluggables such as:
Channel, StatusReading CurrentAlarm,
AlarmMax, etc.
atPluggableDiagTxBiasIfIndex { atPluggableDiagTxBiasEntry 1 } The index of the interface for the

atPluggableDiagTxBiasChannel { atPluggableDiagTxBiasEntry 2 } The transceiver channel of the

pluggables. QSFPs have 4 channels,
other modules may have only 1 channel.
atPluggableDiagTxBiasStatusReading { atPluggableDiagTxBiasEntry 3 } The present TxBias status reading (mA).

atPluggableDiagTxBiasCurrentAlarm { atPluggableDiagTxBiasEntry 4 } The current TxBias (mA) alarm reading.

atPluggableDiagTxBiasAlarmMax { atPluggableDiagTxBiasEntry 5 } The maximum TxBias (mA) alarm

threshold value.

atPluggableDiagTxBiasAlarmMin { atPluggableDiagTxBiasEntry 6 } The minimum TxBias (mA) alarm

threshold value.
atPluggableDiagTxBiasCurrentWarning { atPluggableDiagTxBiasEntry 7 } The current TxBias (mA) warnings.

atPluggableDiagTxBiasWarningMax { atPluggableDiagTxBiasEntry 8 } The maximum TxBias (mA) warning

threshold value.

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Table 26: Objects defined in AT-PLUGGABLE-DIAGNOSTICS-MIB (continued)


atPluggableDiagTxBiasWarningMin { atPluggableDiagTxBiasEntry 9 } The minimum TxBias (mA) warning

threshold value.

atPluggableDiagTxPowerTable { atPluggableDiagTable 4 } A table of information containing

TxPower (mW) parameters fthat can be
retrieved from connected SFP devices.
atPluggableDiagTxPowerEntry { atPluggableDiagTxPowerTable 1 } The information about TxPower (mW)
parameters of pluggables such as:
current status reading, current alarm
PowerChannel, StatusReading,
CurrentAlarm, AlarmMax, etc.
atPluggableDiagTxPowerIfIndex { atPluggableDiagTxPowerEntry 1 } The index of the interface for the
atPluggableDiagTxPowerChannel { atPluggableDiagTxPowerEntry 2 } The transceiver channel of the
pluggables. QSFPs have 4 channels,
other modules may have only 1 channel.
atPluggableDiagTxPowerStatusReading { atPluggableDiagTxPowerEntry 3 } The TxPower (mW) status reading.

atPluggableDiagTxPowerCurrentAlarm { atPluggableDiagTxPowerEntry 4 } The current TxPower (mW) alarm

atPluggableDiagTxPowerAlarmMax { atPluggableDiagTxPowerEntry 5 } The maximum TxPower (mW) alarm
threshold value.
atPluggableDiagTxPowerAlarmMin { atPluggableDiagTxPowerEntry 6 } The minimum TxPower (mW) alarm
threshold value.
atPluggableDiagTxPowerCurrentWarning { atPluggableDiagTxPowerEntry 7 } The current TxPower (mW) warnings.

atPluggableDiagTxPowerWarningMax { atPluggableDiagTxPowerEntry 8 } The maximum TxPower (mW) warning

threshold value.

atPluggableDiagTxPowerWarningMin { atPluggableDiagTxPowerEntry 9 } The minimum TxPower (mW) warning

threshold value.
atPluggableDiagRxPowerTable { atPluggableDiagTable 5 } A table of information containing
RxPower (mW) parameters that can be
retrieved from connected SFP devices.
atPluggableDiagRxPowerEntry { atPluggableDiagRxPowerTable 1 } The information about RxPower (mW)
parameters of pluggables such as
StatusReading, CurrentAlarm,
AlarmMax, AlarmMin, etc.
atPluggableDiagRxPowerIfIndex { atPluggableDiagRxPowerEntry 1 } The index of the interface for the
atPluggableDiagRxPowerChannel { atPluggableDiagRxPowerEntry 2 } The transceiver channel of the
pluggables. QSFPs have 4 channels,
other modules may have only 1 channel.
atPluggableDiagRxPowerStatusReading { atPluggableDiagRxPowerEntry 3 } The RxPower (mW) status reading.

atPluggableDiagRxPowerCurrentAlarm { atPluggableDiagRxPowerEntry 4 } The RxPower (mW) current alarm


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Table 26: Objects defined in AT-PLUGGABLE-DIAGNOSTICS-MIB (continued)


atPluggableDiagRxPowerAlarmMax { atPluggableDiagRxPowerEntry 5 } The maximum RxPower (mW) alarm

threshold value.

atPluggableDiagRxPowerAlarmMin { atPluggableDiagRxPowerEntry 6 } The minimum RxPower (mW) alarm

threshold value.
atPluggableDiagRxPowerCurrentWarning { atPluggableDiagRxPowerEntry 7 } The RxPower (mW) current warnings.

atPluggableDiagRxPowerWarningMax { atPluggableDiagRxPowerEntry 8 } The maximum RxPower (mW) power

warning threshold value.
atPluggableDiagRxPowerWarningMin { atPluggableDiagRxPowerEntry 9 } The minimum RxPower (mW) warning
threshold value.
atPluggableDiagRxLosTable { atPluggableDiagTable 6 } A table of information containing the
RxLos of signal (Los) parameters that
can be retrieved from connected
atPluggableDiagLosEntry { atPluggableDiagLosTable 1 } The information about RxLos of Signal
(Los) parameters of pluggables such as:
Channel, StatusReading, etc.
atPluggableDiagRxLosIfIndex { atPluggableDiagLosEntry 1 } The index of the interface for the

atPluggableDiagRxLosChannel { atPluggableDiagLosEntry 2 The transceiver channel of the

pluggables. QSFPs have 4 channels,
other modules may have only 1 channel.
atPluggableDiagRxLosStatusReading { atPluggableDiagLosEntry 3 } The RxLos status reading indicates
■ light is being received (Rx Up) and
therefore the link is up, or
■ light is not being received (Rx
Down) and therefore the link is

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The table below, Table 27, defines objects for managing interface port objects such as transceivers.
Objects in this group have the object identifier atPortInfo { sysinfo 14 }, OID see “AT-SYSINFO-MIB” on page 116.

Table 27: Objects defined in AT-ATPORTINFO portion of the MIB


atPortInfo { sysinfo 14 } This object returns information about interface transceivers.

atPortInfoTransceiverTable { atPortInfo 1 } A table of information about the transceiver of a

atPortInfoTransceiverEntry { atPortInfoTransceiverTable 1 } The description, the transceiver type of a interface.

atPortInfoTransceiverifIndex { atPortInfoTransceiverEntry 1 } The ifIndex for the interface represented by this entry of
the interfaces table.

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Table 27: Objects defined in AT-ATPORTINFO portion of the MIB (continued)


atPortInfoTransceiverType { atPortInfoTransceiverEntry 2 } This object indicates the type of transceiver on a interface.

It contains the following value list objects:
Type of transceivers on an interface:
■ rj45(1)
■ sfp-px(2)
■ sfp-bx10(3)
■ sfp-fx(4)
■ sfp-100base-lx(5)
■ sfp-t(6)
■ sfp-cx(7)
■ sfp-zx-cwdm(8)
■ sfp-lx(9)
■ sfp-sx(10)
■ sfp-oc3-lr(11)
■ sfp-oc3-ir(12)
■ sfp-oc3-mm(13)
■ xfp-srsw(14)
■ xfp-lrlw(15)
■ xfp-erew(16)
■ xfp-sr(17)
■ xfp-lr(18)
■ xfp-er(19)
■ xfp-lrm(20)
■ xfp-sw(21)
■ xfp-lw(22)
■ xfp-ew(23)
■ unknown(24)
■ empty(25)
■ sfpp-sr(26)
■ sfpp-lr(27)
■ sfpp-er(28)
■ sfpp-lrm(29)
■ inf-1-x-copper-pasv(30)
■ inf-1-x-copper-actv(31)
■ inf-1-x-lx(32)
■ inf-1-x-sx(33)
■ cx4(34)
■ inf-4-x-copper-pasv(35)
■ qsfp-sr(36)
■ qsfp-lr(37)
■ qsfp-er(38)
■ sfpp-t(39)
■ sfpp-zr(40)
■ qsfp28-sr(41)
■ qsfp-28-lr(42)
■ qsfp-swdm(43)
■ qsfp28-cr(44).

atPortRenumberEvents { atPortInfo 2 } The number of times that port number values

(represented by the dot1dBasePort object in BRIDGE-
MIB), have been re-assigned due to stack member
leave/join events or XEM hot-swap events, since the
system was initialized.

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AT-PRODUCT-MIB defines object identifiers for Allied Telesis products. Objects in this MIB, see
Table 28, have the object identifier products { alliedTelesis 1 }, OID
Table 28: Object identifiers for Allied Telesis products supported by the AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System



products { alliedTelesis 1 } This file defines the identities of Allied Telesis products.
swhub { products 4 } Subtree beneath which switching hubs are defined.
at_x200_GE52T { swhub 181 } x200-GE52T layer two switch.

at_x200_GE28T { swhub 182} x200-GE28T layer two switch.

at_x210_9GT { swhub 196} x210-9GT, 8xGigbit, 1xSFP/T.

at_x210_16GT { swhub 197} x210-16GT, 14xGigbit, 2xcombo SFP/T.

at_x210_24GT { swhub 198} x210-24GT, 20xGigbit, 4xcombo SFP/T.

at_x310_26FT { swhub 216} AT-x310-26FT layer two switch with 24 10/100 Base-T ports, two 10/100/
1000 Base-T ports, and four 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.
at_x310_50FT { swhub 217} AT-x310-50FT layer two switch with 48 10/100 Base-T ports, two 10/100/
1000 Base-T ports, and four 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.
at_x310_26FP { swhub 218} AT-x310-26FP layer two switch with 24 10/100 Base-T ports, two 10/100/
1000 Base-T ports, four 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports, plus PSE function available on
pins 1/2 and 3/6 (Mode A) of every copper port.
at_x310_50FP { swhub 219} AT-x310-50FP layer two switch with 48 10/100 Base-T ports, two 10/100/
1000 Base-T ports, four 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports, plus PSE function available on
pins 1/2 and 3/6 (Mode A) of every copper port.
at_x230_10GT { swhub 224 } AT-x230-10GP L3 switch with 8 x 10/100/1000T PoE ports and
2 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
at_x230_18GT { swhub 225 } AT-x230-18GT L3 switch with 16 x 10/100/1000T ports and
2 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
at_x230_28GT { swhub 226 } AT-x230-28GT L3 switch with 24 x 10/100/1000T ports and
4 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
at_x230_10GP { swhub 228 } AT-x230-10GP, 8 10/100/1000BASE-RJ-45 ports, 2 10/100/1000Base SFP

at_x230_18GP { swhub 229 } AT-x 230-18GP, 16 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports and 2 10/100/1000BASE
SFP ports.
at_x230_28GP { swhub 230 } AT-x 230-28GP, 24 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports and 4 10/100/1000BASE
SFP ports.
at_GS924MX { swhub 253 } AT-GS924MX, 24 x 10/100/1000T ports, 2 combo ports (10/100/1000T or
100/1000X SFP) and 2 X 10G SFP+ Stacking/User ports.

at_GS924MPX { swhub 254 } AT-GS924MPX, 24 x 10/100/1000T POE+ ports, 2 combo ports (10/100/
1000T or 100/1000X SFP) and 2 X 10G SFP+ Stacking/User ports.
at_GS948MX { swhub 255 } AT-GS948MX, 48 x 10/100/1000T ports, 2 combo ports (10/100/1000T or
100/1000X SFP) and 2 X 10G SFP+ Stacking/User ports.

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Table 28: Object identifiers for Allied Telesis products supported by the AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System (continued)


at_GS948MPX { swhub 256 } AT-GS948MPX, 48 x 10/100/1000T POE+ ports, 2 combo ports (10/100/
1000T or 100/1000X SFP) and 2 X 10G SFP+ Stacking/User ports.

at_XS916MXT { swhub 257 } AT-S916MXT, 12 x 100/1000/10G BASE-T ports and 4 x SFP/SFP+ slots.

at_XS916MXS { swhub 258 } AT-XS916MXS, 12 x SFP/SFP+ slots and 4 x 100/1000/10G BASE-T ports.

at_SH230_10GP { swhub 260 } AT-x230-10GP, 8 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE

SFP ports and PoE+.
at_SH230_18GP { swhub 261 } AT-x 230 -18GP, 16 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE
SFP ports and PoE+.
at_SH230_28GP { swhub 262 } AT-x 230 -28GP, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE
SFP ports and PoE+.
at_SH210_9GT { swhub 263 } AT-x210-9GT, 8 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 1 x 10/100/1000BASE
SFP port.
at_SH210_16GT { swhub 264 } AT-x210-16GT, 14 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE
combo ports.
at_SH210_24GT { swhub 265 } AT-x210-24GT, 20 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 4 x 10/100/1000BASE
combo ports.

at_SH310_26FT { swhub 266 } AT-x310-26FT, 24 10/100BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE (combo)

ports and 2 x stacking ports.
at_SH310_50FT { swhub 267 } AT-x310-50FT, 48 10/100BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE (combo)
ports and 2 x stacking ports.
at_SH310_26FP { swhub 268 } AT-x310-26FP, 24 10/100BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE (combo)
ports and 2 x stacking ports.
at_SH310_50FP { swhub 269 } AT-x310-50FP, 48 10/100BASE RJ-45 ports, 2 x 10/100/1000BASE (combo)
ports and 2 x stacking ports.

at_SH230_10GT { swhub 270 } AT-x230-10GT, L3 switch with 8 x 10/100/1000T ports and 2 x 100/1000X
SFP ports.
at_SH230_18GT { swhub 271 } AT-x230-18GT, L3 switch with 16 x 10/100/1000T ports and 2 x 100/1000X
SFP ports.
at_SH230_28GT { swhub 272 } AT-x230-28GT, L3 switch with 24 x 10/100/1000T ports and 4 x 100/1000X
SFP ports.

atFS980M9 { swhub 274 } AT-FS980M/9, 8 x 10/100TX ports and 1 combo (10/100/1000T or 100/
1000X SFP) uplink port.
atFS980M9PS { swhub 275 } AT-FS980M/9PS, 8 x 10/100TX PoE+ ports and 1 combo (10/100/1000T or
100/1000X SFP) uplink port.
atFS980M18 { swhub 276 } AT-FS980M/18, 16 x 10/100TX ports and 2 combo (10/100/1000T or 100/
1000X SFP) uplink ports.

atFS980M18PS { swhub 277 } AT-FS980M/18PS, 16 x 10/100TX PoE+ ports and 2 combo (10/100/1000T
or 100/1000X SFP) uplink ports
atFS980M28 { swhub 278 } AT-FS980M/28, 24 x 10/100TX ports and 4 x 100/1000X SFP uplink/stacking
atFS980M28PS { swhub 279 } AT-FS980M/28PS, 24 x 10/100TX PoE+ ports and 4 x 100/1000X SFP
uplink/stacking ports.

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Table 28: Object identifiers for Allied Telesis products supported by the AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System (continued)


atFS980M52 { swhub 280 } AT-FS980M/52, 48 x 10/100TX ports and 4 x 100/1000X SFP uplink/stacking

atFS980M52PS { swhub 281 } AT-FS980M/52PS, 48 x 10/100TX PoE+ ports and 4 x 100/1000X SFP
uplink/stacking ports.
atGS970M28PS { swhub 312 } AT-GS970M/28PS, Layer 3 24 x 10/100/1000T Gigabit PoE+ ports and
4 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
atGS970M18PS { swhub 313 } AT-GS970M/18PS, Layer 3 16 x 10/100/1000T Gigabit PoE+ ports and
2 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
atGS970M10PS { swhub 314 } AT-GS970M/10PS, Layer 3 8 x 10/100/1000T Gigabit PoE+ ports and
2 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
atGS970M28 { swhub 315 } AT-GS970M/28, Layer 3 24 x 10/100/1000T Gigabit Ethernet ports and
4 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
atGS970M18 { swhub 316 } AT-GS970M/18, Layer 3 16 x 10/100/1000T Gigabit Ethernet ports and
2 x 100/1000X SFP ports.

atGS970M10 { swhub 317 } AT-GS970M/10, Layer 3 8 x 10/100/1000T Gigabit Ethernet ports and
2 x 100/1000X SFP ports.
routerSwitch { products 14 } Subtree beneath which router and (non industrial) switch product MIB object
IDs are assigned.
at_SwitchBladex908 { routerSwitch 69 } SwitchBlade x908 8 Slot Layer 3 Switch Chassis.

at_x900_12XTS { routerSwitch 70 } AT-x900-12XT/S Advanced Gigabit Layer 3+ Expandable Switch,

12 x combo ports (10/100/1000BASE-T copper or SFP), 1 x 30Gbps
expansion bay.
at_x900_24XT { routerSwitch 75 } x900-24XT Enhanced Gigabit Layer 3+ Expandable Switch, 24 x 10/100/
1000BASE-T copper ports (RJ-45 connectors), 2 x 20 Gigabit expansion

at_x900_24XS { routerSwitch 76 } x900-24XS Enhanced Gigabit Layer 3+ Expandable Switch, 24 x 10/100/

1000BASE-T copper ports (RJ-45 connectors), 2 x 20 Gigabit expansion
at_x900_24XT_N { routerSwitch 77 } x900-24XT-N Enhanced Gigabit Layer 3+ Expandable Switch, 24 x 10/100/
1000BASE-T copper ports (RJ-45 connectors), 2 x 20 Gigabit expansion
bays, NEBS compliant.

at_x600_24Ts { routerSwitch 80 } x600-24Ts Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch, 24 x 10/100/

1000BASE-T copper ports, 4 x SFP (combo) ports.
at_x600_24TsXP { routerSwitch 81 } x600-24Ts/XP Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch, 24 x 10/100/
1000BASE-T copper ports, 4 x SFP (combo) ports, 2 x XFP ports.
at_x600_48Ts { routerSwitch 82 } x600-48Ts Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch, 48 x 10/100/
1000BASE-T copper ports, 4 x SFP ports.

at_x600_48TsXP { routerSwitch 83 } x600-48Ts/XP Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch, 48 x 10/100/

1000BASE-T copper ports, 4 x SFP ports, 2 x XFP ports.
at-SBx8112 { routerSwitch 86 } AT-SBx8112, SwitchBlade x8112 chassis.

at-SBx81CFC400 { routerSwitch 87 } AT-SBx81CFC, Control Fabric Card for SwitchBlade x8112.

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Table 28: Object identifiers for Allied Telesis products supported by the AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System (continued)


at-SBx81CFC960 { routerSwitch 88 } AT-SBx81CFC960 Control Fabric Card for SwitchBlade x8100 Series
chassis, four 10GbE SFP+ ports.

at_x600-24TsPoE { routerSwitch 91} x600-24Ts-POE Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet PoE Switch,
24 x 1000BASE-T PoE ports, 4 x SFP (combo) ports.
at_x600_24TPoEPlus {routerSwitch 92} x600-24Ts-POE+ Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet PoE+ Switch,
24 x 1000BASE-T PoE+ ports, 4 x SFP (combo) ports.
x610_48Ts_X_POEPlus {routerSwitch 93} x610-48Ts/X-POE+ Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet PoE+ Switch,
48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE+ ports, 2 x SFP (combo) ports, 2 x SFP+
x610_48Ts_POEPlus {routerSwitch 94} x610-48Ts-POE+ Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet PoE+ Switch,
48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE+ ports, 4 x SFP (combo) ports.
x610_24Ts_X_POEPlus {routerSwitch 95} x610-24Ts/X-POE+ Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet PoE+ Switch,
24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE+ ports, 4 x SFP (combo) ports, 2 x SFP+
x610_24Ts_POEPlus {routerSwitch 96} x610-24Ts-POE+ Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet PoE+ Switch,
24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE+ ports, 4 x SFP (combo) ports.
x610_48Ts_X {routerSwitch 97} x610-48Ts/X Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch, 48 x 10/100/
1000BASE-T copper ports, 2 x SFP (combo) ports, 2 x SFP+ ports.

x610_48Ts {routerSwitch 98} x610-48Ts Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch, 24 x 10/100/
1000BASE-T copper ports, 4 x SFP (combo) ports.

x610_24Ts_X {routerSwitch 99} x610-24Ts/X Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch, 24 x 10/100/
1000BASE-T copper ports, 4 x SFP (combo) ports, 2 x SFP+ ports.
x610_24Ts {routerSwitch 100} x610-24Ts Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch, 24 x 10/100/
1000BASE-T copper ports, 4 x SFP (combo) ports.
x610_24SP_X {routerSwitch 101} x610-24SP/X Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch, 24 x SFP
(combo) ports, 2 x SFP+ ports.

x510_28GTX {routerSwitch 109} x510-28GTX Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch with 24 x 10/100/
1000 Base-T ports and 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.
x510_28GPX {routerSwitch 110} x510-28GPX Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch with 24 x 10/100/
1000 Base-T ports with PoE, 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.
x510_28GSX {routerSwitch 111} x510-28GSX Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch with 24 x 100/
1000 SFP ports and 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.

x510_52GTX {routerSwitch 112} x510-52GTX Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch with 48 x 10/100/
1000 Base-T ports and 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.
x510_52GPX {routerSwitch 113} x510-52GPX Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch with 48 x 10/100/
1000 Base-T ports with PoE, and 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.
at-SBx8106 {routerSwitch 114} AT-SBx8106, SwitchBlade x8106 chassis.

x510DP_52GTX {routerSwitch 116} x510DP-52GTX, Stackable Managed L2+/L3 Ethernet Switch with 48 x 10/
100/1000 Base-T ports and 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.

IX5_28GPX {routerSwitch 117} IX5-28GPX, Stackable Managed L2+ Ethernet Switch with 24 x 10/100/1000
Base-T ports with PoE, 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.
at_x930_28GTX { routerSwitch 118 } AT-x930-28GTX, 24 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.

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Table 28: Object identifiers for Allied Telesis products supported by the AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System (continued)


at_x930_28GPX { routerSwitch 119 } AT-x930-28GPX, 24 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.

at_x930_28GSTX { routerSwitch 120 } AT-x930-28GSTX, 24 10/100/1000BASE-T ports (combo), 24 x 1000 SFP

ports (combo), 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.

at_x930_52GTX { routerSwitch 121 } AT-x930-52GTX, 48 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.

at_x930_52GPX { routerSwitch 122 } AT-x930-52GPX, 48 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 Gb/s SFP+ ports.

at_dc2552xs { routerSwitch 123 } AT-DC2552XS/L3, Stackable 10 Gigabit Layer 3 switch with 48 x SFP+
ports, 4 x QSFP ports.
at_x510_28GSX_DC { routerSwitch 124 } AT-x510-28GSX, 24 x 100/1000X fiber access ports and 4 x 1G/10G SFP+
uplink ports.
at_x510DP_28GTX { routerSwitch 126 } AT-x510DP-28GTX, 24 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 4 x SFP+ ports.

at_x510L_28GT { routerSwitch 127 } AT-x510L-28GT, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 4 x SFP+ ports.

at_x510L_52GT { routerSwitch 128 } T-x510L-52GT Gigabit edge switch features 48 x 10/100/1000T ports
and 4 x 1G/10G SFP+ uplink ports.

at_x510L_28GP { routerSwitch 129 } AT-x510L-28GP, 24 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 4 x SFP+ ports.

at_x510L_52GP { routerSwitch 130 } AT-x510L-52GT, 48 x 10/100/1000BASE RJ-45 ports, 4 x SFP+ ports.

atx51028GTXR { routerSwitch 131 } AT-x510-28GTX, 24 x 10/100/1000T ports and 4 x 10G/1G SFP+ uplink
atx51052GTXR { routerSwitch 132 } AT-x510-52GTX, 48 x 10/100/1000T ports and 4 x 10G/1G SFP+ uplink port.

atSH51028GTX { routerSwitch 133 } AT-x510-28GTX, 24 x 10/100/1000T ports and 4 x 10G/1G SFP+ uplink
atSH51052GTX { routerSwitch 134 } AT-x510-52GTX, 48 x 10/100/1000T ports and 4 x 10G/1G SFP+ uplink
atSH51028GPX { routerSwitch 135 } AT-x510-28GPX, 24 x 10/100/1000T PoE+ ports and 4 x 10G/1G SFP+
uplink ports.
atSH51052GPX { routerSwitch 136 AT-x510-52GPX, 48 x 10/100/1000T PoE+ ports and 4 x 10G/1G SFP+
uplink ports.
atsbx908g2 { routerSwitch 137 } AT-SBx908GEN2, High capacity Layer 3+ modular switch chassis with
8 x high speed expansion bays.
atx55018XTQ { routerSwitch 139 } AT-x550-18XTQ-xx, 16-port 1G/10G BaseT stackable switch with
2 QSFP ports.

atx55018XSQ { routerSwitch 140 } AT-x550-18XSQ-xx, 16-port 1G/10G SFP+ stackable switch with
2 QSFP ports.
atx55018XSPQm { routerSwitch 141 } AT-x550-18XSPQm-xx, 8-port 1G/2.5G/5G/10G BaseT PoE+ and 8-port
1G/10G SFP+ stackable switch with
2 QSFP ports.
atSBx81XLEM { routerSwitch 142 } AT-SBx81XLEM, Modular 40G line card with 12 x 100/1000X SFP

atx53028GTXm { routerSwitch 143 } AT-x530-28GTXm, layer 3 switch is high-performing and feature-rich, with
24 x 100M/1G copper ports and 4 x 10G uplinks.
atx53028GPXm { routerSwitch 144 } AT-x530-28GPXm, layer 3 switch is high-performing and feature-rich, with
24 x 100M/1G copper PoE+ ports and 4 x 10G uplinks.

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Table 28: Object identifiers for Allied Telesis products supported by the AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System (continued)


atx95028XTQm { routerSwitch 150 } AT-x950-28XTQm, 24-port 1/2.5/5/10G copper stackable switch with
4 x 40G/100G QSFP+/QSFP28 ports.

atx95028XSQ { routerSwitch 151 } AT-x950-28XSQ, 24-port 1/10G SFP/SFP+ stackable switch with
4 x 40G/100G QSFP+/QSFP28 ports.
atx530L28GTX { routerSwitch 158 } AT-x530-28GTXm, 24-port 100/1000T stackable switch with 4 SFP+ ports.

atx530L28GPX { routerSwitch 159 } AT-x530-28GPXm, 24-port 100/1000T PoE+ stackable switch with 4 SFP+
industrialSwitch { products 24 } Subtree beneath which industrial switch product MIB object IDs are
at_IE200_6GT {industrialSwitch 1} IE200-6GT, L2+ managed industrial Switch with 4 x 10/100/1000T LAN
ports and 2 x SFP uplinks (100/1000X).
at_IE200_6GP {industrialSwitch 2} IE200-6GP, L2+ managed industrial Switch with 4 x 10/100/1000T LAN
ports (with 802.3at PoE+) and 2 x SFP uplinks (100/1000X).

at_IE200_6GPW {industrialSwitch 3} IE200-6GPW, L2+ managed industrial Switch with 4 x 10/100/1000T LAN
ports (with 802.3at PoE+) and 2 x SFP uplinks (100/1000X) and 802.11bgn
at_IE200_6FT { industrialSwitch 6 } AT-IE200-6FT, 4 × 10/100TX ports and 2 × 100/1000X SFP ports.

at_IE200_6FP { industrialSwitch 7 } AT-IE200-6FP, 4 × 10/100TX ports (PoE+ support) and 2 × 100/1000X SFP
at_IE300_12GT { industrialSwitch 8 } AT-IE300-12GT-80, 8 x 10/100/1000T, 4 x 100/1000X SFP, Industrial
Ethernet, Layer 3 Switch.
at_IE300_12GP { industrialSwitch 9 } AT-IE300-12GP-80, 8 x 10/100/1000T, 4 x 100/1000X SFP, Industrial
Ethernet, Layer 3 Switch.

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See Table 29 for the list of objects defined in the AT-PTP-MIB. These objects contain definitions of managed objects for Precision Time Protocol (PTP).
Objects in this group have the object identifier atPtpMIB { modules 504 } OID

Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB


atPtpMIB { modules 504 } This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects for the IEEE 1588v2 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) module.


PtpClockDomainType The Domain is identified by an integer, the domainNumber, in the range of 0 to 255. An integer value that is used to assign each
PTP device to a particular domain. The following values define the valid domains:

Table 30:

Value Definition

0 Default domain

1 Alternate domain 1

2 Alternate domain 2

3 Alternate domain 3

4-127 User-defined domains

28-255 Reserved

PtpClockIdentity The clock Identity is an 8-octet array and will be presented in the form of a character array. Network byte order is assumed. The
value of the PtpClockIdentity should be taken from the IEEE EUI-64 individual assigned numbers as indicated in Section
of [IEEE 1588-2008]. It can also be non-EUI-64 address as defined in section of [IEEE 1588-2008]. The EUI-64 address is
divided into the following fields:
■ OUI bytes (0-2)
■ Extension identifier bytes (3-7)
The clock identifier can be constructed from existing EUI-48 assignments and here is an abbreviated example extracted from
section [IEEE 1588-2008].
■ Company EUI-48 = 0xACDE4823456716
■ EUI-64 = ACDE48FFFE23456716
It is important to note the IEEE Registration Authority has deprecated the use of MAC-48 in any new design.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


PtpClockInstanceType The instance of the Clock of a given clock type in a given domain.

PtpClockIntervalBase2 The interval included in message types Announce, Sync, Delay_Req, and Pdelay_Req as indicated in section of [IEEE 1588-
The mean time interval between successive messages shall be represented as the logarithm to the base 2 of this time interval
measured in seconds on the local clock of the device sending the message. The values of these logarithmic attributes shall be
selected from integers in the range -128 to 127 subject to further limits established in an applicable PTP profile.
PtpClockMechanismType The clock type based on whether end-to-end or peer-to-peer mechanisms are used. The mechanism used to calculate the Mean
Path Delay as indicated in Table 9 of [IEEE 1588-2008]:

Table 31:

Display Value Specification

mechanism (hex)

E2E 01 The port is configured to use the delay request-response mechanism.

P2P 02 The port is configured to use the peer delay mechanism.

DISABLED FE The port does not implement the delay mechanism

PtpClockPortNumber An index identifying a specific Precision Time Protocol (PTP) port on a PTP node.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


PtpClockPortState This is the value of the current state of the protocol engine associated with this port:

Table 32:

Port state Value Description

initializing 1 In this state a port initializes its data sets, hardware and communication facilities.

faulty 2 The fault state of the protocol.

disabled 3 The port shall not place any messages on its communication path.

listening 4 The port is waiting for the announceReceiptTimeout to expire or to receive an Announce message from
a master.
preMaster 5 The port shall behave in all respects as though it were in the MASTER state except that it shall not place
any messages on its communication path except for Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp,
Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up, Signaling, or management messages.
master 6 The port is behaving as a master port.

passive 7 The port shall not place any messages on its communication path except for Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp,
Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up, or signaling messages, or management messages that are a required
response to another management message.
uncalibrated 8 The local port is preparing to synchronize to the master port.

slave 9 The port is synchronizing to the selected master port.

PtpClockPortTransportTypeAddress The Clock port transport protocol address used for this communication between the clock nodes. This is a string corresponding to
the address type as specified by the transport type used. The transport types can be defined elsewhere, in addition to the ones
defined in this document. This can be an address of type IP version 4, IP version 6, Ethernet, DeviceNET, ControlNET or IEC61158.
The OCTET STRING representation of the OID of ptpWellKnownTransportTypes will be used in the values contained in the OCTET
PtpClockProfileType Clock Profile used. A profile is the set of allowed Precision Time Protocol (PTP) features applicable to a device.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


PtpClockQualityAccuracyType The ClockQuality as specified in sections 5.3.7, and Table 6 of [IEEE 1588-2008]. The following values are not represented
in the enumerated values.
■ 0x01-0x1F Reserved
■ 0x32-0x7F Reserved
It is important to note that section 7.1.1 of [RFC 2578] allows for gaps and enumerate values starting at zero when indicated by the
PtpClockQualityClassType The ClockQuality as specified in section 5.3.7 ClockQuality, clockClass and Table 5 clockClass specifications of [IEEE 1588-
Table 33:

Value Description

0 Reserved to enable compatibility with future versions.

1-5 Reserved.

6 Shall designate a clock that is synchronized to a primary reference time source. The timescale distributed shall be PTP.
A clockClass 6 clock shall not be a slave to another clock in the domain.
7 Shall designate a clock that has previously been designated as clockClass 6 but that has lost the ability to synchronize
to a primary reference time source and is in holdover mode and within holdover specifications. The timescale
distributed shall be PTP. A clockClass 7 clock shall not be a slave to another clock in the domain.
8 Reserved.

9-10 Reserved to enable compatibility with future versions.

11-12 Reserved.

13 Shall designate a clock that is synchronized to an application-specific source of time. The timescale distributed shall
be ARB. A clockClass 13 clock shall not be a slave to another clock in the domain.

14 Shall designate a clock that has previously been designated as clockClass 13 but that has lost the ability to
synchronize to an application-specific source of time and is in holdover mode and within holdover specifications. The
timescale distributed shall be ARB. A clockClass 14 clock shall not be a slave to another clock in the domain.

15-51 Reserved.

52 Degradation alternative A for a clock of clockClass 7 that is not within holdover specification. A clock of clockClass
52 shall not be a slave to another clock in the domain.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


PtpClockQualityClassType (continued)

Table 34:

Value Description

53-57 Reserved.

58 Degradation alternative A for a clock of clockClass 14 that is not within holdover specification. A clock of clockClass
58 shall not be a slave to another clock in the domain.
59-67 Reserved.

68-122 For use by alternate PTP profiles.

123-127 Reserved.
128-132 Reserved.

133-170 For use by alternate PTP profiles.

171-186 Reserved.

187 Degradation alternative B for a clock of clockClass 7 that is not within holdover specification. A clock of clockClass
187 may be a slave to another clock in the domain.
188-192 Reserved.

193 Degradation alternative B for a clock of clockClass 14 that is not within holdover specification. A clock of clockClass
193 may be a slave to another clock in the domain.
194-215 Reserved.

216-232 For use by alternate PTP profiles.

233-247 Reserved.

248 Default. This clockClass shall be used if none of the other clockClass definitions apply.

249-250 Reserved.
251 Reserved for version 1 compatibility; see Clause 18.

252-254 Reserved.

255 Shall be the clockClass of a slave-only clock; see 9.2.2

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


PtpClockRoleType The Clock Role. The protocol generates a Master Slave relationship among the clocks in the system:

Table 35:

Clock Role Value Description

Master clock 1 A clock that is the source of time to which all other clocks on that path synchronize.

Slave clock 2 A clock which synchronizes to another clock (master).

PtpClockStateType The clock state returned by a PTP engine:

Table 36:

Clock state Value Description

Freerun state 1 Applies to a slave device that is not locked to a master. This is the initial state a slave starts out with
when it is not getting any PTP packets from the master or because of some other input error (erroneous
packets, etc).

Holdover state 2 In this state the slave device is locked to a master but communication with the master has been lost or
the timestamps in the PTP packets are incorrect. Since the slave was locked to the master, it can run
in this state, with similar accuracy for some time. If communication with the master is not restored for
an extended period (dependent on the clock implementation), the device should move to the Freerun
Acquiring 3 The slave device is receiving packets from a master and is trying to acquire a lock.
Freq_locked 4 Slave device is locked to the Master with respect to frequency, but not phase aligned.

Phase_aligned 5 Locked to the master with respect to frequency and phase.


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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


PtpClockTimeInterval This textual convention corresponds to the TimeInterval structure indicated in section 5.3.2 of [IEEE 1588-2008]. It will be presented
in the form of a character array. Network byte order is assumed.
The TimeInterval type represents time intervals.
struct TimeInterval {Integer64 scaledNanoseconds}
The scaledNanoseconds member is the time interval expressed in units of nanoseconds and multiplied by 2**16. Positive or
negative time intervals outside the maximum range of this data type shall be encoded as the largest positive and negative values
of the data type, respectively. For example, 2.5 ns is expressed as string '0000 0000 0002 8000' in Base16.
PtpClockTimeSourceType The ClockQuality as specified in Sections 5.3.7, and Table 7 of [IEEE 1588-2008].
The following values are not represented in the enumerated values:
■ 0xF0-0xFE - For use by alternate PTP profiles
■ 0xFF - Reserved
It is important to note that section 7.1.1 RFC 2578 allows for gaps and enumerate values to start with zero when indicated by the

PtpClockTxModeType Transmission mode:

■ Unicast: - Using unicast communication channel.
■ Multicast: - Using Multicast communication channel.
■ multicast-mix: - Using multicast-unicast communication channel.

PtpClockType The clock types as defined in the MIB module description.

ptpSystemTable { ptpMIBSystemInfo 1 } Table of count information about the PTP system for all domains.

ptpSystemEntry { ptpSystemTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing count information about a single domain. New row entries
are added when the PTP clock for this domain is configured, while the unconfiguration of
the PTP clock removes it.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


ptpDomainIndex { ptpSystemEntry 1 } This object specifies the domain number used to create a logical group of PTP devices.
The Clock Domain is a logical group of clocks and devices that synchronize with each
other using the PTP protocol:

Table 37:

Value Definition

0 Default domain

1 Alternate domain 1

2 Alternate domain 2

3 Alternate domain 3

4-127 User-defined domains

28-255 Reserved

ptpInstanceIndex { ptpSystemEntry 2 } This object specifies the instance of the Clock for this domain.

ptpDomainClockPortsTotal { ptpSystemEntry 3 } This object specifies the total number of clock ports configured within a domain in the
ptpSystemDomainTable { ptpMIBSystemInfo 2 } Table of information about the PTP system for all clock modes -- ordinary, boundary or
ptpSystemDomainEntry { ptpSystemDomainTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing information about a single clock mode for the PTP system.
A row entry gets added when PTP clocks are configured on the node.

ptpSystemDomainClockTypeIndex { ptpSystemDomainEntry 1 } This object specifies the clock type as defined in the Textual convention description.

ptpSystemDomainTotals { ptpSystemDomainEntry 2 } This object specifies the total number of PTP domains for this particular clock type
configured in this node.
ptpSystemProfile { ptpMIBSystemInfo 3 } This object specifies the PTP Profile implemented on the system.

ptpClockCurrentDSTable { ptpMIBClockInfo 1 } Table of information about the PTP clock Current Datasets for all domains.

ptpClockCurrentDSEntry { ptpClockCurrentDSTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing information about a single PTP clock Current Datasets for
a domain.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


ptpClockCurrentDSDomainIndex { ptpClockCurrentDSEntry 1 } This object specifies the domain number used to create a logical group of PTP devices.

ptpClockCurrentDSClockTypeIndex { ptpClockCurrentDSEntry 2 } This object specifies the clock type as defined in the Textual convention description
ptpClockCurrentDSInstanceIndex { ptpClockCurrentDSEntry 3 } This object specifies the instance of the clock for this clock type in the given domain.

ptpClockCurrentDSStepsRemoved { ptpClockCurrentDSEntry 4 The current clock dataset StepsRemoved value. This object specifies the distance
measured by the number of Boundary clocks between the local clock and the Foreign
master as indicated in the stepsRemoved field of Announce messages.
ptpClockCurrentDSOffsetFromMaster { ptpClockCurrentDSEntry 5 } This object specifies the current clock dataset ClockOffset value. The value of the
computation of the offset in time between a slave and a master clock
ptpClockCurrentDSMeanPathDelay { ptpClockCurrentDSEntry 6 } This object specifies the current clock dataset MeanPathDelay value. The mean path
delay between a pair of ports as measured by the delay request-response mechanism

ptpClockParentDSTable { ptpMIBClockInfo 2 } Table of information about the PTP clock Parent Datasets for all domains.

ptpClockParentDSEntry { ptpClockParentDSTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing information about a single PTP clock Parent Datasets for
a domain.

ptpClockParentDSDomainIndex { ptpClockParentDSEntry 1 } This object specifies the domain number used to create a logical group of PTP devices.

ptpClockParentDSClockTypeIndex { ptpClockParentDSEntry 2 } This object specifies the clock type as defined in the Textual convention description.

ptpClockParentDSInstanceIndex { ptpClockParentDSEntry 3 } This object specifies the instance of the clock for this clock type in the given domain.

ptpClockParentDSParentPortIdentity { ptpClockParentDSEntry 4 } This object specifies the value of portIdentity of the port on the master that issues the Sync
messages used in synchronizing this clock.
ptpClockParentDSParentStats { ptpClockParentDSEntry 5 } This object specifies the Parent Dataset ParentStats value. This value indicates whether
the values of ParentDSOffset and ParentDSClockPhChRate have been measured and are
valid. A TRUE value shall indicate valid data.
ptpClockParentDSOffset { ptpClockParentDSEntry 6 } This object specifies the Parent Dataset ParentOffsetScaledLogVariance value. This value
is the variance of the parent clock's phase as measured by the local clock.
ptpClockParentDSClockPhChRate { ptpClockParentDSEntry 7 } This object specifies the clock's parent dataset ParentClockPhaseChangeRate value. This
value is an estimate of the parent clock's phase change rate as measured by the slave
ptpClockParentDSGMClockIdentity { ptpClockParentDSEntry 8 } This object specifies the parent dataset Grandmaster clock identity.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


ptpClockParentDSGMClockPriority1 { ptpClockParentDSEntry 9 } This object specifies the parent dataset Grandmaster clock priority1.

ptpClockParentDSGMClockPriority2 { ptpClockParentDSEntry 10 } This object specifies the parent dataset grandmaster clock priority2.
ptpClockParentDSGMClockQualityClass { ptpClockParentDSEntry 11 } This object specifies the parent dataset grandmaster clock quality class.

ptpClockParentDSGMClockQualityAccuracy { ptpClockParentDSEntry 12 } This object specifies the parent dataset grandmaster clock quality accuracy.

ptpClockParentDSGMClockQualityOffset { ptpClockParentDSEntry 13 } This object specifies the parent dataset grandmaster clock quality offset.

ptpClockDefaultDSTable { ptpMIBClockInfo 3 } Table of information about the PTP clock Default Datasets for all domains.

ptpClockDefaultDSEntry { ptpClockDefaultDSTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing information about a single PTP clock Default Datasets for
a domain.

ptpClockDefaultDSDomainIndex { ptpClockDefaultDSEntry 1 } This object specifies the domain number used to create a logical group of PTP devices.

ptpClockDefaultDSClockTypeIndex { ptpClockDefaultDSEntry 2 } This object specifies the clock type as defined in the Textual convention description.

ptpClockDefaultDSInstanceIndex { ptpClockDefaultDSEntry 3 } This object specifies the instance of the clock for this clock type in the given domain.

ptpClockDefaultDSTwoStepFlag { ptpClockDefaultDSEntry 4 } This object specifies whether the Two Step process is used.

ptpClockDefaultDSClockIdentity { ptpClockDefaultDSEntry 5 } This object specifies the default Datasets clock identity.

ptpClockDefaultDSPriority1 { ptpClockDefaultDSEntry 6 } This object specifies the default Datasets clock Priority1.

ptpClockDefaultDSPriority2 { ptpClockDefaultDSEntry 7 } This object specifies the default Datasets clock Priority2.

ptpClockDefaultDSSlaveOnly { ptpClockDefaultDSEntry 8 } Whether the SlaveOnly flag is set.

ptpClockDefaultDSQualityClass { ptpClockDefaultDSEntry 9 } This object specifies the default dataset Quality Class.

ptpClockDefaultDSQualityAccuracy { ptpClockDefaultDSEntry 10 } This object specifies the default dataset Quality Accuracy.

ptpClockDefaultDSQualityOffset { ptpClockDefaultDSEntry 11 } This object specifies the default dataset Quality offset.

ptpClockRunningTable { ptpMIBClockInfo 4 } Table of information about the PTP clock Default Datasets for all domains.

ptpClockRunningEntry { ptpClockRunningTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing information about a single PTP clock running Datasets for
a domain.
ptpClockRunningDomainIndex { ptpClockRunningEntry 1 } This object specifies the domain number used to create a Logical group of PTP devices.

ptpClockRunningClockTypeIndex { ptpClockRunningEntry 2 } This object specifies the clock type as defined in the Textual convention description.

ptpClockRunningInstanceIndex { ptpClockRunningEntry 3 } This object specifies the instance of the clock for this clock type in the given domain.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


ptpClockRunningState { ptpClockRunningEntry 4 } This object specifies the Clock state returned by a PTP engine which was described

Freerun state. Applies to a slave device that is not locked to a master. This is the initial
state a slave starts out with when it is not getting any PTP packets from the master, or
because of some other input error (erroneous packets, etc).
Holdover state. In this state the slave device is locked to a master but communication with
the master has been lost or the timestamps in the PTP packets are incorrect. Since the
slave was previously locked to the master, it can run in this state, with similar accuracy for
some time.

Acquiring state. The slave device is receiving packets from a master and is trying to
acquire a lock.

Freq_locked state. Slave device is locked to the Master with respect to frequency, but
not phase aligned.

Phase_aligned state. Locked to the master with respect to frequency and phase.
ptpClockRunningPacketsSent { ptpClockRunningEntry 5 } This object specifies the total number of all unicast and multicast packets that have been
sent out for this clock in this domain for this type. These counters are discontinuous.
ptpClockRunningPacketsReceived { ptpClockRunningEntry 6 } This object specifies the total number of all unicast and multicast packets that have been
received for this clock in this domain for this type. These counters are discontinuous.
ptpClockTimePropertiesDSTable { ptpMIBClockInfo 5 } Table of information about the PTP clock time properties datasets for all domains.

ptpClockTimePropertiesDSEntry { ptpClockTimePropertiesDSTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing information about a single PTP clock timeproperties
Datasets for a domain

ptpClockTimePropertiesDSDomainIndex { ptpClockTimePropertiesDSEntry 1 } This object specifies the domain number used to create a logical group of PTP devices.

ptpClockTimePropertiesDSClockTypeIndex { ptpClockTimePropertiesDSEntry 2 } This object specifies the clock type as defined in the Textual convention description.
ptpClockTimePropertiesDSInstanceIndex { ptpClockTimePropertiesDSEntry 3 } This object specifies the instance of the clock for this clock type in the given domain.

ptpClockTimePropertiesDSCurrentUTCOffsetValid { ptpClockTimePropertiesDSEntry 4 } This object specifies the timeproperties dataset value of whether the current UTC offset is

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


ptpClockTimePropertiesDSCurrentUTCOffset { ptpClockTimePropertiesDSEntry 5 } This object specifies the timeproperties dataset value of the current UTC offset.

In PTP systems whose epoch is the PTP epoch, the value of

timePropertiesDS.currentUtcOffset is the offset between TAI and UTC; otherwise the value
has no meaning. The value shall be in units of seconds.

The initialization value shall be selected as follows:

■ If the timePropertiesDS.ptpTimescale (see is TRUE, the value is the value
obtained from a primary reference if the value is known at the time of initialization,
■ The value shall be the current number of leap seconds (7.2.3) when the node is

ptpClockTimePropertiesDSLeap59 { ptpClockTimePropertiesDSEntry 6 } This object specifies the Leap59 value in the clock Current Dataset.

ptpClockTimePropertiesDSLeap61 { ptpClockTimePropertiesDSEntry 7 } This object specifies the Leap61 value in the clock Current Dataset.

ptpClockTimePropertiesDSTimeTraceable { ptpClockTimePropertiesDSEntry 8 } This object specifies the Time Traceable value in the clock Current Dataset.

ptpClockTimePropertiesDSFreqTraceable { ptpClockTimePropertiesDSEntry 9 } This object specifies the Frequency Traceable value in the clock Current Dataset.

ptpClockTimePropertiesDSPTPTimescale { ptpClockTimePropertiesDSEntry 10 } This object specifies the PTP Timescale value in the clock Current Dataset.

ptpClockTimePropertiesDSSource { ptpClockTimePropertiesDSEntry 11 } This object specifies the Timesource value in the clock Current Dataset.

ptpClockTransDefaultDSTable { ptpMIBClockInfo 6 } Table of information about the PTP Transparent clock Default Datasets for all domains.

ptpClockTransDefaultDSEntry { ptpClockTransDefaultDSTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing information about a single PTP Transparent clock Default
Datasets for a domain.

ptpClockTransDefaultDSDomainIndex { ptpClockTransDefaultDSEntry 1 } This object specifies the domain number used to create a logical group of PTP devices.

ptpClockTransDefaultDSInstanceIndex { ptpClockTransDefaultDSEntry 2 } This object specifies the instance of the clock for this clock type in the given domain.

ptpClockTransDefaultDSClockIdentity { ptpClockTransDefaultDSEntry 3 } This object specifies the value of the clockIdentity attribute of the local clock.

ptpClockTransDefaultDSNumOfPorts { ptpClockTransDefaultDSEntry 4 } This object specifies the number of PTP ports of the device. These counters are
ptpClockTransDefaultDSDelay { ptpClockTransDefaultDSEntry 5 } This object, if the transparent clock is an end-to-end transparent clock, has the value of
E2E; if the transparent clock is a peer-to-peer transparent clock, the value shall be P2P.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


ptpClockTransDefaultDSPrimaryDomain { ptpClockTransDefaultDSEntry 6 } This object specifies the value of the primary syntonization domain. The initialization value
shall be 0.

ptpClockPortTable { ptpMIBClockInfo 7 } Table of information about the clock ports for a particular domain.

ptpClockPortEntry { ptpClockPortTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing information about a single clock port.

ptpClockPortDomainIndex { ptpClockPortEntry 1 } This object specifies the domain number used to create a logical group of PTP devices.

ptpClockPortClockTypeIndex { ptpClockPortEntry 2 } This object specifies the clock type as defined in the Textual convention description

ptpClockPortClockInstanceIndex { ptpClockPortEntry 3 } This object specifies the instance of the clock for this clock type in the given domain.

ptpClockPortTablePortNumberIndex { ptpClockPortEntry 4 } This object specifies the PTP Portnumber for this port.

ptpClockPortName { ptpClockPortEntry 5 } This object specifies the PTP clock port name configured on the node.

ptpClockPortRole { ptpClockPortEntry 6 } This object describes the current role (slave/master) of the port.

ptpClockPortSyncTwoStep { ptpClockPortEntry 7 } This object specifies that two-step clock operation between the PTP master and slave
device is enabled

ptpClockPortCurrentPeerAddressType { ptpClockPortEntry 8 } This object specifies the current peer's network address type used for PTP
ptpClockPortCurrentPeerAddress { ptpClockPortEntry 9 } This object specifies the current peer's network address used for PTP communication.

ptpClockPortNumOfAssociatedPorts { ptpClockPortEntry 10 } For a master port - the number of PTP slave sessions (peers) associated with this PTP
For a slave port - the number of masters available to this slave port (might or might not be
ptpClockPortDSTable { ptpMIBClockInfo 8 } Table of information about the clock ports dataset for a particular domain.

ptpClockPortDSEntry { ptpClockPortDSTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing port dataset information for a single clock port.

ptpClockPortDSDomainIndex { ptpClockPortDSEntry 1 } This object specifies the domain number used to create a logical group of PTP devices.

ptpClockPortDSClockTypeIndex { ptpClockPortDSEntry 2 } This object specifies the clock type as defined in the Textual convention description.

ptpClockPortDSClockInstanceIndex { ptpClockPortDSEntry 3 } This object specifies the instance of the clock for this clock type in the given domain.

ptpClockPortDSPortNumberIndex { ptpClockPortDSEntry 4 } This object specifies the PTP portnumber associated with this PTP port.
ptpClockPortDSName { ptpClockPortDSEntry 5 } This object specifies the PTP clock port dataset name.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


ptpClockPortDSPortIdentity { ptpClockPortDSEntry 6 } This object specifies the PTP clock port Identity.

ptpClockPortDSlogAnnouncementInterval { ptpClockPortDSEntry 7 } This object specifies the Announce message transmission interval associated with this
clock port.

ptpClockPortDSAnnounceRctTimeout { ptpClockPortDSEntry 8 } This object specifies the Announce receipt timeout associated with this clock port

ptpClockPortDSlogSyncInterval { ptpClockPortDSEntry 9 } This object specifies the Sync message transmission interval.

ptpClockPortDSMinDelayReqInterval { ptpClockPortDSEntry 10 } This object specifies the Delay_Req message transmission interval.

ptpClockPortDSPeerDelayReqInterval { ptpClockPortDSEntry 11 } This object specifies the Pdelay_Req message transmission interval.

ptpClockPortDSDelayMech { ptpClockPortDSEntry 12 } This object specifies the delay mechanism used. If the clock is an end-to-end clock, the
value of the is e2e, else if the clock is a peer to-peer clock, the value shall be p2p.
ptpClockPortDSPeerMeanPathDelay { ptpClockPortDSEntry 13 } This object specifies the peer meanPathDelay.

ptpClockPortDSGrantDuration { ptpClockPortDSEntry 14 } This object specifies the grant duration allocated by the master.

ptpClockPortDSPTPVersion { ptpClockPortDSEntry 15 } This object specifies the PTP version being used.

ptpClockPortRunningTable { ptpMIBClockInfo 9 } Table of information about the clock ports running datasets for a particular domain

ptpClockPortRunningEntry { ptpClockPortRunningTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing running dataset information about a single clock port.

ptpClockPortRunningDomainIndex { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 1 } This object specifies the domain number used to create a logical group of PTP devices.

ptpClockPortRunningClockTypeIndex { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 2 } This object specifies the clock type as defined in the Textual convention description.

ptpClockPortRunningClockInstanceIndex { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 3 } This object specifies the instance of the clock for this clock type in the given domain.

ptpClockPortRunningPortNumberIndex { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 4 } This object specifies the PTP portnumber associated with this clock port

ptpClockPortRunningName { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 5 } This object specifies the PTP clock port name.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


ptpClockPortRunningState { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 6 } This object specifies the port state returned by PTP engine:

Table 38:

Initializing In this state a port initializes its data sets, hardware, and communication

faulty The fault state of the protocol.

disabled The port shall not place any messages on its communication path.

listening The port is waiting for the announceReceiptTimeout to expire or to

receive an Announce message from a master.

preMaster The port shall behave in all respects as though it were in the MASTER
state except that it shall not place any messages on its communication
path except for Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp,
Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up, signaling, or management messages.

master The port is behaving as a master port.

passive The port shall not place any messages on its communication path
except for Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp, Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up, or
signaling messages, or management messages that are a required
response to another management message.

uncalibrated The local port is preparing to synchronize to the master port.

slave The port is synchronizing to the selected master port.

ptpClockPortRunningRole { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 7 } This object specifies the Clock Role.

ptpClockPortRunningInterfaceIndex { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 8 } This object specifies the interface on the node being used by the PTP Clock for PTP
ptpClockPortRunningTransport { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 9 } This object specifies the transport protocol being used for PTP communication (the
mapping used).

ptpClockPortRunningEncapsulationType { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 10 } This object specifies the type of encapsulation if the interface is adding extra layers (e.g.,
VLAN, Pseudowire encapsulation...) for the PTP messages.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


ptpClockPortRunningTxMode { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 11 } This object specifies the clock transmission mode as:
■ unicast: Using unicast communication channel.
■ multicast: Using Multicast communication channel.
■ multicast-mix: Using multicast-unicast communication channel.

ptpClockPortRunningRxMode { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 12 } This object specifies the clock receive mode as:
■ unicast: Using unicast communication channel.
■ multicast: Using Multicast communication channel.
■ multicast-mix: Using multicast-unicast communication channel.

ptpClockPortRunningPacketsReceived { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 13 } This object specifies the packets received on the clock port (cumulative). These counters
are discontinuous.
ptpClockPortRunningPacketsSent { ptpClockPortRunningEntry 14 } This object specifies the packets sent on the clock port (cumulative). These counters are

ptpClockPortTransDSTable { ptpMIBClockInfo 10 } Table of information about the Transparent clock ports running dataset for a particular

ptpClockPortTransDSEntry { ptpClockPortTransDSTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing clock port Transparent dataset information about a single
clock port.
ptpClockPortTransDSDomainIndex { ptpClockPortTransDSEntry 1 } This object specifies the domain number used to create a Logical group of PTP devices.

ptpClockPortTransDSInstanceIndex { ptpClockPortTransDSEntry 2 } This object specifies the instance of the clock for this clock type in the given domain.

ptpClockPortTransDSPortNumberIndex { ptpClockPortTransDSEntry 3 } This object specifies the PTP port number associated with this port.

ptpClockPortTransDSPortIdentity { ptpClockPortTransDSEntry 4 } This object specifies the value of the PortIdentity attribute of the local port.

ptpClockPortTransDSlogMinPdelayReqInt { ptpClockPortTransDSEntry 5 } This object specifies the value of the logarithm to the base 2 of the minPdelayReqInterval.

ptpClockPortTransDSFaultyFlag { ptpClockPortTransDSEntry 6 } This object specifies the value TRUE if the port is faulty and FALSE if the port is operating
ptpClockPortTransDSPeerMeanPathDelay { ptpClockPortTransDSEntry 7 } This object specifies, if the delayMechanism used is P2P, the value of the estimate of the
current one-way propagation delay, i.e., <meanPathDelay> on the link attached to this
port, computed using the peer delay mechanism. If the value of the delayMechanism used
is E2E, then the value will be zero.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


ptpClockPortAssociateTable { ptpMIBClockInfo 11 } Table of information about a given port's associated ports.

■ For a master port: multiple slave ports that have established sessions with the current
master port.
■ For a slave port: the list of masters available for a given slave port.
Session information (packets, errors) to be displayed based on availability and scenario.

ptpWellKnownTransportTypes { ptpMIBClockInfo 12 } Well known transport types for PTP communication.

ptpTransportTypeIPversion4 { ptpWellKnownTransportTypes 1 } IP version 4.

ptpTransportTypeIPversion6 { ptpWellKnownTransportTypes 2 } IP version 6.

ptpTransportTypeEthernet { ptpWellKnownTransportTypes 3 } Ethernet.

ptpTransportTypeDeviceNET { ptpWellKnownTransportTypes 4 } Device NET.

ptpTransportTypeControlNET { ptpWellKnownTransportTypes 5 } Control NET.

ptpTransportTypeIEC61158 { ptpWellKnownTransportTypes 6 } IEC61158.

ptpWellKnownEncapsulationTypes { ptpMIBClockInfo 13 } Well Known encapsulation types for PTP communication.

ptpEncapsulationTypeEthernet { ptpWellKnownEncapsulationTypes 1 } Ethernet Encapsulation type.

ptpEncapsulationTypeVLAN { ptpWellKnownEncapsulationTypes 2 } VLAN Encapsulation type.

ptpEncapsulationTypeUDPIPLSP { ptpWellKnownEncapsulationTypes 3 } UDP/IP over MPLS Encapsulation type.

ptpEncapsulationTypePWUDPIPLSP { ptpWellKnownEncapsulationTypes 4 } UDP/IP Pseudowire over MPLS Encapsulation type.

ptpEncapsulationTypePWEthernetLSP { ptpWellKnownEncapsulationTypes 5 } Ethernet Pseudowire over MPLS Encapsulation type.

ptpClockPortAssociateEntry { ptpClockPortAssociateTable 1 } An entry in the table, containing information about a single associated port for the given

ptpClockPortCurrentDomainIndex { ptpClockPortAssociateEntry 1 } This object specifies the given port's domain number.

tpClockPortCurrentClockTypeIndex { ptpClockPortAssociateEntry 2 } This object specifies the given port's clock type.

ptpClockPortCurrentClockInstanceIndex { ptpClockPortAssociateEntry 3 } This object specifies the instance of the clock for this clock type in the given domain.
ptpClockPortCurrentPortNumberIndex { ptpClockPortAssociateEntry 4 } This object specifies the PTP Port Number for the given port.

ptpClockPortAssociatePortIndex { ptpClockPortAssociateEntry 5 } This object specifies the associated port's serial number in the current port's context

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


ptpClockPortAssociateAddressType { ptpClockPortAssociateEntry 6 } This object specifies the peer port's network address type used for PTP communication.
The OCTET STRING representation of the OID of ptpWellKnownTransportTypes will be
used in the values contained in the OCTET STRING.
ptpClockPortAssociateAddress { ptpClockPortAssociateEntry 7 } This object specifies the peer port's network address used for PTP communication.

ptpClockPortAssociatePacketsSent { ptpClockPortAssociateEntry 8 } The number of packets sent to this peer port from the current port. These counters are
ptpClockPortAssociatePacketsReceived { ptpClockPortAssociateEntry 9 } The number of packets received from this peer port by the current port. These counters
are discontinuous.

ptpClockPortAssociateInErrors { ptpClockPortAssociateEntry 10 } This object specifies the input errors associated with the peer port. These counters are
ptpClockPortAssociateOutErrors { ptpClockPortAssociateEntry 11 } This object specifies the output errors associated with the peer port. These counters are
ptpMIBCompliances { ptpMIBConformance 1 } Conformance Information Definition.

ptpMIBCompliancesSystemInfo { ptpMIBCompliances 1 } Compliance statement for agents that provide read-only support for PTPBASE-MIB to
provide system level information of clock devices. Such devices can only be monitored
using this MIB module.

The Module is implemented with support for read-only. In other words, only monitoring is
available by implementing this MODULE-COMPLIANCE.

ptpMIBCompliancesClockInfo { ptpMIBCompliances 2 } Compliance statement for agents that provide read-only support for PTPBASE-MIB to
provide clock related information. Such devices can only be monitored using this MIB

The Module is implemented with support for read-only. In other words, only monitoring is
available by implementing this MODULE-COMPLIANCE.

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Table 29: Objects defined in AT-PTP-MIB (continued)


ptpMIBCompliancesClockPortInfo { ptpMIBCompliances 3 } Compliance statement for agents that provide read-only support for PTPBASE-MIB to
provide clock port related information.
Such devices can only be monitored using this MIB module.

The Module is implemented with support for read-only. In other words, only monitoring is
available by implementing this MODULE-COMPLIANCE.
ptpMIBCompliancesTransparentClockInfo { ptpMIBCompliances 4 } Compliance statement for agents that provide read-only support for PTPBASE-MIB to
provide Transparent clock related information. Such devices can only be monitored using
this MIB module.

The Module is implemented with support for read-only. In other words, only monitoring is
available by implementing this MODULE-COMPLIANCE.

ptpMIBGroups { ptpMIBConformance 2 } Conformance Information Groups.

ptpMIBSystemInfoGroup { ptpMIBGroups 1 } Group which aggregates objects describing system-wide information.

ptpMIBClockCurrentDSGroup { ptpMIBGroups 2 } Group which aggregates objects describing PTP Current Dataset information.

ptpMIBClockParentDSGroup { ptpMIBGroups 3 } Group which aggregates objects describing PTP Parent Dataset information.

ptpMIBClockDefaultDSGroup { ptpMIBGroups 4 } Group which aggregates objects describing PTP Default Dataset information.

ptpMIBClockRunningGroup { ptpMIBGroups 5 } Group which aggregates objects describing PTP running state information.

ptpMIBClockTimepropertiesGroup { ptpMIBGroups 6 } Group which aggregates objects describing PTP Time Properties information.

ptpMIBClockTranparentDSGroup { ptpMIBGroups 7 } Group which aggregates objects describing PTP Transparent Dataset information.

ptpMIBClockPortGroup { ptpMIBGroups 8 } Group which aggregates objects describing information for a given PTP Port.

ptpMIBClockPortDSGroup { ptpMIBGroups 9 } Group which aggregates objects describing PTP Port Dataset information.

ptpMIBClockPortRunningGroup { ptpMIBGroups 10 } Group which aggregates objects describing PTP running interface information.

ptpMIBClockPortTransDSGroup { ptpMIBGroups 11 } Group which aggregates objects describing PTP TransparentDS information.

ptpMIBClockPortAssociateGroup { ptpMIBGroups 12 } Group which aggregates objects describing information on peer PTP ports for a given PTP

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See Table 39 for the list of objects defined in the AT-QOSv2-MIB. These objects manage
notifications and variables for the QoS module. Objects in this group have the object identifier
atQosv2 { modules 503 } OID

Table 39: Objects defined in AT-QOSv2-MIB


atQosv2 { modules 503 } Contains objects for Quality of Service.
atQosv2Notification { atQosv2 0 } QoS notifications.

atQosv2StormDetectionTrap { atQosv2Notification 1 } Generated when QoS Storm Protection feature detects

a storm.
atQosv2NotificationVariables { atQosv2 1 } QoS variables.

atQosv2IfIndex { atQosv2NotificationVariables 1 } The index of the interface where the storm is detected
atQosv2VlanId { atQosv2NotificationVariables 2 } The VLAN ID of the interface where the storm is
detected on.

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The AT-RESOURCE-MIB contains objects for displaying system hardware resource and host
information, see Table 40. Objects in this group have the object identifier rsc { sysinfo 21 }, OID See “AT-SYSINFO-MIB” on page 116.

Table 40: Objects defined in AT-RESOURCE-MIB


resource { sysinfo 21 } Contains objects for displaying system hardware resource and host information.

rscBoardTable { resource 1} Table containing information about boards installed in a device.

Indexed by:
■ rscStkId
■ rscResourceId.

rscBoardEntry { rscBoardTable 1 } Information about a single board installed in the device.

rscStkId { rscBoardEntry 1 } The ID of the stack member. It is a number from 1 to 8, assigned to

a stackable unit by the operating system when it is stacked. A
default of 1 is given to a stand-alone unit.

rscResourceId { rscBoardEntry 2 } The resource ID number of the board. It is a number assigned to a

hardware resource when the operating system detects its
existence. Can be a value in range 1 to 4294967294.
rscBoardType { rscBoardEntry 3 } The type of board. Can be one of the following:
■ Base
■ Expansion
■ Fan module
■ PSU.

rscBoardName { rscBoardEntry 4 } The name of the board. Can be one of the following:
■ SwitchBlade x908
■ XEM-12S
■ AT-PWR05-AC.
rscBoardId { rscBoardEntry 5 } The ID number of the board. Its value is an Allied Telesis assigned
number, such as 274 for the XEM-12S, or 255 for the AT-9924Ts.

rscBoardBay { rscBoardEntry 6 } The board installation location. Its value can be Bay1, Bay2, PSU1.
For a base board, it has a value of a single character space.
rscBoardRevision { rscBoardEntry 7 } The revision number of the board.

rscBoardSerialNumber { rscBoardEntry 8 } The serial number of the board.

hostInfoTable { resource 2 } Table containing general system information. Indexed by rscStkId.

hostInfoEntry { hostInfoTable 1 } Information about a single system parameter.

hostInfoDRAM { hostInfoTable 2 } The host DRAM information.

hostInfoFlash { hostInfoTable 3 } The host Flash information.

hostInfoUptime { hostInfoTable 4 } The host up-time.

hostInfoBootloaderVersion { hostInfoTable 5 } The host boot loader version.

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AT-SETUP-MIB defines objects for managing software installation and configuration files, see
Figure 6 and Table 41. Objects in this group have the object identifier setup { modules 500 }, OID To see how to use these MIB objects to upgrade to a new software
version and boot configuration file, see the SNMP Feature Overview and Configuration Guide. For
objects used for file copying, see “AT-FILEv2-MIB” on page 46.

Figure 6: The AT-SETUP-MIB sub-tree

enterprises (1)

alliedTelesis (207)

products (1) mibObject (8)

bridgeRouter (1) routerSwitch (14) brouterMib (4)

atRouter (4)

objects (1) traps (2) sysinfo (3) modules (4) arInterfaces protocols (6)

setup (500)

firmware (2) deviceConfiguration (3) serviceConfig (5)(4)

restartStkMemberDevice serviceConfig (5) guiConfig (6)

currentFirmware (1) srvcTelnetEnable (1) guiAppletConfig (1)

currSoftVersion (1) srvcSshEnable (2) guiAppletSysSwVer (1)

currSoftName (2) runningConfig (1) guiAppletSwVer (2)

currSoftSaveToFile (4) runCnfgSaveAs (1)

currSoftSaveStatus (5) runCnfgSaveAsStatus (2)

currSoftLastSaveResult (6) runCnfgLastSaveResult (3)

nextBootFirmware (2) nextBootConfig (2)

nextBootVersion (1) bootCnfgPath (1)

nextBootPath (2) bootCnfgExists (2)

nextBootSetStatus (3) bootCnfgSetStatus (3)

nextBootLastSetResult (4) bootCnfgLastSetResult (4)

backupFirmware (3)

backupVersion (1) defaultConfig (3) backupConfig (4)

backupPath (2) dfltCnfgPath (1) backupCnfgPath (1)

backupSetStatus (3) dfltCnfgExists (2) backupCnfgExists (2)

backupLastSetResult (4) backupCnfgSetStatus (3)

backupCnfgLastSetResult (4)

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Table 41: Objects defined in AT-SETUP-MIB


restartDevice { setup 1 } Object for restarting the device. When set to ‘1’, the device will restart immediately.

Note: This object has been deprecated. Use instead the

restartStkMemberDevice object.

firmware { setup 2 } Objects for managing the software version files that the device will install and run.
currentFirmware { firmware 1 } Information about the current software version installed on the
currSoftVersion { currentFirmware 1 } Current software version.

currSoftName { currentFirmware 2 } Current software name.

currSoftSaveAs { currentFirmware 3 } The file name to save the currently running software to the root
of the Flash. Only one save operation can be executed at a time
across all SNMP users.

Note: This object has been deprecated. Use instead the

currSoftSaveToFile, currSoftSaveStatus and
currSoftLastSaveResult objects.

currSoftSaveToFile { currentFirmware 4 } Set with a URL to save the currently running software to the root
of Flash or USB Flash drive (e.g. 'flash:/filename.rel' or 'USB:/
filename.rel'). The URL must not contain whitespace characters.
Only one save operation can be executed at a time across all
SNMP users and an operation may not be started unless the
current value of currSoftSaveStatus is 'idle'. Immediately upon
executing the set action, the actual firmware save operation is
started and will continue on the device until it has completed or
a failure occurs. When read, this object will return the URL of the
last firmware save operation that was attempted.
currSoftSaveStatus { currentFirmware 5 } This object will return the status of any current operation to store
the running software to a release file. The following values may
be returned:
■ (idle) - there is no release file save operation in progress.
■ (success) - the last release file save operation completed
■ (failure) - the last release file save operation failed.
■ (saving) - a release file save operation is currently in
When a read of this object returns a value of 'success' or
'failure', it will immediately be reset to 'idle' and a new operation
may be initiated if desired. A detailed description of the last
completed operation may be determined by reading

currSoftLastSaveResult { currentFirmware 6 } Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP
operation to save the running firmware to a release file.
nextBootFirmware { firmware 2 } Information about the software version to be installed on the
device when booting.

nextBootVersion { nextBootFirmware 1 } Provides information on the software version

(major.minor.interim, for example version 5.4.1) that the device
will boot from. A zero will be returned if the version cannot be

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Table 41: Objects defined in AT-SETUP-MIB (continued)


nextBootPath { nextBootFirmware 2 } The full path to the release file that will be used the next time the
device is rebooted. The URL must not contain whitespace
characters. Only one set operation can be executed at a time
across all SNMP users and an operation may not be started
unless the current value of nextBootSetStatus is 'idle'.
Immediately upon executing the set action, the system will
attempt to set the new configuration path, and the process will
continue on the device until it has completed or a failure occurs.
This object can be set with an empty string in order to clear the
current boot firmware. Otherwise, the path should be of the form
‘flash:/filename.cfg’ or 'card:/filename.cfg'. In order to set this
object, the file must meet the following conditions:
■ it must exist.
■ it must be located in the root of Flash (on the active master
in a stacked environment) or USB flash drive.
■ it must not be the same as the backup release file.
■ it must have a .rel suffix.
■ it must pass several internal checks to ensure that it is a
genuine release file.
■ in a stacked environment, there must be enough disk space
available to store the release file on each stack member.

nextBootSetStatus { nextBootFirmware 3 } Returns the status of any current operation to set the next boot
release file. The following values may be returned:
■ 1 (idle) - there is no boot release setting operation in
■ 2 (success) - the last boot release setting operation
completed successfully.
■ 3 (failure) - the last boot release setting operation failed.
■ 5 (syncing) - a boot release setting operation is currently in
progress and the file is being synchronized across the
When a read of this object returns a value of 'success' or
'failure', it will immediately be reset to 'idle' and a new operation
may be initiated if desired. A detailed description of the last
completed operation may be determined by reading
nextBootLastSetResult { nextBootFirmware 4 } Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP
operation to set the boot release filename.

backupFirmware { firmware 3 } Information about the backup software version and path.

backupVersion { backupFirmware 1 } Provides information on the backup software version

(major.minor.interim, for example version 5.4.1) that the device
will boot from. A zero will be returned if the version cannot be

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Table 41: Objects defined in AT-SETUP-MIB (continued)


backupPath { backupFirmware 2 } The full path to the backup release file that will be used the next
time the device is rebooted. The URL must not contain
whitespace characters. Only one set operation can be executed
at a time across all SNMP users and an operation may not be
started unless the current value of backupSetStatus is 'idle'.
Immediately upon executing the set action, the system will
attempt to set the new configuration path, and the process will
continue on the device until it has completed or a failure occurs.
This object can be set with an empty string in order to clear the
current backup firmware. Otherwise, the path should be of the
form ‘flash:/filename.cfg’ or 'card:/filename.cfg'. In order to set
this object, the file must meet the following conditions:
■ it must exist.
■ it must be located in the root of Flash (on the active master
in a stacked environment) or USB flash drive.
■ it must not be the same as the configured main release file.
■ it must have a .rel suffix.
■ it must pass several internal checks to ensure that it is a
genuine release file.
■ in a stacked environment, there must be enough disk space
available to store the release file on each stack member.

backupSetStatus { backupFirmware 3 } Returns the status of any current operation to set the backup
boot release file. The following values may be returned:
■ 1 (idle) - there is no backup boot release setting operation in
■ 2 (success) - the last backup boot release setting operation
completed successfully.
■ 3 (failure) - the last backup boot release setting operation
■ 5 (syncing) - a backup boot release setting operation is
currently in progress and the file is being synchronized
across the stack.
When a read of this object returns a value of 'success' or
'failure', it will immediately be reset to 'idle' and a new operation
may be initiated if desired. A detailed description of the last
completed operation may be determined by reading

backupLastSetResult { backupFirmware 4 } Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP
operation to set the backup boot release filename.
deviceConfiguration { setup 3 Objects for managing device configuration.
runningConfig { deviceConfiguration 1 } Set with a URL to save the running configuration to the Flash or
Card filesystem using that filename (e.g.'flash:/myconfig.cfg' or

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Table 41: Objects defined in AT-SETUP-MIB (continued)


runCnfgSaveAs { runningConfig 1 } Set with a URL to save the currently running software to the root
of Flash or USB flash drive (e.g. 'flash:/filename.rel' or 'usb:/
filename.rel'). The URL must not contain whitespace characters.
Only one set operation can be executed at a time across all
SNMP users and an operation may not be started unless the
current value of runCnfgSaveAsStatus is 'idle'. Immediately
upon executing the set action, the system will attempt to save
the running configuration and the process will continue on the
device until it has completed or a failure occurs. When read, this
object will return the URL of the last firmware save operation
that was attempted.

runCnfgSaveAsStatus { runningConfig 2 } Returns the status of any current operation to save the running
configuration. The following values may be returned:
■ (idle) - there is no config file save operation in progress.
■ (success) - the last config file save operation completed
■ (failure) - the last config file save operation failed.
■ (saving) - a config file save operation is currently in
When a read of this object returns a value of 'success' or
'failure', it will immediately be reset to 'idle' and a new operation
may be initiated if desired. A detailed description of the last
completed operation may be determined by reading
runCnfgLastSaveResult { runningConfig 3 } Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP
operation to save the running configuration.
nextBootConfig { deviceConfiguration 2 } The full path of the configuration file to be used the next time the
device restarts. There is no guarantee that the file referenced
exists (i.e. it may have been deleted since the configuration path
was last set).
bootCnfgPath { nextBootConfig 1 } The full path to the configuration file that will be used the next
time the device is rebooted. The URL must not contain
whitespace characters. Only one set operation can be executed
at a time across all SNMP users and an operation may not be
started unless the current value of bootCnfgSetStatus is 'idle'.
Immediately upon executing the set action, the system will
attempt to set the new configuration path, and the process will
continue on the device until it has completed or a failure occurs.
This object can be set with an empty string in order to clear the
current boot configuration. Otherwise, the path should be of the
form ‘flash:/myconfig.cfg’ or 'card:/filename.cfg'. In order to set
this object, the file must meet the following conditions:
■ it must exist.
■ it must be located in the root of Flash (on the active master
in a stacked environment) or USB flash drive.
■ it must have a .cfg suffix.
■ in a stacked environment, there must be enough disk space
available to store the configuration file on each stack

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Table 41: Objects defined in AT-SETUP-MIB (continued)


bootCnfgExists { nextBootConfig 2 } This object will return the value TRUE if the currently defined
boot configuration file exists, or FALSE if it does not.
bootCnfgSetStatus { nextBootConfig 3 } Returns the status of any current operation to set the next boot
configuration file. The following values may be returned:
■ 1 (idle) - there is no boot configuration setting operation in
■ 2 (success) - the last boot configuration setting operation
completed successfully.
■ 3 (failure) - the last boot configuration setting operation
■ 5 (syncing) - a boot configuration setting operation is
currently in progress and the file is being synchronized
across the stack.
When a read of this object returns a value of 'success' or
'failure', it will immediately be reset to 'idle' and a new operation
may be initiated if desired. A detailed description of the last
completed operation may be determined by reading

bootCnfgLastSetResult { nextBootConfig 4 } Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP
operation to set the boot configuration filename.
defaultConfig { deviceConfiguration 3 } The full path of the configuration file to be used upon device
restart, if no user-defined boot or backup configuration files can
be found. There is no guarantee that the file referenced exists
(i.e. it may have been deleted).
dfltCnfgPath { defaultConfig 1 } The full path of the configuration file to use as backup when the
device is rebooted. This object is not settable. The default
configuration file is always ‘flash:/default.cfg’.
dfltCnfgExists { defaultConfig 2 } This object will return the value TRUE if the currently defined
default configuration file exists, or FALSE if it does not.
backupConfig { deviceConfiguration 4 } The full path of the backup configuration file to be used the next
time the device restarts, if the boot configuration file cannot be
accessed. There is no guarantee that the file referenced exists
(i.e. it may have been deleted since the backup configuration
path was last set).

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Table 41: Objects defined in AT-SETUP-MIB (continued)


backupCnfgPath { backupConfig 1 } The full path to the backup configuration file that will be used the
next time the device is rebooted. The URL must not contain
whitespace characters. Only one set operation can be executed
at a time across all SNMP users and an operation may not be
started unless the current value of backupCnfgSetStatus is
'idle'. Immediately upon executing the set action, the system
will attempt to set the new backup configuration path, and the
process will continue on the device until it has completed or a
failure occurs. This object can be set with an empty string in
order to clear the current boot configuration. Otherwise, the
path should be of the form ‘flash:/myconfig.cfg’ or 'card:/
filename.cfg'. In order to set this object, the file must meet the
following conditions:
■ it must exist.
■ it must be located in the root of Flash (on the active master
in a stacked environment) or USB flash drive.
■ it must have a .cfg suffix.
■ in a stacked environment, there must be enough disk space
available to store the configuration file on each stack

backupCnfgExists { backupConfig 2 } This object will return the value TRUE if the currently defined
backup configuration file exists, or FALSE if it does not.

backupCnfgSetStatus { backupConfig 3 } Returns the status of any current operation to set the next
backup boot configuration file. The following values may be
■ 1 (idle) - there is no backup boot configuration setting
operation in progress.
■ 2 (success) - the last backup boot configuration setting
operation completed successfully.
■ 3 (failure) - the last backup boot configuration setting
operation failed.
■ 5 (syncing) - a backup boot configuration setting operation
is currently in progress and the file is being synchronized
across the stack.
When a read of this object returns a value of 'success' or
'failure', it will immediately be reset to 'idle' and a new operation
may be initiated if desired. A detailed description of the last
completed operation may be determined by reading

backupCnfgLastSetResult { backupConfig 4 } Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP
operation to set the backup boot configuration filename.

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Table 41: Objects defined in AT-SETUP-MIB (continued)


restartStkMemberDevice { setup 4 } This object causes a specified device to restart immediately. The restart is initiated by setting its value to the device's stack
member ID. Setting its value to zero will cause all devices in the
stack, or a standalone device, to restart. Reading the object will
always return zero.

serviceConfig { setup 5 } This object represents the state of the telnet server of a device.
srvcTelnetEnable { serviceConfig 1 } This object is used to either read or set the state of the telnet
server on a device. Telnet can be enabled by setting the value of
this object to ‘enable(1)’ or can be disabled by setting the value
srvcSshEnable { serviceConfig 2 } This object is used to either read or set the state of the SSH
server on a device. SSH can be enabled by setting the value of
this object to ‘enable(1)’ or can be disabled by setting the value
guiConfig { setup 6 } This object represents the system software release that the currently selected GUI applet was designed to run on.

guiAppletConfig { guiConfig 1 } This object represents the system software release that the
currently selected GUI applet was designed to run on.
guiAppletSysSwVer { guiAppletConfig 1 } This object represents the system software release that the
currently selected GUI applet was designed to run on. The
system automatically searches for GUI applet files that reside in
the root directory of the Flash memory, and selects the latest
available file that is applicable to the currently running system
software. This is the applet that will be uploaded to a user's web
browser when they initiate the GUI.
guiAppletSwVer { guiAppletConfig 2 } This object represents the software version of the currently
selected GUI applet. The system automatically searches for GUI
applet files residing in the root directory of the Flash memory,
and selects the latest available one that is applicable to the
currently running system software. This is the applet that will be
uploaded to a user's web browser when they initiate the GUI.

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AT-SYSINFO-MIB defines objects that describe generic system information and environmental
monitoring. Objects in this group have the object identifier sysinfo { atRouter 3 }, OID Table 42 lists the objects supported by the AlliedWare Plus sysinfo MIB.

Table 42: Objects defined in AT-SYSINFO-MIB


sysinfo { atRouter 3 } Subtree containing generic system

( information.

fanAndPs {sysinfo 1 } A collection of objects for monitoring fans

( and power supplies. For devices running the
AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System, these
objects are superceded by objects in the AT-
on page 33).
restartGroup {sysinfo 2 } A collection of objects and traps for
activating and monitoring restarts. This
group is not supported by devices running
the AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System.
cpu {sysinfo 3 } A collection of objects containing
information about the CPU utilization over
different periods of time. All values are
expressed as a percentage - integer in range
0 to 100.
cpuUtilisationMax { cpu 1 } Maximum CPU utilization since the device
was last restarted.

cpuUtilisationAvg { cpu 2 } Average CPU utilization since the device was

last restarted.
cpuUtilisationAvgLastMinute { cpu 3 } Average CPU utilization over the past
cpuUtilisationAvgLast10Seconds { cpu 4 } Average CPU utilization over the past ten

cpuUtilisationAvgLastSecond { cpu 5 } Average CPU utilization over the past

cpuUtilisationAvgMaxLast5Minutes { cpu 6 } Maximum CPU utilization over the last 5
cpuUtilisationAvgLast5Minutes { cpu 7 } Average CPU utilization over the past 5

cpuUtilisationStackTable { cpu 8 } A list of stack members.

cpuUtilisationStackEntry { cpuUtilisationStackTable 1 } A set of parameters that describe the CPU

utilization of a stack member.

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Table 42: Objects defined in AT-SYSINFO-MIB (continued)


cpuUtilisationStackId { cpuUtilisationStackEntry 1 } Stack member ID.

cpuUtilisationStackMax { cpuUtilisationStackEntry 2 } Maximum CPU utilization since the router

was last restarted. Expressed as a
cpuUtilisationStackAvg { cpuUtilisationStackEntry 3 } Average CPU utilization since the router was
last restarted. Expressed as a percentage.

cpuUtilisationStackAvgLastMinute { cpuUtilisationStackEntry 4 } Average CPU utilisation over the past

minute. Expressed as a percentage.
cpuUtilisationStackAvgLast10Seconds { cpuUtilisationStackEntry 5 } Average CPU utilisation over the past ten
seconds. Expressed as a percentage.

cpuUtilisationStackAvgLastSecond { cpuUtilisationStackEntry 6 } Average CPU utilisation over the past

second. Expressed as a percentage.
cpuUtilisationStackMaxLast5Minutes { cpuUtilisationStackEntry 7 } Maximum CPU utilisation over the last 5
minutes. Expressed as a percentage.

cpuUtilisationStackAvgLast5Minutes { cpuUtilisationStackEntry 8 } Average CPU utilisation over the past 5

minutes. Expressed as a percentage.
sysTemperature { sysinfo 4 } A collection of objects and traps for
monitoring and managing the temperature
status. For devices running the
AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System.
atContactDetails {sysinfo 5 } Contact details for Allied Telesis.

memory { sysinfo 7 } A collection of objects and traps for

monitoring memory usage and status.
xem { sysinfo 11 } A collection of objects for monitoring XEMs
installed in the device. Objects under this
portion of the OID are shown in the
“AT-XEM-MIB” on page 132.
atEnvMonv2 { sysinfo 12 } AT Environment Monitoring v2 MIB for
managing and reporting data relating to
voltage rails, fan speeds, temperature
sensors and power supply units. Objects
under this portion of the OID are shown in the
“AT-ENVMONv2-MIB” on page 33.
vcstack { sysinfo 13 } A collection of objects for managing Virtual
Chassis Stacking in AlliedWare PlusTM. See
“AT-VCSTACK-MIB” on page 125.

atPortInfo { sysinfo 14 } Objects containing information about the

transceiver of an interface. This portion of the
object tree is documented separately in: “AT-
PORTINFO-MIB” on page 79.

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Table 42: Objects defined in AT-SYSINFO-MIB (continued)


atVlanInfo { sysinfo 16 } A collection of objects for counting bytes or

incoming frames within a selected VLAN.
Note that these objects are only appropriate
for the IX5, x510 and x610 series products.
Objects under this portion of the OID are
shown in the “AT-VLAN-MIB” on page 130.
user { sysinfo 20 } Contains objects for displaying information
of users currently logged into a device, or
configured in its local database. Objects
under this portion of the OID are shown in the
“AT-USER-MIB” on page 123.
resource { sysinfo 21 } Contains objects for displaying hardware
resource information. Objects under this
portion of the OID are shown in the
“AT-RESOURCE-MIB” on page 107.
license { sysinfo 22 } This MIB, is used for listing applied software
licenses, adding new licenses, and deleting
existing licenses. Objects under this portion
of the OID are shown in the
“AT-LICENSE-MIB” on page 60.
chassis { sysinfo 23 } This MIB is used for accessing trap
notifications on chassis based products.
Note that these objects are only appropriate
for the x8100 series products. Objects under
this portion of the OID are shown in the
“AT-HHM-MIB” on page 57.
hhm ( sysinfo 24 } This MIB is used for Hardware Health
Monitoring notification log messages.
Objects under this portion of the OID are
shown in the “AT-HHM-MIB” on page 57.
LinkTrap { sysinfo 25 } This MIB is used for generating traps when
an interface is linked up or down. Objects
under this portion of the OID are shown in the
“AT-LINKTRAP-MIB” on page 66.
Fiber Monitoring { sysinfo 27 } This MIB contains managed objects
definition and notification definitions for AT
Fiber Monitoring. Objects under this portion
of the OID are shown in the “AT-FIBER-
MONITORING-MIB” on page 44.
Digital Diagnostics { sysinfo 28 } This MIB is used for the Digital Diagnostic
Monitoring for optical pluggables. Objects
under this portion of the OID are shown in the
page 75.

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AT-TRIGGER-MIB defines objects for managing triggers Table 43. Objects in this group have the
object identifier trigger { modules 53 }, OID All objects in this group have
read only access.

Table 43: Objects defined in AT-TRIGGER-MIB


triggerTraps { trigger 0 } Sub-tree for all trigger traps.

triggerTrap { triggerTraps 1 } Notification generated when a trigger is

activated. It returns the value of

triggerLastTriggerActivated { trigger 1 } Trigger number of the most recent trigger

activated on the switch.
triggerConfigInfoTable { trigger 9 } Table of information about each trigger that has
been configured, indexed by triggerNumber.

triggerConfigInfoEntry { triggerConfigInfoTable 1 } Information about the configuration of a single

triggerNumber { triggerConfigInfoEntry 1 } ID number of the trigger. Values are in range

triggerName { triggerConfigInfoEntry 2 } Name and description of the trigger.

triggerTypeDetail { triggerConfigInfoEntry 3 } Trigger type and its activation conditions.

triggerActiveDaysOrDate { triggerConfigInfoEntry 4 } The days of a week or the date on which the

trigger can be activated.
triggerActivateAfter { triggerConfigInfoEntry 5 } Time after which the trigger can be activated.

triggerActivateBefore { triggerConfigInfoEntry 6 } Time before which the trigger can be activated.

triggerActiveStatus { triggerConfigInfoEntry 7 } Whether or not the trigger can be activated.
triggerTestMode { triggerConfigInfoEntry 8 } Whether or not the trigger is operating in
diagnostic (test) mode.

triggerSnmpTrap { triggerConfigInfoEntry 9 } Whether or a not an SNMP trap will be

generated when the trigger is activated.

triggerRepeatTimes { triggerConfigInfoEntry 10 } Whether the trigger can repeat an unlimited

number of times (continuous) or a specified
number of times. If the trigger can repeat only
a specified number of times, then the number
of times the trigger has already been activated
is displayed in brackets.
triggerLasttimeModified { triggerConfigInfoEntry 11 } Date and time that the trigger configuration
was last modified.

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Table 43: Objects defined in AT-TRIGGER-MIB (continued)


triggerNumberOfActivation { triggerConfigInfoEntry 12 } Number of times the trigger has been activated

since the last restart of the device.

triggerLasttimeActivation { triggerConfigInfoEntry 13 } Date and time that the trigger was last

triggerNumberOfScripts { triggerConfigInfoEntry 14 } Number of scripts that this trigger will execute.

Values are in range 0-5.
triggerScript1 { triggerConfigInfoEntry 15 } Name of the first script that this trigger will
execute if the trigger is activated.

triggerScript2 { triggerConfigInfoEntry 16 } Name of the second script that this trigger will
execute if the trigger is activated.
triggerScript3 { triggerConfigInfoEntry 17 } Name of the third script that this trigger will
execute if the trigger is activated.

triggerScript4 { triggerConfigInfoEntry 18 } Name of the fourth script that this trigger will
execute if the trigger is activated.
triggerScript5 { triggerConfigInfoEntry 19 } Name of the fifth script that this trigger will
execute if the trigger is activated.

triggerCounters { trigger 10 } Collection of counters for trigger activations.

triggerNumOfActivation { triggerCounters 1 } Number of times a trigger has been activated.

triggerNumOfActivationToday { triggerCounters 2 } Number of times a trigger has been activated

triggerNumOfPerodicActivationToday { triggerCounters 3 } Number of times a periodic trigger has been
activated today.
triggerNumOfInterfaceActivationToday { triggerCounters 4 } Number of times an interface trigger has been
activated today.

triggerNumOfResourceActivationToday { triggerCounters 5 } Number of times a CPU or memory trigger has

been activated today.
triggerNumOfRebootActivationToday { triggerCounters 6 } Number of times a reboot trigger has been
activated today.
triggerNumOfPingPollActivationToday { triggerCounters 7 } Number of times a ping-poll trigger has been
activated today.

triggerNumOfStackMasterFailActivationToday { triggerCounters 8 } Number of times a stack master fail trigger has

been activated today.
triggerNumOfStackMemberActivationToday { triggerCounters 9 } Number of times a stack member trigger has
been activated today.
triggerNumOfStackXemStkActivationToday { triggerCounters 10 } Number of times a stack XEM trigger has been
activated today.

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see Table 44 for the list of objects defined in the AT-UDLD-MIB. These objects contain definitions of
managed objects for the UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) protocol. Objects in this group have
the object identifier atQosv2 { modules 550 } OID

Table 44: Objects defined in AT-UDLD-MIB


atUdld { modules 550 } Contains objects for UDLD.
atUdldTrap { atUdld 0 } UDLP traps.

atUdldPortDisabledTrap { atUdldTrap 1 } Generated when UDLD feature disabled an interface

when detecting uni-directional link.
atUdldPortRecoveredTrap { atUdldTrap 2 } Generated when an interface recovers from error
disable status when detecting uni-directional link.
atUdldIfIndex { atUdld 1 } The index value of an interface of which the link status
is changed.

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AT-UFO-MIB defines objects for managing Upstream Forwarding Only (UFO) for private VLANs, see
Table 45. Objects in this group have the object identifier atUfo in { modules 605 }, OID
Table 45: Objects defined by the AT-UFO-MIB


atUfo { modules 605 } This MIB file contains definitions of managed objects
( for the UFO module.
atUfoTraps { atUfo 0 } Traps generated when a UFO private VLAN state
(605.0) changes. One of the following:
■ atUfoVlanBlackHoleTrap
■ atUfoBlackHoleAlarmTrap.

atUfoVlanBlackHoleTrap { atUfoTraps 1 } Generated when a UFO private VLAN changes the

(605.0.1) blackhole state to one of the following:
■ atUfoVlanId
■ atUfoPreviousState
■ atUfoCurrentState.

atUfoBlackHoleAlarmTrap { atUfoTraps 2 } Generated when the first UFO private VLAN transitions
(605.0.2) to the blackhole state indicating an alarm has been
triggered, and, when the last UFO private VLAN
transitions to the non-blackhole state it indicates the
alarm has been cleared:
■ atUfoAlarmState.

atUfoTrapVariables { atUfo 1 } UFO Trap variables.

atUfoVlanId { atUfoTrapVariables 1 } VLAN identifier of the UFO private VLAN.
atUfoPreviousState { atUfoTrapVariables 2 } The previous blackhole state of the UFO private VLAN.
(605.1.2) This has the value of 1 (true) if the UFO private VLAN
was not blackholed. Otherwise the value is 2 (false) if
the UFO VLAN was being blackholed.
atUfoCurrentState { atUfoTrapVariables 3 } The current blackhole state of the UFO private VLAN.
(605.1.3) This has the value of 1 (true) if the UFO private VLAN is
not blackholed. Otherwise the value is 2 (false) if the
UFO VLAN is being blackholed.
atUfoAlarmState { atUfoTrapVariables 4 } This has the value of 1 (true) if one or more UFO private
(605.1.4) VLAN/s is in the blackhole state, indicating an alarm
has been triggered. Otherwise the value is 2 (false)
indicating the alarm has been cleared.

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The AT-USER-MIB contains objects for displaying information about users currently logged into a
device, or configured in the Local User Database of the device Table 46. Objects in this group have
the object identifier user { sysinfo 20 }, OID

Table 46: Objects defined in AT-USER-MIB


userInfoTable { user 1 } Table containing information about users. Each entry in the table represents a user currently logged into
the device. Indexed by: rscBoardType and
userInfoEntry { userInfoTable 1 } Information about a single user logged into the
userInfoType { userInfoEntry 1 } The type of connection through which the user
logged into the device. Can be:
■ console (1)
■ aux (2)
■ telnet (3)
■ script (4)
■ stack (5).

userInfoIndex { userInfoEntry 2 } Index of the line upon which the user logged into the
device. Can be a value in range 1 to 16.

userInfoName { userInfoEntry 3 } User name of the user logged into the device.
userInfoPrivilegeLevel { userInfoEntry 4 } The user’s privilege level. Can be a value in range 1
to 15.

userInfoIdleTime { userInfoEntry 5 } The amount of time since the user was last active, in
the form hh:mm:ss.
userInfoLocation { userInfoEntry 6 } The user location or login method. It can be an IP
Address used by the user to telnet into the device, or
an asyn port.

userInfoPasswordLifetime { userInfoEntry 7 } The number of days remaining until the user’s

password expires. Depending on the current user
setting it will display one of the following:
■ No Expiry - the password will never expire
(default setting).
■ x days - where x is the remaining lifetime of the
current password (maximum lifetime value is
1000 days).
■ -x days (expired) - indicating that the current
password expired x days ago.

userInfoPasswordLastChange { userInfoEntry 8 } The number of days since the password was last

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Table 46: Objects defined in AT-USER-MIB (continued)


userConfigTable { user 2 } Table containing user configuration information. Each entry in the table relates to a user configured in
the Local User Database of the device. Indexed by
userConfigEntry { userConfigTable 1 } Information about a single user configured in the
Local User Database of the device.
userConfigIndex { userConfigEntry 1 } Unique number used to identify entries in the
userConfigName { userConfigEntry 2 } The user’s name.

userConfigPrivilegeLevel { userConfigEntry 3 } The privilege level granted to the user. Can be a

value in range 1 to 15.
userSecurityPasswordRules { user 3 } Information about user password security rules.
userSecurityPasswordHistory { userSecurityPasswordRules 1 } The number of previous passwords that are retained
for comparison when a user password is created. A
new password must be unique when compared
against the previous history. A value of 0 represents
no restriction. The maximum number of retained
passwords is 15.

userSecurityPasswordLifetime { userSecurityPasswordRules 2 } The maximum number of days that the password

may persist before a change is required. 0 means no
expiry. The maximum value is 1000.
userSecurityPasswordWarning { userSecurityPasswordRules 3 } The number of days before the password expires
that a warning message is displayed when the user
logs in. A value of 0 indicates no warning. The
maximum value is 1000 but must always be less than
the password lifetime.
userSecurityPasswordMinLength { userSecurityPasswordRules 4 } The minimum allowable password length.

userSecurityPasswordMinCategory { userSecurityPasswordRules 5 } The minimum number of different categories that the

password must satisfy to be considered valid.
Categories are split into four groups:
■ upper-case letters
■ lower-case letters
■ digits
■ special symbols.
ASCII characters not included in the previous three

userSecurityPasswordForced { userSecurityPasswordRules 6 } Whether or not a user with an expired password is

forced to change their password at the next login. At
login a user with an expired password is prompted to
change their password. If the new password meets
the current security password rules the user is
allowed to log in, otherwise they are rejected.
userSecurityPasswordReject { userSecurityPasswordRules 7 } Whether or not a user login attempt with an expired
password is rejected. If the user is not rejected then
they can log in.

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AT-VCSTACK-MIB defines objects for managing Virtual Chassis Stacking, see Table 47. Objects in
this group have the object identifier vcstack { sysinfo 13 }, OID

Figure 7 on page 125 shows the tree structure of the AT-VCSTACK objects.

Figure 7: The AT-VCSTACK MIB sub-tree

objects (1) traps (2) sysinfo (3) modules (4) arInterfaces (5) protocols (6)

vcstack (13)

vcstackNotifications (0) vcstackTable (5)

vcstackRoleChangeNotify (1)
vcstackEntry (1)
vcstackMemberJoinNotify (2)
vcstackId (1)
vcstackMemberLeaveNotify (3)
vcstackPendingId (2)
vcstackResiliencyLinkHealthCheckReceivingNotify (4)
vcstackMacAddr (3)
vcstackResiliencyLinkHealthCheckTimeOutNotify (5 )
vcstackPriority (4)
vcstackStkPortLinkUpNotify (6)
vcstackRole (5)
vcstackStkPortLinkDownNotify (7)
vcstackStatus (1) vcstackLastRoleChange (6)
vcstackNbrMemberIdNotify (8)
vcstackHostname (7)
vcstackStkPortNameNotify (9) vcstackOperational Status (2)
vcstackProductType (8)

vcstackSWVersionAutoSync (9)
vcstackMgmtVlanId (3)
vcstackFallbackConfigStatus (10)

vcstackFallbackConfigFilename (11)
vcstackMgmtVlanSubnetAddr (4)
vcstackResiliencyLinkStatus (12)

vcstackResiliencyLinkInterfaceName (13)
vcstackVirtualMacAddressStatus (7)
vcstackActiveStkHardware (14)

vcstackStkPort1Status (15)
vcstackVirtualChassisId (8)
vcstackStkPort1NeighbourId (16)

vcstackStkPort2Status (17)
vcstackVirtualMacAddr (9)
vcstackStkPort2NeighbourId (18)

vcstackNumMembersJoined (19)
vcstackMasterId (10)
vcstackNumMembersLeft (20)

vcstackNumIdConflict (21)

vcstackNumMasterConflict (22)
vcstackNumMasterFailover (23)

vcstackNumStkPort1NbrIncompatible (24)

vcstackNumStkPort2NbrIncompatible (25)


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Table 47: Objects defined in AT-VCSTACK-MIB


vcstack { sysinfo (13) } Overall stack status.

vcstackNotifications { vcstack 0 } List of traps (notifications) generated for

the stack.

vcstackRoleChangeNotify { vcstackNotifications 1 } The stack status can take one of the

following states:
■ normalOperation (1)
■ operatingInFailoverState (2)
■ standaloneUnit (3)
■ ringTopologyBroken (4).

vcstackMemberJoinNotify { vcstackNotifications 2 } Notification generated when a member

joins the stack. Displays the objects:
■ vcstackId
■ vcstackNbrMemberId.

vcstackMemberLeaveNotify { vcstackNotifications 3 } Notification generated when a member

leaves the stack. Displays the objects:
■ vcstackId
■ vcstackNbrMemberId.

vcstackResiliencyLinkHealthCheckReceivingNotify { vcstackNotifications 4 } Notification generated when the

resiliency link is activated. Displays the
■ vcstackId
■ vcstackResiliencyLinkInterfaceName.

vcstackResiliencyLinkHealthCheckTimeOutNotify { vcstackNotifications 5 } Notification generated when the backup

member’s receive timer has timed-out,
indicating that the Backup has lost
contact with the Master via the resiliency
link. Displays the objects:
■ vcstackId
■ vcstackResiliencyLinkInterfaceName.

vcstackStkPortLinkUpNotify { vcstackNotifications 6 } Notification generated when the stack

port link is up. Displays the objects:
■ vctasckId
■ vcstackStkPortName.

vcstackStkPortLinkDownNotify { vcstackNotifications 7 } Notification generated when the stack

port link is down. Displays the objects:
■ vcstackId
■ vcstackStkPortName.

vvcstackNbrMemberIdNotify { vcstackNotifications 8 } The stack member id related to this trap.

vcstackStkPortNameNotify { vcstackNotifications 9 } The stack port name related to this trap.

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Table 47: Objects defined in AT-VCSTACK-MIB (continued)


vcstackOperationalStatus { vcstack 2 } The operational status of the stack can

be either:
■ enabled (1)
■ disabled (2).

vcstackMgmtVlanId { vcstack 3 } The current stacking management VLAN

vcstackMgmtVlanSubnetAddr { vcstack 4 } The current stacking management VLAN
subnet address.

vcstackTable { vcstack 5 } Table of information about stack

members, indexed by vcstackId.
vcstackEntry { vcstackTable 1 } Information about a single stack
member, indexed by vcstackId.
vcstackId { vcstackEntry 1 } Stack member ID.

vcstackPendingId { vcstackEntry 2 } Pending stack member ID.

vcstackMacAddr { vcstackEntry 3 } Stack member's hardware MAC


vcstackPriority { vcstackEntry 4 } Priority for election of the stack master.

The lowest number has the highest

vcstackRole { vcstackEntry 5 } Stack member's role in the stack. Can be

one of the following:
■ leaving (1)
■ discovering (2)
■ synchronizing (3)
■ backupMember (4)
■ pendingMaster (5)
■ disabledMaster (6)
■ fallbackMaster (7)
■ activeMaster (8).

vcstackLastRoleChange { vcstackEntry 6 } Time and date when the stack member

last changed its role in the stack.

vcstackHostname { vcstackEntry 7 } Stack member's hostname.

vcstackProductType { vcstackEntry 8 } Stack members product type.

vcstackSWVersionAutoSync { vcstackEntry 9 } Whether or not the stack member's

software is automatically upgraded.
vcstackFallbackConfigStatus { vcstackEntry 10 } Status of the fallback configuration file.
Can be one of:
■ fileExists (1)
■ fileNotFound (2)
■ notConfigured (3).

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Table 47: Objects defined in AT-VCSTACK-MIB (continued)


vcstackFallbackConfigFilename { vcstackEntry 11 } Filename of the fallback configuration


vcstackResiliencyLinkStatus { vcstackEntry 12 } Status of the stack members resiliency

Can be one of:
■ configured (1)
■ successful (2)
■ failed (3)
■ notConfigured (4).

vcstackResiliencyLinkInterfaceName { vcstackEntry 13 } Name of the interface the resiliency link is

configured on.
vcstackActiveStkHardware { vcstackEntry 14 } Stack ports hardware type. Can be one
■ value (0) is now obsolete
■ xemStk (1)
■ builtinStackingPorts (2)
■ none (3) is now obsolete
■ stackXG (4).

vcstackStkPort1Status { vcstackEntry 15 } Status of stack-port 1. Can be one of the

■ down (1)
■ neighbourIncompatible (2)
■ discoveringNeighbour (3)
■ learnedNeighbour (4).

vcstackStkPort1NeighbourId { vcstackEntry 16 } ID of the neighbor on stack-port 1. Zero

indicates no learned neighbor.

vcstackStkPort2Status { vcstackEntry 17 } Status of stack-port 2. Can be one of:

down (1)
■ neighbourIncompatible (2)
■ discoveringNeighbour (3)
■ learnedNeighbour (4).

vcstackStkPort2NeighbourId { vcstackEntry 18 } ID of the neighbor on stack-port 2.

Zero indicates no learned neighbor.

vcstackNumMembersJoined { vcstackEntry 19 } Number of times the stack has acquired

a member.
vcstackNumMembersLeft { vcstackEntry 20 } Number of times the stack has lost a

vcstackNumIdConflict { vcstackEntry 21 } Number of times that a stack member ID

conflict has occurred.
vcstackNumMasterConflict { vcstackEntry 22 } Number of times that a stack master
conflict has occurred.

vcstackNumMasterFailover { vcstackEntry 23 } Number of times that the stack master

has failed.
vcstackNumStkPort1NbrIncompatible { vcstackEntry 24 } Number of times that the neighbor on
stack port 1 was incompatible.

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Table 47: Objects defined in AT-VCSTACK-MIB (continued)


vcstackNumStkPort2NbrIncompatible { vcstackEntry 25 } Number of times that the neighbor on

stack port 2 was incompatible.

vcstackVirtualMacAddressStatus {vcstack 7} Indicates whether the virtual MAC

address is enabled or disabled. Read-
only object.

vcstackVirtualChassisId {vcstack 8} Displays the current virtual chassis ID.

Read-only object.
vcstackVirtualMacAddr {vcstack 9} Displays the virtual MAC address used
by the stack. Read-only object.

vcstackMasterId {vcstack 10} Displays the stack ID of the master unit,

or the stack ID of the standalone unit.
Read-only object

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The atVlanStatistics-MIB Figure 8, and Table 48 defines objects for managing VLANs. The MIB
contains a sub tree for managing VLAN statistics. Objects in the VLAN Statistics sub-tree have the
object identifier atvlaninfo { sysinfo 16 } OID, see “AT-SYSINFO-MIB” on
page 116.

Figure 8: The atVlanStatistics MIB tree

objects (1) traps (2) sysinfo (3) modules (4) arInterfaces (5) protocols (6)

atVlanInfo (16)

atVlanStatistics (1) atVlanStatNumCollections (1)

atVlanStatCollectionTable (2)

atVlanStatCollectionEntry (1)

atVlanStatCollectionName (1)
atVlanStatCollectionVlanId (2)

atVlanStatCollectionPortMap (3)

atVlanStatCollectionIngressPkts (4)
atVlanStatCollectionIngressOctets (5)

atVlanStatCollectionResetStats (6)

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Table 48: Obejects defined in AT-VLANINFO-MIB


atvlaninfo { sysinfo 16 } Root of the Allied Telesis Enterprise MIB under the private(4) node defined in RFC1155-SMI.

atVlanStatistics { vlaninfo 1 } The number of unique VLAN statistic gathering

instances defined on the device.
atVlanStatNumCollections { atVlanStatistics 1 } The number of unique VLAN statistic gathering
instances defined on the device.
atVlanStatCollectionTable { atVlanStatistics 2 } A table of VLAN statistic instances.

atVlanStatCollectionEntry { atVlanStatCollectionTable 1 } Each entry represents a unique VLAN statistic

gathering instance defined on the device.
atVlanStatCollectionName { atVlanStatCollectionEntry 1 } The name of a VLAN statistics collection instance.

atVlanStatCollectionVlanId { atVlanStatCollectionEntry 2 } The VLAN ID of ingress packets being monitored

by this VLAN statistics collection instance.
atVlanStatCollectionPortMap { atVlanStatCollectionEntry 3 } A bitwise port map indicating the switch ports
being monitored by this VLAN statistics collection
instance. The bit position within the string, maps to
the port with the same index in
dot1dBasePortTable in BRIDGE-MIB. A binary '1'
indicates that the port is being monitored by this
VLAN statistics collection instance, with a '0'
indicating that it is not.

atVlanStatCollectionIngressPkts { atVlanStatCollectionEntry 4 } The number of ingress packets received and

counted by this VLAN statistics collection instance.
atVlanStatCollectionIngressOctets { atVlanStatCollectionEntry 5 } The number of octets of data received from ingress
packets counted by this VLAN statistics collection

atVlanStatCollectionResetStats { atVlanStatCollectionEntry 6 } When read, this object will always return 2 (false).
Setting its value to 1 (true) will cause the matching
VLAN statistics collection instance's ingress
packets and ingress octet values to be reset to

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AT-XEM-MIB defines objects for managing XEMs (Expansion Modules) installed in the device
Table 49. Objects in this group have the object identifier xem { sysinfo 11 } OID, and reside in the sysinfo Group of the Allied Telesis Enterprise MIB.
Table 49: Objects defined in AT-XEM-MIB


xemTraps { xem 0 } Collection of traps generated when a XEM is inserted or removed.
xemInserted { xemTraps 1 } Trap generated when a XEM card is inserted to the device. It returns
the objects xemInfoStackId and xemInfoBayId.
xemRemoved { xemTraps 2 } Trap generated when a XEM card is removed from the device. It
returns the objects xemInfoStackId and xemInfoBayId.
xemInsertedFail { xemTraps 3 } Trap generated when the insertion of a XEM card into the device fails.
It returns the objects xemInfoStackId and xemInfoBayId.

xemNumOfXem { xem 1 } Total number of XEMs installed in the device.

xemInfoTable { xem 2 } Table of information about the XEMs installed in the device, indexed
by xemInfoMemberId and xemInfoBayId.
xemInfoEntry { xemInfoTable 1 } Information about a single XEM.

xemInfoMemberId { xemInfoEntry 1 } Stack Member ID in which the XEM is installed.

xemInfoBayId { xemInfoEntry 2 } Number of the XEM bay in which the XEM is installed.

xemInfoXemId { xemInfoEntry 3 } Numeric board identity of the XEM. This information is displayed in
the ID column of the SHOW SYSTEM command.

xemInfoBoardType { xemInfoEntry 4 } Board type. For XEMs this is always “Expansion”. This information is
displayed in the Board column of the SHOW SYSTEM command.
xemInfoBoardName { xemInfoEntry 5 } Name of the XEM. This information is displayed in the Board Name
column of the SHOW SYSTEM command.

xemInfoRevision { xemInfoEntry 6 } Board revision of the XEM. This information is displayed in the Rev
column of the SHOW SYSTEM command.
xemInfoSerialNumber { xemInfoEntry 7 } Serial number of the XEM. This information is displayed in the Serial
Number column of the SHOW SYSTEM command.

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Other Enterprise MIBs

In general, all objects are supported except where the relevant protocol or feature is either not
supported or not applicable to the device. The following MIBs, although under the Enterprise Branch
(OID and utilized by AlliedWare Plus products, are not within the AlliedTelesis branch of
the MIB object tree.

The sFlow-MIB Figure 9, and Table 50 show references to objects for managing the generation and
transportation of sFlow data records.

Table 50: Support for the sFlow-MIB


sFlow-MIB All MIB objects are fully supported. For more information, see

Figure 9: The sFlow Statistics MIB tree

internet (1)

directory (1) mgmt (2) experimental (3) private (4)

mib (1) enterprises (1)

sFlow (14706) alliedTelesis (207)

sFlow-MIB (1)

sFlowAgent (1) sFlowMIBConformance (2)

For more information, refer to the sFlowMIB document.


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Support for Allied Telesis Enterprise MIBs in AlliedWare Plus™

Public MIBs
The following table lists the public MIBs supported by the AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System. In
general, all objects are supported except where the relevant protocol or feature is either not
supported or not applicable to the device. Any variations from the standard are listed.

Table 51: Public MIBs Supported by AlliedWare PlusTM


IANAifType-MIB, IANAifType textual convention.

RFC1155-SMI RFC 1155, Structure and Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets.

- RFC 1212, Concise MIB Definitions.


- RFC 1215, A Convention for Defining Traps for use with the SNMP.

- RFC 1239, Reassignment of Experimental MIBs to Standard MIBs.

BGP4-MIB RFC 1657, Definitions of Managed Objects for the Fourth Version of the Border Gateway Protocol
(BGP-4) using SMIv2.
IP-MIB The IP MIB tree encompasses IP-MIB, RFC1213-MIB and IP-FORWARD-MIB definitions. The
following documents define the components:
■ RFC 1213, Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based
internets: MIB-II
■ RFC 4292, IP Forwarding Table MIB
■ RFC 4293, Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol (IP).

The following objects are supported:

■ ipForwarding
■ ipDefaultTTL
■ All ipAddrTable objects except ipAdEntReasmMaxSize
■ All ipNetToPhysicalTable objects except ipNetToPhysicalRowStatus (all read-only)
■ ipCidrRouteNumber
■ All ipCidrRouteTable objects except ipCidrRouteTos.

All other objects in these MIBs are not supported.

Note that an Enterprise version of ipAddressTable objects is provided by atIpAddressTable in AT-IP-
MIB. This provides equivalent functionality along with support for primary and secondary IP

TCP-MIB RFC 2012, SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol using
UDP-MIB RFC 2013, SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the User Datagram Protocol using SMIv2.


- RFC 2257, Agent Extensibility (AgentX) Protocol Version 1.

PIM-MIB RFC 2394, Protocol Independent Multicast MIB for IPv4.

The following objects are deprecated:

■ pimNeighborMode in pimNeighborTable
■ pimRPTable
■ pimV1MIBCompliance
■ pimV1MIBGroup
■ The following objects are not supported:
■ pimCandidateRPTable.

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Support for Allied Telesis Enterprise MIBs in AlliedWare Plus™

Table 51: Public MIBs Supported by AlliedWare PlusTM (continued)


SNMP-MPD-MIB RFC 2572, Message Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network Management Protocol

SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB RFC 2576, Coexistence between Version 1, Version 2, and Version 3 of the Internet-standard
Network Management Framework.
SNMPv2-SMI RFC 2578, Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2).

SNMPv2-TC RFC 2579, Textual Conventions for SMIv2.

SNMPv2-CONF RFC 2580, Conformance Statements for SMIv2.

P-BRIDGE-MIB RFC 2674, Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges with Traffic Classes, Multicast Filtering and
Virtual LAN Extensions.

The following objects are not supported:

■ dot1dTpPortOverflowTable
■ dot1dTrafficClassesEnabled
■ dot1dGmrpStatus
■ dot1dPortCapabilitiesTable
■ dot1dUserPriority
■ dot1dTrafficClassPriority
■ dot1dPortOutboundAccessPriorityTable
■ all objects in the dot1dGarp group
■ all objects in the dot1dGmrp group.

The following read-write object is implemented as read-only:

■ dot1dPortNumTrafficClasses.

Q-BRIDGE-MIB RFC 2674, Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges with Traffic Classes, Multicast Filtering and
Virtual LAN Extensions.

The following objects are not supported:

■ dot1qGvrpStatus
■ dot1qFdbId
■ dot1qTpFdbAddress
■ dot1qTpGroupTable
■ dot1qForwardAllTable
■ dot1qForwardUnregisteredTable
■ all objects in the dot1qStatic group
■ dot1qVlanTimeMark
■ dot1qVlanIndex
■ dot1qVlanCurrentEgressPorts
■ dot1qVlanCurrentUntaggedPorts
■ dot1qVlanForbiddenEgressPorts
■ dot1qPortGvrpStatus
■ dot1qPortGvrpFailedRegistrations
■ dot1qPortGvrpLastPduOrigin
■ dot1qPortRestrictedVlanRegistration
■ dot1qPortVlanStatisticsTable
■ dot1qPortVlanHCStatisticsTable
■ dot1qLearningConstraintsTable.

The following read-write objects are implemented as read-only:

■ dot1qPvid
■ dot1qPortAcceptableFrameTypes.

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Support for Allied Telesis Enterprise MIBs in AlliedWare Plus™

Table 51: Public MIBs Supported by AlliedWare PlusTM (continued)


VRRPv3-MIB RFC 6527, Definitions of Managed Objects for the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Version 3
All objects with read-write and read-create access are implemented as read-only. RFC 6527
(VRRPv3-MIB) obsoletes RFC 2787 (VRRP-MIB).
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB RFC 2790, Host Resources MIB.

The following objects are not supported:

■ hrStorageAllocationFailures
■ All objects in hrDevice
■ All objects in hrSWRun
■ All objects in hrSWRunPerf
■ All objects in hrSWInstalled
■ All objects in hrMIBAdminInfo.

SNMPv2-PDU RFC 3416, Version 2 of the Protocol Operations for the Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMPv2-TM RFC 3417, Transport Mappings for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

SNMPv2-MIB RFC 3418, Management Information Base (MIB) for the Simple Network Management Protocol
POE-MIB RFC 3621, Power Ethernet MIB.
In each of the following objects, if one entry is set then all other entries for the same object in the
table are set to the same value:

■ pethMainPseUsageThreshold
■ pethNotificationControlEnable.

The following objects indicate PSE threshold usage notification:

■ pethMainPowerUsageOnNotification
■ pethMainPowerUsageOffNotification.

The following read-write object is implemented as read-only:

■ pethPsePortPowerPairs.

EtherLike-MIB RFC 3635, Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like Interface Types.

The following objects are deprecated:

■ dot3StatsEtherChipSet
■ all objects in the dot3Tests group
■ all objects in the dot3Errors group.

The following read-write object is implemented as read-only:

■ dot3PauseAdminMode.

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Support for Allied Telesis Enterprise MIBs in AlliedWare Plus™

Table 51: Public MIBs Supported by AlliedWare PlusTM (continued)


MAU-MIB RFC 3636, Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Medium Attachment Units (MAUs).

The following objects are not supported:

■ all objects in the dot3RpMauBasicGroup group
■ ifMauTypeListBits
■ ifMauHCFalseCarriers
■ all object identifiers in the dot3MauType group
■ ifMauAutoNegCapabilityBits
■ ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertisedBits
■ ifMauAutoNegCapReceivedBits
■ ifMauAutoNegRemoteFaultAdvertised
■ ifMauAutoNegRemoteFaultReceived
■ all objects in the mauMod group.

The following objects are deprecated:

■ ifMauTypeList
■ all objects in the dot3BroadMauBasicGroup group
■ ifMauAutoNegCapability
■ ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertised
■ ifMauAutoNegCapReceived.

The following read-write object is implemented as read-only:

■ ifMauStatus.

INET-ADDRESS-MIB RFC 4001, Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.

BRIDGE-MIB RFC 4188, Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges.

The following read-write objects are implemented as read-only:

■ dot1dStpPortEnable
■ dot1dStpPortPathCost.

The following objects are not supported:

■ dot1dStaticTable
■ dot1dBaseDelayExceededDiscards
■ dot1dBasePortMtuExceededDiscards.

RSTP-MIB RFC 4318, Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges with Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol.
The following read-write objects are implemented as read-only:

■ dot1dStpPortProtocolMigration
■ dot1dStpPortAdminEdgePort
■ dot1dStpPortAdminPointToPoint
■ dot1dStpPortAdminPathCost.

The following object is deprecated:

■ dot1dStpPathCostDefault.
DISMAN-PING-MIB RFC 4560, Definitions of Managed Objects for Remote Ping, Traceroute, and Lookup Operations.
The following (lldpLocManAddrTable and lldpConfigManAddrTable) read-write object is
implemented as read-only:
■ pingMaxConcurrentRequests.
You can specify multiple ping operations, but the device only performs one ping at a time
The device uses ICMP echo for ping operations (pingImplementationTypeDomains).

C613-30001-00 REV F Public MIBs | Page 137

Table 51: Public MIBs Supported by AlliedWare PlusTM (continued)


LLDP-MIB IEEE Standard 802.1AB-2005, Section 12, LLDP MIB Definitions.

The following local management address table supports only a single management address per
■ lldpConfigManAddrTable.

LLDP-EXT-DOT1-MIB IEEE Standard 802.1AB-2005, Annex F, IEEE 802.1 Organizationally Specific TLVs. Section F.7.1,
IEEE 802.1LLDP extension MIB module.
In each of the following tables, if one entry is set, all other entries in the table are set to the same
■ lldpXdot1ConfigVlanNameTxEnable
■ lldpXdot1ConfigProtoVlanTxEnable
■ lldpXdot1ConfigProtocolTxEnable.

LLDP-EXT-DOT3-MIB IEEE Standard 802.1AB-2005, Annex G, IEEE 802.3 Organizationally Specific TLVs, Section G.7.1,
IEEE 802.3 LLDP extension MIB module.
LLDP-EXT-MED-MIB ANSI/TIA-1057- 2006, Section 13.3, LLDP-MED MIB Definition.

RIPv2-MIB RFC1724 - RIP Version 2 MIB Extension.

ENTITY-MIB RFC 6933 Entity MIB Version 4.

Provides inventory information about the system as well as the physical ports that are present. The
support of this MIB includes implementation of the Entity Physical Table. This table includes entries
for boards, fixed ports, pluggable ports and sensors. Each entry includes the objects Name and
Description. Pluggable sensors are not included in this table. SET operation is not supported. The
Entity MIB Trap definition (entConfigChange) notification is supported.

The following read-write objects in entPhysicalTable are implemented as read-only:

■ entPhysicalAlias
■ entPhysicalAssetID
■ entPhysicalSerialNum
■ entPhysicalUris

Objects in the entLogicalTable are not supported.

Provides information about the sensors that are present in the system and includes entries for all
board and bay sensors in the system. Every sensor entry includes information Type, Scale, Units
and Values. Pluggable sensors are not included in this table.
Provides information on the possible state attributes that could be tracked for a given entity. The
implementation includes support for the Entity State Table. The table includes state information for
all boards, ports, pluggables and sensor entities listed in the Entity Physical Table.

The following read-write objects in the entStateTable are implemented as read-only:

■ entStateAdmin

C613-30001-00 REV F

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